#*cough* allmight posters *cough*
worthyworri · 4 years
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some bnha sketches from like a week ago cause i can
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summerlovingbaby · 2 years
Traitor Part 7
part one// part two// part three// part four// part five// part 6
Y/N lied in a cold empty bed, in a big empty room. The room still lied barren and the only thing there besides the furniture was a ALLMIGHT poster, that had been lazily slapped on the wall, a picture frame that had been placed on the nightstand, that Y/N had shattered in a fit of anger. There were a handful of blankets on the floor that Y/N had kicked on the floor in protest, despite the fact that goosebumps covered her skin. For 24 long hours, every single day she lied shivering in that cold and desolate place.
But like clockwork everysing breakfast, lunch and dinner someone would dilever a plate of warm food. Placed it on the nightstand, and leave and would hope it wwould’t be untouched when they got back. Usually the left and would comeback later to retrieve the plate of food, upset when it went untouched butthey didn’t really say or do much besides retrieve the plate and leae. Some people would ask if she wanted some, but when she didn’t respond they simply left.
This lasted for about 4 days, nobody really bothered her. They were afraid that she would lash out again, and wanted to avoid stressing her out because she needed to rest. The first two days the class was a bit concerned, but no overall concerned about the fact that she was’nt eating, assuming that she was still acclimating to her new environment and needed some time to adjust. The doctors said it was normal for a adjusting period, so the class tried to limit their concern. 4 days later, she still hadn’t eaten or drinking anything. By the 5th day they actively tried to get her to eat through bribery and other methods.
A few of them stayed. Iida did once, and tried to coax her to eat a few spoonfuls of rice, and drink some Gatorade. But that proved difficult when she wouldn't even awknoldge his presence, refusing to look at him. She remained unmoving and still. Lying on her side with her Kees tucked in her chest. The only time she did move was when she kicked the covers off, that Iida picked up from the floor. 
Todoroki tried to get her to drink some soda, and she indulge him, by attempting to sip some. But the soda burned her mouth and throat, so she promptly spit it out, and began to cough. After this she rolled over and refused to talk to him for the rest of the interaction. Todoroki didn’t leave though, he just sat on the edge of her bed and stared off into the wall. He sometimes would rub he thighs for comfort, but after about 2 hours he left. Y/N wanted him to stay, but she was too afraid to ask. And she was still very angry at him, and everybody.
Kirishima, Mina, Deku and Bakugo tried to get her to eat or drink, but they had just about as much luck as Iida dis. Aizawa tried but had less luck than Iida did, but Yagi had a little more than they did. When he offered her water, she took a few small sips and when he picked the blanket back up and put it over her legs she didn’t kick it off. It was small, but it was something.
“ Has she eaten?” Iida asked tentatively. But Todoroki only revealed a full and untouched plate, as she came out of her room.
“ Crap!” Kirishima spoke. “ This is bad, this is so freaking bad.”
“ It’s okay.” Deku spoke, trying to lighten the mood, but I was clear that even he was upset about it.
“ It’s not okay. If she doesn’t start eating soon then her doctors say that she will have to have a tube put down her throat to give her nutrients.”
“ Maybe thats for the best, maybe she just needs someone to give her that first push.” Iida suggested.
“ You know Y/N…” Bakugou started.
“ If you try to force her to do anything, she won’t solely based on principal. If we force her to eat, she’ll never get better.” Kirishima stated. He dropped his head and hit his fist on the wall. “ I mean even if we can get her to eat, I doubt we can get her to take these.” he said. He pulled out a bottle of pills. It was in a orange bottle, labeled in big blue letters with the name: VITAMIN.
“ What’s that?” Todoroki questioned.
“ Vitamin supplements.” he replied. “ The doctor told me that she should be taken these so she could put on some-”
Bakugo snatched the bottle of pills from him.
“How many of these can she take at a time?”
“ I don’t know, two?”
And with that he grabbed the glass of water from Todoroki, kicked open the door to Y/N’s room, and kicked it shut behind him. The room was cold, so cold that it sent a shiver down his spine. He was shaking, but not from the cold, from what he knew he was about to do. He slammed the glass of water on the nightstand behind him, and held the 2 pills in front of her face. She still didn’t look at him, she didn’t even move. He would have thought that she was dead but he could see her breathing.
“ I’m going to give you 3 seconds to act like an adult, and take your medicine.” he spoke. He tried to hide the quiver, but it didn’t really work. She still didn’t move, she just snorted quietly. “ Okay that’s it.” he grabbed her by the shoulder so suddenly that she didn’t have time to resist. He jerked her to a upright position. “ Open… open.” he commanded, but she didn’t open her mouth, she just shook her head violently. He grabbed at her jaw,forcing her mouth open, and shoved the white pill in her mouth. Then he forced her  mouth shut, and clamped a hand over her mouth,so she couldn’t spit it out. He gave her a second to swallow, but when she didn’t he commanded her to. “ Swallow it… SWALLOW.” By this time Y/N began to gag, tears spilled out of her eyes and fell down her face like rain. He could see her take a big gulp and presumed that she swallowed the pill. He tilted her head back, and practically poured the water down her throat , and forced her to drink.
He finally let go, and she was sputtering and gasping. Coughing up water and struggling for air.
“ Are you going to take the second one, or are you going to make me do it again?” He asked. He was still visibly shaken, and when she didn’t nod her head yes. He grabbed her again, and repeated the process all over again. This time it was more forceful, because she was actively resisting. Clawing and grabbing at him to get her to stop, but he didn���t relent. 
He just forced her to take the pills, and drink a full bottle of water. Once the bottle was empty, and she was thoroughly upset. Crying so much he wouldn’t be surprised if she threw up. He left the room and stopped at the door. She was still sobbing loudly and sputtering, grabbing at her neck painfully. She felt so violated, she didn’t even know what that pill was. And as far as she knew it was something that could have put her back in a drowsy state, so she was very upset.
“ I’m sorry. I wish I didn’t have to do that.And I’m sorry, for what happened.”
And with that he left the room, shutting the door loudly, to let Y/N know that he was gone. Her loud and pained sobbing was heard even through the door. His friends looked at him with wide eyes, confused and very much concerned.
“ What the hell did you do?” Kirishima asked
“ What you didn’t have the balls to do.” He spoke, slamming the pill bottle on the chest, before speed walking away, so his classmates didn’t see him cry.
Y/N lied in a cold empty bed, in a big empty room. The room still lied barren and the only thing there besides the furniture was a ALLMIGHT poster, that had been lazily slapped on the wall, a picture frame that had been placed on the nightstand, that Y/N had shattered in a fit of anger. There were a handful of blankets on the floor that Y/N had kicked on the floor in protest, despite the fact that goosebumps covered her skin. For 24 long hours, every single day she lied shivering in that cold and desolate place.
But like clockwork everysing breakfast, lunch and dinner someone would dilever a plate of warm food. Placed it on the nightstand, and leave and would hope it wwould’t be untouched when they got back. Usually the left and would comeback later to retrieve the plate of food, upset when it went untouched butthey didn’t really say or do much besides retrieve the plate and leae. Some people would ask if she wanted some, but when she didn’t respond they simply left.
This lasted for about 4 days, nobody really bothered her. They were afraid that she would lash out again, and wanted to avoid stressing her out because she needed to rest. The first two days the class was a bit concerned, but no overall concerned about the fact that she was’nt eating, assuming that she was still acclimating to her new environment and needed some time to adjust. The doctors said it was normal for a adjusting period, so the class tried to limit their concern. 4 days later, she still hadn’t eaten or drinking anything. By the 5th day they actively tried to get her to eat through bribery and other methods.
A few of them stayed. Iida did once, and tried to coax her to eat a few spoonfuls of rice, and drink some Gatorade. But that proved difficult when she wouldn't even awknoldge his presence, refusing to look at him. She remained unmoving and still. Lying on her side with her Kees tucked in her chest. The only time she did move was when she kicked the covers off, that Iida picked up from the floor. 
Todoroki tried to get her to drink some soda, and she indulge him, by attempting to sip some. But the soda burned her mouth and throat, so she promptly spit it out, and began to cough. After this she rolled over and refused to talk to him for the rest of the interaction. Todoroki didn’t leave though, he just sat on the edge of her bed and stared off into the wall. He sometimes would rub he thighs for comfort, but after about 2 hours he left. Y/N wanted him to stay, but she was too afraid to ask. And she was still very angry at him, and everybody.
Kirishima, Mina, Deku and Bakugo tried to get her to eat or drink, but they had just about as much luck as Iida dis. Aizawa tried but had less luck than Iida did, but Yagi had a little more than they did. When he offered her water, she took a few small sips and when he picked the blanket back up and put it over her legs she didn’t kick it off. It was small, but it was something.
“ Has she eaten?” Iida asked tentatively. But Todoroki only revealed a full and untouched plate, as she came out of her room.
“ Crap!” Kirishima spoke. “ This is bad, this is so freaking bad.”
“ It’s okay.” Deku spoke, trying to lighten the mood, but I was clear that even he was upset about it.
“ It’s not okay. If she doesn’t start eating soon then her doctors say that she will have to have a tube put down her throat to give her nutrients.”
“ Maybe thats for the best, maybe she just needs someone to give her that first push.” Iida suggested.
“ You know Y/N…” Bakugou started.
“ If you try to force her to do anything, she won’t solely based on principal. If we force her to eat, she’ll never get better.” Kirishima stated. He dropped his head and hit his fist on the wall. “ I mean even if we can get her to eat, I doubt we can get her to take these.” he said. He pulled out a bottle of pills. It was in a orange bottle, labeled in big blue letters with the name: VITAMIN.
“ What’s that?” Todoroki questioned.
“ Vitamin supplements.” he replied. “ The doctor told me that she should be taken these so she could put on some-”
Bakugo snatched the bottle of pills from him.
“How many of these can she take at a time?”
“ I don’t know, two?”
And with that he grabbed the glass of water from Todoroki, kicked open the door to Y/N’s room, and kicked it shut behind him. The room was cold, so cold that it sent a shiver down his spine. He was shaking, but not from the cold, from what he knew he was about to do. He slammed the glass of water on the nightstand behind him, and held the 2 pills in front of her face. She still didn’t look at him, she didn’t even move. He would have thought that she was dead but he could see her breathing.
“ I’m going to give you 3 seconds to act like an adult, and take your medicine.” he spoke. He tried to hide the quiver, but it didn’t really work. She still didn’t move, she just snorted quietly. “ Okay that’s it.” he grabbed her by the shoulder so suddenly that she didn’t have time to resist. He jerked her to a upright position. “ Open… open.” he commanded, but she didn’t open her mouth, she just shook her head violently. He grabbed at her jaw,forcing her mouth open, and shoved the white pill in her mouth. Then he forced her  mouth shut, and clamped a hand over her mouth,so she couldn’t spit it out. He gave her a second to swallow, but when she didn’t he commanded her to. “ Swallow it… SWALLOW.” By this time Y/N began to gag, tears spilled out of her eyes and fell down her face like rain. He could see her take a big gulp and presumed that she swallowed the pill. He tilted her head back, and practically poured the water down her throat , and forced her to drink.
He finally let go, and she was sputtering and gasping. Coughing up water and struggling for air.
“ Are you going to take the second one, or are you going to make me do it again?” He asked. He was still visibly shaken, and when she didn’t nod her head yes. He grabbed her again, and repeated the process all over again. This time it was more forceful, because she was actively resisting. Clawing and grabbing at him to get her to stop, but he didn’t relent. 
He just forced her to take the pills, and drink a full bottle of water. Once the bottle was empty, and she was thoroughly upset. Crying so much he wouldn’t be surprised if she threw up. He left the room and stopped at the door. She was still sobbing loudly and sputtering, grabbing at her neck painfully. She felt so violated, she didn’t even know what that pill was. And as far as she knew it was something that could have put her back in a drowsy state, so she was very upset.
“ I’m sorry. I wish I didn’t have to do that.And I’m sorry, for what happened.”
And with that he left the room, shutting the door loudly, to let Y/N know that he was gone. Her loud and pained sobbing was heard even through the door. His friends looked at him with wide eyes, confused and very much concerned.
“ What the hell did you do?” Kirishima asked
“ What you didn’t have the balls to do.” He spoke, slamming the pill bottle on the chest, before speed walking away, so his classmates didn’t see him cry.
@kiribakuslilpebble    @un-limit-edd     @ultrahugakitten  @ jmook423 @ anonymousbabygirl13-blog   @ power-house-fan12                                  @imunderurbed   @fandomfreak1000000   @dylan-kai2008 @cheesecakeva  @lovemegood  @madsttx @whatdidshesayyy
@ great-goddess-of-sin
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katsukikitten · 4 years
Rouge 2
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"I'm thinking of ending things."
A thought that has nestled itself in the back of your mind. Often creeping back to the forefront of your thoughts. Especially when things start to go right.
You stare down at the street below, many stories up. The street a long twisting river of tar, cars dwarfed boats and people much more like ants than anything else.
You thighs burn, soles of your feet tingle, urging you to join the bustling traffic below.
L’Appel du Vide.
The wind is cold as it whips through your thin shirt, chilling you to the bone as late winter refuses to die this high up, while the trees below have since begun to bloom.
Balancing on one leg the other dangles like a rag doll over the edge.
But this won't answer the call of your "dream" and you should know.
You've "fallen" from higher.
Still taking a step *is* tempting.
"What the fuck are you doing?" The voice is dark, deadly and you do not need to turn around to know exactly who it belongs too.
At least not since you were denied your one true joy. He has been like a shadow lately all though much to his dismay.
Not even Bakugou Katsuki could deny an order that came from the director.
It did not help that it was also his old Idol.
You twirl as if dancing before jumping from the ledge to the roof of the building. The hot head stands with narrowed eyes, toned arms crossed over a chiseled chest. He notices that your eyes are dull. Dead. It causes his stomach to twist in aggravating knots but you will never know what you do to him.
He stands in tones of bleached grey. Your eyes flutter from how hard they roll, especially so when he puts on this act.
You note the color fading in his eyes and wonder how much longer until it is gone. Until your world is once again plunged into a haze.
"I've fallen from higher." You state as if that is a fact he cares about. A strong hand latches harshly onto your wrist, tightening his grip as he pulls you further from the edge and to the door.
"Director wants to see you." He bites out, yanking you closer to him, "Now."
You allow him to drag you down the stairs and along the hall until the two of you stand before his door.
"Come in." His voice calls through the oak, you turn the brass handle allowing yourself in.
"Ah, Y/N dear how are you feeling?" His leather chair is turned away from you, he is still seated as he rummages through a filing cabinet behind his desk.
Unmotivated, agitated, depressed.
These are all the things you want to say.
"The usual." You say instead in a joyful tone, if anyone notices that it is forced neither party says anything.
"Y/N, take a seat. Young Bakugiu, you may go." The director says still looking for that obnoxiously aloof file. You look to the man behind you who's eyes narrow into slits before a door is slammed shut. You take your seat at the large desk.
Finally the director swings around in his large chair, he is dwarfed by its size when before he would have dwarfed the chair. He is no longer the muscular poster man that he was.
No he is thin, cheeks hollowed and grey eyes sunken. He coughs into a handkerchief that is staring to stain a deep shade of grey. You wonder if it hurt when he was hit hard enough to obliterate his innards. Well you knew it hurt, you were more curious as to how much.
And was the physical pain worse than the emotional toll that came with the fall from the highest point in hero history?
You would assume that it was not.
Still you stare Allmight down, this is how he always was for you, only occasionally would he puff into his picture perfect form.
But he could no longer. He places a file on the desk.
"Y/N, you've been doing so well on your paper work. But you're behind again. Starting with the rendition of the incident with yourself, Bakugou, Tomaru and a shady alley." He flips open the mineola folder sliding it towards you. Instantly you pick out Bakugou's unkempt yet more than legible hand writing.
How could you forget it especially since Sensei forced him to share his notes with you for the days you missed class.
You read over the beginning of his account, he showed up just in time. Tomaru's hand was almost fully wrapped around your bicep. One digit away from activating his quirk.
Eyes avert to anywhere but the report, you can no longer read about yet another failure. You gulp down your sadness but all it does is lump oddly in your throat.
"Its exactly as Bakugou states." This time you hold eye contact, giving a small reassuring smile that he clearly doesnt buy. He sighs, tapping at his book titled *"Being a great boss, for dummies"*
You grit your teeth, for a moment you wonder if he would fire you.
Well the bright side of that was at least you wouldn't have any more paper work to do.
"Yes, but Bakugou showed up much later. You were the first to respond. Had he really caught you off guard?" Suspicion almost laces in his tone and you make a meek, embarrassed look. Willing the blood to flush your cheeks.
"Ah yes he truly did. He was as quiet as a mouse." You say softly. He stares you down with intense eyes while you hold his gaze.
You really needed to bullshit Allmight. He was the last person you needed breathing down your neck. After a few long moments he sighs.
"Please get as much paper as you can done. Or if you can only do one report. Please make it this one." With that he slides you the file. You close it shut, holding onto it as you stand to leave.
"I'll do what I can."
Instead you find yourself with eyes crossed as you stare at the bleak monitor.
The report you're working on filled with pages and pages of sentences.
But none that pertain to the actual events you're supposed to be detailing.
*"I'm thinking of ending things."*
Repeats itself over and over and over filling the screen as if it were an award winning novel.
Currently you've run out of "inspiration" so here you sit.
Waiting for it to come back again as the cursor flashes, ticking away the seconds.
Time lost to you as minutes bleed into hours.
"Oi, Zombie." Bakugou taps roughly on your desk, eyes mostly grey with only flecks of red.
Lazily your gaze finds his, he finds the same look in your eyes as this afternoon earning him the same gut wrenching twist. He grits his teeth, fists clenched as he waits for you to come to life.
But you never do.
"I'm not staying too late." You half lie half tell the truth. You'll move when your body is ready that or when you can firmly grasp the concept of time again.
The grey monitor stares back at you as blankly as you stare at it. You press a few keys just to keep it from locking.
Bakugou studies you and your mountain of paperwork, you always some how end of getting out of it. He knows it's not from sheer laziness and he wonders if the Director knows just how bad off you are. So he takes pity and fills it out for you.
Your mind wanders further down the silent rabbit hole, thinking of nothing and everything at the same time. For a long enough time you think Bakugou has already gone so it's understandable when you almost jump out of your skin when he slams a popping palm against your desk. The fear comes and goes in a blink of an eye, his iris still only specs of red.
Better than everything being that sun bleached grey.
"Oi, I came in here because shit hair Kirishima is having a party tonight. He asked me to ask you." His voice is as gruff as ever yet you are unphased.
Another lazy stare is sent his way before you click a key on the keyboard once more. Silence stretches between the two of you, he lets out a low growl.
"Its his birthday so you have to go."
"But..." Your eyes flash to your calendar, APRIL in bold black letters stares back at you.
Had you really lost that much time? You were doing better this year, coping nicely, the world almost prismacolor yet something changed.
And for no apparent reason at all you were pulled by the undertow, gasping for air once more.
But seven whole months?
Maybe you hadn't been as well as you thought.
"Finish up whatever the hell it is you're doing because we need to leave, now." Bakugou snarls while you stare down at your lap.
"But I look like shit." You admit, black ripped jeans and a plain black shirt.
"You aren't fucking marrying the man, just seeing him at a party. Now. Get. Up." He leans closer to you, pushing harshly on the power button to smother your computer.
Your novel is lost to the computer God's and you're left staring at your own reflection.
God you really did look like shit. What with how harshly exhaustion and lack of sleep pulled at your once tight features. Eyes shadowed, lips in a perpetual frown.
You sigh as you stand, feeling far from wanting to socialize but it *had* been awhile since you had last seen him and since Bakugou said it was his birthday then really you had no other choice.
The air is cool with the promise of summer coming on the breeze, further sending your body into a confused frenzy.
But October could be warm when it wanted to be. Or so you remind yourself. Bakugou stalks ahead, as he normally does and has done since that incident in the alleyway.
He has a hard time letting you walk to the train station alone, especially at night. You watch as his black shirt and pants blend into the shadows, his grey hair sways in the wind reminding you of dying wheat in a field.
His hair flashes ash blonde for a moment before it returns to ashen grey. He glances over his shoulder to make sure you are still following him and when he decides be doesn't like your snail pace he shouts.
"Get your ass in gear we are already late!"
Although he stops, waiting for you before falling into your step.
Matching your snail's pace.
Before long the two of you are standing on the stoop to the Kirishima residence.
Bakugou looks down at you, he cannot tear his eyes away although he wants to. Dreading what comes next.
This was his least favorite part. He watches with close eyes as you take in a long deep breath that should end in a heavy, shaking sigh but instead it is as if a switch was flipped.
A mischievous smile plays on your lips, your eyes have some sparkle, your cheeks rosey.
It's as if you were *alive* and he loathes to know that you can fake that.
He loathes to know that not a soul can see how badly you're really hurting.
You open the door as soon as your facade sets in, shouting your arrival.
"Hellloooooo!!!" As if it is normal to pop into a home without being invited in. You seem to spy Kirishima quickly, pulling him into a tight hug.
"You wanted to see me?" You ask as you squeeze, his bones groan in protest. He furrows his brow and when he spies Bakugou glaring at the two of you from over the rim of a newfound cup he thinks he has put two and two together.
"Yea let's get you a drink!" Kirishima sing songs pulling you into the quiet kitchen. He pulls down various liquor to which you either approve or deny before he makes you a mixed drink.
"Why thank you, Birthday boy." You purr taking a sip, "Shouldn't I be making you a drink? I mean today *is* October 16th. It's crazy how quickly the year flew by."
Your stomach twists at the thought of another year gone, wasted.
You accomplished nothing. You never had and you never will.
But thankfully your worry does not show in your face or your voice.
This time Kirishima cannot keep his confusion hidden as he stares at you with dull grey eyes.
"Umm today isn't my birthday. It's not October."
"Dont be silly you must be drunk! Bakugou said this was your birthday party! I know I've neglected you all year." You laugh, a tinge of guilt pulls at your heart.
"No it's not that. How do I say this? Y/N, we're in the month of April. It's the 20th" He scratches the back of his head, "I threw this party for Bakugou."
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Bright as a Diamond. Hitoshi Shinsou x Fem Reader: Chapter Six
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Warnings: Violence, Stalker, Drugged, Reader Injury, Blood
Series Summary:  When (Y/N)’s co-worker decided to send a picture of her making a diamond to the paper, her life was over. Gemstone based quirks weren’t all that rare, but being able to make a diamond put a target on her back. After years of hiding in the city, it’s time to hide in the countryside with her Uncle Shota Aizawa and his more than ‘roommate’ Hizashi Yamada. With the promise of training her to be self-sufficient, she’s ready to learn.
Chapter Summary: (Y/n) goes into town to meet up with her co-worker, but things do not go to plan.
Chapter Five: here or https://ambershaydeoffical.tumblr.com/post/612522066443436032/bright-as-a-diamond-hitoshi-shinsou-x-fem-reader
Chapter Seven: Seven. (I finally figured out the hyperlink)
Chapter Six
This Day was Going to be Perfect
   My morning bike ride had been refreshing. I had a chance to watch the sunrise, then make it to a café for breakfast. With my cat backpack from grade school, as the only purse I could find, I had my money tucked away safely. I looked ridiculous, but I wasn't trying to impress anyone. This was just two buds hanging out and mending the past. There was nothing for me to worry about, least of all my appearance.
   With my bike firmly chained to the gate, I ducked inside the quite cafe. The lobby wasn't super busy, and I found a booth to rest in while I prepared myself for the week. With my pastry and hot chocolate, I began reading over the requirements for my next project. School had been on the back burner for far too long, and it was time I try to get ahead.
        Taking a long swig of my hot cocoa, I choked it down. What shocked me wasn't the temperature, but Kira plopping down on the other side of my booth. I was supposed to see his apartment later in the day, but this wasn't planned. Damn it.
   "Good morning," he sang, holding two cups of coffee. "I say you drank yours, so I got us both one. You seem like a sweet girl, so I made sure there was extra sugar for you." He pushed one cup towards me, then pushed his long black hair back. His sullen eyes glancing at my bruised knuckles.  
   "Umm, good morning." I nursed my half-full hot chocolate and put my phone away. "My drink is still good, thanks though."
   "Oh nonsense, I paid for the premium blend." He pushed the cup to my side of the table. Leaning his elbows on the table, he propped his head on his hands and cocked it to the side. Waiting for me to drink.
   "Not a coffee girl," I admitted pushing it back, looking at my textbook. Maybe I could multi-task. "What are you doing here?"
   "Oh, this is my go-to shop." He pushed the cup across to my side. "What has you here so early, princess?" A shudder went down my spine.
   "Just studying." I pulled out my phone, trying to act unfazed. He was just trying to be nice. Stay calm, you have to work together, and he has always been odd.  
   "It's a good thing I ran into you; we can spend the morning together too." He sipped his own coffee, spitting some back out. His thin brows knitted together before he giggled. "Hot"
   "I really have to focus on this assignment, so t-" Pointing to my next book, he smacked his hands against the table.
   "Wait, there's this super cool comic book store down the street you'd love." He grabs my hands and pulls me up.  I grab my cup and he takes his, pulling us out of the café.
   He tugged me down the street like an excited child. He had lived in the city center and knew it better than me on any good day. The shop he had taken me two was filled with hero merch. Ground Zero, Deku, Allmight, Urvaity, Froppy, Chargebolt littered the walls and aisles.
   "You like that Eraser guy right, they have some vintage posters in the back." Never letting go of my hand, he caught the eye of several people. Some gushing at the cute couple, it made me want to peel back my skin and scurry home. "Here, I'll get whatever you want."  
   Tuning him out for a moment, I saw a small pin set on sale. It was the debut merch for Shinso. His little mask covering most of his face. I picked it up and turned it over to read the back. It was snatched from my hand before I could see the details.
   "He's a little too young for you to be fawning over." Kira sat it back on the shelf, taking my coffee cup, and placing a Midnight plushie in my hand. "You and Midnight have a lot in common. Beautiful, full-figured, and fierce."
   "I think you confuse curvy and full-figured. She's just blessed with a rocking body." I sat the plushie back down, now insecure of my outfit. It was just a long sleeve dorky otter tee shirt, a loose denim mini skirt with a peplum bottom, and some black legging. But I wished I had a sweater on and some jogging pants. I didn't dress like it was a date, but the way Kira's eyes wandered over my form, I felt exposed. This wasn't a date, why was he acting like this?
   "Oi, you're that girl," a shopkeeper came over and looked me up and down. "The one who can make crystals." With those words, the situation got that much worse.
   "You're got the wor-"
   "She is. Why ya want to know." Kira slung an arm around my shoulder, and I froze. He squeezed me to his side and shaking me a bit.
   "He's got it all wrong, I- I get confused for her a lot, but that's not me."I tried to smooth it over to no avail.
   "She makes the best gems in the world. The only known diamond crafter to be born." Kira grinned like a cat, sliding his hand down my back, dangerously close to my ass.    
   "I'm not her."
   "Can you make a replicate of kryptonite for me?" The boy asked, grabbing a comic like I didn't know Superman. "Like its green and glows. See, it's an organic shape or can you only do fancy shapes."
   "She can, but she doesn't make freebies." Kira kept talking for me, blood rushing through my ears. "Depending on the size, quality, and time frame, we'll need compensation." We? I stomped Kira's foot, and he lost his grip. Darting out of the store and back up the street, I paused, forgetting where I left my bike. I downed the rest of my drink but coughed, realizing it was Kira's coffee. Being a good citizen, I tossed it in the trash and went back on my way. What a fucking bastard.
   "(Y/n), please wait. Come on, I didn't mean to make you mad." He blocked my path and held up his hands. "Your quirk makes you special. You should get some perks for it. I was about to score us some free merch."
   "I don't want free stuff, I want to be safe. People knowing that I can do that sort of stuff makes my life harder." I snapped, crossing my arms, staying vague as possible for people on the street.
   "I like you," He blurts, reaching out to touch my cheek. "If we were together, I could protect you. I have a powerful quirk." His fingers turned to razor blades, and he pointed them at me. "Look at how special I am. No one would ever touch you with me around." He fisted the air, trying to show off.
   "Listen, I don't want a relationship right now." I pulled out my phone and sent my location to Shota, with a danger symbol. After I hit send, my phone was knocked to the ground.
   "Look at me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the alley. The urge to run coursed through me, but I couldn't do it. He was my work friend. He was frazzled and may be unstable, I had to play my cards right. "Good girl," he held my head up, the blade just under my chin.
   "I don't like you like that. Listen, let's pretend this didn't happen, and we go back to work like normal." I slurred my words, holding to the wall for support. "You need to let me go." An exhaustive fog spread over my body.
   "Make me one of your diamonds." He ran his blade down my throat, resting at the edge of my shirt. "Make it one of a kind, like our love."
   "I won't." My knees gave out, and he shoved his knee between my legs, but he wasn't strong enough to catch me. My knees busted against the concrete. "What- what's happening to me…"
   "You're sick, you need to rest darling." Kira returned his fingers to normal. Resting them against my chin, pushing my hair back. "Make me a diamond, and we can go home."
   "Fuck off," shoving his hands away, I clamored to my feet and staggered towards the street.
   "Wrong answer," his blades were on my throat again, he had his face buried in my hair. "Come on, walk with me."    
   "Stop-p it," I couldn't keep myself together, bending with his will, I followed him deeper into the alley. Small nicks against my skin. "Le-tt go."'    
   "You're almost home now." He purred. "We'll have a room of diamonds, you can display your best for me. You can cook and clean for me as thanks."
   "No," Stomping his foot again, I lurched forward when his hand went back. He cut my forehead while grasping for me. "Help." This time Kira pulled me up by my hair, a scream erupting from my throat.
        "Shh, darling," he cooed in my ear.
   "Who do you think you are?" A new voice entered the alley. Kira froze in his place and let me down, so my hair was slack again.
   "Shinso," my vision was blurry, but I could see his purple mop.  I reached out for his form, and a finger went across my arm. A searing pain throbbed over my body, but I refused to scream. I nursed my wound, trying to stop the bleeding. My eyes pleading for Shinso to save me.
   "Answer me, asshole," Shinso remained calm, walking closer. He wouldn't look at me, but I knew he was a pro that these situations. Even if this went down poorly, we'd be okay. Shinso was a pro, and I was banking on that training.
   "You're mine," the blades were resting on my throat. Kira was whispering in my ear. He jerked me up by hair again. Hot tears streaked my face as I tried to stay awake. The haze was starting to block out the sun.
   "What do you think you're doing with (Y/n)?" Shinso's voice was louder this time. He wouldn't let me die. He was a hero.
   "Let me go, Kira," I whispered, unable to keep my head up, dangerously close to falling on his sharp hand. "Shinso, please…"
   "Speak up, coward!" Shinso growled, tossing a rock at Kira.
   "She's m-"
   "Deactivate your quirk," Shinso ordered, and Kira retracted his blades. "Let her go. Then walk to the police station and turn yourself in."
   Crashing to the asphalt, I tried to stay upright but failed. Landing in my own blood. "Shinso?" I whimpered, closing my eyes. Kira hoovered over me a few moments.
   "Walk to the police station." Shinso spat, and this time he went.
   "Hitoshi?" I pulled my sticky arm from my chest and held my head up. Everything was spinning so fast.  
   "I'm right here." His boots crunched the earth; it sounded so much louder than the blood rushing in my ears. His shirt ripping echoed through the alley, and the fabric was tired around my arm. My body being pulled upright.
   "I don't feel right. I can't focus." His chest was so warm as he pulled me in his arms. He was more robust than I expected, so strong.
   "Did he offer you a drink? Could he have slipped you something?" Lips right by my ear, whispering. His fingers tied things over my injuries and worked to apply first aid.
   "Coffee," I was scooped up and carted back to the street. Was he always so strong? "I thought he was just kind of weird. I didn't t-" I shut down, ashamed it happened.
   "It's going to be okay. You did nothing wrong. " I could see his car hazard light still going, parked right in front of the café. He fumbled for his car keys and sat me in the passenger side. Buckling me in, then glancing around the street.
   "Don't leave me, Hitoshi." I clenched his shirt when he tried to go back to the driver's side.
   "I won't. I promise."
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