#... my brain is suggesting that Hashtag will be green for some reason?
So what are you're headcanons for the new Terrans alt modes? For me I'm thinking Nightshade will go for a Bat or something batlike
I dunno why but I think that Nightshade is going to be a jet/plane, that Hashtag is probably going to be a fast car, and i kkinda want Jawbreaker to be one of those trucks with an open bed. I also HC that Nightshade's color palette is going to be based on the nightshade plant but maybe that's wistful thinking.
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missskzbiased · 3 years
What r ur favorite blogs here on tumblr (and maybe also why if that's not too much trouble ofc 👀)
Hey! Sorry for the delay, I wanted to finish my studies before answering you~
Well, since it’s favorite blogs I’ll start with 2 unusual things lol
@writing-prompt-s : I like their prompts suhauhsahusahusahusa That’s pretty much the reason LOL. Some of them I just think that is funny or interesting and there are some that I’d like to try out.
P.S: If anyone wants to suggest prompts blog, sfw or nsfw, I’d find it endearing!
@justcatposts : I love cats and seeing them in my dash makes me happy SUHAHSAHUSAUHSHUA
Now, I’m assuming you actually meant like mutual blogs or something? So to not disappoint you SUHAUHSAUHSUHAHUSA
@hhjs : I like their posts and their points to some stuff. She also writes fanfics and I didn’t have the time/will to read all of them yet (I’ve been too tired to actually read fanfics. The ones I’ve been reading pop up in my feed and I’m like, oh ok, let’s read) but the ones I read, I liked a lot.
@rebelspy / @stay-tinystars I like her SUHAUHSAUHSAUHUHSA That’s my reasoning. She’s fun to talk to (though we don’t talk a lot, when we do I really enjoy it) and I enjoyed the piece I read from her (She made my son a lovely baker husband that deserves my love <3)
@nightshade-minho She has not been around lately but when she was, I just loved to see her on my feed. I don’t have an explanation lol. She has great pieces that made me want to punch the boys way more than once. She’s a lovely bean, what can I say?
@soulssung / @virgothicc My daughter. Although she’s in debt with me (I’m waiting for the greens, baby, where is my money?) I love when she drops by to talk to me about random stuff. I’m pretty sure I read her fics as well but tbh, I don’t really check the URL before I read the fics LOL So I remember reading at least one piece that I liked SUHAHUSAHUSAUHUSHA Others may have been lost in my brain without a proper author stuck on it.
@aliceu She’s my nomnom <3 Have you seen her layout? I’m in love with it. She uses such pretty words as well! She’s a cute and lovely foodie that I can talk to about tons of random things~~ Would totally recommend interacting with her! SHUAUHSAUHSAUH She’s a talented sweetheart that deserves my munching on her face
@jl-micasea I haven’t interacted with her for AGES but I find her quite sober and cool (I think those are strange words to define someone? But whatever) and really enjoyed keeping up with her posts. Time has been a bitch, tho. I really like her writing, and although this is not a “fave writers” list, I must say that she’s one of my favorite authors here.
@runalongwith-skz Tan is a cute and desperate human being lol. I think whining about college and life kinda got us together UHSAUHSAUHSAUHSA and I don’t know, I feel like an older sister (more like a grandmother) when I talk to her. Timezone is quite a bitch here but when we get to talk, it’s nice. I read her new years’ fic a while ago and I thought it was quite comforting, which I appreciate SUHAUHSAUHSAHUSA (I’m weird, I like people for weird reasons, sue me)
[I like raw feelings, I guess]
Anyway! I think that’s a lot SUHAUHSAUHSAHUSA
Things I feel compelled to say:
1) This is a list of blogs that I like/interact/interacted a lot with, so I feel comfortable listing people randomly as I feel SUHAHUSAUSAUHSU
2) They’re mostly writing blogs because I follow mostly writing blogs, since I want to stumble over content LOL
3) I’m saying this because I suck 100% to do things like “fanfic” or “author” recs and “mutual as”. I just can’t take it UHSAUHSAUHASUH I feel extremely anxious to the thought that I could forget something or someone. So, this is kinda a note to say that I was comfortable with this but I’m not comfortable with “rec” and “as” lists if anyone sees this. 
P.S.: I do have a hashtag “author” (or authors [?] I can’t remember) and a “rec” where I rb rec lists or fanfics that I’ve read; so in case someone is wondering, you can check those! <3
4) I know there was a 4th thing to say but I forgot it LOL
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victoriavmw82 · 3 years
Da Funk
Since I have been staying at my friend's pad, one of her dogs took a liking to me. It was her sons dog, Sir aka: Rookie Wookie. That dog just loved me to pieces, why I have no clue, he would sit by the door and wait for me, sit infront of the bedroom and lay in the hallway.....hoping I would cave in and let him lay with me. I was tempted to take him out and do a photo shoot and me dress up almost as if I stepped right out of an episode of Star Wars.....the vintage story more like around the time frame of Dryden Vos. I imagining I was the love interest or one of his captives/ assistant. Rookie Wookie even made sounds like Chewbacca which was hilarious. The first time he did it to me it caught me off guard because he had gotten out and typically when dogs get out of they run wild and your forever trying to catch them......this morning it was different he and LG had gotten out. Now LG is a pit mixed,Sir/ Rookie Wookie is a red heeler mix. I believe he is red heeler and spaniel mixed.....but my friend will swear up and down he was a German Shepherd mixed🙄 So Rookie Wookie he did what I call a victory run and then he went to pee. LG followed suit. I walked over to them, LG continued to use the restroom and looked at me as if to say, "Do you mind?!" Rookie Wookie sniffed the grass and as soon as he saw me he ran over making the sound 🤣😂I didn't realize it but if Harrison Ford had been standing there everything that I said and did afterwards, well sounded like I was talking to Chewbacca 😂🤣I was even trying to whisper cuz it was morning🤣😂The dogs listened😮 Surprisingly! I told Wookie it was time to go in and he followed me sniffing everything along the way, LG ran over to me. LG got in the door we had to wait before it was Rookie Wookie's turn he heard the camotion and began to howl looking at me between breaths of howling much like Chewy would😂🤣I realized this in the second round of howling and played the part, laugh out loud. Rookie Wookie knew when I was upset, knew when I was happy and knew when I needed a laugh or was sad. My first night at my friend's I even woke up to him literally sleeping in my lap, almost like he knew I needed a hug, the next night he slept at my foot which is the biggest compliment ever. I find it interesting that it was him that took up with me because I happen to be a HUGE Tom Hiddleston fan, like huge. Tom Hiddleston, apparently has a fur pet, named Buddy I'm not sure if Buddy is a Cocker Spaniel or Red Heeler or a mix of the two but needless to say Sir/ Rookie Wookie looked very similar. This season has been a very weird one since January mainly since March, there are times for me as fan getting ready for the release of Loki and then me as a fan going through all in one season the fandom of Loki;catching up,cuz I spent most of those years in a shelter.......ALL the MCU movies I watched while in the shelter. The whole reason we began was to pull me out of my funk, imagine that, going through something and a friend suggested we start watching the movies and ya know it worked. We for a short while, at least while the Avengers and Thor was doing their thing....we became family, doing what the Avengers would do, pausing to eat together.....me being the Loki at times.....a lot of times actually 🤣😂looking back on it and then turning around and being genius in the kitchen dispite what I was going through and like Dr. Strange rocking it out, being taken out of the kitchen and feeling much like Dr. Strange did afterwards and me like Dr. Strange forced to find higher purpose to heal myself and well getting a result much like Dr.Strange.
I've spent most of this season honestly trying to figure out if I'm to risk everything and try, try to break through at age 38 now 39 with the purpose of trying to see Lady Deadpool come to life on Cinematic screen or if I'm supposed to at age 39 go for it and try to make it as a make-up artist and or hairstylist. I considered risking everything and trying to go for a chance of a lifetime for a series that actually wanted to train those wanting to learn.......the only thing that stopped me was it was in a different country and it's one thing to be homeless close to home but homeless going for your dreams in a foreign place I actually was like.....Ummm if I fail,it's gonna be an epic fail and Well ya!" Although Scotland sounded like a dream hashtag goals and well, I do know a lot of biblical info enough to have the average person left going😲😮Like you stored that away in your brain....what the heck! Why aren't you a scholar or something 😂🤣 So I found out that my buddy that found me parelled his, I just keep wondering if this was a sign. I was not the dogs owner, and yet it listened to me as if I was, almost like he choose me. So I'm still up in the air what I should do honestly, I've been inspired by so much this season it's hard to put it all down and honestly some strange things that have happened that almost make me think I should try. I've been debating on if I should move to New York. Why New York, I haven't got a clue it just keeps coming up. There was a job opening recently that was in New York, I felt it was a job I should have applied for because I could have rocked it out, I let fear get in the way from applying, again being homeless in New York, is not ideal or starting over again.....it's literally sink or swim. Cold winter.....being homeless in the winter sucks ass, just saying. Imagine being up North......No!!!!!! So that was the factor that stopped me that and Pandemic issues in regards to the Delta Varient. However, it does keep coming up, should I try starting over again in another state, would I be more successful? Who knows, in my opinion I think it would be the same, just different people and scenery so to speak but hey I could be wrong. I keep thinking that my life is gonna some how change drastically for the good by moving to New York, like almost as if it was destiny type thing. I don't believe much in destiny but it keeps coming up, the whole New York thing. The shelter systems in a way are even better, the programs and the success rate and resources are better. However I'm not sure if those statistics are based off of women with children if this also includes women without children and women in my age bracket, that also plays a factor believe it or not. Not living there I can already without digging probably guess that shelters are gonna probably be in or near Brooklyn, so to me then there is the factor of how do I get to interviews, jobs, if I do pursue my dreams schooling or classes. Restaurants are probably gonna be on the other side of the bridge then there's the factor of the bridge, during the winter is that something I need to be doing. How long are these programs for time line wise am I looking at a couple of weeks to get a job,save and find something or is it 90 or 180 days or something between those two numbers. What are the other variables. I can tell you all about Texas, TABC, Food handlers, etc but in another state what's it like? Health care, would my situation medically be able to be fixed there through indegent programs or are my chances better here in Texas??? Cuz that has to be taken care of at some point.
My goal if I do this would be to move there, get in a shelter cuz I have nothing, first get my medical issue taken care of then work on what I'm calling physical therapy (losing weight)training down to the size I'm normally at which is an athletic size 12 or 14, while I'm doing that since medical issue is taken care of working and saving, finding a place then from there either going back to school or doing the crazy and attempting to start an acting career or technical backstage career either as makeup artist and hairstylist or just makeup artist and possibly my other strength in tech; props and set building, believe it or not. I already asked my high school drama teacher when I thought I was gonna apply for the Good Omens job opportunity if she'd be willing to write me a letter of recommendation and she hands down was all for it.....soooo I'm not sure. I mean it would be a big risk. I keep having reoccurring dreams were I'm in New York, I'm not sure if it's a sign or if there's something else that is being said to me in my dreams and I'm just focusing too much on the literal. Either way I've been doing a lot of thinking since February 😬.
Back to Rookie Wookie, he passed today. It came as a shock to me. Like I said for whatever reason he was brought into my life even if it was, just for a short while to help me along to the next part of my journey but I must say, my jaw like to have hit the floor that again on the fact that a four legged friend mine was similar to someone I admires fur baby. What is so weird about this is,in my dreams, Sir/Rookie Wookie was there with me in New York, I had asked my friend if he could go with me and she had said yes. We walked a trail together in a park, if that even exist and we would go have coffee together and I'd feed him pieces of apple or frozen green beans🤣😂sounds weird, I know and I even got him certified so he was my service dog, I imagined him a Wookie and me dressed space age😂🤣even the collar. I know I had waaaaay too much dream thought into this and then he'd sit with me head in my lap while I read to him whatever book I was reading or with me enjoying whatever music I was listening to. In my dream we even jogged together. I firmly believe that some animals have a spirit about them, almost as if they are like sent from God to be with you or that they have a human type personality Rookie Wookie was that type of animal and he will be missed greatly.
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adotblog · 7 years
Brave New World-Chapter 1-Baptism of fire.
Pairing: LMM x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, discussion of a crappy relationship.
Notes: Alright, here it is-the follow-up to the Brave series. I’m basically going for a Sliding Doors kinda thing here-the same characters from Brave meet in the same way but take different actions and we see how their relationship would’ve progressed on this different path. I’m thinking it’ll be 5/6 parts and I’ll aim to publish every Friday. Since they’re the same characters, there will be callbacks to Brave-similar phrases used, backstory elaboration, that kind of thing. You know I crave feedback so please let me know what you think-use anonymous ask if you’re shy :)
There’s a sort of West Wing reference (when isn’t there?)
Words: 3005. I’ll never change.
It’s your second week at the theatre and you’ve already settled in pretty well. Most of your working hours are spent with your colleague Clare who is chatty and loves to sing and boogie her way through prep, which was a welcome surprise. Everyone you’ve met so far has been sweet and the work is varied. Overall quite the good start. You’ve yet to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda, the composer and lead actor, as he’s been on vacation. But Jonathan (another new friend) says he’s funny and lovely. Today you’ve brought in a ton of doughnuts for everyone-two-show days are long and you figure people might need a pick-me-up.
You’re surrounded by stage crew as soon as you come through the door and they immediately take one box off your hands. You head through to the common area with the others and go to place them on the table. You see that there are a couple of people in the office and since the door is open, you decide to take the plunge and go in with the final box.
As you near the door you see that Jonathan is one of the people in there and he beckons you to come straight in. Chris is also there-you’ve met him once already-and as you go through the door you realise the other person is Lin-Manuel Miranda. You nearly freeze on the spot as he flashes you a big smile.
You’re dimly aware that Jon is introducing you and saying something complimentary. There’s a hand stuck out in front of you and you juggle doughnuts in order to shake it. “Please, just call me Lin”. Lin. Ok. Well, Lin is an absolute dream.
He has long dark hair, pulled back in a scruffy bun. His skin is a rich olive and so smooth-looking that it really makes you want to stroke some part of him. Uhoh. His smile is broad and beaming, his voice warm and so New York it almost hurts. Oh boy, new crush. Absolutely no escaping this one. Shit.
You pull yourself away from your reverie and start offering out doughnuts as the guys continue their conversation. “And so I was thinking of changing that line up and putting in another Shakespeare quote”, says Lin. Chris plays eenie meanie minie mo to choose a flavour as Lin elaborates “so Eliza will refer to New York as a ‘Brave New World’”.
“Oh, I wouldn’t”, you say before your brain connects to your mouth. Jonathan freezes, hand hovering over a doughnut. He catches your eye and manages to convey with a single look “What are you doing correcting the boss the very first time you meet him?!”. You panic. This is not a good career move. “Why wouldn’t you?”, prompts Lin, an amused smile on his lips.
You look briefly to Jon for help but he just makes a “go ahead” gesture. Fuck it. You turn to face Lin and try to keep your voice even as you say “Well, Shakespeare was poking fun-Miranda refers to the place as a ‘brave new world’ because she’s seen some hot dude. Brave means ‘handsome’ and the subtext is that it’s handsome but lacking any character or depth. So you’d be suggesting that New York hasn’t got anything under the pretty. Also, Miranda was sappy and pathetic-Eliza’s too badass for her words.”. You finish by extending the box of doughnuts in Lin’s direction, as if they’ll protect you from any backlash.
Lin reaches out and takes one “Alright then, no brave new world!”, he says with a smile. Oh thank god, he’s not mad. You smile back and begin to retreat out of the room, saying you’ll leave the box by the coffee maker. “Hey Y/N?”, Lin calls after you. You stick your head back around the door and he says “Don’t write off all Mirandas, Ok?” and winks at you.
Over the next week or so, you get to know Lin and the rest of the cast and crew a little better. Whenever Jonathan is around he introduces you to new people and tells you what everyone’s role is, which really helps you feel more at home. Jonathan is hilarious and warm, you clicked right away and he’s a lot of fun to hang out with. The only downside is that he has an adjoining dressing room to Lin’s, so you’ve also seen a lot of him. That means your inappropriate-attraction-to-the-boss situation has not got any better. It doesn’t help that Lin is charming, sweet, honest and welcoming. You’ve a burgeoning crush and it makes you nervous as hell.
It’s the break between shows and you are alone in the wings getting everything back in place for the evening. You’re blasting some tunes from your Spotify when a head pops around the scenery-a beautiful head. It’s Jasmine, a principal cast member you’ve spoken to a couple of times. “I was just wondering where the music was coming from!”, she says with a grin. “Oh, sorry-do you want me to turn it down?”, you ask nervously. “Hell no! I came to dance!”, she answers as she comes into the wings. You laugh and the track changes to Superstition by Stevie Wonder, causing Jasmine to holler “I looooove this song!”. She grabs your hands and spins you round and round, insisting that you dance with her.
Jasmine’s enthusiasm is infectious and you’re giggling as you both slip out onto the stage, dancing all the while. When the song ends, shuffle picks out something soft and instrumental, eliciting a boo from Jasmine. She stands, hands on hips. “This is not dancing music”, she disparages. “Pssh, you’ve no imagination!”, says a voice from the wings. Lin’s voice.
Jasmine rolls her eyes as Lin steps out onto the stage. He heads straight over to you, takes your right hand in his, puts your left hand on his shoulder and grabs your waist. He leads you in some kind of haphazard salsa all over the stage. It’s totally unsuited to the music and you’re laughing uncontrollably while Lin keeps a mock-serious face. Jasmine declares you both crazy and heads back to her dressing room. Lin continues to spin you around the stage until the song ends. When the music shuffles to a Biffy Clyro song he holds up his hands in defeat. “I’m out!”, he laughs. He pulls you to the front of the stage to take a bow and then drops your hand to take his leave. “Welcome to the company”, he says with a smile as he heads away.
Three weeks in and you’ve essentially committed yourself as chief two-show day snack-bringer. You’ve met everyone now and are thrilled to be working with such a lovely group. You place a box of cookies in the green room and take a handful upstairs to the dressing rooms. You drop a few off with Oak and Anthony and then knock on Lin’s dressing room door.
“Come in!”, he yells. He’s only half-dressed when you walk in. Breeches are on but he’s naked from the waist up. Oh god. He looks good. He really looks good. “Oh sorry, I thought you were costumes!”, he apologises “I have a shirt emergency” he holds up a torn shirt sleeve as evidence. You drag your gaze from his torso, his smooth, kissable torso, to his face. “No problem.”, you say. This is a lie. This is *entirely* problematic. You won’t be able to shake this image for days. He pulls on his torn shirt and asks what you need.
Oh yeah, there was an actual reason you came here. “Cookies…I brought cookies”, you say. “Thanks!”, he says, taking one and moaning as he bites into it. This is really not helping. “Ok I gotta go!”, you say abruptly. “Uhh, more deliveries!”. You wave the cookies as you make a quick exit.
You pause with your back to his door for a second or so to recover your senses. There is no denying now that you have a full-scale, ridiculously school-girl crush on Lin. This is a recipe for disaster.
You knock on Jasmine’s dressing room door and enter. You’ve been spending most of your breaks with her, becoming fast friends incredibly easily. You toss her a cookie and squish into the chair in the corner of the room. “I just added you to the WhatsApp group”, she says as she throws her phone in her bag. “Group?”, you ask. “Yeah a bunch of us go out or have dinner semi-regularly so we have a group chat, and since you’re my new bestie you’re automatically required to come with me.”, she says matter-of-factedly. “I’m your new bestie?”, you ask with a hand clutched to your heart-you’re only partly joking, you’re quite touched. “Duh!”, she says and adds a wink. “It’s the snacks, isn’t it?”, you joke. “Aww man, you’ll never know…”, she answers and you both dissolve into giggles.
Chris: Ray’s bar, 8. Who’s in?
Lin: I’m there.
Jasmine: Me and Y/N are in.
Jonathan: Of course.
Lin: Woah, Newbie’s first #Hamilouting
Jonathan: Lin that’s a terrible hashtag.
Y/N: Uhh, Apparently I’m in…
Lin: We’ll ease you in gently, don’t worry.
Chris: Naw, baptism of fire, I say!
Y/N: Oh shit.
Nothing fancy, Jasmine said. Jeans and a nice top, she said. Nothing you have is any good. Staring at your wardrobe, you may as well be looking at racks of cloth sacks-nothing is jumping out at you. In desperation you text Jasmine.
HELP. I have nothing to wear. I know people always say that but it’s actually true.
Jasmine: Just a nice top will do, honey.
Jasmine: You wanna come over? You can borrow something?
Please. Now?
Jasmine: see you in a bit.
Jasmine’s place is a subway ride away from yours, so you grab your makeup and put on your best jeans and head straight out. When you arrive, Jasmine instantly approves of your jeans and shoes. She has laid out a few tops for you to try on, and perches on the bed while you turn this way and that in front of the mirror. Ten minutes later, she’s bored. “The purple one was fine, Y/N”, she says. You make a dissatisfied noise. “It was! Why are you so bent out of shape about tonight, anyway?”, she asks. “I just want to make a good impression”, you say. “Mmhmm”, she sounds skeptical but doesn’t push it further.
When you arrive, Lin and Chris wave you over to a booth they’ve saved. “You’re both looking lovely”, Lin says. “She always looks amazing”, you say as you sit down next to him and Jas goes to the bar with Chris. Lin gives you a look. “What?”, you ask. “Just, that’s a funny way of taking a compliment.”, he jokes. “Oh, yeah no I don’t do that well”, you admit. “And why’s that?”, he asks outright. “Well Dr,”, you tease “low self-esteem, shitty ex destroying my confidence-you know the drill”. Lin nods slowly. “Well, we gotta do something about that.”, he says. “What do you mean?”. “Well I’ll just have to keep giving you compliments until you believe them”, he shrugs. Well, you don’t quite know what to do with that.
Thankfully Jonathan turns up at that moment and wraps you both in hugs, complaining about the weather and enthusing about the cocktails. On cue, Jasmine and Chris return from the bar with a tray of drinks. Whiskey for Chris and Lin, Cosmo for Jasmine. “And I got you two an Old Fashioned each”, she says. “I love you”, you and Jon say in unison and then collapse into each other in a fit of giggles. “Oh boy, they’re off!”, calls Chris.
Four Old Fashioneds in and you’re a teeny bit tipsy and having a whale of a time. You’ve danced with Jasmine until your feet are too sore and now you’re nestled safely in your booth between Lin and Jon, shoes off and feet tucked under you. “I’m so ladylike”, you groan, indicating your crossed legs. “Look at Jazzy, all class and grace-how d’ya get like that?”, you question. Lin does a double take “I’m wearing sneakers and a hoodie, don’t ask me!”, he says. You both turn to Jon. “Darling, you either have it or you don’t.”, he says dramatically. You and Lin roll your eyes at each other as Jon laughs at his own joke. He downs the rest of his drink and after checking his watch, announces that he’s got to go. He tracks down Jasmine and Chris and hugs them goodbye before running out to hail a cab. Jasmine tried to drag you up for another couple of dances but you protest about your feet. Chris has reached his limit too and she’s just about to work on Lin when she gets a text message from Anthony. He wants her to join him and his friends at a club a few blocks away. Chris offers to walk her their on his way home. You and Lin both jokingly boo them for skipping out before midnight, but it’s all kisses and hugs as you part.
And then it’s just the two of you squished into the booth. You settle back with your legs crossed again, facing Lin and sipping another Old Fashioned. “So the shitty ex”, he begins. “Ugh, yes?”, you reply. “How long ago was he?”, Lin asks. “Couple of years ago, he moved away when we broke up-he never liked New York and resented me for moving here”, you say. “Well, another reason to hate him”, says Lin. You nod. “He just. I always felt like he was ashamed of me, you know? He would go out with his friends but never take me, he just used to put me down all the time and our sex-life was just fucking DEAD”, you exclaim. “Oh god. Why did I tell you that?”, you say, rubbing your temple. Lin laughs to try and break the tension “Because you’re on your fifth Old Fashioned?”, he suggests.
You shake your head. “I’m not drunk. Merry, maybe.”, you admit. “I’ve not told anyone any of that before. I mean, with everything else I’m a pretty open book but not…this”. Lin takes a drink, and then takes your hand. “I’m glad you told me.”, he says. “He sounds like an idiot, though”. “I thought I loved him. I did, once. I don’t know if he ever loved me though. That bugs me, makes me doubt my instincts.”, you admit. Why are you telling him all this?! He’s just so inviting-those warm eyes, the way he makes you feel like he’s really listening. The odds are really stacking against you ever being able to resist this ill-fated crush.
“Don’t doubt yourself. You strike me as pretty bright, pretty observant…just generally pretty too”, he says with a grin to lighten the mood. You give him a light punch on the arm, unsure whether he was serious and clueless as to how you should react.
“Now, how we gonna get you home?”, he asks, looking at your feet. “Barefoot, baby!”, you laugh. “Umm, no. No, no. Your feet’ll be in shreds. We gotta get a cab to your apartment.”, he insists. “Is it on your way?”, you ask when you’ve told him your address. “Sure”.
You spend the cab ride talking about the last movie you both saw, and the time passes very quickly. When you reach your building, you’re so busy wincing at your shoes as you get out that you don’t notice Lin has also got out and has paid for the cab. “Lin is this really on your way home?”, you ask as he offers you his arm. “Good lord, no!”, he laughs. “Lin!”, you protest. “I promised Jas I’d get you home safe-I’m under strict instructions to walk you to your door”, he says.
You wonder for a second if Jas has caught on to your crush on Lin, and this is a set up on her part. But then you’re at your door and there’s no time left to wonder about that. Lin stands awkwardly as you search for your keys. “Do you want to come in for some coffee?”, you ask as you pull the keys out of your bag. Even though you know you can’t sleep with the boss, a little rebel part of your brain hopes he’ll come in and is daydreaming about how that would go. “I can’t, but thanks.”, Lin says. “How was your first Hamilouting?”, he asks with a grin. “So much fun”, you smile. “And hey, sorry if I unloaded on you back there-I’m kinda sober now and regretting revealing all my insecurities…”, you say, trying to laugh it off. Lin moves closer, standing right in front of you now. “Not at all.”, he says. “I just wish that no one had ever made you feel anything less than strong and beautiful”. He reaches out and moves your hair behind your ear as you feel your own breath hitch.
In the next few seconds, your mind races: is he making a move? Isn’t he technically your boss? This can’t be a good idea.
Then he strokes his thumb across your cheek bone and brings his lips to yours and oh but it’s the best fucking idea. You lift your hand to his neck and close any remaining distance between you by pressing your body up against his.
The kiss is pretty much perfect-gentle but firm, sweet but insistent. It makes you want to pull him through your door and keep kissing him until your lips are bruised.
But soon he stops. He is looking for a sign from you that this is ok. You reach up to give him a peck on the cheek and softly say “Goodnight, Lin.”. “Goodnight, Y/N”, he says, and you smile before turning to open your door. “I’ll see you tomorrow “, he calls as he heads for the stairs, flashing you a smile as he goes.
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aceb · 4 years
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"Point, line, and plane are the building blocks of design." (Lupton 33) The point can be defined as a mark in a position of space. A line can be described as a single point that continues for a distance, or as the connection between two points. The purpose of a line in graphics is to help the artist to communicate to the viewers what it is they are supposed to be seeing or taking notice of. Layers can create a sense of depth in an image with point, line, and planes. Layers are the different levels at which one can place an image. Layers can be stacked, merged, or defined when creating a digital image. In this design, I used both point, line, and plane and layers as a way to create a nostalgic image. The person in the image is an African American singer and songwriter named is Frank Ocean. He is best known for his song “Thinking About You” on Channel Orange created in 2012. The reason I decided to draw him is his music speaks to me differently than anything I’ve heard before, you can say he is one of my favorite artist. I wanted my favorite artist to be in many favorite city, so I choose Mount Fuji in Japan.
Rhythm and Balance
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In this design, I explored the power of perception or the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. The words I choose to explore was the famous hashtag started by black Twitter “BLM’. BLM stands for “Black Lives Matters” which is a decentralized political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. I wanted to emphasize the issue of Black lives to raise awareness of the death of innocent black bodies in America. I used a black woman as the face of this design to show the power of the black women’s role in the movement. Most of the time a black woman is defending herself and others on the front line. As Lupton said, “By exploiting the brain’s capacity to find and create order, designers construct simple, direct logos, layouts, and interfaces. In addition to seeking out clear, direct communication solutions, they can also use the processes of perception to invent surprising forms that challenge viewers to fill in the gaps.” (265) I wanted to challenge the viewer to fill in the gaps and think about why BLM is important to them by boldly presented the issue. I used eye contact as a way to manipulate perception as well.
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The perception of color depends on how the color is presented, the brightness, and the character of light. We can also perceive a given color in relation to the other colors. “Color can convey a mood, describe reality, or codify information. “Words like “gloomy,” “drab,” and “glittering” each bring to mind a general climate of colors, a palette of relationships. Designers use color to make some things stand out (warning signs) and to make other things disappear (camouflage).” (208) When creating the art based on Immigration and Native American land I thought about politics. During the election month, America seems to be divided into two. I wanted this design to bring awareness to the divide and create a central understanding. To create relationships between color and monotones I used the color red to emphasize the blood of millions of Native Americans and blue to express the beauty and pride that still exists. I used monotone green to create a feeling of warmness.
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A border is a design that runs lengthwise along the edge of a design.“Whether simple or decorative, a border creates a transition between image and background. Against the pale wall of a room, for example, a black picture frame sharply separates a work of art from its surroundings. Alternatively, a frame whose color is close to that of the wall blends the work of art with the room around it.” (Lupton 364) The purpose of my boarder was to emphasize my design of the Amur Leopards. These animals are one of the top ten animals to go extinct. The Amur leopard is threatened by poaching, habitat loss, and deforestation or of their land. Their natural habitat is also threatened by forest fires and the construction of new roads. I choose a black border to express boldness. I also juxtaposed the image to make a point that they're endangered.
Gestalt Principles
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(5) Gestalt principals. Gestalt principles include similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, ground, symmetry, and order. “Building on memory and experience, the brain fills in gaps and filters out extraneous data.” (p. 99) Gestalt theory emphasizes that anything is greater than its parts. Gestalt principles can elevate a design that seems like it's fighting for a user's attention to one that offers a natural interaction that makes your design feel familiar while guiding users toward the action you want them to see. The goal of Gestalt’s theory is to teach people to become aware of sensations within themselves and their environment so that they respond reasonably to a situations. In this design, I used this Ghanises woman to communicate beautiful and pain. The interpretations could go in many directions but one thing you cant deny is the Ghanises flag behind her. In this flag, the star would normally be in the middle. However, she is the star. Her heart shines bright but her skin is brighter.
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Framing is the presentation of visual elements in an image about other objects. Indeed, balance is a prized commodity in our culture, and it is no surprise that our implicit, intuitive relationship with it has equipped us to sense balance--or imbalance--in the things we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.” (p. 49) Framing can make an image more aesthetically pleasing and keep the viewer's eye focused on the framed objects. “A frame can serve to either emphasize or downplay its contents.” (p. 125) In this design, I used the frame to make the perception of the camera looking down. The jacket as well as flying plane is meant to catch the viewers eye first. Jacques Derrida defined framing as a structure that is both present and absent. The frame is subservient to the content it surrounds, disappearing as we focus on the image or object on view. The mechanical eye tends to cut the camera into fields of vision. The point of this frame is to look deeper into the mind of the person in the image. The statement is that the person is at a higher level of thinking, his mind is open. This frame created a condition for better understanding of the image.
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In design, transparency can be defined as something that is nearly or completely invisible. Words, pictures, and textures can all become transparent. Lupe suggests that “…transparency suggests clarity and directness.” Yet in design, transparency is often used to create dense, layered imagery built from color and texture. In this design I used a brand name I’ve been experimenting with called “fade away”. Fade away represents the fading of the mind from the world in order to elevate and become closer with the universe. “Transparency means a simultaneous perception of different spatial locations. . . . The position of the transparent figures has equivocal meaning as one sees each figure now as the closer, now as the farther one” Gyorgy Kepes”. (Lupton 451) Transparency is often used not for the purposes of clarity, but to create dense, layered imagery built from veils of color and textures. I lowered the opacity to 17 and added red lettering to a black background to make the words stand out.
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This diagram design was inspired by anime styled drawing in a series called “Monster’’. A diagram is a simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of a design in a schematic structure. “Diagrams allow us to see relationships that would not come forward in a straight list of numbers or a verbal description.” (Lupton 215) This diagram has both words and pictures laying out more background information. The words directly respond to the image falling under the category of either good or bad. I wanted to explore the visual aspect of the words “good” and “bad”. I used angel to represent good and devil to represent bad. Though a simple style the message was still able to be understood. The overarching message of the image was that love is above all. In all images love has been presented in some way or form. Diagrams add a layer of detail to a design that can make it look more professional.
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(8) Grid. In graphic design, a grid is a structure made up of intersecting straight or curved lines used to structure content. Grids are tools for organizing space, text, images, and other elements placed in a design. Grids add structure to a design. They lead to rational standardized systems that help people absorb the information trying to be communicated. The grid serves as an framework on which a designer can organize graphic elements in a rational manner. Grids allow designers to add elements to a layout while using the grid structure. In this design, I wanted the theme to be digital so I used colors like deep blue, red, and yellow. The Grid also gives this design a digital feel with horizontal, vertical, curved, and straight lines. The lines give depth to the image but also gives the image a 3D effect.
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Motion is one of the most exciting aspects in graphic design. “Motion is a kind of change, and change takes place in time. Motion can be implied as well as literal…” (Lupton 233) Motion in graphic design is often used in the film industry with Openings to movies, television shows, and news programs can use photography to make the introduction. In this design I used motion to show the process of a seed growing. Before the seed grew, it rained, the sun came out, and once the seed finished growing a flower bloomed. This process is not easy it involves patience and time. Motion graphics are pieces of animation or digital footage that create an illusion of motion or rotation. Animation is my favorite form of motion. The design is all hand drawn using the flip book method. The flip book method is basically taking multiple flashcards and combining them by flipping them to create the illusion of motion.
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brightandunique · 7 years
Boku no Hero Academia Fiction Recommendation Master Post
I have decided my new favorite anime and its fandom deserves some appreciation. Every work I recommend are - in my personal opinion - beautiful and I want everyone to read them. If you see your work up here that’s cause I loved it to the moon and back! I welcome suggestions too!  
♥ - ultimate fav
★ - they do the do
(★) - implied sexual activities
ロ - unfinished
■ - finished
✿ - multi chapters
TodoDeku (Todoroki x Midoriya)
count your blessings, not your flaws by PitViperOfDoom  ♥ ■  
Sumary:  Midoriya Izuku has never been asked out, confessed to, or flirted with, except as a joke.
drink my thoughts by celestialfics  ■
Summary:  [02:13 AM] todoroki: Are you awake?
Gradations by Haurvatat  ★■ ✿
Summary:  U.A.'s Heroics Division's Class A was graduating. Moving on. Never coming back. And Izuku is going to be left behind, solidly trapped in a prison of his own making. There might be a few things that could make it more bearable, though.
it could be worse by bigspoonnoya  ♥ ■
Summary:  Todoroki is bad at presents, and worse at confessions.
It must be the heat by Sleeves  ■
Summary:  I wrote some silly fluff for Izuku's birthday. Happy bday, little hero egg!
Nerves of Ice by furihatachlookie  ♥ ■
Summary: Todoroki felt his own breath drop in temperature as the nerves settled in, steam rising with each steady exhale. He continued to stare, as if expecting the same to happen to Midoriya when he caught a whiff of cool mint as the boy spoke, face inches from his. In which Midoriya has a better grasp on the changes happening in Todoroki than Todoroki himself.
one string, fit for a bow by furihatachlookie  ♥ ■
Summary: There was no magical moment that played a part in Midoriya's realization that he liked Todoroki. The thin red string that greeted him every time he looked down at his hand was an obvious factor, yes, but it wasn't love at first sight either. It sorta just... happened over time.
project cupid by amoxicillings  ロ ✿
Summary:  In which Todoroki Shouto is trying to ask Midoriya out and the whole class is in on it.
Riddles in the Heart by PitViperOfDoom  ♥ ■ ✿
Summary: The law is clear: whoever correctly answers three riddles will marry the prince, while all who fail are to be executed. The people live in fear as more challengers try and fail, and the throne grows bloodier with every passing year. But a young prince, nameless and in exile from his home, believes there may be more to this brutal challenge than meets the eye. Of course, there's only one way to find out: ring the gong, and take the trial.
Summer Starts by PitViperOfDoom  ■ ✿
Summary:  It's been judged safe to send the students of UA home to their families for the first three weeks of summer, much to the relief of everyone whose name isn't Todoroki Shouto. Luckily, Midoriya has a solution for him, and Midoriya Inko has a lot of love to give.
Note: Part 6 of Send Endeavor to the Shadow Realm series. First part: Spring Cleaning
waterlogged (red blue, green) by lein  ■
Summary: Izuku has never been one to curse but the only way to describe himself as his mother hugs him goodbye that morning, is royally fucked.He’s really, truly glad no one in their class has a mind-reading quirk because from the minute his feet touched warm sand, his mind has been screaming in tune to the same famous classical overtures Tenya listens to when they study together. Occasionally, the music pauses just long enough for his brain to point out observations about Shouto that make Izuku want to stick his head under the waves and just breathe in.
prince & prince by Authorless  ♥ ★ ロ ✿
Summary:  Note to self: don't accidentally fall in love with a prince who's in an arranged marriage keeping your kingdoms from declaring war against each other. Especially when you're spying on him as his manservant.
Note: Part 1 of the kings & queens of promise series.
saltwater room by reapers  ■ ✿
Summary: It starts —like all ideas that inevitably lead to one’s downfall do— with something akin to this: Midoriya Izuku. Midoriya Izuku and a five-story house by the beach, completely devoid of any entry-fee --save for the one where Todoroki has to pretend to be Deku’s boyfriend. All-in-all though, not an awful price to pay for the vacation of their dreams, right? Right?
how would you feel by celestialfics  ♥ ■ ✿
Summary:  It’s Wednesday morning when Izuku’s mother texts him to remind him about his cousin’s wedding coming up the following weekend, and it’s Wednesday evening, when Izuku’s back in his room after classes and has time to call her, that she tells him she can’t go to the wedding with him.
One of “Those” by Ultimatum  ■
Summary: Todoroki and Midoriya are pro heroes. They're also dating.These two aspects clash when they're outed to the entire world as Japan's first officially gay heroes.
a burger and extra salty fries by SportsAnimeRuinedMyLife (KnightOfRage)  ■ 
Summary: In his third year at UA, Todoroki Shouto works in a burger place, catches on fire and falls in love. Only two of those things are on purpose. Or...Todoroki Shouto's exciting adventures in customer service.
Note: First part of the extra-salty/twitter-verse series! The next TodoDeku part of the series: get in loser, we’re going heroing
How to Be a Hero by Hummus King  ♥ ロ ✿
Summary:  Shouto Todoroki is a cold Pro Hero who never uses his fire side. He refuses to be like his father, Endeavor, but every day it seems like he's becoming more like him. Shouto meets up with Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless Pro Hero counselor and discovers that his power is his own. Also... he might be falling in love with his counselor. // AU where Deku never received One for All and became a quirk counselor instead!
that is just the way by celestialfics  ■
Summary: Shouto has his first sleepover.
the end of the world as you know it (and what comes after) by jambell  ■
Summary:  In the wake of All Might’s death, Izuku grieves. (Post-Graduation/Future Fic)
demolition lovers: beginnings by TMOTC  ロ ✿
Summary: It was a mistake, Shouto thinks, to fall in love with a hero. (Or the one where Todoroki is a Quirkless school nurse and Hero Deku’s longsuffering boyfriend.)
Note: Part 1 of the demolition lovers series.
KiriBaku (Kirishima x Bakugou) 
2am Knows All Secrets by Sarahhaley  ♥ (★) ロ ✿
Summary: … It wasn’t that he was annoyed. Okay, maybe he was a little annoyed, but that was just the lack of sleep talking. Because a certain explosive punk thought it was a good idea to test the flammability of his sheets at 2 in the morning. Every single morning. (In which Bakugou's quirk wakes Kirishima up, and Kirishima gets way too invested in his bro's well-being.)
a heart swelled to bursting by eggstasy  ★ ■ ✿
Summary:  The summer training camp of Bakugou's second year at UA descends upon him with all the untamed fury of- well, himself, honestly.
Communicate With Your Body by xX_KUUHAKU_Xx  ♥ ★ ロ ✿
Summary: "Hey! Wake up you piece of shit! Are you alive?!" The man winces and scrunches his face in pain but Bakugou continued to hold him in place. Good, he's alive- Piercing red eyes flutter open and gaze lazily straight at Bakugou's face and Bakugou feels his heart skip a beat. Oh, Fuck- AKA merman! Kirishima au
downhill by eggstasy  ■
Summary: Bakugou sleeping in the common areas like it’s no big deal seems to give everyone else permission to be just as bizarre, and little by little Kirishima starts learning things about his classmates he never knew.  
Love, Buried in the Ice by Tukson  ロ ✿
Summary:  Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou are paired together for a winter survival assignment! It's inevitable that the two clash, but neither of them could have predicted an accident at the height of their tension. Trapped in the wilderness at the mercy of the environment, how will the two cope with finding help and mending what was broken?
parted, and never parted by Authorless  ■
Summary:  Before going into battle, it’s only proper to make an offering to the god of war. But Kirishima’s run out of things to give. AKA God of War! Bakugou au
yes, you say you’d like to by Authorless  ♥ (★) ■
Summary: “You’re a popsicle biter, you fucking animal,” Bakugou says. “You’re not?” Kirishima says around a mouthful of ice cream. “No,” Bakugou says. “I prefer my teeth unfrozen, thanks.” He wraps his mouth around the popsicle and Kirishima realizes his mistake very, very quickly.
don’t count on me to let you know when by newamsterdam  ★■
Summary:  Kirishima has always made things easy for Bakugou. But that doesn't mean that Bakugou's gotten any better at these things, even after all of these years.
come @ me bro by SportsAnimeRuinedMyLife (KnightOfRage)  ■
Summary: Bakugou works at a convenience store, flirts like a loser, blows up nineteen aprons, gets a hashtag trending for all the wrong reasons and maybe manages to make a friend. Or...being Bakugou Katsuki is suffering.
Note: Part two of the extra-salty/twitter-verse series
it’s pouring out here by shizuumi151  ■
Summary: With phone, money, and keys in his pocket, Kirishima wandered around the city for an age. With his legs on auto-pilot his mind wandered too. To the new movie that peppered the streets in posters and trailers, a new move he wanted to practise for another basketball play, wondering about how the current arcs for his favourite manga would turn out in the next issue of Jump. And, of course, he thought about how many of those things he could see and do with Bakugou.
The Beauty of a Beast by starofjems   ロ ✿
Summary: Once upon a time a lonely beast lived in a manor deep in the forest. He dreamed of the day his true love appeared to break his curse... When a beauty finally appears in his life, it is not quite as he imagined. For who could have thought a beauty would be more of a beast. Or the beauty and the beast AU nobody asked for but here it is.
4K notes · View notes
Day 13 (1/31): “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” #PRESIDENTBANNON
Featuring: -Yesterday, In Trumpland- The Resistance Report- Weekend Actions-
FEATURE: Making Sense of the Last 72 Hours and Why It’s So Significant
In the last 72 Hours we have had a massive attempt to consolidate power and test “our country’s willingness to capitulate to a fascist regime.” (Follow Link to Read Original Jake Fuentes Article)
An irresponsible Muslim ban that intentionally included green card holders (aka permanent residents of the US) to cause chaos.
The Department of Homeland Security defies orders from Federal Judges and the Whitehouse is silent. They essentially crossed their arms and said, “Make Me!”
 The Immediate Firing of the Acting Attorney General last night when she stood up for the constitution and told the DOJ to not defend the law because she deemed it unconstitutional
The National Security Council Shake up, which puts Steve ‘Neo-Nazi’ Bannon in cabinet level position usually reserved for Generals, without confirmation and almost ensures Trump never has to hear suggestions he wouldn’t like.
The gutting of the State Department to block opposition of these moves as it relates to diplomacy. (Previous reports said the State Department was resigning in waves… turns out it was a purge).
Trump has also demoted the Acting Director if Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE).
From all of this, the Trump administration is clearly pushing the boundaries of our government’s system of checks and balances (which they have no regard for) and testing how far they can push things legally and get away with them.
 So is the Muslim ban just NBD?
No, it is still a big deal because there is a good chance that it is unconstitutional, the Whitehouse never consulted Congress or appropriate lawyers before enacting the EO, it keeps us less safe by angering our allies, and is now propaganda for ISIS who are currently hailing Trump’s EO as a 
victory by exposing that the US has declared war with Islam. BUT, despite all of this, if you take a step back, it’s not their end game. They want to see if they can just go over the heads of the Judicial branch and get away with it, AND they want to have the appearance of looking reasonable when they eventually back off of 20% of it, when, in reality, they will get 100% of what they wanted in the first place. It’s like when you ask your parents for an insanely ridiculous car for your 16th birthday, knowing the car you want is also ridiculous but not as absurd as the first, so that after they shut down your first request doesn’t seem so extreme after all and you get what you want? That is what it seems like they are attempting to do and it’s a classic business negotiating tactic.
Also it’s worth noting is that Rex Tillerson, Nominee for secretary of state, was surprised and upset that he was not included in the drafting of this legislation… he also opposed several of Trump’s key stances during his confirmation hearing… coincidence?
Is Trump the One Thinking of All This?
Maybe and Maybe not. It seems that the brain child around this whole strategy is this sinister Bannon character who has been plotting this for a long ass time! In fact, he is quoted to have said “I’m a Leninist… Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” The establishment to him includes republicans and democrats. It’s been circulating that Bannon is using Trump to push this agenda to destroy the state and his unprecedented rise to power and known fascist views corroborate this theory. This has sparked the hashtags #STOPPresidentBannon, #PresidentBannon, and #ImpeachPresidentBannon to start trending rightfully putting this guy in the spotlight as a direct threat to the rights of the American people.
 So How Do WE Stop This?
Some may disagree, but it is OUR take that everyone has a role to play in stopping this consolidation of powers and attempt to flirt with fascism and destroy American ideals. And this must be a bi-partisan effort:
The People & The Art of The Protest. People are showing up and showing out in masses almost organically now in opposition of this hostile takeover of our government. Protests are great for showing unity and rejecting what is happening and sending a message through the media to others and the world that this is not what America Stands for (Not to mentioning pissing off Trump because you cannot be the populist president without being popular). But protests can’t just become the new Brunch, where you show-up, get your fill, feel satisfied/ drunk on the feeling of sticking it to the man, and then go home. The importance of protesting is to get the attention of YOUR elected officials, like we did with Chuck Schumer in NY and pressuring them to bend to the will of the constituents. You do think by visiting your elected officials at their offices, their houses, with phone calls, faxes, emails, letters!. The Indivisible Guide explains this method! So keep resisting.
The Press. The Press MUST go deeper and stay on stories like the NSC shake-up or what happened with the Gutting of the state department instead of the obvious stories that are low handing fruit. Don’t just stay on the surface and ask the tough questions! Don’t allow for conflating facts and pivots, expose them for what they are doing! Keep on Russia and the larger story of the Kermlin’s continued influential role in our government. Keep on The Fact that Trump is still profiting from Foreign governments because he has not divested his assets and we need to see his tax returns. Don’t let up, don’t get distracted! Also Stop airing Spicer on TV and Stop bringing on Kellyann Conway for itnervies, they are a distraction. If you choose to do that, air them with a delay to put up the actual facts while they LIE. And DO NOT air the State of the Union addresses Live whenever that is.
Our System of Checks and Balances. It is obvious to see that our system of checks and balances is failing us now. And there are many reasons for it. You have a dictator in office who will metaphorically chop off the head of fire anyone that opposes him in the executive, a gross abuse of executive orders that are being signed straight into law without consulting any member of the legislative branch (thanks Obama for that one… he wasn’t perfect let’s be clear), a covert staffers on the Hill who are circumventing the norms to most likely garner favor with whoever is coming in next, and a Congress with 2 spineless heads in Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell who would rather see a collapse in the American system of government than let go of their political hard-ons of being able to pass anything they want with a GOP controlled government. SHAME!
Legislative Branch Needs to Be United! Cannot express the importance that this must be a Bi-Partisan effort! The democrats seem to be finally uniting to help block this legislation by introducing new legislation, starting with the mass boycott of the inauguration, and continuing to Resist by filibustering the Supreme Court pick whoever that may be. And I would argue they skip the State of the Union as well. Thanks to a lot of pressure, the resistance movement has made on a grassroots level. But we will need Republicans to join in and set their excitement of being in power aside, easier said than done, and stand up and fight for us! There have already been some GOP members that have started to break with the President, but we need more.
 Updates on Refugee Ban
 Yes, even as of 8:30pm last night, border officers were still not complying with the Federal Judge’s Stay. However, another WOMAN (hey girl hey!), Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates, courageously stepped in and ordered the DOJ to not defend this EO As it is unconstitutional. Which SURPRISED Trump and almost immediately he moved to FIRE Ms. Yates on the grounds that she decided to defend the constitution instead of listen to what he says to do and hire someone else who would do what he said. If you are thinking that is effed up, you would not be incorrect in your judgment. Senate Dems have said they will call for an investigation into those persons who did not comply with the federal judge’s orders. It is important to know that Ms. Yates is a holdover from the Obama administration where she was the deputy Attorney General, however she was confirmed with bipartisan support.
 Jeff Sessions, the nominee for the Attorney General of the US is the one who is intended to fill that vacancy. So on a phone call Sunday night w/ Moveon.org, they emphasized that they, along with the ACLU, and members of congress would be asking for additional time to re-question Sessions on his stance on the ban before voting since this role is key to establishing whether or not the DOJ will defend the ban and more of Trump’s horrible executive orders! TBD on what Happens.
 Important FACTS to know if you’re going to get in Facebook/ family arguments.
It takes 2 YEARS for ANY Refugee to be vetted and granted entry into the United States. It is actually our most intensive screening process.
The Whitehouse is now trying to blame Obama for their major FAIL as they say the list of 7 countries were initially his idea! However, they are not even close to being the same!
“Terrorism by Muslims makes up one-third of 1 percent of all murders in the US.” And none of the countries on this ban have had people that have killed Americans on US soil. Also, “you are more likely to be killed by your own clothes than by an immigrant terrorist.” SHAME
Rudy Giuliani unknowingly confirmed suspicions that this was a disguised Muslim ban because he just couldn’t help himself.
 Again, we can all agree we want to keep our country safe. But we WILL NOT abandon our American Values and what this country stands for!
 Fox News’s initial reports of the heinous massacre that occurred in Quebec misidentified the suspect as Moroccan when in fact he was a MALE WHITE SUPREMICIST and Trump enthusiast who killed 6 Muslims and injured 9 in a mosque! They have still not taken this False Reporting from their website. The Whitehouse even tried to cite the shooting as a reason for the ban… against Muslim and Refugees… #SpicerFacts. The suspect has now been charged with 6 counts of manslaughter. Which makes you wonder, with all this talk of National Security,  who is really a bigger threat to your safety?
 Trump signed an EO meant to help small (and frankly large) business by easing the amount of federal regulations they have to comply with. The EO basically states that for every new regulation, 2 other regulations must be removed. And that’s basically it. So one might say this will totally help, especially struggling small businesses! Others will logically think, this is just going to create multipart regulations. But, as with most that has happened thus far, logic need not apply. This is in line with his campaign promise to cut back on regulations for businesses.
The Department of Interior is the latest on a growing list of departments that have been gagged by this administration according to, SURPRISE, another leaked memo. This includes the Bureau of Land Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park, Ocean Energy Management, INDIAN AFFAIRS, and others. We are, I’m sure, moments away from following their rogue twitter account… any second now.
Reports have surfaced that Trump will be bringing VP Mike Pence’s unconstitutional religious freedom act to the federal level, by “[rolling] back and nullifying President Barack Obama’s 2014 executive orders which protect employees from anti-LGBT workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors” because of “religious” reasons aka legalizing homophobia. Wow are all those “Gays for Trump” and Deploraball attendees excited now?! This is just another reason why someone like Jeff Sessions cannot be the Attorney General. Dems must continue to hold strong and filibuster Trump’s Supreme Court Pick! However, the GOP could easily evoke the ‘nuclear option’ and kill that idea real quick.
Russia has arrested its top cyber security expert on grounds of treason for providing the US intel about the election hacking. YES remember the hacking! Russia is still not off the hook. They also found an ex-KGB chief murdered in the back seat of a car. This is SUPER SHADY because he was linked to the MI6 officer that compiled that infamous dossier that might actually end up being true. Maxine Waters (Rep. D- CA) announced on Twitter that Dems would be making a statement pertaining to Russia this AM, so TBD on that. I know what you’re thinking, this is turning into the worst TV drama of all time, but unfortunately, unlike The saga of Nick Vail on The Bachelor, this is REAL LIFE!
With a heavy heavy heart, I’m sad to tell you there were 2 American casualties in the Al Qaeda raid in Yemen on Sunday. One was a Navy Seal who was a SEAL Team 6 member and the other an 8-year old American Girl. It seems like the first major military advance by the president was a hot mess… and with Bannon on the National Security Council as a principal things might get even more dicey. Our soldiers lives are not a political game. Steve Bannon must be stopped!
- Steve Mnuchin Finance Chairman: Committee Vote TODAY! Devos Vote TODAY! SESSIONS Vote TODAY! Keep calling or FAXING if you cannot get through! Schumer and Gillbrand are now united in opposing all! Let’s get others going!!!
- Attorney General Sally Q. Yates, courageously stepped in and ordered the DOJ not to defend the EO and the DHS to comply with the Federal Stay. She was aptly fired by Trump quickly thereafter. Cannot express how worrisome it is when folks are going to be fired for 1) upholding the law and 2) for disagreeing with the president. It’s. About. To. Go. Down! #RESIST
- Democratic Members of Congress took the floor to express their outrage and commitment to work to overturn Trump’s #MuslimBan in Congress and urge their fellow Republicans to join them. They also are contemplating to filibuster the hell out of what every Supreme Court Justice Nominee Trump puts forth. However, they are still debating if this is the best move in the long run. I will be a Chuck Schumer’s office at lunch today to let him know how I feel about that.
- An internal memo from the gutted state department has confirmed their opposition to the Ban. And Obama finally speaks out in support for The Resistance! Looks like everyone is joining the “opposition party” these days because defending American Values is the cool thing to do!
- Washington Stand UP! First state to formally sue Trump over the immigration order #MuslimBan.
- Other corporations quickly denounce Trump Ban including Ford, Coke, and Goldman Sachs among others.
- Google announces it will donate $4M to support organizations dedicated to refugees and their employees celebrated by having their own rally against Trump’s immigration ban.
- The Koch Brothers (who are largely responsible for the messy boots presidency that is DJT and funding the GOP H8 regime) came out against the ban.
- People are starting to delete their Uber App because their CEO was one of the first to jump on the MAGA train and complete took advantage of the NYC taxi strike… Not Cool Uber. (I deleted my account). Didn’t stop him from attempting to clap back though by snitching on other companies on the same advisory board as him. Didn’t really work though because the people are #woke. Can’t wait to jump into a LYFT or try JUNO.
- Also we’re up to 16 on the GOP side not supporting the ban! this is a list of all members of Congress and their responses to the #Muslim ban! Memorize this, and never forget!
- The Boy Scouts open membership to Transgender Children. If kids can get it, like wtf is wrong with adults?
- No Tweet is safe! It seems that a 2011 Tweet from Trump Hotels has been resurrected, and the responses from people are hilarious!
- The “expert” Trump is using to confirm his voter ban, since his golfing buddy story didn’t work out, is actually registered to vote in 3 different states! I mean you can’t make this up people.
- Looking ahead for 2018, the shady AF republican Gerrymandering (or redistricting) is getting crushed in the courts RN. This is a HUGE victory because it essentially will not let the GOP rig the voting districts in their favor. There are 33 Senate seats and all 435 seats in the house are up for grabs. So Mark your calendars for Nov. 8, 2018!
- London and Scotland are Resisting as well protesting this ridiculousness in solidarity with US! We are not alone! British Parliament went HAM on Trump yesterday in the cheekiest fashion, and 1 million Brits signed a petition to not allow Trump to some for a state visit.
1) Steve Mnuchin Finance Chairman: Committee Vote in the evening for Finance Chairman. Government Goldman Sachs exec whose company is accused of illegally foreclosing on homeowners. This guy is scummier than scum and totally is the SWAMP!
2) Jeff ‘too racist to be an Alabama Fed Judge’ Sessions committee vote is TUESDAY 1/31 at 10AM! ANYONE Dem or Republican who votes yes for this guy deserves to be on your SHIT LIST FOR LIFE. Never forget who thought this was ok. ASK FOR A DELAY! HE wrote some of the language in the Muslim Ban!
3) Betsy ‘Guns should be in Schools to fight Grizzlies’ Devos- Department of Education. She is the 1st person to be nominated who has NEVER attended a Public School, taught at a public school, or had a child attend a public school. Yet she wants to be in charge of them… to destroy them. She has a failed track record of implementing charter schools in Detroit. And Because Grizzlies was a serious answer! She is unfit to serve.
4) Tom ‘healthcare is not a human right’ Price Department of Health and Human Services. He wants to gut the ACA.
5) REX TILLERSON FULL SENATE FLOOR VOTE… remember Marco ‘pump fake’ Rubio caved during the committee vote so now it goes to the floor. He is SUPER chummy with Russia and is CEO of Exxon Mobil (conflicts of interests much?).  ASK FOR A DELAY! Need to question his stance on ban!
- Andrew Puzder- Department of Labor: Hates the Department of Labor, yet wants to run it… to DESTROY IT.
- Rick Perry- Department of Energy: Vowed he wanted to get rid of it, was nominated for it, had no idea what it did, acknowledges he’ll have a learning curve, but still wants it… hmmmm this position involved looking after our Nukes… hmmm. *Palm to face*
NYC- Cick Here for a Full LIST for NYC events
1/31 (TUE) 12:30pm-1:30pm Rally to Stop Trump’s #SwampCabinet @ Chuck Schumer’s Office. 780 3rd Avenue
1/31 (TUE) 6pm- What The F*^k Chuck Rally- Grand Army Plaza in BK
1/31 (TUE) 6pm-8pm Women’s March: Write In and Postcard mailing, Dream Baby downtown
1/31 (TUE) 7pm-8:30pm Rise & Resist Meeting 208 W 13th Street
 Washington DC
1/29 (SUN) 10am: Oppose Betsy DeVos! Columbus Circle, Washington DC
4/15 (SAT): Tax Day Rally to demand Trump turn over his Taxes. Everywhere. Link will show you where your local march is
4/29 (SUN): People’s Climate March
5/6 (SAT) 10am-5pm: The Immigrant’s March on Washington
6/11 (SUN) 10am-6pm: National Pride March
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aceb · 4 years
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"Point, line, and plane are the building blocks of design." The point can be defined as a mark in a position of space. A line can be described as a single point that continues for a distance, or as the connection between two points. The purpose of a line in graphics is to help the artist to communicate to the viewers what it is they are supposed to be seeing or taking notice of. Layers can create a sense of depth in an image with point, line, and planes. Layers are the different levels at which one can place an image. Layers can be stacked, merged, or defined when creating a digital image. In this design, I used both point, line, and plane and layers as a way to create a nostalgic image. The person in the image is an African American singer and songwriter named is Frank Ocean. He is best known for his song “Thinking About You” on Channel Orange created in 2012. The reason I decided to draw him is his music speaks to me differently than anything I’ve heard before, you can say he is one of my favorite artist. I wanted my favorite artist to be in many favorite city, so I choose Mount Fuji in Japan.
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Rhythm and Balance
In this design, I explored the power of perception or the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. The words I choose to explore was the famous hashtag started by black Twitter “BLM’. BLM stands for “Black Lives Matters” which is a decentralized political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. I wanted to emphasize the issue of Black lives to raise awareness of the death of innocent black bodies in America. I used a black woman as the face of this design to show the power of the black women’s role in the movement. Most of the time a black woman is defending herself and others on the front line. As Lupton said, “By exploiting the brain’s capacity to find and create order, designers construct simple, direct logos, layouts, and interfaces. In addition to seeking out clear, direct communication solutions, they can also use the processes of perception to invent surprising forms that challenge viewers to fill in the gaps.” I wanted to challenge the viewer to fill in the gaps and think about why BLM is important to them by boldly presented the issue. I used eye contact as a way to manipulate perception as well.
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The perception of color depends on how the color is presented, the brightness, and the character of light. We can also perceive a given color in relation to the other colors. “Color can convey a mood, describe reality, or codify information. “Words like “gloomy,” “drab,” and “glittering” each bring to mind a general climate of colors, a palette of relationships. Designers use color to make some things stand out (warning signs) and to make other things disappear (camouflage).” (208) When creating the art based on Immigration and Native American land I thought about politics. During the election month, America seems to be divided into two. I wanted this design to bring awareness to the divide and create a central understanding. To create relationships between color and monotones I used the color red to emphasize the blood of millions of Native Americans and blue to express the beauty and pride that still exists. I used monotone green to create a feeling of warmness.
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A border is a design that runs lengthwise along the edge of a design.“Whether simple or decorative, a border creates a transition between image and background. Against the pale wall of a room, for example, a black picture frame sharply separates a work of art from its surroundings. Alternatively, a frame whose color is close to that of the wall blends the work of art with the room around it.” The purpose of my boarder was to emphasize my design of the Amur Leopards. These animals are one of the top ten animals to go extinct. The Amur leopard is threatened by poaching, habitat loss, and deforestation or of their land. Their natural habitat is also threatened by forest fires and the construction of new roads. I choose a black border to express boldness. I also juxtaposed the image to make a point that they're endangered.
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Framing is the presentation of visual elements in an image about other objects. Indeed, balance is a prized commodity in our culture, and it is no surprise that our implicit, intuitive relationship with it has equipped us to sense balance--or imbalance--in the things we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.” (p. 49) Framing can make an image more aesthetically pleasing and keep the viewer's eye focused on the framed objects. “A frame can serve to either emphasize or downplay its contents.” (p. 125) In this design, I used the frame to make the perception of the camera looking down. The jacket as well as flying plane is meant to catch the viewers eye first. Jacques Derrida defined framing as a structure that is both present and absent. The frame is subservient to the content it surrounds, disappearing as we focus on the image or object on view. The mechanical eye tends to cut the camera into fields of vision. The point of this frame is to look deeper into the mind of the person in the image. The statement is that the person is at a higher level of thinking, his mind is open. This frame created a condition for better understanding of the image.
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In design, transparency can be defined as something that is nearly or completely invisible. Words, pictures, and textures can all become transparent. Lupe suggests that “…transparency suggests clarity and directness.” Yet in design, transparency is often used to create dense, layered imagery built from color and texture. In this design I used a brand name I’ve been experimenting with called “fade away”. Fade away represents the fading of the mind from the world in order to elevate and become closer with the universe. “Transparency means a simultaneous perception of different spatial locations. . . . The position of the transparent figures has equivocal meaning as one sees each figure now as the closer, now as the farther one” Gyorgy Kepes”. Transparency is often used not for the purposes of clarity, but to create dense, layered imagery built from veils of color and textures. I lowered the opacity to 17 and added red lettering to a black background to make the words stand out.
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