#*still smells like pee
2024skin · 7 months
>new cat is litter box trained
>try to bond with her by letting her sleep in my bed
>she pees on my pillow
>she pees on me
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girlscience · 5 months
screaming crying blowing up
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bogofcknshipda · 11 days
dropped my mf phone into the mf toilet . there was pee in it. and of course it happened in mf france
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gar-a-ash · 9 months
I work retail and obv this week is absolute hell so yesterday I decided, instead of pushing my way through Saturday pre-christmas traffic to go home and let Tassie out for the five minutes I'd have left before I had to turn around and come back, I would bring her with me and have her stay in the car while I worked. And it was a good idea! We did a two mile power walk on lunch, she handled being in the car pretty well, and she was a good girl.
Except she clearly did not spend the day napping like she normally does, because we got home at 8 and by 8:30 she went upstairs and put herself to bed lmao. This was my view when I finally put myself to bed and turned on the lights.
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And I bet despite yesterday, she's still going to demand to come to work with me again.
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nsfwitchy2 · 2 months
I love my manager but I think in her attempts to clean this yoga mat she just like. Ruined it.
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lilgynt · 2 months
why my mom can’t flush or wash her hands is beyond me
#personal#it’s the washing hands mainly#like does it suck to see pee/poop left over Yes. Emphatically Yes.#way better than seeing her walk out the rest room and not once hearing the water running#and like i call her on which obviously she doesn’t like#which can lead to her doing it#telling me she was gonna do it in the kitchen sink#which way are you washing ur pee/poo hands in the sink we clean our dishes in?????????????#or yells at me i’m not her mother#mother fucker you ruin the communal space as is don’t make it poopy too 😭😭😭😭#haven’t eaten all day bc when i ran home to grab my lunch#two car accidents made the ten minute trip back to my office the whole hour#and i see or smell something gross in my house i immediately lose appetite.#i do have cereal so i can eat that 👀#ugh now i’m remembering her grabbing a fist full of the bowl i began making yesterday when she asked me to paint her toenails#i hate bashing her in this way bc it feels. worse than just calling her on her actions buts it’s so fucking gross#she grew fungus under press ons i did for her and swore off them#but all i could think is that…….#i don’t even wanna say it#dad made me lose 30 pounds last year on accident i’ve actually gained weight - not all of it bc i still fit in the#clothes i bought during that time but let’s see if i can lose more bc of my mom#like cooking yesterday way gross bc of the house and then i remember my mom can also be gross#and has control of every room outside of my room#which is a mess bc i’ve been partying so much#(it was a mess before laundry is KICKING my ass)
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twinknote · 1 year
my room smells like cat pee and i’m deciding between ending it all and burning the house down. maybe both tbh
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ghostsinthecellar · 10 months
turned three laundry baskets three bins and a box of clothes into one tall laundry pile, one tall underclothes-and-sundry pile, and a closet full of hung-up clothes. :) now I'm sitting on the floor avoiding getting up because the underclothes-and-sundry pile covers my whole bed (with some help from the stuffed animals) and dealing with it requires moving a table and a storage bin and I don't. wanna. currently
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bwobgames · 1 year
Todays beebo post will be drawn with the strong presence of dog pee
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scattered-winter · 2 years
literally screaming and crying....I am on my last thread of patience with my roommate's dog y'all...
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celepeace · 1 year
Is this just me or do cats generally have a tangy, acrid smell to everyone? Cats smell somewhat like how their litterbox smells at all times to me, no matter how well-kept the home they're in is or how often their litterbox is changed. But I've seen some people say cats smell good and I've never seen anyone else comment on them smelling bad (except for wild cats, I've seen plenty of people talk about how awful mountain lions stink)
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techmomma · 1 year
Facts about your body after you turn 25, AKA things I wish someone had told me:
you will get hair in fun new places. this is normal and fine.
these places include (but are not limited to) if you don't already have them: your asscrack, your back, your ears, and moles. it's fine.
some of you, dick or not, will also lose hair. this is normal, but also if you have ovaries maybe get this checked out for PCOS.
your acne will probably change. some people get better. some people get worse. it's fine.
your nails will probably get an infection or a fungus at least once in your life. this is fine. (but also let your doc know).
how you gain and lose fat and where you do so will change. this is fine.
how you smell will change. this is fine. (fishy or rotten smells mean doctor time though)
if you have a prostate: it gets harder to pee. prostates enlarge as you age (get this checked regularly). this is fine.
if you do not have a prostate: it gets easier to pee but not in a good way. as in as you get older, your pelvic floor muscles tend to lose some of their strength. this makes it harder to keep pee in. this is fine.
all breasts and pectorals eventually sag, with the rest of your body. this is fine.
a decent percent of the population will experience a cyst at least once. some of you will make up for the rest with multiple. this is fine, but keep them checked out by a doctor. (sometimes this is a condition! get checked for that too!)
almost half of everyone gets hemorrhoids. it's a good idea to just expect them since your chances of getting them get higher the older you are. your toilet will look like a murder scene. definitely get your booty checked out BUT this is almost always perfectly normal. just eat more fiber. "but I already-" eat more fiber. and maybe suck it up and buy some hemorrhoid cream, you'll thank me later.
yes, this means you will probably need to make an appointment for a doctor to see your butthole. it's okay. not only do they really not care but 1. they've seen weirder that day and 2. they'd far rather you see them now than later when it's been going on for forty years and now it might be colon cancer. it's okay. consider it a rite of passage.
adults need more sleep than children. don't believe the myth that you need less than they do. that is capitalist propaganda to make you give up more of your life to the work grind, comrade.
vitamins and medicine, something you are more likely to take as you get older, sometimes make the toilet turn weird colors. it's okay.
if you still have your tonsils and get those little stones and get sore throats more than once a year you should plan on getting those suckers out before the tonsils cause an infection and go septic. if you're getting stones at all you should get those reevaluated every year, especially if the stones are bigger than a needlehead (or get bigger over time). it's gross and yucky. I don't care. get them looked at before you end up in the hospital.
you'll probably need to add foot support to your shoes if you don't already do. this is fine.
your body changes. sometimes it can feel sorta weird and upsetting that it isn't what it used to be. that is okay, and it is okay to be upset. just know that this is normal, it's normal to be upset or not upset, but don't let it hinder your quality of life. trans or cis, there is a certain level of acceptance you just gotta give your body and forgive your body for as you get older. it's okay.
it's okay. I promise.
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mbat · 1 month
for cat pee use enzymatic cleaner, something like skouts honor or nature's miracle (latter seems to be sold a lot more esp in PetSmart and Petco) you can get the spray to vacuum or blow away but online they also sell laundry detergent if the rugs are able to be machine washed. white vinegar also works wonders if u can't buy specific stuff
ty lol ^^; i just double washed and dried them for now and it worked (?) but if it didnt i was def gonna use the white vinegar, im still considering it if the smell ever comes back
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mittenhater · 5 months
binturongs smell like buttered popcorn ?? animal of all time
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hiddenworldofmary · 1 year
just got caught biting into freshly baked bread
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notthebeststufftbh · 1 year
Nothing funnier than coming home and thinking "damn cat must've peed here" before remembering that your cat died a year ago really
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