#*drops lore and runs*
scarapanna · 4 months
[WIP] Deterioration
Sometimes self-isolating with barely any proper outside contact can get to your head.
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Hiya everyone!!!
I'm back to animating and just finished the rough draft for this project I've started last week!!!
Genuinely dunno what's up with the animatic craze this year, but I'm having a blast so far/silly
[[Incredibly ooc side note over here, in the ask timeline Nilla is about a month into ""isolation"" with Shadow Milk]]
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fruitjuus · 2 years
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phoebepheebsphibs · 7 months
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You’ve been spore’d!!
(No pressure to respond!)
(The way I screamed with excitement when I saw this ask)
Donnie's biggest fear....
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It's gonna get spoopy
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Anyways uh spoiler alert i guess teehee
@tmntaucompetition @boots-with-the-fur-club
Prev || next || overanalyzing Donnie’s fear
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goldensunset · 8 months
penny is like. she’s british. she has toothpaste hair. she got suspended for forming a gang. she has intense rave music for her battle theme. she just has a bunch of eeveelutions for her actual team. she wants a fursuit. she likes anime. she pretends not to be scared of horror movies but is. her uncle tried to end the world but she only talks about how annoying her loving dad is. she enjoys doing silly little dances. she’s a hacker. she embezzled funds from the government and got rewarded for it by getting to work for them. she only eats junk food and instant ramen and stuff. she tells you your mom is attractive
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renonv · 10 months
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Im a wee bit sick and tired as fuck right now but here’s the first part of how Romano joined Mat’s and Nat’s band (who are now called Devilish Hues 😈)
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thecertifiedboykisser · 3 months
I'm not sure if people are still talking about this but I saw some people being confused on how mystic flour is in the cocoon and not the tree and I think the 'forks' or the beasts prisons, in the first trailer weren't all in one area.
For context, at the end of chapter two of beast yeast, white lily seals the tree back up, trapping shadow milk cookie again. I saw a few posts saying that if lily sealed it how has mystic flour been in the cocoon for so long?
I don't think the witches were stupid enough to put all the beasts in one area. If the worst-case scenario happened and the beasts got free (like is happening now) It would be easier to manage if they weren't together. They could cause a lot more damage even to a smaller area together than if they were apart.
As shown below, the tree was almost in the center of the prisons, a way to hold them together and keep them locked away.
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I think that the tree was just Shadow milk's prison, no one else's. The way he popped out of the tree at the end of chapter one makes me think he was actually in there, but I think I was only him.
A lot of people made the connection that he has attachments to the blueberry yogurt (?) Academy, the school that while Lilly and PV went to. I don't think he lived in beast yeast but in Crispia, so they didn't have a place they could store him thus, into the tree he goes.
But that tangent over, Mystic flour was most likely trapped by the witch's in her cocoon, but cloud haetae cookie said she entered it, so I'm thinking that A- She was lying to them, or B- she made it for herself and entered and the witches were like "Fuck yeah, she did it for us" and just kinda kept her from getting out by attaching it to the tree.
But, the cocoon was empty besides the giant enemy spider. Mystic flour wasn't there! I have two theories. A- That was mystic flour, or more like what she became. She talks so much about the cycle, and I don't think she's immune to it. She said she was almost there but didn't reach it. I think she turned into that spider in the cocoon. Bugs normally enter cocoon for a while to transform into something new or better.
(Side note, I'm not really taking much that mystic flour cookie said in the story but more focusing on what actually happened. Not the dialog, and I think she's at least partially unreliable as she's trying to convince DC all I'd futile.)
Or theory B- Her dough was taken to the tree, but her spirit and power were left there. If that makes sense, (her dough wasn't with her soul jam or actual soul.) She made the spider for whoever tried to open it up or (the more likely one) as a lure to DC after doing a plauge be apon ye to him.
The beasts are awoken but not free yet. They can create chaos and issues for the ancients to get them to go to beast yeast but they are still trapped in there prisons. The seal kept them from going actively but the damage was already done. They want to be free and they want there powers.
Also the seal probably sustained heavy damage even after it was fixed by white lily. Sure she fixed it but I doubt it's at full strength, allowing the chains a bit of slack in a way.
Though, this is all just theory's and me putting together parts of the lore to make this with my Sorta good media literacy skills. We will probably find out more next update!
Tldr- The prisons are in different areas of beast yeast, Shadow milk was probably trapped in the tree himself, Mystic flour cocoon was her prison and the spider may have been her or just a way to rid of DC if he didn't sucum to flour, the beasts aren't physically in the world yet but can still do things.
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corpo-rat · 8 months
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       ↳ "What, you're wondering about my teeth? Well, they're hereditary, to begin with. An unfortunate side effect of having a half-orc for a father."
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What could be consider laws of the multiverse?
Or is there no such thing?
Aight aight
Let's go, explanation for time
For this one I will speak as creator
This is infos I've shared before on my site, and I got the greenlight to share it here !
Reminder that @neonross was the og creator of Out of Bounds and I am merely one of the artist and writers ( and alternatively the lore gremlin that make sure everything is smooth good lore lol ( so for lore clarification yeh I'm the good person to ask haha))
So here are the "laws" of the multiverse and how it works in wttmv specifically !
Those rules apply only in our story, but anyone who wants to use those concepts are welcome, of course ! Neon Ross's og intent was to have rules flexible enough for people to make characters and have fun with the concepts, but we don't mean to be an autority of any kind and ruin people's fun... Anyway, explanation time
It's not really "laws" so much as rules for ourselves and for our story, to give it nuances and stakes and the right amount of lore scratching complexity
Some characters however might tell you that these are laws lmao
✨Out of Bounds ✨
___-Lore Guide-___
Out of Bounds (OOB) is a realm existing beyond the multiverse, operating by its own rules and devoid of time. This guide provides insight into OOB's nature, its role in the multiverse, and the mechanics governing its interactions.
Nature of Out of Bounds
Definition :
• OOB is a space outside of alternate universes, akin to the Void Realm in Towags where forgotten characters and places reside.
• Awareness of this space is limited, known only to those who reside within or encounter its inhabitants.
Television :
• Floating televisions within OOB display AUs, acting as viewports or portals for interaction.
• Televisions serve as a primary means for Multiversers to observe and interact with AUs. ( While it is the primary way, note that there are exceptions and other ways to travel )
Shows :
• We call "show" the stories within the multiverse. Includes the Original, Variants, Alternate Universes.
• The Original cannot be touched or interacted with by anyone.
• Variants are copies of the original with very minor changes (art style, design, head canons). They can be interacted with on varrying degree, depending on the creator of the variant will.
• AUs are copies of Welcome Home with major or noticeable changes, from the story, to the characters and their designs.
Vintage Tapes :
• AUs are stored within vintage tapes, with the film inside representing the universe's timeline.
• Tapes categorize AUs into Fixed and Flexible, depending on the level of interaction allowed by the creators of each AUs.
Interference Mechanics :
• Interfering with Fixed AUs poses risks, as altering their storylines can lead to universe corrupt and/or collapse.
• Flexible AUs allow more interaction, often featuring crossovers and Y/N scenarios.
Out of Bound Spaces
Channels :
• Spaces integral to the multiverse system, including the Observer's TV room, the Archives, and Admin's film room.
Shows :
• The AUs themselves, contained in the multiverse, then OOB
Lost Media :
• Spaces not categorized as channels or tapes, such as the Keeper's domaine, Trader's space, and Stitcher's atelier. (Often time those are kind of like shells of dead/collapsed/modified AU, or pocket dimensions)
Pillars of Creation :
• Vast space outside of the multiverse, a galaxy-like zone full of stars, that is said to be where the creators of AUs reside. Very few characters go so far in the OOB.
In between :
• The void between the AUs. It is devoid of breathable air, often dark and lightless as well. Some multiversers are unaffected by the lack of air, but stay careful ! We don't know what lurks or leaks in the in-between
Diagram made by Bloomenvogel and Neon Ross for the Out of Bound as we see it in WTTMV
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Note : this diagram applies to wttmv, but feel free to use I with your characters if you want ! Just like all of those rules, we made those to help make the story as a whole
Out of Bound Inhabitants
Natives of OOB :
• The Out of Bound is often said to have a mind of its own... It will sometimes create its own variants of the core cast, for reasons still obscures to this day. Notable characters born from the OOB : Observer, Courier, Messenger
• Cast or OC characters that had their worlds destroyed/corrupted/collapsed, and who are left to wander in the multiverse. Most often they will end up in Peacekeeper's domaine until they can be rehomed in a flexible tape or new universe, or adapt to the Out of Bounds.
• A character that adapts to the Out of Bounds will then be called "Multiverser" along with the native of OOB
• Characters considered "refugies turned multiverser" in wttmv : Peacekeeper, Filante, Trader, ShopKeeper, Watcheye, Stitcher, Croupier
Multiversers :
• Multiversers are the inhabitants of the Out of Bounds. Often times, they are anomalies that have developped specific abilities allowing them to reside or survive in the Out of Bounds. Those abilities often includes being able to travel to multiple flexible tapes, but not always. A multiverser will almost always be a variant of a cast character, and rarely, if not ever, a y/n or fan oc. (If you wonder why y/n and ocs are excluded from being multiversers specifically, it's because Y/N is at its core a you self insert, but *you* are supposed to be viewers in the story. It's fine when in a pocket universe like Keeper's and Trader, a y/n can exist there, but in the oob it could causes some problems of logic with viewer influence and control, or the focus of the story could go astray to fit a y/n, which is not a story we want to tell. It kinda goes for ocs too)
I tried to say as much as I could without much spoilers... For the reminder, I already explained the main, general chronology of wttmv on the site
Ik, ik, it's a bit of a hassle to go search and look and all. Tbh the site is kind of a way to give a bit of a treat for the really big fans who are ready to go on a separate site to get lore lmao /lh
But now I get to ramble here too ! Hurray !
OOB is big and weird. The AUs and Variants can be interacted with only if allowed by the creators. Multiversers are the weird cast variants living in the oob. The OOB is kinda like an onion, it has layers. Most characters always stay in the multiverse part.
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
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"He is in good hands."
I wanted to draw baby clotted... to make myself sad ^_^💔
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ovenproofowl · 10 months
Despite the whackiness of the special effects, there were a lot of dark themes thrown about in this episode, but none - I think - were darker than the conversation the Doctor had with who he thought was Donna.
The fact she baits him by using the information she's learned from his mind, that she lets him think the DoctorDonna showed her everything that happened with Flux and the Doctor's own mysterious origins. And it kills me because the Doctor hasn't been able to talk to anyone about this. Not in depth. Not at all. And they're finally in a body that can say stuff like love and hug with abandon, facing one of their best friends and she knows everything, the Doctor thinks, so for just a second the walls go down and he steps forward and he's about to unleash it all.
And then the mask comes off. And it's not Donna at all, but he's still stood there with everything on the tip of his toungue with no choice but to swallow it down again. To yell and kick and scream where no one can hear him. Just like it's always been.
This was exactly how I was hoping they'd incorporate Flux and The Timeless Child into the story. I'm really wishing they'll stick to these themes going forward, with the Doctor's guilt and anger finally bubbling up, because so much could be done with it.
For now though, I am just so happy we got this.
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way2gosuperrstarr · 1 month
watch my body disintegrate into a pile of ash like a cartoon character who just got struck by a lightning bolt (JOINT PAIN JOINT PAIN JOINT PAIN JOINT PAIN) (just got off work)
#salmon jibberish#god you horribly wipe out on your bike and injure yourself ONE TIME in middle school and suddenly youre inflicted with lifelong knee/joint a#d leg pain 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄#worm lore drop 🔥🔥🔥#can you really call it lore its nothing crazy#i was riding my bike w my friend and their mom and we were on a steep hill and i got scared and braked and flew off my bike and down#the hill#i got to miss like i think a week or two of gym because the scab on my knee was so big i literally couldnt bend it#it'd melt off every time i took a shower too#<- that was probably kinda gross sorry#scabs on both my knees#one was bigger and made my knee unable to bend#and one on the palm of one of my hands that made me unable to bend my thumb#we didnt go to the doctor or anything for it i just didnt do anything for like a week lol#afterward one of my other friends said my knees look weird 💀#<- not mad abt that i just think its funny#me when i yap in the tags#sorry gang#and of course i got myself a job that requires genuinely running around all day#my legs have given out twice at work and thats what finally pushed me to get a knee brace#just one for now bcs . expensive . i just gotta guess which leg o think is gonna give me the most trouble that day#idk i just tend to deny myself help . i dont think i deserve it . i really only got pushed for this bcs i didnt want to get obliterated by a#dog at work if my knee gave out 1) while walking a dog or 2) while in the daycare in a crowd of dogs#idk i dont like making my own life easier i dont think i deserve it . i dont think im suffering enough to need help but yk#ANYWAY#good news is we have ROTISSERIE CHICKEN FIR DINNER LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO#IM GONNA DRAW NOW 💥💥🔥🔥🔥
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the-nysh · 18 days
Do you think we'll ever learn the connection between God and Saitama? For me I think that's the biggest chekov's gun of the manga (since in the wc isn't fully developed)
Hmm…it’s true that the wc has barely scratched the surface while the manga’s been steadily setting things up with multiple linked arcs (with the cubes, more corrupted individuals, etc) showing how god(no ID) is likely the series’ endgame Big Bad behind the scenes.
Personally I’m hoping his connection to Saitama remains unlinked - where it’s important to me that Saitama’s just a regular guy who’s earned his power thru hard work + willpower - cause if he’s some special ‘chosen one’ by god or whatever, then all his personal achievements thus far would feel invalidated (and I wouldn’t want to see that.) So I prefer a Saitama who’s accidentally pissed off god by breaking his set rules (the limiter) into a forbidden realm of power that god himself can no longer directly control. Where Saitama’s now a free-roaming wildcard and anomalous threat to the balance of the world in opposition to god’s existence without ever even knowing about it. All that good fun stuff~
The story’s early throwaway line “it’s as if a god resides in his body” with respect to Saitama’s power (way back during his hero test) could hint or foreshadow many things to come, but whatever it is, we’ve also seen just how hostile and increasingly desperate god seems to be towards destroying him and humanity (along with unsealing himself - I’m sure Blast knows far much more about it he’s yet to reveal), and finding all the more vessels (victims) to exploit as a means + power conduits towards that goal.
The wildest speculation I’ve seen on that front would be if god’s aiming to mentally break Saitama to become the perfect physical vessel to finally advent into this world’s dimension. Orrrrrr that god -is- a future version of Saitama from an alternate time/worldline. And that would be O.O;;; ???? (almost encroaching into looping convoluted orv territory there) along with the whole Saitama -is- the world’s doomed god-level threat from the prophecy. I’ve seen all such related ideas brought up by fans before! So whatever the truth actually is (which for now is a big maybe and we shall see), at the rate the two stories (manga + wc) are going, we’ll probably receive more god coverage and lore answers from the manga all in due time long before the wc ever gets to it. :’D
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ask-misconduct · 4 months
Moves the purple rock into the same container as the blue rock, seals it shut, and runs away
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click for better qualityyy
currently halfway across the country so asks might drop in either quality or quantity lol
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hyakunana · 2 years
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The Dark Future - Chapter 1 - Family Line
Watch me fulfill my own demise promise when I claimed to adapt one of my favorite lore books into a monthly comic series if I dropped Vex Mythoclast before the 100th VoG conclusion.
EDIT: Link to the PT-BR version (link para a versão PT-BR)
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melien · 29 days
Coming soon
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redrobin-detective · 6 months
You ever start reading over your WIP and it ends on a completely wild sentence you had completely forgotten about and go, how did I write that and just?? stop
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