#*shows signs + symptoms of [redacted]*
piratebay · 1 year
oh. this is embarrassing. im embarrassed.
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sunny-speaks · 9 months
Nerd (RIVAL!DACTED x Reader)
First Ren Fic of the new year let's go guys!
Lol, life's been pretty busy and I haven't had as much time to write as I wanted but I guess I have a new aspiration for 2024! Enjoy the fic!
Characters: [REDACTED]/[RIVAL-DACTED] from @14dayswithyou x reader !!
Quick summary: library date??? with [RIVAL-DACTED]??? even though hes a pain to you??? more likely than you would think-
You groaned into your hand, head starting to slump into the crook of your arm.
You loved academic validation and you were all for getting good grades and all, but…
Always found a way to bore you somehow.
You were painfully poring over the midterm research that your postsecondary teacher and lecturer had assigned for your ‘Psychology in Modern Media’ course.
Sure, it was fun and all. But the exams were sooo boring and the prep material?
God awfully boring.
You took a sip from the drink that you got from the nearby coffee store, twirling the near-empty cup in your hand as you wistfully sighed.
High school was something you’d taken for granted, huh… Man, you'd kill to do those stupid assigned readings right now.
You could feel some form of fatigue taking over your body riiight before… “Angel? What are you doing here~?”
That cotton candy bastard showed up.
Ugh! You couldn’t get enough of him! (In a negative sense! In a negative sense!)
He was everywhere!
You spotted his annoyingly attractive face in that dumb coffee shop earlier when he winked at you and five people behind you nearly fainted.
That ridiculously hot face of his was giving you unwanted and unwarranted troubles! You wanted him gone.
He pulled up in that ridiculously tight black bodysuit and that white slasher hoodie of his with too many belts and buckles to keep track of. The same unfortunately went for his pants.
It’s like he was trying to show himself off! Ugh, he knew he was hot shit, didn’t he?!
You glared at him, frustration seeping through, “What do you want now, [REDACTED]? If it’s not your head on a spike, I’m good.”
He raised his arms in mock surrender, “Woah, what’s got you so worked up, Angel? Is it lonely at the top?” He’d let you top him in anything if you wanted… In class, in bed, whatever…
He looked so stupidly attractive with the way his hair framed his face, the way his grin sat perfectly on all his features, the little way his eyebrows creas—
“Ugh, just, shut up, will you?” You scoffed out at him then winced at your volume.
That was rude. Even for you.
You sighed, exasperated, slight guilt remnants on your face. “I- My bad… Just the… exam prep is confusing. And I don’t get it.”
He gave an inquisitive tilt of his head, “Which questions?” He slid into the seat beside you, leaning close enough for you to smell the faint traces of black coffee lingering on your clothes from your previous encounter. You tried to erase that ugly feeling when you saw him smile at a pair of girls from earlier.
(…Does he always smile like that to others?)
(Ha, yeah. Not like you’re anyone special…)
He smiled softly to himself as his breaths got deeper, trying to intake as much of your natural scent as he could. That was something he would always want more of...
(Those pathetic leeches from earlier left their stupid perfume lingering on his clothes… the only way to rid him of it was to sit closer to youuu <3)
Somehow, you were too preoccupied with your stupidly annoying questions to even berate his presence this time.
And if you were a little distracted by how close he was, that was no one else's business.
They’d been giving you way too much trouble for the past… half-hour or so.
You picked up the question sheet and pointed at the parts you didn’t understand, “So, I got what a sociopath should look like and covert signs in that dumb show I had to watch, and I know the ways to find sociopathic responses in someone, but how does that correlate with these random non-associated symptoms portrayed by this character?!”
You involuntarily leaned closer to him as you stabbed the piece of paper with an accusatory finger, frustrated. “I swear! The teacher hates me or something!”
[REDACTED] wouldn’t let it slide if the teacher actually hated you though… He’d ruin her reputation amongst colleagues while keeping her isolated from social media. They’d make all family members repulsed of her and willing to not contact her. And then they’d get her fired from her job. If she ever tried to get another job, he could easily fabricate a couple pieces of incriminating evidence from one of his crime scenes…
But he knew you would find it hot that he's confident in himself and that he's witty. So he wouldn't explain his plan just like that.
He grinned, a condescending quip on the tip of his tongue. “Maybe it’s just because I’m a hotter student.”
You spluttered in indignance, bewildered how he even thought of that. Was he insinuating he was hotter than you?! He might be right then... “Wh-What?! Asshole! Ugh!” Just as you were about to get up, he added onto his comment.
“Also, the answer’s right there.” He twirled a pen with his fingers, softly whistling to himself.
“Huh?!” You couldn’t believe it.
But he was right...?
You read the part he had underlined and circled and… the answer was there. That's... weird.
You didn’t have a clue on how you missed it! It drove you insane for so long, and for what?! For that stupidly sexy jerk to find it in one go?
You groaned reluctantly at the help. Maybe he wasn’t just… y’know, a piece of ass all the time... or a jerk. Maybe he was… kinda smart and nice. “Fine. Good job, I guess, asshat… Why’re you even here, god knows you don’t need to study. Like. Ever.” You eye up and down at his visible muscles that his outfit strains to keep compressed.
He pouts a little at the accusation. “Mm, even I study, angel. Might be hard to believe with a physique as good as mine, but I do take time to work on my studies.”
“Sure. And it was totally by chance that we saw each other at the coffee shop down the street. And that you study at the same library as me.” You drawled on, naming one coincidence after the other until [REDACTED] was subjected to some form of abject embarrassment. "What're you, a copycat?"
You paid that much attention to him? No one else… Just him?
Ooh, his heartbeat practically played hopscotch in his chest at the revelation! But no! He must remain calm and mean! Only for you!
They grinned slyly at you. “Angel, please. I would never even try to copy you. So it must’ve been your idea to imitate me, huh? Bet you stalk me or something,” He lied through their teeth, in the pathological way they were used to. They’d be lying if it wasn’t incredibly ironic.
“Hah, you wish.” Your nose twitched in annoyance. God, he was far too good at riling you up. “Whatever, what’s the answer to…”
And the two of you spent the rest of the day, bickering over answers.
Maybe [REDACTED] had earned a bit, a fraction, of your gratitude.
Maybe you were starting to like them a bit more.
But he’d never know that, it’s not like he reads your phone notes or messages or has cameras in your house.
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dweebsmcarts · 8 months
Part 2 of this
It’s tumblr and yknow what I’m gonna put actual descriptions and some backstory so there!
Also correction: Chris is supposed to be subject 003 and Elise is supposed to be subject 004
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Subject 004 (dancing shadow)
Semi infectious
One of our top agents became infected before arriving at the facility, she was put in quarantine upon showing symptoms and over time her condition became worse and her face began to rot and mutate however her sanity is still intact however the infection has shown no signs of slowing down. She is cooperating with all containment and quarantine procedures but is slowly deteriorating both physically and mentally. She theorizes that she became infected after 003 kissed her on the cheek before she left for work.
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Subject 001 (the vessel)
Status: lost
Extremely infectious
Seemingly just an infected house cat, 001 has the ability to speak English. Although her voice is gargled and pained. She fully understands everything she is saying and the few “conversations” between researchers and 001 have proven that 001 is highly intelligent and is aware of her infectious nature. She wants to spread the infection to everyone she can as she describes it as something to be desired and the infected become “beautiful”
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Subject 005 (telemarketer)
Status: uncontained
Non infectious
005 was admitted to a local hospital presenting to the emergency room with a highly infected and necrotic bite on his arm, he claims he was attacked by a cat at work but the bite mark looks more human than animal. Within only minutes in the hospital his arm fell off and 005 became more irrational and violent. It’s unclear what happened next, reports from survivors of the incident say that 005 began attacking people with a sharp goring appendage where his right arm used to be. 005 was also reported to mimic voices of those who were already killed by it which lured more staff towards danger, it was also reported to call 911 to attack officers who responded to the call. The Hospital was evacuated by [redacted] however 005 seemingly escaped and is now under high priority for containment. Nobody in the hospital showed any signs of infection.
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thehouseofwayne · 5 months
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𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙉𝙏 𝙍𝙀𝙋𝙊𝙍𝙏 #1 GCPD 22:08 : “ John Doe found cold and unconscious. Announced Death on the Scene. Pick up at Midnight. 
𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙉𝙏 𝙍𝙀𝙋𝙊𝙍𝙏 #2 GCPD 23:01 : “ John Doe identified. Bruce Wayne alive and breathing. Alfred Pennyworth insisted to take him to the hospital himself. Commissioner signed off on it. 
𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘐𝘋𝘌𝘕𝘛 𝘙𝘌𝘗𝘖𝘙𝘛 #78 THOMAS ELLIOT HOSPITAL 09:56 : Patient came covered in blood and what appeared to be burnt up bits of kevlar suit barely recognizable. No life threatening wounds despite needing stitches needed on two puncture wounds on either side of the shoulder blades around three inched deep. Possibly from rebar and other debris from the Attack. And one long curved cut across his lower back among older scar tissue. Too deliberate. Will advise Primary Care Physician. Minor bruises on the body. No symptoms of concussion but patient might still have hit his head. Too much blood. 
𝘔𝘌𝘋𝘐𝘊𝘈𝘓 𝘙𝘌𝘗𝘖𝘙𝘛 [ From the Clinic of Dr. Leslie Thompkins, M.D.] MRI implied no damage. Almost like a miracle. Trauma induced amnesia? Unlikely. Something happened down there. Alfred needs to talk to Bruce. Reassure him this might just be temporary. Need to talk. 
𝘔𝘌𝘋𝘐𝘊𝘈𝘓 𝘙𝘌𝘗𝘖𝘙𝘛 [ From the State Medical Examiner ] : [ NOTES REDACTED ]
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The Lazarus Serum’s effects weren’t absolute. It kept him alive but with it his memory. Something 𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗟𝗜𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗦 hoped would only be temporary while 𝘼𝙇𝙁𝙍𝙀𝘿 𝙋𝙀𝙉𝙉𝙔𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙃 had hoped to be absolute. And what was initially thought to be a miracle eventually turned to a curse for Bruce. 
While his Brain couldn’t bring out the memories in him, it retained the fault in his structure. The pain that is as old as him in his bones and his nerves. There are scars he can’t recall. A house that is as unfamiliar to him as his face on the mirror. And it takes a whole month of him questioning and struggling to even get up out of bed from the pain for Alfred to show him everything. 
His parents. Their grave. His children. Their bed. The promise of more horrors and proofs to the stories that had marked his skin and bones for decades if he pushes even further. But for some reason, he doesn’t push. He doesn’t ask why the clock in his office is always at 10:27pm. He doesn’t ask about the bats around the manor. He doesn’t ask why there’s more shadows in the corner nowadays than he thinks there should be.
He goes to therapy. 𝘿𝙍. 𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙎𝙀 𝙈𝙀𝙍𝙄𝘿𝙄𝘼𝙉. She knows him, she said. Folders upon folder for him to see. A box filled with notes just on him. Proof of something. A life talked about and lived more extensively than his already thorough Wikipedia page. He likes her, he thinks. He trusts her. 
𝗗𝗥. 𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗟𝗜𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗦 helps with his physical therapy. He learns how to walk again slowly. He learns how to handle the pain until it becomes familiar, tolerable. Even if it takes nearly over six months just to feel like he’s himself again. 
When he’s bored, Lucius offers him the 𝘞𝘈𝘠𝘕𝘌 𝘍𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋𝘈𝘛𝘐𝘖𝘕 as his to oversee until he’s ready to come back as CEO. It gives him a better view of the aftermath from the ground. He sees the terror left in the wake of the Joker’s attack. He sees the community that knits itself back together in 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝘼𝙏𝙈𝘼𝙉'𝙎 absence. He thinks he remembers why his parents did it ; what they died for. It must be this. Helping the City. Helping the people. Helping the kids. 
He busied himself with other children. Working from the new Kindergarten they had rebuilt in Midtown, right in the middle of the city. 
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Bruce figures out within the 1st month that Alfred kept the truth from him. He didn’t hide away from his own parents death and tried to process the entirety of his whole life and memory taken away from him and decides instead to step back from it. Naively, convinced, maybe, that this time around he can do better as Bruce Wayne. 
He focused his home efforts on getting better physically and mentally. The Serum aggravated his nerve problems, leaving him almost unable to control any of his muscles until he asked for help. 
He couldn’t remember his kids for a long time. And even then, with how little he knew and only really seeing what he felt was the aftermath of putting his own children in danger, his efforts to reach out to them wasn’t easy. And it didn’t help that Alfred did his best to protect him so to speak, keep him in a bubble. 
So his longing for his kids is turned into projects focused on helping out the children in Gotham. 
Definitely fine with rolling with some of canon where Bruce absolutely doesn’t remember anyone, even his time as Batman, from his kids to the league. 
He’s engaged to Julie Madison. 
And he avoids putting on 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐖𝐋 for as long as he could. 
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kokonoko84 · 7 months
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Captian's Log 2900
It is the 458th day into our five year journey on the starship -REDACTED- and one week since Private -REDACTED- passed away after being exposed to an alien artifact during an exploration mission. Shortly after exposure, Private -REDACTED- began experiencing a combination of headaches and stomach illness before going into a coma and expiring.
During the atopsy, Dr. -REDACTED- confirmed the presence of a foreign object, clearly alien in origin. It was changing the Private's body, rearranging it on a cellular level. Organs were being changed to fit new functions or were otherwise being created from seemingly nothing. Lieutenant -REDACTED- recommended that the body be destoryed and ejected into space. Against my better judgement, I aligned myself with the opinion of Dr. -REDACTED-, who believed that the creature's genetic abilities should be studied for future benefit.
Since that time, the creature has been isolated and it's mutations studied. Private -REDACTED-'s body has been reduced to a twisted husk, the creature seeming to use every bit of its host to create a rudimentary new form for itself. The creature shows no reaction to any outside stimuli, beyond the occasional moan, as if it's only concern is to evolve.
After studing the creature, members of the Research Team reported symtoms similar to Private -REDACTED-'s. They were immediately sent to quarentine, where symptoms progressed. Despite this, I fear that it may be too late. The entire research team have passed from their illness and other members of the crew have fallen ill. While I have yet to contract any illness so far, I fear that we are all infected.
I have ejected all escape pods and disabled the ship's power. If any ship happens to come our way, destroy us, or otherwise leave us be. We shall be nothing more than moaning husk of flesh and metal floating through the darkness of the void.
This is Captain -REDACTED-, signing off.
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btshoseong · 1 year
What does hoseong tattoos look like
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ tw : mentions of familial death , mentions of mental health. btw this is probably only going to be like a brief overview of some of seongie’s tattoos simply bc he has too many and we’d be here all day lol. hope that’s okay! let’s get it!!
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these three tattoos are all part of a series that hoseong regards as “varying degrees of the mind” and is sort of an ongoing process / story
these tattoos are symbolic of hoseong’s battle with mental health, something which can never truly be cured for good, and he got each of them during the lowest points in his life
they serve as physical reminders of his survival, and showcase his most frequent and troublesome symptoms e.g. intrusive thoughts, foggy memories
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okay so this set isn’t part of a series or anything, but they all hold a sort of sentimental value that has to do with the people in hoseong’s life that he loves
the eight tattoo was something that all of the boys in bangtan got after the eight members of the group, and the image in the example shows the font that represents hoseong
the second tattoo is in reference to a song hoseong wrote and produced for his sister titled ‘smile box’ after her death in which he pays tribute to her memory
and finally the last tattoo is something that taehyung had suggested hoseong, jimin, jeongguk and himself get together to symbolise their love since it represents ily in sign language
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these are some of the tattoos hoseong got simply because he thought they were cool at the time and would help the rest of his sleeve flow well together
although he does sometimes attach a random meaning to these tattoos that will change continuously over a period of time depending on the context or situation
he doesn’t regret any of these at all btw, like he probably has more tattoos without any meaning than with meaning and he likes it better that way because he can make meanings up
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one thing about hoseong is that he doesn’t often watch much anime or read manga, but he came to love jujutsu kaisen, mainly due to the relationship between satoru and suguru
fun fact: namjoon said he caught hoseong crying once because he was overwhelmed due to the painful departure between the pairing and the hardships they’ve gone through
he got this tattoo because he projected a lot of his past relationship with [redacted] onto this duo, able to relate in a way that hit too close to home
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@pandorasword , @ateezsora , @bts-dream , @fairiepoems , @kaitieskidmore97
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eyesoverinfinity · 2 years
(Disclaimer, I am not an SCP writer. This takes inspiration for the SCP writers and lore, specifically series one SCP stories. All rights reserved)
- Please input security credentials -
Security clearance ą̲̈́́̓̎͝͡d͔͎͕͋͂ͣ͋ë̖͞q̨̡̲̜̤͓͛͑̀ͯ̅̏̀͜͠u̲̬ͨͩ͗͆͟͟a͚t̵̵̨̧̻̦͚̮̦̩̼͓͇̳̝̪̩̲̦͇ͭ͗͆̀ͩ̏̑͋̈̊̏̂͆̌͆͑͋̄͟͡e̷̛̛̲̪̫̝̥̗̲̖̜̫̋ͨ̔ͨ̓̿͌ͦ͘.
Accessing file...
Item: # [REDACTED]
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: 
This Item has been deemed a Class V extreme biological hazard. All isolated instances of SCP-[REDACTED] are to be kept in hermetically sealed, BSL-4 cryoprotective freezer located in site-234.
In the event that an individual comes into to contact with any form of SCP-[REDACTED] they are to be kept in quarantine for one day.
If the individual begins to show symptoms they are to be terminated immediately with the body and everything around it incinerated. If they do not show symptoms in that time they are to be screened for any signs of SCP-[REDACTED] in the blood stream, if found they are to be contained with SCP-[REDACTED]- 1 to 8. (1)
SCP-[REDACTED] is a rabidly evolving virus of extra-dimensional origan. It's genome is contently shifting to the point of being unrecognizable in a matter of weeks.
SCP-[REDACTED]'s method of infection changes daily but still has some unchanging proprieties.
95.5% infection rate
100% lethality
Symptoms of SCP-[REDACTED] can show from a day to under 4 minutes and include:
-Flu-like symptoms including high fever and insomnia.
-Discolouration of the eyes and skin.
-Visual and audio hallucinations.
-Suicidal aggression.
Some individuals have more aggressive and specialized mutations.
There are eight known different kinds of 'special infected' (2). They are as follows:
Tank: This mutation makes abnormal muscular growth that is most obvious in the arms and upper body. Due to this, it is reportedly strong enough to punch cars around. This mutation is theorized to happen when SCP- [REDACTED] suppresses Myostatin in the subjects body.
Hunter: This mutation forces the body to create sharpened, claw like fingers and increases the host's muscle mass slightly. It is capable of jumping five stories high despite it's otherwise unmutated form.
Witch: This mutation creates sharpened elongated fingers. Unlike the all other forms of infected it is passive until provoked. Upon which it will hunt down the one who startled it until it's death.
Boomer: This mutation forces the body to produce immense quantities of bile which the infected tries to [DATA EXPUNGED]. If successful, this leads to a large number of infected swarming to that location.
Smoker: This mutation is characterized by his extremely long tongue and causing the host to generate smoke like gas. The Smoker's tongue can be launched out of it's mouth at high speeds and wrap around a target. it then drags the target back towards the Smoker, where it begins claws or chokes the target to death.
Spitter: This mutation generates and spit corrosive balls of [DATA EXPUNGED] that can burn non-infected individuals. Due to the corrosiveness of the projectiles this has caused the host's lower jaw, cheeks, nose and lips to [DATA EXPUNGED].(4)
Jockey: This mutation forces the host to develop a large amount of muscle mass on it's upper back and neck, fingers and toes have increased in length It uses to jump onto a target, grab them then ride them around using their weight and panic to 'steer' the target into danger. it can always be heard as it cackles all of the time.
Charger: This mutation is similar to the Tank's mutations in terms of increased muscle mass, though noticeably asymmetrical. Instead of throwing things around it charges at targets and upon grabbing them, slams them against any solid surface until the death of the target .
1: This event has yet to happen and it has been theorized that the carrier gene found in SCP-[REDACTED] 1-8 does not exist in our reality.
2: All names and descriptions are testimonies from SCP-[REDACTED] 1-8 with the exception of the Spitter's description.
3: Researcher ██████ ████ became a 'Spitter' upon exposure to SCP-[REDACTED]-3. See incident log: Incident Report: L4-d
4: Doctor Bright is not allowed to dress up as a 'hunter' ANY 'special infected' to scare SCP-[REDACTED] 1-8. You deserved what you got each time!
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manor-tea-time · 1 year
Dear Detectives,
As the sun sets beneath the clouds in the sky, do you often wonder what lurks in the night? Perhaps now is the perfect time to ask as its the Shadowed Man's Character Day!
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Character Day Letter TWs/CWs: Lightly Implied Mind Control, Talk/Mention of Injuries and Illness, Coughing up soot
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
A combination of cluttered cursive handwriting and fading typed lettering cover the page of archived medical notes. The shiny lamination cover drastically stands out from the worn look of the paper itself. There are 2 notes clipped to the front listing specific symptoms along with one simply saying "Consult medical archives from the time".
Patient Information
Patient Name: Jamie O'Neil
Age: 26
Date of Visit: xx/xx/xx
Facility on Staff: Dr. [Redacted]
Jamie O'Neil, 26 Male, was brought into Sagesfeild Hospital by Inspector [Redacted] leading the Gale's Hollow case. This was requested after the patient had begun coughing up a strange soot-like substance after the incident along with exhibiting erratic behavior. Inspector [Redaced] has informed us to keep any strong sources of light away from the patient as we proceed.
Examination Notes
Upon basic examinations done by the medical staff, it was determined that Mr. O'Neil had minor injuries along his hand and lower arm. We have determined this was most likely due to the patient trying to break one of the lamps down at the station.
As for the strange soot, we have been unable to determine its exact origins as Mr. O'Neil's person shows no other signs of ingesting a strange material. However, during these exams, we found that Mr. O'Neil's body temperature and heart rate have slowed down significantly for a man of his energy and age.
Nurse [Redacted] and I request that we are able to quarantine and further investigate the strange illness between the two survivors. We hope with further tests and comparisons between the two, we can narrow down a proper diagnosis and possible cure.
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randomness-e · 2 years
I found something.
I found my cousin's journal when looking at what she left me in her will, we were told it was an accident at the SCP facility she went to with her class, but I found this entry really interesting. It's noted the day before she was pronounced dead. 12 April, 20XX Taken down 9:23 I was looking through the first few pages of my notebook, wondering where the writing was. I had written it on the first page. I turned back to the first page, and it was there. “Notebook of trainee researcher [redacted]!” It wasn’t there a moment ago. I closed the book, threw it in my bag, then ran for school.
I made it to the door of the junior researchers' lab. We’ve granted three days of access to facility [redacted]. I opened my book and it was gone again, so I will admit, I am getting curious. Maybe I could ask a researcher at the facility? I’m so sure of what was happening, so I closed my book and hoped I’d find my note. I opened it and there it was, my name. This is all being taken down in another book, just for reference. We’re leaving now, so I’ll update this later. Sign off at 9:26. Taken down 10:42 We’ve stopped for a break, so I’m writing now. We looked at SCPs 859, 1083 and [redacted]. I’ve been using the notebook, and I’m gonna show one of the researchers when I get the chance. So far it has some anon  anola anomalis (?) products, such as the disappearing text and an inconsistency of pages (can be more or less). To find the writing, you have to close the book and imagine the writing there. When opening the book, the text you were looking for is there. It usually appears on the first or second pages, but it can do several different notes from different pages. We’re going again, I’ll update this as soon as possible. Sign off at 10:48.
Taken down 12:34 I brought it up with researcher [redacted], but he didn’t believe me, so I showed him. He took it off me for a few minutes to examine it, then handed it back and said I could use it until later. I’m a bit confused on why he’s let me. I’ll be taking notes down in this book about the other one, and I’ll keep track of any properties I find. I do feel like something is off though, like in the Stanley Parable 2, in one ending Stanley gets attached to a bucket. That game is strange, but it’s also interesting. Anyway, I’m starting to feel attached to this notebook, which shouldn’t be happening, so I’ll note down the symptoms soon. Sign off at 12:41.
[Time not written] Help me
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assistantsjournals · 7 months
April 2009 Memos
Status update on Project REDACTED
Dr. Redacted Name and research assistant Redacted Name are inbound for processing and debrief
Field research to begin tomorrow, escorted by Lt. Nicholas Shy and Commander Cody Neff of Alpha Squad.
This test will be contained to the SouthWest quadrant, focusing on sectors Regans and Landis with additional staging north near the Med and Psych wings. Overflow likely, take precautions.
Safe bases may be found in Strozier for easy access.
Weapons will be equipped with stun feature for capture of specimens for later studying.
Progress Report
This test is to view the infection rate and gauge against expected transmission levels found in animal studies. This small scale will likely include less than 30 volunteers initially, including support from newly formed Alpha Squad. Commander Neff and Lt. Shy are highly capable leaders, recruited from Military Branch.. Volunteers have been informed this is a training mission for new recruits and part of a required psychological evaluation for teamwork. There are a few candidates that should they complete this mission may be considered for additional reconnaissance squads, though their temperament is less than ideal. Additionally, we have begun identifying subjects who may be perfect specimens to host the virus rather than succumb to it. These subjects are of similar athletic but lithe build, scored high in intelligence, deception, and creative thinking testing, and appear to work well in a unit, alone on orders, alone on own, and some even in lower level leadership positions. Dr. Redacted Name and Redacted Nameha have begun meeting these candidates and Redacted Name has been seen striking friendships with many of them due to her nature. 
OZ has had their first injection tonight under guise of vaccine and we await reaction and progress. The initial strain of H1Z1 appears to provide zero symptoms other than cannibalistic appetite in Patients Zero in prior testing. This particular strain does require those infected by OZ and others to continue to consume to abate full decomposition. Additional testing required. 
Volunteers to be told outbreak was accidental.
Status update on Project REDACTED
Incident Report
At 14:23, the following incident was reported. Redacted Name was escorted by recruit Redacted Name on her way back to the lab and was ambushed by Subject 011888. He cornered them from outside the building, blocking the main exit with view of other exits and was able to run to them with increased speed. Recruit Name attempted to create a distraction to allow Redacted an escape route but was knocked down as Subject 011888 appeared to have been tracking Redacted ’s whereabouts. Redacted attempted to fire tranq darts at Subject 011888, but her gun jammed. Building defenses were breached as Subject 011888 pulled her from the building and attacked, landing a bite on the right side of her neck. Bite does not appear to have broken skin. No sign of infection transmission at this time. No additional witnesses have come forward. Recruit  Name also appears to not have been infected and was last seen seeking out Dr. Redacted Name at his residence. 
Note: Subject 011888 appears to have lower to no decomposition rate; was in group of initial top candidates upon recruitment. DNA and blood testing requested.
Incident considered handled and complete pending observation over next few days.
Incident Report Follow-Up
Redacted Name continues to show no sign of infection symptoms, blood test analysis of if she has become a silent carrier and/or an increase of phagocytes/B lymphocytes/T lymphocytes and/or evidence of antibodies will be conducted. She has been seen getting closer to sites of Zed activity, including Subject 011888. Unclear who is tracking whom in this case. She did appear to attempt to encourage Dr. Redacted  to head to a location to pick her up near Zed activity; Subject 011888 was seen leaving a hiding place when Dr Redacted left. Redacted left on her own without incident. Objective of meeting unclear. Motives of Subject 011888 unclear, but appeared to keep other Zeds away from clearing and Redacted.  
She has taken a special interest in researching the pack tactics and cooperation, though in loose groups of the Zed population. She has noticed a surprising lack of groupthink that often appears in similar human populations that tends to lead to downfall of groups due to fear of isolation due to dissenting opinions, lack of individuality, and echo chambers. For this reason, she believes that for those that keep their cognitive abilities, they may be able to work cohesively as a unit for a common goal under leadership while also being able to work independently for best outcomes without direct supervision and still complete the main objectives.
Incident considered handled and complete.
Status update on Project REDACTED
Alpha Squad leaders to escort Dr Redacted Name and Redacted Name from compound via helicopter. 
Key subjects to be captured and survivors/staff to be evacuated
Final Progress Report
The test was highly successful, though decomposition rate was more rapid than expected, resulting in weaker and less "socially” connected Zeds to die off. Pack mentality formed among individuals who already had a connection once turned, though they could be seen working together, but looser than expected. Soldiers also were seen banding together when in dire situations, but were just as likely to look out for themselves. Survivors are to be informed that rate of infection was more rapid than expected and situation is a lost cause, requiring evacuation and area cleansing.
DNA and blood samples have been taken from both Subjects and all survivors to check for silent carriers, resistances, and potential infections via non-bite transmission. Does not appear to be airborne, waterborne, foodborne, or sexually transmitted at this time. 
Lures will be placed to contain undesired Zed population once key subjects have been captured and transported for additional research. Upon evacuation initiation, detonation countdown will begin remotely to allow proper timeline.
Incident Report
22:09 - Remote detonation attempt failed. Alpha Squad member Sean Redacted sacrificed his life to manually detonate. Blast was more powerful than expected and shockwave hit the helicopter carrying Alpha Squad leaders Commander Cody Neff and Lt. Nicholas Shy evacuating Dr. Redacted Name and his assistant Redacted Name. Commander Neff and Lt. Shy were knocked out and fell to the ground. No efforts will be held for extraction or (more likely) recovery. Redacted Name was injured in this incident.
Results from remote viewing of surviving surveillance cameras show area cleanse of remaining Zed population successful. Additional hazmat cleansing will take place in the following weeks to prepare for return to research in 6 months time for a non-biologic training simulation for new recruits.
Incident considered handled and complete.
Post-Mission Plans
Dr. Redacted Name will continue research at remote lab with small scale samples to begin work on vaccine and/or cure in case of accidental transmission or the need to reverse a subject or attempt to slow progress. Separate research will be conducted on genetic engineering of strains to reduce rate of decomposition and ravenous hunger to attempt to retain original cognitive/physical abilities and potentially enhance as key subjects have already shown ability increases contrary to expectations. 
Redacted Name will be taken for a medical and psychiatric evaluation following the two incidents she was involved in. She is showing the early signs of PTSD and needs to enter a recovery program if she is expected to return to research in October. Dr. Redacted Name has made it clear he refuses to continue research without her as his assistant as she is the only one he trusts and is his main confidant in both work and personal life. We must comply with his wishes if Project REDACTEd is to continue. Due to their connection, it is highly likely REDACTED will be willing to return against her better judgment. She would do anything to help him as long as her trust remains intact, including risking her personal safety. Unclear on if she’s willing to risk ethics/morals, but may only take a small well-timed carefully planned push from him to do so. 
Note: Their relationship and cooperation is paramount to the success of this Project. Without them, research will slow dramatically at best.
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Resident Evil OC + Virus Analysis
Did a ton of art + some writeup on my OC, Avaskian Caldwell. Putting it under a read more for several possible triggers, including: blood, medical drama (sorta), body horror (maybe?), and that one phobia that involves lots of circles? If any of y'all want a bigger version of the images within I can probably send them your way. PS: Contains spoilers for Resident Evil: Village
STAGE 1: 0-365 Days
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Exterior Symptoms:
Strange cut where the virus first made contact (via the blood splatter of an infected patient). Refuses to heal, but is not sensitive to touch. The skin is clearly stretched around the diamond shaped wound. At both the top and bottom of the diamond further cuts can be found, though these act more like regular injuries. They are painful when aggravated, occasionally 'weep' either blood or pus, and slowly start to heal over time.
"Tendrils", similar in shape + size to the sting of a jellyfish, extend from the center wound. They are a dark purple in shade, and are raised at most 1mm from the skin. Each one is highly sensitive to touch. Not painful, merely creates a strong reaction in the host (Avaskian Caldwell). Described as turning one's thoughts to statics; very distracting, as if the host cannot focus on anything but the sensation of touch.
Numerous 'circles' of various sizes form around the tendrils. They are soft to the touch, pliable, and filled with trace amounts of liquid. If prodded, they are prone to bursting, which the host rates at a minor 2/10 on a standard pain scale. Should they be burst, they will proceed to fill back in over the period of roughly 48 hours.
Interior Symptoms:
Although difficult to prove/record, it is estimated that the host showed signs of an advanced healing rate as early as one hundred days post infection. This "advance" was initially as small as a 2% increase in healing efficiency, compared to a 50% increase by year 2 (see stage 2 for further notes).
Despite the increased healing rate, the host noted a sharp rise in overall pain levels. Even ordinary scrapes or bruises could leave them hunched over in pain. Notably, this did not effect pain related to the virus itself. Over time this change reversed, and eventually the host recorded less pain than prior to infection. It is unknown what caused this, but the current hypothesis is that the virus forced its host to adjust to a large amount of new stimuli, which the brain eventually adapted to.
STAGE 2: 1-2 Years
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Exterior Symptoms:
Center "wound" increases in depth, with the outer ridge being 3mm above skin level. Cuts located above and below the diamond become superficial, no longer bleeding, weeping, or reacting to outside stimuli.
Older tendrils shift in color, to a dark red. They occasionally appear to "pulse", which the host describes as "super [redacted] uncomfortable. Just the [redacted] worst". Note: Remind host not to use profanity during recording sessions.
Older circles become darker in color, and completely dry out, hardening into what could be compared to scales. Incredibly durable, more likely to crack then be cut through. Damaged scales heal themselves within 24 hours, unless the host has a more serious wound, in which case their body will seemingly "take priority". If a scale is removed entirely (requiring the use of a scalpel to cut underneath the skin) a strange, purple substance oozes from the wound, similar in quality to tree sap.
Interior Symptoms:
Rate of healing increases to roughly 150% of the host's original capabilities. A wound which might have taken 30 days to heal would only take 15. and one that would take 10 would take 5, and so on. Host describes healed wounds as "tense" for several days after healing, however. No physical correlations were noted during any of several examinations.
By the start of year 2, the host started to note changes in personality. Speaking became physically uncomfortable, which the host responded to by becoming mute. They also noted an increase in aggression, a slight decrease in empathy, and an increased level of paranoia. Note: Subject has a noted history of depression, anxiety, and possibly undiagnosed ADHD.
Host's canine teeth grew notably sharper, as well as slightly longer.
STAGE 3: 2.5 Years
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Exterior Symptoms:
Center wound has turned to a bright crimson, with the very middle glowing slightly. Warmer than the rest of the host's skin.
Tendrils continue to spread over the host's skin, and at this point start appearing independent of any connections. All new tendrils show up as a dark red, no longer needing to 'mature'.
Similarly, the scales (which have progressively increased in average size) show up as their final form. They still only grow near tendrils, typically in small clusters.
It is estimated that they will continue to grow over time, eventually covering the host's entire body. Currently there are no theories as to how this will affect the host.
Interior Symptoms:
Healing rate skyrockets to 300% of original, pre-virus rate. Process is still described as "tense" and "uncomfortable".
Host struggles with their perception of reality, often blurring the lines between real memories and dreams. Environment (among other test subjects) only worsens this.
Heart rate averages at 150 BPM. Host is noted to have a pre-existing medical condition which affects heart rate (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, but suggests that this is still a noteworthy change.
STAGE 4: 3 Years+
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Exterior Symptoms:
All tendrils now exhibit bio luminescence, with the lights glowing and shifting as an unknown substance moves within. Glow noticeably increases when host is injured, with the increase relating directly to the severity of the injury.
Conclusion: Subject is not a suitable host for Eva. Virus does not survive leaving the host, and cannot be modified for any worthwhile objective. However, the subject may prove a boon if left in Dimitrescu's care. Occasional check-ins may be necessary to watch for unexpected developments. Note to self: Ask subject for their cake recipe.
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jet-bradley · 3 years
Thanks for that post. I have OSDD and I'm just a little too mentally ill for people to have any sort of compassion.
Yeah, it's fucking rough. I've known I have [REDACTED] since sometime in high school, probably 2015, and I was pretty open about it until 2017. It really strained and eventually destroyed a lot of my friendships if I'm honest. Had someone tell me to my face that they didn't want to be friends with me because I was more than they signed up for. So that's fun.
I started showing symptoms again during quarantine and tried to open up about it to a groupchat of people with similar issues, and that resulted in one of the moderators (who has ADHD & PTSD) bullying me and calling me neurotypical every time I disagreed with them.
So yeah, no, I don't talk about this stuff. I would love to but I can't trust people. It's not personal at all, it's a rule of thumb at this point.
Edit: A whole paragraph of this just didnt fucking show up on desktop and I didn't realize until now so here's the full answer
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academiadaisies · 4 years
my struggles with studying
I don’t expect a lot of people to read this, and I’ll probably end up embarrassed to have typed this all up and posted it by tomorrow, but I think it’s important for me to get this out and away from myself.
I appreciate anyone who reads this, and welcome completely anyone who is/has been in a similar situation to me and wants to talk about it or has some tips. I don’t have a lot of people to talk to about it, I definitely feel like anyone I’m close to will not be a lot of help, and I don’t want to be a mental burden, with them knowing my problem, wanting to help, but not knowing what to do, and blah blah blah... Just know, anyone is completely welcome to reach out to me. I know a lot of people say that online, but I’m just a little cancer moon, cancer rising ;). I’ve got ears and struggles too. Sometimes things are difficult. :)) <3
School has always been my demise. I was basically a corpse just going class to class, making little contribution and writing down what the powerpoint said. I would zone out - not realising at all, come back to myself and suddenly the whole class was doing work, and I would have to swallow my pride, interrupt the person next to me and ask what we were supposed to do.
But my nights were wasted too. I guess I was never really taught to study, and everything I had tried for myself never seemed to work. But I didn’t try often. I remember coming home and turning on my computer to watch the next episodes of my show of the week, my mind in a dull and empty buzz, and next thing I knew it was midnight.
Growing up there was no schedule or routine. No one was really checking I had done my homework, no one checking I was showered or that I had brushed hair. There were no rules either. No specific screen time, no food rules, no bedtime. I know why, my mum was a very hard worker, having a daughter, a job, and university, and I am so grateful for her. She was busy. But it just meant I never knew much discipline. There was no structure, but I wasn’t forgotten. There was no food in the house, but there was money, and I - having no sense of diet - would spend more than was good for me on junk; a six pack of crisps a day, frozen pizza... and today that has never ended, it’s something of an addiction now. The lack of restraint and discipline is apparent everywhere in my life.
In school is where it is at it’s absolute worst. It’s not even an issue of my intelligence. The absolute last thing I want to come across as is conceited, but I did better than I deserved my first two years of high school exams having never studied for them, except maybe a bit of rereading and desperate attempts to memorise the night before. I passed everything, bar one, and sometimes with A’s.
But last year was inarguably my worst year ever, and it has bled into this year too. My attendance was below 50%, I came in maybe two or three days a week, sometimes only finally getting the motivation to show up in the afternoon, and even then I would hide away in pupil support classes, still not doing any work. My mum phoning me and screaming down the line as soon as she got the absent text. Me not knowing how to explain that I just couldn’t physically force myself to get up and ready. I started with 5 subjects and finished with 2, both of which I initially failed, but those grades were redacted because people argued the SQA were not grading fairly, basing grades on location instead of merit, and so I scraped by with two C’s. I absolutely would not have passed if not for the pandemic.
This year is hard to tell where I would be in a normal situation. I like to believe it was going to be so much better. The idea of leaving high school and entering college*. It was a fresh start. I was supposed to get my work done the day it was handed out, I was supposed to be more extroverted, and become a leader like I always wanted. But, of course, it’s all online. I think a major benefit of it is I don’t have much excuse not to be in class anymore. I can (and usually do) wake up minutes before the class starts, and do it all from bed, so if I was left to my own devices to get myself there and back, I’d bet my attendance has skyrocketed from what I it would have been. Though, my college is quite far, and I think my mum seeing to that I was on a bus, or even not in the house when she has to leave, would have been enough to ensure I was there too. If it was in person I would have no where to hide too. I wouldn’t get to have my camera off and play games during classes and not take notes, the lecturers would see. I’d have to take notes and I don’t usually do that. I wish I had. But then that just begs the question of would it be a repeat of high school? Would I be a corpse that goes through college classes blankly instead of high school ones? I really don’t know what to think. But today my college work is suffering. I have seven vital pieces of work long overdue, and I think the weight of all of them on my brain stops me from doing even one.
*If you’re not familiar with the system here, college is basically a stage after high school but below university in Scotland, that not everybody goes to. I’m not sure the school systems everywhere in the world but it’s not the equivalent of sixth form college in England, or what’s called college in the US, which would be university here. I’m sorry if this sounds dumb because there’s probably this everywhere in the world but I just want to clarify what stage I’m at exactly. I’m taking a HNC which is kind of the equivalent of first year university.
And so it leads me to believe I have ADD/ADHD. I really am not about to self diagnose. Although it might be enough for some, I often worry I’m a bit of a paranoid person, and that I like to jump to the most “extreme” conclusions, but I don’t think my livelihood makes it totally unlikely.
I find myself devoting my time and what motivation I have to things that just don’t matter. I’ve memorised maps of the US, Europe, Scotland and Ireland. I took up interests in religion and astrology, buying crystals as if they were coming to save me like all the TikToks say. I’ve taught myself bits of piano, British Sign Language, chess, Teeline shorthand and Morse code, just to give up. I even made it to 100 days on Duolingo learning Scottish Gaelic before I stopped that too. Engrossed in wide varieties of things that I’d love to be great at, abandoning it because I’ve decided I’m bored.
But the worst waste of my time is always spent on my phone. I am a huge advocate for downtime, not every single second has to be productive. But it’s never good to have a 12 hour daily screen time average.
I can never concentrate either. I can’t force myself to. As I write this I have an essay due I’ve had for a month, and I’m going to have to do it all tomorrow. I don’t understand why I can’t physically force myself to get it done. I always think, “why am I on TikTok when I have an essay due?” And I never really have a reason. Even my driving instructor told me to get tested because, especially nearing the end of the lessons, my attention starts to waver, and I find her having to change gears for me sometimes, and warning me to stop looking at whatever might pass by.
I have a little list of priorities in my mind too. I keep reminding myself that I have this essay and this assignment to do, but I also have ideas of starting a blog or reading a book. The school work is first in the list of priorities, I know it needs to be done first and so I take it to the extreme and can’t seem to do anything meaningful at all until it’s gone. Of course, it never is gone, I never do it, and I find myself scrolling social medias all day, a perfectly anodyne time waster. No substance and no thoughts.
But I’m a perfectionist too, with very little confidence. I can tell part of me puts it off because it needs to be as good as it possibly can be, and another part tells me I’ll start it later, I’ll feel better about it later. I have big ideas, that if only I could force myself to do, would be great, but the idea of it not being good enough only puts me off. I’d not do the work until it’s at the point where the excuse is “it’s only bad because I didn’t give myself enough time to do it,” because of the fear of the possibility “it’s bad because I’m bad at it.”
Part of my inability to really do anything I think also had to do with depression. ADD/ADHD makes my life chaos. My room is a mess, there is no organisation or structure in my day, there is no motivation to fix it, no understanding of how to fix it. I’m a very intuitive person, because I have to be. Any decision I make is unknown to me until it’s happening really. I can’t plan when I’m starting work, sometimes I just have to hope I get the motivation to open my laptop. I think depression feeds off the ADD/ADHD symptoms. My room is messy because I can’t be organised, then my mindset worsens because I have such a terrible, unlivable space with no motivation to do anything about it, and it just stays that way. I can’t concentrate long enough to do work, then my mindset worsens because it means I have work overdue, that will have bad consequences, people disappointed in me, and etc, etc. I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m articulating myself well here. I’m intuitive in decisions but I’m also an overthinker. Or maybe just more of a worrier. I don’t do the work and so, every time my phone pings I jump and check cautiously because I fear it’s my lecturer messaging me that I’m off the course. The depression really took a terrible toll on my life. I won’t get too into it but I can hardly talk to friends, find the motivation to shower, or even go outside. All I find myself doing is lying in bed staring at a screen. I don’t know what else I can really do about it.
And the worst part is, in my mind, I have myself convinced that it’s not even that bad. That it’ll be okay tomorrow, I’ll change tomorrow, as if I’m not long past the point of this just being a little off day.
But one thing I do I know is a symptom of ADD/ADHD, which consumes my whole mind, is my hyperfixation. I won’t go too deep but basically for just over a year it’s been an honestly unsubstantial book I read. Loved by many, but nothing special, in comparison. I’ve only read it maybe twice all the way through but it never leaves my mind. I relish in any and all fan works, stalking the ao3 works, refreshing the tumblr tag. I can just stand and jump and pace, while listening to one song on repeat, thinking about the characters in all kinds of scenarios for hours on end. I can imagine the main character as me in everything I do; as I pick up a book from my bookshelf, as I walk my dog, as I lay down at night. I constantly compare myself to him too, feeling bad that I’m not as similar or good. I hate it. I don’t know if I even like the book anymore, I don’t think it’s possible to tell, I’m just obsessed with it.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about it really. The NHS don’t diagnose ADHD in adults, and I’m only 18. I’ve been this way my whole life but no one ever paid much attention to it. When I told my mum I think I have depression, she laughed at me, then got really angry, saying I’m not depressed just lazy, before buying me flowers and telling me she was worried I was going to hurt myself. Now I feel like I can’t speak about anything serious like this rationally because she looks for every reason that there is no problem, and if there is it’s the worst possible case, and “oh I’ve been a terrible mum.”
I don’t understand my problem. I have big dreams and goals for my life, I know what I am doing now will never get me anywhere but still that knowledge is not enough to get me to do what I need to. I’ve even written this post over eight days, for all the distractions and lack of motivation I’ve had to finish it. It’s a never ending cycle, but I really hope having this out there now will spark something in me. I’m sure this will make someone feel better about their situation now too, and that’s totally okay! If it can help someone, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m sorry I probably brought up a lot of completely irrelevant stuff, and went into tangents at times, but I just wanted to stress how it all plays into each other. They’re all connected, which brings a lack of motivation and discipline to my life and my work. I just want to let it all go.
Again, I really don’t think many people will read this but anyone is completely welcome to message. If anyone has some tips for people who can just never concentrate, or also anyone who is in social sciencey type courses (psychology, sociology, politics esp) and has some tips for doing that too I’d be so grateful. :) <3 (also this is a repost because I tried posting last night but it wouldn’t go to the tag, hope it works this time)
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/cosmic-weather-report-march-2020-saturn-in-aquarius-harvesting-magic-from-chaos/
Cosmic Weather Report March 2020 Saturn in Aquarius: Harvesting Magic from Chaos
Cosmic Weather Report March 2020 Saturn in Aquarius: Harvesting Magic from Chaos
By Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax  
Forty-eight hours after Spring Equinox occurs on the night of March 19, Saturn enters Aquarius the evening of March 21, where it will remain till July. In July Saturn drops back to Capricorn, then returns to Aquarius near the end of the year during the all-important Winter Solstice of 2020, meeting Jupiter in the Great Conjunction of our time, which brings the future closer to the past.
Saturn is the planet of purpose. This spring and summer, its entry into the Sign of the Water-Bearer previews our December entry into a new chapter of the Aquarian Age, the time scheduled for the awakening of humanity. If a quick look at the world around you indicates anything but an awakened species, that’s because we can’t wake up till we see how unawake we are.
The karmic drama unfolding across the world is The End of Everything That Never Worked Right in the First Place. As old systems crumble, we must harvest magic out of chaos. In the 1960s, mimeograph machines in the streets of Berkeley, Boston, New York and San Francisco spread the tribal drumbeat: Down with Pigs/Up the Revolution!
The mimeograph of our time is the internet, last bastion of global freedom. Even though corporate ownership is pushing for more control, even though some shows are censored with false labels, like Lee Camp’s Redacted Tonight that’s mistakenly labeled as funded by Russia because it provides truths inconvenient to corporate dogma, and even though, now that Google has gone into the pharmaceutical business, alternative healing sites are dropping off their search algorithms, for the most part the web is still within public domain.
Which means we have the ability to spread news counter to corporate views. CNN, MSNBC, NPR, FOX, the NYT, WA POST and the rest have become lap dogs of their Corporate Masters, with much less difference between Left and Right than they’d have us believe. Aquarius adds the telepathic communication of the real worldwide web of collective consciousness, announcing the great change rising from the soul of the world everywhere people get done with being puppets on a string.
To harvest magic from chaos we must join together in exposing distortions, speaking truth, untwisting corporate twists, and envisioning the real human being rising up out of a corrupt system. Don’t buy into the lies. Don’t let yourself be talked out of claiming the magic of an evolving species that has a lot of love left inside. Feel the change sweeping the soul and let it out in your own way.
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phinnsyreads · 5 years
Item #: SCP-047
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-047 is to be contained in a 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 1 m hermetically sealed storage box at all times. This box is to be locked in storage locker 047a, inside P3-secure biohazard lab 047b. Any entrance to and activity inside 047b will be recorded by biometric scan, closed circuit camera, and [REDACTED].
Entry to 047b requires the authorization of the project manager, in addition to at least one O5 level clearance. SCP-047 is to be treated as a Priority 4 Contagious Biohazard in all protocols, including mandatory quarantine if exposed. Suite q047, adjunct to lab 047b, has been provided for this purpose.
In the event of outside contamination of SCP-047-1, Lockdown Protocol 047-01 "Yersinia" must be engaged.
Description: SCP-047 is a heavily rusted, breached gas cylinder made of an iron-[REDACTED] alloy. When exposed to open air, the material of the cylinder evaporates slowly, producing a previously undocumented mutagenic gas. This gas has no effect on eukaryotic organisms (e.g. humans), but profoundly alters prokaryotes, showing preference for common human microbiota - the natural microorganisms that live on the skin and throughout the body. On rare occasions these mutations produce a "superbug" (collectively known as SCP-047-1), a natural commensal with enhanced survivability and therefore opportunistic pathogenicity. The pattern of changes induced by SCP-047 suggests that these highly infectious microbes are, at least to some degree, selected for.
Although the specifics of SCP-047-1 species are dependent on the base bacterium from which it is derived, there are several characteristics which appear to be generally consistent across all cases of SCP-047-1 mutation:
Enhanced survivability in the bacterium's natural environment and similar environments;
Full spectrum antibiotic resistance;
Increased reproduction rate and consumption of available material;
Development of a sporulation ability in gram-positive bacteria;
Increased ability to uptake, hold, and share plasmids, particularly in gram-negative bacteria;
Increased transmission, due to traits described above.
SCP-047-1 samples are normally debilitating and virulent. However, compared to other Keter-class SCPs, it should be noted that SCP-047-1 have a relatively low mortality rate due to their action through "mundane" biological pathways.
Several strains of bacteria have been selectively mutated by SCP-047. Mutation of bacteria in culture is possible, but the process appears to be much more effective with bacteria living on a human host. Generally, mutation of natural commensals for experimental purposes is encouraged. After the containment breach of 21/01/2019 (See Incident Report Yersinia-047-01 (2019)), mutation of already-pathogenic species is banned and all existing samples must be destroyed.
Three particular species of SCP-047-1 mutated bacteria are of note, due to their involvement in the containment breach of 21/01/2019:
Propionibacterium 047-A (P-047-A) is a strain of Propionibacterium acnes mutated by SCP-047.
Pathogenicity: Severe skin colonisation around sebaceous glands. Modification of skin pH to levels that become toxic to skin cells. Massive inflammation and immune cell infiltration. Eventual breakdown of skin structure leading to sepsis.
Transmission: Transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. Can remain active on inorganic surfaces for up to five hours.
Lethality: Approximately 40% mortality rate. Runs its course in 2-6 weeks. Very visible symptoms within 5-10 hours; contagious within 2-5 hours.
Handling: As soon as visible symptoms form, victims must be quarantined. Deceased victims should be incinerated.
Streptococcus 047-C (S-047-C) is a strain of Streptococcus mitis mutated by SCP-047.
Pathogenicity: Causes inflammation of the mouth and esophagus initially. Leads to open sores in the mouth, which result in S-047-C entering the bloodstream and becoming septic. Death is usually due to infectious endocarditis.
Transmission: Droplet. Can remain active indefinitely by sporulation.
Lethality: Approximately 35% mortality rate. May become a recurring chronic condition if nonlethal.
Handling: Subjects with any sign of mouth infection should be quarantined. Deceased victims should be incinerated.
Clostridium 047-A (C-047-A) is a strain of Clostridium difficile mutated by SCP-047.
Pathogenicity: Unknown. C-047-A was developed from tissue culture and has never been exposed to a human. No samples remain in Foundation control.
Transmission: Unknown. Presumably transmitted through fecal contamination, as with C. difficile. Due to smaller, more robust spores, may also aerosolise with flatus. Effects of aerosol intake of C-047-A cannot be predicted.
Lethality: Unknown. Presumed extremely high risk of destruction of endothelial lining of gastrointestinal tract, leading to inflammation, sepsis, toxic megacolon.
Handling: Until further research has been done, victims should be quarantined and placed under 24-hour medical observation to develop functional diagnostics for this strain. Deceased victims should not be incinerated until adequate etiological research has been performed.
Recovery Log 047: SCP-047 was recovered from the Site-██ Secure Laboratory by a Foundation Biohazard Recovery Team in response to a full compromise situation on ██/██/199█. Testing logs indicate that the research team was attempting to contain [DATA EXPUNGED] in a class-██ SCP-stable pressure cylinder, which led to [REDACTED] combining with [REDACTED]. A full molecular biological analysis of this is available in [REDACTED]. The initial release of gas when SCP-047 was structurally compromised was sufficient to cause a microbiotal "bloom" of uncounted species of SCP-047-1, killing all staff in the lab within █ hours. Exposed Site-██ staff obeyed standard Foundation quarantine/containment protocol, and the infection was contained successfully.
Incident Report Yersinia 047-01 (2019)
SCP Involved: SCP-047
Description: On 21/01/2019 at approximately 0300 hours, storage locker 047c (Site-██ lab 047b), containing bacterial samples mutated by SCP-047, was compromised after a complete simultaneous [DATA EXPUNGED], leading to failure of security measures in the area. Three (3) samples, of a total twelve (12), were stolen. [DATA EXPUNGED] since the initial containment break, outbreaks of one of the stolen bacterial strains, Propionibacterium 047-A (P-047-A), were recorded globally in communities of increasing size and population density. Further information on stolen material, spread, and containment follows.
Compromised Items: Propionibacterium 047-A, Streptococcus 047-C, and Clostridium 047-A. See SCP-047 for further information.
Outbreak information:
First Outbreak: P-047-A, 18/02/2019, Siberia. Contained: see Incident Report P047A-02-2019.
Second Outbreak: P-047-A, 21/03/2019, Northwest Territories (Canada). Contained: see Incident Report P047A-03-2019
Third Outbreak: P-047-A, 18/04/2019, South Australia. Contained: see Incident Report P047A-04-2019
Fourth Outbreak: P-047-A, 18/05/2019, Mato Grosso (Brazil). Believed contained: see Incident Report P047A-05-2019. Warning: Agents in the area are advised to familiarize themselves with the symptoms of P-047-A and be on the lookout for possible infection.
Fifth Outbreak: P-047-A, 17/06/2019, [REDACTED], Iraq. Site immediately [DATA EXPUNGED] which is believed to have contained the infection. Access to Incident Report denied without O5 clearance.
Sixth Outbreak: P-047-A, 14/07/2019, Cameroon. Quarantine enacted. Efforts to track outgoing civilians underway. Infection not contained. See Incident Report P047A-07-2019
Seventh Outbreak: P-047-A, 15/08/2019, Dalarna (Sweden). Quarantine enacted. Believed contained. See Incident Report P047A-08-2019. Warning: Agents in the area are advised to familiarize themselves with the symptoms of P-047-A and be on the lookout for possible infection.
Eighth Outbreak: Not recorded. Believed to have taken place in North Korea. [DATA EXPUNGED] Agents with government access are attempting to gain access to parallel information, but due to [DATA EXPUNGED] local services have been extremely uncooperative. Containment status unknown.
Ninth Outbreak: P-047-A, 11/10/2019, South Carolina (United States of America). Quarantine enacted. Efforts to track outgoing civilians primarily successful. One civilian in a pickup truck is believed to have [DATA EXPUNGED] Infection not contained.
Resolution: Reports from [DATA EXPUNGED] indicate no further outbreaks are believed likely, but Agents are advised to be on the lookout for new flareups resulting from uncontained civilians in previous outbreak regions; these may continue for years to come due to P-047-A sporulation. Investigation into the cause of the initial compromise is underway. Anyone with useful information may anonymously contact Security.
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DYAD | iv. ad hominem | MASTERLIST
words: 3k+
venom symbiote x reader
warning(s): mild medical malpractice
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TO: DRAKE, CARLTON; Life Foundation Head CEO
FROM: SKIRTH, DORA; Life Foundation Board of Biochemistry
1. It is [TIME REDACTED, DATE REDACTED]. As per your request I will be regularly documenting [NAME REDACTED] during their bonding process with SUBJECT #6.
2. It has been exactly 1 HOUR since [NAME REDACTED] came into contact with the symbiote. Subject remains unresponsive to cognitive stimulus. Physical stimulus, however, yields a regular response (does not appreciate being handled). Appears to be in an 'autopilot' state. Vitals are currently normal.
3. It has been 5 hours since first contact. We have managed to relocate [NAME REDACTED] to their new holding cell. They did not seem too happy about it but they have since settled down. They seem to be unaware of their surroundings at the current time of writing this.
4. P.S. - Requesting to send in 3 more armed security. For monitoring purposes.
TO: DRAKE, CARLTON; Life Foundation Head CEO
FROM: SKIRTH, DORA; Life Foundation Board of Biochemistry
1. It has been 10 hours since first contact between [NAME REDACTED] and SUBJECT #6. [NAME REDACTED] is having minor convulsions at random intervals. Vitals are experiencing spikes before regulating at the same rate. Internal body temperature seems to be experiencing similar symptoms to a high grade fever. At the current moment I do not recommend forced separation.
2. It is [TIME REDACTED, DATE REDACTED]. It has been 20 hours since first contact. Vitals have stabilized. [NAME REDACTED] seems to be in a catatonic state but brain scans show an abnormal amount of cognitive activity. It is my professional opinion to assume the symbiote is attempting to connect. Forced separation is not advised.
3. It is [TIME REDACTED, DATE REDACTED]. It has been 30 hours since first contact. [NAME REDACTED] is mobile but not fully conscious. They are not capable of holding conversations at the current moment but have been observed to repeat the word "hungry". We have attempted to give [NAME REDACTED] some form of sustenance since contact - bland foods - but have barely touched it or ignored it entirely. During one attempt they assaulted a researcher (who wanted me to inform you of their resignation but we can talk in length about that later). They appear to be very eager to leave the cell. Do not advise any form of intervention. I believe they feel threatened by security. Requesting to have them exit the room and guard its entrance instead.
4. P.S. - Requesting repair for cell #2.
TO: DRAKE, CARLTON; Life Foundation Head CEO
FROM: SKIRTH, DORA; Life Foundation Board of Biochemistry
1. It is [TIME REDACTED, DATE REDACTED]. 48 hours have passed since first contact. [NAME REDACTED] seems to be regaining full consciousness. Vitals are stabilizing. Brain activity is still at a high.
2. [NAME REDACTED] is awake. They appear to be talking to something. I believe they have established some form of communication with SUBJECT #6. For the time being, forced separation is no longer viable.
You jumped, heart pounding in your head.
That voice. You couldn't be the only one hearing it, right? There had to be a mic somewhere in the room, there's no other way you could possibly explain it. It definitely wasn't yours. It was too deep, too..rich, for lack of a better term. Desperately, but trying not to panic, you looked around the room like a lost child, searching for the source of the voice.
I'm right here
"Jesus-" you flinched. There it was again. And again, it was starting to sound less like something over an intercom and more like something ringing in your ears. "Alright, where are you, huh? You wanna tell me what's going on?"
By some reason you couldn't explain, you felt drawn to the glass door behind you. Like a thought was placed directly into your mind. You didn't question it then. Instead you obediently shuffled to the door, peering into the glass at your own reflection. Only it wasn't your reflection that was staring back at you. You jumped backward, a short yell escaping you.
The creature reflected in the glass looked far from human, like a poor interpretation of what a human looked like. It got the basics down - a face, complete with eyes and a mouth. But in its grin were needle-sharp teeth that could rip a person to shreds, and just behind its cage-like teeth was a long, drooling tongue. Its eyes were unlike anything you had ever seen. Massive, glazed over and watery, with an almost milky consistency stared back at you intently. Eagerly. You couldn't tell what exactly it was staring at - as the thing had no visible irises - but you felt its gaze on you. Your body was wracked with chills, a low nervous laughter creeping from your lips.
"Uh-um, I know you like keeping me in the dark but this - this is really not funny," Starting to creep me out, you muttered.
I can hear you
"Please stop doing that."
You stood in the center of the room, facing the only camera you could see situated in one corner of the cell's ceiling. You cupped your hands around your mouth.
"Hey! I know you can probably hear me! I have no fucking clue what you did to me back there but I'm really not liking this situation right now!"
You're being very unreasonable
"Oh I'm unreasonable?!"
You let out a long exhale. "Can you -" your hands were shaking. You balled them into fists at your side. "Whatever you are, can you not right now?"
Before you could blink you heard a strange sound coming from behind you, like something slithering through water that wasn't there. In a matter of seconds a spiral of thick, black tendrils emerged from what you assumed was your back. They coalesced - almost elegantly - into a serpentine mass, jaws and teeth and eyes and a face manifesting out of nowhere, forming a figure that was constantly shifting in place like an iridescent oil spill. It was unearthly. The process only took place in the span of a few seconds but watching it appear before you seemed to slow time down.
The creature stared at you, looking you up and down like you were a meal. It's already wide smile widened even more, eyes narrowing into long, white slits. A low, quiet purring noise emanated from the creature, although you couldn't imagine it contained any sort of internal viscera capable of producing it. The creature brought itself closer to you, leaving only about a foot or less of personal space.
"Whatever this is..is stuck with you." its forehead poked the bridge of your nose. You flinched. "For the time being."
You didn't like the sound of that, so you pushed it to the back of your mind for later. "And....what are you, exactly?"
There was a rumble in its throat, tongue running along the edge of its teeth. "I am Venom," it said as it undulated around you, almost examining you.
"Uh, hey? I guess? I'm-" Venom interrupted you mid-sentence, clearly saying your name with a growl. The sound of it on its tongue sent goosebumps down your arms.
"How the fuck do you know that?"
Venom's face reappeared on the opposite side of your head. You had long since tried keeping eye contact with it, not like you would even want to in the first place.
"I am in your head, after all."
"Please keep up."
"No no no no no I heard you the first time I'm just uh," you shook your hands, your nervousness showing a little too much for your tastes. "Processing it."
Sheepishly, you stretched your arm out in front of you, and Venom remained as still as it possibly could. You poked the shifting mass' side with a single finger, as though it would swallow you up at any moment. Upon contact Venom recoiled, eyes thinning out into what almost looked like a scowl, and retreated back into your body. Your whole form shook from the movement. Venom was real, too real. You slowly stumbled backward onto the cot, trying to control your breathing.
I did mean it literally, you know
"R-Right, I just uh, just trying to make sure." your headache was pounding again. And you were hungry.
We need to feed
"Yeah, no sh - wait. We?" You straightened up in your seat. "Wait wait wait wait wait. When did this turn into a 'we' situation?"
The moment we bonded
Venom said it so straightforwardly that you had to laugh, flopping your tired body back on the mattress. "That didn't feel like 'bonding' so much as it did a physical assault."
Venom was quiet, and for a moment you thought you could hear it thinking.
I need you. And you need me
You rolled over onto your side, tucking one arm beneath your head. Its words left an uncomfortable, desperate ringing in the back of your skull. You sighed, closing your eyes. "Sure."
TO: DRAKE, CARLTON; Life Foundation Head CEO
FROM: SKIRTH, DORA; Life Foundation Board of Biochemistry
1. It is [TIME REDACTED, DATE REDACTED]. I've just finished reviewing the surveillance tapes from last night. The connection humans are able to establish with symbiotes is incredible. We still have much to learn from these two, and in my professional opinion I believe we should move forward with the physical and mental examinations.
2. I made it a point to visit [NAME REDACTED]. There was no sign of the symbiote as of yet but it does seem that they have established a solid form of communication. I have not asked them to relay what it is saying to them at the current moment. It feels too invasive given the current circumstances, so that should come later.
3. P.S. - Requesting to deliver state-issued meal packets to [NAME REDACTED]'s cell.
There is never a dull moment at the Life Foundation laboratories.
You hadn't realized how early you were awakened by your passenger until a man in a white lab coat shoved a tray of lukewarm food in plastic packages through a slit in your cell door. The dully colored mush disguised as food did little to sooth your hunger. In fact, it only worsened it. Not even a minute had passed before your stomach painfully expelled it from your body.
Venom wasn't all too pleased either.
Then came the testing. Wherever you were escorted to you were followed by dozens of eyes all focused on you. In your mind only a day had passed between your first meeting with Venom and now, but in reality you were missing more time than you were comfortable dealing with. And in that time, word had inevitably gotten around. As if the four guards enclosed around you as you walked didn't draw enough attention - along with the tight cuffs shackled around your wrists and ankles - you might as well have worn a neon sign that read DANGER.
But you didn't feel dangerous. Venom on the other hand, Venom was something you couldn't wrap your mind around.
I don't like this
"Yeah, me neither pal." You muttered under your breath. Almost immediately the tall, bald man walking ahead of you sharply turned his head, hissing a shh. You scowled.
I could break these as easily as snapping his ribs
You rolled your eyes. "Then why don't you."
Suddenly, you heard the familiar tapping of heels as Dr. Skirth trodded down the hallway in a slow jog, clutching a thin tablet in her arms. She looked tired.
"Sorry! Running a little late today." she said with a weak laugh.
You furrowed your brow.
Aww, are you worried about her?
You said nothing, an annoyed grumble sounding in your throat. Skirth turned her head. "Excuse me?" she said softly.
"N-Nothing, it's-"
"Is it..." she mouthed 'the symbiote' even though you were sure everyone in the building knew what she was talking about.
Are you ignoring me now?
You nodded. A wave of relief washed over her face as she dug a lanyard out of her coat pocket, holding the card attached to it up to a scanner.
You can't keep this up for long
"Perfect! We've modified our tests to include your sample so no more simple exercises." The door slid open. "For now, at least."
Inside the room was roughly the same setup as your previous "tests". Only this time there were devices you didn't recognized placed neatly on a table. And leaning on one of the desks was Carlton Drake himself. Your body tensed.
Who the hell is this guy?
Drake stood, arms outstretched in a way too amicable for his demeanor. "I've been waiting to see you!"
Skirth looked at you briefly, a distressed expression flashing across her face. "A-Ah, yes I forgot to inform you. Mr. Drake will be overseeing your testing from now on." She turned away from you to stare at him. "He's very invested in your progress." He smiled.
The exchange hadn't registered with you until you heard Venom's baritone voice clear the silence. For you, at least.
That managed to crack the slightest of smiles on your face. Yeah, weird, you thought.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be? This is a massive breakthrough for us and I'd love to see it through the end." He moved to a chair that sat in front of a large monitor. "But please, continue. I'm not here." he said with almost a joking lilt in his voice. You weren't sure if the annoyance you felt came from you or Venom, but you weren't entirely opposed to either. Skirth cleared her throat.
"Shall we get started?" she asked. You shrugged.
"Ready when you are."
I'm not
Your jaw tightened.
"Alright, now I don't want you to overexert yourself so for the time being I think we'll just stick to something simple. Sound g-"
Drake's voice cut through the room. "Dr. Skirth? Don't mind my input but I believe our mission statement says otherwise, correct? Pushing limits?"
She could only stand there in stunned silence. "Wh..I was-"
"And I believe that is exactly how we should be carrying out these tests."
Dr. Skirth gulped, looking over at you with a sorry expression.
You're just gonna take this?
"Well, I can't really do anything right now, can I?" you whispered, trying desperately not to draw any more attention to yourself than you should.
Skirth pushed her glasses farther up her nose with her knuckle. "Alright, um..Okay we'll just proceed with a simple neural test. That shouldn't be too hard on you."
Soon enough she sat you down, beginning to place small nodes with long wires along the sides of your head and your forehead. Calmly walking over to one of the monitors that Drake wasn't hovering over, you heard the clicking of a keyboard and the soft sound of whatever program she was using start up. Suddenly there was a ringing in your ears. Not loud enough to bother you, but enough to make your eye involuntarily twitch. Venom rumbled.
"Tell me if it gets too much, okay?"
You nodded. Drake watched intently, getting up from his seat and crossing his arms as he walked closer to Skirth. She held one of the devices on the table in her hand, this one small and rectangular, a finger gingerly hovering above a dial that sat among various other smaller buttons. She rotated it just slightly enough that you barely noticed it even moved. And with it, the ringing in your ears got louder.
What are they doing? Venom asked, a confused and almost angry tone in its voice.
Your hands clenched into fists. Skirth's eyes flickered from yours to Drake's. With a nod he urged her forward. Reluctantly, she turned the dial just slightly more.
The ringing was already near deafening, and you could feel Venom's anxiety growing by the second. It unnerved you - how clearly you could find the distinction between your emotions and Venom's in that moment. You rolled your neck, a weak attempt to relieve the pain from the shrill noise.
"I..I-I think we should-" before she could finish her thought, Drake abruptly snatched the remote from her shaking hands. There was a small moment of alarm on her face before she reigned her emotions in.
"Doctor, if I'm not mistaken the purpose of these examinations is to find this organism's breaking point and I don't think we'll get anywhere being so soft."
In one second, you felt terrified. In the other, you felt searing pain.
Your body twisted in its seat - almost keeling over - as your nails dug into its arms, scratching the plastic. Every muscle in your body was tense, as though a jolt of electricity was being sent through your nerves. Your mouth was wrought open by the scream that forced itself out. In the back of your mind, Venom roared a terrible, agonizing roar. You couldn't hear much of anything for that second - or however long it was - only vaguely recognizing what sounded like a scuffle happening behind you.
Then there was silence.
You were shaking, violent shudders moving your body as you heaved in air like you just learned to breathe. You felt numb, and you could swear your eardrums were obliterated by the ringing they subjected you to. Venom was silent. You waded between unconsciousness and consciousness, eyes barely staying open only to see the subdued bickering between Skirth and Drake.
"I thought you wanted to make progress, this is our first successful bond and you almost -"
"Are you questioning my methods? Dora?"
".....You could've killed them."
Against your own will, your exhaustion won.
You woke up curled in a fetal position in your cell.
Startled, you bunched yourself up against the wall, slowly trying to steady your breathing. You were beyond sore, more so than the time you woke up after your bonding. You rubbed your face, groaning in discomfort.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, you. You didn't," you cleared your scratchy throat. "You didn't sound so good back there."
I am fine
You leaned your head against the wall behind you, screwing your eyes shut. This place quickly was climbing your list of shit situations, and you weren't too pleased with it. You weren't pleased with yourself, if you had to be honest. It was getting to the point where you might not have minded being back with -
Who is he?
"Christ, Venom, what'd I say about warnings?!"
That doesn't answer my question.
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "He's not any of your business."
Your business is my business. That's sort of how this works
"Yeah, well, it'll be a while before you unlock that little story, buddy."
For a while you sat there, staring at nothing in particular. Trying to ignore the pounding in your temples and the ache in your stomach. Something nagged at the back of your mind, however. Something you had thought briefly about before but not long enough to actually acknowledge it. You couldn't ignore it any longer.
"Hey, Venom." They didn't respond, but you felt their anticipation waiting to hear what you had to say.
"I.." Thinking your statement over in your head, it sounded so juvenile. "I wanna get us out of here."
Us? I was under the assumption you didn't like the concept of 'us'
You scoffed. "There isn't. Not really keen on staying your ride for the rest of my life. No hard feelings."
...I see. If that is what you wish
There was something forming in the pit of your stomach. Pity? Guilt? No, you never felt guilty. Not if you had anything to say about it.
There was a moment of silence in both of your minds before you felt Venom bubble up once again.
You are scared
Your face felt warm. "W-Well, yeah but - I?" you sighed. You hoped Venom wouldn't ask for the details and just trust you at face value. "I've been in this situation before. I've gotten out of this situation before. If you help me, I think I can do it again."
Venom paused. Silently mulling over your offer. He rumbled.
Wow. You aren't lying
"Of course I'm not why would - wait wh - okay never mind. Just..do you trust me?"
.....Yes. I will help you
You let out a breath. "Thank you, seriously, as soon as we get out of here you can find your new host and I can..figure something out."
Wait. There is something I have to do first
Of course. It's not like you had much to lose anyway. "Oh..kay?"
The other Klyntar. My friends. If I escape, we all do. That is my deal
"Kl - Klin-tar?"
My species. Do we have a deal?
"Well, yeah. Yeah, it's a deal."
A deep, gravely laugh reverberated throughout your body.
This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship
You wheezed a soft chuckle, a small, lopsided smile cracking along your face. "Hey, don't get too ahead of yourself."
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