peacheryy · 1 year
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Uni roommates for Jade pt 1
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esotheria-sims · 1 year
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The Gatehouse Inn dinner date went well by all accounts. The couple was sat at Tom's favorite corner table, enjoying their food and chatting the night away. Tom found out that Naomi was a professional dancer and very passionate about her job* (*she’s the Music&Dance hobby enthusiast!), that her favorite color was orange (duh), and that she had a sweet tooth. She had a lovely, melodic voice, and Tom found talking to her very pleasant. He didn't dare do anything more than talk, though; insisting on physical contact on the first date felt impolite.
They chatted some more after finishing their food, and then Tom came up with the great idea to go up to the bridge overlooking the Main Gate and enjoy the view. Naomi's eyes lit up at the proposal: she'd never been up on the bridge before!
Gatehouse Inn's bridge offered a perfect view of the City's walls and Main Gate; the warm spring air caressed their faces as they took in the splendid scenery. From their vantage point, they could see the road going in and out of town, the surrounding houses, and the star-speckled sky above them, stretching across the Bay and on to infinity.
- "It's breathtaking!" - Naomi gushed.
Not as breathtaking as you - Tom thought, but stopped himself last minute from blurting the words out loud.
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happy-lemon · 7 months
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Daisy Akana | Rhett Batiste | Zhafira Cahyaputri*
Natalia Campos* | Owen Fitzpatrick | Reese Ito
Billie Jang* | Olivia Kim-Lewis* | Maximus Landgraab*
Leo Machado | Atlas Michaelson* | Tane Ngata*
Jacqueline Porter* | Amy Prescott* | Jayden Price*
Cam Sadya* | Sutton Stockwell III | Olive Tinker*
Simón Vidal* | Keone Wells | Lola Wells
*premade townies or game generated NPCs
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solarsimblr · 14 days
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They give opening the business another shot the next day, and things go much more smoothly. Porter Painting makes it to rank 1 and Daphne takes a cash bonus!
She looks so proud of them here 🥲
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The Porters officially have a few thousand simoleons to their name, which is more than any other household in the neighbourhood. Daphne gets herself a new desk, along with a tablet for nightblogging or whatever the kids call it these days.
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The townie reporter has the audacity to try to befriend Drew. I cackled when Drew simply took this opportunity to brag about their recent purchase 😌
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disregardcanon · 7 months
toh the witches of Thistle Grove au from my drafts
context: the witches of thistle grove is a new adult fantasy series about a small town in illinois called thistle grove which was founded by four families of witches as a safe haven for them and their kind. the main character is a member of the least consequential founding family and she hasn't been back home from chicago in YEARS because of a very messy breakup with a boy who shattered her heart, who's a member of the most influential family.
after many years, there's going to be a shakeup in the power in the town because the main character's family is going to arbitrate a competition between the families to decide who will gain the town's power. she has a romance with a VERY attractive girl who's the heir of a different family, reconnects with her friends and family, and has a fun adventure. it's gay and great <3
the au is lumity. here we goooooooo
Blights- Blackmoores (the most influential family)
Porters- Thornes (the family the MCs best friend belongs to)
Montagues- Avramovs (this is the last name I give boscha in my fics and also the love interest's family. no she is not the love interest)
Clawthornes- Harlows (the MC's family who has traditionally stayed out of the competition and arbitrated it.)
i don't remember if this was my worldbuilding or the book's, but part of this premise is that marrying or being adopted into a founding family can give someone without magic magic, but not marrying into a family that doesn't have the magic of the town on their side.
additional families that have magic but aren't founders
Deamonnes, Whispers, Parks, Calliopes (last name I give skara)
amity is living in chicagoland with her fiance, luz. she has to return to her hometown for some important family thing that she won't elaborate on and refuses to bring luz. so luz has to IMPROVISE
cue luz making her own way to the town of thistle grove, talking her way into staying with eda and king clawthorne, and getting involved in amity's checkered past.
alador is a normal townie that wasn't born with magic. he figured out at a young age that magic WAS real and ended up best friends with and then high school sweethearts with him. he ends up leaving him for odalia, though, because of the fact that marrying into the blights will give him magic whereas marrying darius... will not
willow and amity were besties as kids and then the blight parents made amity dump her because willow is from a family that isn't influential and seems to only have a trace of magic (as a kid, at least)
in high school, amity dates boscha. it's a match made in heaven for her parents but in hell for her. they really want her to stay with boscha because the montagues are a good, powerful family, but she's also. mean. possessive. and amity feels so stifled here in this town. she breaks up with her, runs off to chicagoland for college, meets luz, and never looks back. at least until it's demanded of her by tradition
a few years after that, willow opens up to boscha and falls in love with her. and then boscha takes her heart and stomps all over it, feeling like an idiot for every letting it happen in the first place.
amity and willow reconnect when amity comes to town for the arbitration and bond over boscha being The Worst. luz tries to figure out what's going on and bonds with eda the owl lady.
it's hard to work out a balance because luz sees MAGIC! and witches! and cool secret town of cool secret people! and goes why would you ever want to leave? this is my dream? wait you're saying if i married you i could get magic????~!?!?!?!?!?! amity this is AMAZING why didn't you ever tell me about this wonderful fantastic thing! and amity can't see it as anything but awful because not only did her parents control all of her actions here, her mother, quite literally, has a hold on all of the family magic. so any magic she could give to luz would only come through her mother, just the way it does with amity. which is why despite loving magic amity was able to go live so far away from its source.
i don't remember how we were going to get there, but gus was going to win the tournament for the porters and wrest control of the town magic away from both the blights and the montagues, eda was going to think luz is The Bees Knees enough to adopt her (and as a clawthorne that WOULD give her magic) and amity was going to marry her so that she could have magic that isn't controlled by her mother, but goes through gwendolyn clawthorne who is a lot cooler about Everything Always.
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amiranne · 1 year
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Welcome to ✨Disney High School✨, where dreams come true... or not
For the first time ever I’ll be sharing my personal gameplay. 
I made a whole new save file, which took me months, where every single townie is Disney related (except Jack Frost and How to Train your Dragon), and all the main movie protagonist are teenagers in high school. I’ve been playing this since November 2022 and they’re all in college already, but I really wanted to share this cause I’m too into it and I’m gonna explode. Forgive my non HQ screenshots...
I enjoyed this play-through sooo much, you can’t even imagine. I played rotational with most of my 30 students, creating crazy drama like a proper American movie lol
So, the faculty of Disney High School is...
Principal: Professor Archimedes Q. Porter (Tarzan)
Main teachers: Merlin (The Sword in the Stone), Jane Porter (Tarzan), Phil (Hercules)
Substitute teacher: Eugene Fitzherbert (Rapunzel)
Janitor: Mr Smee (Peter Pan)
Let’s unleash the magic!
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While I wasn't playing her, crafty Enya went and got herself a boyfriend. Good for her!
Naturally, though, she picked a basic, all-face-sliders-at-neutral townie. I booted him back to adulthood--Enya being a fairy means she is still a young adult, wild as that is to contemplate--and tweaked a few things, especially his attire. He has good traits, including a couple in common with Enya, so really, she didn't do such a bad job picking him out.
Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of him until after I'd portered everyone to the new town. I might redo that, or it might be that it's curtains for... Cale Ivy? For fuck's sake, EA. That's as bad as the guy in Twinbrook named Des Eyre.
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aspl1tl1fe · 3 years
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I have two quick Townie makeover posts from the Hamada household this week.
This is the first, and it features Honey Hamada, who I didn’t realize was Lincoln Porter’s daughter until after I googled him to gather info about his original home for his post shared a little over a month ago.
I thought all I did with Honey was change her hair. However, looking at this before and after photo, she appears a bit lighter in the after shot. It’s possible I changed her skin, or lightened her tone just slightly. Then again, it’s also possible there’s something going on with the new hair that makes her look lighter than she was before. 
Regardless, her make up and clothing and features are all the same.
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halloweenscones · 4 years
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Caught up with Lincoln Porter.  I repainted his kitchen and then sent him off to catch up with fellow townies while hovering over the scenic beach.
This game is so dumb and I love it.
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potato-ballad-sims · 4 years
I'm really loving all the work done on Boroughsburg, it looks and plays amazingly well. Sadly though, the pre-populated save file crashes on loading, even in a game install with no mods or just the mods listed as required. I have all EPs, patched up to 1.67, and the world itself loads and functions normally. Just thought I should let you know in case this is an issue others are also having.
Hey @qahne- thanks! 
I’m honestly not sure where the savegame issues are caused, since it wasn’t encountered during the savegame testing. These are some things I would probably advise:
The most likely source of crashes are mod conflicts. I would highly recommend testing with only the Boroughsburg CC and mods if there’s crashing regardless, and to clean out all your caches. I would also check with Delphy’s Dashboard to see if there are any stand-out package conflicts. 
Make sure you use the World CC in the new download- the old CC is outdated and may conflict with the world itself. I might even suggest re-downloading the savegame just to make sure it’s fine.
Some of the gameplay mods under the ‘RECOMMENDED SAVEGAME MODS LIST’ in ‘1_3 ADDITIONAL CC_Required & Recommended.txt’ are suspect of being the source of the conflicts, though they are safe regardless. I would try to run the game without those mods included.
Consort - 1.5x Weight and Fitness Integration
Gamefreak130 - World Loading Screen Overhaul v2.0 
KittyCarey - No Mutated Hair/Eye Colour
Shimrod101 - No Martial Arts Clothes
Bluegenjutsu - NPCs Exit Rabbit Holes Much Faster
Bluegenjutsu - No Foot Tapping & No Route Failure Animations
Bluegenjutsu - No Mascot Intro Situation (requires University EP)
Twoftmama - Route Fix Flavor 2 v9
Miss Discordia - Common English Names Replacement Mod
claudiasharon - Make those elevators go faster! Or slower... 
bolto7 - No_TimePortal_CameraZoom
If you want, I could provide the Boroughsburg families + townies as a separate package download that you can use Porter to unpack into a fresh savegame. Unfortunately, I am behind on the other downloads I wanted to upload, so it’ll have to come in the future! 
Let me know what you think in the comments, or if you want to help narrow down the causes!
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dimplesboyfriend · 4 years
For the song ask game, Elva (for me) and Jesse?
You There -  Aquilo
Everyone I Know (Will Die) - Four Eyes
Goodbye To A World -  Porter Robinson 
Wind Speaks - Mount Eerie 
Francis Forever - Mitski 
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Townie - Mitski
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rockyremington · 4 years
who: @staceyporter​ & rocky (ft. @ivystjamess​ ) where: local tattoo shop when: friday, november 13, evening
When the townie group chat started popping off on Friday, Rocky was only half paying attention. He typically had it muted (most of the time it was nonsense), but the weekend had arrived and if there were any parties going on, he wanted to know. When the conversation took a turn to Friday the 13th tattoo flash sales, the last person he expected to chime in was Stacey fucking Porter. She really knew how to keep Rocky on his toes. She was so seemingly basic on paper, and yet she was constantly surprising him. She was kind of a wild card and to be frank? He was into it. Rocky wasn’t typically a contrarian, but when everyone started giving Stacey shit for wanting a tat, he figured he’d chime in and support her. 
That was how he found himself in the tattoo shop standing over Stacey. She was laying back on a black leather massage bed with her pants unbuttoned and pulled down ever so slightly to reveal her hip bone. He’d admittedly seen her more naked than this, but it still felt weirdly intimate. The tattoo artist had stenciled the outline of the cherry she was getting on her hip and was prepping his tattoo gun in silence. "You’re really gonna do it, huh?” Rocky asked with a devilish smile, holding his hand out for Stacey to take once the tattooing actually started, “good to know you’re not a chicken shit like Ivy.” Rocky was only teasing, but Ivy had backed out at the last minute and was therefore stuck waiting for them in the lobby of the shop. “What do you think I should get?” he asked as he eyed the sheet of paper with all his $13 options, “should I get this little broken heart on my ass cheek?” Rocky held up the piece of paper and pointed to the design he was talking about, playfully wiggling his brows as he let out a breathy chuckle.
“You ready?” the artist asked, clearing his throat and wheeling himself over to Stacey’s side with a tattoo gun in hand. Rocky reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze, watching curiously as the guy went to work. “Does it hurt?” he asked, deciding he should keep S distracted and chatty in case it did.
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esotheria-sims · 1 year
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Naomi had insisted on being the one to walk Tom back to his place, which he didn't object to, even if he found it a little backwards. The night was balmy and perfect for strolling; they walked close, laughing and recounting the highlights of their date.
Arriving at the Smithy, Tom paused for a moment, thinking about the best way to bid her farewell. Should they kiss? Is that something she'd want? He took a step closer, holding his arms out as if to hug her; Naomi reciprocated, opening her arms and placing her hands on Tom's hips. She leaned in closer, and he leaned in closer, and her soft lips brushed his cheek. She then offered her own, and Tom gave it a quick peck, mildly disappointed that it couldn't have been a 'proper' kiss on the lips.
They made promises to see each other again, and said their goodnights.
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roaringdandelions · 5 years
If you’re like me and struggle to put together outfits using the items that come with different packs, then you definitely need to check out this incredible creator’s discussion over on the forums! The diversity of options, especially when mixing packs, is blowing my mind! Take a few minutes and flip through the different lookbooks to get some inspiration for your next characters (or even to update particularly awful townies, hahaha)!
Happy Monday, everybody 🧡🧡🧡
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solarsimblr · 14 days
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The next morning, Daphne opens the business for the day. But just as customers—including that mysterious pink-shirted townie in the background, who could only be the reporter—start to arrive, she booty calls Hugo and heads inside to wait for him 🙃
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I panicked and forced Drew to get out there in his pajamas, but it was too late. Porter Paintings gets a bad review!
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To add insult to injury, Hugo never even makes it to Daphne's bedroom. He arrives at the same time as Percy, who's here to shop, and they immediately start arguing. Percy's had such a socially disastrous season so far that he finds this kind of hot 😐 Percy, no!
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tegamisim · 5 years
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The next new household was Orphanage. The owner of it was Meike Ezra. She looks kind of interesting because i completely randomized her looks, age and supernaturalism. She was neutral witch. I moved three townie kids/teens to household, Kathy Felice, Edward Porter and Roman Starkey. 
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