#-mod ghast
world-heritage-mc · 2 years
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thank you all for 1000 followers! here's some art from mod ender dragon to celebrate this occasion
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churchydragon · 8 months
so there's a really good (work in progress) Ultrakill mod for Minecraft and it's kinda insane?
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drinksss · 2 years
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So tall that they seem to pierce the sky itself, these immense constructions contain all manner of unique rooms, obstacles, treasure and monsters to explore and fight on the epic journey to the top.
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dailypearldoodles · 2 years
me and some of my friends made a joke au where the nether is just australia and we made pearl into a ghast hybrid so uh
ghast hybrid pearl ? pls 💙
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Day 89
I hope this is alright! Her colors are very light and slightly offset to various colors like the pearl she is :D
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edwardos · 2 months
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minty-frost · 11 months
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Another day, another PhoenixCS video inspiring me to draw Minecraft women. But this time it's not a vanilla Minecraft mob, but instead the boss Ur-Ghast from the Twilight Forest mod. I've had the idea for what she'd look like for a while (cough multiple years cough), but only drew her now. The little girls on the doodle are supposed to be the Carminite Ghastlings that the boss summons.
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Next up, the inhabitants of the Nether in Piglin.
Iskphholcu- Piglin
Gohahga- Ghast
Shaholcutgh- Hoglin
Rhagthicsach- Strider
Shaholcu-Bahu- Wither Skeleton
Rhagchihholka- Blaze
Shagesk- Enderman
Shaholcu-Goha- Skeleton
Rhagholnshag- Magma cube
Shaholcu-Eskiskphholcu- Zombified Piglin
More notes and ideas under the cut!
Piglin- a mix of follow and holy (lots of ties to the blood god
Ghast- White and sky. Fun fact, the word for sky is the same as the one for ceiling
Hoglin- Unholy and brave. I feel like Piglins dislike them, but are also grateful for there existence
Strider- Danger and foot. Because lava and danger are the same word in Piglin, it felt appropriate.
Wither Skeleton- Unholy and warrior. This one is just dope, man. What else can I say?
Skeleton- Unholy and White. Very literal language the piglins have.
Blaze- Danger, Up and Orange. More fun facts, up also means jump, and orange is also yellow
Endermen- Wanderer and Black. Again, not much to say here, just cool
Magma Cube- Danger, Red, and Black. Mostly based on the Magma Cube's crust
Zombified Piglin- Unholy, Wanderer, and Piglin. This one had to be the hardest one to do because of all the words I had to put in this.
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senseiwu · 1 year
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belzeboba · 2 years
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Zion the ghastborn character belongs to Nanarui
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Willow can definitely pull her own weight in a fight She can and will punch someone if they insult her friends/family. She’s protective like that I love her Strong woman… pretty
Absolutely. Someone insults Butler, they're just standing there tuning it out bc they've ignored far worse, and Willow just comes up behind the insulter and puts her rapidly warming hand on their shoulder like "hey. What are you saying about my sibling huh ʘ‿ʘ" And Bu's just there like "wait what- Willow I can handle this on my own-" "Nonono, let me! It's been a long time since I've got to swing at a pinata~" Her hand heats just enough to burn the person before she pulls it back to crack her knuckles. Everyone in the immediate vicinity feels immensely threatened despite only one of them being the target
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pyrriax · 6 months
some random mc screenshots to counteract the amount of angst i just wrote. mostly of me being stuck in weird places because of Claimed Chunks making it so im functionally in adventure mode at other people's bases
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bonus screenshot of @aperture-science-sys drowning in the field. because death message testing. i think that was the reason?
#haunted ecosystem#i love that you can tell when ive been doing something depending on how full my inventory is. like.#im at home/at our base? my inventory is basically empty because its all put away or in backpacks#im out / was just adventuring? so much random crap. because my backpacks are full. i need to make more stack upgrades for my block bag lol#also my lavenders <3 its just a staple of my inventory#i always have lavenders with me since i both like how they look and also i keep needing to make waystones...#ive gotta run around and collect the ones ive accidentally abandoned. i'll have a *bunch* then#also i neeeeed to work on grinding for wither skeleton skulls#its just actually a pain in the ass and i need to just make a wither skeleton farm#i just. dont want to#however i also dont want to try and figure out if anybody has made one already and if theyre willing to let me use it#bc i think the only group with one is withers crypt and i am mildly terrified of them#im just a little guy who wants more hearts.... then im gonna start farming ghasts to respawn the dragon for *those* hearts#its a whole process. but also i should. probably finish enchanting my armor#ough. i still have to talk to people for that because i dont want to spend like four hours cycling villager trades because i dont want#to have to burn more armor because its ended up being cursed#i need to work on tinkers stuff just to recycle the cursed things. SIGH.#modded minecraft grind.#except my connection is so dogshit that the grind is actually just a Problem half the time
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 6 months
Ghast tango hybrid headcannon
He crued ghast tears. Whenever he needs more and can't be bothered to get them the traditional *read frustrating and painful* way he'll pop on a sad movie and just hold a bucket under his face to catch them.
It's kinda painful to cry them as they solidify very very fast, jts kinda like squeezing beads from your eyes
Sure, it hurts, but it hurts less than getting a fireball to the face!
-Mod Mleem
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redlemon · 1 year
Minecraft Villager Rework Concept !
Minecraft Villager designs are antisemitic. They're huge-nosed, money-hungry, weak and ugly humans who are technologically primitive compared to the player, and they make Golems for crying out loud. All of that is already enough for it to be incredibly obvious, but I really refuse to believe it's some huge coincidence or whatever when they were made by Markus "Believing in race based privilege needing to be checked fits the literal definition of racism" Persson. They're antisemitic. I'm not going to argue with devil's advocates about this.
So, how can we improve Villagers? I thought of a simple change - Make them Piglins! Villagers were originally gonna be Pigmen anyway, so why not? It's the best way to fix this in my eyes. To be clear, their clothing and would stay the same, but they're remodelled to be Piglins instead. Perhaps a more tame variant resembling overworld Pigs?
Illagers and the witch too, for that matter! The Illagers could still be greyskinned, or they could just look more Piglin Brute-like. Obviously, the ominous banner and the many wool-statures of Illagers would also have to change. The Ravager could have a slight overhaul to make it more Hoglin-like, but would stay mostly the same. A twisted Magic experiment on an ordinary pig, perhaps.
The Iron Golems would also change a little bit. They'd stay mostly the same though, they'd just get a slightly more pig-like face and a name change - "The Iron Guardian". (And also, "Snow Golem" -> "Snow Guardian", no visual changes).
It would also have some lore implications that make sense to me. The Piglins likely don't come from the Nether, as they're one of the only Nether Mobs who don't have natural fire resistance. Ghasts, Wither Skeletons, Striders, Blazes, Magma Cubes? All immune. But not Piglins.
So, maybe a culture of Piglins ventured into the Nether, and got stuck. The harsh invironment bred a harsh culture. The trading once integral to their way of life became faster and quicker, as to not waste too much time with it, and to have plenty of opportunity to screw others over for your own benefit, and bartering was born. There's no emeralds to be found in the Nether, so they attributed value to a different treasure instead - gold. They attack the player because they don't know what the hell the player is. They could be dangerous, or an easy mark. It's only when the player wears gold - a Nether-Piglin symbol of power - that the Piglins know not to mess with them. As well as this, the Hoglins could be descended from overworld pigs, adapted to the Nether.
When Hoglins and Nether-Piglins enter the overworld, they very quickly get zombified. This pokes a bit of a hole in this concept and lore, but there's definitely a plausible explination somebody could pull out of their ass. Maybe it could be due to them not having as high a tolerence to the undead virus. Maybe the feature could just be removed, or something else I haven't thought of.
Obviously, I don't expect Mojang to actually do something like this. Whether I like it or not, Villagers are a pretty big part of Minecraft's brand. However, it would be a very cool mod. I might look into modding to see if I can make something like that happen, actually. If I do I'd definitely try to give it compatibility with the Guard Villagers mod.
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Minecraft Things
Assistant is a redstone genius but loves going into mods like the Create mod absolutely blind so they can discover everything. They also love messing around with the most stupid texture packs possible
Sage handles everyone’s food supply and makes sure no one leaves on an expedition without two stacks of steak and a half stack of golden carrots. She’s a bit of a hoarder and her chest situation is a little bit egregious but at least it’s organized! She’s got an enormous auto-composter
Vapor and Sylve are the ones working to build the base into something both very functional and aesthetically appealing. Sage set up a logging area to help them out.
When awake, Mel likes to do the most menial tasks possible so if she accidentally falls asleep, it doesn’t have to worry about being a hazard. Like Strip Mining. It’s relaxing after a long day of fighting crooks
Alex comes up with server-wide events like lil festivals and likes to make fireworks. He has blown up multiple times due to creepers, but hey, at least he’s got his parrots.
Chad is the designated Nether Ambassador. If there is literally anything anyone needs from the Nether, he’ll handle it. But he’ll handle it a lot faster if Sir is the one asking
Speaking of Sir, he and Cathy work together to do the more magical stuff like potion making (since it’s not too removed from chemistry) and enchantments. Thankfully, they have a spawner.
Ivan and Misra rule over and protect a village together because Ivan finally has an empire to himself now. The village is absolutely huge and Ivan would never admit it but he needed to trade Sage for all the wheat seeds he needed for the field in exchange for emeralds
Caden was the one to first kill a wither. He set up the proper underground chamber situation and everything. The Belle Kingdom and Alliance of Homos (Alex’s name for the base everyone else stays at) have beacons thanks to him. He probably lives underground, dangerously close to an Ancient City.
Deed sporadically logs on but the first time she did, she somehow was able to single-handily take on a Mansion with almost no armor and the second time she killed the Ender Dragon. Ever since, once she logs on, everyone’s a little on-edge. Last time it happened, she drained an ocean monument and then just left.
Goon loves to go caving but 4/10 times they end up dying from either fall damage or an onslaught of mobs due to running out of torches. On the bright side, they brought back moss, axolotls, and glowberries last time, much to Sage and Vapor’s delight.
Memiri will log on, pick one person that’s on with her, and stick by them doing whatever she can to help. Watch Chad’s six while fighting ghasts? Totally. Carry an entire inventory of torches and light the way for Goon? No problem. Farm with Sage? Sure thing. Help rig up a skelly spawned with Assistant? Can do!
( I had a lot of fun coming up with these :>)
[OH MY GOOOOOD??? BELOVED WHOEVER YOU ARE YOU COOOOOKED!!!! I fucking love this, Assistant being a Redstone wizard is now canon]
Assistant and Alex: @evilassistantbutnotmean
Sage: @sagehyperfixates
Vapor and Sylve: @vaporeon2010317
Mel/Melatonin: @chaotic-neutral-melatonin
Chad: @deadless-corpse
Sir: @sirlordevil
Cathy: @dr-catherine-sherman-owens
Caden, Ivan and Misra: @the-belle-siblings
Deed: @that-knife-lady
Goon: @boredgoon
Memiri: @memiri-belle
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ash-wings · 1 year
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local ghast man definitely uses his powers primarily to run his forges
mythical j sausage! loving his vibe in the new life smp - haven’t seen much create mod before and I’m v excited :)
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
I have a few btl hc soo
-Childe was like buildibg a tunnek to spawn when he saw heizouv putting tnt under his house and childe lit it up for fun and it blew up his entire house🥳
-Scara used to send letters to star in a chest <3
-Venti keeps loosing his stuff every 10 minutes
-I kinda see jean being new ro minecraft so she accidentally spawns an ender dragon (dont ask how)
-Xiao and Star added a mod for kpop dances
-Scara has a dog and keeps saying sorrt everytime he forgets to feed it.(He is such a cutie patootie)
-Just like all the other smps (ex one life) They have like an entire war at the end of the smp
-Xiao curses in Chinese and Childe curses in russian
-Heizou tries to make an alliance with scara but his base gets blown up after☠️
-Scara only had an alliance with star but blew up their and said it was childe so star had to stay with scara <333
-Ayaka makes ghasts go to the overworld and summons a bunch of withers😦
Albedo and tighnari tamed a bunch of cats and dogs to kill every player (it did)
-Hu tao is xiaos sibling and changes his skin and xiao dosent notice it until aether said so (Half of his fyp is filled with his skin)
-I imagine (after star face reveal) star like has to stop and like do her makeup for like 2 minutes while playing a horror game wirh childe (They are hiding in the bathroom btw) and childe screams cuz he hates horror ganes and messes up stars eyeliner 😭 (They curse him for an entire hour)
-Aether woke up while xiao was streaming and said 'my back is still sore from last night' Xiao ended the stream right there
sorry for gatekeeping these but babe wake up new headcanons just dropped!!
the bilingual cursing is so hot
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