#(the answer is my fingers who have to suffer the crimes of my pencil death grip)
maliro-t · 2 years
been playing thousand year old vampire the last couple days (it rules) but am finding that the major downside to playing journal style in actual writing is that my brain is constantly ‘one more i gotta know what happens next!!!’ and my hand is like ‘you’ve been writing for 3 hours please stop and go do something else or i am going to fall off!!!’
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chocoluckchipz · 4 years
The Other You - 3
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Read it on A03, FF.net, WattPad
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Marinette groaned loudly as a ray of light caught her eye, disturbing her sleep. She stirred lazily, slowly regaining awareness of her surroundings. Her neck was stiff from the odd position she had fallen asleep in, and she couldn’t feel her left arm after having laid her head on it all night. Eyes bleary, she groggily looked around her and barely muffled a defeated sigh upon realizing her current whereabouts.
She had fallen asleep in her office.
The night before, when she had left Chat Noir on the Eiffel Tower, she had fully intended to follow his sound advice. Heading home was definitely the sensible thing to do, considering Alya was more than likely already pissed at her for having ignored her calls all day. No use adding fuel to the fire.
But as she was swinging her yoyo from building to building, images of her cluttered office flashed before her eyes. Her desk, buried under bolts of fabric and spools of thread, the unfinished dress hanging from the mannequin, and the pile of designs waiting to be sorted and put into production.
She had worked herself to the bone for months for that first women’s line, had suffered through so many sleepless nights, had stood up to her boss so many times… This project truly was her baby, her greatest achievement yet, and she wanted everything to be as she and Gabriel had envisioned it.
So, convinced she could squeeze in a few more hours of stitching before Alya would notice her absence, she had changed directions mid-jump and headed straight back to her office. Detransforming in an alley across the street, she had let herself into the building, bid goodnight to the security guard, and snuck back into her office like she had done countless times before. She turned on all the lights in her office, took out the designs Gabriel had approved just before passing away, and got to work.
She had cut, pinned, and sewn for the better part of the night, losing herself in the passion that had become all work and no play. Exhaustion quickly caught up with her, and after pricking her fingers a few times with the needle, her head steadily began to drop, and she lost track of time.
Soon enough, the weight of reality crashed back on her, and the next thing Marinette knew, she was waking up amongst her mess, groggy and disoriented.
Her cellphone chimed on her desk, and she reached for it to check the time. Maybe, just maybe, if Tikki’s luck was still on her side, she would be able to sneak back into the apartment without waking Nino or Alya up.
As soon as the little digital screen lit up, however, Marinette instantly knew that she was utterly and perfectly screwed. Any hopes of a stealthy return home were crushed by the heavy amount of missed calls and text messages overflowing her phone.
Just her luck.
Scrolling through the messages thread, she cringed, her heart jumping into her throat. Of course there were the usual inquiries about her current whereabouts, the expected question about whether or not to save dinner for her. But where the usual follow-through was “Are you coming home at all tonight?” she instead received, “Guess I’ll have to buy my wedding dress off-the-rack.”
Her heart broke reading those words.
Panic rose in Marinette’s chest, and she blindly reached for her planner, refusing to believe the implications of said message. She almost tore the book open, finding the right page with shaky fingers. It just couldn’t have happened. Alya had to be mistaken, there had to be a huge and horrible misunderstanding.
That was the only explanation she could see. There was no way she could have forgotten that.
And yet, hastily scribbled in her own handwriting on the previous day’s page, was definite proof that she had committed an unforgivable crime against her relationship with her best friend.
9 p.m.: Design wedding dress with Alya !!! <3
Her defeated whine resonated loudly in her empty office. “Tikki! Why didn’t you remind me?”
The little kwami lifted an unimpressed gaze toward her charge. “I did, Marinette. Several times. You ignored or dismissed me every time, like you usually do when you’re working. In the end, I gave up.”
Marinette groaned, not bothering to answer the bitter jab. It was already bad enough that she had to pencil her best friend in her planner for something as important as her wedding, but she had managed to forget about it altogether. The uncanny absence of any other message after the mention of the dress was telling volumes.
Alya was not pissed.
She was utterly and completely furious with her.
Breath short, heart pounding in her ears, Marinette put away the mess of fabric on her desk as quickly as she could, not bothering to fold them correctly. She would probably curse her lack of foresight later, when she’d resume working and find herself dealing with a bunch of wrinkled and mixed up fabric, but for the time being she couldn’t bring herself to care about anything other than the friendship she had probably just destroyed.
Going home by traditional means was going to take too much time considering her jittery nerves. So, ignoring Tikki’s disapproving glare, Marinette quickly transformed and let herself out through her office window. She’d have a hard time explaining why her security badge’s log would show an “in” but no “out” if anyone was to look at her file, but that was a problem she’d have to deal with later.
For now, she just wanted to salvage what little was left of her bond with Alya.
Part of her wanted to just crawl in through her bedroom window and pretend to have been asleep the entire time, but the rational part of her brain knew Alya would never be fooled by such a weak excuse. After all, it wasn’t exactly past the blogger to have spent the night in her bed only to make sure she wouldn’t risk missing her arrival.
Reluctantly, Marinette instead settled on hiding in an empty alley to detransform and walked to the building entrance like a convict heading to their death sentence. Feet heavy with dread, she headed for the elevator, the silence only disrupted by the pounding of her heart in her chest.
When the doors opened on their floor, her breath hitched in her throat. This was it. No going back now. She messed up, and she had to face the music.
Her keys jingled loudly when she pulled them out of her purse, and the rattle of the metal when she slid the right one in the keyhole made her gasp inwardly. Marinette pushed the door open slowly, bracing herself for her impending doom.
Sure enough, Alya was sitting at the kitchen table, her arms crossed in front of her chest. Her expression as her eyes landed on her friend standing awkwardly in the doorway was unreadable. Marinette twitched uncomfortably, feeling bare and vulnerable under the piercing gaze.
Gulping painfully, she hung her purse on a hook and took a few careful steps into the apartment, trying to assess the situation. She made it about three feet in before Alya’s voice, dripping with venom, stopped her dead in her tracks. “How kind of you to finally let me know you’re still alive.”
Marinette blanched, startled by the anger behind her friend’s words. “I’m sorry, Alya, I—”
“Don’t,” Alya interrupted her, holding a hand up. “I’m sick and tired of your lies and your excuses, Marinette. I can’t sit around and pretend I’m fine with you wasting your life away like that anymore.”
Deep inside, Marinette knew that it was the anger talking, and that Alya didn’t really mean to be this harsh. But she’d had a long day. She’d spent the night in an office chair and she was still feeling shaken from her encounter with Adrien. Her patience had already been wearing thin, and despite her best intentions and how much she cared about Alya and wanted to mend their weakened friendship, she couldn’t help but snap.
“Oh, because you patronizing me basically every single time I set foot in the apartment is your way of pretending you care about me? Could’ve fooled me.”
Alya’s eyes widened, and her expression shifted to something darker, sadder. She stood up, her arms still crossed in front of her in a defensive manner. “You know, I’m starting to think that maybe Adrien had it right after all.”
“Don’t you dare bring him into this. Adrien Agreste is nothing but a selfish, manipulative jerk,” Marinette snarled through clenched teeth.
“Who tried to warn us that working for his father would change you.”
Marinette backed up a few steps, looking every bit like Alya had just slapped her across the face. How dare she suggest that what Adrien had done back then was anything less than pure treason?
Swallowing the painful lump in her throat, she spat as angrily as she could, “Okay, so you’re going to pick the awful human being who didn’t even bother showing up at his own father’ s funeral over your best friend now?”
“No. I love my best friend to pieces, Marinette, but she isn’t you,” Alya answered, her fists clenched by her side. “Not anymore. She’s the kind, sweet girl that I met in middle school. The woman standing in front of me right now is nothing more than a stranger to me.”
Hurt and confusion choked Marinette, who bit back an angry sob. Her life was unravelling under her fingers, and she felt powerless. “Then why don’t you ask Adrien to be your bridesmaid while you’re at it?”
A shadow crossed Alya’s face. “You know what? Maybe I will! That way maybe my bridesmaid will actually show up!”
“Is that so?  Well, in that case, count me out!”
“GLADLY,” Alya yelled, fists clenched tight.
At first, Marinette couldn’t even answer. Words were stuck in her throat, the air was heavy, unbreathable. She knew that feeling all too well, it was the same feeling that had overcome her upon realizing Adrien was so disgusted by her confession and wanted so little to do with her that he had hidden her internship application from his father.
She was clearly unwanted.
Anger bubbled up in her chest, the rejection stinging badly. “You-you want me out of your wedding ?”
“Mari, I’m sorry. I—”
Marinette shook her head, crossing the apartment in long, harsh strides. She rushed past Alya and headed straight for the front door. “It’s pretty clear that I’m no longer wanted here,” she spat angrily, trying to ignore the tears pooling in her eyes. “I’ll be out of your hair in no time, don’t worry.”
“Mari, wait—”
"I'll send someone for my stuff later. You know, someone who won't nag me constantly and who doesn't believe Adrien isn't the biggest asshole on the planet." Grabbing her purse from the hook, she slammed the door shut behind her, ignoring her friend’s pleas.
Marinette made it back to Gabriel ’s headquarters in a dazed state with about an hour to spare before office hours, still shaken by the entire encounter. She let herself into her office through the same window she had used to exit, briefly noting that her security log wouldn’t be a problem after all. Throwing her purse in a corner of the room, she let her transformation fall and absentmindedly offered a cookie to a worried Tikki.
“Are you okay, Marinette?” came the soft voice of her littlest friend.
“I don’t know, Tikki. I…” Marinette swallowed painfully, refusing to meet her gaze. “How dare she say Adrien had been right? He selfishly tried to sabotage my career, and—”
“She’s right, though.”
The words hurt more than Marinette wanted to admit. Eyes widening, she whispered, “W-What?”
“You did change, Marinette,” Tikki said softly. “It’s up to you to figure out if it was worth it or not.”
As she slumped in her chair, landing an unimpressed gaze on the ambient clutter, Marinette suddenly felt overwhelmed by recent events. Her boss was dead. His son, whom she despised above anything else, was back in her life despite her wishes. She and her best friend were barely even on speaking terms anymore.
Emotions bubbled up in her chest and tears spilled on her cheeks, unbidden. This was not how she had envisioned her career going, much less her personal life. But she was too far gone; she had accomplished too much to back out now. If only she could salvage the line she had been working on with Gabriel, she would make a name for herself. Then maybe, just maybe, land herself a position that would actually allow her to have a life and an apartment of her own.
Gabriel had had projects for her. The upcoming women’s line had been meant as a test, an introduction of some sort into the management of an entire line. If she did well, he had promised to let her take care of the feminine branch of Gabriel on her own.
Now though, with Adrien behind the wheel of the company, her future within its walls was less than assured. It was no secret the young man loathed everything related to fashion and the Agreste name. Not a really good combo when you’re aspiring to a stellar career as a fashion designer in Gabriel Agreste’s empire.
She threw her frustration into her work, furiously sewing, cutting, and drawing the day away, barely stopping for fifteen minutes to eat a sandwich from a vending machine in the early evening. She worked until her bleary eyes couldn’t focus on her fingers anymore, until her brain refused to make the stitches remotely even.
With a loud sigh, she pushed the skirt she had been working on away and waited warily for the flow of worries and memories to come back to nag her. Shoulders hunched in defeat, she rested her head on her folded arms. This wouldn’t be the first night she’d spend in the office, and probably far from the last. As long as she didn’t figure things out, she would be stuck sleeping there, so she might as well get used to it.
Her sleep that night was restless, not bringing any soothing to her troubled mind.
Still exhausted, her patience long gone, she had half a mind to bite off the head of the rude human being who saw fit to wake her up at five a.m., unceremoniously barging into her office. The icing to the cake, though, was half-jumping out of her skin only to meet the worried gaze of none other than Adrien Agreste.
Next >
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dreamwritesimagines · 5 years
Once A Year 16- Unexpected [Billy Russo x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your patience my loves! Here’s the finale! <3 Your messages make my day, please keep them coming! <3
Summary: Sometimes, fairytales end differently.
Characters: Billy Russo x Reader, Frank Castle x Karen Page
Warning: Explicit language, abuse, violence, dysfunctional relationships, cheating, murder. As usual, I don’t condone any of the messed up stuff happening on the show or in this story.
Word Count: 2862
Due to the linking issue, the previous chapters are on my masterlist<3
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You really hated funerals.
Except for this one. This one, somehow, gave you a rush of relief. He was gone, locked away in a coffin, never to leave, never to find you ever again.
“Aldrich Killian was a successful businessman.” The priest said “But more than that, he was compassionate.”
Right. Keep talking about shit you don’t know, buddy.
You kept your eyes on the coffin, barely paying attention to the speech, or the way Carter looked almost frozen, blinking so hard as if trying not to cry.
Closed casket funeral.
Happens when you leave a corpse for almost a month.
Fits you, asshole, you thought, And hey, who could’ve thought those crime shows were right, huh? The killer always attends the funeral.
“He was taken from us by a cruel twist of fate,” the priest said and you tried to keep your expression stable.
Not exactly true, is it Aldrich? I took your life. I ended you. I made you suffer, just like I promised myself back then.
And there’s nothing you can do about it.
Your phone buzzed in your purse but you ignored it, still staring at the coffin.
“In times like these, it may be hard not to lose faith.” he said, “But we all know that those who were responsible for it will face justice.
It had been almost too easy to frame Billy’s ex boss Rawlins. Now it wasn’t only Billy and Frank but also the police were looking for him, and you were almost proud of yourself for coming up with that idea. Two birds with one stone.
Or better yet, two bodies with one bullet.
Ah well.
Carter took a shaky breath beside you, and you stole a look at him, then squeezed his arm in a supporting manner.
“And it is important to keep in mind that Aldrich Carter will be remembered.”
No he won’t be. I made sure of that.
Finally, they started to lower the casket into the grave and you pursed your lips to make sure you weren’t smiling, and soon enough, people started to go back to their cars. You checked your phone, then looked up at Carter.
“Thank you for coming,” he muttered, “I know it must’ve been hard for you.”
You smiled slightly, “I’m here for you Carter, not him.”
Liar liar…
“To think that the last thing I told him was….” Carter trailed off, then shook his head, “Anyway. I know he was a terrible person, his death doesn’t change or excuse what he did to you.”
You shrugged slightly, then started walking beside him slowly.
“So um- how have you been?”
“I’m good,” you nodded, “I’ve been pretty busy lately.”
“Yeah, I heard you sold the gallery.” Carter said “I thought you liked that place.”
“I did. I do. It’s just-“ you heaved a sigh, “I think a clean slate will be good for me.”
“So what will you do now?”
“Early retirement.” You joked, making him smile, “I don’t know. I’m going away for a while actually. I’m- I think I’ll make a home for myself somewhere.”
“I thought New York was home for you.”
“I don’t really think home is an actual place for me anymore.”
He hmmed, “Billy then?” he asked, “I assume he’s coming with you?”
You nodded again as you reached your car, “Yeah. He is.”
Carter thought for a moment, “Are you happy, Y/N?”
You didn’t even stop to think, your answer was natural and for the first time in your life, sincere.
“Yeah,” you said, “I am. Weird, huh?”
Carter tried to smile, “Nah not weird, just good.”
“And you?”
“Ah, you know,” Carter shrugged, “I’m just…trying to be.”
“Carter,” you told him, “I need you to listen to me. You’re the nicest guy I’ve ever met. Don’t let what happened with me keep you back, okay?” you cleared your throat, “It was selfish of me to drag you into that. None of it was your fault, and I betrayed your love and your trust. Don’t let me change you. Please, please don’t make me turn you into….me.”
He thought for a moment, then shot you a mischievous look, “You turned out just fine,” he said, then pulled you closer to hug you tight, and you patted his back before you pulled back.
“I’ll see you around Y/N.”
No you won’t.
“See you around, Charming.” You said softly, then got into your car and drove away.
                                               * * *
The road to airport was almost peaceful. You checked your wristwatch, then looked around and made your way to the café Billy had told you they were in.
“Hey babe,” Billy stood up to peck you on the lips and you winked at him, then sat down next to Karen who sat across Frank and Curtis drummed his fingernails on the table.
“Hey guys.”
“Today is just sad,” Karen mumbled, resting her chin on her fist and you grinned,
“Nah, it’s okay. You guys are among the very few people who will have my new number, it’s not like we will lose contact.”
“It’s beyond me how you’re willing to move away with this asshole.” Frank pointed at Billy, who punched at his arm,
“Don’t make her see sense until it’s too late, brother.”
“I know right? It surprised me too.” You grinned at Billy who shook his head slightly, “Anyways, you guys are totally invited.”
“I’ve never been to Tahiti,” Karen wondered out loud and Curtis nodded,
“Me neither.”
“See? One more reason to visit.”
“I mean I could use a vacation,” Frank stated and you motioned between them,
“There you go,” you said and turned to Curtis, “You too, you know? I can’t handle him alone, I need help.” 
“I know, I know...”
You checked your watch, “Bill.”
“Yeah, I know, it’s almost time.” He downed his coffee, then stood up, Frank and Curtis following him suit. You turned to Karen.
“Plane tickets on me.” You smiled before you pulled her into a hug, and she chuckled in your grip.
“Don’t be a stranger, yeah?” Frank said as soon as you pulled back and cocked his head in Billy’s direction “Keep my boy out of danger, he’s an idiot.”
You let out a small laugh and nodded after hugging Curtis, “Don’t upset blondie over there and we have a deal. Oh, speaking of-“ you reached into your bag, “Karen?”
“Catch.” You tossed her your car keys and she caught them mid-air, then shot you a quizzical look.
“I’ll mail you the papers when I land, consider it my thanks for putting up with my bullshit,” you clicked your tongue, “I may or may not have checked you out while Frank wasn’t looking too.”
“She’s hot man, and I’m a sucker for pencil skirts!” You defended yourself and Karen gawked at you,
“Y/N, you can’t just give me your car-“
“Yeah I can, I’m rich.” You said, making Billy chuckle and shake his head fondly, “Take care, okay?”  
Billy threw a hand over your shoulder, then pulled you closer as you started walking to the private hangar. You entwined your fingers with his and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“You okay?” he asked, “The funeral….?”
“Yeah,” you said as you heaved a sigh, “I just- um… I don’t feel guilty. Is that normal?”
“Our normal.” Billy said, “Others are expendable, remember?”
You nodded slowly as your phone buzzed in your hand, making you stop walking and you checked the screen.
You hesitated for a moment, then declined the call and put it back into your bag.
You let out a breath, then shook your head,
“Just-“ you swallowed thickly, looking around, “I never want to come back to….this. Any of this. Promise me I won’t have to.”
He seemed to understand what you meant, because he pulled you closer, his hands cradling your head before he kissed you.
“Never.” He whispered, “Let’s go home.”
                               *A MONTH LATER*
You were one hundred percent positive that you would never get tired of Tahiti. The scent of the ocean, the fresh air, the faint sound of waves hitting the shore as you dangled your legs over the wooden porch railing you were sitting on, eyes closed, with a warm cup of coffee in your hands.
This was what happiness felt like.
This was what home felt like.
It almost felt surreal.
Your eyes opened as a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and you smiled softly, looking up so that Billy could press a kiss on your forehead.
“Hey,” his voice was raspy, still laced with sleep, “Why aren’t you in bed? It’s early.”
“I like watching the sunrise.” You said, “It’s… calm.”
“Well, I had a less calm activity in mind when I woke up.” He mumbled into your shoulder, making you giggle.
“Oh is that so?”  
“Mm hm,” he kissed your shoulder as you ran your fingers through his hair, which was longer than before. He let out a noise of content, making you smile.
“I still think I will wake up someday.” He mumbled and you frowned, then swung your legs over the railing and turned around so that you could face him.
“This…everything.” Billy ran his fingertips down your bare arms, waking goosebumps. “All of this. It feels too good to be true.”
You shook your head, “Bill, it’s not a dream.” You said softly, “It’s our happy ending.”
“Guys like me don’t get happy endings, Skits.”
“Girls like me do.” You shrugged, “You got lucky Russo. Deal with it.”
He chuckled, “Sometimes before I fall asleep I think I will wake up next morning and…not find you there.”
“Hey,” you cupped his cheek so that his dark eyes would find yours, “Never going to happen. You’ve been stuck with me ever since I stole your candy, remember? Sorry to let you know, it’s the rest of your life.”
Billy nodded, as if trying to convince himself and keep the bad thoughts at bay, “It is, right?”
“I mean,” you trailed off playfully, “Not like I have a vintage marquise diamond rose gold band ring, which you could find downtown on the fifth street right across that restaurant we ate last night.”
That finally made him chuckle, “You would think you didn’t reject me when I asked you to marry me.”
“Um, you didn’t ask me to marry you dickhead, you said and I quote, You know I will marry you right? Which in all honesty is a terrible-“
“I also asked you on our first night here.”
“Okay, pillow talk proposals don’t count, everyone knows orgasms mess up with your mind- also to repeat, no ring Russo. Beyoncé taught me better.”
He nodded solemnly, “Third time is the charm.”
You couldn’t control your expression anymore so you burst into a laughter, shoving him slightly, “So, what did you have in mind again, when you woke up?”
He grinned at you, then lifted you up bridal style, making you let out a squeal and carried you back inside, both of you laughing like crazy.
                                          * * *
Time just flew by when you were happy.
It was so strange, normally –especially when you were in New York- every single thing you were going to do was planned, and each and every hour until you went to bed you had something. But now, it was as if you were free.
Now to think of it, you were.
“Okay, keep your eyes closed,” you said, still walking him until you reached the door of the empty shop. You had just finished dinner at a local restaurant, and you had basically dragged him outside afterwards, your heart beating in your ears. You unlocked the door, switched the lights on and turned to him, “Ta daa!”
Billy opened his eyes, then looked around before he turned to you with a quizzical look in his eyes.
“An empty shop?”
“My new gallery!” you couldn’t help to rock back and forth on the balls of your feet like an excited child, “I bought it!”
“Wait, really?” Billy raised his brows, “It’s uh… cozy.”
“I know, it’s smaller than the last one, but hear me out,” you licked your lips, “So I was walking downtown the other day, and it just occurred to me, what if I get this gallery to…to support the local artists? I made some research, and um- before, it was all about like general profit, and how much it’d push me up, and my bank account, that’s why I kept dealing with all those pretentious assholes, but now I don’t have to. I can actually use it to help people, and to support art, and- isn’t it amazing?” you finished, your voice going a pitch higher and that seemed to make Billy smile and nod.
“Wow, look at you babe.”
“I already talked to some street artists, and I think- Billy, it’s going to change their lives. I will be a part of that, I can make a difference here!”
Billy’s smile widened and he pulled you by the hand to get you closer before he tilted your chin up to kiss your lips.
“What do you think?” you asked, “Be honest. Brutally honest.”
“I think it’s a pretty good idea.”
“You’re not just saying that to get laid tonight?”
“You and I both know I’m getting laid tonight regardless.” He stated, making you giggle and steal a kiss, “But no, Skits it’s a really good idea.”
“And it won’t be as heavy as before, I can make my own rules here.”
“Mm hm. Once a boss, always a boss.”
“Yeah, keep that in mind buddy.” You grinned and let out a breath, “I’m excited!”
“I can see that,” Billy smacked your butt, making your jaw drop and shove him slightly,
“It’s a place of business, Russo!” You exclaimed as he chuckled and you pulled him by the hand outside, then locked the door.
You couldn’t stop talking about your new project all the way home. You had never even thought you could actually use your degree to help artists, it was all about money before, as your parents had drilled into your head, but now it was like a new horizon for you. You felt so energetic, so awake, and contrary to New York, you weren’t going to work to death.
It was just going to be perfect.
“So then I talked to him, and he says he had never even thought about being paid for his art which is insane, like I think he can get to places if he has a little push, and the gallery is close to the beach, so more tourists when you think about it.” You said as Billy pulled over in front of the house, then turned to you.
“You’re actually glowing, you know that?” he asked you with a fond smile, “Jesus, you’re even prettier when you’re happy.”
“I’m going to change lives!”
“Not a first for you Skits, you changed mine.”
You awwed, then leaned in to kiss him, “Come on, let’s get inside.”
“You go ahead babe, I’ll be there in five,” he pulled out his phone “I gotta call Frank, he said there was something he needed to talk to me.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” he said and you nodded.
“Well, I’ll go inside and hop into the shower, and you’re welcome to join.”
Billy grinned, “I’ll be there in two minutes, I’m sure Frank can talk fast when he wants to.”
“That’s brotherhood for you,” you scoffed a laugh, then pecked him on the lips, “I love you. Don’t be late.”
You pushed open the car door, then went to unlock the front door and got inside. Humming a song, you made your way to the living room, switched the lights on and gasped, the fear hitting you with its full force.
Rawlins. Billy’s former boss, the man whom you heard was referred as dangerous and psycho by both Billy and Frank was standing right in front of your living room, pointing a gun at you.
“Hi.” He tilted his head, “Y/N, right? Russo’s girl?”
You could feel the whole room spinning, the panic making your mind work in full force. Your phone was in your bag, there was no way you could reach the door before a bullet hit you, and-
Billy was outside.
Oh God, he was outside.
“What do you want?”
He shot you a look, “You’re pretty,” he commented, “I can see why he wanted to settle down with you. But you see, framing me for a murder you committed made my life pretty difficult.”
He tsk tsked, “And Russo…. Well. I’d say he’s had enough of this peace don’t you think? Working with Castle behind my back, and then pulling this shit? That’s not gonna fly. Maybe seeing your brains on the wall will make him remember that there are some lines he shouldn’t cross.”
Your heart was beating so fast that you thought it resonated through the room, as you heard footsteps and the front door opening,
“Skittles?” Billy called out and you opened your mouth to scream, to tell him to run away, to do anything- but before you could take a breath, Rawlins raised the gun and pulled the trigger.
There was a loud noise, louder than your heart.
Then, darkness.
                                    The End.
     Special thanks to: @theskytraveler @iblogabout-stuff @marauderskeeper  @asongofmarvelanddc @mellxander1993 @papercloudx @noisyinfluencerstrawberry @superwolfchild-fan  @anxietysucks @finnickfoxes @luminex3 @rhabakoli @fictionalthrill  @redrxbel  @maelloute @we-are-all-wild-things @evilturtlemonkey @xinyourdreamsx @demoncrypt1066 @go-crybaby @i-am-always-famished @delicatelilyflower  @mamaraptor  @rmwest9 @writeyourmindaway  @becs-bunker @bubbleself @flaboyance @binbonsadoration @propertyofpoeandbucky @alwaysadreamingoptimist  @lisa-stilinski @denimandcabernet @tofadavidson @seriouslynogood @mixed-imagination @broken-pieces @lettersofwrittencollective @binbons-is-theloml @thinemineours @cutie-bug  @random-quartz  @malik-payne @gollyderek @ariminiria @lucielandss @tofadavidson and lovely anons! <3 You’re awesome! 
497 notes · View notes
Fallen Idols: Part One
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,801
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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There comes a time in everyone’s life where fairy tales and make believe are simply that. Cinderella is only a fairy tale, there is no wicked witch of the west coming to get you, the monsters under your bed are only lumps of lint that little kids believe to be eyes, and all the scary things kids believe to be out there can be explained away by normal objects.
Not you.
In your life, everything that adults believe to be fake are real. The monsters are real and they won’t stop until they have every last person in this world. There is no escaping the monsters under your bed because as you grow older, you realize those monsters are within yourself with no way out. Instead, you bury them deep and pretend they never existed in the first place. Bad idea. They always seem to come out in the end.
“So, what happened?” you asked as you stared at the ceiling of the car from the back seat. 
The drive was long, and you thought you would get a few hours in to sleep, but the brothers do not to know to keep things quiet. So, instead of sleeping, you decided to get re-familiar with the case that is just shouting for you.
“Dude suffers a head-on collision in a parked car. I'd say that's worth checking out,” Dean answered from the front seat.
“Yeah, definitely, uh, but, uh, we got bigger problems, don't you think?” Sam asked.
“I'm sure the apocalypse'll still be there when we get back.”
“Right, yeah, but I mean, if—if the Colt is really out there somewhere—”
“Sam, all we’ve been doing is searching for the Colt, and we have nothing on it. I’m sure wherever it is, it’s still going to be there when the case is done,” you sighed.
“Okay. But Y/N... I mean, if we're gonna ice the Devil—”
“This is what we're doing! Okay? End of discussion,” Dean shouted which caused an uncomfortable silence to form between the three people in the car. “It's just that this is our first real case, back at it together. You know, I think we ought to ease into it, put the training wheels back on.”
“So, you think I need training wheels,” Sam sighed.
“He didn’t say that,” you spoke quietly.
“No, 'we'. 'We' need training wheels, you, me, and Y/N. As a team. Okay?”
“Okay,” the younger brother nodded.
“Man, I really want this to be a fresh start, you know? For the three of us.”
“Does that mean we’re going to have weekly sleepovers, braid Sam’s hair, and talk about our feelings all night while wearing mud masks?” you joked with a smile. 
That seemed to lighten the air in the car, and both brothers grabbed whatever trash Dean had on the floor before throwing it back towards you. Giggling, you flicked off the candy wrappers and fast food junk off your stomach before closing your eyes.
This is going to be good for all three of you.
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Walking into the Sheriff’s department, you looked around for the man who could be in charge before approaching him. Reaching into your blazer’s inside breast pocket, you pulled out your fake FBI badge before flashing it to him.
“Agents Lennon, Bonham and Copeland,” you introduced the team before putting away your badge.
“Rick Carnegie,” the Sheriff shook hands with you and the brothers. “Good to know ya. So, you're here on account of Cal Hawkins' death?”
“That’s right.”
“Well, 'fraid you came a long way for nothing. We already booked the guy that did it.”
“I’m sorry,” you frowned, “who do you think did it?”
“Follow me,” he said before leading you to an interrogation room where a man sat with his head in his hands. 
The glass pane prevented him from seeing the four people behind the glass, but you wondered why he was there when this was most likely a ghost case. Rick grabbed a remote from a table before pointing it to the TV in the room to show the videotape that Jim, the person in the interrogation room took of him and his pal before the accident.
“Cal? Is something wrong?” Jim asked as he walked into the garage. 
There was a shelf blocking the car until Jim rounded the corner to show that Cal’s head was smashed through the windshield as if he had been traveling at a very high speed before getting into an accident even though the car was stationary.
“Oh my God, Cal. Cal!” Jim freaked before Rick turned off the TV and dropped the remote on the table.
“Sicko taped his own handiwork,” the sheriff sighed.
“I don’t follow,” Sam asked.
“It was Jim Grossman that killed Cal.”
“What, what?” Dean asked, shocked.
“Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles.”
“They were best friends.”
“Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim.”
“No offense, Rick, but that kind of damage can only happen at a high speed of, say, eighty-miles-per-hour. How did it happen if the car never left the garage?”
“Drugs, maybe?” Rick blinked from the shock of the question. “Look, you know this ain't brain surgery, gentlemen and lady! Whatever it looks like, that's what it usually is. It's simple.”
“Well, we’d still like to talk to Jim anyway, if you don’t mind,” you smiled sweetly at the stranger. 
Rick shrugged before letting you enter the interrogation room with the brothers. Taking the chair on the right, Dean took the left and Sam stood behind you two.
“Hi, Jim, Agents Lennon, Bonham and Copeland. Why don’t you tell us what happened?”
“I was in the house when it happened, I didn't even see it.”
“For argument's sake, say we believe you—”
“Why would you? The cops didn't,” Jim interrupted your boyfriend.
“Well we're not your typical cops.”
“Please, just tell us what you saw,” Sam cut in gently.
“It's not what I saw, it's what I heard. Tires squealing, glass breaking,” Jim sighed. “It was the car that did it.”
“The car?”
“I mean, I heard about the curse, but I just thought it was a load of shit.”
“Curse, what do you—what do you mean, curse?” you asked.
“The car. Little Bastard.”
“Li—Little Bastard? As in the Little Bastard?” Dean gasped.
Here we go, in an instant, Dean went into fanboy mode.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, uh, what's Little Bastard?” Sam asked.
“It's James Dean's car,” you and Dean answered at the same time before Dean added, “It's the one he was killed in.”
“Yeah, that's the one. Cal had been looking for it for years. I mean, hell, we both had. But he found it first.”
“Oh, we are definitely checking this out,” Dean whispered excitedly to you.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
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The car was still in the same state as it was from when Cal got into his accident. The windshield was still bloody from Cal’s head, but the rest of the car was pristine. There were other cars in this garage, but Dean couldn’t seem to take his eyes off this one in particular.
“You’re like a little kid in a candy store, babe,” you giggled.
“This is the real deal,” Dean chuckled as he walked around the car but never touched it.
“Okay, enlighten me,” Sam sighed since he didn’t know of the story behind Little Bastard.
“Well after James Dean died, his mechanic bought the wreckage, and he fixed it up. It repaid him by falling on him. Tony McHenry was killed when it locked up on the racetrack. I mean, death follows this car around like exhaust. Nobody touches it and comes away in one piece. Then, in nineteen-seventy, it vanished off the back of a truck. Nobody's ever seen it since. I'm telling you, man, if this car is Little Bastard, I will bet you dollars to donuts it's what killed the guy.”
“Look what you unleashed,” you whispered to Sam loud enough for Dean to hear. 
He gave you the ultimate bitch face for teasing him, but Sam moved the conversation along.
“So how do we find out if this is the real car?”
“Cal matched the VIN number, but the only real way to know is the engine number. Which is on the engine.”
“Great,” Sam sighed.
“Don’t worry, I can get it up. I’m not completely useless,” you smirked.
Your hands started moving around each other in opposite motions with your right hand moving clockwise and your left moving counterclockwise. A build-up of blue magic started forming around your fingers and from your palms. When the ball of magic got big enough, you hovered your hands above the car and let the magic cover it completely like a condom would to a cock. Once completely covered, you stepped back and lifted your hands which then raised the car. When the car was raised high enough for either brother to get underneath it, you stopped the motion and held it there.
“Wow,” both brothers said.
“You’re welcome.”
“You want me to do it?” Sam asked.
“No, no, I’ve—I’ve got it,” Dean gulped as he approached the car delicately. 
Even though your magic was holding it up, the ghost of the car could overpower it and slam on Dean if he wasn’t carefully. As if you would ever let that happen, but he didn’t want to risk anything.
“Okay, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you, so... don't hurt me,” he said before lying down on a roller board with a pencil in his mouth. 
He rolled himself under the car so that his eyes were level with the number printed on the engine. Dean clutched the piece of paper he was going to use to copy the number down on when the car creaked.
“Need a flashlight?” Sam asked as he looked underneath the car.
“No,” Dean startled, “don't do anything, just go away. Don't speak. Alright? In fact, don't even look at her, she might not like it.”
“Dean, you’re okay. Nothing is going to happen to you,” you assured as Sam stood back up. 
Dean scratched the number onto the paper before quickly sliding out from underneath the car. When he knew he was free, he spit the pencil out before exhaling deeply and standing up.
“Find out who owned it,” Dean asked his brother as he handed the paper over. “Not just the last owner, you gotta take it all the way back to nineteen-fifty-five.”
“That’s a lot of research,” Sam groaned.
“Well, I guess I just made your afternoon,” he chuckled. 
Rolling your eyes slightly, you carefully lowered the car to the ground before your magic dissolved to nothing once it was safe to do so.
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silenthillmutual · 5 years
Death Note (completed list)
all L/Light, unless specified otherwise.
Top 5:
Best Wishes From a Goddess of Death by The_Maiden_of_Autumn; M (fluff, AU, angst)  Misa Amane is not stupid- oblivious and airheaded sometimes, but definitely not lacking in intelligence. She can see the way Light and L are together, the regretful, sorrowful looks L gives her whenever she speaks to Light. She knows where this is heading; she just doesn't want it to be this way. But she's made her bed, and wishes them happiness, she truly does. Slight LightxL
Cake Crumbs And Bed Sheets by Jenwryn; M (AU, fluff, romance)  An inexplicable and very fluffy AU, written for Australia Day. In which L eats lamingtons and vanilla slice - and has help to fall asleep.
Kanji by sashocirrione; T (fluff, AU, hurt/comfort)  Light is bringing L home to meet his sister and mother, as L is now his boyfriend. But Light can't shake off the feeling that he was somehow tricked into the situation. Fluffy and probably somewhat OOC, not my usual style. Written for Persefone88, one of the winners of my 100th review contest, (started back when I was still running that contest).
(Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I by Light It Up; T (AU, fluff)  Knowing he couldn’t miss his first class, L took a deep breath and strode into the hallways, ignoring anyone who tried talking to him. By the time he was sitting at Biology and had his pencil twirling between his fingers, hearing the teacher explaining things he already knew and the girls to his right talking about stupidities he didn’t want to know, L just wanted to vent about how he was feeling. However, he would never do that with someone he actually knew.
you’re a wasp nest by raisuki; M (fluff, AU) But Light was already wandering off, his cane clicking rhythmically as he navigated the halls. He gave L a half-hearted wave before merging back into the flow of people. L was fairly sure he has just been tricked into buying Light Yagami dinner, and he was also pretty sure Light Yagami is the most audacious person he had ever met.
and now, for all the rest!
Ambiguity Among Two by Fledgling  [L x Light. Hugging. Handcuffed. Ficlet.] L shuddered at the memory, and briefly, he dug his fingertips into Light's back, willing bruises inside that whispered of sleepless, difficult nights.
Bedtime by Servant Gabrielle (humor, romance) Drabble. LightxL. Sometimes, being handcuffed together caused a few problems.
Candy by Eriko Myoujin (romance) L wants to know if Raito enjoys candy. Supposed to take place during the time Raito has forfeited his memories of the Death Note. A silly little thing written for an LJ community. [LxRaito]
Candy is Dandy by firedraygon (humor) During a latenight investigation, L is craving some chocolate. LxRaito
Duplicity’s a Matter of Fact by lefcadio Light x L. A thunderstorm, an unexpected conversation, and cake.
I’m Glad I Found You by bri-notthecheese (+Misa/Matsuda; romance, friendship) No one would have expected a relationship to blossom between Investigator Touta Matsuda and Model Misa Amane. However, if a friendship developed between them while she was under suspicion and then she eventually decided to let Light go, Matsuda would be the perfect prince waiting for her when she decided that he was who she truly wanted and needed. Matsuisa ftw.
Observations by Asidian L does some unconventional observations. Too bad he can't convince himself it's for the good of the investigation. Light x L.
Out of Focus by Chiba.Kun (romance) [LightxL] Written from Light's POV. Oneshot. Not much to it. When the two are handcuffed together, innocent desires surface. I apologize for the crappy summary.
Sleepy Chains by WellspringIsSuperLame (romance) In which a tired Raito becomes rather suspicious of Ryuuzaki. Random little one-shot, LxRaito fun.
Starlight by subdivided (drama, romance) AU manga ending, LLight, one shot. The Kira case is declared solved before Light can regain his memory. He and L leave the party early, for a garden under the stars.
Sweeter Than Sugar by Manwyn (romance) LxRaito. L offer Raito one of his treats... AN: Sorry i'm not very good with summarys.
What I Lay Down by mleeph (romance, drama) Love comes in percentages, but sacrifice is a matter of absolutes. Thus, L comes to a realization at 1:19 in the morning. [Raito x L ]
3:19 Am by Tierfal (romance, drama) This is really not the time of day at which Light prefers to discuss their respective revelations. 
Bad Habits by domo (humor) Light hates it when Ryuuzaki bites his nails, Ryuu just wants to know if Light is gay or not.
Bananas by Tierfal (humor, romance) Best. Idea. EVER.
Cake by Desmenn
Confused "No thanks. I'm fine like this- confused."
Counting the Coffee Drip by NOT_TOWA_WAKASA (fluff) Light is a blind man who loves to count. L finds him curious, and wades through the holiday season to visit him wherever he may appear.
Dance With Me by dotti55 Light wants talks L into trying a new experience.
Easily Entertained by Tierfal (humor, romance) It's an important distinction.
First & Final by overdose I watched the most emotional Death Note scene in Death Note history. (I've only made it to L's death) So, I decided to do something with it. Kinds sucky and rushed.
The First Noel by OctaviaPeverell (romance) Because L loves Christmas desserts and Light can't get enough of handcuffs!
Four Minutes of Solitude by Tierfal (humor, romance) L tries to take a break, the operative word being "tries."
Heaven-Sent Hypocrisy by Tierfal (romance, fluff) Somebody up there was looking out for him.
mellifera by alharper He sleeps beside you, spare hand curled around the chain, six feet of arrogant beauty and ruthless intelligence softened and hidden.
Oh So Smart by Zanganito (+Misa/Light; fluff, angst, humor, hurt/comfort) Misa decides to have movie night! During the film, Light makes a few unwelcome realizations and is moved to tears. L takes advantage of the opportunity to mock him relentlessly. Set just after the conclusion of the Yotsuba arc.
On A Boat by Tierfal (humor, angst, romance, hurt/comfort, AU) Light is considering throwing himself over the side and trying to drown.
Perilous by Tierfal (humor, romance) It's just another evening… until it's not.
Perverted by Tierfal (humor, romance) It's all about the contingency plans.
Provocation by Jenwryn (humor) "I would not provoke Watari-san if I were you, Light-kun."
Resolved Tension by norestforthewckd (fluff) Light Yagami does not like Ryuzaki. Light Yagami is a very big liar with a bit of a soft spot for a certain man.
Sub Finem by RatatoskMode "...I still can’t believe that this is the end. No, it’s more like I don’t want to believe it. The only person I deemed worthy of taking my life was L himself, but to go this way is pathetic." Light Yagami is dying, and he's visited by a familiar ghost of his past.
The Taste by Tierfal (romance, AU) It makes perfect sense.
Will You Be My Valentine? by TabbyCat33098 (AU, fluff) L has been getting mysterious presents all day long, presents of a...how do you say? Romantic persuasion. What is going on? Who's sending these?
Word Play by CuteCat213 (AU, fluff) Remarkable: worthy of attention; striking. L bit his thumb and watched Light. His boyfriend certainly was striking. And he was sure Light wouldn't mind; there had to be at least six other things more creepy than watching his boyfriend sleep and tying to think of words to describe it.
Antioxidant Properties by remarks Rivals getting hot and bothered (mismatched socks and a kiwifruit).
Are you Lonesome Tonight? by Light It Up Their time apart had scarred the both of them. There were days someone would mention that High School relationships didn’t last long, or that when two people started dating at a too young age, they always ended up drifting apart. Those days were when L was the most vulnerable, and Light made sure to spend the night with him, whether at the Yagami house or at L and Watari’s.
The Boy’s Too Refined by sabriel75 (AU) The notorious detective, Sherlock Holmes, takes too keen of interest in Light and L's affairs. He suffers a concussed head for it. Light loses his innocence. Both were bound to happen sometime though as far as John Watson and L were concerned.
Caveat Emptor by Tierfal (humor, drama) In which there are shopping trips, sarcasm, backhanded compliments, dark rooms, big guns, bubble baths, trauma of every sort, and detailed fantasies involving cake - lots of those. Let the buyer beware indeed. L/Light.
Cherade by lefcadio Light x L. When you're handcuffed to someone, insomnia takes its toll in one way or another.
A Different Decision by phoenixjustice Maybe a world free of criminals and ran by Kira would truly be a better place.
Fevered by Ivydoll (Mello/Near; romance, drama) MelloNear. When Near's illness jars the boys' comfort zones, they lose some of their control and experience a slight tilt towards one another.
Fidgeting by Tierfal (romance, fluff, AU) "Don't squirm."
From the (Very Private) Notebook Of... by Shayheyred (humor, crack) Probability that L is a dork: 100%
The Ghost Inside You by slightowl In which Light must learn to cope with an undead roommate. (An LxLight ghost story.)
Giving And Taking by Jenwryn (AU, romance) AU. The Kira case is closed, and L had promised himself he'd make a move on his partner-in-crime-solving but... there's too much to risk losing.
grow old or something by youremyqueen The afterlife is a bit like normal life, in that it's completely dull.
Lay Your Hands On Me by Light It Up (AU, fluff) Of course, though, it was only seldom that Light remembered that. He couldn’t care less about when he’d leave this small, crappy apartment, not when every now and then he could catch scenes and sounds so enticing from the man he’d been in love with for about a year and a half.
Love Tonight by Light It Up (AU, fluff) Light looks at him with tears in his eyes, blinking a few times to force them back. Almost shyly, he nods, so L reaches up to brush away a stray tear from his cheek. “It’s your birthday, you idiot,” Light explains then, hugging his knees as close to him as he can.
Never Forgotten by metal goat (angst) Raito can never seem to forget L, no matter how hard he tries... LRaito, some RaitoMisa. Spoilers for Ch.58. Shounenai. Oneshot
The Plan by strange_isle (drama, AU) Light's scheme was both devious and elegant. Too bad it's gone awry. Now in the aftermath, L demands answers, but Light's not exactly in the most amenable of moods.
A Pocketful of Posey by Edmondia Dantes Redux (drama) Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Light/L.
Sour Candy by Edmondia_Dantes On the taste of apples and sugar.
Special Quality by Tasogare Nagisa (crack) We are all defined by that one special quality; if only we knew what that quality was...
Sweet Things by Light it Up (AU, fluff) Their relationship had started just before the Kira case was closed. Light confessed to the detective that he was the assassin, and when he thought L was going to handcuff him and send him to prison, where he would wait for the jury to decide when his death sentence would take place, L had instead kissed him. Although he could never be completely sure of it, Light guessed that the fact that he was crying when he confessed was the factor that made L’s mind up.
Sweetest Decay by Fantastical Queen Ebony Black (Mello/Near; angst) Letting you get the better of me. MelloNear [Spoilers for chapters in the 90's]
Taste by Hikaru R Kudou (humor) Shounen ai, Raito and L. A conversation between the two over breakfast. Raito: "I happen to like them that way. Is my taste bothering you?"
Unreliable as the Mind by Ramasi Losing and regaining his memories doesn't make Light's already complicated feelings for his opponent any simpler; and L might have even less scruples about killing someone he loves.
What you’ve always known by Devilinthebox (hurt/comfort, angst) Light comforts L about his body image. L tries to put distance but needs the comfort. He lets some defenses down (Request)
White Sepulcher by World’sOnlyConsultingTimeLady (angst, romance) L's rationality falls on an ordinary, dull night. L/Light one shot
Winter Wonderland by Light it Up (fluff, AU) What Light didn’t mention, was that he was extremely sensitive to the cold. He had never gone out during the Christmas holidays because when he was very little, he had come down with pneumonia after staying out on a windy day, so his parents never allowed him out again.
World is Mine by Light it Up (fluff, AU) Given that information, it’s quite obvious that Light lost, and the idea L had was certainly the most embarrassing thing Light has ever heard in his life. His cheeks are read in the mirror, and he turns a few times to look at himself from every angle, his heart pounding against his chest. This is so not a good idea, and he’s sure L just wants to see him like that to laugh at him, but God, Light has to admit that he likes what he’s seeing.
Almost Oblivion by Serria L knows that Light doesn't close his eyes at night for fear of waking up as Kira. L, on the contrary, won't rest until that transition is complete.
An Apple a Day by hyperRme (romance, crime) ...but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit. L turns this into his motto when he is forced to see doctor Raito because of his sugar only diet. As he pursues the doctor, L learns that the murderer he is trying to catch is pursuing Raito’s life.
At Night by Vehuel (PWP) Things that happen at night should stay between the two of them. Secret, and covered in darkness.
Chance of Circumstances by wordbombs (romance, humor) Sometimes all happiness takes is a change of circumstances. L/Light, fluffly lemon meringue AU one-shot. Answers- What if Light was a Wammy?
Choose by reaperlight (AU, fluff, angst, humor) Light isn't too fond of Valentine's Day. As it turns out neither is L...
Control by mmmdraco From the 3 Sentence Ficathon: Death Note, L/Light, control
Daylight The Light Does Bring by Jenwryn (romance, fluff, AU) The detective rolls onto his side, displacing Light's trailing thumb, and stares up at the younger man.
Guilty until proven Innocent by Callicanios (mystery, romance) Kira has emerged, the great detective L sets out to stop him. Only thing, Light is not Kira. Due to the explicitly of the chapters beyond chapter 14 the rating will be changed to M. LxLight
Softly Now by Jenwryn (romance, AU) The apartment is laced with the smell of fresh paint, and L has flecks of blue upon his cheeks.
Somnambulism by reaperlight (crack, humor) Light does not appreciate L’s sense of humor.
Submission by lichenglie “I think you forget, Light Yagami, that I am just as childish as Kira is,” he says, “and I hate to lose.”
Water, water, water by Devilinthebox In the bath, they forget they’re a detective and a suspect; they remove these identities along with their clothes, layer by layer until there are only the handcuffs left. And them; facing the other in the eerie calmness of their bathroom. At least, it’s how Light sees it.
Anger Before Bliss by mannysue (angst) L was depressed. Depressed that his deduction was wrong. Light is very much not pleased by this change in L's demeanor. He decides to take action.
Bang! by youremyqueen Written for the second death note kink meme, prompt was: in bed with a fully loaded gun.
by night we go naked, by day we go blind by youremyqueen Written for the second death note kink meme, prompt was: sensory deprivation.
Can’t I Even Dream? by Light It Up (fluff, smut) They didn’t kiss; it was more like breathing each other’s air, being as close as physics allowed them to. Sometimes Light wished they could just freeze the world and stay in a moment forever, just enjoying their own company and that instant when their bodies were in perfect synchrony, hips meeting at every precise thrust.
Clean by FayJay Set during the period when Light had given up the Death Note, and didn't know he was Kira.
Dirty by FayJay Set during the period when Light had given up the Death Note, and did not know he was Kira. (Sequel to 'Clean', but can be read as a standalone.)
Interested in Learning More by Shadow_Of_Quill Light isn't asexual. He just has... unusual interests. And Ryuuzaki is very observant.
Intermission by Shiraume What happened right after the infamous fight in Vol 5.
Just Before Sunset by Evilchuckles (romance) Perhaps they don't want to remember. Perhaps it's enough to be happy.
Linked by Shayheyred The chain is not what connects them
Low of Solipsism by Light It Up (AU, fluff) Even after six months of them dating, Light still wondered what it was about L that drove him so wild. Before him he used to be a quiet lover, rarely making any sounds more than a moan here and there. That being said, it’s easy to understand that Light was surprised when they first started touching each other and he instantly became vocal.
Playing the Part by Vector L was alone in his intent stare at the monitors.
Roundabout Truth by Ramasi Light is furious when he's kept in chains after he regains his memories; he has no choice but to try and figure out L further.
See Me by Shadow_of_Quill (AU) Light sometimes thinks he'd give anything to have someone see him for who he really is.
Something to Think About by dotti55 Having moved to The Wammy's House together, L and Light share their first Valentine's Day together, and make some discoveries about their relationship and their future together.
That Night by sashocirrione L and Light have a hotel-room encounter that is not at all accidental. Complete but open-ended.
Time Out by epkitty (fluff) They were handcuffed together for how long???
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 29
2701. What does 'equal' mean? that everyone’s deserving of the same rights. 2702. Do you believe in the phrase 'all men are created equal'? in theory yes, but not within our society. What about woman? unfortunately not. 2703. Have all persons been specifically 'created'? i guess? 2704. Are all persons exactly equal? i don’t think so. some are more skilled in certain areas than others etc.
2705. Or do they just have equal rights (in theory)? yes. 2706. Does art reflect society or does society reflect art? society reflects art more i think. 2707. Are you living under a little black raincloud or a ray of sunshine? neither. 2708. What do you wonder about? life. 2709. What is better..being single and free or being in love and responsible to another person? being in love and responsible. 2710. What vitamins do you take? none. 2711. In checkers..red or black? black. 2712. Is The Crow a great movie? i haven’t seen it. 2713. Do you wear all black frequently? not that often, but it’s happened. 2714. Do you ever call yourself a poet, artist, or musician? noooope. Has your writing been published, your art been hung in a gallery or your band been signed? my art has been hung before. Does it matter? not really. if i’m a creative my priority is just creating. it’s a bonus if it gets chosen to be displayed to the public. 2715. When insects get into your house, do you kill them or catch them and take them ouside or leave them alone and let them live with you? kill them. i don’t do insects dude. 2716. Name at least one person who's birthday is in: Jan.- yon Feb.- not sure Mar.- didier Apr.- ej, jerry, irene May- dwayne, dad June- mum July- bek Aug.- no one.. Sept- belle, meloy Oct- marie, cha Nov- dana, kristy, ahmad, sara, andrew, jason Dec- me, nat 2717. Which would you consider to be a worse criminal: a pedophile or a necrophile? pedophile. What if it was between a pedophile, a necrophile and a murderer? murderer. 2718. Do we start to die the day we are born or start to live the day we die? first one lol. 2719. Have you ever called your mom or dad a four letter word? sure, like the ‘best’. hahaha. 2720. Do you believe america should go to war with iraq? a bit of an old survey. 2721. Agree or disagree? (Bold is agree) “There is too much concern in courts for the rights of criminals.” “Abortion should be legal.” “The death penalty should be abolished.” “Marijuana should be legalized.” “It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships.” “The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns.” “Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America.” “Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now.” “Colleges should prohibit racist/sexist speech on campus.” “Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status.” “Affirmative action in college admissions should be abolished.” “The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family.” “People should not obey laws which violate their personal values.” “Federal military spending should be increased.” “Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society.”  Why did you agree or disagree to that last statement? i disagree because it really can only take one person to change things. 2722. Let's say that after you die you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you what three things on Earth should I be sure not to miss? You say... 1. travel the world 2. fall in love 3. eat to your heart’s content. 2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvey, muscular, etc.)? i don’t really have a preference. if i see one i’ll know if i like it or not haha. 2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone? for the most part, yes. If yes is there something beautiful and special about Hitler? that’s why i said for the most part lol. How about Bin Laden? idk. What is it? apparently they found  bin laden’s laptop and saw that it had a ton of wallace and gromett videos on it looool. that’s pretty special. 2725. Have you ever moshed? hell no. If yes to what bands? If no then would you ever? i don’t think so. 2726. Do you like sushi? i love sushi. 2727. What mood are you in? pretty bored and tired. What does your mood depend on? if i’m working or not. What depends on your mood? work. 2728. wHAT IS faith? believing in someone/something. what is common sense? knowing the easiest way to do things. Do you have either or both of them? i think so. 2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful? both if they’re separated.  2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity? gives the finger while driving? depends what the other person did. tells their life story to people they just met? slight issues there. walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion? unhealthy. says blah? depends how often. 2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry: "Journey with me into the mind of a maniac. Doomed to be a killer since I came out the nutsac" Why or why not? lol it’s a bit of a mind fuck. 2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music? sometimes. 2733. In cases of rape which do you think is more of a crime: a stranger rapes a girl OR a girl's boyfriend rapes her? both is just as bad. 2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is 'less of a crime' the rapist gets a less severe punishment)? Do you agree or disagree and why? i totally disagree. if the rapist knows the victim it puts the victim in a shitty position. if they’re someone with power and/or authority over them, the victim may find it harder to defend themselves from the rapist’s actions which can lead to emotional and psychological issues, like stockholm syndrome and shit. 2735. In the USA a few weeks ago a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty, got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service? . . . . . . . . He had a steady job. That's right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job. How does this make you feel? that’s bullshit. i hope my country’s court of law isn’t that backwards. 2736. Does the character limit of notes or entries annoy you more? no. 2737. wHO'S YOUR FAVORITE WRESTLER? the rock. 2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? no, thank god. 2739. What is more important, tact or honesty? it depends... in the workplace i’m all for tact. but for personal relationships, honesty. 2740. Do you have a mentor? Who? nope. 2741. If you like guys: would you rather have a 'bad' guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good' guy (family, domesticated, nice guy)? a good guy. Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced guy? doesn’t matter. If you like girls: Would you rather have a virgin or a more experianced girl? would you rather have a 'bad' girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good' girl (family, domesticated, nice girl)? 2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds? sometimes, especially if i don’t have a clear path to walk through. 2743. Did you write a real entry today? no. What about? Was it your best writing? 2744. If you were making a 'best of' entry about your BEST entries ever what would be your top 5 best entries? lol. 2745. Do you like to play the lottery? i’ve played it once and lost. 2746. Guess what? what? 2747. Why did you choose to live one more day? i’m content with my life. 2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read/heard? mermaids. 2749. Have you ever been stood up? nope. 2750. Finish the following sentences any way you want. It's always darkest before.. sunrise Never underestimate the power of.. money Don't bite the hand that.. feeds A miss is as good as a.. goal If you lie down with dogs, you.. bark Love all, trust.. no one The pen is mightier than.. a pencil An idle mind is.. free Where there is smoke, there's.. fire Happy is the bride who.. gets enough sleep Two is company, three's.. a crowd None are so blind as.. the meek You get out of something what you.. put in When the blind lead the blind.. idk Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and.. idk 2751. What's the most interesting assignment you ever had in school? making a diorama of the gold rush lol. it was fun. 2752. What's the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work? shuffle cards literally all day. 2753. Do you feel: insignificant? unable to evoke change? like one person can't change the world? like one life and one person's suffering doesn't mean very much? If you answered yes to any of those can you describe why in detail? omg cbf. 2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has? Albert Einstein: Abe Lincoln: Franz Kafka: Jesus Christ: 2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein's brain? sure. Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln? sure.
Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing litterature during his lunchbreaks at work? Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of? Do you still believe that you couldn't contribute as much to society as they did? If yes than WHY? 2756. Is your mind in the gutter? sometimes. 2757. What do you have to complain about? everythinggggg. 2758. Do you remember rock n' roll radio? nope. 2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it? no, i watched a video debunking the celery myth. 2760. Hey, if you've gotten this far than you and me go way back. We've been hanging out for a while now and I gotta know..do you like me? no, some of these questions are stupid. 2761. What are you doing, Dave? 2762. As far as love goes do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone or find someone who completes you? either is fine. it’s actually best not to look for love, and to just let it find you. 2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)? face. 2764. Do you need people or do you not need anyone? a bit of both. 2765. Is selfishness always bad? yeah, sometimes. Is selflessness always good? only if you’re bettering yourself as a person. 2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure? somewhat. 2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what's within is a good thing? no. 2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing? no. 2769. What is more important, a picture or its frame? the picture. What is more important, spirituality or religion? spirituality. 2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the word 'fuck'? more than ten. 2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it? yes, it’s less offensive. Why or why not? because black people have taken a derogatory word used against them back in the day and have made it into a ‘new’ meaning, which is totally fine for them to use but not for anyone else. 2772. Do you rationalize often? i guess. 2773. Do you believe that america is an imperialist nation? idk. 2774. Would you agree that: hot topic is the new abercrombie? pink is the new black: you are the new you? 2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends? real life friends. 2776. What IS the feeding of 5000? idk? 2777. What's an easy way to make money? working hard. 2778. What's your favorite slang word and what does it mean? lol idk. 2779. Are you uncomfortable? sometimes. 2780. Is anything definite besides death and taxes? life. 2781. Would you rather live fast and die young or live slow and die old? live slow die old lol. 2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity? no, i ain’t no snitch. How do you think they live with themselves? idk. 2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could concieve, how would you want God to be? no thanks. 2784. do you think the smashing pumpkins have a strong christian theme? never really listened to them. 2785. Do you think this survey has a strong christian theme? more religious than anything. 2786. Fill in the blank for yourself" Give me ____ or give me death! life. 2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act? Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal. Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE'S home. They don't have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think? i’m glad i don’t live in the usa. 2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right? somewhat. 2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure there a free society. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What's your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not? tl:dr. 2790. Have you ever seen the Neverending Stroy? Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations or mental lying? Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror? sure. 2791. What is soilent green? idk. 2792. What are you proud that you have never done? hard drugs. 2793. What things are hopeless? crackheads. 2794. What Are People For? idk. 2795. What book do you feel could change someone's life? idk, everyone has different tastes. 2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, 'What the fuck?' no. 2797. How do you take your coffeee? two sugars and a dash of milk. 2798. Have you ever played: paintball? no. lazer tag? yes. which is better? laser tag, i’m never trying paintball lol. 2799. In what ways are you lucky? just everything i’ve had in my life so far. 2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don't have equal opportunities in this country than why does he drive a Jaguar? idk dude.
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 29
2701. What does ‘equal’ mean?
everyone is treated the same with the same rights, etc.
2702. Do you believe in the phrase 'all men are created equal’?
in theory
What about woman?
well i wish they were but they aren’t
2703. Have all persons been specifically 'created’?
uh huh
2704. Are all persons exactly equal?
they aren’t
2705. Or do they just have equal rights (in theory)?
they should be
2706. Does art reflect society or does society reflect art?
a little bit of both i think but mostly society reflects art
2707. Are you living under a little black rain cloud or a ray of sunshine?
right now a little more of a rain cloud but i’m working on it
2708. What do you wonder about?
how my life is going to end up in the next year or so
2709. What is better..being single and free or being in love and responsible to another person?
being in love and responsible.
2710. What vitamins do you take?
2711. In checkers..red or black?
2712. Is The Crow a great movie?
i don’t think i have seen it
2713. Do you wear all black frequently?
not really
2714. Do you ever call yourself a poet, artist, or musician?
Has your writing been published, your art been hung in a gallery or your band been signed?
i’ve had one of my art pieces hung in a gallery before
Does it matter?
nahhh, not to me at least
2715. When insects get into your house, do you kill them or catch them and take them outside or leave them alone and let them live with you?
depends on the insect.  if it is a stink bug or a ladybug i will kill it on the spot.  but if it’s something else that i can easily catch then i will let it outside
2716. Name at least one person who’s birthday is in:
Jan.- chandlyre
Feb.- rebecca
Mar.- idk
Apr.- kelci, katie
May- cayenne, denise, dashae, nic
June- megan
July- jackson
Aug.- jher
Sept- my mother, mariann
Oct- brenda, rick
Nov- corben, andy
Dec- my father
2717. Which would you consider to be a worse criminal:
a pedophile or a necrophile?
What if it was between a pedophile, a necrophile and a murderer?
2718. Do we start to die the day we are born or start to live the day we die?
i mean, both honestly
2719. Have you ever called your mom or dad a four letter word?
uhhhh, shit? lol probably
2720. Do you believe america should go to war with iraq?
2721. Agree or disagree? (Bold is agree)
“There is too much concern in courts for the rights of criminals.”
“Abortion should be legal.”
“The death penalty should be abolished.”
“Marijuana should be legalized.”
“It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships.”
“The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns.”
“Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America.”
“Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now.”
“Colleges should prohibit racist/sexist speech on campus.”
“Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status.”
“Affirmative action in college admissions should be abolished.”
“The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family.”
“People should not obey laws which violate their personal values.”
“Federal military spending should be increased.”
“Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society.”
Why did you agree or disagree to that last statement?
i disagree because it can take one person to make changed in society they just have to be very adamant about it
2722. Let’s say that after you die you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you what three things on Earth should I be sure not to miss? You say…
1. making great friends
2. being as happy as possible
3. travel the world
2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvy, muscular, etc.)?
all asses are sexy
2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone?
i think so
If yes is there something beautiful and special about Hitler?
probably before he was a huge dick
How about Bin Laden?
not all evil people start out awful.  like i said he could’ve been an alright person before
2725. Have you ever moshed?
If yes to what bands?
If no then would you ever?
probably not lol i’m sure i’d get my ass knocked over or punched in the face or something
2726. Do you like sushi?
heck yeah
2727. What mood are you in?
pretty bored and tired.
What does your mood depend on?
what i’m doing, how the day has gone, etc.
What depends on your mood?
2728. wHAT IS faith?
believing in someone/something.
what is common sense?
knowing how simple things work
Do you have either or both of them?
2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful?
both are in their own way
2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity?
gives the finger while driving? i mean.. i do that lol so idk
tells their life story to people they just met? i mean i don’t think that’s unhealthy, maybe they just like to talk about themselves
walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion? unhealthy
says blah? why would that make you insane????
2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry:
“Journey with me into the mind of a maniac. Doomed to be a killer since I came out the nut sac”
Why or why not?
2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music?
i guess that’s a way to think of it
2733. In cases of rape which do you think is more of a crime:
a stranger rapes a girl
a girl’s boyfriend rapes her?
they are the same level of terrible.
2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is 'less of a crime’ the rapist gets a less severe punishment)?
Do you agree or disagree and why?
i completely disagree.  i feel like it should be MORE of a crime because the victim (usually) trusts the person and doesn’t expect them to do that to them.  it’s bullshit.  rape is fucking rape.  no matter who rapes who.  man rapes woman or woman rapes man.  whether they be strangers, lovers, friends, family members, etc.  RAPE IS RAPE AND IT IS A HUGE FUCKING CRIME NO MATTER WHO THE RAPIST IS TO THE VICTIM.
2735. In the USA a few weeks ago a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty, got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service?
He had a steady job. That’s right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job.
How does this make you feel?
that’s fucking bullshit and makes me really fucking mad.  i swear the justice system is so fucked.
2736. Does the character limit of notes or entries annoy you more?
the undertaker
2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator?
2739. What is more important, tact or honesty?
it depends
2740. Do you have a mentor? Who?
2741. If you like guys:
would you rather have a 'bad’ guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good’ guy (family, domesticated, nice guy)? i want a mix of both.
Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced guy? i wouldn’t care either way honestly.
If you like girls:
Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced girl? ^^^^^
would you rather have a 'bad’ girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good’ girl (family, domesticated, nice girl)? ^^^
2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds?
usually, yeah
2743. Did you write a real entry today?
What about?
Was it your best writing?  -
2744. If you were making a 'best of’ entry about your BEST entries ever what would be your top 5 best entries?
2745. Do you like to play the lottery?
i’ve bought lottery tickets but never played in the actual lottery
2746. Guess what?
2747. Why did you choose to live one more day?
i’m doing okay
2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read/heard?
2749. Have you ever been stood up?
2750. Finish the following sentences any way you want.
It’s always darkest before.. the sun comes up?
Never underestimate the power of.. women?
Don’t bite the hand that.. feeds you
A miss is as good as a..the person who possesses it?
If you lie down with dogs, you.. get fleas
Love all, trust.. no one
The pen is mightier than.. the pencil
An idle mind is.. ?
Where there is smoke, there’s.. fire
Happy is the bride who.. ?
Two is company, three’s.. a crowd
None are so blind as.. mice?
You get out of something what you.. put in
When the blind lead the blind.. ?
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and.. the whole world cries with you...?
2751. What’s the most interesting assignment you ever had in school?
i got to do a research paper on a subject that was actually very interesting and important to me
2752. What’s the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work?
nothing about my job is interesting lol
2753. Do you feel:
unable to evoke change?
like one person can’t change the world?
like one life and one person’s suffering doesn’t mean very much?
If you answered yes to any of those can you describe why in detail?
kind of
2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has?
Albert Einstein:
Abe Lincoln:
Franz Kafka:
Jesus Christ:
2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein’s brain?
Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln?
Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing literature during his lunch breaks at work?
sounds nice
Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of?
uh huh
Do you still believe that you couldn’t contribute as much to society as they did?
If yes than WHY?
2756. Is your mind in the gutter?
2757. What do you have to complain about?
lots of things
2758. Do you remember rock n’ roll radio?
2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it?
i doubt it
2760. Hey, if you’ve gotten this far than you and me go way back. We’ve been hanging out for a while now and I gotta know..do you like me?
you’re alright, i guess
2761. What are you doing, Dave?
who the fuck is dave
2762. As far as love goes do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone or find someone who completes you?
i think it’s a good thing to be complete before you meet someone because it should not be someone else’s job to complete you.
2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)?
they way they act, their personality, humor
2764. Do you need people or do you not need anyone?
a bit of both.
2765. Is selfishness always bad?
sometimes it’s okay to be selfiesh
Is selflessness always good?
not always
2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure?
2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what’s within is a good thing?
not at the moment
2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing?
2769. What is more important, a picture or its frame?
the picture.
What is more important, spirituality or religion?
2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the word 'fuck’?
quite a few
2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it?
well, i’m not black so i don’t feel like i can really have an opinion on that
Why or why not?
2772. Do you rationalize often?
i guess.
2773. Do you believe that america is an imperialist nation?
2774. Would you agree that:
hot topic is the new abercrombie?
pink is the new black:
you are the new you? sure
2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends?
real life friends.
2776. What IS the feeding of 5000?
2777. What’s an easy way to make money?
2778. What’s your favorite slang word and what does it mean?
2779. Are you uncomfortable?
2780. Is anything definite besides death and taxes?
lots of things
2781. Would you rather live fast and die young or live slow and die old?
live slow die old lol.
2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity?
How do you think they live with themselves?
2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could concieve, how would you want God to be?
perfect, all loving
2784. do you think the smashing pumpkins have a strong christian theme?
i doubt it
2785. Do you think this survey has a strong christian theme?
just religious in general not necessarily christain
2786. Fill in the blank for yourself"
Give me ____ or give me death!
2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act?
Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal.
Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE’S home. They don’t have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think?
we’re fucked basically
2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right?
2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure there a free society. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What’s your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not?
2790. Have you ever seen the Neverending Stroy?
Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations or mental lying?
Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror?
2791. What is soilent green?
2792. What are you proud that you have never done?
killed someone
2793. What things are hopeless?
murderers and papists and criminals in general
2794. What Are People For?
good question
2795. What book do you feel could change someone’s life?
idk, everyone has different tastes.
2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, 'What the fuck?’
2797. How do you take your coffeee?
sugar and milk
2798. Have you ever played:
paintball? yep
lazer tag? yes.
which is better? laser tag,definitely
2799. In what ways are you lucky?
just everything i’ve had in my life so far.
2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don’t have equal opportunities in this country than why does he drive a Jaguar?
idk dude.
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nostalgiaispeace · 8 years
5,000 Question Survey–part twenty-nine
2701. What does ‘equal’ mean? “being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value“ 2702. Do you believe in the phrase 'all men are created equal’? i believe it but I don’t believe it’s happening.
What about woman? we aren’t treated equal. 2703. Have all persons been specifically 'created’? i believe so.. 2704. Are all persons exactly equal? no? but we should be treated as such 2705. Or do they just have equal rights (in theory)? in theory but we should have equal rights 2706. Does art reflect society or does society reflect art? both
2707. Are you living under a little black rain cloud or a ray of sunshine? black rain cloud. 2708. What do you wonder about? everything. 2709. What is better..being single and free or being in love and responsible to another person? i like being in love but being single is fine. also, you can be free either way..
2710. What vitamins do you take? - 2711. In checkers..red or black? don’t care. 2712. Is The Crow a great movie? - 2713. Do you wear all black frequently? sometimes 2714. Do you ever call yourself a poet, artist, or musician? no, just a singer.
Has your writing been published, your art been hung in a gallery or your band been signed? no Does it matter? it’d be cool 2715. When insects get into your house, do you kill them or catch them and take them outside or leave them alone and let them live with you? put them outside. 2716. Name at least one person who’s birthday is in: Jan.- Matt Feb.- my mom Mar.- - Apr.- my grandma May- - June- - July- Jordan Aug.- - Sept- Amber Oct- Kyle Nov- Leo DiCaprio Dec- me 2717. Which would you consider to be a worse criminal: a pedophile or a necrphile? pedophile
What if it was between a pedophile, a necrophile and a murderer? pedophile. 2718. Do we start to die the day we are born or start to live the day we die? die as soon as we are born?
2719. Have you ever called your mom or dad a four letter word? no? maybe? 2720. Do you believe America should go to war with Iraq? probably not but I don’t know about that stuff in detail. 2721. Agree or disagree? “There is too much concern in courts for the rights of criminals.” disagree “Abortion should be legal.” agree “The death penalty should be abolished.” agree “Marijuana should be legalized.” agree “It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships.” disagree “The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns.” agree “Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America.” disagree “Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now.” agree “Colleges should prohibit racist/sexist speech on campus.” agree “Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status.” agree
“The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family.” disagree “People should not obey laws which violate their personal values.” disagree? “Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society.” disagree Why did you agree or disagree to that last statement? because there’s evidence of it. 2722. Let’s say that after you die you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you what three things on Earth should I be sure not to miss? You say… books; films; music 2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvy, muscular, etc.)? - 2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone? i’m sure there is. If yes is there something beautiful and special about Hitler? I hear he was a good artist. How about Bin Laden? i don’t know anything about him. What is it? ?
2725. Have you ever moshed? no
If yes to what bands? - If no then would you ever? probably not. it’s not my thing. 2726. Do you like sushi? nooooo 2727. What mood are you in? a good one.
What does your mood depend on? don’t know really.
What depends on your mood? ? 2728. What is faith? “complete trust or confidence in someone or something“
what is common sense? “good sense and sound judgment in practical matters“
Do you have either or both of them?
i think i have both?
2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful? imperfection i guess. 2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity?: gives the finger while driving? unhealthy
tells their life story to people they just met? unhealthy
walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion? unhealthy says blah? - 2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry: I like Walt Whitman and Jim Morrison’s poetry but don’t know any at the top of my head. Why or why not? just read them 2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music? they can be 2733. In cases of rape which do you think is more of a crime: a stranger rapes a girl OR a girl’s boyfriend rapes her? it doesn’t matter....it’s both awful
2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is 'less of a crime’ the rapist gets a less severe punishment)? -_- Do you agree or disagree and why? -_- 2735. In the USA a few weeks ago a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty, got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service? because the justice system is fucked. He had a steady job. That’s right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job. -_-
How does this make you feel? pisses me off. 2736. Does the character limit of notes or entries annoy you more? i hate the post limit on tumblr. 2737. Who’s your favorite wrestler? - 2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? naw 2739. What is more important, tact or honesty? honesty 2740. Do you have a mentor? Who? kinda?; my therapist. 2741. If you like guys: would you rather have a 'bad’ guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good’ guy (family, domesticated, nice guy)? a mix of both i guess.
Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced guy? - If you like girls: Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced girl? - would you rather have a 'bad’ girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good’ girl (family, domesticated, nice girl)? - 2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds? very 2743. Did you write a real entry today? no
What about? - Was it your best writing? -
2744. If you were making a 'best of’ entry about your BEST entries ever what would be your top 5 best entries? - 2745. Do you like to play the lottery? no 2746. Guess what? no 2747. Why did you choose to live one more day? because the Academy Awards. 2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read/heard? no idea. 2749. Have you ever been stood up? probably.
2750. Finish the following sentences any way you want.
It’s always darkest before.. you see the light? Never underestimate the power of.. me being pissed off Don’t bite the hand that.. feeds you? A miss is as good as a.. - If you lie down with dogs, you.. you’ll get fleas? Love all, trust.. NO ONE The pen is mightier than.. a pencil? An idle mind is.. cool? Where there is smoke, there’s.. a fire? Happy is the bride who.. marries their soul mate Two is company, three’s.. a crowd. None are so blind as.. the ignorant. You get out of something what you.. take in? When the blind lead the blind.. you get fucked Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and.. no one cares. 2751. What’s the most interesting assignment you ever had in school? i do not recall 2752. What’s the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work? - 2753. Do you feel: insignificant? usually.
unable to evoke change? yes
like one person can’t change the world? sometimes. maybe? i dunno
like one life and one person’s suffering doesn’t mean very much? that’s not nice. If you answered yes to any of those can you describe why in detail? no 2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has? Albert Einstein: no
Abe Lincoln: No.
Franz Kafka: ?
Jesus Christ: lolol noo 2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein’s brain? yes
Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln? yes
Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing literature during his lunch breaks at work? no idea.
Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of? yes
Do you still believe that you couldn’t contribute as much to society as they did? Yes.
If yes than WHY? Because. 2756. Is your mind in the gutter? Naw 2757. What do you have to complain about? my stomach 2758. Do you remember rock n’ roll radio? No. 2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it? yes 2760. Hey, if you’ve gotten this far than you and me go way back. We’ve been hanging out for a while now and I gotta know..do you like me? not really. 2761. What are you doing, Dave? - 2762. As far as love goes do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone or find someone who completes you? someone doesn’t complete you. 2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)? lots of different things 2764. Do you need people or do you not need anyone? i need my mom for sure. and matt 2765. Is selfishness always bad? no
Is selflessness always good? no 2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure? basically. 2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what’s within is a good thing? no 2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing? no 2769. What is more important, a picture or it’s frame? picture
What is more important, spirituality or religion? spirituality 2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the word 'fuck’? - 2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it? white Why or why not? history.... 2772. Do you rationalize often? probably not 2773. Do you believe that America is an imperialist nation? - 2774. Would you agree that: hot topic is the new abercrombie? No.
pink is the new black: No?
you are the new you? no 2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends? rl i guess 2776. What IS the feeding of 5000? you tell me 2777. What’s an easy way to make money? fucking strangers probably. 2778. What’s your favorite slang word and what does it mean? no idea. 2779. Are you uncomfortable? my stomach hurts. 2780. Is anything definite besides death and taxes? life? 2781. Would you rather live fast and die young or live slow and die old? live slow and die young. 2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity? yes How do you think they live with themselves? they’re all dead mostly. 2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could conceive, how would you want God to be? i’d like him to be cool 2784. do you think the smashing pumpkins have a strong christian theme? no? 2785. Do you think this survey has a strong christian theme? it seems to have alot of faith related questions 2786. Fill in the blank for yourself
“Give me ____ or give me death!
a mic 2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act? probably.
Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal. sure Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE’S home. They don’t have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think? that’s not cool 2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right? no 2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure there a free society. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What’s your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not? i’m getting bored 2790. Have you ever seen the Never-ending Story? yes
Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations or mental lying? nope. Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror? nope. 2791. What is soilent green? PEOPLE 2792. What are you proud that you have never done? went through a partying phase 2793. What things are hopeless? my life 2794. What Are People For? we have no purpose 2795. What book do you feel could change someone’s life? Harry Potter 2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, 'What the fuck?’ naw. i was too young 2797. How do you take your coffeee? black 2798. Have you ever played:
paintball? No.
laser tag? yes
which is better? i’m gonna go with laser tag 2799. In what ways are you lucky? i can’t think of anything 2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don’t have equal opportunities in this country than why does he drive a Jaguar? i don’t know
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