#*sweats profously*
plantaffinity · 1 year
Youtube has given up on me. It started reccomending only videos I've already seen and random super short videos (I only watch long videos) so I started weeding out my recommended page, I've been clicking "not interested" on every single one I'm not interested in. I understand youtube thinks I want to watch a video I've already watched 20 times but I only "watched" that video because I don't have spotify and play the same songs over and over while I'm driving and I already have them saved so I click those away too and I've been doing this digital gardenwork for a few days. Now youtube is grasping at straws. "She watched one dinosaur video, maybe she wants more history and science videos" they think, but alas they were wrong. Youtube is sweating profously, "this video is from her watch later list, she must want to watch it!" Wrong! I update after a weeding session and find a total of three videos recommended to me and that's when I start feeling bad and humanizing the algorithm
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asmo-appreciator · 1 year
Mc: Y'know funny enough, there's a story in the family that says that one of my grandmas was eaten by a demon. It's written on her gravestone and everything
Now all the demon brothers are profousely sweating because all of them are trying to think if they've ever eaten anyone who even slightly resembled Lilith
I like it because that's close enough that there are possibly photographs floating around the brothers could look at to see if they recognized her, but far enough in the past that MC can claim there aren't any and make them sweat.
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borathae · 2 years
About the shibari. I’m a switch too but in my opinion I can only see Yoongi tying someone up instead of him being tied up… cause like yoongi gives major dom vibes 😭
Honestly SA!Yoongi does give off major dom vibes nfadnf *eyes the curch and gym scenes whilst sweating profously*, I can see from you guys' answers that the majority leans towards soft dom!Yoongi either way fafdjfj
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spidermecc · 5 years
Is this it?- Ch. 1 (an elu au)
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Summary: Eliott is with Lucille, he has his own apartment and he goes to uni. Life hasn’t always been easy on him, but things are finally looking up, and he’s content. So when Lucille asks him to meet her family, he agrees, as is expected of him. But what he didn't expect, was for Lucille's younger brother, Lucas, to take his breath away. ___ “The first thing that catches his eye is the boy’s soft eyes. They were so.. blue.  Someone punch him in the face if he ever compares someone’s eyes to the sky or the sea, he will not be that guy. But holy shit, he could really get lost in those eyes”.
”Babe, don’t forget dinner at my parents’ place tomorrow” Lucille says, tying her shoelaces.
”Yeah, don’t worry I didn’t forget. I’ll come over right after uni, okay?” Eliott smiles, trying hard to give her a convincing smile.  
Lucille was great, she really was. They had been friends since high school, and she’d always been there for him. Eliott wasn’t stupid, he knew that she’d had a thing for him throughout high school, always hoping that their friendship would blossom into something more. He’d always cared about her, and depended on her, but he also knew that it would never develop into anything further, he just didn’t see her that way.
Well, he thought he knew. During their last year of high school, Eliott had been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, and it had turned his world upside down. He’d successfully pushed all of his friends away, not being able to deal with them walking on eggshells around him, always afraid that they might say or do something that would push him over the edge.
He had enough of that at home. His parents would always keep an eye on him, treating him like an infant, worrying when he didn’t answer texts right away or didn’t pick up the phone on the first try.   After he was diagnosed, it was as if they’d forgotten that he was still a regular person, still the same son they’d always known. It was as if, his disorder had taken away his right to have bad days, and good ones for that matter. Always having to explain himself, reassure his parents that no he wasn’t having an episode, he was just really fucking tired.
After a year of being constantly watched by his parents, he finally convinced them that it was probably be for the best, if he moved out. He needed his own space. They’d reluctantly agreed, after settling on a few terms, one of them being, that they’d have dinner together at least once a week.
Lucille had been the only friend he wasn’t able to push away. She was simply too stubborn. No matter how cruel he was to her, no matter how much he ignored her or told her he didn’t need her, she kept coming back. She’d leave him be for a few days, but then she’d be back, assuring him that she wasn’t going anywhere. At first he had truly resented her for it, simply wanting her to leave him the fuck alone. But over time, as he realized she wasn’t going to leave him be, he began to embrace it. She’d become his rock, his safe harbor. No matter how bad he fucked up, he knew she would always be back, and Eliott found some comfort in that – having a constant, in his messy and sometimes chaotic life.
She’d even helped him reconnect with Idriss and Sofiane. After months of radio silence, he’d finally mustered up the courage to contact them again, and they’d been understanding and supportive, just like Lucille said they would. He could never thank her enough for pushing him to contact them again. He doesn’t know how he’d even survived those months without them. But then again, those first few months, after he got diagnosed, were still somewhat blurry in his mind.
Now, both in uni, they’d found themselves in some sort of comfortable routine. They’d never really discussed what they were, simply drifting into a relationship over time. But they were comfortable and he was content, he could only assume that Lucille felt the same way.
That is, until last week when Lucille asked him if he’d want to meet her family. And really, what was he supposed to say? They had known each other for years now, she was practically his family, and he knew how much it meant to her. She had been dropping hints that she wanted to introduce him to them, for weeks now, so it didn’t come as a shock when she finally asked. And so, he’d reluctantly agreed.
He tried not to think too much about what it would mean for their relationship, going forward. Would she want to meet his parents as well? Would she start arranging double dates with their friends? Would they become a ‘we-couple’? “We don’t watch TV before going to bed”, “we try not to eat meat at home”, “we can’t come to the party” -  we, we we.
Just thinking about it made Eliott’s heart race, and honestly if he was going to survive tomorrow, he had to just.. not think too much about it. Which was practically impossible, seeing as he had a way of overthinking everything. Sometimes he’d overthinking the smallest things, like encounters with the cashier at the supermarket or conversations with his professors. He could be in the shower, when he’d suddenly think of something he should have answered instead of what he did answer. He would create a completely new conversation in his head, replaying it over and over, until he couldn’t remember how the actual conversation had gone. Only snapping out of it, when the hot water betrayed him, finally turning cold.  
“I can’t wait” Lucille says, softly yanking Eliott down to match her height, giving him a soft peck on the mouth.
“Although I’m a bit nervous about you meeting Lucas” she smiles, lips still on his.
Lucas was Lucille’s younger brother. She always spoke fondly about him, telling Eliott stories of how brave he was coming out to his family and the entire school. And Eliott had to admit that he sounded like a cool guy.. for a high schooler, that is.
“Why’s that?”
“Let’s just say he can be a bit uh-” she brings her head back, meeting Eliott’s eyes “grumpy”.
“I can work with grumpy” he assures her, as he gently nudges her towards the front door “now go, before you miss your class again”.
“You’re right, I’ll see you tomorrow” she salutes, giving him one last kiss on the cheek and then she’s out the door.
He shuffles into the kitchen, pouring himself coffee that Lucille had made a few hours ago. It’s not even lukewarm anymore, but it’s still caffeine, it’ll suffice.
As he plops down on his couch, he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. The harder he tries not to think about meeting Lucille’s parents, the more he does. It reminds him of something his teacher in kindergarten once said:
“I’m going to make all of you think about the exact same thing at the same time”
That’s impossible, little Eliott thought to himself. She’s no magician, otherwise she’d surely have turned the awful lunch into something delicious, like pizza!
“Okay so listen to me. Under no circumstances, are any of you allowed to think about a pink elephant right now, okay?”
Eliott’s mind immediately started picturing a big cartoon elephant. It was pink, of course.
“I bet you all thought of a pink elephant, didn’t you?” the teacher asked.
All the kids nodded in unison, Eliott included.
“If you want someone to think about something in particular, just tell them not to, and they immediately will. It’s human nature”.
It’s human nature, Eliott thinks to himself. Is it human nature to obsess over every little thing? Sometimes he spent hours thinking whether it was his illness that had made him that way or if it was simply the way he was wired. Was it even possible to separate the two things? If it was his illness, then surely it must also be the way he’s wired, right?
He lets out another sigh, sipping his, now ice cold, coffee.
It’ll be fine he tells himself it doesn’t have to change anything. Maybe if he repeats it enough, he’ll actually believe it. __
His last class ends at 4pm, which gives him exactly one hour before he has to be at Lucille’s parents’ house.
According to Google Maps, their house is a 20-minute walk from campus, so he decides to go the opposite direction, towards his favorite coffee shop.  
As he enters the shop, the familiar aroma reaches his nostrils straight away. There’s something about coffee shops, that just screams; home, comfort and familiarity to him. He’d made it his personal mission to try as many independent coffee shops in Paris, as he could. But this one was his go-to, he’d been here more times than he could count, and it had actually gotten to the point where he didn’t even have to place his order anymore. The few baristas that worked there, all knew what his usual was. So he’d simply go up to the register, exchange polite greetings, pay for the coffee and then they’d bring him his drink.
As he makes his way up to the register, he immediately notices that there’s a new guy behind the register. He’s definitely new, because Eliott is sure that he’d remember that face.
The first thing that catches his eye is the boy’s soft eyes. They were so..blue. Someone punch him in the face if he ever compares someone’s eyes to the sky or the sea, he will not be that guy. But holy shit, he could really get lost in those eyes.
The boy has soft brown hair, sticking in every possible direction, as if he’d combed his hands through it one too many times. Eliott really wished that he could comb through the boys’ hair, just once, just to satisfy his curiosity.
The boy is fidgeting with his apron, furrowing his brows, as he tries to tie the apron on the back, around his small waist. Eliott wonders what it would feel like to wrap his hands around that waist.
After a few moments, of what could only be described as staring, he finally walks up to the register, trying to act as natural as possible. As if he wasn’t staring at an actual angel in an apron.
“Hi, what can I get you?” the boy asks, as he finally manages to secure the apron successfully and notices Eliott.
“Salut, I’ll have a latte with soy milk” Eliott announces, not taking his eyes off the boy, who’s actually writing down the order on his notepad. Eliott is pretty sure that he’s never seen anyone else do that, and he can’t help it when a smile forms on his lips.
“Oh, and could I have some cocoa powder on top?” he adds hastily. It’s been so long since he actually placed the order, that he’d managed to forget the most important thing.
“Cocoa on top” the boy says to himself, as he scribbles on his notepad “anything else?”
Please look at me again.
“Nope, that’s it” he answers as he pulls out his wallet.
Instead of settling at his usual table in the corner, he sits next to the window, where he has a perfect view of the register, without having to crane his neck.
And okay, Eliott knows he shouldn’t be staring at the cute boy behind the counter. First of all, he is with Lucille, and he is happy, he really is. Second of all, the boy hadn’t spared him a single glance since he sat down, which was a pretty good indication that he definitely wasn’t interested.
Not that Eliott wanted him to be interested. What would he even say, if the boy did show interest? You’re really cute, but I have a girlfriend. Also, could you please memorize my order so we never have to interact again, pretty please with cocoa on top?
No, definitely not.
As he takes out his laptop from his bag pack, the boy comes over with his coffee.
“One latte with soy milk and cocoa on top” he announces proudly as he sets it on the table, with too much force, resulting in half of the coffee landing on the table.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” he exclaims, frantically pulling out tissues from a nearby table.
“Don’t worry about it, I wasn’t even thirsty really” Eliott assures him, pushing his laptop away, before it gets soaked in coffee.
“It’s only my second shift, so I’m still a bit rusty” he explains, as he continues wiping the table “I’ll get you another one, on the house”.
“There’s really no need” Eliott assures him, trying not to dwell too much on the sweet cologne the boy is wearing. He’s not trying to smell the boy, but he’s just so close, leaning in over Eliott, to wipe the coffee before it lands on the floor.
Snap out of it Eliott.
“I actually have to go now anyway, but if I could get the rest in a to-go cup?” he asks, suddenly desperate to get out of the shop. He’s supposed to meet his girlfriend’s parents, not sniff the baristas’ cologne. No matter how cute the barista might be.
“Oh, yeah of course” the boy says grabbing the cup of coffee, which is almost empty by now. But Eliott is really a glass half full kind of guy, so he doesn’t mind it too much.
“Again, I’m really sorry” he says handing Eliott a paper cup with the remaining coffee “next time you come in, just tell them that Lucas owes you a coffee on the house”.
Lucas. That’s a pretty name.
Eliott can’t stop himself from letting out a soft laugh.
“I will, don’t worry about it, really”
He catches the boys’ eyes and suddenly he’s overcome with the urge to compare them to the sea again.
Lucas looks at him expectantly, waiting for Eliott to introduce himself as well.
But he doesn’t, too afraid that if he shakes his hand, sparks might fly, the electricity might circuit and all that, so he simply grabs his bag and coffee and walks out, making sure not to look back at Lucas, whose gaze he feels on his back, the whole way out. ___
As he gets closer to Lucille’s parents’ house, he automatically starts walking slower, trying to steady his breathing. It’s going to be fine, it’s just dinner.
So why does it feel like more? Like he’s reaching a point of no return. If he does this, then they’re officially a couple-couple.  
Is he ready for that?
Just 10 minutes ago he was ogling the cute barista shamelessly. A good boyfriend wouldn’t do that.
Fuck, he really needs to get his shit together. Lucille needs this, she needs him to get a fucking grip and do this for her, and that’s what he’s going to do. He owes her that much.
He takes a deep breath before ringing the bell. Here goes nothing.
When the door opens, he almost does a double take. The middle aged woman, with brown hair, cut just above her shoulders, looks just like Lucille. Or rather, Lucille looks just like her.
“Eliott!” she exclaims, reaching out her arms and pulling him through the threshold.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard so much about you” she beams, “I’m Diane, Lucille’s mom” she continues, still holding on to Eliott’s arms.
She radiates warmth, and Eliott can’t help but return her smile.
“It’s so nice to meet you as well Mrs. Lallemant” he answers genuinely.
“Oh no no” she says, flailing her arms “call me Diane, or don’t call me anything at all”.
Eliott feels a faint blush reaching his cheeks “so nice to meet you Diane”.
She pulls him into a hug, and Eliott automatically stiffens. He doesn’t like to be touched, especially not by strangers. But still, he returns the hug with as much conviction as he can.
When she finally releases him, she gently nudges him into the hallway, and gestures for the coat rack.
“You can leave your bag and coat here, dinner isn’t quite ready yet, and we’re still waiting for Lucas, he’ll get off work in half an hour or so”.
That’s when the smell reaches Eliott’s nostrils. It smells like butter and onions, and he can’t help but let out a faint moan, as he takes in the smell. He’s pretty sure he hasn’t had a decent home cooked meal in, what feels like, months. He’s not the greatest cook himself, and neither is Lucille. They always praise themselves lucky when Lucille’s roommate, Amélie, cooks for them. Sometimes if he’s lucky, he even gets to take leftovers home.
“It smells amazing Mrs – Diane” he corrects himself awkwardly, as he receives another warm smile.
“Hi baby” Lucille says as she emerges from the living room, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. She’s never been a big fan of PDA, and neither has Eliott, they’ve always agreed on that. Never wanting to be that couple, who subject strangers to their affection publicly.
“I take it you’ve met my mom?”
“Oh he has” Diane says, and if Eliott isn’t completely mistaken, giving her daughter a, not-so-subtle, wink.
Guess he didn’t mess up, just yet.
Lucille beams at her mother and gently strokes his arm comfortingly. She knows he’s not a big fan of meeting new people.  
“As I just told Eliott, dinner will be ready soon, but we still have to wait for your dear brother” Diane says “why don’t you introduce Eliott to your father and I’ll bring us all something to drink?”
Lucille nods at her mother as she takes Eliott’s hand into her own.
“I know you hate this, but I swear you’re going to love them as soon as you get to know them” she whispers in his ear.
Eliott answers with a reassuring nod, as he places his hand on her lower back. He wants her to know that he’s determined to do this for her. He wants to make her happy, she deserves as much.
Lucille’s dad is sitting in an armchair, in the corner of the living room, reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, seemingly lost in a book. Eliott tilts his head slightly, so see the cover of the book. The Goldfinch, he mentally approves of the man’s choice of book, it’s one of Eliott’s personal favorites.
“Dad, I’d like you to meet Eliott” Lucille says as she takes the book out of his hand and gestures for him him to get up.
“Ah, Eliott!” he exclaims, as he takes off his glasses and places them on the chair “so you’re the guy that stole my little girls’ heart” he laughs, a smile forming on his lips.
A nervous laugh escapes Eliott’s mouth, because what is he supposed to say to that?
“I’m Victor, it’s great to finally put a face to the name. We’ve heard so much about” he says, reaching out his hand, which Eliott quickly grabs and shakes.
“So nice to meet you as well Mr. Lallemant” he says, retrieving his hand and swiftly placing both of them in his jeans pockets.
It’s not that Mr. and Mrs. Lallemant didn’t seem like nice people, because they did. They radiated warmth, but Eliott couldn’t rid the urge of fleeing out of the house. It was all so formal, so serious. He obviously knew that their relationship would come to this one day, but still, he wasn’t ready for this just yet.
If you’re not ready after almost two years, when will you be?
He desperately tries to push the chaotic jumble of thoughts to the back of his mind. He just has to get through tonight, this is the worst part. After this, he will be okay.
It’s just a few hours, it’s just a few hours, it’s just a few hours.
“Eliott dear, why don’t you take a seat?”
Mrs. Lallemant was back from the kitchen, with a tray of glasses and a big bottle of, what Eliott could only assume, was homemade lemonade. She pours everyone a glass, and takes a seat next to her husband, one hand nursing her lemonade, the other drawing circles on Mr. Lallemant’s back.
For the first time in what feels like hours, he realizes that Lucille is still standing next to him, never having left, her reassuring hand still on his lower back. He appreciates the gesture, but it really makes no difference, she could he cooing soft words in his ear the whole time and he’d still feel uncomfortable as ever.
He takes a seat next to her, and starts making small talk with Mr. and Mrs. Lallemant. After a few minutes, he feels himself easing up. They’re easy to talk to, and they don’t ask too many personal questions. Something tells him, that Lucille instructed them, before he got here.
Just as Mrs. Lallemant is telling Eliott about her special lasagna recipe, the front door slams open.
“Oh that must be Lucas, he’s home early” Mrs. Lallemant places her glass on the table as she gets up to greet her son.
Eliott gets up from the couch and wipes his slightly sweaty palms on the back of his pants, as he prepares himself for another round of half-awkward introductions and politeness.
There’s some slight commotion in the hallway, a silhouette frantically trying to hang his coat on the overstuffed rack. Eliott immediately notices that he is very small, compared to the rest of his family.
When the boy enters the living room, Eliott swears his heart stops.
He’s greeted with those baby blue eyes, and recognition washes over the younger boy’s face just as quickly. 
It’s him.. It’s the breathtakingly beautiful barista. And fuck, he’s just as handsome as Eliott remembers him. Don’t look him in the eyes, stop staring, stop staring.
Lucas slowly approaches him, almost as if he’s afraid Eliott might bolt again. Fat chance of that happening, seeing as Eliott is practically frozen on the spot.
“Hi, I’m Lucas” he says softly, catching Eliott’s flickering gaze, as he reaches out a slightly trembling hand “you must be Eliott”.
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fjordfolk · 5 years
lmao I'm glad Norwegians and Swedes seem to get along though!
stay tuned for the winter olympics i guess. or actually don’t. just look away.
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tampire · 7 years
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Ra’s Al Ghul bathes in the Lazarus Pit
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awindylife-writes · 3 years
Help Him
Relationship: 10th Doctor x reader
Summary: you have powers of time and space travel. When the Doctor and you are caught in a deadly situation you blindly transport both of you out.
Warning: graphic descriptions of injuries
Genre: hurt and fluff
The horrid creature who had once been the Emperor was laughing in deranged victory. The vast throne room was burning, corridors of flame and smoke dividing the space into fractions. You could feel the heat of it on your skin. Tears you had shed were now dry on your cheeks and your clothes were drenched in sweat. The smoke brought new tears to your eyes and they started to spill over. You coughed again but it didn't help the scratching pain in your throat.
The shadows moved with the orange flames, the smoke blurring what little you could see. You couldn't make out the soldiers scouring the hall for you but you kept trying, because you knew their guns were poised to shoot.
You tried to keep the raging terror in you at bay. You can't lose the Doctor, youcan'tyou can'tyoucan't. And if they didn't kill you, what would the Katilem soldiers do to you if they had you in their power? What would they do to him?
You took a steadying breath and coughed again, felt it rattle in your chest. The smoke burned your throat and eyes as you tried to calm your trembling hands. Your heart was about to beat out of your chest. The fear was eating you alive but this wasn't the time for feelings. No, now you turned to the irony and sarcasm you used like a shield. Everything was better if you laughed at it.
You looked around again, coughing profousely and searching for anything that would help. You couldn't see five feet in front of you, and the only good thing about it was that the soldiers couldn't either. You knew the fire wouldn't harm them (and wasn't that just great?) but it would hide you for now.
Their searching shots mainly missed you. The few (three) that didn't simply grazed you and you made sure you were very, very quiet. It still hurt like hell.
You could feel each second slip through your fingers as you held the wounded Doctor closer to your side because he couldn't stand on his own. You thought he was pretty close to falling unconscious or already there. You couldn't blame him, you could feel his blood seep into your clothes.
You coughed again and it really wasn't helping, all it did was interrupt your train of thought and make you feel like you were choking. Which you were, but you didn't need a reminder. The room was spinning already.
The Doctor's wound was just short of being regeneration worthy and you were damn grateful for that. The glow would outshine the fire and make him a nice target practice. On top of that, the last thing you needed was the Emperor realising he had Time Lord regeneration energy in his grasp. But the large gash currently turning your shirt orange-red was bloody serious (ha), and you needed to get the Doctor out of there now. Yourself too preferably.
As soon as you left the burning throne room they would be able to see you. Running to the TARDIS was out of the question, even if it were closer and the Doctor weren't unconscious. But without the TARDIS you had nowhere to go, so the only way this wasn't ending in death or torture was you teleporting the pair of you out. The Emperor would know about the Power, which was very, very bad, but oh well... Desparate times call for desparate measures and that wasn't the worst outcome in this situation.
You held the Doctor tighter and concentrated.
A flash of light tore the sky.
Two ragged, bloody people appeared in the House of Ther's garden; the woman holding up the man with her hand around his waist, the other keeping his arm around her shoulders. He seemed to be unconscious, whith a large wound in his side. His light brown coat and blue suit were cut open, orange-red blood staining the fabric and dripping onto the grass. The pair smelled of smoke and sweat, but there was a tinge of something else - blasterfire.
The woman's striking face was dark from ash, but there were gleaming teartracks on her cheeks. Her e/c eyes were wide, terror and pain surging through them like the shadows of the things she had endured. But the worst thing in them was the shine of desparation.
As soon as the pair appeared, the woman started dragging them both towards the onlookers. She was coughing, a loud and horrible sound. The Elves rushed towards them while she stumbled under the load. As she gave the man over to gentle hands her raspy voice begged, "Help him."
There was someone to help her too. Laaney Strelli caught the young woman and carefully held her up by the shoulders. He saw her wounds ooze blood where an energy beam had struck her and asked her what had happened to her, his face tight with worry.
She kept looking after the group who had taken her friend away while coughing into her palm. She was trembling, dazed and seemingly hadn't heard Laaney's words.
When she shakily turned her head towards him, he could see her tired eyes were wide with distress. "Help him," she repeated her request in a choked voice, her hands coming to clutch at the fabrick on his shoulders. She was swaying now, and the coughing hadn't stopped.
He asked her what she needed while trying to keep her upright, but then all energy leeked out of her. With a shaky breath, she collapsed in his arms, eyes half-lidded but still holding his gaze. Laaney slowly brought them both down to kneel in the grass, her now lying in his arms with her head on his chest.
She still held onto his shirt. Her desparate need spilled into her words, the words that were now just a whisper. "Help him."
With this, her eyes closed and she fell silent.
He was floating, no up, no down, just there. He knew it was warm, and it was soft. He didn't want to leave.
But something weighed on his mind, something outside of this world of content. Something important. The more he thought about it, the more he felt the reality around him. There were sheets over him and a pillow under his head. He moved his arms to feel around. His side flared in pain at the movement, made him gasp and open his eyes. (Psi levels stable, lung funcion restored, blood content matched, enzymes-)
The ceiling above the Doctor was white but shining in the sunlight. He blinked. There was a beautiful candlestick beside his bed and marble carvings on the wall; through the open windows came the sight of a garden and a magnificent forest in the distance. Green leaves, flowers and birdsong greeted him in waking.
The room was beatiful, but not one he recognized. I'm not on the TARDIS, he thought and that brought panic. He sat up, immediately on his guard; he hated being outside of his home while he was injured and helpless.
Y/N! his mind screamed in fear. Where's Y/N!? There had been fire, agony in his side, bloodbloodblood- Now terror, adrenaline, heart thumping-
Before he could do anything a voice spoke calmly in greeting, "I am glad you are awake. How are you feeling?" Danger!
The Doctor's head whipped around at the sound. There was someone now standing beside his bed, though far enough not to crowd him. He was Elven by the looks of his clothing and his ears. (Elves, planet Rivenna, 65783i.38 by 13528z.99, the Galadri system, carbon base- )
"Where is she?"  he demanded. I don't know what it looked like when we came, I don't know which century we're in, what if they know about the Power? What if they hurt her I'm-not-with-her-l-should-be-with-her!  But a part of him wasn't pleased with his own commanding tone, there were better ways to greet someone who had apparently healed him. There wasn't any obvious reason why they wouldn't have done the same for you, but the thought of you alone and undefended terrified him.
"Your friend is safe, you have nothing to fear," the Elf assured him, gesturing for him to calm down. "She still has not woken from her sleep." His eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Our healers are capable, we took care of her wounds and her lungs, but there seems to be something hurt which we cannot reach. The thought itself is troubling."
The words made something tighten in the Doctor's chest. Do something do something help her! "How long have we been alseep?" he heard his voice ask.
"Two days."
Not good. But it's not that bad either, he tried to calm himself. "What year is it?" He needed to know so he could decide how to proceed.
The Elf's eyebrows rose in surprise. Well, that doesn't happen every day, the Doctor thought. Elves were one of the rare species whose lifespan rivaled the Time Lord's. They prided themselves on their wisdom, so shocking one was an achievement.
"Six point five slash apple double slash colon 89," the Elf answered in confusion.
"No," the Doctor breathed out loud in shock, felt his blood freeze at their words. "She took us so far, so, so far, while injured." She saved me, again, at her own cost. How could l let this happen? I shoud've done more should've known better help her! He grabbed the side of the covers and yanked them off, but as he tried to get up, the wound in his side made him wince and double over in pain.
"What are you doing??? You will hurt yourself!" the Elf demanded and tried to get him to lay back down.
"I need to see her," the Doctor stressed through gritted teeth. "You're right, it's something your healers can't do. And if l can't see her l can't help her, so help me!"  he yelled at the Elf, all politeness flying out the window.
(While staring at the healer, the Doctor also noticed he wasn't wearing his suit. Well, the cotton shirt and trousers were comfortable at least. He supposed his usual attire was too bloody.)
Thankfully, the Elf nodded then and moved to support him. With his help, the Doctor stood up. "Now which way?"
Elves they passed on the way looked at the Doctor like he was mad (rushing down the corridor, wounded and needing someone to hold you up wasn't exactly normal) but he really didn't care. All he thought about was you.
They neared a door soon and when it opened, he could see you, sleeping soundly in a bed. She's alright. A releaved breath left his lips.
The Elf whose name he still didn't know helped him sit beside you. He slowly reached out and touched your cheek (yes-yes-yes she's here she's okay, good) then carefully caressed it with with his thumb. The warmth beneath his palm was a blessing, a way to reassure himself you were really there. The Doctor sighed in relief as content spread through his chest.
After a moment, he brought his other hand to your cheek too. He slid his fingers to your temples and closed his eyes. He was careful, he didn't look deep enough to reach your mind, he would never. He felt you just enough to tell how you were, he price for using your Power wasn't exactly visible.
The journey had taken a lot from you. You weren't at home with your abilities yet and to use them in a state like that... She'd come close, so so close, oh Rassilon- How could l let- No. Nonono, she'll be okay. She'll be just fine, with enough time to rest. She'll be fine. Guilt spread through every corner of his mind, guilt for putting you through this. It was his fault you had landed in the wrong century and had ended up in a coup (a failed coup at that), and then he didn't even get you out of it, he didn't even help, he tried to help but-
Another thing he did wrong.
She'll be fine, he reminded himself and took a deep breath.
He felt grateful, so incredibly grateful for being saved by you. He really had you, didn't he. You were by his side, for whatever reason you stayed and you kept staying, and he'd never dreamed he would have someone so kind and strong stand by him.
He knew he didn't deserve it.
"How is she?" the Elf familiar to him broke the Doctor out of his thoughts.
"She's alright," the Doctor answered softly. He felt a small smile tug at his lips as light spread through him at the thought. His eyes hadn't left you.
"How do you know?" one of the others asked.
"'Cause l'm a doctor," he answered plainly and found the speaker with a steady gaze. They probably already knew that what he'd done was telepathy, Elves weren't stupid and they had abilities of their own. But there were, surprisingly, very few telepathic species in the universe, and he wasn't going to get into the whole Time Lord buisness, because, frankly, they didn't need to know, and they really didn't need to know about your admitedly peculiar relationship.
The Elves frowned, in cofusion or in doubt he didn't know, but he still went on. "My name is the Doctor, and l am a doctor." I'm her Doctor. "I've seen this happen to her before. Well, kind of? The point is, l know her, and she'll be fine. She needs to rest now and it may take a while, but she'll be fine," he assured them and took heart at that as well.
"That is good to hear," the familiar Elf nodded, thankfully not mentioning the Doctor hadn't really answered their question. "And now you can tell us exactly what you are doing here."
"Well, we were in trouble," the Doctor began. "I mean, we're just travellers, just passing through, but we always find some kind of trouble, can't seem to stay out of it. Like the last time, on Porphyria, l got us into-" He realized he was rambling, and you weren't there to stop him. Something in him ached at the tought.
He let out a sigh and began anew, this time more seriously. "There was a war and- we were going to die." The words left his lips like a spiderweb, soft and light but sticking to him like a curse. "She saved us, she saved us both when she brought us here." Regret filled him and it showed in his voice. He wished you hadn't had to do that with both his hearts.
"What did she save you from?" a curious voice asked then. The Doctor really didn't want to get into details, because those included your Power, the TARDIS and his species and he really wasn't willing to play around with information like that. The story also included emotions (mainly his) and domestics and why should he tell these people all that stuff? Even if they had saved his life. So he simply didn't answer.
The Elves looked at each other. They seemed to collectively decide to take his silence as a clue and politely moved on. Now the familiar Elf shifted from leg to leg. "What is her name?"
A warm smile bloomed on the Doctor's face. "She is Y/N Y/S." He really hoped the feelings that filled his chest with that name didn't show in his voice.
"Y/N Y/S," the Elf thoughtfully tried out the words on his tongue. Then he took a deep breath and changed the topic, "l think it is time you ate something."
The Doctor couldn't tell him he'd be fine because of his superior Time Lord biology, that he didn't need to eat all that much and could just stay here to watch over you.
He realized there was no polite way to say no, but you would laugh at him smugly right now if you saw this, and the thought made him smile.
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keimisan · 3 years
you better halt your self slander or else, mal, darling
i-i just quoted joey from friends *sweats profousely*
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have some fanart as a last hurrah
submission by @sagscrib
wooooooOOOOWW dude, gurl, internet person on the internet ! I’m loving this
omg I can‘t even. look how chubby I am, that’s SO accurate in these trying times. Look at the stain on my favorite shirt! u even thought to depict the freckles on my arm, amazing. A+ mug shot, I’m over the moon
but the best thing is the dapper company you have attached there, uh, to my hand. He looks far too neat for me, that’s probably why he’s sweating so profously in embarassment. No? You say he’s nervous? In that case, glad u took your chance
stay awesome!
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ravenssunshine · 6 years
here's a concept
Bill hates being sick. Ever since that summer when Georgie went missing he denies ever being sick. Because it was his own theatrics that caused Georgie to die, in his opinion. He could’ve gone out with him. He had been fine.
He’s never missed a day of school since. Even when he knew he had the flu he went to school. Very rarely did he even take medicine when he was sick. The losers didn’t catch on until it was too late.
It was during their lunch period when Bill zoned out and his eyes looked glossy. Eddie had started to notice how pale- yellow, even- Bill’s skin looked. He was sweating profously. Then he collapsed.
Bill was taken to a hospital right then and there and the losers were so angry at themselves for failing to notice what was wrong. Bill would spend the next few days on the hospital, but luckily he had escaped death.
Everyone started talking to Bill about what happened. Why was he doing that to himself? Stan was the most understanding. He listened to Bill talk and he understood. He understood the feeling of thinking you don’t deserve happiness. But he assured Bill that he did deserve it, and he slowly recovered.
The losers now watch our carefully for Bill, reminding him that even as a fearless leader, he can take sick days. And even though he still blamed himself for what happened to Georgie, he was getting better.
Im sorry this was too long and it was angsty OT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A ONE PARAGRAPH HEADCANON anywho I hope you enjoyed this
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bextus-a · 7 years
michael: sees that like michael: sweats profously
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clarabaaaby · 7 years
Day 1
Awful. Awful awful. Took celexa and 9 am and ate breakfast. Within 20 minutes I had a bad headache and felt tired. Laid down but couldn’t sleep. Suddenly felt really hot and dizzy. Stood up, worse. Ran to bathroom vomited while being on the toilet. Kept happening. Sweating profously and extremely dizzy. Feel like I am dying.
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Wait. Will/Hannibal is canon? 
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