#* … ( OOC : ooc answers. ) ⠀ › ⠀ signs her LETTERS with x’s and o’s
thesnowfelled · 2 years
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'    .   .   .    𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝  ?'    @tricohven​
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Miss Robichaux's Academy had been the best choice for her young child. It was closer to home and the young mother could watch over her daughter with an iron fist. Life was HARD and Hayley hates to admit that the fighting in Hope’s home, their city,  had left them always on edge.  Hope was older now,  a young woman in all her glory and Hayley has watched for years with pride swelling up in her chest.  MOTHER,  a name that had been given to her for all her sacrifices for a baby that had been placed in her mother’s arms all those years ago.    I don’t know how to be a mother.  But by some miracle, Hayley had learned and managed to raise a Hope up right. 
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Now,  Hayley sits at the breakfast table with a SCOTCH sitting in front of her along with a full plate traditional breakfast.    ❝ Baby girl, you could NEVER not make me proud. ❞   Although,  Hayley knows that her daughter could do a lot of things that she disapproves of but that doesn’t mean that for the most part she isn’t proud of her daughter as a whole. Hayley takes a moment to think of how one should put this.      ❝ That doesn’t mean I approve of everything that you do. You will do things in this life that I will be miserable watching take place but you are my daughter and for the rest of my life, I will love you. ❞
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
happy birthday sugarplum!!! hope it’s great 🤍🥳
MESSAGES ABOUT MY 24th BIRTHDAY.   Thank you so much!   It was the 21st but I kept a few of the messages in my box as I wasn’t on much that day. Thank you, Rissa!
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destinyowned-blog · 5 years
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ . Signs her letters with x’s and o’s ❝OOC: Out of Character❞ 
 ・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  she is always gonna be a little bit of heaven ❝Verse: Undecided❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  If loving someone is a crime she will gladly pay the price ❝Verse: Main❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  She’s water. Powerful enough to drown you ❝Muse: Musing❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  The earth has a song for those that listen to her ❝Writing: Interactions❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  She would walk through fire for her people ❝Writing: Headcanons❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  The air moves her ❝Writing: IC Answered❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  ❝Person: ❞ 
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  Everyone has a chapter they don’t read out loud ❝Face Claim: Dove Cameron❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  Everything that I’ve done ❝Mine: All❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  Moving images so beautiful ❝Mine: GIFS❞
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  Take a picture because it lasts longer ❝Mine: Static❞
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luviedovey · 4 years
the you i fell in love with
connor murphy x female!reader
a/n: not me writing a fic about mike faist’s connor murphy 2 years after he left the show...... also Connor is probably ooc 
summary: you were Connor’s girlfriend who lived in the next town over, a little over a half hour away. his family didn’t know about you, no one did. he didn’t want his family or anyone he knew to scare you away. in the end, it didn’t really matter. he was gone. when the Connor Project came to be and Evan resigned from being co-president, you ran into him. you questioned him about his “friendship” with Connor and he told you everything.
set after the Murphy’s find out the truth and before the Evan/Zoe reunion at the orchard.
second person pov
warning: a few swear words, also very brief mention of depression and taking your own life, and Larry Murphy kind of being a dick
word count: 5,573
“Who are you exactly?” Evan questioned the girl who pulled him off to the side of the supermarket where no one else was around. To say he was a little nervous would be an understatement, he was freaking out on the inside.
“I’m so sorry! I probably scared you half to death dragging you along like that.. I just have some questions for you, if you don’t mind answering..?” You smiled at him sheepishly. Something about your awkward smile eased his mind a bit, but not enough. “No, sorry my mom actually is waiting for me by the-” “It’s about Connor!” You interrupted, looking at him through sad, heartbroken eyes. “..Please. Evan Hansen. I know you weren’t really friends with him. I know you weren’t even secret friends with him.. Because if you were, I would’ve known.”
Evan looked around before looking back at you, confused. “Who are you?” He asked for the second time. “I’m- I was Connor’s girlfriend. Y/N L/N. I met him 2 years ago at the apple orchard you guys rebuilt?  We both went there because we thought that no one else would be there and that it would be the perfect place to escape. His family and classmates never knew about me because he-” you laugh slightly,” he was afraid they would take me away from him. Or that his family would fight in front of me and he’d lose his cool or that his sister would say nasty things about him to ‘spare me from being in a relationship with him’ or even that the bullies at his school would turn me against him even though he knew damn well I could never.” You stopped rambling and passed him a Polaroid picture of the two of you, sitting against the chain link fence that surrounded the old abandoned apple orchard. You were looking up at Connor with heart eyes as he smiled back down at you. A real smile. This was the real Connor Murphy.
Evan looked up from the picture at you, shocked before quickly returning it to you. “Oh my god... You must think I’m such a h- horrible person for doing all this and pretending to be best friends with your- your dead boyfriend- I’m so sorry for your loss by the way- and making up all these stories about things we never really did and starting a whole online campaign about-” “Evan!” He stopped ranting, breathing heavily. “Breathe, okay? In through your nose, out through your mouth. Relax.”
It was silent for a moment before Evan mumbled a quiet, “Thank you.”
You smiled knowingly. “Now. Mind telling me everything?”
The two of you sat in your old beat up truck, as Evan told you everything. And by everything i mean everything. He started from the very beginning, “My dad left when I was 7 so now it’s just me and my mom. She works all the time at the hospital to support us and to pay for her education- she’s studying to be a paralegal- and so I’m usually home alone. I have anxiety so I take medication and go to therapy where I have to write a letter to myself hyping myself up for the day and trying to be positive and stuff-” “’Dear Evan Hansen’...”
He looked up from his hands at you, “Yeah.. Connor had one of my letters when he- um.. he took it from me earlier that day..” “It was your therapy letter? Why did he take it from you?” “Oh! You see he didn’t actually know it was a letter to myself for therapy he just thought I was being creepy and writing about his sister in a letter to print it out where he would find it and freak out and explode or something- That wasn’t why though, I didn’t even know he was in the room with me, I thought I was alone. He signed my cast before he read my letter, though. He said, ‘Now we both can pretend we have friends.’ Which is why I thought doing what I did would be okay but it wasn’t and it never will be and I really shouldn’t justify my actions because it was-” “Evan breathe.” “Right, sorry.” “Don’t apologize, it’s okay.” “Okay sor-” You gave him a pointed look.
“O-okay...” You giggled slightly, looking out of the window at the supermarket parking lot, “So.. he ran out with your letter, pissed because he thought you were fucking with him... And then he killed himself.” “Yeah.”
“So what happened after that?” “The Murphy’s showed up in the principal’s office three days later. I knew something was wrong because Connor and Zoe both weren’t in school and I know Connor skips but it’s not likely that they would both be out on the same days. Zoe doesn’t really skip school- she’s not that kind of person.” You nodded, gesturing to get to the point. “Right, they called me into the office because Connor had my letter and my name was on it so they thought the letter was for me. I tried to tell them it wasn’t- that I was the one who wrote it, but they were in denial. They kept reading parts of my letter back to me from memory, trying to make sense of it but I couldn’t tell them- I couldn’t get through to them....” He sighed.
“They invited me over to dinner and I went because I wanted to set the record straight but when I got there, they wanted to hear everything I knew about Connor. But I didn’t know anything, so whenever they brought something up I just nodded and agreed. Zoe was getting suspicious so I started to make things up. ‘Connor loved to talk about how much he hated skiing.’ ‘Connor took us to A La Mode and we ate our ice cream in the apple orchard where we climbed trees and raced across the open fields.’ ‘We would quote songs by our favorite bands.’ ‘We’d tell jokes no one else would understand.’ All lies. And they believed them. They wanted me to keep talking, they needed me to. They were broken and I just wanted to help them. I told them that we were friends on the internet where we’d email each other to talk about our day and stuff. And Connor would use a secret email account because he knew his dad was checking his regular email, and he didn’t want anyone to know we were friends.... Now that I think about it, this kind of sounds like your story.” You laughed, lightening the mood, and nodded.
“You know, you really aren’t that far off from who Connor was, despite the fact that you were making it up as you went. He wasn’t the monster that everyone thought he was. I mean sure in 2nd grade he pushed over a printer because he had a little tantrum about being skipped for line leader, but what kid doesn’t have a tantrum at least once in their life? It definitely didn’t help that all those kids grew up, making the story sound worse than it really was. He was always angry and stand-offish because everyone in his life would say shit about him that wasn’t true or be nice to him to get close enough to learn something new about him and then turn around and make fun of him for it. He was battling depression and needed help but his family didn’t want to believe there was anything actually wrong with him. I was the only one to believe him. To believe in him. But I’m just one person, and I guess that wasn’t enough..” You trailed off. Evan awkwardly put a hand on your shoulder, rubbing it with his thumb as a way to console you.
It was silent for a moment. “I think he would’ve liked you. It would’ve taken him a while to warm up to you, but I really do think the two of you could’ve been friends.” Evan smiled slightly, before frowning. “I pretended to be his friend for so long, but Alana- she’s the co-president of the Connor Project- started getting suspicious about our friendship, saying that the letters didn’t make sense because it sounded like Connor was getting better so I showed her Connor’s ‘suicide note’-” “Dear Evan Hansen, It turns out this wasn’t an amazing day after all. This isn’t going to be an amazing week or an amazing year. Because, why would it be?”
“...Yeah. She believed me too. I told her not to show anyone because it was a really private thing, but she just said that was exactly what people needed to see. She posted it and people on the internet started to attack the Murphy’s, saying things like ‘They’re a rich family who couldn’t bother to pay for their son to get help?’ and ‘I’m not saying to do anything illegal but their house is the pale yellow house at the end of the cul de sac with a red door.’” Your hand flew to your mouth in shock. “They even leaked Zoe’s phone number and their house phone! Everything was just spiraling out of control and I didn’t know what to do. I panicked and the only thing I could think of to do was just.. them the truth. So I did and I told them everything. I wrote the letter, Connor took it from me, we weren’t really friends, and it was all a lie. I haven’t spoken to the Murphy’s since.” He fiddled with his hands in his lap and sighed. “And.. I’m scared. Scared that one day I’ll go to school and everyone will hate me or that the Murphy’s will ruin my life.. Not that I don’t deserve it, after what I did? I deserve worse.”
“Evan.. No one deserves that, especially not you. What you did wasn’t exactly the right thing to do but you had the best intentions.” He nodded silently, “What did you want to ask me earlier anyways?”
You turned, facing down at the wheel in front of you. “I wanted to ask you if you knew where he was buried.”, a tear slipped from your eye as you sighed, smiling sadly, “I didn’t exactly get to say goodbye..” “I could go with you if you’d like. To show you the way?”
“Thank you, Evan.”
During the ride to the cemetery, You and Evan talked, trying to lighten the mood, and quickly became best friends. The two of you didn't have so much in common but you were both very comfortable and supportive of each other. You were like the siblings neither of you had.
The two of you stepped out of the truck, and begun walking to Connor’s grave. “Oh! Hold on..” You turn back, grabbing a beautiful bouquet of red roses and pink tulips, with a small white card that said, “I’m sorry I couldn’t help you enough when you needed it, Connor. I will never forget you, mon amour. I love you, always.” Connor didn’t have a specific favorite flower but he did appreciate their meanings. Roses represent love, and tulips represent a declaration of love. You hoped that even though he was gone he would still appreciate the thought you put into it.
The two of you walked up to his grave. It was at this moment when it hit you that he was really gone forever. You dropped to your knees, carefully placing down the flowers. Tears streaming as you silently sobbed, Evan’s hand on your left shoulder and the ghost of Connor’s hand on your right.
“I’m sorry, Connor. I love you more than you’ll ever know..”
The two of you sat there in silence for a while, before agreeing to leave in case the Murphy’s decided to visit. Neither of you really wanted to run into them and have to explain who you were and why you were there. “Do you want to come over to my house? You look emotionally exhausted.” You laughed and nodded, starting up the car.
“Why didn’t you come to town sooner?” You sighed, “I just.. I didn’t want to believe that he was really gone, you know? And coming here, seeing his grave, and his grieving family just confirmed what I prayed wasn’t true.” You sipped on the hot chocolate in your hands, staring out of the window at the pouring rain and cloudy night sky. “Have you met them yet?” Evan mumbled, typing on his laptop on the couch beside you. He pulled up the Connor Project and read about all the many different things Alana was doing. “No.. But I feel like I should? Like I know things about Connor that would give them closure but I can’t bring myself to go over and talk to them.”
“If only there was a way for you to show them what Connor was really like so you wouldn’t have to talk to them...” It was silent for a moment, “Actually... Connor and I used to write each other handwritten letters and take a lot of pictures together..” “Well what are the odds..” he giggled, “Maybe you could give those to them? The ones that aren’t super personal?” You sat together deeply in thought.
“But I can’t exactly bring myself to just give them away... Maybe I could copy them and white out all the personal stuff? Like the things between me and Connor only, and my face and name?” Evan nodded, agreeing that that would be the best option. You’d create a box filled with things Connor wrote and pictures of when he was truly happy, then leave it on the Murphy’s doorstep. It was a safe, no-contact interaction.
The next night, you went over to Evan’s house with the box labeled “The Real Connor Murphy. (i’m so sorry for your loss.. i thought maybe you would like to have these to know who he really was.)” Evan gave you directions to the Murphy household. Eventually, you parked in front of the pale yellow house, all three cars were in the driveway. “You better be quick if you don’t want anyone to see you.. Just.. keep the car running, drop off the box, ring the doorbell, and book it back here and drive off. Don’t turn back.” “Okay super spy.” You laughed nervously.
You walked up to the door, placing the box neatly on the ground with a single rose and tulip tapped on the top, rang the doorbell, and ran off. You jumped into the car and drove off just as Evan, who was previously hiding away from the car window, saw the red front door begin to open.
“Larry!” Cynthia Murphy exclaimed, picking up the box from the front porch to the dinner table, placing it beside the small card they had found on a mysterious bouquet of flowers they found the day before against Connor’s gravestone. “What is that?” He asked, looking at it with disinterest. “I found it on the porch, it says ‘The Real Connor Murphy. I’m so sorry for your loss.. I thought maybe you would like to have these to know who he really was.’ It’s in the same handwriting as the note we found on that bouquet of flowers. It even has the same two flowers! It has to be the same person. Someone who really loved him...” “What’s inside?” Zoe asked while reading and rereading the small card.
Cynthia opened the box to find handwritten letters from Connor and a mystery girl, photos of Connor laughing, smiling, pouting, hugging and kissing someone with a scratched out face. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. This was the real Connor, a whole different version of him that the three were completely unaware of. Seeing him like this was just so unfamiliar to them, they couldn’t believe their eyes for a moment. Zoe picked up a letter, reading it aloud,
“Dear Y/N
Things haven’t been going so well lately, my parents are always fighting, my mom pretends like there’s nothing wrong, my dad doesn’t pay attention to anyone but himself anymore, and Zoe hates me.
Not that I blame her, I hate myself too. But I don’t hate myself when I’m around you. I’m so glad to have you around. You make life just a little easier every day.
It’s harder when you’re not around, I get angry easier when I get bullied at school or when Zoe says something awful about me. I just feel like I’m an airplane about to crash, but with you around I feel like I’m flying. Smooth sailing. Floating even. You are the most perfect girl I’ve ever met.
Thank you. I love you.
Sincerely, Con”
“He.. he had a girlfriend..?” She said, in shock. The three began to shuffle through the letters, photos, and little post-it notes, putting them in piles. “These are all copied..” “Maybe whoever left them didn’t want to give the originals away..?” “Maybe because she still cares about and loves him and didn’t want to give these away. They seem so.. personal.” Cynthia picked up a post-it note,
“Tu es belle Y/N, je t'adore.”
“What does that even mean?” Zoe pulled out her phone going straight to google translate, “It’s says ‘you are beautiful, i adore you.’.. I didn’t know Connor knew french.” “He never took a class for it. Maybe he learned it on his own?” Larry picked up a photo this time, Connor was standing in front of the apple orchard’s rotting old sign in the middle of the field, fake pouting and wearing a thin little flower crown you had made him. “I didn’t know Connor had any feelings other than anger.” Cynthia hit his arm. “Wait,” Zoe said, grabbing the attention of her bickering parents, “This letter has a picture and a post-it note attached to it.”
“Dear Con,
Thank you for the painting, it’s absolutely beautiful. You are so so talented. The way you put so much thought into every detail is truly admirable. You make everything you paint so exciting and captivating, even if the thing you’re painting isn’t very exciting at all. You see the beauty in the things that most people never give a second glance.
It kind of reminds me of the way I look at you.
To most people that don’t know you, you are a “freak” or “school shooter chic”. But, when I look at you, you are none of those things. You are beautiful, you are captivating, you are perfectly imperfect. You are worth it. Don’t give up on me darlin’.
I love you.
Sincerely, Y/N/N”
Attached to the letter was a photo of the painting mentioned. It was a painting of your beaten old navy blue truck parked beside a chain link fence that blocked it off from the open field. In the background, the sun was setting in a perfect blend of yellows, oranges, and reds. It was so detailed that if you weren’t already aware that it was a painting, you would’ve probably thought it was a photo taken from a fancy camera. “It really is beautiful..” Cynthia trailed off, wiping a stray tear that fell from her eye, “He was so talented. I didn’t even know he liked to paint! I mean I knew he took an art class but because he skipped school so much, I never even thought he went..”
“I guess we really didn’t know Connor at all..” Zoe begun to get angry, “What kind of family does that?! I mean we lived with him, I grew up with him, you two raised him, and we still didn’t even know who he was?! This.. this stranger even knew more about him than we did! Do you realize how sad this is? We have to learn about our dead family member from a complete stranger because when he was alive, we were too busy pretending like he was just acting out for attention instead of actually needing help! He needed help and we didn’t give it to him! It’s not like we couldn’t afford to take him to therapy! We just pretended like he was a monster and if we ignored him, he would stop..” She took a deep breath, “Maybe we were the monsters and his anger and tantrums were his cries for help...” “Zoe..” Cynthia reached for her arm but she pulled away, running up to her room while choking back tears. “..She’s right.”
The two were quiet for a long period of time, reading and rereading every letter and every note, memorizing every photo.
Cynthia held up a photo of Connor and a girl, whose face was completely scratched out, “Who are you..”
The next day was a particularly warm day so you and Evan drove over to A La Mode as a victory ice cream run of sorts. You really believed in treating yourself after small, seemingly insignificant, victories such as dropping off a box of precious letters to a grieving family. They needed closure, and you were willing to give it them. Evan, despite talking about A La Mode with the Murphy’s before, had never actually been. You two talked and ate your ice cream sitting in the back of your truck, looking out at the orchard across the street. The orchard was renamed the “Connor Murphy Memorial Orchard”, which made your heart a little heavy. Another reminder that he was really gone.
In the distance, on the other side of the fence sat the Murphy’s who were packing up from their weekly picnic. As they got up to walk out of the orchard, Zoe looked across the street. “Wait a minute..” Her parents stopped walking. “What is it Zoe?” Larry asked. She pointed at the car parked across the street, “Isn’t that the car that Connor painted his girlfriend in that letter? And Evan?” They looked across the street to find the same navy blue truck and a familiar face.
Evan paled, “The Murphy’s are looking at us!” he whisper-shouted. You began to turn around, but Evan stopped you. “No don’t look!” Your head whipped back to him as your face paled, “They recognized my car..” “How could they? It was night time when you dropped off the box and the door barely begun to open as you drove away..”
You smiled sheepishly, “I may or may not have given them a picture of a painting Connor made me of my truck parked beside that exact fence...” Evan facepalmed and gave you a deadpanned look. “Well they’re starting to walk across the street now.”
You shot up, “Let’s go.” “I mean would it be so bad to meet his parents?” Evan asked as the two of you scrambled into the front seats. “I’m just.. I’m not ready to have that conversation just yet.” You reversed out of the parking spot and drove back onto the road.
“Wait!” The Murphy’s shouted to the car as it begun to drive off. “There was a girl driving. Maybe that was her?” Cynthia asked, hopefulness clear in her voice. “She was with Evan, do you think the box of letters were fake?” Larry, always the optimist. “They couldn’t be, they were handwritten in Connor’s handwriting. Even the french notes.”
Zoe thought for a moment, “Well if we’re going to find her, we should probably start with Evan’s place first.” “Who said we were going to look for her?” Larry asked, “I’m not wasting my time on a wild goose chase. She’s already shown us enough about Connor.”
Cynthia turned to her husband, “How could you say that? She could be the one thing to bring us closer to our son. Our son who took his own life because he felt that that was the only path left for him. And you don’t want to try to find her? Find closure? Honestly Larry, what is wrong with you lately!” “I’m sorry. We’ll find her.”
The Murphy’s found themselves at the Hansen household. They knew you were there. After all, your truck was parked in the driveway. Inside were you, Heidi, and Evan. You had just met Heidi, but she loved you. She was thrilled to find that Evan had made a friend like you. You hung out with Evan even after learning he lied about being friends with your recently deceased boyfriend, and helped him when he started to rant and breathe heavy about it. You were so kind-hearted, forgiving, and calm by nature, that he was finally comfortable around someone. You were quickly best friends.
A knock at the door startled the three of you. “Are you guys expecting anyone?”, Heidi stood up to get the door as you and Evan turned to each other. He placed a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. “I suppose now’s a good time as ever, even though I really only had 24 hours to prepare myself..” You muttered, the two of you walking towards the front door.
The Murphy’s stopped and stared at you. “Are you.. Were you Connor’s girlfriend?” Cynthia asked. You nodded slightly, rubbing your arm as a nervous habit. “I’m Cynthia, this is Larry and Zoe.. We’re Connor’s family.” “I know.”
Heidi invited them in, everyone heading to the living room. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.. We just wanted to thank you for all the letters and photos of Connor. It feels like we’re finally getting to know who he really was on the inside.” You looked up from your lap, “No offense ma’am, but shouldn’t you have gotten to know your own son when he was still around?”
Zoe laughed, awkward and uncomfortable. “I really don’t think that’s funny.. especially considering you didn’t bother to get to know him either.” You said getting defensive, sticking up for Connor. Even if he was gone, you would never stop fighting for him. You did truly love him after all. “And before you say ‘Connor wasn’t easy to talk to. He would always yell and storm off.’, just think about the fact that having a relationship with someone is a two way street. You can’t expect someone to make an effort if you don’t try to do the same.”
The three looked at her in shock. Heidi and Evan smiling sheepishly in the background. “I..”, Larry started, but trailed off, not being able to come up with a proper response. Cynthia and Zoe looked deep in thought, unable to do the same.
It was quiet for a long amount of time.
“You’re right. You’re right and I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. And the only thing we could do now is learn from our mistakes. We don’t exactly know how we’re going to do that but we’re willing to try. And we’re hoping that you could help us? Help us figure out what to do and help us learn about who Connor was?” Zoe finally spoke up, her parents nodding along in agreement.
You were trying to heal from everything that happened and them putting all their hope on you wasn’t really helping. But maybe grieving together would allow everyone to heal and remember him in a more positive way? At least you hoped.
There’s a lot of hope pinned on others here.
“I suppose helping you all would let us heal.. together?” You said, slightly questioning your own words, turning toward Evan. He shrugged, giving you a thumbs-up. “But I don’t feel comfortable talking about Connor unless Evan is around.” You paused, “It’d be nice to have a familiar face around and we’re practically best friends now.. so..” “Yes of course.” The three stood up, walking to the front door, “We’ll come back here at 11AM tomorrow and drive to the orchard for a picnic if that’s alright with the two of you?” You and Evan nodded simultaneously. “Are you allergic to anything dear?”
With the shake of your head and a quick goodbye from Evan and Heidi, the Murphy’s were off.
“Am I doing the right thing here? Connor didn’t even want his family to known I existed! And now we’re going on a picnic with them? Where I have to talk about him?” You sat down, head in your hands as a headache begun to grow. Heidi placed her hand on your shoulder gently, “It’s going to be tough right now, and it’s going to be emotionally draining, I’m sure. But, if you really think that they deserve to know who he really was, that how they perceive him is wrong, then I think you are doing the right thing. You’re helping them, you’re helping yourself, and you’re helping Connor. You did say that he wanted to change the way people saw him. And you’d be doing that for him, even if he’s not physically around to see it happen.”
“Thank you, Heidi.”
“It’s really nice of you to agree to meet us here, Y/N. And Evan, it’s nice to have you here too.” Cynthia smiled, putting down a blanket for the picnic. Everyone sat down in an awkward silence.
“So... is.. is there anything you wanted to know that wasn’t already in the letters?” You asked, picking at the blades of grass beside you. Evan slapped your hand away from the grass, silently scolding you in true forest ranger fashion for messing with nature. The Murphy’s turned to each other, silently debating what to say and who would say it. No surprise to you and Evan that the one to speak up was Cynthia. The past couple of hours really showed that she was the only one who seemed to care, at least a little bit, about Connor when he was around, though Zoe and Larry were trying their best now.
“Why didn’t Connor bring you around to meet the family? It really seemed like you brought so much light to his life. I mean, you brought out parts of him that we didn’t even know existed!” “We thought he was a monster...” Zoe muttered sadly.
Your heart ached for this family, they really knew nothing about him.. “Connor didn’t bring me around because he was afraid you’d all ‘scare me off’,” you laughed slightly, “And Connor may have been a monster to you, but the real Connor was never a monster, to me or to anyone in my small town. In the next town over, no one knew who Connor was or what he’d done in the past. It was like a fresh start. Which I knew he desperately needed. I mean, with all the people bullying him, hurting him physically or emotionally or both, and spreading fake rumors about him since he was in the second grade? He was angry and hurting and he didn’t know how to deal with it, so he would lash out. But wouldn’t you react the same way? Build up walls so people wouldn’t hurt you? Isolate yourself so people couldn’t get close enough to?”
It went silent again, the only sound was the wind blowing in the summer breeze and the trees rustling in the background.
“She’s right.”
Everyone looked up, faces showing some form of shock. Larry continued, “All that stuff was going on in school and we made it worse for him at home. He asked us for help and we always assumed he was doing for attention. No matter how hard we tried to be a perfect family, we never were and we probably never will be.”
Zoe wiped away a stray tear. “Even though you couldn’t save your kid, maybe there’s a way you could save someone else’s?” He turned to you with a questioning glance. “I mean you have to admit, you’re a pretty wealthy family, maybe you can spend some time donating to suicide prevention hotlines and foundations that were created specifically to help those who are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts like Connor was? I know for a fact that Connor hated the way that he felt, and would never want anyone to go through what he’d been going through, no matter how much of an asshole they were.”
Cynthia reached over to you, placing a hand on your knee, smiling as tears fell freely from her face, from all of their faces. “That’s a brilliant idea, Y/N.”
The picnic went on as you told them stories of your’s and Connor’s adventures together. Jumping over the fence to lay around in the yellow fields of the old orchard, helping your mom arrange flowers in her flower shop (he would always make sure his bouquets were well thought out in their meaning), buying junk food and snacks when having movie marathons on a Saturday night, sketching and painting moments together so you two would never forget them.
With each little story, his family knew more about him and you felt as close to him as you had been before that heart-wrenching summer day. 
You fell behind from the group as you all walked out of the orchard. Turning back and taking one last look at the entrance, the fields, and the growing trees of the Connor Murphy Memorial Orchard, you notice a figure dressed in black standing with his back against the fence. He gave you a smile, a genuine yet sad smile, mouthing the words “thank you” and “i love you”, before disappearing in the wind.
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spideyyverse · 7 years
Grease! AU
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 |
Chapter: 2/7
Alternate reality where Eddie Kaspbrak is a boy from New York visiting the small town of Derry for the Summer and so happens to have met the greaser himself, Richie Tozier.
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough, Audra Phillips
Pairings: Reddie, Stenbrough, Benverly, (Possible?? Audra x Mike? Aromantic Mike? Let me know what you think!)
Warnings: Homophobia, swearing, underage drinking and smoking
Word Count: 1,676
Author Notes: Some chapters will be based on a song from the movie, I’m not sure if I’ll do each song but if there’s a specific song you would like me to include, let me know in my ask box!
Also, the losers are very ooc. I understand they’re nothing like the way I’m portraying them in my story. Please do not get angry for the way I’m writing them, it’s apart of this au solely and that’s not how I actually view them.
This chapter will be a combination of ‘Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee!’ and ‘Hopelessly Devoted To You’ ! Thank Jasmine for that decision y’all.
Also, the beginning chapters will focus on Eddie mainly, but I will have chapters dedicated to just Richie of course!! Also, I know there isn’t much dialogue, chapter three will have tons of dialogue and much more interaction between the characters! I’m sorry, this is shitty writing.
You know I’m just a fool who’s willing / To sit around and wait for you /
It was Friday, the night of the pep rally. Everything was going according to plan, Eddie was asked to be a ‘manleader’ (Although, he couldn’t comprehend why he couldn’t be called a cheerleader, just like the rest of the girls). He was sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the halftime performance. The brunette boy felt anxious all night, not in fear that he’s preforming in front of the entire school but because he could possibly be preforming in front of the boy he was hopelessly devoted to. All night, the boy scanned the bleachers for the curly haired boy wearing a leather jacket but never saw him. However, Eddie did meet one of Derry high’s football players, but he was no Richie. He was nice, don’t get Eddie wrong but nothing about him made him feel the way Richie made him feel.
It was ridiculous really, how can Eddie possibly pine over a boy he’d only known for three months? How much of a fool can he be?
If it wasn’t for the stupid promise he made for Richie, maybe just maybe, he wouldn’t be constantly longing for his warmth, for his touch. He wouldn’t be sitting around, waiting around for his greaser boy.
But now there’s nowhere to hide / since you’ve pushed my love aside
The crowd erupted in cheers, the final touchdown was made and it so happened Derry was the team who scored it. There was still no sign of the boy who wouldn’t leave Eddie’s head in the bleachers. Eddie could feel a part of him break but he knew he couldn’t let that ruin his night, he was sleeping over Bev’s house tonight anyways. What could possibly go wrong?
After a couple of hugs and ‘Great Game!’s from both the cheer team and football team. Eddie set off to find his new friends. Of course that didn’t take long, you could be five miles away and still spot the fire headed girl known as Beverly Marsh.
“Eddie! You did amazing out there!” Bev cheered wrapping her arms around the boy.
Eddie smiled back and waved to Stan and Audra, “Hey Eddie! We got a surprise for ya!” Stan smiled grabbing Eddie’s hand.
Eddie shot a confused look towards Bev and she didn’t seem to know what was going on either. The boy reluctantly followed the curly haired boy to the parking lot.
Meanwhile, the school’s greasers were smoking and fucking around with each other, “Alright! Guys, that’s enough.” Richie shouted over the three boys horse playing with each other.
“C’mon Tozier! Your panties have been in a twist ever since we got back to this hellhole!” Mike shoved him playfully but only resulted in Richie shoving him slightly harder.”
“Woah!” The other three boys shouted simultaneously. Richie only rolled his eyes and gave them the bird, “Fuck off.”
“H-here looks like y-you need it.” Bill tossed over a lighter and a pack of cigarettes towards Richie. Richie thanked him silently and nodded his head.
“Hey Tozier!” An all too familiar voice sounded.
All four boys whipped around to face Stan and his gang. Richie only rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, “What is it Uris?”
“Got a surprise for ya.” Stan yanked Eddie’s arm and pushed him in front of Richie.
“I thought you were going back to New York?” Richie couldn’t contain his excitement, it was something about Eddie that always made him soft.
“We had a change of plans!” Eddie giggled.
“What about you Chee? I got some of your letters when I went back to New York to get the rest of my stuff!”
“Ahem.” Ben scoffed behind Richie causing his face to fall back into seriousness.
“Richie? What’s the matter?” Eddie searched Richie’s eyes for some sort of answer.
“What’s the matter with me? What’s the matter with you baby?” Richie smirked. The other three boys laughed behind him.
“Rich? What happened to the Richie I met at the quarry?”
“I don’t know, maybe you should find him.” Richie laughed elbowing Bill, making him laugh as well. Except, Richie’s laugh wasn’t real. Anyone who really knew him would know that. Clearly, his friends didn’t see that.
Genuine or not, that didn’t stop Eddie from lashing out on the boy he thought he knew, You’re-you are- you’re such a fucking asshole! I wish I never met you at all!” He shoved Richie and ran off with tears springing in his eyes.
The guys were hooting and hollering, Audra shook her head at Richie, and Bev took off after Eddie; Leaving a Stan Uris with a tilted head and smirk.
“Got what you wanted Uris?” Richie growled after the boys walked away along with Audra.
“I hope you’re happy.” He continued.
“Come to think of it, yeah, I am.” Stan smirked and averted his attention to Bill who came back to retrieve his leader.
“Billy.” Stan said with a bittersweet tone and walked away.  
My head is saying, “Fool, forget him.” / My heart is saying, “Don’t let go. / Hold on till the end.” / And that’s what I intend to do / I’m hopelessly devoted to you
Eddie found himself crying against Bev’s car while she rubbed her hand up and down his back, “God, how can I be such an idiot Bev?”
She only shook her and continued to rub her hand up and down his back, “You didn’t know hun, how can you possibly? Whichever Richie you met back in Summer is the Richie you know. This Richie on the other hand, he’s trash.”
Eddie laughed through his tears, Now there’s the Eddie I know.” Bev smiled.
“Thanks Bev, it means a lot.”
“Eddie, honey, all men are trash. You can’t depend on them for shit.”
“I’m a guy.”
“Besides you! And maybe Ben. He’s a sweetheart.” She smiled. The freckled girl looked down at her watch and gave Eddie a sympathetic smile, “Hey, why don’t you go home and get a bit of rest before I pick you up for our sleepover tonight?”
Eddie happily agreed and gave her his address. He said goodbye to his friend and began his walk home. The silence couldn’t help but let Eddie think about the events that happened only an hour ago.
Forget him, he doesn’t want you anyways.
Don’t let go, he loves you.
“I’m hopelessly devoted to a prick.” Eddie sighed under his breath.
Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee.
After quite a bit of convincing from his mom, Eddie managed to get into Bev’s car and head off to her place for their sleepover.
“What’s the deal with the guys having to act macho all the time? It’s ridiculous!” Audra sighed painting her nails.
“They have to live up to their reputation Auddie, that’s just how it is.” Stan sighed pulling a bottle of cheap wine from his backpack.
“Hey Eddie wanna see something cool?” Bev asked causing Eddie to avert his attention towards her. She blew smoke from the side of her half close mouth. Stan only rolled his eyes and pulled out a cigarette himself, “Want one Eddie?”
Eddie only shook his head, “Oh no thank you. Smoking can kill you.”
Stan rolled his eyes again and blew a couple of more smokes before placing the stick between his fingers and popping open the cheap wine.
“Finally!” Audra cheered taking a chug of the cheap wine.
“Ever drank before Eddie?” Audra asked handing the bottle over to Bev.
“I had some champagne at a wedding once!” Eddie explained.
“Oh wow! Sounds like a wild night!” Stan sarcastically remarked causing Bev to throw a pillow at him.
“Here c’mon. Just try a little smoke at least!” Stan sighed and handed over his cigarette to the boy. Eddie hesitantly took the stick from him and inhaled causing him to cough.
“Right, I forgot to tell you not to inhale the first time you do it.” Stan stifled a laugh.
“Here, wash it down with this.” Audra said handing over the bottle of alcohol. Poor Eddie didn’t realize what Audra handed him until he took a swing of the cheap wine and grimaced.
“Bev, I don’t feel so good.” Eddie moaned, holding his stomach.
Bev got up and quickly led him to her bathroom. Stan bit back a laugh while Audra quickly cleaned.
“God, how did he manage to drink the champagne?”
You got your crust, I’m no object of lust, I’m just plain Sandra Dee!
After the whole ordeal, Eddie rested on Bev’s bed while the others talked. Their conversation was interrupted when they heard a honk. Audra, Stan, and Bev made their way towards the window and saw none other than their fellow T-Birds.
“W-we’re heading o-over to the dr-rive in! Wanna c-come?” Bill shouted.
“Guys we can’t, Eddie still isn’t feeling good and my folks are home!” Beverly whispered-shouted.
“Well, I’ll go then! Cover for me!” Stan suggested, climbing out the window.
Richie only huffed when he saw Stan making his ways towards Bill, “What’s got your dick in a twist Tozier? Want Juliet to come on down too?”
Whether Stan intended for Eddie to hear what he just said or Eddie had super hearing, he answered for Richie, “Tell them no. I’m not Richie’s object.” He snapped.
Bev and Audra only looked at each other and repeated what Eddie just told them.
Stan got in the passengers seat next to Bill and planted a kiss on the stuttering boy, “Thought it would just be us at the drive-in Denbrough?”
Bill only smirked and turned around to his friends, “Get out of my car.”
“The fuck Bill?” Richie rose an eyebrow.
“Did I fucking stutter? Get out of my car and walk!” Bill shouted a little louder.
Ben, Mike, and Richie huffed but obliged as they watched Bill’s broken down car speed off.
“He’s right you know,” Ben stated breaking the silence.
“What?” Richie responded.
“He didn’t stutter.”
Tags: @universal-gay - Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you enjoyed this chapter love!
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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❝ here,  take my sweater. ❞  (renesmee)       /         @perceivedpast​
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It was FALL in NORTH DAKOTA and the eighteen year old had forgotten that to blend in there would be the requirement of wearing LAYERS to her outfits.  The plaid thin shirt and a pair of jeans simply WOULDN’T cut it in today’s human market.  There was a blanket of white on the ground that captivates the brunette that stands by the car.  Renesmee turns around when the voice is heard that is what they consider family.  Blue eyes looking to the article of clothing that gets handed out to them.    ❝ I’m not COLD, though. ❞   Still,  the dhampir finds their fingers reaching out and taking the sweater from Johanna with a soft smile coming to angelic features.
                                                          ❝ THANK YOU. ❞  
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Renesmee waits until she hears the distinct CLICK that says the car is unlocked before opening the door and tossing her bag into the backseat before getting in.  Renesmee was a silent little mouse that preferred to let ACTION speak for her. It also didn’t help that their parents didn’t make her speak in the formation of learning so everything tends to be done via TOUCH.
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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None of this was planned when she came back to NEW YORK.  Her thought was that DARREN would have forgotten about her but it appears not.  The two of them fall into a fast friendship that leaves Lucy feeling breathless on any given day.  It’s GAME NIGHT which was a Lucy tradition at Darren’s place with a glass of RED WINE in hand.  She was LOSING her terribly at POKER that a pout was forming on her pink lips. The two of them could be doing ANYTHING in the world and yet,  she was fine with being here in his place when she has never felt safe anywhere. She lived with her GRANDPARENTS and that was okay for now because rent was EXPENSIVE and not worth it at the moment.  Her money often goes to parties, alcohol, and reckless tastes of freedom that she never had before.  Even then,  Lucy still shows up on Sunday morning with her grandparents and Peter. 
Right now,  Lucy is staring at Darren and he was trying to bring a smile to her face and she ignores the way her stomach TWISTS with butterflies that knock against her rib cadge.
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Lucy laughs as she places her cards down against the table before picking up her wine glass.   ❝ You got me. This game can be very fun but it is getting late and I still need to get home. ❞   But there is apart of her that hopes that he suggests that she stays the night.  Lucy polishes off the rest of the wine in her glass, letting out a soft moan before setting the empty glass down on the table.    ❝ We should go OUT to a club on SATURDAY night. ❞   And maybe she will offer him a dance when the fear of rejection isn’t there.  
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❛ there it is, there’s that smile! ❜ Darren to Lucy    /    @fatalflcws​
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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It was HALLOWEEN night and that meant doing the traditions of taking the small dhampir out for TRICK OR TREATING so asking Johanna to go with is the easy part. The hard part is getting used to the fact that her body doesn’t stumble in high heels or the fact that Renesmee doesn’t need a stroller even though she was born a year ago. Edward takes Renesmee a few blocks AHEAD when Bella takes notice of a SKULL sitting on the edge of someone’s porch with the light off.  It almost looked like someone FORGOT to put out decorations until the LAST moment. 
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When Bella pointed out the LONELY house,  Johanna is QUICK to tell her that the skull is real.  Her heart drops into the pit of her stomach as a soft gasp comes from her.   ❝ Should we CALL someone? ❞   The question is HONESTLY the stupidest thing to come from her mouth on HALLOWEEN night but Bella can’t help it.
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❝ that’s not fake. ❞  (bella)       /     @perceivedpast
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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Josie doesn’t normally call people CUTE often and when she does it clearly means something more.  Even now as they stand there next to a swing set at the park,  a BLUSH goes to their cheeks,     ❝ I don’t rarely all someone cute. ❞   Josie tells Poe softly before raising their head up to meet their deep brown eyes once more.   ❝ But you are one of the FEW people that I get the honor of finding ATTRACTIVE. ❞   Is it meant as a BOOST to the ego or a subtle HINT that the other should ask them out?  Josie isn’t sure if there was any guts inside of their being to ASK someone out.   You need a GOOD CRUSH to even you out.  Lizzie’s voice rings out of their mind.  Josie had been back from BELGIUM for less than three months and now at college for “GIFTED” students that have special abilities.
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❛ wait, you think i’m cute? ❜ Poe for Josie      /       @fatalflcws​
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
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Hope and Landon [Kid Meme]    ;     send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.         【 . . . 】     @redemptivexheroics​
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  Name:    Aurelie Rune     (  meaning:  Golden Secret )
Gender   &  Pronouns:   Cis Female    &  She/They
General Appearance:  Dark long hair that goes to the center of their back which is often braided into a single pleat. Big brown eyes that turn golden when she is angry after her turn into a werewolf.
Species:    vampire,  werewolf,  witch,  phoenix
Personality:   Hotheaded,  attentive.  stubborn, bighearted
Birthday: April 1st
Special Talents:  Can count to 100,000 without getting lost.  Math skills are up there as the highest in classes.
Who they like better:  Landon.
Who they take after more:  Hope but that could have a lot to do with species than anything else.
Personal Head canon:   never wants to be an alpha or be in charge.  very much happily leaving the position to others.  Plays better with others than most people would assume which is why she has a lot of little friends from the wolves in the bayou to the witches in the quarter.
Face Claim:     Maddison Jaizani    (   gif from here   )
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
friendly reminder, you are doing a great job! you are giving and a joy to be around. you are beloved. kiss kiss.
POPPY!! you are a darling person.  This made me BEAM with joy this fine day. Gonna keep this forever.
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
Who I’d throw at you meme.
Caroline Forbes,  Isabella Swan,  Renesmee Cullen, Hope Mikaelson,  Lizzie Saltzman
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
PLOT ME ~ Cammie & Hope
Undercover lovers   ;    set in a verse where Hope grew up in a world where her family is not there and she was turned into a trained killer. This verse would be completely human unless we wanted to make it supernatural.
Supernatural hired help   ;   okay but Cammie’s dad  (Not sure if he is still around)  but being hired by the Mikaelson family as a hit man and these girls growing up close.  Plays on the idea of different taxe brackets a bit as well and just a powerful family with a girl that has a father that is known in circles for his work of getting rid of problems. 
Softness   ;   this isn’t a verse but a thread idea of a vacation.  I want to see those two enjoying pools and being free but knowing they will have to go back one day to their worlds.  Maybe they met on vacation and dated just for the summer,  maybe they met on a cruise  (like one of those ships that you go to college on)  but this is very much supernatural.  I try to keep Hope supernatural when I can
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
ツ :  An OC you created that you are proud of?
Georgia Madison is the current pride and joy.  I actually am not a big OC person and prefer canons to OCs.  It might be a little stranger as most people start out with an oc (I think) but I went straight for canons.  I’ve had a few ocs connected to canons but Georgia is the first character that is without a fandom that I’ve kept more than two weeks.  She started out barebones and then one night,  I just sat down and wrote a whole bio for her that had someone messaging me asking for help writing a bio.  I forgot how to write a bio three days later and now working to do it all over again. 
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
♥ & ⚜ & ☯ !!
♥ What’s the absolute best experience you’ve had in RP?
I’ve had so many AMAZING experiences that this is so hard to pick from.  I legit can’t pick because to me they are all special and amazing.  Every single rp partner has a special place in my heart be it a past partner or a current one.
⚜ Have you ever met anyone from RP in real life?
I have! We met like three times now and it has been cool each time. I tried sushi with them once and took them to do something that they had never done before.
 ☯ Tell us all about your favorite muse you’ve ever written and why they meant so much to you. 
Jennifer Jareau    &    Hope Mikaelson.   I played JJ for like over 6 years on a few different sites with my friend and now I’ve played Hope Mikaelson since 2018 on a solo blog.  The reason they are so special to me are because of how long I wrote them.  Each muse became my own in a way that other muses haven’t.  I know them like the back of my hand and met some amazing people that even if we don’t write together anymore,  we still talk. 
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
【 reblogged 】…  signs her LETTERS with x’s and o’s
【 ooc answered 】…   signs her LETTERS with x’s and o’s
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