collegeboysam · 6 months
they didn't explore sam using his powers to save dean enough, so desperate to get to his brother that he just does it, not even completely sure how. we should have had a monster of the week episode where a group tries to hurt them and sam gets so frantic about dean maybe dying that he makes everyone's heads explode
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sakuwriteshere · 4 years
Title: Downfall
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Words count: 1887 words
Warnings: Death scare, slight smut (you’ll blink, you’ll miss it), mention of depression, fluff, comfort, spoiler (if you haven’t watch season 14 finale), subtle mention of drowing
Summary: During a hunt that went wrong, Y/N is remembering one precious moment she shared with Dean
A/N: So! This is my entry for @alleiradayne​‘s 2020 Supernatural Summer Shut-in Challenge! I chose the following prompt: “You need to wake up because I can not do this without you.” Go following @alleiradayne​ if you don’t already!
A/N2: This is unbetated as always, and I apologize for any error or mistake. Enjoy your reading and please share your thoughts with me!
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The front door of the bunker closes in a loud bang behind them, Dean is leading the way down the stairs, his little brother Sam, right behind him, helping Y/N with the bags. Both Sam and Y/N don’t dare to speak, each of them particularly silent within the last hour. The drive back to the bunker has been gloomy to say the least.
Without even sparing a look at them, Dean heads for his room, leaving Sam and Y/N taking care of the rest. Contrary to Dean who is completely beat, Sam is still functioning, despite the repetitive recent lost battles, Sam keeps on believing. He’s really the only one between the three of them.
With a sigh, Y/N puts the duffel bag on the wooden table in the library, the different weapons rattling in the process. Sam watches her following Dean’s steps, helplessly. He wants to tell something, anything to help her, to help them, but what can he really tell them? That there is always a light at the end of the tunnel? That they will find a way, like they usually do? No. This time they are doomed, for good.
Her body is on autopilot as Y/N enters her own room, she doesn’t even waste her time to switch on the lights and prefers to let her body fall heavily on her bed. What’s the point in fighting anymore? They’re not going to win this fight. This one is too big. How can you defeat God, himself? Were they even supposed to go that far? Y/N doesn’t know anymore.
As she closes her eyes, allowing the tiredness enveloping her, she doesn’t even react when she hears her door opening in a creaky sound. She doesn’t need to wonder who it is, she perfectly knows.
The bed dips slightly as Dean lays down next to her. She can feel him manhandling her body and she willfully lets him do as he wants. Within a few minutes, Y/N is little spooned by Dean, his arms wrapped strongly around her waist while their legs are a tangled mess, caging her properly with his body, giving her exactly what they both need the most at the moment.
Warmth, protection, comfort and love. 
Absentmindedly, Y/N’s fingers brush against Dean’s hand on her stomach as her mind keeps replaying the last previous hours. Chuck declared war, or more precisely, God announced the end of the World. How are they supposed to fix that? Everything they’ve been through, every choice they’ve made until now, thinking it was for the greater good, seems so meaningless. There is no free will, they’re not making their own choice. Everything has been decided for them long before they were even born. Even the most precious decisions they’d made aren’t truly their.
“Don’t.” Dean’s raspy voice sermons her, his hot breath tickling her cheek. 
She doesn’t need to ask him what he’s talking about, he knows her like the back of his hand and how her brain works from time to time. Especially during those kinds of uncertain moments.
“Just stop thinking, alright? You’re not in the right mind to make the difference between what’s right or wrong.”
“But…” She turns her head slightly, trying to look at him but his lips pressed against the corner of her mouth make her fall silent.
“No buts, Y/N. I’m serious.” He tells her with a patronizing voice.
Y/N shifts a bit so she can turn around and face Dean properly. Once she’s in a comfortable position, Dean’s arms wrap around her once again, pulling her body against his.
“This is big, Dean.” She whispers and when she sees Dean’s cocky smirk, she’s quick to add “I don’t mean that.”
Dean chuckles and pecks her lips, he’s satisfied with himself because for a second she has stopped thinking about Chuck. He would do anything to make her feel better and he knows exactly what she needs to keep her mind out of focus.
Slowly, Dean brings his face closer, their breaths mixing as they share a kiss. At first it’s gentle and tender, a soft brush of the lips, just enough to feel each other’s presence. A silent reminder that they’re still both alive. Then, Dean’s mouth is becoming greedy, claiming her lips just the way she likes it. One of his hands unwrap itself, sliding up her side, leaving goosebumps in its trail, until it reaches her face. His big hand cups her cheek, thumb stroking the skin underneath while his tongue runs over her bottom lip, silently asking for more. A request she’s more than happy to grant.
Lost in their tender battle of teeth and tongue, fighting each other for dominance, their bodies start moving on their own. Dean comes on top of her, parting her legs so he could fit between them more comfortably while she lays down on her back, the kiss never breaking. Despite the heated moment, Y/N’s mind still goes back to the big problem, keeping her from really enjoying the intimate moment. 
As if he’s a mind reader, Dean parts slightly, their breathings short and uneven as he gives her a sullen look.
“This,” He starts to say as he grabs her hand and presses it against his beating heart. “Is real, ok? We’re real and meant to be. I don’t care if it’s because of God or Destiny or some wrinkled old witch. We’ve found each other and I'm gonna hold onto that until the end, ok?”
Y/N can only nod at that. It always baffles her how easily he understands her. It’s like he’s reading her like an open book. 
“Your biggest enemy is not Chuck, Y/N. It’s this.” Dean says pressing two fingers against her temple. “Believe me, I know what I’m talking about.” He adds, forcing a small smile.
She knows how right he is because she has witnessed his darkest moments. Being able to let the other one see how down you are, to share with him her deepest fears and secrets, it asks a lot of trust to let it happen. And she trusts Dean with all her heart, of that she is sure.
“I love you.” The words hit her like a ton of bricks. It’s not the first time she hears them, but Dean isn’t not really the confident type of man, so whenever he utters those three words it always makes her heartbeat go wild, making her feel alive and strong because she knows it’s the truth. He loves her as much as she loves him. It’s not even funny how strong they fell for each other.
“I love you too.” She whispers and here comes the smile she loves. The genuine one, when she can see his pearly white teeth, the wrinkles deepening at the corners of his eyes. Despite the dim light, she can see how green his eyes are, full of love and promises.
Soon, his face becomes serious again, the longing glint replaced by a needy one as Dean leans over her. They share another kiss, this one greedy, demanding, their hands flying around them to get rid of the unnecessary clothes.
“Stay with me. I need you.” Dean gasps, trailing hot kisses down her collarbone. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” She pants, sinking her nails in his lower back as she arches under his ministrations, searching for more contact.
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” Dean says, both of his hands suddenly cupping her face.
“Wh-what?” She stutters, blinking twice when she notices the fear in Dean’s eyes above her.
“I’m begging you. Don’t do this to me. Wake up!”  His voice resonates around her before a blinding light attacks her eyes. 
She wakes up with a start, taking a big breath in the process, filling her lungs with much needed air. The first thing that hits her is Dean’s body, literally, as he engulfs her in a bear hug. Still trying to understand what happened, she wraps her arms around him, noticing how heavy her clothes felt, then she realizes she’s completely drenched and freezing. She tries to ask him what’s going on but her body is trembling so hard, and her mouth refuses to form something more than shaky sounds.
“Shh. I got you. I got you.” Dean shushes her, the embrace tightening and keeps repeating the words again and again. They are more for himself to be honest, he needs to tell himself that she’s alright.
“Come on let’s go back to the cabin.” Dean whispers before kissing her temple and holding her up in his arms.
There’s nothing better than a warm shower and a cup of hot cocoa. Bundled with big covers, Y/N watches Dean ending his phone call with Sam. The older Winchester told Sam everything about their last case and assured his little brother they are leaving the cabin first thing in the morning.
“How are you feeling?” Dean asks as he sits next to her on the couch, one of his arms wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her body against his. He kisses the crown of her head before he lets himself relax completely. Now that the case was over and Y/N was breathing, his mind could be at ease.
She takes a sip of the hot liquid, wincing as it burns the tip of her tongue. She shrugs as she feels fine, considering she almost died two hours ago. She thought the werewolf would attack her, not hit her hard on the head before pushing her unconscious body into the cold river.
“This is the last time you’re playing bait. Watch my words, Y/N. I mean it.” Dean warns her, his eyes dead set on her. He is really serious. She still can see the worry in those green eyes she loves so much.
Y/N closes her eyes before she puts the cup on the coffee table in front of them. She adjusts her body on the couch, pushing the covers away then pats her tights, motionning silently Dean to rest his head on her lap.
“I should be the one comforting you right now.” Dean argues nonchalantly but lays down nonetheless.
“I’m fine don’t worry. You already took care of me.” She reassures him, her hand threading Dean’s hair in a soothing manner as soon as he was comfortable.
“Did I?” Dean asks, a content sigh leaving his lips as he relaxes completely under her soft touch.
She hums, her gaze lost in the void, enjoying the peaceful moment meant just for the two of them. Silence envelops them, for the rest of the night they can pretend they are just regular human beings. No more hunt, no more death scare, just two people in love and taking care of each other. The comfortable silence being disturbed only by Dean’s soft snores while Y/N watches over during his much needed sleep, a soft smile curling at the corner of her lips.
Dean is right, as long as they have each other, there’s no reason to give up. Chuck might be God but he made his biggest mistake by bringing Y/N Y/L/N and Dean Winchester together he just created his downfall.
Pour Toujours Tags: @drakelover78​, @akshi8278​
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thestruidora · 4 years
The Renegade
Supernatural Fanfiction
Rating: Explicit
WARNINGS: This story will contain but it’ll not be limited to explicit 18+ content including Obsessive Behavior, Smut, Car Sex, Shower Sex, Edging, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Fluff, Oral Sex, thigh riding, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Love Triangle
Category: F/M
Pairings: Sam Winchester/Original Female Character, Dean Winchester/Original Female Character and Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester/Original Female Character
Summary: An angel is a spiritual creature, who dwells in heaven and serves as a messenger between God and the human race. They have no desires of their own, that is to say, they have not been given free will, as with men, and were created with the sole purpose of giving glory and fulfilling their Lord’s plan. For this reason, Eva would always be a renegade amongst her kin. A fallen angel receives no compassion or mercy, it is a black sheep strayed from its flock.
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Author’s notes: Ok, so, I know, it has been a minute. Bear with me.
Chapter Three
The Times They Are A-Changin’
“The battle outside ragin’ Will soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’” — Bob Dylan
“Witness? Witness to what?” Sam inquired in the midst of the confusion, the dust from Bobby’s living room being risen due to the strong winds.
“We need to go somewhere safe.” Bobby said before Eva could answer, gathering as many books as quickly as he could while he felt the atmosphere get cold, the breath he let out visible in the suddenly chilly air. “Follow me.”
They moved fast, trying to cover their eyes from the harsh air with their hands. The older man in front, guiding them as they went down through a flight of stairs into a lower level of the house that neither Sam or Dean had ever seen before. Opening a strong, tick iron door, Bobby allowed the three to enter into a special room before he got in himself, closing the door behind him.
The basement room was made entirely of iron and covered with pentagrams and Devil's traps. Sam and Dean took a good look around, not believing in what they were seeing.
“Bobby, is this...” Sam began, moving in to touch one of the walls.
“Solid iron. Completely coated in salt. 100% ghost-proof.” Bobby responded, a proud look on his face as he started to lay down the books he held on top of a small table nearby.
“You built a panic room?” Eva asked, sounding genuinely impressed, her eyes inspecting the writings on the walls.
“I had a weekend off.” Singer replied, shrugging while focused on the literature in front of him.
“Bobby.” Dean said, eyes landing on a poster of a swimsuit model that had been plastered on the wall around all other anti-supernatural symbols.
“You're awesome.”
“I don’t know how awesome I feel right now, boy.” Bobby sighed, fixing the cap on his head and turning from his reading to the boys, receiving a puzzled look from them as he frowned in weariness. “There’s a bunch of angry ghosts out there and we can’t stay here forever.”
“We won’t have to.” Eva murmured in a distracted ton, seeming concentrated on the writings on the walls still, unaware of her hold on the three man’s attention on account of what she had said.
“Care to elaborate on that by any chance?” Bobby spoke when he realized she would not.
“Oh.” She finally acknowledge them, brown eyes darker in the low lighting of the panic room, a nonchalant report in her features as she proceeded to explain. “I know a spell, but I will need some things from the kitchen and the spell has to be cast over an open fire.”
“The fireplace in the library.” Sam was quick to suggest, looking fixedly at the way Eva kept trying and failing to remove the curly hair of her bangs from her forehead, as if unaccustomed to the feeling.
“Perfect.” The angel let out, giving up on the task and bringing her hands down in a frustrated motion.
“Hey, hold on a second there, Chief.” Dean’s voice filled the small area, bringing Eva’s attention in his direction, a slight grin of irritation forming by the side of her lips and in the gleam in her eyes. “My brother here is clearly infatuated by your…” His hazel orbs scanned her body up and down before he continued. “Godly attributes. But before we go anywhere near that door, risking our lives for a spell that you just pulled out your ass…”
“Oh my God.” Sam closed his eyes, head tilting up in disbelief.
“I’ma need some answers from you.” The dirty blonde haired man finished, crossing his arms on top of his chest, the muscles expanding in volume by the change in posture and creating a more imposing figure.
“Sure, Denny. I’m an open book.” The sound of Eva’s timbre was sweet and upbeat while she offered Dean two good blinks, a sarcastic smile adorning her face.
“Alright.” The older brother’s tough exterior faltered a bit as he was surprised by the angel’s cool demeanor, but taking a quick moment to clear his throat, he pulled through. “Let’s start with these ‘witnesses’. Why are they here?”
“They’ve been risen. That’s why it’s called the Rising of the Witnesses.” She responded, short and condescendingly, but the dark-skinned woman’s allusiveness was not lost on Dean.
“Who rose them?” He inquired.
“I’m not sure, but whoever it was, they did it on purpose.” The hunters shared a look, an intrigued frown in their features. “See, these ghosts, they were forced to rise. They are called Witnesses because they have witnessed the unnatural. None of them died what you'd call ordinary deaths. They woke up in agony. They're like rabid dogs. And the fact that they are all people that hunters, like yourselves, couldn’t save, it’s not a coincidence.”
“So you’re saying that who did this was targeting us?” Sam questioned.
“Most probably. Y’all do have some unfriendly acquaintances out there.” The way that she said it, so full and heavy with irony, plump lips moving around the words so slowly, finally became apparent to the taller Winchester, who gave out a puzzled look.
“And that’s why you’re here, Little Angel? To protect us?” Dean’s tone was challenging, provocative.
“Not quite.” Eva answered, punctuating her syllables. “Whoever did this had big plans. These ghosts being here is just the beginning. They are a prophecy, a sign.”
“A sign of what?” The siblings spoke together, their voices blending into each other, the same apprehension in them.
“The Apocalypse.” Her guise didn’t shift the slightest, keeping a serene composure while uttering her reply.
There was a sepulchral silence in the room. Bobby lowered his head and let out a long breath, a kind of recognition in his features, as if he already suspected that to be the truth. Sam’s eyes grew twice their seize, and he kept staring at the angel without blinking once, as if waiting for her to reveal that she had been joking. Dean’s mouth formed and reformed words that were never pronounced, his lips agape in a circular shape, brows knitted together in deep thought as he processed the repercussions of what was said, before he finally spoke.
“Apocalypse? The apocalypse, apocalypse? The four horsemen, pestilence, $5-a-gallon-gas apocalypse?”
“That’s the one.” Eva smiled an empty smile.
“So that’s why you’re here.” The shaggy-haired man said, a hint of accusation as he fixated his gaze at the girl. “Angels finally come to Earth and it’s the end of it.”
“That’s what I’m trying to stop.” She crossed her arms, tucking them underneath her breasts, sounding unaffected by the way that the Winchesters were reacting to her news. “There’s still time, but you two gotta be prepared.” She gestured to both of them, a superior air about her when she continued. “Big things are afoot.”
“Do I want to know what kind of things?” Dean was quick to ask.
“I sincerely doubt it, but you need to know.” She tipped her head to one side, her curls stirring gracefully with the tiniest of movements. “The Rising of the Witnesses is one of the 66 seals.”
“Okay. I'm guessing that's not a show at Seaworld.” Dean muttered from under he’s breath.
“Think of the seals as locks on a door.” Eva explained.
“Right.” Sam agreed, ears and eyes very open as he focused on everything she said. “Last one opens and…?”
“Lucifer walks free.” Her voice faltered for the first time in front of them, and all three hunters realized how her gaze didn’t met theirs.
“Lucifer?” The eldest Winchester said it way too fast, stuttering a little as he licked his suddenly dry lips. “You mean… Satan, the Ruler of the Underworld… The Devil? That Lucifer?”
Sam began to wander along the space, hands messing with his hair from the roots to the ends in a mechanic, stress reliving manner.
“He’s been locked in a cage for a long time now, and I believe that it would be in your race’s best interest that he stayed that way.” The curly-haired woman realized that she needed to regain control of the situation, upping the volume of her timber so that it resonated trough their emotions. “And in order for that to happen, I’m going to need you and your brother’s collaboration. Got it?”
“This is crazy.” Sam blurted out, hands still ruffling his hair when he stopped moving to face the angel again.
“Look, this is not some ‘monster of the week’ bullshit no more, ok? You guys have entered the big league now.” Eva’s deep brown eyes stared back at the light-colored ones with intention, reaching somewhere inside the hunters, somewhere that had been deemed dormant by them a long time ago, somewhere where their fears lived. “Welcome to the end of times.”
They had prepared themselves to leave the panic room as well as they possibly could, filling up many salt rounds to load their weapons with. The atmosphere in the place was cool and professional, almost sterile. The group worked in silence, the humans showing concern in their faces after the news that the angel had presented to them. She, in the other hand, helped to make the bullets in a steady pace, moving seamlessly and caring no emotion whatsoever in her features.
“So,” Dean began, once he realized that he couldn’t take the silence no more. “Since when do angels need guns to fight off some ghosts?” He looked over at her, realizing that she had progressed in the chore much quicker than he had. “Matter of fact, can’t you just snap your fingers and make them go back to rest?”
“If I could, I wouldn’t be stuck down here, stuffing cartridges with a condiment.” Eva didn’t make eye contact, focusing on the rough white substance that she handled, lips pursed together lightly while she felt it getting more and more under her fingernails.
“Are you always this delightful or today you’re in a special mood just for me?” Dean snapped back, finishing up and beginning to assemble his gun.
The woman let out a breath, closing her eyelids for a couple of seconds, seeming to be gathering her patience before she looked up at him with a much softer semblance.
“If they were normal ghosts, I could deal with them much faster, except they were risen to fulfill a specific purpose, in a specific way that renders my powers obsolete towards them.” Her tone wasn’t nice per say, but it was definitely more polite than what the men had grew accustomed to up to that point, and Dean found himself without knowing what to say next, before she finished off. “Happy?” The last word had such a subtle, corky mischievousness to it that made the blonde want to laugh, and he looked over at Sam for acknowledgment, receiving it right away as the younger brother was already smiling.
“Peachy.” Dean responded, deciding to give up on taunting the angel for now.
“Alright.” Bobby said, gathering up his things while the others did the same. “Cover each other. And aim careful. Me and Eva are going to need some backup to find everything we need for the spell. You boys don't run out of ammo until we’re done, or they'll shred you. Ready?”
“Not really.” Sam replied, little humor in his voice as him and Dean marched towards the door and got ready to open it. “Are you sure you know how to use that?” He asked Eva, who was holding on to her gun in a nonchalant manner.
“I saw humans discovering gunpowder, I think I can handle this.” The brunette gave the tall man a quick grin, not changing her posture in the way the held the weapon.
“Ok, then.” Dean let out, kind of enjoying the frown that was forming in his brother’s face the more he noticed the girl’s sarcastic and brass demeanor, right before he opened the door and they went on to fight some ghosts.
As it turns out, Eva’s deep knowledge of the human race’s history wasn’t enough to translate the theory of fire gun’s usage into practice. From the minute they left the panic room, all the enraged ghosts from the Winchesters' past attacked them with a vengeance, and the angel proved herself to be a terrible shot when dealing with them, not being able to once aim her weapon correctly. To the point of when the ghost of FBI Special Agent, Victor Henriksen, came upon them in Bobby’s kitchen, trying to stop them from gathering all the ingredients needed for the spell that would set the risen Witnesses back to rest, the woman almost got Dean while attempting to shoot at the flitting spectrum. Thankfully, his reflexes were quick and he was capable to dodge the projectile before getting hit, while Sam aimed straight into Henriksen’s chest, making him vanish into nothing.
“Ow!” Dean exclaimed when he jumped out of the bullets reach, noticing the small tear they created in his brown leather jacket, right at the arm. “Easy there, Tiger, don’t help us too much.” His hazel eyes glowed in a light, electric green, showing anger as he looked down at the small brunette, and he extended his hand out to grab the gun out of her fingers in a harsh movement, a disapproval in the way he stared, but she only shrugged.
“Ok, let’s just… Try not to die before the world ends.” Bobby said, irony in his voice as he rolled his eyes and kept moving fast, collecting everything that could be used in the spell provided by the angel.
As it were, the incantation worked, but nothing could be done about the seal that had already been broken. Eva left them as soon as the spirits disappeared, with only the sound of wings flapping to announce her exit. And the three man wondered, without actually saying it out loud, if they could trust the yet mysterious being, and if they could, who had been the one to purposefully break that seal and send those furious ghosts towards them?
The last answer came to Dean, later that day, when the sun was already out and they all slept. In his dreams, Castiel came to him, giving encrypted answers to all his questions, expect one.
“Who did the spell? Who rose the witnesses?”
“Lilith.” The blue-eyed angel responded, hard, firm features that seemed to be sculpted in marble, making Dean ask himself if that was a perpetual quality in all ‘Lord’s soldiers’. “Those seals are being broken by Lilith.”
“And what about your little friend, your work college? Showing up here out of nowhere and helping us out. What? You guys felt sorry for us all of the sudden?” Dean inquired, not understanding the puzzled look that Castiel gave back to him. “Eva? Sam’s guardian angel?”
There was a strong recollection that passed through the man’s face after Dean uttered his final words, and the hunter was about to probe more for information, but Castiel quickly moved his hand up to touch the human in the forehead, waking him up from his dream and ending their conversation.
The very first thing that the blonde saw once he opened his eyes was the dusty ceiling of Bobby’s old house, when he woke up in the sofa of the living room. Letting out a shaky breath, Dean closed his eyelids once again, relaxing back into the uncomfortable cushions, mind racing through the events that were dominating his and his brother’s lives. But the moment didn’t last long, as the full voice of the impertinent lady that kept reappearing in his thoughts made itself present in reality.
He moved way too quickly to look up from his laid down position, vision still blurred from sleep as the image of the curly head of the short, dark-skinned angel started to form clearly and he saw her there, leaned against a wall in Bobby’s kitchen with a bottle of water between her thin, long fingers, head pointing almost completely up as she managed to look at Sam, with who she was talking to. The scene seemed so surreal, so out of place to Dean that he had to blink a couple of times, rubbing the tiredness out himself as he got up from the sofa and slowly made his way to the kitchen’s entry, eyebrows frowned when he noticed the way Sam smiled a cheeky smile after being told something by the girl.
“Hem.” He oldest sibling cleared his throat, calling out their attention.
“Dean, look! Eva’s back.” Sam gave out a tight laugh when he realized Dean’s presence.
“Yeah, I see that.” The man stared at her up and down, intrigued by the fact that, differently from Castiel, Eva had changed her clothes from the last day.
“Good morning, Princess Di.” Her makeup clean face turned to him with a sarcastic smirk, dimples showing in her cheeks now that he saw her clearly in the light of day.
Dean laughed shortly after hearing the nickname, the provocative tone in her voice not lost on him.
“So, are you going to give us another mission, Charlie, or you just couldn’t stay away?” Dean leaned against the entrance, mimicking hers stance, his muscles rippling from under his thin sleep shirt and there was a challenge in the way they stared with one of their brows raised, without batting an eye.
“What, and miss your midwestern charm, Kansas boy?” Eva nipped back, her grin widening into a smile as they sized each other up.
Sam laughed openly then, finding the clear tension between his brother and the angel genuinely funny, especially in the way that the woman seemed to consistently come up with better comebacks at every turn.
“Can I speak to you for a second?” Dean asked her, a sudden seriousness taking over him, surprising both Eva and Sam. “Privately?”
“Oh,” She gathered herself quickly, putting her mischievousness facade back on, a smile so big adorning her face that they could see her straight white teeth then, as if she knew what he would want to talk to her about. “Sure, lead the way.” Her medium sized, unpolished, yet feminine nails tapped a couple of times on the lid of the water bottle she held, her thin writs catching Dean’s attention for a second too long, as he thought about how fragile she looked on the outside, at least until she opened her mouth.
The hunter gestured with his head towards one of the corridors that lead to the living room of the house, where they could be alone without anyone being able to hear them. Eva nodded, making a beeline towards the indicated place, and Dean shared a look with the taller man, noticing that he was puzzled by his older brother’s request, but nothing else was said, and Dean followed her to the corridor.
“Whats up?” She fixed her hair out of her eyebrows, trying to keep the curls of her bangs from her forehead, fingers going nail first into the roots and shaking the threads upwards, creating more volume to the mane that framed her face.
“You knew it had been Lilith this whole time, didn’t you?” Dean went straight to the point, crossing his arms upon his chest, shoulders seeming to expand with the motion.
“Yes, but I thought it would be wise to refrain that information from your brother.” Eva didn’t seemed to be faced whatsoever with his question, beginning to play with the plastic bottle in her hands, the sound of the water stirring side to side in the container attesting to that.
“Excuse me?” Dean wasn’t ready for her unbothered veneer, and his hands that held onto his on arms tightened visibly, knuckles withing with the pressure.
“Listen, during the time that you’ve spent away,” Her voice dropped in volume then, her soft spoken tone sounding so melodic and calming that it was almost capable of camouflaging it’s true purpose. “Sam has been venturing into some very dangerous activities. You know, with a demon.”
“Ruby?” Dean took the hint soon enough.
“Mm-hmm.” She nodded her head, lips pursed in irritation with the mention of the name.
“Look, whatever he has been up to with…”
“Some Basic Instinct type shit, Dean.” Eva interrupted him, voice low but harsh all of the sudden.
“Wait, you mean…” The man was clearly confused, trying to place the pieces of the conversation back together as they went, the idea that he was going to the one using an accusing tone in the exchange long forgotten.
“I don’t care what he’s intentions have been to engage in any of this.” Eva stopped him mid sentence once more, dropping her arms to her sides and walking a step closer to Dean, brown meeting hazel in an intense way, but she kept on, practically whispering but knowing she was being heard clearly. “All I know is that he believes he’s doing the right thing because of Lilith, because of this obsession with killing her he has gotten himself into. But let me tell you, ain’t nothing good about what he’s doing, and since I can’t be one to put the fear of God into him due to fucking free will, you’re going to fix it. Alright?”
Dean didn’t said anything back, didn’t seemed to be able to. His irises scanned her entire face, finally finding some real emotion coming out of her, but it was anger. And the man swallowed whatever he could possibly say to her then, because the realization finally dawned on him with it’s true force now.
They’re weren’t dealing with the same beasts no more, there was no diary that could break down the strengths and weaknesses of these beings. They were all-powerful and all-knowing, and they could see right through his and Sam’s armatures, to the point of seeing everything they ever did or ever thought. And know, one of them was specifically telling him that his brother’s choices might lead him to a terrible ending.
So Dean simply stared at her, not knowing what to say next, so she did.
“Good talk.” Eva’s serious features contoured into a joyless side grin, and she tapped him in the shoulder twice before walking down the hallway back to the kitchen, hands working on unscrewing the lid of her water bottle before taking a long sip, and Dean’s mouth fell agape when he realized how Sam’s eyes lighted up when he saw her get back.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x08: Our Father, Who Aren’t In Heaven
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Fighting the good fight since 2010
At the Lucky Elephant Casino, God’s knocking back fruity drinks, playing slots, and murdering everyone around him. Things don’t look so fun in Chuck-land. 
Meanwhile, Eileen is living her best new life hunting a werewolf. She’s kicking butt but has a temporary setback when Sam shows up. She shoves him out of the way to finish the job. She asks Sam if he’s following her. MAYBE he’s being a little overprotective, but c’mon, he did just bring her back from the dead. I’m guessing he’d like to keep her on the side of the living a little longer than a week or two.
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Later at the bunker, they’re eating their respective burger (Eileen) and salad (Sam), and Dean walks in with the demon tablet. He’s hoping the tablet will reveal a weak spot with God. They’re going to need Donatello!
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Cas knock’s on Donny’s door. Hmm, I see, divorced husbands still communicating about the case and Cas still doing things for the cause. 
Donatello comes back to the bunker, but isn’t happy about it. He gets to work eating chicken wings and translating the tablet again. Sam, Dean, and Cas casually hang out in the library and sneak concerned looks towards the prophet.
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Donny finds some footnotes written by Metatron about God’s secret fear that he only shared with “his favorite.” Lucifer was already locked away by the time the tablets were written. He must mean Michael. The problem with finding Michael is that he’s locked away in the Cage. Donatello starts to freak out over how overly dramatic TFW’s lives are but then passes out in a chair. He comes to --but it’s Chuck this time communicating directly through his prophet. He tells them to leave it alone. Then he threatens all the women in their lives if they don’t (and I just hate/love this because this calls back to early SPN so much when the women died for all their man-pain.)
They tell Donatello to go home. Then they all decide (Cas reluctantly) to go to Hell to find Michael. Dean sarcastically tells Cas that he can “stay here” at the bunker. And I can’t for the life of me find the post now, but whoever made a post of Dean increasingly going from sarcasm to flat out begging for Cas to stay at the bunker is my hero. 
In the bunker’s kitchen, they cast the same spell Rowena used to get Cas and Belphagor to Hell before. Dean cuts his hand as part of the spell (something he’s done a thousand times before) and Cas takes the time to heal him (but doesn’t touch him like he normally does) and it takes so much of him to do it. I’m just going to sit here quietly for a bit before proceeding. 
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Once in Hell, Cas leads the way until they run into a bunch of badass lady demons that completely kick their asses. Well, they do until a very familiar voice bellows, “STOP!”
It’s ROWENA!!! 
She’s now Queen of Hell. She’s also posturing up a storm. Ah. They tell her they want to lock up Chuck and they’re looking for Michael. She tells them he could be anywhere. The Cage opened just like the rest of the doors in Hell. She sends her demon minions to find Michael. 
Back at the bunker, Eileen is watching over the spell, and she gets a call from Sue, another hunter. She needs help with a vamp nest. Eileen agrees to help as soon as she’s done helping TFW. 
In Hell, TFW meets with Rowena in her throne room. She tells Sam that killing her was a good thing. She’s queen! Then she asks him to get her another drink (!) so she can have a little therapy time with the other two clowns. She tells them to “fix it” because there’s no reconciliation in death. A demon comes in to inform them that Michael “is nowhere to be found.”
For Perfect Framing Science:
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Actually, he can be found at Jaci’s Red Wagon diner. It seems that Adam and Michael are good buds and Adam’s currently enjoying his first burger in ten years. 
Dean checks in with Donatello just one more leeeetle time to see if he’s gotten any Chuck-adjacent flashes. Just when you think you’re out, yadda yadda yadda… He THEN checks in with Sam about Eileen. She is FINE, Dean, they have “an agreement.” Dean picks up on Sam’s waffling, and tells Sam that she fits the parameters of a potential partner: she knows the life, plus she’s hot. That’s way better than the life Sam tried to build with Amelia, a bag of limes, and a dog. This conversation is also notable for Dean’s admission that he’d been in a very dark place not long ago but he’s climbing out of it now.
At the diner, Adam continues to chill with Michael and contemplate the future when Lilith arrives. 
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She’s there to bring Michael to Chuck. “I’m not accustomed to being fetched,” Michael says coldly. It looks like things are headed towards fisticuffs when Michael just…burns her to ash right there. Ah, archangels. (Side note: I rewatched this section with the sound off while gathering images and watching her performance is every bit as engaging. I’ll miss you, scrunchy-nose Lilith.)
Donatello has a vision and sees Michael’s spiteful smiting (smiteful?). He calls Dean with Michael’s location. He’s in Cairo! Time for Dean to hop on a plane and hold Cas’s hand nervously the entire time… I’m ready for an airplane destiel fic episode!
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Cas has an alternate, non-hand-holding suggestion. He’ll pray to Michael instead. In the quiet of an upstairs corner of the bunker, next to a REAL and also METAPHORICAL CHESS SET, Cas characterizes their last meeting as “unpleasant” and asks to meet up. “I’m not your enemy anymore. Now we all have the same enemy. God himself.”
Mmmkay, compelling words. Michael meets Cas in a warehouse. He remembers Cas. “You called me assbutt and set me on fire.” LOL, classic. Cas faces Michael stoically and lights a circle of holy oil around him. That’s the Winchester’s cue to enter and they do so with STYLE.
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Dean presents a set of warded cuffs for Michael’s consideration. There’s clearly only one way out of the circle of fire.
For Check out the Curtains Made of Chains SO PRETTY Science:
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Michael is twenty-five shades of pissed off at being confined. In the bunker he accuses the Winchesters of abandoning their brother and then shocks them all by flashing Adam back in control. 
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Adam seems much more chill than Michael and reveals that he and the archangel only had each other in the cage so they came to an agreement. Dean, who only recently stopped dragging himself around in a post-Michael traumatic haze, is gobsmacked that Michael’s letting Adam walk and talk. He tells Adam that there’s nothing they can say to fix what they did by leaving him in the cage. “How about ‘I’m sorry?’” Adam suggests.
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Michael wrests back control and we go back to Chuck talk. Team Free Will attempts to briefly explain that Chuck isn’t trying to usher in “boring” paradise. Instead, Michael’s dad would rather see everybody suffer, including Michael.
Adam pops back behind the helm and advises them to stop their paltry attempt at convincing Michael of Chuck’s perfidy. On his (their) own, Adam unpacks the situation. He doesn’t forgive the Winchesters for what they did, but he does think they’re operating from good intentions. I don’t remember where I saw this online, but somebody posted that they have never liked Adam more than in this episode. I completely agree! There’s a lovely amount of complexity and growth hinted at through this performance.
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Michael finds it hard to shake off a near-eternity of being God’s favored son. God is “having a mid-eternity crisis,” Adam suggests. Maybe Michael should at least entertain the possibility that Chuck isn’t on the up-and-up. Michael doesn’t want to doubt his father. “You still care about that after he left you in the cage?” Adam asks.
Meanwhile, Eileen’s friend Sue calls again. She’s ready to move on the vamps and needs backup NOW. When Eileen hesitates, Sue needles her about having to ask for permission. Eileen rises to Sue’s barb and agrees to meet up. The camera tumbles, Sue swears, and Eileen acts immediately as the call ends. She races to Sam’s room and fills him in on her friend’s perilous situation. Together, they run off to give Sue backup. (I love how this scene both shows Eileen’s need to assert her own independence and her absolute trust and pragmatism in getting Sam to back her up.) 
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Cas heads in to speak with Adam/Michael. Michael is still not on board the fight-Chuck train. Cas responds with sass, as is his custom. “I never liked you. I thought you were too haughty. Too…to paraphrase a friend, you had an entire oak tree shoved up your ass.” 
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Now Cas finds him pitiable. Michael isn’t God’s favorite. He’s just a tiny part of Chuck’s favorite soap opera. DAMN, Cas. 
Cas goes even further, telling Michael that Lucifer was the smart one all along, and Michael SNAPS. He flips Cas over the table and gets him in a headlock. Cas struggles, and manages to lock both his hands on Michael’s temples. It’s brain zapping time! Even an archangel is no match for Cas’s mind mojo, and Cas dumps a clip show of Chuck being a dick writer into Michael’s head. 
Later, Cas decompresses alone in the kitchen. Dean arrives, then suggests that Cas might have misjudged the situation and gone too far with Michael. D E A N. Before Cas left, Michael essentially said, “Leave. Get out. I want you dead.” We’ve all been in agony for several days now over the parallels between this line and what Cas thinks he’s getting from Dean and AAAAUGH THE SWEET PAIN OF IT. “We didn’t bond,” Cas summarizes. If you need me, I’ll be hunched in this burning dumpster, muttering about profound bonds. 
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The bunker rattles, and they race to Michael’s room. He greets them with, “God lied to me.” He gave everything for Chuck, but it turns out he’s not even unique across the multiverse if there are other Michaels out there. 
Sam and Eileen arrive at the hunt and discover abandoned vehicles. Sam’s suspicion bone is tingling, but then Sue shows up. She’s got this swagger, so Boris and I immediately assume she’s been turned into a vamp because we’ve been watching this show since forever. Uh, Sue’s not a vamp. She’s Chuck! Or…you know, Chuck’s her! [Admiral Ackbar voice] It’s a trap!
Michael agrees to help Team Free Will. He pulls out a slip of paper with a spell on it that can contain Chuck just like it contained Amara. All they need is myrrh, cassia, rock-rose, and the nectar of a leviathan blossom. It’s a flower that grows in Purgatory. Michael opens up a rift-style door with the snap of his fingers.
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The door will stay open for twelve hours. Dean uncuffs Michael/Adam and apologizes for what happened to his half brother. Adam smiles sadly and wishes them luck in their Chuck-fighting endeavors. After he/they leave, Cas and Dean turn towards the glowing rift. It’s Purgatory time, baby! And you know what they say about Purgatory. It’s the perfect place to work out your emotions in a friendly, non-deadly environment!
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Quotingmoon in Purgatory:
There’s a crack in his invincibility shield
When I go crazy again, just shoot me
Usually I enjoy our little process. I toss something at you guys and you slam it right back. It’s fun! Like tennis! With monsters
What am I picking up from you two? A wee tif? Tell your Auntie Rowena
Why would he send you, a demon, a speck of infernal bile?
Oh, I didn’t come to beg
Since when do we get what we deserve?
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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coolness22 · 7 years
Knives and Feathers
part 9
Part 10:
A few weeks of monitoring Gabriel’s slow recovery had passed and you were starting to get bored out of your mind. Sam and Dean had gone on a few hunts here and there but you had always stayed at the bunker. It was about time you went out and did something. You decided to go on a hunt as you were sure the task would be simple. You had helped the boys with a hunt in the past so you knew what you were doing, plus you were an angel so you couldn’t really get hurt. You walked into the library to find them both sitting at the table, Sam looking at his laptop and dean looking through a newspaper.
“You guys looking for a case?” You asked hoping you could snag it and go on it yourself.
“Yeah actually, we found one that’s similar to the one we were on when we met you for the first time.” Sam replied still looking at his computer.
“Can I take it?” When you asked this they both turned to you with slightly surprised looks on their faces, “I thought it was about time you two looked after Gabriel instead for once, plus I can take care of myself, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” They turned to each other, silently conversing with simple looks.
“You sure you wanna take a case on your own?” Dean finally said turning back to you. He looked slightly concerned, but you wasn’t about to just turn around and say ‘oh I’m an angel I’ll be fine’, no you couldn’t do that.
“I’ve helped you out before, I can handle it. Plus I’m practically dying being caged up here on my own, I wanna go on case, get some fresh air, see some action.” You reasoned with him finishing with a hopeful look. With a quick glance back at Sam he threw you his keys.
“Be careful, and if I see one scratch on my baby when you get back-“
“You’ll kill me, Yeah I get it. Where is it then?” You interrupted Dean before turning to Sam. After an address was rattled off you left the bunker and set off.
It wasn’t a long journey but it was quiet which made it seem longer that it really was. About five minutes away from where Sam had told you, you spotted an old abandoned barn. Something told you that something bad was going to happen there, you just didn’t know what. Once you got into town you felt very unsettled. There was something about this place that felt.........off.
Once you got to their local motel you booked a room and started your research. While you searched the web for more information that feeling of unease came over you again, almost as it you were being watched. You went to walk to the window to check it out the feeling disappeared. You stayed on high alert after that just in case someone or something came in to attack you.
After a few hours of searching online you thought it would be best to drop by the sheriff’s office in the morning for more information. Once you had decided that you saved the information you found in your computer before sitting on your bed to browse the web randomly. Since you didn’t really need to sleep you stayed up all night making sure that uneasy feeling didn’t come back.
Once morning had come you changed into some formal clothes and got your badge, provided by Sam and dean of course. You went to the sheriff’s office to get some more information. It was unusually quiet and once again you felt a slight unease roll over you, though not as strong as the past two times. Walking into the office was easy, the only people there being the sheriff and a couple of officers.
“Excuse me, could you help me with something?” You asked the sheriff flashing him your FBI badge.
“Sure, what can I help you with?” He replied in a dull tone, a half empty bottle of whisky on his desk.
“We’ve been investigating a recent string of murders and we think that the deaths around here are linked in some way. Can you tell me how they died?” 
“The deaths you’re talkin about ain’t something you should be concerned with” he said taking a sip from the glass you just noticed in his hand.
“I’d still like to know, now please tell me.” You were starting to get a little impatient with him.
“They just died of suffocation. Just stopped breathin, no marks or nothin, nothin blocking their throats, they just died.” He took another sip.
“And where exactly did this happen, any place in particular?”
“They were found in the old barn about five minutes down the road from here. Is there anything else or can I finish my drink in peace now?” Man he was rude.
“No that’ll be all. Thank you.” And with that you left. Once you got back to the motel you pieced what you had learned together with what you found last night. You still didn’t have much but you did have a location to search now. 
Once you got there you still felt unnerved by the place. Something bad was about to happen, you knew that, you just didn’t know what, and that worried you. 
“I’m an angel, I’ll be fine” you told yourself before slowly pushing the door open a bit and making your way inside. The barn was old and damp, fairly empty, but you could sense something or someone was in here with you. You were cautious, walking slowly around the inside edge of the barn, staying in the shadows. As you moved far enough away from the doors they slammed shut making you jump a little. You continued slowly making your way towards the centre. You stopped as you heard footsteps from the opposite side of the barn.
“Hello, again. I bet you didn’t expect to see me again did you?” A familiar voice called out, “I’ve learned a few new tricks since our last encounter.” It was Jack, somehow you managed to run into him again, but before you could say anything you suddenly felt something hit your head. Then it all went black.
part 11
And that’s part 10. *gasp* a cliff hanger, what could happen next. well you’ll find out in about a week. I need a little time to write ahead a bit more so you’ll just have to wait. Enjoy :)
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sassy-losechester · 8 years
Title: Dead
Summary: Dean is in denial that the reader is dying.
Words: 1,735
Warnings: Angsty, character death.
Authors Note: So I was inspired by My Chemical Romance’s album The Black Parade. This chapter is for @mamapeterson album challenge.
Tags: @daughterofdragons1019
Part One
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 Dean sat by your bedside as you grew weaker, as it became almost impossible for you to get out of your bed. He had done more than what you had expected him to ever do. Dean, the man you love, was watching you slowly wither away.
Your clothes no longer fit, they hid how skinny you had become. When Dean would lay next to you, gently holding you as he felt your ribs protruding from your skin. It had been weeks since you burnt all your valuable items.
There were only three items that remained: the flask, the black dress, and your hunter’s journal. Burning that hadn’t occurred to you. Having spent many hours hunched over it, drawing creatures and writing down all the information that you could remember about vampires, werewolves, and witches.
Breathing was getting harder, you breaths had grown shallow as the days passed, every time you inhaled there was a rattle that echoed in the room.
You didn’t have the strength any more to fight what Dean wanted. He had gotten you on oxygen for comfort. He had read it on an article somewhere that giving oxygen to people who were dying comforted them. You didn’t notice the difference.
As days passed and the more you slept you hoped that Dean was staying by your side. He wasn’t though. When he saw that you were asleep and knew that you would be for a few hours he would go to the library to try to find something in the Men of Letters documentation.
He just had a feeling that there would be something in there on how to cure you. He wasn’t going to give up on you, not until you took your last breath. It could be any day now. You were sleeping for longer periods on time, not eating, barely drinking any water. If it weren’t for Sam and Dean, you would have withered away weeks ago.
You voice hoarse as you spoke, “Dean,” your eyes glanced around the room looking for your better half. Sitting up a little to try to find him you were pushed back into the pillows.
“Dean went out for a little bit,” Castiel stood in front of you, his bright blue eyes piercing down at you, “He asked me to sit with you while he was out.”
“I should have left,” you croaked ignoring Cas’s stare, “Should have left after I burned everything. Save you three the pain of watching me fade away. It’d save Dean the heartbreak too,” you shrugged your shoulders, wishing you would have thought about that months ago.
Castiel sat at the edge of the bed next to you, without saying a word he put two fingers to your forehead. The dull ache that was cascading through your body had subsided. Relief spread across your face.
“I thought you couldn’t heal me.”
He stared at you momentarily, looking at the bed side table, “I can’t take away all of the cancer. There is simply too much in your body. However, I can take away some of your pain.”
You nodded your head, reaching for the remote you grasped it briefly before it fell to the floor, “Shit,” Castiel grabbed the remote and turned the television on. A daytime drama was playing, it wasn’t much but it was noise. The soft melodrama played while Cas took a seat in the chair next to the bed.
The two of you sat in silence watching two full episodes of the daytime drama, “Cas,” you broke the silence, “Why hasn’t Dean tried getting a hold of Gabriel? He’s an archangel, he could heal this right?”
You turned your head to look at him. Confusion marked his face, “Gabriel has been dead for years, Y/N,” he stood up again putting his hand across your forehead, “It’s spread to your brain.”
The cool touch of his hand on your forehead sent shivers down your spine. Your eyes slowly closed at his unexpected statement, “Shit, that sucks,” you muttered stifling a small laugh. Your memory was fading, that you knew. It was becoming harder to remember things, breathing was becoming harder, everything was just harder. Dean basically had to carry you if you wanted to use the bathroom or go to the library. Maybe, maybe you should have agreed to get cured, “I’m so tired, Cas,” Looking up at the angel, “Can’t you just kill me?”
“No,” Cas patted your head, like he was petting a dog, “I’ll go get Dean.”
You must have dozed off after Cas had left. The dipping in the bed jolted you awake, “Dean,” his arm gently drapped around your waisted. You were positive that your protruding rib cage startled him.
“Hey sweetheart, I’m here,” Dean pulled you in closer, your head resting against his chest, “Sam thinks he found a spell. We’re gunna see if we can get Rowena or Crowley to help. See if it’ll work.”
Shaking your head slightly you looked up at Dean, craning your head to see him, “I thought you said no more. I don’t want that.”
“Cas told me you were asking about Gabriel, wondering why we couldn’t find him to heal you,” Dean looked down at you, “He said it’s gone to your brain.”
“Knew it would happen.”
“I can’t lose you, Y/N.”
Tears prickled up in your eyes, you couldn’t decide if it harder on you or on Dean. It was your fault that this was happening. Dean had found a way to blame it on himself to make it his fault. Maybe if he had got you to stop smoking sooner you wouldn’t have gotten cancer, or maybe if he made you go to the hospital sooner. Maybe if he didn’t get Cas to lose his grace. There were so many variables that Dean was going to blame himself. You were dying and he was blaming it on himself.
“It’s my fault I’m this way,” your cheeks grew moist with the salty tears that fell down your face, “I’m so tired. I just want to die already. Stop looking.”
He stayed quiet, looking at you as your eyes watched the drama show played on the television. The two of you stayed silent as the episode passed.
“Dean?” You spoke checking to see if he were awake.
“Yeah sweetheart?” His voice thick, sounding like he was just waking up from a nap.
Licking your dry lips, “What do you think life would’ve been like if we didn’t hunt, we never knew about the supernatural?”
Dean inhaled quickly at your question. It was something that he thought about, more often now that you were dying.
Him not responding didn’t deter you, “I think we would live in Lawrence, same town as your mom and dad. Not neighbors though.”
“That’d be nice,” his was clearer than before, “Sammy would have still gone to Stanford, marry Jess.”
“We would’ve gotten married in church, small reception. Have a small house but a big yard for the kids to play.”
“We’re gunna have kids? Y/N, I don’t think I’d make a good dad.”
“Of course you would,” you began to wheeze struggling to breath, “You’re a natural. I’m the one to worry about,” You began taking in slow breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Your body rattled at every breath you took, “Never changed a diaper before.”
Dean rubbed your back, “Hey, hey, no more talkin’ now. Getting yourself worked up.”
You tried to refuse only to have Dean put his finger against your chapped lips.
“Okay, you’d be a great mother. I’d work at a garage, maybe own one with my dad?” A small smile cracked on his face, “I’d like that. Own a shop with my dad, call it Winchester and Sons. That way one of our boys can take it over when we get too old.”
“Boys?” you whispered.
“Yeah, two boys and a girl. Robert Johnathon and Henry—“
“Michael, after my dad.”
“We’ll have Bobby John and Henry Michael. Then Elizabeth Joy as our youngest. See I remember the small things that you’ve told me,” Dean chuckled to himself.
The small smile appeared on your face, “We’ll be a happy family.”
Dean moved you closer to him, kissing your forehead, “You can stay at home if you want. We’ll have family suppers every Sunday at mom and dads. Our kids will be best friends with Sam and Jess’s. Mom and Dad will be the best grandparents, wanting our rugrats to stay over once a week,” Dean held onto you tight, “We’ll be a happy family.”
He got lost in his thoughts thinking about your imaginary children. Elizabeth would be a replica of you, Henry would be perfect mix of you two, and Bobby would be a miniature him. Dean didn’t care which boy was the oldest he wanted Elizabeth to be the youngest. Have the two boys looking after Elizabeth. It would be perfect.
“We’ll still have the Impala though?” Dean asked. He waited for your response but it felt off. The rattle you had when you breathed was gone, “Y/N?” he turned to you.
It was the first time in weeks that you didn’t look like you were in pain, “Y/N?” He repeated shaking your shoulder, “Come on sweetheart, don’t do this to me.” Dean had gone from laying next to you to standing over you shaking your shoulders, “Y/N, come on. Wake up sweetheart.”
A small amount of air escaped your lungs from the movement, “SAM! CAS!” Dean’s voice echoed throughout the bunker, “No no no,” he ran his hand over your forehead, “You can’t die. Not now, we need to have our apple pie life.”
Sam and Cas ran into room to find Dean crying over your body, “I can’t get her to wake up. Sam, she won’t wake up.”
Sam gripped tight onto Dean’s shoulder, “She’s gone, Dean. It’s what she wanted.”
“Y/N, come on sweetheart. Wake up.”
It was easier to breath for you. Your body was no longer hurting. Glancing at the room around you it didn’t look like heaven. Cas had told you what heaven would be like. This wasn’t it. The room was dark, cold.
Walking around the room you began to try to find where you were, “Hello love, welcome home.”
Chapter Three 
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