#.・。.・゜✭・『 about 』—・✫・゜・。.
daistea · 2 days
Thank you for the food the fic was so nice! Your latest Mithrun fic made me think of the scenario more. Imagine Kabru, someone aware of elven culture, heard of us doing this the first time we did it from a friend who overheard it. He tries to find us to worn and educate just to find out it was too late and defeatedly explain to the other elves that tallman don't have that culture just to clear us. Aftermath of it is so hilarious. Also an alternative scenario for this setting I can think of is a random elf accepting our offer, or just someone who doesn't know about Mithrun feelings towards us, like Flamela and just exploit us and Mithrun later learning about it.
I love this prompt so much, thank u
2500 words!
tw mild nsfw implications
Mithrun x Tall-man reader
sequel to this
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Kabru scoffed at the notion that secrets and rumors were like feathers on the wind, uncatchable. He was great at catching feathers. He used them to stuff his pillow which he slept so soundly on at night. Rumors were wild dogs, but he had a leash and collar. He’d tamed beasts with bigger teeth. 
(That was, of course, a metaphor, as Kabru could not literally handle things with big teeth, as exemplified from his time in the dungeon.)
A particular sort of secret reached his ears in the empty hallway of the castle. It was the kind of secret that raised hairs and inspired mortification, which were the best kind. Usually. 
“Yeah, they asked to touch my ears,” Pattadol’s muffled voice was strained, tinged with embarrassment that Kabru could detect even through the door. 
“Mine too,” Flamela drawled. A pause followed her words, then she continued, “Pervert.”
The two elves then moved onto a different subject consisting of Pattadol’s worries for diplomacy and Flamela’s dismissals of such worries. Kabru listened for a moment more before silently moving away. He stalked down the hallway with dark clouds rolling in within his mind. 
You had asked Pattadol and Flamela if you could touch their ears. 
Kabru put his hand to his chest and squeezed his eyes shut. He leaned against the wall, beneath a portrait of some old ruler from thousands of years ago. There was still so much dust in the castle, but the thickness in his chest wasn’t from allergies. You were his friend, and so innocent, so curious. You couldn’t have known the implications of touching an elf’s ear. 
He had to speak to you immediately. 
“Yeah, I figured that out.” 
Kabru forced a smile and tilted his head. He was aware of how wide his eyes were, how he probably wasn’t doing a good job at hiding his shock and horror. He couldn’t bring himself to care at that moment as he watched you casually take a sip of your tea. 
“You figured it out?” He asked. Kabru wasn’t sure whether to be mortified or proud. 
“Oh yeah,” you slowly nodded as a triumphant smile rolled across your lips. When you opened your eyes to return his gaze, there was a spark within them that did not bode well. “I figured a lot of things out, actually.”
He took a moment to study your expression. The half-lidded quality of your eyes, the slight pink upon your cheek, the tilt of your chin; realization hit him like one of Marcille’s explosion spells. 
“You got laid.”
You nodded proudly, “I got laid.”
“Yeah,” there was triumph in your voice.
Kabru tried his best to control his irritation. You were so casual about it, he could’ve throttled you. How unromantic, asking the man who was entirely too smitten with you: ‘can I touch one of the most sensitive parts of your body?’ And the audacity, the horror, of that actually working. 
It was personally offensive to Kabru. He’d spent years building up his talent for wordplay and charm. Then, here you are, harassing poor elves. And what are the consequences of your curiosity and ignorance? Hot sex and a beautiful elf boyfriend. 
There were other consequences, though. The thought of Flamela referring to you as a pervert was enough to cool the boiling in his blood. 
“Okay, I’m going to help you,” he sent you a smile.
“I don’t think we need help,” you grimaced, “we both know what to do. But thanks.”
“I– I don’t mean with Mithrun. I mean in general. I’ll help you recover your reputation with the elves of Melini.”
You tilted your head, “My reputation? What do you mean?”
“Well, I heard Flamela call you a pervert earlier.”
“Oh,” taken aback, you sat up straight in your chair, hands tightening around your mug, “Honestly, I forgot I even asked Flamela.”
The feeling in Kabru’s chest could only be described as the slow decay of his soul. “Well, she remembers quite well.”
Another grimace, “Oops. It’s no big deal, though, I’m sure they all understand that I just didn’t know the implications of it.”
Your optimism was so cute. 
“I’ll take care of it,” he took your hand and smiled, “don’t you worry.”
Kabru was used to elves. He’d grown up in the Northern Central Continent where elves were the dominant percentage of the population. Even in Utaya, elven culture strongly influenced daily life, architecture, and manners. His own adoptive mother was an elf. 
Still, his experience did not negate the particular brand of nervousness that came from having nearly ten elves staring at him. 
There was the first squad of the Canaries, Flamela– who was only visiting for the week– Fionil, and Marcille. All of them were absurdly pretty, confused, and pinning him to the wall with their unsettling stares. Flamela and Mithrun, at least, had the decency to look irritated at the interruption to their day. 
Kabru forced his lead tongue to work, “Alright. You’re all probably wondering why I’ve called this meeting. First of all, let’s start with this: Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by [name]’s curiosity concerning your ears.”
Everybody besides Fionil and Marcille raised their hands. 
“Okay,” Kabru sent the two half elves a reassuring smile, “you two are free to go. Thanks for coming.”
“Are my ears not good enough?” Marcille muttered as she and Fionil left the empty noodle shop. 
Mithrun had very generously given Kabru permission to hold the meeting in his noodle shop before the dinner rush. It was of humble size, but clean and quiet with the smooth scent of broth clinging to the walls and chairs. Kabru had a feeling that Mithrun only lent him the space out of curiosity after he’d mentioned that the meeting had to do with you, his partner. 
Silent anticipation settled over the small group. Most of them were taut, seconds away from leaving if he said the wrong thing.
Kabru cleared his throat, “Alright. So, I just want to settle something. [Name] is not a pervert.”
There were those eyes again. They were like six lances ripping through his skin and affixing him to the wall. 
“What?” Otta asked. 
“They’re not a pervert,” he repeated as he raised his hands, “they’re just really curious and didn’t know any better. So, please, don’t judge them too harshly.”
Another beat of silence followed the plea. His gaze shifted to Mithrun, who was watching him carefully with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs stretched out in front of him. As their eyes met, Mithrun simply held the gaze, his face as blank as fresh parchment. 
Kabru set aside the building urge to dissect Mithrun’s brain and instead focused on the rest of the group. “They really didn’t know any better,” he continued despite the rising murmurs among the group, “please forgive them. Tall-man culture is a lot different from yours.”
That seemed to please the elves. Collective negativity was always far more satisfying, he knew.
“Savages,” Cithis huffed.
“Idiots,” Flamela agreed.
Otta had the decency to argue, “They’re just innocent and ignorant. And it’s not like elven society openly discusses those kinds of things.”
True. Elven culture was confusing. Wearing revealing clothes and showing a lot of skin was normal for them, nothing to give a second glance to, though the subject of sex and arousal was deemed inappropriate. One was expected to maintain their dignity, wear a mask depicting perfection, and bring honor to their family. The nobility were commonly quite repressed, though commoners had a tendency to loosen their tongues among friends. Still, sexual education was not taught well, or often, despite their dwindling population. It seemed a bit counterproductive to Kabru, but he understood their reasoning and how centuries of superiority complexes brought them to that point. 
“Did nobody actually tell them what it meant?” Pattadol asked. 
Lycion sent her a raised brow, “Did you?”
“Well, no, but…”
“I did,” Mithrun interrupted. Every eye went to him, though he kept his gaze straight ahead and his arms crossed. He let a moment of silence pass before he continued, “They won’t be asking to touch anybody’s ears again.”
Flamela made a face, “So, did they touch your ears?”
He said it so casually, unbothered by the surprise and amusement of the other Canaries. Fleki leaned forward to clap a hand on his shoulder, which earned a little frown from him. 
“Did you get laid, Captain?” Fleki asked, her grin toothy and stinking of mischief. 
“I don’t need to know that!” Pattadol screeched, “You don’t have to answer every question honestly, you know! You’re allowed to keep secrets!”
“I know,” Mithrun shrugged.
He just didn’t want to keep that particular secret, Kabru knew. Mithrun would much rather that everybody recognize his stake, his claim, his flag buried at the top of the mountain he’d just climbed. It was easier that way. 
Flamela, though, was Flamela. 
She stood up, her fists clenched. “I’ve got things to do. I can’t waste time with you guys anymore.”
The first squad ignored her departure and instead started asking Mithrun a myriad of invasive questions, much to Pattadol’s distress. Yet, Kabru kept his gaze on Flamela. There was a spark in her eyes, one he recognized. It betrayed her intentions. As one of Mithrun’s closest friends and certified nosy-guy, he couldn’t help but subtly follow her out and into the street. 
“Excuse me,” he said once the door shut behind him. A few feet away, Flamela stopped mid-step and whirled around with a glare. 
“What?” She hissed.
“You’re going to do something you’ll regret, aren’t you?” Kabru sent her a look he hoped she’d recognize as concern. It was definitely concern, because anybody that planned to mess with you deserved that. 
“I won’t regret it,” Flamela rolled her eyes, “I just… don’t understand why [name] would want to touch the Captain’s ears and not mine. Mine are longer and softer.”
“Are you really offended over this? Didn’t you tell them no already?”
“I’ve changed my mind!” She snapped. 
“Are you just trying to get back at Mithrun for charging you full price for a bowl of noodles?”
She froze. Her mouth was open, shaped in a scowl. Her shoulders rose like the hackles of a cat. Despite the flicker of satisfaction that Kabru felt at having hit the mark, the hair on his arms stood to attention. He was seconds away from being tackled. 
Fortunately, he side-stepped right as Flamela attacked. 
Now on all fours on the dirt street, Flamela glared at him over her shoulder, “He should’ve given me a discount!”
“He isn’t obliged to.”
“He is!” She stood up and dusted off her uniform, “[Name] should want to feel my ears, they’re better.”
Kabru put his hands on his hips, “You’re just being competitive.”
“Shut up,” she hissed before brushing past him and stomping down the street.
Kabru glanced to the left just in time to see a glimpse of dark eyes staring out through a crack in the blinds. Judging by their black color and uneven manner, it was obviously Mithrun peeking at his conversation with Flamela. He made eye contact with the captain for a second before Mithrun narrowed his gaze dangerously and let go of the blinds. They snapped back into place, but Kabru couldn’t quite return to his natural state like that, not with the black-eyed storm brewing. 
Flamela found you on the street. It wasn’t the best place for ear-rubbing, but her mind was on one track and she ardently refused to veer. 
“I’ve reconsidered,” she said. There was no greeting or smile or easing in of the conversation. 
You stopped mid-step and stared at her. “...Reconsidered what?”
“About you touching my ears.”
Did you ask to touch her ears? The memory wasn’t popping up for you. Yet, now that you knew what that actually meant to elves, you felt appropriately horrified by the statement. You were on a crowded street. If any passersby had a clue as to what Flamela said, they showed no indication. The elf population in Melini was small. The implications of ear touching most likely flew over their heads as it once did for you. 
You managed a smile that you hoped was polite, that you hoped didn’t betray your embarrassment. “That’s okay, thanks.”
Flamela narrowed her eyes, “Why not? My ears are softer and longer than Mithrun’s. If you’re going to touch an elf’s ears, I would think you’d want the full experience.”
“I, uh, I got a pretty full experience with Mithrun. But thanks,” you offered another smile. Something about the way Flamela frowned hinted at deeper motives. You just had to ask, “Is this because Mithrun didn’t give you a discount on a bowl of noodles?”
She scoffed, “No!”
It was definitely about that. 
As you prepared an explanation of your loyalties to Mithrun and his decision to not give her a discount, a flicker of mana filled the air, pricking at your skin. You knew that particular brand of magic. Your heart dropped into your stomach as the spot behind Flamela shifted like the surface of disturbed water. Half a second later, Mithrun appeared. 
You felt yourself tense. Flamela was on a rant about discounts. Mithrun’s gaze was calm, too calm, dangerously calm. The only sign of his anger was the feral look in his good eye. In the past, Mithrun wouldn’t have cared about Flamela offering her ears to random tall-men. He would have resisted any urges to teleport her into walls simply because it would get him kicked out of the Canaries. But the demon was gone, his purposes for living were different. You were one of those purposes, one of those desires, and he was so one track minded that he would do anything to hang onto that. 
He raised a hand. Flamela tensed as if sensing the danger. Nearby, Kabru pushed through the crowd, panicked. 
“No!” You lunged at your partner before he could teleport the Vice-Captain to a place where she’d never get noodles again, let alone discounted ones. 
Your body weight crashed onto him. His eye widened and Kabru gasped. Like a felled tree, you and Mithrun both fell to the ground. Flamela said something you didn’t quite comprehend, but it didn’t matter at the moment. 
You laid on Mithrun. He laid on the ground. He put one hand on your back and chose to stare at the blue sky above rather than fight your will. The passersby sent the scene curious glances but wisely stayed away, giving you and Mithrun a wide berth.
A shadow cast over your bodies and you looked up to see Flamela blocking the sun. She only glared, hands on her hips. 
“I want a discount,” she said.
You felt Mithrun grunt beneath you. Another beat of silence passed before he answered, “Fine. Just stay away from [name].”
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cheeeeseburger · 1 day
Late night shift
Fernando Alonso x Reader
A/N: A Donna and Harvey dynamic? Yes please! English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes. Enjoy!
“Can you transfer me…”
“The last email? Already did.”
“Thank you, dulce. Can you confirm…”
“Your presence at the gala? I already sent both of our RSVP, like last week. Duh.”
“Oh, ok, thanks. Can you bring me a cup of coffee then?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fernando, your latte is already in your office, like usual. I’ve nearly finished mine. I used your card. Thanks for the free drink, I guess.”
He looked at you in admiration. “You truly are amazing; do you know that?” His words shouldn’t have pleased you as much as they did. You should be used to it by now, he thanked God for making you apply to be his assistant multiple times a day. You blew him a kiss, winked and replied as you exited the room: “Oh baby, you haven’t seen anything yet.” If you had looked back behind your shoulder, you would have seen his eyes full of high esteem and something else that would have woken up the butterflies in your tummy.
Ok, maybe calling your much older boss “baby” wasn’t the most professional way to act, but it was just the way things were between you and Fernando. They had always been like this, ever since you had started working as his assistant, three years ago. You had quickly picked up on his habits, and not a week after you had started the job, he had already nicknamed you “dulce”. Everyone around the paddock knew you two as a pair, an item even. If he was somewhere, it was because you told him he had to be there at a specific time, and you were always right next to him. The media loved your dynamic, and your name was always associated with his. If he was the dad of the grid because of his age, then you were the mom simply because you were partners in crime. Even his parents treated you like a daughter in law. Honestly, you looked like an old couple, always bugging the other, but caring deeply for each other.
The thing is, you two were not a couple, not even close. There wasn’t an ounce of romance between you two, sadly. At least, it was sad for your poor, poor heart who jumped every time you were next to him, so basically every minute of the day. Sometimes, you thought he might feel something for you too, like when you were on flights together, and he sat next to you so you could fall asleep on his shoulder, or whenever it was late at night, and he knocked on your door just to ask you if you wanted to order food. He also left a doubt in your mind whenever you were his automatic plus one to any event, and he had a possessive grip on your arm all night, or when he treated you to something you didn’t even remember mentioning to him.
But every time you got your hopes up, he asked you what shirt he should wear for his upcoming date, or which car he should drive to pick a lucky lady. With your heart crushed, you always answered the white one, because it made him look crisp, and you said to drive the Porshe, because the Valkyrie was your favourite, and just like its owner, you wanted to keep it to yourself.
“Fernando, baby, I won’t be able to attend the gala with you next week. Do you have someone in mind that you’d would like me to contact to be your date?” You dropped this bomb so casually, on a flight between two continents. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea, since you were stuck in an enclosed space with him for the next few hours.
“What are you talking about? What do you mean you’re not going with me?” Oh boy, he was pissed. You just continued working on your laptop. “Don’t worry, I can still work as your assistant there even if I’m going with someone else.” You rolled your eyes, which you probably shouldn’t have done, because he looked really irritated now.
“Stop playing with me. You’re going with someone else? Who are you even going with anyway?” Oh, if looks could kill. You regretted being in an airplane even more, because if he did end up killing you, you’d be in international waters, and it would be hell in court. You’d have to find the best lawyer there is. Oh wow. You were thinking about hiring a lawyer for your possible murderer. You were just that good at your job.
“Just some guy who owns shares in Aston Martin. Don’t worry, it’s not a lot.” He just stared at you, and now you were really starting to feel uneasy. “Don’t kill me, please?” You asked sheepishly.
That got him out of his trance. “What?” Ok, maybe you had gotten too far in this murder fantasy. He continued: “Why don’t you want to go with me?”
Bless his heart, he looked sad for a second, but the look of fury came back very quickly. “Fernando, it’s not that I don’t want to go with you, it’s just that I got asked out, and since I’m single, I said yes. It’s nothing personal, really.” You shrugged.
“You want to be with this guy? For life?” He interrogated. You raised your hands in the air: “Woah, woah, buddy. I haven’t even gone out once with him! I’m just considering my options.” You suddenly felt self-conscious. “I don’t want to be single forever, you know. What if I turn forty and I’m still all alone in life?” You started to fan yourself and pretended to faint for a more dramatic effect. That effectively lightened his mood.
“You know that I am over 40 and still single, right?” You stuck your tongue at him, and he tried his hardest not to laugh. “Is it because he’s rich? I am rich too, you know.” It was your turn to be offended. “It’s not because he’s rich! It’s because he asked me out and he seems nice, that’s all! Why aren’t you happy that for once you will not be stuck with me? You have the opportunity to invite whoever you want!”
His mood was like the weather at every Canadian GP: changing in a second. He pinched his nose in frustration. “Dulce, if I’m not going with you, I’m going alone.” God, he was exasperating. You had to remind yourself he was your boss; otherwise much harsher words would have come out of your mouth. You settled for a simple “Fine!” to which he also replied “Fine!”
Nobody was actually fine. The rest of the plane ride was pretty much silent.
Although you tried not to think about it, your relationship with Fernando was definitely strained after that conversation. You pretended that everything was normal to not raise questions from other people, but you knew something was wrong. He did not kiss you on the cheek like he used to do at least once a day, he dropped the nickname he had for you, and even started to avoid you. You were heartbroken. You did not understand why he was so hurt. You thought you did the right thing by accepting that he was not interested in you like you were in him and moving on, but perhaps not. You felt sick all week until the gala.
Honestly, you were not that interested in your date, but you had to pretend for the night. When he picked you up in his flashy car and he complimented your look, you acted all shy and pleased when really, you didn’t give a shit what he thought about you.
He was right though; you did look gorgeous. Your dress was very flattering on you, it gave you curves in all the right place, and your hair and makeup gave you that old-Hollywood look that is to die for. Also, your boobs really looked good, which is always a confidence booster, right? (A confidence boobster, even?) You always felt beautiful, but tonight, you felt hot. The cameras flashing and the looks you got as you entered the gala confirmed your feeling. Oh, your ego would definitely not fit through the door.
You were sitting alone at a table while your date went to get you something to drink.
 “Already alone, dulce? Even though you’re far from turning forty?”
You looked up at Fernando, and your stupid heart betrayed you by doing a backflip. He looked so fucking good in a suit, it was criminal. He looked like the hero of those mafia romance books that you loved in secret. His white dress shirt made him look very dashing. It made your imagination run wild with fantasies involving you grabbing him by the collar, and wearing nothing but his unbuttoned shirt while he made you breakfast the next morning. Oops.
You flashed your biggest smile at him. “I’m not alone, I have you!” You jumped from your seat to give him a big hug like you always did. Gosh, he smelled so good. You knew his perfume because you were always the one reordering the bottle, but you made a mental note to order a bottle for yourself. Perhaps you could spray it in your underwear drawer? Once again, oops.
“You look beautiful, dulce.”  You gave him a spin so he could really take in how good you looked, and his gaze was full of adoration. He even flushed a little bit. You stared him up and down. “You look good too, baby. I’m glad we went with the black suit.”  He smiled at you. “You have good taste, dulce.” This conversation was the most normal you had all week, ever since the airplane incident.
“I can’t believe you went alone! You’re so stubborn!” You lightly smacked him on the arm when you saw that he truly was unaccompanied. He shrugged and winked at you. “Like I said, it’s you or nothing, amor.” You crossed your arms on your chest, which made your boobs squeeze out of your dress a little, and he definitely peeked at them, but he’s such a gentleman that his eyes were immediately back on yours. You just wanted to scream: Look for as long as you want, baby. Do you want me to remove my dress completely, perhaps? On your bedroom floor, maybe?  You ultimately decided against it.
“Thousand of women are crying all over the world because of you, Fernando. ABBA are currently removing their song Fernando from their catalogue. Do you realize the consequence of your actions?” While you were joking, he suddenly got very serious, and his voice got very deep when he asked “Do you? Do you know why I can't bring anyone that is not you with me?”.
It felt like the air had changed in the room. You were suddenly very hot, and his eyes on you didn’t help with that. You bit you lower lip, and he seemed like he wanted to take you right there, right now. He was giving you his best bedroom eyes. Your legs felt weak as you imagined him fucking you, the noises he would make, the screams he would get out of you. He was definitely the type to talk you through it. The thought made your toes curl. You just knew he would help you clean yourself after because you wouldn’t be able to walk. God help you, if he kept staring at your lips like that, you would have to take him against the wall like a starved woman. Were your panties wet already?
Your moment was interrupted by your date, which you had completely forgotten about. The sexual tension was definitely still there, though. You introduced him sheepishly to Fernando as he gave you your drink. As soon as the two men started talking to each other, you finished your espresso martini in less than three sips.
Fernando and your date seemed like they were in a weird show off competition. Both were trying to intimidate the other. You grabbed a champagne flute from a nearby waiter and you downed that, too. There’s no way you would be able to go through this awkward conversation sober. Both guys were acting way too possessively. As soon as Fernando put his hand towards your lower back, your date tried to grab you by the arm, but Fernando just gripped your waist harder. You felt like the favourite doll of two very intense toddlers.
Eventually, thank God, your date was called by someone he knew, and you were once again alone with your boss.
“I don’t think he’s right for you.” Fernando immediately said as soon as he left.
“Gee, okay, dad.” Daddy almost slipped out. Almost.
“I am serious, dulce.” Just like you did frequently these days, you rolled your eyes at him.
“Don’t worry, from the way that you acted, he’s not going to want to go out with me ever again. Why did you have to act like a protective older brother?” You whined. Actually, you didn’t care if your date never talked to you ever again, but Fernando didn’t have to know that.
“Older brother?” He looked pissed at the words. “He’s way too old for you, anyway.”
“He’s literally your age, Fernando. And you’re not too old for me, are you?” You wanted to stomp the floor because he was getting on your last nerves.
“I think I’m perfect for you, dulce.” What did he say? (Cue the meme)
Once again, your date, which you were slowly starting to despise, interrupted your moment when he got back to your side. To make matters worse, you three were at the same table for the dinner. It was the longest, most awkward meal of your life. You were sitting in the middle, and both guys were fighting for your attention. It could have been flattering, but it was just so fucking annoying. You kept sending apologetic glances to the other people sitting at your table. Fernando abruptly left to go sit at another table. What a child.
Your mood lightened when the atmosphere changed from a formal dinner to a party.
“Do you dance?” you asked your date. “Never”, he replied. You sighed as you watch everyone leave for the dance floor. You loved to dance, and you could not even have this small thing tonight. This night was a complete failure.
Your favourite song started playing. You just wanted to get up and dance with your date like everybody else was doing, but the stupid asshole was apparently to busy playing Candy Crush on his phone. Gosh, could this night be even more horrible? You just wanted to go back home and cry, until you felt a hand pick up yours.
“Come on, amor. I know this is your favourite song. Nobody puts baby in the corner.” He winked and pulled you to the middle of the dancefloor.
You were stunned. Not only did he know your favourite song, but he had also quoted a line from Dirty Dancing, the movie you always watched during airplanes ride. It was your job to know his favourite food, his preferences; but he had gone out of his way to learn your habits and your favourite things. This was the most romantic thing that has ever happened in your life. This only usually happened in movies like Dirty Dancing. You just stood there, not moving, too shocked to do anything.
“What’s wrong, dulce?” Fernando asked, worriedly. Your nickname, the smile he reserved just for you, his lingering gaze, the info he had gathered on you; it all made so much sense now. He wanted you, just like you wanted him.
You grabbed him by the collar like you had wanted to do all night, and you started to kiss him right there, in the middle of the dancefloor. He did not hesitate. He immediately kissed you back and put his arms around your waist.
This was the best kiss you had ever had. Years of wanting him made you desperate like that, and apparently, he was desperate for you, too. He tasted like sugar and spice and everything nice but also like “I’ve wanted to do this all night” and “Wait, no, I’ve wanted to do this for years”. You were in synch; the world could have stopped, and it wouldn’t have changed anything. You didn’t even think for a second about that other guy, nor did you think about people watching you. Most everyone though you were already together anyway.
“Am I dreaming, baby?” you said as you pulled away. He softly cupped your face with his hands.
“No, dulce. I have been dreaming of kissing you, though.” Your heart melted.
“You have?” You asked in a soft voice. He kissed you again, but it was slower this time, more delicate. He wanted you to realize how badly he cared for you and how long he had been dreaming of this. Was this real? You had never felt as adored as you felt at this instant. People were all around you, dancing and enjoying themselves, but it was like you were alone with Fernando, in another world, on another planet.
“Amor. Surely you must know that I care more for you than anyone else. You’ve always been more than my assistant. I’m happy to call you my friend, but I hate it at the same time because I can’t stand the thought of us being just friends.” He caressed your face. The vulnerability in his eyes touched you to your core, and his words send a wave of heat through your body. This was the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you, but also the hottest. He caused some serious butterflies in your tummy.
“Baby, I don’t like us being just friends either,” you replied, your lips only a few centimeters away from his. He stared hard at your swollen mouth and crashed his lips on it. You locked your arms behind his neck, and he put his large hands around your waist to get a better grip. Oh gosh. He had only kissed you, but he had already ruined you for every other guy out there. One thing for sure, your panties were wet already, and from the bulge you felt on your thigh, he was enjoying himself too.
“Dios mio, amor. I should have done this earlier,” he chuckled and looked at the ceiling. This man was turned on. Like, sooooo turned on.
You leaned in even closer to whisper in his ear: “Don’t worry baby, we’re just getting started.” Your lipstick lingering on him, his perfume on you, the heat in your body, it was all overwhelming, so when he asked you “Do you want to get out of here?”, you were quick to answer: “Yes!” and to lead him out of the party.
Fernando was holding you close to him while you two waited for the valet to bring out his car. You were blushing and giggling like a teenage girl because you finally had the man of your dream in your arms. He kept giving you kisses, and it was like he could not believe it was now allowed.
You first saw it out of the corner of you eye. It was a real beauty, and you were in awe of it. The valet got out and gave back the keys of the green Valkyrie to Fernando. You wanted to scream. Surely, you must be in a rom-com. In your wildest dreams, this was the car the picked you up in to go on a date. You were like a kid in a candy store.
Fernando smiled at your enthusiasm. “I know it’s you favourite, dulce.” He opened your car door and you shrieked when you got inside.
“Oh, baby, this is way too good!” You were busy with touching the leather of the seat and admiring the interior. He had taken you on hot laps before, but never in this car. Apparently, he was saving it for a special occasion.
“I’m glad you like it, amor.” He started the car and drove off smoothly into the night. Wow, this guy is good at driving, maybe he should do it professionally or something?
As the air hit your face, you were hit by a wave of happiness. You shouted at the world: “I was made to be doing this!”
The Spaniard put his hand on your thigh and replied in a sensual voice: “Si, amor. You were made for me.”
Fernando drove really fast, but you wanted to get to his place so badly that it was not nearly fast enough. His hand slowly going higher and higher on your thigh was not helping your sudden need for speed.
Finally, you arrived at his place. Like a gentleman, Fernando opened your car door. Unlike a gentleman, his lips immediately crashed on yours. You two danced a frantic tango to get to the door of his place, your mouths never apart for more than a second. Eventually, you managed to get inside.
“I need you so bad, baby. I’ve needed you for years.” You immediately kicked off your high heels and started to remove his suit jacket. Your words must have pleased him, because his hands started exploring your body and he gently bit your lower lip. He pushed you against the wall.
“Oh yeah? Why didn’t you say anything before?” Honestly, why didn’t you? Dumb bitch.
You felt your eyes roll back in your skull when he cupped your boob with one hand and your ass with the other, his mouths still leaving love bites all over your neck.
“I wish I did. I’m so stupid.” The tango was back because you tried to move the action to the bedroom. He obviously knew the layout of his place by heart and so did you, since you had been there many times before, yet none of you seemed to know where it was.
“Amor, you know that I’m never letting you go after that, right? From now on, you’re not just my assistant. You’re mine, and I’ll make sure that everyone knows that.” You crashed into the walls many times as you made your way to his bedroom. Pictures were shaking, just like your legs. The walls of his house trembled, just like your walls did.
He finally managed to lead you to his bedroom, and he put you down on his bed. Fernando laid on top of you and leaned down to your ear: “Say you’re mine, dulce. Tell me you belong to me.”
His weight on your body felt so good, but you were aching for more. You craved any kind of friction to ease the heat between your legs, so you started to rub yourself against the bulge in his pants. It’s not like you didn’t want to answer him, it’s just the way he moved on you that left you speechless. Your toes curled and you started to moan, and although the way he let you move on him like that told you he liked it, this wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
Fernando pinned your wrists on the mattress. “I’m not playing anymore, little girl. Tell me you’re mine, or all of this will stop.” You immediately answered him between two moans: “I’m yours, baby. I’ve always been yours, and I always will be.” He grunted like an animal at your words, and you lifted your hips to have more of this delicious friction. He started to make out with your throat while you unbuttoned his white dress shirt as fast as you could. You were tracing lines on his chest with your fingers when he abruptly stopped. “Wait, wait, wait, mi amor. This wasn’t supposed to be like this.” He sat on the bed. You propped yourself up on your elbows, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Was he regretting this already?
He continued, looking pained and disappointed with himself: “I’ve thought about this before. I was suppose to take you on a nice date, then ask you to come home with me. I would’ve driven you around town in your favourite car, then I would make love to you slowly, so you would know how much you mean to me. This feels rushed. I want to take my time with you. At least, I got the Valkyrie part right.” You wanted to swoon after his rambling. He looked so upset, you wanted to cry out of empathy and love for this man. He nicknamed you “dulce”, but really, he was the sweet one.
“Fernando, baby. There’s nothing I would change about this night so far. This is a thousand times better than any date you could have taken me on.” You put your hand on one his cheek.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to ruin things between us. I want to treat you right, because you deserve the world, amor.” If you weren’t certain you loved this man before, now you were.
“Baby, being with you feels better than owning the world. I’ve never been as happy as I am right now, and you couldn’t be more perfect. But if it makes you feel better, we can start again.” He started to calm himself by massaging your calf.
“How, amor?” It was hard to focus, because him sitting on his bed with his dress shirt open was quite the sight to see, but you managed to reply: “Like this.”
Although it pained you, you removed his hand from your body and got up from the bed to exit the bedroom. Confused, he followed you all the way to the doorstep outside.
“What are you doing?” You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I had a really nice date with you this evening, Fernando.”
“Ah, I get your little game now.” He laughed and gave you a tender kiss, the one you assumed he used for his first date. You hoped he would never use it ever again. “Me too, dulce. Would you like to come in?”
You gave him a flushed smile. “I would love too, baby.” He took your hand and brought you inside. “Shall I give you a tour?” he asked. You replied: “Oh yes, absolutely. I would especially like to see the bedroom. I hear it’s where you burn all your left-over energy.” He smirked at you playing innocent.
When you got close to his bedroom door, you stopped to give him your second-date kiss. You never kissed with your tongue until after the first date, and he knew that. “This is your famous second-date kiss, yes?” You laughed against his mouth. “Oh yes. And on the third date, I usually sleep with the guy.” His breath hitched, and he brought you inside the room.
“When I first sleep with a woman, I usually start by removing her clothes.” He spun you so your back was facing him. You lifted your hair and he slowly, oh so slowly started to unzip your dress, making sure to let his fingertips linger. This felt like the longest foreplay of your life. When your dress dropped to the floor, you shivered, and he turned you to get a better look at your body.
“Dios mio, amor. You’re so beautiful.” He stared at you in adoration, eyes filled with lust and something that you would not dare to call love, even though that’s what it was.
You flushed and tried to look away, but he lifted your chin with his fingers. “Thank you, baby,” you replied shyly. He removed his already unbuttoned shirt. “I think I’ve taken enough my time, amor.”
“I don’t think I can wait anymore, Fernando. I need you inside of me.” Your words send him into action. He very carefully lifted you to the bed, and he laid you there like a pastry he was about to devour.
“I think you’ll have to be patient for a little while, dulce. I want to treat myself to something sweet.” He dragged you to the edge of the bed and he got down on his knees.  He put your legs over his shoulders, and he got down to eat you. Oh, God. He ate you like a man starved. You were his own personal meal.
His tongue licking you made you scream his name, but what really did it for you was when you saw him touching himself. This man was getting pleasure out of eating you out, and that turned up your arousal to another level.
It wasn’t longue after that you gripped the sheets as hard as you could while you screamed his name. He let your orgasm last by never removing his tongue.
When he got up, shirtless, with a very noticeable bulge, you grabbed him by his belt to bring him back on the bed.
“That was the hottest thing that has ever happened to me, baby. You treat me so good already. But I can’t be patient anymore, I think.” You hurriedly removed his belt and played with the zipper of his pants. He laughed.
“It’s okay, amor. You’ve been a good girl, you deserve this.” Oh. Oh. Since when did you have a thing for praise?
“I’m clean, and I’m on the pill, so you don’t have to wear anything, if you want,” you offered shyly. The enormity of what was going to happen suddenly hit you. Oh God, were you really about to sleep with your boss that you’re kinda in love with?
He let out a possessive growl. “Good, because I don’t want anything between me and you. I need to feel you as you are.” Damn. Were you listening to one of those erotic audiobook or did he really just say that to you?
Fernando once again went on top of you. He adjusted himself and angled his body just right. When you felt the tip inside of you, your eyes immediately rolled to the back of your head. He was so big.
You whined: “Fernando, I don’t think it’s going to fit.” He slowly let himself in you. “You can take it. You always manage to fit things in my schedule. Surely this is nothing to you.” You moaned loudly.
The pain was just too good. “Baby, never putting you in a meeting earlier then 10 in the morning is a thousand times easier than making you fit inside of me.” He chuckled, but as he got more and more deep in you, he started to grunt.
“Amor, don’t get sassy with me now. Take it like a good girl.” You pushed him deeper inside of you by putting your legs around his waist.
“On it, boss.” You usually sounded so confident, but your words were nothing but another cry of pleasure in a sea of moans. You felt your orgasm build up inside of you as he kept pounding into your body. Applying to be his assistant had definitely been the best decision of your life. Who would’ve thought that on top of being paid to travel the world, you would be receiving incredible orgasms on the side?
“Dios mio, mi amor…” Fernando whispered in a low, sensual voice. You shut him up with a fierce kiss.
“Baby, stop saying that. I should be the one to say it, because I’m so fucking close, but I am praying to God that this never ends.” He pounded hard into you.
“Are you thinking about someone else while I’m inside of you? I must be doing something wrong then.” He managed to laugh in between thrusts and grunts.
“I can assure you, boss, you’re doing everything right!” You screamed as your orgasm hit its peak, and you came undone. His thrusts got sloppier as he finished, too. He looked at you and wished that everybody could see him dripping out of you. Not now, but maybe someday, he won’t let anything spill because he’ll be trying his hardest to put a baby in you. For now, this already perfect view would have to do. He took a mental picture.
Fernando rolled off of you and sat against the headboard, breathing heavily. He pulled you in his arms in a tight grip and started playing with your hair. With your swollen lips, the light layer of sweat on his body and both of you tangled in each other, you looked like the cover of the dirtiest romance book you owned.
“Am I allowed to say it now? Because dios mio, amor. That felt incredible.” He sighed in your hair. You blushed, pleased that he had enjoyed himself as much as you did. The man of your dream just rocked your world, and he liked doing it.
“Yes, you are allowed, baby. You gave me two orgasms; you can now say anything you like.” You laughed and turned your head to give him a quick kiss.
“Only two? Dulce, that’s not enough. Do we have anything planned tomorrow?” Your heart jumped in your chest at his use of “we”. It was very endearing an it made your heart ache from happiness, but if he used “nosotros”, you might just come on the spot.
“No baby, we have nothing planned.” As his assistant, you obviously knew his schedule by heart, and tomorrow morning, he was now booked and busy with the task of giving you pleasure all day long. You made a mental note to add it to the calendar.
He sighed in pleasure and closed his eyes. “That’s perfect, amor. I have an idea of what we could do.” His breath slowed down as he fell in a state of deep relaxation.
“Really? Tell me?” You couldn’t help but to shut your eyes. Being in his arms was too comfy.
“First, we’re going to wake up in each other’s arms. After that, I’ll make you scream my name, but I’ll have to put something over your mouth to not wake the neighbors.” You shivered at his perfect fantasy, but he wasn’t done. “After that, I’ll bring you breakfast in bed, to give you energy for what will come next. All afternoon, I’ll take you in every single location in my house, perhaps even outside, to find where you come the quickest. Finally, I’ll take you out for a nice dinner, to show off your hickeys to the world.” Your toes curled. This was even better than your wildest sex dream involving him.
“Sounds like a plan, then.” He locked you in his arms, and you both drifted to a light sleep. You woke up, suddenly realizing something: “Oh no!” Fernando jerked awake. “What? What’s wrong, dulce?”
“I forgot to say bye to my date! Oh no, I’m awful. I don’t want to hurt his feelings,” you replied, genuinely worried. Fernando laid his head on your shoulder, and you felt him shake as he laughed.
“Dios mio, dulce, only you could be worried about making another man feel bad while being in bed with me.” He was howling with laughter.
“What!?I like to be nice!” Fernando chuckled at your sweetness.
“I know, dulce. And I love you for it.” He kissed the top of your head.
Being his assistant was easy, but you were now applying for the position of girlfriend. He hired you on the spot, and let me tell you, you were damn good at the job. The boss was pretty nice, too. Your bonuses now came in the form of "I love you."
Since you were a loyal employee, the position was taken for life.
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redemn · 17 hours
sometimes i start thinking ,   well maybe i didn't have an issues .   and then i remember when i was a kid i liked exclusively shapeshifters ,   pretending i was a werewolf ,   and pretending i was fictional characters ,   and now i'm 28 and still i pretend , except now i'm a 36 year old fictional outlaw from the 1890s .
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starfxkr · 12 hours
Western Nights IIII
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pairing: older!trailer park!jj x reader
summary: jj maybank knows he's too old to be messing around with a young girl like you, but he does it anyways
warnings: freudian age gap, smut, some angst because yall can't have it too easy.
jj almost forgot you were there the next morning, but the sight of your curly head burrowed under the duvet, he couldn't help but watch you.
gone were all the pretenses, you were so relaxed your mouth was wide open as you drooled onto the pillow. you looked like you haven't slept that well in who knows how long. in all honesty he didn't want to wake you, you looked sweet, no longer playing the young seductress.
but it was his day off, and he wanted to eat.
so you woke up to the smell of coffee, frying bacon and...pancakes? the spicy sweet aroma of vanilla and cinnamon wafting to your nose, and adorably it twitched as your eyes fluttered open with a yawn.
"good mornin' to you sweet thing, y'hungry?"
when you sit up fully you look disgruntled, face and lips cutely swollen with your hair askew. your throat clicked as your swallowed and rubbed your face, "mmm...starving..." still you eyed him warily, distrustful of his intentions as you watched him the entire tie.
"well if you wanna eat, y'gotta sit up here with me. i'm not bringing the food to you princess."
you grunt, "well, why not?" despite the frog in your throat it was clear you were being light hearted, yawning and stretching immediately after with such power your little body shook.
jj knows you probably haven't slept in a comfy bed in a while.
"cause you're in my house, so you follow my rules. get up here and sit."
finally, you did what he said and jj raked his eyes over you as subtly as he could--it's been a long time since he had someone else wearing his clothes, let alone someone that looked like you.
"this is so stupid i don't even eat at the table in my own house."
"your mom feeds you three chicken nuggets and a french fry. now i said sit, don't make me ask again."
jj's stomach lurched, he didn't sound like himself.
but you sat--with a grumble and a pout on your sure--but you sat all the same.
like the night before he stacked your plate high with 3 pancakes, eggs and as much bacon as you wanted. when he asked 'coffee or orange juice" you asked for coffee, but you ended up gulping down his entire cup of juice.
he didn't complain.
"so you wanna tell me what happened last night?"
there it was, the ball had dropped and you bristled.
"told you already, i hung out with some friends and came back tired."
jj know's he shouldn't push, "what friends?"
"the friends i'm always with."
"who else?"
the question had been niggling at him all night, jj didn't know why he needed to know, he just did. he wanted to know who was playing with the tender little heart you had tucked away.
"you're being annoying. you're not my dad."
that was true. he was feeling mean, "then why'd i tuck you in last night hm? you think think i'm in the business of babying little girls?"
you were feeling meaner, "god i hope not, when's the last time you fucked a little girl jj?"
the silence was thick, your sleepy gaze seemed unaffected by his piercing glare, "me and you? we haven't fucked."
"wasn't talkin about me. amber said you fucked her last year."
"amber's a filthy fuckin liar. you think i'ma waste my time with some little girl who just figured out what she can use her pussy for? fat fuckin chance."
that one seemed to sting, just like he hoped it would. you became bashful as you reached for the cup of juice again, licking up the last drop to busy yourself, "then why do you keep messing with me. if you don't like little girls."
an easy smile makes it's way back onto his face, and he tweaks your nose,
"cause i like you sweet pea, i like you a lot. pretty girls like you need somebody to watch over 'em, there's a lot of bad men out there y'know."
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supernovafics · 18 hours
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series masterlist | last part — next part
pairing: modern!college!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 4.2k words
warnings: : explicit language, mentions of weed/being high, nothing else really?
summary: you haven’t even known steve for twenty-four hours, but sure, why not pretend to date for a month?
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CHAPTER TWO | ❝𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆❞
Fall Semester 2015
Later, you would wonder what to attribute it to. 
Was it because of the way he smiled at you? Because of the way his knee lightly brushed against yours? Or was it the weed that made your mind hazy and made you realize things that you probably wouldn’t have recognized if you were sober? 
You weren’t sure, but you knew that things were changing for you, shifting into something deeper.
You’d only been friends with Eddie for a month, but it felt like so much longer. He was quickly and easily becoming your closest friend; best friend, even. You thought back to the late-night conversations you’d have in his roommate-free dorm room where you both told each other things that no one else knew— fears that felt stupid and completely irrational, and embarrassing stories from childhood that were previously meant to be taken to your respective graves. Somehow, almost immediately after the moment in the elevator, nothing ever felt awkward between you two again. Everything just felt right. 
“This one’s probably my favorite,” Eddie said as a new song started playing, which pulled you out of your thoughts. He reached out to grab his phone and turned the volume up as high as it could go. He had already gotten a noise complaint from the RA about playing his speakers too loud so he opted for using his phone instead to show you some of his favorite songs from a band he really liked but you hadn’t heard of.
You nodded at his words, focusing on them rather than the feel of his knee still brushing yours. The two of you were sitting across from each other on his bed and his phone sat in the middle, playing the unfamiliar song that you actually found yourself liking a lot. You hadn’t been sitting this close to one another at first, and you couldn’t recall who had made the first move forward to close some of the distance.
“I like this one,” You said, recrossing your legs so that you were no longer touching him. The subtle touch was starting to make your mind shortcircuit a bit and you felt way too close to saying something that you probably shouldn’t have. 
He gave you an amused smile. “Does that mean you didn’t like the others?”
You looked away from him then and leaned back, head easily finding one of his pillows. “No comment.”
You heard his laugh in response, which made you smile and you shut your eyes for a second, reveling in the sweet sound. 
It was everything, You’d finally decide later when you were a lot less high and much more in control of your thoughts. Every little thing that he’d do that you were on the receiving end of. That certain kind of smile that felt as if it was reserved only for you coupled with the neverending niceness that showed how much he cared about you— he’d let you take his bed whenever you had to spend the night in his room because your roommate was being the worst, and he’d always offer to walk with you to whatever building your first class was in the mornings, even though it was in the opposite direction of where he needed to be. 
You liked him. A lot. Maybe too much. And you had no idea what you would do about that. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Spring Semester 2018
You: Is the offer still on the table?
You: Oh and I’m talking about the fake dating thing (if you somehow forgot) 
Anything that resembled regret had yet to settle in, and at this point, you wondered if it ever would. 
Yes, you felt a little embarrassed about backtracking and suddenly wanting to go along with Steve’s idea that you had initially been so adamant about not doing— and you had a feeling that he’d say something equivalent to an “I told you so” because of that. But still, you didn’t regret bringing it up again and asking him. Your mind was still telling you that doing this was worth a shot and maybe just maybe it would actually end up being a good thing. 
You knew that doing this could potentially ruin everything— just like you thought that everything would be ruined if you outwardly admitted your feelings for Eddie and they weren’t reciprocated— but this fake dating thing felt like the best way to finally do something about your crush without directly “professing your love” and possibly fucking up the friendship in the process. 
You had waited until you were back in your apartment before you texted Steve. And now you stared at your phone for a second longer, looking at those two new messages sit in the very small text chain you two already had, which consisted of short and formal messages that were very evident of two people who did not know each other at all. In a way, it was a bit comical because you still barely knew this guy, yet somehow you were willing to pretend to date him. 
As you were about to set your phone down next to you on your desk and attempt to focus on an assignment that you needed to finish sooner rather than later, your phone was ringing in your hand and Steve’s name was taking over your screen. 
After the briefest moments of hesitation, you swiped to answer the call and placed your phone at your ear. “Hello?” 
“Hey,” Steve said. “So, what changed?” 
You didn’t expect him to get straight to the point— you also didn’t really expect him to immediately call you— but you had to admit it made sense; this would probably be easier to talk about out loud rather than through texts. 
“A lot’s changed, actually… I think you’re right, this fake dating thing could work, and it also might actually be the best thing to do.” You took a breath and shut your eyes before blurting out your next words. “Also, I may or may not have already told Eddie that we really hit it off last night and we’re planning to go on another date. And I’ll admit, if I hadn’t been high, I probably wouldn’t have said that to him, but I honestly still don’t think this is a bad idea. But, if you really don’t wanna do it anymore, I completely understand. Because it’s definitely an insane thing to do and probably a little weird too, maybe, and yeah… Sorry, I’m just rambling now.” 
You forced yourself to stop talking and waited for Steve to say something. At first, he was quiet, probably processing everything that you had just said. And what prevailed for the next few moments was the kind of silence that felt as if it lasted forever— when, in reality, it was probably only a second or two. 
“I still wanna do it.”
You were inwardly sighing in relief at his words and you actually smiled a little.  
“Okay,” You felt yourself nodding even though he couldn’t see you.
“Okay, so we should probably talk about it more to figure it all out, right? Are you free later?” 
“Yeah, I’ll text you my address.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
You and Steve agreed to meet at seven; it was your suggestion because that would give you some time to actually focus on the school stuff you needed to do. However, that was much easier said than done because after you hung up with him, all you were able to think about was him and the fake dating plan and every little thing about it. How easily and quickly it consumed your mind almost felt concerning, but you’d never done anything like this before so you couldn’t help but think about even the smallest of details for it. 
A series of knocks rapping against your bedroom door pulled you out of your thoughts. You let out a loud enough “Yeah” and then you saw Robin entering your room seconds later.
“Hey, me and Vickie have to go see this play for one of our classes. It’s some free thing that the drama students are putting on, and apparently, it’s actually supposed to be pretty good.” She shrugged. “Anyway, it starts at eight. You wanna come too?” 
You almost said yes because that was exactly the kind of thing you wouldn’t have minded spending a Saturday night doing, you would’ve also texted Eddie to see if he wanted to come too. But then you remembered where you needed to be in half an hour, and you didn’t fully understand how it easily just slipped from your mind when it had been the only thing you could think about for the past few hours. 
“I can’t tonight. I’m actually, um, seeing Steve again.” 
“Ooh, really?” Robin stepped all of the way into your room then, shutting the door behind her and sitting at the foot of your bed. “So last night was good? You barely wanted to talk about it when you came home. I was pretty sure that it went shitty, but I didn’t wanna press you on it.” 
“No, yeah, it was good, actually. I was just way too tired to talk a lot about it last night,” You said with a quick shrug and then attempted to shift the conversation away from Steve. “Also, I was so invested in hearing you guys ramble about the reality show you watched.”
“Wait, seeing someone two days in a row is kind of a huge deal,” She said; your attempt at changing the subject failing. “If things start getting too serious between you guys, I’m gonna have to give him the parental third degree. I don’t care that Talia is older. I really wanna do it.”
You laughed a bit at her seriousness. “Okay, fine, yes, you can do it if it comes to that.” 
“Thank you, that’s all I ask for,” She smiled at you, and then things were quiet for a few moments before she asked, “So, you really like him?” 
You felt the sudden urge to tell her everything— how you’ve felt about Eddie for the past few years, how she had been the only person that you’d ever gotten close to telling that to, and how you were about to start this fake dating thing with Steve— but you couldn’t do it. You knew that it would just open up a huge can of worms and make everything even more complicated than it already felt. 
“Yeah, I think I do,” You said instead of the truth. 
“That’s great,” She said, smiling wider. “You’re breaking the single curse that has plagued us for the past, what is it, year at this point?” 
“What ever happened to that girl you were into last semester?” 
Robin shrugged. “We hung out a few times, but I don’t know, something just didn’t feel right.” 
The sound of the squeaky front door of the apartment opening and subsequently closing and then multiple voices entering the apartment halted your conversation for a moment. 
“I think that’s probably Talia’s study group.” 
You let out a laugh. “I feel like saying study group is a stretch.” 
The said “study group” consisted of a handful of Talia’s Psych major friends. They met up most Saturdays and would only “study” for an hour, and then the rest of the night was spent watching true crime documentaries in the living room. 
“So, what are you and Steve doing tonight? Do you want some outfit support? I can grab Vickie to help real quick too.”
You glanced down at the plain jeans and black V-neck sweater you were wearing that was a bit cropped; it was the same thing that you’d worn to Eddie’s earlier. “I think I’m just gonna wear this. We’re just hanging out at his place.”
“Oh,” Robin said, nodding. “Okay, everything I said last night about making sure to use protection still very much stands.” 
“Ew, Robs, stop,” You shook your head. “I’m feeling very tempted to get Vickie right now and have her hit you on the arm again.” 
She laughed as she stood up from your bed and headed toward your shut door. “I’ll take that as my cue to leave then. Have fun tonight!”
“Thanks,” You said, breaking your eyes from hers and turning back to look at the textbook you had opened on your desk that hadn’t been touched in hours. 
She closed the door behind her and you let out a soft breath. It didn’t really occur to you that lying to pretty much everyone in your life would be the hardest part of all of this. 
You grabbed your phone to find the last text Steve sent you, which was just his address. You figured that wherever he lived couldn’t be too far away and it wouldn’t be that much of a walk to get to him; the walk to and from Eddie’s place never took more than ten minutes. The most popular off-campus apartments, one of which you lived at, were spread out across a few streets close to the main part of campus and were all basically right next to each other; you assumed that Steve lived at one of them. 
Finally looking at his address, though, let you know how wrong you were. He lived close to thirty minutes away from you— and that was just by car, you didn’t even bother looking at what the walk would’ve been like. He also lived in an apartment building that you had never been to— you were rarely over by that side of town at all— but you knew that it was a small but insanely expensive building that only rich kids lived in. You remembered briefly looking up the place during your apartment hunt with Robin and Vickie and seeing the outrageous prices for three and four-bedroom apartments that only had one bathroom. You could rent two of the apartments you currently had at those prices, and you at least had your own bathroom here. 
Somehow, you actually weren’t that surprised to see that Steve lived there. You thought back to last night and his car, a vintage dark red BMW that looked perfect and probably cost a fortune to keep that way. 
You were calling him immediately and he answered after the second ring, speaking before you got the chance to. “You’re backing out of this, aren’t you?”
He sounded so certain that it honestly managed to annoy you a bit. “No, I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot so far, like the logistics and stuff and whatever. I’m calling because I didn’t realize how far you live from me and I need you to pick me up.” 
“Oh, okay,” He paused for a second. “Should we just do this at your place?” 
For a moment, you considered his words, but then, as if on cue, you heard the loud sounds of Talia’s friends laughing in the living room. And then you thought about how Robin and Vickie wouldn’t be leaving for the play for at least another hour and you really weren’t ready for Steve to get any sort of an introduction to everyone just yet. “No way, it’s kind of a madhouse right now.” 
“Ah, yes, I forgot that you have six thousand roommates,” He joked, and you actually cracked a small smile at that. “I’ll be there in thirty.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Somehow, Steve was at your place in twenty minutes and you were in the middle of finally getting somewhere for your assignment when you got his “I’m here” text. 
“So, you’ve been thinking about this a lot?” He asked as he turned the radio down a bit; you two had only been driving for a minute or so. When you nodded and said a simple “Yeah” in response, he continued. “Can I hear your thoughts?” 
For a second, you thought about where you should start, but your thoughts felt a little too messy to put into a super succinct order, so you just started talking. 
“Okay, so we need to decide how long we’re gonna do this. I don’t think we should drag it out too much, y’know? Maybe just like a month or so? And we obviously need to talk about how affectionate we’re gonna be with each other around other people, specifically Eddie. Also, do you think that all of this will seem really weird and fake because of how rushed everything’s gonna be between us? Oh, and what’s your parent situation about? I’m gonna have to meet them, right? So that you can prove to them that your “girlfriend” exists,” You went on and on, listing everything on your fingers until you two were stopped at a red light and you noticed the amused look on Steve’s face, which made you stop mid-ramble. “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
He shook his head and shrugged. “I just think it’s a little funny how you were so against this whole thing last night, but you’re really into it now.”
You rolled your eyes at that. “I’ve never done something like this before, and aside from the occasional assignment, I hate half-assing shit, so of course, I’m gonna think about every little thing.” 
He held up his hands in mock surrender, still smiling at you. “Okay, got it.” 
The light turned green and his focus went back on driving. Things became quiet just for a second before he started talking again. 
“I think you’re right, a month should be enough time. If he’s gonna get jealous about us “being together” it’ll definitely happen sooner rather than later, so it would be dumb of us to do this for really long,” He explained and you were nodding along to his words. “And the PDA stuff around him doesn’t need to be excessive or anything; probably just hand-holding and simple stuff like that will be good. Also, I’m pretty sure every college relationship seems rushed, so this won’t feel any different from that.”
Maybe Steve had been thinking a lot about this too, or maybe he’d done something like this before. You weren’t sure which option would’ve been more surprising to you, but either way, you were realizing how right he was about everything he had just said; especially the last thing, which was what you'd been the most worried about. Your mind traveled back to the earliest stages of Eddie’s relationship with Chrissy, which you had pretty much a front-row seat to. How attached they became to each other after only their first few dates definitely felt abrupt and surprising to you, but it never felt rushed or fake. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” You said to Steve as you nodded again.
You two were in his apartment sitting in his living room when he finally decided to mention his parents. Steve was on the couch and you were on the floor because you were leaning over his coffee table with a notebook opened in front of you. It had been a mutual decision to write down all of the rules and stuff that you both came up with for the “fake dating plan” after you realized that there was a lot of thought going into this thing and you didn’t want anything that either of you said to be forgotten in a day or two. Steve pulled out an old notebook for you to write in; it was mostly full of past Economics notes, but it had a handful of empty pages toward the end. 
Everything he told you about his parents sounded like the plot of a movie or a book, and it was both surprising and fascinating to hear that shit like that actually happened in real life. Apparently, they were super intense about him settling down and getting into a serious relationship, so they were constantly trying to set him up with someone. They wanted him to be in a relationship that would lead to marriage by the time he graduates, and then married by twenty-four or twenty-five.
You truly couldn’t imagine your own parents caring that much about your love life, but apparently, rich people liked to do things differently. Steve hadn’t blatantly told you that he was rich, but he didn’t need to outwardly say it for you to know just how true that was. Case in point, his apartment was huge and really nice and you had tried your hardest not to look entirely awestruck by it when you first walked in, and he casually mentioned having to eventually take over “the family company;” which was also another reason why his parents were so intense about the whole marriage thing. Apparently, family businesses couldn’t be considered as such if the boss was single and a player. 
“I like being single and not getting involved in anything serious at all, but they really want me to settle down right now,” Steve finished his explanation. “So if they think that I finally have a girlfriend, they’ll get off my back for a while.”
You let out a small laugh. “I knew it.” 
“Knew what?”
“That you do that kind of thing all of the time. Going on dates and stuff,” You said, placing the pen you had in hand down on the notebook. You leaned back against the couch and looked up at him. “And it honestly makes sense. Pretty face, good at flirting, and big charmer. Girls probably love that shit.”
“Did you?” He asked, smiling at you. You almost rolled your eyes at how he almost too easily went back to flirting with you; now you realized it was probably just second nature for him. 
“If I wasn’t pining for someone else, I might’ve fallen for it.”
“Good to know that my charms still somewhat work then.”
You were suddenly thinking about an alternate universe where you had no feelings for Eddie and you really did end up liking Steve after the date last night. Would you have felt heartbroken that he never called you again or that he didn’t want something serious or long-term? You immediately pushed those thoughts away because the hypothetical answer really didn’t matter. You focused your mind on something else. 
“I’m only gonna be your “girlfriend” for a month, though, so how’s that gonna keep your parents from pestering you for longer than that?”
“I was thinking that I’d tell them that we’ve been together for three or four months, but that I didn’t want to mention you to them until things felt “serious.” They probably will want to meet you,” Steve said, and you nodded because you figured as such. “And then when I tell them that we’re over, I’ll say that it ended in some sort of fucked up way, and that will maybe get them to stop trying to set me up with their friends’ daughters for a while. Hopefully, at least, until the end of the summer.”
“You’re gonna make me a cheater, aren’t you?”
“Probably, yeah,” He responded with a quick shrug. “It’s either do that or be forced to go to the Hamptons for the whole summer and get set up with my future wife because they think I broke up with you or we ended things mutually but I’m still ready to be in a committed and long-term relationship.”
“They need to think you’re heartbroken,” You concluded for him.
“Exactly,” Steve nodded. “My dad probably won’t give a shit about the cheating, but my mom will and she’s the one that’s been the most adamant about the Hamptons thing.”
“Okay, in that case, I’m okay with you making me a cheater,” You said and then looked away from him, focusing back on the notebook. “This whole cheating talk has made me think of another rule to add that should probably be really obvious, but I think I need to put it anyway.” You picked up the pen again and wrote down, No dating other people while we do this. “I’m sorry, I know this will probably be really hard for you.” 
Steve rolled his eyes at your mostly joking words. “I wasn’t planning on doing anything. I know that if Eddie or one of your roommates saw me with someone else it would mess everything up.” 
“Yeah, exactly,” You said, glad that you two were on the same page about that. And you were now realizing that you two had actually been on the same page about pretty much everything you’d been talking about for the last hour. “Okay, and final thing— no matter what happens, we’re gonna go our separate ways once the month is up. Even if the plan doesn’t work or whatever else, we have to end it after a month.” 
Steve nodded. “Yeah, agreed.”
You wrote that last thing down and then closed the notebook.
“Okay, that’s it. We’re officially fake dating now, I guess,” You looked up at Steve again and held out your hand toward him. He laughed for a second before grabbing your outstretched hand and you two shook for a second to “seal the deal.”
Once again, you waited. Waited for regret or something equivalent to start swirling deep down inside of you. But still, it wasn’t there. Maybe this actually was a good idea. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
“Eddie’s band has a gig tomorrow night,” You said when Steve was parked outside of your apartment building, dropping you off at home. “Do you wanna come?” 
“Yeah, sounds good,” Steve answered with a quick nod. “It’ll be the first time he sees us “together.”” 
“Yeah, let’s hope this somehow works.”
“It will.” 
You really had no logical reason to trust how certain Steve sounded about everything right then, but you did anyway.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
next part!
taglist (lmk if you want to be added or taken off<333); @eddiernunson , @loulouloueh , @the-aster , @blckburd , @totally-bogus-timelady , @yujyujj , @irhdifartzamfyaa , @mochminnie , @munsonssweets , @blckbrrybasket
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thebclly · 5 months
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Ei! Você viu a CELESTE LOCKHART por aí? Você sabe, aquela aluna da graduação que tem 32 ANOS e se parece muito com RACHEL MCADAMS. Acho que ela formou com especialização em DESIGN DE MODA e em 2014 se parecia muito com RENEE RAPP. Dizem que ela era THE ANTIHERO  e Toda vez que passava pelo dormitório dela, ouvia TENNIS COURT - LORDE tocando pela porta. Todos que a conhecem dizem que ela costuma ser COMUNICATIVA, mas também poderia ser CRÍTICA. Será que em 2024 ela ainda é assim?
No dia 02 de abril de 1991, em Beverly Hills, nascia Celeste, filha única, gabaritou toda ficha que uma criança mimada poderia ter. Seus pais médicos, sempre lhe deram tudo o que queria e ela nunca se sentiu desamparada financeiramente. Como seus pais eram mais velhos, o nível de bajulação era maior, o que fazia com que Celeste se sentisse o último biscoito do pacote, porém, sua entrada na escola mudou tudo. De uma criança adorável e mimada, ela começou a sentir a maldade das outras crianças, que aprontavam consigo dia sim e o outro também. Aquilo mexia demais com ela, mas não sabia como mudar essa realidade. Fora quando Celeste começou a usar uma comunicação mais agressiva e teve sua primeira briga na escola por conta de uma boneca, aquela briga mudou tudo para si, foi o primeiro ato de coragem que teve e jamais pensou que tudo na escola fosse mudar na água para o vinho. Celeste simplesmente virou um ícone para todos os alunos naquele ano e aquilo alimentou um ego que ela nem sabia que tinha, passou a ser temida e gostava daquilo. Sua capacidade de se impor as minorias era algo invejável e há quem diria que ela seria ótima no teatro, já que para os diretores e professores ela não se passava de indefesa em todas as situações, sempre a vítima se defendendo.
No colegial ela ainda era igualmente temida, todavia, alguns comentários começaram a surgir pelo colégio que lhe tiravam a paz. Comentários insinuando sobre sua sexualidade. Esses comentários ficavam morando na sua cabeça e por mais que ela demonstrasse muita feminilidade, como utilizava de força física para perturbar a vida de algumas pessoas, era considerada uma “menina macho”. O tempo fora passando e Celeste percebera que de fato não olhava as meninas de uma forma só e os rapazes também, o que lhe deixava mais confusa, porém, somente quando entrou na faculdade teve certeza do que se falava e do que sentia. Na faculdade, sua performance como perturbadora da paz alheia era a mesma, porém havia um toque de sedução, estava na faculdade e não precisava mais esconder quem era ela. Celeste era assumidamente bissexual e feliz, feliz sendo uma pedra no sapato de todos.
Por ser igualmente insuportável com o passar os dos anos, Celeste percebera o quanto isso lhe fazia ser tão só e foi algo que passou a perceber ao fim de seu curso, com seus colegas tão tristes e saudosos por terminarem seus respectivos cursos, quando ela não tinha ninguém a quem sentir saudade, a não ser as mesmas figuras que perturbava diariamente pelos corredores. Com o passar dos anos, Celeste via que não conseguia manter nenhuma relação por tanto tempo, seus comentários e sua maldade escondida ainda era algo que lhe afastava das pessoas e sofria com essas represálias até o dia de hoje. Talvez isso contribuiu positivamente em ser uma viciada em trabalho, no fim da faculdade, ela se dedicou mais ainda a sua profissão e como era sempre mimada por seus pais, Celeste fez especializações em desenho e modelagem nas melhores escolas do mundo, se especializando no mundo das noivas e atualmente é conhecida por seus vestidos diferentes e despojados, atendendo a todos os públicos. Possui seu próprio atelier em New York e mesmo se sentindo sozinha, tenta se consolar com toda sua arte.
O que fazia em 2014:
Em 2014, Celeste costumava ser a pedra no sapato da maioria da UCLA, sempre teve críticas muito acidas o que crescia a cada dia que se passava na faculdade. Ela gostava da sensação de que as pessoas a achavam intragável. Por outro lado, seu lado comunicativo e festeiro cativava a muitos, até mesmo por ter uma condição de vida considerável, tinha algumas pessoas que gostavam de estar por perto mesmo que ela fosse insuportável em vários momentos. Não era somente ruim, Celeste tinha uma característica leal de que protegia de fato quem era dos seus, mesmo que precisasse usar da força física para isso.
Em seus momentos sozinha, Celeste as vezes se arrependia de alguns atos, mas nunca deixava transparecer, pois nunca gostou de demonstrar fraqueza. 2014 foi ano em que Celeste descobriu que também gostava de meninas e tinha um pouco de vergonha do que sentia por influência de sua família, por isso entrou no Clube Lgbt+, para poder se entender melhor e parar de se sentir envergonhada por ser quem é. Ainda é um processo, mas para os outros, ela não tem problema algum com isso.
O que faz em 2024:
Em 2024, Celeste tem seu próprio atelier de noivas, mesmo com suas dificuldades e cabeça dura, conseguiu o que tanto almejava ainda na faculdade quando perdia horas do seu dia assistindo a programas do Discovery Home and Health de mulheres realizando seus sonhos do matrimonio. Hoje ela vive uma vida sozinha, por conta de sua personalidade forte há dez anos, perdeu muitas pessoas na sua vida, onde ela passa por ser próprio arco da redenção, mesmo que não consiga largar essa parte de sua personalidade mais ácida. Porém vivendo uma vida uma vida de chefe, precisa lidar com realidades diferentes e ser mais humana em vários aspectos.
Passou por relacionamentos muito rasos, o que não lhe incomoda, já que colhe os frutos de sua personalidade extremamente forte quando era mais jovem e ainda ri de vários momentos que viveu e das atrocidades que cometia com algumas pessoas. Não se orgulha, mas também não esconde como era.
Seu personagem gostaria de voltar para 2024? Sim. Apesar de ser uma vida sozinha, Celeste vê que hoje é uma pessoa bem melhor e tenta aprender com seus erros, todavia, é muito agradecida por ter sido quem foi em 2014.
Atividades extracurriculares: Esportes: Tenista simples, capitã cheerleading. Clubes: Liga lgbt+, Colunista de conselhos na Rádio.
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st4rd0lly · 2 months
i will never shut up about possessive dazai. ever. oh my god. he doesn’t even know how it starts, but he’s just… so into you for whatever reason. honestly, he can’t think of any reason not to be into you at this point, you’ve got this man absolutely WHIPPED. still, he knows that he shouldn’t be in a relationship… he’s scared to be in a relationship no matter how much he denies it. so he just settles for maybe arranging a FWB situation for the two of you !! no romance, no being forced to confront feelings, just lust. that’s all he tries to focus on ! but there’s one issue </3 you’re completely oblivious to his advances and the sexual tension he’s TRYING to make, he’s stumped for once !! he thinks maybe you’re trying to play hard to get but he soon realizes that you just… don’t understand !
that’s when he starts having issues, if you’re this oblivious to his advances, how many other people have done similar? with you just brushing it off? so he starts clinging onto you, subtly for the most part but extremely obvious if you squint. the interest turns into an obsession really, you’ve got him hooked
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beanlieve · 11 months
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vagabondfromkanto · 4 months
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Laid out her core abilities and some design details for the Life-Fiber Hunter post-canon.
Follow under the cut for some relevant canon references.
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She and Senketsu used this ability to evolve. Now she does the same alone.
Still requires a finishing move to be performed first.
No canon reference, but stands to reason if she and Senketsu are "the same".
She would, however, gag and likely have a stomachache 'cause the human part of the body protests.
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Made possible by absorbing the hardened Life-Fibers from the Rendering Scissors. Virtually hold the same characteristics, but are costly and painful to summon.
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Speed and jump height are self-explanatory. Vertical run is seen twice (both times out of sync) — at the election finals and in the 25th episode.
Obviously can't power up both hands and legs at the same time, 'cause. Blood.
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As mentioned: strictly hereditary. And we've seen Ryuko's hair react to her emotions out of sync mode once already, so.
This is just my personal fun explanation for why her eyes look that way, it doesn't do anything. Does not imply they were stitched by someone, it's just a fiber quirk.
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Nuff said. Very much possible even out of sync, as illustrated by Ryuko fighting without Senketsu in ep 24.
For the sake of not making her too invincible (now where's the fun in that) and to keep some differences from Ragyo (Ryuko has far more human left in her, just by percentage), I'm saying it slows down after too much damage and blood loss.
However the damage still must be. Considerable. She kept that up for quite some time even as teenager.
A fun little tool that might help me later. I have my thoughts about it, but I do not intend to whip it out in a thread unless Ryuko ends up on a verge of death. And even then I'll likely discuss it with whomever I'm writing with.
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penddraig · 6 months
okay but seriously,   no one understands how important sophie and howl are to me,   and,   namely,   the dynamic from howl's point of view.   how this old woman,   with something very off about her,   is suddenly in his home one day when he returns from being out,   insisting that she's here as his new cleaning lady whether or not he or anyone else here likes it,   and then proceeds to actually clean the entire castle and is mindful of what he's asked of her.   and both michael and calcifer like having her around,   and her constant presence becomes a normal thing for everyone.   yes,   maybe she is very argumentative and hard-willed and won't take no for an answer and they fight like three hundred times a week,   but that's simply their thing.   and somewhere early in this,   he squeezes it out of michael and calcifer that there is a curse on her,   and he starts trying to determine what he can do to get it dispelled off of her,   and even tries multiple times to reverse it for her without her knowing,   of course,   because god forbid she ever find out about that.   but he values her even if she's the one making her curse worse without knowing,   enough that he's getting her things he thinks she'll like,   asking her what sort of shop their little castle should masquerade as when they move,   gets her a whole little meadow on the edge of the waste for her to care for.
and hell,   not even howl knows entirely that he truly loves her,   on account of his falling in love with strangers every other day and courting them for weeks until he gets bored,   and of course he's not courting sophie at all.   no one knows at all that howl loves sophie,   not even howl,   until he flies out of his bedroom after getting 5 hours sleep,   is still nursing a massive hangover,   hasn't shaved or freshened up in the bathroom,   and generally looks like shit when he finds out that fool sophie's gone off the fist fight the witch of the waste herself.
i just think they're neat.   i just think they're the dynamic of all time.   i just think they are both written so wonderfully with their own flaws,   are imperfect,   and both love each other a great deal by the end.
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meganechan05 · 7 months
Food for Thought
Is Rita aware that they feel jealous whenever they see guys flirting with Himeno?
I feel like they kinda aren't and just acting on instincts since they're starting to show more emotions around the team. But knowing them, they probably do but won't admit it until confronted about it 🤣
And if they aren't aware and it's purely instincts and theyre as dense as we all headcanon them to be, imagine the panic once someone tells them what they're actually doing 😂
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wilczmin · 18 days
poet today : why is kat on every blog .
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cauliflowertree · 1 year
movie star!finnick odair
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ “want a sugar cube?” *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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redemn · 5 days
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before & after .
i spent this weekend writing up arthur's new carrd , and it is live !!! this includes an entire bio ( which i actually don't feel is completed , but the gist of things is there ) and added descriptions of his verses . bar modern because i have no idea why i'm putting it off bruh . SORRY that eliza/isaac and mary have a PARAGRAPH each . i will be talking about them again . i also have 4 people on exclusives / mains so far . if we've spoken extensively about our muses ooc or written together for a while , please feel free to approach me if you'd like to be added . :*
before & after .
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Hey guys, so during the North American tour I’ve been making a playlist on YouTube of ST videos, which included collected footage from full sets (or as close as I could get) of all the gigs. Was just wondering, now that the NA tour is over, if anyone would want me to make a post with links to the vids from each location ?
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kozsilykave · 9 months
I AM EVIL KO AND AS EVIL KO I WILL SUBJECT EVERYONE (noone) TO MY SPACE MOMMIES PROPAGANDA (actually hoping this gets to noone i just want to post theze^-^)
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