#(you're a) heartbreaker
comradekatara · 7 months
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“the desert” is katara’s most quietly admirable episode; she manages to guide and protect the rest of the gaang while they are in precarious states under unimaginable pressure and with very few resources. katara’s tireless endurance this episode culminates in her bravery as she risks her own safety to comfort aang in the avatar state.
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for an audience upon first viewing, her ability to thrive under pressure here may seem like a surprising departure from the impulsive, reactive, sensitive girl we’ve been accustomed to over the past 1.5 seasons. but sokka’s admission in “the runaway” reframes katara’s behavior in this episode.
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we know that while the rest of her family was a mess, katara stepped up and gave them hope. she refused to sink into her grief—to abandon the site of her trauma like hakoda did, to give up like kanna did, or to repress and depersonalize like sokka did. she may have a temper and she may not always think things through, but she is able to communicate her emotions and refuses to cut herself off from feeling and processing her grief and rage, which is more than can be said for her brother.
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and upon learning this piece of her history, you realize that her indefatigable, relentless hope and care that she displays in “the desert” is actually a pattern of behavior for her that is being repeated. when all hope seems lost and everyone in her life has abandoned faith, katara finds purpose and meaning in being the glue that holds everyone together, even when she is as grief-stricken and exhausted as the rest of them.
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in moments of abject despair, katara guides her loved ones and herself out of there desert, both literally and metaphorically. and that is why she is the narrator and the catalyst and the hero of this story of a revolution that successfully destabilizes an oppressive paradigm in the eleventh hour, because she represents the power and importance of organized resistance when all hope is lost, of refusing to give into despair, of continuing to believe in love even in the bleakest, most desperate circumstances, and envisioning a brighter future even (especially) when no one else can.
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honeyfolklore · 26 days
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And all at once, the postmortem second part is complete. 🖤🪶
Please repost, it helps me reach more people!
Sincerely, your grim pathologist. Xxx
Ps, you can thank @froggy713 for the How Did It End wallpaper request. X
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larrylimericks · 7 days
A soul made of plastic and hollowed, In missed exploitation, Si wallowed: If he owned 1D’s name He’d cash in on their fame ... It’s a no from our Lou, who unfollowed.
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ianthedebonair · 10 months
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click the image for a cute little surprise 🤭
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cinematicnomad · 4 months
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THE TERROR ▸ 1.09 the c, the c, the open c
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collectingthestars · 2 months
dare i say that ca$h is the best canon ace rep i've seen
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fandomwe1rd0 · 4 months
Just finished rewatching fear no Mort. Crying. Vomiting. Sobbing. Morty's greatest fear is that Rick doesn't care about him, when Rick cares so so so so so much. I would even go as far as to say he cares about Morty more than anyone else. He could've just walked away if he didn't care about Morty. But he stayed and immediately sounded happy when Morty was shown to be fine. He even tried to hug Morty back...but Morty was terrified that if Rick hugged him back he would still be in the hole...
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The fact that Rick didn't jump into the hole when Morty told him not to, even if he could've seen Diane again. The way he has a picture of Morty in his wallet, the fact that it's well worn out, the fact that it's in the front pocket, the fact he walked away looking so proud of his grandson...he immediately disproved what Morty was scared of and Morty didn't even see it. I...I cry
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canisalbus · 5 months
They’d find eachother in any universe
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andsjuliet · 3 months
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4 years of ⛈️ 💔 heartbreak weather 💔 ⛈️ (march 13th, 2020)
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everysongineverykey · 8 months
genuinely killing undyne in a neutral run and then walking through hotland later and seeing alphys' posts go "just realized i didn't watch undyne fight the human... well i know she's unbeatable i'll ask her about it later v . v" completely unaware of what's happened is one of the most unpleasant and harrowing experiences in undertale and i am not kidding even a little bit
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tenthrees · 1 year
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Ed thinking Stede is about to die
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werecreature-addicted · 9 months
Here’s a thought, quite a sad one though
Werewolf boyfriend who was cursed at a younger age by a witch. She turned him into what he is now. He can openly shift from human to werewolf form any given time except for full moons. The thing is, you don’t know about his werewolf form. Except one morning, something happens after a full moon. He can’t shift back into his full human form. He’s stuck as a werewolf- jet black fur, scars all across his body…& he panics. All he can think about is you & what you’ll think of him, how you’ll react. That’s why, the only possible way to do this-he thinks- is he has to run away. He can’t let you see him as a monster. He’s so hideous & scary, he’s so intimidating & you’d never love him- ever again- if you knew the truth!!
He packs bags & the second he’s about to haul ass out the door, you enter the apartment with the spare key you have to his place. You don’t notice him immediately, but he’s frozen with fear. So as soon as you turn around after locking the door, you squeak, frightened by the massive, towering monster in your boyfriends apartment. His eyes soften & he feels so horrible. Your face and the way your heart rate excelled, speeding up at the sight of him out of fear. He profusely apologizes, says that he loves you, says he’s sorry it has to be this way, that he never wanted you to find out, etc., & the second you’re about to speak- tell him that it’s okay, that you’re here for him- he’s gone. He sprints out the back door of his apartment & you can’t even react fast enough. He’s gone within the blink of an eye, and now you’re left confused, but also….hollow. Because he’s nowhere to be seen outside, and you have no way of contacting him(since he didn’t even take his phone).🥺
Sorry this is super long😭I just had this thought and neeeeded to get it out haha
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so-that-was-okay · 2 months
The way Tommy looks at Buck after the hug. He has one goal and one only, and he's in trouble.
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g4rdensofb4bylon · 4 months
still cannot fathom how Oliver said like the most romantic thing ever to Meredith and then went to jail for James 5 minutes later
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lloydfrontera · 24 days
one of the funniest things bk moon ever did was make you believe lloyd was Gone™ by having javier be all wistful and yearning about his old master convincing you that this is an old heartbreak that never healed right and that he's still mourning him centuries later. only to then reveal that not only is lloyd alive and perfectly okay he's literally one phone call away. javier can literally just pick up the phone and have a direct line with him any time he wants. he's just being dramatic about not being at his side 24/7 like he used to. it's so fucking funny asjkhksfjs
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