#(yay my first ask !)
ranger-tater · 1 month
Hi Hi!!! Bow posting time!!! =]=]=]
What are some things you would suggest to improve aim?
I think that it depends a lot on how you’re shouting- but I would always recommend gap. From 10 ten yards aim the point of your arrow directly on the target face’s centre of bullseye, and then make the necessary adjustments from there. Say your arrow lands nearly a foot above the target and three inches left, aim a little lower and bring your bow to the left a bit. There’s a million better guides than myself of course, and I’d recommend doing research. Also, your form is a humongous factor, and try to find something comfortable, correct, and easy to replicate. No matter how well you can actually aim the arrow, you need to hand a good release. I’ve sent arrows almost a yard to the left because of a bad release.
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depressedhouseplant · 4 months
I was wondering can you make a prompt with different groups like I saw the sidestory about kevin and mingi and I liked it.....
Can you make a couple from different groups like Juyeon x Hyunjin / Woo x changmin / Chanyeol x yoongi or ship anyone who you like..
Might be a lil crazy and insufferable for some fans but I'm a multistan and always wanted mooore interactions between them since it's not happening in the real world thought it would happen here
Definitely keep your eye out for:
*Chapter 8 of Cops & Robbers (updates are Wednesdays)
*Sangyeon / Seungcheol (haven’t found the right prompt for them yet)
*Felix / Jake (Also haven’t found the right prompt for them)
I’ll definitely add Juyeon / Hyunjin & Woo / Changmin to the list of ships. I admit I’m not familiar with EXO, but one of my favorite tropes is tiny top / big bottom so…
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bibbibib · 4 months
From Katniss' POV, we know that every district has specialization about their main product or industry, such as District 3 (technology), D4 (fishing), D12 (coal) etc.
What kind of economic system do you think Panem have?
If we can draw parallel with real world right now, which country is the most similar with Panem?
What's your opinion about this situation on Panem and its system?
Thank you 😊
What a beautiful ask, nonny!
Disclaimer: I'm not an economist, or anything related, so I have very limited knowledge of theory to explain this. Out of neccessity anything I say will have to be more descriptive than anything.
So we know Panem has assigned a different specialization to each district. These, of course, are not absolute; there are people throughout the country whose profession does not match the main industry of their district. In D12, for example, we have the merchants, teachers, Peacekeepers, various freelancers who make a living at the Hob or in other independent ways (for example Hazelle by doing laundry), and I assume also a few other public officials running the Justice Building, etc. The information the book gives us about other districts is very limited, and even then we only know the information Katniss has chosen to tell us, and Katniss is a 16-year-old girl that has not only been sheltered by the school system and the media from fully understanding how her country operates, but who also has a lot of other more pending stuff on her mind. So there are limits to what our narrator tells the reader, and that information is not all there is.
If I remember correctly, Suzanne has said that the economic system in Panem is much more complex than just an industry per district. We already see hints of that in the book, with places that host military operations (D2 and, in the past, D13) also sustaining other industries (masonry and graphite mining) that are formally considered their main ones. I could probably add that although there seem to be specific districts that produce so-called primary sector goods, there's a chance districts with different industries still grow/fish/mine something that can't be done anywhere else.
Panem is not socialist or communist, as I have seen some people claim - we know that people can own businesses, and, at least in the Capitol, the private sector seems to be booming, and we know from TBOSAS that rich Capitol families used to own and manage assets in the districts as well, which seems to have been limited during Snow's times. But I don't know how "free" this market can be considered under a government this authoritarian, who'll overstep a lot of other freedoms and is certainly not going to flinch at ownership. Perhaps the closest to a real-life economic system, as far as I know, would be fascism, with the heavy centralized control of industries and pretty much everything else within the borders too, without outright nationalizing property or forbidding private business. In the districts of Panem, this limitation is even stronger. In the Capitol, it doesn't seem to be as strict.
About real-world countries that operate similarly, though... Along with the fascist-sort-of economy, Panem also has this seperation of specializations per district that kind of reminds me of 19th and 20th century colonial practices. I remember reading somewhere that French and English colonizers would force an area to only grow certain crops (e.g. sugar cane, not rice) and then supply it with (e.g. rice) grown across the globe in another of their colonies, so that the colonies would be dependent on each other, unable to stand on their own, thus less likely to revolt. This obviously requires a lot of land area and bioclimatical variation, which Panem seems to have. There are authoritarian countries today, with strict control of the economy and just a little bit of leeway so you can't call it absolute, but I can't think of one that also does this thing. Panem also has the Capitol, the centralized city where the elite (but not only) lives, and more freedoms (at least surface-level) are available than in the rest of the country. I think that exists, to different extents, in almost every country in the world, to be honest. Opportunities are different in the capital city than in the countryside, around the world, sometimes so strikingly so that social mobility is very difficult.
Now, as for my opinion... it's pretty much what I've stated already. This setup is obviously very limiting to the people of Panem, especially in the districts, but also for the Capitol. It is designed to breed inequality and dependence. It isolates the districts from each other while keeping them bound together to barely survive. From the point of view of the Capitol government, it's a good system, and it may be smartly made for this purpose, but in the end, the purpose of maintaing this kind of leadership in power to the detriment of everyone else is not something I'd condone. It works for Snow, but this just means it's bad, you know?
(rhyme not intended :)
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wendylover2008 · 2 years
Hi wandy what is your favorite color?
Its Wendy chan wander 
And it’s pastels my favorite two pastels are pink and purple 
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riddlesandlies · 5 months
Mhmmm Feet
This place bears no feet. Leave, your presence is unwelcome.
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beartitled · 16 days
Hello! I met you through the That's Not My Neighbor comics (I've also seen more of your other art and I love it by the way!) I just wanted to ask you if you could draw some of Milkplane (Francis Mosses x Steven Rudboys) I just thought it was interesting but you don't have to do it , but if you do I would greatly appreciate it!
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Aww thank u✨ Glad you enjoyed my art❤️
Here’s your doubleganger Milkplane 🫱🫱
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oneluckydragon · 9 months
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BREAKING NEWS!!! Local idiot ghost absolutely blown away when boyfriend gives him a nickname for the first time, more info after this broadcast.
Bonus pet-name edition:
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(Yeah I know it's ooc for grovyle to EVER use the term "babe" but lets go ahead and assume he's done it accidentally a few times rather than intentionally. He's deeply in love with the dumb ghostman, ok. Sometimes it just slips out.)
Dusknoir is still recovering from hearing it. And when he finally calls grovyle "love" himself on accident a few days later, he falls deathly ill for two weeks cause his body couldn't handle the aftermath and started rapidly shutting down on a molecular level.
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studioboner · 8 months
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accirax · 4 days
Could you please draw Ally and Tess sitting on Hunter's shoulders like he's their personal steed?
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mystic-dean · 4 months
Give it a gun.
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bread-is-my-life · 24 days
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(this animatic literally was the reason why I got into tf2 so GO WATCH IT IT'S BEAUTIFUL I PROMISE!!!)
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gurobitsu · 6 months
😁 punk.......mista......
this… is my roman empire.
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svampira · 5 months
elias e ☠️ oppure 🎄
ask game
☠ OC in what they would wear to a funeral
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🎄 OC in an ugly Christmas sweater
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yea he's everything to me
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ratatosk777 · 4 months
how the hell did you draw saint so damn fruity in that last art
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i feed them f r u i t
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tcoaal · 6 months
Little Ashley having a new classmate, who instead of being creeped out by her antics and look at her in fear, finds all these things fascinating and follows her around like a puppy to learn more, to Ashley's confusion and annoyance.
Little Ashley getting used to this girl's constant presence at her sidem and slowly but surely, finding herself loving her unconditional support and the adoration in her eyes whenever she speaks about bloody topics.
Little Ashley having her first real friend ever, someone who isn't interested in Andrew and simply wants her. Someone actually choosing her over the rest, for the first time in her life. Not because Ashley blackmailed or threatened her, but because she genuinely wants to.
Growing up together, Ashley quickly drifting her obsessiveness and jealousy for Andrew towards her best friend too. Both of them having a Wednesday x Enid dynamic.
And Andrew seething from the shadows because he no longer is the centre of Ashley's world
just... friend that's just... so entranced by it all like. imagine Ashley calling her a hussy or some skank only after her brother and she just shrugs it off. "Growing up together, Ashley quickly drifting her obsessiveness and jealousy for Andrew towards her best friend too." yandere yuri route...? yandere yuri route!!!
oh i ADORE this!!!
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coffinsister · 6 months
May I offer this as a request? The top panel is Ashley, and the bottom panel is Andrew.
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Well you didn't specify you wanted a drawing
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