#(so- they make sure to teach all young toons how to fight as soon as they can)
bistaxx · 2 years
thinking about toontown worldbuilding from a realistic perspective makes it seem so much darker
for one: what would toontown school realistically teach?
other than "basic stuff" like language and mathematics, I would reckon:
juggling lol
climbing, dodging, that sort of stuff?
possibly even something to do with making the gags?
a guide on who the enemy is?
geography class might involve the whole "the shadowy place is the cog HQs and you must not go there until you're older and trained enough to do so"
worldbuilding is wild here. you got explosives and portable giant train sets to run people over with. people that grow crops for food and for the gags (e.g. thrown pies and cakes, bamboo pole for the toon-up), shopkeepers and most likely everyday professions, etc.
so many of these jobs might not even have a close equivalent in real life, and even the closest real-life equivalent might be people that make and sell weapons, since… that's what a lot of gags are…
in other words, I attempt to Worldbuild my way through the backstory fic and now that's not even half a lifetime of trauma, that's arguably a non-stop full lifetime of unending trauma we're talking about here… with this context…
I'd reckon first-aid and toon-up are probably the same for them- and it is one of the first gag tracks a toon can chose to learn!
As for how they learn new gags- in game you do tasks to get tracks of film and when you collect enough you unlock a new gag- you can probably take this a lot of ways like them being shown how to use new tools when they've proven themselves or the idea of classes where they study as you mentioned!
Also that stuff about being taught is pretty spot-on tbh! When you start up the game after making your toon you go through the tutorial where you are taught who the cogs are, what they do, how to fight them, and warned not to let your laff meter reach zero. Again we don't know a whole lot about were toons come from aside from one-off lines and some cog attacks implying they're like living drawings- but it seems as soon as they're able too every toon is taught how to fight back against the seemingly endless threat of cogs- and in a way it can make a nice parallel.
Endlessly manufactured Cogs vs endlessly drawn toons... both sides unable to get a real edge on the other!
Also yes about the shadowy places thing-! So on the streets leading to HQ's there are signs that have a warning on them that you're headed toward a Cog HQ- and unlike the other signs leading to playgrounds the warning signs look very hastily put together and lack the charm and love put into the playground signs- they're very serious in contrast to those!
Also- If you're looking for some more little tidbits their were trading cards released when the original game was still up- the cards all have little descriptions and cover things from gags to cogs to npc toons and have drawings on them as well (some even show toons doing what looks like making gags so you may be on to something there!)- you can find them on the toontown wiki, I think most of them are just kinda silly but maybe you can find something interesting in those ^_^
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sapphic-sith · 8 years
More Thoughts on My DC/Star Wars AU
Note: This idea mostly takes place sometime around The Old Republic Era because Zakuul. But any actual story will probably take place a few years after KOTET. IDK, I’m just jotting down and blogging ideas as they come to me. So stories are subject to change depending on when I decide to have any of this take place. Even the Galactic Empire era could work well because Zakuul would be much more like Themascyra- an isolated world lost and forgotten by time, thought only to be a myth after 3,000+ years.
Superman: The Attack on Tython had been a devastating blow to The Jedi Order. Younglings were scattered everywhere from the sanctuary of Kalikori Village to planets far from The Sith Empire’s influence. One such younging was merely a baby- a baby that was grabbed at the last minute by a young Jedi and taken onto a small shuttle. But the shuttle took heavy damage from Imprial ships before it went into hyperspace.
The shuttle barely made it to Tatooine, practically falling apart on its way. Although the young Jedi did not survive the crash, the baby miraculously did. He was found by a pair of moisture farmers and taken in to be raised as their son. Ca’al Kent (still working on the name) wasn’t just strong in The Force, he was immensely strong with it. He could move boulders since he was a toddler, leap over buildings in a single bound, some people claimed he could even fly as he levitated himself.  
But once Zakuul had begun its invasion of both The Republic and the Sith Empire, Ca’al’s parents thought it best to keep him on Tatooine and away from the Jedi, fearing their son would be taken away or even killed because of his power. However, that didn’t stop Ca’al from training. The shuttle he had crashed in also had holo records of various Jedi teachings. He watched and studied all of them, teaching himself the Jedi ways to follow the Light side of The Force so he could use his abilities and strength to help and protect the galaxy.
Batman: (This one is still up for re-writes because I feel making Batman Force-sensitive would take away from one of the things that makes Batman awesome which is being badass with no powers. But being a sith seems so suiting for him. I have also debated between making him straight up sith or a fallen jedi.)
Bruz Wane (also working on the name!) was born to two of the most powerful and influential Sith lords of Dromund Kaas. Both parents worked for the Sphere of Biotic Science and founded a company that was dedicated to advancing medicine and cybernetics to help the citizens of The Sith Empire. But when an 8-year-old Bruz was leaving the Sith Opera with his parents one night, they were intercepted by an assassin who fought and killed both of Bruz’s parents. The boy would have been next had Imperial troopers were not heard rushing to the scene, causing the assassin to flee.
Bruz was determined to find out who sent the assassin after him and his parents, vowing to avenge their deaths. When he wasn’t investigating, he was training. He wasn’t nearly as strong with The Force as was expected of him, but he didn’t let that stop him either. He trained ruthlessly to master every known saber technique and honed his body into a nimble powerhouse that could take on every sort of abuse possible. It wasn’t long until he discovered that his parent’s death was caused by the corruption that ran wild within the empire. The assassin had been hired by another sith lord who worked in the Sphere of Biotic Science and wanted control over their work and dominion. But the sith lord was powerful and Bruz was determined to do whatever it took to kill them himself.
He went to Korriban to train but found little there. They were still rebuilding after the attack from The Republic and with limited resources tahnks to the tributes to Zakuul. Using his family’s wealth and resources, Bruz aided in rebuilding the Sith Academy before moving on to continue his training. He found himself training and learning with Voss mystics, ran into exiled jedi that taught him how to focus and what helping others can do to better the galaxy, he even got caught up in fighting alongside Mandalorians against the oppressive forces of Zakuul. But as he fought and trained, he did everything he could to help not only the innocent of the Sith Empire, but the innocents of the galaxy. But his primary focus was ridding th Sith Empire of crime and corruption.
Because Bruz was not a traditionally trained sith in that he never had a master, he found it quite easy to make up his own persona. He customized his own armor and made sure his gear his his identity completely. Bruz called himself Darth Jen (sith word for “dark” “shadow” or hidden”, also WIP name) and built up an influence and used his family’s wealth aid those suffering in the galaxy. He often found himself working along with the rogue “jedi” Ca’al and the two of them also soon found themselves joining The Alliance.
Wonder Woman: There was a small cult on Zakuul that worshiped The Old Gods. But unlike the Heralds of Zildrog, they kept mostly to themselves and honored The Immortal Emperor Valkorion. The leader of this cult wanted nothing more than to bare a child but she failed to find any man worthy enough to be her husband. 
During a tribute visit to Valkorion, the cult leader’s sorrow was felt and when the God-like emperor asked what was wrong, she told him. All Valkorian said to this leader was that The Force can work in mysterious ways. Unbeknownst to the cult leader, Valkorian (or rather Vitiate) had used his powers manipulate The Force so the leader would become pregnant. Although he would never admit it, he knew the cult leader would tie her pregnancy to his power and further cement the cult’s loyalty to him. 
9 months passed and the cult leader gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. The girl was named (insert name here, but honestly Diana sounds like it could pass as a Zakuulan name, then again most Zakuulan names are 1-2 syllables. But for the sake of this post I’m just gonna call her Diana) who was born with brilliant blue eyes and dark hair. She was strong with the Force and naturally athletic. It was only natural for her to join the Knights of Zakuul.
Diana excelled at her training and trials and rising quickly through the ranks. It was when she just moved up to The Honor Guard that Zakuul lost their Immortal Emperor Valkorion and Arcann took over and began invading the rest of the galaxy. It was clear to Diana that they were bringing pain and suffering to innocent people throughout the galaxy. But she was a loyal knight, was she not? She had a duty to protect her new emperor and High Justice Vaylin. But when rumors of the Elite Knight Senya Tirall defected due to Emperor’s Arcann’s actions, Diana found the inspiration to do the same. 
Diana traveled to various worlds that were under Zakuul’s reign, doing everything she could to hep the people her empire had overshadowed. She fought against monsters and skytroopers, even her fellow knights. She went on dangerous missions to restore power plants and take down criminals that took advantage of the weak and oppressed. Diana’s compassion and strength soon reached The Alliance and was recruited to join their cause. She even adopted the red and blue of The Sith and Republic and incorporated them with what was left of her knight’s armor to be a symbol of justice to the galaxy.
So yup, that’s what I have so far. This is what I have been working on all day over the essay I should be focusing on for school. And this is just my Old Republic story and origin ideas. Once I have enough steam for the movie eras I’m sure to make a whole separate post for that. Now I have some art and toons to make.... 
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