#*i hope this doesn't awaken something in me*
jacnaylor · 9 months
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warlock-enthusiast · 10 months
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So, that happened.
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orangeoctopi7 · 27 days
So I watched Quentin Reviews' Nicktoons Unite lore video and was mentally transported back to my highschool/college days when that stuff was my online life. That was what first got me writing fanfiction, how I made my first online friends. I remember reading so many great fics by e350tb and SOLMaster, and seeing so much great fanart. I even went back and read some of my old fics... Oof, I now know what people mean when they talk about hating their old work. I sometimes worry that my writing quality is slipping, but no, I can at least say I'm a much better writer now than I was in 2012.
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Sorey featured in the Tales of the Rays and Tales of Asteria Collab
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
…does Daddy Rhys have a lactation kink?
sorry. goodbye. sorry.
You know, I mulled over this for a while because I'm personally not too into it... but I don't think there's a single thing about Feyre's pregnant body that Rhys wouldn't enjoy. it's confirmed that he's a tits man, so I think as long as Feyre is into it, he's happy to do anything to please her.
I also think it could be really intimate. Like—Feyre sat in his lap, slowly grinding against his cock. He's so gentle with her now that she's carrying their babe, so he let's Feyre go at her own pace as he lovingly rubs his thumb against her clit, listening to the way she moans and cries for him. Nights like this are all about her pleasure, one of his many little way of thanking her for carrying his child. Rhys ducks his head into her chest and starts biting and sucking gently at her nipples. They're so sensitive now that she's pregnant, and Feyre's moans elevate to a keening that has Rhys sucking just a bit harder, if only to illicit that noise again. And when a bit of her milk bursts onto his tongue, he swears it's the sweetest thing he's ever tasted (which prior to this moment, he swore was her cunt). He groans, obsessed with this new evidence that her body is preparing to sustain their child. He can feel Feyre tightening around his cock, and isn't surprised when she threads her fingers into his hair and pulls him closer.
He of course teases her down the bond. You're dripping for me everywhere now, darling?
But Feyre is so lost to the pleasure of his tongue and his fingers and his cock that she has no answer. She just yanks harder on his hair, a silent demand. And Rhys, not minding the taste, wouldn't deny his beautiful, pregnant wife a single thing.
Milking my cock while I'm milking your breasts, hmm? Seems fair to me.
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abbey-abdominal · 6 months
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you… do you know? that bad girls? go to hell?
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ladyblueberrymuffin · 2 months
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"You're lucky I have a strong moral core, or I'd be serving so much cunt on you right now"
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
What if Bruharvey but Batman is the eldritch half-human child of Gotham who gave up his humanity and has technically been missing for the last 10 or so years haha....
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Don't have all the AU planned out but it literally came into being just because I want to write a scene of Harvey finding out this being who has lost everything was not only human, but his best friend. His best friend who gave up everything to Gotham, who is so far removed from human now they can barely mimic a humanoid shape.
I do think Bruce still lives in the Cave, but it's more like the whole tunnel system under Gotham, not just the one under the Manor. He's Gotham's Knight still, just with a more Gotham curse-approved form and a few blurry memories due to his mind no longer running like a human's.
Probably takes in the Robins still too, just differently. How that is I currently don't know and am up for ideas lol. Actually I am open to pretty much any ideas you guys have. Gimme anything you got lol
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
oh to piss dickie off, tease him until he breaks and punishes me. i want him to hold my face and tell me to thank him for correcting my behaviour
stoopppp. why is that so hot??
There's tears rolling down your cheeks. Bottom lip trembling as you sniffle and bow your head, unable to look at him. Something heavy settles in the pit of your stomach; you wonder if it's guilt.
Dick smooths his palm up your throat and your breath hitches, heart skipping fierce behind your ribs. He doesn't stop there, just presses on your pulse point and raises an eyebrow when he feels your heartbeat shudder.
He settles his thumb and forefinger on each side of your jaw and tips your head up. There's strands of hair falling across his forehead, eyes shimmering, satisfied and drinking you in. You feel vulnerable, exposed. You have a sudden urge to hide your face.
"Say thank you." He whispers, cataloguing the streak of tears down your cheeks. "Thank me for correcting your behaviour."
You open your mouth just enough to speak and choke out, "Thank you for correcting my behaviour, sir."
Sliding his hand to the back of your head he tugs you into his arms and kisses the top of your head.
"Good girl."
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jonasiegenthaler · 8 months
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he's got wares if you've got coin
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pedro-pascal · 3 months
so i'm reading swann arlaud's wiki and he is actually a good man? i'm shaken to the core
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I think I figured out the issue with tumblr eating my posts, but let's find out.
Take it away Mr. Gold
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That's generous.
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And the way hes sitting on that chair?
And the amount of force hed have to use to keep moe pinned down just like that?
Man is strong.
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He's chaotic feral smile is so telling.
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His interrupting is a rumple style feral giggle and it was horrifying.
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He's had it, he's at the edge.
Okay so this scene? What he's yelling at moe? Dude you're yelling at YOURSELF!
"What are you talkin about my fault?" Rumple deep down knows. He knows he fucked up.
"You shut her out"
Moe has no fucking context to this non therapeutic beatdown.
Mr. Gold is yelling at rumple now, and since I'm sure masochism wasn't a big thing to air in 2011 that's what we're going with.
This physically hurts me to hear, and I'm sure it physically hurts him to say.
Maybe he ended up seeing a therapist after a millenia?
Maybe not.
Moe still has no idea what the fuck Mr. Gold is beating him for some unknown child.
I love the fucking parallel of Gold beating Moe vs. Rumple beating the curio cabinet.
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He's still hurting so much he starts to hurl the tea set.
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But then he gets to that fucking chipped cup.
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He can't do it.
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arcxnumvitae · 10 months
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Not a sound echoed throughout the expansive manor. It was silent. Dead silent. Despite it all, that single, errant thought pulled a bit of laughter from Mhoirbheinn’s lips. It sounded a touch hysterical, even to his ears. It was probably because he had gone mad. Staring down at the delicate glass goblet set before him, he reached for the nearby bottle of wine and began to pour, watching with fascination as the deep crimson liquid splashed haphazardly into the glass. 
As for the results of that madness...
A clamor was heard from the entrance of the manor, audible even to the youth seated in the sitting room. He already knew what sight would greet them, and he could only imagine the looks crossing the soldiers’ faces as they beheld the carnage.
Bodies, scattered everywhere. Mortal servants at first, who had been going about their daily tasks. Then, perhaps they would enter the study to find the lord of the house, a carcass nearly eviscerated and left slumped over his ornate desk. Perhaps they would follow more bodies up to the second floor, into the main bedroom of the lord and lady, where they would find the latter slumped by her dressing table. A single, gruesome line of silver torn across her throat would make her end clear. 
If they continued onwards, perhaps futilely hoping for more survivors, they might come across the bedroom of the young master of the house. There, they would find the most gruesome massacre of them all. His body would be nearly unrecognizable, taken apart in a frenzy of slashes. He died painfully, that fact would be obvious.
But no, chances were that the king’s soldiers would remain on the ground floor for the time being, searching every room they could find in hopes of locating a survivor, or...a culprit.
His suspicions were confirmed when the noise of movement congregated outside of the sitting room, and the doors were shoved open with violent force. Soldiers filed into the room, several clearly incredulous at the sight that greeted them.
A young fae, covered head to toe in a gore of red and silver, reclining on a chaise as he beckoned them in as if he had been expecting guests. Mhoirbheinn’s eyes swept over the contingent, lingering only briefly on one-- a young one. What did that look in his eyes mean? Not that it mattered.
Mhoirbheinn smiled widely at the soldiers and held out his glass in offering with a wink. “Welcome! Care for a drink before you sever my head from my body?”
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dannyuta · 2 years
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aew dynamite — july 27th, 2022
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
bestie every time i get on ur blog i fucking black out and reblog all of ur art in one swoop until i hit previously seen posts, idk whats ur magic but its amazing and Ur amazing and kazumaji is literally the life elixir
your icon is extremely fitting for this ask lmao
thank you so much!!! ngl years ago I was like, man I don't get people who dedicate so much of their life to like, x thing and then kazumaji ran my ass over, put it in reverse and backed over me again and now I'm like
uh oh
klsdgkjgd I'm just so glad I can share my brainrot otherwise I would be but dust
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omarfor-orchestra · 3 months
The worst part of taking real acting lessons instead of whatever I've been doing is that they won't give me male roles anymore
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