#- into making some sort of branch off i guess. is that strange?? i dont really care if it is but yk. curious.
wazzappp · 5 months
Sometimes I feel a weird sort of guilt for having periods of time where I'm way more into the au content of a media than the original. It feels like I'm not paying enough respect to the original?? Somehow???
Then I remind myself that I can do whatever I want and media is supposed to be enjoyed.
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tezzbot · 3 years
applejack headcanons in a sort of timeline i have in my head based on the flashbacks/statements in the show lol this is gonna get long i apologise
aj is born in the sweet apple acres barn to bright mac and pear butter :D
we get the apple family reunion episode flashback where she is lichrally baby asking for apple fritters 🥺
she grows up a bit, just by family gene pool luck shes a strong little fucker and as she grows her family realises she's not just physically strong but strong willed too, it becomes a running joke that shes secretly part mule with how stubborn she can be :P
bright mac had a dog from when he was younger that he loved with all his heart, big mac loved him too but applejack thought was a grumpy old lump of a beast she just Did Not Like This Animal you know how kids can be lmaooo
applejack and big mac dont really leave the farm all that much, theyre homeschooled by their parents and granny smith so, generally they dont have that many friends their age in their childhood, they say hi and play a bit with fillies and colts they pass while helping out with deliveries, aj and rarity possibly have a few interactions through this but nothing really sticks at this point, they know each others names and thats probably it, the apple siblings are a big hit with usual customer and ponies who sell them things in the market
pear butter teaches aj how to play the guitar and she practices until her hooves hurt, her ma is very proud of her, they like to play duets when they have some alone time :] then, deciding to branch out from that applejack also picks up other instruments like the banjo and the fiddle, they find out she has quite a knack for music! (applejack is only slightly disappointed she doesnt get her cutie mark from it, but unlike applebloom would be in the future, she doesnt mind all that much, after all granny smith always said it'd come with time 😌)
not long after little applebloom is born we get the great seedling episode flashback which is a turning point in applejack, a moment like finding out santa or the tooth fairy isnt real, she matures a little bit that day, gains more of the work ethic we see in her as an adult
around this time is when bright mac and pear butter die :( i dont have a concrete headcanon on How they die but the dangerous trade routes the apples have to take to make deliveries may have had something to do with it, or maybe they were trying to protect the farm from something coming from the everfree forest, im not sure
the rest of the apple family make their way to sweet apple acres to give their condolences and help out in any way they can around the farm while our apples grieve :( its sad but it brings aj and big mac closer than they'd ever been
after shes recovered a little from that, i think aj kind of loses herself, i mean how can you not after losing both parents :(( so she decides to leave the farm in the hopes she'll be able to find herself again in manehattan, this is the cutie mark chronicles flashback and where she realises she belongs in ponyville, Runs home and gets her cutiemark
after a little bit, to help her become a little bit more social with foals her age, applejack goes to camp friendship where she meets little coloratura and the two Immediately click, aj gives her new best friend the nickname rara and they're practically inseparable the whole summer, their friendship starts to grow into something more but rara is heading back to manehatten after camp and applejack belongs back in ponyville, so they decide to give a lonb distance relationship a try, they manage to exchange letters back and forth for a long time, ultimately deciding a long distance relationship wasnt gonna work so they mutually decide to break up but still stay pen pals! after a while, the letters stop and they become just a memory in one anothers minds
sweet apple acres eventually returns to a business as usual state, with groups of relatives stopping by the farm now and again to give a helping hoof considering its now run by a late-middle aged lady, two children and a baby lol, applejack, while still doing a lot of tree bucking, is starting to take on a more maternal figure role in applebloom's life as well as being her sister, her and big mac feels more responsible and protective of the foal since she would be growing up with no ma and pa, they sort of took on those roles, applejack more intensely i guess i just see her as having strong maternal instincts embedded in her or something lol, but she for sure isnt "single mom"ing it, with granny smith and other relatives ready to take the little bugger when aj needs to get stuff done :P it takes a village and all that lmao
since at this time aj and big mac are starting to go into town more often and are free to do as they please as long as their chores get done, they start actually interacting more with teens their age in ponyville! applejack starts hanging out with fillies like rarity who she had known in passing but now could finally get to know and the cake's new apprentice and ponyvilles youngest party planner, pinkie pie
after starting to hit some awkward growth spurts as she reaches her teens lol, she starts taking an interest in the business side of the farmwork too, dealings with customers, looking into trade routes stuff like that, this is when the where the apple lies flashback takes place i fuckin love that episode please watch it, and this starts applejack's lifelong promise to never lie ever again which she keeps bc shes a legend as fuck <3
one day aj notices cloudsdale passing through probably to start preparing ponyville for the next season, and she hears a Thud coming from a row or two over from where she's working, she goes over to investigate to find a pegasus filly shaking off what aj can only assume was a crash, she asks if shes alright, n the filly is like of course i am im so tough toughest around actually thanks<3 and aj is internally like hm. this kids kinda annoying. they introduce themselves and applejack finds out rainbow dash is looking for her friend fluttershy, she likes to come down from cloudsdale to play with animals or something, but applejack hasnt seen any yellow pegasi fillies around so the little blue filly says thanks anyway and zips off at what aj can only describe as probably the speed of light, she somehow has a strange feeling this isnt gonna be the last she sees of this kid
she turns out to be right when shes invited to a happy visit to ponyville from cloudsdale party thrown for rainbow and fluttershy, apparently rainbow had bumped into pinkie while asking around ponyville for any idea where fluttershy and of course pinkie Had to make an event out of it once she had helped rainbow find her friend, the party was of course a lot of fun rainbow and aj somehow managed to turn every party game into a competition and despite their first impressions of one another they actually got along really well and gained a good amount of respect for each other, aj eventually found fluttershy sort of hiding away from most of the party and fluttershy actually opened up a little after talking with aj bc of how calming her presence was for her
over the next few years the five got to know each other quite well, anytime cloudsdale passed by rainbow and fluttershy would drop into ponyville to hang out or just say hi, and once they were old enough they moved into their ponyville houses and the five of them became just a regular friend group youd see hanging out on the streets of ponyville, fluttershy helps aj pick out a border collie puppy for help with wrangling critters on the farm (applebloom was getting too old to be sent off to mindlessly run after little animals all the time and she had started going to school so she wasnt around as much lmaoo) and just as a companion for applejack, she names her Winona :]
and then after those few years Twilight shows up! you know the rest from there :P
if i missed anything uhhh whoops<3 lol
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Dasi High 2 of ?
All day long, all I wanted was my book. My book. I thrilled at the way the thought seemed to pulse in my head, heavy with the weight of destiny or something. It had to be some kind of strangeness at work, to put this exact book into my exact hands with my exact little name on it. Kiesha... It wasn’t exactly a sorceress’s name, but still, it wasn’t that common. Not for books that looked like they’d been buried under the sea for the last thousand years or whatever. “This should be in a museum,” ala Indiana Jones and all that. My book. It filled my chest with warmth just thinking about it.
But I kept it in my bag all through school, even during lunch. No Coke, greasy pizza, or nosy teachers were going to threaten my ancient tome. I wasn’t an idiot. I was going to keep it safe until I got home.
Safely ensconced in my beautiful window seat, the envy of all book lovers and cat nappers everywhere, I savored the moment, feeling the heft of the book in my lap, breathing deep of its good, good book smell. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a technophobe, but books man--nothing compares to the feel of thick pages beneath your hands, the crinkle, the earthy smell. Yeah. There was a reason Brass thought I might be into it, namesake notwithstanding.
The cover was plain, well-worn, shiny and slick to the touch with the press of so many hands before. The finish had worn off the lettering and embellishments, but fingers could trace the rise and indents of them. I suddenly wondered if I should be handling something so hold, then realized I had no idea how old it even was. Oh well. Brass’s mom wouldn’t have let him have it if it was priceless, right? With a steadying breath, I cracked the cover.
The glue had long since stopped holding the pages in, but the binding was still sound. Maybe I’d ask Donte or Nalini later if either of them knew anything about repairing old bindings. They were both always doing handsy stuff, Donnie with his computers, and Nani with eir soaps and stuff. Surely one of them would know something, or be able to point me in the right direction. For now, I gingerly laid the cover open in my lap and turned the pages with a reverence I almost never felt for anything. I hadn’t been this careful with a book since my Sandman hardcover omnibus I got for my last birthday.
Enough stalling. It was time to read.
I was surprised to note my own reluctance. I’m not usually one for drama, but this... it just felt heavy. Important. Like it mattered.
The front endpaper had a yellowed bookplate pasted in, painted with an elegant symbol or crest or something I didn’t recognize. It looked almost like a stick figure of someone dancing, arms reaching up and stance wide--except there were weird branches coming off, like cursive flourishes. Maybe it was a signature? If so it wasn’t in any language I could read. I suddenly panicked at the thought that I wouldn’t be able to read any of it, aside from my name, and eagerly turned the page, anticipation mixing with dread.
But instead of a title page, or anything even printed, it was another handwritten page, like a dedication, or maybe a poem or something. It was written in the same kind of cursivey, wavy letters as the bookplate, and with growing anxiety I turned to the next page.
The family tree.
Thin, spidery hand writing covered the pages, faded, but definitely in the familiar English characters. Arabic? Or was the for numbers? Whatever. I could read it, that was what mattered. It was hard to parse, just as it had been at school, but I found the letters of my name quickly, and my finger hovered over the page, tracing the line down. Don...Donovan? Sisal... Salem... It was almost impossible to make out, save for the ever-clear Kiesha. Almost like that was the only part I was meant to read. I stared at the whole page, trying to let my eyes go soft focused, to see if anything else jumped out at me, but the longer I looked, the harder to read it became. I gave up and turned the page.
A list of names and dates followed, like you’d expect from an almanac. But instead of useful things like “March 3rd” or “Spring Equinox” it said things like, “the fourth night of cheres” or “the eve of Namir-da”. It was English, but just barely. I skimmed the page but quickly moved past it, eager for something that made sense.
It was hard not to let my disappoint take hold. This book had felt so special--it was special, just... not what I’d been expecting. Recipes, as Brass had said, and almanacy things, lie when to plant, but nothing that gave me any sense of wonder, or importance. I was just about to give up when I finally came across a section written in plain English.
They say the time has come. I have been given the family book, and told its mine to keep. But what I am expected to do with it, I cannot say. I have nothing of my own to add. I am not even the oldest of the family line. But I feel I should write something, to mark the occasion if nothing else. So here I do write, on this, the first of August, in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-one, that I, Kiera Cortana, am now in charge of the family book, for better or for worse.
Whoa. Now that was seriously cool. I flipped back to the family tree, to see if I could find Kiera. There, near the bottom, Kiera Cortana, 1753. Neat. That made her... seventeen, eighteen when she wrote her entry? Wow. Barely any older than me. That warm tingle started again, that sense of connection, and I just let my hand rest on the page, fingers just below her name. There wasn’t any more after hers, though there was room for more. Hope for the future that never came.
The warmth turned to sadness, a kind of longing I couldn’t really put my finger on. I got that way sometimes, just out of the blue. Homesick for a place that didn't’ exist. At least here I kind of got it, sad for a girl who may or may not have ever grown up. There was more after her first journal entry, but it was just more recipes and things, and more of that squiggle script I had no idea how to read. On an impulse, I got out a notebook and copied down what letters I could make out, including the symbol on the front book plate. I wanted to look at it more later, when I was stuck at school, but I didn’t want to risk bringing the actual book there. It was so old, at least three hundred. Man, Brass totally shouldn’t have let me have this. I decided to call him and give him a hard time about it.
“Hey, Ki, is everything okay?”
I frowned at the concern in his voice. “Yes, Dad, I’m fine. I’m not always in mortal danger or whatever you seem to think.”
Brass snorted. “Well I assumed you had to be in trouble since you’re calling. Normally you just text.”
Oh. Right.
“Just wanted to chat,” I said, too casually, but he'd caught me off guard. I used to call Brass all the time. It was weird to realized I’d stopped. “I’ve been looking through that book you gave me.” When in doubt, change the subject.
“Yeah? Anything good?”
I heard the sound of a sliding glass door in the background, the tell-tale sign of Brass going out to sit on the back deck. He used to do it to be near the TV antenna, hoping it would give him better cell signal. Now it was just habit. I smiled, picturing him there, long and lanky and lean, back against the side of the house as he balanced on the deck railing, one long leg trailing down...
I made a startled little noise as I came back to myself. “Oh, right. Yeah, it’s pretty cool. Did you know it was so old? There’s an entry from the 1700’s in it.”
“Oh man, really?” He sounded equal parts excited and embarrassed. “I didn’t know that. Maybe I should let Mom look at it again...”
“No way,” I teased, “It’s mine now. Has my name in it and everything.”
“It has mine too.”
His voice was so soft I almost missed it. But I scanned the page and sure enough, Brassal was on a similar line as Kiesha.
“Weird... Almost as weird as your stupid name.”
I laughed to take the edge of, both from my words and from the creeping feeling working its way up my spine. Brass had always gone by the nickname, with Brassal being reserved for his father. I guess it shouldn’t have surprised me to see it in an old timey book like this; it had probably been handed down a long line of people, like Maeve’s super grandma name. But still. It freaked me, and when I got freaked, I teased. Make everyone else feel off balance and it was an even playing field again.
“Yeah, yeah, Cobriana. Tell me all about weird names.”
I stuck my tongue out, even though he couldn’t see. Still, it made me feel better. Sky blue, grass green, Brass and I teased. I had missed this. It was good to be getting it back.
“You wanna come over for pizza and movies Friday?”
It was out of my mouth before I’d really thought about it. But his hesitation made me wish I’d just kept railing on his stupid name.
“Uh, how ‘bout Saturday. I have... plans. For Friday.”
No way. No freakin way. “Don’t tell me you gave in to Izzy,” I said with a disinterest I didn’t quite feel. “You know she’s only sharpening her claws on you for a real takedown.”
“Don’t be like that, Ki. Isadora can do what she wants, with who she wants.”
I mocked “Isadora,” in as childish a tone as I could manage. No one called her that, not even Izzy herself. Except Landon. But Landon was cyborg and completely incapable of using contractions or imprecise grammar, like ever.
“And what she wants is apparently to play kissy face with Serv, for all the good that’ll do her.”
“Serv?!” I could not keep the surprise out of my voice. Serv was like, canonically asexual. Or at the very least, not interested in someone as bubblegum pop as Izzy.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Brass said. “I didn’t ask, not that that stopped her from volunteering. Apparently they’re driving into the city to see a show or something.”
“Okay....” Izzy on a date with Servos. What an odd couple. I couldn’t fathom what sort of attraction would hold interest for both of them. But then, if such a thing existed, it would be in the city, not in this whole in the wall town. We didn’t even have a mall. “Well, good for them, I guess. So what about your mysterious plans?”
Brass groaned. “I’d hoped you’d forgotten. ”
“Nope. Spill it.”
He sighed. “I’m going to the movies... with Syfka.”
I gaped. “You’re joking. You’re joking! Why on earth would you want to go to the movies with her--xem?”
I was normally better with Syfka’s pronouns than this, but it was hard not to think of anyone out on date with Brass as anything but a her--a her he might want to kiss. Trying to apply that mental box to Syfka, of all people--
“Because--” Brass cut through my thoughts, “we have a project due, and it was either write a paper on a French film, or try to speed read through a work of French literature that I have zero hope of understanding because its kind of my worst subject.”
Oh. Right. School stuff. A perfectly reasonable reason to go to the movies with someone.
“Right. Okay. Yeah. So, does that mean you need to stay in and write it on Saturday.”
Brass laughed, and I couldn’t help but feel like it was at my expense.
“Nah. Come Saturday night, I’ll either be done, or I’ll be failed. Either way, pizza and a movie sounds great.”
I couldn’t shake the little tight feeling in my chest. This call had thrown me. Everything about Brass seemed to throw me lately.
“Why don’t you invite Nikki over too? Or maybe Maeve?”
My toes curled under at that last. Maeve may or may not have been the reason Brass and I finally broke up. I hadn’t decided yet. Either way, I couldn’t imagine him volunteering to hang out with her.
“I wouldn’t subject you to that....”
“Ki, I told you I’m alright with it. Have her over, see if you still feel all tingly.”
I laughed, but it was hardly humorous. “I can’t believe you’re encouraging me to get my flirt on in front of you.”
I could feel him shrug through the line, that careless raise of a shoulder that meant everything and nothing.
“You’re too shy to do it yourself. I’m just gonna keep inventing reasons to get you two together until you get over yourself. Or she asks you.”
But now I was really laughing, and his goal was achieved. I felt better, so he felt better. Stupid big brother mother hen. I smiled through the rest of the phone call, chatting about everything and nothing, and feeling more like myself than I had in a long time.
Raev’s general tag list: As always, let me know if you want to be added or removed or whatevs (especially since this is kind of a far cry from what I usually do)
List is currently: @lordkingsmith @writinglyra @drbibliophile @mperialscribe @adie-dee @lexiklecksi @theramwrites @writinginslowmotion @faithfire @apollon-arium  @thehellinsideyourhead @raenawrites @adventuresofacreesty @anika-writes.
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tf-guru · 3 years
From selling to building [f->Raven] MC
Isn't it crazy how one simple decision can change your entire life. Investing in the right place at the right places, losing your life savings after a shady internet deal, hell even forgetting your coffee one morning causing you to collide with a lamppost. God I would kill for even a sip of coffee, hard to get it in my current situation. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
My name was Valley Jackson, one of the most successful realtors in Southern California. I don't know why I'm creating this manuscript in my head, its not like I'll be able to write or even tell someone about it. Maybe it's what I would create if I were to be human again. Maybe it's just to keep me sane. Regardless here's what happened.
I had been traveling north to LA to secure a deal with one of my higher paying clients, normally I'd have them come to me but due to their status I decided to make the drive. I was on the highway around 10:30 at night when I missed my exit. That little mistake cost me everything...
Valley let out an exasperated curse as she looked ahead to see when the next exit would be coming up. In her 42 years of living in California she had visited LA maybe three times. Seeing the next exit approached she signaled and got off the highway. She was 5'6" with an absolutely stunning figure. At that time her auburn hair hung just below her shoulders and her nails were painted white. She looked down at her gps and saw as it started to emmit static before shutting off entirely
"Damn it" she muttered as she realized she was in the middle of nowhere. After about a half hour of driving in circles she finally was about to give up and try again in the morning when a sign glinted just ahead. It read "Pan's antique shop. Open 24 hours! Maps and sightseeing guides provided."
"Oh thank god! Kinda strange its open 24 hours but I guess when tourism is your biggest income it wouldn't hurt to take in a late night traveler."
Soon she pulled into the long driveway marked by another sign. Down the road was a decent sized rustic store. Its arched windows alight with a yellow glow. She parked her car and entered the shop. Behind the counter was a twenty something man who was reading a book. He looked up and said
"Hi welcome to Pan's antique shop. What can I help you with?" Valley replied
"Oh I'm on my way to LA and missed my exit, do you have a map I could look at?"
"Sure, feel free to look around while I get them."
As he took a door behind his desk Valley looked around. There were various items, old political pins, rotary phones, a Walkman, but Valley only saw one thing that caught her eye. It was a pair of Raven shaped earrings. She was drawn to them almost magnetically, their golden beaks glinting in the shops lights.. She grabbed them and headed back to the counter. The man had returned with a few traveling maps.
"Did you find something you like?"
"Yeah, just these earrings. I take it you're Pan?"
He gave a small chuckle with a hint of something else but Valley couldn't quite determine what
"Oh no, definitely not. Pan's the owner, I just work night shift."
"Ah, well thank you!" She paid for the earrings and grabbed the maps.
"Drive safe!"
As Valley started to leave she suddenly felt really lightheaded before passing out completely.
"We're just gonna head about a hundred more feet ahead then we've made it to the camping spot."
Valley opened her eyes to see one of the magnificent California redwoods ahead of her. Confused, she looked over to see who spoke.
"You okay Valley? You look kinda pale." The speaker was a woman around her age with brown hair and a more slim figure than Valley's
"Who are you? How do you know my name?"
"Uh Valley are you okay? Its me, your childhood friend Hailey? Do you seriously not know? Maybe we should look at that medici-"
"Im just kidding Hailey!" She was sensitive about discussing her medication. New memories appeared as she realized she did know Hailey, of course she did. She also remembered how she had decided to take this trip to celebrate Haileys 40th birthday.
"So just another 100ft Hay?"
"Yeah, if you're sure you're alright."
The pair continued the 100 feet before coming across a good enough sized clearing. Valley looked around while Hailey removed her tent bag from her back.
"You gonna help or just gawk?"
"Be right there Hailey!"
After some tribulations the pair managed to secure the tent to the ground. Valley removed two sleeping bags from her backpack and the pair began to undress. However as Valley took off her jeans something clattered to the ground. She reached down and picked up a pair of Raven earrings. Hailey turned around and froze.
"That's odd, I thought I got these on my way to-" she stopped as regained recollection of what had just been happening a few hours prior. She scratched her arm and looked at Hailey
"Oh uh silly Valley dont you remember getting those at the trail gift shop?"
"I got these at an antique shop today. In fact, I don't remember what happened after that. Did you drug me?"
"Valley you're not thinking clearly must be the medi-"
"No! Its not my medication! I don't even know you!"
"Valley I-"
"Did you bring me here to kidnapp me? Are people coming to kill me? I'm leaving!" Valley exited the tent with no pants or shirt and started to head back to the road.
"Wait!" Valley gave the finger and continued.
"I said wait." Hailey said in a dominant tone and Valley suddenly felt her knees lock. Something or someone was controlling her.
"What the hell?"
"Valley, I'm sorry it has to go this way. I was hoping-"
"Somebody help! Somebod-"
"Silence" Valley tried to scream again but no sound came out. She looked back to Hailey, terrified.
"Im sorry you're having to go through this. Here's how its gonna go, you are going to transform into a raven in a minute or two. My name is Hailey but this isn't me"
Before Valleys eyes Hailey underwent her own transformation. Her breasts retreated slightly into her chest as she lost some height. Her features softened and when it completed she looked to be in her early twenties.
"Im gonna give you the ability to speak and move but please don't scream."
She snapped her fingers and Valley fell to the ground. She looked up at Hailey and retorted
"I dont know what kind of drugs you've filled me with but-" she looked at her arm as she felt and itch. On her left arm was a single black feather. Not laying on it but actually attached to it. She pulled at it only to feel a sharp pain. As she watched more feathers sprouted down her arm. With each feather she grimaced but as soon as they reached her hand something else happened.
Her fingers merged together to form a single appendage. Only then did she realize it was real.
"P-please don't do this to me. I have a life! A career!"
"Don't worry, Pan's already sorted everything out. All your clients belive they've been using a different realtor, your family only remembers your brother. Its all packed away."
"I want to talk to Pan, please!"
She looked at her foot and saw three sharp talons poke through her sock. With her good hand she reached down and removed the sock. To her shock her ankle was covered by a corse yellow layer of a scale like texture.
"Im sorry, no can do. Pan's pretty busy and doesn't worry about stuff like this. I can take a message though."
"Please tell him to stoooaaaawk!" She grabbed her mouth and felt as her lips began to hardnen and push back against her hand.
"I'll tell him that, here's this." She handed a small mirror to Valley who looked into it. Her face also had jet black feathers on it, removing her hand revealed a small beak forming. Three more talons burst from her other foot as she pleaded once again
"I caaaaw! I caan't be a raven! I'm a human!" Hailey walked over and removed Valley's undergarments. Looking into the mirror Valley saw her face was covered in feathers and her mouth had finished becoming a beak. Her other arm followed the first as she dropped the mirror. Trying one last time she tried to plead
"Caw! Caw caw!" No matter how hard she tried she couldn't speak. So, she reached out with her wing and touched Haileys hand. But as she reached out it became harder and harder to extend her arm as they slowly tucked behind her back. She looked down with a shiver of ironic pleasure as her anus and vagina moved together to form her cloaca. Then she began to shrink. She hunched over, her body reforming so she would never stand upright again. As the transformation finished Valley looked down into the mirror and saw her eye shift from brown to purple, she fully resembled a raven. New thoughts entered her mind
While she retained her human thoughts and mind she now had these new impulses and urges. She looked up to see Hailey writing in small notebook.
"Valley, Raven with purple eyes, room..." she checks her watch
"Room a2e365. I'm sorry this happened but try to become acclimated with your new life. Goodbye Valley."
She then faded away, leaving Valley alone.
Well, that's my story. After Hailey left I was forced to adapt to my new body. The first month I would continually hope to just wake up in my bed, ready for my old life. But that never happened. I got used to eating whatever I could find and flying oh flying. If there is any upside to the change (I still want to go back to my old life every day) its flying. Being able to soar through the skies unrestricted is freeing. The area im in is strange because if I fly more than around two miles in any direction I blink and end up back at the (now gone) campsite. I eventually figured put how to build a nest. Its not much, just some twigs in a tree but its mine.
One day I was doing my daily routine when I heard a whistle from bellow me. Soaring down I saw Hailey with a bag of birdseed. I perched on a tree branch near her and stared at her with resent. I continued my gaze until she extended some seed and my bird instincts took over and I automatically ate some.
"Thats better, I'm sorry I took so long to visit. How are you doing? I know its a big change but at least you have plenty of room to fly around. I got you this by the way, should make things easier."
She hung a small bird feeder on a nearby branch and continued
"Well, I'll be back." And she left me alone once again. She still visits every once in a while telling me more about how I'm lucky I still have my intellect and how I could behave been left as a mindless bird. I guess I am kinda lucky. Hold on, I see another Raven approaching my nest. Ooo he's a male, maybe ill get to feel the full bird experience ;)
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birdwonder · 5 years
Not sure if you’ll allow this or not but I’ll try. Before Christmas is over and I’m officially late. How about Josuke, Kakyoin and senku (see? Since it’s from more than one fandom dunno if it’s alright) where their friend is working on Christmas decorations and suddenly picks them up and when they ask “what are you doing” they just respond with “putting the star on the Christmas tree.” (If the multiple fandom thing messes with the master list you can drop senku :3)
|| you, my friend, have saved me in the way the way that because i dont have time to write a christmas special - i answered your’s before the day ended to be one instead ! and also because i wanted to write smth for Kakyoin and Senku but didn’t have the ideas :D i dont mind doing multifandom requests ! though im going to put Senku in my next post, separately so i hope that’s ok ! this took a whole day to write since its Christmas so i’ve been busy so i hope the poor quality isn’t too bad ! [ btw theyre all sort of romantic to some extent ? i hope thats ok ! ]
Josuke + Kakyoin | Christmas Tree Decorating
Noriaki Kakyoin
“Oh honey, could you pass me the red bauble please?”
When the words reached his ears, Kakyoin raised his head from the box he was shuffling through and nodded in response to the request his wife had made. “No problem,” he curtly said, picking up the aforementioned decoration and standing up to hand it over to the shorter lover, smiling when you gave him your own grin.
Decorating the Christmas tree was a special tradition between the two of you since it gave a sense of family within your home and allowed you to bond both in silence and verbally whenever one of you made a silly comment or cracked a small joke.
Nimble fingers carefully took the fragile ball and hooked it’s string onto the evergreen’s branch, it’s evergreen aspect coming from the fact it was artificial, something Kakyoin and you decided would be the best choice financially and it would make things infinitely more convenient than going out every year to try and fit a large tree into a car. As you pulled away from the tree, arms wrapped around your torso and the red headed man rested his chin upon your shoulder, humming in content at the hard work you two poured into turning the once plain tree into a true Christmas living room centre piece.
“It’s just perfect, you did so well,” Kakyoin praised, turning his face a little to press a kiss upon your cheek to further his compliment. You then turned your own head turned to the side to kiss Kakyoin fully, tired fingers stroking over his pale cheek that was accustomed to your gentle affections and welcoming touch.
“Hush you, you did as much as me! I would still be working on this thing if I didn’t have my wonderful husband to help me.” You exalterd, removeing your hand from him by dragging your fingertips from his cheek down to his jaw, moving your body away from his so that you could place your hands on your hips in a determined manner. You then added, “we’re not done yet, though!”
“What do you mean?” Kakyoin tilted his head to the side, looking the tree up and down to attempt to understand. Baubles? Check. Tinsel? Check. Lights? Check. There wasn’t a single free space for anything more on the tree so he was struggling to see what else you could want really.
“Kakyoin don’t you see?” You jokingly scolded, pointing upwards, “we haven’t added the star yet!”
The ex-Crusader made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, almost slapping a hand over his face over his mistake. The star! How could he forget? It was only the most satisfying thing to add to the tree, especially when you both spent hours a couple of years ago choosing the perfect one. You both had almost settled on angel instead because choosing a star was strangely difficult, though you both realised that a winged person would take even longer to pick.
“Of course! Sorry about that,” he chuckled, albeit a little nervously due to his mistake, “let me put it up then.” With that, he swooped down to pick you up into his arms, arms around the back of your knees and the side of his face resting against your stomach until he look up to see your face with a mixed expression of shock and confusion.
“Honey, what are you doing?” You gasped, momentarily worried that you would fall back against the tree until you realised that Kakyoin was both too strong and reliable for that. Still, you were perplexed as to why he had picked you up.
“Well, you are my star, so it’s fitting if we put you up there.”
Kakyoin gave you the sweetest look, eyes soft with love while you stared back with wide eyes and heart skipping a beat. “Noriaki... You’re so lame.~”
Your husband then gasped at that, letting you down and mocking a look of hurt. “How could you? After I gave you all my love in one sentence!” His uncharacteristic offence over your words made you giggle and led you to give him a sweet kiss, which quickly made up for your insult.
“Come on you big cherry baby, we got a star to put up.”
“‘Big cherry baby’ ? Really?”
“You know it!”
Josuke Higashikata
It was your duty to decorate the school’s christmas tree this year, and luckily for you it wasn’t all that large either so a one man job was not impossible or too straining. You had even finished most of the tree by now, carefully plotting where to place the baubles so they were evenly spaced and wrapping around lights to make the whole thing stand out was much easier than one would have thought. The emotional reward was amazing too, knowing that you had taken up a job everyone else complained about it and refused was pretty gratifying.
Taking a step back from the tree, you admired your handy work. None of the lights were turned on but even so the tree looked immaculate! You had even hand made a couple of decorations with the help of Koichi and Rohan before hand to add to your own trees at home, so you used the spares to add a fresh look on the school’s old, reusable tree that apparently always looked the same according to the older years. Honestly if you weren’t commended publicly in the next school assembly, you would have to complain. Well, you wouldn’t because that would be pompous and bit too much effort, but you knew you deserved at least some praise from the staff who should really be the ones doing all the work.
Still, there was something off about the tree, as though you had forgotten something...
Ah, the star!
How could you forget the most important and noticeable thing of all? You knocked your knuckles onto the top of your head for being so mindless before moving over to a couple of boxes, rummaging through a few until you found the gold painted star, the sides perfectly coated with silver glitter to make the whole thing pop. “There we go, now if I’m not mistaken you belong up there, Mr Star,” you giggle, mumbling to yourself in the most dorkiest way that you were glad no one was in the immediate vicinity to overhear you.
The tree may not have been colossal however it wasn’t easy to reach the top, so a teacher had given you a stool to stand upon when need be, not that you trusted it to support you whole heartedly. Stepping onto the stool, you balanced on your tiptoes to help you lean up and place the star on the top of the tree, something that was proving to be more difficult than you had expected. “Just a little further,” you urged yourself on, trying your best to reach.
You really should have expected that things were going too perfectly as a sudden crack was heard, and if you had to guess, it was from the leg of the stool.
Sucking in a harsh breath, you felt the weight of both you and the stool give out, sending you falling backwards with the star hugged close to your chest to keep it from breaking. Your priorities really weren’t in order.
As all good stories go, the pain of your back hitting the floor had never came and instead you felt firm yet comfortable arms wrap around your body. Your eyes were squeezed shut from fear of the impact, your lids remaining closed even when your were caught as a part of you assumed you just hadn’t hit the ground yet, even though the fall wasn’t nearly as long as you made it out to be in your head. You only finally opened your eyes when you heard a warm, friendly voice say, “hey, you know I caught you right? You can open your eyes!”
You peaked from under your eye lids to see the familiar face of Josuke, a wide grin on his face like he was proud that he had caught you just in the nick of time, and his whole face was lit up like a Christmas tree. Speaking of actually.
“Ah, thank you so much Josuke!” You hugged him as best as you could while being held in a bridal style and holding onto the star, pressing your cheek against his to which his own turned pink slightly, a laugh escaping him. It really was a good thing he had caught you or else who knows what could have happened? If the star broke the school staff would sure be against you.
“It’s no problem, I’m glad I came to see how you were doing now! Guess you could say I’m your knight in shining armour,” Josuke teased, making you laugh along with him. It was clear that no matter what, he really had a gift for making you ten times happier than before. “I guess I can,” you responded, looking over to the now broken and fallen stool, trailing your eyes up to the top of the tree and groaning. “That’s just great, there’s no way I can put the star up now!”
Your distressed tone made Josuke frown a little. He didn’t really see why it would be such a big deal, especially when it was the staff’s fault for giving you a stool with rotting wood legs and it wasn’t like it should be your job to decorate the tree. Lazy bastards.
Then, he had an idea. He placed you down onto the floor to which you thanked him for until you yelped out in surprise. With a mischievous sounding chuckle, Josuke’s hands grabbed your hips from behind and he squatted down. You turned your head to give him a questioning look and only got a wink in return, your body suddenly being hoisted up up so that you were sitting on Josuke’s shoulders, a leg on either side of his head. “J-Josuke! What are you doing?!”
“Huh? Isn’t it obvious [F/N]? I’m helping you put the star up on the tree,” he replied, his words coming out much smoother than they usually did, almost as though he was flirting with you. You flustered a little at the thought though you were unsure why, he was just helping you out! It wasn’t like he was insinuating anything or even praising you after all.
Once again, you meekly thanked him and gripped the base of the star, slotting the hole underneath it onto the top spike of the pine tree with caution, praying that nothing broke or that you made him uncomfortable by having to lean forwards. “There! The job is done and I don’t have to spend a second longer on this tree,” you proudly declared, expecting some sort of congratulations from the highschooler beneath you. After a long pause, you spoke again, “uh, you can put me down now Josuke.”
“Hm? Oh sorry, I thought we weren’t done yet, since y’know, you’re the star here.” He said, his flirty tone returning with a hint of comedy in it, probably because he couldn’t even take himself seriously in the currenr situation.
You almost choked at his words, heat rushing to your cheeks and you whacked the pompadour that blocked your ability to see his face. “Josuke, that was so cheesy! Just put me down already and help me clean up!”
“Ok, ok, whatever you say lil’ star,” he teased, crouching down to let you jump off his shoulders and giving you a side hug afterwards. “You have to admit though, that was pretty smooth.”
Rolling your eyes, you nudged him with a smile before pushing him away towards the pile of empty boxes that once hosted the large amount of decorations you used, “yeah sure, whatever you say Casanova, let’s just get to work.”
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Child of Fate (Parts 1 and 2)
Also on AO3!
Chosen by the Fates for his many monumental futures, Izuku is gifted a 'quirk' at the age of 5. The ability to see and influence the strings of fate.
He will become a Hero.
But fate does not smile upon a hero any more than it smiles upon a worm.
basically, the 3 fates from norse myths are still kicking
w all the crazy shit that's gone on since the rise of quirks, fates are constantly getting harder and harder to predict or manipulate so they are kinda out of a job
so they say "fuck it, lets throw our hat in the ring" and decide to pick a "champion" of sorts
out of everyone, there is one child that sticks out a lot. he's plain-looking, but every future he's in is incredible. he's not always a good person, but he always brings about change of some sort, for reasons he believes are good ones
and they look at this child with his shining fate and think "this one"
bc the fates know what it's like to be jerked around by the universe, they ask him
"this is a deal we've done before, but we'll give more to you. trade us an eye and our powers will be yours to wield as your quirk, all we ask is that you live up to your fate"
they do the deal, the 4-year-old izuku gives up the sight of one of his eyes for the power of the fates
the quirk is registered as "all the odds" aka: he can see the odds of a certain thing happening
but that's not his quirk. he can see the strings of fate, follow them to see the different future outcomes, or pull at them, making some options more likely than others
the only person he tells the full details of his quirk to is Katsuki, bc the fates tell him he literally always tells Katsuki in the end, and it'll "save a lot of trouble", not that he knows that 
Katsuki is very excited to know he becomes a top hero, but he makes Izuku promise that he won't change his future bc he wants to make it there alone
also, the major downside of izukus quirk? he can't see his own fate
and the futures he sees are only as complete as the information he has
ie, he could witness kamino ward, but the future wouldn't show afo or mini might beyond a vague blob
anyway izuku gets teased for his lame quirk for a bit, then stops bc everyone who teases him gets weirdly bad luck
its the fates, they love their baby champion and he said no killing people
but people who are good to him get good luck, so he's got the nickname cat, for black cat and lucky cat!
anyway, episode one kinda happens normalishhh, but he doesn't ask if he can be a hero, because he's going to be a hero, he doesn't care what anyone says, he will be
but when he sees all mights strings of fact he gets a really weird look at them, because something unnatural is holding one of them above the others. so he asks "who tried to seal your fate?" bc he has no brain to mouth filter
and all might, understandably, is confused by this tiny boy asking him a very very weird question
he doesn't even get a chance to go tiny before izuku does dead pale, and whispers "shit" allmight poofs tiny, izuku looks at him, yells "I WONT SAY ANYTHING" and running jumps off the roof. all might coughs up a lung but the kid was 'lucky' and stuck the landing
basically, w the appearance of the sludge villain, the weird fate he saw for katsuki that morning suddenly made a whole lot more sense
the fates guide him to katsuki as fast as they can, he arrives there just before allmight
anyway izuku is calling out for katsuki and lays eyes on someone in the sludge, he doesnt see who it is, he doesnt see their fate. he sees that flash of a hand reaching out for help and he's already leapt over the barrier
he grabs a bit of rubble from the ground and throws it at the villain's eyes, nails him right in the fucking eye, gets katsuki half out. but the villain is baring down again and its all izuku can do to try to keep katsuki's mouth free
allmight saves them
anyway, when izuku is walking home all might pops out of fucking nowhere and gives izuku a heart attack
does the: you are so stupidly heroic, do you want to be a hero?, izuku says: i sure fucking do
“whats ur quirk”
"oh funny that its,,, its a little weird."
"i can,,,, see and influence the strings of fate"
"wait yoU JUST THoUghT I wAs CRAZY?"
",,,,, people say weird things around me ok"
anyway all might basically says "ur crazy, your quirk is cool, take one for all."
and izuku says "OK YEAH"
all might asks a little how izuku was going to get into the hero course and he just pauses
"you know i was wondering about that but the fates told me id be fine." they both pause, staring at each other "wait,,, did they,,," "the fates totally knew huh"
anyway he eye glow when he use the fates quirk
all might sees izuku and he's like,,,, its baby nighteye
he honestly, for a hot minute, thinks nighteye might be izukus dad
bc like; green hair, gold eyes (well, eye), smart, analytic? thats nighteye baby
all might asks lowkey like "oh you don't talk much ab ur dad huh?" and izuku explains he doesn't know the guy. all might mentally tells off nighteye for having a child and ditching the mother
todoroki’s question literally is "are you all might and nighteye's illegitimate love child"
and izuku, who has no filter, blinks and responds with
"who said i was illegitimate"
anyway, back to the training
izuku who has been training to be a hero forever is pretty damn fit for a kid, but hes not one for all fit
anyway katsuki is like "izuku why are u following an old man around is he a pedo, and izuku wheezes like "NO OH MY GOD KASTUKI NO" and he explains like,,, a little of it
"like so i might have a strength quirk now too"
"izuku what the fuck why are you so op"
"im sorry katsuki im just better than you l m a o"
so a brief overview of his quirk:
he gave an eye to use it so one of his eyes is just like,,, white. the whole thing is white. bc,,, its not really a quirk lmao,,,
anyway: he can view the future as much as he wants, it just takes some time, if he wants to take a quick look he doesn't need to stop paying attention, but its two slow and branching to be used like nighteye's in a fight (think like doctor strange in infinity war)
unlike nighteye, he has a third-person view of the events in question, and has,, some sounds? not many. mostly like breaking shit or oneliners he's heard before
changing the future, however, is more difficult by a long way
viewing the future has no real cost other than the fact he's not paying total attention at the time
changing the future, however, causes pain
nerve pain proportional to the change. little things, like flipping a coin heads? to make it more likely, its like a prick of the finger. to make it a 100% chance its like badly stubbing your toe. to change something big, like to move where a blow hits, feels like your arms have been plunged into burning oil. to change something massive, like, to stop something that was almost certain to happen, can cause enough pain to not only render him unconscious but can cause nerve damage leaving him with chronic pain/numbness/lack of function
the pain is normally in his arms bc its izuku and he break he arm
anyway! bc he was fitter and caught a glimpse of gran yelling at him about something called full cowl in the future + he cleaned the beach faster, he has like 2% full cowl for the entrance exam and had the quirk 2 months beforehand
katsuki avoids izuku for the day literally bc he doesn't want izuku to know if he passed before he did. which,,, is fair. he does explain this too so there isn't any random angst, izuku is just nervous
(oh also he can see the fate of someone he's looking at, he can change the fate of an event he's already seen to a different option he's already seen)
so we get the ochako bit, plus a bit of comedy bc katsuki is in a fucking beanie and sunglasses so izuku doesnt recognise him
he totally does but he doesn't say anything bc he's trying real hard
so izuku is kicking some ass in the exam and the bAMN 0 pointer like a fucking b a s t a r d hes like "what's the chances of this thing just like,,, breaking" and unfortunately they are v e r y low
so he is like "well i guess it's punchy time"
but before he gets there he sees a piece of rubble about to hit ochako. and he sees there isn't a small chance of it crushing her leg, so he changes the odds of that and gets a lovely few seconds of burning pain for his trouble
(he’s,,, pretty used to it by now so the boy has a scary pain tolerance)
bc he doesn't want to break his poor arms he jumps up the sides of the robot and tears out some wiring in the back and they start to fall
and he's like "oh shit the chance of my getting hurt is pretty high huh i should change that too" and ochako saves him with her quirk
and then he has a bit of a horrifying realisation while he's trying not to cry from pain
his quirk never changed the actions of other people before. ofa made it stronger
but, as he is now understanding, that hurts like a motherfucker, and his not-eye burns too and boy that's really unpleasant
this is another au where shinsou gets in on rescue points from saving katsukis ass + using him to save someone else
katsuki is a little salty but hes like "yeah tbh i really wouldn't have saved them alone, its fine" and then forces him to meet izuku bc hes still a total quirk nerd
izuku drags them + ochako out for ramen bc hes celebrating. shinsou is like "its a little early to celebrate getting in" and izuku just turns looking a lil confused "no im celebrating surviving the exam"
ok so, first day its wild
izuku's quirk is listed as "lucky punch" aka he can see odds and he's strong and no he doesn't know why stop looking at him like that
izuku and katsuki walked to school together bc they are baby and secretly nervous
izuku doesnt really look at katsuki's future all that often bc he doesn't like it, no real deal w izukus quirk he just wants to be successful by himself. so izuku, who can't look into his own future, has no idea how this day is going to go
they rock up to class, get inside and aizawa shows up, izuku has a brief heart attack, the quirk assessment starts. this time aizawa doesnt even have like a problem w izuku he's just trying to prove a point ab them being little baby heroes and sucking ass and izuku looked nice enough not to be mad about it for the rest of the year
so aizawa erases his quirk which, fair and izuku is confused and trying to use it
both of them
erasure didn't touch the fate quirk
so when he turns to look at aizawa he gets a face full of the USJ incident and he goes dead pale. aizawa is a touch confused but continues his whole thing, gives izuku his quirk back. he's still shaking. he throws the ball, it goes,,, less than it could have but far enough to be impressive
izuku stands next to katsuki shaking while they wait for the test to end. shinsou and uraraka are kinda distressed and all 3 of them are angry at aizawa even if they have no idea why. izuku bolts from the field right after and throws up in the bathrooms, followed by a quick panic attack. he was so freaked he was using ofa to get there so now uraraka, katsuki and shinsou are trying to find the boy
and aizawa is faintly confused
shinsou finds him first, shaking and sick in the bathroom. he grabs shinsou by the arm and says "staffroom, now." shinsou, who really doesn't know what's going on but is 100% shook, takes him there. he basically has to half carry izuku there bc he can't support himself
they get there and izuku knocks saying "i need to speak to yagi-san, now." and he sounds so scared and the whole office jumps bc why does a kid know allmights name, and all might jumps bc what happened to his boy
so he rushes out, grabs izuku and hurries him into a private office aizawa gives shinsou a look and shinsou just glares at him lmao bc its his fault izuku is like this. even though,, he's not really sure how
anyway, through sobs, izuku explains what he saw
and all might feels sick bc his boy didn't need to see all of that horrific violence, see his teachers torn to shreds and crushed to bits while the other students watch on helplessly
nezu doesn't know the extent of izukus quirk, mostly just because they didn't think ab telling him. they tell him now
aizawa is brought in to see smallmight trying to comfort his poor shaking student, who looks up and him and flinches and aizawa is like "ok guys the fuck did i do" nezu explains and then aizawa feels like a right dick to be honest, not that it was really anyone's fault
then the horrifying implications of "villains inside UA" sinks in and he's suddenly very on edge. now, izukus quirk isn't 100%. he had such a brief look at the vision he doesn't even know how likely it is. and while he offers to take a better look, its clear he really, really doesn't want to, so they all basically say
"right. so. we should probably be pretty careful tomorrow, huh?"
so when the usj attack starts, they have all might with his full 3 hours, mic, aizawa, and 13, w other heroes on standby, they hope, hope, that this wasn't very likely
they were wrong.
they were basically praying that the villains wouldn't make it into the usj
they've already altered the fate izuku saw by bringing allmight from the start, and present mic
but its not enough
the villains arrive and shigiraki is angry from the beginning, two unlisted teachers are waiting for them. shigiraki is childish but he's not stupid. he looks at the only child truly rattled, already protecting his friends, and he thinks he's found the cheater
they may not know the children's quirks, but present mic? 13? they know those quirks very well. mic is warped to the ruin zone, too unstable to freely use his quirk. kurogiri sends bakugo, kirishima and jirou after him
All Might is warped right to the nomu, kurogiri and shigiraki on standby for support. 13 has been taken out, aizawa is fighting through the villains to get to the nomu, to maybe offer some support to all might. he doesn't go after mic. he has to believe mic can handle himself or he'll break down where he stands.
izuku is warped to the shipwreck zone. alone. from a quick look at the future, the fates for anyone warped with him were grizly. he is confident in his choice to stop anyone from warping with him. he's ignoring the steadily climbing number of futures where he alone meets a terrible end
he's missing so much information on the villains every future he sees is hazy at best. all he knows is that if he doesn't get off this boat, aizawa gets hurt and that's not something he can abide
he busts the fuel tanks, letting the flammable liquid float across the water. he drops a match. in the chaos, he uses as much of ofa as he dares to jump to the shore. he steadfastly ignores the smell of burning meat.
he is one the opposite shoreline to canon, approaching the fight from the side, rather than the front. aizawa is hurt, battered from various villains, bleeding sluggishly from a headwound. he looks dazed
4 of shigiraki's fingers are wrapped around his neck
all might is at a standstill. if he strikes against the nomu, shigiraki will put his thumb down. he stands there and takes blow after blow, smile long gone from his face
izuku looks at the strings of Aizawa's fate. so many end here in so many ways.
he pushes his quirk into getting shigiraki away from his teacher. without direction, he's just baring against his quirk, begging it to give him a chance.
it does.
the bright flash of an explosive blonde draws the eyes of kurogiri and shigiraki. he uses the moment of distraction to launch towards his teacher, yanking him from shigiraki's hand. he loses a large chunk of skin for his trouble
all might defeats the nomu, but hes not looking good
bakugo, a limping mic, dazed aizawa, battered all might and bleeding izuku are the last stand, all praying the other students are ok.
iida did not escape
they have no backup coming.
shigiraki is fuming, but kurogiri can see the heroes are flagging. izuku is putting his all into his quirk, trying to give them all a lucky break
for the second time, it comes through
the rest of the students run towards them, joining them shoulder to shoulder. all of them are scared, some are hurt, but none of them are going to lay down and let shigiraki win. the villains escape
izuku falls
aizawa has a concussion + post-concussion syndrome. he has chronic migraines for the next year, and trouble with his long term memory for a few months
izuku is suffering from massive quirk overuse, his hands don't feel 'right' again for weeks
all might has lost only 20 minutes, but it's time he'd rather have
mic broke an ankle, but it's quickly fixed. Still, it aches from time to time
the other students had mild cuts/bruises and were left shaken
aizawa cries that night. a mix of the head injury, his hurt students, the look of fear he saw in their eyes. he holds mic and he sobs
izuku and his mother had a real relationship breakdown when she tore down his dream, even when izuku got a 'quirk' it never recovered. they don't talk. he doesn't tell her what happened. she doesn't find out.
izuku wanders the city the next day, unwilling to explain why he had no school today. he runs into mic who takes one look at this shaken student, outside and unprotected, and basically kidnaps the guy
izuku is forcibly dragged to the place mic/shinsou/aizawa share
when shinsou and aizawa find out izuku's mother basically just sent him off to school, not taking a day off work? they go full protective mode. shinsou wraps him up in the biggest blanket they own, grabs his own and forces izuku to play videogames with him on the couch. aizawa fumes in the kitchen over a cup of hot chocolate, mic fumes with him honestly
so, izukus kinda a mess, never tells his mother anything, etc, aizawa kidnapped him and he and shinsou played video games. izuku didn't go home that night, he just hopped on a train and rode it until it was time to go to UA
so when they get back everyone is just glad so see izuku alive tbh
so, sports festival! its a lot like canon
izuku doesn't use his fate quirk to change the future, but he does look at the possible futures and he sees that iida never makes it to the podium. he thinks for a second and makes a horrible realisation
the hero killer is in hosu
iida's brother is in hosu
iida’s brother is a hero
just before the event starts he finds aizawa and he's pale already
he gets out 'i need to see allmight' and aizawa gets a horrible feeling because last time this kid was worried they all almost died, so they run to find all might. seeing aizawa run around with a concerned look on his face? the stuff of nightmares at UA. everyone practically dives out of their way
izuku tells all might who swears a blue streak and pulls some strings to get extra heroes in hosu. izuku doesn't breathe a word to iida, because he just can't. not only does iida not know about the fate quirk, he can't scare him like that
bakugo knows something is wrong, but izuku won't breathe a word so he lets it lie
anyway, todoroki does his lil speech and izuku is honestly too burnt out to be intimidated, he sees his own death daily during just casual use of his quirk. boi ain't scared of much. bakugo gets pissy bc "FUCK YOU HALF AND HALF THAT'S MY RIVAL" and basically all of 1A is trying to claim izuku as their rival, either out of admiration or the desire to annoy bakugo
so izuku has to give the speech. which he's not happy ab because p e o p l e
and also because well,,, he's got no one at home to watch him
his speech basically goes along the lines of "we are here to fight fate. the odds are against us but we will win no matter what. not because it's easy, but because we have to. no matter what course we are in, we are all at this school fighting for a better future, for ourselves, our loved ones and the world. it doesn't matter if the odds aren't in your favour - the chance of any of us being here to see this moment is so small it may as well be impossible. its nothing to beat those odds again."
and everyone is like "owo how inspirational" but like anyone who knows him sees,,, layers
aizawa sees the bitterness about the USJ
all might sees izuku reducing his fight to be a hero as a quirk of fate, reducing his own involvement to 'it could have happened to anyone' when thats not true, because he is special
katsuki sees the bitterness that even though he had a good quirk, people tried to grind him into dust because he couldn't talk about it.
if inko was watching, she'd see how badly she betrayed her son
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casworan · 6 years
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❝ pride was fed to him from a silver spoon and now that he’s grown up, he’s grabbed the spoon and fed his ego some more. ❞ THOMAS HAYES? No, that’s actually CASWORAN ROWLE. Only EIGHTEEN years old, this SLYTHERIN alumni works as a PHILANTHROPIST and is sided with THE DEATH EATERS. HE identifies as A CIS MAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be SNOBBISH, ENTITLED, and CRUEL but also DISCIPLINED, METICULOUS and CHARISMATIC. 
LINKS: stats, pinboard, playlist. CHARACTER PARALLELS: schmidt (new girl), henry winter (the secret history), alistair ryle (the riot club), chad radwell (scream queens), chad charming (descendants) --- (how are two of these named chad wtf) HELLO uh just a heads up that i donut condone any of the behaviour this shithole throws into the world. yikes! also there’s some triggers in here for abuse and terminal illness, but they will be marked <3 
let’s get one thing straight --- emrick rowle and hemera rosier did not love each other when they married each other and they knew about it. they both agreed that their marriage was a good choice, a smart move, that it would benefit both and --- well, they both had ambition streaming through their veins, so the choice was made easily. they married, for political reasons, for money, but absolutely not for love. 
casworan was born a year into their marriage and was the perfect son. he wasn’t given a welsh name like so many rowles before him had, but a cornish one, celebrating hemera’s mother’s cornish ancestry. 
casworan means one who is powerful in battle, which emrick liked. he wanted a soldier, a pawn, a piece in his great chess match that was the world.
cas is a cousin to genie, wes and lo, and also to seren on his mother’s side.
and casworan’s parents might not love each other, they did love him. his mother’s love was doting and smothering, but genuine and unconditional.  his father’s was conditional, and based on expectations and constantly changing from hot to cold. emrick raised casworan to the perfect heir, the perfect son, the perfect pawn.
emrick rowle is a strategist, but also a coward. he uses his money and influence to pull strings behind the scenes, but is never the one to publicly call the shots. casworan is his son, but he’s also ... another piece in the game. he’s the person who’ll pick up where he left off, and emrick won’t leave everything to someone he does not trust and respect.
hemera is evan rosier’s daughter, by the way, and by no means a sweetheart, but a better parent. compared to emrick, the standard is quite low but still --- she is a better parent, and casworan is a complete momma’s boy. 
so casworan grows up --- spoiled dirty and loved by both parents. he learns languages (french and kernowek from his mother, latin and english grammar and such from a tutor), learns to play the violin, learns about his family’s history and legacy and how it intertwines with the rest of the history of the wizarding world, learns about blood purity and how one day he and his parents will rise above all the unworthy members of their society. he takes it all up and questions nothing, both because he has no reason to, and because his parents are convincing.
abuse tw (verbal and physical) // that’s not to say life was perfect. there was always a certain coldness at home. the lack of love between cas’ parents was clear to him from a young age, and it’s quite a strange thing, when your parents don’t seem to love each other but dont have any issue with it. there was no room for failure at home, no room for toeing the line. his father’s words could go from praising and prideful to harsh and cruel in seconds, his hands hard and unforgiving. casworan learned to keep his back straight and work harder and to swallow whatever anger he felt. he listened to every word that came from his father’s lips and took them in as truth and never questioned the way things were. end of tw
casworan went to hogwarts at age eleven ( he’d seen the castle before, of course --- he’d visited hogsmeade plenty of times before with his mother ) and was sorted into slytherin there. it was an easy sorting --- there were not many non-slytherin qualities the hat saw, besides maybe a sense of loyalty and a hunger for learning but cas’ cunning, shrewdness and ambition outweighed everything. 
hogwarts came easy to casworan. he was a good learner and knew plenty of people from his life before school -- people who ran in the same circles. to branch out wasn’t something he felt he needed to do, with a few exception here or there ( for either particularly skilled people or other purebloods he didn’t know yet ). casworan likes learning, values his education and was, well, a nerd. a hardworking student. was in a few clubs too, i’m sure --- i will get back on that when i have it figured out for plotting purposes! 
terminal illness tw // in casworan’s third year, his mother fell ill. it was a genetic disease, an incurable one, one that soon left her weakened and bedbound and tired. his father’s response wasn’t to stick to her side --- they didn’t love each other after all, and in all honesty, hemera didn’t want him on her side either --- but to flee in stead. his involvement in shady dealings grew and he retreated to the city more and more for work. casworan ... well, didn’t respond very well. 
abuse tw // he raged. he cried and raged and kicked against his father’s shins and demanded that he solved this because, well, the world had always given casworan exactly what he wanted, and when he got something he absolutely did not want, the one person he could blame was his father. he acted like a child because he was one, and his mother was going to die, and his father broke the news in such a cold way that he couldn’t help but rage. his tantrum was met with cold eyes and the same cruelty cas had felt before.
this was when a seed of hate for his father started to grow, something he’d never even dared to feel before. it’s still growing to this day. end of abuse tw //
a family friend moved in to help his mother, and they got a second house elf and life changed, thigns shifted. casworan learned what it was to feel out of control and well, he didn’t like it one bit. he’s entitled and spoiled and used to getting everything he wants and this situation is something he has absolutely no say in and it drives him mad. rather than give him some perspective, it just makes him act more entitled and controlling in the rest of his life. end of terminal illness tw //
so cas makes his way through hogwarts, acting like an entitled twat, hanging with his lads, having a laff here and there and earning a whole lot of NEWTs. he had no qualms sharing his world views or sharing his entitled nature, here and there showing a more violent and cruel streak. casworan is a bully, an elitist prick, someone who looks down on most people. 
when the war breaks out, well --- he’s quick to sign up. he believes in the cause, of course, and there’s no other option, really. he’s been prepped for this life. this is what he was made to do. he doesn’t even consider not joining. and so he joins and feels pride and power and a thirst to proof everyone around him that he’s the motherfucking shit. what an IDIOT.
besides his death eater life, cas is mostly focused on maintaining his image. like his father, he works hard on things like charity and philanthropy, so his name appears in the newspaper linked with good news almost exclusively. he’s picky, of course, about the causes he works for ----- things related to education, he genuinely works for, but there’s also some questionable things he donates to.
and then besides that, cas is mostly focused on enjoying life. getting drunk or high out of his mind, fucking shit up with the lads, having a good old time because guess what? the world is his to own and ruin, and he won’t stop at nothing. he’s entitled and obnoxious, but he always pays and tips well and sees absolutely no issues with his behaviour. he can’t wait for the world to become even more his as the war progresses. 
personality & tidbits
...... an asshole.
no literally he’s such an asshole. he’s so fucking used to the world catering to his ugly needs and getting everything he wants and he’s so entitled and such an ASSHOLE.
someone please punch him
anyway --- he likes Extra things. velvet and silk and rich fabrics and leather shoes and accessories with snake themes and polo shirts and ... he dresses like a frat boy, but then mixed with wizarding fashion
pretentious and snobbish to a fault. wants nothing but the best and is used to the best. would often complain about the house elves and their quality of food at hogwarts, because his house elves were much better cooks, they had been trained in france after all!!!
kind of hates his name and prefers to go by cas at all times, and i dont blame him
has daddy and mommy issues lmao !!! 
capitalist right wing scum, tbh. would have voted trump and brexit and all that shit if he was a real person. I HATE HIM SO MUUUUUCHHHHHHH.
“if youre poor, thats your own fault!”
he is literally the worst person
i hate-write this character its a load of fun
he loves his hair lmao
plays the violin and generally likes classical music? a snob, i told yall. also likes other music, let me figure it out pls thanks
okay let’s talk about some of his better sides because so far all ive done is drag this kid and thats reasonable, but ... he’s got some good things, i guess. 
he’s a good friend. like, if you’re his mate, you’re his mate for life (or until you turn your back, which is when he will feel hurt and will hurt u back yike!). he’ll be there for u Big Time. not good at emotional support, but good at sitting with a glass of wine/whiskey and talking/listening. will finance u if u need it (he doesnt like poor ppl but makes an exception for friends i guess?). will punch someone for u.
he ... does really value education? he would just like to see hogwarts change around bc there’s so much unnecessary shit (read: muggleborn students and subjects like muggle studies and divination). but yeah, he rly thinks that learning is important and that u have to ~broaden your mind ( but not too much ofc )
he is pretty family oriented, and rn he’s of course 18 so that’s not a big thing, but he’d be a ... proper dad? i think? he rly wants a big fam eventually
still a dick
good dueller and generally a pretty skilled wizard which is a bummer :/
loves partying and getting drunk out of his mind and then breaking stuff that isnt his, very riot club like
idk what else to say but HE IS AN ASSHOLE. 
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nozukes · 5 years
i could recount so many tiny moments we had. that dont mean anything to you. i doubt you remember it all, but i do. like it was captured in slow motion in my head. i remember everything and it haunts me constantly. i can see your house from mine and its horribly inconvenient because everything reminds me of you and whenever i dont have something to think about im hit with moment after moment. you were trying to convince me to wave at strangers with you while we were walking down the river, and it was so windy. you had spent at least 5 minutes just trying to parallel park. that was the day you were playing chopin and i felt like crying in the empty auditorium. and you looked at my sketchbook and put your arm around me because i was cold. we were listening to lua in the car on the way back and you put your arm around me again, this time because i was crying, and i was telling you all the horrible things i felt. like how i didnt think i would live past 5 more years because i was going to kill myself. everything i have left of you plays like little movie fragments in my head. you always told me i was like some sort of amazing movie character. the same night as the driveway laying and the art shows we were walking through the neighborhood and we saw cats, and i said the internet told me that the best way to make cats come over to you was to ignore them. and we were sitting in front of this persons house trying to get their cat to come over, and i was laughing at how strange it would be if they walked outside and saw us sitting there very seriously. i remember i somehow mentioned homestuck at some point -- that night is the best night of my life because our conversation was so easy and moved so quick we could barely keep up, we would go on tangent after tangent and have to go back to try to tie up the loose ends from each one ten minutes later, only to branch off again -- i told you there was no way i was gonna explain homestuck to you, but you said oh, please?, and how could i possibly resist? when we were in the camera and hobby shop in orlando, and the guy at the counter asked if i was a photographer too. i said no. he asked if i was a model. i said no, and at the same time you said yes. you kept offering to carry me so i wouldnt get my shoes wet that day and i ended up wearing your coat. and we went out to lunch and i felt so pleased knowing i was wearing your coat and we were walking around together and eating food together and everyone who saw us thought we were on a date. the day i was really sick, but we were supposed to hang out, so you came over and i gave you a little guided tour of breath of the wild. and even making a fool out of myself screaming at the top of my lungs to pump fake by snowing when we were driving to american football. i had asked you to go to that show with me months in advance, because i figured i had to do something to secure our friendship for the future before you could slowly forget about me after you started sitting with me in the mornings, after we were in a group together for the europe field trip. and there are a thousand other things i remember. and anyone who knows either of us probably knows everything if they read this. but i guess i dont care anymore. i hate when you come up in conversation, i have to pretend we have always been and still are just casual friends.
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magmasliveblogs · 5 years
i have not been captured by goblins! nor have i been turned into steak! this is the 5th chapter! 
recap: last chapter our protag, erin, returned to the inn and fought off some goblins. she also found a stream. now, onward! 
Her legs hurt. As she stepped outside Erin felt at the back of her legs and winced.
“Right. Knife cuts.”
She should wash that. If she had water. But since she didn’t and the wounds were already scabbed over, Erin left it and started walking.
i skipped over that section during the last post, but yeah erin was cut on her legs 
If there were, they didn’t seem interested in her at the moment. Erin found the strange, spindly trees easily and picked an armful of blue fruits. She sat and ate fourteen. It wasn’t that she was hungry so much as really thirsty. She sucked as much of the blue juice out of the fruits before gathering as many as she could carry and walked back to the inn. The seed cores she left where they lay.
…Actually, now that she thought of it…
Erin doubled back and grabbed two seed cores and placed them carefully on top of her stack of blue fruits.
always be ready for the those crabs. always be ready! 
“Firewood. If I could cut the wood away, that is.”
She thought of the incredibly stiff branches.
“…Nope. But wait a second. What about fallen branches? Or—”
She turned around and started walking back. But when she got there she found neither helpful twigs nor larger branches anywhere in the orchard.
Frustrated, Erin kicked a tree and dodged another falling blue fruit. She added it to her armful and walked back to the inn.
The room was still a mess from last night’s fight. Erin sat the fruits down on one table and started righting chairs and tables.
“Stupid Goblins.”
yes it is probably a good idea to clean up, though when will we get visitors? 
“But I won.”
“They’re not that dangerous.”
“Unless they stab me in my sleep. Or there are lots of them.”
“But I’m probably safe if I keep the windows and doors closed.”
“And there’s the rock-crab-thing.”
“…Does it eat Goblins?”
“They were eating the blue fruits. So they live nearby.”
“But I can run away from them.”
“…Until they chase me down and overwhelm me and eat my guts, that is.”
dont talk to yourself too much, or you could go insane 
Erin stopped and put her face in her hands. She immediately regretted that decision.
“Pheh! Dusty.”
She sighed and grabbed the rag. Time to clean up some…more?
“Uh. What happened to the dust?”
The floor of the inn was made out of floorboards. Very sensibly, and in keeping with the rest of the inn which was also made out of wood. However, Erin had never seen the floor before. Up till this very moment it had been covered by a thick layer of dust.
Now though she was staring at the floor. A clean, undusted floor. Erin stared and then stared some more. Then she looked at her hands.
“Was that me?”
It must have been, but how had she done it? Of the numerous and varied—of the few skills Erin possessed, cleaning was not one of them.
Oh, sure she could clean up spills and small messes. Anything that involved tossing water and mopping stuff up was okay. But this?
“I wasn’t even dusting for more than—an hour? Two? And it’s all clean.”
Erin scuffed at the floor and amended that thought.
“Sort of clean. You couldn’t eat your dinner off it I guess. But that’s why we have plates.”
And it was a definite upgrade from before. Distractedly Erin scratched her head and felt the caked dirt and dust on her face start to crumble away.
“The floor is clean. I am not.”
first of all, this seems like the skills from earlier took effect. also yeah, erin could use a bath 
“Right. I need a drink.”
Water, preferably. But Erin would have killed for a nice cool drink of anything, really. Too bad there wasn’t any water nearby.
“Time to find some. Or I’ll die. Whichever comes first.”
Erin wandered out of the inn. After a minute she walked back in, grabbed the knife, and closed the door behind her as she left. After another minute she walked back in and threw the dustrag on the ground. She slammed the door as she left this time.
this is quite amusing to picture 
“Water. Water is water. Because water. Where’s the water?”
Erin walked for a few minutes in one direction and saw no water. So she turned left and started walking that way.
“I could drink a Gatorade. Or a Pepsi. I like Coke too, though. What about Pepsi and Coke and Gatorade? Gatorpepcoke? Pegatoroke?”
It occurred to her that she wasn’t making much sense. Even for her, that was. Erin looked around for the water and felt her head spinning. Her head was really starting to hurt.
Her foot slipped. Or maybe she stumbled. But suddenly Erin tripped and had to spin around to keep her balance. That was so much fun that she started spinning around as she walked. She stopped after a few seconds and tried not to vomit.
“Feel sick.”
She wiped her brow. At least she wasn’t sweating. It was really hot, though. Weird.
those fruit may not have been the best for your health, or was it just the seed cores? the crab didnt like those 
not where she was. Maybe if she lay down she’d feel better?
Erin went to bend over. Halfway down she remembered.
“The stream!”
She tried to stand up and nearly fell flat on her face.
“Where—where was it?”
Head spinning, Erin looked around. The inn was still visible.
“It was there. So if I’m here…there?”
Shakily, Erin began stumbling towards where the stream was. As luck had it she was closer than she thought and came across the stream in a matter of minutes.
looks like she was able to find the stream once again! huzzah! this still leaves the question though, does the stream have fish? because if those fruits arent good for the health than fish might be the only other option. excluding the settlement in the distance of course 
The stream is fast flowing and cold. The young woman cares not. The instant she spots it she dashes madly into the water and flops down face first.
She cups her hands and begins drinking the water as fast as she can. Then she spits out the water and washes her hands of the grime caked onto it before trying again. She drinks one palmful, another, and then five more.
It was around the fourth handful that Erin realized she’d made a bad mistake. The water was delicious and cold as ice cubes, but she was so thirsty she drank it down like…water. Five minutes later she was laying on her side trying not to puke.
Too much water on a dehydrated body. Erin could feel her stomach trying to empty itself and was determined not to let it.
“It—it hurts. It really hurts…”
After a while the pain went away. Erin reluctantly got back up. She was glad she hadn’t puked. She only had one pair of clothes after all.
Speaking of which…Erin raised her arm and sniffed.
“…Bath time.”
dont drink too much after not drinking, and i am glad she realizes that a bath is probably a good idea 
Erin ran her hand through her wet hair and sighed. She’d scrubbed hard, but without soap or shampoo what could you do? And when she thought about how she hadn’t used a toothbrush in days…
“Hm. So, [Basic Cleaning] was really a skill after all?”
Erin thought about it. It was better than thinking of cavities and rotting gums.
“…Huzzah. What a great skill! I mean, I might have to fight off giant crabs and Goblins, but at least I’ll be able to clean the floor while they eat me!”
She sighed and dunked her head into the water.
“Gah! Cold!”
our protag has realized that the skill is in fact real! lets hope the other one works just as well 
“Maybe today won’t be so bad after all.”
Erin laughed to herself.
“Or not. Knock on wood.”
She turned jokingly to find a piece of wood to knock on and saw it. A huge shadow in the water.
Erin shot out of the stream like a reverse cannonball just as the fish lunged. She felt something incredibly large brush past her navel, felt the slimy, slick feeling against her skin for one heart-stopping moment—
And then it was over. Erin lay on the grass, breathing for air as she stared at the fish flopping around on the grass.
ok fishing may be out of the picture for now 
Just in case Erin psyched herself up, ran over, and kicked the fish hard in the side.
Erin hopped around in agony, clutching her foot.
“Is that thing made of rocks?”
yeah fishing is definitively out of the picture for now 
After a while Erin stopped hopping around and swearing. She limped over to the fish and stared at it. It had…two eyes. Four, actually. But it had two on each side. One big eye and a smaller eye right behind it.
“Ew. Mutant fish with teeth.”
Erin stared at it for a little while longer. Her stomach rumbled.
“Right. Lunch.”
She stared at the fish.
but she doesnt really have any other options does she? plus she already has the fish 
“And hey, I need food. So it’s time to chop stuff up.”
Still, Erin hesitated. She’d never had to cut up a fish before. How was she supposed to do it? She had no idea.
“Huh. I guess [Basic Cooking] doesn’t work on fish.”
i agree, this doesnt really fit under the idea of basic cooking. sushi is more advanced 
Erin put down the knife and stepped into the common room to breathe for a while. When her stomach had stopped lurching she went back.
“There is no way I’m eating that. Cooked or raw. Actually, there’s no way I’m eating any of this without a frying pan.”
She looked around. Frying pan? Check. Good.
not copying it all but there was a lot of disgusting description of the insides of the fish. i would not want to eat this thing, even after cooking it to a crisp! 
She pressed hard with the knife. But it just wasn’t going through the skin. Annoyed, Erin pushed harder.
And slipped.
It happened in an instant. Her hand lost its traction and the blade skated across the scales.
Erin blinked, and held up her right hand. A gaping red line split her palm diagonally. There was no blood.
She flexed her hand once. That’s when the blood starting pooling. But there was no pain.
Erin looked around. Bandage? There were no bandages nearby. Or cloth.
Her hand felt…numb. Then tingly.
Bandages? Cloth? There were…curtains upstairs. Right? But they were dirty, and mouldy too.
this is bad
The blood was dripping onto the fish and the counter. Erin wanted to wipe it away, but she was still holding her knife. And suddenly, her hand started hurting.
Erin dropped the knife.
“Ahh. Ah.”
She gripped her wrist as hard as she could, stopping the blood flow. But the pain kept coming now, on and on.
She didn’t remember leaving the kitchen. But she was back with one of the curtains from upstairs and slicing it to make a bandage as blood soaked the cloth. It was hard. She could only use one hand and her other was hurting.
Eventually she wound the cloth tight and gritted her teeth as she tied a knot. The bloodstain was already spreading, but at least something was covering the wound. But it still hurt.
It hurt! Erin tried to think as she stumbled back to the common room. It wasn’t deep. Well, it was deep but she wasn’t looking at bone. But it felt really deep.
“It hurts.”
She didn’t have words to describe the agony in her hand. The rest of the world was dim and unimportant compared to the pain radiating from that one point. All of her senses were focused on that place, and it was all Erin could do not to scream.
“Screaming is bad. Quiet.”
She just knew it. Screaming would make it somehow so much worse. So instead Erin sat and gripped her wrist. The blood was dripping. It hurt.
It really hurt.
this is very bad 
The dead fish stared up at her on the cutting board drenched with her blood. It stank. At the same time, Erin’s stomach grumbled. She wasn’t hungry for fish, but she was hungry.
Still, she didn’t want to eat. Erin walked back to the chair and sat down. As she did she bumped the back of her legs. The knife cuts burned and hurt. A different kind of pain.
“I get it. It’s a bad day, right?”
Erin whispered. It made her feel better not to talk loudly. She was awake even though she was tired. The pain wasn’t going to let her sleep. And she was hungry, but she really didn’t want to eat.
So she sat, and watched her blood fall.
okay now we have a bleeding hand, a rotting fish, giant crabs, and goblins to worry about. if i may reiterate, this is very much not good 
t was dark when the puddle stopped growing. It soaked into the floorboards, a dark stain in the night. Erin stared at the blackness. She couldn’t sleep.
“Still hurts.”
Erin stared at the table. She stared at the grain of the wood. No good. She couldn’t distract herself. But she had to.
So she began to whisper.
“Pawn…pawn to E4.”
She rested her injured hand on the table. It flared once in pain, and then resumed throbbing. Her other hand traced a square, and her eyes darted over the empty table.
“Pawn to E5. Pawn to F4. Pawn captures F4 – King’s Gambit Accepted. Bishop to C4, queen to H4. Check. Bishop’s Gambit. King to F1, pawn to B5. Bryan Counter-gambit. Bishop captures B5, knight moves to F6. Knight moves to F3…”
She kept talking long into the night. But the pain in her hand never stopped. It just kept hurting. And hurting.
aaaaand it gets worse. she cant sleep, and thus cant get any more of the levels, which could give her a skill that would help, plus she has started rambling out a chess game via chess notation. based on her backstory, this seems like a coping mechanism. lets hope our protag gets over this or gets help soon 
also thats the end of the chapter! the situation got a bit better and then got a lot worse. half a step forward 3 steps back i suppose. 
will our protag get over this pain? will she get medical help via a skill? will she stumble into the settlement in the distance half dead? find out next time! 
see you tomorrow! looks like this formula of post endings is sticking till i think of something better 
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inkstainedfanfics · 7 years
Dinner for Three
Request: Hi. Could I request an imagine? Newt is dating Reader but doesnt know he is a wizard. One day niffler escapes (or any creature) and Reader goes to see what is happening and she discovers the trunk and she is freaked to the point of passing out.
Word Count: 2,027
Pairing: Newt x Reader
Special thanks to @drdanwrites for helping me realize I was starting this story in the wrong place. Go follow her for awesome writing!
Requested by Anonymous but also tagging @red-roses-and-stories @dont-give-a-bother @caseoffics @myrtus-amongst-the-stars @ly--canthrope @thosefantasticbeast2 @benniesgalaxy @whatinbenaddiction
Your face is red and you’re shifting nervously in your seat as Newt once again glances at the hallway over your shoulder. His eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is set in a half-frown as he stares at the shadows. The plate of your homemade spaghetti remains virtually untouched in front of him.
“So,” you begin, desperate to start some sort of conversation on this fifth date, “have you decided what you’re going to write about?”
His eyes snap back to you, anger fading into guilt. “Sorry, what?”
You force a smile to your face, acting as though this isn’t absolutely mortifying. He clearly doesn’t want to be here; you’re annoying your own boyfriend. Sure, you’ve only been dating for about a month now, but you’ve come to really care for him. The last thing you want to do is annoy him.
“Have you decided what you’re writing about yet?”
Newt drops your gaze as he lifts his fork. “Not quite. I’m mulling over some ideas still.”
“Like what?”
“Oh, nothing too interesting yet…” he trails off, looking at the hallway behind you again.
“I’m sure they’re fascinating.”
“Possibly.” Newt’s murmur is as distracted as everything else he’s said tonight.
You sigh and scoop up a bite, wondering just what you did to incite the obvious annoyance and anger he has. Does he not like pasta?
He doesn’t notice your despair as he scoots his chair back and sets his napkin on the table. “Excuse me for just one moment.”
“But where…” you begin, trailing off as he strides past you, attention on something else entirely.
He’s gone, leaving you alone with two plates of spaghetti and an empty chair.
You set down your fork, rubbing your forehead as his footsteps disappear into another room. The evening had started out so well. He’d taken your jacket, seemed excited for the dinner you’d brought over, even pulled your chair from the table for you. And the beginning of dinner had been as lovely as every other date with Newt. You’d discussed his recent business trip to Bolivia and hazarded a few more guesses about what he does for a living – accountant, photographer, cartographer – though none of them were correct. He’d even complimented the shirt you’d chosen (an hour’s worth of changing over and over was not wasted) and asked you to elaborate on how you’d learned to cook so well. Then, suddenly, halfway through the story about your mother helping your press garlic, something had changed.
Had it been something you said? Your mind goes into overdrive as you consider everything you’d brought up. You’d mentioned something about Newt’s mother in your story. What if she’s sick? What if she was just in a car crash? What if they can’t stand each other?
You drop your head into your hands, absolutely miserable. God, how can anyone stand dating someone? It’s too stressful, too full of rules and worries.
Something slams behind you, startling your thoughts away. “Newt?” You call out slowly. A sharp rap sounds from the door. “Newt, is everything all right?”
God, what if there’s an intruder he’s fighting? What if he expects you to be calling the police right now instead of sitting at the table. You stand, starting for the telephone but stop yourself as there’s another bang. If he’s fighting an intruder already, there’s really no time to wait for the police. He needs help now.
You make the decision in a split second and don’t let yourself consider any other approach. Snatching a large statue of a dragon from the mantel, you slowly walk to the door. The plates of spaghetti sit there, cold now, but the embarrassment you felt earlier over them is completely forgotten. Your entire focus is on the noises coming from the other room.
A huge crash rattles the door you’re staring at; a cry of pain follows. “Newt!” You cry, rushing forward.
You hesitate at the door for only a second before steeling yourself and pushing it open. It only moves a few inches before slamming against to a halt. Planting your feet and tightening your grip on the statue, you drive your shoulder into it and manage to push it open wide enough to squeeze through.
A wardrobe lies face down on the ground, blocking the door. The ground around it is covered in shattered glass: Once a vase, you assume, by the tulips now lying in a puddle of water. The curtain over the window has been torn in half and hangs by threads, and papers are strewn across the ground. The only thing in the room not overturned or destroyed is a small suitcase sitting open.
“Newt?” You call out tentatively, creeping forward, careful to watch where your feet land.
There’s no response.
You peer around the room, searching for some explanation, but there isn’t one. There’s no place he could have escaped to. The room’s on the third floor, the window’s shut, and the only way into or out of the room is through the door you managed to pry open.
You’re still baffled by his disappearance when you peer into his case. That, unfortunately, only makes this entire situation worse.
A staircase. There’s a staircase in this suitcase. Your hand shakes slightly as you try to reconcile the facts. Newt’s disappearance, the torn-up room, the suitcase with stairs… Oh mercy, what the hell?
“Newt?” You call, voice barely carrying through the room and certainly not making it down the short staircase. “Newt?” You try again as you work up the nerve to crawl down there.
You take a deep breath. Maybe this is just a weird decoration style that you’ve never seen before. Maybe Newt owns the apartment directly below this one and it was just weirdly constructed. You wrack your brain but come up with no better answer. Weird decoration. All right.
Stepping down the staircase, you keep the dragon statue firmly in one hand and up against your chest. At first, you think you’re hearing things, that all this stress has driven you to hallucinating, but with every step down, strange noises grow louder. There’s caws, croaks, tweets, and… roars?
You reach the bottom step, and the room opens up in front of you. You stare, eyes wide, at the place. This is no second floor, no apartment. This can only be described as a habitat.
Stone bites into your hand as you white-knuckle the statue. A long-necked grey … thing … wanders past you, giant eyes fixated on the moon above you. You’re grateful it doesn’t seem to notice you as it roams forward. A pack of birds you vaguely recognize roam past you, pecking at the ground. You nearly drop the statue when you realize they’re dodo birds. Dead creatures, extinct if you learned anything in school.
A shout bursts out in front of you, startling both you and the tiny, grey giraffe.
Newt’s a few yards away, chasing a mole, a branch extended in his hand. He doesn’t notice you as he yells something gibberish. You don’t know what the hell is happening, can’t reconcile it with the man you know. He’s not crazy, doesn’t use made up words or play around with tree branches. He also has never once mentioned having a staircase in the beat-up case he carries around everywhere, never talked about these strange creatures, never let on that he has a whole ecosystem here.
You stop breathing as a flash of green light seems to shoot from the end of the branch in Newt’s hand and streaks through the air. It connects with the mole, and the animal freezes as though its muscles just stopped working. Newt waves the branch again.
You pinch yourself, eyes wide, breathing stopped, as the creature slowly begins to move, jostling side to side first then rising into the air. Every part of you is screaming to run, that this isn’t natural and you need to get away, but your muscles don’t cooperate.
Your vision spiderwebs and disappears just as Newt turns in your direction, mole in his hand.
The world’s dark and black and all you can make out are some muffled sounds. Someone near you is speaking, saying something about Merlin and shocks. Something else caws near your ear, and the sounds grow louder with each passing second.
“There you are.” Newt’s words are muffled as he nods to himself, hand wrapped around your wrist, presumably taking your pulse. “You’re all right.”
You try to sit up as your vision returns, only managing with Newt’s aid as he wraps an arm around your back to support you.
He’s kneeling next to you, sleeves rolled up, branch in his mouth. His lips are curved up in an apologetic smile, and he reaches up to take the branch from his mouth. “Terribly sorry I didn’t mention something earlier.”
You blink, glancing around. The field still surrounds you. Creatures have appeared, poking up over the tall grass or peering at you from a distance. Animals you’ve never seen before slowly creeping forward.
“Where am I?” The question’s shaky, because of your recent fainting spell or because of the discomfort coursing through your veins, you’re not quite certain.
“My…” Newt pauses, appearing to be searching for the right word, “workplace.”
“But how? And why,” You jerk your chin at his wand. “are you carrying a branch?”
Newt attempts to suppress a grin. “It’s not a branch.”
Your head spins. “Where’d the green light come from?”
He opens and closes his mouth twice before dropping his head. “I think I have a lot to explain. Perhaps we should go upstairs and I can explain everything over dinner?”
You can’t tear your eyes away from the grey giraffe in front of you as you nod. Its adorable, blinking at you with those huge eyes. “What’s that?”
“A mooncalf.”
“Is it dangerous?”
Newt laughs. “Only if you’re a handful of grain.”
“May I pet it?” Your cheeks are flaming as you look up at Newt. The question seems so juvenile, but the creature’s too adorable as you watches you.
“You’d like to?”
“If he won’t hurt me.”
Newt’s grin softens as he looks at you.
“So, can I?” You question again.
“Of course. Would you like to feed him?”
The creature brightens at the word, letting out a soft caw that has your heart swelling. “I’d love to.”
Newt helps you to your feet, leading you through the area. “I suppose I don’t have to hide what I’m writing about now.”
“You’re writing about this? All of it?”
He chuckles. “All of it.”
“That’s… wow.”
He raises an eyebrow in response, but nods down at the statue you’d forgotten you’d brought down. “May I ask why you had my statue of a Hungarian Horntail?”
Your cheeks burn. “I, um, thought you needed help.”
“With what?”
“I, um, I thought maybe you were being attacked.”
Newt grins at the words. “And you were planning on fighting with that?”
“It was the first thing I saw. You were the one dropping everything in there. It sounded like you were being murdered.”
“Well,” he says between laughs, “thank you for your worry. I do appreciate your attempt to save my life even if it was misguided.”
You roll your eyes at his teasing, but he tugs you against his chest and you can’t help smiling. The rest of the night goes well. You learn about spells and creatures and a whole dimension of the world you wish you’d known your whole life. Newt lets you feed the creatures and shows you the bowtruckle’s trees. He walks you through the fields and, when the moon is at its height, kisses you quickly.
Both of your cheeks are red as you head back to the apartment.
The plates of spaghetti are still there, cold, a waste, but Newt warms them up quickly and you eat before finally grabbing your jacket and walking out the front door.
Later that week, a parcel arrives at your house. When you open it, a warm feeling floods your veins. Inside is a dragon statue and a note: Next Wednesday, thunderbird lessons. Newt.
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kickspace · 8 years
On thursday I went to a womens coming out discussion group that I’d found on Meetup.com. It was held at like a safespace for queer youth, its a level of this building where LGBTQ youth can just come hang out and there’s a kitchen and games room and it’s really bright and colourful but anyway they hold 3 adult group meetings and i went to the womens coming out one.
I was the youngest one there. In high school I’d never dated or had things/hooked up with anyone at parties and everyone sort of questioned that from time to time. Everyone just got the impression I was frigid or disinterested in romance and I always felt sort of embarrassed that I’m 19 now and still don’t have any “experience” with dating or flirting or sex.
But on average these women were like, five years older than me. One was forty and only came to terms she was a lesbian two years ago. Another one was fifty and did the same around five years ago. Both had lived their lives as straight women before coming out. One had actually been married with kids, both had felt it was wrong and looking back on it now can see they repressed feelings from when they were growing up. They have memories growing up where they had same sex attracted feelings but could never understand/face it so just lived as straight women. Now they don’t know how to reach out to other gay women because they’re not in the younger scene and in a way feel like they’re having to learn basic social etiquettes all over again. 
There was blonde woman there who I felt really sorry for. She came across as maybe depressed. She talked briefly about how she’d been in denial growing up and could never explain to her family why she didn’t want to be with people they’d set up with her,  then said something similar to the two older women that she’d only accepted that she was gay two or so years ago but at twenty seven now, shy and basically a home-body when she’s not at work, she doesn’t see how she can meet other gay women which I felt on the d-low meant date/find someone. Then she was like “but going to groups like this..at least I’m leaving the house right” and then she laughed in a very hollow way and I felt so sad for her. I kinda wanted to talk to her afterward but got too shy lmao.
There was one woman there that irritated me though, she was the only straight woman but an asexual. This woman who spoke pretty frequently throughout, more so than the gay women. She was talking about how she doesn’t want to come out as asexual to her friends because it’s something “hard to explain, its something indistinguishable” going on to say that “at least people know what homosexuality is, It would be easier if I were coming out as a lesbian” 
And no one was comfortable enough at that stage to glance at each other but I definitely felt like the blonde girl next to me shift at that. She also started talking about this guy she’s been seeing who just texted her that he wants to “see her in private” and she doesn't know what to do. I was just kinda...mindfucked...that people this self absorbed and stupid exist. I was like...ok...you’re anxious this guy you’ve been speaking to for a few weeks won’t be interested in you? People won’t understand your disinterest in sex?? Like…idk man!!! I think the fear of being disowned or never spoken to again by people who are supposed to love you, or receiving violence, or being killed is maybe a BIT harder to overcome when coming out. So not really sure if coming out as a lesbian would be harder for you, either way you’d likely still be a fuckin idiot
 And even if she didn’t mean to sound so stupid, and only meant it’s harder to explain because it’s less known/theres less information on asexuality like... why would you say it in that way. Wasn’t the right way or place to say something like that. She was also arguing laster  to one of the girls who was the 2nd youngest, I think 23, who shared that her friend kept making homophobic jokes and she wanted to come out to him so that he knew he was hurting her but she just cut him out of her life, that maybe her friend didn’t know that he was being offensive and that sometimes its hard to NOT be offensive. At that point I was like... literally shut the fuck up and the girl was like…um yeah or maybe I just dont want him as a friend and everyone laughed. The two older women though were nodding with that asexual woman when she was speaking as if that were a valid point about offending people, which I think might be a generational thing about “political correctness” or not living as a gay person since they were young so maybe not experiencing/picking up on that type of micro aggressive homophobic behaviour  when growing up around young awful men but whatever.
The past two months just speaking to other gay women I’ve seen the pattern of people becoming comfortable with their sexuality if they're a homosexual woman when they’re older in comparison to heterosexual people or gay men. I’d also read about it online about how addressing you’re a gay woman often comes later because of how we’re socialised to deal with our feelings and frustrations towards men, so that stage of denial is often longer than with homosexual men. One of my lesbian friends at uni was talking about the difference between the gay men she knew and their sex lives and the lesbians she knew, like the majority of young lesbians that were her friends our age don't have any sexual experience.
Yeah it’s just been really sad and interesting, but I’m glad to know that I’m not strange or out of the normal which I was alway made to feel like I was. Not just by friends and family but by also the media I guess when showing young people and where you should be with romantic/sexual experience based on your age. I’ve also realised truly how fortunate i am to live in a place where there’s such a large/strong LGBTQ community. 
I think I’ll go again next time. I’m not sure many of the others will because that session might have put them off. It was really tense and uncomfortable at times, which was just the difficult subject of coming out I think. Also when i read The fun House by alison Bechdel she showed how she realised she was gay when she was also 19, and until then hadn't had any sort of sexual life. And I was kinda like ...? That’s not ? Just me? I didn't know that was normal because of where I grew up and who I grew up with. 
Also! The 23 year old girl was like pretty funny and was the only one in the group/trying to make people laugh and we live in the same suburb so we bussed back together and she was telling me about how she also feels lonely and isolated/doesnt like going out/ all her friends are straight and she’s too shy to go to her LGBTQ group at uni and she was like god I’m so awkward sorry for being awkward and i was like? you’re not you’re super funny wth and then she was like to me when we got off the bus, can I ask you an kinda cringe creepy question and I was like ya! ofc and it was so cute she was like “is there any possibility of us becoming friends?” and I was like :’’’’’’) so yeah we added each other on fb and we might be going rock climbing!!!
so yeah that was that experience I wanted to write down. and just some realisations i’ve been having . also my friend from uni and i are going to make a same sex attracted womens group! where we get together and watch/discuss  lesbian movies and media once a month or something or go to gay girls events, it will be like a side branch of the LGBTQ uni group that I was too scared to get involved with. anyway she’s coming over 2moro night so we can make a page and sort it. 
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Arlyns Warm (& Sort of Last-Minute DIYed) Holiday Reveal
Spoiler alert: This starts sad, but I promise a happy endingjust like your favorite Hallmark movie. Yes, its a post about decorating for Christmas, but its a bit of a journey (and your prize for sticking around is seven tips for a pretty holiday look without a ton of planningnext to a cash reward, what more could you want, hm?).
Before moving to LA, I had a long-standing Christmas tradition that involved a sleepover at my place with my twin nephews. Wed go buy a fresh tree, head to Target to pick out their yearly ornaments (and okay, I usually caved and bought them several when they couldnt pickauntie privilege), and settle in for the night with a big ol cheese pizza and tons of candy to decorate and watch holiday movies. When I left Florida, my absolute favorite weekend of the year stayed behind along with my family, and frankly, I didnt feel festive enough last year to decorate. Sure, I bought a tree and then proceeded to cry my way through placing all the memories from years past on it (like I said, no this whole post wont be one giant Joni Mitchell River-esque depressing monologue). But, its been almost two years, and I realized that it was time to start making some new traditions, starting with proper decorations to set the scene for the season.
By proper, I mean nothing more than something that actually brought me joy. In my last home, I didnt care even the tiniest bit about my Christmas aesthetic. Id throw around scraggly bows, dangle strange garlands in places that would inevitably fall off (left unfixed until January). While I appreciate a classic, kitschy look, this didnt make me happy. Looking back, it was a lot like the holiday aisle at Big Lots come December 26sparse, random and nowhere I wanted to be. BUT THIS YEAR IS DIFFERENT. Guys, I really actually tried, and whoa, I love coming home. I get so jazzed to know Ill walk through that door after work to all the fairy lights on (thanks, timers) and all I need to do is light my pine-scented candles.
When I first discussed decorating and shooting my place for the blog, I told Emily I would take the more last-minute DIY angle for this story, except, ha, I should know myself better than to think Im a DIY person (have I talked about the unfinished dining chairs sitting in a corner of my master bedroom enough times for you to understand the stakes here?). Im more of an early minute buying personif we can all agree thats the opposite of last-minute DIY, but dont worry Emily, I pulled out a few stops even for me to salvage this story. Really, though, its an excuse to show you guys my living and dining rooms again, this time just festooned for Christmas using nearly everything Target, because those guys have affordable holiday decor on lock.
Aside from what I bought, there were a few things I planned on doing going into this: dried oranges for garland and ornaments, and the addition of real greenery to anything faux for a lusher more natural look, but more on that in just a bit when we get there. Lets start in the living room:
Creating a Christmas Couch With Simple Textile Swaps
Swapping out textiles seasonally always felt to me like the equivalent of womens magazines telling me when I was younger that Id be going from day to night far more often than I ever have (never). Who was really doing this? Sure, my mom would throw a random Christmas pillow on the sofa when I was younger, but a full swap was absolutely something Id NEVER consider doing. Except well, for the sake of this shoot, I did it, and guess what. IM OBSESSED WITH IT. Dont knock it til you try it.
I left one of my everyday pillows out because it played well with everything else, but Im half tempted to never actually switch them back. Im officially living the cozy life and DONT MAKE ME GO BACK. But seriously, seeing that Fa la la pillow and those little gold embroidered Christmas trees fill my heart with childlike wonder and joy and Im now a winter textiles swap person (once I figure out a more permanent solution than throwing my year-round pillows and blanket in the guest bedroom).
Neutral Tree + Homemade Goodies
The (Christmas-celebrating) world is divided into two subsects: those who take no issue with faux trees, and those that choose to torture themselves with a real evergreen. I am the latter. Every year, when it comes time to recycle this baby, I curse myself for the massacre of needles. But alas, I cant be stopped and I will always opt for a real tree. This is a noble fir that I picked up at Lowes and it has that gappy vibe everyone is into right now. I like how you can load up a branch front to back and things dangle so nicely, sparkling and dazzling in the twinkle lights.
As for the decor, this is actually the first year in a long time I went with white lights. Ive always been a colored-lights just throw crazy stuff up on the tree and call it a day girl (correction: let your small nephews throw crazy stuff up on the tree and call it a day). Someone once asked me if I changed my trees color motif every year and Im pretty sure I rudely laughed in their face before I realized they were serious. No. I am not that person. This is why this year, once I realized that oh wait, people will be seeing my home and I needed to try, I opted to go for something a little more neutral so I could build on it over time. I also had a box full of handmade and drawn ornaments from my nephews that I needed to be sure made it up on those branches (see the paper and crayon snowman, for example). Theres enough going on in my apartment that something a little more minimal didnt make me want to crawl out of my skin a week into the merriment.
Because I wanted some color, I thought to do what evidently everyone else on the internet also thought to do this year: dried oranges as ornaments. I definitely did not get the mailer that must have gone around to tell everyone this was the look of 2019, but regardless, I love it. Some string (in a white and red becauseChristmas), a bag of small oranges and a few hours to dry them out in the oven (Erin from Francois et Moi has a great tutorial here) and boom, I supplemented my tree for about$4. LAST-MINUTE DECORATING LIFE HACK. Put dried oranges on just about everything and you have an instant holiday lewk that feels warm, unpretentious, welcoming and a wee-bit British (i.e. all I ever want to feel).
Some of my favorite ornaments I scooped up this year with my nephews top of mind: the sloth, the fabric Santa, the clip-on glittery birds, and the ceramic turtle doves (I promptly forced my husband Charles to sit and listen to why I got those to represent our undying love). Oh goodness, and I cant move on before discussing that Cookies For Santa plate and milk jug. No, there are no children in my house, but when I saw it, I knew I needed to hoard it for the day that there are because every year my sister runs around trying to find something to put cookies and milk in and it always ends up being an awkward mini loaf pan or something and this feels like a pat yourself on the back for planning ahead moment that I wanted to put on display.
Mix Real + Faux
HOT TIP: Faux garland is so great for using year after year and traditionally, I used to think it looked very fake, but Target has some good stuff. I went with their faux white pine and berries strand here and over the archway and Im so happy with them. This one is 72, so, maybe dont be like me and instead measure before you figure out how much of something you need. I ended up with about 8 inches of bare mantel and had to guinea rig a solution. The left side there, by the candlesticks, is actually a piece of faux greenery also from Target in the same color/finish that I added to the end and BOOM, fixed.
Once I put the eucalyptus wreath on the door, however, I realized it was much cooler in tone than the garland and side by side, they looked a little jarring. My solution? Get some actual eucalyptus (I had some leftover from my Thanksgiving tablescape) and shove in pieces of it about every 6 inches or so. This accomplished two things for me: it married the color/style gap between the wreath and the garland, but it also brought some life to the faux-ness. (Again, this stuff is good, so it doesnt NEED it, it was just a visual preference for me).
Can we talk about the cutest stocking? Growing up in Florida, a land devoid of mantels and fireplaces for obvious reasons, we were not a stocking family. Every now and then, my mom might tie some to the stair banister, but they were never full of anything. Well folks, thats over. I live in LA now, a land with NON-FUNCTIONING fireplaces, but fireplaces nonetheless. LA is all about illusions after all, so as long as it looks like a fireplace, thats all that matters, right? Throw some fairy lights in, no problem (and maybe light some candlesI used these candlesticks from Targetif youre brave and attentive for that real fire feel). This knit guy with the poms is maybe my favorite thing I got this year but HEAVY (hence the nutcracker on top of the stocking holder for that oneI have a little cut-out in the molding that meant less stability, but itll probably be fine if you have a normal 90-degree angle on your mantel).
And, in one of my favorite last-minute moves to use up random leftovers of things, I took some ribbon I had bought for my gift wrap, tied a little piece into a bow and velcroed it to this art piece. Dressing up your artwork can be SO fun for holidays (remember Emilys googly eyes over that oil portrait?). Its so unexpected, costs basically nothing and will get everyones attention, I promise.
Sprinkle Christmas Cheer Throughout Other Vignettes
This whole post should be titled Never Underestimate the Holiday Styling Power of the Bottle Brush Tree because if you look closely enough, there is absolutely one in nearly every shot angle of my home. I threw some on my console table, on a side table, on my coffee table, on my TV standand just WAIT until you get to the dining room. Bottle brush tree galore! They are very affordable and if you dont mind glitter sprouting from nearly everywhere until the end of time, theyre almost all you need to fill in your home with some Christmas spirit outside of the big moments (tree, fireplace). Same goes for leftover ornaments, pieces of greenery (such as free scraps from the tree lot), and super budget-friendly figurines, like these reindeer that make me so happy.
That blonde wood bowl is VERY good guys, and I will absolutely be leaving it out year-round, but for now, it screamed FILL ME WITH JINGLE BELLS so I had to oblige. These are 2-inch bells and honestly just so dang fun. Put them in a vase or bowl but save a few to sprinkle throughout other vignettes (or on a gift!).
The last moment I threw together in this room was the bench by my window. I moved the rust-colored velvet cushion into the guest bedroom (which honestly, I treat like a storage unit, so I know this is not a universal solution) and draped my sheepskin pelt a little asymmetrically. I gotta say, Im quite proud that this placement was my first go at it. The less fussing you do sometimes, the more effortless things look. I over-ordered pillows for my sofa, but thank goodness, because they worked great on here. The green pillow with the poms is SO cute and you might not see it here, but it has these little wood beads at the base of the pom pom which makes it extra special.
Alright, lets move this party into the dining roomafter you.
Accentuate Your Architecture
Ever since I saw Ginnys garland-bedecked archway into her dining room, I dreamed of being able to do the same thing. So when I stepped foot into this apartment for the first time, I instantly knew it would fulfill my greenery-over-archway dreams. This is three pieces of faux garland, hung with some small nails I dug out of an IKEA art hanging kit. Because of my 100-year-old plastered and heavily textured walls, Command hooks simply laughed the THREE times I tried themin three different sizes and configurations (both the laughter and hook type). I finally gave up and went to get the hammer. Cant wait to patch those holes come January, trulythough worth it to me.
Implement a Big Holiday Moment (Thats Actually Really Easy)
Over on the console, I went for a sort of kind of holiday village. It was my initial vision to do a jam-packed Christmas village here, so I bought what felt like hundreds of trees and houses, and then I put them all down and the credenza ATE it. It was like starting with a pan full of fresh spinach and ending up with 2 tablespoons of cooked spinach. My dreams were dashed and I came up with plan B: mix in everyday things with some holiday feels and pretend it was your plan all along. Im actually very happy with it and dont think I havent sat at my dining table some mornings and nights just looking over here with a twinkle in my eye and sugar plums dancing in my head. When you boil it down, its really just three new vignettes: the two bottle brush trees + seasonal candle (above), a footed bowl with some leftover greenery and bottle brush trees (below) and ceramic houses with some fairy lights shoved up into them on top of books which were already there (photo after next). Oh, and some oranges from the grocery store because #theme.
My favorite thing about this whole scene is probably those beautiful wreaths hanging by velvet ribbon over the windows. I LOVE a wreath-over-window (or, as youll see, mirror) moment and two windows meant I had two chances to do it in this room. Quickly: Im very much obsessed with this wreath. It looks so high-end with the dangling brass bells and it matches the garland in the living room, so both spaces speak to each other.
Over on the bar, my vintage gilded mirror called for another ribbon-hung wreath, but I went for the faux cypress leaf version instead to keep things more minimal. The addition of some new brass barware (the Project 62 line looks really good, folks) and a few bottle brush trees and voila, my holiday bar.
When In Doubt, Keep It Simple (For Real)
When it came to what to do on my table, this was REALLY a last-minute DIY situation because I had no idea (which is typically the case with my table). The day before this shoot, Emily texted me that she had some leftover garland at her house from her shoot, and I could come grab some if I wanted. So grab it I did, not knowing what I planned on doing with it, but I ended up throwing it on the table just to think and when I finally came to, I realized it was exactly where it belonged. I pulled out my kitchen sheers because I do not have clippers (apartment living), trimmed it to size and pulled out some small, cheap glass votives I had in my cabinets already to make things moody. AND THEN, I had some extra oranges from my tree ornaments and I just scattered some throughout to connect both rooms visually.
But wait, theres more. At the last minute (okay, the night before), I wanted to give the room more of a casual party vibe and wanted a dessert set up, so I ran out to Ralphs with the intention of making something with the zero minutes I had left in my life to whip up a baked good and found a pre-made bundt cake instead. A simple glaze (though Im sure you could find one glazed already), some cranberries I rolled in sugar, and a smattering of fresh sage leaves is all I needed to fool Sara into thinking I had actually made this when she made it over to shoot. SEMI HOMEMADE TRICKERY.
I will most certainly be doing this again in the future, and if you do, as well, everyone will think youre a domestic goddess. Set out some cute appetizer or dessert plates (these from the Hearth & Home with Magnolia are super cute with festive sayings on them that are subtle but still fun), flatware and napkins, and with very little effort, you just became the hostess with the mostest time to actually blow dry your hair before people show up.
And thus ends my holiday dissertation. It started out bleak, but I promised it would end on a high note, and theres no higher note than being pulled together enough to maybe put some curls in your hair (at least for me).
I rounded up ALL the goods I got from Target below in a few groupings, and yes, at the end of the season, you might find this stuff is sold out either in-store or online, so for that Im SO sorry, but ALWAYS check your local stores because they restock or people make returns and you might just find what youre looking for. Oh, and for a few more exclusive tips, I wanted to share the story Ruemag.com featured of my home as well, so check that out if youre interested. Thanks for stopping by and the happiest of holidays and the merriest of Christmases to you all.
1. Wooden Ornaments Set of 3 | 2. 28 LED Battery Operated Wreath | 3. Lit Up House Ceramic Christmas Ornament | 4. 13 Lit Gold Metal and Capiz Star | 5. 3ct Glass Christmas Ornaments Set Birds | 6. 72 Faux White Pine Garland with Berry | 7. 8ct Glitter Pine Cone Ornament Set | 8. Green with White & Gold Wreath Gift Wrap Roll | 9. 40ct Shatter Resistant Veranda Ornament Set | 10. Fabric Santa White Ornament | 11. Embroidered Tree Skirt | 12. Ceramic Birds Ornament | 13. Sloth Ornament Ornament | 14. Artificial Cedar Stem w/ Pine Cones | 15. Cream w/ Black Swiss Dot Gift Wrap Roll | 16. Faux Leaf Ball Ornament | 17. Truck with Bottle Brush Tree Ornament | 18. Philips 300ct Incandescent Mini String Lights
1. Large Gold Glitter Christmas Tree | 2. Christmas Nutcracker Figurine Gold | 3. Knit Square Throw Pillow with Corner Poms | 4. Holiday Stocking Sour Cream Knot with Red Poms | 5. Milk & Cookies Stoneware Set | 6. Small Gold Glitter Christmas Tree | 7. Wooden Oval Bowl with Handles | 8. 2 16pc Jingle Bells Vase Filler | 9. Cream Faux Fur Oversized Throw Pillow | 10. Embroidered Trees Velvet Throw Pillow | 11. Holiday Stocking Green Stripe | 12. 3pc Taper Candle Holder Set | 13. Texture Faux Fur Throw Blanket | 14. 3pc Mini Deer Figurines | 15. 10 12pk Unscented Taper Candle Set | 16. 2pk Basic Stocking Holder | 17. Large Mercury Glass Christmas Tree | 18. Fa la la Velvet Oversize Lumbar | 19. Clear Glass Vase Large | 20. Channeled Faux Fur Throw Pillow | 21. 4pc Green Flocked Bottle Brush Trees | 22. Large Bottle Brush Tree | 23. Philips 50ct Battery Operated LED Dewdrop Lights | 24. Small Ceramic House
1. 24 Faux White Pine Wreath with Metal Bell | 2. Set of 4 Linen Napkins | 3. 3pc Bottlebrush Trees | 4. Stainless Steel Cocktail Strainer | 5. 4pc Bottle Brush Christmas Tree Set | 6. Stainless Steel Cocktail Stirrer Spoon | 7. Ceramic House Figurines | 8. 5pc Stainless Steel Kayden Silverware Set | 9. 4ct Seasonal Appetizer Plates | 10. Oblong Brass Footed Bowl Gold | 11. 4pk Napkin Set Green | 12. 18 Faux Cedar Wreath | 13. Dew Drop LED Lights w/ Copper Wire | 14. Bottle Brush Tree with Wood Stand | 15. 2.5oz Stainless Steel Double Jigger
***photography by Sara Ligorria-Tramp, design and styling by Arlyn Hernandez
The post Arlyns Warm (& Sort of Last-Minute DIYed) Holiday Reveal appeared first on Emily Henderson.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/arlyns-warm-sort-of-last-minute-diyed-holiday-reveal
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