#* verse / Fractured Fables
labyrinthofcrystals · 2 months
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hatterhare cuddles but they're my dumb cringefail adaptation 🎩🥀
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Just wanted to say I got SO excited when I saw the update for NHTHCTH!! I was wondering if you ever listened to a podcast called the Silt Verses? There's a line in one of the episodes, "Isn't it great? We each get to choose the thing that eats us" and the first time I heard it, it really struck me and I couldn't figure out why until I realized it reminded me of NHTHCTH. Idk, I just felt the need to tell you this bc I really adore the concept ever since I read your fic; the story of hansel and gretel and the breadcrumbs and jon hoping it would end if he gets eaten only for it to not just gets me every time I reread your fic. Ch 11 always strikes me; I adore the concept, the narrative style, it really matches the purpose of the chapter and idk I just felt the need to share this quote with you!
I started listening to the Silt Verses because of this ask and it fucks SO HARD thank you for the recommendation I love it. It has SUCH a unique premise whose consequences it really embraces and I’m already obsessed
Ch 11 of nhthcth was actually born of writer’s block. A lot of the time, if I have a long pause in updating either 1) I’m just really busy and haven’t even started the google doc or 2) I can’t figure out the opening scene for the next chapter. And the opening scene is always important because it tends to set the tone for the rest of the chapter. I actually restarted the most recent chapter like three or four times because it just didn’t feel right.
The breadcrumbs framing was the thing that finally clicked ch. 11 for me. Jon pre-Gerry always just seemed to have such a fractured perception of the world that was almost dreamlike. Him recontextualising what happened to him in a children’s fable just seemed to make sense.
Of course, the story itself isn’t accurate. It’s tainted straight through with Elias’s version of the events. Jon in chapter 11 thinks of the breadcrumb trail as something openly labeled, and the children walking it have signs along the way telling them that they’ll be eaten at its end. They get the full information when making their decision. Jon didn’t get nearly the same warning, but he’s grappling with Elias’s insistence that he picked this and trying to fit his own blame into his understanding of what happened. It’s only in the most recent chapter that he starts to realize that he doesn’t know how much information he had when he “made” his choice.
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Smoky Eyes
Her life, a lit wet cigarette
First-born of hidden corner tables With words that fall down sick and dead From wry mouths, cracked like fractured fables
Bite down on burnt-out, clovered ends Luck rooster-red, her tongue-in-cheek Fluorescent wit with sick intent Along her, long since long in teeth
A crystal mix of split inflections Dismissals purred with distal purchase Battered bardic self-protections And rare emergent flame-tipped verses
Where words alight with flights of heart But borne with all that leaden weight Conceived of themes with absent charts And snapshot dreams long since dyed grey
Thus when the reaper whistles gently She’ll finally rise, in joyous splendour For real adventure, evidently As one more darkened, sparked ascender
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rhetoricandlogic · 2 years
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From the Fractured Fables series
by Alix E. Harrow ‧ RELEASE DATE: June 14, 2022
A woman who specializes in helping fairy-tale princesses is kidnapped by a villain who wants her own happy ending.
Zinnia Gray has a very special skill: She can travel through portals to different versions of “Sleeping Beauty.” A former Sleeping Beauty herself, Zinnia uses this ability to help other princesses reach their own happily-ever-afters. But one day she looks into a mirror and sees not her own reflection, but an evil queen on the other side.
The queen reaches out of the mirror and pulls Zinnia through. Suddenly, Zinnia isn’t in the Sleeping Beauty–verse anymore; she’s in the world of “Snow White,” and the infamous evil queen wants her help escaping the grisly end promised to all fairy-tale villains. This short novel, the sequel to Harrow’s A Spindle Splintered (2021), makes efficient use of its limited word count, wasting no time before immersing the reader in Zinnia’s many fairy-tale worlds. Zinnia and the evil queen have wonderful chemistry, and Harrow guides both characters through compelling arcs as they consider what it means to be the protagonist of your own story. Zinnia’s snappy, pop-culture– heavy dialogue can sometimes come across a bit smarmy, but it suits the genre well. A lively, engaging fairy-tale retelling perfect for devouring in a single sitting.
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labyrinthofcrystals · 3 months
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hatterhare kids
[ rosemary + marzipan ]
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labyrinthofcrystals · 9 months
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been a while since I posted these guys. I think. these guys are for my aiw adaptation(??) "Curiosity by Another Name". in order: Charlotte Velveteen/March Hare, Phineas Glazier/Mad Hatter, Alice Glazier, and Morphie Mouse/Dormouse. they're the main characters/group that's focused on the most, I like to call them the "Mad Tea Family" bc its fun.
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Edited TOH characters to look like my aiw designs bc why not. Original designs here.
In order:
Dormouse as The Collector (x2)
Alice as Luz
Hatter as Philip Wittebane
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Can I offer you a Hatter in these trying times
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it is. her birthday.
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Mad Tea....Family? Sure. Why not. My versions of the March Hare, Mad Hatter, Alice, and Dormouse!! I love them all dearly, my chaotic found family <;3 (i say like that isn't all of my oc groups).
From left to right it's Charlotte "Charlie" Hare, Phineas Hatter, Alice Glazier, Morpheus "Morphie" Mouse. Yes Morhpe's name is technically a pun/haha funny joke. Unfortunately in-universe only Alice is the one who understands the irony(?) of his name 😞
uuhhh idk. i think abt them a lot so idk what to say lol. uhm i know most adaptations make the march hare a dude (with the exception i think of dc's march harriet but like that's not really aiw yknow) sssoooo Be Nice. I haven't had a bad experience in this fandom yet and i'd hate it to start over something like transing a character. sorry i had to put that little disclaimer at least once, i have not had the best fandom experiences in the past so i gotta Protect myself yknow.
OTHER THAN THAT LOL you're free to ask anything about them, i love them dearly and WILL take any opportunity to talk about my ocs (they're like that weird middle ground between "canon character" & "OC" lksjdf idk ya'll)
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hatterhare fankids bc fankids are my favorite type of fanocs <3 unfortunately I don't think they'll all be canon (rosemary definitely is, I just. can't decide if she's Alice’s granddaughter or Phineas & Charlotte's bio kid lol).
I got too many ocs also idk how sold I am on Phineas & Charlotte having more kids other than Alice & Morphie. Maybe I'm just too attached to the mad tea family dynamic I made 😅 but they love kids so realistically they'd have a lot I think, adopted or biological.
I think I'm just gonna mix and match stuff until I'm finally happy/satisfied with Rosemary's character lol. Uhmm anyways design notes / random info under the cut
Love her cotton candy hair tbh
Of course the red/blue ship gets a purple child lol
Her name comes from the song "love grows where my rosemary grows". This is bc that is the hatterhare song, its the first in my hatterhare playlist so it must be true /j. In-universe this is because Charlotte likes gardening/plants.
The 50's are to her what the 70's are to Charlotte (aka the ultimate fashion aesthetic).
I think her nickname is gonna be Rosie, except for Maverick (Jabberwock's son) who calls her...something idk i need to think about their dynamic/story more but its not something she enjoys!
Obsessed with his ears ngl
More blue bc he takes after Phineas
Based sorta on Peter Rabbit
I just really wanted a jackalope baby. Also most of my ocs are demons so I'm used to drawing horns and the lack of horned people in StoryBook City felt Wrong to me.
She's named after Cinderella, of who Phineas used to be friends with (it makes sense in universe and is kinda heartbreaking 💔 they emotionally destroy me sometimes). Her name is a variant of "Ella".
More warm tones bc she takes more after Charlie i guess idfk
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Hatterhare hcs bc they mean everything to me <3 uhhmm based on my version/interpretation of them btw!
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They met each other when they were 10. Hatter saved Hare from some dangerous plants/wildlife & they’ve gotten along like wildfire ever since!
Had on/off crushes on each other for practically all their lives but never acted on them out of fear of ruining their relationship until they had a one night stand & had to confront their feelings head on.
They love kids!! The amount of children they have accidentally adopted/taken in is…a lot lol. Seriously, by now they have a Reputation for being eccentric babysitters. It’s on their business card.
Adding onto that ^ the Dormouse is their child ok that is their BOY. he's their best friend he's their pal he's their homeboy their rotten soldier their sweet cheese their good time boy etc etc.
When they announced they were dating, everyone was like "you mean you. weren't before????"
Hatter usually wakes up super early (all that tea & cake doesn’t make itself!) so he’s usually the one that makes breakfast. On the rare occasion Hare wakes up first, he likes to let Hatter sleep in, even if Hatter complains about it.
They are sssoooo clingy. Handholding, leaning on each other, etc. It is impossible for them to be in the same vicinity without some sort of physical contact going on.
90% of the time their conversations are incoherent because it’s mainly just inside jokes they have with each other. The other 10% is because they're little shits that like confusing people.
Oh they absolutely LOVE dancing with each other. There is no style of dance they have not tried at least once. I think their favorites/the styles they like most are waltzing & the tango.
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🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 for Cheshire
🖕 for Hatter
And 😶 for Hare
(Whichever versions you want)
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I saw this ask RIGHT BEFORE I had to go clock in at work so I was suffering for 4hrs thinking about this ask lmao. Oh and I'm doing this for my own versions bc I have 0 confidence writing for any other versions lksdjf [ HEADCANON ASK MEME ]
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🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
mmmm he's a he/it bitch. and a cat, so gender has no meaning to him, but if it had to choose, then a mix of male && nonbinary. nonbinyanary, if you will.
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
My Cheshire, like nearly all my ocs, is bisexual! I can't see him having much of a preference -- he'll date whatever catches his fancy. He did have a wife, though.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
SO funny story, I wrote out an answer (...at work lol) and then remembered I already wrote out an answer previously for a similar ask on a different blog! But then I checked and turns out I remembered wrong. So now you're getting what I originally wrote instead.
ANYWAY, bottom line is, Phineas has trouble dealing with any emotion other than "happy" (yay toxic positivity), so he'll adamantly deny that he's upset over anything. Unfortunately for him, he gets heated quickly, and over the most random things, too. This usually results in passive aggressive rants, typically while he's doing another task (which will result in said ask being poorly done, adding to his annoyance). Uhm his rants often go like "blah blah blah ok im done" *2 second later* "anD ANOTHER THING---"
😶 A random headcanon!
Ooo Henry loves plants! Especially the super dangerous ones. He has his own garden with a mix of different "normal" and "dangerous" plants, which he often crossbreeds for fun. Sometimes he'll sell them but mostly he just keeps them && tries to make more crimes against nature. He would absolutely LOVE little shop of horrors if he ever saw it && def fawn over DC's Poison Ivy like a fanboy lol.
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She/her Hare rights don't ask questions just go with it. Most of this was done late at night (like 12-1 am lol) & I was too lazy to edit it when I worked in it this morning so. We're gonna have to Deal with how...it. looks. I am most likely going to edit the design as I draw her more but like it's a good starting point for what I want/am going for.
Anyway I think imma make Hare a woman* in my canon/verse, I just have an easier time characterizing & thinking of stuff for her that way. Also pretty women. Her name is still Henry tho and she's still dating/married to Hatter bc in this house that's the only valid ship /j.
*so like technically he's genderfluid & goes by any pronouns but I'm in a Women Living mood. We'll see how long the genderfluid thing last bc idk but my hatter is bi so like its not that important bdksjsk
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labyrinthofcrystals · 2 years
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Sshh....its bedtime. If you ask nicely, maybe you'll get a story before bed as a treat! 💤📚
Phineas likes to tell stories. Morphie doesn't like falling asleep alone. And so, their little bedtime ritual eventually evolved into Phineas telling Morphie a story before bed, which shows no sign of stopping soon.
After Alice starts living with them, she joins in. Partly because Morphie's bed/room is super comfy, and partly because the stories Phineas tells are absolutely fascinating to her. So, her & Morphie have sleepovers often. He even gave her some new pajamas, shown here, because she had literally nothing when she arrived in Wonderland.
The story Phineas is telling here is based off the Jabberwocky poem. In my version, Phineas is the one entrusted with the Vorpal Sword, with the intent to kill Gary (The Jabberwocky). That's a whole other story, though.
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My hatter playlist is officially 3hrs long 😭
Though its absolutely not the longest playlist I have on Spotify. Thats 8hrs 32min && goes to my favorite oc (who....is also a bisexual magician. I have a type 😶)
Uhm if people are interested I can post the rest of my aiw playlists. So far I have: Alice, Cheshire Cat, Queen of Hearts, Jabberwocky, Dormouse, a general aiw playlist, a hatterhare playlist, and one for Alice & Hatter's relationship. I really wanna make one for the March Hare but I'm having trouble finding songs for him lol.
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