#(the trojans specifically)
feluart · 5 months
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I just need him to be happy thank you
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emry-stars-art · 5 months
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I can already tell I'm not *actually* going to go back and fix up/finish these so. Here, I brought you some doodles 🤲
Find the mer aus masterpost here 💕
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greekandmusicals · 5 months
I had a set design for epic the musical, what if the set was designed like a map from the city of troy to Ithaca 
Before the show starts, there could be a projector showing the map that goes away when the show starts, like the one in the wicked. 
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And you’ll see the sets are all designed like they are part of the map that was on the projector.
Or instead of that the theater curtains could be sequin-toned to match the design instead of red curtains
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All of the sets are all designed like they are part of those designs.
There would be blocks of words placed on the stage  to describe the locations, like the city’s, the name of an ocean, a kingdom or the underworld and with each translation, the cast takes them off with every change. 
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Like when Aleous says if I had to guess your heading for the land of the giants, she takes the ocean sign off while the land of the giants block emerges on stage.
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billdenbrough · 3 months
fundamentally disinterested in the recurring discourse about kevin's drinking that aims to a) make it his Specific Problem To Focus On And Overcome when it is a crutch and coping mechanism to get him through a Much Bigger Problem (emotional fallout he can't square with by himself, culture shock, trauma, loss of his extremely wildly co-dependent relationship w riko, losing the structure of the nest, mourning a future he was meant to have, processing a grave injustice, anger and fear and desperate grief, all of which is his Actual Specific Fox Problem) while he builds himself back up, and b) thinks that even if it is a problem (more on that later), it's the foxes' problem to deal with.
like. it's just not.
yeah, he doesn't drink until he meets them. they gave him that habit, and in traditional terms, they're (the monsters specifically) a 'bad influence'. but these are the foxes. this is kevin day, son of exy, whose meteor is crashing spectacularly through no fault of his own. there are no traditional terms to be found here. the framework for it literally doesn't exist. neil comes into the foxes with more conventional expectations—appalled at the athletes' substance use, his horror at matt's trip to columbia, his steadfast and early repeated stance that none of the foxes should let andrew treat them the way he does, and certainly not nicky—and tends to engage with them less as the series goes on and he folds himself into the foxes. the thing about the foxes is that they've all been in pits deeper than they are tall. and some of them got a helping hand on the way—erik, andrew's extreme intervention methods, stephanie walker—and wymack was always waiting for them on the other side, ready to throw down a rope, but all the foxes dragged themselves out of their own holes. often not alone, often not without assistance, but at the end of the day, they have to do it.
there's that line neil has about aaron in that scene that got deleted when the timeline shifted around, when he thinks about how aaron got this far in life on his own, surviving on willpower and sheer desperation. that applies to aaron in a way that's a little more acute than some of the rest of them—boy who doesn't let the foxes in bc of andrew, boy who doesn't let nicky in bc he doesn't know how, boy made of flinching and seeking an escape and grieving the one who hurt him—but is broadly true for the foxes en masse.
this isn't to say the foxes can't help each other, but it's not their job. it just isn't. they'll keep kevin alive, keep him safe, keep him flanked and contained within their ranks. they'll fight tooth and nail in this battle with him, fight to get him to that championship game, fight to get that trophy in his hands. but that's all they've agreed to. that's all they're responsible for, in this covenant they've made with him. he says they can make this happen, and they're going to get him to that final game, but it's up to him what state he's in when he gets there.
like. they're foxes. they've been triaging their whole lives. they hate each other and they hate everyone else more. they're the kids with their backs up against the wall. half of them are addicts. i don't think kevin is comparable, personally; he's getting through a horrific situation with a coping mechanism. that's not the same thing as battling yourself to stop using. but that's not really the point of this. what i'm getting at here is that to the foxes, it's easy math: kevin who can lean on vodka and andrew and wymack and the foxes to stay upright when he's not ready to stand on his own two feet is still a kevin who is standing. a kevin with one less piece of scaffolding to lean on is a kevin who falls over, a kevin at risk of complete collapse, a kevin one phone call away from running back to the master, a kevin one crucial loss away from not ever making it back to himself at all. they're triaging. this is low on the totem pole of things they have the room to care about. they very much have bigger problems, both individually and even just kevin-related. if alcohol makes seeing the boy he knew best in the world and moved in tandem with his whole life and who destroyed their entire legacy and his entire life in one move — if alcohol makes facing that boy easier to stomach, then, fuck, why would they take that away? they're foxes. they've all got their demons. this is what kevin needs this year and a half to let him face his, that's all. they can understand that. it doesn't have to be pretty, as long as it keeps him in the fight. that's the priority.
i think there's absolutely space to explore this in fic and art and fandom in a way that maybe does explore it as a Problem, both that it's an active problem for kevin & that it's something to explore other foxes helping him with (there's a t&n fic that i've been gnawing at the bit to read for months that seems poised to explore this premise, and that's super up my alley)! i just think we're in different territory when we're talking about the series—and its characters and dynamics—in a conversational rather than transformational way, and end up talking about this like the foxes are responsible for kevin's choices. i love kevin day. i read these back at the start of 2015 & he's so dear to me that loving him was the blueprint for how i feel abt kageyama. but it's been pretty weird to see how the conversation has been translating Loving Kevin Day into... thinking the foxes are doing wrong by him with respect to this in actual canon. like that's just not how it operates there
#kevin day#aftg#aftg is a sports anime story that's mostly about survival. it's no surprise they're all aiming to Get Through This Year‚ first and foremost#personally i don't think kevin is an alcoholic. that's a specific term that means something that i don't think means kevin.#i understand why people apply it to him with the way it's used colloquially a lot but like. that doesn't make it true#but i'm also not particularly interested in hashing that out and litigating it#i've seen people with more specific and relevant Personal experience than me try that and it fell on deaf ears#so i don't particularly care to waste my breath there. that's not the main point of this anyway#i am saying that i don't think kevin's drinking is the Capital P Problem but mostly i'm saying even if it is. that's not the foxes' issue#like in the most basic truth sense. it just isn't. you can wish they did or think friends should or whatever but like.#you have to remember who they are. they're not the trojans. they're not the gangsey. they're foxes.#they wanted to mutiny against kevin within twelve hours of him opening his mouth but they still voted to keep him. ykwim.#they're not here to hold his hand but they will keep him intact.#like. they're gonna get him to the championship game. he promises them that and they promise in turn to show up and get there.#but they're only in charge of making it there. it's entirely up to him what state he's in when he gets there.#this isn't to say that they wouldn't care; it's that the foxes have been triaging their entire fucking lives.#kevin with alcohol in his hand is a kevin who can stand up on the court and face riko instead of giving up. it's a shield.#absolutely there's an argument that it's not healthy but like. Cs get degrees. if this gets him through‚ then it gets him through.#alcohol tw#alcoholism ment //#substance abuse ment //
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jules-ln · 1 month
My interpretation of Odysseus's personality is that in a modern AU he would try to study some kind of engineering because he always thought that was what intelligent people study
Only to be disappointed and drop out in the first year saying that it wasn't what he imagined
Then he would go on to study philosophy and he would start smoking weed
He would study all the career but drop out the last year saying "I don't need a paper to tell me that I'm a real philosopher!!!" And go on to write a bunch of really famous and very complex books about philosophy and some fantasy novels
But if you look at him he just look like a middle-aged stoner that lives in the basement of his parents
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maeo-png · 1 year
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Simon Petrikov, Healing, Self-love, and a smidge more of Greek mythology if you really squint
“Ulysses” poem excerpt by Alfred Tennyson // Fionna and Cake Episode 10 “Cheers” // “Exitlude” by The Killers // “Cheers” // “Talk To Me” by cavetown // “a poem traveled down my arm” by Alice Walker // “Cheers” // “Ulysses” book by James Joyce
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tma-thoughts · 2 months
Say punk/rude boy charles and no one bats an eye
Say trad skinhead charles and society goes wild.....
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coridallasmultipass · 9 months
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Shit Post venting hour let's go:
Trans Bro/Trans Dirk has endometriosis (*enBROmetriosis, because people are shitty and don't get that guys have it, too), even AFTER getting a hysterectomy, because, unfortunately, sometimes our bodies are just transphobic like that. (True story, bro...) He doesn't get symptoms regularly post-op, but when they hit, they hit like a plane-wreck - it's a huge disaster for one, and it also becomes everyone else's business.
Trans Dave doesn't have endo, but still goes through a lot of pain relievers for normal cramps. He forgot to tell Bro they were out of medicine last time.
Cue Bro stuck hugging the toilet, sick from how much pain he's in as soon as he wakes up, and Dave doesn't hear him call out for healing.
As soon as Dave hears Bro talking about Advil, he immediately remembers his mistake and realizes why Bro's been extra volatile lately (PMS/PMDD/etc).
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slettlune · 2 months
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wait i'm sorry, sinon's job is to SWIM
to SWIM??????
to jump in the ocean at troy and SWIM all the way to the sound where the greeks have hidden their ships
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and there's the longest shot in a silent movie ever where we watch this poor actor come slowly swimming alllllll the way past the ships to the shore where the greek commanders are like really anxious and jumping up and down waiting to hear what sinon has to say about the fucking horse plan working out or not
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vordemtodgefeit · 8 months
i got a high 1st in my classics creative project!!!!!
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He said it, he said it!!!!
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therivercocytus · 8 months
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wssp cassandra
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sucktacular · 9 months
trying to learn how to make Left4Dead mods, specifically a survivor model that I already have a model someone else made, BUT MY LORD im WAILING folks
not only am i back in the hell trenches that is a 3D modelling program (spits thinking about school) but also I cant find any good tutorials for Blender and, Kitten, I'll be honest. Daddy's about to kill himself (joke joke but also man this is the THIRD TIME trying again. first two times ended the exact same and i expect this one to end the same. stay tuned!!!)
ps if anyone has rigged up and put survivor models in l4d2 before I will literally draw you whatever you want, full color and shading, if you can put this fucking model for me on steam workshop. (not joking in the slightest, i have the model file I just need you to do the complex shit ; - ; it doesnt even have to be THAT GOOD i just want this fucker in my game)
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cold-neon-ocean · 2 years
Do folks just tag any non human/non mechanical art as furry now a days? So much of my stuff gets tagged as furry by people despite me not being a furry artist nor do I consider any of my art furry content lol
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moonsidesong · 1 year
just finished updating my google drive folder of Touhou CD wav file rips!! still very far from comprehensive but we’ll get there someday<3
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guiltygearpl · 1 year
Bartek should be a wheelchair user and some kind of baby pseudopolitician activist constantly filing reports to his town's ratusz about unusable sidewalks/ramps/elevators/buildings. shit's fucked, speaking from experience
meanwhile Walery is running a Putka bakery to get money for Robert's rehabilitation (goddamned NFZ doesn't cover this shit). like, specifically one of those vintage bad boys:
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a little spoiler for you: in the bartek lore i have written so far he was born abled but later after a certain incident he goes into a coma and is unable to walk when he wakes up, this is fucking great im definitely including this. after that point, he totally would. youre so fucking right.
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as for walery, i can definitely also see that - im gonna be honest i didnt know what a putka was because we dont have these here but it seems they are a warszawian thing which checks out. we will think about it. it seems like its the average polish moderate business store thing which i can definitely imagine how it looks like. alsoi would like to note kamil kiszka would never help out his brother financially he hates his ass if walery doesnt pay for rehabilitation robert is FUCKED
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