hisoca-kyoto · 2 years
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先週も寒い日が多い中お立ち寄り頂き、ありがとうございました。本日は定休日でお休みです。  2月も明日が最終日。明日28日は通常通り11時よりのオープン。明後日3月1日は13時からのオープンとなります。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。  
orange bitter chocolate さんより手織りのコースターが入荷したので、テーブルのディスプレイを変えました。コースター、湯呑み、飯碗、平皿、箸置き、丸盆など日々の食卓で活躍してくれるするものを集めてみました。 orange bitter chocolate さんのコースターはマグカップ、湯呑み、そば猪口、小さな花器など組み合わせるものを色々考えるのが楽しくなりますよ。8色揃っているので、ぜひ手に取って選んでください。 自分用に手に入れた日はうたうさんのバレンタイン限定のブラウニーケーキ。しっとりとして美味でした♪バレンタインデーも気がつけばはるか昔。そう言えば当日来られた方に、心ばかりのチョコをお渡していたのでした。2月はほんとに逃げる!ですね。
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notbecauseofvictories · 5 months
I'm re-reading the Discworld series for reasons, and honestly the most relatable part of reading these as an adult is how many of the protagonists start out being tired, used to their little routine and vaguely disgruntled by the interruption of the Plot. Sam Vimes wants to lie drunk in a gutter and absolutely doesn't want to be arresting dragons. Rincewind is yanked into every situation he's ever encountered, though he'd much rather be lying in a gutter too. (Minus the alcohol. Plus regretting everything he's ever done said witnessed or even heard about fourth-hand in his whole life.) Granny Weatherwax is deeply suspicious of foreign parts and that includes the next town over; Nanny has leaned into the armor of "nothing ever happens to jolly grannies who terrorize their daughters-in-law and make Saucy Jokes"
Only the young people don't seem to have picked up on this---and that's fortunate, because someone has to run around making things happen, if only so Vimes and Granny and Rincewind have a reason to get up (complaining bitterly the whole time) and put it all to rights. Without Carrot, Margrat, Eric, etc. these characters don't have that reason; they're likely to stay in the metaphorical gutter and keep wondering where it all went wrong or why anything has to change.
............well, that's not quite true. You get the sense that Vetinari knows how much certain people hate the Plot. And as the person sitting behind the metaphorical lighting board of Ankh-Morpork, he takes no small pleasure in forcing the Plot-haters specifically to stand up, and say some lines.
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he came.
he sang.
he served.
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its-roachii · 1 year
totk spoilers ///
"Where am I?" (part one)
★ next ★
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roleswap au pages 1-4. these are some of the more boring pages so i figured i'd get them out of the way. expect more pages soon >:)
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fishfingersandscarves · 11 months
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Beach Date - July 1989
(Referenced from Nan Goldin • ‘Bruce and Philippe on the Beach, Truro, MA,’ 1975, Matthew Marks Gallery)
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iamacolor · 15 days
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Are you tired? Then you should go home. I'll be fine.
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ekingstonart · 1 year
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“Come on Kara, you’re making us late.”
“You’re saying that as if there’s anywhere else in the world I’d rather be right now.”
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faustandfurious · 2 years
The Next Level Tumblr Experience is when you start blocking people for having terrible opinions on Goncharov
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jayrockin · 1 year
what do you mean the centaurs aren’t eukaryotes???
do their cells really not have nuclei???
You misunderstand, they are not eukaryotes because "eukaryote" is a taxonomic category describing a clade of life on Earth. They are eukaryote-like in the same way they are mammal-like. Their cells could be physiologically described as having endosymbiotic plastids.
For the other people who asked, no, I couldn't really describe the differences in their cells from ours for the same reason I've avoided describing alien biochemistry. I'm more interested in describing morphology, and I know enough about biochem to know I don't know anything about it.
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notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
it takes years for terry pratchett's books to get consistently good. I would argue that the series doesn't really hit its stride until Feet of Clay, which means that pratchett was writing and being published for 12 years before he found his groove.
and I genuinely can't imagine that. in part because I do think that pratchett's publication calendar looks different than what's expected of writers today---he had about 2 books published per year for his entire career. he must have been writing furiously, and the publisher must have relatively quickly gotten these to press.
but also....I just can't imagine any modern-day publisher keeping an author on their list for twelve years, unless that author is a prestige get or a constant presence on the bestseller list. And what does it say about the state of publishing that you can't go on publishing someone's good-but-not-revelatory books until they figure out what story they're trying to tell?
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ansitru · 2 days
hey so
🗣️ STOP SAYING "Oh he's probably just neurodivergent and doesn't know better" WHEN A MAN IS BEING CREEPY
🗣️ Neurodivergence 🗣️ is 🗣️ not 🗣️ an 🗣️ excuse 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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genericpuff · 6 months
STAY OFF MY TERRITORY - Time Travel in Lore Olympus (feat. Springlock, our resident time traveller)
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Let's establish the "time travel" in LO first of all - it's briefly introduced by Hecate, who says that Hades isn't in a 'where' but a 'when' , hahahaha i so love time travel jokes /s THIS ISN'T A LAUGHING MATTER-
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We had already covered this in the criticisms that Kronos' 'dream comas' would have been better allocated to his time travel abilities, and it seems now Rachel is trying to make that a reality at the last possible minute. I'm going to completely tear apart that reality to present to you why it doesn't work in LO.
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Aw, Kronos' time abilities are finite? Get on my level, sir.
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The caveat is the existential toll that time travel takes on the jumper, and the fact that in most cases, it's impossible to perform due to paradoxes. And Lore Olympus' time travel presents a lot of paradoxes. No wonder Kronos went crazy, I'm going crazy just thinking about everything that's wrong with this.
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So Hades is trapped 'somewhere' in time. This isn't something I haven't seen before, but the issue it presents is getting someone back to their present time, as it presents the first paradox -
PARADOX #1 - There are no accidents. If someone is to jump into a timeline outside of their own, even if by 'accident', that would still have to be predestined by the timeline itself. This is in line with the grandfather paradox, which I will let the almighty Google define for us all to keep things brief:
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You cannot travel back in time 'by accident'. If you were to travel back in time, it would have been written into the script of reality already, so any effects caused by your jumping would be purposeful, even if they seem like 'accidents' to you - such as becoming your own grandfather, Philip J Fry.
Moving on, in the most recent FastPass episode, Melinoe reveals that she was taken from her timeline by Kronos.
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PARADOX #2 - Which version of Kronos took her? Was it the present version travelling into the future to take her from her timeline into his present? Or was it some future version of Kronos who has escaped yet again at some point in the future and then travelled back into the past to interfere with the events of the current present, possibly in an attempt to rewrite the script? If it's the latter, this means that Hera and Persephone can't feasibly stop Kronos indefinitely, as to stop Kronos would mean that he wouldn't exist in the future to take Melinoe from her future timeline and thus this present timeline of events would cease to exist. If we want to get even more granular with it, 'present' Kronos is still 'past' Kronos as it's the Kronos from ten years ago who got his hands on a deity to help him mess with people's dreams, and that deity has been revealed to be Melinoe, who would have had to be ripped from some point in their future timeline. This falls in line with a temporal paradox, or as most people know it, the 'kill baby Hitler' paradox, which designates that one cannot go back in time to kill baby Hitler, as killing baby Hitler would remove all the subsequent events that would lead up to you deciding to build a time machine and go back in time to kill baby Hitler.
Melinoe claims she's only been here a few days. That would be all well and good, as time is funny like that - I've done my fair share of jumps into the distant past only to return a few minutes later - but what doesn't line up is the present timeline of events that would only work unless she's actually been trapped for longer than a few days.
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PARADOX #3 - So it's only been a few days, but Hades and Persephone have known about this child trapped in Tartarus for weeks, and we know Kronos has had her since the dream diving arc back near the end of S2. So unless Kronos is simply jumping to different points in time to cause shenanigans - which leads to even MORE paradoxes as you feasibly cannot travel to your own past to change it due to it creating a different future - then it can't have only been a 'few days' for Melinoe, it would have been at least a few weeks, giving some wiggle room to the past events of her appearing before Hades in his dreams due to her being the goddess of nightmares. Kronos escaping Tartarus after using Melinoe to put people to sleep and possess them was not something that happened in a pocket dimension, it was very real and very present.
Hades commits an even bigger sin, however, and the biggest issue with this 'time travel' plotline:
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PARADOX #4 - I truly hope 'home' means 'home point in her timeline' and not their literal home. Hades and Persephone cannot take Melinoe, for two reasons: they haven't had their daughter yet, and the future timeline versions of Hades and Persephone need their daughter back. If Hades and Persephone were to adopt this version of Melinoe in their present timeline, it would create a clone paradox, as they would have a duplicate Melinoe from the future, OR it would create the grandfather paradox if they opted not to try for a child knowing they already have Melinoe which would erase the whole sequence of events that led to future Melinoe's birth in the first place.
Ultimately Lore Olympus' time travel suffers from the same issue many time travel stories suffer from - not having consistent rules. It is choosing now , near the finale of the series, to introduce time travel, rather than establishing it back in Season 1 when Kronos was first hinted at. It's also still not clear in what Hades' role is in this, as him being taken to a 'when' could still be read as a dream sequence rather than actual time travel. After all, Kronos supposedly "exhausted" his time travelling powers centuries ago - surely as a way for Rachel to have her cake and cover for the fact that she's had Kronos in the series since S1 and never actually had him do what he's known for - but now she's trying to eat it too by just giving him his time travel powers again for no reason besides rewriting the dream diving finale from S2 but with ambiguous time travel instead.
It's all a huge mess and the best thing I can do for myself is simply not let it keep me up at night. I have enough time travelling problems to worry about as it is. I will be sticking to the Austin Powers method -
(I am not enjoying myself.)
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madamedevil · 2 months
Did anyone ever come up with a reasonably solid explanation for how Crystal flew from London to Washington without a passport or other identifying documents that would have her full name and/or address on it?
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rinbylin · 8 months
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我赢了。 I won. - 我与他十年前海上一战,赢了他半招他却死了。 I fought him on the sea ten years ago and won by half a move, but he died. -你说既然笛飞声没有死,那李相夷一定还活着对不对? since di feisheng is not dead, it must mean that li xiangyi is still alive, right? - 我快死了...你不惜一切代价却救不了我。// 好不容易救你出来,你可不能死。 I am dying...you have done everything no matter the costs yet you couldn't save me. // I saved you after much difficulty, you can't die. 君武勇之处,世所罕见,心悦诚服。 your valiance is unparalleled in this world. to which I am wholeheartedly convinced.
dihua + a matter of life and death | 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook
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queenlucythevaliant · 11 months
Okay gang, here's a silly little game. I've assembled six teams of blended Narnia and Tolkien/LotR characters. Here they are:
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For bonus points, tell me in the tags where you're going on your road trip, who has what role (driving, snacks, aux) on the road, and what you'll stop off and see along the way
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beezhive · 1 year
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these bitches have nothing in common except they serve cunt and love men whimpering
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