#-bc i was talking about what sort of animal would be equivalent to cats in the splatoon universe
bluejaybytes · 8 months
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warrior branchs
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nyaagolor · 3 years
may we please get the mirror world headcanons?
heck yes u may
Most of it will be under the cut bc I talk a lot
I like to think the Mirror World is a reflection of the regular world (I call it Prime World for convenience's sake), and by reflection I mean opposite. It's not opposite in a "good v evil" way, just in the sense that a mirror world counterpart is the inverse of their prime world self, for better or for worse. For example, Noddies in Prime World sleep for most of their lives, while Mirror Noddies barely ever sleep and are constantly alert. Instead of a Sleep Ability, they give Panic, aka the Kirby equivalent of slurping down 15 espresso shots in a row. The mirror world counterparts are no better or worse than the prime world, just different!
Headcanons for all the mirror world counterparts of the Star Allies (or at least the ones I've thought abt) are under the cut :3c
Shadow Kirby (Skirby): Where Prime Kirby is reckless, bold, and overconfident, Skirby is reserved, cautious, and kinda pessimistic. They're no weaker or meaner than Prime Kirby, but seem a bit shy and non-confrontational because they always want to scope out the scene before they launch into anything. Some might call it cowardly, but Skirby thinks it's pragmatic. Much like prime Kirby, though, he's the hero of Popstar and is usually the planet's last defense against whatever eldritch horror comes their way. He deserves a break, though, since unlike Prime Kirby he's not surrounded by friends to help him out
Shadow Dedede (SDDD): He started off as a good king, always being diligent, professional, and responsible in contrast to Prime DDD's self-serving, goofy ways. He wanted what was best for the mirror world, but life didn’t make it easy. The mirror dees, rather than the loyal helpers we know from the prime world, were backstabbing jerks who were loyal to no one but themselves. SDDD tried so hard to be a good king, but had no one to help, no one to pull him out of a slump, so he just slipped through the cracks and got worse. Bitterness and anger consumed him until he started looking out for himself and himself only. He became a tyrant, turning into an iron-fisted, merciless ruler whose laws were enforced through violence. DDD got better with the help of his friends, but SDDD got much, MUCH worse as a result of his isolation and loneliness. Also he has a battle axe instead of a hammer bc I think it's cool
Dark Meta Knight (DMK): He's basically the antithesis of a knight: he's willing to work for anyone no matter how rotten they are; he always plans on backstabbing them later, cares about no one but himself, never plays fair, and is a lazy, rude jerk. He likes spicy foods instead of sweets, challenges children to duels WITHOUT offering them a sword first, and is deathly afraid of heights, despite having wings. He was in the process of creating a land-razing tank called the Halberd, but his crew betrayed him and cut up his wings and mask so now he isolates himself out of anger and fear. After being with the Star Allies, he's made some friends and realized the value of teamwork-- also he likes teaching Adeleine swears. With Dark Mind gone and the Mirror World still a bit of a dump, DMK would much rather hang out in the prime world and get on Meta Knight's nerves. He tries his best to protect the two (2) people in the mirror world he does tolerate, though (it's skirby and sddd).
Mirror Bandee: Hates SDDD with a passion. In fact, he's attempted to assassinate the king at least 26 times, but fails both because SDDD is way smarter than him and also Mirror Bandee is a sniveling coward who runs at the first sign of danger. His repeated failures have made him more of a scaredy cat, so no one takes him seriously anymore. He has a knife and ties his bandana around his "mouth" like a scarf, but it doesn't help to make him more intimidating. His repeated attempts to kill the king (and more recently Skirby and DMK, who hang out with SDDD) have become a constant in their lives and weirdly enough they don't mind his company.
Mirror Marx: I always assumed that Prime Marx was a noddy with Mirror instead of sleep. Well Mirror Marx is the opposite-- instead of having Panic like the regular hyperactive Mirror Noddies, he has sleep. He didn't show up for the events of Amazing Mirror bc he was snoozin. Because of this, he never got the Nova's powers, never tricked skirby, and never did anything evil. In fact, unlike Prime Marx, Mirror Marx cares too much about everyone's feelings, is always kind, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He's the glue holding the mirror world together bc not even the worst of villains want to hurt him. He's just so darn CUTE
Mirror Animal Friends: Imagine the animal friends. Give them angry expressions and sunglasses. Now make them part of a gang. Yeah that's it. The Animals are no friend of skirby's and would sooner maul the poor kid than ever lend him a paw (or flipper or wing). The forest bows to their whims and they rule it like your typical mafia boss. They're jerks.
Mirror Daroach: See these posts.
Dark Taranza: Hoo BOY he's bad. He's real bad. He rules over Mirror Floralia (Sporalia?) which is underground and filled with nasty creepy crawlies. He hates getting his hands dirty and will do anything it takes to get more power and luxury so long as he doesn't have to put himself in danger. He only cares about one thing, and that's himself. What about Queen Sectonia, you ask? She was the original queen of Mirror Floralia, but Dark Taranza mind-controlled her into his puppet to do his bidding. When the people finally snapped and declared war on the tyrannical queen, it was her they shattered, being none the wiser that Dark Taranza was the one pulling the strings. He still has a box of her shards in his castle, just in case he needs a new puppet to play with. He loves jewels and machines, all things inorganic. The imperfections of flowers? Not his style.
Mirror Magolor: Quick tangent here: Mirror Lor Starcutter, rather than being a ship to BRING people to paradise, is a sort of pocket paradise, a little virtual reality magic... thing. It can also be easily modified to only open from the outside. That's important for later. Anyway, Mirror Magolor is brutally honest, but also rude, unfriendly, impulsive, and incredibly violent. He hates machines and will start punching a lamppost if he accidentally walks into it. Scrappy little dude. He would actually rather claw his ears off than be friends with another living being. He just likes brawling and destroying ancient artifacts and that's it. Well one day he tells the mirror crew he wants to go get this thing called the Master Crown so he can destroy it. SDDD, Skirby, Mirror Bandee and DMK realize hey, that'd be nice for us to have, let's join him and then betray him at the last minute. As soon as they get there, though, the crown ends up choosing Mirror Mags as a host before anyone can do anything. Oops! The others manage to shatter him... but then the crown pulls his shards back together and attacks them again. Realizing he's both totally lost it and also immortal, the others lock Mirror Mags inside the Lor as the crown erodes the last of his humanity. Consumed by blind rage and the crown's power, Mirror Magolor just lashes out at anything that moves, biting and clawing at whatever he can reach like a feral cat. There's like a 80% chance he has rabies.
Sorry to Susie, Gooey, Adeleine, and all the non-Star Allies crew, I haven't thought abt them yet
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crowstan · 4 years
Sanders Sides post except I haven't seen it before
Ok this post is inspired by an absolute flood of Patton and Logan in a skirt, on my Instagram, which was not anything related to any of the dnd or homestuck tags but whatever. That whole mess that happened yesterday inspired this, because as y'all know: I love analyzing things weirdly and what is blogging but analyzing your own thoughts in an odd way? Anyway, spoilers ahead because this is what I've unfortunately been leaked, which means I got this stuff via spoilers.
What is Sanders Sides? So, I actually have no idea and I want to go in bare bones because. I never get to go in with little info. All i know is that it's by Thomas Sanders (he apparently does have a tumblr, I did not look up what it was because, once again, trying to get the barest and best experience I can and I worry that may taint it in some way). All I know about Thomas is that he did vines that I really like and that he has his pronouns in all of his bio's, which so far makes him very ok in my books because I have not met one person who is in any way harmful to others who has their pronouns in their bio. Then again i don't see it often anyway but regardless. And that's literally all I know about him and Sanders Sides, so. Stuff that I have worked together with the unhealthy amount of spoilers I didn't willing get that made me want to make this. -They are all symbolic or are humanoid versions of like, different parts of someone? They're also color coded which my little color coding heart loves sm! There's morality, creativity, creativity #2: electric boogaloo, logic, anxiety, and deciet which may also be denial? not sure about the last bit. -Morality's (moralities?) name is Patton, and his color is light blue. He is the dad character and is bad with any "negative" feelings, which, mood. He is one of the sides i saw in a skirt and may be my favorite possibly, simply bc I Do Not Have Good Male Figures and he's a dad character. Name a better duo than good dad characters and my lack of any positive guys in my life that aren't my age. He's part of the "core four", whatever that means. Really likes animals? I mean that does make sense bc, morality, but also that's different for each person. overall conclusion: now my dad. (/j) -Next up: Anxiety. Name is Virgil (?), color is a shade of purple. Don't know what one bc purple is one of those colors i can't remember too well. Seems like how I imagine my anxiety but a little less focused on death. I would befriend him were in not for the fact I Cannot approach people unless I'm actually dying and even then I can't. Apparently was a "dark side" at some point but now isn't? Redemption ark ig, idk what a dark side is or if it would be equivalent enough with "evil" to have that be a redemption ark. Final conclusion: wait, is that me but cis and let loose in a hot topic? -Creativity #1. Name is Roman, color is red I think. A prince character, and I'm not sure what else to add. I think he is a theatre fan, amd also I would avoid him at all costs because as friendly as he is, we don't have the same vibes and i would panic. Definitely drinks his "respect women" juice, and it's actually "respect women" juice n not whatever the hecc it is that people who /say/ the drink "respect women" juice drinks. he'd go out of his way to make sure your drink doesn't get spiked. this man is hella good, 10/10, would trust but not talk to. -Creativity #2, apparently the brother of Roman? His name is Remus, color is green, and i say this with my full heart: I love him. he seems like the kind of person who barked at people in middle school bc he thought he was a werewolf. who drank an entire bottle of glue in kindergarten at had to go to the hospital and did it again. he's the kind of person who would offer you up a worm and tell you disturbing facts about animals and then go off and play his little games he made up with twisted scenarios. and you know what? that's amazing and i absolutely love that so much. I know nothing about him except he eats deodorant and is the embodiment of intrusive thoughts and "oh god /why/" scenarios you thought of for some reason. -Logic. Name is Logan, ah, really similar to what he represents but I mean, still a very good name. His color is dark blue, aka my favorite color besides dark grey. Really likes jam? I feel like this man has read the dictionary and has "different vocabularies" he uses for different events and people, which may be a self projection but. Def Ravenclaw vibes bc!! hear me out!! not stereotypes!! I feel this man, the literal *embodiment* of logic, would value learning and knowledge which is part of what makes a ravenclaw! so it is not self projection, it is *knowledge* (/hj). that's it, i would absolutely love to debate him sm but i feel like that would be similar to that time i talked about Quadrants with a friend for an hour and they had no idea what was going on at all.
-Last one, deceit/denial. I don't know if he's denial as i got that from a little comic that i thought was funny because it had a pun. His name is Janus (don't know how to pronounce it, been saying it like Jay-Nuhss), and his color is yellow. apparently part snake or something and!! I love snakes. Apparently was in a courtroom at one point, and we all know those are fae territory, so possibly a fae (hj). apparently has multiple arms!! which does not fit in with the snake bit, as snakes have zero arms, but regardless still cool! I know the least about him, and I'm definitely looking forward to watching him!! i love snakes sm.-
moving on from the sides slightly, apparently there's another one, who's color is orange! from someone who vaguely knows about colors but knows enough that each side more or less relates to their color, i have no idea what this side could be! best guess is it's just Thomas in a top hat. I never learned about orange because orange, yellow, some reds, and some blues are very stabby to my eyes and i will get a headache so I just. never learned it. why would i learn about a color i literally can't look at without my eyes hurting? I do know orange is a caution color, and in nature it cam be found on dangerous stuff as a "stay away!" color, and pared with black it doesn't kill my eyes and those are the Halloween colors. So maybe caution? Or some dangerous thing? It doesn't make sense, as those aren't really "sides" in the traditional sense, nor with anxiety being a sort of "caution" thing. Anyway, I would need more info on orange and, depending on how the orange color is, i may react more negatively. Like with blue Christmas lights.
-there are lots of puns!! i love puns!! i don't take the opportunity to make many, but i love them sm. just like snakes! and cats! in fact i actually know a lot about cat behavior
lmao that's literally all i have, I'll go watch the whole series and also talk about that later in smaller posts, each post being one or two episodes depending on how long it is
(ah jeez it got all messed up again, under maintenance!! sorry about that!! the tags got all mixed around too!!)
(update #2: still messed up but I'll need to not use my tablet to fix it, which i can't do rn! sorry y'all :(!! )
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misterbitches · 3 years
idk what im saying here so and none of it makes sense and im depressed
god i really hate the nickname hank i don't understand why he chose that i don't hate it hate it i like it because it's a cute cat name and i love our Working Class King Hank Hill but just as a name-name esp on a non-white person who is also not an animal i'm like but why thoughhhhhhhhhh. it's so american? lmao do canadians even have the name hank? i don't know i just hate the way it sounds. whatever that wasn't the point.
he's only 24 (just turned!) and afaik aaron lai and the girl who plays xiao qian (yao mi) are 29 i would be really like overwhelmed if i were younger and greener (like he is) but they dont do a bad job at all and si qi (idk his name my b) his actor is 22 so he's not great but he's okay and that's a big difference.
there's some major issues in the show but the most fucking annoying thing the one that very few people complain about in terms of the story is. the. EDITING. THE EDITING. thsi has been my biggest peeve and it's not even totally about the functionning of the story.
but my point with pointing that out (sry adhd) is that the acting is really...not a huge issue at all. this is what happens when there's competency at least; i'm not thinking about their acting skills/level when i watch so it's good. not enough to blow me out o fthe water but enough for me to be able to watch and not be taken out of the story (the editing OTOH DOES THAT)
so hes young and i like him i mean theyre all young but he's like younger younger lmao (im 29 ok i am a Mom jk no im not thank god) idk i saw interviews with him and he seems to have fun with acting (which is a good thing it seems liek they had fun adn DING DING DING DING) and takes it in stride, something he wants to do. at first i thought he was gonna be so bad idk why but he wasnt.
i reallllyyyyy hope they all get to continue on their careers with whatever they want. get to be in some good tv and movies and stick to their guns. and amy (cheng luo) continues to be the best and hot and cute and make god music ok!
also christ man not that having unproblematic* writing is equivalent to good content—if you write something "problematic" it has to fit, make sense, have us into the story. i'm talking specifically about the medium of tv/films/visual art but that's anything so having like no rape wouldnt mean good content it would just mean that um we're normal humans—but this is like a pretty decent example of a show that treats them like human beings and live sort of in the real world and not in gratuitous fetishization or obsession with patriarchy to support the couple. and the girls are....people. friends. girlfriends. workers. sisters. etc.
comparative to like tharntype which fails on every level or things like 2gether which are a drag or hm...history! so many fucking weird things there (most comparable to like crosing the line i think is this one. but with way better music jesus but CTL is def a best) and just bad acting, plot, editing, etc but this is like what if those shows had competent humans behind it and perhaps too much time and decent acting because this is their career and what they want?
i've realized for BLIH i'm trying to pin down fandom psyche but why even bother cos it's all dumb capitalist bs. maybe bc the show has things that are ahead of the others in this genre (which is why this genre's moniker 'bl' isssss sooo constricting but this is for another essay "the diff between bl and queer media" that i will not go into it's too complicated and silly) that people are like ok but go above and beyond but i think what they're presenting is pretty truthful to what they want to say? if that makes sense. they seem to know the jokes about the pacing etc but it's not like they retroactively take it back. to me it seems that there's abit of a confidence in the cast/crew team that comes with maturity and dedication to a craft (although that there video editor...) like they consistently know what they want and are going to do it. but idk if that's true.
*this is too vague of a term and i hate when fandom uses the phrasing bc it's not specific, specified, nor attacking the issue but i'm just using it for brevity and ykwim
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things ive already established r on this post
besties this got so fucking long but heres a giant ramble about cherri
okay so. there are huge differences betwn cherri as a hyperviolent drac hunter and cherri as a friend of the four and cherri as the girls mentor. with the first one he was 17 and desperate to distance himself from his upbringing so he went all in on Being A Killjoy. he was always one of the first ppl to rush into a fight and he fought hard. he blew up his fuckin hand with that attitude. and all the while he was just racking up more unaddressed trauma and eventually he ran away from that, too. giving himself radiation poisoning was more appealing than facing his problems.
so as a teenager/young adult hes kind of constantly in a panicked state. hes scared the people from his past are going to find him and drag him back with them. so he lashes out and he runs away over and over again.
i said in another post that he has some past life shit goin on which usually would give him a connection to the witch that manifests early in life, but with all the stuff hes gone through he has been Preoccupied. he can become oblivious to almost anything that doesnt apply to whatever hes focused on. not in a hyperfocus way its likeeeeee. when u live on survival mode during prolonged periods of stress. hes immune to magic bullshit bc hes too tired and scared.
anyways around his mid-20s he finally has a little more stability (as much as the average person living in the zones can have, that is) and he finally notices that Weird Stuff happens around him. basically: out of my list of Powers People Connected To The Witch Have he has the prophetic dreams/enhanced intuition as well as a form of sensing ghosts where he can see auras and kind of like, echoes of past events in ppls lives. that look like auras. itz complicated and not of utmost importance so im leaving it at that.
anyways thats what makes him start writing poetry. just 4 funsies he'll describe his weird experiences and embellish them to make em pretty. just as a casual hobby n all that.
he would forget fun ghoul in between the times they ran into each other but its pretty easy to be reminded of who fun ghoul is. the most insane 10 year old cherri has ever met. cherri isnt a brother figure to ghoul. hes just. his friend that happens to be more than twice his age. its whatever lmao
to cherri, ghoul is kinda like a stray animal he keeps seeing. which is hilarious. ghoul actually goes and finds him to introduce him to jet when they start running together, and cherri meets party and kobra (spark and birdie at the time) when he drives the four of them to a party. because he has a truck hell yeah. so now instead of one stray animal he has, like, a feral cat colony that he drives around occasionally. i have no real-life human relationship equivalent to them because irl if some guy that is not related to any of you and isnt even a childhood or family friend and theyre hanging out with you? they are usually not a safe person lmao. but this is my fantasy land and im too stubborn to change anyones birth years even though ghoul being born in 2004 makes everything really hard to make not creepy.
so yeah hes a casual somewhat friend of the fab four. hed probably get more and more concerned as they got famous. the beginnings of any sort of protective feelings, awww :) that sets him up for becoming the girls mentor.
OH FUCK. THE GIRL..... i think if i was in my late 20s and i heard that the gang of 13-17 year olds had adopted a 5 year old kid i would go bananas. what the fuck. it is a LONG while before cherri meets her. but he has the strongest affection for ghoul (if you could even call it that) and ghoul absolutely adores the girl and swings her around under her arms like a cat to show her off to cherri and its very endearing and the girl is sweet and funny so its easy to be around her. and (unfortunately) she is somewhat used to interacting with weird easily agitated people so she kinda gives him space. cherri isnt quite the uncle figure the fandom usually makes him (i luv uncle cherri sm but he simply cannot exist in the universe ive created, f), but hes a little similar.
and then the four had to go and pretend to die. lol.
when the girl was kidnapped, fucking everyone who knew her was ready to storm the city then and there. like regardless of how little you knew her, if you had ever met her you would fucking die for her. she is pure childish charisma and shes precious. i love the girl. so cherris immediately on board with whatever plan the four make to get her back. ive already talked abt how it fucked up the girl tho; there was no way to tell her that the four werent actually dead, she sees the building collapse and she shuts down. and cherri has to fight against his instinct to leave the radio station and never come back when he sees an eight year old girl sitting dissociated on the couch. that fucks everyone up.
i just realized i havent talked about literally anyone else at the radio station. i think cherri started lingering around the station bc it was safe and sheltered while also not being a popular spot. there are less kids there (people pass through but its not a hangout spot). he was kind of just hanging around to get away from the heat and noise and dr d took notice. because that man can see ur soul and no one knows if thats literal or not. so theyd chat a few times a day and show pony was the one 2 get him out of his shell a little and also was the first one he mentioned his poetry hobby to. im making this all up right now as im writing bc i dont know anything about LITERALLY any of the ppl associated w the radio like im not even going 2 try with chimp n newsie i do not have the willpower to tackle all that. justttt. cherri pony n D become bros and live 2gether there.
back 2 the regular timeline. the rescue mission happens in 2019. the girl lives at the station until 2023. during that time she is very much depressed and withdrawn and is only happy when the four come to visit. none of the Adults know how to help her so they just keep her safe and cared for and hope she'll open up to them.
she does not. she takes the weird cat thats been hanging around and she runs away.
cherri does not see her for three years. shes still worse for wear in the mental health department and he can see all kinds of visions of what shes been through since the last time he saw her and he fucking hates the ultra vs bc they remind him of his past. he does not want her going down that path but its obvious that she isnt crazy abt the ultraviolence thing either so thats a relief.
they have a kind of tense relationship throughout the comics. he feels like he failed her and that spirals into feeling like he failed the four for not being a good adult to them and fun ghoul for not helping enough when his commune was bombed and all kinds of shit and that irrational thinking mixed with plain old, yknow, caring about the girl, is what makes him take a bullet (laser. whatever) for her.
i was trying to figure out the timing of each of their ghost experiences, but i want both of them to talk to the witch and im just gonna make it like dreams where a whole buncha stuff happens but irl its been like seconds. so its like barely a second while the girl has her Witch Convo and cherri FINALLY gets a straight answer, yes there is weird shit going on with him having powers. he doesnt have any story-significant past lives because im lazy, hes just an old soul. like really fuckin old. the amount of latent life experience and stuff his soul/energy/whatever has picked up along the way makes him VERY noticeable to gods n stuff. he fuckin lights up all the alarms like what the FUCK is that over there. she wasnt rly able to get to him or even properly notice him while he was a kid and a young adult so shes happy to finally see him again. he has a STRONG sense of familiarity with her. they know each other on a wild ass level that he cant really comprehend.
welp thats some more lore I'll have 2 think abt. anywayz
post canon is when he and val get to have the most awkward spiderman meme moment of realizing that they have the same trauma SOOOOO thatz fun lol /s sorry kings i thought it would be fun to give u something fucked up to bond over <3
not much changes in his personality. he has a better understanding of Weird Magic and delights in freaking out the ultra vs but for the most part he returns to his life at the radio station. i love him
THIS GOT SO CRAZY LONG I DID NOT MEAN 2 GO THROUGH EVERY PART OF HIS LIFE LIKE SOME WEIRD CHARACTER STUDY but here we are. this is basically a first draft like almost all of this is subject to change but u gotta start somewhere. so heres my start i love this guy. its probably obvious but i have not read ANY twitterverse killjoys stuff </3 maybe i will someday idk
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frobisher-smythe · 4 years
House of Kidnap/House of Catnap
HOA Rewatch - Episodes 16/17
is it weird to see your teaching toasting to life with a drink from test tube? yes. is it weirder to try and drink it too when you don’t know what it is??? YES. wtf fabian?? lose your braincells in the cupboard???
cats. don’t make those noises. do they?
that is a hella cute cat tho
“tell that to victors cat”
hey this makes the first episode line “you guys have cats right” funny, never noticed that before
amber says drink it with so much confidence I love her
“now I’m being straight with you” lmaooo
lmao fabian acting like nina giving him the locket for a couple hours is equivalent to an engagement ring
how did the door open in it’s own?
also the whole sacrificing the cat thing doesn’t make sense to me. why would you put a collar on a cat you’re going to kill. why would he bother buying a second cat to cover himself when he could’ve just said there was no cat. my hc is that the stuffed act is hella old, many even taxidermied by victor sr. and that this cat was genuinely victor’s secret cat. I mean. if you have no friends and family (and he’s obviously an animal lover) why not get a cat?
jerome being kind to alfie for like the first time was him not letting amber see the get well card, nice
god that’d be terrifying to see the guy you were kinda already scared of, who is a main authority at your school, kidnap the only person you think is helping you find your friend who you think might also have been kidnapped
lmaooo who just says elixir casually, that is definitely 100% in character for nina to be extra
“oh yeah and a jewelry heist is such a crazy idea” i mean she’s not wrong tho. the frobishers stole all this shit from various tombs, right? (or was it just tut? can’t remember) and then victor as rufus are trying to collect all the things the frobishers stole
god he’s so creepy. I hate men and I would literally be so uncomfortable all the time in that house. like a man who not only has power over you he shouldn’t (most groundskeepers arent partial owners) but he flaunts it around and insists on making you feel inferior?? nope not for me sexists
amber is hella smart, everyone underestimates her so at this point she could mention anything a no one would think she knew (she even came up for the idea for the play and victor was like no she didn’t) so she mentions the exilar and the cat to sweet to get any sort of answers, verbal or reactive.
also a reason to support my hc for victor not having stuffed the cat amber saw, taxidermy takes awhile. she just lost the cat yesterday. with victors other duty’s like his job and uhh yknow kidnapping rufus, he would’ve had time to stuff the cat
I love trudy 🥺🥺🥺
why the hell would the numbers be sudoku??
so if the locket only works for the paragon and osirian does that mean nina went to the house to let the in and then left??? doesn’t sound like her. esp bc she thinks all four of them should’ve gone
jerome is such a bitch sometimes but he is right sometimes so yknow
all of their faves when amber is giving the idea for the play is so funny. like winkler is just wow people do like drama and then sibuna is like what. the hell. and alfie and jerome are like what is she talking about. quality moment
how did victor find out that they knew with enough time to completely reorganize the cellar?? (which btw looks a week long project) I hate it when the timeline is all holey and gross. they should’ve added more episodes per season, like what hha does
well that’s that episode, I actually really like this one, patricia Finally being in the gang makes me v happy
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all the asks ending in 2, 3, 4? it's alot but *shrug* 💕
Tah nonny 💕
2: Zodiac sign: Aries
3: 3 Fears: failure,rejection, broken legs
4: 3 things I love:cats, fresh bed sheets, cronchy autumn leaves
12: What time I was born:pretty sure it was like 1am
13: Favourite colour:blue
14: DoI have a crush: lol nope, 200% not ready to deal with feelings for a while
22: Eye colour:green-y brown
23: Hair colour:brown
24: Favourite styleof clothing: jeans and t-shirt tbh, although I do love tight-ish tops withcircle skirts
32: Someone I love: Bestmate from home, Freya (we always say love you at the end of our phone calls)💚
33: My currentrelationship status: single pringle and not ready to mingle
34: My relationshipwith my parents: chilled? Don’t speak with them all that much when I’m at uni, butwe’ve never really fallen out over anything
42: When did I lasthold hands? Uhhhh Tuesday if we’re counting helping someone escape thedancefloor in a club, but romantically it was like mid-August
43: How long does ittake me to get ready in the morning? Depends, anywhere from half an hour to anhour and a half (only ever takes me that long when I wash my hair and then sitaround meme-ing in my towel)
44: Have I shavedyour legs in the past three days? Pffft try the past year- I get em waxed, but(tmi) they pretty damn hairy rn
52: When was the lasttime I hugged someone? Think it was Sunday? Saying bye to Freya when I lefthers, then my parents on my way back to uni? Might have hugged someone onTuesday tho and just not remembered
53: What if the lastperson I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Wouldn’t reallycare tbh, last person I kissed I’ve only spent about an hour with and I’m notemotionally invested in him soooo
54: Is there anyone Itrust even though I should not? The more I think about it yeah, although that’sprobably just me being cynical- I’m really bad at putting all my trust inpeople, but at the same time I often trust too much and overshare with people Ishouldn’t😅
62: Do I prefertalking on the phone or video chatting online? Video chatting, so long as I don’tlook an absolute state
63: Do I believe inghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts not really, aliens kinda- the probability ofthere being alien life somewhere is just too high to ignore
64: Do I believe inmagic? Not really no, although I do hope it’s real
72: Can I touch mynose with a tongue? Ye boi
73: Is there anythingpink within 10 feet from me? Yeah my lamp is less than a foot away from me
74: Favourite animal?Caaaats- not just domestic ones tho, tigers are probably my all-time faves butpretty much all cats I adore😻
82: If the wholeworld were listening to me right now, what would I say? Stop being such dicks.  
83: Do I have anyrelatives in jail? Not that I’m aware of, but my dad has a lot of extendedfamily and it really wouldn’t surprise me if some of them were
84: I accidentallyeat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is thatthey endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? S H A P ES H I F T I N G (why is superpowers ever a question? Shapeshifting is the onlyvalid option ever, it’s basically the doorway to every other superpower??)
92: Kissed a girl?Ofc
93: Have I everkissed somebody in the rain? Nah, or maybe but I must have been drunk if I havebc I don’t remember
94: Had job? Ya,worked at a kids’ softplay, then behind the bar at a pub
102: Drank alcohol?What sort of a question is that?🍻
103: Am I avegetarian/vegan? Nah
104: Been overweight?Don’t think so
112: Broken a bone?Thankfully no
113: Cut myself? Never on purpose
114: Been to prom?Yeah, bit overrated tbh
122: Had oral sex? Nah
123: Dyed my hair?Yeah, dyed it purple-y in 6th form then black at uni
124: Voted in apresidential election? In the UK equivalent yeah (Jezza Corbyn ftw, although Ilive in a conservative stronghold so it was a wasted vote)
132: Been rejected bya crush? Nah, had very few crushes and I never have the guts to make a moveanyway (can’t get rejected if you don’t attempt to make a move ayyy)
133: Broken a mirror?Yeah
134: What do I wantfor birthday? Idk, I don’t even know what I want for Christmas :/ a sense ofpurpose? A full night’s sleep? Financial and emotional stability? Who knows
142: One of my scars,how did I get it? I have a scar on the right hand where I was bitten by a dog ata birthday party when I was about 8
143: Favourite pizzatoping? Probably olives, but goats’ cheese is also lush
144: Am I afraid ofthe dark? Not really, a bit if I’m on my own/outside/I’ve recently watchedsomething where someone’s been lurking in the shadows?
152: What do I likeabout myself- not a lot ngl, my eyebrows are about the only thing tbh and eventhey’re a state half the time
153: My closestTumblr friend- @flirtingwfailure 💕
154: Something Ifantasise about- having a pet of my own someday
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