#-I'm still stuck in the maze
justtorzaplease · 1 year
the fact that we have similar music taste makes me like you even more
You like Insane Clown Posse?? I've recently got into them and all my friends think I'm insane 😅
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bahrtofane · 8 months
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Jude misses his spanish class, and that somehow ends with the both of you stuck in a dark elevator, legs tangled and annoying each other till help comes
Word count - 3.5K+ 
Watch it - ur trapped in an elevator with jude, lights go out, you accidentally sock him, fluff tho hehehe
a/n - shout out to my bff best plooki for sending me the last jude pic, its what inspired this whole thing. nmout 3lik kho
Jude is late to spanish class (again) so he's forced to sit for the staff ones instead. his mom will kill him if he misses any more, and his teammates will only tease him more. With the amount of promotional content and youtube videos he has to film soon, he literally doesn’t have the time to skip another class. 
The only open seat is by you in the far corner, so he slides in as discreetly as he can. Which turns out isn’t all that discrete when all eyes are on him from the moment he steps into the room but it’s whatever. He'll live. 
He pulls out his ipad and takes notes like the good student he is and pretends not to notice your gaze on him. He sits like such a teenage boy, legs spread and arms dangling over the table. 
You haven’t been with Madrid all that long, you came along as an intern, eager to find your footing. Having one of the players all up next to you during class was not something you saw coming, you’ve met maybe one or two of them, after you got lost and ended up in the training facilities and they so graciously led the way out of the maze. 
You’ve honestly been so busy with just getting settled you completely forgot the players existed. And here Jude is.
You stick your head back to your notes and hunker down for the hour left of spanish.  You don't miss his stray gazes that land on you. 
Jude is a quiet guy you learn. He chews his bottom lip and blinks a little harshly at times. He's a pretty standard run of the mill guy and you try to treat him as such. He leaves you be, letting you have your space and pays attention to whatever the professor is saying in favor of talking to anyone. 
When class is over you gather your things, slipping out from behind him and head to the elevator. Why the class is on the top floor you have yet to figure out. You like this elevator anyway, it's down the hall from the main big one that everyone crowds into, usually empty. Even though it lacks the big windows that overlook the pitches.
You see Jude jog to the elevator, you slide your hand out ,holding the doors open for him and he smiles at you in thanks, you smile back. It's silent save the hum of the elevator moving down.
Until it screeches to a halt, jolting the both of you so fast you land on the floor, legs tangled, things strewn all over the floor. Jude looks away while he picks himself up, helping track down your pens that roll across the floor. When you smooth your clothes down and find your footing, another jolt rocks the small metal box you're in. 
Jude instinctively reaches out to steady himself, his hand landing on the railing beside you. You lurch forward and almost land right on him again. But you manage to keep your composure, and footing. Thank god. 
"What in the world?" Jude asks, brows furrowing. 
"I... I'm not sure," you reply, your heart still racing from the amusement park ride you never signed up for. Does Madrid not keep their elevators up to date on what is going on. 
You both glance around the elevator, trying to assess the situation, and half waiting for another lurch. It's eerily quiet, and you notice the emergency button panel is dimly lit.
"Should we... press the emergency button?" you suggest tentatively, eyeing the panel.
"Probably our best bet" Jude agrees, reaching out to press the button. After a moment, a crackly voice comes through the intercom, 
"Hello? Is someone in need of assistance?" a nasally voice comes to life. She sounds like your aunt kinda.
"Yeah, the elevator stopped suddenly, and we're not sure what's going on," Jude explains.
“Ah okay, which elevator? There should be a number and letter over the doors.”
“2C.” you real aloud.
"Perfect thank you. We’ll have people get to you as soon as we can. Please remain calm and stay where you are," the voice responds before the intercom falls silent again.
You exchange a look with Jude, both of you silently hoping that help arrives soon. The minutes tick by slowly, and the silence in the elevator becomes almost suffocating.
"So... Do you have any plans for after this?" Jude asks, breaking the silence. Even if its a little awkward.
You shake your head, grateful for the distraction. "Not really. Just some studying, I guess. What about you?"
Jude shrugs. "Probably just head back to my place if they don't need me. Training was pretty intense this morning."
You nod, "Sounds hectic."
"Yeah, it can be," Jude admits, scratching the back of his neck. "But it comes with the territory, I guess.
You fall into a silence again, playing with the hem of your shirt. Jude tucks his ipad under his arm and sighs deeply. Now that you take a good look at him, it looks like he booked it right from training. Slides and socks on, madrid shirt and shorts. Interesting. 
You move to push the button again after what feels like ages, but this time the voice doesn't answer. 
“What the..” you mumble. You reach for your phone but as luck would have it there is no connection. 
Jude slides to the floor, sitting criss-cross applesauce and trying his luck on his phone. 
“No signal either huh.” he grumbles.
“Nope, we really just have to wait on them then.” 
“I hope they hurry it up, no offense.”
You shrug, ”none taken.” sliding to take a seat on the floor opposite to him. 
Little do you know you're about to spend the next 4 hours in this elevator together. 
It turns out there is only so much small talk you can make in an hour with a total stranger. Trust, you know. 
After telling your life story, and him his, you’ve both run out of things to say. So you sit, drumming against the metal walls, taking turns pressing the help button and being greeted with the sweet sound of silence each time.
“What the actual hell are they doing.” Jude groans.
“Ignoring us.” 
You just might lose your mind. Your legs are starting to go numb, and you watch Jude  grow more agitated as time presses on. Thankfully there's been no more lurches downward, a win is a win. You get up periodically to stretch your legs out, checking your phone, reorganizing your bag, playing rock paper scissors, telling each other stories.
Jude is a silly guy, very competitive even after your 10th round of tic tac toe. 
“I win again.” He cackles. 
You wave him off, “Yeah yeah it’s just luck.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he smiles. 
He goes back to the red button, and once again there’s no answer. You’re half way to losing your mind. How do they just forget about you here? You try texting people, and nothing goes through. Jude walks around the little space, arm raised and pointing his phone up in hopes of catching a signal. 
“Oh wait I think- never mind. Not even one bar will hold in here.” He slumps back down against the wall. 
“I actually can’t believe they’re not answering.” You groan, head in your hands. 
“Me neither. “
You resort to looking through your phone for any games to pass the time. But you need a signal for just about all of them. Might as well clear out your photos right? Jude joins, scooting next to you.
“Don't mind if I watch?”
You shake you head, “nah, just getting rid of old pictures.”
He nods.
Now you just have to be triple careful of not accidentally swiping through any embarrassing pictures. You don't thankfully, instead your room back home pops up, after you redecorated it. Zidane jersey hanging off your wall.
Jude perks up at this, “Zidane fan?” 
“Very big one.”
He smiles, “me too.”
“I've heard. What's he like?”
“Zidane? Hm, he's well, elegant. Classy. He's a calm guy.”
You nod, tucking your phone back inside your pocket, turning to face him, “have you seen him play in a charity match with ronaldo?”
He laughs ,”yeah the one with that insane title, fat old ronaldo does hat trick.”
You giggle, “that's the one.”
He hums, leaning his head back on the wall and you fall into silence again. 
More time passes and you don’t think you have it in you to reorganize your bag for another time. 
“I have an idea.” you declare as you move into the second hour.
Jude raises a brow.
“Might as well do our Spanish homework right?”
“I might die.” he dead pans.
You roll your eyes, “its better than doing nothing.”
“Nu uh, no way. I choose nothing.”
“Suit yourself,” you shrug.
10 minutes later Jude sits down next to, pulling his ipad out and getting to work. You smile, “see, I told you.”
“Yeah yeah,” he grumbles, “can you help me on number 4?”
You do, leaning against him and walking him through the conjugation of each word, your fingers brush against the iPad screen and you hope he doesn't notice how you blush. 
Hours in an elevator with Jude bellingham what is this a bad fanfic plot?
You end up finish the pages of homework side by side and Jude smiles
“That wasn't half bad actually, thanks for the help.”
“No problem. We make a pretty good team huh?” you tease.
He snorts, “I guess so.”
It turns out Jude is really bad at staying in once place, he does anything but keep still, throwing his slides at the buttons periodically, and one even hits the help button, this time the voice answers. 
“Hello?” it's a completely different voice his time, male. 
“Thank god hello.” Jude scrambles to get up properly, and you follow suit, leaning closer to the little speaker. 
“I'm sorry?”
“We've been in this elevator for what, 2 hours now and no ones been answering the call button? Fucking ridiculous.”
“I apologize for the inconvenience, we've been short staffed and I clocked in a few minutes ago.”
“For fucks sake, thats great and all but can you get us out?”
There's a pause, and for a second you think they're going to hang up and there will be no hope. You will die in this elevator. 
Luckily for you the voice comes to life again, “would you like us to call the fire department?”
“What do you think?” Jude dead pans.
“We will keep you updated, but for now it's looking like a wait time of 45 minutes to an hour. “
Both of you groan, dramatically falling to the floor.
“You'd think Madrid would have better staffing,” he rubs his eyes.
“You think.” you agree. 
“Im so gonna complain about this.” he squints his eyes at the buttons, almost like he's threatening them.
“Hey it could be worse, you could have missed a game.”
“Very true.”
He chews his lip before turning to you, a glint in his eyes, “Wanna play hot hands?” he tries.
“Sure why not.”
You shuffle so you're facing him once again, You're up first, palms up while Jude hovers his hands palm down over yours, and wow are his hands huge, completely covering your own. The name of the game is to manage to slap his hands faster than he can move them away. 
And so it begins. 
Unsurprisingly, Jude has keen reflexes, and you only shake your head at him. 
“I'm at an unfair disadvantage, whereas VAR.”
He giggles, “VAR or no var, you're losing,” he shrugs.
It's just enough of a distraction to get you your first win.
“Lets gooo.” you celebrate. 
“VAR immediately, time wasting, yellow card, red card, extra time.”
You smile, “you're just mad I won.”
“Yeah you won unfairly. “He sulks.
“Yeah yeah, your turn.”
He sighs dramatically, but puts his palms up regardless. 
You're too focused on his hands, skittering at any movement, so much so you end up jumping and throwing your hands out so fast you slap him. Uh oh.
“Oh my god i'm so sorry, are you okay.” you reach out and cradle his face, a little red but nothing too bad thank god. You almost took out Madrid's star boy, you're just an intern, you do NOT have the money to fund any legal cases. 
You don't even notice he's laughing, giggles bursting from his lips while you watch on. His eyes are big, oh my god, he's got those big brown beautiful eyes. People weren't kidding. He's even more handsome in person. You want to kiss him. Oh yeah you're holding his face, you drop your hands away and roll your eyes, trying to play off the blush that's spanning your face. 
“I'm fine, don't worry. You got a mean arm, ever think of being a goalie?” he teases. 
“I'm going to be Barcas goalie. How about that.” you shoot back, though there's no real bite to your words. 
He only laughs harder, “hot hands really makes you competitive huh.”
“It wasn't my fault okay, you moved too fast.” 
He only shakes his head, “I think you're the sore loser.”
“No but seriously, are you good?” 
He waves you off, “nah i'm good seriously, you're fine.”
You sigh in relief. 
He snorts, “no more hot hands for you.”
You squint at him, “I'm going to sleep.”
You make a pillow out of your bag and try to nap. Might as well at this point. Jude seems to share a similar idea as he lays down opposite to you, tucking his arms under him and screwing his eyes shut.
It turns out sleeping on the floor on an elevator is extremely uncomfortable, and you get about 5 minutes of shut eye before Jude somehow has his legs rolled into yours.
“ ‘M Sorry,” he mumbles. But you don't say anything, wiggling your feet back under his and trying to get some shut eye. 
At the turning of the third hour you get woken up by the crackle of the magic voice in the wall, “the wait is up about an hour to an hour and a half.”
“What's taking so long,” you huff, eyes still blurry from your sleep.
“We apologize for the delay but there's a back up in call logs and-”
“Yeah we get it you're understaffed whatever. Just please hurry up.” Jude bites back, nearing closer and closer to you. 
The voice fizzles away and the sleep has worn off you, enough so to realize he's almost spooning you. You sit up, but Jude remains as he is, breathing soundly as he uses his hands to cover the harsh elevator lights that beat down on him. You're surprised the lights haven't- 
You spoke too soon. Way way too soon. The lights go out within an instant and you almost scream, jolting against Jude.
This stirs him awake again, and he's oh so confused at the lack of lights. The secondary elevators are great, but there are no windows. Just solid metal on all ends. Leaving the two of you in complete darkness. 
You hear shuffling, “Yeah, I'm right here don't worry. “
“This is kinda freaky now.” you trail off.
“Hey, we'll be fine. Look on the bright side, it's easier to sleep.”
You snort, “Yeah guess so,” But the ease doesn't wear off of you. 
“Here,” you feel Jude’s hands reach for yours. Feeling for them in the darkness till they're laced together. “Now it's not so bad right?”
You can feel your face heat up,“Not bad at all.”
“How sick would hot hands in the dark be? Just think-”
“Absolutely not.” you sigh.
He giggles again, teasing you is surprisingly very very fun for him. This is the most fun he's had all day. Every time you turn away while you blush only fuels him to tease you more. Out of all the people to be stuck in here with, he thinks he got pretty lucky with it being you. 
But as sweet as you are, the situation only seems to get worse. He uses his free hand to feel for the button again, and the voice comes back.
“The lights just went off. I hope they're on their way.“ Jude speaks.
“The wait is about an hour.” the speaker says.
“My fucking god.” he sighs. 
“Were supposed to wait in the dark, for an hour?” you can't believe it.
The voice mumbles another apology and Jude only tells them to go away if they’re going to be completely and utterly useless. And alone you two go. 
You start singing by the fourth hour. You're completely tangled in Jude’s legs, unable to even see what's in front of you in the pitch black darkness, but you can feel him. And it keeps you grounded, keeps away the panic. He pats your back while he sings stupid songs, trying to cheer you up and mind off of the situation as much as he can. The teasing doesn't stop, and you're starting to like it. (You liked it from the beginning).
If someone told you you'd be cuddling Jude Bellingham on the floor of an elevator in the darkness after class, you're pretty sure you'd call the nearest psych ward. But here you are. You think you’re sitting sideways on his lap, while he sits back to the wall, your arms tangled. You've started to trace shapes on his arms.
Who knew an elevator would be the perfect place to bond.
“You smell nice.” Jude mumbles into the crook of your neck.
You hum,” thank you.”
“You know, this is pretty nice. You're a good cuddler.”
“Yeah. my rooms a better spot though.”
You try not to freeze up too much, but you're sure he can feel you go rigid next to him.
“I bet it is,” you mumble into his shoulder 
He laughs, easy and light, “You’re pretty cute too.”
“You cant even see me it's literally pitch black in here.”
“You're silly Jude.”
“So i've been told”
You get comfy again, sliding a hand to his back and scratching lightly. 
He melts within an instant, “that actually feels really nice…” he trails off, leaning against your shoulder. 
“You’re like an overgrown puppy, “ you laugh. 
He only snorts, leaning forward to allow you better access to his back.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the voice comes to life, and Jude is not in the mood. 
“What is it?” 
“The wait is now 10 to 15 minutes, please step back from the doors and do not be alarmed when the fire department needs to possibly force the doors open.”
“Finally.” You sigh, squishing your face into his neck. 
“Finally.” He confirms. 
After a few minutes. You hear the sound of footsteps outside the elevator and voices chattering. 
“Alright guys, sit tight, should be a few minutes and you’ll be outta here.” A voice says on the other end. 
“Alright.” Jude replies, gently getting up and separating from you. 
“We’re gonna need you guys to step back.”
You do as much, trying to feel for your bag to kick it away from the door. 
Jude rests a hand on your hip and you smile, even if you can't see it you bet he's doing the same. 
The doors are manually pried open, and you're greeted by the sweet sweet faces of firemen and security. 
"Are you two okay?" the fireman asks, helping you both out of the elevator.
"Yeah, we're fine. Just glad to be out of there," you say with a sigh of relief.
As you step out into the hallway, you and Jude exchange grateful smiles. Unsurprisingly people crowd to him and make sure he's all good. He waves them off instead pointing them in your direction. You insist you're all good, no injuries. After thanking everyone you slip away and begin walking down the hall. After all, you don't expect him to actually mean anything there. You just got stuck together for a while, and got comfortable. That's all.
You think this is the 4th floor? Down the stairs you go. 
The man is full of surprises. He catches up to you, shouting your name and closing the door to the stairs behind him.
“Had enough of me?” 
“Eh four hours seems like enough.” you shrug. 
He rolls his eyes, “so you don't give me your number then if i ask?”
“Only if you ask nicely. And I don't even have a Spanish number yet, I'll have to get yours.” 
(you want his number sooo bad you might explode, this can't be real.)
“Would you like to get my number then?” he scratches the back of his neck, suddenly shy, ‘only if you want you know you don't have to just because the whole elevator thing i mean-”
You cut him off with a kiss to the check, “I'd love to get your number Jude. And thanks for being so nice in there.” 
He looks to the ground, playing with his hands, “yeah anytime.” 
You hand him your phone and he takes a contact picture right there, with the most obnoxious contact name to match. 
‘the best elevator buddy Jude <3’
You smile, “I'll text you when I can, yeah?”
He hums, waving you off, slipping the door open with his foot and setting off in the opposite direction. What a day huh?
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fadedncity · 1 year
safety net
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wc: 4.6k
pairing: jeno x fem!reader
cw: smut, bsf!jeno, friends to lovers, non idol au, haunted attractions, reader has coulrophobia (a fear of clowns), use of fake blood, (soft)dom!jeno, teasing, pet names, multiple orgasms, choking, manhandling, spanking, fingering, praise kink, oral sex (receiving/giving), protected sex, aftercare…pretty sure that’s it
song inspo: safety net by ariana grande feat. ty dolla sign
You could hear the screams coming from inside as you and your friends moved up in the line. You nervously bounced on the balls of your feet, glancing at every person passing, keeping an eye out for the horror actors who were going around jump-scaring patrons.
Jeno noticed you become more anxious, unable to stop fidgeting.
"You're not too thrilled about this, are you?" he asks.
"What would make you say that?" you furrow your brows, clearly unaware of it written all over you.
"You seem a little on edge."
"What? No, I'm fine-" You turn to find the presence you felt creeping up behind you. You're face to face with a clown mask and almost jump out of your skin, letting out a small shriek.
But hearing Haechan's laugh, your fear quickly turns into anger as the boy pulls the mask away.
"Donghyeok, I swear I'm gonna fucking-" You lunged at him, only to be stopped by two strong arms.
"We don't need you laying him out here in the park before we even get to the door," Jeno says.
You grumbled, "Fine, but if he's missing from the headcount after this you know what happened," you glared at the Gemini, flipping him off as he stuck his tongue out at you.
"You know we don't have to do this you know, you and I can get off the line now." Jeno offers you one last out as the line continues to grow behind you.
"I know. I'll be fine. I just hate clowns," you peer over Jeno's shoulder at the actor in the clown costume standing across the lot, scaring other passersby in the park.
"I won't let anything happen to you, alright? I promise." Jeno says reassuringly.
"Thank you, Jen," you smile at him.
Your friends were the next group in line to enter the attraction. The big glaring neon letters in bright red, reading Hollow's Horror above the entrance, followed by a disclaimer of what could happen once you're inside. 
"So you gonna make a move tonight?" Minjeong whispers.
"What?" you ask.
"You and Jeno," she nods to the boy ahead of you, talking to Jaemin.
"Me and Jeno are just friends."
"Yeah, okay," Minjeong sarcastically nodded, "'I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.'" She mimicked Jeno's voice, and you elbow her.
"Hey, Johnny, you sure no one's ever died inside this thing?" Renjun asks the seasonal employee.
"Few people have passed out or accidentally injured themselves running and tripping over something, so the EMTs are on standby," Johnny answers. "All I'll say is the more scared you are, the more they're likely to go after you," he says, looking your way like he's talking to you directly. "But no, no one has died. Yet," Johnny says with a wicked grin as the doors open and your group is ushered inside. 
"Yet?? Did he just say yet?" Ningning questions as Jimin drags her along inside. 
You all stood in the dimly lit room, listening to Ten as he went over the rules and guidelines of the attraction. Minjeong unsubtly nudged you in Jeno's direction, causing you to stumble into him, and you shoot her a death glare over your shoulder.
"You ready?" Jeno asks you.
"As ready as I'll ever be," you sigh, following everyone else into the haunted house. 
. . .
"How'd I even get talked into this? Everyone else could be dead for all we know."
"You know damn well everyone's fine. We just got separated." Jeno says, continuing to lead the way, "Look, Chenle's still on live with Jisung and Ningning," he shows his phone, and you see Chenle hysterically laughing as the three of them are chased through a corn maze by an actor with a chainsaw.
"Of course he is, he loves this shit," you shake your head, peering around the corner on the lookout for another scarer.
"Come on, we're almost out," Jeno nodded in the direction of another doorway.
"How are you sure?"
"Yangyang's been raving about this thing since Hendery went last year. He's watched all the vlogs and read all the reviews. He practically has his own blueprint of this place, and I'm pretty sure the funhouse is one of the last."
The first three letters were scratched out and replaced with others to spell out Bloodhouse instead, and you glare at Jeno.
"Oh come on, you gotta be shitting me," you protest, hearing the circus-themed music grow louder. 
"You can do this, I have faith in you," Jeno holds out his hand, "And I'll be with you the entire time."
You let out a displeased sigh as you take Jeno's hand and follow him into the hall of mirrors. 
"Just try to relax and stay calm. If they smell your fear they'll come for you," Jeno whispers dramatically.
"And that's supposed to make me feel better?"
"Maybe. But if it didn't, you know I still got you," Jeno reassuringly squeezed your hand. 
You let Jeno take the lead, holding his hand firmly as he guided you through the maze of electronic attractions, jumping out at the both of you as you passed them by. 
Jeno was seemingly moving fast through the poorly lit room, wanting to get you out as soon as possible. But the next corner you turn, you find two actors dressed as killer clowns shuffling around, awaiting their next victims.
Jeno feels your body tense up as you lock eyes with one of them.
"Stay calm," he says as both clowns stalk toward you.
"I can't," you say, your breathing becoming heavy. 
"Okay, so we run," he says.
Still holding hands, the maniacal laughter follows you both down a narrow hallway, where you feel hands grab at you both through the railings. But just as you both escape the hands grabbing at you, the sprinklers above your heads go off, spraying you and Jeno in fake blood.
Still processing all the red you're seeing, neither of you has the chance to react as another clown jumps out at you, yelling, "Give Lucky a big smile!"
You instantly grab Jeno, screaming bloody murder as a bright flash goes off. The actor shoved the Polaroid into Jeno's hands as the evil laughter grew louder and louder, more actors swarming you both. With his arms around you, Jeno takes you the rest of the way out of the haunted walk-through.
Complimentary towels were offered to you and Jeno as you exited the attraction with I Survived the Night at Hollow's Horror embroidered into the fabric. 
Still, in a bit of shock, it takes a second for you to register that it's over, and you're now back in the crowd of the theme park.
"Oh thank god, we're done," you practically collapse into Jeno's arms, "I couldn't take anymore of that."
"You okay?"
"Might have nightmares for a few days, but I'll live," you wipe your face clean of the fake blood.
"Well guess what, you did it. I'm proud of you," Jeno says, causing warmth to bloom in your chest.
"Holy shit, what the hell happened to you guys?" a familiar voice grabs both of your attention.
You and Jeno find most of your friends crowded outside, waiting for you and the few others still inside.
"They definitely got the bloodhouse," Jaemin said.
Haechan erupted into laughter, "Of course you did out of all people."
"You know Haechan just cause you made it through the haunted house doesn't guarantee you'll make it through the rest of the night." you started, but Jeno immediately put himself between you both.
"We survived!" Chenle yells triumphantly.
He runs toward your group with Jisung and Ningning not too far behind, all three of them wrapped up in their own complementary towels.
"Why are you guys wet?" Jimin asks.
"We ended up in the shark tank," Jisung says, chittering his teeth.
"Shark tank!? And this thing is legal??" Aeri asks.
"They definitely weren't real sharks," Yangyang says.
"You sure about that? Cause the teeth on that thing looked pretty real," Ningning said, hugging the towel tighter around herself. 
"Who cares? We're definitely coming back next year." Chenle declares.
"Yeah, we'll see about that."
. . .
"You didn't have to drive me home. I could've gone with Jimin," you say once on the front steps of your house.
"I know I didn't have to," Jeno shrugs, "But I wanted to."
"Well, thank you. Not just the ride but everything tonight. I don't know if I would've survived without you," you say lightheartedly.
"I promised you I wouldn't let anything happen to you, didn't I?"
You laugh, "Goodnight, Jeno."
"Goodnight," he says.
But neither of you move, your hand resting on the doorknob, wordlessly staring at Jeno.
"Everything okay?" Jeno asks.
"Yeah," you nod.
"Cause this is the part where you take out your keys and unlock the door so I know you've made it inside safely before I leave," he says, "Unless you don't want me to leave-" you cut him off with your lips on his.
Jeno's hands reach for your waist and pull you closer. You curl your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Your hands find his hair, raking your fingers through the stiff strands dried with food dye and corn syrup.
"Do you wanna come in?" you ask.
"Do you want me to come in?" he retorts.
"You could at least come inside to wash up. It's the least I can offer."
. . .
The steam left from your shower poured out of the bathroom the second you opened the door and stepped into your bedroom, now wearing clean clothes.
"Whatcha looking at?" you ask, rubbing the last of your moisturizer into your hands.
You find Jeno on your bed, redressed in new clothes; a shirt, and some sweatpants he left at your place a while ago. You climb onto your bed, sit beside him, and see the Polaroid picture Jeno's looking at in his hands.
"Oh my god, I can't believe this," you take the picture as Jeno hands it to you.
"This is officially my favorite picture."
"Why? I look crazy!" you point to the terrified expression the photographer caught while you were mid-scream.
"I kinda think it's cute, I mean look at us. You're clinging onto me for dear life. I thought I was gonna lose my arm," Jeno jokes.
"Alright, you know what, I've had enough of you," you playfully roll your eyes, ready to stand and walk away. But Jeno doesn't give you the chance to get too far, grabbing your waist and pulling you back down into his lap.
"Well, that's too bad, because I definitely haven't gotten enough of you," he rubs his hands over your thighs as you lean closer.
You smile against Jeno's lips, cupping his face as you kiss him. Jeno rests his hand on your lower back, pressing firmly against your spine. You comb your fingers through his damp hair and swipe your tongue along the seam of his lips. As your tongues clash, Jeno's hands cup your ass, subtly directing you to roll your hips into his allowing you to feel the bulge in his pants.
"Wait-" Jeno stops kissing you.
"Oh my god, did I completely miss read this?" you drop your hands from his face.
"No, no," Jeno quickly clarifies, taking your hands in his, "It's just I don't want you to think I just wanna sleep with you."
"I mean, no, trust me I do—god knows how bad I want to. But I wanna be clear that I like you, y/n. Like really like you. And I need you to know that I'm not just using you—"
"Hey," you cut off his rambling, "I know you're not like that," you stroke his cheek, and Jeno sheepishly smiles, "So you like me, huh? Like really like me?" you teasingly smirk, resting your arms over his shoulders.
"You really think I would've just let Haechan drag me out tonight if you weren't gonna be there. You know I don't really care for that type of stuff. But for you…" he trails off.
"It's funny you say that, because I was pretty adamant about not going until Aeri told me you were."
"Sounds like we're pretty perfect for each other," Jeno says with a laugh.
"I mean it's not like nothing good came out of this," you smile, kissing his lips.
"No, lie there."
You softly nibble down on his bottom lip, making him quietly groan. You feel his fingers dig into your hips, lightly scratching his nails down your exposed thighs, causing you to gasp against his lips. Jeno takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. He tastes the remaining fruity flavor of the gummies you were chewing on in the car on your lips.
Your hips drag against Jeno's, and you feel his cock through your shorts.
Jeno pulls you flush against his body and begins softly pressing kisses down the side of your neck, making you moan and arch into his touch.
"Jen," you call his name.
"Yeah, princess?" you almost moan as the pet name rolls off his tongue.
"I need you."
"I'm right here, baby. Can't think to be anywhere else right now. I'm all yours."
Jeno switches places with you, laying you down on the bed, your lips still attached.
"Gonna let me have a taste of you, angel?"
"Please," you nod.
Jeno admired you as you lay beneath him. "Just tell me if it's too much, you wanna stop, or even if you just need a break, okay?"
You nod, just hoping he'd touch you already.
"I'm gonna need words, pretty."
"Okay," you reassuringly nod again.
Jeno softly kisses your lips, and you feel his hand roam your body, kneading every place he can reach except where you want him most.
"You're so beautiful, princess," Jeno smirks, slipping his hands under your shirt and palming your breasts. You mewl into his touch as he started lifting your shirt. "So, so pretty," he hums, eyeing your perky nipples before he lowers himself and takes one into his mouth.
With his tongue swirling around your areola, Jeno had his hand occupied with your other nipple, rolling and tweaking it between his fingers.
Curling your fingers into the short hairs at the nape of his neck, you moan and arch your back into his mouth. You squirm beneath his body, the ache between your legs growing even stronger.
"Patience, baby," Jeno pulls away from you, "I like taking my time," he runs his hands up your thighs, softly squeezing your flesh.
"You know I'm not known for my patience," you say.
"Guess you better learn quickly then."
One of his fingers lightly trailed up your inner thigh. He took his finger and traced your clothed slit with a feather-light touch. You tried to raise your hips against his hand. But he pins your hips to the bed.
Jeno tsks, shaking his head. "You want something, angel, you gotta ask for it."
"Touch me," you breathe out.
"I am, aren't I?"
"You know what I mean," you say, irritation evident in your tone.
"No, I'm not sure. You want me to touch you here?" Jeno asks, rubbing your clit through your shorts.
"Yes," you buck your hips into his hand.
"Yes, what?"
"Please, Jeno," you frustratedly fist the sheets.
"Come on, sweetheart. I wanna hear you say it," his tone is soft as he applies more pressure to your clit.
"Fuck. Just fucking touch my pussy, Jen, please," you beg.
"Atta girl," he praised. "Wasn't so hard just using your words, now was it." he smiled as he removed your shorts along with your underwear.
"Fuck off-" your words are choked up by a moan as Jeno's fingers sink inside you.
"What was that?" Jeno asks, but you can't respond other than with another moan, "That's what I thought."
Jeno scissors his two fingers against your soft walls. The muscles in his arms flex every time he pumps his digits in and out of you.
"Feels good, huh, baby?" he watches your face twist up in pleasure as he curls his fingers.
He plants a few kisses on your face, "You want more?"
"Please, Jen, I need more. It feels so good," 
"That's it, princess. Taking my fingers like such a good girl."
"Don't stop. Please-" The stretch of Jeno's three fingers made it harder to think. Jeno watched his fingers disappear inside you, reappearing with a layer of slick coating them.
"Shh, it's okay, sweetheart. I've got you," Jeno talks you through it.
You weren't watching him, but you felt the bed shift.
"Oh my god!" you cry.
The most beautiful sound Jeno's ever heard came from your lips as he took your clit into his mouth. He directed one of your legs over his shoulder as he buried his face deeper between your legs.
"Come on, sweetness, say my name. Tell me who's making you feel so good."
He purred before dropping his head back down. Jeno wrapped his arms under your thighs, spreading your legs further apart. You writhed and thrashed in his hold, attempting to grind your hips against his mouth, but his strength never let up. Jeno's strong arms held you right where he wanted you. He lapped at your folds, using his fingers to part your lips, revealing your leaking hole, clenching around nothing.
Jeno hummed before delving back in. His eyes fluttered shut as he wiggled his tongue inside of you.
"Jen—fuck. I'm gonna-"
"Cum? You wanna cum for me?" he slipped his fingers back into your pussy.
"Yes, please, Jeno! I wanna cum for you," you whine.
You grab Jeno's wrist, rolling your hips against his hand as he curls his fingers just right, hitting that spongy spot inside you.
"Please-" you gasp.
Jeno kissed your thigh. "Cum," he practically growled.
Jeno sucked on your clit as your noises got louder. His fingers curled against your soft, gummy walls, and the obscene squelching of your juices mixing with his saliva filled your ears.
Your back arched off the bed, your fingers pulling at the roots of Jeno's hair. Your legs fought against his strength, threatening to close around his head.
You quietly whimper when his fingers easily slip out of you. Your eyes blinked in and out of focus as Jeno licked his fingers clean with a delighted hum. He checks on you, softly cradling your face.
"Look at me," Jeno says, "Are you alright?" 
"Mhm," you nod, "You know it's been a minute since someone else has made me cum. That hard, especially."
"Which is why I was more than happy to do for you, baby," He kisses your lips, "I don't know if I would've been able to handle hearing about another one of your pathetic hookups," he mumbled.
You raise your brows and kiss your teeth, "You're one to talk. I'd rather have brunch with Pennywise than hear one more story about someone else's mind blowing orgasm from your supposed magic tongue."
"Are you saying my magic tongue didn't just give you a mind blowing orgasm?" Jeno raises an eyebrow.
"Shut up," you cross your arms over your chest.
"Aww, don't get like that, angel," Jeno uncrosses your arms. "Would it make you feel better to know I've never been that close to cumming untouched. Just from eating you out," he says, motioning toward the prominent outline in his shorts, and you notice the darkened spot of precum staining the material.
"How close?" you ask, sitting up with a smile threatening to spread on your face.
"Very close."
"Yeah?" you place your hand in his lap and start palming him over his clothes. "At least let me return the favor, you've been so good to me, Jen, let me make you feel good too," you gently trace the outline of his cock, and the corner of his mouth twitches.
He gave you a nod, and you pulled his cock out of his pants, grasping his length in his hand. Jeno hisses as you slowly jerk your wrist, teasing his tip with your thumb. Wasting no more time, you took his cock into your mouth, welcoming the weight of him on your tongue. You hummed around him, letting the salty precum coat your tastebuds.
You look up at him through your lashes, seeing him intently watching your ministrations. You lick a long stripe along the underside of his cock, his eyes refusing to leave your face, and they threaten to shut.
Spit dribbled out of your mouth onto his cock, assisting your hand in pumping the base. You swirled your tongue around the head of his cock, softly sucking the angry red tip.
"Holy shit," Jeno groaned. The hand resting on your head gently grasped your hair, lightly tugging your head back. "I'm gonna fucking spoil you," he said, pulling you in for a kiss.
You collapse back onto your bed to watch as Jeno grabs the back of his shirt, tearing it over his head, and you can't stop the moan coming out of your mouth seeing his adonis-like figure above you.
Jeno smiles, his ego definitively inflated a bit as he kicks off his sweats along with his boxers. Hooking his arms under your thighs, Jeno pulls you away from the head of the bed and back toward him.
As Jeno looked at you, the most unholy thoughts ran rampant through his mind.
"God, I love seeing you like this," he kissed your chest, "All I wanna do is ruin you," he darkly smiled.
"Please do," you grin before he sinks two fingers into your pussy.
Your eyes roll back, feeling his fingers wiggle against your soft walls.
"Such a needy little thing you are," Jeno said as he added another finger.
"Just for you," you moan.
You let out a small whine in protest when Jeno removes his fingers, using your juices on his hand to pump his cock.
"Get on your hands and knees for me?" Jeno's question comes out more like a gentle order, and you roll over onto your stomach, raising your hips into the air.
While you reposition yourself, having familiarized himself with your room, Jeno reaches into your nightstand, retrieving a condom for himself.
"This is definitely a view I can get used to," Jeno runs his hand down your spine before harshly bringing his hand down on your right asscheek, making you moan.
"Come on, Jen," you mewl, pushing your hips back into his as he rolls the condom onto his length.
"So impatient," he tsked, "Can't even properly admire you, baby," he smacked the other side of your ass.
His laugh melted into a deep groan as he slid his cock into you. 
"Oh my god," your eyes roll back, and your jaw clenches.
"You feel so fucking deep. Feels so good,"
"Pussy feels so goddamn good around me. It's like you're perfectly meant to take my cock, princess."
Jeno pulled both of your arms behind your back, holding your wrists with only one of his hands, using them to pull you back onto his cock repeatedly. You whined shamelessly into the sheets as Jeno continued to fuck you into the mattress.
You know right here and now isn't the ideal time for this thought to occur to you, but knowing Jeno's heard about every aspect of your sex life, and has remembered things you've mindlessly mentioned being into in passing, only causes you to lose any sort of composure you had left. You hold onto his wrist, moaning carelessly, your pussy choking Jeno's cock as it moves rhythmically in and out of your soaking cunt.
Jeno's movements started to pick up, and the harsh sound of his hips slamming into yours filled your ears beyond your own cries and whimpers.
"Jen, please I'm-"
"Yeah, come on, baby, give it to me," he rasped in your ear, "Cum for me."
You could feel Jeno's cock twitching inside your pulsating pussy. Jeno quickly pulled out of you before he also came, flaring his nostrils and clenching his jaw when he denied himself from cumming just yet.
Pressing kisses up your spine, Jeno asks, "Think you got one more for me?" slipping his middle finger into your overstimulated cunt.
A moan squeals out of your lips, and you nod. With ease, Jeno rolls you back over, pulling your legs apart to settle between them.
"Such a needy little cock slut. You already love the way I fill you up, don't you?" he asks, running the tip of his cock up your slit.
"Love it so much." you nod eagerly.
Your eyes roll back as Jeno bottoms out once more. 
"If only you could see yourself, princess," Jeno softly wraps his hand around your throat, "All fucked out and taking all of me like a good girl." Between Jeno's fingers lightly squeezing the sides of your neck and his words, your head was spinning.
The intense pleasure came over you, you couldn't piece together words anymore. Jeno smiled, hearing your incoherent babbling.
"J-Jeno..oh my god, ple-ease!" you cried.
You blinked your glossy eyes up at Jeno as he slowed down but deepened his strokes. You smiled, feeling how deep he was inside you, and you could feel your body teetering the edges of your third orgasm of the night.
"Dumb little princess," he crooned, "Have I already fucked you stupid, baby?"
Flustered by his words, you laugh, "Yes, yes, yes, Jen! please don't stop," you arch your back.
"That's my pretty girl," Jeno deeply rolled his hips into yours. "Let me know how good I'm making you feel."
"It's so good, it's so go-ood, Jeno, m'gonna cum," you whine.
"Go ahead and soak my cock, angel," he grunted.
Red streaks decorate Jeno's arm as your nails dig into his skin, another earth-shattering orgasm slamming into you.
"Th-thank you—fuck—thank you," you cried, tears of pleasure pricking at your eyes. You could hear how heavy Jeno's breathing has become and know he's not too far behind you.
"Mhm, such a good girl," Jeno's voice drops a few octaves as his hips stutter, filling the latex with his cum.
Your legs were trembling as they fell against Jeno's. He gently caressed your face, waiting for you to come back down to him.
"You okay?" he asks.
"Much more than," you smile.
"Happy to hear. Just give me a minute." Jeno says, softly kissing your lips before slipping out of your pussy, disposing of the condom, and pulling his sweatpants back on as he disappeared into the bathroom.
Jeno quickly returned with a wet cloth to wipe away the stickiness clinging to your skin.
Once he was done, you sat up and let Jeno pull you into his arms. The usual annoyance of your clammy skin sticking to his hadn't bothered you much as you just wanted to be in his arms.
"What're you thinking about?" Jeno's voice breaks the silence.
"Hm?" you snap out of your thoughts.
"You're quiet. I can tell there's a lot going through your mind right now."
"A lot of things pertaining you, yes."
"I meant what I said earlier. I really do like you."
"I know…I kinda really like you too."
You swear his eyes sparkled as a smile broke out on his face, "You have no idea how much it means to hear that. I was too afraid I would've messed something up between us."
"And I thought I was the only one here who faces their fears tonight," you say before planting a kiss on his lips.
"Are you sure there isn't anything you need I can get for you?" he asks.
"I'm all good right here." You wrap your arms around his neck, resting your forehead against his, "This is all I need."
a/n: this was especially for the five of you that had already seen this last week when I accidentally posted 😭😭 thank you for reading!! feedback is appreciated <33
edit: i can’t believe i let all of y’all read this with this many typos and shit 😭 i swear i wasn’t done editing but this was the second time it accidentally posted from my drafts and i just said fuck it 🚶🏽‍♀️
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fandomfics · 2 months
One shot
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Pairing: Superman/Clark Kent x Fem Reader
Description: When you try to hide from your creepy coworker you find yourself in a tight space with a handsome journalist you've had your eye on for a while.
Fanfic Masterlist
18+ MDNI
Locked in tight space, grinding, kissing, groping, oral (F receiving), semi public sex, caught in the act, teasing, unprotected p in v, not proof read
All smut babyyy.
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"Hey doll, where ya goin?" Jackson calls after you. You walk quickly away from the break room through the maze of halls trying to lose him as soon as possible, then you see an open door. A closet. He is about to round the corner behind you when you slip in and close the door quietly.
"Hey, what are you-" before another word slips out of whoever is with you, you clasp a hand over their mouth and shush them with a finger hovering over your lip.
"where'd ya go? Let's just chat about this, okay? We can handle this like adults..." Jackson walks down the hall past the door and when you can't hear him any longer your body relaxes with a sigh.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." You choke out as you drop your hand from Clark Kent's mouth. "Fuck, I -"
He can clearly see the distress on your face as you repeatedly apologize, on the verge of tears.
"Hey, it's okay," his voice is soft, "what's going on?"
"That asshole groped me in the break room. I just needed to get away from him..."
"It's okay, he's gone, you're safe-" he begins before you interrupt him.
"Oh, I know I'm safe. I ran before I snapped and beat his ass to a bloody pulp."
A look of realization comes across his face and he chuckles. "I see. we still have a problem though..."
"Yeah, what's that?" You say as you turn and try the knob, the door doesn't budge.
"We're stuck." You turn to see his face scrunched with a small knowing smile.
"At least I'm stuck with you and not that fucking animal." You scoff.
Suddenly he stalks forward and you push your back up against the door and the two of you are toe to toe.
"You think I'm not an animal?" A shiver runs down your spine as he continues to speak, his usual chipper demeanor and wide smile gone. "I heard you talking to your friends about me last week. About what you'd let me do to you. Sounded pretty animalistic to me."
"Oh, you uh...you heard that huh?"
"I did, we got time to kill if you're still interested."
Your hands shoot up to his face and your lips crash into his, he slots his leg between yours, and his hands find your hips.
He pulls away to catch his breath, "You sure?"
"Hell yes." You reply panting.
His lips find yours again in a frenzied kiss, his hands move your hips to grind on his leg and you groan at the friction. Hurried hands rip buttons from their place and you feel your soft skin press against his hardened muscles. He trails kisses down your jaw to your neck, you throw your head back and he immediately uses the opening to bite the junction at your neck and shoulder.
Your breath hitches in surprise as the sensation sends electricity coursing over your skin. The slight pain heightens your senses and you grind harder against him. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum."
He immediately stops and pulls away, a wicked grin on his face. An exasperated groan leaves your throat before you beg for more. He drops to his knees and snakes his hands up your skirt, his fingers find the hem of your panties and he quickly pulls them off.
"Look at all this," He gloats as he examines them. "I think I'm gonna need a taste." His words shake you to your core and another groan escapes you.
"This won't do at all, you're gonna have to keep quiet for me, don't want to be interrupted before I even get the chance to fuck you, do you?"
You whimper at the thought and he shakes his head. "Open." You obey, opening your mouth so he can muffle your cries with your panties.
"Good girl." He pats your cheek with his large hand. He guides your hand to lift your skirt so he has an unobstructed view of you as he buries his face in your weeping cunt. His tongue expertly explores your folds causing you to involuntarily buck into his face. He moans into you sending another wave of pleasure through you. Your free hand weaves into his hair and you push him into you harder as you roll your hips forward. You suddenly feel a finger probe your entrance and you encourage the movement
"Yes please, fuck." Your muffled whisper breathless. Slowly he works you open, adding fingers until he's pumping and curling three inside you just right.
"Please let me cum!" You whine through the fabric in your mouth.
"Go ahead." He states simply and you finally get your release. He works you through your orgasm until your twitching as you ride the last of it out. He removes his sopping fingers and licks them clean. Your legs wobble as you try and catch your breath and he stands to support you by the waist.
"let me know when you're ready for round two." He growls in your ear.
"Fuck me, please." You rip the panties from your mouth and the words come out without thinking, a sinister smile adorns his lips.
"Hands and knees." He orders. You're almost ashamed at how quickly you turn around and drop to the floor, but the orgasm that just ripped through you leaves you dumb and wanting.
You hear him unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, you begin to turn your head when he catches you.
"Eyes forward." Another simple command that shoots straight to your core. You feel his tip prod your entrance and you push back unwilling to wait any longer.
You gasp when he fills you completely, he chuckles before pulling back and snapping forward hard. His pace is staggering and leaves you drooling as you both chase your high. The obscene sounds of skin on skin mask the approaching footsteps.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum again, don't stop." You choke out.
"Shit, me too." He groans out.
Just as you both start to climax the door opens and Jackson stands in the doorway. Clark keeps fucking you through until you're both finished maintaining eye contact with Jackson until he slams the door shut.
Panting you both collapse to the floor next to each other and laugh at the look on Jackson's face.
"We didn't get to everything on your list. Might have to do this again sometime." He quips with a wink.
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glassica · 2 months
Notes: M!yan transmigrator x Gn!reader reincarnator, isekai, jealousy, mentions of violence
Continued from Second Male Lead, with a different yan.
"Looks like someone got rejected huh?", your best friend tucked head to the side, eyes full of mischief, didn't bother pretending to sympathize with your loss for a bit. This was why you dreaded seeing him so much. You knew well he would just make fun of your miserable love life.
"Shut up! He didn't. I just realize that I'm no match to the heroine!", you groaned, shooting an icy glare at your friend, "Honestly how am I supposed to compete with the universe's favorite?! I know she's the main character but still... isn't it too unfair for us extras?"
"Unfair only for you, I actually have a blast there. Crazy how relaxing life is when you not aiming too out of league.”
He laughed and teased you senselessly, but inside the man was breathing sighs of relief. You didn't want to know what would he do to the second male lead had you two become a couple. Nothing much, just some little stabs on the chest and limbs ripping apart maybe...
At first he was so scared seeing himself transported to this world. He knew about the isekai stuff, but applying those knowledge to reality was a different story. He had no clue about the worldbuilding nor the plot, thus struggled desperately to blended in high society. Besides, he couldn't tell anyone about him belonging to different world, he would be called crazy and outcasted from all circles.
So it was a miracle that he met you, another soul stuck in same situation. Because you had read the series and been living there since birth, you were able to provide him with necessary information about the novel. Through you, he learned about the Kingdom, the protagonists, the future events, etc. in addition to all the etiquette and secrets of nobility. At one point, you confessed to him about the second male lead, the love of your (now and previous) life.
Who you pined after was none of his business, yet the man found himself growing unbearably irritated the more he heard about that name. Your best friend always bore a bitter grin on his face whenever you gushed about your crush, sometimes he sneaked in snide remarks, suggesting the second lead was probably just a mediocre guy. “If he was really charming like you made him out to be,” your friend argued, “he should’ve been the hero instead of getting shoved outside midway to be honest.” You huffed, who he thought he is to downplay the man of your dream like that? And why did your friend like belittling your feelings so much?
No. He didn’t look down on you at all, he just hated the fact that you were paying attention anyone but not him. He couldn’t accept the sight of you longing for another man when he was right there. The one who was aware of your deepest secret, the one who witnessed all your goodness and uglies, the one who could share your struggles of adapting to new world. He knew you the best, obviously he was the right choice for you.
And perhaps the man should admit deep down, he was also terrified of the future without you. You had come and guided him through the puzzling maze of noble life, be there for him when he was on verge of giving up everything. He had been acquainted with your lovely presence, no way he would let anyone steal it away from him. Little dirt on hands wasn’t a bad price to pay if that means you would be chained forever to him.
You might be a worthless extra in their story, but always the main character in his story.
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m30wk1ttycat · 4 months
early bird
pairing: newt x reader summary: you, the glade's newest arrival, end up cuddling with newt, because he won't let you sleep on the floor.
the box arrived early. too early. when the door/ceiling opened, it was dark outside. you could barely see anything. and on top of that, you had no clue where you were, who you were, how you got here. as much as you tried to remember what was happening, there was nothing. literally nothing.
you could only imagine the look on your face when you heard someone's voice. "hey, are you okay?" the person asked, extending his hand for you to grab.
you nod. but how okay can you really be when you're stuck in some sort of elevator, in the dark, in an unknown place?
letting go of the person's hand, you look around. in the dark, you could barely see anything, but you could still make out giant walls covered with thick ivy. "i know you're confused - i promise, i'll explain everything," the person said again. it was only now that you noticed his british accent. the boy before you looked to be sixteen/seventeen years old, his blonde hair tousled and sticking out in awkward places - which looked quite silly -, his dark eyes barely open.
"who are you? where am i? what's going on?" you ask. judging by the look on his face, he didn't seem to be in the mood for your questions. he ran a tired hand through his hair before answering your inquiries.
"i'm newt, the second-in-command here. this-" he gestured with his hand, "-is the glade. you're safe, i promise. here, at least."
with a sigh, he looked at you again, unsure how to continue. he put his hands on his hips, explaining that the box - as they, the gladers, called the elevator you found yourself in - came up too early, and that it malfunction. thus, why no one else was around. the others were asleep, which made you feel even more nervous - there were others? now you weren't sure what was supposed to upset you more - the fact that the box malfunctioned or that there were other people here?
"what do you mean it malfunctioned?" you asked.
"there's always a loud alarm, about half an hour before the box with the greenie actually arrives. but today, it didn't," he explained, "greenies are what we call the newbies."
newt ended up explaining the most important things that you should know - about the maze, the jobs, the people you should or shouldn't interact with.
he offered to let you sleep in his hut, since it was still only four am, and he wasn't planning on letting you sleep on the floor. you didn't tell him no - it more of an "are you sure?" to which he responded with "i wouldn't be asking if i wasn't sure, greenie." you weren't exactly familiar with glader slang, it was still confusing. but all things aside, you two ended up wrapped around eachother in his hammock. you were comfortable, so was he.
he was so close to falling asleep again, but he tried to stay awake just so he could answer all your questions.
"so, what does the second-in-command do?"
"basically the same thing the first-in-command does, only that the second-in-command is his number two," he said.
"who's the first-in-command again?" you ask, confused.
"alby. you'll meet him in the morning," newt answered, desperately trying to keep his eyes open.
"and there's.. fourty-ish boys here?"
"you really like asking questions, don't you?" he turned to look at you, his eyes half-lidded. "go to sleep. i'll answer everything in the morning. i don't have the energy for this. please." you nod, turning away from him. he tugged you closer to him, his arm draped over your waist just like before. before he could even manage to blink, you drifted off to sleep.
in the morning, when most of the gladers were awake, it was just you and newt who were still inside, probably sleeping. newt never missed breakfast, so minho went to wake him up - just like he woke up the runners incase they overslept -, only to see newt watching over you, you snuggled up against him. newt looked like he didn't get an ounce of sleep.
"newt," minho called out from the entrance to his hut. newt was already awake when minho entered, shooting a glare in his way. "no. go away," newt grumbled.
"alby was looking for you, just sayin'," minho said. you were still asleep, newt's arms around you like a teddy bear.
"alby can wait," newt said. "now, go. thank you."
minho rolled his eyes, walking off, without even questioning why the hell newt was cuddling someone who he's never seen in the glade. it'll be fun seeing newt explain what was going on to alby after you woke up.
newt is cranky when he doesn't enough sleep. don't tell me he isn't.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
I Win!
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Media The Maze Runner
Characters Newt , Thomas & Minho
Couple Ivy Trio X Reader
Rating SMUT
Kinktober Day Eight
Kinktober Concept Bukkake
Smut Bukkake/ group sex/ group masturbation/ jizz/ nudity/ cum on skin/ foursome/ BJ/ smutty composition
First things first! 
I'm drunk.
Like really drunk.
I have had…
Nine jars of Gally’s moonshine
And now I have my tenth in hand.
Normally the glade would never get this drunk Alby would have cut the fun off hours ago but he's sick in bed with the flu or something, leaving the sweet blonde second in command in charge and as much as I love Newt he can be a little spineless
So everyone was pretty drunk but I was far drunker than anyone else and I hatched myself a fun little plan. 
I matched myself into the meeting hall… or more correctly fell into the meeting hall seeing exactly the group I wanted. 
In the meeting hall sitting around in their drunken states were, Newt, Thomas and Minho 
“Hi y/n” Minho said as he saw me 
I slammed shut the wooden door and stood before them “Who’s dick do I have to suck to get a week off work!” 
Immediately Thomas’ hands went up,
“Don’t be stupid, I’m her keeper if anyone gets their dick sucked for a week of it's me.” minho argued
“Hey! All of you are disgusting” Newt complained “If anyone it is probably me as second in command” 
“If you getting it I want it!” Minho yelled
And of course, an argument ensured but I giggled 
“Boys!” I laughed “I can resolve this” I smiled sitting on the floor and opening my arms 
“Who- who you you want love?”
“All of us!” Thomas yelped 
“Awww hell yeah! Come here baby” Minho smirked not wanting to waste this opportunity he came over and stroked my jaw giving my head some little pets I smiled and nuzzled into his hip 
“Are you sure?” Thomas asked as he too came over so I smiled and nuzzled with his crotch too “Ohhh she’s serious” 
I glanced over and saw a very red newt 
“come on newt, pretty please” I giggled 
“I…don’t know how I feel about this.” 
“But we need all three. Or I won’t do any” I pouted
“Newt! Don’t be a slinthead right now” Thomas warned 
“I swear I loose a BJ because of you I will make your dick unrecognizable” Minho warned 
“Well…alright but I’m not sure about” he began as he came over so I smiled hugging his hips and pressing kisses all over his crotch “Ughhhhh…. Okay okay love! Someone elses turn” he quickly snapped 
“We should play a game!” I giggled bouncing on my knees “If you boys give in and beg for more then I win a week off work”
“And if we don’t?” Minho smirked “What happens if we don’t end up begging for more?”
“So if all of you cum from my playing?”
“Yeah?” Thomas smirked 
“Then… I loose and I’ll let you all boys have sex with me”
“What- In- inside you?” Newt gulped 
“Umm humm” I nodded “But- One little comment about wanting anything else then no sexy time for you boys. And you all have to cum at the same time to fuck me”
“Deal!” Thomas jumped 
“Absolutely” Minho smirked 
“I don’t know-”
“Newt!” Both Minho and Thomas yelled 
“Please newt, pretty please. It would make me ever so happy” I pleaded cupping my hands to beg him 
“Well… okay love” 
“Yay! Okay let's get started pants off, pretty boys!” 
Minho quickly kicked off his pants and gently began to rub up his hardening sharf But I slapped his hand 
“Nooo naughty boys. That’s my job” I giggled stroking from his base to tip feeling it harden into my hand 
“It sure it baby” He smirked stroking my hair 
“Uhh my pants are stuck- could you help me, sweetie?” Thomas asked
“Okay!” I giggled turning to Thomas helping him tug off his pants and nuzzling close to him as I rubbed on his cock getting him nice and hard he wasn’t as thick as Minho but still very nice to have in my hand I made sure the was fully hard and then turned again to be faced with a nervous newt “You turn!” I smiled quickly getting his pants off “Awww newtie doesn’t need my help” I giggled as I stroked up and down his shaft seeing he was fully hard already he also wasn’t as thick as Minho or Thomas but longer than them both till I moved back “Who wants to go first?” I giggled opening my mouth wide 
“I’ll go first” Thomas jumped in so I smiled and moved to face him starting off by simply peppering kisses up his shaft and he quickly relaxed 
“What are we meant to do while you’re working baby?” Minho asked so I giggled and moved my hands to take a grip of Newt and Minho one in each hand gently jerking them as I kissed Thomas once his shaft was completely covered in my kisses making it nice and lubricated I pulled back and turned to Minho and began kissing his shaft making sure to get all of it taking Thomas into my other hand to jerk him as I worked “Ughhh you are good, where have you been getting all this practice?” 
“Gally let me practice” I giggled
“GALLY!” All three yelled 
“I’m kidding, such jealous boys” I giggled doing my last kiss before I moved to face newt and took Minho back into my hand “I just practice in my dreams” I smiled peppering kisses all over him watching him utterly struggling already 
“Uhh love maybe it's time Thomas had another turn”
“Awww but I just started with you newt” I giggled 
“That’s fine baby you keep working on newt,” Minho reassured “You blow yourself early we don’t  get to fuck her!” 
“I’m doing my best”
I giggled and took him into my mouth completely going down to his base 
“Ughhhhhh! Shuck love!” Newt moaned already bucking his hips towards me I giggled and pulled away moving to Thomas taking him into my mouth and sucking hard he grabbed my hair groaning loudly as I sucked and made sure to use my hands on the other boys I sucked for a good while before pulling away and moving to minho taking him into my mouth and sucking hard, this went on for a good while going round and round the three boys sucking and jerking all the while at this point all of them where struggling 
“Ughhhhh baby! You are good” He groans 
“Yeah! Not so easy it is!” newt complained 
“I’ll still cum after you” 
“And I’m gonna cum after both of you so enjoy your small dick race to second place” Thomas smirked 
“Boys please don’t fight, I just want everyone to be happy” I giggled “Ummm I know!” I smiled slipping off my shirt unclipping my bra and kicking off my shorts “There does this make you boys happy?” I giggled stroking my hair a little 
“Shucking hell-” Thomas groaned it was obvious all three were narwing at their lips trying desperately not to say anything that would get them out of their prize 
So I smirked and of course faced newt, I took minho and thomas in hand making sure to be fast and hard with them as I took newt in my mouth licking and sucking making sure to suck hard as that’s what he seemed to favour 
“Ughhhhhh ughhhhh ughhhh!” Newt moaned
“Keep it shucking together newt!” Thomas told him 
“I’m trying! I think she’s figured out I’m the weakest- ughhhh” he moans and I pulled back giggling like crazy as it dripped down from his head 
“Ohh you little -” Minho began
“It’s just precum!” newt argued “It’s just precum I swear!” 
I giggled and licked it all up making sure to use it to lubricate him “Ummm newtie tastes nice” I giggled “Lets see how Tommy tastes!” I quickly moved and took Thomas back into my mouth making sure he got as deep as possible as that's what he favoured most while my hands still worked even if by now they were getting pretty tired and I felt his precum so I happily licked it all up “Ummm yummy but not as nice as newtie. Lets see about Minho” I smiled moving to him quickly taking him and licking his head alot as he liked that the best as this point all three where moaning messes and I knew this wouldn’t last very long I had been keeping all of them on edge for so long now making sure any time they goto to excited to move again and I tasted minho’s precum soon after “Ummm I like this one best” I giggled making sure to use it to lubricate him a little more 
“Uhhhh minho- we have a problem-” newt spoke up
“You’re about to cum aren’t you?”
“Yeah. I’ve been holding this like an hour I’m not sure I can anymore-” 
“Aww really!” I giggled moving so I could lick and suck him making sure to go as fast as I could on the other boys
“Ughhhh fuck yeah- I can’t - Ughhhh uuughHHHHHH!” He groans I quickly moved away trying to keep him on edge like the others but it was too late I’d push poor newt too far and he came it spurring all over my face and neck 
“Yay!” I giggled “I wi-” I began but I felt more as thomas too hit his spraying his own across me too mostly in my hair and across my shoulders by now of course I had stopped my hands but minho used his own and not seconds later he too came all over my breasts leaving me coated and sticky in all three boys jizz “I win! I win!” I giggled “Awww you boys made me all messy” I giggled rubbing it all into my skin mostly to tease them more
“Actully love, the deal was if we all came at the same time we got to fuck you. I think we came pretty close?”
“Within a minuet” minho smirked 
“So that means we win” Thomas smirked
“...Oh” I sighed “Well… a deals a deal” I shrug but I noticed all three of them go completely white so I turned and noticed the meeting room door open and pretty much every boy in the glade had gathered to see what was going on and clearly all saw what had just happened 
“I believe your exact words were All us boys get to have sex with you.” Minho smirked “Would you agree?”
“Yeah thats what she said” Thomas nodded
“That’s definitely what you said love” Newt smirked “So? Shall we form a line or shall we just have a free for all?” 
“Ohh dear-” I gulped 
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seat-safety-switch · 9 months
Nobody likes to shovel snow. That's why we invented cheap, rusty plow trucks. A truck is strong, so it can push a whole bunch of snow at one time, and old trucks are cheap, so nobody cries if they get rusted to bits. Wait, I'll cry about that.
An old truck is like an old, trusted friend: they were with you during the hard moments in your life. Picking up that arcade cabinet you found on the side of the road. Yanking your mom's old azalea bush out of her front yard. Barrelling down a rural road with your loyal dog on the bench seat beside you. Cutting the lights so the revenuers don't see you hiding in those trees, and they pass harmlessly until you can make good your escape, knowing they'll be stuck for hours in that valley maze and you can thermite a few more bulldozers before they figure out where you went. So it's sad whenever a truck is finally disposed of, and becomes condemned to its last useful task: shovelling snow.
Here at Switch Plow Truck Rescue, we don't think it has to be like that. Our team of experienced automotive restorers will immediately drive the truck to California, where it will quintuple in value despite not having been repaired in any real way. The improvement in resale price, however, of being "a California truck" will attract some sucker who is totally willing to spend six times as much money restoring it to stock. The truck survives its ordeal in the salt hell of winterland, we get a stack of money, as-seen-on-teevee custom car paint shops receive important work like "figure out what part of this used to be the floor," and everyone wins.
Sure, there's some risks, like any investment. We are legally required to tell you about them now. A lot of these trucks are so far gone that they blow away in the wind as soon as we get them on the trailer. Sometimes we can't even find them where they're parked: the act of brushing the accumulated snow off the body destroys the truck as well. And we've had to accept as little as triple value when an unusually savvy prospective buyer correctly guesses that a truck that lived in San Diego should still have all of its doors.
There's a lot of flaws in the model, if I'm honest, but would you rather go out there and shovel your driveway by hand, like a caveman, or would you like to commit mild interstate financial fraud through misrepresentation of goods? I thought so.
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nyrasproblm · 23 days
Feyd-Rautha x fem!reader
Summary: Feyd's actions make you try to run away from him.
Word Count: 0,7K
Warning: ANGST, deaths, power imbalance, jealousy, possessive behavior.
note: this story was posted before my blog was deleted and is also available on AO3.
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You kept running as fast as you could, even though you somehow knew it would be useless. His fear spoke louder than his reason, the tears flowing freely down his face were proof of that.
Your knees were shaking slightly from all the time you ran, the hallways all looked the same. You always hated that about Harkonnen Fortress: everything looked exactly the same. Turning another hallway, you leaned against one of the walls to take a deep breath, still looking around with wide eyes.
Your husband's hoarse voice was still present in your ears, you thought you would never forget it.
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen.
The sick psychotic man you were stuck with for the rest of your life. That thought made you shiver slightly. Feyd treated you well, as well as someone like him could, but then you perhaps abused his good faith, spending too much time with other people than with him, spending more time with other men, laughing with them. Feyd gave you a warning to stop it, or he would be seen as a weak husband who doesn't have his wife's respect, but you didn't listen, so he started being extremely violent, not physically and not towards you, of course.
Feyd seemed obsessed with you since before the wedding, the possessive behavior seemed to get worse.
You had only been married for about a couple of months and you couldn't take it anymore, Feyd would kill anyone for anything. Before it was just the servants, but then he started killing guards, officers working for his uncle, and one of his concubines. It wouldn't take long for your turn to come.
You should calm down and not think like that because at your wedding Feyd swore at the altar that he would protect you, but you knew that wasn't true.
You took comfort in the fact that if Feyd laid a finger on you he would answer to your father, and the alliance his uncle had formed with your planet would end. But tonight... tonight made you forget all that.
Feyd seemed more skittish than usual, aggressive. He had entered his quarters and was breathing heavily, his nostrils flared. You remained quiet, but it seems that your silence irritated him even more, he started throwing the furniture in the room, the dresser, the mirror, and turned to you. You could have sworn you saw his eyes red with anger, without waiting another second you ran away, getting lost in the maze of colorless corridors of this place.
Your thoughts returned to the present moment when you realized that you had been standing in the same place for a long time, Feyd could reach you if you stayed there. Walking back, you sighed heavily and groaned in frustration when you saw that the next hallway was exactly the same as the one you were in.
Before you could turn back and see if you could enter another hallway, a pair of muscular arms closed around you, your back pressed against his chest, warm and hard from years of training. You looked down and immediately recognized the hands with the fingers full of Feyd rings. Before he could scream, a large, calloused hand covered his mouth.
"I was too weak, I shouldn't have fallen in love with someone treacherous like you." his voice tickled your ear. "I let you get too close, that will change."
You struggled and tried to free yourself, but it was useless, Feyd was bigger and stronger from the years of training and fighting.
"I know you think you can get away, but I'm the only one." he tightened his grip. "I can't let you go, don't you understand?"
He released you and turned your body, making you face him, then pushed you towards one of the dark walls, you felt your back pressed against the cold stone. Then he pressed himself against you, pinning your arms to your sides, bringing your body closer to his.
"You don't understand, you don't understand what I would do for you, woman." he nuzzled your cheek and you held your breath. "I would burn the world down, I would burn the whole world down for you. It would just be you and me, you would call my name."
"Don't say that, Feyd..."
"If I can't have you, then no one else can." Looking into his eyes, you knew that was true.
You were his forever.
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could you possibly do a platonic gladers thing where reader was the first to come out of the box? like they came up with the note like teresa but “the first” if that makes sense 😭 anyway the reader is just sort of a parental figure to everyone? whatever gender you’d like to put and scenarios, the thought just popped in my head. ofc do this only if you’d like to!! pls don’t feel obligated!! love ur work <333 /p
HI LOVE THIS!! Thank you for the request ❤
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Everyone loves Y/n
Platonic gladers x gender neutral!reader, set during tmr (movieverse)
3k - longish fic but worth it if you love platonic love 🫶
Warnings: discussions of Newt's suicide attempt; but more like the recovery after it, still please take care everyone, also language warning
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1. Alby
You're the first one. Welcome.
You stuff the crinkled note back in your pocket just as you've done so many times before, re-examining it and hoping for some clue as to why you're stuck in here alone.
Except- you're not alone anymore.
The boy stands beside the Box, staring around the same way you did when you first climbed out, exactly 30 days ago.
Come on, Y/n. Time to go. You take a deep breath, resolving yourself, and you step out from where you'd been standing hidden in the trees.
The guy notices you immediately and takes a defensive stance, understandably hostile and scared. "Who are you? Don't come any closer!"
"Woah, hey," you raise your arms nonthreateningly, continuing to move slowly towards him. "It's alright."
"Where am I?" demands the boy.
"To be honest, I haven't got a clue," you tell him. "But you've got no idea how happy I am to see you."
His eyes narrow. "What?"
You shrug. "I thought I'd be alone here, forever."
At his silence, you continue. "So I've been here for a month. I was sent up in this Box, like you, with a bunch of resources and... hey, they've sent more stuff," you say happily, peering into the Box.
"Alright listen man," you say. "I don't really have answers for you, but I did start developing a routine for how to live here, and I'd love for us to work together."
The boy holds your gaze for a second, before giving a single nod.
You let out a sigh of relief. "Great, wonderful. I'm Y/n, by the way." You stick out your hand to shake. "Oh- memories. Your name is all you get, everything else is gone. But hey, let's make new memories here, together." You flash a cheesy grin and clap the guy on the shoulder.
You don't know how someone conveys sarcasm in a single look, but the new guy manages it just fine.
2. Minho
"Here, this way- shit."
You turn the corner and see the wall sliding into place, sealing off your exit.
"Which way now?" asks Minho, fear evident in his voice.
"Uh- that was already my backup route," you say honestly, backing away from the closed wall. "Just follow me, we'll find another way back."
You start down a lane, moving faster now, admittedly guessing your way through the paths and taking turns on instinct, aiming for the vague direction of the Glade.
Somewhere across the Maze a Griever lets out a screech.
"Yeah, okay," you mutter. Shuck. "In here, quickly," you direct, pushing Minho ahead into a smaller lane.
"Alright, here's the deal." You squat down, forcing Minho down with you, and keeping your voice low. "If I'm right, we're close to the Glade now. There should be a right turn at the end of the path next to us now, then a left and a straight shot back to the Glade."
"What if you're not right?" hisses Minho, wincing at the Griever's screech.
"Then we're dead," you say flatly. "Cause that Griever's in the same direction we're going. By the sound of it, we'll be running the path right beside it's lane."
"Look, Minho. Do you trust me?"
He hesitates, before; "Yes, fine. Let's go."
You shoot him a grin, patting his shoulder. "Perfect. Follow me, stay close."
You run through the route you'd explained to Minho, feeling your blood chill as you get closer to the Griever, its screeches becoming deafening.
You turn to check on Minho, who gives you a firm nod despite the terror you can see in his eyes.
The two of you turn into the final stretch, separated from the Griever by a single wall, and you sprint back to the Glade, heart pounding in your chest.
You collapse into the grass, breathing heavily as Minho falls in beside you.
"What the hell happened to you two?" demands Alby, running up to you and Minho.
You sit up. "Maze changed, and there was a Griever near the Glade," you explain. "Too near."
"Bloody hell," says Newt, hands balanced on his hips. "Are you sure this was a good idea?"
So far you and Alby have been the only people to enter the Maze. Today was meant to be a beginner's run for Minho, your newest Glader and technically the Greenie even though he's never acted like it. You wanted to build a team of Runners, to see if more people could help with searching for an exit.
You look to Minho, still bent over in the grass. "Let's talk in the hut," you say, patting his arm.
"What did you think?" you ask, after you've both gotten water and a few minutes to let the adrenaline fade.
Minho flicks his gaze up at you, before dropping it. "I freaked out. I don't think I'm cut out for this Runner klunk."
You hum softly, tapping on the table Gally had lovingly built and sanded until it shone. "Do you think everyone was immediately good at their jobs?"
"Running is different," responds Minho, dodging the question.
"You were fast," you say. "I think you'd beat any of us in a race if we bothered to test it out. And you've got a level head, which is the most important thing when you're in the Maze."
You lean forward. "But you also need the guts to set foot in the Maze in the first place. And Minho, you were the first volunteer to run with me today. That's exactly the bravery we need in Runners."
You're met with silence. "If I asked you to be a Runner," you say quietly. "Would you say yes?"
"You could be asking the wrong person," hedges Minho.
"I don't think so," you say.
"I- why? Why me?"
"Because I believe in you," you say simply. "I think you could do it."
The silence stretches as you wait for Minho's response. Then; "Okay, I'll do it." He gives you a nod, expression resolving.
You sit back, a mock-thoughtful expression on your face. "I mean, I said if I asked you, this was really more hypothetical-"
"Y/n, I swear-"
You let out a laugh, and Minho rolls his eyes at you, grinning.
3. Newt
Overtime, the Gladers have grown into a wider community, with new jobs and groups slowly added.
Alby steps into the leader position and you move into your gardening job, as well as mentoring the Medjacks on the side. You tend to pick up a little of every job, passing what you know to newly formed groups until they can develop on their own.
Minho's grown far beyond what you could have expected from him, moving on to memorising routes, constructing a scarily detailed Map, and hand-picking the new Runners.
Newt becomes a Runner too, and you almost lose him.
They're some of the worst memories you'll ever have, that day Minho ran in in the freezing morning, screaming for help. The Medjack hut was finished literally a day before, and the Medjacks themselves were barely trained to patch up the Slicers. So everyone turned to you... And you were so, so, out of your depth.
You'd built a temporary brace for your own twisted ankle from your first month alone in the Glade, but for this you were completely unqualified and unprepared.
It’s been months now, with Newt slowly healing overtime. You worked with the Medjacks to set up a few movement drills, but it’s been painstakingly slow progress.
“I want to try walking again.”
You lift your gaze to Newt in the dark. “Now?”
“I wanna go outside.”
You hesitate.
“Come on, Y/n, I barely got five steps in today before Jeff made me sit down again. I’m fine, I promise.”
“You’re fine when the Medjacks say you’re fine,” you reply.
“The Medjacks don’t know shit,” retorts Newt. “They’re just making stuff up as they go. That’s what we’ve all been doing.”
“I trust them,” you say steadily. “Alby and I chose them for a reason.”
“Y/n, can you please just let me outside.”
You let out a breath. “Fine. Take your crutches.”
You don’t go far; the ground is too uneven and the crutches slip in the grass. You end up dropping them near the top of a hill.
“Here, let’s sit.”
You reach a hand out to Newt, which he thankfully takes, letting you help him down so you’re both lying back on the grass, facing up at the night sky.
“It was a good idea,” you say, breaking the silence. “I get why you wanted to come out.”
"Yeah," says Newt. He jerks his chin upwards. “The stars, they’re what I’m here for.”
You tip your head back, following Newt’s eye line. “You know, my first night here, I hadn’t built a place to sleep. I just lay on the ground like this, looking up at the stars.”
Newt shifts, moving one hand to point upwards. "I recognise most of the constellations," he tells you.
"Yep. That's Orion, right there. And over there is Gemini. And that star is Sirius, in Canis Major."
You search your mind for a hint of a memory, trying to call up knowledge you might have had before being put here.
"It's all bullshit," says Newt.
You turn to him in surprise.
"The stars," he says, still staring upwards. "None of them should be arranged like that, the constellations wouldn't be that close, or even in the same area, if this was real."
"Oh," you say, voice soft.
Newt lets out a flat laugh. “I don’t know why they let me keep this knowledge, when they’ve taken everything else away.”
He sits up, eyes flicking down to you. “…sorry.”
You shake your head, sitting up and turning to face him. “It’s okay. I’d rather you say this stuff than keep it bottled up.”
“Right,” says Newt. “I guess we should… get back to the hut.”
Neither of you move to get up.
“Newt,” you say. You face forward, resting your arms loosely around your knees.
“Please stay with us,” you say, voice quiet. You turn to him, letting go of your legs to gently take his hands. “We need you, I- we- okay, let me just-” You take a deep breath. “Listen, we’re gonna get out of here some day. And I want to sit with you under real skies, with real stars, so you can tell me each and every constellation you see. Cause I know your nerdy ass studied all of them in another life, and I don’t know, when we run out, we can just... make up new ones? I think that’s something I want to do with you.”
“Yeah, okay- yes. Okay.” Newt’s eyes are wet, and he squeezes your hands right back.
“And talk to us,” you continue. “When you’re struggling, or hurting, or… anything. Just talk to us, Newt. Please. We need you, and we care about you, so much.”
“I’ll try, I’m trying.”
“That’s all I’m asking,” you say.
“God, okay,” you start, after staying there under the stars for a while. “Look at us. Let’s get back in the hut, c’mon.”
You help him up, handing him his crutches.
“So, we’re trying,” you say, looking Newt in the eye.
“Yes, we’re trying.”
You get the smallest of smiles from him, and count it as the biggest win.
4. Gally
"First he breaks all our rules, then he tries to convince us to abandon them entirely? These rules have held us together for years, why are we questioning them now?"
You frown slightly, taking in Gally's words from your seat at the back of Council Hall.
"If Alby was here, he'd agree with me, and you know it."
You watch pain flicker across Newt's face for a second, before he speaks. "Let's take a break. I want Minho, Gally, and Y/n in here, the rest of you just give us ten minutes."
As the others clear out, you join the three in the centre of the room.
"Newt, this really isn't complicated. That shank broke our rules, and he needs to be punished," says Gally.
Newt sighs, and you notice how tired he looks. He needs Alby. "You're not wrong, Gally, but..."
"Y/n, what are you thinking?" asks Minho, jerking his chin at you as Newt trails off.
You raise your eyebrows. "You know I have no say in this, Min. I'm not a Keeper, or any kind of leader. I'm pretty much just here to watch the meetings."
"Seriously, Y/n?"
"Fine," says Newt. "Then suppose we're asking you as friends asking a friend, not as a council leaders or Keepers."
"I don't-"
"Just speak, Y/n," says Gally exasperatedly.
"I- alright, the idea that Newt's having right now, mine's the same."
"Well, we'd love to hear it from your mouth," says Minho drily.
"Yeah Y/n, what am I thinking?" Newt crosses his arms, lifting a brow.
You sigh. "Punish Thomas for breaking the rules, but make him a Runner."
"You can't be serious," says Gally immediately.
Newt shrugs. "They're right, that's what I was thinking."
"I'm down to train him," says Minho. "I think he'd make a good Runner."
"Good. Call the Council back in then, we'll make the announcement."
"You're making a mistake," says Gally angrily. "Tell the others without me." He storms out as the rest of the Keepers file in.
"Nah, Fry."
"I got him," you say, nodding at Frypan.
"You're alright," you whisper as you brush past a stressed-looking Thomas. You squeeze his shoulder reassuringly, and he gives you a small smile of gratitude.
You shut the door behind you, chasing Gally down as he storms into his hut.
"Gally wait-"
"I don't want to hear it, Y/n."
He slams his door shut, closing you out. You sigh, and let yourself in.
"Get out of my hut, Y/n."
"Stop, Gally," you say sharply. "Just listen."
Miraculously, he stays quiet, leaning back on the wall and crossing his arms.
"I... I know you're scared, Gally."
"Oh my god, just hear me out," you huff, rolling your eyes. "Okay, so yes, we just got attacked by Grievers, right here in the Glade. And yeah, it's probably linked to Thomas. And- yes, making him a Runner and letting him pretty much just fuck around and find out could put us in danger. ...But he's also the closest we've ever been to understanding the Maze and this whole place. I think he's the key to getting us out of here."
You sit down on Gally's bed, gesturing for him to sit down beside you. He lets out a huff, but reluctantly takes a seat.
You look him in the eye. "Gally I've been here for three years, and it's great. We've built a structure, a life, a goddamn society. But I really, really want to see the outside world."
Gally scrubs a hand over his face, dropping his gaze. "Yeah, I know, Y/n. I'm just- I'm trying to keep everyone safe. Newt and Minho are blinded by this hope, they're believing too much in one guy who's been here for literal days."
"I know, I know. But we need to take that risk, if we want to get out of here, alright?"
Gally sighs, then nods. "Yeah, fine."
"I'm gonna help Thomas, and Newt and Minho in whatever plans they make."
You hold out your fist. "Promise me you'll follow the plans we make, and stick with us. Don't... you know, make your own group and stay here and get killed, or whatever you were planning to do."
Gally rolls his eyes at you, and reluctantly brings his fist up to knock against yours, following through with the handshake the two of you used to do after building something, back when you used to help out with the other jobs. "Yeah, yeah, we get it Y/n. You've been here the whole time, you know us sooo well, you can read our minds."
You grin widely. "Damn right I can."
5. Thomas (everyone loves Y/n)
"Do you think this'll work?" asks Thomas, chewing on his lip worriedly.
"Of course it will," you say. "Have a little faith in your plan, Thomas. You don't need approval from me."
Thomas huffs out a laugh. "Thanks. It's nice to hear you're confident, though."
You raise your eyebrows, smiling a little confusedly. "I mean, I'm glad my support motivates you."
Thomas squints his eyes at you. "Y/n, you know you're like... super respected, right?"
"Yeah, everyone looks up to you. You don't notice the way people turn to you in tense situations and stuff? You're kinda like an understated leader, I guess."
"Ah, right." You smile at him. "It's cause I was the first person here, which I do get credit for, I don't know why. Totally underserved, Alby's the one who built this place."
"Bullshit." You turn in surprise as Minho walks in, Newt following behind him.
"Undeserved credit, my ass," says Minho, crossing his arms. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be a Runner."
"Yeah," says Newt, coming over to your side. He props an elbow on your shoulder, grinning at the frown you send him. "And you know what," he says quietly. "If it wasn't for you, I might not even be here."
You smack his arm. "Don't even say-"
"Gally, tell Y/n we love them," interrupts Minho.
"Huh?" Gally lifts a brow, before nodding. "Yeah, everyone loves you, man. Don't take it personally. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't even be on board with this plan right now."
"Ugh-" you pinch the bridge of your nose.
Thomas leans in. "Told you so."
"God, let's just do the plan. Let's go, everybody out," you say hurriedly, shoving Newt out, ignoring Minho's snickers.
You stand between Minho and Gally as Thomas and Newt explain the plan to the Gladers, feeling yourself surrounded by friends; family.
Time to get out of here.
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The end chapter is cheesy but I love it thank you for reading <3333
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bahrtofane · 7 months
here we go again - pt.3
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pt. 1 , pt.2
jude x fem!reader , trent x fem!reader
empty promise after another leaves you walking in the cold. alone. on valentines day. youre never speaking to another player again. or will you? can things be forgiven?
Word count - 1.9K +
Watch it - reader so sad but dw bae it gets better ! jude. Just jude. hehehe
Madrid is bleak and bland when you get back, eager to find a routine, to busy yourself with anything, everything.
It's almost like there's a big joke being played on you because you're given Jude to create promotional posters for. It makes you want to cry, but you suck it up, download the pictures and get to work. Even if you have to scribble his face out the whole time.
Avoiding Jude becomes your obsession. You make it your top priority to avoid seeing him in person under any and all costs. You refuse to go anywhere near the stadium, training facilities. Blocking official accounts and avoiding tv when you know they're set to play.
You find jude everywhere. In the cracks of sidewalks where flowers bloom. Inside coffee shops when the smell of vanilla hits your face, under bridges where graffiti of smiley faces litter the concrete. 
His presence looms over the city like a specter, mocking your attempts to move on. You long for the day when his memory no longer haunts you, when you can walk through Madrid without feeling his presence at every turn.
Until then, you cling to the hope that time will heal the wounds he left behind, and that one day, you'll be able to reclaim the city as your own. But for now, Madrid remains a bleak and lonely place, haunted by the ghost of a love lost.
Trent calls you about a week after you land, in the middle of your morning routine.
“How are you?”
You stifle a sigh, picking at your nails, “I'm really just peachy Trent,” padding over to your kitchen, opening the fridge.
“You know what I mean.”
You grab what you need, using your hip to close the fridge “I don't know why you keep calling me Trent. I'm fine. Tell jude to fuck off yeah?”
You hear a sigh from the other end, “jude has nothing to do with me checking up on you.”
“Sure.” you hang up. And he doesn’t call again.
The office is always full of energy on match days, and you hate how it's become a tradition to all watch together. Weather in the stands or from the actual office. Your desire to show up in a barca jersey is very very strong.
Today is one day where you walk single file to the stadium and find your seats. Curse working for madrid, it brings you a little too close to the pitch for comfort. You spend half the game on your phone, even when your coworkers gently nudge your shoulder when Jude speeds to the post, you mumble something about work that needs to be done (you're on your settings.)
Jude scores, of course he does. And it's a beautiful goal, straight power, nothing but net. You're up cheering before you can stop yourself, smiling. You're smiling at Jude scoring. 
He jogs over to the crowd per usual, caught up in the adrenaline. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to scoring at home. The feeling is unbeatable. His eyes scan the crowd, and they just so happen to land on you. 
You're here? The cheers of the crowd fade out, his arms falling to his side, he's staring right at you. He's taken back to the night he left you alone. He’s a fucking idiot. You don't look away, if anything you lean forward in your seat. You're here. 
Against better judgment he goes looking for you after the game. Running down hallways still in his kit, looking a mess with grass stuck all over him. At least he managed to kick his cleats off and grab the nearest slides he could find. He's pretty sure these aren't his but he doesn't care. Not right now.
He knows the staff tend to hang around after games, the issue is where.
Curse the never ending construction. The  place is a maze, an awful one without, with it feels like he's entering a different dimension at every turn.
He hears laughing and speeds down to find himself in a lounge full of people, all who rush to him to sing praises. He smiles. Trying not to get blinded by flash photography. A voice cuts through the crowd, a soft laugh. 
You're here. Oh you're here. 
He sees you tuck a piece of paper into a folder, smiling softly, patting the back of what he assumes to be a coworker as you make your way to the exit.
He tries to get past the people who surround him, but you're already gone. He's lost you again, all while you were right in front of him.
He goes home that night unable to sleep, eat, think. He blames himself, of course he does. It's his fault isn't it?
Somewhere during his night routine he thinks that there's an ounce of hope to fix this. 
He calls trent. 
“I don't know man.” Trent mumbles on the other end. 
“I gotta at least try right?” 
There's a beat of silence that lasts a moment too long, “if that's what you want.”
Jude thanks him for his time anyway. Tucking himself into bed. 
He scrolls through instagram on his burner account, finding your account again. The request button taunts him, but he knows you wont accept. Instead clicking on your profile picture, watching it take up his screen and he sighs. He really has to get his life together doesn't he.
The next time Jude sees you is at an event. Black tie in a nearby hotel. He misses getting ready with you for these, with all your products and accessories lining his sink while he watched you fondly.
“Do I look okay?” you would ask each time, leaning a hand on the sink while the other smoothed down the creases on your dress. Doing a once over in his mirror.
He would hum softly, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “you look amazing.”
You'd blush, swatting him away playfully. Pressing a kiss to his cheek and promising to see him there.
The same mirror now stares back at him cooly. His sink is empty, as his house is. He misses the smell of your perfume, your clothes that littered his space. He misses how you made it a home.
He sees you there all the same, mingling with your coworkers. You look amazing, that hasn't changed. The dark circles under your eyes have, two purple half moons stamped rather aggressively on your skin. How long has it been since you got proper nights rest jeez.
He makes his rounds to everyone. Brand ambassadors, staff, teammates, a list of high profile people he doesn't care to repeat. He leaves your little corner last on purpose. He doesn't want anything to get in the way.
He slides over to where you hug a glass of water to your chest, nodding along to something a man in a blue suit is saying. Pfft blue what a rookie choice. Jude is in all black, did you notice? It was your favorite on him.
You did notice, and try to suppress the desire to hurl when he walks over to you. 
Jude gets to say no more than a sloppy greeting in Spanish before he's grabbed by the arm and taken back to where he thinks the owner of the hotel is standing.
You sigh in relief, and he sighs in frustration.
Fate has driven you apart once more it seems.
Jude is a stubborn stubborn man. You can't seem to outrun him, no matter how many calls and texts you ignore, or block his accounts. Nor how you manage to slip out from right in front of him. Fate is on his side today it seems.
He shows up to your office, flowers in hand. Your favorite flowers, tied neatly with a ribbon of your favorite color, a card neatly tucked under the petals. 
Your coworkers are in uttersock, not even trying to hide their surprise as he marches over to your desk.
You type faster, ignoring him, or trying to. The gazes on you burn, almost as much as they did on the night he left you to rot. Why is he here?
“Hey,” he tries, meekly. He wants to punch himself in the face. Hey? Really? 
You don't look up from your monitor, opening more tabs, swiping your mouse against your desk furiously. You think the battery just fell out.
“Listen, I know I'm horrible, a piece of shit, the worst man alive, I don't deserve you in the slightless. But I love you.” he scrambled out in one breath.
You whip your head up at him,”love? You love me so much you took me to a club on valentines day?”
He winces, “it was so stupid. I'm so stupid. Please, let me make it up to you.” he pleads. 
You sigh, throwing your head back in your chair, rolling your eyes,”are you actually going to change Jude. Are you going to stop this nonsense and treat me like you actually mean what you say?”
“Yes,” he nods furiously, “I promise. Not a day will go by without me proving it to you, I swear.”
You look back at him. He's worn your favorite cologne, the sweater you used to always steal on cold nights. The flowers are beautiful. You missed him, you missed him so much, to the point that you're really considering it. 
Someone coughs in the cubicle next to you and you groan, gathering your things and hastily walking to the door, motioning for Jude to follow.
He looks like a newborn puppy, almost tripping on his feet while he follows you through hallways and corridors till you reach a stairwell you know for certain no one will walk through.
“Jude, I hope you know what you did broke me, it really broke me. I think you ruined my ego, permanently.”
He nods, leaning on the railing while he clutches the bouquet with so much force you're scared they're going to be wrung like a wet rag. 
“But,” you raise a finger to him, “ and this is a big big but, if you can prove these things instead of saying them, i'll consider giving you another proper chance okay?”
You see the tension visibly ease from his shoulders as he sighs softly, “Okay, yes, thank you. Thank you so much,” he brings the flowers forward, waiting for you to take them.
And you do, gently picking the note from the petals, you'll read this when you get home.
“I uh also, booked a dinner of your favorite place in a few days, in case you were willing to give me another chance i didn't want to mess it up again and if you don't have anything else going on and i just-” you take his hand in yours, stopping his ramblings effectively as he looks away. All of a sudden so shy as if you haven't stayed at his place for days at a time.
“I'll go Jude. I'm free, don't worry.”
“Great. 7 sound good?”
“Sounds perfect. Ill see you then okay?”
“Okay,” he mumbles, soft and sweet.
With a smile you send him off, almost flying down the stairs in pure glee. You shake your head fondly, heading back to your work. The flowers weigh more than just their physical weight. The letters feel like a ton on its own.
You hope you made the right choice.
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hbyrde36 · 4 months
It's Only Forever
Coming Sept/Oct 2024
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Restrictions have been lifted and I'm so excited to announce that I'm working on a Labyrinth AU for the @steddiebang2024!!
My artist is not on Tumblr but you can find them on Twitter/X here.
Expectations are funny things.
You spend so much time and effort trying to live up to them: what your parents want you to be, who your friends think you are, who society tells you to be. You go along with it for the promise of success, for the promise of happiness, but what happens when you fail? When you get to the end of that long road, after doing all the right things, and you're left with an uncertain future, wondering if it was worth it. If this was who you were meant to be, why didn’t it work out? And if it’s not who you were meant to be, then who are you?
Steve was annoyed at having to spend yet another Saturday night babysitting his little brother while his mom and Gary went out. It wasn’t his idea for her to get remarried and have another kid, but here he was, stuck dealing with the consequences of his mother’s actions—again.
Dustin wasn’t even a baby anymore. He was thirteen, more than old enough to be left home alone for a few hours. Between that, and the fact that Steve had his own problems, who could really blame him for snapping when the little twerp wouldn’t stop badgering him to play his stupid nerd game? Some campaign he’d been cooking up about a Goblin King or some shit.
As if.
Little did Steve know that uttering the phrase, “I wish the goblins would come and take you away,” would turn his world upside down, and buy him a one way ticket to a nightmare maze. Thirteen hours, one for every year of Dustin’s life was all the time he had to solve the Labyrinth, make it to the castle beyond the Goblin City, and save his little brother from The Goblin King and his minions.
…The extremely hot Goblin King, who was maybe not quite what he seemed, but still tried to thwart Steve at every turn.
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happilyhertale · 9 months
Driving home for Christmas – Modern Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
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Summary: Trapped in a sea of cars and having made no real progress in the traffic jam for hours, Daemon comes up with the idea of sweetening your waiting time.
Pairing: Modern Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW; Fingering; Sex (p in v)
Author’s note: English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 1.3 k
Other stories of mine
12 days of smuff
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Looking out of the car window, you see nothing but a sea of vehicles stretching into infinity. A soft sigh escapes your lips; for hours you have been trapped in a maze of traffic, now you are shrouded in darkness amidst an unrelenting snowstorm. The melody from the loudspeakers fills the air, a harmonious barrier against the prevailing silence that otherwise dominates the interior of the car. A sideways glance reveals Daemon, whose thumb is tapping the steering wheel in time with the music. In his other hand he holds his mobile phone, his fingers gliding gracefully over the surface, lost in thought, just like you.
"If you hadn't been working so late, we wouldn't have got stuck in that traffic jam," you say quietly, but you have to smile.
Daemon raises his eyebrow and turns his gaze away from his mobile phone.
"Really?" he asks, "Don't you think we left so late because you hadn't found your perfect outfit by the time I got home?" he asks teasingly. You stick your tongue out at him briefly until your gaze falls on your body and you run your hands over your dress to smooth out the fabric, "It'll be all creased by the time we get there... It's not a sitting dress... and it's tight to boot..." you pout a little. But Daemon smiles without hesitation,
"You'll look perfect," he murmurs and leans over, gently kissing your cheek.
"And besides, I told you not to change until we get there," he adds.
You give him a warning look as he leans back again.
"No-one could have guessed we'd be stuck in a traffic jam for so long," you say petulantly.
"Sure... At Christmas... nobody's travelling," says Daemon with a slight smile on his lips. You stick out your tongue again and let your eyes wander out again – you see cars all around you, covered in snow.
Your attention is drawn back to Daemon as his hand suddenly rests on your thigh. It glides up gently, slips under your dress. You look at him and his eyes are literally bursting with desire.
"You should take your panties off..." he suddenly mumbles, letting his hand slide further upwards in the meantime. Your breath catches in your throat for a moment, "W-Why is that...?" you whisper.
His hand gently reaches for the inside of your thigh and you gasp slightly as he replies, "So that it doesn't crease as well"
He leans over again, gently kissing your neck. Your breath hitches again and you look out of the window. Everything is dark, but still the other cars around you make you nervous.
"Daemon," you gasp as his fingers suddenly reach your panties. His lips gently cup your earlobe until his teeth bite down softly. His fingers glide gently over the fabric, feeling it slowly become damp.
"Daemon... what if... what if someone sees us..." you whisper a little breathlessly. You bite your lip as his fingers increase the pressure.
"It's dark... and we're covered in snow... no one will see..." he whispers in your ear. You feel his warm breath on the back of your neck as you get goose bumps and you whimper slightly.
"... no one can see through our car windows and we certainly won't be able to drive on in time," he murmurs, kissing you again.
"Why don't we sweeten the wait... I'm sure my lap is much more comfortable than your seat... and can make you feel lovelier things..." he whispers.
You bite your lip harder as Daemon starts to pull down your panties.
"Don't underestimate the car seats... they have heated seats..." you try to whisper cheekily, but moan slightly as Daemon's fingers are between your thighs again, slowly gliding along your folds.
Daemon grins, "I think my lap is making you hotter," and with that, his fingers slide inside you. You whimper slightly and turn your head towards Daemon. Your lips collide with his and move in unison. Your arm wraps around his neck and you literally cling to him as Daemon leans back and pulls you towards him. You climb almost elegantly over the gear stick and take a seat on his lap. Your lips meet again and his hands are on your thighs, pushing your dress over your bum. He growls as his fingers slide between your thighs again, feeling your warmth, your wetness. You whimper against his lips as his fingers thrust into you and you sink your hips down. You're both breathing heavily and your fingers start to undo his trousers, enough to get his hot length out.
Gently, you bite his lip as you feel his hardness. Your fingers encircle it and let your hand move up and down. Now his soft moans fill the car interior as he leans his head back slightly. Your nose gently caresses his cheek until your lips find his ear and you begin to nibble on his ear as your hand slides up and down faster. You notice the smell of his aftershave and can't suppress a soft moan. His hard member is already twitching in your hand as you guide it to your entrance.
The tip of his cock slides gently through your folds and is soaked by your wetness. Daemon growls again and you watch his features as his brow furrows slightly. Slowly, you lower yourself onto him and he lifts his head slightly – he can feel your tightness, your warmth. You whimper slightly as you feel the familiar stretch. You lower yourself further and take him completely inside you.
Your bodies work almost automatically in unison as your hips begin their unique rhythm. You grind down on his lap again before he surges forward with a groan to kiss you. Your lips embrace in a messy and wanting kiss. He can't resist – his hands grab your bum, guiding you, moving you up and down faster. The inside of the car is now filled with your whimpering, which ends in a moan. Your pussy begins to clench around his cock and Daemon growls slightly as he feels his cock being massaged. His hand leaves your bum, almost automatically finds your clit and starts to rub it.
"Gods!" you moan loudly and Daemon leans forward, thrusting his hips towards you, working your clit with faster rubs. His lips find your soft skin and he begins to kiss you and nibble lightly on your cleavage. Your hands slide into his hair and you grasp it lightly as the pressure in your abdomen increases. Unable to withstand the pressure, you almost cry out. You breathe heavily and moan even louder as your thighs begin to tremble and you suddenly come. Daemon responds with a loud grunt as your pussy clenches violently around his cock and you come around him, your clenching walls milking the cum from him as he comes with you.
"Fuuuck..." he moans and squirts his seed into you. He holds you tightly, his arms around you as the power of your orgasm takes hold of your trembling body. Daemon thrusts deep inside you a few more times. Each thrust sends a shockwave through your insides and your whimpering continues until your movements slowly slow down and your heavy breathing fills the air as your moans become quieter.
You lean your forehead against his and try to catch your breath. Gentle kisses land on your nose and your lips curl into a soft smile as you press your lips gently against his. You reach for a handkerchief and place it between your legs to stop yourself soaking in his juices. You slowly rise and climb back into your seat. Just as you are sitting back in your seat and Daemon has pulled up his trousers, the cars around you suddenly start to move slowly. Daemon reacts and slowly drives off.
"Waiting time sweetened..." he mumbles with a smile.
"I guess I'll have to change after all..." you say, pulling the soaked handkerchief from between your thighs.
"I told you," Daemon mumbles and you give him a light punch on the arm.
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@hoshi-miharu-blog @arryn-nyx @aemonds-eyeball @praline357 @melsunshine @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lauftivy @valeskafics @dreamlandcreations @hopelesswritergall @wetbitchlibrary @bl4ckph0enix @autumnhymns @fan-goddess @msmorningstaarr @aemondsbabe
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aliferous-ly · 3 months
Sometimes Tango sees gold. He's deep in the Warden's den, so surely everything is soaked in blue and green.
Prussian blue. DePrussian blue. Like depression. Eh? Good one, right?
Tango sighs. The gold only flits in the corner of his vision and he's tired, he's endlessly tired but he can't leave until he's done. It's already been so long. He's stuck making shitty jokes to haunted faces that would sooner blastificate his face off than laugh.
But the gold. It's like stardust on his tongue. Memories of hellfire. Gorgeous gilded blackstone, the stuff from his days as a blazeling. No, more like dandelions, like sunbeams through forest branches.
Tango sticks his tongue out in concentration, hopping between crackling soulfires. Navigating his own maze requires skill! Skill that he doesn't always have, admittedly.
Releasing a quiet sigh of relief, Tango approaches an unfinished pillar. He twirls his pickaxe and gets to work. Shulker boxes surround him in short order.
So focused on his work, he misses the gold. He misses the yellow, the soft, the scorching, but it draws near all the same, getting closer and closer-
"Ah! Ow, ow, ow, ow," a voice yelps.
Tango screams, fumbling with his pickaxe and building blocks. Both fall to the ground as Tango whirls, nobody's supposed to be here, especially not-
Jimmy sadly stomps his wing out. Black marks mar the feathers, ugly soot staining the gold. "Hi, Tango."
"What are you... How are you here? What are you doing here? You're - you're on Hermitcraft!" Tango gapes.
"Oh, um, crossover event?" Jimmy tries.
"I didn't think there was one of those right now," Tango says. He roots around in his many pockets, making a small happy noise when he finds his comm. He boots it up and peers at the list of people online.
Strangely, Jimmy's the only non-hermit. Tango scrolls through a few lines of Jimmy-Skizz banter, then sees Grian's message of a simple, "join vc".
"Grian got you on?" Tango says, still mystified.
"No, it was more of a group - Tango, quit distracting me! I trudged through all this - this hullabaloo to see you!" Jimmy punctuates this with hands placed determinedly on hips, expression set to a hopeful scowl.
Tango can't make heads or tails of it. It might have to do with the several shots of espresso coursing through his system. Or the lack of sleep. Or the concentration-fatigue, or the way his eyes have been going crossed when he peers at redstone wiring. Any number of reasons, really.
"...why?" Tango finally asks.
This stumps Jimmy. He blinks a few times and furrows his eyebrows. "Why? What d'you mean why? You're my rancher, that's why!"
Well, that's true. Tango nods. Then he paused, frowns, and shakes his head. "Wait, you can't be down here! Spoilers, Jimmy, spoilers!"
Jimmy snaps his fingers. "I'm not a hermit! And I'm certainly going to watch the videos when hermits release them. I won't spill!"
"I guess..."
"But anyway, let's get out of here. It's so stuffy and - fiery," Jimmy says. He flutters his burnt wing helpfully.
Tango wilts. His desire to see Jimmy and guilt at causing him harm wars with his ever-present need to keep working. "I'm busy, Jim. Gotta keep working. It's already been so long, the hermits are getting antsy..."
Jimmy invades his space and as the cavern trickles to silence, he wraps his arms and wings around him.
Tango's always been weak for him. He exhales. Any scrap of energy still clinging to his worn-out body vanishes, and he rocks further into Jimmy's hold.
To his credit, Jimmy just makes a small noise and adjusts so he can support his weight.
"Come on, then," Jimmy says softly. He runs his fingers through his hair. "Let's go take a rest, yeah?"
"Yeah, okay," Tango breathes. He closes his eyes and sinks into Jimmy's warmth. It's rather terrible of his fellow hermits, he thinks absentmindedly. Using his rancher for such nefarious means.
But now the glimpses of gold haunt him no longer. His precious yellow fills Tango's vision, covering him in head to toe with deep contentment.
His rancher. His rancher. Tango smiles, and everything glitters.
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Jax and Zooble (seperate) x reader whos mute? Their appearance is based off a mime and pantomime logic often happens to them (like being trapped by invisble walls, being able to use invisible tools, etc). Maybe the reader gets into danger and speaks for the first time, calling to them for help?
You didn't specify if this is meant to be romantic or plutonic so I wrote it as plutonic, hope that's okay!
Zooble x mime Reader
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★ Zooble is just relieved to finally meet someone who won't try to talk to them when they want to be left alone. You are very easy to ignore which wins you some friendship points.
★ You have so much power as a mime, a downside being that you can't speak. Actually, you probably don't even have a mouth. Why would you need one? If you were mute before getting stuck in the circus it would be fitting for you not to have a mouth.
★ Oh god, the invisible walls, they are the bane of your existence. It's amusing to everyone else but infuriating for you. Imagine being stuck in a mirror maze but you can't see the mirrors.
★ On the bright side you can chase Jax around the tent with an invisible chainsaw! So I guess you win some and lose some.
★ While Zooble appreciates the quiet that comes with being around you, they would rather not play a game of charades when you need to tell them something. The solution? Just write it on paper, obviously.
★ Still, you mostly talk with your hands and facial expressions. After a while Zooble might actually learn what you mean! A conversation like that goes like this:
Y/n: 👋
Zooble: "Um, where did Gangle go?"
Y/n: 👈👌🫡👍😓
Zooble: "The hell is she doing under the lake?!?"
Y/n: 🫵😠🤌🫤☹️👏
Zooble: "Oh for @&$#'s sake.."
Y/n: 😮‍💨🙌
Ragatha (in the corner): "How did you understand any of that?"
★ The first and only time Zooble heard you speak was a shock. At first they thought it was a weird, cruel joke by Jax. But no, it was undeniably you. And you where in trouble no less. The shock quickly fades.
★ Zooble isn't exactly a night in shining armor but they are capable of helping you. After helping you get out of whatever trouble you were in they try to forget about it. Zooble is a firm believer in not asking too many questions.
★ Random thought but do you think Zooble is aroace? I feel like they might be but I'm probably wrong.
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
HiI would like to request two Minho x female reader please.
1. Minho gets in the shower ro relax and reader joins him and they are starting fluffy but when they start cleaning each others body things get heated and it turns into smut.
2. Reader and Minho liked each other but noone had time to explore the feelings. But when Minho gets back from that night with Thomas in the maze the reader is so happy hes still alive and there is some tension building up...later on the keepers meeting (book scene) where Minho is a total hottie and says the most iconic stuff as usual reader cant help herself and once the meeting is over she suddenly kisses him.
Thank youuuuu <333
Okay, yes I can totally do this, however I am still new and bad at tumblr so idk how (or if it's even possible) for me to respond to something twice. So, here is the first one and I will try to write both and post them at around the same time, so keep your eye out for the second :))
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SUMMARY: See above- 1. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, guess I've put it off long enough so have some actual smut. Unprotected intercourse. Reader is on birth control because I said so, we ain't having any Glader babies running around. Unedited because I refuse to reread my own sex scenes- cope. Minors DNI 18+.
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You and Minho have been dating for a while now. Everyone in the Glade knows because, well, it's kind of hard not to notice.
When Minho isn't out in the Maze, he's clinging to you like there's no tomorrow. Probably because for him, there might actually not be. His job is dangerous, and he could literally die every single time he heads out there.
So, he spends as much time as he physically can with you.
Not that you're complaining. You love Minho- I mean, who wouldn't? He's basically your personal guard dog, not to mention he's passionate and caring and does everything he can to make sure he's not making you uncomfortable.
He's literally the perfect boyfriend, much to the other Glader's dismay- it means you're probably not going to be single again anytime soon. And with you being the only girl, there's definitely some pouting in Minho's presence.
Speaking of your boyfriend, you haven't seen him since you greeted him at the Doors. He's been pretty busy recently, especially with Alby doubling down on the workload.
"Newt," you spot the blond from a mile away as he sits in a group of boys but that doesn't stop you from approaching him. People are starting to settle down for the night. The Doors are closed, dinner has been and gone, and the dim light of numerous flames is the only thing keeping the Glade alive. "Have you seen Minho?"
"Hm?" He blinks for a second, pulling himself out of his current conversation and processing what you just said. "Oh, yeah, he's in the shower- he got stuck in the Map Room late. 'Said sommet about needing to relax." The boy shrugs, clearly having not paid that much attention to his friend.
"Alright, thanks," you flash him a smile before heading in the direction of the shower block. The showers are actually normally empty at this time, because this is around the time that you take a shower, and the boys respect that.
"Minho?" The sound of running water fills the rows of showers, covered with curtains.
"Hm? Yeah?" He responds, voice gravelly and tired.
"Is everything okay? Newt said you needed to relax?" You creep further forward, not wanting to startle him as you stand outside of the closed sheet.
"Yeah," you can hear the smile in his voice, "yeah, I'm alright, just a rough day."
Silence settles as you can hear Minho quietly hum to himself out of satisfaction. You smirk to yourself for a second before you speak.
"Yanno, I also need to have a shower," you pause slightly, "do you mind if I join you?"
The curtain moves, not exposing Minho but he does stick his head out, smirking at you. "You wanna shower with me?"
You shrug, feigning innocence, "Might help you relax, yanno?" He rolls his eyes, dropping the curtain and letting it fall back in place.
"Get your ass in here." You snort a laugh, doing as you're told. You strip from your clothes, hooking them over the top of the curtain bar with Minho's clothes. There's no way you're leaving them on the floor. You're already taking a risk getting undressed in an open area- though the Gladers know better due to routine.
You move the worn piece of fabric, slipping into the small area as Minho has his back to you, hogging the water. Though, you take a second to admire your boyfriend's perfect form.
His back is muscular and toned- he's obviously got an athletes build. He runs the Maze all day, every day. But even so, seeing his perfect body us more than enough to have your heart racing, even if you see it pretty much every day.
"Are you gonna move, or what?" Minho scoffs as your blunt tone, stepping aside to let you squeeze next to him, allowing the luke-warm water to hit you both.
He looks down at you, his smile is soft as he drinks in your appearance. It's not like he hasn't seen it before- you guys struggle to keep your hands off of each other most of the time. But still, he always feels so lucky to have you, and he thinks you're gorgeous.
They could dump a bunch of girls in the Glade tomorrow and Minho wouldn't care.
You picked him- him! He at least has something good going for him.
"The shuck you staring at, pervert?" You joke and he jabs you in the ribs, causing you to squeak.
"Uh, my girlfriend? I'm allowed to look at my girlfriend last time I checked."
"I'm allowed to look at my girlfriend," you mock him, making him push his tongue into his cheek. "What happened today, anyway? I've barely seen you."
"Sorry," he mumbles, throwing his head back and letting the water wash through his hair, running down to the front of his neck and down his defined chest. "A couple of Runners are getting frustrated and have started causing problems. It happens every now and then after someone becomes a Runner, and they think they're gonna change the world or some shit, and then they throw a tantrum when nothing happens."
"That sounds pretty klunky," he hums in agreement. You and Minho are long past the honeymoon phase, but that's not a bad thing. You're comfortable with each other, and it also means you know one another, and your bodies, pretty well. "You want me to wash your back?"
"Of shuckin' course, I do," you roll your eyes at him, but you still take the soap off of the shelf. You run your hands over his back, letting your nails sink in, but you know Minho doesn't mind.
You trace your fingers over the occasional white line; the scars are old, and it's been a while since Minho's been seriously hurt. But they're still a bitter reminder that he's literally risking his life on a daily basis.
"Alright," Minho turns to face you, pressing a quick peck to your lips, "your turn- spin."
"You're not at scary as you look, you know that, right? The other boys would never let it go if they saw you acting like this."
"Yeah, yeah, but they're never gonna see it, are they?" You turn around, facing the wall as Minho's hands start to run along your back. "It's all for you." Minho has you rolling your eyes a lot, but you do release a snort as well at his cheesey behaviour.
You let yourself relax, melting into his touch as you lean back, resting your head against his shoulder. You let him massage you, feeling him press light kisses against your shoulder and the side of your neck.
"Minho.." You murmur, letting out a satisfied breath, feeling heat starting to surge between your legs. Minho had always been an expert at doing so little to get so much out of you. It's almost annoying, but definitely a skill to be sure.
"Hm?" His teeth graze against your throat from behind as his hands come to your hips. He's not forceful by any means, but you take the opportunity to push your ass back against him. He quickly reciprocates the action, as you feel him getting hard against you.
Likewise, it doesn't take much to get him going either.
His boldness grows as he very gently drags his fingers down your mid-drift. Your head starts to feel fuzzy, and you gasp as his hand only travels lower.
"Can I make you feel good?" He mumbles mainly into your hair as his warm breath catches against your ear. "Can I touch you?"
You nod, your words catching in your throat as you suddenly forget how to function.
"Use your words for me," it takes you a second, but overwhelmed by need in the growing steamy room, you manage to squeak out a vaguely strung-together sentence.
"Please, touch me, Minho."
He's more than pleased to oblige, dipping his fingers lower and between your folds. You breath hitches, becoming heavier as he starts to gently rub circles over your bundle of nerves.
His rhythm is painfully slow as he teases you, knowing exactly how to make you melt under his touch. You whimper, clinging to his arm for some kind of support.
Your body already aches for him, but with his current actions, he knows you're not going to achieve anything.
"Minho, please," you stress, grinding against his hand to try and desperately get some more friction. Well, he can't say no to you, so he increases his movements.
He adds a little bit more pressure, touching you exactly as you need to be touched. It doesn't take long for you to feel tense in your lower stomach, your body trembling, mumbling gasps escaping you.
And then Minho pulls away.
You whimper at the lack of contact, turning to face your boyfriend. An attempt of a pout is quickly dispersed as Minho pushes his lips to yours. You hum into his mouth as you let him push you against the cool wall of the shower.
One of your hands comes to the back of his neck as he holds your face and you hip. Your other hand brushes against Minho's hardened dick, breaking the kiss for a second.
"Can I-?" You ask.
"Please." He begs.
You run your thumb over the tip, feeling him shivering against you as you connect again. Slowly, you start to touch him more, but he doesn't let it last long.
"We've, uh, we've been un here a while- you wanna hurry this up before someone comes looking for us?"
You smirk. "Sounds like a good idea."
Minho's mouth goes to your neck, hiking your leg up and wrapping it around his waist. His teeth nip at your skin as you gasp, feeling him fill you.
His pace starts slow. Probably because you're not exactly in the most natural position. But with your soft mewling into his ear and nails carving into his back is more than enough to make him rougher.
He knows your body perfectly, and he can tell you're close simply from the noises you're making. As much as he'd hate to admit it, he still hasn't quite built up a resilience to your vagina just yet, which is why he puts more attention on you. Finishing too early is natural, but he's still embarrassed by it.
His fingers once again reach for your clit, and very quickly waves of pleasure are washing over you, leaving you trembling and moaning as Minho holds you in place.
After a few more thrusts, he groans, trying to use the crook of your neck to stifle his noises. His body relaxes, falling limp. You listen to his heavy breathing for a short while, taking the time to compose yourself.
"You good?" You chuckle as he pulls back, also pulling out of you. In response, he kisses you again.
"I shucking love you," he mumbles as he presses your foreheads back together.
You, once again, roll your eyes, but you can't help the soft smile playing on your lips. "I love you too, slinthead."
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Yeah, okay, I've actually finally wrote smut. And it's not even good smut- I am not proud of this. But I also refuse to reread it because I cannot read my own sex scenes without cringing so y'all are just gonna have to deal with it.
I'm definitely better at writing spice and fluff- but I am here to entertain the people and ask and you shall receive.
Bit dramatic lmao, but anyway I hope y'all kinda enjoy :))
I am sorry.
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