#*blows a kiss* for my three (3) followers who are my sole companions in this small fandom hell
sternbilder · 3 years
Buried Stars 1 Year Anniversary Tweets
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The official Buried Stars Twitter just posted new art + character info for the 1 year anniversary of the game's release! Basically, it's a series of hand-written "about me" questionnaires by the TOP 5 (+Seil) as well as personal messages to each other. Full translation below!
The characters also leave cute commentary on each others' answers, so here's some color-coding for your convenience: Gyu-hyuk, Juyoung, Inha, Do-yoon, Hyesung, Seil. (For some reason some of Hyesung's comments are written in red while some are orange; likewise Seil's comments come in both green and dark teal. At least, I *think* these are just Hyesung and Seil based on what I can tell from the handwriting; i.e., I don't think red and orange are two separate characters, etc.)
Spoiler-free, but putting under a cut for length:
Let's Talk About Ourselves
Gyu-hyuk (link)
Name: Lee Gyu-hyuk
Hometown: Seoul
Former Occupation: University Student
Blood Type: A
Nickname: Gyu?
Date of Birth: 1992.10.03
Height: 180kg*
Weight: 80kg
Specialty: I don't really have any in particular
Hobbies: Reading, sleeping
Habits: I rest my chin on my hand
Top 3 Likes: Peace and quiet, that feeling of just understanding each other without having to say anything, the smell of old books
Top 3 Dislikes: Excessive silence, arguments, the smell of hospitals
Motto in Life: So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.**
A Person I Respect: My father*** (HS: Oho dayumm)
A Recent Worry: Being on stage is terrifying, but at the same time I also enjoy it, so I don't really know how to feel.
The TOP 5 Contestant I'm Closest To: Han Do-yoon (IH: Gyu, what about me T_T)
My Rival in the TOP 5: Youngie noona
My Best Physical Feature: My eyes...I think (IH: I vote shoulders)
When I'm Happiest: When I'm on stage and I experience that sort of wordless "connection"
When I'm Saddest: They say that the human brain feels sadness as its default state.
Who I Want to See Myself Become: A self-assured and confident person
Goals for This Year: Gaining confidence in myself through Buried Stars
What I Want to Say to Myself 1 Year from Now: That was the first step forward. You worked hard to get there.
A Message for the Viewers: It's my hope for all of you out there to be able to get to know who I am.
*He does actually say 180kg, not 180cm. Hyesung teases him about it in the replies. 😆
**This seems to be taken verbatim from the Korean translation of The Great Gatsby.
***I'm feeling a lot of emotions at how tiny and strained his handwriting is here 🥲🥲🥲
Juyoung (link)
Name: Min Juyoung ♡
Hometown: Gwangju!
Former Occupation: Singer Part-time worker...
Blood Type: O
Nickname: Youngju
Date of Birth: 1991.7.12
Height: 160cm
Weight: 5? ^o^
Specialty: Vocals, dancing
Hobbies: Collecting electronics
Habits: Touching the ends of my hair?
Top 3 Likes: Family, music, training
Top 3 Dislikes: Rumors, lies, hot weather
Motto in Life: The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world.*
A Person I Respect: All those who managed to debut and rise to the top
A Recent Worry: Whenever I notice a mistake, I don't know whether I should address it, or just leave it be...
The TOP 5 Contestant I'm Closest To: Inha❣️ (IH: Wahh~ Unnie... ♡)
My Rival in the TOP 5: Hm... Gyu-hyuk? .. Sowwy T^T (GH: It's an honor!)
My Best Physical Feature: The curve going from my shoulders down to my back! (IH: ♡)
When I'm Happiest: When I have a glass of beer after a hard day of practice? (IH: Great taste as always)
When I'm Saddest: When people judge me only based on what they hear others say
Who I Want to See Myself Become: Someone who doesn't falter or fall down even when things are hard...Like a tree!
Goals for This Year: 1st place in Bstars!
What I Want to Say to Myself 1 Year from Now: I just knew you could do it!
A Message for the Viewers: I gathered up my courage so that I can make my comeback. I hope you all continue to support me❣️
*This is a direct quote from Demian by Herman Hesse, which is a fairly popular novel in Korea.
Inha (link)
Name: Oh Inha~
Hometown: Busan
Former Occupation: Dancer
Blood Type: B
Nickname: O-Mart -_-
Date of Birth: 1994.11.29
Height: 164cm
Weight: 56kg
Specialty: Dancing, beatboxing
Hobbies: Dancing, weight training
Habits: Putting my hands on my hips?
Top 3 Likes: Dancing, the stage, the sound of the crowd cheering
Top 3 Dislikes: Freezing up, feeling frustrated, gossip
Motto in Life: Trying anything is better than not trying at all
A Person I Respect: ✨Min Juyoung-nim✨ (JY: Wow~)
A Recent Worry: The gap between who I am on stage and who I am off stage
The TOP 5 Contestant I'm Closest To: Youngie unnie ❤️ (JY: Inha ur mine 2 ♡)
My Rival in the TOP 5: Myself? (HS: omg)
My Best Physical Feature: I feel like I look good in anything because I have a nice figure LOL
When I'm Happiest: That moment when I'm on stage and the crowd bursts into applause
When I'm Saddest: I can't really think of anything in particular
Who I Want to See Myself Become: I'm still looking for the answer
Goals for This Year: Being able to just stand tall as just me, Oh Inha (HS: It's not like you're lying down or anything?)
What I Want to Say to Myself 1 Year from Now: You finally figured it all out!
A Message for the Viewers: I can't be 5th place just because my last name is Oh, right? Let's aim for 1-Inha! (GH: In that case, am I 2nd place?)*
*The number 5 is pronounced "oh" in Korean. The number 2, and Gyu-hyuk's last name Lee, are both pronounced "yi."
Do-yoon (link: 1 2 3)*
Name: Han Do-yoon
Hometown: Daejeon
Former Occupation: Bandsman
Blood Type: A
Nickname: ....
Date of Birth: Born September 5th '94
Height: 177 centimeters
Weight: Mid 60s
Specialty: Writing lyrics/Composing/Bass
Hobbies: It's going on walks
Habits: Thinking alone
Top 3 Likes: Bass · Music · Going out to eat
Top 3 Dislikes: Isolation · Uncertainty · Being hungry
Motto in Life: Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it (HS: Are you saying you’re gonna lose your mind?)**
A Person I Respect: Geddy Lee (SI: Looks like you’re the only one who wrote down a real answer, hyung)
A Recent Worry: The fact that I get too lost in my own head when thinking alone
The TOP 5 Contestant I'm Closest To: It's tough to pick just one person (GH: omg T_T)
My Rival in the TOP 5: I see everyone as both a colleague and a rival (HS: Spoken like a true you-know-what..)***
My Best Physical Feature: The heels of my feet (IH: I've never even seen those...)
When I'm Happiest: Whenever I feel like I accomplished something to my standards
When I'm Saddest: Whenever I feel like I can't do anything right
Who I Want to See Myself Become: Someone with a stable mind (JY: You can do it!)
Goals for This Year: Figure out what it is that I truly want to do
What I Want to Say to Myself 1 Year from Now: Were you able to reach the place where you were hoping to be?
A Message for the Viewers: My hope is to show you all so much of what I have to offer. (GH: Go get 'em!)
*One really funny detail is that Do-yoon is the only one who posts all 3 images in separate tweets, presumably because he doesn't know how to upload multiple images in a single tweet.
**This one is tricky to translate. Do-yoon says 정신일도 하사불성 (jungshinildo hasabulsung), which is an idiom that comes from the Chinese characters 精神一到何事不成. I /think/ what happened is Hyesung, who is not the most book smart character, didn’t recognize the saying and misinterpreted what Do-yoon meant as 인사불성 (insabulsung, lit. “becoming unconscious”). The first part of the saying “jungshinildo” sounds phonetically similar to a phrase that means “losing one’s consciousness”, and both phrases end in the syllables “-bulsung,” hence the confusion.
***He actually says ㅂㅅㅈ (BSJ), short for 배신자 (BaeShinJa) a.k.a. Betrayer.
Hyesung (link)
Name: Seo! Hye! Sung!
Hometown: Incheon~
Former Occupation: Unemployed T_T
Blood Type: A! B!
Nickname: Phater Star ⭐
Date of Birth: April Fool's Day
Height: Mid-170s*
Weight: 62kg
Specialty: Cute acts
Hobbies: Acting cute
Habits: Putting my hands in my pockets
Top 3 Likes: All of you ❤️, y'all ⭐, you all 🌷
Top 3 Dislikes: Patronizing people, stubborn people, being ignored
Motto in Life: ⭐⭐CAREPE DIEM⭐⭐ (IH: LOLLL he spelled it wrong and then crossed it out LOLLL)
A Person I Respect: People who succeed no matter what happens to them?
A Recent Worry: What do I need to do to get my rank up? (GH: Let's do our best!)
The TOP 5 Contestant I'm Closest To: Do-yoonie 'ung!** (JY: I thought u were gonna say meee)
My Rival in the TOP 5: I feel like I might catch some flak if I say it? LOLOL Gyu-hyukie hyung LOL (IH: ?)
My Best Physical Feature: My starlight-filled eyes 🤩 (IH: omg..)
When I'm Happiest: When I get complimented (JY: Here's me complimenting you~)
When I'm Saddest: When I get ignored
Who I Want to See Myself Become: A confident person
Goals for This Year: 1st place in Bstars‼️
What I Want to Say to Myself 1 Year from Now: To think you achieved this much...You're amazing!
A Message for the Viewers: Who's gonna be #1? The one who comes in like a comet, Seo! Hye! Sung!***
*Incidentally, his official height is listed as exactly 170.
**Seems like he's slurring "hyung" here.
***"Hyesung" is a homophone for "comet" or "meteor" in Korean.
Seil (link)
Name: Chang Seil....
Hometown: Ansan
Former Occupation: FD
Blood Type: AB
MBTI: ESFP, or so I'm told
Nickname: I don't have one
Date of Birth: 1995/02/24
Height: 168
Weight: 52
Specialty: Nothing special...
Hobbies: Music appreciation
Habits: Fixing my glasses?
Top 3 Likes: Good music, going home after work, days off
Top 3 Dislikes: Brainless people, things being in disorder, working overtime
Motto in Life: Breathe in and receive wel wealth, breathe out and receive health* (IH: Me 2)
A Person I Respect: I guess I'll say PD Shin, huhu... (HS: You little traitor)
A Recent Worry: I'm losing my mind at the formations being all messed up as a result of switching to a different stage
The TOP 5 Contestant I'm Closest To: What's even the point of a staff member forming these kinds of unnecessary personal attachments... (HS: Right you are)
My Rival in the TOP 5: I think this is a question for contestants only
My Best Physical Feature: I don't know I don't have one (DY: Your eyes...?)
When I'm Happiest: When our shows get good ratings?
When I'm Saddest: When people criticize the staff? (JY: Gasp T_T)
Who I Want to See Myself Become: At the very least, I hope tomorrow is a little better than today
Goals for This Year: Wrapping up Buried Stars with no issues
What I Want to Say to Myself 1 Year from Now: Wow another year older huh~~~
A Message for the Viewers: I wish you all would do a better job at standing in line...
*I’ve not heard this saying before, but based on a quick Google search it seems like it’s typically an expression of blessing or gratitude, so said to someone else (i.e., “may you receive health/wealth as easily as you breathe,” etc.)
What the Top 5 Think of Each Other
Han Do-yoon: Hey, Gyu-hyukie hyung. It’s me, Do-yoon. (SI: It says your name in the box, you know….) Whenever I see you on stage I feel nothing but admiration. I sense this deep sort of resonance, you know...I’m sure that resonance comes from something you’re creating deep inside of you. I find myself cheering you on just like a viewer, wondering just how far you’re gonna make it. Well anyway, I hope you have a good day. Bye! (GH: Write some more T_T)
Oh Inha: Gyu! I saw you put Do-yoon as the contestant you’re closest with, I thought it was me…?! LOL (HS: Just face the facts LMAO) Thanks for not getting mad when I call you Gyu LOL. To be honest, I was scared of you. You’re 1000x more gentle than you seem on TV, do people know that about you or no?
Seo Hyesung: Phew...The godly silver spoon..All us have-nots can do is cry. At least, that’s what I thought, but since your skills kick ass too I can’t even say anything. How does it feel to have it all? But y’know, if ever I say something that’s taking it too far you can tell me off. (IH: In that case then he’d probably have to say something every time you breathe) Sometimes I can’t get a good read on what you’re thinking?? (GH: I’m thinking about you)
Min Juyoung: Gyuhyuk, where did you even come from! Even I, who already debuted once, can’t help but be filled with admiration whenever I see you on stage. You’re so talented but at the same time so humble...But being too humble is also a bad thing. You know that, right? I want to know what you’re thinking about when you sing. I know we’re competing against each other, but still, I want us to be better friends!
Chang Seil: Please just pretend this box is blank. Anywayz, hyung, you’re truly the star of the show when it comes to Buried Stars. PD Shin was shocked just reading your application. Of course, you had the skills to back it up after, too. I’m curious to see how high you’re gonna rise up. (HS: You just heard from music critic Chang Gun-mo*)
*Not sure if I read his handwriting right, but I think this is a reference to renowned singer-songwriter Kim Gun-mo. Obviously, Hyesung is poking fun here.
Seo Hyesung: You’re pretty, you sing well, and you’ve got a nice personality. You’re a triple threat, noona! If only we hadn’t met as competitors, I would have come on stronger. 2 bad. You already debuted once, so I can count on you to help out your poor maknae, right?? (IH: Are you kidding me with this)
Oh Inha: Unnie, you are so so lovely and admirable…So much so that I feel smaller every time I look at you. I know we only met as fellow competitors in an audition show, but I hope we can keep being friends. You make me want to act like a better person than I am.
Han Do-yoon: Youngie noona! It’s me, Do-yoon. You changed so much that I didn’t even recognize you at first, but I realized it was you soon enough. It was so cool of you to come back to give it another try, and whenever we practice together I can’t help but be motivated by you. Hope today is a good day for you. Thank you very much! (HS: What, are you trying to cheer her up or something)
Lee Gyu-hyuk: Based on my first impression of you, I was surprised at how strong-willed you are. I’m more used to accommodating others, so I guess I don’t really know what you think of me. If it’s possible, I’d like to be more like you...I think I might even go as far as to call you my role model (?) Was that too out of line?
Chang Seil: Again, I’m not really sure why they're making me write these, but… (HS: If you don’t want to write them then don’t) Juyoung-ssi, you’ve got tremendous ability. In your case, during your original debut, your concept actually did a disservice to your level of skill. If you just maintain your current status on Bstars, you’ll easily rise to the top of the charts. That’s just my opinion, though.
Min Juyoung: Inha~ ♡ Whenever you’re on stage you always shine! ✨ I worried so much about how hard this would be for me, so thank you so much for always being so kind to me. You always make me feel better when things are tough! >< I wish everyone could see the warm and friendly side that you only show me. ♡ Love you ♡ (IH: I love you T_T) (HS: Truly the master of warm and fuzzy comments)
Han Do-yoon: Hi, Inha. It’s me, Do-yoon. The two of us really did change a lot in terms of looks, but you’re a born natural. The way you adjusted into it so easily was really amazing and cool to see. I think that’s definitely a strength of yours, as well as what makes you charming. You are awesome! Anyway, I hope you have a good day today as always. Bye! (SI: If someone didn’t know better, they might think you were filling out paperwork or something)
Lee Gyu-hyuk: It kind of caught me off guard when you first started calling me Gyu, but I came to like you calling me that. Because you’re just calling me by my name, without any formalities. Youngie noona said this too, but...Thanks for just treating me like a friend. I think you have a lot of aspects to you that I’m lacking in. I’m kind of jealous. (HS: I do that too you know..) (IH: In your case you go so far with it that it’s actually a problem socially)
Seo Hyesung: She sure is one without a filter. Sometimes I think, like, wouldn’t it be better to have some kind of filter? Anyway, she does have some friggin’ sweet dance moves, I’ll give her that. I wish I had joints like that... T_T (IH: Then why don’t you practice)
Chang Seil: I’m not sure why I’m participating in this, but…Inha-ssi is one contestant who’s sure to succeed. She already has the talent and charm, so I think that as long as she just gets the right kind of support she’ll breeze through Bstars and will even be able to set course for way bigger things in the future. We at Bstars had better work even harder to ensure that can happen! (IH: omg...thank u T.T)
Lee Gyu-hyuk: Do-yoon! I still remember that one time that I was just standoffishly standing in the back of the room when you came up and started talking to me. When we first started I often had the thought that it was a mistake to have come out here, but thanks to you I was eventually able to get comfortable talking to everyone. I’ll always be grateful to you. A lot has happened, but...my hope is to be someone that you could come to rely on, too. Because I want to pay you back! (HS: A silver spoon who pays his debts)
Seo Hyesung: Hyung, you’re kind of more easily shaken than you look, emotionally speaking? Every time that happens, you know how much I go out of my way to make you feel better, right? You’re grateful, right? If you are then be good to me!! Bc I’m keeping track! LMAO ...I just wanted to say thanks for talking to me first (IH: Oh? That was actually kinda cute of you?)
Min Juyoung: Do-yoon, when I first met you I thought you were a demon! But ever since you changed your hair...Ohoho…? You’re always off on your own lost in thought, but sometimes it’s OK to talk about your feelings. I’ve gone through quite a bit, too, so who knows, maybe I could help? We’re always seeing each other around, so don’t be afraid to come talk to me. We may be competitors on the show, but in the end we’re all just peers who are in the music industry together! (IH: Unnie I want to be your peer too~!!)
Oh Inha: Han Do-yoon teach me how you do your makeup...And the way you manage to get it all off when you go to bed is amazing! I don’t know how you even deal with something so annoying...Also, if you ever feel like you’re having a mental breakdown or something why not freaking talk to us for once! (JY: Yeah!)
Chang Seil: Do-yoonie hyung, I think you have a good head on your shoulders. (HS: Why don’t you try saying things like that to me for once) Or maybe I should say your sense of judgment seems to shine because of your tricky situation? You’re always thanking me etc. for my advice and such, but I know most of it is stuff you’re already thinking that I’m just repeating to you. At this rate, I think things will work out quite well for you, don’t you?
Han Do-yoon: Hello, Hyesung. It’s me, Do-yoon. (IH: Are you writing this to your grandpa?) At first I was a little worried about getting along with you because you were so outgoing and full of energy. But after getting to know you I realized that you have an earnest side to you as well, and you’re a lot different than how you first appeared. You work hard, so I think things will work out for you. Anyway, I hope you have a good day today. Bye!
Min Juyoung: You’re really lively, but I see you quietly thinking to yourself sometimes, too. Can you tell me what it is that you’re thinking about? If you’re worried about anything, I’d be happy to lend an ear...I’m cheering you on! (HS: Then help me win more votes T_T) (JY: Oh! Well that might be a little hard~)
Lee Gyu-hyuk: Maybe it’s just a difference in personality, but I never seem to know how to act when meeting new people...I’m worried that I upset you, and it keeps tugging at my mind. Next time we meet, I’ll try harder to be more friendly. (HS: Then help me win more votes T_T)
Oh Inha: Oh, that Hyesung? He sure is a mystery, really. I mean, maybe someday we might be able to be on slightly better terms, right? Maybe if the things he said were a little bit nicer? (HS: Why are u talking to urself?)
Chang Seil: N / A (HS: Ha.. (=ヮ=))
Han Do-yoon: Hello, Seil. It’s me, Do-yoon. You’re so businesslike, so I’m always surprised at the considerate things you sometimes do for us, too. I wa I’m always grateful to you. Just know that I can see how hard you’re working. I hope you have a good day today. Bye then! (IH: Fighting!) (JY: I’m grateful, too!)
Oh Inha: Hi Seilll! I’m worried about you, what with those huge dark circles that are always on your face. Try drinking some healthy vegetable juice or something once in a while, OK…? Thanks for all our little chats here and there! Let’s both hang in there! (SI: T_T)
Min Juyoung: Hi, Seil~ Looks like those guys above me already said it all, about how hard you work. The things that PD Shin say to you...I’m sure they have good intentions behind them, but I don’t think you should push yourself to the point where you have to feel like you have to change who you are. I’m sure it’s hard, but the reason we do this kind of work in the first place is so that we can be happy, after all! (HS: A word of wisdom from a follower of the Church of Happiness...)
Lee Gyu-hyuk: I have this memory of when I appeared in the preliminaries. Back then I didn’t know anything still, so I kept looking at you and following whatever you said. I guess I can think of you as something close to a teacher. (JY: Professor Chang!) It may not be much, but I’m at least trying not to inconvenience you too much. Because I know you’re going out of your way for us in a lot of ways already. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with you.
Seo Hyesung: Why is a staff member writing these too? Mr. FD, do you think you’re a celebrity or something??? LMFAO. In that case, are you here reading these boxes where we’re talking amongst each other, too? (SI: I guess so, O Great Superstar Mr. Seo...)
188 notes · View notes
xautunno · 5 years
Munto - King and Queen - Pt. 3
Yumemi watched from her perch as the sky blended into a set of distant yellows, pinks, and overwhelming indigo. The grass did little to cushion her from the rocky ground, but she didn't bother to move. Not when in the far distance floated an unseeable land filled with possible snakes. A land her husband currently ventured through.
The night would be a long one.
Her bed empty upon her return for sleep, she felt the loneliness like a physical blow. Heart like a dead weight, she slipped beneath silk sheets and settled against the soft pillow.
Yumemi woke to the cool breeze of the night on several occasions. The first had her heart racing and a cold, sheen of sweat coated her from head to toe. She woke a few hours later, legs tangled in the sheets and tears stinging her eyes.
She had no choice but to rise from the bed just before sunrise. Sleep hung over her like a dense fog, but if the maids noticed, they never mentioned it. They helped her dress for breakfast where she ate for the first time in a long time, utterly alone.
"Highness?" A voice stopped her down the hall, the sound of rushed footsteps following. "What are we to do?"
The Queen furrowed her brow and turned to face the man in front of her. He outmatched her by at least a foot and wore the fitting robes of a military advisor.
"To do?" She felt sick.
Had she missed something?
"Y-yes, ma'am. Should King Munto not return and the negotiations end poorly… what should we have in place?" Munto had been undoubtedly sure of his success and left without hesitation.
"I hope you do not doubt our king…" Words coated in ice, she narrowed her eyes on him.
"Of course not!" His declaration a bit loud, he cleared his throat and lowered his voice, "I am simply asking what would you have us prepare if war happened upon us by nightfall? A worst case scenario."
Yumemi thought of that herself. Her husband left no instruction but left everything in her hands.
"If my husband fails to return and the negotiations are called off by nightfall," the man audibly gulped at the venomous tone, "I would have every able body strengthening our defenses. I will not prepare for war until it is decided we are at war."
"Of course." He bowed to her prepared to depart, but she stopped him.
"If war is to come, I want every advisor to meet with me in the council room. We will discuss then our next steps." Yumemi's jaw uncharacteristically locked at she spit out the next few words, "we will avenge our fallen king and protect our homelands no matter the cost."
Standing a bit straighter, he curtly bowed and turned on his heel to leave.
In her many years here at the Magical Kingdom, there were those who still viewed her as Yumemi-hime. Their princess. Their savior. They were not wrong to so, however, her innocent nature shed by the time she finished college and made this kingdom her permanent home.
Yumemi spent most of her early adult life mingling with the courts Munto grew up in. She practiced her manners, learning delicate etiquette, and diplomacy. She could smile prettily at the lords and ladies, keeping her fangs hidden while her claws did most of the talking.
No one doubted her ability to be brutally honest and sincere since she turned twenty and single-handedly refuted three marriage proposals by publically shaming their indecency and ill-manners at a formal event rather than simply saying no. She made it clear that such rudeness under the king's invitation was undignified for their position especially when she hid nothing about her true relationship with the king.
She took to a no-nonsense attitude and would shut down any ill-thought or gossip she deemed inappropriate. It had been thought of as a horrible decision on her part since no one would share information with her. Gossip could hurt, especially gossip about her private life with the king.
Yumemi solved the issue when she first made regular trips to visit Munto during high school. The time it took for the servants of the palace to undoubtedly love and trust her was astonishing. They'd hear fleeting words here and there, lords and ladies letting things slip when they didn't notice the help around. Those same words finding their way to Yumemi during breakfast or when she strolled in the gardens. Occasionally, and only if urgent, they would interrupt her studies.
In return, they never doubted Yumemi's ability to handle a situation without Munto's aid. Should a guest be making inappropriate advances, their future Queen then would have no issue stopping her work to track down the offender and corner him into apologizing. Most likely in a public space where multiple witnesses were. If Munto didn't see it, he'd hear about it by the time she returned.
Not that he would dare interfere. Yumemi never gave a reason for him to doubt her loyalty to either his nation or himself. Her loyalty prevailed over the course of almost a decade without caution.
She defended not only himself personally, but advisors, staff, and in general, his people, should she find them deserving of it. She didn't care what others gossiped about or their opinion on her, to the point she disregarded her own safety to get her point across. About the only thing that ever really upset him.
Yumemi continued on her way to the gardens. Despite the tremendous weight on both her shoulders and heart, her back remained straight, hands closed together in front of her and chin held high. She kept her strides even and graceful, letting the soles of her feel skim across the cool floors like a dancer.
The crown, a heavy burden, gave her headaches the first month she wore it. Every few hours, a powerful and compelling urge to toss it aside plagued her. But then, she'd catch a glimpse of Munto in his formal robes, the crown framing a stern face while he walked with Rui. She couldn't toss it aside. Even if it would make her days easier to bear, even if she felt she could perform her duties appropriately without it, she never removed it. Merely, she endured.
Those same thoughts and feelings plagued her now. She wanted to toss it in the nearest garbage can she could find and let her hair out of the terribly tight braid. It had been fine this morning, but now it felt as if though a child climbed on her back to play with the golden strands and leave her scalp bruised.
Away from prying eyes, Yumemi plopped herself down on the nearest stone bench and tugged the band from her hair. She removed the diadem so she could brush her hair out.
The sun high in the sky, she relaxed under its warm rays. She could almost doze off.
She knew he wasn't there. His stomach didn't press against her back while he bent over to cup her cheek and gaze lovingly at her. Callose hands didn't smooth the wrinkles of worry from her forehead.
He didn't whisper, "my Queen has endured quite the hardship."
He didn't kiss her forehead, keeping her close while he murmured sweet nothings. Didn't wipe the stay tear from her cheek at the thought of him.
Yumemi couldn't bear to sleep alone. She had never been truely alone before. Family and friends surrounded her since she breathed the air of this world deep into her lungs with a cry.
Her bed had been occupied by one other for years now and during meals, she always had the same, redheaded, charming, and sweet companion who never failed to bring a smile to her face or a burst of joy from her heart at the sight of him. Never had he failed to please her or make her feel loved since the first moment they kissed. He slid that ring onto her finger, promising her forever, but he felt so far that the ring only served as a heavy reminder.
Swallowing her tears, Yumemi peeked open her eyes, partially surprised to find herself alone.
"Your highness." She closed her eyes, sighing at the call.
"Yes?" She made no effort to move. Not yet.
"The council wishes to speak with you. To prepare appropriately."
And like that, her sorrow vanished. Her heart hardened as she stood, brushing her hair back with a flick of her wrist and returned her crown to its rightful place.
With the regal appearance of Catherine the Great, she stalked down the hallway with the grace befitting royalty and with the eyes of a wild feline. Like Borte Ujin, when she entered the room, advisors stood in respect knowing the king valued her opinion above all others and entrusted the kingdom to her care.
Her hands held no callous of war but beneath her fair skin lied unimaginable power that many still feared. And the girl of destiny knew it. No restraint beyond moral reasoning kept her in check of those powers.
Reaching her chair at the head of the table, the seat her husband frequented recently the past few months, she twirled on the ball of her foot to address the room. She didn't speak as her eyes did most of the talking. Evaluating each and every member present.
Then, she seated herself and gestured for them to do the same.
"Tell me, what defenses can we have in place in the shortest amount of time?"
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basicsofislam · 6 years
Jafar is Martyred, too
Jafar, the commander, was attacking the enemy army with the same feeling, excitement and sacred aim as the other mujahids. The Islamic army was as brave as an eagle and the enemy army was as cowardly as a crow. No matter what the result would be, the Islamic army would be beneficial. If they won, they would be victorious both materially and spiritually; if they lost and were martyred, they would attain a spiritual victory and have an honorable epopee. Therefore, they had no fear, panic, worry or hesitation.
The eyes of both the friends and the enemy were on the new commander. Those timid and hesitant eyes were watching the heroic attack of this commander and his killing and wounding anybody that faced him in an amazed and astonished way.
However, the destined end of Jafar was approaching. A malicious sword cut his right hand off his wrist. Thereupon, he held the standard with his left hand. However, after a while, his left hand was cut off, too. If you can, imagine the situation and watch admiringly the effort and patriotism that this great hero showed in the way of elevating the word of God. This unique hero held the sacred standard, which represented the honor of the army and which was given to him by the Messenger of God, with his arms, whose hands had been cut off.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 20. ]He could no longer resist the attack of the enemy. His only aim at that time was to surrender the standard to somebody without letting it fall to the ground. O my Lord! What a magnificent belief, a sacred goal, a lofty effort and patriotism. Jafar was personally experiencing the incident that we cannot imagine.
This magnificent situation did not continue very long. The sword blows of the enemy martyred Jafar just like Zayd.[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 38. ]When the mujahids looked at the body of this hero, they saw more than ninety wounds caused by spears, arrows and swords.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 20; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 38. ]
Abdullah b. Rawaha Receives the Standard
It was Abdullah b. Rawaha’s turn to become the commander.  
He proceeded toward the enemy on his horse carrying the white standard. The evil-commanding soul wanted to deceive him through delusions and hesitation. Abdullah was between two enemies. One of them was the Byzantine army and the other was his own soul. However, he was struggling against both enemies as it was necessary. While he was attacking the enemy, he was addressing his soul as follows:
“O my soul! I swore that I was going to make you surrender to me. You will either accept it willingly or I will force you to do it. Muslims have gathered and are crying. Some of them are crying saying, ‘Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun’ (To God we belong and to Him is our return). As I understand it, you do not like Paradise very much. You have not attained peace for years. O my soul! If you are not killed now, will you not ever be killed? The time of death has come even if you do not want it. If you do what those two people did, that is, if you prefer martyrdom, you will do the best thing. If you become late, you will be sorry.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 20-21; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 109. ]
Hazrat Abdullah, who defeated his soul, was fighting bravely. Meanwhile, one of his fingers which was cut started to swing. This great man, whose heart was pounding with the love of God and His Messenger, dismounted from his horse, stepped on the finger that was swinging and broke it off; then, he mounted his horse and rushed toward the enemy ranks like a lion. The belief, prosperity and courage that filled his heart eliminated all of the pains, aches and agonies in his body.
After fighting heroically, Abdullah returned and dismounted from his horse. He had not eaten anything for three days. Meanwhile, somebody gave him a piece of bone with some meat on it. It was going to be the first morsel he was going to eat for three days. Unfortunately, no sooner had he bitten a small piece than he heard a sudden noise from the part where Muslims were. Abdullah threw away the bone he had and said to himself, “You are still busy with filling your stomach!”; he drew his sword and continued fighting.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 21; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 109. ]
As a result of this fight, Abdullah attained the high rank he desired.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 21. ]
The Islamic Army Scatters
The Islamic army, three of whose commanders were martyred, and which was left leaderless, scattered. The mujahids hesitated whether to go on fighting or to withdraw. Meanwhile, a few mujahids were martyred.
However, the lofty standard of the Messenger of God did not fall to the ground. When Abdullah b. Rawaha was martyred, Abu’l-Ya­sar Ka’b b. Umayr took the standard and gave it to Thabit b. Aqram. As soon as Thabit took the standard, he rushed to the front of the army, planted the standard on the ground and called the Muslims to come together. Holding the standard in his hand,Thabit b. Aqram shouted to the mujahids, “O mujahids! Choose someone among you as the commander and gather around him.”
The mujahids said, “We have chosen you as the commander; we are pleased with you.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 21. ]
However, Thabit wanted somebody else to be the commander. It was Khalid b. Walid, who was a new Muslim and who had joined the army to show his loyalty and sincerity to Islam. Thabit said, “I cannot do it” and called out to Khalid, “O Abu Sulayman! Come and take this standard.”
However, Khalid, who was a respectful and emotional hero, wanted Thabit, who was a respectable old man, to hold the standard. He said,
“I cannot take the standard from you. You deserve it more than me. You are older than me and you took part in the Battle of Badr.”[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 130. ]
Yes, what Khalid said was true but, at that moment, he did not want the honor of being old or the honor of having been taken part in a battle.  The situation necessitated a person who could save the army of Islam from this dangerous situation. Thabit b. Aqram, who was aware of this fact, repeated his call to Khalid. “Take this standard of Messenger of God! I took it in order to give it to you. You are better than me at fighting and war.”
Then, without letting Khalid answer, he turned to Muslims and said, “Do you agree unanimously to choose Khalid as the commander?”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 21; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 129-130. ]
The mujahids, who could not keep their eyes off this heroic Companion, said, “Yes!” in unison. Thereupon, Khalid took the standard of the Messenger of God and kissed it with respect; then, he mounted his horse and turned toward the enemy. From then on, Khalid was the commander.
The Prophet Informs about the Phases of the Fight
Meanwhile, the Messenger of God was in Madinah with the Companions who did not take part in the battle. Madinah was more than one thousand kilometers away from Muta but this distance was short for the Messenger of God, who had eyes that could see the truth; the Messenger of God narrated the phases of the battle to his Companions as if the battle was taking place in front of his eyes: “Zayd b. Haritha took the standard and he was martyred. Ask God to forgive him. Then, Jafar took the standard and he was martyred, too. Ask God to forgive him, too. Then, Abdullah b. Rawaha took the standard and he was martyred, too. Ask God to forgive him, too.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 22; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, Vol. 5, p. 299; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 110. ]Then, he continued to narrate the battle in tears:
“After Abdullah b. Rawaha, a sword from the swords of God took the standard. The battle is heated now. O God! Help him!”[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 129; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 5, p. 299; Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 467. ]
The Prophet was informing about unseen as a miracle by the permission of God Almighty. God, who is the sole knower of the unknown, informs and shows his beloved slave about some incidents when it is necessary and shortens the distances.
Khalid b. Walidis the Commander
Khalid, whom the Muslims chose as their leader, spurred his horse with courage and rushed against the enemy. The mujahids followed him like arrows that were thrown from bows. The attack of the Muslims was so brave and heroic that the enemy was astonished. Many enemy soldiers were killed before they found out what was happening. Some of the enemy groups were defeated during this attack, which took place before the evening. However, when it started to get dark, the enemy soldiers gathered strength and attacked all together; the Muslims had to withdraw then.
Khalid’s Tactic
As it is known, battles did not use to continue day and night at that time. Soldiers used to put on their armor and take their weapons and start fighting in the morning; in the evening, they used to return to their encampment.
Khalid undertook the duty of commandership just before the evening. After one or two attacks, it got dark and both parties returned to their encampment. Khalid was both a hero and a great tactician of battles; he could startle the enemy with his tactics. It was time to use this ability. During the night, he thought about some plans and tactics that would startle the enemy.  
When the sun rose, the Islamic army appeared with a new arrangement. When the enemy saw them, they were startled and scared. They understood what the noise coming from the ranks of the Muslims they heard at night meant. They said, “It means auxiliary troops arrived at night to help the Muslims. We have not seen those soldiers on the right before.”[ Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 467; Halabi, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 788. ]
The enemy soldiers, who were still under the effect of the sudden blow they received the day before, were scared and worried; they were looking at one another wondering what to do.
Khalid employed a clever tactic. He changed the place of the Muslim troops; he replaced the soldiers on the right with the ones on the right, and the soldiers at the front with the soldiers at the back.[ Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 469; Halabi, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 788. ]
When the enemy troops saw new faces and new clothes, they thought new troops had come to help the Muslims and became scared and worried.
When Khalid, who was skilled and heroic, noticed that the enemy was spiritually affected by this tactic, he ordered the mujahids to attack at once. The mujahids attacked as if they had just started to fight; and they scattered the enemy. The swords, which were drawn in the way of elevating the word of God, hit the enemy army very hard. The seemingly magnificent army of the enemy had to run away. It looked as if an eagle had attacked chickens.  
On that day, when God rejoiced Muslims with His help, Khalid broke seven swords.[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 253; Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 472. ]God knows how many unbelievers he wounded and killed while breaking seven swords.
Khalid thanked and praised God for the bright victory obtained as a result of his courage, heroism and tactics. The mujahids also thanked their Lord for the unexpected opportunity He granted them.
The tactic designed and applied by Khalid became successful and the mujahids intimidated the enemy army, which was about forty or fifty times bigger than their army. However, the danger was not over yet. The handful of Muslims, who were surrounded by the enemy, had to be withdrawn before the crowded enemy army gathered strength again. Khalid applied the second phase of his plan in order to do this. That night, he moved his army by maintaining the dignity, honor and glory of Islam toward the south. The enemy army was stupefied due to the blows they had received. They just watched the movement of the Islamic army; they probably became glad when the Islamic army moved away.  
Thus, the second phase of Khalid’s tactic became successful, too. The handful of Islamic mujahids were removed from the land of the enemy very easily and saved.
It was a great grant and help of God. Only about fifteen Muslims were martyred during the clashes that lasted for seven days.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 30; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 407; Vol. 4, p. 141. ]
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Chaitivel- Marie De France
Chaitivel, a Breton lais by Marie De France, tells the story of a royal woman who fell in love with four knights, the men all unknown to one another. She loved them equally and they loved her the same. During a tournament, all four of the men fought courageously for their honor and her love, but three of them died during the tournament, leaving the lady upset and afraid that she would never find love again. Even with the fourth knight alive but severely wounded, she feared she would lose him as well. The lady buried the first three with the highest honors and provided the best medical care for her sole remaining lover, often at his side to help nurse him back to health. She told the knight that she wanted to write a lais about the four knights, and he told her to name it Chaitivel, or The Wretch because that’s what he felt he was, nearly dying for her but being the only survivor. At the ending, the knight seems to take on a bit of a condescending tone with the narrator in stanza 12, saying that he’d rather be dead than suffer the pain of her love. He even goes as far as to insinuate that the lady is the reason that the other three knights are dead, although I would venture to guess that their participation in the tournament had an equal amount to do with their level of courage as much as it had to do with their love for her. Chaitivel, Marie De France 1 Fancy moves me to recollect A lai (1) I've heard people discuss. I'll tell you the adventure, direct, And give the city's name that was Its birthplace, and its given name: Someone called it Chaitivel; Plenty of folks, all the same, Call it “Four Mournings” as well. 2 At Nantes in Brittany there dwelled A fine lady; she excelled In beauty, and in schooling too, And every ornamental virtue. In all the land there was no knight Worthy in deeds, but at first sight-- One glimpse--he would love her, Begging, trying for her favor. She couldn't be everybody's lover, But she didn't want to kill them, either. 3 From each and every lady of The land, a man should seek some love. Try to take a rag from a crazy man, He'll hit you back hard as he can; But a lady thanks you for your desires, More even than good-will requires. Even if she doesn't want to hear them, She shouldn't use her words to smear them, But honor them and hold them dear, Thank and serve them with good cheer.4 The lady I want to tell you of Who was begged so much to grant her love-- For her beauty, for a prize so sweet Day and night they all compete. 5 In Brittany four barons there were, But I don't know their names, these four. They didn't have much age on them, But they were still all quite handsome, Worthy knights and valorous, Free-spending, courteous, generous. They were highly valued and Were the gentry of that land. These four were in love with the lady. Their task--doing really well--was weighty: To have the lady and have her love Each of them, hard as he could, strove. Each for himself, they wanted her, To this each devoted his labors, And every one of them was sure He could outperform all others. 6 The lady was full of good sense. She considered, in her conscience, Trying to know, to ask which of These men would be the best to love. They're all each better than the rest-- She cannot manage to choose the best.Losing three for one--this she hates. So on each she turned a smiling face, To all she gave her love-favors, Sent messages to all these lovers. 7 None of them knew about the others, either But none of them could bear to leave her. By his prayers and service sweet, Each thought he'd make out the best. Whenever knights gathered for a meet, Each wanted first place in every test, To do well, if he could, and so measure Up to providing his lady's pleasure. They all treated her as their lover, They all carried her love-favor, Ring or sleeve or banner-flame And all had one war-cry: her name. 8 She loved all four, all four pleased her Until, in the time after Easter, In front of her city of Nantes There was proclaimed a tournament(2). To get to know these four true loves Knights came from other lands in droves: Frenchmen of France and Normans rode forth, Flemish and Brabants from the North, Boulognais and Angevins appear, And others from other countries near. Gladly they all made the journey, And stayed there for quite a while. On the evening of the tourney, They traded blows in serious style. The four true loves, well-armed all, Sallied forth from the city wall. After them rode knights galore, But the burden of defense was on the four. Each was known to the knights on the field By his enseign and his shield. They send four knights to the assault, Two from Flanders, two from Hainault. Armed for attack, spurring on, no knight Wasn't looking for someone to fight. The defenders saw them coming. No-one wished to flee or tarry. Lances lowered and spurs humming, Each picked out his adversary. They struck together with such force The four attackers each fell off his horse. 9 The four steeds caused no distress-- They let them run off riderless-- Over the victims their stand they made. Their knights hurried to bring them aid. The rescue became a free-for-all Many felt the sword-blows fall. The lady stood upon a tower, Easily spotted her own and their followers-- Saw them helping out her lovers; She didn't know which to value higher. 10 Now the tournament began. Ranks grew, the crowd thickened. Before the gate again and again Into a mêlée the jousting quickened. The four true lovers did so well They took the overall prize outright, Until the time when evening fell And they should have stopped the fight. Crazy men, they fought far away From their own knights; for this they'll pay: Three of them were killed dead And the fourth had a wound that bled Through the thigh--the body speared-- On the other side the lance-head appeared. All were pierced through by the blows; All four fell there in the fields. Those who'd proved their mortal foes Now cast down on the ground their shields. Deeply they mourn the dead; They knew not what they did. They raise a great cry of warning. Never was there heard such mourning. The knights of the town rode to the site, Never fearing the others would fight. To mourn the knights fallen there Two thousand men in that place Undid their helmet visor-lace, Tore their beards and ripped their hair. Mourning was their common plight. Upon his shield they laid each knight And brought them inside the city wall To the lady who'd loved them all. 11 When with the adventure she was acquainted Down on the hard ground she fell, fainted. When her fainting spell is over, Naming them, she mourns each lover. "Alas," she says, "What shall I do? I will never be happy again! I loved these four knights, it's true! Each for himself, I wanted these men. They had the greatest good in themselves, And they loved me more than anything else. Because of their beauty, prowess, power, Generous spirit, noble valor, I made all their love-thoughts turn to me; I wouldn't take one if I'd lose three. I don't know which I should feel worst for, But I can't hide or pretend any more. Three are dead; one wounded I see; Nothing on earth can comfort me. I'll have the dead men buried, first, And if the wounded man can be nursed Gladly I'll be involved, and send him The best doctors to attend him." She has him borne to her rooms. Then she Had them lay out the other three: With love, with noble sentiments, She adorned them, and at great expense. A very wealthy monastic foundation Got a huge endowment, a big donation, From her when they were buried there. May God show them His merciful care! She sent for wise men of medicine, Had them brought to the knight in Her room where he lay, wounded, until He turned the corner, began to heal. 12 She went to see him frequently, Comforted him like a good lady. Still, she mourned the other three, And lamented them all painfully. One summer day, when their fast was broken, The lady to the knight had spoken, Then, overcome by her great sorrow, Bent her head, her face in shadow; She fell into fierce concentration. This caught the knight's attention. He saw that she was deep in thought. He addressed her, as he ought. "Lady, you're in a fearful state! What are you thinking? Tell me, now. Let your pain go, before it's too late! You must be comforted somehow." "My friend," she said, "I was reflecting On your companions, recollecting. No lady of such rank as mine-- Be she so lovely, wise, good, fine-- Ever will love four such men as they Were, and lose them all in one day. Except for you alone, wounded in the thigh So badly you feared you might die. Because I loved you so much, my sorrows Should be recollected for all tomorrows. I will make a lay about all you, And "The Four Mournings" I'll call you." Quickly the knight answered Her, when this he heard. "Lady, make the lai afresh! Call it Chaitivel--The Wretch! And I will show you the reason why This is the name it should go by. The others died a while ago, Their days in this world were through. They suffered terrible pain and woe From the love they had for you. But I, who got off with my life, Wretched, confused, lost in strife-- The thing in the world I could love so I watch day after day come and go Talking to me morning, evening--yet I can't enjoy it, not so much As a kiss, an embrace, a touch. Talking is all the good I get. With so many such griefs you torture me, I'd be better off dead, truth to tell(3). That's why the lai should be named after me, And be called `The Wretch'--`Chaitivel. Calling it `Four Mournings,' from this day, Is changing the right name of the lai." "By my faith," she said, "I like this well; Now we will call it `Chaitivel.'" 13Thus the lai was begun, Finished, and given two names, not one: Those who first took it abroad Called it "Four Mournings"--well, some did. Both names in fact are a good fit, For the subject-matter requires it. "Chaitivel"'s the name you usually hear. Here it ends, there is no more; I have not heard, I cannot say, I won't tell you any more today. 1. A (breton) lai is a medieval form of rhymed poetry that often encompasses romance and chivalry. 2. This kind of tournament is not a competition as we know it-- it is a fight to the death for honor and glory. 3. It seems to me as if the knight is slightly resentful to have survived to find out he wasn’t the only one, and the line “With so many such griefs you torture me. I’d be better off dead,” seems to me to be an insult to the woman who loves him, even after she has provided him with the best medical care and her companionship.
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