#*       wm      /       int !
radiokittykat · 1 year
JAM EDIT :33 (my tt wm)
ART CREDS to @rightous-int @theelmoarchive @dogfestivals @mersei47 @mouseshift @citriicacid @pillowspace @noctiispiri @fishymom-art !!
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magicicephoenix · 1 year
So you know how there’s the thing with phones (might just be apple i dunno) where they can scan pictures for words? and then you can copy-paste them?
I wrote a thing at like midnight in a notebook with the most horrendous handwriting, and this is what the scanner picked up on:
It's dark when bendy wales up. He cant see antin not even blurry outines of drs surroundings tees laghere Even when he blinks really Suakes his head wildly: Lad then hagens. These He can, homerer U nothinguns u startha lubes Did Soren herc Anger too ViVId compare) Ls ack of sicht Can Y hear wet Footsteps, He and acoanina michery ane him hear breathing óh That's Bendy frees It doesn't help a doody. he relax He rumbes. Alice Tellin Lim Anat once Alisht His heerben settles, and W. calms. Bendy to Feet. For hs kinally talcer a meet Wood. Lots and las of wooden planes. It creales easily sort must be even nAh hon Few spite under the rate sesh of his Lena There's c elsesh his mined ate WY J In, so Bendy mares to stand Wooc crumbles undu gup as he has Inestf up . des the Bendy
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Int. ADAC Truck-Grand-Prix | Rennen 1 | DE
Crazy German motorsports, racing things that shouldn't be raced because -- why not?
Drive the spectators around the track in semi trailers... Going hydroplaning in a semi truck ... Bratwurst... Good fun!
Der Nürburgring ist als eine der traditionsreichsten, längsten, anspruchsvollsten und meist befahrenen Rennstrecken der Welt eine Legende. Zahlreiche Besucher erleben hier jedes Jahr neben zahlreichen Musik- und Sport-Events vor allem Motorsport in Reinkultur bei Rennveranstaltungen wie der Formel 1, DTM, 24-Stunden-Rennen, Superbike WM, Truck- und Oldtimerrennen. Amateu-re und Profis verschiedenster Rennklassen messen sich und ihre Fahrzeuge hier auf zwei Kursen: der traditionsreichen Nordschleife mit einer Länge von 20,832 Kilometern und der modernen 5,148 Kilometer langen Grand-Prix-Strecke.
2024 Goodyear FIA European Truck Racing Championship at the Nürburgring -- they're hitting 100 mph on the straights
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miyclarheffbid1973 · 6 months
wm tipps vorhersagen
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wm tipps vorhersagen
Die FIFA-Weltmeisterschaft ist ein internationales Fußballturnier, das alle vier Jahre stattfindet und Fußballfans aus der ganzen Welt begeistert. Wenn das Turnier näher rückt, gibt es eine Vielzahl von WM Tipps Vorhersagen, die von Experten und Fußballbegeisterten gemacht werden. Diese Vorhersagen dienen dazu, potenzielle Gewinner oder sogar die Ergebnisse einzelner Spiele vorherzusagen.
Bevor man jedoch auf WM-Tipps setzt, ist es wichtig, einige Faktoren zu berücksichtigen. Zunächst einmal sollte man sich über die aktuellen Leistungen der Teams auf dem Laufenden halten. Dies beinhaltet die Analyse der vergangenen Spiele, die Form der Spieler und mögliche Verletzungen, die die Leistung der Mannschaft beeinflussen könnten. Statistiken wie Tore pro Spiel, Schussgenauigkeit und Ballbesitz können ebenfalls helfen, fundierte Vorhersagen zu treffen.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Faktor bei WM-Tipps ist das Verständnis der Turnierstruktur. Man sollte sich mit dem Modus vertraut machen, wie die Teams gegeneinander antreten und wie Punkte vergeben werden. Dies hilft dabei, die möglichen Szenarien für das Weiterkommen der Teams zu verstehen und Vorhersagen basierend auf diesen Informationen zu machen.
Es gibt auch verschiedene Strategien, die bei WM-Tipps angewendet werden können. Einige bevorzugen es, auf Favoriten zu setzen, basierend auf ihrer bisherigen Leistung und ihrem Spielerkader. Andere setzen auf Underdogs, die oft überraschende Ergebnisse erzielen können. Es ist wichtig, die Vor- und Nachteile jeder Strategie abzuwägen und eine auszuwählen, die am besten zu den eigenen Vorlieben und Kenntnissen des Spiels passt.
Letztendlich sind WM-Tipps Vorhersagen nicht immer garantiert. Fußball ist ein Sport, der viele unvorhersehbare Elemente hat, und es gibt immer Raum für Überraschungen. Es ist wichtig, Spaß am Spiel zu haben und die WM als eine Gelegenheit zu sehen, aufregende Spiele anzuschauen und mitzufiebern. Wenn man jedoch erfolgreich mit seinen WM-Tipps sein möchte, sollte man sich Zeit nehmen, um Informationen zu sammeln, Trends zu analysieren und fundierte Vorhersagen zu treffen.
Fußball Vorhersagen WM
Die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft ist eines der größten Sportereignisse der Welt und zieht Millionen von Fans in ihren Bann. Während viele Menschen nur zuschauen und ihre Lieblingsmannschaften unterstützen wollen, gibt es eine wachsende Zahl von Fußballfans, die sich auch für Fußballvorhersagen und Wetten interessieren.
Die Fußballvorhersagen zur WM haben in den letzten Jahren immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Unternehmen und Websites bieten nun Expertentipps und Prognosen für alle Spiele der Weltmeisterschaft an. Diese Vorhersagen basieren auf statistischen Daten, historischen Ergebnissen und verschiedenen anderen Faktoren.
Es gibt viele Gründe, warum Fußballfans an Vorhersagen und Wetten interessiert sind. Einige möchten ihr Wissen über den Sport testen und sehen, wie gut sie die Ergebnisse vorhersagen können. Andere suchen nach einer Möglichkeit, ihre Leidenschaft für Fußball in Gewinne umzuwandeln. Was auch immer der Grund sein mag, Fußballvorhersagen zur WM bieten eine spannende Möglichkeit, das Turnier noch aufregender zu gestalten.
Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass Fußballvorhersagen keine Garantie für den Erfolg sind. Es gibt immer unvorhersehbare Elemente im Sport, die das Endergebnis beeinflussen können. Deshalb sollten Fußballfans, die Wetten platzieren möchten, dies mit Bedacht tun und sich nicht ausschließlich auf Vorhersagen verlassen.
Fußballvorhersagen zur WM sind auch eine großartige Möglichkeit, das Wissen über den Sport zu erweitern. Experten analysieren die Spiele im Voraus und geben Einblicke in Taktiken, Spielerform und andere relevante Faktoren. Dies kann dazu beitragen, das Verständnis für den Sport zu vertiefen und die Spiele noch intensiver zu erleben.
Ob Sie nun an Fußballvorhersagen zur WM interessiert sind oder nicht, die Weltmeisterschaft bietet auf jeden Fall spannende und unvergessliche Momente für Fußballfans auf der ganzen Welt. Von atemberaubenden Toren bis hin zu überraschenden Ergebnissen gibt es immer etwas, auf das man sich freuen kann, wenn die besten Mannschaften der Welt gegeneinander antreten.
Insgesamt sind Fußballvorhersagen zur WM eine faszinierende Ergänzung zur Weltmeisterschaft. Sie bieten eine weitere Möglichkeit, sich mit dem Turnier zu beschäftigen und die Spiele noch spannender zu machen. Ganz gleich, ob Sie an Wetten interessiert sind oder nicht, die Fußballvorhersagen bieten einen interessanten Einblick in den Sport und können dazu beitragen, das Spielgeschehen besser zu verstehen.
Die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft ist ein Ereignis, das Millionen von Fans auf der ganzen Welt fasziniert. Es ist ein hochkarätiges Turnier, bei dem die besten Mannschaften der Welt gegeneinander antreten. Um Ihnen bei der WM noch mehr Freude und Spannung zu ermöglichen, haben wir hier drei Experten Tipps zusammengestellt, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Gewinnchancen zu maximieren.
Gründliche Recherche: Bevor Sie eine Wette platzieren, ist es wichtig, sich gründlich über die teilnehmenden Mannschaften zu informieren. Welche Spieler sind verletzt, welche Teams haben eine gute Form und wie sind die bisherigen Leistungen bei vergangenen Turnieren? Diese Informationen können Ihnen helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und Ihre Gewinnchancen zu verbessern.
Wettquoten vergleichen: Unterschiedliche Buchmacher bieten unterschiedliche Wettquoten an. Es lohnt sich, die Quoten bei verschiedenen Anbietern zu vergleichen, um den besten Deal zu finden. Vergessen Sie nicht, auch auf Spezialwetten zu schauen, die möglicherweise höhere Quoten bieten.
Money Management: Eine der wichtigsten Regeln beim Wetten ist ein vernünftiges Geldmanagement. Setzen Sie niemals mehr Geld ein, als Sie sich leisten können zu verlieren. Teilen Sie Ihr Budget entsprechend auf und setzen Sie immer nur einen Teil davon auf eine einzelne Wette.
Diese drei Experten Tipps können Ihnen helfen, die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft noch aufregender zu gestalten und Ihre Gewinnchancen zu erhöhen. Denken Sie jedoch daran, dass Wetten immer ein gewisses Risiko birgt und Glück eine große Rolle spielt. Spielen Sie verantwortungsbewusst und genießen Sie das Turnier!
Kostenlose Vorhersagen WM
Die Weltmeisterschaft ist ein aufregendes und vielbeachtetes Ereignis im Bereich des Fußballs. Fans auf der ganzen Welt fiebern mit ihren Lieblingsmannschaften mit und geben gerne ihre Vorhersagen darüber ab, wer den Titel gewinnen wird.
Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, um Vorhersagen für die WM zu treffen. Eine davon ist, kostenlose Vorhersagedienste zu nutzen. Diese Dienste bieten Fußballfans die Möglichkeit, ihre Vorhersagen kostenlos abzugeben und mit anderen Fußballenthusiasten in Kontakt zu treten.
Der Vorteil von kostenlosen Vorhersagen ist offensichtlich: Sie können Ihre fußballerischen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten testen, ohne für den Service bezahlen zu müssen. Darüber hinaus können Sie von anderen Fans lernen und ihre Ansichten mit Ihnen teilen. Dies kann zu interessanten Diskussionen und Debatten führen.
Ein weiterer Vorteil von kostenlosen Vorhersagen ist, dass Sie möglicherweise auf Expertentipps und -meinungen zugreifen können. Einige Experten stellen ihre Vorhersagen kostenlos zur Verfügung und geben Einblicke in verschiedene Teams und Spieler. Dies kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre eigenen Vorhersagen zu verbessern und fundiertere Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Es gibt verschiedene Websites und Apps, die kostenlose Vorhersagen für die WM anbieten. Eine schnelle Online-Suche bringt viele Ergebnisse hervor. Sie können Bewertungen und Empfehlungen anderer Nutzer lesen, um den besten Vorhersagedienst zu finden, der Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht.
Bei der Verwendung von kostenlosen Vorhersagen ist es wichtig zu beachten, dass es sich oft um subjektive Meinungen handelt und keine Garantie für den tatsächlichen Ausgang der Spiele gegeben werden kann. Es ist daher ratsam, verschiedene Quellen zu nutzen und Ihre eigenen Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen einzubringen.
Insgesamt bieten kostenlose Vorhersagen eine unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, sich aktiv an der WM zu beteiligen und Ihre Vorhersagefähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, mit anderen Fußballfans in Kontakt zu treten und über das spannendste Fußballturnier der Welt zu diskutieren.
Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Fußballfan sind oder einfach nur die Weltmeisterschaft genießen möchten, kostenlose Vorhersagen können Ihnen helfen, Ihre Begeisterung für das Ereignis zu steigern und das Beste aus Ihrer Fußballerfahrung herauszuholen. Viel Spaß beim Tippen!
Die Weltmeisterschaft steht vor der Tür und die Fußballbegeisterung steigt von Tag zu Tag. Wenn du ein begeisterter Fan bist und gerne WM-Tipps gibst, solltest du diese 5 Strategien berücksichtigen, um erfolgreich zu sein.
Statistiken analysieren: Bevor du deine Tipps abgibst, solltest du die Statistiken der Teams analysieren. Betrachte ihre Performance während der Qualifikationsspiele sowie ihre vergangenen Spiele gegen ähnliche Gegner. Statistische Daten können dir helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Kader untersuchen: Ein Blick auf die Spieler, die in den jeweiligen Kader aufgenommen wurden, kann ebenfalls von Vorteil sein. Schau dir an, welche Spieler in Topform sind und wie sie sich vor der WM geschlagen haben. Dies kann dir helfen, das Potenzial einer Mannschaft zu bewerten.
Expertenmeinungen einholen: Es schadet nie, Expertenmeinungen zu berücksichtigen. Verfolge die Vorhersagen renommierter Fußballexperten und ihre Analyse der bevorstehenden Spiele. Ihre Fachkenntnisse können dir helfen, eine effektive Strategie für deine WM-Tipps zu entwickeln.
Auf Underdogs setzen: Bei einer Weltmeisterschaft gibt es oft Überraschungen, wenn vermeintlich starke Teams gegen vermeintlich schwächere Gegner antreten. Das Setzen auf Underdogs kann sich als kluge Strategie erweisen. Berücksichtige Außenseiter und ihre jüngste Form, bevor du deine Entscheidungen triffst.
Verwalte dein Budget: Es ist wichtig, verantwortungsbewusst mit deinen Wetteinsätzen umzugehen. Stelle sicher, dass du ein Budget festlegst und nur das Geld setzt, das du bereit bist zu verlieren. Bleibe diszipliniert und lasse dich nicht von Emotionen beeinflussen.
Mit diesen 5 Strategien für deine WM-Tipps bist du gut gerüstet, um erfolgreich zu sein. Denke daran, dass Sportwetten immer ein Glücksspiel sind und keine Garantie für Gewinne bieten. Wette verantwortungsbewusst und hab Spaß am Spiel!
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alertbrilliant4204 · 8 months
"Revolutionizing Warehousing: Navata's Advanced Technologies and Emerging Trends"
Explore the forefront of warehousing innovation with Navata's cutting-edge technologies and stay ahead of the curve with the latest trends. From automated storage systems to smart inventory management, discover how Navata is reshaping the future of warehousing. Dive into this comprehensive guide that unveils the advanced solutions revolutionizing logistics and highlights the key trends shaping the industry.
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
What is the idea of human nature n other ontology in new 'relating' practices? Why it not feel like the people they quote, like the i thou guy, but they don't say they're doing sth dif? R they cherrypicking? What's relationism broadest, or all the kinds of relationisms? The book titles with relational mostly felt philosophy or a 'practice ' like new age 'practice'. Btw Why that still happening in similar language n spirit still? Why the spirit go on?
What's the sense i feel sometimes that isn't white but feels more human not like a thing i hear system named? Is the feeling a great man or 'i am attuned to life' syndrome?
Ohmyhno uh k juh wt okhm uhwyokj,u,wwi,o,,k,,n, no o*,[,uhkojnuj,i,
Uh wt okhmuh, em, y ltl, lf not relaxing, dont hv nthng to do, wt,uh,khmuh,lrn stry,khmuh,wt,uh,man,okhmuh,no,uh, b in bc rej so idk, no out, did corrupt me, prob corrupt me, point is sensory n right social, nt big, b only come that way? Poolhouse? Uh wt hmjjuh, sex house or leisure house y wt,hki,uh,no,uh,wt,big,uh,no,uh, stupid door,uh,kh k, uo,h,uh,wt,no,uh,khmuh,no,uh,oo comf,uh,nohkhmuh,nt hip,nohkuh,uh,no,hkjj,no,uh,no,k k jkkhmokhmu,jn,ouh,kj,j,kww,khkokuj,no,uh,kkj,yh,khkkhmuh,yh,no,wt, m isnt phrases,ww,okkkjmuh,no,uh,uh,ww, ok hmuh,yh,roy,okjmuh,no,uh,yh,uh,dk,okhmuh,no,uh,ww,y, movieish,ok,j,mij[(okhnu,nouh, ok,<hmuh,ww,okjmuh,no,uh,ww,khmuh,no,uh,nc,okhmuh,ww,okhmuh,nc,khmuh,nc,uh,no,hm,uh,yh,int,khkokh my hno,uh,no,maybe,uh,no,okhmuh,nouh,no,uhkokhmunouh,okhmunouh,yh,ih,okhmnou,nouh,yh,okhmun,fm dvrc,kh nouh ok, ww&*,[<*&*[*,dk,khkljmokhmuh,uh,dk,uh,ww(&?<okjhmuh,no,ww, nt js bad yrs, over,ww,uh, hw nt see omg,uh,ok,sry,uh,ok,
Lasso ltr,okhmu,mou,h. Ok hmu,no,upl,hmuh,uh,okhm uh, no,uh,o,l*,ww,kjmun,****b m,okhmu,hno,lo,oo,n,,oh(oyh, the states, wt,oljm,n,o,uu,k>olkjj, maternal wf,okjm,koij,ok,yh,okjmuhnouh,wt,uh,no,o kkk muh,wt,uh,o oh n o uh h>j,ok,j,jno,uh,wt,o,,jm,j,i,h,
Okhmuu,no,uh,wt,okhmuh,no,uh,ok,hmuh,sry,not nc js sry,okhmuh, sry bc i do affect often seem so srry yh b f ww ok nt doing mch, nt busy, rich, leisure, fmly,ok,uh,world,uh,okhmuh,yh,uh,dif thn col, ww,okhmu,no,uh,no,uh,okhmuh,uh,okhhmuh,uh,okhmuh,no,uh,okhmuh,uh,okhkuh,uh,yh,okhmnu,k
Ok no uh ok, hand,uh,wt,okhmuh,hm,uh, okhm uh,wt,uh,k,h,,,u
Release ask, release ou, not for exprsn,okhmuh, mus,uh,dk,tm or. Y, idk, prob not, wt,uh,mus,mybe,com,wt,idk,sth, hate, all,okhmuh,no,lmk if u get kicked in enough balls, that lose the plumage the belly the facen facial hair n get a grip on ur pain. I mesn slippery b not shoot shit at others,okhuh, over n out
Td yh,o,k,h,mu,j,,wt, ok
Idk b end need to express, ww,h k hj up k hmuh, no,uh,wt,frag,yh,okhmuh,no,uh,hm,psy,uh, hm,khkuokhkuh,uh, bks that feel gd lk kirk, not js theory or 'application' . Dk,hm,u,h,no,uh, bad xmpls, ppl arent summable,okhmuh,no,yh,uh,ok h uh,no,uh,uh, rlty tv hlp shoe,o,kh,m,u,h,m,kh,m,u,jnt pn,gdh,m,uh,ww,y bfr m wm sit b not then,idk, distrc,mus uh,k,hk,uh,no,uh. Nt chk b dk,uh,ww,uh,hloh,uh,no,uh,ww,uh,nokhk uh, dk,uh,olouku,mybe,uhdk,uuokhmouh,okhmuh,no,uh,o k hmuh,yh,uh,okhkuh,dk,uh,okhkuhnouhz ok hkuh,yh,uh,okjjmuhniuh,uh doookhmuh,dk uh,ww ok hm uh,
Cosch,dk,uh,okhmuh,yh,uh eh,okkuh,dif yh,annoying,o,k,h,muh,y,h,i,k,h,
Ww ok hmuh,dk,ww,uh,no,uh,yh,perspectives nt hlp anymore, even if right n deep as situation or exitsnece? H ku you, dk,uo,,k,h,uww,uh,hmkhmuh,yh,uh,dk,uhokhmuh,nc,hmuh,walk, j,k,uh,dk,uh,xmpl,okhmuh,no,uh,yh,uh,okhkuj,no,list,ww,dk,okhmuh,no,uh,kist,khmuh,u decide,okhmuh,okhmuh,no,uh,ok,thanks,okhmuh,hug,uh, kj juh,okhuh,yh,uh,okhuh,ok,uh,dk,uh,ww,em,no,uh,dk,yh,uh,ok,? Mybe,uh,no,uh,okhmuh,uh,wt,no,okhmuu,no,uh,dk,uh,okhmuh,enmshed n tlk,wt,uh,no,uh,uh,no,uh,khmuh,eh,no, nt loss b dk,uh,khmuh,uh,wt,khmokh ku h,okhmuh,no,uh,k,j,,uh,okhmu,hokhkuh,ok j muh,o,uh,o ok hmuh,uh,wt,okjkuh,uh,uh,okhmuh, nt md,uh,okhkuh,uh, uh, ok hk uh ok hm uh,n,o,i,u,
Why, oes for ev, what's happening when,o,k,n,o,u,h,k,j,
Ftbll mny coacgespm kcox
This isnt a feelgood movie, n if u don't want talk then don't b y tal mean gruff n unthinky. Hmkhmuh no hmlhmuh no uh alr schl lk alt med ish? H k hmuhnoyh
Uh no altness in other ways doing ed, or doing ed w a malspirituality, ed aspect pf other altness, or different bames saying this way best js called more rwdical b it's not literal, it's not that dif, idk, n sth, ed dif or ed of other dif, b not better human natures, interrupt man,okhmuh,no,uh, f me, uh,khmuh,dk,uh, wt, yh b need way more psy n ball squeezes to be nonviolent, b idk,hlp,hmkhuh,no,uh,dk,uh,kh
Spir wt no, do spir then adopt the phrases,h ki kh mu j,no,uh,o,k,jm,uh,,n,o,u,jo,k,j,j,
Leisure ppl n casual, no,hkkhmuu,yh,ww,okhmuh,no,not heavy lk revealing b idk,ww, chng me to wt, gd? See more bc experience what not shown n see what not experience or experience any more?
Okhmuj,no. Sports cries,ojhk,no,u,k,h,j,no,uj,,k,k,hh,ha,ok,h,mu,n,ou,hha,okhmuh,no,uh,hmkhmuh,no,uh,okhmuh,ww,sh,okhmuh,no,uh,dk,ww,cnfsd,khokhmuh,ww,okhmuh,ha, ok hmuh,no,uh,wt,khmokhmuh,uh,uh,khmuh,ww,khmuh,no,uh,bit,okhmuh,khmuh, okhmuh,no,uh,okhmuh,no,uh,ww,ok,wwo,k,i,
Geck ww okhmuh,no,uh,okhmuh,no,uh,great, k,j,ol,j,j,j,mno,uh,h k hmokhjuno,uh,no,nt fnny,uh,hm,uh,yh,uh,no,nt fnny,uh,khmuh,no,uh,dk, lgh b i vul to do big one or long lgh,okhmuno,uh,uh,hv be fun? Khuh,yh,ig,uh,hkij,uj,uh,o,k,j,m uh, no,uh,ww,uhkhmnou,no,uh,yh,uh,use,uh,no,uh,khlokhk,n,j,k,,kk,u,okwuqjshrwtashdduurogpgldmzmxbcbvzkspaowiskok,no,uh,okhmuh,okhmuh,okhmuh,no,uh,okhmuh,no,uh,okhmuh,no,uh,ww,uhkhmokhuno,uh,wt,uhokj,khmouhno hmkjuh no uh okhmunouh no yh no ok hmkhmuh no ha uh no okhmuhno uh okhmuhno uh wt okhmuh hm ww uh no ww okhmuh no uh ha ojhn uh nokhko uh o j j my no j uh wt str nt chrm b idk h kohj cm oh m uh bit k hmuhhmuhhmuh uh khk ⁰
Cmmty okhmuh no okhmuh yh slw okhmuh ww okhmuh no okhmuh, df, okhmuh yh, think their minds n nd stim b idk hmkkhnuh h okhmunno
Mybe n awk,okhmuh,no uhokhmuj,hmkhmuh,think,hmkhmuh,uh,idk,okhmuh,no,uh,okhmuh,bridg,okhmuh,n,uh,okhmuh,no,uh,okhmnu,okhmuh,no,uh,uhoh,idk,okhmuh,no,uh,wt,uhokhm Kk uh,no,uh,yh,ih,nt slp, mybe pn, js depend on if arrangedh,mkhjmuh,dk,uh,ww,uh,no,uh,wt,okhmuh,wt,okhmuh,wt,uh
V yng okhmuj no,uh,okhmunouh,hm,uh dk, nt best yr,hm,uh,dk,uh,idk,uh,ww,uhokjmno uh, hm,idk a gd yr, mybe yr bfr learning or feeling badness b idk, i cant apprv nw, so unethical each way i can think, b maybe bliss ish. B idk if lf gets btr, or had a better worseness path,okhmuh,dk,uh,wt,olhmuh,no,uh,ww,no,nthng,hmkhmuh,wt,nthgn,okhmuh,hm dk,uh,ww,okhmuh,uh,slw,uh,okhmuh,no,dk, y think slw,uh,think,uh,wrt b idk,ww,okhmuh,dk,ww,okhmuh,hm,da,okhmuh,uh,wwo,khmuh nouh
Oknouh,hm,uh. No. Uh. Hm. Uh. No uh o kh m uh n o uh sth no uh
Wt. Ted Lasso second seasin, skipping romcom songs n pauses too sweet, gd ish or interpsting?
Ok bit,okhmuh,no,okhmuh,wt,okhmuh,okhmuh,okhmuh,ha,uh,wt,okhmuh,no,okhmuh,wt, bri,oj,,mj,j,ha,okhmuh,no,uh,okhm, ha hmkhmuh no gmjh
Nohmkipkuhmno uh. Insp to watch alot lk ideal watcher? Screen story? Hmokyunmkjj
Slow burn help,hmjjuh no uhkhmunokhmuhno ojhmuh yh sns hm kh hmuh uh jhmuhdk fr thrm b hlp me think b idk, bdy wt, blood wt, hmiuh
Uh i mean hw arorize or get test info without going in wt h. Hate. Uh. No. Veng. Kgmuhwt uh did ltl uh no uh wt
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Mon[day] 24 October 1836
11 40/..
No kiss  soft rath[e]r hazy b[u]t fine morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 51° at 7 55/.. a.m. – h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d - told him my
idea of hav[in]g a sm[all] cowh[ou]se at the low end of the farmy[ar]d and of turn[in]g the pres[en]t cowh[ou]se int[o] stabl[in]g – hav[in]g
the who[le] of the n[or]th side of the out-build[in]gs stabling - the pres[en]t front stab[le] too close – expl[aine]d ab[ou]t
hav[in]g the drab r[oo]m floor counter-floor[e]d – br[eak]f[a]st at 9 10/.. H[a]d Mr. W[illia]m Moore who ca[me] for the Lords’
rents due to the duke of Leeds – s[ai]d my unc[le] and my fath[e]r alw[a]ys p[ai]d them - I s[ai]d I meant the
ten[an]ts to pay them – b[u]t hav[in]g Mytholm-farm h[ou]se and the Ing in my own h[an]ds I w[oul]d pay the
3/3 charg[e]d on Mytholm and w[oul]d let Mr. WM- [William Moore] kno[w] how to apport[io]n this 3/3 in fut[ure] –
br[eak]f[a]st at 9 10/.. - A- [Ann] d[i]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch - out ag[ai]n at 10 to 1 1/2 or aft[e]r when A- [Ann] call[e]d me in ab[ou]t the
rec[ei]pt for the mon[e]y rec[eive]d fr[om] h[e]r a[un]t (£2500) by the h[an]ds of Mr. S. Washington on Sat[urday] - she
p[ai]d h[e]r a[un]t today int[ere]st aft[e]r the rate of 3 p.c. fr[om] 6 Aug[u]st to Sat[urday] bec[ause] the mon[ey] being s[ai]d to be
want[e]d at that ti[me] the Bank w[oul]d pay no int[ere]st fr[om] them – fr[om] Sat[urday] A- [Ann] is to pay 4 p.c.
and ga[ve] h[e]r a[un]t a mem[oran]dum to this effect - sat w[i]th A- [Ann] ab[ou]t an 1/4 h[ou]r till Mr. Rawdon
Briggs call[e]d up[on] h[e]r bring[in]g a let[ter] fr[om] h[e]r sist[e]r - he h[a]d been stay[in]g a fortnight at Udale
hav[in]g been tak[e]n ill there – m[u]ch pleas[e]d w[i]th his vis[i]t - sat 20 min[ute]s or 1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th A- [Ann]
I d[i]d n[o]t see h[i]m – h[a]d Cookson saw[in]g up a large rent in my old pelisse and mend[in]g my
gloves whi[le] I took hot port wine and wat[e]r – h[a]d co[me] in ver[y] m[u]ch heat[e]d w[i]th pull[in]g d[o]wn
the old gard[e]n wall (east side close und[e]r the yew tree - the smoth[erin]g und[e]r the branches
(careful n[o]t to br[ea]k them) – h[a]d so heat[e]d me - I pull[e]d d[o]wn whi[le] Ingham’s son Solomon
wheel[e]d the st[on]e to s[ou]th arch (cross arch) s[ou]th wall – Ingh[a]m + 2 men and a boy (Solomon) at
the cross arch s[ou]th or front wall – Rob[er]t Mann + 4 (Sam[uel] and Jos[e]ph Booth and Jack Green a
nd John Fier) at low[erin]g the gr[ou]nd in front of the h[ou]se - Booth and 2 masons gett[in]g the west tow[e]r  
 Lords’ rents
duke of Leeds
 A-‘s [Ann] mon[ey] fr[om] h[e]r a[un]t
cellar covers (rag st[one]) on – Ja[me]s Sharpe and Ab[raha]m Murgatroyde at the ash pl[ac]e and wom[e]n serv[an]ts
necess[ar]y in the new court - 2 hewers hew[in]g the drab r[oo]m new chim[ne]y - Bligh + 1 of the York joiners at
the buttery floor-joist[in]g hav[in]g mov[e]d (at it yest[erday] als[o]) the large beam that w[a]s in the way of the
wall of the staircase - the oth[e]r 2 York joiners (Th[oma]s + 1) at the Lodge outdoor – Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d
lagging and spread[in]g rubble on the Lodge r[oa]d all the day – Jos[e]ph Sharpe help[in]g him in the morn[in]g and help[in]g
the gard[ene]r in the aft[ernoo]n to get up curr[an]t and gooseberry trees and clear the top beds in the gard[e]n –
John Booth (in the aft[ernoo]n) sid[in]g the old brew h[ou]se ready for pull[in]g d[o]wn - A- [Ann] rode to Cliff Hill
bet[ween] 2 and 3 this aft[ernoo]n b[a]ck ab[ou]t 5 – w[i]th 1 or oth[e]r in the aft[ernoo]n - at the wheel-race a few
min[ute]s - at the vent pit nearly bottom[e]d in the mid[dle] of Mytholm Ing for a min[ute] or 2 – Jos[e]ph Mann n[o]t there –
then call[e]d to inq[uire] aft[e]r Mary Booth in Mytholm front cot[tage] – ver[y] poor[l]y of a regul[a]r indigest[io]n - will n[o]t live ver[y] long?
then ab[ou]t at ho[me] till ca[me] in at 6 – dress[e]d – din[ner] at 6 1/2 - Mark Hepw[o]rth and 2 horses
cart[in]g large rag throughs for Ingh[a]m from Hipperh[olme] quarry - Binns and Mawson and anoth[e]r cart[in]g lagg[in]g and
rubble – Matt[hew]’s broth[e]r [‘sauced’] Rob[er]t Mann – refus[e]d (tho’ he agreed to it yest[erday]) to
br[ea]k at 8d. p[e]r l[oa]d – w[oul]d ha[ve] 9d. - I told Rob[er]t to pay him off - and see if Rob[er]t Scholef[iel]d c[oul]d do
the job – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d 2 p[ages] of Fr[en]ch as us[ua]l - I r[ea]d sev[era]l p[ages] in the encyclop[aedia] of
geog[raphy] – bot[an]y of Fr[an]ce etc till aft[e]r 9 - then till 9 50/.. wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today – Let[ter] tonight
3 hurr[ie]d p[ages] fr[om] Marian M[arke]t W- [Weighton] - does n[o]t kno[w] the size of her ring fing[e]r - the ‘us[ua]l size’
‘will do - ‘I knew yours[elf] and likewise Miss Walk[e]r w[oul]d feel the pres[en]t change ver[y] sensib[l]y and
‘I sh[oul]d be ver[y] gl[a]d if you h[a]d done all you th[in]k necess[ar]y - as reg[ar]ds wh[a]t is s[e]nt to me, I hope you
‘will n[o]t gi[ve] yours[elf] the troub[le] of consid[eratio]n, as wh[a]tev[e]r it may be I shall val[ue] and esteem it
‘as it is meant - I wond[ere]d how th[in]gs c[oul]d be manag[e]d last Mon[day], and I am ve[r]y sincere[l]y
‘g[l]ad all w[a]s so comf[orta]ble as I am sure it w[oul]d be a gr[ea]t satisfact[io]n to you’....... ver[y] fine
soft dampish Nov[embe]r day – F[ahrenheit] 52° now at 9 55/.. p.m. – h[a]d Oddy in to sp[ea]k to h[e]r the 1st ti[me] s[in]ce my a[un]t’s
d[ea]th – m[u]ch oblig[e]d for h[e]r nurs[in]g my a[un]t so well – sh[oul]d alw[a]ys be gl[a]d to see h[e]r - she might go ho[me] for 2 or 3 weeks and then co[me] and assist us as cook – d[i]d n[o]t say wh[a]t I intend[e]d to gi[ve] her –
Math[ew]’s broth[e]r
to be p[ai]d off
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darksct · 5 years
revenge sex / @keenforjoaquin​  ( this is a big ass fail and not revenge sex at all .... more like hate sex lbr )
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she cannot stop thinking of his gold — of skin that she yearns to touch as she does to cut. the gods toy with her, they have made her an enemy of the most beautiful man in all of the known world. and she wonders, ponders, over whether the world will wilt and darken when she expunges him from this earth. but now she invites him to her chambers, she asks him into her most personal of places with the pretense of speaking potential peace. but she does not yearn this — she does not seek peace with a man that she simply cannot forgive. 
and he cannot forgive her, for she has killed his sister. the only person that he seemed to have had left. she can hear the caution in james’ voice as he pushes the doors to her chamber open, allowing the emperor into her room. “ thank you, james. ” her loyal guard looks to marry her but she cannot accept. for there is a sick curiosity that lies in the depth of her soul — a desire for something that she should surely think twice before engaging in. 
“ emperor, ” she greets quietly. oh, but she cannot help herself as she turns to face him. her dagger is drawn and her eyes are widened at the sight of him. she has not seen him in months and she finds herself a weakened woman now. he shines brighter than the sun and moon combined. “ i invite you here only for temporary peace. ” temporary. she says this as she approaches him slowly, allowing the blade of her dagger to clink softly against his golden armor. “ i think the gods have toyed with me. ” 
but she speaks no longer and neither does he. for somehow, her words have translated perfectly. willow winds up with her back against the nearest wall and lips so velvety against her own.  
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chaneajoyyy · 3 years
Ma'am, I just read about Lewis Tan's romcom and trust me, Asians are annoyed about the love ints too. Even with Asian casts we get yt lis. Warrior,set in CHINATOWN,talks about all the racist struggles the community faced ahead of the inclusion act? MULTIPLE yt(savior) lis. Kim's Convenience, korean family show? A way too focused on yt li. We are f*cking tired. Hollywood, stop only writing yt women as love interests, and interracial doesn't have to mean moc + wm. Sincerely, angry woc audience 🙄
Dannggg!!! I don’t blame y’all! Is it ever gonna change? It was refreshing seeing The Lovebirds on Neflix last year. Those two shows are on my list to watch and I didn’t know all that was goin down? Hollywood you hear this? Sop it!
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything subclass Tier List
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(Artwork from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. Posted by @robmichel_art on Twitter. Copyright Wizards of the Coast.)
I was going to make some comparison posts between the UAs and the full release of Tasha’s but other more qualified people are doing that, so instead in my continued effort to pretend that this account is for more than just me satisfy my character building obsession I decided to make a little tier list ranking the subclasses from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything from my least favorite to my favorite.
This list is going to be comparing the subclasses from Tasha’s to each-other, but is also going to be comparing the subclasses to the other available subclasses for the class they’re from. So even if I really like a subclass it’ll lose points if the class already had better options. I’m not going to talk about any of the reprinted classes from Eberron or Ravnica but I will talk about the reprinted Theros subclasses (Eloquence Bard / Glory Paladin) as for many people this will be their first time seeing them.
Also it goes without saying but this is just my opinion! So sorry if you really like the next class you’re about to see because it’s at the bottom of my tier list!
Psi Warrior (Fighter)
Well something had to be the worst. Truthfully I really wasn’t interested in the Psi Warrior during UA but wow its full release leaves a lot to be desired.
First let’s get the obvious out of the way: “Worse Battlemaster LUL!” It is laughable how bad this subclass is when compared to Battlemaster. BM gets to give itself advantage, give allies advantage, move allies, fear enemies, grapple enemies, give enemies disadvantage... and by comparison Psi Warriors get to do a little more damage or reduce a bit of incoming damage.
The fact that this subclass requires Intelligence confuses me to no end. They changed both Rune Knight and Soul Knife to not require intelligence (even though Rogues are kinda expected to have good Intelligence to help with skill checks) but Psi Warrior still needs INT? It amazes me that Battlemaster, Rune Knight, and Echo Knight are all SAD (single ability dependent) yet Psi Warrior of all subclasses is the one they consider too strong if you can min-max.
The biggest problem with this class by far is the Psionic Energy Die. Having your main class resource only come back after a Long Rest is insulting. (It’s the problem that Samurai Fighter has had since it was printed and it’s really sad that Wizards of the Coast didn’t learn from that.) While Battlemaster gets bigger die that have more effects which come back on a short rest Psi Warrior can only recharge one die per short rest. Honestly this subclass would be so much better if you regained Psionic Energy Die when using Second Wind (as well as having a dedicated action for it) so at least then you could have more than one die per short rest.
The only good level in this subclass is level 7, entirely because you get to Fly when you Dash. I mean, sure the UA Dragon Monk can also do that but at least this is in the official rules. Everything else that this subclass gets is weak: Telekinetic Thrust lets you do what Battlemasters were doing at level 3,  Guarded Mind is just bad (Monk? Never heard of ‘em!), Bulwark of Force is mediocre at best (I know like 3 people who actually understand how cover works in 5e), and Telekinetic Master is a laughably weak capstone. Your capstone as a Fighter is a situational 5th level spell that takes away your ability to attack? Meanwhile actual spellcasters are casting 9th level spells, and other martials are doing upwards of 50 damage per turn.
At first I was largely indifferent to the Psi Warrior but after reading over all its abilities its laughable how bad it is. It at least surpasses Purple Dragon Knight in terms of mediocrity (ironic considering that the two of them are beside each-other on D&D Beyond) but it’s the only true stinker of Tasha’s, and it gets the honor of being the second weakest Fighter subclass and the weakest subclass in this book.
Aberrant Mind (Sorcerer)
This is the best subclass to play if your only desire is to cast spells, and I mean that in the worst possible way. While every other Sorcerer has a defined class role Aberrant Mind feels like the most generic milk-toast subclass that you pick simply because you didn’t know what to play. While Clockwork Soul defends, Divine Soul heals, Draconic Bloodline blasts, Shadow Magic sneaks, Storm Sorcerer evades, and Wild Magic does memes Aberrant Mind’s only major strengths come online at level 14+.
Telepathy at level 1 is a joke when compared to the other Sorcerers. CS can negate advantage, DS gets Super Bless on top of access to the Cleric spell list, DB gets free Mage Armor, SM gets super Darkvision and the Half Orc racial trail, SS gets goddamn flight, and WM gets to kill the party at level 1 with a level 3 fireball. Meanwhile AM gets the Message cantrip with a longer range.
Psionic Sorcery is okay. Getting cheaper* (citation needed) spells that you can Subtle Spell for free is alright. The subclass spell list is good and seeing as you can sub out the spell to take better ones if needed you can really get some useful magic for your kit.
Dissonant Whispers is honestly a really good spell to have, but Arms of Hadar is a bit situational. If willing you can swap it out with: the utility Divination spells (Detect Magic / Identity - remember that Sorcerers can’t Ritual cast so it might be better for someone else to take these), Hex, Sleep, or Tasha’s Hideous Laughter.
Gift of Gab from Acquisitions Incorporated is either going to be a complete joke of a spell or the most useful spell in your arsenal. Hold Person is the most obvious choice from second level. Tasha’s Mind Whip is a great single-target damage spell with some added utility, and is almost objectively better than Mind Spike because it doesn’t require Concentration.
Both Hunger of Hadar and Sending are great spells, and there really aren’t a lot of Divination / Enchantment spells at third level. The only one I can really recommend is Tongues if you need the utility.
Evard’s Black Tentacles and Summon Aberration are both extremely strong spells, but if you want to replace them for some reason: Arcane Eye is essentially just a better familiar, Confusion is a great AoE disruption spell, and Locate Creature can be useful in a pinch.
Honestly the spell list really opens up at 5th level. Just about any choice is good, so look on D&D Beyond to see what to take. If you know me I’m going to recommend Synaptic Static.
Psychic Defenses, like with Psi Warrior, seems to have been taped onto the class because WoTC realized how weak it was so they just threw more situational garbage into its kit to compensate.
Revelation in Flesh is pretty much the only good ability you get. And granted there’s some insane utility with this ability. Not-quite-Blindsense, fly speed (best one), swim speed (worst one), and the folding ability that I’m sure will result in some interesting stories on Reddit. Warping Implosion is also a great escape-utility ability but like it’s your 18th level capstone of course it was going to be good.
If I was going to play in a level 20 one shot I’d perhaps roll up a level 20 Aberrant Mind. (Or more like a level 18 Aberrant Mind with 2 levels in Warlock because Sorcerer’s level 20 capstone sucks lol.) But unless I knew the campaign was going to at least level 15 I wouldn’t even bother.
Oath of the Watchers (Paladin)
It was boring in UA and it’s boring now. I feel bad that I have so little to say about Oath of the Watchers, especially after writing massive paragraphs about Psi Warrior and Aberrant Mind. But Oath of the Watchers feels like the worst parts of Arcana Cleric to me. Only difference is that while Arcana Cleric gets Wizard spells you get Moonbeam and help with Initiative. This subclass feels more campaign-specific than PHB Ranger and that’s really saying something.
Swarmkeeper (Ranger)
It’s certainly the most unique Ranger, both in terms of concept and in terms of abilities. It actually has a lot of utility with a good spell list and the Gathered Swarm feature providing a lot of great utility to a martial character. The thing is that in all honesty this subclass is kinda boring until level 15. And the other big problem is that the fantasy and roleplay that this subclass provides is so strange. When you think “Ranger” do you think master of the hunt, traveling through multiple dimensions and slaying powerful foes from the shadows with a tamed beast at their side? Or do you think “hurr durr bugzzz”?
This subclass feels like the one you pick when you've played literally every other subclass available, or when you get them from a random character generator. Ironically enough I do actually have a friend who made a Swarmkeeper for a one-shot I ran back when this subclass was in UA. But the fact that they made the character just to test UA shows just the type of characters that will be made with this subclass.
Way of Mercy (Monk)
You either love it or you’re completely indifferent, is what I have found the general opinion of Way of Mercy to be. Guess which camp I’m in. This subclass literally just feels like a Cleric with mobility whose healing comes back on a short rest. Time will see how OP “I can heal every turn and get my Cure Wounds back on a Short Rest” not-Cleric will be, but until then the subclass is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. For the people who wanted to play a healing Monk I’m happy for them.
Path of the Beast (Barbarian)
If I can sum up Path of the Beast in one word it’s “underwhelming.” Form of the Beast gives you three above-average weapons to choose from, Bestial Soul gives you some movement buffs, Infectious Fury lets you do some decent crowd control or damage spiking, and Call the Hunt lets you buff your party.
The thing is... you’re fighting against “resist all damage” (Totem Warrior), “protect your allies with your JoJo Stand” (Ancestral Guardian), “smite with the wrath of God” (Zealot), or “shoot lightning out of your goddamn chest.” (Storm Herald.) It’s not a bad subclass and honestly compared to some of the existing Barbarians (Beserker, Battlerager, and honestly Storm Herald is bad too) it’s pretty strong. But it’s just so, so boring.
I need to preface this by saying that Barbarian is probably my least favorite class in 5e and for what it’s worth I’m certainly more interested in playing Path of the Beast than say Battlerager, but I can’t help but feel that this subclass just lets you hit things better as the class that does nothing other than hit things. The only real positive I see to this subclass is the flavor, which absolutely carries it above the likes of Totem Warrior and Zealot. (Both of which I think are objectively stronger than Beast Barbarian.)
Clockwork Soul (Sorcerer)
It been mostly unchanged from playtest even though as I stated Clockwork Soul was one of the subclasses I was a little worried about. But even then the subclass just feels so boring to me. It seems like this subclass is entirely designed to be the “no fun allowed” character who just says “No U” to everything the DM does. Don’t get me wrong it’s certainly a strong defensive subclass but I feel like if you want to play a defensive spellcaster you’re more likely to play an Abjuration Wizard or a Cleric in general.
And the lore just doesn’t really click for me? I can understand how you’d have dragon blood magic, shadow soul magic, and celestial infusion magic. But how the heck do you get a Clockwork Soul? I know Mechanus is a thing in D&D but I feel like for the average normie this won’t make any sense.
Also RIP in piss Heat Metal from the subclass spell list. Here’s my suggestion for spells if you want to play a CSS:
LEVEL 1 - Absorb Elements, Armor of Agathys, Featherfall, Mage Armor, Shield
LEVEL 2 (Aid and Lesser Restoration are good but Aid chews through your spell slots) - Enhance Ability, Enlarge / Reduce
LEVEL 3 - Blink, Counterspell, Fly, Gaseous Form, Haste, Slow
LEVEL 4 (Tasha’s Summoning Spells are good but Freedom of Movement is highly situational) - Banishment, Polymorph
LEVEL 5 - Animate Objects, Passwall
College of Creation (Bard)
It has a lot of interesting abilities. Performance of Creation in particular is arguably one of the strongest abilities for someone who knows the equipment page well in the PHB. The problem is just that unless you have a very specific build in mind I don’t really know why you’d play the College of Creation? It feels like a Conjuration Wizard... but it’s a Bard. Perhaps the biggest irony is how much stronger this subclass feels when compared to the Conjuration Wizard, but you really have to be in the mood to play a conjurer.
Oath of Glory (Paladin)
Having some experience playing this subclass in a one-shot (Theros yay!): it’s very hit-or-miss. The spell list is amazing, the Channel Divinities are mediocre at best, the aura is garbage (10 foot +10 movement aura LUL), Glorious Defense is insane, and Living Legend is a capstone ability so of course it’s going to be good.
I think the main reason you’ll pick this subclass is for their subclass spells. And don’t get me wrong: Guiding Bolt and Haste are crazy good. But considering that Paladins usually want to blow everything on Smites?
When I played this character it was a 9 level dip into Paladin with a 3 level dip into Warlock. I didn’t use a melee weapon and opted for Eldritch Blast spamming. And that’s essentially this subclass as a whole: it wants you to be a spellcaster, which is great if you multiclass into a spellcaster (Aura of Protection is always good) but it feels bad as an actual Paladin.
The new Fighting Style that lets you get some cantrips as a Paladin might make this subclass better, but you’re still stuck being a half caster. Can’t escape the feeling that an actual caster would be better.
Path of Wild Magic (Barbarian)
It’s fun, is all I can really say. The subclass is built almost entirely around the Wild Surge table you get at level 3 and all the effects are strong. (Thankfully none of them are OP like in UA.) Unstable Backlash means that with luck you should eventually get a good Wild Magic effect.
The use of a d3 for Bolstering Magic is still a crime. It should just be a d4, with the spell slot restoration thing being “reroll on a 4.” (Or better yet: “roll a d4 and take half the roll, rounded up.” I still think having an RNG chance to get back a Haste or Fireball is a bit too strong.)
Fey Wanderer (Ranger)
All I can say is thank god this subclass got better. It went from a weird pseudo-Paladin to a subclass with its own identity and theme. The only ability that’s really weak currently is Dreadful Strikes since it encourages you to spread out your damage for no particular reason. Horizon Walker had a similar problem but you could still focus damage as Horizon Walker. And you were doing more than a d4 of extra damage.
But beyond that this subclass is great! The subclass spell list is very strong. Otherworldly Glamour gives you some utility as a party face. Beguiling Twist... is honestly a little hit-or-miss. But it’s made up for by Fey Reinforcements and Misty Wanderer. Having a non-concentration summoning spell along with near-unlimited Misty Step is so insanely powerful to keep out of harm and to keep your DPS up.
Fey Wanderer seems really good at a lot of the things a Ranger wants to do. It’s a good skill monkey (being good at Charisma which other Rangers usually aren’t), a good damage dealer, a strong defensive support, a great single-unit summoner, and incredibly slippery and mobile. I don’t know if it’s enough to make me play the class (Ranger’s flavor is still iffy for me overall) but it’s definitely on my list for subclasses to try someday!
Order of the Scribes (Wizard)
Order of the Scribes is the best default Wizard, which is its biggest strength and its largest weakness. Getting a free colored pen is fun and flavorful, being able to get all your spells back if you lose your spellbook is insanely useful, always having an Arcane Focus is great, being able to replace the damage type of your spells is MASSIVE, getting to cast a Ritual Spell with its normal casting time is situationally fantastic.
Getting what essentially amounts to a free familiar is amazing. Getting what essentially amounts to a free spell slot (to upcast a second level spell) is great, and is honestly worth multiclassinging into for a lot of classes. Being able to negate incoming damage as a Wizard (IE squishy d6 hit die baby) is huge, even if you lose a lot of spells in the process. (I assure you by level 14 you’re going to have some useless spells that you’re never going to cast.)
But the problem with Order of the Scribes is that it has to compete with Divination, Evocation, Chronurgy, and War Wizard. If you have any specific build you want to go for then the specific schooled subclasses are better. But if you “just want to cast spells or whatever” Order of the Scribes is a lot of fun.
I actually have a character who’d fit Order of the Scribes very well, it’s just that Chronurgy feels so much more fun even if it doesn’t fit him as well. And that’s literally the exact problem with Order of the Scribes summed up in one anecdote.
Peace Domain (Cleric)
You may be forgiven for thinking this subclass is just a Life Cleric that doesn’t wear Heavy Armor, but the Emboldening Bond and the upgrades it gets are incredibly useful. Protective Bond in particular is such a massive power boost to the tanks of your party, giving them mobility and letting them take damage for squishy allies.
Peace Domain is by far the best party buffing spellcaster. They make everyone else amazing, and while that may not be fun for everyone I’m a garbage Yuumi main so it’s right up my alley.
Circle of Wildfire (Druid)
“iT dOeSn’T hAvE fIrEbAlL aNyMoRe It’S bAd BeCaUsE nO fIrEbAlL” oh get over your Fireball fetish Reddit. Circle of Wildfire is carried pretty much entirely by its flavor. It’s such a unique take on a Druid it’s impossible not to find at least some build to make with this subclass.
That’s not to say that it’s a bad subclass! The summon feels weak but you get two of them per short rest. Having a powerful subclass feature tied to short rests is really nice as a spellcaster. All your other features are very useful and flavorful, though my one complaint is that Cauterizing Flames is hard to use in Theater of the Mind.
It’s just a very fun and unique subclass that offers a unique flavor to Druids that they don’t normally have. I’m sure a lot of players will be motivated to try a Druid just to take a crack at this class. Hopefully they realize that only you can prevent forest fires.
Phantom (Rogue)
I’m actually surprised how much I like this class to be honest. I made a Phantom Rogue once as a joke for a one-shot and to my surprise the subclass is actually very powerful and fun! It surprisingly just feels like a better Rogue, but considering how strong Rogues are normally that’s all the better for Phantom Rogue. You can easily fill any skill proficiencies your party needs thanks to Whispers of the Dead, and Wails from the Grave really lets you increase your DPS.
Tokens of the Departed got a major boost from UA since it now lets you use Wails from the Grave more, but the flavor of being able to ask the souls of the dead for information is also great. Ghost Walk is just insanely useful in general, and Death’s Friend lets you do double Sneak Attack damage every turn! Imagine how much damage you’d do with a crit!
The flavor is the one thing that I think hurts this subclass, as it’s really hard to make essentially an undead Rogue without immediately being labeled as an edgelord. But if a party ever needs a Rogue to do all the things that a Rogue does this character is perfect!
I’m personally awaiting the day to bring back Bill, the Undead Kobold Detective.
Way of the Astral Self (Monk)
JoJo subclass. I like JoJo. This subclass was overpowered in UA but the final release manages to capture the same feeling without being broken. Let’s go over the features one by one:
Arms of the Astral Self gives you a JoJo stand rush against everyone close to you, letting you recreate the flavor of JooJ without breaking action economy too much. But being able to prioritize Wisdom is huge to keep your Stunning Strike DC high while still getting good attack damage. But it’s still not OP since Dexterity is tied to your AC. It’s perhaps a little strong for multiclass builds (you can use your spellcasting modifier to attack) but multiclassing into Monk has always been kinda iffy, and Shillelagh has existed since the PHB was released. It should also be said that having Reach weapons as a Monk is huge, since you don’t have to get the Mobile feat to do hit-and-run.
Visage of the Astral Self is a nice social feature for a subclass that doesn’t normally get social features. Body of the Astral Self gives you more defense and offense. And Awakened Astral Self just further increases your defense and offense.
Excluding weeb shit this subclass just has awesome flavor. I’m actually planning on playing this subclass soon. (I’m playing a Cleric / Monk multiclass and I’m only level 2 in Monk currently.) I’m surprised myself that my first Astral Self character isn’t a fucking JoJo OC, considering that I already have a grand total of about 5 JoJo OCs.
Twilight Domain (Cleric)
Twilight domain also surprised me with how interesting it is. I don’t really have much to say other than it has a good mix of defensive, offensive, and utility abilities. Your subclass spell list is very strong for the most part. Eyes of Night and Vigilant Blessing are both just generally useful. Twilight Sanctuary isn’t insane but it’s consistent and it’s nice. Steps of Night is very strong and has a nice aesthetic. And Twilight Shroud is a good boost to your Channel Divinity.
The honest truth is that Twilight Domain feels kinda weak by comparison to some of the other Clerics. It’s no Forge, Grave, Life, or even Order Domain is all I can say. The fact that all your features only work in the dark is iffy if you don’t have shadows to sulk in. But along with just generally having good abilities the flavor is really what carries this subclass.
Here’s a meme:
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Armorer (Artificer)
Artificer is one of my favorite classes so it’s no surprise that a new Artificer subclass excites me. Armorer fills a niche that I think Artificer didn’t have, and surprisingly it’s not the “tank” archetype. Armorer is still a good tank but the Infiltrator armor also gives you an option to play the subclass at range.
What I like is that Armorer is a subclass that doesn’t have a summon and puts more focus on your infusions. Armor Modifications is such a great feature that really brings the customization to Artificer. It truly lets you make your character your own instead of focusing on concrete class features. It doesn’t surpass Warlock Invocations for customizability, but it’s still great to get two personal magic items of your choice.
Yeah this subclass is going to be used a lot for min-maxing. Giving Wizards easy access to Heavy Armor is a little scary. But really if a Wizard wants to take a 3 level dip just for armor and the Guidance cantrip let them. Let the squishy boys have some AC for once.
Circle of Stars (Druid)
Full disclosure: I’ve been wanting to make a Stars Druid after the Rise of the Mountain expansion came to Legends of Runeterra. My first Druid had Telepathy (I took the Telepathic feat as a joke since I had a floating ability score) and it helped me realize how crazy a Druid with telepathy was for espionage. After seeing The Trickster celestial card from LoR I felt the artwork hit all three of my qualifiers for a character: class I want to play, great theme, and furry.
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(Artwork by Kudos Productions. Made for Riot Games.)
My personal interest in this subclass aside: it has such a wonderful aesthetic that’s perfect for any character who wants an astral connection. The features are also great: Guiding Bolt is a strong spell to have as is Guidance, and having reactionary Bardic Inspirations is nice for a spellcaster.
But of course the main feature of Starry Form lets you still play the game normally while also benefitting from your Wild Shapes. Stars Druid is probably the second best Wildshape Druid despite not actually Wildshaping. Free Bonus Action attacks is huge, extra healing is always helpful, help with concentration (and Flight later) is really swell, and resisting all damage while not-Wildshaped is very helpful and lets you play as a pseudo Frontliner.
Stars Druid just does so many nice things and I think it’s a great subclass that can fit into any team comp. Druids are already insanely useful (arguably one of the strongest classes in 5e) so to have one that can do so much is massive.
Soulknife (Rogue)
Much like Phantom Rogue this subclass feels just really good in general. You can boost your skill checks and also add not-Bardic Inspiration to your attack rolls to do more guaranteed damage. However this subclass is by far the best Rogue for infiltration. Yes: even better than Assassin. (Though I’d perhaps suggest learning how to use a Disguise Kit.) 1 mile telepathy, teleportation, and invisibility all seem to be built for infiltration. If you have a DM who likes infiltration, espionage, and other encounters that don’t involve combat then Soulknife is by far the best subclass on offer.
But of course you aren’t picking Soulknife just to sneak around! The Psychic Blades are easily the most useful feature not just for Rogues, but for many builds! Having an unlimited supply of thrown weapon suddenly makes a lot more builds viable. My dreams of a ranged Paladin or ranged Barbarian are somewhat crushed by RAW, but there are still some niches that can be filled with unlimited throwing weapons.
Fun fact: you can’t do extra Rage damage with thrown weapons, but you can use Reckless Attack on thrown Finesse weapons. What’s more interesting is that you can’t use Divine Smite on thrown weapons, but you can use Improved Divine Smite on thrown weapons. But of course you can always talk to your DM to see what their final ruling is.
Rune Knight (Fighter)
You can become Giant which makes my stupid furry ass horny for Volibear and Nasus.
I mean I’ve gotta be honest like 75% of the reason I’m hyped for Rune Knight is to become a giant. But the runes are also very strong, giving the subclass some Battlemaster-esque gimmicks that have a bit more magical flavor than the other martials. I also really like that the subclass gets boosts to their skills, allowing you to help out of combat as a Fighter.
There isn’t much I can specifically praise about Rune Knight because the whole subclass is fantastic. It’s a very good mix of defense, offense, and utility both in and out of combat.
The Fathomless (Warlock)
Sheeyutu Nagakabouros. Nagakabouros-shee-shok.
Having played a Fathomless Warlock in UA I can safely say: it’s a good subclass. Having a consistent source of Bonus Action damage is nice, and being able to use it defensively is also great. Extra spells known as a Warlock is nice (and Evard’s Black Tentacles is a great spell!) And a teleport with a mile distance is rather crazy.
So much of the subclass is built around the tentacle which is great because the tentacle is such a great Bonus Action damage source. I really wish I had more to say but the power of this subclass starts and ends at how great having what amounts to an extra Eldritch Blast as a Bonus Action every turn is.
College of Eloquence (Bard)
Yup. One of the best subclasses in this book was also in Theros. It helps that my favorite D&D character of all time was a College of Eloquence Bard.
This subclass got so much better since UA. Reliable Talent for Charisma checks at level 3 is fucking nuts! And on top of that Unsettling Words is a great way to soften enemies up for devastating spells. Universal Speech at 6th level pretty much singlehandedly enables the “peaceful” route with a lot of enemies, allowing you to talk your way out of problems.
But this bard is the king of inspiration! Unfailing Inspiration fixes the biggest problem with the Bard class, and Infectious Inspiration multiplies your Bardic Inspiration to a ridiculous degree. This Bard is just so reliably fantastic at Bard things, all while still being a full spellcaster that can make it harder for enemies to deal with spellcasters. It doesn’t get anything special from its subclass but you only got 3 features from your subclass as a Bard anyways. Baseline Bards are amazing and the insurance on your features from this subclass makes it all the better.
The Genie (Warlock)
If the fact that I stick Warlock levels into literally every build didn’t prove it I really like Warlocks, and Genie Warlock is easily the best Warlock subclass. Period. I actually have a post in the works where I go in-depth as to why Genie Warlock is so good. But in short:
Being able to choose between four subclass spell lists is crazy good. Like ridiculously good. A single level in this subclass gives you a Bag of Holding, a (single person) Leomund’s Tiny Hut, and a damage boost to all your attacks every turn!
6th level gives you damage resistance which is always good, but I seriously can not stress how ridiculous non-concentration Flight is for a Warlock. Your spell selection and spell slots are already so limited, and this subclass lets you get all the utility of flight pretty much whenever you please. Just think about how strong Aaracokra are and then consider that this is basically the Aaracokra’s only racial trait.
Sanctuary Vessel lets you upgrade your Leomund’s Tiny Hut power to affect the whole party. By this point you can indeed Long Rest in the lamp, and I need to stress how less suspicious a lone lamp is to a giant bubble of magical force. You could easily hide the lamp somewhere and (if the party is traveling light) be practically undetectable.
Oh and Limited Wish? So you know how the best feature of the Bard is their Magical Secrets? What if you got to choose (practically) any spell of 6th level or lower whenever you please? The only “problem” with Limited Wish is that you have to know every spell that you can pick from, but whenever “too much choice” is a problem in a game of infinite choices you know it’s a good feature.
Genie Warlocks do everything that Warlocks want to do so well. More damage on all your attacks to maximize the value of cantrip spamming, mobility to keep safe without spending spell slots, more high level spells, and giving the party a safe place to rest and recharge. I played a full Genie Warlock and absolutely loved it. I highly recommend this subclass to anyone who wants to play a Warlock. It’s just so versatile and useful I’m sure anyone can find a way to enjoy playing it.
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i’m doin some prep for tonight’s WM session and i’m suddenly very caught up in the concern re: ASI/feat next level for both of my main kids. ori i thought was pretty easy--+1 dex and wis for 20dex, 18 wis--but i’ve made a lot more int rolls with her lately, and even given the advantage to most int that the class grants, the modifier of 0 is. rough. meanwhile anthe’s only odd stat is cha, which is funniest if it stays the same? so i’m torn between which non-wis other stat to boost for her if i take an asi (most likely: con or int) OR if i should take a feat. (bountiful luck, war caster, or mobile)
anyway. suggestions welcome.
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thebeginwith · 4 years
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Wolverhampton Corporation Transport guide book, 1948 edition - front cover by mikeyashworth Wolverhampton Corporation Transport Department produced several editions of a great guide book, apparently starting in 1931 and this is the cover of what appears to be the undated but c1936/7 edition. As a municipal operator Wolverhampton was unusual in producing a guide at all, let alone subsequent editions, although some boroughs did, especailly in the 1930s when the 'craze' for rambling and country days out was at a pre-car ownership height. Wolverhampton's department was alos unusual in that it had a comparatively large number of 'rural' routes that ran out into surrounding countryside inlike many undertakings whose remit, and routes, often finished at the borough boundary. WCT's network passed into the hands of the West Midlands PTE in 1969 and the network survived until a massive transfer of routes and operating territory with the Metropolitan County between WM and Midland Red took place and 'external' routes were finally handed over. The cover shows a bus amdist very 1930s clouds and 'zephyrs' along with the line drawing of a single deck bus heading on the trunk route to Bridgnorth in neighbouring Shropshire. It is most likely showing a vehicle constructed int he city itself by Guy Motors. As the preface to the booklet states "... you will find suggestions for spending your leisure hours in luxurious travel throughout some of the most beautiful country in the world". https://flic.kr/p/2jnRKfZ
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4hwlife · 5 years
The 4HW,Asuka and the SD Women’s roster
These subjects have been a hot topic on social media since SD last Tuesday night and everyone seams to have an opinion.Some people think what happened was wrong,some people think it might mean the title’s will be unified or that we will have an undisputed champion,some people think it will make the match better while others not so much.One thing is certain every WWE fan seem’s to have an opinion myself included.So I wanted to share my opinion and break it down int categories I feel seem to be the most important to me and the most talked about by other fans. Keep in mind this is my opinion no one has to agree with it I just felt like sharing and i’m stuck in bed with the flu.  
The four Horsewomen love them hate them every wrestling fan seems to have an opinion on them.Personally they happen to be my favorite superstars female or male.Iv’e seen some people say that they only get opportunities because they’re the horsewoman the ever “lovely” diva stans really love to use that one I disagree but hey again everyone has their own opinions.To state mine and try and prove my point i’m gonna break down the career’s of each one.I will then give my thoughts and opinion. 
Let’s start with the least problematic and in my opinion most underrated not only horsewoman but wrestler Bayley.In NXT Bayley was more loved by the NXT crowd than anyone else has ever been.She won the NXT title did a great job at putting people over lost it to Asuka and finally made it to the main roster.At first things were going great for Bayley the crowd was completely behind her much like they had been in NXT.But as good as things had been the moment Bayley won the Raw Women’s title things turned that bad that quick.For all intensive purposes 2017 should have been Bayley’s year it was not.I personally think they put the title on her way to quick which of course was not her fault.The whole thing with Bayley in NXT was that she was the underdog she was the last of the Horsewomen besides(Becky who never won the title) to win the NXT title and it really felt like she was in NXT forever before she won it.That was part of what made her NXT title run so special she was the true underdog and the crowd was behind her because of it.So Bayley wins the title against Charlotte on Raw and then snapped Charlotte’s undefeated streak and went on to defeat Sasha,Charlotte and Nia Jax at WrestleMania.After that evry thing went downhill how can anyone forget the Bayley this is your life segment with Alexa Bliss in one night they managed to kill one of the most lovable characters in the company.Then they had her lose the title in her hometown in a kendo stick match and wouldn’t let her pick up the kendo stick.After that a lot of people stopped caring about Bayley except for her die hard fan’s and she spent the rest of 2017 as a jobber.Fast forward to 2018 and it looks like we may be getting Sasha vs Bayley they teased it some then had Sasha turn on Bayley several times then Bayley finally had enough and bet the crap out of Sasha and said the infamous you ain’t shit line to Sasha.People were excited this was a different Bayley we thought we were gonna get another epic Sasha/Bayley feud but instead we got Dr.Shelby and another year of jobbing and a whole lot of six Woman tag matches with the Riott Squad.Which leads me to the present day,the first ever Woman’s tag titles and the Woman who should have been the first Woman’s champion at WM 32. 
The Legit Boss Sasha Banks.The Boss in NXT was the most best character in NXT.Sasha was a great Nxt champion she was so entertaining so extra and such a great heel.Sasha in my opinion is right there with Asuka as the best female wrestler in the WWE.Heel Sasha is my favorite Sasha she and Bayley had what I steal consider the greatest Women’s match of all time at Takeover Brooklyn an then they killed in the first ever Women’s iron Woman match.When Sasha came up to the main roster and became apart of Team B.A.D she helped bring out the best of Naomi that was when I felt Naomi became the Naomi we have today. Even Tamina was the best she had ever been.When Sasha wasn’t in a Woman’s (Diva’s at the time thank god that’s gone)match people were chanting we want Sasha.I had never seen that for a female wrestler before even with Lita at the height of her popularity.When Team B.A.D inevitably broke up I knew Sasha was gonna be champion is was just a matter of time.She was having great matches and then we found out she was gonna face Charlotte and Becky at WM 32 in a triple threat imo they had the best match that night and there is no doubt in my mind Sasha should have walked out champion no one was more hot than she was.They had the superstar shake up Paige got injured Becky and Naomi moved to Raw and we got Charlotte and Sasha I remember when Sasha won the title on Raw and she got Dana thrown out of ringside with a little Eddie Guerrero tribute it was great we went into SummerSlam and she lost the title.She then won the title back on Raw to lose it back at Hell in a Cell in her dang hometown of all places.She then one the title back from Charlotte in Charlotte I just really wanted to type Charlotte in Charlotte in a really great falls count anywhere match.We then head into Road Block I believe for an iron man match where once again Sasha/Charlotte killed it went into over time I remember Sasha had a busted nose possibly broken but still kept going and lost the title again.The fact that they hot potatoed that title like that still makes me mad and I know they did it to have the number of title reins go up for Charlotte.Sasha at least got to be in the Raw women’s title match at WM 33 that match was not one of my favorites but the Horsewomen involved had amazing entrances and Bayley got her WM moment.Sasha one the Raw Women’s title against Alexa Bliss at SummerSlam and then the moment she wen’t to defend it she lost it on Raw.Sasha and defending titles haven’t gone well thanks to WWE booking. She spent 2018 with Bayley doing six women tag matches with the Riott Squad.Finally in 2019 she seems to be back on track she made history with Bayley had a Raw women’s title match with Ronda and is going to be on the main card at mania after being stuck on the pre show with Bayley and Becky last year.I’m about to make some people angry especially Diva stans with this next part.Sasha and Bayley are the only reasons that the Women’s tag titles exist.They bothered Vince until he cracked and gave in and let them have the titles and a tag team division. That’s dedication especially given the fact that Vince changes his mind more than a Kardashian changes clothes.Okay time to move on to the most controversial Horsewoman i think you know who I mean. 
The Queen love her hate her i think for most people it’s the latter of the two everyone has something to say about her.I’m gonna put this out here right away yes Charlotte get’s more opportunities than the rest of the Women’s division because she’s Ric Flairs daughter there is no denying it.She is also a great athlete and delivers in big matches and has come along way.A lot of people say if other people got the opportunities Charlotte does they could probably deliver to and I agree certain people probably could.By the way in case you have been living under a rock she ain’t done winning titles she’s gonna pass Ric’s record.But let me say this i’m glad she is done apologizing for getting what she get’s and you don’t have to and probably want agree with me but she is that good.Let’s go back to NXT Charlotte’s first title she beat Natalya in a great match and it was only like her 3rd or 4th match.Her character was kind of bland then if i’m gonna be honest but her athleticism made up for it.When she got the call up to the main roster with Sasha and Becky we got PCB and for whatever reason they made her a baby face to me you can’t call yourself genetically superior and use the whole second nature thing and be a baby face it doesn’t work luckily she figured this out started using the Flair last name and became a heel.I know a lot of people say she’s not original she just copies her dad and woo’s.My answer to that is she’s his daughter Flair’s are natural heels Ric was the dirtiest player in the game of course she’s gonna us his catch phrases because they work. I enjoy Charlotte’s heel work she’s okay at being a baby face but being a heel is where she excels.I think it was pretty well explained what went down with the Raw Women’s title with the Sasha part so i’m gonna skip ahead to her going to SD.From the moment she arrived on SD WWE seemed to be turning her face putting her up against the welcoming committee and teaming her up with Becky and Naomi.Let’s see she was gone a little while because Ric got sick she beat Nattie for the title she beat Asuka at WM 34 and then lost the title to Carmella.Then won it back then Becky turned on her we were given one of the greatest feuds ever with them.Now 2019 Charlotte according to most people got shoehorned(I’ll go into that when we get to Becky) into the WM main event won another title breaking Trish’s record and according to most people she screwed Asuka and everyone’s afraid she will win at mania.Now onto The Man of the hour(see what I did there) 
Becky Lynch The Man. let’s be honest shall we who saw Becky Lynch going from the most underrated and overlooked Horsewoman to the main event of WrestleMANia? Okay Becky probably has had the worst booking of not only the Horsewomen but the Women’s division as a whole.When Becky was in NXT the moment she caught my attention was when she turned on Bayley and joined Sasha to create in my opinion the greatest tag team of all time Team B.A.E they then imploded and we then got the match that put Becky on the map Becky/Sasha Takeover Unstoppable that was also the night she debuted her orange hair and the steam punk look.That match is in my top 5 favorite all time matches.People that say Becky isn’t that great a wrestler go watch that match cause your clearly delusional.Becky when into that match that night everyone was team Sasha when that match was over they were singing her song she won the fans hearts and there respect that night.Not long after that she got the call up to the main roster she got put in team PCB and she had some great matches then team PCB broke up (hey Charlotte fans remember when Charlotte turned on Becky but when Charlotte got hers you conveniently forgot or ignored it) here’s something interesting Becky got added to the WM 32 match because of the fans insisting she should be in it(sound familiar we’ll get to that)I discussed this earlier they had the best match on the card imo.We got a little Team B.A.E reunion afterwords then Becky got drafted to SD.After being the only Horsewoman to not win the NXT title when she won the SD Woman’s title I think it made that much better Becky Balboa baby.Then she lost the title to Alexa (see a pattern hear) after one successful defence. after that we got La Luchadora and then she jobbed out the rest of 2016 and then 2017 and then 2018 didn’t start of great she had an ok Rumble and then was in the kick off show battle royal and then up until may when she beat Mandy and Sonya to qualify for MITB she was on a losing streak. She had a great showing at MITB the WWE finally realized the fans were behind her(btw you would think after she got added to WM 32 because the fans wanted her in the match they would now that) She finally got her push and she turned on Charlotte but the crowd cheered her which we already know but I want to point some things out.People cheered her for multiple reasons one being they including me saw where this was going trying to make Charlotte the victim at the person who had a legit reason to be angry. They in Becky’s words shoehorned Charlotte into the match at SummerSlam the second a lot of people were tired of Charlotte winning and of Charlotte in general.Another reason was it was about time Becky stood up for herself how many times had people stabbed her in the back this was a different Becky and the people weren’t buying her as the bad guy so they cheered her and booed the woo.Another reason for me personally I was happy was because I had watched her cut promos on dang quinoa on instagram in the back to stay relevant because they weren’t using her on tv.I watched her try and open a can of pinapples on instagram and was more entertained than I was with most of the other Women and tea time should have been on youtube.The difference between the Becky who lost the title to Alexa and this Becky is day and night she has said it’s because she believes in herself now and she’s done lowering herself so everyone else can have opportunities now they have to bring themselves up to be on her level.She has earned everything she is getting she did this Charlotte didn’t make Becky anymore than Becky made Charlotte so saying that makes people sound stupid.Becky saw her chance she grabbed the ball and refused to put it back down.You can say she got luck because of Nia botching for the umpteenth time.But if you go back and watch Evolution she was on a whole other level all ready.She has gotten the people emotionally invested in the main event she’s why people care.Let’s move on to the last topic of conversation shall we. 
I wanna start this off with this the idiots telling Naomi to be quiet need to shut up.She has a right to be upset and say what she’s feeling with that said.After Mania the Women need to make WWE take notice.Becky went from the kick off show to the main event so nothings impossible.As far Asuka if Asuka is as good as I know she is then she will recover from this.You can’t bury someone if they refuse to die.I’m one of those that thinks the titles should be unified so that the women can jump back and forth between brands so we can have more match possibilities.The Women main eventing mania is gonna change everything and the rest of the Women need to start taking opportunities don’t wait them.It’s on them now after mania they will be equal to the men in that aspect not everyone gets an opportunity not everyone is gonna make it to the top and a lot of Woman are gonna be stuck in catering.Some of the Women complaining i’m not naming names not all of the Women complaining shouldn’t be because they have had shots and proved they weren’t good enough.But i’m ready to see who actually walks the walk. 
Again these are my opinions and my thoughts and feelings on everything that has happened.
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
Plan from inside
Uh. Hit side on pool n hold in rager than scream. Not cry b house,um,uh,idk,bathroom,uh,no,uh,hm,uh,,propaganda or memory or idk, y me there, idk, js sth,idk, hug, no sry hate,uh,hm
Givey n dying early 2000 hm uhhm uh hm uh
Okto send hmkhm, smn,uhk, this type,hmkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh,khmuhhm,ih,hm,uh. Rpt hmkhmuh,hm,uh,as person bot b as sociologist idk,y,hm,uh,eh
Ldr hmkuh,hm,uh,hm,
B also literally impossible, lrning n tching, n close, hw chng then. Hmuhkhmuhhmuhhmuhhmuhhmuh,hm,uh,khmuh,hm,uh, rd hm idk hm uh hm uh hm uh
Stk imgn. Smn there. Hmuhidk. Few photos. Ww idk hmuh,khmuh, hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,look at. Painting? Hmkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,arts? Hmkhahmuh
Wwhm. Bearclaw n eyes. Hmkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh, int,uh,hm,khm,uh,hm,uh,mhm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,there smtm, hmkhmuhhhmuhhmuh
Y hm uh hm tv, not compete uh, hm , tv think
Clld slw, hm y, hm, uh, idk, wasnt tired or braking or soaking it in. Js swimming hm uh. Not trying slow or reg or fast, js time, hmkhmuh,hm, sx,hmkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,k,hm,uh,eh,hm,uh. N hm. Uh. Uh plcs. Mn or eh ppl who die, y cry, y taken away,hmkhmuh,omg,hw,recvr? Hmuh,idk, wt think, wt feel after hmuh, died? Hmuhhm, y report,uhkhmuh, not meeting,hmkuhidkhuj,uh,hm,uh,hm,ntsee,hmkhmuh,uh,wt say,hmkhmuh,uh,hm,uh,
Say nthng n smtms chp or bd w mny, b idk, cd be on tail or track or, idk,weird,hm,y walk, trying to advise me w walks, trying be covert figure, ug, after nt asked, bc think gd,uh, yeek at the ppl i met w you uh
Skng wm, y awk,hm,idk,uh,hm,old? Hmuhhmuhhmuhuh
Ed in no frm, nor self or alt. Hmkhmuhhmuh
Y close 1 eye n tongue out at hippish pain hmk nt h. Pun bye , same, cn wrk b nt be therer
R. Js cri,hm,is tht where frm, the energy. No root b inflnc cnsd
Hm char
Trace nostril,not mix n match b hm, ,uh,hm,uh,hm
Hm drm hmuh
Adults who dont helo kids or care
Frz banana hmkhmuhhm
0 notes
darksct · 5 years
“ tell me you are mine ” / @keenforjoaquin
“ you are insane. ” he has lost it. as though using her departure as an excuse to allow himself to evolve into a monster instead of a man. the power has taken over him and now he thinks himself this great leader who will bring rome to the height of human civilization. but there is nothing more savage than killing and ravaging people while they lay peacefully in bed, as though thinking them unworthy of an honorable fight. and to capture people from their home and force them to their knees before him as he has done to her now. he has taken her from her home and forced her back into the palace that she has vowed never to return to. her hand has become swollen well beyond its small size and her skin bruised and scratched from the way she had tried to tear him away from her brother. david. she still thinks of him. she still thinks of the sight of her father’s bloodied crown as she was hauled upon commodus’ shoulder and dragged away like a child. 
“ i will never be yours again, nor will i ever call you my emperor. ” again. she was once his. she was in love with him and prepared to accept the terms of life long marriage. but he has ruined this, for he told her himself that he did not want her. and yet she sits upon the floor like another one of his marble statutes. a prize and supposed show of the mercy he is capable of. “ you have taken everything from me. everything i have ever cared for. ” she allows her head to fall so that she may not have to look at him. but the guard who had infiltrated her palace stands behind her, tugging at her golden waves roughly so that she is forced to look at commodus in the eyes. “ you took my brother and ... and my mother a-and you burned down my garden. ” the garden she had told him so much of in confidentility. laid upon silk sheets as she would cry against his chest. she had told him of the significance of her garden. of how it was her only safehaven, for her father was allergic to the pollen emitted by roses. the guard behind her lets out a small chuckle as she says this. a woman of sentiment she is and all of the men laugh at her now. “ and i will never forgive you. ”
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