#*licks phone*
panevanbuckley · 9 months
so many thoughts about this interaction (husband-coded) but my main one is the way charles looks at max when he thinks max isn't watching him 👀
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konigsblog · 15 days
my cat was sitting on top of my chest and got a little TOO comfortable and drooled into my MOUTH.
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nephilmsworld · 3 months
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How do you guys feel about Valentine’s Day coming up?
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another thing that i hate about the ROR designs is that for all the young villains-they all look-modern-everyone is designed to be in the same era when thats not the case! if Chloe and Red go back in the past when their parents/the villains were teens-it should be like-the 80s at the very LEAST!!! like half of those fukin villains shouldnt be in school together anyway becuase HADES IS A 1000+ YEAR OLD GOD FROM THE OLD GREEK AGE, Maleficent is like-from the middle ages!!!! they shouldn't be teens together, and oh FG WAS AN OLD LADY WHEN SHE MET CINDERELLAAAAA at the very least, if you're going to put time travel in a movie, DESIGN UR OUTFITS APPROPRIATELY. the teen villains all look like teens of the 2020s! they should look, older than that!
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eliotspencersgf · 3 months
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hi Lindsey<333
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ccerealbowl · 10 months
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Employee beach day or smthn idk low key just wanted to draw Miguel O’Hara’s abs rehehehehe
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pynkhues · 9 months
So I know people tend to have lots and lots of opinion about dog pound but more often then not, I’ve seen a tendency for folks to give Roman’s recollection of the game (that dog pound was bulling/abusive/messed up in some way shape or form) the most weight…and this candidly baffles me for a bunch of reasons. I know the actor's opinions don't need to be given weight, but I see tons of weight given to actor interviews for Succession in other contexts and both Jeremy and Kieran (per an interview with Kieran around S3) signed on to the read that dog pound wasn’t traumatizing but was instead a rewritten memory because Roman generally felt like a victim and I tend to agree with that read. It also kind of fits in more with the dynamic we generally see Kendall and Roman have throughout the show and especially in Seasons 1-3. Add to this that Roman was around 4 when this took place if we're taking his word for it (making Kendall under 10 and Connor early 20’s-ish?) and again I’m wondering why his memory is given so much more weight than Connors.  Do you have any view or thoughts as to why Roman is treated as the more reliable narrator when it comes to dog pound and more broadly how do you tend to think about the siblings various contradictory childhood memories?  
It's an interesting one, isn't it?
I agree with you (and the actors, haha), that I think the dog pound wasn't traumatising or that it even really meant anything at the time they were playing it. It's just a children's game that took on a different meaning in their adulthood as Roman and Kendall's particular dynamic crystalised. I talked about it a little bit in this post about games on the show if you're interested in reading more about that in particular!
I do think the context of Roman bringing up the dog pound game when he did is also important and not talked about as much as it should be. After all, Kendall's kind of seen to have the more defined arc over these episodes between the failed coup, his relapse, then the upswing of him getting in bed with the enemy (Sandy and Stewy).
Roman though has a really complicated arc too - it's his inability to stand with Kendall which makes the coup fail, and his elevation as prized son in Austerlitz is undermined by what I tend to interpret as a mix of guilt and shame first over letting Kendall down and then over his relapse, which bleeds into a degree of protectiveness which we don't usually see from him, both in that episode and in the next (it's an underrated moment, but Roman offering to make everyone stop doing drugs at the party before they go in in 1.08 is very special to me).
But there's a shift then in 1.08 which is triggered by Stewy pretty blatantly cutting him out of something and folding Kendall back in. It's this teetering new power dynamic where any guilt he felt is swallowed up by the realisation he doesn't want to lose this new station as the dog at their father's side, and I think he uses this distorted memory from childhood to justify his anger and try to reinforce this position. Kendall thought Roman was the weak dog once, but he's not, Kendall is. Kendall's the one out, Kendall's the weird one, Kendall is, as Shiv aptly put it in 1.01, not emotionally strong and has addiction issues.
(Interestingly too, while it's not in the episode, in the 1.08 script it shows that Roman's there when Kendall realises their dad's sent Greg to keep an eye on him, and I think there's this interesting emphasis there in Roman realising Kendall needs a babysitter twice - himself in the last ep and Greg in this one - which for him reinforces Kendall as the 'weak' one.)
He weaponises a long past memory that he treats as an immovable truth to not just play victim, but I think as a yardstick to show how far he's come, and how far Kendall's fallen.
As for why Roman's treated as the more reliable narrator, I think there are a few reasons for it. In particular, I do think Kendall is the Known Liar of the show, haha. All the kids lie to varying degrees of course, but Kendall really lies in a way that I tend to think can feel more insidious, particularly as he lies in such a wildly broad spectrum - sometimes it's aching self-flagellation, sometimes it's mortifying self-aggrandisement, sometimes it's just straight up pathetic, and sometimes it's just the awkward vulnerability of trying to save face (particularly when he's relapsing).
We don't see Roman explicitly lie all that much on the show, at least not in the way many of the other characters do. In some ways he's actually the opposite to Kendall because Kendall tends to use lies as a means of defense or a way to hide while Roman absolutely and often weaponises a truth. Orrr at least I'd say that's what he would like to think of himself? I actually think Roman lies all the time, it's just less through actual lying like Kendall does, and more through undermining the truth or playing around in the grey of it. He likes to lean on a question and see what it does to the truth, like he knows that it's malleable and wants to see the shape it could take, and that's overall something I find super interesting about his character, and I think feeds into a distortion of truth / memory.
But back to your question about why people see Roman as the more reliable narrator of their shared past, yes, I think it's viewed through the prism of Kendall being the one more likely to lie, but I also think it's due to Roman's abuse being easier to understand and more textual than Kendall and Shiv's. We see him get hit, both Shiv and Kendall talk about Roman being hit, Roman jokes about it and diminishes it, and even in 3.09 blames Kendall and Shiv for it (I actually think there's such an interesting parallel there to Roman being abandoned with the waterpistols and the story of Shiv being abandoned with the chocolate milk in the car, but that's a whole other story, haha).
We get childhood stories from Roman more than any of his siblings, so he feels like the one who thinks about it the most. Is that true? I don't know, but I get why that would make people put more stock in his role as the narrator of it.
As for the contradictory childhood memories, I do think the show is interested in the subjectiveness of memory overall, and the way people influence the past and make history malleable, and I think that exploring that through the very specific context of a family like the Roy's, who have a loose relationship with the truth at the best of times, is a pretty remarkable way to do it.
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solacedeer · 1 month
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Vincent Price - The Bribe (1949)
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katartna · 11 months
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Birthday gift for @Stabbyness! 
Tonight, there’s going to be a session featuring his Reflection NPCs on https://www.twitch.tv/stabbyness! It’s an incredible action-packed TTRPG show featuring cute beans like these pictured and reality bending superweapons!
Mic, Ridill, Noctua belong to Jay (Stabbyness)
Treble belongs to Roma (RomaHeroii)
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exsqueezememacaroni · 9 months
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that stare is actively destroying me
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sugatcokie · 5 months
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cosmicdorito · 11 months
silly spidersona design under the cut :))
did some sketching today on a spidersona :)) her name is spiderlugosi (like the. like the song. the. bauhaus. the dracula actor. the bauhaus song) shes dead/a zombie (her spider was also a zombie and it escaped before the science freaks could put it down) and is jealous that miguel got to be a vampire and not her. iron deficient. lives in a graveyard mausoleum. still goes out to goth clubs and raves in her spare time cos she knows the more dead she looks the more she'll get compliments on her outfit/makeup. idk :) just sketching
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daddyricsdoll · 6 months
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Vincent Price - Son of Sinbad (1951)
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persephoneflouwers · 10 months
You know what is driving me mad is the fact I was so so emotional that Harry was taking a break. He was so emotional. I really expected all the bullshit with stunts that the media spews regarding him would finally be over. It will give us some space to really connect with him after 2 years of constant propoganda building. But guess the break was also some kind of PR plot.
I really question myself is he even the person I think he is. Their only so much we can bypass (watermelon sugar - female orgasm, bullshiting on larries in an interview with your gf, emarata kiss.., I mean I don't want to recall all these seriously) I really start doubting my love for him. is he really just queerbaiting? Is being this much commercially successful not enough? When's the greed going to finally stop? There are so many queer artists including musicians who had the courage to be thier authentic selves. Why this playing with all sides depending on what brings the cash? And I call bullshit on all those who say he does not has the bargain power. HE DOES. It just has been an endless saga of wrong choices he's been making one after the other.
Hi, angel. I’m sorry you feel this way. Sending you a big big virtual hug 🫂
I wish I could find answers for you. My suggestion is to find new interests in something else, somebody else. You know, once you look around there might be new exciting things that will help you let this feeling of uncertainty and disappointment pass sooner.
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