raphaerolo · 8 months
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Quick study
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"Madame Delait pruning roses"
She was a French bearded lady from Thaon-les-Vosges, Lorraine region of eastern France. She run a local pub with her husband in the town and used to shave regularly until 1900.
In 1901, she visited the carnival of Nancy with her husband and saw a bearded woman there. Upon returning to the town, one of the regulars in the pub offered her 500 Francs (roughly 5k USD in today's money) if she let her beard grow. Even though she never get the money, she kept the beard and renamed the pub to Le Café de La Femme à Barbe, "The café of the Bearded Woman".
She became a kind of celebrity, by selling postcards and photographs (in relatively feminine settings at the beginning, later she even got a special permission from the authorities to wear men's clothes at her leisure, which was illegal at the time). She also toured in Europe and became even more famous during WW1 when she joined the Red-Cross and became the mascot of the Poilu (French infantrymen with lower class background).
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1937 to Paris
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awnrii · 9 months
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diner dudes. 2024’s first leif and also caspar is here too
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haptronym · 1 year
He's in that "gainful employment is hell" sort of mood
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autoboros · 1 year
Some young Autos
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aromantic-diaries · 4 months
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Some doodles of mine
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cannibalise · 1 month
emmm i rly. rly rly rly rly rly rlr yly rly rly rly rly rlryu rly like shrike and i talk abt him a lot privately to my friend so i wanted to ummm. make a post i guess? about him.. and similarities to corax and stuff because hes so Strange and fun and i love him
ok well first of all hes in. the rg codex supplement (8th) and ik hes mentioned in the space marine codices but i dont own them and finding pdfs isnt the easiest thing in the world (if anyone has the 5th and 4th ed ones id like to read them ToT or at least just screenshots of the raven pages or smth) the legends: shrike novella, and the short story shadow stalker. hes probably mentioned in some other stuff but as much as i want to hunt it all down because of my issues of the mind, i dont think i will be able to. coz its hard to find this stuff digitally and i dont rly wanna spend the money just to learn that hes mentioned like Once and its something i already know. i also wanna say im not like umm. well i wouldnt call myself new anymore but im definitely not like a 40k veteran. just laser focused on necrons, raven guard, and night lords. so if ive missed stuff or gotten something wrong then, u know. im getting thru stuff. i also thought abt ummm. posting screenshots of book stuff to back myself up but i dont know if thats. uhh. idk. is that too much. i dunno. i HAVE them and can get some other specific ones if anyone wants them. and obviously i can say what book theyre from and get the chapter number (not page number tho i read the chapters as big blocks rather than page by page)
anyway. the thing that sort of captured my attention at first abt him is his self destructive humility. or likeeee. almost what looks like a naked desire to die in battle, but not for personal honour or glory ('honour' as a concept in rg itself is honestly a very interesting topic to me anyway). hes just so driven and committed to the cause that if him dying to accomplish a goal or finish the mission is the easiest and most efficient way of doing that, then he thinks about it and commits to it and noone can talk him down. carefully considered recklessness is what i started calling it. he genuinely thinks about all the pros and cons and then does it anyway because his own life as the price is so easy for him to commit. and i think its super fun that hes aware of this shortcoming and its part of why he wants to find someone more suitable as chapter master (this is mentioned in the codex supplement). but SPECIFICALLY because the old master of shadows, severax, did a suicidal assassination attempt that failed and shrike looked at that and knew he wouldve done the same. because he has. in his novella. THREE times against the SAME ORK. and somehow just keeps Not Dying. silly guy... hes silly... i love him so much ToT i LIKE it about him because it feels so strange considering what hes normally like. hes hotheaded. hes highly motivated and driven and doesnt lose hope (again an interesting topic for rg coz of all the 'hope is pointless' stuff). ud think someone like that would have a rly strong drive to keep living and a survival instinct. and he does to some degree but the selflessness takes over or something. but a selflessness tht prioritises them all as an organisation? i mean this Should be normal for imperium anyway and it might be more common than im thinking, i honestly havent read a alot of imperium stuff coz i dont really care about it ! shrike to me is like 'hatred of the imperium leaving my body when i see a cute emoboy with weird issues in his head'. im a sucker for dudes that are quiet bt have that sort of burning passion inside and the fact that its entirely on the behalf of his brothers is too much. also its not totally related but something abt him in the supplement that i LOVED is an anecdote about imperial fists and iron hands having an argument over a tech relic powering a planets shields and shrike comes in and destroys it without either of them knowing so that theyre forced to stop arguing. its that simple logic. hes the type of guy that sees the shortest path to getting stuff done and just does it, regardless of the fallout. no overthinking or figuring stuff out slowly, u see an opportunity to solve a problem u take it right then and there. cut the bullshit i want you etc etc. i love this too in the novella coz even before hes promoted to captain hes arguing with his superiors about how they should keep going no matter the cost and take the shortest and most dangerous path. and another thing. he refuses every attempt at assigning him some honour or award or whatever and like u just KNOW its coz hes like 'well it wasnt me it was all of us together' or something. kayvaan 'i love my bros so much i could (and will) die' shrike
which i guess leads me to ummm. this part! similarities to corax. im STILL getting through horus heresy stuff but the more i read the more similarities i notice but theyre all like. weird picks. like i get that they probably wanted to make a chapter master that felt like corax, for multiple reasons, but they picked some Weird traits to carry over. like i dont think i would call corax hotheaded at all. hes very restrained and definitely does anger (especially when it involves the lycaeus-born ravens and the raptors) but hes too good at keeping a cap on it. to the point that i think this is ultimately his downfall. tho thats, personally speaking and im not like a Massive corax fan i just know him a little. im not staying over at his house for him. im getting chased out of his sons window in the morning instead. ...anyway. the point is that hes much more reserved and restrained. but because of that he also has the belief that there will come a time when hes able to withdraw and let someone else lead the ravens while he does... whatever he wants i guess? i havent seen it mentioned which is a shame coz it would change things a lot depending on what he intends to do. anyway this is mentioned in a lot of the things ive read with him actually. this is a trait he shares with shrike. but because of the differences in circumstance its connotation feels really different. like corax is a primarch, hes sort of marked out no matter what he does afterwards, and hes not rly like ummm. an arts and humanities guy like some of the others. on top of not even realising that hes reinforcing the tyranny that he fought to destroy on his own world. but thats a different topic entirely lol (one that i LIKE because i love tragic irony and the way he seems oblivious to it coz at the time he was so excited over meeting his new brothers (this is from deliverance lost)). anyway god that was a tangent, the POINT was that shrike also wants to give up his role and let someone else be master of shadows because hes too aware of how his recklessness isnt suitable for a leader at that level and has split the chapter up to hopefully have them all hardened and capable and able to take over for him. and then u just know hes gonna go back to trying to kill himself for the cause all the time until it finally sticks. shrike has that clear goal and hes picking the shortest path to it as usual. whereas corax broods a little more and maybe overthinks things. so its the same self awareness and the same wanting to withdraw from their positions but for totally different reasons, and i rly like the contrast. also its just Comical how corax has to tell his legionaries to simmer down and that "victory is its own revenge" instead of running off to kill some specific guys you hate. and then on the other side u have 'shadow captain maybe this isnt a good idea' 'shadow captain you will die' 'shadow captain ple-' and hes gone. hes already gone. hes jumping into his own death again. and shrike DOES HAVE corax's levelheadedness but theyre used to nefarious ends of him thinking about the stupid thing hes gonna do and then doing it anyway. hes using all of his traits from corax for silly things.
anyway sorry i think im done i might kill myself over the embarrassment of writing this later we'll see please dont laugh at me im a sensitive gay little emoboy and kayvaan shrike is my passion
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lin-manuel-samantha · 8 months
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I might be obsessed.
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thuviel · 9 months
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A gift for my brother of his dog Puffen ❤
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kataraavatara · 3 months
everytime i see posts that say “daemon got assassins to kill a toddler” i want to clarify that a four year old is not a toddler but i don’t because i’ll look like a weirdo defending b&c when really i’m just a different kind of weirdo who needs things to be correct all the time
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mango-fizz · 2 months
top 5 drinks go
morir soñando
mango juice
caramel shake
cheesecake factory pineapple cherry limeade
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El Drago Milenario, a roughly a thousand years old, the oldest and largest living specimen of dragon tree in Parque del Drago, Icod de los Vinos, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Spanish vintage postcard
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celluzu · 6 months
nobody warns you about the psychological damage of Stardew Valley
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amber-tortoiseshell · 6 months
I saw on the cat genetics visual guide that you reblogged that it says Agouti Ticked cats are a/a instead of A/-. Which I didn't know before. I always thought Agouti Ticked cats were A/- and homozygous for Ticked. (or maybe the guide is just incorrect? Or maybe I just missed this bit of information)
Do you know the science behind that?
And does this apply to Abyssinians and Somalis as well? Or can they be either a/a or A/-. I've just always wondered what makes them so different from normal Ticked cats besides breeding. (I assumed homozygous for Ticked + breeding for those visual traits)
There's also the Singapura and I've seen Agouti Ticked Maine Coons.
I am obsessed with animal color genetics, (cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, foxes, crested geckos, etc) and I really like trying to figure out specifically what's going on in the background. So sorry for so many questions 😅. (I also adore your blog and the tournaments!)
No, the guide is wrong there then, ticked is definitely A/_. I didn't read it over this thoroughly, sorry.
I think you have the right idea about somalis and abyssinians, they are selected for certain polygenes that give them their characteristic warm coloration and fur texture.
Yes, ticked is present in many cat breeds, including those you listed, and several more. These black ticked tabby kittens are norwegian forest cats, for example:
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Haintrollen cattery
Ticked is the most 'dominant' (or epistatic, to be precise) tabby pattern, all the others can only manifest if the cat is a recessive homozygote for the ticked gene. But ticked cats still carry all the other tabby genes too, just don't express it.
Don't worry about the questions, i'm always happy to answer them 😸 and i'm glad you like the blog!
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jascurka · 1 year
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im on yellow tumblr now. everything is butter
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themagmademon975 · 3 months
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I found this dress while at a mall and IMMEDIATELY thought of @crystallizedtwilight ‘s female Doffy party-dress design, or something along the lines
Oh and the glass ☠️👍
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