#- found out i have two tags. gotta clean that up some day
hurryupmerlin · 7 months
Shhhh, hörst du das? Hörst du das Gemunkel? Um dich wird es dunkel. In deinem Kopf dreh'n sich die Gedanken Bringen dich zum wanken. Geschichten um die sich Dramen ranken Nie erzählt und doch gekannt. Oh, du lauscht gebannt. Die Angst der and'ren tut dir nicht gut Doch es nährt die Glut Die das Feuer entfacht, das dich anlacht, Einladend und warm. Es nimmt dich in den Arm Und verbrennt dich mit seiner Zärtlichkeit. Dein letztes Geleit führst du selbst an. Du hast dich entschieden Und wirst kriegen Was dein Kopf dir befiehlt das richtig wäre. Es ist dir keine Lehre. Du trinkst Gift wie süßen Wein Doch dein Durst wird nie gestillt sein. Armes Kind, wer soll dich jetzt noch retten? Das Schloss für deine Ketten Wiegt schwerer noch als selbst dein Herz. Du kannst nicht mit noch ohne Schmerz.
Shhhh, do you hear that? Do you hear the murmur? It's getting dark around you. Your head is spinning with thoughts. They make you waver. Stories entwined with dramas Never told and yet known. Oh, you listen spellbound. The fear of others does you no good But it feeds the embers that kindle the fire Which laughs at you. Inviting and warm. It takes you in its arms. And burns you with its tenderness. You lead your last escort yourself. You have made your decision And will get what your head tells you is right. It is no lesson to you. You drink poison like sweet wine. But your thirst will never be quenched. Poor child, who will save you now? The lock for your chains weighs more than even your heart. You cannot live with or without pain.
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carlsangel · 5 months
carl grimes x reader
(you and carl find a polaroid camera.)
tags: fluff!!!
masterlist here!
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Back at the prison, you and Carl had limited entertainment around. Michonne had found the two of you comics occasionally but you two had gone through an odd phase where you focused on surviving when you had a perfectly safe home. You’d spent more time cleaning your guns and sharpening your knives when you should’ve been reading or playing with legos.
You wish you didn’t have to grow up so fast, you missed being able to not have a care in the world. That’s what you were happy to have Carl, he made you feel better about everything. Even when everyone got sick, you had him and he made you feel better always. He joked around a lot just to make you feel better.
When the prison fell, you guys thankfully ended up with each other. It was traumatic for sure, seeing him fight with his dad like that and just seeing Rick in that state in general. It wasn’t the easiest but you had a chance to feel okay when the two of you were alone. You guys left Rick in the house to go out and scavenge. You encountered some walkers but together you were able to handle it.
Upon searching some houses you ended up finding different books and random puzzle toys to mess with. Your favorite thing you found was a polaroid camera. You took it with you when Carl decided he wanted to eat pudding on the roof. You settled in next to him as he shoved pudding into his mouth. You rotate the camera in your hands, sort of just examining it before you notice the little number on the back. A small one.
“Damn there’s just one left.” You frown, showing Carl the back of the camera. He swallows the pudding and looks at you. “Guess that means we gotta make it count right?” He grins. You nod and agree, Carl set the can of pudding beside him and you scooted closer to him to take the picture. You did something simple, just smiling. You were excited to have something to look at. You snap the picture and let it print from the camera. You hold it face down as you chat with Carl some more and share pudding.
You later look at the developed photo and it was so sweet. It was basically perfect, you can’t remember the last time you’d seen yourself in a photo, you were happy it was with Carl. He’d loved the photo too. He loved you.
“Can I have it?” He asks with a pleading smile. “But I want it.” You counter, holding it to your chest as if you were hiding it away from him. He laughs as you guard the polaroid with your life. The both of you made an agreement that you would rotate days holding the photo as dumb as it sounds.
He could carry it for a day and the next morning he would give it to you. That lasted a couple of days and you kept the camera in case you had found more film. That was until of course, Terminus. There you lost everything, everything but the photo. Carl had the photo that day, you were scared you wouldn’t receive it from him the next.
But like always, you made it out. You felt like you lost hope, there was nothing really to smile about anymore after Terminus and after learning Eugene had lied. All you had was Carl and the polaroid. Up until Alexandria, you felt completely numb. Even first getting to Alexandria you weren’t sure how to react to it, it didn’t even seem real.
The second day you arrived you and Carl searched the house next door. You marveled over how large the houses were, Carol commented about how it was odd they’re just giving them away. Carol left you and Carl alone in the house and you admired the house. The both of you heard a thump from upstairs and were immediately heeded before grabbing your knives from your belts.
You head up the stairs and Carl goes first, hesitating to open the door. He bursts through it dramatically which you sort of giggle at and you follow him inside. The place is scattered around with random shit; paper, books, pillows, music.
“I wonder where this all came from.” Your eyes linger around the room, looking for anything to take for yourself. You didn’t care much about the people in Alexandria. Not yet. “I saw some kids. They probably hang out here.” Carl explains, picking up a comic. You look around the room some more and your eyes land on something you’ve been looking for since the prison fell.
“No way.” A grin forms on your face and you walk over to the corner of the room where a Polaroid camera sits on top of a small table. Carl turns to see what you’re excited about and his eyes light up immediately. It seemed as though the simple little machine gave you the spark you’d been missing for weeks. It made you consider the other teens a little more than you had before. You look at the back of the camera to see there’s six left.
Before you can even think about what to do with it, you hear a voice from downstairs asking you and Carl to head back to the house. You take it with and keep it in the room you two were given.
The rest of the day was long, you had talked to way more people then you would’ve liked. Carl seemed so happy about it, he was ready to talk to anyone. He made you feel more comfortable though, you couldn’t have gotten through the day without him.
He did most of the talking. While he talked you couldn’t help but admire his features, it was the only thing you could do at the time. His pretty eyes and his cute nose, the way his hair is cut and his pretty smile. His perfect lips- holy shit you couldn’t get enough. (IM GEEKING SO HARD WRITING THIS SHIT SOMEONE SEND HELP)
You couldn’t wait to get home.
When you did you still couldn’t be alone with him, you had to have dinner and then debrief with everyone about how your days went. You finally got the chance to go up to your room and as you both entered, you closed the door behind you.
It seemed like he was on the same track because he pulled you into him straight after you shut the door. His lips captured yours in a harsh kiss, his fingers gently gripping your waist. You pull from it to place more kisses around his face, his nose his cheeks, everywhere you’d admired earlier. His face immediately heats up and he smiles sweetly.
After kissing all around his face excitedly you pull away and catch your breath, he looks at you amused. “Did you get it outta your system?” He giggles, kicking his shoes off so he can lay down on one of the beds. You nod, doing the same to lay on the other. “Yeah I feel better.” He pats the bed beside him and pulls out the comic he’d found earlier. You walk over and sit next to him and begin to read. You yawn, kinda bored since the comic didn’t really tickle your fancy but you get an idea that might pay off nicely for you.
You lean to the nightstand and grab the camera which Carl payed no mind to. You point it at him and he sort of side eyes you right as you snap the photo. He looks at you weirdly with a smile and nudges you away. “Stop.” He says lightheartedly, sort of laughing. You pull the printed film and set it on your lap. “No you’re cute.” You respond, snapping another picture of him while he’s caught off guard, not even looking at you but at the comic. “Noooo.” He shoves his hand in front of the camera and grabs it tightly. “Hey-” He pulls it away from you and sets it on the floor on his side of the bed.
“You’re no fun.” You joke, gathering the two photos you were able to take. You wait for them to develop and when they do, you cannot contain your laughter.
The first photo he was side eyeing the camera, looking super confused and slightly irritated. The second was just adorable, he was in the middle of licking his lips so his tongue was just sticking out slightly as he looked at the comic he was reading. Carl looked over at the photos. “These are terrible.” He takes them from your hands and examines them. “Noooo you’re so adorable. Look how pissed you look in this one.” You laugh. He rolls his eyes and places them aside with his comic.
“Whatever.” He sighs and pulls you into him, nuzzling his face into your neck. He closes his eyes and yawns, placing a small kiss on your neck. You melt under his touch, delicately running your fingers through his hair.
“I’m keeping those.”
“You’re not.”
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a/n: i yapped so much this one SORRY GUYS :> okay i added some stuff im ok with writing in my rules soooo go check that out!!!! also my masterlist was broken so that’s fixed now too :)) andddd i have an inspo pic from an episode of like what the second photo would sort of look like YOU KNOW i just mean like his tongue sticking out i’ll link it here :p
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blue-aconite · 1 year
two for one || j.h.s
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Summary: A visit to the local shelter brings not one, but two surprises.
Warnings: No use of y/n, fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x reader
Authors Note: Based on these pictures. I saw them and couldn’t get it out of my head. Thanks to my lovely betas @wkndwlff​ & @ryebecca​, you’re the best!
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When your boss told you to take Tuesday off, you wasted no time in signing off and putting your work phone on ‘do not disturb.’ You had been logging a lot of overtime lately, brokering a deal with a new business partner and overlooking the expansion of the Boston office. Luckily you could stay in San Diego working remotely with the team from Boston, letting you avoid the time consuming travel across the country. 
You had washed three loads of laundry and cleaned out both the pantry and the fridge. After a quick stop at your favourite deli for lunch, you headed out to the grocery store. You opened up all the windows when you got home, putting away the groceries and then taking on the task of cleaning the condo. You had some time to kill before starting dinner, so you headed outside to relax on your hammock with a book. 
You must have dozed off because the next thing you know, your boyfriend is shaking you awake. “What time is it?” you groaned, stretching your limbs. 
“A little after three. Last class got cancelled, so I figured I’d head home early to surprise my girlfriend. Looks like you’ve been busy today.” You hummed as he pressed a quick kiss to your lips, pulling you up from the hammock.
“I just wanted to get everything done so we could enjoy our weekend off together.” 
Jake wrapped his arms around you, kissing the tip of your nose. “I have a surprise for you.” 
“What?” You looked up at him, a playful smile on his face, eyes vibrant with joy.
“Remember how we talked about getting a dog?” Jake had a childlike excitement surrounding him, that cheeky grin you loved so much in place. 
“Fanboy was showing me pictures of this shelter and I thought that we might go and take a look.” 
You lit up, bouncing on your feet. “Really? Because I know you said you weren’t sure and -,” Jake cut you off, kissing you again.
“Yes sugar, I’m sure. The shelter closes at 6pm, so I figured we’d head there now and we can pick up dinner on our way home.” You were already heading towards his truck before he finished speaking. Jake followed behind, smiling at your childlike glee. “I just gotta change, baby. Then we can go.”
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“Aw, baby look.” You gestured to the German Shepherd who was snoozing in the corner. Jake trailed behind you. The shelter was fairly empty, both with people and animals. Lisa, a volunteer, explained that they recently had a “family day” and a lot of the animals had been adopted.
“We’ve really seen an upswing in adoption recently, it’s honestly so great seeing these animals find their forever home.” Lisa spoke with Jake as you wandered around. An odd sight in the back captured your attention and you kneeled down to get a better look. 
Your heart melted as you set your sights upon a tiny dog, all curled up into a ball. What melted it even further is the cat sleeping by its side. They looked so cute, all cuddled up with each other. The tag on the outside told you that their names were Ares and Apollo. You turned around to call on Jake, only for him to be right behind you.
“What’s this?” He asked as he kneeled down next to you. The dog blinked at the two of you sleepily before snuggling its face into the cat’s fur. 
“Look at them baby, they’re so cute.” You gushed, wiggling in your excitement. 
Lisa wandered over to the two of you. “Ah, you’ve found our little makeshift family. They were found together, abandoned in a box by the side of the highway. They’re most likely from the same home. We’ve estimated that they’re both around a year old. We tried to separate them at first, but they were both so unhappy that we just let them be together. It’s made adopting a bit more difficult. Not a lot of people want to take on the responsibility of both. But we’re adamant that they go together.”
Your mind is made up the moment she stops talking and you turn to Jake, pout in place, as you prepare to plead with him. He rolled his eyes at you. “We said one dog darlin’.”
“Yes, I know, but look at them! And they have to be together.” Jake raised an eyebrow, but you were determined. “And! When we’re not home, they won’t be lonely because they’ll have each other! I know we said a dog but I’ve always wanted a cat, too. Please, baby?”
Jake was quiet for a moment, watching the little animals sleep. The dog, Apollo, had a fair coat - white mixed with light brown. The cat, Ares, on the other hand, had pitch black fur. 
“I guess we need to pick up a couple of cat things, too, then.” Jake said, and you squealed, throwing your arms around him. 
You stayed with them as Jake talked to Lisa, getting everything in order for the adoption. The dog yawned as you tickled its belly, almost squishing the cat in the process as he chased your fingers. The cat was more apprehensive but after some ear scratches and treats, it let you pick it up. 
Jake returned with a carrier in hand, letting the dog sniff him before picking him up. “Hey, buddy. You’re gonna come home with us, isn’t that great?”
You packed all the essentials into the truck before thanking Lisa and heading home.
Setting everything up was fairly simple. The litterbox went into the laundry room and Jake scattered various toys and a bed in a corner of the living room. You insisted on getting a water fountain and you set up their bowls in the kitchen. A second bed was placed at the foot of your bed. 
After making a grand showing of the litter box for Ares, and telling them where to eat, you walked around with the little creatures, showing them their new home.
They both warmed up to their new surroundings quite quickly and before you know it, they’re both snoozing off between you and Jake on the couch as you watched the news. 
Jake hummed, absentmindedly scratching Ares behind his ears. Apollo is cuddled into your side, tongue sticking out.
“Thank you. I love you.”
Jake lifted his arm and you moved gently, as not to startle Apollo and cuddled into his side. “I love you, too. And to be honest, I don’t think I could have gone home without them. They’re perfect.”
“Hah, I knew it. You loved them as soon as you saw them, too, right?” Jake rolled his eyes, nudging your side.
“Yeah, I did. But one of us have to be responsible.” You giggled, lifting Ares so he could rest in your lap. An idea suddenly struck you and you squished your face against the side of Jake’s arm to stop the laughter. 
Jake nudged you again. “What are you laughing about now?”
You snorted, trying to hide your amusement. “You’re totally gonna be one of those cat dads who said they didn’t want a cat but secretly loves it.” 
He made a noise of protest but stopped as Ares abandoned you and crawled onto Jake’s lap. Apollo was snoozing between the two of you. “Don’t tell anyone.”
You smiled. “I won’t. Besides, it’s good training.”
“For what?” Jake murmured, tickling Apollo’s tummy. 
You found yourself falling in love with him all over as you watched him fawn over the two of them. When you first met him, you had doubted that he would want something serious and settle down. Now, two years later, you couldn’t be more wrong. 
Jake was everything you wanted and more. And as you watched him with the two newest additions to your future, you knew he would make a great dad one day. But for now, you would have to be parents to two little four legged babies and you couldn’t be more happy.
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @therebeccaw @imjess-themess @antiquitea @fuckyeahhangman @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @wkndwlff @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @princessphilly @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void @bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @sylviebell​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming​​
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
okay this follower event is intriguing so I’mma try something👀 okay so. I’m thinkin about an Apocalypse AU with Fox. romance for the genre because you know it gotta be romance with Foxy, & girl you can go WILD with the plot, I give you free reign. unless you don’t want free reign, I can just send another ask. but for now BE FREE🦅
Woe To The People
Summary: According to everything you read as a child, the end of the world was supposed to be the end of the story. It’s a shame that none of the stories tell what happens to the people left behind.
Pairing: Commander Fox x F!Reader
Word Count: 2230
Prompt: Apocalypse AU
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: You said be free, and so I was free. You know how in some farming sims, the end of the world happened, and then people have to recover. That's what this is. I could have gone with apocalypse heavy, but I wanted to do apocalypse light. Please let me know if you don't like it. The title came from a CamiCat song called Woe To The People Of The Order. Also, I'm limited on how long I can sit at the computer right now. I...hurt my foot pretty badly and I can't elevate it properly from the computer, lol.
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You were a child when the world ended.
You were barely 9 summers old on the day that the blue sky burned red, and acid fell from the sky. You managed to find shelter in a skyscraper, climbing higher and higher up the building as the acid water flooded the rivers and the streets.
And you refused to leave, even when the other people you were seeking shelter with did.
It took almost a week for the flood waters to recede. A week where you survived off of snacks and soda from the vending machines. A week where you didn’t have anyone to talk to, where all you could do is watch the burning sky through darkened windows and watch the flood waters slowly recede.
There was no internet, no TV, and your only source of information came from a small battery powered radio you found in the janitor’s closet. And it was from there that you learned what was going on.
You learned about the natural disasters that ravaged the world. Massive wildfires that raged for days, floods powerful enough to wash away buildings, sinkholes opening in places where it shouldn’t be possible, earthquakes destroying entire cities, storm systems creating tornadoes in countries that have never had one before.
And when the flood waters receded enough for you to leave the building, you ran home. Though you already knew what you were going to find when you arrived. Your home destroyed, completely flooded out, and your family, like every other family in your neighborhood, lay dead.
Burned almost beyond recognition.
At barely 9 years old, this should have been the end of your story. You were not big enough to fend for yourself, haven’t learned enough about the way the world works to even consider it.
But you’ve always been lucky.
Several days later, after returning to the sky scraper because where else could you go, a survivor found you.
A firefighter, to be specific.
His name was Jango Fett, and he told you about the safe haven that his family set up, where they have food, clean water, and doctors. He praised you for surviving as long as you did on your own, calling you clever and resourceful as he scooped you into his strong arms and carried you down the stairs and to the massive fire engine that somehow survived the floods.
He passed you up to another man, who settled you on top of the engine and offered you a proper sandwich while he covered you with a reflective blanket, and murmured assurances that you’re going to be fine, that everything’s going to be okay.
There were fewer survivors than you expected, as men and women trek out of the nearby buildings in groups of two or three.
And then you heard Jango call out that that’s everyone, and the truck started to move, slowly pushing through the debris covering the roads. Miles, the firefighter looking after you, adjusted the blanket so you couldn’t see the bodies strewn across the road.
Jango brought the survivors to the Mereel Compound, a massive group of buildings set up on top of, and around, a dam. The reservoir was empty, and Miles explained that the reservoir had been emptied before the flood, so you had nothing to worry about.
After that, you were sent to a creche, a place for young children to receive the care and education they needed to be productive members of society. Of course, the education was a bit different than what you were used to. But at the same time, you realized that you probably didn’t need to know what a noun was in this new reality of yours.
So you settled yourself in to learn what you needed to survive in this new world.
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It’s been over a decade since the day the world ended, and very little has changed. Oh, sure, there haven’t been any other massive storms since the original ones, but it’s still a struggle to survive.
Enough of a struggle, that you had to move out of the Mereel Compound. You ended up in a building that used to be a mall. And, with help from other young people, you managed to turn it into something like an apartment complex.
Your job in the complex is to ensure that the water wheel, which provides electricity to the homes here, remains in working order.
It’s not a hard job, but it is a very physical job.
In fact, that’s what you’re currently working on. With a thick pair of gloves to protect you from the acid that lingers in the water. The filters do a good job in making sure that most of the acid doesn’t make it this far, but they’re not perfect.
The water needs to go through a seven point treatment before it can be ingested safely. Luckily, over the last decade, the survivors did manage to perfect that technology.
You look up as the door to the water room clicks open, “How’s are the water wheels?” A voice asks from the door. It’s a voice you’re intimately familiar with, seeing as it belongs to your boyfriend.
“In perfect working order,” You reply as you straighten, and stretch your arms over your head to work the knots out of your back, “I’m probably going to have to take water wheel 3 out of commission for a couple of hours to replace a part, but I want to have all of the parts on hand before I start.”
You turn to face Commander Fox properly.
Commander Fox is one of Jango’s many children, and is the man responsible for this complex. He’s a fine leader, you think, quick thinking and decisive. Not to mention protective of the people under his care.
He’s also the love of your life, so you might be biased.
“It’s not like you to check on the water wheels personally,” You note lightly as you pull your gloves off and set them in the solution that keeps the acid from eating through them, “Something wrong?”
“Thorn is ill, so I took his route.”
“That’s unfortunate,” You murmur, “Nothing serious, I hope?”
“Just a stomach bug, but better to isolate him rather than risk everyone else getting sick.” Fox allows, he moves to the side as you step out of the room, before he follows you and waits for you to lock the door behind you, “You haven’t seen anything unusual lately, have you?”
“In what way?”
He folds his arms over his broad chest, “I got a message from Wolffe-”
“From the forest compound?” You ask, after thinking a moment.
“Yeah, apparently there have been raids on the compound, and I’m...concerned.”
“Raids? All of the Compounds from the desert to the mountains belong to the Mereel/Fett clan.”
“Hence my concern.” Fox rolls his shoulders and for a moment you see just how exhausted he is, “Cody’s putting together a group to investigate, but if there are raiders out there-” He exhales sharply through his teeth.
He doesn’t need to put word to his worry.
You’re hardly stupid, your expertise with water and the filtration system makes you valuable. And a target for anyone with malignant motives.
“I’m giving you a guard detail.” Fox says, “And restricting your movements to within the compound.” He drops his hand from the back of his neck, “Your apartment is on a wall, isn’t it?”
“It is.”
He sighs heavily, and you feel guilty for a moment. But then, you didn’t ask for a wall apartment, you were assigned it. “It’s fine, you can crash in my room.”
“That’s hardly proper, Commander.” You tease lightly.
“Your safety is more important to me than propriety.” Fox counters, completely serious, “The alternative is sending you back to the Mereel Compound.”
“Please don’t.”
He chuckles, “That’s what I thought.” He motions for you to follow him, and you easily fall into step next to him, and he glances at you out of the corner of his eye, “Besides, it’s not like you’ve never crashed in my apartment before. Or even in my bed.”
You elbow him, “This situation is a bit different, Fox. There isn’t a small difference between me sleeping with you because your my boyfriend, and me sleeping in your apartment because I need a protective detail.”
He leads you through the bustling halls, and you feel a soft surge of delight when you see that the market is bustling with activity. Only a few years ago, this scene would have been impossible.
How far you’ve all come since the world ended.
Fox’s hand on your elbow encourages you to keep moving, as he guides you through the winding streets, until he unlocks the door to his apartment.
Fox’s apartment is bigger than all of the other apartments in the compound, with good reason, as a whole quarter of the room is filled with the computers that connect him with his brothers, and father. Not to mention the dozens of outposts that dot the country.
He shuts the door on the working half of his apartment and leads you to the living half of his apartment.
And you immediately head to the window, peering out at the red sky and over the wall that separated the compound from the wildlife. You hear some movement behind you and you turn to watch Fox remove his armor.
It’s leather mostly, reminding you of the old westerns your dad used to watch when he was still alive. Still, it offers a fair amount of protection against anyone who might want to hurt him, so you’re happy he has it.
He focuses his gaze on you, and a smile, soft and warm, graces his tired face. “Do you have any idea how stunning you look when you’re framed by the sky?”
Your face heats, and you turn away from him, “You’ve mentioned it once or twice.”
He laughs softly and walks over to you, his arms sliding around your waist, “Then I clearly need to tell you more often.”
You face him again, your hands settling lightly against his chest and smoothing the thin shirt he wears under his uniform, “I know you think it, Foxy.” You tease, “I know you, after all.”
Slowly he leans in and presses his forehead against yours, his gaze locked with your own. “You know, you could just move in with me. That would make everything easier.”
“We’ve had this conversation-”
“And you never think I’m serious, but I am. I want you to move in with me.”
“Ask me again after this crisis.” You counter.
Fox sighs and lifts his hands to cup your face, “We’re not guaranteed tomorrow, angel. Especially with the way the world is. We need to take what happiness we can when we can.”
“And what if you change your mind-” You start.
“Never. I will never change my mind. I love you. I’ve loved you since we were kids in the creche and you were that bossy little girl who told me that I was wearing my jacket wrong. I loved you when we were teenagers and you had your heart broken by my brother and I was your shoulder to cry on. I’m not going to stop loving you. Ever.”
You’re quiet for a moment, and then you huff, “I was not a bossy little girl.”
“You were so bossy. It was adorable. It’s why I went along with it.”
You pout at him, and he grins at you, looking young and boyish in his delighted amusement, “Fine. I’ll move in with you, but only because you’re being pathetic about it.”
“I can live with that.” He agrees, before ducking his head just enough to catch your lips with his.
You lean into the kiss, intent to deepening it, to fan the flames of passion, when there’s a loud chime from the other room, and he breaks the kiss with a sigh. He tilts his head to the bed, and murmurs an instruction to get comfortable, before he releases you.
A giggle falls from your lips as you sit on his bed to wait for him. You watch him walk into the next room and you watch, through the open doors, as he reads something on the computer.
And you watch as tension lances through his body.
“Fox? What’s wrong?”
“Cody found the raiders,” Fox replies from his work room, you get to your feet and walk over to him, “Apparently they’re not raiders. They were informed that you, and several other people who are in charge of food, water, and power were being held against your will.”
“Who are they?” You ask, offended that anyone would think something so poorly of the men who saved you.
“They call themselves Jedi. They’re demanding to meet you and the others.” Fox scowls, “Cody doesn’t think we should do it, he says it stinks like a trap. Dad says that we should, but we should meet in a neutral place. He says that survivors need to stick together.”
“And...what do you think?”
“I think I want you to stay safe, but if this is the best option…” He trails off and then turns and pulls you into a kiss.
You sigh into the kiss, melting under his skilled touch.
“I promise,” He breathes against your lips, “No one will ever hurt you.”
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awhalesrider · 2 months
Where Did You Sleep Last Night
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A translation to my old fanfic on AO3. Apologies in advance for some clumsy wording and bugs in timeline.
Pairing: Johnny Silverhand/Female V (Valerie)
Chapter Summary: V had a bad birthday, and Johnny offered some sleep aid.
Additional tags: During canon, Pre Pistis-sophia, Soft Johnny
Getting a room is usually for a wild night.
That's true.
They rarely slept outside because it wasn't worth it - he spent too little time understanding a merc's lifestyle in the 70s. V was kicking around like a puppy. With those few eddies earned, she could barely afford a full meal and throw a few chromes on her body. It's kinda dumb for a merc worrying about the next meal and the next day to pay for someone else's bed. According to V, she’d rather get a good fuck. The only reason why they spent money on this shabby hotel for the first time was because of the thunderstorm, heavy as shit.
Johnny Silverhand stepped on V's wet footprints and stood behind her. He looked inside. The birthday suite was just as bad as he imagined. A sour smell mixed with the moisture of rain rolled out as soon as the door was opened. The air rushed straight to their head. There are generally only two possibilities for this situation - either time has rotted inside like a corpse, or there really was a corpse. Either way, it's all fucked up.
V stood at the door for a long time. "'kay..." She grabbed her half-wet hair, trying not to show her disgust too obviously. But Johnny could easily sense the resistance from the instinctive reaction of her throat and nose. She took a long breath: "Not that bad, right?"
Not that bad, you serious? Johnny had to admit that V got talents in self-persuasion. But they would have to continue to fight against her senses. Preem for both of them.
Unfortunately he's not the one in charge.
"C'mon, Johnny." She said, more like trying to convince herself than trying to convince him. The high frequency of self-talking always seemed to make her feel better.
"Let's see what we have here."
The door slid shut behind her. V found the switch with a few coughs. The light, however, only made the abstract badness a little more realistic. Prolly this is the characteristic of a roadside love hotel - kinda arrogant frugality: tattered curtains, dirty carpets, old toys, and super dream equipment on the table as if the cleaners quit after washing the sheets without taking those leftover gifts (mainly used syringes and condoms) in the corner for the next guests.
"Gonk's gettin five-star service. " Johnny decided to remind her of another option at the right time, "Another lesson for our merc."
V sighed, "Know what? Whatever you gotta say – say it."
"Never heard the old saying? East or west, home is the best."
"No, no...Johnny. It's raining like shit outside. And didn't I tell you cops are locking down Watson? Maxtac is prolly having a party there too." V gave a bunch of good reasons, though she was obviously frustrated about it, and she should be,'cause no one would get themselves in a stinky room on a night like this - well, maybe he would fifty years back. But she's not him, and she didn't want to be him.
"Well, then, got two lucky misters spending the night with ya." He pointed to the two dildos on the table that were performing a fencing match.
"Haha, very funny." V laughed dryly and took them away. She flipped him a finger and Johnny returned it back. She ignored him and opened the window.It was raining just right. V threw the two outside onto the awning to shower.
Johnny smiled. She was always very creative when it came to little revenge on nobody. The rain soaked into their palms. V turned around, taking a moment to wash away those flowers of blood, and she began kicking the garbage into a corner where she couldn't see it.
Poor girl, being angry for only two seconds, was now busy cleaning up the mess without getting paid. Should've spent the time roasting some brains of NCPD who blocked her way.
Johnny leaned against the wall.
Never thought brain-dead made mercs rush for biz at a loss.
Johnny came up with some jokes at this moment, like "somebody deserved a wanted poster hanging on her neck with what she's done, and now she's trying to be a law-abiding citizen". But V was a little too quiet as she walked around the room, not even commenting on the endless complaints in her head and yelling "Johnny you are not helping".
He got a bad feeling.
V kept the window open, making the smell in the room less unpleasant, but the strong wind, thunder, and wetness made them feel as if they had just moved to a different place to get caught in the rain. V tried to pretend that she did this on purpose, but their sensory pathways were exposing the truth: She had a loss of sensation in her lower limbs for a while, and she could not manage to stand up on her own.
This is no good. Johnny thought. The biochip was taking advantage of her injury, forcing her to retreat. But he could do nothing about it except watch the effect of the combat stimulant fade in her body.
V took off her jacket, and then the coat with blood spots. She put them on the bed sheet, and then the smell of blood temporarily covered the smell of old bedding. She sniffed, put her gun next to the pillow, and slowly lay down. Merc fumbled in her waist bag for a bottle, impatiently letting the alcohol pour rudely into her torn wound. Johnny saw the dark sweat marks on her close-fitting vest blurred into large patches, and the pain was vividly soaking her again. And V just lay there quietly, holding her arms tightly, waiting for this torture.
She was too tired to sustain any confrontational behavior, which was not good in any sense. Johnny dropped his previous attitude.
"V." He sat in the chair next to her, staring at her tense shoulders, "Can't sleep like this."
"Shut the fuck up, old man." She turned towards him. The words from her mouth seemed damp, wearily sticking in the air. Johnny noticed that the bullet pendant was sliding down her wet chest. V didn't look at him, as if she couldn't lift her eyelids at all. She was just clenching her teeth, insisting on digesting the painful groan. She shrank to the corner of the bed, with her shoulders trembling in the cold air, avoiding the radiation of the "flash bomb" that enveloped the entire city.
"Just… Stop talkin' for now, okay?" She tried to steady herself by holding the pendant, with her voice barely audible in the rain. "Need to meet the VDBs in Pacifica tomorrow... and I'm really tired."
Alright. Johnny stood up and walked away a little, hoping that she was not tired of living.
The windowpanes were clanging in the wind, and he watched V close her eyes in the noise and pray to get accepted in dreams. Fate is not such a cruel bitch if V could get what she wanted. Unfortunately, life is always hard, and most people in this city can't afford the ticket to a sweet dream. Only death has a kind heart not to turn people away.
Her eyelids twitched. The intense pain began to peel away from her body, getting replaced by waves of neuralgia, which was not life-threatening but still a continuous torture. The disrupted cognitive system made her fall into a trance similar to a hangover. Merc was still far from her dreams, but she was already having nightmares. Some noise was running wild in her blood. The strong wind blew into her brain, blowing into a mess of thoughts, some of which came from his memory fragments, but more of them were the bloody parts of her own story.
Fuck. The sting in his chest grew stronger, but he wasn't sure if it was her feeling it.
V suddenly opened her eyes, with her forehead covered with sweat. Her wet red hair was stuck to her temples.
"... Johnny." She spoke in a low voice.
 See? Here's who shut his mouth just now.
"Johnny?" But she called him again, as if she hadn't heard his thoughts, or felt in need of more response. Kinda disturbing, that, like a string of trills hanging alone on a music sheet.
"What? Need a napkin to draw unicorns, Matilda?"
"Kiss my ass." Said V, searching him with her eyes. Preem, at least she had regained the energy to curse. He met her gaze and felt a little ease of the dull and heavy pain in her chest.
"By the way, I'm Leon when it comes to professionalism."
Johnny raised an eyebrow with a little surprise. The film was half a century older than she was, but she knew what he was talking about. Maybe she was good at appreciating antiques.
"What now?" He asked, as a reward, "Our cold-blooded killer needs a bedtime story?"
He expected V to say something more, but she didn't.
"…Yeah, I guess." She just nodded and turned over, as if she's tapped out after trying to maneuver on the tattered sheets.
"Let's talk." She looked at him and continued to persuade him, "Do me a favor. Today's my birthday. It's now or never."
They both sadly realized that the joke was likely to become a reality, but she was still like any girl in 2020 who's a little off her rocker, except not that empty and fanatical, but still treating him as a confession window in the church. People would fill the desperate indifference with burning fuel.
Maybe she should really join the Animals if they would still like a rain-soaked puppy after seeing her sober self.
"Fine." Johnny compromised too quickly, and as he sat close to her, he began to strongly suspect that this was some scam created by the mental link between them. "'bout what?"
He felt strange after a second. Dumb questions. They were inseparable for 24 hours every day, and their brains were so small that their souls would collide with each other at any time, just like when he knocked her to the ground when they first met, she pointed at his nose and called him a dickwipe the next day. People always have noise in their heads. They should have talked a long time ago. In fact, they did: about Arasaka, Mikoshi, Soulkiller, and how to save her life.
"Anything. Just...don't be quiet." V narrowed her eyes. The lightning left a bleak white mark on her face, and she spoke again amid the chaotic thunder.
"...I...dunno, Johnny. I'm scared… for a little. " She smiled. The curve of her lips turned into a heavy expression. But it's unlike the kind she was good at expressing or he was used to dealing with. The smile was almost unattractive, but he suddenly felt that he had encountered a huge problem.
Johnny fell into a rare moment of silence.
"Of what?" He sat down and asked in a low voice, "Thunder?"
"Ugh, fuck off."
The joke was inappropriate, but it worked, obviously making her a little happier. "Think I'm a baby girl crying for her mother?"
Johnny snorted, "Whatever you say."
How old was she? Not even thirty. Many people in Night City didn't live to that age. He didn't deny that if anyone told his story, thirty might be considered his "old age". But she was still a girl, a stupid little thief who hadn't seen much of the world. Not old enough to die anyway.
"Okay." V ended the topic resignedly with a strange expression on her face, as if not knowing whether to cry or laugh with the fact in their head.
The rain made a series of sounds on the iron sheet outside the window, and she immediately wanted to break away from the silence in the room.
"…Wanna guess why I can't sleep?"
Johnny looked up at V's pale face, still unsure whether he should be her doctor.
"Too busy in your head?"
"Didn't even think about it seriously, did you?" she questioned like she was complaining, but her voice seemed to have reached the edge of blurred consciousness, with sleep or death on the other side.
"Same at first." She took a breath and finished her sentence. "Y'know, seeing your past all the time... Not the 'fuckin' something up' part. I mean, sex, gigs, radio-hacking..."
"Havin' fun, huh?"
"Hah, it's a mess. Bright light, loud music...gets me all dizzy, and... When I opened my eyes, cops were chasing me for blocks. My brains were 'bout to be shaken out." She released the hand that was tucked in front of her chest from the pendant and stretched it towards the direction where he was sitting. "But it's not bad... It's crazy but... alive. So... not exactly what kills my sleep."
Johnny sat near her without a word, waiting for her to explain.
"Don't wanna fall asleep," she said slowly, "cuz I'm afraid that...I won't wake up again."
V raised her eyelids and stared at his chair in a daze, then looked at him again. The scene of rain and fog outside the window appeared in her eyes.
Okay, merc's really going to give him a hard time. Her face and her thoughts got him amused but worried. Johnny found that V always confused him, even though he knew her thoughts better than anyone else. What? You are worried about your life every day, and you have been busy for a long time just to get rid of this fucking chip in your head. And now you are treating the time bomb as your guardian angel?
"Feel like dyin' when I fall asleep, Johnny." Her fingertips drew helpless swirls on the bed sheet, obviously not sober enough to answer his question, "A few days ago... I mean when I could still get some sleep, I thought I wasn't afraid of this... and anything. When Dex DeShawn asked me if I wanted to die at the age of thirty or get old in bed, I thought it was only about where to close my eyes. But I ..."
V closed his eyes again.
Building. Thunderstorm. Fall. Delamain. Smell of blood. Sad eyes. Bullet in the skull.
The dream screamed past his eyes. Johnny heard her spirit trembling as if she would collapse at any time due to info overload, which was a hundred times more painful than lying on the operating table without anesthesia.
"...Always dream about that day in the car... Every time I thought Jackie's just... falling asleep... Dunno how he felt at that time. Is it the same as I am... or you were...?" Her whole body was tense, and her breathing became disordered. "Pain, cold, nausea, like a nightmare, right?"
"So I was wondering... I was wondering why can't I just go flatline?"
The thunder almost shattered her words.
Johnny looked down to the floor, wondering if V noticed that she sounded like sobbing, though she wasn't. That's so not V, 'cause she was the kind of tough, sharp, brave, and capable person who was liked by everyone - of course they liked her. And she was the kind of fool that fixers favored, the kind of friend that edge runners loved, a kind of brave coward who forgot how seriously she took death. She's willing to eat the blood on the tip of a knife as long as she is given enough eddies or a true heart.
"…It's not that simple." He had no choice but to say this first, but he still didn't have much of a clue.
"Been dead for fifty years, 'course I know more."
"But now I'm the one with only a few days left。" She pointed out.
The pain then hit him, much more severe than he expected. It was spreading to her limbs and organs and almost everywhere. Johnny couldn't even tell which part he was responsible for. He didn't like it, and he didn't like her saying so, because it reminded him that it was him killing her for all times, even today.
Johnny walked to the window, lit a cigarette, and heard the countdown ticking in her mind. Prolly this was why she didn't want him quiet. It was rare that they didn't break out into an argument, but still, they fell into silence with confrontation.
V had every reason to want an end. After all, she had come this far.
But she has survived until now. He always thought she was the type who liked to risk her life, taking jobs without careful consideration, and going through fire and water for everyone who regarded her as a friend. And now she wanted to dig a grave for herself in advance? This is not V.
Or maybe this is her?
Johnny let out a long exhale. The smoke and rain slowly mixed together, and he tried to calm himself down.
"…Emptiness." He told her.
"Feeling of death." He turned around, putting the sentences together in the severe pain flowing through him, "Thought it was a stupid BD playin' for 24 hours? That's too fucking silly. You'll understand when you've been dead for a while... No sound, no perception, nowhere to rest for your consciousness. Last bit of existence's been taken away, like a fuckin broken plastic bag flying everywhere, and no one will give a fuck to ya."
V's eyes rested on him quietly: "…What are you tryin' to tell me?"
"I'm telling you getting some fuckin' sleep is never the same as dying."
The chair legs made a sharp sound on the floor, and he sat down in front of her again.
"... and stop thinkin' 'bout putting that bullet back in your brain. It's not any better than you are now."
Johnny leaned back in his chair and realized what he just said was a pure mistake, as if he was comforting a frightened child from a nightmare. Sounded like something that would be filmed in an animation half a century ago, the kind of unrealistic fairytale. But he was completely involved in her feelings and emotions. Nicotine was not enough to relieve his anxiety. Johnny continued to be annoyed that he had no right to accuse her of a bunch of depressing words, and he couldn't help wanting to finish what he said.
"Listen, V." He pinched her chin with his hand, forcing her to look at him more closely, but it seemed more like he was trying to pull her out of the suffocating fear. "Havin' your nightmares means you are still alive. We have a chance to think about how to be buried in the future. You hear me?"
V also stared at him, holding his wrist tightly and breathing rapidly. Her lips tightly pursed: "Sounds more like telling me not to be afraid of dying?"
"I'm telling you not to be afraid to live, V." Johnny let go of his hand and stood up, feeling his thumb brushed by warm rain.
"…and then get some ideas of makin' your days less fucked up next year."
He threw the cigarette on the ground and extinguished it, and the spark jumped into her eyes. V looked at him, and her cheeks finally turned red again because of her attempt to disengage herself. After a long silence, she finally smiled, but also really shed tears.
The sound of rain outside the window gradually weakened. It took a long time for V to speak this time.
"…Without you." She said with her voice hoarse.
It seemed that she finally remembered the solution they had agreed on at the beginning. Johnny was not sure whether he heard more certainty or more regret, but weaving a dead person into the story was a good sign for a dream anyway. This was exactly her current symptom.
Her breath was no longer so heavy, and Johnny could feel that the tingling in her nerves was gradually leaving. The dark water stains on her chest had not yet dried up, and were illuminated by the dazzling white light into a shining river, flowing slowly with her breathing.
Are you asleep, V?  He asked, never needing to speak but intending to reach out anyway.
Thunder exploded again not far from them, but this time V was not awakened. She lay quietly, holding the bullet in her chest with her fingers, and seemed to fall into an eternal sleep.
He had to admit that he was a little scared now.
As if by magic, his fingers reached behind her ear.
Her pulse beat beneath her warm skin. He breathed a sigh of relief.
"…G' night, Johnny." V said, exhausted, but alive. She smiled for the first time today. Her red hair fell down in a relaxed manner, like a cluster of flames pouring down on him in the whistling wind, and his chrome hand that had felt the heat of countless explosions was withdrawn as if it was burned. Johnny heard her sigh softly, like blowing out a candle.
The electronic projection of him dissipated, like a light smoke.
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itsmistyeyedbi · 4 days
of plants and dresses
Pairing: F!Detective/Farah Hauville
Word Count: 1,4k
Prompt: Fix (and Fall)
Warnings: There's nsft content in the last half of this. Nothing crazy I think, but it's there.
Tags: @happyhauvillebday
Summary: One of Zuri’s plant pots fell somehow, and Farah decided to fix it. This is nsft so minors dni!
Zuri’s apartment is full of plants.
Seriously, they're everywhere.
Farah remembers the first time she saw it. After Zuri found out about the supernatural world and the truth about Murphy, Unit Bravo were put on watch duty.
They spent ages squished into her tiny, silver hatchback with her and Nate sitting up front, giggling at her fighting for space in the back with Adam and Morgan. And once they were free of that hell, they went up two floors, took a left and spent a good minute going back and forth over house rules while Zuri psyched herself up to open the door.
When she finally did it was nothing but greenery.
They lined the windowsills, sat on counters and tables and her bookshelf, hung off the walls and ceiling. They're in the kitchen, the living room, her bedroom, her bathroom. One day Farah asked for a tour and got to learn some of their names. She even got to name some of the new ones!
Humans love to talk about the afterlife. If there’s one for plants, Zuri’s apartment was it.
She just needs to… rethink where she puts some of them. Or the type of pots she puts them in at least.
Farah is in the living room, sitting cross legged on the floor and staring at the pieces of an orange, ceramic plant pot on the coffee table. They are glinting in the light from the lamp she turned on - she doesn't need it to see better but it doesn't hurt to be extra careful.
The pieces have been cleaned and I did a test run on what Frankensteining them together will be like. Now to glue.
Nate glances over the top of his book, eyeing the super glue in her hands from his seat on the couch. “Perhaps you should put more newspaper underneath the pot. Just in case.”
“No way! What if it gets stuck on it? I won't be able to rinse it off, it'll ruin it. Besides, you,” she narrows her eyes at him and purses her lips, “are supposed to be reading and not hovering over me.”
“I'm not hovering, I just-”
“Don't worry, Natey, I won't mess up your precious, antique coffee table. Now shush, I wanna have this done before she gets here.”
She turns her attention back to the task at hand, ignoring Nate's sigh and waiting for him to turn a page before taking off the lid of the tube in her hand.
She reaches for the biggest piece, turns it delicately in her hand. She can do this, she knows she can do it. There aren't that many pieces. She just needs to take it nice and slow. With a deep breath she squeezes the tube and applies the glue on the jagged edge; she puts it down, picks up the piece that aligns with and holds them together for a few seconds.
And that's it.
Well then.
That was easier than expected. She didn't even realise she stopped breathing.
It's fixed in less than an hour. Nothing broke, nothing got stuck to things it shouldn't and she managed to add a little pizzazz to it too. After a final inspection, she stands over the ceramic pot and dusts off her hands.
“Done at last,” she grins and puts her hands on her hips. She looks over at Nate and bends at the waist to catch his eye. “And your table survived. It got a little decorated, but survived.”
Huh. That's the fastest she's seen him close a book.
“Excuse me!?” Nate puts the book down beside him with some force and stands up to make his way to the table. “Decorated? Why would you do- oh.”
He gives her a deadpan look. Farah laughs and nudges him with her elbow.
“Come on, you've gotta have more faith in me than that. I've just gotta remove the newspapers and it'll be squeaky clean.”
He huffs and shakes his head before looking at the plant pot. He tilts his head a bit, smiling softly while nodding in approval, “It looks good. The stitching detail you added makes the cracks look intentional.”
“I know, right? I really hope she likes it.”
Their heads swivel towards the direction of the entrance as their ears catch the sound of Zuri’s car slowing to a stop outside the warehouse. A thrill of excitement runs through her. Just in time.
Nate returns to his seat, leaning back with his book in hand as he raises a brow and asks the questions she's been trying her best to prevent him from asking. “How did it break, anyway? Did something happen?”
“Oh, well, something would have to happen for it to fall over wouldn't it? It wouldn't fall by itself,” her voice pitches up as she speaks and she takes a few, frantic steps away from the coffee table. She laughs sheepishly and rubs the back of her neck with her hand. “So yeah, something happened. Obviously, but it wasn't bad…”
“Keep this on.”
Farah shudders as Zuri whispers in her ear, brushing her lips against it before sucking gently. The hands on her waist trail down to her hips, gripping them tightly and pulling her in, keeping them firmly against hers.
Farah can barely remember how they got here, the events of the day are all lost in a haze. She can vaguely recall going shopping and sending Zuri pictures of herself in a new sundress, some of them were steamy… It hardly matters now. All she wants to do right now is to get as close to her as possible. She wants her kisses, her hands, her.
She wants her. And she wants her to show her just how much she appreciates those pictures.
Farah lets out a breathless laugh and cups the base of her head. “I don't think I'll ever take it off with you reacting to it like this.”
“Oh, I'd like it off at some point,” Zuri walks her backwards until the back of her knees hit the window seat, her nose brushing against her skin as she slowly moves down to the place her neck meets her shoulder. Her lips tickle her skin while she speaks. “It's gorgeous, especially on you, but I don't think I could stand having anything between us for long.”
“Then you'll have to make the most of me wearing it now.”
“I plan to.”
She slowly coaxes her to sit down. Farah keeps her arms around her to pull her down with her. She doesn't want anything between them either. But the dress can stay for now, it's just thin enough for it to not really be in the way. Zuri’s touch is just as effective at turning her into a puddle with it on.
Her feet are off the floor the moment her ass touches the seat. She spreads her legs and just as she goes to wrap them around Zuri, her knee knocks into something and-
From the wall to the seat to the floor, a potted plant falls.
They freeze, eyes darting from the broken plant pot to each other. Shit, she didn't mean to do that. Aren't those plants usually mounted higher up on the wall? She swears it wasn't there before. Farah braces herself for some kind of scolding or an expression of disappointment, but instead-
Zuri’s shoulders shake with laughter she's trying to keep in, and then her face scrunches up and she wheezes.
Farah must make a funny face at that because she bursts into laughter, and she can't help but join her. Zuri rests her forehead against hers, braids falling onto Farah's chest. She lets her laughter peter out and watches her with a grin. She's always thought Zuri was beautiful but she always manages to stun her into silence in moments like this, where she's laughing and smiling and happy, genuinely happy. And she'll never get over the fact that she's the reason she is.
Eventually her laughter stops and Farah takes the opportunity to say something. “Sheesh. I forget how flexible I am sometimes. Sorry, babe.”
“Don't worry about it,” Zuri giggles, shaking her head and cupping Farah's face. “That's hardly something to apologise for. And it's not too bad, I can fix it later.”
“Or you could leave that to me.”
Farah shrugs, wrapping her legs around her and putting her hands on her back. “I could fix it for you. Like you said, it's not too bad.”
“That's sweet, but you don't have to.”
“I know, but I want to.”
Zuri strokes her cheeks with her thumbs, pursing her lips in thought before smiling at her with a hint of mischief in her eyes. “Okay. But you'll have to let me show you how thankful I am for that at some point, in whatever way you want.”
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Original Ask: hi! i found your blog in the ghostface tag and i fell in love with your writing 🥺 could i request some pre-entity danny / reader stuff? maybe about waking up in the mornings before work, weeknight dinners, general domestic TLC, etc... as cheesy as you want it to be :]
Domestic life with Danny, that very much includes you getting scared quite often. Even if you’re the type who doesn’t scare easily, Danny will always find a way to give you a spook
Makes sure to always sneak up on you when you’re all alone at home
If you’ve been in a relationship with Danny for a while, you can expect to be moving around from town to town. Just like him, you’re gonna have an alias every time. At least you’re the only one who knows his real name and he loves it every time you call him by it
In the mornings, you’re not really going to see much of Danny unless he’s got the day off. He tends to just drink some coffee and eat a small snack(usually a sweet)
He might…always leave something to scare you when you wake up, especially during Halloween time
You’re going to get stalked…a lot…even during the day time 
Danny is a bit narcissistic as we all know it, so he’s gotta make sure there isn’t some piece of scum talking to you. You’re with him, so he clearly thinks very highly of you
He also is always calling you, sometimes in the Ghostface voice, sometimes as himself. Either way, he can get a bit kinky with it or just wants to have a conversation
Speaking of stalking, Danny doesn’t really sleep a whole lot. I HC him as having a bit of insomnia, besides the fact that he’d just rather stay up as much as possible. So you do get watched when you’re asleep…sometimes it’s not as creepy as it sounds, it’s more tender than anything; really loves to caress you the entire time
Also, you can expect to be woken up at 3 in the morning to talk about that one guy he saw slip on a banana peel in the office
You’re gonna have to be the one who does all the cooking, and maybe cleaning…Danny’s messy and he forgets to clean after himself. It’s not in his intentions to make you the house-spouse or anything, he’s just…Danny. Focused on many other things
He’ll eat anything. I mean, the man’s kinda built but he just does not eat right. 
Not sure if I’ve ever mentioned it, but I HC Danny as having a cat who he rescued + named Michael Meowers. So there is also a kitty you must look after, though he is thankfully responsible about the cat
Speaking of Michael, you will of course (jokingly) compete with him for Danny’s love. 
So much teasing, from him and from you
I do see Michael as existing in the same universe but there’s movies like in the Scream universe where there’s Stab
Unfortunately, marriage is not really an option in this relationship. You’re never going to get to that point and mentioning it to Danny could result in him putting it aside or an argument if you really push it
He’s not against the idea, just has his eyes set on other things and ya know, he’s constantly moving around 
However, a child wouldn’t entirely be entirely out of the question
So many horror movie marathons, constant trips to the movie store and even to drive-ins
Ya know…he secretly like Grease, especially ‘cause of Danny Zuko
So basically, I see Danny looking like this 
You can bet that you’re gonna have to deal with people all up in Danny’s face, and he’s going to definitely charm them all. But of course, this is all but an act. So if you see him flirting with someone, please don’t take it seriously, he’s just marking his next victim(s)
You two aren’t always seen together in public because he’s usually off doing something else, but he acts very kind and polite. At home, you know that his whole demeanor changes into…well…( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Since Danny would prefer living in a small space, you won’t have very much room and might even have to share a drawer. So you’ll definitely find blood on your clothes every now and then or his costume stashed in the wrong place
Do you consider yourself not photogenic? Well, worry no more. Danny can make anything and anyone look absolutely perfect; he has such a good eye and he’ll constantly be taking pictures of you(this is both in an adorable manner and…( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
There are some nights where he won’t come at all, or at least come extremely late. Either you can stay up that entire time or he’ll be the one to wake you. Those are the nights where a kill didn’t go as expected and he probably got injured, so you’d have to stitch him up and kiss all of his boo-boos. 
On those nights, a good horror movie while curled up in bed with Michael Meowers is total perfection. Those are the things he misses when he’s finally in the Entity’s realm.
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Wolves At The Door; Part Two
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Fandom: Resident Evil [Village]
Pairing: Eventual Karl Heisenberg/AFAB!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
Summary: "You don't gotta' lie to me, you know. Books don't get like this without love."
A/N: Welcome all, welcome to our second installment! Enjoy!
Tag List: @cookiethewriter @amneris21 @topgirl17 @vodkafolie @a-smol-witch @baby-lisuga @clockworkmidnight @calwitch @silver-quinn01 @velvet-paradox @hijackser @mrs-wolfwood @nonstop-haikyuu @mic-sunderland @somethingthatsaysbubbles @fullofmoonsandstars @stargazerofgoldenwords @imthegreenfairy86 @karlskitten @nitrogennightmare @chunnies
Part One
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains mentions of blood, canon-typical violence, depictions of animal butchering, depictions of a burn/scalding and graphic depictions of mental and physical duress. Stay safe!]
Sleeping that night was…difficult. Heisenberg was restless and it definitely didn't help your mental state to have him skulking around the cabin in the half-light, maul in hand. You found yourself curling up on the couch, eyes unconsciously drawn to the dark windows even as you attempted to get some rest.
Karl, for his part, didn't seem better off than you. If anything he was worse, the man sweating visibly as he made his rounds. Whether from the exertion of the day or nerves you couldn't say, but you finally had enough.
"Sit down." You ordered, gesturing to the sagging chair that resided parallel to the couch. "You're making me dizzy with all your pacing."
He obeyed without a word, the maul resting across his knees after he settled into the chair. Karl's gaze landed on the floor after a moment and a deep frown etched a furrow between his brows. He seemed to be struggling with something, wrestling some deep conundrum in his mind, so you decided to simply stay quiet.
"I think I'm…like them." Heisenberg's voice grated a little when he broke the silence. "That wrongness, that…feeling, that Uncanny Valley shit, I hate it but I know it." His eyes darted to your own. "I don't think I'm a good person. Or I–dammit I don't know, I think bare minimum I've done some real bad things. Do you see it too? Or is it all in my head?"
You drew your knees up even tighter to your chest, resting your cheek on one of them. It was like you were studying him in the wan light of the candles on the wood stove. Those same candles threw enormous shadows on the walls, black forms twisting and writhing as the flames danced in the breeze from the open windows. 
Karl couldn't decide what he wanted you to say. Was he the man, cowering in his chair, fidgeting with a simple club, or the nightmare creature skulking in the dark, made all the more terrifying by fear and imagination?
Wolf in sheep's clothing.
Choose, damn it! he found himself thinking irritably when you continued to look at him.
Karl blinked, stunned at your response. "What?"
"The hell do you mean?"
"I mean, I guess we're all both." You shrugged. That shrug was really starting to get under his skin. You were a little too free and easy with this stuff, in Karl's humble opinion! "We're all kind of unsettling in our own ways. I wouldn't say you're like those things out in the woods, but you're probably not unlike them either. Maybe you've got something to do with them, maybe not. Obviously you're weird, you can move metal with your brain. That doesn't mean you're like-" you gestured vaguely at one of the windows. "-those critters."
"Seems more like them than a normal person." Heisenberg muttered. 
"Nobody's normal." You insisted, sounding almost annoyed. "Not even if they want to be. No matter how much you polish or clean things up, humans are weird. Sure, we can pretend for a little while, but we're all just a few wrong moves away from revealing how awkward we are." 
"Awkward?" Karl snorted in disbelief. "I should be so damn lucky to be considered awkward, sugar. Better that than the town freak." 
–pitchforks and torches, factory ablaze, iron-red scent in the air–
"What do you want me to say, huh?" was your retort, snapping Karl out of whatever memory that was. "I don't know you, but I'm trusting you on my property. The Duke vouched for you, which counts for something. Not much, but something." You leaned forward, one accusatory finger aimed at his chest. "I don't see any effing talismans around the property to ward you off. Do you?"
He couldn't meet your gaze. Heisenberg had no idea how to tell you that the mangled charm he had found tied to the fenceline made his hand feel like it was on fire when he tried to replace it on the post. I'm like them, I'm like them sat at the base of his throat, a lump of cold dread.
You sighed after a minute of his silence, apparently taking it as acceptance. "Of course you don't. So don't…don't worry about that stuff, okay? Worry about it when you have to. Don't make more trouble for yourself." One of your hands slipped along his jaw and Karl flinched before he could stop it, the instinctive motion obviously startling you because you quickly pulled away. "Oh sorry! Sorry, sorry." You apologized. "I shouldn't have…uh, that's on me."
"No it's--it's fine." Karl tried to wave you off, forcing a chuckle. "No harm done, right?"
His eyes had only met yours for a second, yet it felt like a lifetime. There was something there in his expression that had sent a shudder down your spine, compounded by the way he had flinched back. Karl laughed it off but his visage was guarded. Clearly whatever it was, he didn't feel like confronting it now. It may have even been something he didn't remember; some odd reaction to a thing he couldn't explain.
What is it like, you wondered with a flash of sympathy, to exist in a body that remembers what the mind doesn't? 
Heisenberg eventually stood back up, the maul hanging loosely from his fingertips while he carried on that circuitous roaming. The repetitive creaking of the floorboards slowly began to lull you into a doze, the stubby candles on the wood stove burning low as the time passed. 
The rustling of Heisenberg's tattered overcoat served to herald his rounds close to your resting place, and during your uneasy drowse you felt a hand tug up the light blanket that had slid off of your shoulder. 
The dawn came slowly. Neither of you got much rest, you were fairly sure. At some point Karl had settled down in front of the door, his coat draped over him like a makeshift quilt. The maul was tucked up alongside him, a loyal companion even in slumber. 
You had to admit, in the light of day you felt a bit foolish for being so scared the night before. But…Karl had been concerned too, right? Maybe he was just following your lead?
You scoffed at yourself, getting to your feet. You had survived the night and thus, there was the work of the day to be done. Breakfast first, then the chores you had neglected yesterday while you whipped yourself into a frenzy over (probably) nothing. 
You squinted out the window next to the sink as you quickly washed your hands, scrutinizing the edge of your property with tired eyes. Everything looked okay, but you knew you would walk the fenceline later. If only to make yourself feel better! Maybe you would find a bear trail, or something else to allay the fears that still gnawed at you.
The morning meal was simple. You were still working your way through the abundance of plums from last year's harvest so dried fruit and a piece of hard cheese from the pantry lined your stomach well enough for the moment, but you would have to add bread to your to-do list. Having Karl in your home was quickly tearing a hole in your food supply; you were so accustomed to stretching your stores that dealing with a guest was proving difficult to manage. 
Were you really so solitary that an unexpected visitor was enough to throw everything off? Granted, you did live alone in an off-the-grid cabin well past the outskirts of some old, abandoned village. You were pretty sure it was abandoned, anyway. The only map you'd ever seen it on was a moldering scrap of paper included with the equally-old deed to your current abode, and until the Duke had trundled up the rutted, overgrown road, you hadn't seen another person for quite a while. 
You were self-sufficient, that's all, and you valued your peace and quiet. Out here, nothing really bothered you. Aside from the occasional deer pilfering fallen apples during the autumn or a fat boar rooting its way through your lettuce and green beans in the summer, that is. 
You didn't mind being alone.
Karl mumbled a protest when you roused him from his spot in front of the door, and you quickly ushered him to relocate on the couch. It seemed like he was asleep before he was fully horizontal, much to your amusement. No time for that though, there was work to be done!
Karl groggily came to, realizing the noise he had heard in his dreams was the sound of the cabin door creaking open in the breeze. You were outside humming some tuneless, meandering thing, punctuated by occasional grunts of exertion. 
Heisenberg stared wearily up at the knotholes in the ceiling. Did you ever stop? In the brief time he had known you it seemed like you were always doing things, always occupied with some eternal, infernal task. Sisyphean, his brain reminded him helpfully. Clearly he enjoyed clinging to useless information.
He sat up with a groan, stretching his arms overhead and then rubbing absently at the scarring on his abdomen. It didn't really itch, not exactly. The Duke had left behind some sort of ointment for him that you had been dutifully applying every other day and it seemed to help expedite Karl's healing process, but the skin around the area always felt a little too tight.
At that moment you shouldered open the ajar door, your sleeves rolled up to the elbow and your hands covered in…
Karl lunged to his feet, groping for the maul and watching it come flying from beside the doorframe to his waiting grasp. "What happened?!" He all but shouted at you, bewildered when you met the inquiry with a breathless little laugh. Were you in shock? That was a lot of blood! 
Now you were waving your hands around, as if to distract him. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to wake you. Something got a deer at the back fenceline, I've been prepping it to dress." You explained, nudging open one of your cabinets with your elbow and scooping up a pile of stained towels. "Had to hoist it to drain, the usual."
"Oh." Karl wasn't sure how much of this his heart could take. The poor thing was currently hammering in his throat and he got the feeling it'd be that way for a while. "Wait, what do you mean something?" He latched onto your words, suspicion mounting as your expression shifted from puzzled to concerned.
"I thought…I thought it was wolves, maybe?" You reasoned. "They're pretty skittish, so if they'd heard something in the house moving they might have left the deer."
Karl followed you out of the cabin, still firing off questions while the two of you trekked across the yard. "How'd it die, did you see any weird marks on it?" I didn't hear shit, there's no way it was wolves.
"Usual stuff." You settled onto your haunches beside the strung-up deer, gesturing vaguely at the neck which had been ripped open. "Must have tired it out and then took it down."
Heisenberg crouched beside you, examining the primary wound and finding that his eyes seemed much too accustomed to the scene. It stirred odd half-recollections in his broken memory, ushering things to the surface that, frankly, he was getting a little nervous about.
--looking down at a body with his hands up to the forearm in the abdomen, his own cajoling, mocking voice echoing in some deep, dark hole–
The deer. The deer for fuck's sake keep it together Karl.
Karl forced himself to focus, tracing a half moon-shaped bite imprint with a sinking feeling in his stomach. "This isn't a wolf kill." He said finally. "That's from a human mouth, or at least one shaped like it, see?" 
You gave him an incredulous look but obliged, your knee knocking into his as you shuffled over. After a moment, you wrinkled your nose. "Guess I shouldn't cure this, then. Be a bit of a waste to dry what might be contaminated meat." You sounded dejected, continuing, "I was hoping it was a lucky break. You like meat and I just…storing it is always an issue for me so I usually only take down small things in snares. Rabbits, pheasants." You sat back, grimacing at your bloody hands. "Give me a minute and I'll haul this away so we don't attract anything unsavory."
"I'll do it."
"You're still recovering! Splitting wood is one thing, dragging a dead body through the forest is-"
Something I'm intimately familiar with. Karl cut you off, shaking his head. "Just let me. I already feel like all this is happening because I'm here. If it's really got nothing to do with me, this is the biggest goddamn coincidence I've ever witnessed." He swore, then growled, "where the hell is that fat bastard when we need him?"
"He is a creature of convenience." You acquiesced, your smile rueful. "His own, specifically. Wonder how much lei I'll have to scare up for some fresh talismans?"
"If he charges you I'll kill him myself." Karl stated flatly, mentally reeling from the sudden animosity that flared up. "Fuck that prick and his two-timing bullshit." Two-timing? Where did that come from? 
True to his word and despite your protests, Karl shouldered the deer carcass and lumbered off into the woods. You pointed him towards the trail you had previously marked out with small blazes on the trees so he simply followed it to what you had dubbed your 'disposal site'. 
As he trudged, Karl noted in a somewhat distant way that the body he had slung over his shoulders didn't seem…all that heavy? Granted, it had lost a bit of blood, but you hadn't even gotten to gutting it yet. He also noticed that the blazes left on the trees were somewhat softened or overgrown, as though they had been there for years. The man's brow furrowed. 
Just how long had you been out here? Wherever here was, of course.
The disposal site was a small pile of refuse from your previous endeavors. Bones were scattered around, presumably by whatever scavengers had visited the area. Karl, not really paying attention and moving on autopilot, simply threw the deer to the side. He watched the body skid for a moment, then reality caught up with him. 
That deer should be heavy. It should be pretty heavy, bare minimum. He had heard the way you had struggled to lift it, even with the pulley system you used to hoist it up on a nearby tree branch to drain. But to him, it felt like nothing. Karl flexed his fingers nervously, sure he was missing something. Moving metal with his brain was all well and good, but if he was some kind of freak why couldn't it only be in one regard? What else was wrong with him?
--the giant hammer slamming down again, the eruption of blood and the sputtering roar of a turbine–
You grumbled as you scrubbed at your arms, annoyed with the current turn of events. You'd really thought you had caught a break, finding that deer! Instead, all you had gotten was disappointment. You shouldn't be surprised, knowing your luck, but still. Annoying. Disheartening.
You dashed a few tears away, frustrated with yourself for getting so wound up again. Maybe you could chalk it up to the poor sleep you'd gotten the previous night. You inhaled deeply, trying to rein everything in and force yourself to be rational. You'd just have to set some snares, that wasn't any big deal! You were making a mountain out of a molehill here. 
You scrubbed a little harder, huffing out a breath. 
There was a crashing in the undergrowth that heralded the return of Karl but you didn't turn to look at him, simply raising a hand to acknowledge his presence and then going back to tediously cleaning the grime from beneath your fingernails.
You yelped, dodging the spray it kicked up which caused Karl to chuckle. "What, afraid of getting wet?" He teased, grabbing the sleeve of the shirt and preparing to reel it in. 
Karl slouched down beside you on the riverbank, the shoulder of his worn shirt smeared with blood from the carcass. You realized belatedly that maybe you should have offered him one of your rags to keep the stains to a minimum, but he didn't seem overly concerned with appearances. He was silent for a moment, staring down at the running water. Then, without preamble, he undid a few buttons on his shirt and jerked it over his head, flinging it into the water. He nearly took his undershirt off along with it, but managed to wriggle loose at the last moment.
"No, no, you'd better not!" You exclaimed, scrambling to your feet. "Don't you d-" The wet shirt smacked your leg, sending a frigid jolt up your spine and making you unleash the most embarrassing squawk of dismay.
Heisenberg's smirk was positively devious, the man slapping the shirt back down into the water once more as you raced away. "You can't escape me that easily, sugar!" 
"I can try!" You yelled back, ducking through your fence and bolting into the woods. 
You could still hear him laughing as he pursued you and weirdly you found yourself giggling too. It was as if the tension had broken, the two of you sprinting through the trees without a care in the world. Eventually, breathless, you ended up back at the edge of your property waving off Heisenberg's quickly-advancing form. 
"Time out!" You gasped, flopping against a tree trunk. "I give up, okay? You got me." 
Instead of snapping the shirt at you like you had been expecting Karl crowded you back against the tree, cupping your face with the sopping fabric. You closed your eyes, luxuriating in the sudden coolness after your mad dash, and you heard Karl swallow hard. When you opened your eyes again Karl was looking at you with that odd expression, his own gaze troubled. 
He had never been this close to you and you realized, in an absent sort of way, that his green irises had an amber-yellow ring around the pupil. In this light, you mused internally, he's almost handsome. "What? Do I have something on my face?" You finally quipped, already missing the lighthearted mood of moments before.  
Karl opened his mouth, paused, and then simply stepped back, sweeping his hat off to offer you an elaborate bow in the direction of your home. "I'll let you off easy this once." His smile was sardonic. 
A strange sense of loss came over you as he sauntered away but you hurriedly shook it off, running to catch up with him instead as he laboriously began to rebutton the damp shirt over his threadbare undershirt. "If you want meat, I expect you to lend me a hand setting up the snares."
"More shit to do!" The man half-laughed, half-groaned at your demand, settling his hat further back on the crown of his head. "Don't you ever take a break?"
"No, not really," was your blunt response. 
"Well," Karl drew the word out, giving you a haughty look. "Maybe you ought to."
"The genius on display." You replied sarcastically, flicking the brim of his hat. "If I don't do shit, who will? You're not going to be here forever y'know, and I can't exactly rely on having an extra pair of hands."
"I think you could, though." Heisenberg's eyes were pointedly fixed ahead when you glanced at him. "For a little while, at least?" The only way you could tell it was a question was the barely-there uptick in his tone of voice at the end. You, for your part, were a bit stunned. You hadn't thought…
"W-Well that's up to you!" You stuttered out, feeling strangely flustered. "I'm not kicking you out, if that's what you're asking. You leave when you want to. But," you then paused, trying to infuse some gravity into the situation, "you will have to keep pitching in if you stay, so I'm not sure if the tradeoff is worth it to you." 
It was at least half a joke. 
Well, maybe a quarter. There was always work.
"Understood." You watched him withdraw a pair of leather gloves from his back pocket, then Karl tilted his head towards you with a grin. "Snares, huh? Think the rope is strong enough to snag a boar?" 
It was odd, the easy way Karl slotted into your day to day. You woke before him in the mornings and he went to bed well after you, the two of you still on different sleep schedules. You partitioned off a section of the living room so that he could have a bit of privacy, shoving the repaired camping cot into the corner behind the sheet. 
That was it. Simple. Painless.
He helped around the yard, pulling weeds in the garden or watering as the summer continued to march on. He held fences so you could mend them and the two of you did your best to not talk about the withered remains of the Duke's charms, now all but crumbled to dust. He checked the snares and you could tell whether the trap had been a success by listening for his distant crowing in delight. 
Karl's presence became normal. Mundane, even. 
Many's the morning he came stumbling out of the cabin door, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he passed you a cup of something to drink. Karl often urged you to take breaks, "even for a second or two," and you would usually oblige, if grudgingly. The extra set of hands was appreciated, but you didn't want to fully rely on him. That wasn't fair to either of you! He should be free to pick up his pieces should his memory return in full, and the last thing you wanted was him sticking around out of fear that you would be ineffective on your own after all of his help. 
A day then came where you felt like another shift occurred, a gray day where you were feeding more wood into your stove, intent on making an excess of quality charcoal for the rain barrel filter you knew needed refreshing soon. It was dull, smoky work and Heisenberg for his part was content to sit, the man leafing through one of your few dog-eared books with an increasingly-sour squint.
"Not your thing?" You finally asked, a little pricked by the stiffness of his face. Karl shook his head absently and you watched his eyes dart over the pages. You tried again, "I didn't bring much with me, so that's kind of a favorite." Kind of. The poor book's tattered state heralded a lifetime of reading; shoved into bags or pockets and bookmarked over and over. 
Karl looked up, that grim squint still holding firm. "You don't gotta' lie to me, you know. Books don't get like this without love." He closed the book, fanning the air with it. "I uh, I don't think your stove is drawing right. The smoke is burning my eyes a little."
To your dismay you realized that he was, in fact, correct. The stove was currently billowing smoke from the ajar door and you scrambled to adjust the crooked old chimney, but in your haste you forgot how hot the metal would be.
Heisenberg was on his feet before the pained noise left your mouth, the man yanking you back a step and then glaring at the leaning stovepipe, which snapped itself as straight as a poker. "Sugar," he chastised, examining your palms as you hissed in pain. "C'mon, let's get you to the river before that blisters."
In an uncharacteristic moment of vulnerability, instead of protesting you simply let yourself be led to the riverbank. The chill of the water worked quickly to soothe your scalded skin, reducing the pain to a small area on the heel of one of your palms. Karl kept your hands in his own, the man not meeting your eyes the entire time he ministered to you. When you flinched he muttered an apology, his voice gruff, and something about the tone had your stomach in knots.
"I think it'll be okay." You said softly after a few minutes. Karl started, like he had forgotten you were there, like he had forgotten your hands were cupped in his. His eyes locked with yours and you smiled, wanting to express your gratitude for his presence but having difficulty coming up with the words. You simply settled on, "thank you." 
In reply, Heisenberg huffed and snorted so much you were certain he was going to choke, the man just jamming his hat down around his ears and then sauntering off. "What are you waiting for?" he yelled over his shoulder. "You keep sitting around and the house is gonna' burn down!"
More likely to get blown over by a huffing, puffing wolf, you thought with a private little snicker as you rose.
Indebted was the only word he could think of, but it was…wrong somehow. Every time you smiled, it let Karl convince himself to stay a little while longer. 
Besides, it wasn't…so bad being indebted. If he could even call it that.
There came the day when you ran out of the salves the Duke had given you for Karl's wounds and it was pitiful, but Heisenberg almost missed the way you would tend to his fading scars. Almost. He told himself it wasn't that he missed the actual care, but it was easier for his body to mend if his brain was receiving constant affirmation about it. Without that, well, things might slow a bit. 
He felt like he couldn't afford to slow down, for whatever reason. The feeling in his stomach continued to yawn wider, the desire to move and cause harm with every step becoming more and more prevalent.
He'd had you there, beneath that tree, and that was what had shaken him to his core. The tunnel vision that took hold of him as he chased you was…something he didn't want to examine too closely.
Like them. Whatever they were.
He had pulled away. Had deflected. A cocksure attitude did a lot to hide certain reactions, certain expressions he wasn't the master of. The reality of knowing that it was a switch, some terrible thing inside of him that bayed for violence, kept Karl's sleep even more poor than it had been previously. And when he would forget, overstep, cozy up, Heisenberg would sternly remind himself of The Facts: he was clearly Bad and you were Good and the way the world worked was not kind to people like him.
Really, it wasn't so terrible. Sometimes you even thanked him, your hands in his own after you burned yourself, your face so close to his and your smile small but no less genuine for its size.
As the first apples began to ripen on your two trees (to Karl's combined horror and relief) an unfamiliar-familiar cart made its ponderous way up the now nearly-intraversable road. 
You were still inside washing dishes from lunch, so Karl called to you through the window to alert you and then acquired the maul from the woodpile. That gargantuan bastard had some things to answer for.
"It is good to see you so hearty once more, my Lord!" The Duke called once Karl was within earshot, his broad face split with a grotesque smile. "Your recovery was no guarantee, after all."
My Lord. My Lord. Lord Karl Heisenberg. My Lord.
Karl reached up as high as he could and seized a handful of the Duke's straining shirt collar, his voice a seething whisper when he demanded, "tell me what you know or I'm feeding you to the fucking wolves."
Part Three
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skyrim-forever · 1 year
TESFest Day 3: Teeth
Hi everyone, I got this idea and couldn't get it out of my head! I'd also like to dedicate this piece to @argisthebulwark as it features their special guy Brynjolf. You've brought me so much joy with your writing so I wanted to begin to return the favour with this short little piece <3 (also Brynjolf is so fun to write I'm def gonna write more with him).
Prompt: Teeth
Tagging: @tes-summer-fest
Words: 498
Warnings: T, suggestive but not much.
The Cistern was a buzz with celebration in honour of the newest recruit’s latest job. It hadn’t been an easy one, that’s why Brynjolf assigned it to them; they had shown a natural talent that day in the Market. And after a few jobs, the Master Thief figured they could take on something a bit more intense. 
The job involved a trip to Solitude, into the East Empire Company headquarters  to locate some documents of a visiting company member. From there, they were instructed to steal the documents from the safe, as well as steal a necklace. Whether or not they were interested in cleaning the place out, he left that up to them. He also added a little… challenge, if they found themselves so inclined. 
“Ey, supposedly the man has two gold teeth” he said. They turned their head quickly in his direction. 
“Is that a challenge Brynjolf?” He shoots them a grin and places a hand on the small of their back as he passes by.
“Think of it as a chance to prove your stuff.”
Whether or not they ‘proved their stuff’ remained to be seen, but they did succeed in getting the necklace and the document from the headquarters with none the wiser. And for that Brynjolf was impressed. After a few rounds of drinks, they wander over to him. Their normal saunter exaggerated due to their success. 
“I suppose congratulations are in order, well done.” 
“The pleasure is all mine Brynjolf.” They offer him a small bow complete with a wide grin on their face. “But don’t think I forgot about your little challenge.” Oh he’s intrigued. Dipping to the side pockets of their guild armour, they pull out two pieces of gold that shine in the candlelight of the Cistern. “You even managed to take the man’s teeth, I gotta say I’m impressed.” Brynjolf took both teeth in his hands, tossing them slightly in the air. “Any chance you’ll tell me how you walked out without him noticing?” They catch the teeth mid-air. 
“Oh you know me Brynjolf, I never kiss and tell.” They gave him a smirk while brushing their hand slowly across his armour. He decides to match their energy by grabbing the hand on his chest, placing a chaste kiss on it. 
“Is that so?” They hum a bit under his touch, placing one hand on his side and moving the other from his face to shoulder. 
“Everyone’s gotta have their secrets, you of all people should know that Brynjolf.” Just as he was going to make a move, close the distance between them, they slink away. He lets his eyes linger on their form a little too long, as he watches them rejoin their friends. It is only when he reaches into his side pocket, does Brynjolf know something is missing. They had pickpocketed him! Brynjolf lets out a dry chuckle, serves me right for letting my guard down. This new recruit was sure going above in beyond.
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iheartmomochi · 2 months
Dear Vocalist Momochi O•SHI•GO•TO \Back Stage!!!/ Translation
Important: as always i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter, so all credit goes to them! I 10000% recommend you also commission them if you want a jpn -> eng translation! I always say that but seriously commission them, they're amazing!! And please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language (i've seen some people do this please just don't. it's not that hard to respect the wishes of the og translator)
You can listen to the cd here
Ahh, I’m excited to reach Okinawa! Not to mention we’re doing a special pin-up photograph session with Veronica! Oh, but the shooting will be tomorrow, right? That means we have half a day for ourselves once we touchdown. Yay!
Hey, where do you wanna go? Since you troubled yourself and tagged along, I should at least bring you wherever you want to when I’m free. Think of somewhere nice. Hehe! Oh? The announcement just now is for us, no? Let’s go then. Give me your luggage. I’ll carry it for you. Anyway, don’t you think it’s unusually packed in Haneda today? I see. It's the morning of a weekday after all. Right, everyone’s wearing suits on their way to work. Everyone’s working hard.
Let us go to our room for a bit, alright? Hehe! Guys, don’t drink too much, okay? See you tomorrow then.
Hurry and open up already. The luggage’s heavy, y’know? Ugh, I’m so tired. Actually this hotel takes so long just for us to check in. How is that even possible?
Huh?? So dirty! What’s up with this room? Did they actually clean it up? Am I supposed to spend two nights at a place like this? What the hell. Anyway, why do I have to take today’s flight if the shooting’s tomorrow? Not to mention a flight that early! Can’t it be night instead? Don’t get me started with the economy seat. I gotta deal with the public attention so at least get me a private lounge. Just how stingy could they be?
Actually, they promised something nice like a tropical resort and stuff but Okinawa of all places? If it’s a special photoshoot, shouldn’t it usually be Bali or Hawaii? That Panda guy always brings me some shitty gigs. What the heck, really? Well, yeah sure. I’m not going to be in this magazine again anyway.
Huh? Where’s the ashtray? None? Why? Huh? No smoking? Seriously! Unbelievable! What’s the staff doing? They’re not here? Shouldn’t they stay? Ah, I can’t deal with this anymore!
Huh? Who cares about shoes? This place is so dirty anyway. Nope. I wanna go back to Tokyo right away! Just how stupid can you be? I said I’m tired, didn’t I? And you can suggest going out now? We’ve come this far and you’re saying we should look for a smoking spot? If I have that energy, I’ve looked for that place ages ago. Whatever. I’m smoking here. You go buy canned juice or something. I’ll use that as an ashtray. Hurry up. You drink that ‘cus I don’t need the juice. Also, can you buy something for me to drink? Get me something Okinawa-ish while you’re at it? Right. Get me some seawater. The one in a plastic bottle. See you~
Oh, you’re late. How long are you gonna make me wait? Huh, this? Canned beer that I found in the fridge. I threw the insides because you took so long. Ahhh. What a waste. Ugh anyway. Why is this bed so hard? I just lied a bit and my back’s already hurting so much. No way I can sleep. This sucks, seriously.
Huh?! Shut up. I just gotta be careful and make sure to not drop the ash. Actually, can you not order me around? Who do you think you are? Hmm. Another excuse. Now you come here..! Hey. I said I’m in the worst mood ever, right? Do you know for what reason did I bring you along using my own money? For you to fix when we’re in this kind of situation. And yet, I’m feeling even worse thanks to you. What are you gonna do? Hey. Do something now. It’s your fault anyway. So of course you have to do it, right? Come on!
Alright, what shall we do today? Hehe! For now, will you take that off now? That’s been bothering me since this morning. Have you always had this dress? Don’t tell me you bought it to wear in Okinawa? Showing that much skin when band members and the staff are around. What are you thinking? Come on. I said take it off. Can’t do it yourself? In that case...Hm? What smell is this? The cigar’s smoke! Wa- You! Water, water! Bring it quick! Huh?! The bed cover’s burning! He- Someone?! Whatever can do, just be qu- Ah. You’re right. The fire’s gone. But hey..! Most of it was splashed on me! I bet that was on purpose! Right?! I can’t let you go today. Just a punishment won’t be enough. You know that, don’t you?
Huh? The mirror? That’s all it takes for it to fall? Just how sloppy did they mount the mirror? This hotel is seriously pathetic. So what are you gonna do? This room’s furniture is broken. I believe you know it but it’s all your fault, okay? Why don’t you start collecting the shards and apologize to me?
Ah, right. As you can see, they’re sharp so be careful when you pick the shards. You don’t want to you cut yourself accidentally. You might die if it stabs your neck by chance. Hehe! Are you afraid?
But don’t worry. I will never do anything like that. If I were to kill you, I wouldn’t go for an easy method like this. It has to be one that gives you even more pain and suffering. Otherwise it’d be pointless, no? So rest assured. Why are you silent? You’re supposed to be happy. You’re desperate and always anger me because that’s what you like. Right? Denying it after all this time? I won’t let you do that.
We have plenty of time until tomorrow so I’ll give you lots of pain the whole night. Look forward to it. You went all your way and followed me here to make sure I pulled off my job, right? So don’t complain no matter what I do. Got it?
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bitbybitwrites · 5 months
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Hey look at me! I can actually do this on time!
Though am so not following the 6 sentence limit, bc I'm chaotic like that - 😂. I need to make some new banners . . .
Thanks for tagging me @welcometololaland and @blueeyedgrlwrites, @iboatedhere
Below the cut you will find bits from :
how ardently I admire and love you (RWRB online auction fic)
i know you want to bring me home (Klaine Valentines Challenge 2024/PrettyWoman!AU)
how ardently i admire and love you (RWRB online auction fic)
Huffing again, Alex took up his cause once more.  “But still, I want to find something that really wows him.  Surprises him.  He deserves it.” Alex pouts prettily and groans again in frustration, as he drops his head in his hands and pulls at his curls.  “No matter what I do, Pez I just can’t find that one thing.  It’s gotta be out there, right?” Pez had to grin at his friend, shaking his head at Alex’s despondency.  “Well Alejandro, my dearest, today is your lucky day.  For while perusing the interwebz, I have just stumbled upon a gift idea that may even rival the blessing of your loins that our dear Hazza cherishes so much. With a smirk, Pez picked his phone off his desk and with a few taps and swipes of his nimble fingers found what he was looking for.  He slid the phone across the table top over to Alex and then leaned back in his chair, waiting for the praises of gratitude he knew were coming his way. Alex dove for the phone, his eyes darting quickly over the screen.  His face quickly erupted into such a countenance of relief that Pez had to laugh out loud at the drastic change from the formerly morose individual that had been sitting in front of him. “Jesus tits,” Alex gasped as he stared slack-jawed at the phone.  “This . . this is perfect.  How the fuck did you find this?”
i know you want to take me home ( Klaine Valentine's Challenge 2024)
“So, staff member, part time bartender . .” Kurt asked as he shook the other man’s hand firmly.  “Any other roles I should know about?” “Unofficial Den mother, I guess,” Elliot shrugged.  “It’s my job to make sure all our boys are treated correctly by anyone who comes through those doors.  Contrary to popular belief, the young men here are all taken care of well.  They are all of age.  All clean and tested regularly.  They come into Dalton House of their own free will and sign their contracts with the company with full understanding of what is expected of them. How they are to conduct themselves.  How they are to uphold the Dalton name.” “But what’s the catch?” Kurt asked, his business acumen and instincts were on alert.  “There has to be a catch.” “The boys work off the amount of their signing contract. Half of anything their patrons gift them goes to their own savings, half goes back to the company paying for their room, board, uniforms, lessons, et cetera . .” “Lessons?” “Well, one doesn’t always come straight off the street knowing the ins and outs of macroeconomics or the finer points discussing portfolio diversification. “Interesting,” Kurt murmured.  “And the auction? You never mentioned what was being auctioned off tonight?” Elliot’s pursed lips immediately caught Kurt’s eye.  “The boys have refusal rights. “he explained “They do not have to accept every offer that comes their way.  But it can only go so far before the administration deems that enough is enough. It is a business transaction, after all. The contract, I mean.  If the boys don’t fulfill their part of the contract. . .” Elliot’s voice trails off.  “Well, let’s say its a part of the job that I do not enjoy being a part of.” “The auction.” Kurt’s mind puts two and two together.
Tagging ( and no pressure at all): @coffeegleek @myheartalivewrites @rockitmans @hkvoyage @14carrotghoul
@special-bc-ur-part-of-it @madas-ahatters-world
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ex-textura · 6 months
oh boy! Thank you @miradelletarot for the tag! This is going to be fun (once i decide who to do it with sdfasklfhjs)
I'm unsure who has done this one and who hasn't soooo.... if you see this, and want to, this is me tagging you!
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Full name: Ilztaufein (formerly of house Melarn, though he dropped that when he changed his name)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bi, but he's got some...hangups about women.
Background: Noble
Class: Divination Wizard
Birthplace: Ched Nasad
Profession: Information broker for Bregan D'aerthe
Phobias: Not really a phobia, but he has a hate for spiders.
Guilty pleasures: Does it count if he's not guilty about anything ever? He loves gossip and is really bad for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He also loves really bad smutty fiction.
Hobbies: Reading, studying, gossiping.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: ahahahahaha. All of them!? ▫ He's prideful (he knows he's gorgeous and he knows he's powerful, even if maybe he thinks he's hotter shit than he actually is) ▫ He's greedy (power, people, fame, money. Whatever it is, he wants it) ▫ He's not the most wrathful but WHEN HE GETS HIS HANDS ON MYSTRA ISTG (also he's a big bitch about it) ▫ He's envious of the gods, for hoarding all their power. He's envious of drow women and their power over the underdark. He's envious of Mystra for still having literally ANY of Gale's attention EVER. ▫ Lust. I mean. The fantasies of Gale alone would be damning but when he finally gets his hands on his powerful little human oh my god. He's not terribly gluttonous or slothful but that's mostly on account of all the vanity.
Virtues: All that said, he's not evil. He helps people who need it, he works for the greater good at the end of the day. He gives freely of his time and knowledge (even if okay sometimes he bitches a little about having to go out of his way he's working on it okay?). He works hard, he studies and practices and hones his skills daily, he's fastidiously clean, he's absolutely loyal to a fault and he loves fully.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Ilztaufein/Gale (gotta come up with ship names)
Acceptable Ships: He's desperately loyal to Gale. He worships the ground he walks on. That said, he has slept with Astarion.
OT3: n/a
Brotp: Izzy and Astarion and two peas in a pod, even if Ilztaufein gives him so much shit for his red eyes and white hair ("Little faerie thinks he's a mighty drow how quaint~!").
Notp: Absolutely not Mystra, nor any followers of lolth.
Ilztaufein was born in Ched Nasad and spent the first half century of his life there before it fell to ruin. There he studied to be a wizard and took to divination magic like a fish to water. It was during his studies that he got a vision of the destruction of Ched Nasad, and so to save his own skin he quietly ran before he could be caught in the crossfire. He spent some time travelling the underdark, changing his name and hiding from settlements for fear of being found out and killed for his cowardice, until he came upon and was recruited into Bregan D'aerthe. Shortly after joining the mercenary group he ventured to the surface for the first time and was absolutely blown away by the different peoples and cultures he found there. He tentatively began to learn about Eilistraee, and though he never became a true devout follower it helped him come to terms with his animosity toward more lolth-leaning drow. He learned more surface languages, started enjoying their food and music, and eventually got himself a more permanent position gathering and trading information to and from the surface. That's when he was captured by the illithid; on the surface, haggling with a food vendor on the side of the road just outside Waterdeep.
At first, the abduction was a horrible inconvenience. He had work to do and no interest in making friends with a bunch of (scary powerful) women, a goody-two-shoes hero and some fop of a surface elf. At least there was the wizard, a kindred spirit who understood the importance of a strong mind and lively debate. And ambition.
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photo1030 · 1 year
Hello, lovely!
I’m here with a request, but first I gotta profess my love for your story again (perhaps you lust for what you cannot have). Oh, it has stuck to my mind like glue ever since I first read it. The story is so good and your writing skills are excellent! I’m in great need of those fantastic writing skills of yours please. 🥰
Could you give me some good ol’ sweet fluff with F!Reader watching Arthur Morgan play/snuggle with a cat. Maybe you can add in there that he didn’t want any pets in the beginning, but immediately fell in love with the cute little guy/girl. I can picture Arthur writing in his journal with the cat laying in his lap. OMG. Imagine him drawing the cat in his journal?? 😭
Thank you in advance and please take all the time you may want or need 💚.
Thank you so much for this "ask"! This is my first request ever, so I hope I did it justice. I didn't do a "x female reader" but Arthur and Jack with this kitten. Hope that is OK? Still Arthur being adorable, so can't go wrong, right? But if you'd prefer the f!reader prompt, I can tweak it. This is the clearest image that came to my mind, so I went with it.
*I had my good friend @rivetingrosie4 beta-read this for me, so I kinda feel like its co-authored, too.
Tag: @misspearly1
Summary: Arthur finds an unlikely companion.
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*This image is not mine. This comes from greyswan618 on fanpop.
By the time Arthur drags his latest bounty score into the sheriff's office, it's late in the day. And this one, although not necessarily hard to catch, took him a while to track down. This job was good money, but it has left Arthur exhausted. The sun is already hanging low in the sky outside of town and preparing to descend behind the mountains for the day. Since the bounty paid well, Arthur decides to treat himself with a stay at the hotel before returning home. After securing his room, he pays the hotel owner to keep his horse stabled overnight as well. May as well treat his horse too.
After walking back outside, Arthur takes Buck by the reins and leads him around to the back of the hotel to where the stable is. When he finds the stable empty, Arthur leads him to one of the larger stalls, since Buck is a rather large horse. He gets him bedded down for the night, taking off his saddle and brushing him down.
With Buck cleaned up, Arthur walks over to the rain barrel just outside the main door of the stable to fill the water trough in the stall. As he stands at the barrel, a sudden rustling catches his attention out of the corner of his eye. Turning to his left, he notices two pairs of shining eyes staring back at him from under the workbench that lines the wall. Curious, Arthur tilts his head to get a better look. He slowly puts down the bucket that is in his hands.
When he crouches down closer to the barn floor, he sees two tiny kittens hiding there. Even with the encroaching darkness of the evening, with the help of the glow of the lamplight, he can tell they’re still very young. Their fur is just growing out of that baby-fuzz stage, the gray color of rain clouds, and they're awfully skinny. Arthur looks around to see if he can see any signs of the momma anywhere, but there's nothing nearby. Either she is out hunting for food for her babies, or she's abandoned them here.
The fatigue in Arthur’s body is no longer his focus, now that he’s found these little ones.
“Well, look at you,” he chuckles quietly. He reaches into his satchel at his side and pulls out a piece of dried fish that he has tucked away. "Bet you're hungry," he says, his voice rumbly, but soft to keep from frightening them.
He holds out the piece of meat, but the two kittens do not move and only stare back at him with scared, vacant eyes.
"Alright, then," he says with a smile and tosses the meat over to them, so they don’t have to leave the security of their hiding place.
The kittens both spring backwards, tripping over each other clumsily, as the projectile hurtles towards them and lands just in front of their tiny faces. But it only takes a second before curiosity and hunger gets the better of them. Once they get a whiff of the aroma of the meat, the kittens pounce on it and begin to devour the morsel.
Satisfied, Arthur stands up, wiping his hands together. He goes back to getting Buck watered and fed for the night, humming peacefully to himself as he does. Every now and then, he glances over his shoulder to watch the kittens, who are feasting on the fish.
With his task with Buck now complete, Arthur heads back to the barn door to return to his room for the night, his boots scraping across the dirt as he moves. The kittens pause momentarily in their feast to cautiously watch him, their little heads bobbing up and down, before returning their attention to the food.
The next morning, Arthur is early to rise from his hotel room and heads out to the stable. But as he approaches the big stable door, he slows his pace as he is met with a gruesome sight. In the tall grasses just outside the door, he finds the body of one of the baby kittens. Judging by the way the carcass is torn open, it looks like a raccoon or hawk got to it.
"Ah, damn…" sighs Arthur as a slight pang of disappointment hits him. They were cute little things, and it’s a real shame that something happened to them. But such is the way of things, he supposes. He then looks around for the second one. Having some small hope that the other kitten may still be alive, Arthur makes a clicking sound with his tongue, trying to coax it out of hiding. After a few moments, he sees a flash of gray fur under a beam in the stable. He bends down and pats his hand on the ground, and the second kitten slowly creeps out towards him.
"Looks like you're an orphan, now," Arthur says to the kitten, slightly tilting his head to the side and assessing the situation. "Ain't we a pair, then?" he chuckles softly.
Arthur slowly reaches over and picks up the kitten by the scruff, the little one giving a soft and pathetic "meow" as it's hoisted up. He holds the kitten up before his face to get a better look. It seems alright, no fleas or other parasites that are noticeable. It appears to be a male cat, too. Arthur places him in the palm of his other hand. The kitten is so tiny to begin with, and with Arthur's large hands, the babe sits perfectly within his palm. He twists his wrist back and forth, pivoting his hand, so he can continue looking over the kitten, trying to decide what to do with it now. The kitten simply stares back at Arthur with tiny smokey blue-gray eyes, blinking innocently, an occasional "meow" squeaking out of its petite mouth.
Arthur sighs with resignation. "Alright, little one. Better come back with me. You won't make it out here on your own, that's for sure."
Arthur pauses another moment, looking at the kitten in his hand, second-guessing whether he's making the right decision to take this cat with him. He's never particularly cared for cats. They always seem so temperamental and judgmental. He gets enough of that bullshit from people. Dogs. Arthur is a dog-person, with Copper being his pride and joy and best friend as a kid growing up with Hosea and Dutch. And, of course, there's always been his horses as his constant companions.
Sighing again with a shrug, he adds, "Well, maybe you can keep Jack company."
Arthur carefully sets the kitten back down and gives him another piece of fish out of his satchel to keep the kitten occupied while he gets Buck saddled and ready to head out and start for home. It's another day's ride, so Arthur is anxious to get going. By the time the kitten has gobbled up the food Arthur gave him, Arthur is ready to go and gently scoops up the kitten again and mounts his horse to begin the journey home.
As they ride out of town, Arthur protectively holds the kitten in his arm, close to his chest. The kitten doesn't move or fuss, but simply lifts its tiny face, turning about to look around at what's around him. After a while of riding, though, Arthur's arm begins to tire, and the kitten's fur up against him is making him start to sweat a bit. He needs to decide what to do with this cat so they can comfortably ride home. He considers putting him in his satchel, but quickly decides against it, worried the kitten would either suffocate inside the leather bag, or, get into all of the contents of the bag itself.
Noting how calm the kitten has been so far, Arthur simply decides to set the kitten down in front of him in the saddle. He's small enough to sit there between Arthur's thick thighs, and his burly forearms keep the kitten contained in the space pretty well. The kitten instantly sinks its claws into the leather of the saddle, bracing itself in a slight panic at being released from Arthur's protective grasp. But although the horse beneath them is walking at a brisk pace, his gait is smooth, so Arthur doesn't worry too much about the kitten getting jostled about.
And soon enough, the kitten finds its bravery and relaxes to release its claws from the soft material and sits up a bit. Arthur doesn't say anything, or hinder the kitten in any way, but watches the little one, amused at its quest for discovery. It doesn't take long for the kitten to gain more confidence, and he eventually climbs up to stand, putting his front paws up on the saddle horn. Like a tiny lion sentinel, the kitten observes the new world around himself.
After a long day's ride, Arthur decides to stop and make a small camp and settle in for the night. Once he finds a quiet, out-of-the-way spot, he halts Buck. Arthur wearily climbs down from his saddle, kitten in-hand, and sets the baby down on the ground to wander about in the cool grass while he sets up his temporary camp.
"Stick close. Don't be goin' and wanderin' off and gettin' into trouble," he warns the kitten with a pointed finger, as if scolding a child.
The furry face simply stares back at him, offering Arthur a quick "meow" in response.
Arthur goes about setting himself up for the evening, getting a small fire going first. Next, he pulls a can of food out of his saddlebag and proceeds to open it. He casually watches the kitten out of the corner of his eye, constantly keeping watch over him as he works. He sets the can next to the fire to heat up while he continues with his task at hand.
Arthur gets his bedroll set out and sets Buck's saddle atop it to use as a pillow to sleep against later. And all the while Arthur works, the gray kitten putters about his feet, following him around continuously as he moves. With every item that Arthur sets down, the kitten eagerly saunters over to sniff and investigate it. He constantly follows and lingers about Arthur's footsteps, poking at everything in innocent interest, to the point that Arthur has to watch his step so the kitten doesn't come under one of his massive footfalls and gets stepped on.
With camp finally set up, Arthur returns his attention to the can that has been warming by the fire as tonight's dinner. He grabs the can, pulls a fork from his bag, and settles down on his bedroll, leaning back against his saddle to get comfortable. Arthur lifts his eyes from the food in his hand to see the kitten slowly approach him. Now that the man has finally stopped moving long enough, the kitten can get up close to him again. The aroma of the food intrigues the little one and he lifts his tiny head, hungrily sniffing the air.
Raising an eyebrow, Arthur spears a few of the beans with the time-worn tines of the fork and extends his arm out to the kitten. "Ya like beans?" he asks the ball of fur.
The kitten cautiously sniffs the food, but turns its nose up at it, backing away.
"Come on now, you eat what's offered or you don't eat at all," he scolds the kitten. "At least that's what my momma used to say." Arthur waves the fork out in front of the kitten again to try to coax it to eat. "Come on…gotta at least try it."
The kitten comes back to him, sniffing again and reluctantly extends its neck out and licks the morsel with its tiny pink sandpaper tongue. After a few licks, the kitten decides it's edible and grabs the piece off of the end of the utensil.
"Atta, boy," Arthur says approvingly. He smirks to himself, realizing how ridiculous he sounds having a conversation with a cat. But then again, he talks to Buck all of the time, so he supposes that this really isn't all that different.
After Arthur and the kitten finish the can of beans, Arthur lays back against the saddle again to relax, his heavy frame melting into the bedroll beneath him, and lights a cigarette. He lets out a long, tired sigh as his eyes land on the kitten once more. As Arthur shuffles his foot a bit to get comfortable, the kitten takes great interest in the movement of his boot and decides to test his bravery.
His little butt rises in the air, tiny tail like an arrow straight up and at attention. The kitten crawls along the ground on his belly, attempting to be stealth-like. Arthur sees this and with a grin, he slowly waves his foot a bit again in temptation. And when he does, the kitten pounces on his boot, attacking it playfully and bites on the leather of the sole. The gruff outlaw lets out a soft laugh of amusement through his nose and begins to slowly wave his foot back and forth at the ankle, causing the kitten, who has wrapped himself around the boot, to sway back and forth above the ground. After a few more gnawing bites, the kitten plops down to the ground, confident in its own victory.
Fully invested in this as his entertainment for the evening, Arthur reaches over to his gambler's hat that is set off to the side, leans forward and drops it overtop of the kitten, trapping it underneath. There is no further movement, but Arthur can hear its little meows from under it. Smirking with his cigarette dangling from his chapped lips, he carefully picks up just the brim of the hat and tilts his head to peer under it.
He sees the kitten's little nose and a thin little paw swipe out at him, causing Arthur to chuckle.
"Fighter, ain't ya?" When Arthur lifts the hat up a bit more, the kitten quickly hops out from under it, grabs ahold of Arthur's forearm, and starts grappling with it, biting and digging its needle-like claws into Arthur's shirt and leather gloves.
Amused, Arthur rests his arm on the ground, carefully pinning the playful kitten underneath. He playfully growls at the kitten and uses his hand to roll the ball of fur over and over again, wrestling and playing with him.
When the kitten finally wears out, Arthur pauses to give him a break. The kitten stands up and gives itself a full-body shake, causing little pieces of grass and dirt to fly through the air. He's a scrappy little thing. Arthur will give him credit for that, at least. Arthur slowly pulls his black leather gloves off of his hands and reaches over to tuck them into his saddlebag, as he is truly getting settled in for the evening now.
The kitten sits on the bedroll next to his thigh, innocently watching Arthur as he moves. Arthur rolls back to lie flat and glances at the kitten for a moment before he extends his large fingertip out to rub along the top of the kitten's head, right between its ears. The kitten's eyes slowly close as it gives into the heavenly feeling, and it eagerly pushes its head up into Arthur's hand. Arthur can hear the kitten purring happily, the soft sound almost hypnotic.
"Ya like that, do ya?" Arthur's low voice rumbles in the quiet night. It's funny how such a small gesture can be so impactful on another living soul. The campfire crackles and pops softly next to them, being the only background noise to be heard in the night; its heat radiating and keeping the two of them cozy and warm.
Arthur eventually ceases petting the kitten and returns his hands to his lap. At the abrupt end to its massage, the kitten looks at Arthur again expectantly, and springs up to stand atop Arthur's chest. Inquisitive as ever, it crouches a bit and crawls towards Arthur's face, its head bobbing up and down, as cats are want to do when stalking their object of interest.
Just as the kitten gets close to Arthur's face, Arthur purses his lips together and blows a short burst of air into its face, causing it to jump back in surprise. It then suddenly leaps forward again in challenge and starts to chew on Arthur's beard. This causes Arthur to bark out a laugh a bit in spite of himself. To see such an innocent creature, so full of energy, warms his bitter old heart. He brings his hands up to start to pet the kitten again, running his large hands along its diminutive and skeletal body. After just a brief moment, the kitten seems placated with this as an "apology" and switches from biting at the man's beard to the occasional lick to his nose instead. And even though it is meant to comfort the kitten, Arthur has to admit that stroking the soft fur is oddly calming to himself as well.
"Alright, then, that's enough of that," Arthur grunts out as he picks up the kitten with one hand and sets him off to the side of him again and reaches over to grab his journal. Arthur rolls himself to sit up with an exaggerated groan, and sets the precious book onto his folded legs, opening the pages to the next blank ivory-colored page. He hasn't even set his pencil to the paper yet, when the curious kitten jumps up to perch itself on his knee.
The small face peers down to inspect the latest object of focus. Before Arthur can even stop him, the kitten hops down onto the book itself and starts walking around in circles on the pages, sniffing and inspecting it, chewing the corner just briefly, before plopping down to lay himself right across the smooth, open surface. The kitten innocently looks up at Arthur, wanting his undivided attention yet again.
"No, now, come on, fuzz-butt, get outta here now," he gruffly chides, but with only a slight annoyance in his voice as he playfully sweeps the kitten to the side with his forearm. The kitten meows in protest, lifting its paw to swat at Arthur's hand. "Hey, don't sass me, now. We're done playin' for the night."
And by this time, exhaustion has finally caught up to both Arthur and the little gray kitten, so Arthur only takes a few minutes to capture some brief thoughts in the journal before turning in for the night. He notes the job he completed, the money brought in for it, and then jots a few lines about this kitten that he'd found. He even takes a moment to quickly sketch the little one onto the paper, the strokes of the graphite tip skipping fluidly across the paper. Every time Arthur looks over at the furry ball for a perspective to assist in his drawing, the tiny face peers back at him, watching the pencil move in Arthur's hand, but obediently staying put.
When he's done, Arthur carefully closes his journal and tucks it back into its rightful place in his satchel. Taking a deep breath and stretching his tired arms over his head for a brief moment, Arthur then takes his hat and scoops the kitten into it in an effort to keep him safe and warm overnight while they sleep. He's hoping the little adventurer stays put and doesn't wander off in the night.
"There, now," peering down at the babe. "You stay there tonight, and then we'll get you home to Jack tomorrow." Arthur rubs his fingertips along the kitten's head again, gently scratching its scalp with his jagged fingernails, and then sets the hat right next to him, protectively along his side, before lying back and closing his eyes for the night.
The next morning, as the warm sunlight breaks over the horizon, consciousness slowly grabs ahold of the outlaw. He can feel the chill of the morning dew clinging to his clothing. With his eyes still sealed shut, reluctant to release the bliss of sleep just yet, Arthur stretches his body, hearing the familiar popping sound of his joints. He's getting too old to be sleeping on the cold, hard ground anymore.
Suddenly, he is aware of a slight weight on his abdomen. He peels open his eyes and sees the kitten curled up into a tight ball on his stomach, fast asleep, with its nose buried into the fur of its tail. It obviously crawled out of the make-shift bed of Arthur's hat and climbed up on top of the man at some point in the night. Whether it was seeking protection or warmth, Arthur's own body heat and the slow rise and fall of his chest kept the tiny animal comforted while it slept. The corners of Arthur's lips involuntarily pull up and a whispered "aww" escapes before he can even stop it.
When he gets back to camp, Arthur dismounts his horse and walks through the collection of tents and tables with the kitten tucked in his hand. He heads straight over to Dutch's tent to drop off the bounty payment. Dutch is sitting outside his tent, reading a book with a cigar clenched between his teeth, and as he gets closer, Arthur eventually sets the kitten down on the ground to walk so that his hands are free to dig into his satchel for the bounty money. The kitten continues to follow him as he heads over to the cash box and ledger in Dutch's tent. Dutch lifts his head as he notices Arthur's approach, but quickly tilts his head in confusion as he glances down at the little bundle of gray fur at Arthur's feet.
"What you got there, Arthur?" asks Dutch, pointing at the new arrival.
"Hmm? Oh. Found him. Thought he'd be a good playmate for Jack," says Arthur dismissively, focusing more on his scribbling into the job ledger.
"Well, ain't you the soft-hearted one?" Dutch muses with a slightly mocking grin before he leans over to get a good look at the kitten, reaching his ringed-fingers out to briefly pet him.
"Oh my goodness, look at that little face!" squeals Mary-Beth suddenly when she catches sight of the kitten while walking past the men. In a moment, she rushes over. She bends down and scoops up the kitten into her slender hands and snuggles him into her face. "Tilly! Come quick! Look what Arthur brought home!" she hollers over to her friend who is doing some stitching at one of the tables.
Tilly is quick to her feet and rushes over to join them, eager to see what the excitement is all about. Soon enough, a small group has started to gather around Dutch's tent to see the baby kitten.
"Awww, isn't he just the cutest!" exclaims Tilly, running her fingers over the kitten's fur. "Arthur, are we gonna keep him?" she asks him excitedly.
"Don't matter to me, but I thought Jack might like 'em," replies Arthur, crossing his arms over his chest as he stands back and watches them fawn all over the kitten.
"Jack, come here and see the kitten!" Tilly calls to Jack and Abigail and waves them over.
Jack runs over to them at the invitation, excited to see what they have for him. The second his eyes land on the tiny bundle of fur, Jack gasps with excitement and wonder, his pudgy little hands waving slightly in anticipation as he runs. Mary-Beth sets the kitten down in the grass again as Jack approaches so that the boy can play with him. And thankfully, rather than being timid and frightened by the commotion, the kitten is all too excited to play as well, absolutely loving the attention. Jack gets down on his knees and immediately starts to pet the kitten, talking and cooing to it.
"Momma! He's so soft!" he giggles.
"He sure is," agrees Abigail as she too kneels down next to Jack and reaches over to run her fingers along the tiny feline. "Be careful, though, Jack," she gently tells him. "Be gentle with him so he doesn't bite or scratch you."
"I will, Momma, I promise!" the little boy squeaks in excitement.
Standing back a few feet from the girls and Jack, Dutch and Arthur watch the happy sight.
"Good work, son," says Dutch quietly, patting Arthur on the shoulder and giving him an approving grin.
Arthur casts his eyes over at Dutch with a nod of acceptance in return. And upon seeing that his new traveling companion is in good hands now, Arthur turns and decides to head over to the fire to sit and relax his tired self.
Suddenly, despite the attention he's getting, the kitten notices Arthur moving again and instantly becomes alarmed, his little head poking up to attention. At the sight of the burly outlaw leaving him, the kitten darts away from Jack and the girls, squeezing his way between their legs, and quickly catches up to Arthur's boot-heels. Surprised, Arthur halts and looks down at the kitten.
"Now what are you doin'?" he asks the kitten. "Go on, go play with Jack," as he lowers his hand down to sweep the cat towards Jack again. He stands upright and moves on, walking over to grab a beer bottle from one of the crates. He ungracefully plunks himself down next to John on one of the logs by the fire where other gang members currently reside.
Of course, the kitten is right back behind Arthur with every step. And, of course, Jack is right behind the kitten, giggling excitedly, trying to keep up. The sight of the three of them walking about is really quite sweet; like a duck and her two ducklings tailing behind. Abigail's fingers hover gracefully over her mouth as she smiles, watching them. Arthur has always been good to both her and Jack, and Abigail is quite grateful for it. And right now, her son is just over-the-moon about his new present from his grumpy uncle. She casually walks over to the fire to join everyone, and stands behind her boy.
Sean is already sitting by the fire with Karen in his lap and notices the commotion. "Aww, would ya look at Arthur Morgan, there! The most wanted man in da tri-county area, carrin' on wit a little pussy cat," jokes Sean, "I thought you were supposed ta be da mean one 'round here, Arthur!"
"Shut it, Sean," huffs Arthur, as he reaches down and absentmindedly pats the kitten along its side when it takes a seat on the ground at his feet. "I brought him home for Jack."
"That was mighty nice of you, Arthur. Thank you," praises Abigail as she beams brightly at her son. Jack is currently crouched on the ground right next to the kitten and talking to it as if they are already the best of friends.
Arthur says nothing in response, but simply nods to her as a "you're welcome" while taking a big gulp from his beer bottle.
"Well, Jack, what are you gonna name him?" asks Hosea, his face pulling into a huge smile at the sound of the boy's laughter.
The kitten begins to playfully explore again, taking a real liking to Jack, as it climbs all over him. Its nose sniffs all about the boy's face, the softness of the fur dragging delightfully across his rosy cheeks with a ticklish effect.
"What about 'Milo'?" suggests Mary-beth, who has come to take her place by the fire as well, choosing a spot on the ground close to Jack so that she too can play with the kitten.
"Nah, he don't look like a 'Milo'" says Jack, his eyes still glued to the little cat.
"How 'bout 'Oliver'?" Abigail offers.
But Jack only scrunches his little face up even more in displeasure as he continues to think of the perfect name for his new companion.
"I suppose 'Fluffy' is out of the question, then?" jokes John as he too reaches over to wiggle his fingers in front of the kitten in an effort to join his son and play.
"No!" laughs Jack. "That's not right, either!"
The boy sits quietly, his eyebrows knit in deep thought, as if this is the most important decision he has to make in his young life. And he is quick to notice that the kitten springs into motion every time Arthur moves a muscle. When Arthur stands up to get a log for the fire, the kitten hops up and follows him. When Arthur sits, the kitten is right at his heels again.
"I'm gonna name him 'Shadow'," says Jack definitively, reaching over to pet his kitten, which is still perched at the large man's feet.
"Oh, that's a good one, Jack," his mother encourages. "'Cause he's gray?"
"No! Because he's Uncle Arthur's shadow!" says Jack emphatically at the obvious conclusion.
This observation causes Arthur to pause for a moment. His chest tightens just a bit, flattered by Jack's choice. He looks down at the kitten sitting by his boot, its little face and beautiful eyes peering back at him.
Arthur reaches down and rubs his rough and calloused fingers over Shadow's head, curling the pads of his fingertips around his velvety ears. He grins, but just ever so slightly, a softness settling there that rarely shows. "Huh…'Shadow'…I rather like that."
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jungle-angel · 9 months
The Critter King (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: Miles has always had a way with both people and animals and you're one of the few people who has seen it firsthand
Tagging: @floydsmuse
Warnings: Depictions of animal birth
The barn loft might have been chilly and the snow might have been falling hard outside, but the barn was the warmest place you and Miles could be on a day like this. All the preparations for Christmas had been made, the cattle auction had gone off without a hitch and now the two of you could enjoy the respite with your ever growing family.
You were both snug under a wool blanket, one that you often kept to keep the critters warm at night, as you rested in the hay. You blinked your eyes open from the morning nap, filled with a warmth when you saw the soft, sleepy look on your husband's face. You didn't dare lift your head from where it rested on his chest, your gentle fingers fiddling with the tough fabric of his heavy tan Carhartt jacket.
You felt Miles stirring as he woke up, his head heavy and groggy from sleep. His black cowboy hat was still resting on one of the hay bales behind you.
"Baby......gotta go get Benny and Jesse....." Miles mumbled.
"Miles, they're with your mom and dad," you chuckled.
Miles hadn't fully woke up but had quickly realized his mistake when he saw that it was still very early morning, only a little past eleven.
"Sorry sweetheart," Miles yawned. "Forgot what time it was."
"No worries," you said, kissing his cheek.
Miles pulled you on top of him, kissing you fervently and needily when you both suddenly heard something coming from the other end of the loft.
"You hear that, right?" he asked.
You nodded.
You and Miles quickly rose to your feet, following the noises until you found the two barn cats, Missy and her mate, Lucky, both nested amongst the hay. Lucky, the male, approached Miles and began pulling at the leg of Miles's jeans with his teeth.
"Alright, alright, Lucky I'm comin, hang on," Miles told him, shooing him out of the way a little.
Missy wouldn't stop meowing or sticking her legs in the air. For days now, she had been lurking around the loft, looking for a place for her and Lucky to nest and showing signs that she was ready to give. Miles scratched her large belly and felt the movement of her unborn kittens under his fingertips.
"She ok?" you asked him.
"She must've lost the plug already," Miles concluded. "She's definitely ready to give."
You excitedly ran to find some old, shitty towels that you and Miles always kept in the barn along with some warm water and other supplies you might need. Lucky paced anxiously as Missy's labor was drawn out for a good half hour, but you and Miles never once left her side.
"I know, I know sweetie," Miles cooed to the cat as he stroked her fur. "You're doing so good though."
He kept stroking her fur, her pained meows filling the barn loft as Missy spread her back legs. You and Miles weren't phased in the least when you saw the first of the kittens beginning to make its way into the world.
"You're almost there Momma," Miles said, gently scratching her fur. "Baby's almost out."
One more push from Missy and the wet little kitten fell into the hay. Miles scooped the little kitten right up into the raggy old towel and gently dried him off, taking extra care to make sure the nostrils and mouth were clean and free of anything left behind.
"Looks like a little girl," he chuckled proudly.
You gasped a little when he showed you the tiny little tabby kitten that mewed like crazy. She was so little and furry, almost like a tiny little tiger.
"I'm thinking, Tiger?" you asked.
Miles smiled and nodded as he placed the oldest kitten with Missy. She kept pushing until another came, this time a boy that you and Miles had decided to name Opie. Munchkin had come next followed by six more brothers and sisters, each with an odd name, but who had brought so much joy to you and Miles.
Miles laid his Carhartt jacket on the hay and moved the new momma and her kittens onto it so they could keep warm. Lucky nested in beside her licking Bagheera, the youngest and only black cat in the bunch, the little family warm and cozy in the loft.
"You sure you won't be cold?" you asked him.
"Not in the least sweetheart," he answered. "The woodstove is going downstairs and the heat'll get up here just as easily."
You both settled in for a little while to have your moment with the new family, feeling more content and happy than you had in a long time.
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totentnz · 7 months
You can chose SilverV or v/Muamar or both
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially. (Esp for SilverV 👀)
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
love day emoji asks
otp; just the two of us (v/johnny)
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
v wants to get him a body. he thinks it's stupid, impossible and a waste of time (he ain't wrong) but v believes he deserves another shot at life, after all if she deserves it so does he. she keeps that promise in every version of reality. (<- temperance enjoyer)
there are other, smaller things but i cannot get them out right now lmao.
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
during the events of the game there are very few people who even know about johnny and v doesn't talk about her feelings towards the engram. rogue and kerry probably suspect that there is more going on but she never confirms it.
during au: say yes to heaven (johnny gets a body au) the two are openly dating but the world forgot about johnny silverhand and he doesn't have his prosthetic anymore so to people who don't know their backstory he's just a regular guy.
when he returns to nc after going soul searching (haha) he actually has to go look for her since she moved out of the megabuilding apartment and they were strictly no-contact. kerry points him to where she currently resides (northside apartment + her motorcycle shop) so i would say he's a supporter. v was very good at making almost no friends during their time together so there is no one else. (this sounds a bit sad but it really isn't)
her brother vincent is a bit on the fence about her dating her aneurism but he's glad she found a genuine lover.
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
all my tags for cyberpunk are song names! (because most quests are also named after songs and the whole game is a big love you letter to music!!) so this is actually pretty easy!
Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers) - Grover Washington, Jr.
Just the two of us We can make it if we try Just the two of us Building castles in the sky Just the two of us You and I We look for love, no time for tears Wasted water's all that is And it don't make no flowers grow Good things might come to those who wait Not for those who wait too late We gotta go for all we know
there are many more! since i'm a temperance ending enjoyer there is also this pretty recent addition.
Temperance - Royal & the Serpent
I don't think that I could ever be More than just a sick catastrophe Drowning in my asininity Hoping you won't ever want to leave I don't even know the reason why I've been up all night just getting high All I wanna do is run and hide I'm afraid that you might say goodbye [...] I don't think that I could ever be More than just a sick catastrophe Now that we have tasted misery Promise me that you won't ever leave
some honorary mentions:
Maybe My Soulmate Died - iamnotshane
Maybe my soulmate died, I don't know Maybe I don't have a soul
you know, johnny is her soulmate and he literally died. that's it, just those two lines.
Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2 - Motionless In White
She loves me 'cause I like to give head like a zombie (I) eat, eat, eat 'til her insides are on me She loves me 'cause I give head like a zombie (I) eat, eat, eat and nobody's gonna stop me And in the glow of the pale moonlight She goes for a spin on my haunted hayride Tried out the living but I don't believe the hype 'Cause if she's got a pulse, then she's not my type
this is more of a joke than anything else, again both of them died and i know johnny is a liar but i do believe he gives head like a zombie.
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
i made a post some time ago about mundane things johnny and v do during the time they share a body. (also apparently my proper blog page is back now and christ alive do i need to update it lmao)
obviously during the game they do everything together, johnny is annoyed at those mundane things at first and frankly v is annoyed by shit like having to do laundry as well, not because of his presence but because she could do without it.
in au: say yes to heaven they spend some time being a boring couple, getting takeouts, sleeping in, going to the movies etc. eventually johnny suggests v should also leave nc for a bit. to everybody's surprise she actually she agrees (she's finally healing) and they go on a roadtrip! (we love that trope)
they drive down to atlanta to visit vincent and even go to one of kerry's concerts during his tour!
otp; baggage (v/muamar, set in au: everybody wants to rule the world - collab au where v didn't do the heist)
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
whether or not they should be dating LMAO mu is very much in love with v but she is annoyed by scared of that. they are constantly on and off. she eventually breaks up with him for good but she's not happy with that, he respects her choice though. (they truly are too old for that type of shit tbh)
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
viv! (@bishicat hello bestie <;3) after her and v reconnected she's shocked and happy to hear she's seeing someone! v tells her to calm down about it since it's not that serious and she keeps teasing her about it.
viv also thinks its funny she's dating an ex-corpo, after all their friendship literally (temporarily) ended when she started working for arasaka. to v it's entirely different because muamar made the choice to leave while she was kicked out.
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
Baggage - Rare Americans
Should we start lovin', give this a try? You got baggage, but so do I You got baggage, but so do I Let's give it a try [...] This love is like a business It could drive us both insane Blind emotion leads to commotion But part of me likes that game Part of me wants the chaos And part of me walks alone What am I doing, who am I foolin' It's a life spent on your own [...] I've spent my whole life running I've spent my whole life running from myself
so let's unpack this (haha) as i mentioned before v wants him but she also doesn't. after her and viv get johnny his body back the three of them go on a roadtrip (i told you we love this trope) and muamar joins them! it was viv's idea and v was happy to have him along since the idea third-wheeling for weeks on end gave her hives.
she's actually happy for the first time in her life and they are a real, genuine couple. they even say "i love you", if you can believe it.
but because this cannot last (i cant stand the idea of her being happy leave me alone) once the trip comes to and end so does their relationship. i like comparing it to a dying pet, you know they are dying so you take them on a last trip to the park.
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
once you finish all of mu's gigs he tells you he wants to stop being a fixer right? and expand on his car business? (i might be wrong here, it's been a minute since i actually played)
the moment they started fucking dating they ended their professional relationship (kind of): she stopped taking gigs from him but is more than happy to steal cars for him LMAO.
she encourages him pursue his passion for cars. with v being a lowkey (motorcycle) mechanic herself, they bicker over cars vs. motorcycles a lot but also bond over their shared interest.
other than that there isn't much due to v's reluctance to get any more emotionally involved .
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clownfurbies · 1 year
top 9 people you want to get to know better
@aristotels Thanks for tagging me, much appreciated.
favourite colour: I feel like as a kid I could pinpoint this without question. Now it's a lot more complicated? If you met us you'd probably think it's black, and we do be big fans of the color black (yes, color) I also really love different shades of orange, yellow, and green. Red is also just. Classic.
currently reading: It's always my goal to read more but the I just don't because reading is hard. I feel like I've actually gotten more dyslexic with age. I do got Lucifer: Princeps Princeps by Peter Grey on the end table right now. Last time I visited the boyfriends on the drive there and back I finally finished the Vatta's War series by Elizabeth Moon in audio book format and fuck that was such a good series. Also have manga that I bulk ordered for collecting reasons that I need to actually sit down and read. Things that I read scans of that I wanted physical copies of, like Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, and My Dress Up Darling. Manga easier for dyslexia to read.
last song: My phone went to video game lofi for some reason while driving home from therapy on Tuesday so that was... Kakariko Village by Mikel & Gamechops.
last series: Spy x Family because I needed something wholesome and this series is so cute. Today's Jujutsu Kaisen new episode day though, so I'll be sitting down with the cule for that. Ironically before these two series I hadn't been watching any anime for literal years.
sweet, savoury or spicy?: I have the biggest sweet tooth. It's so bad.
currently working on: I'm FINALLY getting a replacement replacement ds lite top lcd screen in the mail because the first one I got was faulty. That reminds me when I go out today, I should bring the faulty screen to a staples or bestbuy for ewaste recycling. But yeah if everything goes well I'll have a gorgeous new navy blue ds lite for more pokemon shiny hunting and a youtube video that documents cleaning it up and fixing it. Just gotta test the new screen, solder the speakers in place from the original screen, and then reassemble everything. My next project is a blue wii that has no working disc drive and no gamecube ports on it anymore. Which is very. Interesting? I'm VERY curious about it. Also have a $4 portable dvd player that I found at goodwill that needed a power cable for so I ordered one and I'll be interested to test that out. Would be cool if I could get it to read movies off of a usb or hard drive but it doesn't have any usb female slots in it so that might be beyond my abilities right now. Wanna stress that anyone who wants can do this. If you do it because you saw me do it, tag me even if I didn't tag you, I wanna read. But to keep the tradition alive, I'm tagging @mel-kore @ashenrenewal @mspreciosa @revesvagabond @ideas-of-immortality @phantomroyalty @octopi-wall-street @theconstellarium @nymori there's absolutely no pressure here tho, do what you want to.
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