#(talk about tags I never thought I'd use on Tumblr)
squidbian-ink · 1 year
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finally got around to making a new pfp for myself... it's me but as my squid kid avatar in splat 3✌️ (who already looks exactly like me anyway LMAO)
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ao3cassandraic · 1 year
Crowley the Maker, God the Wrecker, Part 2
(Part 1 discusses how angel!Crowley makes things and God wrecks them, and him as well.)
And then. She blessed damned bloody well goes right back on Her bullshit. Next time we hear about Her actually doing anything, it's the Flood. She goes and wrecks a whole region of the world, and everything and everyone in it.
And now, curiously, I must detour into speech-act theory. (Said I’d get there.) Speech-act theory grows out of the observation that under the proper circumstances, speaking is action — it actually makes a change in the world, all by itself. A classic example often used to teach this idea is an utterance we’ve seen already: “Let there be light!”
Angels aside, however, speech acts are pretty common among us humans, if you look. “I now pronounce you…” and then you are! The trick is teasing out the different kinds of speech acts (there’s a whole-ass taxonomy, but it’s not necessary here so I’ll bypass it), and working through what the necessary preconditions are for speech to turn into an action. If I say “I now pronounce you…” for example, you actually aren’t. I have no societal authority to marry people, so the necessary preconditions for the speech act have not been met.
Returning to the Flood... to add insult to horrific injury, She has graduated to inadequate fauxpologies! Talk is cheap. So are performative "rain bows," whatever those are. The "rain bow" is supposed to create a change in the world: the inability for Her to wreck it again. Does Crowley believe this? Does he hell -- just look at his face. To Crowley, actions are what counts -- and Hers are unforgivable (arc word!). Of course She's going to wreck stuff again -- it's what She does. So "rain bow" speaker-sincerity precondition has failed, ergo no speech act.
There's a fair bit of fic and fanon about Crowley rescuing whom or what he can from the Flood. I do think we've noticed that he's an action snek!
Next up, in our Ineffables' meeting chronology, is Job. God still can't be arsed to lift a divine finger -- too “busy” making disgusting bets through backchannels -- and She's even taught Heaven to be hypocritical too, by outsourcing evil actions to Hell! (How many times did She have to say "deniability" before Gabriel got it, I wonder?) And She’s out to wreck a largely-innocent family (bit entitled, but largely innocent), doubling down on Her hypocrisy by delegating the job to Hell Herself, via permit.
And Crowley thinks this is bullshit. So while Aziraphale wrings his hands reading the permit with Muriel and then the archangels, fixer Crowley does what he can to fix the situation -- by (re)making, because he is a maker at heart. He makes goats into crows! He (along with Aziraphale) loves Jemimah because she made a pot! He (re)makes a temporary refuge! He makes children into geckos! (After giving Ennon and Keziah the blessed good scare they deserve.)
He also pokes at be vs. do yet again: “You’re an angel. Angels can’t be tempted, can you? … Well, there you are, then. You’re free to try the food.” He’s not tempting Aziraphale into gluttony — well, he is, but only secondarily — he’s tempting the angel into hypocrisy, the same hypocrisy She routinely engages in. The sin where "do" is incongruent with "be."
Only it’s not, really, is it? Because eating isn’t anywhere near on the same level of unnecessary destructiveness as flooding whole civilizations or destroying a blameless family. So despite Crowley’s “see you in Hell,” he can’t follow through on it, any more than he can on murdering Ennon, Keziah, and Jemimah. He just can’t do it.
And then we get back to speech-act theory.
Poor distraught Aziraphale believes he committed a speech act when he gave his word as an angel that Job’s children are Job’s new children. He believes that solely on the basis of that lie — which, in its way, could qualify as a speech act; it made Job's old children into his new children — he has become a demon. After all, isn’t that how it worked with angel!Crowley? Say the wrong thing, get wrecked by God? Crowley knows there’s a precondition that hasn’t been met here, however: God has to actually notice someone’s tried to thwart Her will. God’s oblivious, fortunately, wittering on to Job about ostriches and whales. And Crowley won’t let on, so… failed speech act. Nothing’s changed. Nothing has to change.
But speech, in Good Omens as in the human world, is where “be” and “do” meet. And... I think... that was my point.
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neverendingford · 1 year
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AITA for faking my death to get out of an abusive relationship?
Tw for verbal + mental/psychological abuse and suicide
I used to be in a discord server with some friends, there were about 40 people in it, only around 20 who were actually active. It was a while ago I can't remember. I was in that server for about 4 months.
From the start, people would occasionally get mad at me over something I didn't do. About every month or so someone would start a rumor about me and make the whole server gang up on me, I'd tell them it was false, but everyone would still avoid me for the next couple days.
I never did anything wrong, but I was always the center of the drama, and when I asked one person, R, why, he said he didn't know and that I didn't deserve so much hate.
About a week later R was talking in the vent channel about how I had manipulated him. I DMed him to ask why, and he told me it was because I asked him if he was my friend. I thought it was fucking stupid because it's not manipulative to be paranoid, but I pretended to be sorry because I didn't want him to be mad at me.
The server also had a bot where you could submit anonymous messages, and lots of people would use that feature to make up things about me to ruin my reputation.
After a while I left the server and only stayed in contact with a few people. However, every couple days another person would tell me I'm a monster and gaslight me into thinking I'm a terrible person, and every time I asked why they hated me they didn't give me an answer.
My only real friend, T, showed me some messages from the others after I left the server, and a bunch of people were making up stories about bad things I had done to them, and people who I had never even spoken to were saying that I had abused them and was dangerous.
Once someone told me thay they understood all the things R had said about me weren't true, but said it was still my fault anyway, and even told me that R had done nothing wrong (he lied about me in front of the entire server and is the reason I lost all my friends, and he yelled at me and called me evil because I was suicidal), and then they accused me of faking having amnesia because I had flashbacks.
Eventually, only four of my "friends" hadn't blocked me, and they almost never talked to me. Everyone kept calling me a terrible person because R spread lies about me and everyone else believed him instead of me.
It was to the point where I couldn't go one day without someone sending me death threats or trying to guilt trip me with false information, and I was getting very sever flashbacks of the stuff R had said to me, and I started failing classes because I couldn't focus on anything.
Eventually I had had enough, so I tagged them all in a tumblr post about how I was going to kill myself and then logged out of both that tumblr account and my old discord account forever.
(Also about a month after I had left, I got texts from irl friends, and it turns out someone on the server found the contact info of people I knew in real life just to ask if I was dead or not. And that scared the shit out of me.)
I've left out a lot of details of the abuse because of amnesia. I have a mental disorder which makes it hard to remember things, plus the brain often blocks out traumatic memories, so I'm sorry if some info feels missing.
The only reason I feel like I might be an asshole is because once I was gone, all of them switched targets and started to harass T. They said they hated him for being on my side, and sent him death threats on anon because he was mad at them for killing his friend. They started treating him the same way they treated me, and called him a horrible person but refused to give a reason as to why, and if I had stayed around they would've left him alone.
@should-be-dead (made a sideblog so I get notified when this is posted)
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neroushalvaus · 10 months
Tumblr in the 60s – deleted posts
Some people requested a sequel to this post so I thought I'd post these drafts that didn't make it to the original. Maybe doing more at some point if the inspiration hits me but I hope these bring you some joy.
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🚀 starrfleet Follow
HEY GUYS!! We're buying The Beatles so John and Paul can finally get together!! Who's in
🎹 nixonsafascist Follow
Call that... Beatles for Sale
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Dude this is serious. We want to free them. Why is homophobia so very funny to you?
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Didn't The Beatles start managing themselves after Mr Epstein died? So you plan to buy them... From themselves?
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Oh so the george harrison vampire mpreg blog is going to preach to us now.
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📻 lesbianbobdylan Follow
"Let men have short hair!!" "It's okay to not agree with the civil rights folk" "Don't let tumblr tell you that serving your country is bad" You are all so chronically online and convinced your little hippie bubble represents the world that you have the worst takes. Conservatism is alive and well, us hippies are the fucking minority. The outside world is perfectly okay with all the anti-mlk short-haired men who are happily getting drafted. You are not counterculture.
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☁️ ankin-vaimo Follow
Tumblr is so US/UK centric. Scrolling through this site you'd think there were no other tv shows than star trek and no other bands than the monkees and that the stonewall riots were the only meaningful political activism that has ever happened. There's so much great culture elsewhere. I bet you have never even heard of Tapani Kansa.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial
#shhh don't tell Tumblr that other countries exist #they couldn't even admit Please Mr. Postman was originated by black women (tags via @marvelettesofficial)
peer reviewed tags
#sorry for going through your tumblr marvelettesofficial #you're just so funny #hope i'm not annoying you
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🌼 andpeoplesaywebeatlearound Follow
People really like to pretend us Beatles girlies hate Y*ko for being asian and a woman like she didn't literally make John cheat on his wife and leave his young son
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
don't talk like us beatles girlies are all the same, i personally want to fuck her on a canvas while we're both covered in menstrual blood, creating modern art by making love
✝️ jesusrevolution Follow
Op is this you? ↓
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🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Also like, "made John cheat on his wife and leave his young son", did John himself have nothing to do with that decision or..?
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
do you guys think she and john do mommy play
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
I appreciate the input @prostitutesandlesbians but we're trying to call the op out for being a racist misogynist
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
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🤪 thekinkykinks Follow
Why is there even discourse about this... Yeah, the folks at Stonewall could have been more respectful towards the police officers who were just doing their jobs, but why are we acting like throwing some pennies at the police officers and calling them "Lily Law" is the worst type of oppression
🥿 trustnobutch Follow
You know what? No. Fuck you. I'm tired of you all talking about these people like they were your poor little meow meows. Have you read about this at all? The raid did not happen because the police "hates gay people wah wah". Stonewall Inn was run by the mob. The. Fucking. Mob. Would you rather have the police not protecting us from criminals, huh??? And the rioters were nothing but a bunch of attention seekers. I heard that a guy from the fucking Mattachine Society phoned newspapers and took pictures of the riot. I'm so disappointed, that was the only gay group that seemed to care about looking respectable in the eyes of the heterosexuals. People who were there made us all look bad and set our movement back like 50 years. Fuck you for supporting them.
🍊 kissmemissoklaholma Follow
Yeah. I heard someone threw a brick.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
??? Nobody threw bricks, where the fuck do you get your information ??
#they should have tho #chilling at the stockholm airport finding the weirdest takes
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🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i'm sharing a joint with this cute ass butch with the cutest curliest hair ever guyyyyssss I think i'm falling in love
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
she plays the harmonica for me i want to fuck her to the mattress
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i don't have any idea what she's singing about but i think she likes the rolling stones too, we have so much in commonnnn
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
So it turns out that was Bob Dylan.
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joeys-babe · 7 months
Joey B Imagines: I Can’t Help Myself*
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Summary: While Joe’s away doing foundation stuff, there's an overwhelming amount of photos of him popping up on Twitter and Instagram. All of them had you patiently waiting for your fiance's arrival home.
Warnings: Smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagines Universe: Just the Two of Us
A/N: Apron and shirtless Joe have me feral, had to speed-write this.
March 3rd, 2024
It all started with an innocent text from my bestie.
Attachment: 1 Image… Tumblr is going crazy over this right now!
At that moment, I shook my head with a laugh at my best friend's text. She was on Tumblr to keep up with her celebrity crushes, but one day, she jokingly looked my fiance's name up. She would never give me details about what was on the ‘tag’, but she'd now and then tell me what was up with Joe Burrow Tumblr.
Joe had left the house earlier today for a foundation event at a soup kitchen here in Cincy. Robin and Jimmy, Joe’s parents, had come from Athens and were going with him.
By the looks of the picture my best friend sent, Joe wasn't having as bad of a time as he anticipated he would. This morning was full of endless grumbles before I eventually shoved Joe out of the door, but he was smiling in the picture as he poured some soup into a bowl.
He seriously looked adorable. The Guinness hat gives him an oddly innocent look, while the apron he's wearing adds to the cuteness factor.
I'm so buying that man an apron to wear when we're cooking. I thought to myself, giggling out loud.
After sending my bestie a quick response back, I pulled up Joe’s contact.
Nice apron, cutie. 😉
Naturally, It was a while later when Joe answered, but his response set butterflies off in my stomach.
Depending on the intentions behind the wink emoji, I could ask to bring one home if it works ya up.
Taking a few moments to calm down, I shot a nonchalant response back to Joe.
The hat too?
The hat too. I draw the line at the plastic gloves, though. I gotta feel you with no barriers, baby.
How this man can control every pulse point in my body with just his words will never fail to amaze me.
Shit, my mom was reading that beside me. 😬
My stomach dropped at the thought of Robin reading her son practically dirty-talking to me. That's next-level embarrassment.
I'm joking, babe. See you later, with an apron and hat.
Omg, Joe! If I was with you right now, you'd get smacked in the back of the head. I love you, though. See ya later!
Love you too. 😘
This morning, Joe woke up ready to go. I'm not talking about being ready to go to the foundation event, I'm talking about sex.
Joe woke up most mornings wanting a quick romp to start the day, so it had slowly become a part of our daily routine.
It was a different story today, though.
Still naked from the previous night’s lovemaking session, Joe had pulled me into him as our lips met. I'd just gotten close enough to grind on his erection when Joe’s phone rang on the nightstand.
“You should probably get that.” - you said between kisses
Joe groaned out of annoyance when he pulled away and grabbed his phone, rolling his eyes when he saw the caller ID.
“Who is it?” - you stroked his chest
“My mom.” - Joe
“Why'd you roll your eyes then?” - you
He sighed and pulled me into his chest, moving his hips away, knowing any friction would make him lose control.
“She treats me like a little kid every time we have one of these foundation events.” - Joe
“You're her baby, Joe. She’s just looking out for you.” - you
Joe nodded with a sigh and accepted the call.
“Hey Mom, yeah I'm awake.” - Joe
His deep, raspy morning voice made my cheeks heat up, and I hid my blush in his chest.
“My shirt’s been ironed, yes. y/n ironed it and laid it out last night.” - Joe
The silence gave me the ability to hear what Robin was saying, and the words she said only made my heart flutter.
“You better have thanked her. Joe, I don't think you realize how lucky you are to have that woman by your side.” - Robin
“I'm very lucky, Mom. Wouldn't be who I am without her.” - Joe
“Make sure she knows that. I'll see you later, sweetie!” - Robin
“Bye, Mom.” - Joe
I cuddled closer to Joe, listening to him mumble a quick “Yes, I love you too” before hanging up.
“Wouldn't be where you are without me, huh sheisty?” - you laughed
“Shut it.” - Joe rolled his eyes
A few seconds of content silence passed before Joe cleared his throat and sat up.
“Okay, I'm like super horny right now, but I'm gonna push that away because I've been thinking about something.” - Joe
“What's that?” - you
“We still haven't told anybody that I proposed. I told you we could wait till we got back to Cincy, and we've been back for weeks. I'm trying to say that we need to tell our families soon.” - Joe
“Oh ok, that's fine. Whenever you want to, I'm down.” - you
“Actually? Just like that?” - Joe
I giggled and gently reached out to comb back the curls that had fallen over on Joe’s forehead.
“Yeah, just like that. It's been fun keeping it just between us, but I want nothing more than telling our family we’re gonna get married.” - you
“Can I also ask you about something else?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you
Joe sighed and took a second to clear his thoughts.
“You okay?” - you
“Yeah… I'm just trying to pay attention, it's kinda hard to, you know…” - Joe
He flicked his head down toward the tented sheet covering his lap.
“Focus, babe.” - you laughed
“Okay, uhm… what if we got married earlier than this coming offseason?” - Joe
“What do you mean?” - you tilted your head to the side
“What if we got married at the courthouse, no one else there? Just you, me, and the judge. It could be as soon as next month or as late as a week before our actual ceremony.” - Joe
I let his idea sink in, thinking about how sweet his idea of getting married soon is.
“I’m listening.” - you smiled
“We won't do our big vows or even exchange rings yet, just the license saying we're married, and hopefully your name change.” - Joe grinned
“y/n Burrow.” - you
Joe grinned from ear to ear, a blush on his cheeks as he heard my first name paired with his last name.
“Always thought that sounded perfect. I remember thinking about it on the first day of college during roll call. I couldn't take my eyes off of you after our professor said your name, and I thought about your last name as Burrow.” - Joe
“You're adorable.” - you
“Thanks.” - Joe
A few seconds went by without either of us saying something, but Joe broke it with a sigh.
“Are we going to continue what we were doing before your mom called?” - you
“Sadly, I have to start getting ready. Waiting will make tonight even better, though.” - Joe winked
“How do you know I'll even want it later?” - you
“You will, baby. You always do.” - Joe
Now, here I was, staring at a picture of my fiance pouring soup into a bowl.
Something about the moment just screamed husband.
Maybe it was the adorable apron. Or hat. Or plastic gloves.
Whatever it was, I wanted more of it. More of him. All of him.
My thoughts lingered to the most intimate moments with Joe. Catching myself before I got too worked up, I pulled up my phone to scroll through Instagram.
As soon as I did, though, my plan of a distraction was shot to hell.
Justin Hillard made a post of the Arizona trip the boys went on and one of the last slides showcased a sweaty, shirtless Joe.
“Where's Joe when you need him.” - you groaned
What felt like hours later, I heard the garage door open signaling Joe was home.
A minute later, his tall frame was striding into the kitchen. I watched him look around for a second before his eyes landed on me.
A grin formed on his lips as he walked up to the couch. Joe dropped to his knees in front of me and leaned in for a kiss.
When I went to pull away, Joe grabbed the back of my neck to keep me in place. After a few minutes of making out, Joe finally pulled away.
“Sorry, I really needed that.” - Joe sheepishly smiled
“It's alright, I did too.” - you smiled
“How was your day? I didn't leave you too bored, right?” - Joe
“My day was good, and no. I spent most of it obsessing over the new pics of you.” - you
“Felt like I never left then, huh?” - Joe
“Dead wrong. Staring at the pictures only made me miss you more.” - you
I watched as Joe teasingly licked his lips, never once breaking eye contact.
“Why's that?” - Joe
“Cut the shit, Joe. You know exactly why.” - you
“Because we didn't have sex this morning? That's why you missed me?” - Joe
“Well, that's not the only reason why. I naturally hate being away from you, but yes sex has something to do with it.” - you
Joe reached out and placed his hand on my inner thigh, nestling his hand against my crotch.
“Wanna go upstairs then?.” - Joe
I nodded, and Joe was quick to stand up and pick me up bridal style.
Giggles flew from both of our lips as Joe hurried up the stairs to our bedroom.
Soon, Joe was laying me on the bed and crawling on top of me.
“I love you.” - you said between kisses
Joe smiled and returned the sentiment, my arms wrapping around his neck as we kissed.
“Listen let's just get straight to it. I've been looking forward to this all day.” - you
“You don't want the tongue & finger combo first?” - Joe
I laughed at his bluntness before nodding my head.
“I need you inside me.” - you
“Fuck, I love hearing you say that.” - Joe
Joe placed his lips back on mine and shifted his weight onto one arm, lifting the other hand to unzip his fly.
I helped him shed his pants off, but Joe took my hand away when I reached for his boxers. He sat back on his knees for a second to pull his shirt over his head, quickly returning to his position above me when he was done.
My arms were around his shoulder as Joe slowly dropped his hips to grind on me. Just seconds later he'd pull away to take my clothes off.
When we were both naked, Joe’s lust-filled eyes scanned over my body before reversing course and locking with mine.
“God, you're beautiful, baby.” - Joe
After Joe lined himself up to my entrance, he slowly pushed inside. Making sure I felt every inch of him.
“You feel so good.” - Joe groaned
“You too…” - you
“So hot and wet for me, baby.” - Joe
Joe didn't move for a minute, just savoring the feeling of my walls wrapped around his hard cock.
“Joey, move, please?” - you
I watched him nod before he leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to my cheek. Joe formed a path of kisses from my cheek to my lips.
Once he met my lips, Joe slipped out of me before slamming his cock back inside.
Both of us moaned loudly when his tip hit my cervix, my walls squeezing Joe’s thrusting cock as he set a rough pace.
“You feel insane.” - Joe moaned
“I've been dreaming about this… all day.” - you
A few minutes later, Joe and I were still locked together at mouth and crotch.
“I'm not gonna last much longer.” - Joe moaned
“Me… neither.” - you
Joe’s face contorted as the overwhelming pleasure coursed through his body. His cute nose scrunching as his eyes are clenched shut.
“Oh, fuck!” - Joe grunts
Seconds later, with a shaky hand, Joe reaches down to where we were connected and rubbed my clit with his thumb. His thrusts became uneven but never once unsatisfactory.
“Joey! I'm gonna cum!” - you moaned
It wasn't much longer after that when I fell over the edge, moaning Joe’s name through my climax.
Joe continued his thrusts before rushing to get as deep as he could.
His head fell back, and his mouth fell open. A moan and grunt of my name leaves his pretty pink lips as he cums.
After his orgasm, Joe fell forward and on top of me. Burying his face in my neck as he stayed inside me, fading out the experience.
I reached a hand up and cupped the back of Joe’s head, slowly running my fingers through his unruly curls. The comforting sounds of our mutual heavy breath and the ceiling fan created a soft moment.
“You really liked that apron, huh?” - Joe
“Yeah.” - you giggled
Joe stayed there for a bit, enjoying being cuddled before he eventually pulled out and hopped out of bed.
My eyes lingered on his perfectly plump butt as Joe walked into our bathroom, later returning with a washcloth to clean us both up.
He strode up to me as I stayed lying in the bed. Joe softly caressed my thighs while gently spreading my legs apart.
I hummed in contentment at the feel of the warm washcloth, and Joe only smiled at the sound.
After cleaning himself up too, Joe slipped on a pair of clean boxers.
“Do you want one of my shirts to sleep in? Panties too, maybe?” - Joe
“Just one of your shirts will be fine.” - you smiled
Joe nodded and disappeared into the closet. A few seconds later, he walked back in with one of his pregame shirts that was from a previous season.
“Lean up for me, baby.” - Joe
I did his bidding and Joe slipped the top over my head, making sure my arms went through the sleeves.
“Comfy?” - Joe
He walked around the bed and climbed into his side.
“Very, and it smells like you.” - you grinned
“I hope that's a good thing.” - Joe laughed
“It's a very good thing, you smell delicious.” - you
Joe chuckled as he pulled me into his chest, one of his big hands running over my back as my head was hidden in Joe’s neck.
“I love you.” - you
“I love you more.” - Joe
He lovingly stroked my hair, providing tender words of affirmation and holding me tightly in his arms during their comforting aftercare ritual.
“Oh shit, do you know what I just realized?” - Joe
“What?” - you
“My apron is down in my car. I forgot to show you.” - Joe sighed
“It's okay. You can show me tomorrow.” - you giggled
“Guess what.” - Joe
I narrowed my eyes, trying to see his expression in the dark but failing.
“What?” - you
“I grabbed one for you too.” - Joe smiled
“Oh my god.” - you laughed
“I couldn't help myself!” - Joe
He laughed along with me before we both paused, coincidently yawning in sync, which ended in another laughing fit.
“Goodnight, baby.” - you
“Goodnight, my love.” - Joe
Authors note: because Joe was illegally fine that day.
Came from my own head! 💞
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difeisheng · 2 months
Happy One Year Anniversary to Mysterious Lotus Casebook, and so, happy one year to this fandom as well!
(I would have liked to have finished writing a fic for this day. As it was, life got to me, so you get these other words instead.)
This little corner of C-drama Tumblr has brought me a lot of joy in the last year. I didn't know how long I'd be here when the show first started airing, or whether or not I'd even finish it. As it turned out, there ended up being a close-knit group of us drawn to the show as it released (I love you guys for the madness that was reacting to and speculating about some of those episodes in real time), and more showed up in the following months as well. And so I wound up staying with this story after it was over, not just because it was a wonderful one, but because I ended up getting to know a lot of other people through it too!
Some of you were here posting in the tag from day one, some of you came along later, but I've really enjoyed getting to talk and exchange ideas with so many of you. Writing meta was never my main contribution to fandom before this (and I do mostly consider myself a fic writer first and foremost) but I've had the time of my life pulling apart and analyzing this story with others, and seeing everyone's own thoughts/reactions to it. MLC is special in that the amount of care and deliberate detail put into it can support that kind of scrutiny, but it also takes the people who want to look at all these things, to have the kind of happily curious atmosphere that this fandom does. I want to thank you all for that experience. It's been fun, it's been eye-opening (I've become a better writer for it), and the variety of perspectives people have brought to discussions has left me with so much more to think about in relation to this show.
And I want to shoutout to all the creators in this fandom— gifmakers, meta writers, fic writers, artists, and everyone else I've scrolled past in the tag who shared something for the rest of us to enjoy about these characters. I check the tag every day. I see you. This fandom has been great in particular for reblogging and responding to others' creations, and it's beautiful to see that sense of community. I don't joke when I say that from the get-go I considered this fandom a breath of fresh air, compared to many others I've been in. You're all very cool and I'm so happy for the things all of us have shared in this space, for the love of MLC.
Through all this, this show and the people who gather around it here have brought me some of my closest friends in fandom today. That includes some people I'd known of for years, but never thought I'd ever really be able to talk to. I've also met a lot of Chinese diaspora through MLC, and gotten to feel a little less lonely about some of my own experiences. Not everyone here in the beginning actively talks about MLC anymore, but you know who you are, and know that I remember you and look back on 2023 very fondly. And to those who came later, or those still here, I love that we're keeping this fandom going. I don't know when the next drama will pull my attention away, but for now I'm still in this corner with the rest of you, and I'm very glad for that.
Mysterious Lotus Casebook is special, and so are all of you. Thank you for this last year.
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I’ve been having this doubt ever since season 2 came out (I should probably solve it by doing a tumblr poll but I don’t have enough followers for the answers to be significant so I thought I would just ask).
So to the point now: did people actually cry about the ending? (talking abt good omens here ofc). I’ve seen so many posts, both from around those days and still now, where everyone says how it made them cry/sob/just sad in general, and I’m too autistic to understand if they mean it literally or not.
Personally I haven’t cried but then I’ve never been a very sensitive person so I’m not a fair judge. I can understand how the ending is heartbreaking (believe me, as a queer person brought up in catholicism, the story really resonates with me) but I don’t feel the sadness myself.
That being said, I would love to know if this is truly different for other people, if it actually made them emotional in the way they mention in their posts or if it’s more of a common used exaggeration.
oh anon my love idk if im a big enough blog to get any kind of decent reach but i'll give it a go, i'd be interested to know too!!!
i know ive exaggerated my reaction on here (iirc i didn't cry at the confession/kiss/leaving for heaven parts - but definitely felt a huge Sad about it... plus frustration, incredulity, anger etc), but i have absolutely cried when writing meta about it, or daydreaming how they'd talk it out in s3 (these characters are healing something in me lmao)
rb for sample size etc etc
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mothdruid · 5 months
Within the past 72 hours the TGM fandom got a fire put under it's ass, for lack of a better term/phrase. Even though I'm not as active in the fandom anymore, it did make me want to talk about a few things. This isn't the first time that I've had to make a post similar to this, usually speaking about reblogs and keeping your fanfic writers feeling wanted within the fandom spaces, but today I'm going to talk more about fandom etiquette and my experiences in fandom spaces. So, if you want to hear my opinion on fandom etiquette, how I learned fandom etiquette, and my thoughts about the doxing situation that has happened, keep on reading.
My Fandom Experience.
The first fandom that I was ever a part of was The Hunger Games fandom in the 8th grade (if you don't include my anime fandoms). I was 12-13 at the time. This was when I was first introduced to Tumblr and being involved within a fandom online. At the time I was super young, barely even knew who I was as a person, let alone in a fandom space. All I did was reblog little gifsets and fawn over Josh Hutcherson. I remember getting my first hate anon, even though I didn't do anything that would generate that to even happen. Even when I was 12-13, I couldn't understand why anyone would send a hate anon. That was when I found out a friend of mine found my Tumblr and actually secretly hated me, so she sent me hate anons. Still, before I knew it was her I didn't understand.
Fandoms were a formative part of my childhood. I think that main one that helped form me though was the Supernatural (yeah, I know, eye roll), Naruto, and The Hobbit fandoms. I had made friends on Tumblr and Instagram through these fandoms. During these times was when I had first started consuming fanfiction. Specifically, destiel and thilbo fanfiction. This is how I started to find the things in fanfiction that I loved, and the things that I hated. Instead of sending hate to the writers for their thoughts and stories that I didn't agree with, I would back out of the story or just scroll past. Not only that, I also started to use the filters on AO3 constantly, ensuring that I was only reading the fics that I knew I'd enjoy. Also, I was careful to read warnings and tags prior to reading the fic. Never once did I blame the writer for something that I knew I didn't like and accidentally read or read for see what it was about.
After high school was when I started getting into fanfiction writing. I've written for a lot of fandoms during this time. The IT movies, Total Drama, Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, Marvel, Bridgerton, Top Gun: Maverick, and currently ASOIAF. As a writer I've never gotten hate, thankfully, but I have had a lot of friends that have. It's sad to see so many people who take the time to write, whether it's enjoyable or not, receive hate. As writers we are simply expressing our creativity for the things that we love. Since posting fanfiction on tumblr, I have experienced a lot of people pestering for new updates and when the next fic is, and so have a lot of other writers on here. Even though people only know us as a little icon and username, fanfiction writers are people. We have lives outside of writing fanfiction. Everyone also isn't the same type writer. One person may easily write multiple fics every week, some of us take longer, and some of us are even just passion writers (me lol).
The TGM fandom has been one of the most negative fandom experiences I've ever seen/had. It is full of some of the meanest people/anons I've ever seen. From writers being attacked for fic ideas, people being sent hate for something that the anon has full control over, and people constantly expecting new stories to read on the daily. Yes, I do know that other fandoms have these issues, but it seems to be almost a weekly, hell, even daily thing within this fandom. A lot of the issues that I see happen in this fandom are from people who don't understand fandom etiquette.
Fandom Etiquette.
If you had noticed there was a few things I put in bold above. These are key things that I learned during my time that attribute to fandom etiquette. So without further a do, I'll list out some fandom etiquette rules that I follow all the time.
Don't send hate anons to people
Block/unfollow people you don't like
If you don't like an idea or fic, don't read it
Read through all warnings and tags that the writer provided
Use AO3 filters
Don't blame the writer/creator for reading things they created that you actively know you don't like
Writers/Creators aren't "content farms"
There are people behind these blogs/usernames, treat them like someone you'd see on the street
Writers/Creators are expressing love/passion for something, don't hate them for doing that
If you see something fandom related that you don't like, scroll past it or ignore it
The Doxing Situation.
For those who are unaware but decided to read this anyways, recently there was a writer (Mama Mayhem) on here who got doxed from another writer in the fandom. Mayhem has since lost her job due to the doxing. This was apparently from her breaking HIPAA by posting a picture into a private groupchat/discord. This picture was posted almost a half year ago. Meaning that the person who reported/doxed Mayhem had known about this picture for months and only recently decided to do something about it.
I'll start by saying that I also work in healthcare, and know many other people here who do. I understand that a HIPAA violation is 100% an offense that gets you fired. I'm not excusing the HIPAA violation if one did occur.
Some people have brought up the idea that maybe the person that reported the picture, and doxed Mayhem, was doing it out of the goodness of their heart. Due to the timeline of it all, that doesn't seem likely. I had a previous coworker get fired for HIPAA violations and it took a total of a week from the initial report for her to be gone.
The biggest thing I want to convey is that TWO WRONGS CAN HAPPEN AT THE SAME TIME. Yes, if Mayhem violated HIPAA, it is wrong. But at the same time, the person held onto this information for months only to use it out of spite, pettiness, and cruelty, is wrong.
My Thoughts.
Due to Mayhem being doxed, a lot of people have decided to leave this platform, take indefinite hiatuses, stop writing, or move to AO3 exclusively., and I don't blame them. I'll be honest, I'm thinking about moving to AO3 exclusively now. AO3 feels a lot more rewarding in my experience. I already only post my fics for ships to AO3, so why not just post everything on AO3 (which I usually do).
I think a lot of people have forgot what it feels like to feel shame in something they say or do. When I say this, it's directed towards people who send hate or do other malicious things in fandom spaces. Fandoms were never this clique-ish and mean. I think it has to do with the pandemic, meaning that a lot of people who would have never joined a fandom did because they weren't allowed to do anything outside of their house. So, those mean girls that made fun of fandom girlies (g/n) previously, joined the fandoms and decided started bullying the people within them.
This situation is super shitty and people are now scared. It makes complete sense, especially after seeing someone, that many of you were close to, be doxed. A lot of people are scared of it happening to them now. I don't think this fandom will be the same after this situation, but who knows, maybe everyone will just forget and move on. Either way, I think I'll be taking a step back from the TGM fandom. I'll still be here, but until further notice, I won't be posting any TGM fanfiction. Maybe a gifset/picture here and there, but I don't think this is a fandom I feel comfortable writing for anymore.
If you've read all of this, thank you.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 [Part 1/Intro]
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In which Jungkook has never fallen in love before- not until you came along, at least.
Tags/Warnings: Hybrid AU, Munchkin Cat!Reader, Siberian Tiger!Jungkook, DDLG aspects but they're very mild in this chapter, Daddy!Jungkook, height difference, strangers to lovers, mild Angst, Fluff!, quiet!Reader, Model!Kook, mentions of death & grieving (but only brief), romance, manhandling, strength kink (implied), biting, hybrid behavior (scenting, marking, grooming and other)
Legth: Long ~7K words
Additional Content: None (yet)
A/N: Dinner is served, but split into multiple courses cause tumblr app can't handle this buffet.
-> Masterlist
"And this is where most level 4 hybrids usually reside, plus a few of the more social level 5's." The CEO explains, walking into the large hall together with Jungkook and his management.
He's a little upset at some of the things he's seen until now - so many of his own kind kept in a place like this simply because they're alienated by society. "Older hybrids above the age of twenty-one statistically stay permanently in housing, so once they reach that age, they don't have to wear any identification within the facility here." The man explains further, motioning towards some hybrids who sit at a table without any collars on, some eating, others talking.
"Would it be possible to involve some of them into the campaign?" Jungkook's manager asks, while he himself takes a look around, hands in his pockets. It's not often that his hybrid senses notice anything at all- having become more or less 'dull' from lack of use, really, since he's mostly surrounded by humans in his daily life. He's not around hybrids often, so today, it's quite overwhelming.
In an exciting way though, weirdly enough.
Jungkook and his management had been thinking and planning such a campaign to raise awareness and money for hybrid care for a while now. As a hybrid himself, he's pretty vocal about his opinions on certain topics- though, of course, he can't always say what he wants to in order to stay 'brand safe' down the line.
"I wouldn't recommend it, honestly. You know, most of these-" The man motions towards the table where Jungkook can spot a very short-looking cat hybrid, sitting by herself alone with her head on the table, legs swinging around as they fail to reach the floor from the height of the bench. "-Are, like I said, either 4 or 5 on the scale, so they probably won't understand what you want them to do." He chuckles.
"What about her?" Jungkook asks, nodding towards where you sit at the table, wearing a simple cotton dress, socks and no shoes, fluffy hybrid tail hanging almost entirely unmoving down to the floor.
It's unnerving to him. As if you're lifeless.
"Very good eye. I've seen her earlier- I think she could make for a very good contrast compared to you." The manager agrees- though the CEO clearly seems not on board with idea.
"I mean, she's got a pretty face, but that's really about it." He, in Jungkook's opinion, rudely comments, making him harden his gaze at the man. "Listen, when you run a place like this, you've got to stay realistic. She's got a lot of health and social issues and doesn't really respond well at all in general, so I'd suggest we look more into the other hybrids." He offers-
But Jungkook is an untamed tiger that rarely ever listens, so it's not surprising that he just decides to walk over to you to find out for himself what this is all about. Mainly because somehow, something feels off about this whole situation- and also, because there's an odd pull he feels towards you, like he's met you before but can't remember.
When he sits down next to you, with some distance of course, you sit up- looking at him for a moment, as if you're going through the same thought-process he had just moments prior. "Hey." He greets, waving his hand a little, unsure for a moment-
Until you smile, waving back, tail starting to move now. So much for 'she doesn't respond', he thinks to himself.
"You seem pretty bored." He asks you, getting into a more relaxed position next to you, his own tail curling over his lap- something you notice with interest, it seems like. "Is there nothing to do here today?" He asks, resting his head on his hand as his elbow is perched up on the table.
You shake your head. "Never." You answer him, and he pouts in sympathy. "I want to- hm.." You seem to think hard about how to voice out your thoughts. You stutter a lot, no matter how much you concentrate- and since the careworkers here get frustrated with your speech easily, you've taught yourself to talk more shortened to avoid stuttering. "Back home. I.. go to- no.." You seem frustrated now, and Jungkook chuckles- something you might mistake for something it's not, he realizes. "Sorry. I don't talk well." You offer, but he shakes his head.
"No no, you're completely fine, take your time." He nods, and you nod as well.
"Back home." You start again, and he nods, making sure you know he's following. "I took, speaking class..es. Classes." You explain, and Jungkook hums a reply, understanding what you're talking about. "But now.. not anymore. He says- I don't need. Them. Don't need them." You explain, your own hybrid tail now curling around you as well so you can hold onto it, a clear sign of self-soothing. "Because I stay."
"I'm sure someone like you has no issues finding someone to live with." Jungkook offers, and you seem to not take it seriously. "No, really. I know a couple of people who'd love to offer a place for an older hybrid." He shrugs.
"No. I stay." You tell him, almost with a disappointed undertone- a bell suddenly ringing, making you stand up and grab your empty cup from the table. "Uhm, thanks." You say as a form of goodbye, bowing politely to him- before you follow the other hybrids into a different area it seems, leaving him alone at the table until his manager finds him later.
Now he's definitely sure something's not right here.
The next day when he arrives, still a little sleepy, he doesn't spot you until he almost throws his stuff on top of you by accident. You're asleep in a corner, and a careworker immediately picks up on it. "I'm so sorry- she sometimes sleepwalks!" The lady apologizes, and before Jungkook can even say anything, she's already calling your name, shaking you awake. You don't even seem to realize what's really going on as the worker pulls you away- leaving Jungkook by himself, only trace of you left being a small flower shaped pillow he stares at for a moment. Your scent still clings heavy onto it- though there's a slightly burned bitter hint to it, a hint of something sad.
In a way, he doesn't know if he believes sleepwalking to be the actual reason here. His friend, Namjoon, owns a hybrid as well after all- and Jimin does this too, sometimes, because he doesn't like to sleep alone.
And later, when he's in makeup and the hybrids in the main hall close by are all eating breakfast, he's aware that the facility must be putting more effort into things than usual with him and his entire team present- because he's not stupid. A lot of the hybrids seem confused about certain things, while others flat out appear nervous and uncomfortable by the unfamiliar energy today, bad at hiding their behavior due to their lack of social understanding. Meanwhile you're almost falling asleep at the table, clearly not awake at all yet.
Or maybe you just didn't sleep well?
There's definitely something about you he can't explain. It's like there's a voice inside his head that's not his own that keeps feeding him ideas of what he could do. Maybe he could share his own food during his break with you? He also needs to make sure you get your pillow back at some point. Or he could take it home to have something of you with him-
"You've got an eye on the munchkin?" His makeup artist giggles as she does his hair. "Weird that she's here, isn't it? She doesn't seem like one that's hard to find a suiting home for." She mumbles, and Jungkook agrees with a hum. "One of the workers here told me the CEO denies all potential adoptions though." She shrugs.
"Why would he do that?" Jungkook asks, a little wary of the answer he might receive. After all, he's heard many horror stories of what goes on behind closed doors in some hybrid shelters.
"I mean, it's a rumor but-" She sighs. "-So her old owner was a retired hybrid specialist, right? He died of old age about two or three years ago, according to an employee I spoke with earlier." She explains, switching to a different comb to fix his hair into place. "But that's where it gets weird. Her old owner, right? Well he like, created a trust fund for her in case something was to happen to him, so she would be taken care of financially." She explains further what she's heard. "But, when she was given into the care of this center, apparently, the CEO took advantage of her grieving, and is now using the money for himself."
"Explains why he would want to keep her here." Jungkook mumbles more or less to himself. "Because as long as she's here.."
"He can justify using the money to cover her expenses." She finishes for him.
"That's fucked up." Jungkook says. "Is there any proof of it?" He wonders, and she shrugs.
"Well the worker said she herself is pretty vocal about it. She knows what's going on- but no one believes her, because the CEO has her under file as a category 5 even though she's not." She tells him. "I mean, it's smart. Legally speaking, nothing she says would ever be taken into consideration because of that. I remember, my aunt has a 5 who witnessed someone getting assaulted near a grocery store when they went to Busan last year. But nothing he was saying could be taken as evidence basically because the legal system is so oddly structured." She sighs.
"It's a mess, isn't it." The model talks to himself mostly, phone in his hand as he spins it around. "I tend to forget how screwed up the system really is." He says.
"Well, a lot of people tend to forget you're part hybrid as well." She giggles, finishing up. It's true- while he's got his tail and his ears, he's become a pro at acting human- ignoring his own instincts in daily life to instead cater to the broader audience of the human world rather than appealing to his own kind. "Maybe this is all a good idea. An opportunity." She offers.
"Opportunity for what?" He wonders, and she shrugs.
"Who knows."
The more he observes and interacts with you, the less it makes sense to him how you could ever pass as a category 5 hybrid.
Sure, you've got some trouble articulating yourself, but you're also clearly aware of everything going on around you, you're very emotionally intelligent, you understand social concepts perfectly fine, and you're also pretty independent. You don't need much help with things others of your alleged category clearly struggle with.
He'd spotted you helping many of the other hybrids to button up their coats or tie their shoes (though he has to admit, your tying seemed like it was a pretty challenging task to you) or even collect the dishes and balance them perfectly fine to offer some aid to the kitchen staff at lunch. He knows what category 5 have problems with, they typically struggle with tasks like that. He's lived with one growing up, after all; the younger boy next door always coming over during the holidays because his parents were friends with his owners.
But you? No, you don't share much of those characteristics typical.
Maybe there really is some truth to those rumors going around.
"What're they doing?" He asks a janitor, who looks surprised to be acknowledged, before he watches all the hybrids as well as they all get dressed into outdoor-clothes.
"Oh, Every week they get outdoor activities, you know, to keep them healthy!" The elderly man nods. "Keeps the immune system up and running." He laughs, and Jungkook nods, agreeing. "You look like you want to go with them? If you ask Penny over there, she might let you tag along." He offers, and Jungkook decides, on the spot-
yeah, he wants to tag along.
So he finds his manager, tells him his plan- and leaves, before he can argue too much- though the man doesn't even attempt to do so, seemingly happy that Jungkook is growing friendly with you.
"Oh, careful." Jungkook says, holding the door for you as it almost closes behind another hybrid who'd forgotten to hold it himself. You look up at him, nodding, before you walk outside with him right behind you. "The janitor said you go outside every week." He attempts conversation, and you nod, in typical fashion, looking at the other hybrids in front of you holding hands as they walk behind each other in pairs.
All but you.
"You can hold mine, if you want." Jungkook tells you, and he can't help but grin a bit adoringly at the way you almost instantly take the offer, hand grabbing his as you hold onto it with confidence- your steps becoming a bit more bouncy as if boosted by his presence. It makes his own tail sway rhythmically with every step as well, especially when you all stop at a red light and he swears he can hear you purr under your breath, ears moving around to catch every noise it seems. "You're cute." He comments, and you look up at him with a smile.
"Thank you." You tell him, before you both follow the group of hybrids and the workers to a large field, most hybrids already running to get balls and other items to play with. "Do you.. sport?" You ask. "Like?"
"I do. I like sports a lot, actually." He nods, and you nod as well, watching the other hybrids. "You?" He wonders, and you huff a bit in disappointment, though you nod.
"Makes me.." Your hand goes to your upper chest, before pointing at it. "Cough." You try and explain and he hums in understanding.
"Asthma?" He asks, wondering if you know what he's talking about- and much to his surprise, you nod.
"I need, plastic..thing." You explain, hands gesturing as if to map out the inhaler as you're unable to recall the word in the moment. But the way he keeps reassuring you, keeps treating you so normally, makes you confident in communicating with him. "But- he says, no." You shake your head.
"The CEO?" He wonders, and you nod, sitting down on the grass, leading him to do so as well, though he gently points to his lap for you to sit on. "So your dress doesn't get dirty." He explains, and you nod, happily taking your seat on his thighs. The purr he feels against his chest fuels his ego like nothing ever before, his tail wrapping around him and you to lay in your lap. "I heard he's.. doing some shady stuff."
"He takes.. money." You shrug. "But, hm." You just hum, shrugging your shoulders in defeat.
"What if you got an evaluation done?" He wonders, watching the other hybrids play with you. "To gain proof that you're not a category 5? That way you could go against him, no?" He asks, but you shake your head.
"Can't." You answer him. "Only owner."
"Shit.." He mumbles to himself, remembering as well. Only an owner can actually file in to get an evaluation done- and those things are expensive, not funded by the government at all. Without an owner, you're caught in the trap- and while caught in the trap, you can't get an owner. It's like the snake that's biting it's own tail; doomed.
And right now, he's got no clue how to help you.
"But, let's say, technically speaking.." Jungkook starts to speak between bites of food, looking at Namjoon in front of him. "I'm barely a category 2, right? So, legally, I could own a hybrid." He asks, and Namjoon seems to think about it. Jungkook could in fact be counted as a simple category one if it wasn't for his ears and tail- but that might just be because these days, he's learned to ignore his instincts rather than embrace them.
"I mean, yeah, legally speaking, you can." He offers, nodding. "But like, why would you? You never had any interest in that." He asks confused, even a bit suspicious. Jungkook has been used for his kindness before, so the older friend tends to become wary of odd things asked.
"I think.. no, I found my mate. At the Seoul care center, where we're shooting the whole campaign right now." He offers, opening his can of beer. "And I want to get her out of there. There's some shady shit going on, and I don't want her to be caught in the crossfire before I pop that bubble."
"Jungkook, that doesn't sound like a good idea at all. Pop a bubble?" Namjoon worries instantly, putting his chopsticks down. "That's seoul central care we're talking about. Their legal team is crazy good." He argues, well aware of these things.
"I know." Jungkook nods. "But the evidence is better. Listen -" He shakes his head. "I won't personally be the one to do it. But some of the staff.. they've been talking. And for good reason." The tiger hybrid explains. "Someone is gonna blow that shit up soon, and I need to get her out before that happens. Considering what that guy has been doing already, I'm pretty sure he would, I don't know, send her overseas or some shit to avoid losing access to her money." He tells his friend.
"You know I can't tell you what to do, Jungkook." Namjoon offers, pushing his leftover food towards a sleepy Jimin, who silently starts to eat next to his owner. "But.. if things go south, I'll try and help best I can." he promises, making Jungkook nod in appreciation.
It's safe to say that Jungkook is more than just friendly with you now.
He knows it pisses off the man that tries to present himself as a saint with realistic opinions on the modern way hybrids are handled- and in a way, it satisfies Jungkook deep in his soul.
You're also a lot more vibrant it seems like, visibly perking up the minute he arrives at the center every morning to shoot his photos and small videos. It's adorable to see, really; especially today, when he offers you a new pair of boots, way better suited for you than the old worn down one's you kept wearing every time you went outside. They're of soft materials, pale pastel colors, fluffy accents on the sides, and your eyes widen in wonder at the sight of them. "I hope they fit. I bought those because they have laces- so you can adjust them if the size isn't perfect." He explains to you, and you nod slowly, holding onto them like they're some form of golden treasure.
You also continue to watch him during his shoot, clearly just as interested in him as he is in you at this point.
Staff has noticed, workers have noticed, his manager has noticed, and granted, everyone's pretty happy about it. You're seemingly a very nice fit, a good balance to the otherwise rather wild and untamed tiger hybrid known to sometimes act out of line. He's clumsy with his words at times, his actions often leading to consequences he's not thought of, though he never does anything will ill intend.
Right now, he's got you back on his lap, sharing a round cream filled donut with you, your tail going wild behind you as you enjoy the sugary treat. "Say, I've got a question.." He wonders, your ears turning on your head towards him, a clear sign that you're paying attention to him. "Would you like to.. you know, maybe live together with me?" He asks, and at that, you freeze, before you turn around towards him. "I mean it. I know, you think that might not be possible- but I want to try, at least, to make it possible." He explains.
"Busy." You tell him, before you watch his manager talk to some caretakers a little further away. "It's.. hm. Don't have to." You shrug, trying to grab the last bite he's holding in his hand, just for him to hold it out of reach.
"That's not an answer though." He teases. "You can also just.. I don't know- live with me as like, a foster situation maybe? Just to see if it would work." He offers, while you whine, reaching out for his food he'd been sharing with you until now, one of his arms holding you back securely while the other holds the last piece too far away. "Answer first, kitty." He hums close to your ear, making you freeze for a second as your tail swipes from side to side in excitement. He's so close now, and if he wanted to, a kiss would just be a tiny move now.
But he behaves himself. All in due time.
"Ok." You nod, because why not? He's nice, he's your mate after all, and you like him.
What could go wrong?
He's still irritated. You don't deserve any of this.
He hopes he might be able to get the paperwork signed- and you out of this place as soon as he can. There's technically nothing speaking against it after all; he's a level 2 at the end of the day, his hybrid side a lot less dominant than in someone like you. And while it's made him feel like an outcast for a long time, feeling like he doesn't belong neither here nor there- looking at you now, his feelings have changed.
He feels glad, for the first time, that he's the way he is.
"If she's getting too much you can just tell her to go play or something." One of the workers tells him as she'd spotted him with you still somewhat laying on his thigh, his hand comfortably resting on your shoulder while you play with his rings on his other hand. "She tends to get clingy with anybody who pays attention to her." She snickers, but he shakes his head.
"No, it's really fine." He denies her, well aware that she's been eyeing him ever since he'd gotten here the first day, and he can't hold back on his next words. "I actually think she's cute." He smiles down at you, and your cat-ears twitch at that before you look up at him, making him laugh.
"I mean.. I guess? Maybe it's a hybrid thing that you like her." She shrugs, crossing her arms. "But she's gotta move soon, your manager told me they wanna take some more shots." She says with more bite to her tone now- and in a way, it satisfies Jungkook.
He lets you rest on him for a little longer- until he pulls out something from his bag, brown paperbag containing a baked treat you know all too well.
He brings it every time, ever since you've told him you like it, after all.
"Nuh-ah." He chuckles when you instantly sit up and reach for it, turning his body a little towards you on the bench before he holds out the donut, testing the waters. And for his own amusement.
And much to his said amusement, you do exactly what he hoped you would.
Without thinking much it seems like, you lean forward to take a bite out of the sweet treat while he's still holding it- and he can't help but smile at the scene. You're so unaware of your own appeal, completely oblivious to how charming you are, and in a way, it makes him upset. You really are just a soft soul being used and nothing else- and he just feels like he's got to offer his protection.
Because you deserve it- and because he wants to be that protector.
Mostly because the connection you both have to one another is undeniable. Mates are an odd thing; but they're a real thing at the end of the day, and it's clear now that he's found his own in you.
You seem to have a moment of realization after the second bite, ears turning before your head follows as a worker says something Jungkook himself doesn't quite catch- but he knows he doesn't like it. "Hey- I'm over here." He tells you, and you look at him with a more shy expression now, almost embarrassed- letting go of his wrist as you sit back down on the bench, visibly uncomfortable. "Dont listen to them. I'm more interesting, am I not?" He teases to get your attention back, reaching out to wipe a crumb from the corner of your lips, making you smile a bit shyly to yourself.
You're so easy to catch.
"Why.." you start, seemingly thinking about your words. You do that a lot, he noticed- you either don't talk at all, or very quietly, and in a way, he's not sure if that's been something they pushed onto you in the carecenter here, or if you've always been this way. He wants to find out, that's for sure. "Why do you.. like me?" You ask, visibly unsatisfied with how you formulated that sentence. It's another proof of your difference in hybrid level compared to Jungkook.
But no matter, he will learn to understand you, until he no longer needs you to speak at all.
Jungkook simply shrugs at your question. "Maybe a mate thing. Maybe just because I like you." He answers. "I don't need to have a reason for it, though. You're a very sweet person, very likable." He tells you before he breaks off another piece of the donut, holding it out. "Now come on. Be a good girl and finish up, alright?" He teasingly tells you as he eats the other leftover piece himself, just to pull yours away from you when you reach out for it with your hand. "Nop." He chuckles, making you glare at him, tail swiping behind you from side to side, and he can't help but laugh at the scene, head thrown back.
Until he feels your lips brush against the tips of his fingers as you snatch the last piece of your treat from him, his gaze immediately back on you as you watch his reaction with a more challenging expression, and he can't help but be intrigued.
"I feel like it'll be a good idea. Jungkook!" His manager smiles, walking up to you both. "You've got her there already, perfect. We'd like to include her in the next few shots tomorrow, see how she does." He tells him, and Jungkook looks at you who seems visibly uncertain.
"You okay with that?" Jungkook asks, and you look at the camera set up close by with an almost fearful expression. "Dont worry. They'll tell you what to do, and I'll help as well. Or is it something else?" He asks, making you move to sit on the bench more properly, feet almost touching the floor, but not quite. He realizes what might be the problem when a staff member accidentally let's a brush fall to the floor, your ears instantly flattening for a short second from the harsh sound. "Ah- does the camera sound scare you?" And you nod at that, making his manager laugh a bit.
"Oh no, don't be scared! It's totally normal. Maybe Jungkook can show you how it works?" He says, before looking over at the careworker close to him. "My son has a hybrid too- he used to hate the sound of the microwave too until my son explained to him how it functioned." He chuckles. Jungkook remembers that. Namjoon and Jimin are an odd couple, but weirdly, they also fit perfectly.
"I don't think she'll understand that, but you can try." The careworker shrugs disinterested, clearly upset at Jungkooks lack of interest in her.
"Come on, let's have a look then." Jungkook simply tells you with no thought wasted on the woman, as he walks to the big cameras with you, Taehyung already looking your way. "Hey, can you maybe explain to her why the camera makes that noise?" Jungkook asks his friend, who nods at you.
"Its pretty loud, isn't it?" He tells you, and you nod- standing on the tips of your toes to try and see through the lens, but to no use. "You're so short!" Taehyung chuckles, and Jungkook can't help but be amused too.
"Hm, here, you can step on that." He offers, sliding an upside-down thick plastic bucket close to you to stand on; his hands instinctively on your body yo steady you as you step onto the container.
"Alright, so.." Taehyung starts to explain the camera to you, and Jungkook can't help but be thankful that his friend is clearly aware of the fact that you're not a stupid child- the photographer never oversimplifying anything, simply telling you the general mechanics to make sure you understand what's happening, that nothing is breaking or could cause any harm. And then the camera makes its distinctive sound.
Your ears still flatten for a split second, but your body makes no sign of being scared or surprised any longer. It worked.
"I can't turn it off, sadly. It's a mechanical sound, so there's no way around it." Taehyung shrugs towards his friend, and Jungkook simply nods.
"It'll be fine." Jungkook says, helping you down from the bucket as the manager says his goodbyes to the first staff. It reminds Jungkook of something in that moment he almost forgot. "Alright, go get your stuff now. I'll go change and then we can go, alright?" He asks, and you seem confused- until you seem to realize.
You're going home with him today. And tomorrow. And the day after, too.
Jungkook can't help but laugh when you dash off into the hallway to get your things, as he himself goes to change himself. He really hopes you'll like it at his place, hopefully enough to decide to stay- and if you do, all he needs are your papers signed and approved. He hates the way the system works, but he also understands it somewhat.
Even though it's clear that not everything goes exactly as it's meant to be.
But once you're with him, once he's got you safe, there will be no more of this. He'll make sure the world gets to know what's going on behind closed doors, having already discussed the plans with his management after all- and he can't deny his anticipation.
He can't wait to see that man lose all he's never even deserved to have in the first place.
But before he can even think any further about those things happening, you're pulling on the hem of his sweater to gain his attention, already dressed in scarf and coat and those fluffy boots he'd bought you yesterday- a lot better quality than those worn down things they'd given you. You deserve to be spoiled in his opinion, not tossed aside like you've been for God knows how many years- and he'll make sure that'll happen.
"Come on." He smiles at you, taking your bag for you as he walks outside the building to his car, opening the door. "We can sleep early or have some food delivered- what would you like?" He asks, getting into the car after you, the driver closing the door after him as he's finally seated next to you, seat belts clicking into place for the both of you.
You shrug as an answer, and he laughs, watching as you yawn, the tiger teasingly pointing his finger into your mouth- but he doesn't expect you to close it so quickly. While you don't bite down on it (at least not hard enough to ever really hurt), he still can't help but be affected by it. Especially when he pushes down on your lower lip, your tongue jokingly licking the tip of his finger, making him smirk at you.
Behind your innocent facade does slumber a tiny little tiger too, in a way, it seems like.
And he honestly doesn't know if he can handle having you around him like this for much longer, while not doing anything about it at all. He's already almost kissed you yesterday, and by now he knows you feel just as attracted to him as he does to you.
You're mates after all. Similar age. Technically in the same hybrid group. Nothing speaks against it.
And yet he's got to be careful. He doesn't want to end up breaking your heart if things don't go as expected- he'd hate leaving you devastated. And yet still he feels as if he'd die soon if he doesn't at least get to feel your lips on his- there's nothing wrong with at least a kiss, right? Maybe just a little further than that- his couch his comfortable after all, and he for sure won't be able to withstand the temptation of at least holding you close with you staying with him tonight. "Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight? I can take the couch, no problems." He asks you to distract himself, ground himself again and get his mind off of things-
But then you visibly pout, ears drooping down a little as you look at him almost disappointed.
"Not.. with you?" You mumble, and his gaze focuses on you again, pupils dilated as he swallows thickly.
"I mean, I won't say no." He tells you, eyes never leaving yours. "But I probably should." He says, making you tilt your head in question. Though in your eyes, in the way they sparkle mischievously, he knows you're very much aware of the implications.
"You won't." You simply smile next to him, legs stretching and tail swaying from side to side, and all he can think of is brat. There's no trace of the shy little cat left it seems like right now, as you look at him all confident and almost challenging.
And yet, he can't disagree.
He won't say no.
He can't describe the feeling of watching you roll around on his couch, freshly showered and dressed in comfortable clothes.
You did an almost complete flip around from your usual behavior at the carecenter, right now completely relaxed, happily purring as you nuzzle the fabric of a pillow on his couch to cover it with your scent. You're so at ease, obviously feeling safe in his home, and it makes him incredibly proud, because that's exactly what he wants to provide to you.
A safe space.
"Happy?" He asks you with a chuckle, watching as you roll over, nodding at him while laying on your back.
"We'll stay home tomorrow, you know, to spend some time together." He informs you, sitting down close to your head. His hand is pushing into the couch next to your face, and you look at it for a second, seemingly very interested in the black bracelet he's wearing- before you grab his wrist, and bite into his arm.
It surprises him more than anything, thinking he might've come off too strong- but it doesn't hurt, and you're looking at him as if you're actually expecting a reaction from him. You're not trying to hurt him. You're not angry or upset in the slightest.
It's a love-bite.
"You are the most adorable thing-" He chuckles, grabbing onto your wrists to pull you over his lap and sit you up, "-I've ever met, you know that?" He flirts, looking at you, your tail swishing from side to side behind you in excitement, before your ears turn to the sides, flat outwards, as you wiggle out of his grasp, running down the hallway into your room.
He's laughing, entirely amused by your sudden zoomies, as you peek around the corner of your door, before you hide away again, this time running into his room instead. He's watching how you suddenly come dashing out, sliding over his smooth floor on your knees protected by your thigh high socks, holding onto the edge of the backrest of the couch he's sitting on, staring up at him with wide open eyes.
It sort of invites him almost, as his hands grab your wrists again, easily pulling you up and over the back of the couch, leaving you belly down on over his lap, his arms holding you down as he nuzzles into the back of your neck, making you laugh.
You like it when he plays with you like this- proves his strength to you, his capabilities of keeping you safe. Shows you that his physique isn't just for show and anesthetics.
"You know I like you, don't you?" He wonders, and you nod easily at that, turning over on his lap, trusting in the fact that he'll make sure you don't roll off- and he does in fact make sure you don't, carefully holding onto you, and even adjusting the hem of your dress for you. "How do you feel about that?" He wonders, and you shrug, hand reaching out to play with his necklace.
"Happy." You just state, your attention clearly not entirely on him but more on your chosen toy. He notices that, takes the pendant away from your hands before he throws it over his shoulder, effectively removing it from your reach. And you don't roll like that, fingers instantly pulling on the necklace at his throat to pull it back- though he now holds your hand in his.
"Eyes up here, darling." He says, and you pout, though you comply. "Good. Now give me a proper answer." He demands, and you stretch your legs a little before going limp again.
"Happy.. really." You nod. "You're.. my mate." You tell him, and he smiles, nodding.
"That I am." He agrees, looking down at your lips before his haze moves up to your eyes again. "And you're mine." He says.
"Am I?" You challenge, making his gaze sharpen as he notices your clear intentions as you wiggle out of his lap and instead of the couch next to him, feet pushing against the outside of his thigh.
And he easily takes on your little challenge, well aware that you're no match for him at the end of the day.
It starts as nothing but slightly tickling kisses, ends of his hair brushing over your skin and making you giggle, before be chuckles, and bites at your neck. It's a lot more gentle than you thought he might be- but it's also clear that he's simply playing with you, no intent for anything more right now.
He'd live to play with you like that as well- but all in due time.
Your tail smacks loudly against the leather of the couch, his antics fueling your instincts as your ears pin back. He wonders how much you can take- until you move as well, biting his shoulder, this time leaving a clear mark that tells him you're at your limit.
"Now there's no question, is there?" He wonders, moving around with you in his arms to hold you, kissing his mark to calm you down. "Now you're mine." He hums against your skin, and you nod, his slightly rough tongue moving over the tender spot once.
He catches himself in the act, surprised at it. He's never done that before- never, not even in past relationships. He doesn't even know why he did that, it's a little weird, no? Sure, he's a hybrid, but he's mostly human. He's never attempted to.. Groom a partner like this before.
But you don't seem bothered- in fact, you're happily purring in his arms, relaxed and comfortable.
"Yours." You mumble sleepily, yawning before you turn to cling to him, rubbing your cheek against his shirt to get your scent on him.
And he can't help but curl his tail around yours, feeling like everything has finally fallen into place for him.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 4 months
A Personal Post
Hi guys, I'm finally making the post I kept telling myself and my best friends I'd make but wanted to put it off until I felt better. That hasn't happened and with how things are going I thought it was best to just post it now.
So for a while, since probably late 2023, I've felt less like my blog is for me, and more like it's some kind of fandom archive. Which, if you use it this way as-is, great! I'm glad my blog could make you happy like that! But that's not what I set out for it to be.
I'm the sort of neurodivergent person who likes to categorize things, including my interests. All my tumblr blogs are specific to one thing, and this one was no exception.
I began tagging things soon after I made the blog because I saw a lot of people were sad about the twins, and I thought "well since I love both sad and happy stuff, and I'm really good about categorizing things, maybe I can try and help!" And according to many, it did help!
But I think that also gave off the impression that I was making this blog for other folks, and that isn't the case. I'm sorry I never clarified. It's not an archive; I do not reblog shipping posts, posts from people I've blocked, AUs I don't click with, and sometimes just not everything I see.
I've gotten popular in the fandom, and for the most part I do, from the bottom of my heart, enjoy it. I have people who care about my hyperfixation! That's amazing! I have people who love my cosplay and want to meet up with me. I've made so many friends of all shapes and sizes and it's probably the most incredible thing I've ever experienced, truth be told.
But yeah my blog being mine has gotten away from me a bit, I think.
I want to keep tagging my submas tags, that isn't going to change. I will tag triggers when asked, unless it's kind of impossible due to the blog's subject (trains, for instance) or a name or really common word (like the word 'head' or something). Other than that please reach out and I'll do my best to remember. But other tags? Those will be up to me. I don't want to tag when OCs show up. I love OCs and like seeing them, and don't want to have to remember that one person who visits my blog doesn't.
I had anon off for a while because honestly ever since making this blog, there have been anons who really made me unhappy. (Also yes, non-anons but that's been fewer and far between). I've gotten misinformation, accusations, horrible and disgusting explicit asks, and criticisms and complaints, and I'm just... Not here for that. Keep the explicit things and misinfo out of my inbox, I am no arbiter of morality or personal decisions, and I am not here for you to share your negative opinions of submas or the fandom.
Anon is on for people who are too self conscious to chat face to face, for people to send fun headcanon ideas (remember when people did that back in 2022 when this blog started? I miss that, it was sweet and wholesome), to share song recommendations... That kind of stuff. If you have an actual problem, please, PLEASE talk to me off anon, whether that be DMs or a non-anon ask that I can answer privately. Especially if we're friends; please, please just talk to me about stuff. I don't bite! I swear!
But yeah the bottom line is I'm here to participate in fun (and sometimes heartbreaking!) fandom stuff. I'm here for FUN, not as my job. I know that we're all a bunch of neurodivergent folks and sometimes interactions can be a swing and a miss, but please try to be mindful. Please treat me like a person and not just like a museum curator for this blog.
Truth is, I haven't been okay for a while now. It's gotten worse this year for sure, and due to life stuff I cannot see things feeling better for me for some time. I need to go day by day for a lot of things, and I am trying to get better about needing to set boundaries and all that sort of thing. I suffer from intense paranoia too, and having so many eyes on me is genuinely terrifying at times. I'm trying to manage that as best I can, but I do ask that folks be kind.
NO I am not going anywhere, my blog is staying and will continue on as normal, but I really, really needed to get this posted.
Please continue to interact with me and chat and everything like that! But also please remember to treat this space, my blog, as my space. Thanks for reading!
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aviad1b · 6 months
Secular Jewish ranting post.
If the Talit in my pfp scares you - Out. Antisemites - Out.
If you see anything below this cut as a rejection of Palestinian safety, then you're reading words that aren't there, and sorry-not-sorry but: You're just straight up antisemetic. No excuses, no buts.
At this point, I think I can confirm that not a single tag on tumblr is clear of i/p posts.
and I'm not just talking about general i/p posts, not "death is bad" posts, not even pro-Palestine posts, but straight up "each and every Israeli person deserves to die" posts.
They say Zionism is a political movement, yet they say every person born in a specific place is automatically a part of that movement. That is a disguise of recism, and at this point I cannot be convinced otherwise.
They say people who fled from their homes should be protected, yet somehow it's the Mizrahim's fault that they were slaughtered and pushed away into Israel.
I hate this. I want to browse the "trans rights" tag without seeing that my family deserves to die because my grandparents ran for their lives. I want to live in a world where people don't insist that my ethnicity isn't real, because somehow I'm white despite not being considered white in any actual physical fucking place.
I want to live in a world where my very existence isn't widely considered to be the cause for enormous death, and therefore invalid.
I used to ramble about how similar Antisemitism, Transphobia and Homophobia are. I'd say that all of those share the trait of trying to object to people who exist, as if objecting will make them disappear. I'd say that people who share those beliefs simply can't handle the existence of people who are proof against their theories.
As for antisemitism, I was both wrong and right. A simple glance at how those "antizionists" view the Mizrahim tells: Only considered existant when their existance can be used as a talking point, scoring "bonus points" against Israel, then thrown away not even a sentence later becomming "white" once more.
And don't even get me started on how those people view (or rather deny) Jewish ethnicity and history as a whole. Things that are a simple single google search away.
I always knew that it would come to this, but never have imagined the scale.
This isn't where I thought I'd turn out this year.
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more-better-words · 21 days
fic author interview
Yoinked this from @ladytharen because it looked like fun. Hope that's not presumptuous of me. <.<
Tagging @deadheaddaisy, @phoenixflames12, @butcharondir, and anybody else who'd like to play.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
60! That's a nice round number.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Currently 593,580 - though in fairness, nearly a third of that is a single fic.
It was a different time back when I wrote that.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The four fics of my Built to Last series (though not in order, lol)
What We Build Here
For the Duration
From the Ground Up
The Place We Call Home
And rounding out the top 5, a Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency fic!
Lay Down the Beat 
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! And because I have very little self-control, I will often do so within minutes of receiving them! 😅
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. I don't really do angst - I mean, I'll write stories where angst happens, but that's rarely the point of the story. If the plot demands a dash of angst, then, much like a chocolate recipe that needs some salt, it will get its angst. But I don't really set out to write A Series of Sad Events in Which the Characters Are Sad; that's just not my style or my taste.
So I can't really say that ANY of my stories have an angsty ending. Oh well.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
With the above in mind, happy endings are basically a guarantee, at least up to a point. 😆 I let my darlings be happy, I let them get married and have things work out, because it's fiction, dammit, and I can.
That being said, probably the happiest of all would be just about any of my Trip/T'Pol fic, because I let them get married and have kids and successful careers and be surrounded by friends and family who love and support them because SCREW YOU CANON.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No, I don't think my brain's wired for that. I just...can't seem to.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Never on AO3 (okay, I once got snippily told I'd mistagged something, but that wasn't hate). I have gotten hate here on Tumblr, though never anything specific, just general "u suck" which...whatever.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
For a long time, I did not.
That answer has since changed.
As for what kind...the sweetest, fluffiest, most loving, happy, vanilla, tooth rotting smut ever.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and I seriously doubt I ever would. I'm rather niche.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, niche. Haven't yet, doubt I will.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Years ago, I worked on an AU fic project with a friend that was very cool and a lot of fun. None of it ever got published, though.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Which ever one I'm writing right now. 😁
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I wouldn't mind finishing my Shadowrun: Dragonfall fic The Haven. Maybe some day.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, baby! I can have two characters sit and talk to each other FOREVER.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and physical description. Even when I can clearly see a room where action is occurring in my mind, I have real trouble describing it on the page.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I used to not have any, then I started making up words and phrases in my own version of Andorian for my Trek fic.
And I still don't really have many thoughts, because I'm sure I'm doing it wrong.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Hmmmm. Pretty sure there's some BtVS fic of mine still existent on LiveJournal. 😅
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I'd love to write Discworld (I adore Carrot/Angua), but Discworld is already so perfect. It would have to be an absolute gem of an idea.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Whichever one I just finished. 😄
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Intro Post + FAQ!?!?!?
STRIPES TRUTHERS DNI!!!!!!!! (this is a joke)
I'm not replacing my pinned post because I like my pinned post. it's special to me. it describes my blog in a single gif. but I'll link this in my bio.
hi! I think this was long overdue. first of all, introduction!
I'm pink! she/her, 19, filipino-chinese, 🇸🇬
I am an asexual sapphic on the aro spectrum! I'm not repulsed in either department though, I consider myself mostly sex-neutral and romance... idk, ambivalent irl, favourable in fiction.
keep in mind that hazbin hotel itself has a lot of explicit humour, so canon-typical level of that kind of humour should be expected here. however, outside of text-only nsfw jokes, I typically don't post or reblog nsfw art (and IF I did, I would use community labels/appropriate tags). I may also tag certain text-only nsfw joke posts as #suggestive, just as a precaution.
and now the FAQ...
Other than one-sided RadioStatic, what do you ship?
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I've actually done this before, but decided I'd update it a bit.
cherrivel is only there because of the need for velvette to have someone at the hotel to be obsessed with, refer to this post. it is currently unserious and could easily never come up in my posts I just thought to include it because of that one time I brought it up. other crackships may come up if I find it funny (ie adam x mammon).
this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, I do not like any reciprocated romantic alastor ships, I'm not here to police anyone for what they do in fanon, but all I ask is no one send me anything of the sort. I interpret alastor as a repulsed aroace, and the dialogue in which his asexuality is implied in canon implies to me he would never pursue dating (rosie knows alastor wouldn't be dating charlie because he is aroace, which implies she knows he is an aroace that doesn't date**). so that is how I choose to portray alastor in my posts.
**TO BE CLEAR, there IS nuance to this. because action =/= attraction. funny situations such as a fake date with vox as a distraction that he doesn't like at ALL entertain me. but I do not believe he is the type to pursue it under normal circumstances.
regarding qprs... well, as you can see, I really only care for qpr radiorose, but this is the part where it comes down to personal preference. qpr radiostatic largely depends for me, maybe if it's like an au where they never had a falling out or something but otherwise, I don't personally really see it, but that isn't to judge anyone who does. HOWEVER, I do like thinking about their past friendship, here's a post I made before regarding alastor's side on it.
Who's your favourite character?
unfortunately, it is the stupid tv man in my pfp. alastor is my second favourite though if that's not immediately obvious (wow tumblr user @onesidedradiostatic's faves are vox and alastor who could've guessed?)
Do you know [insert pre-series information here]?
I need to clarify, I am NOT a pre-series hazbin fan. I only got into hazbin properly at episode 5-6's release, prior to that I had only watched episode 4 out of curiosity due to twitter discourse. any information I have regarding pre-series stuff comes from the wiki, tumblr posts or anons who have informed me of stuff. my main source of information is the main series, that is how I first consumed hazbin after all.
What the fuck is the "Lucifer's Commissions Saga"?
it all started with an anon talking about the most unrealistic thing about vox owning an alastor body pillow being that alastor was able to be printed on it without glitches. I then dropped a stupid idea I had in my head for a bit about lucifer being offered 50k to make a sexy alastor painting for vox. one reblog later. well. it turned into vox commissioning lucifer for the body pillow. and then a bunch of asks came in related to it and it turned into a saga which is now my legacy. feel free to scroll through this entire thing. also a fanfic of it by ChaoticAce2005 now exists. go check it out. AN ANIMATIC BASED ON ONE OF THE POSTS BY NATAKARANIA ALSO NOW EXISTS. CHECK THAT OUT TOO.
The original post mentions Val commissioning Lucifer for the art for Vox, Val is canonically a talented artist, why would he do that?
in my defence, I kinda forgot about that when I posted the original joke. later asks, I've mended that val HAS drawn for vox before but vox nitpicked too much and val's not always willing to do a fully rendered sexy alastor... so vox has to outsource. and he just happens to do so to the king of hell.
Hey, hey, listen! What if Vox doesn't have a crush on Alastor but wants XXX instead!?
hey, I respect you! I respect your opinion and hc. but this blog is built around that concept specifically, I like vox wanting something he can never have, wanting romance from a guy who literally cannot feel the same way about him. so I'm probably not gonna be as passionate about other takes. but your opinion is valid! I'm just not really sure what you want me to say other than respectfully disagreeing.
Why don't you use RadioSilence for one-sided RadioStatic?
radio silence is the name of another book made by the author of heartstopper, alice oseman (which I heard also has a canon aspec character!). even though it is already a used tag for this ship, I refuse to contribute to flooding the book tag with hazbin hotel. it's already an issue I see even when searching #radio silence with the space, I think those in that fandom should be allowed to search for content without being flooded by content from another fandom. please understand.
I instead use #onewaybroadcast in accordance with this poll. I still use the regular #radiostatic and #staticradio tags in addition to it for more reach and because vox's side still technically counts under it, if anyone doesn't like specifically one-sided radiostatic for whatever reason, they may filter out the specific tag or block me.
read more about the tagging issue here
Why haven't you answered my ask?
you see. once upon a time I used to answer every ask in my askbox. but then trying to come up with intelligent responses to every single ask was kind of draining so I gave up on that. so nowadays I just answer whatever I feel like, if you don't see your ask answered for a while it may still be answered later cause I do go back to old asks sometimes (and sometimes I just forget about asks I'd wanted to answer before). currently my askbox stands at 180ish unanswered asks going back to as early as end of february, that's how much I kinda just gave up trying to clear my askbox. DON'T be discouraged from sending new asks though! I'm actually more likely to answer new ones that I'm able to form a response for immediately.
Wait, I checked your time zone, why are you posting at 2-5am?
I haven't had a normal sleep schedule for like at least 4 years now, don't think too hard about it. and don't rely on my time zone for my active hours, I could be active at literally any hour 😁👍
Can I write a fic about [insert idea posted on this blog before]?
OF COURSE!!! I would actually be honoured if you did!! credit for the idea would be appreciated (although it depends if it's mostly me or my anons' ideas, sometimes it's a combined effort), but otherwise go ahead! and do send it to me if you please, if I have the time or motivation I may read it!
more may be added at a later time, but this is what I can come up with for now. I've been holding back on this for a while, trying to phrase every single little thing with tact, just understand that a lot of it is personal opinion!
#osrs.txt - all text posts, including asks #osrs.art - self-explanatory, art done by me #osrs.mp4 - videos which can range from compilations, shitpost edits to high effort edits #osrs.helluva - my helluva boss reactions/liveblogging and related stuff
#radiostatic parent trap subplot - the short series of asks joking about the torn picture vox has reminding them of the parent trap, turning into a crack subplot #projecting irl experiences onto radiostatic squad - where a bunch of anons came together to recount irl experiences with incels and say "yeah this is vox" #the ays - angel dust realising he and alastor are the reason for the vees' focus on the hotel and decides to brand both of them as the ays #lucifer's commissions saga - everyone's favourite as explained above, and also the biggest arc on this blog (my legacy) #alastor's modern sexuality label crisis - started with alastor misinterpreting "asexual" as asexual reproduction, continued on to him misinterpreting more modern sexuality labels #vox's stupid fucking turtleneck - it started with me trying to start up a debate on the colour of vox's turtleneck in the vox and val photo and escalated into people in my notes and askbox trying to gaslight me into thinking the turtleneck has stripes instead of it being a KNITTING PATTERN. this is what the STRIPES TRUTHERS DNI is referring to btw #cursed yellow val - tag name taken from andy-solo1, started as a response to the turtleneck discourse, I believe the turtleneck is a similar colour to val's wings therefore yellow turtleneck truthers are implying val's wings are also yellow #respectless anons - started with an anon trying to correct colour names and saying "not to be velvette..." and ended up with other anons being kin assigned characters #all the fucking parodies - there's been 2 parodies for you didn't know and 2 for respectless by others based on shit from this blog now, this tag is needed #the fanon val killjoy beef - tag made for the made up concept of valentino and katie killjoy beefing, started from this post
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so I can find this later)
AITA for how I handle this certain friendship?
my friend (lets call them A), we used to text them all the time, almost every day, we are good friends and we helped each other many ways.
After a few months, A needed space due to handling a few personal things which included severe depression on top, so it was understandable A was slow to reply, so I'd wait until A is free again or until they text me back. So sometimes this can vary from days to weeks.
I tell A every time no rush and they can reply whenever they can, so I don't make them feel bad or anything and I don't mind waiting for them to reply.
Sometimes, if there is something that happened in between I text A again, just to let them know something I thought they'd like to know.
I thought I was doing the right, but then, I sorta just stopped texting A again and again, I thought they needed their own headspace and I didn't want to annoy them. The last time I had texted A was last year, they never never replied so I simply waited, but now the thing is, it's been almost 5 to 6 months now.
Now, I simply didn't text A these months thinking they needed space and seeing they were active on tumblr, I didn't worry too much but I was also inactive dealing with my problems, I went on unexcepted hiatus every so often. But I did check in, to make sure all my friends including A was ok.
A still hadn't responded to me, even though they were active online posting, I chose to be understanding, they probably didn't want to personally talk and just speak in general to everyone at once.
I won't lie, I did feel suddenly distant in these occurrences, especially seeing A was ok with tagging others or responding to others publicly after A was tagged by someone else, I felt as if I was left a little forgotten, but still I tried to be understanding, even if it hurt.
But now suddenly I see they left on a completely unexpected and indefinite hiatus after subtly stating about broken and failed friendships, part of me feels like A is referring to me and now I'm too afraid to reach out to them again, I really don't want to hurt them. I thought I was giving them the time and headspace but now it seems like I made it all go downhill because I let it drag into months.
I almost feel as if they hate me now, because we did promise to tell each other if ever made the other feel anything negatively we would say so, I didn't say I felt distant because I didn't want to add on top of A's already ongoing problems.
so AITA for how I handle this certain friendship?
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timetravellingkitty · 8 months
hi!! I just found out about tumblr having an anti-hindutva tag and I shall be making myself comfortable here! just found your account like a few mins ago and if it’s ok, i wanted to ask some questions (you absolutely don't have to answer if you don't like any of them or even if you don't feel like answering :) ) (edit added, this ask got way too long lol. feel free to skip it! also, you're kinda super cool lol)
I'm Indian, currently outside India, and I've only started learning about the shitshow going on in my 'mahaan bharat' since November (specifically since finding out that we are Irahell's biggest weapons buyer). and the more I find out the more shocked and heartbroken I feel...
like this week i learnt about the immigration ban in US against Chinese women that existed a few decades ago, and the ongoing discrimination against Palestinians in Canadian immigration services... and both the times I was so disgusted and there was this subconscious feeling that India should never be like that. but then an hour ago I learnt about the 2019 CAA and wtf!?
another example being that currently we're seeing israhell's continuous bombing of heritage sites of great cultural and religious significance, that also held so many centuries old records and histories... and learning about how they are bulldozing over graveyards and exhuming them...
and then today I learnt about Akhonji Masjid and Gyanvapi Masjid and of course have known about Babri Masjid for a few weeks now...
and only learnt about Kashmir in november...
and I feel like my whole worldview has shifted from a previous foundation, except it's so drastic and I still don't have a new foundation...
I try to talk to members of my family about this but they're the Indian equivalent of the U.S. liberals, and every single time they'll tell me "whatever news you're hearing is propaganda written by Pakistan/China/U.S./Russia. trust me I have Muslim friends and they're very happy. you just don't know the situation cause you're not in India" and like it sometimes make me think maybe I'm the one losing my mind...
I even read some places about free Punjab and that confused the fuck out of me cause I'm Punjabi (who does not live in Punjab) and I don't have any clue what it's about... I asked my fam, but they just gave me a weird look and told me to stay away from anyone that mentions Khalistan😭💀
(this got way longer than I expected, so sorry) but would you have any recommendations for any blogs/articles/books/podcast resources or any personal recommendations for news publications that are reliable (finding God would probably be easier than finding such publications lmao) like I thought Al-Jazeera is super credible, but then read that they're super credible when it comes to Palestine, not when it's global...
like where tf do I go from here lol
hello nonnie! some news sites I'd recommend are newslaundry (they have a youtube channel too), the wire, scroll.in and newsclick. maktoob media is mostly focused on minority rights in india. hindutvawatch.org is about hindu fascist violence committed against minorities. I still think you should stick to al-jazeera at least when it comes to palestine (they have journalists on the ground there, shireen abu akleh was one of them)
this is a good introduction to anyone wanting to learn about hindutva, this and this are about how india is becoming increasingly unsafe for minorites and is undergoing a democratic backsliding. this and this are about the rss link to nazism
hostile homelands by azad essa is about india's historical relationship with israel and the parallels between hindutva and zionism. the brown history podcast has an episode about how india went from the first non-arab state to recognise palestine to its largest buyer of weapons, featuring azad essa (x). you can also read colonising kashmir by hafsa kanjwal about how india came to militarily occupy kashmir. if you want to learn more about kashmir there are the blogs kashmiraction.org and standwithkashmir (which is um. blocked in india. i wonder why)
i have not read khaki shorts and saffron flags yet but this one is about the history of the rss. i also suggest watching the documentaries ram ke naam and jai bhim, comrade which are about the hindutva mobilisation in the 1980s
for me free punjab is very ?? the indian government is beyond evil as they continue to spy on sikhs abroad (and ofc, the 1984 sikh genocide) but i don't think liberation will be achieved through a religious ethnostate. any state formed on the basis of religion will inevitably turn out to be a disaster. i do encourage you to read lost in history: 1984 reconstructed by gunisha kaur, which is about the human rights violations committed against sikhs during this time and why operation bluestar was in fact not about freeing sri harmandir sahib from "terrorists." all i can say is to stand with sikhs unapologetically as our shitass government continues to commit more and more human rights violations against them
in general, i'd tell you to observe the language used by different news outlets and question it (eg. american news referring to israelis below the age of 18 as children but the same courtesy is not extended to palestinians) and check their sources. if it's from whatsapp university don't even bother
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