#* && DR / NEIL / WATTS .
bcbdrums · 6 months
So apparently, I have a type...
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lab coats? check
glasses? check. (not pictured but yes just google them)
tragic backstory, damaged, and delusional? check.
physical scars from self-induced injury? check.
...mad scientists? ...check.
attractive as all be? check!
Since when is this my thing!? .....oh since forever apparently oh all right okay.
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sakuraswordly · 10 months
There she is! Faye!
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Go play Imposter Factory and you will understand why.
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hyaesia · 2 years
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his little neil watts!!
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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So originally, I was gonna be a noir detective for Halloween, but on Thursday night I changed my mind and decided I was gonna be Jesse Pinkman
Unfortunately, my package was delayed and so I didn’t get my stuff for his fit until I was already done with doing everything I was gonna do today (I’m not doing anything tonight except for HW haha), and so I went as a sort of version of Star Butterfly + some other cosplay stuff I had in my closet
I had fun nonetheless :)
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olympeparpaing · 2 years
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Something malicious is brewing ….🤨
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slayerlevampire · 5 months
ask game time and I'm gonna be weird--
Neil Watts with 5, 15, and/or 25
Eva Rosaline with 1, 13, and/or 20
And just 'cause, Dr Robotnik with 21, 23, and/or 26 >:3
Weeeee let's gooooo
Neil Watts
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
- Cancer by MCR, and probably because of our crackship lmfao
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
-SPEAKING OF THE CRACKSHIP, Wattley, of course, (Wheatley from Portal x Neil Watts for those who don't know) if not just for the fun times. Though Rosawatts is a close second because they're sooo cuuuute
25. What was your first impression of this character? What about now?
-He's a loser, and he's still a loser but now he's my special loser. And tragic.
Eva Rosaline
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
- I love Eva because she's a great foil to Neil for one, but that's more why I like both of them, and she's just so cool and collected. A good head on her shoulders, and her fascination for jellyfish is adorable.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or that you think they would use a lot?
- 🥕🍅 carrots because of the replacement cussing, tomatoes because I think if she'd got into memes any she'd do the whole "booo, tomato tomato tomato 🍅 🍅 🍅 " thing often lol
20. What character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
- It's probably boring of me to say Neil, but it's true! They're just, ya know, real great for each other, whether just as friends or maybe more. And maybe I'm biased, and maybe it doesn't help that there's not many titular characters I can see her hanging out with lol
Dr. Robotnik
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
- Ugh, I just love writing for Robotnik in general. (The live action Sonic movies version of him, specifically, that's the version I always deal with for those who don't know.) I do more roleplaying than fic writing, so I'll use that more for my basis, but I adore writing moments he gets to be genuine. Which is NOT often at ALL, lemme tell ya. Whether that's for genuine hatred or sadness or happiness or anything, I love it. I guess more specifically I like describing the way he's looking at someone for whatever reason, eyes squinting or upper lip twitching, things like that. I'm a sucker for imagery. As for what I don't like, well, not really anything lol. I adore anything about writing him.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
- Don't know how to answer this one! I don't really have any pictures of him saved since I have a new phone. I love pretty much any fanart with him in it though!
- I would have assumed Freebie Question meant you gave me one you came up with yourself, but since you didn't I guess I just get to say what I want lol. So I'm gonna go with my favorite AU! My favorite AU I've ever written him for is a vampire AU where he's a vampire and Agent Stone is his drudge. I have made so many OC's for that AU alone that I have remastered and repurposed since then, too. Second favorite is probably the one where he's a siren but at this point I'm just a sucker for any sort of Monster/Cryptid Robotnik lol. And as for other AU's I've read, there's this really cool (abandoned I believe) fic on Wattpad (shocker) where he's this powerful dark elf. And as for here on Tumblr, I can't pick a favorite tbh I adore them all that I've seen thus far djddjeidjisd.
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icerthingss · 2 years
I got into the Sigmund games after sitting on the first one for a bit
Help they are little scientists in my head. Would hold nearly everyone in those games gently. Each game made me tear up at the very least, often more.
Eva and Neil are so cool I like their shenanigans, AND I managed to go into every game completely unspoiled, it was great! I really want to draw them both. If I do it tomorrow then I might post lil doodles.
What am I gonna do when I finish all the side stuff?? Must I lurk in the shadows and convince my irl friends to get into it ig?
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coralcatsea · 2 years
For some reason when I played To the Moon I felt like sketching what I thought Dr. Neil Watts might look like.
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warrenwoodhouse · 9 months
Cliques - Bully Guide (Game Guides) (Guides)
List of all of the cliques in Bully and in Bully: Scholarship Edition.
Main Game
Algernon “Algie” Papadopoulos
Bucky Pasteur
Earnest Jones
Melvin O’Connor
Donald Anderson
Cornelius Johnson
Fatty Johnson
Thad Carlson
Beatrice Trudeau
The Library
The Observatory
Chad Morris
Gord Vendome
Parker Ogilvie
Tad Spencer
Derby Harrington
Bif Taylor
Bryce Montrose
Justin Vandervelde
Pinky Gauthier
Harrington House
Old Bullworth Vale
Glass Jaw Gym
Johnny Vincent
Ricky Pucino
Hal Esposito
Lefty Mancini
Norton Williams
Peanut Romano
Vance Medici
Lola Lombardi
Auto Shop
Kirby Olsen
Casey Harris
Bo Jackson
Damon West
Dan Wilson
Juri Karamazov
Luis Luna
Ted Thompson
Mandy Wiles
Football Field
Swimming Pool
Gary Smith
Peter “Petey” Kowalski
James “Jimmy” Hopkins
Constantinos Brakus
Ivan Alexander
Gordon Wakefield
Lance Jackson
Pedro De La Hoya
Ray Hughes
Sheldon Thompson
Trevor Moore
Angie Ng
Eunice Pound
Christy Martin
Gloria Jackson
Karen Johnson
Melody Adams
Zoe Taylor
Bullworth Academy
Russell Northrop
Trent Northwick
Davis White
Ethan Robinson
Tom Gurney
Troy Miller
Wade Martin
Bullworth Academy
Carpark - Bullworth Academy
Edgar Munsen
Clint (aka: Henry)
Omar Romero
Otto Tyler
Zoe Taylor (before re-attending Bullworth Academy)
Mr. Doolin
Miss Abby
Old Bullworth Vale
Officer Williams
Old Bullworth Vale
Bullworth Town
Prefect 1
Prefect 2
Prefect 3
Bullworth Academy
Carnival Folk
The Siamese Twins
The Last Mermaid
Billie Crane’s Traveling Carnival
Dr. Crabblesnitch (Principal)
Mr. Burton (Gym Teacher)
Mr. Lionel Galloway (English Teacher)
Mr. Hattrick (Math Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Mr. Luntz (Janitor, Shop Attendant)
Mr. Matthews (Geography Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Neil (Shop Teacher)
Dr. Slawter (Biology Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Dr. Watts (Chemistry Teacher)
Mr. Wiggins (History Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Miss. Danvers (Secretary)
Mrs. Carvin (Librarian)
Edna (Cook)
Mrs. Danica McRae (Nurse)
Mrs. Peabody (Girls’ Dorm Hall Monitor)
Miss. Peters (Music Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Ms. Deidre Philips (Art Teacher, Photography Teacher)
Bullworth Academy
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so what is " To the Moon? " looks at you for any possible hyperfixation-spurred retelling you may wish to share
You are so right to ask...............
I wouldn't describe To the Moon (& co) as a hyperfixation of mine, since it's one of these series I love for its objective qualities. But it is one of my very long standing interests.
To the Moon is a RPG Maker game, originally released on Steam for Windows in 2011, though it has since been ported to to Mac, iOS, Android and Nintendo Switch. Over the years, it has spanned into a series with its mainline sequels being Finding Paradise and Impostor Factory, though in order to enjoy the full story, the shorter, bonus episodes are just as important.
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You play as Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts, two employees of Sigmund Corporation, a company that possesses the technology to create artificial memories and uses it to fulfil the last wishes of dying patients. Their patient, Johnny Wyles, has requested their services and tasked them with bringing him to the moon. (Roll credits.)
Though he knows he wants to go to the moon at all costs, he does not remember why. Drs. Rosalene and Watts use SigCorp's "Memory Editor" to travel inside Johnny's memory in order to figure it out and, with that information, create a realistic and satisfying memory. They're used to this job - dying patients can be difficult to communicate with, so they need to locate a recent memory in which they'll be able to have a chat with his "past self", who will give them that information. Unfortunately, even this version of Johnny doesn't help, so they end up having to travel farther and farther back in his memories to figure it out themselves, of course without interfering with the already unstable patient's memories more than they need to.
Experiencing his life backwards, they end up simultaneously discovering the life of his deceased wife, River, whose odd personality and wants bring up a lot of questions.
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Eva and Neil present themselves as a comedic duo of tired (and weird) doctors who only wish to get their work done, but their interaction with Johnny's past showcases the different ways in which they're both touched by their patient's experiences. Learning about the struggles of Johnny and the peculiar River throughout their life is already touching, but the game decides to punch you in the gut every once in a while - and particularly at the end.
The entire cast, be it the protagonists or those who surround or surrounded Johnny, is interesting and each touching in their own way. The game does a really good balancing job between "entertaining" (usually thanks to the protagonists) and "gut-wrenching" (usually thanks to Johnny's past).
As the series continues, though, not only do the new patients have their own touching stories, but Eva and Neil's own version of that balances occupies a bigger and bigger role.
To the Moon is a sad story, but it's so worth it in my opinion. I've read or watched stories that were sad for the sake of being sad and, in my opinion, didn't bring anything good to the table because of it - but something about To the Moon makes you feel like you experienced something worthwhile. Catharsis is an important theme at the heart of the series. River is a stand-out, fascinating character who was clearly written with a lot of love, but everything about this game is great. As for the sequels, no matter how much I told myself they could never be To the Moon to me, when I played them, the gut punches still got to me. Finding Paradise has both relatable and touching narratives. Impostor Factory is something else - something meant for those who have been following Eva and Neil for a while.
The games aren't very long and are relatively inexpensive. They're also regularly on sale. I warmly recommend them to anyone. More "bonus" episodes have yet to come out, and have been announced to be the ending of the series. I think more people should hop on the bandwagon to be there when it all culminates!
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Welcome to one of the most self indulgent things I ever did!
This will probably be my last tournament, so I decided to end it by throwing my fav guys into the arena and see who comes out on top! Obviously this one is a much smaller tournament than the ones I ran before and it won’t become anything big, but tbh I’m mostly just doing this for me :)
Let me introduce my guys:
Taranza from Kirby
Lyblac from Octopath Traveler
Flora Reinhold from Professor Layton
Frye from Splatoon
Inspector Cabanela from Ghost Trick
Agent 8 from Splatoon
The Pale King from Hollow Knight
Rottytops from Shantae
Ridley from Metroid
Callie from Splatoon
My Pokémon Team from Pokémon
Princess Rosalina from Super Mario
Dr. Neil Watts and Dr. Eva Rosalina from the Sigcorp games
Trousseau from Octopath Traveler
Princess Zelda from the Legend of Zelda
Jean Descole from Professor Layton
All Clear? Good! The first round will begin on Thursday!
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Tagged by @mewsly :)
List 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag some people (at the top of my head, in no particular order)
Cyrus Albright, OCTOPATH TRAVELER (and AroAce king)
Roach, The Passenger
Farah Hauville, The Wayhaven Chronicles
Allana of Trebond, Song of the Lioness
Roxanne Richies, Megamind
Yakov Vasilyev, The Keeper Trilogy
A.J. Crowley, Good Omens
Zevran Arainai, Dragon Age
Dr. Neil Watts, To the Moon
Bill, The Last of Us
Tagging: @mintchois @brother-genitivi
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Source:  @freebird_games
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
Random Bully HCs idk man
Russel and Pete are very good friends.
Everyone thinks Dr. Slawter is a murderer. He most definitely is.
Thad is non-binary.
Bif has had two nose jobs thanks to boxing.
Bo and Mandy are dating because I said so and because it cute.
For Halloween I’d like to think Lefty pulled up as fancy Elvis Presley.
Pete went trick or treating with Russel when he had enough of Gary’s antics that night.
Davis has so much childhood trauma that he doesn’t even realize is trauma.
Tom and Ethan are very concerned for him.
The townies and punks would probably be best friends.
Dr Slawter has a degree in vet science.
For a lesson a colt (baby male horse) was brought in to be gelded. (Neutered)
He had Gary help him with that and had him hold the horse’s testicles and take a photo.
Yeah Gary was a little bit traumatized after that one.
Regardless he went out of his way to interrupt whatever class Pete and Jimmy were in to show them.
If he has to be mentally scarred so do they.
Trent can’t swim very well.
Johnny has shattered his pelvis. Twice.
Also broke his femur.
Broke his Pelvis from a fall and his femur was broken by a car in a freak accident.
Johnny to use a walker both times he broke his pelvis and got made fun of so much.
Derby is a big fan of sweets.
Beatrice collects animal bones to study.
Chester was a stray puppy Chad begged his parents to let him keep.
Kirby eventually joins the cheer team cause he found out that’s where it’s at.
He’s Bullworth’s first official male cheerleader and is VERY proud.
“It’s not gay! I’m literally picking up chicks!” -Kirby to his dad.
Wade absolutely kills it on the drums in band.
Earnest plays the clarinet and yes he gets called squidward.
Tom and Jerry actually do argue with one another a lot and will try to pull up on sight.
Constantinos and Ivan are besties,
Constantinos could be a jock. He sit at their table and everything but he just doesn’t bother initiating himself in.
He clowns Justin for being such a try hard.
Justin has a Disney Channel Original Movie way of showing his affection.
It’s so cringeworthy but you gotta let him do it for entertainment purposes.
Ivan has at least 10 missing assignments and homework that’s a week overdue.
Pedro follows Jimmy around like a little sibling.
He’s one of Jimmy’s favorite little kids.
Sheldon and Ted are cousins, their dads are brothers.
Many injuries/accidents occur in shop class.
Neil is like Farmer’s Insurance he knows a thing or two cause he’s seen a thing or two.
He’s trained in CPR and more than basic first aid.
Neil also teaches agriculture classes.
Mrs. Phillips does ceramics too.
Mrs. Peters is band, choir, theatre, orchestra, and show choir.
Burton and Hattrick are both fired thank god.
Dr. Watts teaches physics and astronomy.
Dr Slawter teaches biology, zoology, and human anatomy.
Galloway also helps with theatre and teaches creative writing.
Jimmy calls the hobo grandpa and they actually have a pretty nice friendship.
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Rpgmaker sexymatch ROUND 1
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ashley-slashley · 2 years
tagged by @katecaru to do this quiz, and put down the top ten characters you most resemble according to the quiz
will graham (hannibal) - 81%
dr. horrible (dr. horrible's sing-along blog) - 81% (looks up character) NOT NEIL PATRICK HARRIS
mozzle (white collar) - 81%
matt hooper (jaws) - 81%
elliot alderson (mr. robot) - 80%
leo fitz (agents of shield) - 80% I DO NOT CLAIM THIS
jonathan byers (stranger things) - 80%
viktor (arcane) - 80%
richard hendricks (silicon valley) - 79%
david levinson (independence day) - 79% omfg, i'm jeff goldblum
tag (optional): @theoriginalpurpledogpalace @david-watts @slashybois @rogersgarden @laing-caster @abagoforeos @glennsdick @harbinger-of-chaos-and-nebulae @catboy-kenobi @obsessive-dork
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