#(women’s wrongs are always top priority yk~~~~?)
deus-ex-mona · 4 months
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goodxnight guys~~~
#completely forgot that there was another lxl interview back from when the [redacted] anime had just finished airing lmao#it’s from the same feature in which the [redacted] anime director outright said that thing about mona lol#(as in: ​the ‘mona’s a popular character with a fleshed out backstory but she’s just hiyori’s therapist friend in this loloops’ thing)#i was in such an upset disbelief about it at the time that i completely forgot about the lxl interview man… 2k22 sure was *a* year huh#maybe i’ll get to this interview on either wednesday or this weekend… i need to prepare my lxl tling mindset for the album interview lol#(im still unsure if the magazine will ship lmfao it’s been processing for a g e s [read: 3 days] since i bought it lmao)#(​either way i think itll only come in earliest by this weekend bc im still waiting for my nghy impulse purchase standees too)#(and even if it does come i wanna tl the kawaikute gomen vol 1 bonus manga first [if it actually arrives])#(women’s wrongs are always top priority yk~~~~?)#(though. haha… i think i’ll have the entire hw manga collection when my next batch of purchases come in… s o b s my storage space—)#(the dolce manga exist as just ebooks in my collection thoughhhh. the dolce manga is p much the perfect mix of crack and tragedy tbh)#(like. there are scenes with girisha and his *girisha-ness* b u t there are also scenes with fuuma and his heartbreaking backstory)#(re-reading my (frankly) bad tl of ‘happy’ (shiina chapter) doesn’t make me happy at all.)#(i should really get round to reworking it these days… like the fonts and such are *atrocious*)#b u t i digress anyway lxl old interview tl (maybe) coming soon this week depending on exhaustion levels sorry for clogging the dash gn guys
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This gonna be a quite controversial one but I headcanon KC (Nana) as aroace. Now I KNOW, I know people ship her with Dante, or Zane, or Katelyn I think I've seen before and don't get me wrong I absolutely love reading fanfics of them, but the way I see her is as aroace and yk what I'm perfectly okay with that soo. I love exploring different relationship dynamics and looking into how so many different families can function in their own beautiful way and I'd love to interpret that here.
In my MCD rewrite, the way I saw her was as a character who just LOVED to bring love, light and life to those around her. Be it through her sweets, her hugs or literally bringing dolls to life: that has always been her TOP priority. Making friends and making sure they're loved and happy. But romantically? She's just never managed to feel that attraction. However, she did feel a deep love for Dante when she went back to Phoenix Drop and saw him there alone, but the love she held for him was just moreso platonic then it was romantic. Dante knew that and understood, putting his feelings for her aside because he also cherished the bond they had managed to form.
However they both knew one thing - they both wanted children. Families can have different types of dynamics and every single dynamic is valid. KC and Dante decided to be platonic coparents to their daughter (I still haven't decided on her name as I want to get rid of the stereotypes), sharing a house just for the convenience. Their daughter in no way ever felt unloved, as KC and Dante were incredible and attentive parents, treating her with the love she so deserved. Yes, it sometimes faced some judgement, but they never really cared. Because they had each other, they knew what they felt and they knew that they had a beautiful family.
When Zoey came back with Levin and Malachi, she had immediately understood - being in a similar situation with her own husband, except for the fact that she had always loved women but had wanted children. Levin and Malachi loved the opportunity as to helping with Dante and KC's daughter, and so they began to rebuild Phoenix Drop to protect it from those who wished to harm it. It was their home, and even though the heart of it was gone, they still cherished the memories they had all shared there together.
Even within the darkness, they managed to find that found family once again through the clouds and restored it stronger than ever, the memory of their friends held so dearly in their hearts in the hope that one day they'd be able to see them again.
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daddyjackfrost · 4 years
List the Olympians (+Hades and Hestia) in order form favorite to least favorite, and why <33
okay! this actually took a little time cuz i had to really think it over. fair warning, the percy jackson fan in me is highly biased.
favourite to least favourite;
- Hades (is this obvious? yes. okay, beside being like chill and a loyal husband, he is SO cool. his power increases day by day! the increasing number of dead really does nourish his power. AND! his punishments? *solve this is puzzle* what a guy.)
- Apollo (he’s cool. LOL no okay, i know most of the myths about Apollo and yk he ain’t really a good guy, tho none of them are. everything he is the god of, are things i love and enjoy, plus he’s bi! so, respect 😌)
- Artemis (my QUEEN. she’s sexy what can i say. and i’m pretty sure she’s like the biggest lesbian every which i have to respect. i could be wrong don’t come at me she’s also this feminist icon and i love how she kinda did her own thing? and killed the men who tried to dishonour her.)
- Hestia (my soft queen. i really think that she’s just this kind goddess and from what i know, i love her. i love that her priorities were family and community and that everyone seemed to have kinda worshipped her. plus! i have this wicked idea in my head that even though she was kind, she would be the ultimate downfall of her siblings. *wink wink*)
- Dionysus (i love him. tbh, he and apollo could be tied, but i only recently started reading more about him. i have a lot to say about this guy, mainly because he was SO complex. Dionysus teaches us to become more than what we ordinarily are. He represents pure freedom, emotion, pleasures, nonconformity, and chaos. he’s also so chill?? like yeah he’s done some bad things (i found 3 major things) but he’s better than Zeus and therefor i love him)
- Hephaestus (he’s really powerful. that’s all i gotta say. he literally trapped Hera and literally blackmailed GODS. he’s an icon r u kididng me. also! tho he’s strong, he keeps a pretty low profile and apparently he’s nice and has a heart of a child. wait he also tried to rape athena— i take it back. he’s not an icon. idk man. i think he’s pretty skilled and i would love to watch him work.)
- Hermes (i would rob a bank with him, no cap. apparently he was a hoe tho. i feel like hades liked him. i like him mainly because he’s a sneaky piece of shit, and he’s considered the protector of human heralds so imma assume he’s nice. i don’t know if hermes has done anything like SUPER seriously bad, but i think he’s cool)
- Aphrodite (okay, i don’t hate aphrodite! i actually love her and her whole aura. i honestly think she needs to get over herself tho. a war? over an apple? ma’am pls. tbh, i think the goddess was bad tempered and quick to jealousy but she did protect those who worshiped her to some extent so, respect i guess. i think she could’ve kept it in her pants tho)
- Athena (NO I LOVE HER SHE SHOULD BE AT THE TOP BUT recent discoveries has bumped her down a bit. during my pjo phase, i wanted to be a daughter of athena SO bad. there can be many things said about athena, but she isn’t the goddess i thought she was. yeah, she’s super cool, and she’s good at war and giving dumb heroes courage, but eh. i think she’s hot. i just think she had a dark side and so here she is)
- Demeter (tbh i forgot her😀 so. i think she should just lay off hades and persephone. such a hover mother🙄 i think she’s pretty cool tho. very reliable and besides famine and extreme drama, i don’t think she’s ever done anything really bad? OH OH SHES A BAD BITCH THO. she’s also a pretty good mother. she loved persephone and u can see that with the way she defies zeus. zeus is a bitch for raping demeter)
-Ares (i almost forgot him omg. i think ares is under appreciated. he’s kinda only associated with war? and there aren’t many myths about him. i think he’s portrayed pretty negatively tho he did do some negative things. ares was kinda an assholw ngl. not like, SUPER bad, but i think he had daddy issues. oh oh!! i think i read somewhere that he never raped anyone and never considered women inferior to him, so, respect. i like him. i think we could be friends.)
[okay i’m ngl, these three are my least favourite. i literally like everybody above this]
- Poseidon (sigh. he’s a bitch. he’s moody and bad-tempered and so greedy. i think his powers are SO COOL THO. literally i also wanted to be a daughter of poseidon because r u dumb??? oh he’s such a misogynist tho. and a serial rapist?? keep it in your pants?? i don’t necessarily think he’s evil, mainly because our concept of good and evil don’t apply to myths and gods so. i just think poseidon is petty and i would like to give him a wedgie.)
- Hera ( a BITCH. sorry, that’s my pjo self talking. she’s so jealous and vengeful?? like sorry miss girl, ur pus*y just aint it. that’s ur fault. i really think hera and zeus should have gone to couples therapy. i think hera is petty but also rightfully so— her husband SUCKS. she killed dionysus’s while family tho😐 and did a whole shit ton of rude and bad things. i think hera should have killed zeus and retired and then lived among humans and found a nice human man who wouldn’t cheat. idk man. i’m always so conflicted with hera. do i like her? no. but do i feel bad? yeah.)
- Zeus (🙄 enough said. i don’t like zeus. at all. fuck zeus WAIT DO NOT that’s all. i think he’s a bitch and kronos should’ve just sat on him or something.)
WELL. that was... yeah. that was a mess. thank you for asking this tho! i had so much fun.
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