#hunt me down later
spinningbagel · 1 year
If the Supreme Master in the time loop au eventually becomes aware of the loops and uses that as a form of torture, well that’s not any of y’all’s business.
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meirimerens · 5 months
youtube shorts is just tiktok without being on the app the amount of "i'm a [qualification] and [misinformation]" could make one turn their skin inside-out in protest. "i'm a board-certified OB-GYN & it's only been about the last hundred years that women have actually experienced menopause. We didn't live long enough to experience it" how can you be so incredibly wrong about something so integral to your practice. King of the Hittites Hattusilis III was told in 1250 BCE that his sister was too old to reproduce at age 50+. Aristotle wrote in the 4th century BCE that women stopped menstruating between ages 40 to 50, common menopause ages today still. i cannot begin to tell you how 4th century & 1250 BCE don't really count as "the last hundred years" unless that -s is doing a lot of heavy lifting. waiter waiter more misinformation laws.
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lasarcasticpanda · 2 years
the last of us constantly, over and over and over, picking apart what love can do to and for a person is devastating and fulfilling. like you will love something so much you continue fighting and you love something so much you will start wars and you love something so much you will cease when it's gone and you love something so much you will lay with it peacefully as you say goodbye. you love something so much you will commit atrocities and not expect to be forgiven because what use is forgiveness when that love is gone? my love matters more than your love, says everyone to each other in an echo chamber. and no one is wrong and no one is right, it's just love.
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brainmuncher · 4 months
Okay I'm going to describe a superhero... you ready?
Okay, so this superhero is a teenager who died and came back to life with the ability to speak with mythological or dead figures with just a single catchphrase. He has had multiple abilities depending on canon but commonly has the ability to change his form from insubstantial to solid and turn invisible. He also has a ghost guardian that he can summon.
Who's your guess?
huh? Danny Phantom? pffft no,
I'm talking about Kid Eternity of course!
Yeah... I had to stop and stare at the wall for a second after learning about him. And its not even like an inspiration thing, not on Kid's side of things anyway. He was first shown in December of 1942 and had quite the run of comics. He's been around for a long time... like he was in Teen Titans!
Really makes me think about Danny Phantom though. Like ignoring the implications that Butch might have caught the idea of DP from Kid, I just want to think about crossovers.
Cause there is quite the love for DP x DC crossovers for some people. And I really feel like this brings something really interesting and different to think about when it comes to that. Theres a lot more to Kid Eternity's origin and powers then just the broad strokes I listed but man... I have so many thoughts about it. Like Danny is a historical figure because of his stunts with time. Could you imagine Kid summoning him with his powers because of that??? Or Danny explaining his origins and someone pauses and is like 'Wait a minute... I know someone like that' and Danny takes it the completely wrong way.
I dunno man. This character came out of nowhere and kicked me in the teeth I swear. Definitely going to be thinking about him for a while. Might do an even deeper dive on the character later but not right now.
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pathetic-tboy · 8 months
preyboy4predatorgirl. is this anything
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sincerely-sofie · 9 months
Continuing from this post:
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Bud doesn’t handle seeing Dusknoir very well at first.
Don’t worry, she warms up to him eventually.
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redmyeyes · 10 months
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Dear Hawk,
It would have been so easy to stay. To let you take charge, take care, like you were always so good at. I wanted to. You don't know how I wanted to. A bus ticket after fourteen years and I was right back there. We were right back there. Except of course how we weren't.
I wanted a taste of who you are now— a father, husband. I wanted to know the twelve-year-old version of you that lived on in your son. I watched through the window as you danced in golden light, and in that moment felt such a vicious stab of jealousy I thought I deserved nothing good to ever happen to me again. How was that love, to deny you an obvious source of joy and comfort, just because the source was not me nor mine? When I realized that they, too, were only allowed slivers of you, I didn't know who I felt sorry for more—them or you or me or the whole sorry lot of us together. It put things in perspective. How embarrassing, to be competing with a twelve-year-old for your affection. No matter how much we wanted to pretend that you had room enough for both.
You probably think this was a drastic measure to take, even for me. Lock myself up for the next decade, just to keep myself away from you. Let me assuage your guilt and ego both: yes, but only in part. You don't want me to martyr myself to a cause? This is the greatest cause I can think of. I can't be around you without losing myself. I won't be responsible for causing that kind of pain in someone else.
I'm sorry for not saying goodbye in person.
I'm sorry for saying it wasn't real.
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raiiny-bay · 7 months
making something (maybe)
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
The funny thing about Pharma and the Delphi situation is that that's where the concept of the DJD was first introduced (with the first scene with the DJD at work happening literally the issue afterwards, issue #6) and literally the more you learn about the DJD the more it vindicates Pharma in his paranoia and being convinced that he couldn't ask for help like
In the Delphi issues we learn that the DJD hunts down Decepticon turncoats/traitors/etc and that Ambulon, one of the Delphi staff, was a Decepticon traitor. We also learn that their leader is evidently terrifying in addition to being a t-cog addict, but that's it.
Except in the subsequent issue #6 and all issues with the DJD afterwards, we learn a variety of fun facts about the DJD such as
Several of the members either literally transform into torture equipment or have said torture equipment built into their bodies
Their leader, Tarn, the guy with the t-cog addiction that forced Pharma into blackmail, can kill people with just his VOICE
We later learn that the DJD have a fanatical devotion to the Decepticon cause/Megatron such that they literally worship an idol of Megatron
Even later on, we learn that Tarn's kill-you-with-his-voice powers work both over the phone and via recordings of his voice
Tarn is also very talkative during torture sessions and he seems to find pleasure in his stupid, smug-smart guy persona where he likes to describe to victims what's happening to them and why. And there's no reason he wouldn't apply this to Autobots just as much as he does to Decepticon traitors
The DJD have access to signal jamming technologies that make it so that even if their victim can get a help signal out, no one will receive it until weeks after the fact
Their entire system of hunting people down is based on pursuing them no matter what, isolating them from any help, driving them mad with psychological terror, etc
They're capable enough warriors to slaughter an entire ships' worth of people, apparently without sustaining any meaningful casualties
They're drug addicts that are prone to overdosing and/or losing control and slaughtering people while they're under the influence
So like???
If Pharma was only privy to HALF of the things that we as the audience know about the DJD, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that Pharma probably wanted to call for help at some point, but was convinced that doing so would lead to 1. the signal being jammed/blocked so no one would help anyways 2. him and everyone else at Delphi (including the TRAITOR WHO IS ONE OF THEIR EMPLOYEES) would be horribly tortured to death by fanatical Decepticon torturer freaks.
Like I get that in the text Pharma only says that he did the Red Rust stuff so that he wouldn't be caught/blamed for the t-cog deal and is prideful about how he stopped the DJD from murdering Delphi, but like...... there's no fucking way that Pharma going "oh I didn't want to get in trouble and also I'm better than everyone" was his PRIMARY reason for everything on Delphi. Pharma didn't go from perfectly normal/sane Autobot doctor to raving egotistical maniac because he was always an asshole and he decided to solve the DJD issue in an asshole way. It's bc according to all canon evidence we have of the DJD and the way they react to traitors/Autobots, Pharma had every reason to fear for his life and believe that no aid would come to him.
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verysmallcyborg · 7 months
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gwuhhurgbhwghghhgh. the battleforged title grind is real (it was at 133 onsal wins from about a month ago, so yippee for decent progress! but ough)
fornax is ok they're just. y'know. having a nap for onsal later, as a treat
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dittolicous · 5 months
whats this, more raging stealth black?! gasp!
(1- 2 - 3 - 4)
judge, in an attempt to ensure sanji does 'fall back into bad habits', messed with Sanji's ability to taste food, has him banned from being anywhere close to the kitchens, and even has forced 124ji to refrain from making comments about the food for the foreseeable future. they dont want to risk triggering anything too soon after his 'recovery'
of course, while in the infirmary, sanji just figured he was getting standard grade mild hospital food so he was (subconsciously) looking forward to his first real meal afterwards. and it smelled so good! but then he took the bite... and it just tasted like mushy cardboard. as did every bite afterwards. glancing around at his family, they all seemed just fine with the meal... so perhaps thats just how it was then? was food/eating just like emotions, something they preformed, an end to a mean? food was fuel, not a leisure activity, he supposed...
so, choking down his food, he said nothing
food was just fuel
just another drop in the pool, another small itch in the back of his mind, the growing sense of something being off
overtime he starts skipping meals, brushing them off altogether or asking for someone to just puree it for him so he can down it while he works. his time is more well spent furthering their plans than spent chewing on cardboard. he tries not to acknowledge the way something in his reiju's eyes breaks at that nor to claw at the spot where judge proudly clapped his shoulder for his taking initiative. his brothers remain oddly quiet, glancing between each other as niji snorts
it doesnt matter
what does matter is the strange burning sensation in his chest that has him biting back snarls at soilders that waste his time with meaningless compliments or the way he has to fight his face to remain neutral when yonji laughs or how his body aches, shoulders twinging from the tense posture he holds in his fathers presence
he is a a vinsmoke. he is a cyborg. he is an unfeeling, unflappable soldier meant to spread the glory of germa across the land and sea, no mere emotion nor man could ever hold him back
so why is it then that he finds himself clenched into a tight ball, hands ripping at his own hair, desperate to forget the feeling that came when that burning desire nearly succeeded in breaking free after a maid bumped into him in the hallway, flowing out of him with a snarl and its only his carefully honed control snapping back in place that allows the maid to keep standing where she is, pressed fearfully against the hallway wall
his hand, frozen midair, right where he caught himself before the hit could land across her face
the books in his hands have been long forgotten where they lay in the hallway after he dropped them and ran blindly. he doesnt know where he is, only that its quiet, dark, and he is alone with his ragged breathing. he curls up tighter, desperately trying to push down everything, the bile in his throught, the memory of the maids fear in his mind, and the horribly, confusingly angry tears that burn at his eyes
it shouldn't matter, he shouldn't feel, he shouldn't care, and yet, and yet, and yet
something snaps inside him as he yanks out a clump of his own hair, something bloody and visceral and uncontrollable
because he can no longer sate himself with soothing lies of his family's love and blood-born honor, not when he is so clearly broken and wrong and all he ever wants to do is scream and burn it all down, starving for something more he cant even recall
covered in his own blood, snot, and tears, sanji realizes how little he truly knows
with the plans to strike the strawhats down moving ever closer, he stands and begins his charting own.
in the meantime, he works. he trains. he studies.
he researches.
and he learns.
so, suffice to say, he's not happy with what he learns. the life of one blackleg sanji, sprawled before in clippings from newspapers across the years, some freshly printed, others yellow with age. faces in photos that he swears he knows yet cannot name make him break a wall with one flaming kick.
(the oldest of them is that of a restaurant opening in a far off ocean - but he couldnt read more before the paper turned to ash in his grasp thanks to the flames creeping up his body)
the only road forward, he realizes, is one that leads to their deaths. vinsmoke judge and everything hes ever had a hand in... this world was not just nor right, just an endless stretch of monsters like him ruining everything. death, admittedly, would be a mercy in the longrun.
he'd make it slow
they never even noticed him pulling away, sneaking into labs and war rooms across the floating kingdom. never questioned the bags beneath his eyes so long as he got them the results they desired. they trusted him, it seemed.
or maybe they just didnt care. is health really all that important when you can just throw them into a test tube and-and try again? dig into their brain and pull out every piece that makes them, them, and see if it works now. lie when you cant dig a scalpel in and hope for the best.
when the day finally came, only three before they were suppose to make the final move of the strawhats, sanji sneaks into the kitchen, aided by his new improved raid suit and his family's growing compliancy. they no longer parole the kitchens like bloodhounds, ready to turn him the other way.
as thanks, he adds something special to his siblings dishes
hes no fool, hes aware he likely couldn't take them all on his own. underhanded techniques never bothered them before, so this shouldn't be any different. besides, they werent his focus
no one says anything about the food or... any odd tastes, per usual thanks to judges standing orders. he bites his lip hard enough to draw blood just to fight back a smile as he spots a tremble in ichiji's hand as dinner draws to a close and dessert is sat before them. niji keeps pinching the bridge of his nose amd yonji eyes take on a strange glaze as he stares out a window
reiju looks at sanji, her ever present fake smile dropping away
the show begins like fireworks, lighting up the evening sky, his many bombs hidden about all going off at once
he listens and revels in the sound the labs make as they turn into flaming rubble, explosions bursting across the many snails in their armada, of his fathers fantic commands, his brothers confusion, and his sisters silence
the germa kingdom crumbles, flames crawling across the snails, the smaller of which begin writhing in pain as theyre cooked alive
he probably should of kept the charades going on for longer, but sanji just couldn't help the bitter laughter that welled up at his fathers flushed face, which only causes him to seeth more and sanji can barely breath through his manic laughter
at the very least, judge seems to catch on when yonji crashes to the ground, unconscious, without ever being touched and ichiji is swaying on his feet where he stands. niji hasnt gotten up, clutching table like a lifeline as he snarls in sanjis direction.
its invigorating, watching the fear creep into each ones eyes, fear they claim to not have nor know. judge can only watch as his kingdom burns and his precious soilders crumble, all thanks to one of their own
and the night has only begun
(in all the excitement, none of them see the ship approaching on the horizon, the lion shaped head glowing in the suns dying light and crackling flames)
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thenegoteator · 2 years
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this was a very rough take on some of the mirialan fashion headcanons @royalhandmaidens shared a couple of months ago! you can probably tell, but I have a hard time designing, especially when it comes to color cohesiveness, so I periodically try my hand at it in warm-ups etc
[send me 👀 and I'll share my unposted/unfinished art of 2022]
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flamestar126 · 9 months
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Snuggling near the fire
Click for better quality
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dawntheduckrb · 5 months
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I drafted this on the wrong blog and I can't go back and change it, so here's some early doodles from church
Posts resuming on my main on next Thursday (tentative plan) :D finals are almost over!
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
See, the thing about the Amy episode that makes Dean’s actions so reprehensible is not only the part where he doesn’t trust Sam and goes behind his back to kill Amy or even the hypocrisy of Dean ‘you can’t change what you are so you’re going to kill someone eventually’ Winchester sparing the kid right after stabbing his mom, it’s that Amy is very explicitly supposed to be a Sam parallel. There is no other way about it, from the they’re both freaks part of it to Dean dropping the line about ‘the other shoe’ right before he kills her, she is Sam, how Dean reacts to her is supposed to give us insight into how he feels about Sam. And Dean. kills her.
The not very subtle subtext being that Dean is ready to off Sam if he goes too far off the deep end? He’s aggressive and mistrustful of Sam at every turn in the episode, lays the feet of it all at Sam’s hallucinations maybe leading him astray, but end of the day, Sam’s crimes here are A) was tortured in Hell and B) is traumatized by that in a way that makes Dean’s life more difficult.
And it is hard to watch. To spend this whole episode with Sam being completely functional on his own, making a rational decision based on past experience and on all the information about Amy he has available, and for the episode to end with, ‘but yeah, if dean thinks sam goes too far, he’s probably gonna kill him. because sam can’t change or be fixed, so it’s for the good of everyone that he be put down.’
#and then of course there’s the issue of the subtext setting something up that gets no resolution like. there is no point where dean is ever#really going to be able to kill Sam. no matter how bad his hallucinations get. not even a mercy kill crosses his mind later that season#which means that the Amy episode gets rewritten later from ‘explicit Sam parallel’ to ‘well we can use this for Brother Drama™️’#god. god. and really what gets me about the Amy episode in general. like Thee Horrifying Part to me.#most of their hunts are very life or death. that’s how we get around the morality of it. either they kill the monster or it kills them.#Amy’s. not that. Dean tracks her down while she’s running and kills her while she’s asking him not to.#like if she had attacked him the scene would be totally different. but she doesn’t. she doesn’t even fight back. and he kills her.#like she has a kid and Dean is an unfriendly hunter in her motel room. it wouldn’t be out of the question for her to try to kill him#to protect herself and her kid. but she doesn’t. she doesn’t. I don’t know what you can take away from that except that she was telling#sam the truth about not wanting to be a murderer. if she won’t even try to kill Dean to protect herself.#there is no way to look at this episode that makes Dean come out looking good unless you’re willing to claim everything Amy said was a lie#AND that Dean would be right to kill Sam for *checks notes* Being Visibly Mentally Ill#fucked up. why’d they do this.#spn#dean winchester#sam winchester#amy pond#like to be clear if you’ve got a different view on this that’s. not the above thing I just said. please tell me.#because from where I’m standing Dean doesn’t come out of this clean in any way
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ika-tko · 2 months
getting permanently locked out of a character's quest line because elden ring is a video game
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