#(toothless is a communist.)
saturnniidae · 5 months
I think Hiccup could invent viking top surgery. he's a literal genius of his time, he made a fire sword and a suit that defies physics. He'd figure something out...
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detectivenyx · 9 months
steamboat willie has been public domain for four days and there's two wildly different takes on it:
"leftist reuploads the entire cartoon to youtube and plagiarizes it now that it's legal to do so for profit or just makes mickey mouse say fuck/that she's a trans communist who is going to firebomb disney hq"
"shitty horrorstalgia video game that is just blatantly and ostensibly made by neonazis with a title that would've only been more obvious if it was 'Mickey Mouse's Adventures in Auschwitz with Adolf Hitler' "
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showstopper35 · 1 year
TFP Cons Reacting To You Calling Them Pretty
a/n: I am taking my friend’s advice and channelling my depression into art. If this can even be called “art”.
Not A Communist ™️
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Lieutenant Noodle Digits
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#1 Mean Girls Fan
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The Crab From Moana
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The Con’s Only Himbo
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Scott Summers (Cyclops)
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Creepy Crawley
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Toothless on Steroids
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 years
Idk as much detail as i would like but I know enough to say that the weird American-left tacit assumption/talking-as-if across both “socdem” admirers and communist detractors that the Nordic welfare states were achieved by like. Politely asking elected officials to comply with their humble requests and filing all the forms nice and proper thru the official channels for their trade unions and pretty promising they were not violent or unruly like on the bad meanie leftists on the other side of the iron curtain. Is not just stupid but offensively stupid. The nordic working class clawed that prize from their governments and elites thru aggressive and courageous organising, threatening at times and places to erupt into full fledged violence, and depicting Nordic social democracy as the culmination of docile toothless worship at the altar of liberal procedural norms is an insult to their collective resilience and bravery in the face of bourgeois greed
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catdotjpeg · 2 months
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LOOK: Multisectoral groups marched along Commonwealth Avenue earlier today as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivered his third State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the Batasang Pambansa to assail his failed promise of a Bagong Pilipinas [trans. New Philippines]. For the groups, Marcos’s Bagong Pilipinas is a grand sham. Amid promises of better living conditions, 46 percent of Filipinos rated their families as food poor—the highest since 2008—according to the latest survey of Social Weather Stations. “[H]inaharap [ng ating mga kababayan] ang realidad na mataas ang presyo ng mga bilihin, lalo na ng pagkain—lalo’t higit, ng bigas,” said Marcos in his speech earlier, affirming bleak realities on the ground. On top of a cost of living crisis are poverty wages that fail to meet the family living wage of P1,190, as estimated by economic think tank IBON Foundation, the P35 wage hike in the National Capital Region (NCR) enacted last week was dismissed as an “insult to minimum wage workers” by Leticia Castillo of human rights alliance Defend NCR. Such wage hike is far from the P150 raise being lobbied in Congress by labor groups under the National Wage Coalition. Castillo also decried the persistence of red-tagging and vilification of activists perpetrated by the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict. From July 2022 to June 2024, 3,419,044 cases of threat, harassment, and intimidation were recorded by human rights group Karapatan. The number of political prisoners also climbed to 755 as of last month. These human rights violations run contrary to Marcos’s establishment of a Special Committee on Human Rights, which was labeled “toothless” by Human Rights Watch. Marcos’s claim of a bloodless drug war is also inconsistent with the 359 drug-related killings—34.3 percent of which were committed by state agents—recorded during his second year in office by research project Dahas. Moreover, despite claims of an independent foreign policy, the Philippines under Marcos remains dependent on the US and its unequal treaties, said Liza Maza of MAKABAYAN. Last year, Marcos announced the creation of four new US military bases in the country under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement with the US. Such treaties with the US have been criticized for intensifying tensions with China and the broader Indo-Pacific region. Clarice Palce of Gabriela and Ronnel Arambulo of Pamalakaya raised their worries of the Philippines being dragged into a stand off between two global superpowers which will only worsen the poor living conditions of Filipinos. The program ended with a symbolic destruction of the effigies of Marcos and Vice President Sara Duterte. The broken UniTeam will be challenged by the Makabayan Coalition which will field a complete senatorial slate including ACT Teachers Party-list Representative France Castro and Gabriela Women’s Party Representative Arlene Brosas in the 2025 midterm elections. Photos by AJ Dela Cruz, Marcus Azcarraga, Audrey Sanchez, and Sarah Gates
-- Philippine Collegian, 22 Jul 2024 9:45pm PHT
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warwickroyals · 1 year
so the ruby article got me curious... there's a section about "husband's sexuality" and "relationships" as well as "anti-fascist and socialist ties" 👀 what was ruby and george's relationship/marriage like, and are these things related to why they never had children? hypothetically, if george had survived and became king, would louis (his nephew) ended up as king eventually anyway because of this? was 1930s sunderland society more left-leaning or were ruby and george kind of unusual for their anti-fascist and socialist beliefs?
I'm going to answer this question in chunks because that's what's easiest. This is actually really helpful because next year I plan to do story posts about past generations of Warwicks! I have a bunch of notes:
George's sexuality: He was most likely bisexual and had some gender/cross-dressing stuff going on. Ruby knew about this and so did members of his direct family. The public did not know. His mother, Queen Anne, treated it as a weird but harmless quirk, his grandmother Matilda Mary encouraged the cross-dressing as a form of artistic expression, but his dad . . . uh, wasn't so understanding. George was prohibited from expressing his gender and sexual identity the way he pleased, but Ruby was generally supportive of George, and he was attracted to her. They were very much a love match. So she wasn't, like, his beard, she was just in a relationship with a bisexual man who maybe sometimes liked wearing pantyhose. They still faced some prejudice from upper-class circles: Katherine and James mocked Ruby about George's sexuality even decades after George's death.
Kids with Ruby: I think they would have had children. As I said before, there was intimacy between the pair and Ruby wanted kids. The main reason they didn't have any was because George was killed before she could get pregnant, just three years into the marriage. I feel like George, even if there was no attraction there, would have kids to prevent James (his brother and polar opposite) from reaching the throne. George and Ruby were probably waiting to have kids once the War was over, and when the world was a more stable place. They were looking forward to their future together.
1930s Sunderland: Was not left-leaning in the lead-up to WWII, in fact, the previous King Nicholas had cracked down massively on leftist political movements on both an institutional and grassroots level (all behind closed doors, of course). Nicholas hated communists more than anything and tried really hard to uproot them from Sunderlandian society. This would ultimately create the social conditions that would lead to George's assassination, as Sunderland became dominated by moderate Conservatives who were toothless against the spread of fascism. This doesn't mean everyone was a Nazi sympathizer, but they had sort of an indifference that made them complicit: The average Sunderlandian wanted to stay out of the war, they didn't want a repeat of WWI, and although they were allies with the British and French, direct involvement didn't seem worth the risk, even if it meant not standing up to the far-right extremists in their communities. Plus, their opposition to the Axis powers was more circumstantial than ideological, let's say. I mean let's take a look at the United States of America in the 1930s and 1940s. Did America ultimately fight against the Nazis? Yes. Does that mean they were friendly to leftist ideology and had no ethno-nationalist movements of their own? Absolutely not. Sunderland was much of the same, they had their own issues with far-right politics becoming mainstream. The tide only turned after Pearl Harbour, when it became clear North America was not safe from an invasion. Standing up to the Nazis became its own Nationalists movement.
Ruby and George being socialists: These were rumours because they were so outspoken about the Nazis and fascism in general. Also, Ruby having Jewish ancestry made her an easy target of anti-Semitic Cultural Bolshevist narratives. I think Ruby and George hung out in more progressive and radical circles than most of the royal family, but weren't officially socialists. Their outspokenness was unprecedented for members of the royal family. The rest of the family, mainly King George II and Prince James, were reluctant to voice any political opinions (this was more out of a fear that they would instigate things against the Axis powers than any personal political beliefs). Their fears were justified: George was the one who was vocal against Nazi Germany, George was the one who pushed his father out of his Isolationist mindset following Pearl Harbour, George became the scapegoat for Sunderlandian racists and fascists, George was the one who was shot dead as a direct result.
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grimm-the-tiger · 2 years
The mere existence of Hadestown will never NOT be funny to me. It’s a very blatantly leftist musical (it’s got a fucking CARNATION on its album cover, which is an alternate symbol of socialism; with its themes, there’s no WAY the creators didn’t know what it meant) based on a Greek tragedy and featuring music genres that are rarely used on Broadway (jazz and folk; the only musical I can think of that used either is Chicago) in a time where most musicals are either toothless, feel-good or Hamilton, that made BANK despite the climax being a literal communist revolution and featuring a number where a guy convinces his followers that building a wall to keep themselves in is in their best interest because it keeps out “poverty” at the height of the Trump administration. 
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lizardbytheriver · 1 year
Western Leftism is always just kind of sad and pathetic. Cause it first demands the denouncing every Communistic and every Socialistic experiment as being unforgivably evil. Which, only seeks to uplift Capitalism (If Communism and Socialism is so bad, and many Leftists have a decent life under Capitalism, ergo...). The first act of a Western Leftist is to denounce all Leftwing Movements. The second act is to dream. It's toothless. It's pathetic. And it's sad.
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Tame Impala - Currents
They're tame alright! This band is so toothless they can only drink music through a straw. Apparently in the 2010s psychedelic is when you put vocal filters over a really extremely boring song. This album sounds like it's made up out of tracks that Gorillaz threw away.
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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Pronounced ‘Lĕh-‘nérd ‘Skin-‘nérd
I don't know if this is an unexpected opinion for a transgender anarcho communist, but I like Lynyrd Skynyrd. Pre plane crash Lynyrd Skynyrd at least. Ronnie Van Zandt had great songwriting chops and was a solid lyricist. Going from the rollicking bar brawling Gimme Three Steps to the wistful Free Bird to the ripping solos of the second half of Free Bird. The variety here is something that a lot of southern rock albums lack. So yeah I'm recommending Lynyrd Skynyrd.
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Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um
Mingus Ah Um is a collection of creative homages. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat eulogises recently departed band member Lester Young, Open Letter To The Duke refers to Duke Ellington, Jelly Roll to one of Jazz's originators Jelly Roll Morton. Rather than imitate the styles of his predecessors Mingus mixes a little bit of their essence into his style. Said style was ever evolving and this album, while still distinctly in the post bop era of Mingus' career, shows some signs of what would come later. The sense of orchestral arrangement within the confines of a smaller jazz band are present and this was the best that Mingus would record until he finally went full third stream.
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Rush - Moving Pictures
I must not cringe. Cringe is the mind killer. Cringe is the little death that brings total obliAAAHHFUCK! Nope I can't do it. Rush is cringe. Sorry I can't do anything about it. You can't suck Ayn Rand's dick that hard and come back from it. On the other hand these motherfucker are really, really good at playing their instruments. This is also one of their least lyrically embarrassing albums for sure. If you want to listen to Rush but don't want to feel any secondhand embarrassment then you're shit outta luck, but if you want to hear some drums go absolutely fucking wild then you could do worse than Moving Pictures.
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Run-D.M.C. - s/t
Believe it or not this was considered hard shit for the time. I guess. Whether or not you will like Run-D.M.C. is very dependent on how much you enjoy cornball shit. By modern standards this album is very corny. But if you let go of you preconceived notions about hip hop then you might find a really fun album with beats that hammer in an intense staccato that would go on to greatly influence future artists. Corny or not this album paved the way for hip hop's golden age so best pay it some respect.
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beguines · 2 years
At the same time, however, this new intellectual trend of declaring the name communism cannot break from the previous period of fearfulness and so shares all of the defects and nebulous speculations of the screeds to 21st Century Socialism . . . While it is true that there is an excitement in reclaiming a word that once frightened the capitalist order, this truth is toothless if it is nothing more than a name.
J. Moufawad-Paul, The Communist Necessity
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ragingcitrustree · 1 year
One of the things I find most fascinating about Internet Communists is how willing they seem to be to accuse others of being toothless when they themselves admit that “oh yea we can’t do anything until the vanguard is big enough then we’re totally gonna march on the capital” like buddy. You’ve walked yourself into a little hole here.
Your vanguard will never be big enough without visible reasons for people to support you. What do you even do other than argue on the internet?
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rametarin · 2 years
Annoyed, but situation immobile.
So I’ve an acquaintence that keeps trying to spoon feed me actual socialist and/or communist propaganda just as a daily life sort of shit. Because, y’know, that’s the attitude those sorts take. This really dehumanizing idea they can hack and game your mind if they just do the same sort of jokes centralizing their world view that milquetoast Christians do that treat their interpretation of the world as true.
Those sorts of jokes that are almost toothless and too petty to even object to, but at the same time perform insistence on their own ideological truth in order to be understood and told. And their intention is to try and numb you to them by sheer quantity and exposure and frequency so as to just become how you think about things, whether you want to or not.
So every so often it’ll be some “LOL THE CIA” joke that you only find funny if you imagine Little Grey Men ubiquitously everywhere, sabotaging all the good peoples widdle wevowutions and democwasy (more like El Capitan’s tinpot guerilla campaigns to become El Presidente for Life. But whatever)
Or maybe it’ll randomly be whooping up about the environment, cars being bad for the environment, and plugging garbage about how we should “give up” personal autonomy in favor of public transport where you can only go where, “society” (the state) wants, when it wants, how it wants, and tough shit if you want to go anywhere else or want the legal means to be able to get there, on your time.
“But don’t you wanna help the environment?!!? :c”
Yes but ceding control of mobility to the state will actually be far worse, as now any would-be Apple Genius in bed with the government, given absolute authority and now with the added protection to their job that their centralization somehow protects the earth more than private property and free enterprise, can be appointed and make hare brained decisions that ruin it for everybody and because they’re part of an unstoppable centralized power, never be punished for their actions or cede that power for personal freedoms for the people.
They know I don’t agree and don’t give a shit about that particular ideology. I try not to send them memes or even remotely spicy jokes I know they’d take personal offense to. They do not similarly respond in kind, and instead use the neutral zone as a place to push their shit. I mean, I shouldn’t expect any less. But holy fuck, man.
Tell them, ‘I do not like this shit,’ they decide to go on the attack by debunking shit from Fox News. As if I believe or give a shit about shit from Fox News. My dude you are not helping your case by trying to speak to me like I’m some rube 60 year old whose only source is conservative radio. In principle it’s not much different from telling some gradeschooler you’re not a Christian, so they start quoting bible verses at you and waiting to see if the demons exorcise out of your soul and the instructions work as directed in their ‘cure satanism’ book. Like the ways they’ve been handed down that should “clean you up and make you think right” just aren’t penetrating. And it must somehow be your fault for being stupid.
The frustrating part about it is it’s heavily tied into their drug dealer. I can tell whenever they start getting ideological, they been using that shit. Whether it’s the chemistry of the drugs making their brain go in that direction or their dealer is particularly invested, I don’t know. But “randomly” bringing up the actions of the CIA in Africa and South America in what is a pretty transparent “see how evil these guys are? lol empire, am i rite?” isn’t exactly subtle.
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kramlabs · 2 years
I’m neither a fascist nor a communist, but I would absolutely, one hundred percent, vote for a literal Italian fascist, a Chinese neo-communist or a medieval Norman aristocrat over the global satanists who presently rule the West. Even the literal German National Socialist Workers Party was less evil, less wicked, and less murderous than the global satanists.
That is not a defense of any of those evil historical ideologies and organizations. To the contrary, it is an indictment of the current global elite, who might – perhaps – be ever so slightly less awful and wicked than the elites of the Aztec and Carthaginian empires. Possibly.
And given how compromised the corrupt and corpocratic Republicans are themselves, literal fascists are probably to be preferred to them too.
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kinialohaguy · 2 years
Kevin McCarthy Releases GOP Commitment to America  - A Safe List of Platitudes that Is as Uninspiring as He Is Authentic - Did Frank Luntz Write This?
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conptyusa · 2 years
House minority leader Kevin McCarthy on Friday released the 2022 Republican Commitment to America. The list is a safe and toothless list of promises to the American public. The country is under Communist assault – the economy is in freefall to undetermined depths – foreign policy is a disaster – government has actually turned on…
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leyfin · 2 years
its really funny to me how like. over the course of the 2010s as life just got fucking worse for people everywhere, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist ideas jumped on the riding wave of social progressiveness in public acceptance, to the point where a lot of people felt very comfortable adopting identifiers like “communist” and “socialist” and the frustratingly vague “leftist” and for the most part this was tolerated by imperialist nations because they viewed this movement was pretty toothless. and they were completely correct because as the 2020s seem to be marked by a sharp return to Red Scare 2.0 tactics a lot of the people who hopped onboard the leftism train never bothered to like...read any of the texts and ideas that formed their supposed ideology. so now we have both state agents and remarkably loud rubes saying things like “we as leftists need to disown communism” and “its actually an imperialist position to be anti-war” and so on. by “funny” i also mean this makes me want to chimp attack the next government official i see
edit: this is a post about the failure of the left in the imperial core to make lasting progress against like, the tiktokifcation and commodification of capitalist identity within said core. did not mean to imply that like, marxists in the global south are squabbling the same way we are in the north.
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