thank you @aquaeclipse for leaving a like on almost everything ive ever written! i appreciate the support :)
@aquaeclipse !!!
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貓 and 小貓 propawganda from the chinese ipa provider! (both cantonese and mandarin)
you cannot tell me they are not the perfect word for a kitty cat. they came up to us and introduced themselves, so we decided to call them by the name they call themselves, and in mandarin, we call them "little māo" because they are our little meow meows!! they are our babies!!
also chinese is Ancient. our writing system goes back like 4000 years!! and we are still using it! i admit we probably weren't calling them 貓 for all these 4000 years but respect your elders! /lh
sweet, that'll be included, thank you so much!!
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bistaxx · 2 years
A fellow MCYT-adjacent TV Tropes editor made a directory/sandbox page for SMPs a day or two ago, and Karmaland is on the list of potential pages to be made! I personally don't know enough about the series to make a page for it or contribute myself, but I have previously thought of making a page for the series. I was just wondering if you mind helping out there?
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- That's so awesome!!!!!! Thanks so much for telling me Aqua! I've though of dabbling in making a tv tropes for Karmaland as well but it is gonna be really really tough given we're talking about 5 seperate smps (thoguh from what I've heard k4 and k5 are the most story heavy ones) and of course.... the big language barrier- it's gonna need a lot of work to make it happen especially if we wanna do it in English (though I think we should also consider getting help in making a Spanish tropes given the series' native tongue!)
If any other Karmablr members are interested in helping let us know okay ^_^
A tv tropes is kinda like a wiki but with it details 'tropes' seen in works- it's better to check it out yourself then to try and explain it!
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the-redeemed-anon · 2 years
My worldbuilding ask game, Regicide AU:
8. Festivals and/or celebrations 13. Leisurely activities (incl. sports, games, etc.) 17. National/regional symbols 20. Culture - aspect to be chosen at random
The ask game
Those are some great questions! Sorry it’s taken awhile to answer this, I’ve had to think a bit on it.
8. Festivals and/or celebrations
I'll be honest I do not yet know what kind of festivals and celebrations they may have in L'Manberg or in other parts of the empire that have a distinct identity, so I'll focus on general Antarctic festivals and celebrations here.
There are two main types of celebrations that are common in the empire: public celebrations, which culminate often with festivals, and personal celebrations, that are usually limited to a single person or family.
Personal celebrations are concentrated on events important to a single person or their friends and family. These are your usual life events, like births, weddings, funerals, personal religious dates, and so on. Celebrations involve family, and may involve celebrating with feasts, depending on the wealth of the person. Friends and family may being food too. These events are meant to mark an important stage in someone's life, so family is meant to come together. Of course each life event can go in depth, but I know there are prompts for that too, so I won't go in detail on them here (plus it would make the post too long).
Public celebrations can be split in two categories: religious celebrations and state celebrations.
Religious celebrations are centered on important religious holidays. Antarctic people generally subscribe to the belief in a pantheon that originated in their culture and the culture of related people. People generally do not always pray or honor all of the gods, they may have their own personal pantheons or patron god, but when there is a certain god's festival day, people will honor them as needed. Antarctic belief is also more open, so you may see Antarctic people that honor gods from other places, and this will not be seen as weird. Therefore, there are a lot holidays, some are region exclusive, it really comes down to demographics but the big festivals that are guaranteed to come up anywhere in the empire (with regional variants on customs of course) do come from this Antarctic-centric pantheon.
Some of the biggest religious festivals in their world are centered on the solstices and equinoxes. The Empire is located in a place that is cold, the southernmost regions (and where the capital is located) are similar in climate to southern Scandinavia, and to the north it goes up to their world's northern polar regions. Because of this, day, night, warmth and therefore the seasons are very important, and have their own symbolisms for them.
The Spring Festival takes place around the Spring Equinox, it represents the time of the year where the day grows while the night shrinks. Warmth and greenery is coming back to the land, therefore agriculture can begin to be practiced again. There are probably customs regarding to how to welcome in the warmth, people clean their homes, I imagine maybe in some regions people symbolically germinate some seeds to plant them on this day. This is also the day that marks the start of the military season, it's the start of military campaigns put on hold during winter, therefore there may be offerings to the God of War, beside offerings to the God of Agriculture.
The Summer Festival takes place around the Summer Solstice, on the longest day of the year. It's the peak of warmth and sunlight as far as people are concerned, and from sunrise to sunset people celebrate it. This is also the day people may start to make supplies for winter, starting to preserve meat and vegetable or fruit based foods for the long winter. Offerings to gods associated with Harvest, Agriculture, War and so on may be given from these preparations.
The Fall Festival falls around the Fall Equinox, and it's the time of the year where the night equals the day and it starts to overtake it. People start to prepare for the upcoming winter, as the harvest of the year is coming to its end. People associate this part of the year with the end, therefore there are not only celebrations for the last harvest and the fruitful year they've experienced, it's also a time of the year where people are expected to bring offerings to the God of Death and honor their ancestors and dead family members. People will go to graveyards with the purpose of cleaning and decorating them, to remember the dead and celebrate their lives. This is also the period of time in which military campaigns come to a halt because of the upcoming winter.
The Winter Festival falls around the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. It's a time to be around family and be thankful of being with them for another year, despite the harsh conditions of their long winters. People will throw a feast with their family, and there are offerings to the gods related to winter and to Death, as a way to thank and ask for an easy winter until spring comes and the cycle starts over.
State celebrations are celebrations that do not have connections to religion, but are mandated by the Empire for their political importance. They are generally funded by the State and they include celebrations that have a cultural significance that predates the Empire. Some of the most notable ones are days that mark a historical date (the founding of the capital, the founding of the empire, the day that marks the end of the Antarctic Civil War, etc.) and days connected to the current emperor or members of the royal family (for example, the day of their coronation, royal weddings, royal children being named, etc.)
What happens in these cases is that there are festivals with feasts and different kinds of cultural events taking place, from jousting events to street plays, all sponsored by the Crown. If there is a feast in honor of the current royal family, there will be an announcer at first that announces what the upcoming event will be, and the date of the festivities.
The biggest festivities in the canon of Regicide in the reign of Philip V is the 1500th anniversary of the Founding of the Capital. It took place in January and it involved many days of festivities, including fireworks shows and all sorts of games and a play explaining the history of the capital up to the current day. If you're wondering about the ages of NeapolitanTrio during this event, Techno was 9, Wilbur was 4 and Tommy wasn't around yet.
13. Leisurely activities (incl. sports, games, etc.)
I had to think a bit about what to write here, but in their society there are quite a lot of activities people enjoy a lot.
Antarctic people, especially the nobility, love to go hunting. Among them, it's even an unofficial coming of age event for boys, but it's not official or enforced in any way. Hunting also has a religious significance, being tied to War, and the type of animal being hunted can mean certain things. There's also rules on what you can hunt, what you may keep from your hunt and what can be offered to the gods as thanks for the good hunt and keeping you safe.
There are also cultural events that people enjoy, like people gathering to play music, dance, put plays on stage, and of course, jousting events.
As for games, there are games for children and also games for adults. Children like to imitate adults, and there are games inspired by soldiers or military training. An example is something I call the Assassin's Game, where children will blindfold someone and that person is supposed to be approached stealthily by others, slowly. The blindfolded is supposed to defend themselves from being hit or thrown to the ground and hit by their friends with rolled up towels. Meanwhile, games for adults involve intellect and strategy, there are many board games akin to chess and checkers that they enjoy.
17. National/regional symbols
The Antarctic Empire has a couple of important symbols, most notably: the color blue, the brown bear, the Crown and Wilbur I's sword.
Blue is the signature color of the Craft dynasty and therefore royalty in the Empire. Blue isn't a really rare dye or a dye only the rich can afford, the reason it's considered a symbol of the Crafts is because, during the Antarctic Civil War, different sons, grandsons and general descendants of Thomas I started to fight each other for power and split into factions. These factions went on to use different colors on their banners, and in the end, the Crafts using the color blue came out victorious and established the dynasty that rules the Empire.
Brown bears are also symbols of the Crafts and therefore the Empire's dynasty, because they are War's animal. The Crafts have a blessing from War, giving them the ability to have premonitions of the future, given to them after Thomas I, considered the founder of the dynasty, found a dead brown bear in the woods, which is considered to be a divine sign. So not only is it the animal of their patron god, but it's also involved in their tale as a dynasty. Since then emperors have quite a lot of bear symbology around them, even the ceremonial cape they wear for important events is made from a bear's pelt, for example.
The Crown is very symbolic for the Empire. It is a steel crown, forged out of swords. These are the swords used in the Antarctic Civil War, they were reforged into this crown for the emperor to wear. Since then, the Crown is not only a symbol of the emperor, it's also the symbol of unity and peace under one, the emperor.
The sword of Wilbur I is a family relic and heirloom for the Crafts. It's the sword that committed the first fratricide and effectively ended the Antarctic Civil War. If the Crown represents the unity and end of internal conflict under an emperor, the sword is there to represent the duty they have, the sacrifice they have to make, remind them that this dynasty was formed from the spilled blood of their own. They're not meant to forget that, unless they want another war.
20. Culture - aspect to be chosen at random
I was thinking of what to talk here, and I think I will talk about the bathhouses they have.
See, when people talk about medieval cultures and worldbuilding them in fantasy settings, they forget that it doesn't have to be a 1:1 to Western European Medieval times, that you can take inspiration from other areas or from the past. So here I am to break some stereotypes! The inspiration for these are the ancient Greco-Roman bathhouses and the later bathhouses found throughout Islamic cultures, mainly Turkish bathhouses. A touch of inspiration is of course also saunas.
Antarctic people live in a cold environment, that is oftentimes peppered with pools of thermal water. Come on, when you're so cold, it's basically calling for you, to take a nice warm bath. And Antarctic people do use these. They like them so much that in places they settled that have none of these, they built bathhouses that can warm up the water.
This created a culture around these baths. Not only it raises the standard for hygiene, it's also a social activity, as you can meet with people at a bathhouse, take a nice relaxing bath and talk business. Rich people even make their own bathhouses on their estates, while the less fortunate can go to a public bath. They're open through all seasons to be enjoyed.
And this cultural aspect even went through and got adopted by other cultures that the Empire interacted with or conquered. No matter the outcome of interaction, the people do enjoy and integrate these bathhouses in their cultures.
I hope the answers were detailed enough! There's a bunch more to say, but I want to save it for other asks, I don't want this to get too long. Thank you for your questions!
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happy birthday!! 🥰
Thank you Aqua 🥹🥹🥹✨🎀🎀🎀🎀 my beloved 🥹🥹🥹🎀🎀🎀
ILYSM 😭😭😭🌸🌸🌸💜💜🌸💜💜💜🌸🌸💜💜
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stellocchia · 1 year
on this post: dw i watched the scene live on scott's pov and i still have no idea where that came from either. the only context i have and remember: scott and acho (mainly as creators) were joke bullying apo (long story) > scott goes down to the bounty hall to place a hit on apo (i genuinely don't know why except maybe it is a bit) > apo is waiting at the exit somehow having allegedly kicked out the npc that lived there > this scene.
Amazing. They're so silly sometimes, I love it.
Also, about the placing a hit thing, that's just how Scott is. My man is full on just a trickster. He thrives on chaos and he will do something if it's funny enough to him.
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grimaussiewitch · 2 months
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Oh? What’s this? Art by me and a link to a fic written by @tiny-minecraft-rabbit ? Is this a fic written for the @mcytblraufest ? It’s more likely than you think.
Thank you so much Peter for picking my au and thank you so much @aquaeclipse for being Pete’s beta!
Shout out to the mods for @mcytblraufest for running another event! Never done a reverse big bang so it’s strange being on the make-an-au end of things XD
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ladyddanger · 1 year
I can’t finish the Rainduo Fic tonight because I’m a perfectionist but have some dsmp citzen memes instead. Shout out to: @lasnevadaslaborunion @aquaeclipse @ifievertoldyou @hopalongfairywren @melissa-s23 @orpheus-lament and @clingyduoapologist for agreeing to let their names be used for random citizens on a post all the way back in 2022. Sorry this took so long.
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megablade · 2 years
Some things to help you with the recap doc:
This vod (June 9, Purpled) - there's also a casino interior sneak peek 👀
He also has like 3 other VODs
I have a document mainly going into his (pre-DSMP) past, some notes about him in his early days in particular, and also another lore summary. Feel free to use it if you need to
oh i love your pre-dsmp document omg it's so detailed !!! adore the meta-ness that went into it, like the things about juvenile detention and md & c!quackity being cousins but allegedly not knowing each other at all sdlkjfghdjkg
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nicoappreciation · 3 years
*sobs over the movies* I hate them so much.
they are a plague on my life as well as society as a whole
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bistaxx · 2 years
I am writing for another writing consultation on the TTXover: how are the T0ons in T0ontown depicted in appearance? I mean, in-game, there are naturally... some sort of humanoid animal creature, but in-universe, are they more akin to what the MCRP fandoms call "Hybrids"? I dunno, because having a shift in appearance... for the fic... it is going to be... a lot to take in. And I'll have to tweak the drafts a bit to reflect that, but it has pretty good narrative shift symbolism. Any thoughts?
To people outside of the Toon's world I think Toons would lean more towards the 'hybrid' category purely based on how they look visually, definitely closer to side Antfrost and Fundy are on as like full on anthro animal people- just more... well 'cartoony' with their big eyes and gloves- not to mention that duck toons don't even have flippers and horse toons don't have hooves either- they'd be considered hybrids but definitely on the 'weirder' side. I'm not sure if you'll keep those aspects in your fic though- I guess it depends on how much of those 'toony' qualities you'll keep in your interpretation.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean with the shift stuff here but I'm excited to see what you've come up with once it's done ^_^
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springatito-moved · 3 years
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good luck with your finals!! <3
Thank you sm Aqua 💜🌸🌸💜🌸💜💜💜🥹 ILYSM
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stellocchia · 2 years
any character or characters from ESMP, preferably at least one character per season, feel free to mix and match any.
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
🫂 A friendship headcanon
💝 A headcanon about their love language
💔 An angsty headcanon
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them
[Ask Game]
Alright, mish and mash for our Empires beloveds
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
I'll go with Season 1 Scott for this one.
As the crown prince of Rivendell, he had a lot of pressure put on him since he was very young to be perfect.
All of his time was scheduled. When he wasn't taking lessons in politics he was studying ancient runes. When he wasn't doing that he was studying how to play the flute, how to swordfight, poetry, literature, and magic. There was always so much to do that he never really got a proper childhood or friends.
The only proper friend he had was his brother... until he left at least..
🫂 A friendship headcanon
Giving this one for Season 2 Lizzie and Fwhip.
Despite the fact that their alliance was only born out of convenience and the proximity of their kingdoms, they actually ended up being extremely close friends.
They go out for drinks together often and vent to each other about everything that's going on in their life, which is usually Lizzie saying how she hates resisting fixing up her fur in public, and Fwhip complaining about Jimmy. Honestly, they both need it.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
Season 2 Joey for this one.
His main love language is a pretty obvious one, and it's gift-giving. That, however, is just the way he likes to express his affection, not really the way he likes to receive it.
When he's on the receiving end he's a sucker for words of affirmation. He could quite literally melt for a compliment. Call him a handsome lad once and he'll cover you in gold.
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
Season 2 Joel for this one.
Well, this one is easy. He lies about EVERYTHING.
Him being a god? Lie.
Upper Stratos floating? Lie.
The gaps in the bridges of Upper Stratos? Lie.
His appearance, from the beard, to the height, to the muscles? Lie.
Jimmy being a toy? Lie.
The fountain that gave everything to him is just a source of illusions and he's fully aware of it. But he's so far in that he can't just stop now.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
Let's go with Season 1 Lizzie.
She's not terrible in the fighting department... she's just not good when it comes to traditional fighting. She can barely use a sword and axes are too heavy for her.
But she's a smart fighter and she's not afraid to play dirty. After all, that's how she got the crown. She's more than willing to mix in some psychological warfare in her fights.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
Going with season 1 Flower Husbands because, yeah.
They met for the very first time at a diplomatic meeting they were dragged to (Scott by his parents and Jimmy by the cod council). They noticed each other across the room, first. Scott didn't want to be impolite, so he didn't approach, but Jimmy never had any such worries. He just grabbed a bunch of flowers from a table that he really shouldn't have taken and offered them to Scott because "he was as pretty as them".
That's when the crush that later developed into proper love started.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
Season 2 Katherine for this one.
There is nothing that pisses her off more than not being listened to.
She had enough of that with her parents, she definitely doesn't need more of that energy in her life.
It's also why she rarely can stand pirate Joe because goddamn does that boy not listen.
She also hated the fight between Shelby and Joey because neither of them listened to a word she said. She didn't want people getting hurt over her and they didn't stop for a second to consider what she wanted.
(tw death, fire, burning alive under the cut)
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them
Let's see... season 2 Shelby for this one.
So, Shelby is an orphan. She lost her parents when she was pretty young, but still old enough to remember everything perfectly. There was a magical incident that set the house they lived in on fire and no one could put it out.
Shelby was dragged away from the house kicking and screaming by her grandma, while her parents weren't as lucky. They got trapped inside their bedroom and could do nothing but scream in agony as they were consumed by the flames.
Shelby saw it all.
Her grandma is the only relative she has left and, after that, she was understandably against Shelby joining the Academy but, well, we know how that went.
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why scott smajor the florist all of the sudden
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