#(tornadoes don't like lakes)
si-cucumber · 2 months
I really wish I wasn't living in the middle of a natural disaster site right now :D
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v1-kisser · 5 months
I love storms man I always get so sad when they start moving away... Nooooooo girl... stay with me... I miss you already </3
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the-satellite · 1 year
Midwestern spring be like
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mama2bears · 24 days
Starting Over Again - Chapter 5
Warnings: Swear words, attack
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
“Y/N? Y/N?” You were suddenly aware of someone calling your name. You looked up, scanning the packed waiting room, then you saw them...Boone, Dexter, Lily, and Dani were pushing their way though the crowed, “Y/N?” Lily called.
“Here! Over here!” You stand and put your arm up and the four rush to you. Boone is the first one to you and hugs you, “You okay?” he asked.
“I am okay...” you nod as Lily and Dani rush to pull you into a hug. You break down into tears, body shaking with the sobs, “I don't know about Tyler though..”
“What happened?” Dani asked softly as the team sat around you on the uncomfortable waiting room chairs.
“Tyler took me to the park out by the lake for a picnic. We were getting ready to leave when the storm hit.” you took slow steady breaths trying to calm yourself, but you just couldn't.
“It's okay. Take your time.” Lily squeezed your hand. “We're here for you.” Boone placed a hand on your shoulder.
“The keys were locked in the truck, along with our phones.” You said, “Tyler and I went and took shelter in a ditch.”
Dani took your other hand in support and everyone sat in silence for a moment, waiting for you to continue.
“Tyler was on top of me, protecting me.” you sobbed, “It's my fault. It's my fault.” you whispered.
“Oh no...no don't you do that. None of this is your fault, Y/N.” Dexter said.
“No sweetie...It's not your fault. Tyler cares about you. We all could see that the first day. Of course he was going to protect you. It's Tyler. That's what he does. He protects those he cares about.” Lily said, “There was one time he literally was hanging onto a movie theater seat by his ANKLES, holding onto my arm with both of his hands to keep me from flying into the tornado.
“A tree fell on us.” you continue. We were pinned and part of it cut into his leg. If it weren't for Tyler...that would have been me. Should have been me.” you sobbed. “As if that wasn't bad enough, the river we were near flooded. I was trapped under Tyler, but somehow...somehow he moved enough that I could get out. I almost had him free, then the tree rolled back on him.” you broke down, unable to continue.
The team all had tears in there eyes, unable to imagine just what you had to be going though at this moment. What each one of them would have been going though, if the tables were turned.
“He was pinned under the water.” you gasped between the sobs. “Once I was able to free him, there wasn't a pulse...I...I...I did CPR.”
All four of the team members were crying with you, encircling you in a hug, “Has there been any word on him since you got here?” Dexter asked softly.
“No.” you shook your head, “He was stable but unconscious when we arrived. The medics said he lost a lot of blood and they were going into surgery.”
“A lot of people got hurt. It was a bad one.” Dani said, “They will be out soon. Tyler's tough, he's been though a lot. He always bounces back. This time will be no different.”.
* * * * *
Lee pulled into the hotel parking lot and walked into the office.
“Any chance you have a room for the night?” he asked as nicely as he could.
“I am sorry...between the storms that just came though here and all the storm chasers here for those storms, we are booked.” the clerk stated, “some people who lost their homes to the twister are camping out in the lobby.” she points to a group of people gathered around the TV. “You can join them for the night, if you'd like.”
“Thank you very much.” Lee fixed himself a cup of coffee from the lobby's refreshment table and stood behind the group, staring at the TV.
“also it has been reported that famed YouTube star and storm chaser Tyler Owens was taken to an area hospital earlier this evening. There is no update on his current condition at this time. We will update as more details come available.”
Lee grinned, only half listening to the rest of the news before approaching the desk again, “I am sorry to bother you miss, but can you tell me where the closest hospital is? I believe a friend of mine might be there.”
“That would be the St. Anthony Healthplex.” she told him, giving quick directions there.
“Thank you miss.” Lee was grinning as he hurried from the hotel lobby.
* * * * *
“Y/N? Y/N Y/LN?” The doctor called from the door.
You're heart sinks in your chest and you stand quickly, “here.” you say in a trembling voice.
“This way.” the doctor motions you though the door.
“I want them to come to.” you say, pointing to the team behind you.
“We're all family.” Lily stated.
“Very well.” The doctor nodded.
“How is he?” you ask before the door can even get closed. You needed to know, you needed to know that he was okay.
“The cut on his leg was the worse. We were able to get in there and repair the damage and stitch it up. He's got a few broken ribs.” the doctor looked at the group in front of him, “It's a miracle he doesn't have more injuries.” he paused, “It's a miracle he's alive, to be honest. He was awake a few minutes ago asking about a Y/N. He was very upset, demanding we get you. You may have a few moments with him.”
“Thank you.” you smile at the doctor as he leads you down the long hallway, followed by the rest of the team.
“Y/N? Oh my God, Y/N...I was so scared. I didn't know. I didn't remember.” Tyler had tears streaming down his face. “I last remembered being trapped under the water and then..nothing.”
“I am so sorry.” you rush over to him, giving him a gentle hug as he placed tender kisses all over your face, brushing a stand of hair back softly with his hand. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.
Dani, Dexter, Lily, and Boone look on with a smile on their face. They suspected, but they had no idea you two had fallen in love.
“I am fine...now that I know you are going to be okay.” you kiss him softly.
Tyler turns from you and looks at his team, “Thank you for being here for her.” he smiles. “Please...take care of her for me. Make sure she takes care of herself until they let me out of here.”
“We got her, T.” Boone nodded, “Whatever you need done, we got.”
“First things first.” he looked at you, “I want you to go back to the hotel. Get some rest, get some food. Take care of yourself.” he said sternly then turned Lily, “I want you and Dani to stay with her. Make sure she's okay. Make sure she doesn't need anything. DO NOT leave her alone.”
Then, Tyler turned to Boone, “I need you and Dexter to check on the truck. Have someone come by and unlock it and get it back to the hotel.”
“We can't just leave you alone here.” you say softly, brushing your hand across his cheek.
“I'll be fine. The doctors want me to get some rest and they gave me something that is going to knock me out here in a minute.” he smiled at you, already feeling his eyes grow heavy, but not willing to give in just yet, “They aren't going to allow anyone to stay in here. I would feel better knowing that you and the team were back at the hotel and taken care of. Not stuck out there in the waiting room. Hopefully I won't be in here too much longer. They will call with any updates. I'll make sure of it.”
You nod, knowing he was right. You were too tired and sore to fight a losing battle. “We'll be back tomorrow.” you promised.
“See you then, sweetheart.” Tyler squeezed your hand one more time before you turned to leave.
“Take care of her!” he issued one more stern command to his team, knowing that they would.
Once out in the hallway Boone hooted, “You go girl! You and Tyler?? When were you going to fill the rest of us in?”
You blush, “I think it just kinda happen. We just talked about our relationship before the tornado hit.” you sighed, “I am still not sure I am really ready, after...everything.”
“Husband? Boyfriend?” Lily asked, nodding to the bruises. They all were wondering, but none of them wanted to ask. They wanted to give you time and space, just as Tyler did.
“Husband.” you confirm, “Started off great until we married. Then it was like I was his punching bag.” you shutter. “I knew if he caught me leaving a second time he would kill me.”
“Second time? Don't tell me you left that asshole and then went back!” Dani said.
“No..I tried to leave and he put me in the hospital for it. Once I got out of the hospital I tired a second time. That's when I got away and saw this job opening and just ran here. I didn't know what to expect, but it had to have been better then the hell I was in.”
“Glad you came.” Boone hugged you. “Hey, Dexter and I are gonna go get T's truck. We'll meet you back at the hotel, okay?”
“Thank you...thank you all for everything.” you smile.
“No problem. You're like our sister now. We've got your back.” Boone gave you another hug before him and Dexter headed off to check out the truck.
“Come on, let's get you back to the hotel. You can bunk with us tonight so you aren't alone.”
“Thank you. I'd like that.” you agreed. The last thing you wanted right now was to be alone.
As you follow them out into the parking lot, you paused, looking up at the sky as lighting flashed over head.
Dani and Lily had kept walking. You stood for a moment, feeling the wind against your face and listening to the rumbling thunder. Everything you were seeing and feeling told you the storms were moving out.
“There you are...” a voice seethed from behind you. You froze in fear, a chill running down your back. How the hell did he find you here?
You scream out in pain and fear as Lee grabs you roughly and throws you to the ground, “I told you, Bitch! I would kill you and whoever you were with if you ever left me again!”
Dani and Lily turn, hearing you cry out and seeing you laying on the ground and a towering figure looming above you; they both came running. “Get away from her!” Dani yelled, plowing into the man. She didn't know or care who he was or what was going on.
“You okay?” Lily asked, “What happened?” she knelt at your side.
Your body was trembling in fear. “It's my husband.” you gasp out.
Not only was your life in danger, but so was Tyler's and the lives of your new friends. You knew Lee would kill them all, because of you.
Dani had Lee pinned to the ground, until he brought a knee up and kicked her off.
“NO!” you yell, seeing Lee pull a knife from the pocket and go after Dani. You were damned if one more person was going to get hurt because of you.
You stumble to you feet, tackling Lee and throwing a punch into his face.
“Oh yes!” he yelled, “NOW you want it rough he laughed, bringing the knife up and into your side.” You gasp, rolling over and Lee scrambles to his feet taking off into the night. He knew he was no match for the three of you.
“Y/N!” Dani and Lily were at your side in a moment, “Come on, we've got to get you into the ER.” they helped you to your feet.
“Tyler..” you gasped, “You've got to make sure he's not alone. Lee could come after him.”
“We're going to get you looked at first and then call the police.” Lily promised, “In the meantime, I'll make sure the doctors are aware. We won't let anything happen to you or Ty.”
Chapter 6
* * * * *
Tag List
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beautifulplaceofyouth · 5 months
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Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
When you keep bumping into your personal royal guard by accident not knowing he is your guardian angel
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook!fallen angel!royal guard! × fem!reader!virgin!princess
Word count: 2.1k
Rating: 15+
Genre + warnings: Fluff, paranormal romance, historical fanfiction, Kook being cold and mysterious, being his sexy self. Caring and possessive!jk! Really horny towards his princess, being a big seductive tease. Dead bodies - corpses and much blood. JK kills everyone who dares to hurt his princess. MAKES PROMISES TO BE SAFE. The story isn’t real, just my imagination running wild so just enjoy reading!
a/n: Finally a small update, guys! I will stop making excuses and will hope you will not kill me for vanishing like every time I promise coming back sooner but still...yeah. I hope you forgive me.
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You were standing by the large window.
The castle’s walls seemed to surround you.
The windows let out on a long stretch of fields leading to the border of the woods.
Since your fallen angel left, it has been three hours  since Jungkook disappeared. Three more hours without food; three hours without hearing news or seeing anyone besides the servants running around like little heads in a tornado.
It made you restless.
Your legs started moving before your mind did. The white dress was fluttering behind you while you walked through the corridor.
It’s been three hours.
Three more hours and no updates. Your thoughts were racing and your stomach was growling. But there was nothing you could do, nothing you can say, until Jungkook returns.
As you turned the corner into the hall where the servants and guards resided, you stopped suddenly. Something was wrong.
You frowned.
As you neared the palace exit, a witch-maid stopped you before you can leave further.
“I’m sorry, my queen but the king didn’t allowed you to leave the castle for safety reasons. We still are under attack,”  the female servant said apologetically. “Please return to your chambers.”
She tried to take your hands, which you quickly pushed away.
What were they thinking?
That Jungkook would come back in less than ten minutes?
No. Jungkook wouldn’t. Not now.
He is probably dead. Killed by vampires, maybe. Maybe captured in battle and taken prisoner. What if he got hurt?
No. He’d never let a vampire touch him unless…unless…
You ran outside and searched in every part of the grounds. No sign of him anywhere.
Then why the hell haven’t you heard anything yet?!
‘I’m not letting any vampire near my guard,’ you thought fiercely. ‘And if they do get near my angel, I swear to God...’
Looking up, the sun is barely visible. A thin veil of clouds covering half the sky, dark grey.
There was no sign of any vampire in sight.
Where the heck is everyone if there is attack?!
Tears welled in your eyes as you sat down on the ground and leaned your back against the stone wall of the castle’s exterior. There was a small pond a few meters to your side, a beautiful blue lake reflecting the sky above it. The moon was hidden behind the clouds, casting an eery orange light over everything in the vicinity.
Your heart was beating fast, threatening to burst through your ribcage. Tears stinging your eyelids, you felt your cheeks getting wet.
You wiped your tears off angrily. You are being foolish.
Jungkook wouldn't be dead. He can fight for himself but he knows how much you love him and if something happened to him…
Oh god, please don't let something happen to him. He’s strong but he's too young to die. Please God, let him be okay. Let him survive.
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Jungkook’s POV
The sun was setting when Jungkook flew over the woods of his territory with his sword in hand, prepared to defend his home.
As he descended closer, he noticed many vampires fighting against the guards on the other end of the forest clearing.
With the sharp edge of his sword ready to strike, he landed heavily between several vampires, sending them flying to different parts of the field.
His presence was enough to scare most of them away, leaving two vampires with their backs turned towards him who weren’t afraid of him whatsoever.
Without hesitation Jungkook lunged forward with his sword and stabbed one of the vampires in the back with all his force.
His opponent fell, unconscious and bleeding, but still alive.
Jungkook ignored him as he jumped to the other vampire, slashing his blade across his throat before landing behind the first one again to stab him in the back.
Two vampires had surrounded Jungkook.
One with blonde hair, the other with red. They charged at him simultaneously.
Jungkook dodged each of them with ease.
Suddenly, the blood lust filled air vanished.
A cold, piercing sound echoed through the forest.
In a matter of seconds, the second vampire was dead. His eyes staring wide open as if asking for help and pain. The red head also fell lifelessly onto the ground.
Blood flowing from his neck, he didn’t have a chance to scream.
Slicing remaining vampires in half, the blood was the only thing left on him when he finally finished. Seeing his guards dead, he could only  watch them fall and the bodies turn pale and gray, their skin wrinkling and turning into dust.
The other vampires that were still around looked at him with horror and shock.
They wanted to run. They wanted to kill him.
But they couldn’t move, not a single muscle in their bodies dared to move; not even their hearts.
“You’ve been warned,” he snarled,” Attack what’s mine again, you will be taken as my trophies  for all eternity."
The vampires began fleeing after that, screaming in fear and terror.
Jungkook took out the swords he used in the fight, sheathing them neatly once again, before turning to look around.
Death’s  scent was everywhere. Blood was smeared everywhere, along with some pieces of flesh scattered throughout the area.
The bodies of his guards lay sprawled all over the ground. Their faces twisted and bloody, covered in dirt.
Jungkook closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath.
Now since the danger was gone, the only thought on his mind was you.
When he opened his eyes, he could already see you.
You were walking out of the forest, your face pale and frightened.
He didn’t need to look at you to know that the blood from these deaths must have affected you greatly. As if sensing him, your eyes met his, a look of complete devastation and sorrow filling their depths.
“Jungkook,” you whispered in fear, looking around the field as though searching for enemy still lurking by but there was no one left alive except for the king himself.
His jaw clenched when he spotted you, knowing you have disobeyed his order for you to stay at the castle. His guards haven’t stopped you from leaving and now you’re here, in the middle of the battlefield which is no place for someone like you.
Looking like an angel in a white dress, Jungkook looked ready to kill again when you slowly approached  him.
The wind was playing with his raven hair, dancing through his bangs and causing small droplets of sweat to roll down his body.
He looked like a predator waiting for its prey to come close and bite it.
Your gaze flickered between the corpses laid on the ground, their eyes frozen in fear and pain.
Seeing your angel in the middle of that made you realize how strong he really is.
The blood was on his armor and even his face scarf. His eyes were the only thing holding you steady as you dared to walk forward.
His chest was rising up and down.
“What are you doing here, princess?”  he asked harshly, making your body shiver.
You looked down at the ground, ashamed of yourself.
Why were you so careless? You shouldn’t be here! It’s dangerous. Too dangerous to be out here alone!
How long have you been standing here? Did you hear the screams of vampires earlier? Did you hear them running away?
Did you hear them dying? Did you understand what was happening?
Your hands trembled as you looked at the bodies laying on the floor; lifeless.
“Answer me.”
He didn’t wait for a response, he grabbed your chin roughly, forcing your eyes to meet his.
“Princess. Why are you here? Answer me.”
You didn’t answer right away. Your heart thumping painfully inside your chest.
After a moment, you answered in a weak voice, “I just wanted to go for a little walk. I lost track of time and ended up here.”
His grip on your chin tightened and his lips curved in anger.
“You’re such a liar, love.”
Before you know, he kneels in front of you. Putting his sword on the ground, he takes your hands in his.
“You shouldn’t be here. What you did was dangerous. How can I protect you when you don’t listen to me? You would have been captured on the way here, possibly killed by those bloodsucking monsters!”
“I’m sorry Jungkook. But I just wanted to make sure no one hurt you. I know you can defend yourself just fine but…”
“It doesn’t stop you from worrying. And I appreciate it very much, but you don’t have to do this. I am stronger than these creatures.”
“But you don’t always have to be. You’ll get attacked by them sooner or later, you know. You won't be able to take them down with a sword on your own. Sooner or later, they'll find you.”
“No they won’t. This forest is protected by powerful magic. My kingdom is safe as long I’m here.” He explained, trying to reassure you.
“But not enough to attack this place?” You inquired quietly.
“Someone tipped me off. That’s why they got inside. No one without my magic permission can go through the barrier of this land. Its separates the human world.”
“So they can still be out there and continue to attack,”  you said bitterly.
“That’s why I must kill them all.” Jungkook declared, determination in his voice.
Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to escape and fall down your cheeks at any moment.
You quickly wiped away any evidence of your weakness before looking into his eyes with a determined look of your own.
Before you can chicken out, you step closer to him when he is back to standing position. His eyes darken when he notices the movement, his nostrils flaring when your scent washes over with the death smell all over the field.
It was like a flower has bloomed in the middle of the grave, filling his whole being with the sweet fragrance of your happiness and life.
You stood on your tiptoes while he stood on his, looking at him intently in the eyes.
His gaze never wavers. Neither does yours.
Neither of you breaks eye contact until finally you pull him towards you, hooking one finger underneath his mask, playing with the seam of the fabric slowly.
“What are you doing, darling?” His voice is husky, full of desire for you even it was wrong in that moment.
How can you touch him like this after he has slaughtered every vampire? He had blood on his hands and corpses still laid all around you so how come you’re not afraid to touch him?
“Making sure you’re not hurt,” you whisper, lifting his mask to reveal a strong jawline who can cut steel and lips that look tempting yet deadly.
He stares back at you, the intensity in his eyes making you want to drown in his eyes forever. He grabs your waist, pulling you against him tightly, his hand caressing your lower back, the heat of his palm seeping through the thin cloth of your dress.
“You’re making this harder for me, princess. You can’t stay here longer. It’s dangerous,”  he says softly, leaning closer to you, his hot breath fanning your cold skin as he whispers.
"I don’t care.” You say, closing the gap between your lips and pressing them softly onto his.
At first, he tried to push you away.
But the minute you parted your lips to deepen the kiss, he gave up.
As your tongue ran along his bottom lip, tasting each other, you wrapped your arms around his neck while he gripped both sides of your waist.
He lifted you easily in his arm and you placed your legs around his hips, holding on tightly when you felt yourself getting dizzy and lightheaded.
Lifting up into the sky, you almost scream when you realize that he has intended to fly you back to the castle. His wings even through the mist shine with the specks of light that peeked from the clouds.
Not daring to look down because of your fear of heights, some minutes later you brace yourself for landing when he flaps his wings to stop his  speed abruptly, causing you to cling onto him like a koala.
When he puts you down gently on your feet, you let out a soft sigh of relief.
Jungkook pulled you in his arms, cradling you close and soothing you as best he could.
“I’m sorry, baby. Didn’t want to startle you like that. I just can’t imagine you walking through that mess.  It must have been terrifying.” He whispered tenderly, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
You leaned into his touch, melting at the sound of his deep, rumbling voice calling you baby in that loving way of his, feeling warmth blossom inside your chest.
Feeling safe. Protected.
“You need to stay indoors while I go back to finish the job. Someone still can be lurking in the shadows and watching us so we have to take precautions,”  he says sternly, grabbing the hilt of his sword and taking a few steps backward as he looked behind him.
“Come back to me safe, please.” You pleaded.
He sighed as he turned around, walking towards you again.
He reached out to caress your cheek once more before giving you a soft smile.
“I promise you.”
You nodded as he took off with a flap of his wings. The air surrounding him seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow, the wind caressing his skin like a lover as his figure disappears among the thick mist in the distance.
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p.s. All images and gifs are not mine, some of the edits are mine edited but not every picture. All the credit goes to their rightful owners
If you like, please reblog or like the post so I can post the next chapters :)
🅒 All rights reserved
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snickerdoodie · 14 days
“Need you now”
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Summary: The Tornado Wranglers weren’t known for staying in one place for longer than a few days; too many storms to chase, fans to see, family’s to help. It required constant movement and you knew that, but it was never easy for you or Tyler.
Pairing: Tyler Owen’s x f!reader
A/N: Funny story about this fic, I actually based it on my grandma and late grandpa. It makes me so teary eyed every time she tells me the story but I love it sm😭. I’m not even gonna lie, I didn’t really know if I wanted to post this cuz it just…felt like it didn’t turn out right. Feel free to listen to the song while reading, it’s “Need You Now” by Lady A. Not proofread, per usual. But I hope you guys like it!
“Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone, 'cause I can't fight it any more
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me, it happens all the time”
You knew what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Tyler Owen’s; a famous YouTuber, Tornado Wrangler, and an overall state superstar and hero, but nothing prepared you for all this. The waiting, the longing, the empty bed side, the constant anxiety that maybe today was the day he wouldn’t come home from a chase, it was all awful.
And here you were again, laying in bed alone, tucked in the shriveled up covers and blankets staring blankly at the brain dead tv show with nothing but numbness. It’s been 2 weeks since you’ve last seen and heard from Tyler, with every passing day you miss the toothy grin, his warm, strong embrace. You miss it all. It’s like they say; you never know how much something means to you until it’s gone, and right now, you couldn’t miss him more.
Too busy caught up in your thoughts, you barely process the blaring sound of your cell phone going off. Someone was calling you. In a slumped up ball of blankets, you lazily pick up the phone and glance at the caller ID, not expecting the man you missed most to be the face you see. A wave of emotion hits you at the photo. It was a selfie of the two of you cuddled up in the gleaming sunlight by the bed of a lake. Clothes damp and hair wet, you both decided to bask in the blaring sunbeams as a way to dry off and stay warm.
As hastily is possible, you hit the green accept button. With shaking hands and a wobbly smile, you bring it up to your ear, not even registering the sweet muffled melody coming through the other end.
“Oh my god, Tyler,” you blurt, voice nearly scratchy, “God, I’ve missed you so much…I-“ It’s only when you stop to take a breath that you hear it.
“It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call, but I've lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now,”
As you feel your throat close up and eyes brim with tears, you stay silent. In your blindness to hear Tyler’s voice again, you completely missed the pianos intro, deaf to the lyrics all together. But once you hear the chorus, you melt away. The once welled up tears cascade down your cheeks like a broken dam; no matter how many you wipe away they keep falling. The swelling of your chest becomes nearly painful, trying to hold back the choked sobs that threaten to escape, but it’s a lost cause.
In one last hope, you put the phone on speaker and bring your legs up to your chest, burying your head between your knees as one of your hands holds the cell up. Just as you do, a blubbering whimper travels from your throat as a sob follows it soon after. As the song continues to flow around the room, the quiet but definite wails carry on, an unstoppable sound that breaks Tyler’s heart through the staticky reception of the call.
Minutes pass by as your weeping slows to small sniffles, eyes closed as you focus on the last remaining lyrical bits of the song.
“Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all,”
You don’t trust yourself to speak, the emotions still raw and twirling in your mind, a powerful force that only one person can tame.
“Hey baby...”
You nearly burst into another onslaught of tears at the sound of his voice. It’s quiet and nearly as syrupy as your own, and unbeknownst to you, Tyler had too, lost himself at the sound of you. How could he not? With every twister he went through, he always thought one thing; What if doesn’t come home? What if this is the one that finally takes the Tornado Wrangler down, leaving you with nothing to mourn over. The thought alone gave him goosebumps.
“Tyler..” you whimper, chest swelling at the relief of hearing him once again.
“I don’t even know how to start tellin’ you how nice it is to hear your voice again…god I’ve missed you, sweetheart,” With a smile, you repeat back.
“I’ve missed you too, Tyler…I miss you being here with me..” If you close your eyes tight enough, you can really picture him here with you. His breath winding down your neck as his stubble pricks the side of your face. The smell of his cologne mixing in with the scent of your perfume. Listening closely, you hear shuffling then a deep breath, before he finally speaks,
“I’m coming home soon, baby, I promise you I am.”
“I just need you now,
Oh, baby, I need you now.”
Three posts in one day?!? A new record for me. Lmfao I actually wrote this one today and had a crisis if I wanted to post it or not. I know this song is about heartbreak and wanting someone back after they’ve left…but I wanted to try and make it about longing, like the story my grandma always tells me. I hope you guys like this fic! I honestly might rewrite it on a later date, but I was kinda texting the waters with it. As always, comment if you liked or disliked something, inbox is still open!
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copperbadge · 1 year
Hello! I live in Chicago but didn’t grow up in the Midwest. The tornado sirens recently really freaked me out, but it seems most Chicagoans were just going about their business. Is there a way for me to know when stuff is about to get serious and I should actually run and hide? I was scared and checking the news, but with everyone else acting normal it felt like overkill. Any advice appreciated!! Thank you!!!!
I actually didn't grow up here either! But I have been in Chicago for about fifteen years now, so I guess I can speak with reasonable authority.
The sirens are for tornadoes, though they have also been set off for high winds, bad storms, etc. They are tested at ten in the morning on the first Tuesday of each month, so a lot of us are conditioned to hear them and think "Must be ten am". I've only ever heard them "for real" a handful of times but I've always paid attention. Probably what you were witnessing was people just...incorrectly not giving a shit.
So, first off: if you hear a siren, get inside. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing. Most people will look around and go "nobody else is freaking out so I guess I don't need to" and that's how you end up dead of Insufficiently Freaking Out. The trick is proportionate freaking out. You want to get inside to safety -- a store, the lobby of an office building or hotel, the nearest El stop, even a car or bus is better than being out on foot. If you can get there safely, go home, that's best, but if you can't get home, get indoors. Once you're in safe shelter you can pretty much stop freaking out unless a storm is actively hitting the building. Take the time to check your phone, figure out how to get home if you aren't, check weather apps to see how long it'll last, etc.
It's not impossible that a tornado would make its way into Chicago, but most of the time when weathermen say "Chicago" they mean "the suburbs". The city itself is so built up, and the lake has such an impact on that kind of thing, that it's unlikely, at least currently. If you are not in a suburb or on the outskirts, the odds of an actual facts tornado are pretty slim. That said, Chicago is subject to high winds at times and the sirens can be set off for that, and high winds in Chicago are no joke.
So for me, the siren is a "stay indoors" warning; the one time I heard it while outside, I didn't freak out, but I did stop what I was doing, turn around, and go home. If you're indoors then you can turn your worry down low, though it doesn't hurt to have the weather on the TV. Just as a matter of course, living in the world, you should have a battery-powered lantern or flashlight and know where it is, make sure your phone is charged or start charging it, and keep an eye on the TV.
If you DO need to get to heavy shelter because a genuine disaster is happening on top of you, it's good to know where to go. You don't generally need to hang out in the shelter pre-emptively unless the weather reporter says to, but it helps a lot to know your options. Most high-rise buildings, office and residential, you want to go to the stairwell; they're reinforced and ventilated. If you're in a house that doesn't have a storm cellar or an apartment like my old one, that was just "top floor of a three-floor walkup", go to an interior room without windows, preferably the bathroom, and get into the empty bathtub.
It's tough to strike a balance between necessary caution and anxious overreaction, and I say that as an anxious over-reactor. But the longer you live here the better your sense will be of what is a genuine emergency. I think it took me about two winters here to get a sense of proportion. Occasional murderous heat waves aside, most of our truly dangerous weather happens December-March, so that's good training in when to wig out.
But yeah -- if you're out in the world and you hear a siren, or you see smoke, or you get a bad vibe somewhere, it is okay, encouraged even, to hit the bricks. Don't wait to see what other people do, don't tell anyone else what to do, just be the person everyone else sees and thinks "Hey, maybe I should be concerned about this."
I once walked onto the northbound platform of the Grand Red Line station when it was actively on fire. I looked around at the smoke and the people casually standing in the smoke waiting for their train, went "Fuck all this noise, I'm not dying for a Red Line train," and went right back out again. Roughly half of the stand-arounds saw me heading purposefully for the stairs and started following me; I had just reached street level again when we heard the evacuation order over the loudspeakers. People make dumb choices until they see someone making a smart one.
ANYWAY IDK how long you've been in Chicago but if you're relatively new, welcome, that kind of shit doesn't happen very often I swear, and if you've been here for a while, sorry for overexplaining. :D I am just very into the idea everyone staying safe and paying attention to the sirens. :D
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fullyfazed · 10 months
I keep thinking about the possibilities for the next* life series so now you all get to be subjected to my thoughts.
*not confirmed yet, just based on hope and an implied future for the series
Like I said in my other post I would LOVE for there to be a large snow biome on the map, but that got me thinking about other biomes and land features which have been under-repped in seasons past.
So I made a topographical map. Of course.
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The big feature would be the stony peaks which would surround spawn (located on an island in a lake). The mountains could be used as a wall for those living inside, a lookout point for anyone living on it, and it would serve as a natural terrain challenge when it came to brawls and inter-faction attacks.
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The other large geological feature would be the cavern/ravine. Another feature which could work as a base and/or difficult terrain, but could also be a good entry point for mines and the deep dark.
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As for the biomes themselves I think it would be cool to use them not only because they haven't really shown up yet, but because of the aesthetics, dynamics, and building styles associated with them would be so fun to see in a season (plus the fanart would be sick)
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These are just some examples but it could be interesting if there was a tree house village in the jungle, a secure winter base in the mountains, or maybe even an apocalyptic wasteland in the badlands. Obviously there are tons of other variations of bases that could be built in these areas, but these were the first that came to mind.
But Fazed, you cry, what will the gimmick be?
Well I'm so glad you asked because I have two main ideas, both of which involve an aspect of randomness. They'd be built off the original 3rd life system, so keep that in mind :)
The first idea is that every session, there's a random server-wide event. The event could be anything, like every player turns invisible, a random green turns red for the session, or a tornado shows up. Something that will bring an aspect of chaos to the server as a whole, and could potentially increase in dangerousness as the series progresses. There would only be one event per session, and there would be no way to predict what it will be, so they'd have to be handled in a similar way that the secrets are handled in Secret Life.
The second idea steams from double life, but instead of 2 players being connected, the server is split into teams, each with 3-6 players. Teams are randomized at the start of the series, and players switch teams (also randomized) when they die. So there's a real chance that someone could be caught in a trap and then forced to join their killers teams. Health wouldn't be linked for obvious reasons, but I think there could be potential in having shared status effects, inventories, or team synergy bonuses (couple seconds of resistance if your whole team is together, strength boost when all members attack one enemy, regen when eating together, things like that).
Personally I could see both of these ideas working in tandem but I understand how that could be overwhelming when it comes to the creation and execution of the series, so seeing them on their own should also work.
That's about it, I don't really have a good name for this yet but if you like any of the ideas in here please consider adopting them into your psyche.
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oh-stars · 7 months
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Guiding Hand
Love is about a hand reaching out to you so you don't get lost.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 1156 words | CW: PTSD | Rating: T
Thunder roars in the distance. It’s faint, barely noticeable over Eddie’s chords as he practices on his acoustic. “I’m off my game today,” Eddie groans, scrubbing at his face with one hand, the other cradling the neck of the guitar still. “It sounds so out of tune even though I’ve…” 
Steve hums as he grabs the candles and flashlights from under the entertainment center. 
The rains picking up, going from a pleasant steady rhythm, to a downpour as the storm grows closer. He’s thankful for the rain, a constant companion to the thunder and Steve’s biggest reminder that they’re in the right side up. It eases some of his anxiety, but the remainder is still too loud. 
“I think you should kiss me.” 
The thunder seems a bit closer now. He grabs the pack of batteries and the matches, his lighter already in his pocket. He hasn’t used the flashlights since the tornado watch two months ago, the last time the lights flickered. They should still have enough juice, but you can never be sure. 
“Can we get a horse?” 
Steve checks out the window; the rain’s flooding the driveway and soon they could swim through the lake of his front yard. At least its already late, so they can stay home – and if Eddie tries to go back to the trailer, he’s not afraid to tackle him. 
“Do you think Henderson could find us a unicorn?” 
They haven’t eaten dinner yet, should Steve heat up something before the storm gets too bad? In case they lose power for a while? The storm is coming quickly though. It’ll take too long to make something and he needs to pick up more canned goods. Do they have enough leftovers?
“Stevie, I’ve grown an extra head, but it’s not mine.” 
He heads toward the kitchen and pulls out the casserole he made last night. There’s plenty. Hopefully Eddie doesn’t mind. He goes to ask, but a clap of thunder cracks through the air. 
Steve drops the lid to the tupperware – it clatters to the floor as Steve jumps. 
“Steve,” Eddie says, his hands on Steve’s hips, pulling him in close so he presses against Steve’s back. 
He glares at Eddie over his shoulder. 
Eddie raises his hands in defense. “Don’t get mad at me. That’s your name.” 
“Not to you.” Steve turns around and crosses his arms. 
“I’ve been trying to get your attention for a while, baby,” Eddie says softly. He puts his hands back on Steve’s waist, their hips flush together. “Are you okay?” 
Steve shrugs. “Just making dinner.” 
Eddie keeps his face neutral; Steve cna see how much effort it's taking him. 
“Are you okay with leftovers?” 
“Sounds great,” Eddie sighs. “Can I do anything?” 
Steve shakes his head and turns back to the cold leftovers. Eddie’s hands stay on his waist as Steve dishes out two healthy servings for their plates. 
Another thunderclap and Eddie’s grip tightens. Steve’s entire body feels tight like he’s preparing for something. Which is just bull. He’s making dinner during a thunderstorm. There’s nothing happening. He’s being foolish. 
A soft kiss to the side of his neck has Steve letting out a breath. Was he holding it? “I’ve got you,” Eddie whispers. 
Steve leans back into him as the first plate heats up in the microwave. He closes his eyes and listens to the rain, to the soothing sound of Eddie’s breathing accompanied by the little gusts against his skin where Eddie’s nose is pressed to his skin. 
For a moment, all is well. 
With their dinner reheated, Steve takes their plates to the living room where the flashlights and candles wait for them. 
“Dinner on the sofa?” Eddie gasps as they settle in. “What would your mother say, Steven?” His smile turns into a grimace. “Not feeling it?” 
Steve leans into Eddie’s side. “I’m sorry.” 
“Baby,” Eddie says, “it’s okay. I just want to see you smile.” 
Well, that does work. 
They’re able to eat as they watch Golden Girls reruns in companionable  silence, with Eddie crossing his legs over Steve’s. It keeps him grounded as the thunder rolls on. 
When the episode ends, Steve takes their plates to the kitchen and starts to clean up. Eddie’s right there with him, talking about the show like he’s gossiping about their neighbors. “And where does Blanche get off saying that shit to Rose?” 
“I don’t kno–” 
The lights flicker. 
Steve shoves Eddie behind him, into the cabinet, as he reaches for the knife block. 
He grips a steak knife so tight his knuckles pop. His senses are attuned to the world around them as Steve stands guard. They’re frozen in place, time still as they wait for… something. 
No bulging walls. 
No flapping wings. 
No scratching nails. 
All he can hear is rain, thunder, Eddie’s breathing and his own ragged breaths. 
Then the lights go out all together with the next flash of lightning. 
“Shit,” Eddie hisses. 
Steve holds his breath until the next round of thunder has passed. “C’mon,” Steve says, reaching back for Eddie’s hand. 
Eddie laces their fingers together with a self-deprecating laugh. “You’d think I’d get over this fear of the dark at my age.”
Steve squeezes his hand. “Kind of hard when you’ve seen what we’ve seen.” Carefully, he walks them both out of the kitchen toward the coffee table. “Don’t let go.” 
“Right. Can’t be getting lost in your McMansion,” Eddie quips, as if he isn’t actively cutting off Steve’s circulation. 
He kicks the coffee table and uses his leg to put some space between himself and the table to set the knife down. Then he makes quick work of lighting the candles with his lighter, flicking it closed once he’s done. 
With that, he drags Eddie to the couch and sinks into the cushions. He’s too tense still, nerves frayed and muscles still fired up to jump into action. Eddie’s hand has eased, though, thumb running over Steve’s knuckles. Soon, Steve knows that his presence, his touch, will spell all of his built up tension – even with the thunder still going overhead and the rain still pelting the windows. 
The walkie that lives on the side table clicks on, crackling to life as Max’s voice asks, “Does anyone have power?” 
“Zoomer, you’re supposed to say, over. Over,” Henderson says. 
“Answer or don’t, curly fries. I don’t have time for this,” Max huffs. 
Steve raises an eyebrow at Eddie, only to find him looking back just as confused. 
With their hands still linked, Eddie grabs the walkie, holds down the button, and holds it up to Steve’s face. 
“Roll call, nerds,” Steve says, then with a sigh, he adds, “over.” He leans against Eddie, tucking himself under Eddie’s arm. He feels anchored, safe in the bubble of candlelight he’s made for him and Eddie. 
After everyone else has checked in, Eddie presses the button again and says, “Babysitter and Banished, all clear.”
Thank you @lady-lostmind!
Ao3 Link
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anavatazes · 10 months
Learn to be a Texas Southern, From Austin.
Ok. First of all, I love you all. I truly do. I adore my fan fic writers, especially if you write my Joel crack... um, stories. *cough* The man keeps me in a bear hug and refuses to let go. Not that I am complaining ;).
BUT, for the LOVE of all that is holy and good and Joel, STOP using any American TV show or movie for reference to how things are in Texas as far as the food, the way they talk, the way the weather is, how and what a BBQ is, and I swear if I see another one with snow...
Like I said, I love you all. Yes, fan fiction is fantasy. You can write what you want. How you want. That's what is so great and wonderful about it. Get creative, get wild. Go crazy! But don't sit there and act like you do your research and are an accurate little miss that can do no wrong. Nuh-uh. I will find a slew of little old ladies that will Bless Your Hearts from here to Oblivion if you call Ribs with BBQ sauce proper BBQ in Texas. Believe you me. Every State in the Union has their own form of BBQ, and in the Southern States, it's a fucking religion akin to College Football and Jesus.
American TV and movies are pretty generic when it comes to the accuracy of our own culture and will take great liberties when trying to pass off one area for another. This includes accents, ways people speak, and how the areas they are in truly are. I touched on this briefly when I went over the whole Bless Your Heart phrase and how it does not mean what you think it means and it can get pretty offensive quick. American TV likes to go for the shock value, and the drama more than it likes to go for the accuracy and really doesn't care who it offends in the process. And older shows, like Dallas, Southerners don't talk like that anymore. Except maybe a few left in Kentucky... Maybe. Watch play-throughs of the games if you want a feel for how Joel speaks. Especially the first one. Stay away from the second one if you are trying to avoid season 2 spoilers for the show.
No Outbreak!/Pre-Outbreak!Joel will spend Saturday mornings with Sarah hiking. And there are next to no hills (unless man-made) in Austin. It's all flatland. No mountains. A few rivers, and Lake Travis isn't far away. A lot of trails all around Austin from 1999 to 2013, depending on when you wanted to have Outbreak Day if you wanted it at all. They'd probably go to one of a trillion restaurants in Austin for lunch, depending on their taste. It is canon that Joel can't cook. Tommy, Ellie, AND Sarah all bring it up in Pt. 1 and Pt. 2, if you know where to look. I would say one of their favorite places would be Home Slice for some great pizza. Or maybe even Torchies for a wide variety of tasty Tex-Mex food. Maybe even pick up some Brisket (Texas BBQ) to take home to get ready for an afternoon spent watching the University of Texas football game on the TV, if we're in August to January. Honestly, May through the beginning of October, they probably aren't doing too much hiking. The temperature of 100° plus (in Fahrenheit) is all the rage at this time. And you might have high humidity one day, with non-stop thunderstorms that might seem like a hurricane, and can spawn a tornado, but really isn't a hurricane. Then the next day, be the dryest heat that you've ever experienced in your life. Though, from what I've heard, the latter rarely happens now. More humid days are common now.
Texas BBQ.
If you are ever in the Southern United States, do yourself a favor, and just do not call anything related to the grill BBQ, ok. You will be better off and have a nicer visit, and life overall. If you like to live dangerously, go ahead and call the grill a BBQ. Call a cookout a BBQ. Go ahead. I'll wait. I'll have the tissues ready and waiting for the passive-aggressive politeness from the ladies and the open hostility from the not-so-gentlemen. You have a Cookout, or you Grill out. A BBQ is a way of life and means something different in each state (and will start a war in North Carolina because they are so special, they have two kinds of BBQ). Most everyone in (at least the South) can agree that BBQ food is some sort of slow cooked meat. In Texas, almost 99% of the population agrees it's Brisket, and the rest are wrong. (That's another Southern thing, they are right, and everyone else is just wrong. Drives me nuts when they use it in an argument). Now, they will have different ways of preparing it, and they will have fights over it (have witnessed several), but they all agree on Brisket.
Being close to the Mexican border and Texas' history as a part of Mexico once upon a time means that there is a heavy Mexican influence in Austin. As much as Texas likes to claim to be white bread, it really isn't. From the food to the people to the names of streets, cities, etc, there is a heavy Mexican influence. The idea that, somewhere, that Joel and Tommy have Latino blood is not far-fetched. Especially on the show. At the very least they would have a basic understanding of Spanish. That is being from Austin, regardless if they share any Mexican heritage or not.
Politeness and the True Southern Gentlemen.
I hate to break it to you, but there is no such thing as the great Southern Politeness and Hospitality. In fact, if a guy comes up to me and says he's a True Southern Gentleman, I'm running the other way. That "Gentleman" is 9/10 times a walking sexual assault case. This is not to say there are no nic+e and polite people in the South, but it is no different from any other place in the US. But, I will tell you, from the upper middle class on up, they can be some of the most passive-aggressive mother fuckers you will ever meet. From the Mid-Middle Class on down, the more hospitable they will be, and they fit the stereotype the upper class has somehow gotten. It's a mess.
Not everyone in the South is Christian, or devout, but will say a phrase that will make you think they are. I touched on this in my Bless Your Heart post. As God as my Witness, Good Lord Willin', Christ Almighty, and others are common phrases you will hear in the South. It DOES NOT mean the speaker is religious by any means. Trust me.
That's all I have for now. I could go on, as there is more. And please remember, fan fiction is fantasy, it's creative. Write what you want. This is just to help out those who are looking for more accuracy. And as it has been a while since Austin for me, and you are from Texas, and more specifically Austin, and you wish to add more info, and/or correct anything, feel free, please. There are a lot of differences among the Southern States, and it can be a pain to keep it all straight. So I have no problem in receiving help to keep in all in line :).
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futurebird · 2 months
do you like the size of the sky? (NO)
Don't worry, this won't be "long" tumblr.
Rapidly developing a mild obsession with tornados. I can admit that. I used to not even like to think about them.
I saw one when I was very little, on a lake, a waterspout. I didn't like it very much. It was just too ... long. (kind of like that post of a similar name) The rope of cloud made a horrible noise. Gave scale to the sky... and the sky is always there but it's not often you have know to how huge it is...
Did you know that clouds are heavy? Easy to overlook since they are not dense, but we are talking 100s or 1000s of tons.
Tornados are like eldritch horrors. This footage is incredible. (from 2020 but only now just posted.) In a few of the shots there is a rainbow and a tornado just dancing on the edge of the sky.
(Really impressed with Melanie Metz entire storm chasing channel. It's lovely and also scary.)
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mean soap….what about mean könig?
This is the ask that GOT me earlier cause a mean König would make me screech. He would be nothing like our beautiful bb boy in Rocky start, he would be intimidating af! (and something about the fact I'd never considered something like this before got meeeeee)
Warning: Smut (18+), mean König
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Mean König would take every chance he could to show you how weak you are, how easily overpowerable. He would pin you up against the wall, holding your two hands in only one of his while he clasped your jaw with the other, and put that big hooded face of his right up against yours. His eyes would be aglow with all the terrible thoughts they had swirling inside them, betraying a building tornado waiting to be unleashed. He'd growl low and menacing in your ear - you could swear you feel the cool blow of ice cold breath escape through the thick material, but really its probably the shivers wracking your body - and König would be so threatning and dominating.
"You know, even for a new recruit you're really quite pathetic. You can barely keep up with the others, you're slow and you're a terrible shot. I'm beginning to think this is all you're good for," he'd rumble, inhaling your scent through the hood.
"König! Please I didn't- I didn't mean to fuck up so badly in training today, those guys were much bigger and I just couldn't get an edge on them, can't you just give me a break?"
"No. And you know why? Because you need to learn a lesson, If you don't have the will to fight in a place like this...you're going to be eaten alive."
He'd yank your wrists then and throw you out in the middle of the room, and you'd stumble on the threadbare rug, cursing the old worn thing like it was sentient. As if it were to meaningfully blame for your downfall. Then you'd do your best to regain your balance as you stumbled toward the bed, gulping as you saw König advancing toward you again, his heavyboots landing hard on the squealing wooden floors.
"König, please! Be nice to me!"
"Poor little newbie, you want me to be nice? You don't think I'm being nice now? You want to know how mean I can really get?"
You'd whimper and watch as he advanced toward you, crossing the floor in a matter of seconds and pinning you down on the ground as if you were nothing. His full weight would come down on you and angle over your prone body like a monster inspecting its kill. His chest would lay heavily over yours and his legs would be impenetrable.
It didn't matter what you did. It'd be no use. You'd moan out and try to kick out at him, but he'd crowd you so badly you'd barely be able toget a foot free. You'd struggle, man you'd wriggle so hard and get so hot you could swear there were flames licking at your sides, but there's no way König would budge. You'd scream, headbutt, shove and twist your hands and fight all you could, but he'd stay on you like concrete that had moulded into place. It'd send you crumbling. You were just as every bit small and vulnerbale as he made you out to be.
"It's a good thing you have me watching over you, Schatz," he'd whisper, eerily low. "Who knows the levels of depravity that some of the men on this base might like to go to with you? Aren't you just so lucky you have someone that wants to protect you like this?"
A noise would ring out into the room, a sharp pitiful noise. A whine. A whine of anticipation, of fear, of longing, of unknown unnease. You'd shiver and try to close your eyes, try to pretend like you didn't want the giant on top of you to ravage you and take out every bit of anger. Your body would betray you though, he'd know. He always knew.
"Why don't you just lie back and let me take control now, hm? Leave everything up to me. You've never been one for thinking, afterall."
you'd give one last try at a protest.
But it'd be no use, he'd harden his lake blue eyes into tundras and you'd purse your lips, not wanting to dissapoint him any further.
"That's right. Just listen to me, don't think. It's what you're best at, Schatz."
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mama2bears · 21 days
No Christmas Vacation - Part 1
Pairings: Tyler Owens/Reader
Summary: You and Tyler are dating. He takes you for a romantic get away for Christmas, but will the weather interfere with your plans?
Warnings: None yet.
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“Good morning, beautiful.” Tyler kisses your neck softly.
“Do we have to get up now?” you muttered rolling over to face him.
“Yeah, remember, today is the day that I am taking you on our Christmas vacation.”
With that, you smiled, sitting up in bed. Tyler had told you a few weeks ago that he wanted to take you away for Christmas. Ever since then, you had tried to get him to tell you where, but he wouldn't budge. He only told you to pack for cold. It didn't matter where you went, you were looking forward to the trip. You were looking forward to getting away for a few days.
“I made you breakfast in bed before we get started.” he said, reaching over to the nightstand and handing you a tray with pancakes, sausage, and coffee.
“That smells amazing, Ty.” You award him with a tender kiss. You met Tyler three years ago when you moved to Arkansas to follow a career in meteorology and storm chasing. Your first thought was that Tyler Owens was a cocky, reckless redneck who only wanted to be a YouTube star. It didn't take you long though to see the tender side of this cowboy tornado wrangler. He was the guy running into debris to find dogs, playing ball with a child in mist of total destruction. Tyler was both tough and tender.
“So, are you going to tell me where we are going yet?”
“Nope.” he grinned.
“How will I know if we have everything packed we need? What if it's warm? Is it going to snow? We aren't going to be chasing tornadoes, are we?” you groaned. It was two days before Christmas and while it wasn't exactly common to have tornadoes in the winter, it certainly wasn't impossible. You loved storm chasing as much as Tyler did, but not on Christmas.
“Well, we didn't pack for every season, but I think cold weather clothes will be all we need. I don't plan on any tornadoes either.”
“Well, at least you can tell me if we are driving or flying.” you said between bites of your pancake.
“Flying.” Tyler answered “...in a plane.” he added.
“No? Really? And here I thought you were superman.” you grinned.
“Maybe I am.” he winked at you.
After breakfast was over, Tyler took your tray, “I'll get our suitcases in the truck and load the dishwasher.” he offered, giving you time to take a shower and get dressed.
* * * * *
“You know, I am going to kinda miss our Christmas tree and decorations.” you say, making one more check on the door to make sure it locked and alarm set before walking to the truck. Tyler opens the door for you, “Does the hotel have a Christmas tree?” you ask getting in.
“Something like that.” he grinned.
It only took you about half an hour to get to the airport, but with the holiday crowd all traveling it took hours to get though security. Finally you make it though the airport check point and are loading the plane. Tyler still hasn't told you where you were going, but you knew you would find out soon enough.
“Welcome aboard.” a flight attendant was saying. You listened to the normal safety measures to take and then finally, “We'll be arriving in Oneida Wisconsin in about two hours. We expect fair weather.”
“Oneida Wisconsin?” you question. “What's there?”
“Well...” Tyler said sitting back in his seat, “Oneida is just the closest airport to fly into. I'll have a rental car waiting for us and then we're driving up to White Lake. We have a little secluded cabin on the lake for the next week.”
“Ty..that sounds amazing!” you squeeze his hand a little tighter as the plane takes off.
“Still nervous about flying?” he asked.
“30,000 feet is a long way to fall if something goes wrong.” you mutter.
A few hours later the plane landed safely and Tyler had collected the suitcases from the luggage claim area and was now loading it in the rental car, which wasn't a car, but a Dodge Ram truck. He always had to have a Dodge, even on vacation.
You were flipping though the radio station when you stopped on a weather report, “and we are expecting a White Christmas this year. White Lake is expected to get up to five inches of snow.”
“Did you know about this?” you asked.
Right now the day was sunny and warm...well, at least 75 and humid was warm for Wisconsin in middle of December.
“Not until yesterday, I didn't. They just started calling for snow.” he smiled, “But the cabin is going to be stock with everything we need. It even has a hot tub and fireplace.”Do you wanna build a snow man? Come on let's go and play...” Tyler started singing, making you laugh.
“This is going to be the perfect weekend.” you smile, staring out the window as the houses gave way to tall forest.
“Yes...yes it is.” Tyler smile, patting the small box that was in his jacket pocket.
“We're here.” he said turning down a small dirt road which ran for a few miles though the woods. Finally, a small wooden cabin perched on a lake came into view. A dock went out from the front yard and a small boat was tied to the dock.
As Tyler parked, you could see the cabin's porch had garland and Christmas lights wrapped around it, there was also Christmas lights running down the dock and a wreath was hung on the door and every window.
Tyler carried the bags to the cabin and entered the code that was given to him for the lock, opening the door.
“It's beautiful Ty,” you pull him into a hug. It was a one story one bedroom cabin. The living room had a brown leather sofa facing a fire place with a big screen TV hung above it. In the corner was a tall tree all decorated, completed with a star on top. The fresh smell of pine filled the room.
“Merry Christmas Darling,” Tyler kissed you softly, then picked up the bags, heading towards the bedroom, then stops in the door way, “Hey, Darling...come here.” he smiles, dropping the bags on the floor and pulls you into a long, slow, deep kiss.
“What did I do to deserve that?” you asked, eyes dancing with excitement.
He kisses you again and points up, to the mistletoe hang above the doorway. “Rules are rules...gotta kiss every time we pass though the door.”
“So, cowboy, what do you have planned for us first?” you grin.
“Well..since today is so warm, I thought maybe we could take the boat out?” he offered and paused, looking towards the bed, “unless you had something else in mind.”
“Oh..tempting, very tempting.” you kissed him, and lead him back towards the living room, “However, I think I'll choose take the boat out, but when we come back.” she winked, “Well, let's just see what happens.”
Tyler went into the kitchen to find that the cabin owner had stalked it well, as agreed, including a chilled bottle of wine. He fixed some sandwiches and grabbed the wine and a couple of glasses, checking his pocket again to make sure the little box was still there. He put the food and wine in a wicker basket, grabbed a blanket off of the sofa, “Ready” he asked, almost unable to contain his excitement.
You laugh at him, following him out the door, “What is so exciting about a boat ride?” you ask. The way he was acting you would have thought that he was chasing a F5 tornado.
“Come on, you'll see!” he was practically skipping down the dock and you couldn't help but laugh. One thing about Tyler Owens was that he had a way of making your heart soar. When you were with him, you were carefree. He had a way of showing you joy in every moment.
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gamerwoman3d · 6 months
A Family of Tornadoes
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Okay so there is more tornadic activity in this image from March 05, 2024 than meets the eye. But to see it you have to look at the ground. They're walking in a straight line, each kicking up a cone of dust and debris - even the invisible ones have a cone of dust and debris at the base.
That implies that there's a funnel above each of those cones. These funnels can be invisible- they're made of air, after all.
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To see what I see, here's an illustration of what it might look like if the funnels were suddenly visible [marked in yellow above].
Below, a pair of illustrations highlight these possible debris cones in yellow. The first image highlights only the cones where visible funnels have dropped. The second highlights all the possible debris cones.
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To me, this is a family of tornadoes. And they are dancing a line dance. They are having a meeting of some sort, the same day I started my "Old Man Yells at Cloud" warning rambling - which you can read here if you like.
Meanwhile, the New York Times is editing their latest tornado article that they titled "Three Killed [...] tornadoes [...]" after NOT A SOUL died yet. Lots of injuries, no deaths. They also had to change Indiana to Indian in this quote.
"We have never experienced anything like this, anything this severe in the 75 years that I’ve lived around here,” said John Coleman, the president of the Indian Lake Area Historical Society.
Don't expect up-to-date reliable twister news from that souce in particular. They are at least redacting their statements but the headline stayed the same. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/14/us/tornado-storms-ohio-indiana-kentucky.html
The Weather Channel also reported the deaths, but I believe those deaths were counted prematurely.
The National Weather Service received more than 400 reports of severe weather from Thursday morning through Friday morning. That's the most of any 24-hour period in the U.S. since last August.
Now keep in mind, nobody is dead yet to my knowledge. There have only been two deadly twisters recorded in 2024 and both fatal twisters were recorded on January 09, 2024.
Until the deadly twisters are recorded here, it's safest to assume no one had perished.
But the destruction across the USA so far, just on March 14 and 15, has been a lot. I'm still thinking a Dust Bowl type event is not impossible in the near futre, in the aftermath of these events.
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manicplank · 7 months
How about everyone’s biggest fears or just general phobias or both?(Btw, You are pumping these hcs out, and they’ve all been awesome and very unique! I just hope you’re not feeling too pressured!)
Ty!! I answer asks at my own pace. I enjoy writing headcanons, and I'm happy people enjoy reading them!!!
Peppino: He's very high anxiety in the first place, so he's got quite a few fears. Phobia wise, he's probably terrified of clowns and birds. Biggest fear wise, he's horrified of losing the restaurant.
Gustavo: Not many fears. He's a little afraid of open water like lakes and oceans. He's short and can't swim too well. He was TERRIFIED of the fourth floor, especially the Toppin Monsters. Biggest fear is drowning.
Mr. Stick: Afraid of spiders. He will burn his house down rather than kill or relocate the spider. He's a little afraid of tornadoes. Biggest fear would be losing all of his savings.
Pepperman: Afraid that his art career is all for nothing and that he's wasted his time. His paintings don't sell well, and that scares him. His biggest fear is rotting away (cause he's a plant, ya know).
The Vigilante: I've stated it before, but he's afraid of bugs. Flies, bees, spiders, and especially cockroaches. Irrationally terrified of any and all bugs. He'll gunfight with criminals, but bugs are where he draws the line. His biggest fear is losing the farm.
The Noise: He's not really afraid of many things. He might be creeped out by something. A little bit of a germaphobe. He's probably afraid of abandonment as well as losing his fame and career. His biggest fear? Losing Noisette.
Noisette: Afraid of spiders and mice! She will squeal and scream whenever she sees one. She's afraid of getting sick. Like Noise, she's a HUGE germaphobe. She probably emetophobic, too. Her biggest fear would be losing The Noise or her café.
Fake Peppino: He isn't really afraid of anything. His biggest fear is by far abandonment. He might be a bit timind around big birds like eagles and geese. Thinks geese are meanies. His biggest fear is probably being killed.
Pizzahead: Afraid of bees to a degree where he will run and scream away from a single one. He will try and shoot it (only to fail). He's afraid of losing Granny Pizza. His biggest fear is losing the tower.
Pillar John: He's not afraid of most things. Even being in the tower, he doesn't have many fears. His biggest fear is losing Gerome.
Gerome: Much like John, he has little to no fear. He could see a nuke being dropped and go, "huh, what do you know about that". His biggest fear is losing John.
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invisibleraven · 3 months
omg this new prompt list is SO GOOD.
I totally stopped at "exclaiming "because I love you," during an argument and then right under that prompt was rain kisses. So like TOGETHER! Fighting in the rain. Gah I needs it!
I'd love Juke but I know that's not your fav so Rukebox would be my second choice followed closely by maybe hmmm, Luke/Reggie. I feel like it's Luke or Julie doing the dramatic exclaiming and I'm not a fan of Rulie (sorry)
You ship what you want, and I'll ship what I want, it's all cool. Besides we can always agree on the best triad formation of Julie/Luke/Reggie, so no worries.
Reggie was good at pretending.
He pretended he had a loving family and supportive parents when it was the complete opposite. He pretended that his low grades that threatened to make him senior year didn't bother him. He pretended to be cool with the band doing Christmas every year when he went home to light his tiny menorah.
And most of all, he pretended he wasn't hopelessly in love with Luke and Julie.
He had gotten pretty good at it, even though his heart ached everytime he looked at them, saw them making heart eyes and singing love songs at one another. Even if they were perfect for one another, that didn't make his feelings fade any.
He missed sharing a mic or a notebook with Luke. Painting his nails or discussing country music with Julie. Sure they did still did those things, but it didn't feel the same-not with the spectre of their partner hanging over him. He felt like a third wheel, and that was a feeling he hated.
He would be fine if he could one, or both of them as his loves, but he didn't think there was any way forward with that. His luck wasn't that good.
Especially now, given the three of them were trapped in the studio waiting for a rain storm to pass so they could head to their respective homes. If the rain and wind wasn't so violent Reggie would have hopped on his bike, but he didn't want to risk wiping out so he stayed put.
"Yo Reg do you wanna help on the bridge for Electric Heart?" Luke asked.
"I think you both have it in hand," Reggie replied, but the smile on his face was strained, his eyes not as bright as they usually were.
"How about the melody to Untamed Rhapsody?" Julie suggested.
"I'm good," Reggie said, idly strumming his bass, not looking up to see their expressions.
"Why are you such a grouch today?" Luke snarked.
"Yeah, what happened to our sunshiney boy?" Julie asked.
It was the our that broke him-it stung so much to have it dangled in front of him by the very people he wanted to mean it.
"Maybe I don't wanna be sunshiney!" he shouted. "Maybe sometimes I'm a storm cloud, or a stiff breeze, or a fucking tornado. If you knew me, you'd know that!"
"Reggie..." Luke said, standing, and bringing Julie with him.
"No!" He exclaimed, scooting backwards. "I am so sick of pretending to be okay, and neither of you notice. None of you do. None of you even care!"
With that he stormed out, heedless of the rain, just marching off in the direction of Silver Lake, too mad to stop for his bike, or grab his jacket. He was too fuming mad to care about the raindrops dripping into his eyes, as he blinked them away with his tears. He could care less about his soaked clothes, all he cared about was getting away.
"Reggie!" Luke called, catching up, holding his arm fast.
"How could you ever think we don't care about you?" he asked.
"We know when you put up a front Reggie," Julie said, pushing her water logged curls away from her face. "We figured when you were ready to talk to us, you would-we didn't want to push."
"How? Why?" Reggie asked.
"Because I love you!" Luke shouted. "We love you!"
"And before you argue or front, we don't mean as friends," Julie stated firmly. "We've both been in love with you since almost as long as we've been together, but we weren't sure how you felt."
"Then I saw your song...the one about a heart pulled in two directions. Then I knew," Luke said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's such a good song Reg."
"It's nothing-" Reggie said, but was cut off as both Luke and Julie gathered him into their arms.
"Never doubt yourself," Julie admonished. "You are talented, and wonderful, and so so handsome."
"How could we not love you?" Luke asked, a faint laugh in his voice.
"I love you both too," Reggie broke down, though this time the tears were happy, relieved, and made even the rain feel like nothing.
Julie was the first to kiss a tear away, then Luke, making Reggie giggle as they pecked each of his freckles, the corners of his eyes, the tip of his nose, the hinge of his jaw.
But he was the one who gripped Luke's face, pulling him in for a real kiss, a little hard, a little bit too much tongue, and perfect all the same. Then he kissed Julie whose kiss was sweeter, with a hint of teeth, and surpassed his every imagining.
Luke pulled Julie into a kiss then-but this time Reggie didn't feel jealousy or heartbroken. He felt glad to see the loves of his life there with them, sharing the love between them all.
"Can we go back inside now?" he asked. "I'm soaked through and we're all going to get pneumonia at this rate."
"Can't risk that, we have to plan our first date," Luke said with a grin, pulling them back towards the studio.
It was Julie who directed them towards the house where she had changes of clothes for them stashed away, and warm horchata to drink. Plus she had to give her father the chance to gloat over knowing all along.
Reggie didn't have to pretend to smile at that-his grin was one hundred percent genuine, as was every smile that followed it for the rest of his life.
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