#*insert windy dog meme
rumiraclemi · 2 years
literally don’t even know how i’m gonna stay sane after this til saturday when the ep goes out, fucking let alone until the NEXT episode comes out in a WEEK
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Browsed the voice lines for a bunch of characters. Found some funny ones.
Traveller [about Cyno and the TCG]:[…] You know, when you’re playing a card game, the fancier your hairstyle, the more distracting it is for your opponent.[…]
Are they…are they referencing Yugioh?
Venti [Joining party I]: Give me a moment to compose myself.
Is that a Heckin pun-
Venti [Elemental skill I]: Yoo-Hoo!
Noelle [when it’s windy]: Ahh…can you hear the Anemo Archon’s voice on the breeze? It calms me down whenever I get flustered.
Indeed I can! He‘s demanding more wine.
Bennett [Joining party I]: *quiet and disbelieving* Y-you want me on your team?
Bennett [Low HP III]: I always bounce back, just watch me…
Holding his skill makes him bounce…the burst stops him from bouncing back but heals when HP is low…so he’s not bouncing back anymore but bouncing back…I-
Jean [Jean‘s Hobbies]: Maybe we can discuss the tales of legendary heroes. Have you heard the story of the heroic king of Khaenri‘ah?
Hu Tao [Receiving a gift II]: Sure you don’t want my help? C‘mon, it’s a great deal: cool twice the amount in the same time!
Ha. They’re referencing her passive skill. It makes you get double the amount of food from cooking sometimes…though it’s always gonna be a dubious dish. Traveller doesn’t want her help because she sucks at cooking.
Xianling [Low HP III]: Now I‘m really in a pickle!
Pickle…because she’s a cook…also insert outdated meme here
Gorou [Low hit taken I] : Shake it off!
You get it…because he’s a dogboy….dogs shake stuff off their fur…hah.
Shinanoin Heizou [When It Snows]: Have you ever heard of the case of the vengeful spirit of Dragonspine? It all happened on a dark, snowy night long ago…
Kaeya [about Mika]: […] does taking everything so seriously run in the Schmidt‘s blood?
a) Mika‘s family seems to be known to the knights too, but more importantly b) Mika’s full name is Mika Schmidt. Huh. At least they finally got the pronunciation for a word right tho!
[More About Kaeya II]: My eye? My eye is fine. There’s nothing unusual about hiding one‘s body parts from view. It’s the same reason I wear pants…or any other item of clothing, for that matter
Hey remember when this was obviously proof there was something up with that eye because this is way too on the nose…yeah. Turns out it’s fine.
Keaya [About Fischl]: What? You think Fischl having one eye is very fitting given her title of Prinzessin […] if that’s the case, that must make me a future royal progeny too, no?
*breath in* SON-
Yanfei [Low HP I]: Objection!
*Cornered from Ace Attorney starts playing in the background*
[Low HP III]: But my defence was watertight…
Watertight. Because she’s Pyro. Hydro good against Pyro. Oma…
Ningguang [Ascension Intro]: There‘s no style in resorting to violence. It’s simply the worst of all the bad decisions you could make.
Exactly! That’s why you should throw shiny rocks on their head instead. Or a Jade Chamber. Make it stylish!
Barbara [Interesting Things]: Sunflowers always face the sun. They’re so bright. In fact, my mother sent me a sunflower-style dresss…I wonder when I‘ll finally get to wear it on stage?
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bonnie-is-bumbling · 1 year
Oh, man is my anxiety high lately. It's troubling not to know if it's because of something real, or if ye olde AFAB body is not being fab.
I have PCOS which, to stay short and sweet, means I have a bit more testosterone in me than your normal AFAB person will. This causes PMS, periods, and cycles to go absolutely out of whack. If you're curious about it, I highly reccomend Google. Or you can ask me, but know I am absolutely NOT a medical professional. I work at a bloody hotel. I can tell you what I do know, and I can tell you what I gather from that, and my own thoughts on it- But I repeat: I am NOT a medical professional.
But this post was about anxiety, so let's hop back to that.
Today, I got on Facebook. Not because I regularly use it. In the spirit of honesty- I use it 99.9% for memes. But today, I had a question, one that had been burning a hole in my mind.
For some context: I live in a town of about 9000 people (about half-ish of which are the inmates of the state prison, which is hosted in our town.) We are about 100 miles (roughly 161 km) from any larger civilization. That said, if you make a fool of yourself, the whole town knows. The windiest in the state, and sitting at an elevation of 7000 feet (2.13 km), I really wondered about our local airport.
I hopped onto the local Facebook group and for WEEKS I had let this question burn- I was so bloody scared that I was just making a fool of myself. Or that I was asking in the wrong group and would be mocked. People would see me and go "That's the dumb kid that asked a question she should have already known the answer to!" Or "What are you asking about aviation for? You work at a hotel!"
People really aren't usually so mean. But my brain immediately thought they would be, just because it was me asking, and not someone more qualified to ask.
When I finally jumped the gun tonight and asked, I told myself "You know what? SOME people are going to be assholes. But this is a non-offensive question. It's a reasonable question, and I'm going to state at the beginning AND end of my post that I'm legitimately just curious on how pilots take off and land at our mountainous, windy airport that's subject to the cruel winters and thick ice.
And I was pleasantly surprised.
People actually were up and willing to answer my question, and it sparked conversation that was neither mean, nor degrading. Nobody thought my question was silly, childish, ridiculous, or dumb. And in retrospect, it really isn't a dumb question. Maybe not a commonly asked one is all. And that's okay.
It just seems I over thought once more. And as many of us with anxiety can probably relate to- I always have to think things through. But I worry- Am I not thinking deep enough into it?... And here begins the spiral- I start thinking waaaay too hard and it just grows more and more negative- Sometimes driving me into utter inaction. It's not better to just sit and wonder than look stupid, but my brain will absolutely convince me it is.
Tomorrow, my 17 year old dog meets his new groomer. I'm absolutely worried about what the groomer will think. But I have to keep in mind that my dog is 17, and is expected to look, feel, and act like a REALLY old dog. The groomer is related to his recently retired groomer, and is aware of his age, condition, warts, blindness and all. She is also very aware that he's a dog with a constantly snuggly and licky attitude. Groomers know animals. She's been at it for decades, and likely has seen worse.
This is all affirming, but my brain is so obsessed with this thought I wish it would quit bringing up. This thought is that on this dog of healthy weight, happy temperament, and wiggly tail, she's gonna see his rough skin and have him taken. Which in reality, worst that would happen is I would be told "Hey, I can't groom him today, but you should ask the vet about [insert whatever here]."
My dog, a cocker spaniel at seventeen years old, is a good 24 pounds, always on the move, eats, sleeps, drinks, potties, plays. His hair, though thinning, is shiny and soft, free of matting. For seventeen, he is absolutely doing well, and I know my brain is being utterly irrational.
And for me, that's the hardest part of anxiety.
For me, anxiety is almost always very irrational. My house settles, as a 123 year old house does with changing temperatures. It's spring time here, and so the old bones are having a stretch. My roof is fine. I have personally checked. And yet my brain still reacts as if the house is about to just cave in... And with all the literal proof I have, I'm well aware my brain is talking nonsense.
It's absolutely irritating to know something, but have a nagging little voice in the head telling you you're wrong, always wrong, in danger all the time, not safe, error 404 braincell not found. It makes me mad at myself, upset that I can't make a decision, I can't make a move, feel stupid for asking for help. I don't know everything, and that's a fact. But I know SOME things, and my own brain treats me as if I don't. Not without absolute proof. Proof not even a 'Karen' can argue with. Proof that NOBODY can deny... And do you know how impossible that is?
I don't need seven scientists to tell me I'm safe to sit down in this chair or ask a question to quench my curiosity. Really, why can't my own mind and I be in sync? I blame anxiety. It could be something more, or I could just be an incompetent buffoon like my brain insists and treats me like. I don't entirely know, but I will say it's absolutely turbulent and irks the hell out of me.
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iyliss · 5 years
Vrains kids using social media
(I actually thought about this long ago, hopefully i remembered the bet parts).
Also considering that social medias are around the same as ours.
Yusaku never posts. He just likes everything. everything. His account is empty, his like list is basically his whole timeline/dashboard.
Of course takeru is very bad with those and of course don’t understand the most basic things.
He once posted something saying “how do i delete posts here?”. Yusaku liked it. He still doesnt know how to delete.
Aoi has an official account as blue angel. Takeru once asked her something random on it, which she answered without thinking. At least she knows how to delete post.
Akira only has an account used by Sol to update status about vrains (minor bugs, updates, event....). He isn’t the one supposed to post on it, but one day AI manage to get the access to it.
Ema has folders full of screenshot about everyone. She doesn’t let a single thing about her show on her account, but she knows everything.
Naoki is the only one it doesn’t work on because he’s shamelessly posting about his whole life everywhere. He even posts “good morning/good night” and expect someone to answer.
Blue angel vlogging. Aqua helps her and is in charge of making sure AI don’t interact.
Everyone thinks Specter’s account about trees having their own life is a parody. it isn’t.
Haru managed to convince Bowman not to go on social media, by saying it’s forbidden if you’re under 13.
Windy will go and make memes when historical places burn or tragic event the day it happens and everyone hates him for that.
Ryoken makes huge post about why [insert social media] is bad and dangerous, and ai will answer “yet you’re posting on []”. Ai is blocked.
Kusanagi’s account for café nagi has actually a lot of followers because it’s really funny, with jokes and memes about hot dogs. And sometimes positivity. Just everyone likes it.
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adreamingsongbird · 7 years
tagged like 15 centuries ago by @wits-out-for-shakespeare! it’s the answer 11 ask 11 meme, here we go !!! (my questions and tagged ppl are below the cut!)
1. what creature would you ride into battle in your YA adventure film?
a badass dragon with the personality of a puppy. id name it sprinkles 
2. what would your highly unrealistic virus a la hackers (1995) look like/be themed around?
itd just be a pixellated version of me in the middle of ur screen crying until u give me enough money to pay for college, clearly, and until u do i dont stop wailing. i think itd be highly effective
3. what is your ideal pet? (real or otherwise)
10 dogs of varying sizes, all adopted from the local shelter when i walk in with money and a decently sized house with a big yard and announce that i’m taking them all home. (my wife is busy getting the cats.)
4. what is your opinion on the fact that my roommate has color coordinated every goddamn thing she owns down to the fucking charging cable she uses?
uhhhh kudos to her i dont have that kind of commitment and if i was her id have a crisis if the matching color [insert object] was more expensive than one that contrasted???
5. what are your favorite kind of shoes?
sandals!!!! i like to free me feets and sandals r the closest shoe to having free feets out there
6. follow any webcomics?
not particularly but i used to be a homestuck,,
(every so often i go binge the updates for monsterkind that i’ve missed)
7. whats your treat yourself meal?
really good noodles from the place around the block
8. whats your feel good movie/book/show?
all things tolkien, that was my first fandom and returning to it always just feels like going home!!! <3
9. whats your favorite ride or type of ride at amusement parks/carnivals/etc?
roller coasters and water rides bc im a splash ho
10. what historical figure would be fight on sight if you could time travel?
freud, thomas jefferson, andrew jackson, every single colonial monarch in europe, the nobel committe that robbed rosalind franklin, jefferson davis, this is a very long list for someone who probably can’t fight worth shit, ronald reagan, i could go on
11. if a car is going 70+ on a 60 highway are you the one with your foot on the pedal or the one screaming in the passenger seat?
im in the passenger seat but im not screaming until we’re going up a windy mountain road full of hairpin turns and also driving around oncoming traffic. ive been to india simple speeding doesn’t faze me
1. you just got a million bucks. what’re you doing with it? 2. what’s the place you second-most wanna visit? 3. you’re marooned on a desert island for a week. pick 3 friends to be stuck with. 4. you’re marooned on a desert island for a week. pick 3 fictional characters to be stuck with. 5. in the atla universe, what kind of bender would you be? 6. what’s the last thing you googled? 7. favorite beverage? 8. smash your favorite mythological creature together with your favorite real animal. what did you get? 9. surprise! your answer to the above is now your pet. how much of a disaster is this going to be? 10. use five words to describe your Aesthetic™. 11. if you were a d&d character, what would your race, class, and alignment be?
tagging @rosenmarille, @malevon, @z-rotom-power, @hauntedtelepone, @topcatnikki, @cute-chamomile, @agenderemrys, @weepycat​, @adjit​, @astralazuli​, and @dontbesoevil​ !! <3
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meisjunk · 8 years
About Me from A to Z
Tagged by the snarky @kategorically-challenged
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 28
b - biggest fear: failing
c - current time: 8:46am eastern
d - drink you last had: water
e - every day starts with: why can’t my cat shut up? why in my face? 
f - favorite song: You and I - Pvris
g - ghosts, are they real: yes
h - hometown: Linesville, PA
i - in love with: my cat
j - jealous of: people with dogs
k - killed someone: i wish. there’s a list...maybe.
l - last time you cried: yesterday during Rio, watching it with my god son.
m - middle name: Nicole
n - number of siblings: 2 brothers, 1 sister
o - one wish: find my forever partner
p - person you last called/texted: always Nicole and @kategorically-challenged
q - questions you’re always asked: How do I get clearances? Where is room <insert number here>? Are you the person I go to for <insert issue/topic>? Is the shuttle van going today because I wasn’t picked up?
r - reasons to smile: Nicole’s son, Cats, memes making Trump look as disgustingly incompetent as he is, solidarity in social justice common and public spaces, windy days
s - song last sung: Shape of You - Ed Sheeran 
t - time you woke up: 6 am
u - underwear color: white with strawberry seeds print
v - vacation destination: my living room, maybe switching it up to my bedroom with the laptop
w - worst habit: procrastination. I will literally have 11 tabs open, and also watching a tv show to avoid chores or work.
x - x-rays you’ve had: ankle, ankle, ankle, ankle, ankle, ankle. I sprain my ankle at least 3 times a year, at least once a year badly enough to worry about it. I’ve had it x-rayed multiple times throughout my life. Pretty sure it’s all elastic at this point.
y - your favorite food: mac and cheese, grilled cheese, mashed potatoes, 
z - zodiac sign: Virgo
I tag: @webbut @maranduh @fka-dio-brando @ink-splotch @icanwritejunk @curse-you @a-jedi-in-purgatory @generalbooty
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