cupcakeslushie · 10 months
Godamnit. That’s what I get for amusing myself while I draw. Hey kids, that voice saying “I’ll remember to change it later” that’s the devil talking 
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popillia · 5 months
Fairy fam ✨
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didderd · 1 year
Excuse me, I'm with the Hot Skele Police. We've reports that you are one of Mothie's cohorts. If you'll come to the station, we just have a few questions.
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fukyoy · 3 months
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yoooko-o · 11 months
25/10/2023 15:54
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福岡空港から伊丹空港へ。私の苦手なゲートです(ボーディングブリッジじゃないから)。Eチケットを郵送でもらった時点でネットからログインし、先持って国内線の座席を指定。2-2ですか…って目を疑って座席を指定しましたが、当日機内に入ったら本当に2-2でしたomg でも、相席の方が良心的だったのが救いでしたよ。
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oh-yes-i-did-not · 7 months
I really have to ask, since UMK has gotten more attention in recent years... all you non-Finnish speaking peeps, do you know just how many of those songs are about sex? And what percentage of them are about queer sex, specifically?
Idk, just came to mind, reading the comments on Ruoskaa, the little halftime number on UMK. Cause it's about pain turning you on.
And I can still remember explaining to my friend DO ME by Benjamin, as in fuck me, any way you want :D
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fairybonesandstardust · 6 months
i don’t have the time or the energy to write a full blown fic (also i need a break from writing smut) but i’m thinking about writing little snippets for an fufukumori AU
mori’s a med student and fukuzawa is an athlete (the running gag is nobody has no idea what the fuck he does, every time someone asks something happens so either he can’t answer or they don’t hear him) fukuchi is the fukuzawa’s alleged bf (nobody understands their relationship or whats going they’re a little to homoerotic to just be friends)
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
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ss-bullseye · 11 months
SOMEHOW LIFE WENT ON DESPITE THERE BEING NO PATH AHEAD ... we will NOT SPEAK of the GRIEVING PORTION..................... he joined the railroad and he's forming his new non-identity ...... AND HE'S ADOPTED THE RITZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS BECOMING THE DEACON WE KNOW and the transition into "mr sunglasses" Deacon was so good???????!!!!!!!
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Random facts about Julian before I go to bed:
Julian got a scar on his nose during his very first battle with a shadow person in mines.
Also has a huge scar across almost his entire back (three stripes) from his first encounter with Apophis.
He likes tomatoes, but can't stand ketchup (at least the store-bought kind).
He was taught the basics of fencing by his mom.
Loves books and comics in the science fiction, dystopia, and cyberpunk genre. That said, he also enjoys reading fairy tales.
Ticklish to the point where he may accidentally hit a person very hard as a defensive reaction.
Julian is so used to his backpack that he carries it with him everywhere, sometimes even in his own home.
His first plant Julian grew was an ornamental hot pepper in a pot.
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katietabs · 3 months
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fukyoy · 3 months
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cryomiji · 3 months
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shiny furret x shiny muk Fuk
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cdlunee · 11 months
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pol1gonal · 4 months
im sigma
im sigmasigmagismaajsimgamsdasi9mgasigma
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ficklecat · 5 months
it’s getting warm you know what that means!
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can someone please just take my tits and like…put them in the fridge for a lil while please
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