#Hashtag is going to be fun i can bet you that
So what are you're headcanons for the new Terrans alt modes? For me I'm thinking Nightshade will go for a Bat or something batlike
I dunno why but I think that Nightshade is going to be a jet/plane, that Hashtag is probably going to be a fast car, and i kkinda want Jawbreaker to be one of those trucks with an open bed. I also HC that Nightshade's color palette is going to be based on the nightshade plant but maybe that's wistful thinking.
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goodluckclove · 2 months
I've been meaning to say something. (100 follower hot take)
Hey! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you've had a nice day. Why don't you rest with me for a while? I made some chocolate chip cookies - with shortening instead of butter, so they're very soft and very chocolatey. I made way too many and they aren't my wife's favorite, so I could use some help in eating them.
You're probably a writer, right? Or maybe you think about how you could be. Browse the tags here, or on other social media platforms. Maybe you used to write stories as a kid. I bet those were fun. Teachers might've thought they were impressive, or they dissected them line by line until the words didn't make sense in your head anymore. Either way, if you're here you're probably here for a reason.
(rant alert)
I dipped a toe in online writing communities on and off. My last attempt was forty-five minutes scrolling through the writing hashtag on Youtube Shorts (so TikTok, I guess? I don't know). I didn't like it. I really didn't. The thing that sticks out the strongest in my mind is one particular video where a woman claims that every story needs a second act plot twist.
Huh? Every story? All of them? Why? Since when? Who are you? What qualifications do you have to make a statement like that?
That's the common thread that makes a lot of writing spaces very uncomfortable for me. Successful writers are really only successful in their genre and for the given moment, so they don't have that much objective authority in the craft. And yet I see a lot of people deciding the things that you can't do in writing. Or the things you have to do, and how you have to do them. It was so much of Writeblr at first glance that I almost dipped out once again. I didn't, though, and I'm glad I didn't because now I get to watch some of the next great storytellers from across the world grow and examine and forge their way forward.
No one can teach you how to write. No, that's not true. Teachers teach literacy. Handwriting. Typing maybe - do schools still teach typing? Let me try saying it in a different way - no one, not one single person on this goddamned planet, has the right to tell you how to make a story.
I was supposed to get my MFA in creative writing before my first breakdown. My uncle stayed in the program I was meant to be in, and a few years after I dropped out he graduated. Recently I had the thought to look up his thesis novella, and as I searched I found myself regretting my decision to leave school. If I stayed and got to develop my writing in an actual class, with other writers and a knowledgeable professor, how much further along would I be than where I am right now?
It was bad. His novella was terrible. It was so bad I had a small existential crisis for, like, three days. He spent so much money on years and years of professional education and came out with a truly soulless story that read as if you prompted an AI to write the next Great American Novel. So if you think you need a writing degree to be a legitimate author, it could help connections-wise, but it ultimately won't be the thing that does the work for you.
Not all advice I see online on writing is bad. I find the people who are able to capture the "I" statements of therapy and phrase advice as things that have worked for them, or things that they personally enjoy, to be fine. Some writing advice can spark inspiration.
But if someone is the type of person to boil every story down to troupes and cliches, and then immediately say that every story that uses the trait they don't like is automatically bad for everyone? I'm dropping the kindness for a second - that's trash. That's a trash take and I see far too many writers use it as a reason to stop before they begin.
I don't like whump. I say my reasons in previous posts if you go back through my blog. But you will never hear me say that any story with whump in it is bad, because I don't know that. You might prove me wrong. I am an adult human being and I have the humility to admit that I can like something I didn't expect to. I genuinely enjoy the direction of The Human Centipede (only the first one) and if you cringed just now that probably means you haven't seen it.
There are so many types of books and movies and plays and comics out there. To enjoy a specific genre is fine, to ignore the existence of everything else is a really, really, really odd thing to do. Maybe someone will hate your story because they think everything should be Neil Gaiman, and therefore have no way to understand your epistolary high-Western. You are not the wrong end of that situation just for existing.
And at there is a definite threshold on how many writing tips you can gather before they stop being useful. If you find them interesting, that's one thing. That's fine. But if the culture of creativity online has made you feel like you need to educate yourself on every possible angle before you can write a story, you are actively harming yourself.
Imagine taking the level of structure you put on yourself in that way and putting it on children playing pretend in the backyard. Oh, Susie, don't you know that it's overdone for your Kitsune have dead parents? Xyler, shouldn't you ask someone else before you decide how Spiderman would react to this? It would make no sense and they do not need it. Kids will make a whole world out of nothing and it's the most fucked thing in my heart that at some point they get access to Reddit and dipshits start insisting that's wrong.
They aren't wrong and you aren't either. Your favorite creative influencer can't tell you your story, strangers on the internet can't tell you your story, your teachers and loved ones can't tell you your story. They can influence it, but they can't write it honestly the way you can.
You do that. That's the thing you do.
Man that makes me upset. I can't tell you how to make a story, either. If anyone sends me asks for writing advice the most I'll do is say what I've done before hopping into your DMs and starting a direct conversation. it's so personal to each individual artist, and I'd like to think that the people selling these classes and software and promoting these platforms haven't thought about that before. Otherwise it does feel manipulative. If you have a willingness to practice and imagine and really experiment with the possibilities, you are ready to write your story.
And if it doesn't work? Try again. That's what you do.
Stephen King has written roughly a thousand books and maybe five of them have decent endings. He is unimaginably successful.
I'm rambling now. I think I got that out of my system. I was really worried to say this out of fear of being too weird or somehow reverse-gatekeeping so hard that it circles back into also being a bad thing. I've just spoken to a lot of people who I still think of throughout my day, and I truly ache for them to get past the fear of creation. Because it's worth it. It's worth it and it's fun, even when it's messy and you're tired.
Let it Be just came on. Beatles. I haven't listened to The Beatles in a long time. Feels a little apropos.
I love you, reader. Reader, Writer, Colleague. Take care of yourself. Especially the little you, still sitting there in the backyard of your soul, bathing in the sun with their bare feet in the damp earth.
Consider joining them, maybe.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
R Malleus Draconia PE Uniform Personal Story
"This is a first"
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[Sports Field]
Heartslabyul Student: Look. It's the Malleus Draconia… He's really taking class in his PE uniform.
Octavinelle Student: Since we're not in the same class as him, we don't really see much of him, so it freaks me out whenever he's in a joint class with us.
Malleus: …
Heartslabyul Student: Looks like he's gonna be stretching on his own. Wanna reach out to him?
Octavinelle Student: No way! It might just be stretching, but what if he puts a curse on us just for pushing down on his back?
Malleus: …
Cater: Malleus-kun, you're all alone. Want me to ask my partner if you can join us to make a trio?
Malleus: I do not mind being alone.
Cater: There you go saying something all dreary again! Don't you think you should be making some fun, exciting school memories here every once in a while?
Cater: These are precious memories, yeah? They'll probably last forever, y'know? …Ooh, yeah! Memories are better if there's a physical reminder ♪
Malleus: Diamond. If there is something you wish to say to me, why don't you speak plainly?
Cater: Aha. Guess I was obvious I had my own plan up my sleeve, huh?
Cater: Wellll, I thought maybe I could upload you to Magicam~
Malleus: Magicam?
Cater: Basically, I wanna take a picture of you! Ah, and if you want, I'll join you for it ♪
Malleus: I was curious what your aim was… Just a photo? You called out to me for such a thing as that?
Cater: I'd been waiting for that chance that we'd be in the same class, y'know ♪
Cater: I bet you in your PE Uniform'll totally go viral, don't you think? 'Specially because I bet photos of you are rare in the first place!
Malleus: I must admit, this is a first. I never had someone like you wish to take a picture of me before.
Cater: I mean, I guess it might be pretty difficult for people to ask you for a pic normally. Kinda like, you got too much of an intimidating aura, Malleus-kun.
Cater: Like, you're a bit out of our league, or like, we can't really read what you're thinking… And maybe just a little scary~?
Malleus: …
Cater: Sides, us commoners can't even hope to think about what your personal life is like.
Cater: Like, do you even show up in pictures? I'm just kidding. Obviously, you'd totally show up, right~? Ahaha!
Malleus: …
Cater: Haha… Uh, oh. Malleus-kun, did all that make you made?
Cater: Sorry, sorry, I was just kidding around.
Malleus: Of course not. I would not be angered by such banter.
Cater: Ah, whew, glad you're the type of guy who can take a joke.
Cater: I mean, Malleus-kun, you're an enigmatic and mysterious guy, after all. You scared me just a bit there.
Vargas: That's it for stretching, everyone line up!
Cater: Ah, he's calling us. 'Kay, we can talk about this some other time…
Malleus: Alright, Diamond. I do not mind. You may take a photo of me.
Cater: Oh! Awesome~ Glad you're up for it!
Cater: Cay-kun's so happy~! Thanks, Malleus-kun ♡
Malleus: So... What sort of photo were you hoping to capture? Unfortunately, I have no experience with Magicam.
Cater: Hmm, let me think. We're in our PE Uniforms, so we should make it look like, "we're about to exercise," or something like that? And our hashtags can be…
Cater: #NRC #MalleusDraconia #SportsAttire #PhysicalEducation #SSR
Cater: …How about that?
Malleus: Then, why not take one while I run?
Cater: Ooh, nice, nice~! Let's try to take one shot like that ♪
Cater: Ah, but you only need to pretend to run, 'kay? If you really run, you'll come out blurry on the picture.
Malleus: Pretend? Then would that not be a fabrication?
Cater: It's fine, it's fine, that's basically all Magicam is. Rather than a blurry picture that I can't enhance, it's more important to make it look good from the start!
Malleus: Is that so?
Cater: That's so! Okay, then let's snag a pic ♪ Can you make it look like you're running?
Malleus: Like this?
Cater: Can you lower your arm just a bit? And tilt your head a little…
Cater: OK, OK, perfect! This'll be a great picture.
Cater: Okay, I'm gonna take it. Say ch…
Cater: …eese!
Cater: And hey, why'd you move? If you move then, it'll be blurry, and I won't get a good picture.
Malleus: Ah, apologies. It seems I unintentionally tensed up there.
Cater: Eh~ Did you seriously get nervous there for a bit? Wow, you got an adorable side to you too, huh ♪
Cater: OK, no worries! Just relax~ We'll try again ♪
Cater: Say ch…
Cater: …eese!
Cater: And this time he ran off! Hey, hey, Malleus-kun!? Where are you going!? Come back, already.
Malleus: What is the matter, Diamond?
Cater: H-Hey, come on. If you move that much, I won't be able to take a picture~
Malleus: I see, what a bind. …Ah, perhaps…
Malleus: You are unable to take a picture of me because I am a scary, enigmatic, and mysterious guy who you cannot read?
Cater: …Eh? Hey, isn't that what I just said earlier?
Malleus: I couldn't say.
Cater: It totally is! Ehh~ You're totally holding a grudge!
Cater: Guess that really did bother you earlier. C'mon, I'm sorry, OK?
Malleus: It does not faze me. You may take as many pictures as you wish… If you can capture me, that is.
Cater: C'mon, you're really gonna tease me like that~?
Cater: Oookay. I'm definitely gonna get that miracle of a picture of you and totally go viral, so you better be ready for it!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Flight of the Eisenstein
Me reading this: aw where’s my blorbo's purple prose description cmon Guilliman and Horus got fun descriptions where is Mortarion's aura shenanigans James Swallow: say no more
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It's kind of hilarious that the Death Guard are like this about Mort, but the Thousand Sons are NOT about Magnus like, if it was the Death Guard doing magic ritual oil shenanigans perfectly rational numerology they'd be fighting each other to help out. Well. Okay, maybe not fighting each other, they seem better behaved than that. Despite Magnus being….Magnus, the Thousand Sons seem to not be affected in the same way by his primarch aura as the Luna Wolves and Death Guard are by their primarchs. They have other stuff going on but they don't see Magnus through a Gaussian filter. Maybe it's because they're psykers so they can perceive enough to see him as more of a person than an idol? but it's funnier to think of it as his fashion choices killing his charisma. Just imagine. Every time Phosis goes on the battlefield he starts thinking "man I wish I could fight dramatically right next to Magnus- wait. The nipple horns. Never mind."
While you studied the blade, I was a nerd
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I'm also psyched i finally get to see the sisters of silence in action!!!
Hmmm I may be running into my first example of a writer going “imperium good” I may be harsh here I’ll give him enough rope. I’m. Not a huge fan of how killing alien children is being framed as correct because of how monstrous they look.
Maybe I’m not giving the writer enough benefit of the doubt here. Maybe it's just more subtle than Horus Rising and not spelling things out. This is early in the book after all. But I got spoiled on some elements and given that, this is not looking promising Like also I hate to be the one who drags on about framing but - framing!
You know I’m glad I know more lore now cause if I didn’t, I'd think this meant cannibalism
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the funny part being that they do do cannibalism! just not like this
also the death guard get described as gathering "like carrion birds around a corpse" and so they're all vulture-kin in my head now
Wow hello Mr. Obvious Bad Guy calls normal humans "it". I also see Swallow adheres to the nominative determinism school of thought when it comes to naming his characters. On the one side we have "Decius" and "Garro" on the other we have..."Grulgor".
Mortarion: your reward is drinking poison with me …that sure was a scene hashtag justdeathguardthings I bet death guard are big on l'appel du vide, and standing on cliff edges just to stare down.
Lmaoo I love the « it’s totes not a ritual guys that’s superstition and blah blah blah »
Also is anyone going to have an objection to the lodges that isn’t « imperial truth getting rid of gods ergo secrecy and ritual bad ».
The narrative is trying hard to get me to hate Grugnor so of course I’m starting to like him Garro also feels like a copy paste of Loken, but with less personality
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That takes some guts to admit How do you know it’s not a trap?
JRRT would like to talk
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Lmaoo Mort avoiding remembrancers Mort: ok I hear the order to take remembrancers but oops I am too far away from the ships with them what a pity what's that? you're breaking up I can't hear you byeee
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Oh, Garro, like you wouldn’t be totally chill with a « Mortarion's Court » and figure out some way in your mind to justify that it totally wasn't the same thing.
Also our hero can feel based on vibes that something is off aboard the Vengeful Spirit They should have gone all the way and had him be a secret psyker he would have been interesting especially given Mortarion's psyker policy ...wait, IS he a secret psyker? That would add an interesting dimension.
Oh, huh, more Horus!
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"I flexed and the armour sleeves came off"
Also this may actually make me like the Emperors Children out of spite, congrats I think Eidolon should get to stab Garro a little. As a treat. And Eidolon is such an asshole I wanted to get punched back in Horus Rising Garro: the emperors children are all dandies and they’re supposedly good at fighting but…are they really.. Saul, canonically his friend: am I a joke to you Oh Saul just showed up hashtag notallemperorschildren
More fuel for psyker!Garro:
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to the point where I am legit wondering if it could be true update there's nothing on his wiki article man it would have been great…c'mon
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come on man
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like tbh it makes a lot of sense Grulgor who is from Barbarus doesn't like him - there's a bit where Grulgor says that Garro looks down on them for not being Terran/not being part of the Dusk Raiders before Mort was found, and that's not exactly unfounded, looking at this. also, pick one: "noble character" or "red right hand of the Emperor"
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it. really sounds like he's talking about a WWI memorial. And then the next scene is a battle with WWI vibes including TRENCH WARFARE.
Once more over the top!
blargh it's just "the ones remaining loyal to the Imperium are the upright stalwart lantern jawed men full of virtue and also approved war crimes and all the traitors are evil and petty and smelly"
this is also, incidentally, one of the books where you can feel that it treats NPCs as NPCs instead of background people
I think I might actually drop this book and not finish it I'm going to go look up a plot summary and see if there's anything actually interesting that happens after this point yeah honestly there's nothing in here that seems appealing except maybe getting a look at Dorn
reading this book is like eating oatmeal made with water
I think I'm finally done with the Horus Heresy for now
Note from future Bluejay: you know, reading my notes on this, I think there might actually be something crunchy to dig into with Garro's cognitive dissonance, assuming the book goes anywhere with it. Could Garro have actual flavour? Maybe I'll give it a second chance.
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mincedpeaches · 11 months
final batch of earthspark s1 episodes post
One thing that I kind of sort of praised in my first earthspark post, the slow trickle of information the show was giving us, is something that I look upon much less favorably now that S1 one has ended. Not because a slow trickle of information itself is bad, but because in this batch of episodes more than any other it was clear that the information hasn't been always given in a way that makes sense from a story prospective. Rather it's been given in a way that very clearly telegraphs "okay the writers want to introduce this now, so here it is". Most egregiously with the backstory on the kids sleeves. Why only NOW, twenty episodes in, was the crew heading down to Teletraan I to google the info about the Prime that gave them the sleeves? Well, because the sleeves and the emberstone were about to be plot relevant.
This is also something I remembering thinking with the energon bear in the last batch of episodes too, in that NO ONE really questions or follows up on why the the fuck the bear was like that. Which doesn't really make sense, except from the Doylist perspective that it looks to be like A Plot For A Later Episode, when the energon waste dumping might become relevant.
And these episodes only bring up even MORE questions that should have been asked in-story but aren't, like what the fuck was up with the tunnels and the doors and the dweller inside them.
AND my point STILL stands about wanting more of the OG bots. It's even worse when there's five kids instead of two. Once again I'm sorry kiddos.
Like the best "finale" per say in terms of action was undoubtedly the first batch of episodes, where big bots were fighting big bots. I was really hoping the actual finale would bring more of that when the second batch "finale" felt pretty lackluster in comparison. But then this finale had the OG bots out of commission for the ENTIRE thing. There were some visually cool moments (Mandroid's terrifying new look, Croft getting fucking vaporized) and fun moments (Schloder becoming part of the team) but. Idk. I think about the first batch of episodes and how much fun I had watching them and the potential I thought they held, and the show hasn't quite hit anything higher than that for me. Yet. Curious to what a season two could be about with the main antagonist gone and most of the intro-to-their-alt-modes and learning-about-themselves-as-terrans stuff is out of the way. I thought maybe with the kill and heal waves going over the entire earth they might cut to some as yet unseen bots as a little teaser of things that might come but nope. (I still might bet on that tying into a plot of a potential season two though.)
All that being said I love what Hashtag has going on. Both overall and in-particular her thing with Starscream this batch, which was giving Armada Starscream & Alexis vibes for sure. I actually mentioned in my earthspark post that I started for the second batch of episodes (that I never managed to finish and post): Hashtag is my fav of the new kids. She's so #cringebutfree, pun not intended, and I love that for her. Also she a has rad alt-mode and color scheme and her satellite turns into a little ponytail. How cute is that. Also digged how they had Twitch gearing up for an arc about being the team leader in the previous batch of episodes and then there were moments where she was making calls when it was just down to her and Nightshade/Bumblebee etc in this batch. Would love to see that expended upon even more in potential future eps. I love her. Can I get a yeah women?
Also the way that Megatron (along with the majority of the OG bots) had so few lines this batch BUT almost every single line Megatron DID have managed to showcase his Scottish twang? They did that for ME. Thank you Mr McCann.
tl;dr I wish we got more (back)story based on the things already teased/things already shown, and in a way that made more narrative sense, and I really REALLY wish there were more OG bots. And at this point it kind of hurt my enjoyment of the show a tiny bit. It was still fine and I understand that as a show for kids it's very good and also, as always, not really for me but for children. And I'm still hoping there is more potential than what season one has given, which I don't think is an unreasonable thing to hope for. Like remember how rough and kind lame season one of Cyberverse was? Yeah. There's still a ton of potential here. Here's to hoping. I will still undoubtedly be tuning into season two if when it gets made.
P.S. rescue bots reference. :)
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Having a bit of fun thinking of uhhhhhhhhhhh hashtag Alpha in position Javier Peña
Cw omegaverse, au Javi (not in DEA lol), f!reader, wip
“Don’t even think about it,” Steve chuckled, readjusting his vest.
“How do you know what I’m thinking about?” Javier asked, eyes unmoving from their new point of interest.
“You only stand like that when there’s a tight pair of someone else’s pants you want to get into.” Steve looked up and fixed his partner with a deadpan stare, daring him to argue, but a flicker of amusement remained beneath the man’s expression.
Javier rolled his eyes but finally looked away from the pretty omega down at the edge of the triage tents going up. “So? We’re not on each other’s payroll.”
“Even if it weren’t a crazy fucking violation of the spirit of our contracts—”
“We using Ouija boards at work now?”
“—shut up—”
“Oooh, spooky tac vest, Murphy.”
“Fuck off, man. You don’t wanna get ten feet near that one.”
“That’s a bit archaic, even for you,” Javier said, crossing his arms and looking back at the omega, who had disappeared into a tent while he’d been teasing but was emerging now. She wore a pinched kind of expression, displeased by something he couldn’t see, until a broad-shouldered volunteer ducked past the tent flaps with a huge smile on his face. Untaken hints, probably.
“It’s not even that. I don’t doubt your pull, I don’t doubt her push just as much. She’s not interested.”
“What, you try?”
The omega whipped her head around and snapped something at the man—beta-leaning alpha or the other way around I’ll bet—but it didn’t deter the silly grin one bit. From this distance, Javier could see the buffoon’s eyebrows wiggle up and down.
“No. But I’ve had to pull her off enough upstart alphas who couldn’t take no for an answer that—”
“Walk me through that again?”
“I said, or you can just watch this scene play out, if this alpha doesn’t about face and hoof it in about ten seconds he’s gonna be left with the kind of omega handful that comes in a fist.”
“Well,” Javier shrugged, unfazed by the assessment his friend had drawn. He heard a sharp bite of tone on the wind, the words too far to make sense or shape, but the anger in the woman’s face and on her scent made it clear in no uncertain terms what she thought about the other man’s advances.
The other man thought this meant he could kiss her.
“Murphy, Murphy, put me down!” you screeched, trying to get back at the stupid idiot who had crossed the line.
“Nope, we’re not doing that, punchy.”
“My nose! You broke my fucking nose!”
“Come here, I’ll break it back,” you snarled, making another lunge at Lyle. The alpha wisely flinched back at your rage, before scurrying off to someone who would set the nose without asking many questions.
Having a makeup of nearly one-to-three omegas-to-alphas on the trip was fucking rough. With betas making up 80% of the rest, it wasn’t much of a surprise that you were singled out by the other cardinalities. What mostly started as a weak and watery bid to “look out for one another” always, always ended in “my biology told me to” or some other shit excuse.
You weren’t raised to let that fly, not for you and not for anybody else.
Steve Murphy was an annoying reoccurrence in your habitual dispensing of justice, however.
“If I put you down, are you going to run?”
He didn’t budge. “Are you sure?”
Fuck. “Maybe.”
“Let’s give him a bit more of a head start, then. Javi, come help me out.”
Murphy’s partner, Javier Peña, had only been attached to your unit for a few weeks, but you’d seen him absolutely mowing down the ranks of volunteers with that headstone-straight, tomb-white smile and those deep dark grave-brown eyes of his that drove just about everyone crazy.
But not you.
Surely not.
“Put me down,” you said, in your most defeated voice. “That’s not necessary.”
“What’d he do this time?” Murphy asked, readjusting his vest now that you weren’t fucking with the Velcro.
“Asked me when my next heat was. If I was lonely.” You picked up the crates Lyle had been carrying out with a grunt. “Then he tried Voicing me.”
“He what?” Peña said, aghast. His voice was lovely, dark and deep in a Robert Frost forest kind of way, and you had to fight not to answer him.
“At least he knows he can’t mess with me now. And by nightfall all the other omegas will know, and the mission manager.” You were thorough in your scorched-earth approach to serial harassers like Lyle. You’d met omegas who were even more hardened than you were, but in a caretaking field like this medical outreach program, you had to temper your kindness with resilience.
Damn, were you tired.
“You need someone to walk you back to your tent?” Peña asked. Murphy sucked in a tense breath, not quite a gasp but close enough to one.
“Don’t insult me,” you muttered, before strutting off, thinking of cemeteries.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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behind the scenes
Keigo: Senjirō, you okay?
Senjirō: Yeah. It’s nothing. Just in bad mood.
Keigo: Oh.
Senjirō: I’d be better if it wasn’t so hot in here, and if that woman putting out the snacks would stop starting at me as if she’s trying to imagine what I look like naked.
Keigo: I’ll bet thousands of people do that.
Senjirō: Yeah, but not where I can see them. Ugh.
Keigo: For real, though. Are you sure it’s just a bad mood? You seem kinda off today.
Senjirō: I’m tired, and my eyes hurt. I can’t wait to get back home, so I can take my contacts out.
Keigo: Anything else?
Senjirō: Cuddle with you, once the cameras are off.
Keigo: That’s what I was hoping you’d say. I’m tired too. Wanna take a nap when we get back?
Senjirō: Do we have anything else on the schedule today?
Keigo: Ryu says we don’t. I think Haru wants to make a video for his Simstagram, but maybe Ryu or Taiji can help him. I’ll tell him you need to rest.
Senjirō: Thanks. I owe you.
Keigo: Don’t mention it. Somebody has to take care of you, and I’m happy to make it my responsibility. I mean, you’re my favourite person, so…
Senjirō: Just so you know, you’re my favourite person too.
Keigo: You know the reason why we don’t get all those thirsty messages from the Valentines like Haru does, right? It’s probably ‘cause they think we’re gay.
Senjirō: I’m not gay. I just… really like you. You know? Like, you’re more than a best friend, but not like a lover. I’m actually not into the idea of lovers, honestly. I don’t think I’ll ever really want one.
Keigo: Me too. All that. Well, except for the part about having lovers. I kinda want that with somebody some day. But like, what you’re talking about? I think that’s called ‘soulmates’.
Senjirō: The fans would go wild over that. Us being soulmates.
Keigo: What do we ever do or say that they don’t go wild over?
Senjirō: Facts.
Keigo: Hey, why don’t you grab a chair and rest for a few minutes? I’ll get you some water and snacks, so you don’t have to go near the catering lady, okay?
Senjirō: Okay. Thanks.
Keigo: You just gotta hang in there for another hour or so. Once the break’s over and we get through the fan signing for the studio audience, then we can get changed and go home.
Senjirō: Will you sit next to me at the autograph session?
Keigo: Don’t I always sit next to you? We can put our chairs close together and pretend we’re holding hands under the table. We’ll try to upstage Haru. It’ll be fun.
Senjirō: You’d better not be planning to just pretend.
Keigo: If I’m not, you’d better be prepared to be the talk of the online fandom tomorrow.
Senjirō: I don’t care if we’re trending on every social media platform on the planet. Right now, all I care about is food and a nap. Hashtag “overworked and underfed”.
Keigo: Ooh… dramatic.
Senjirō: Be quiet, Keigo. Bring me a snack, like you promised.
Keigo: You’re so cute when you’re being bossy.
Senjirō: Ugh… go!
Keigo: *laughing* Yes, dear.
Senjirō: *to himself* Ugh! Dammit! I want to be mad, but he somehow makes me laugh every time.
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cassioppenny · 1 year
can we get more stuff about loki PLEASE
YIPPEE LOKI anyway here's so fun facts(tm)
anyway i had the idea of loki for a long ass time (very autistic about mew). original concept loki (from when i was like 13ish) was like completely different from modern loki. they looked like the same age as the other kanto kids and their name was yellow. their clothes were yellow, black, and purple because 13 year old me was very subtle. their personality was completely different too they were a hashtag uwu baby guy.
anyway then the pre neela mutual era loki is much more similar to modern loki personality wise and their name was eve instead and wore a dress. i would show you some old art i drew of them from like a year ago but i got jumpscared by how fucking bad it looked THEIR EYES WERE FUCKING HUGE yeah im not showing that
anyway loki fun fact time🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
can't tell the difference between human faces they all look the same to them
also sucks at remembering names. especially lance's she keeps forgetting he even exists
he became the indigo champion because they were bored and wanted to fuck with a bunch of humans. also they learned about the mewtwo shit while champion and is pretty pissed about it
they stole the master ball lol
looked into the future to see who's become champion at the end just so they could torment them. unluckily for red that was him
because he saw the future she also knew blue was the one to fight red for the champion spot so they went up and told blue that red was going to become champion and he's like "nuh uh!! i am!!" which also ends up contributing to the kanto trio's friendship falling apart later lmao
anyway they lose to blue on purpose just for blue to face red next and get his ass beat
goes on a road trip with green post rgby where they take her to go capture the legendary birds, lugia, and mewtwo. he then takes mewtwo from her and fucks off
she makes a bet with ho-oh that red is going to die on mount silver and ho-oh is like "no he won't" and loki gets pissed off when ho-oh was right
loki gave volo immortality but now regrets it because they fucking hate each other's guts now
almost kills blaine in front red and green oopsie
mew's siblings (creation trio + lake trio) and kids (ho-oh, lugia, rayquaza, and zygarde) all don't like them
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alittledizzy · 2 years
okay so my best advice for anon from someone with almost 2 years of mcyt fandom bullshittery under their belt is to 1. completely ignore the dsmp lore. unless u have no other life stuff going on you will never be up to date with that. i failed to become up to date even 2 years ago, it's THAT much. so forget lore. But. 2. if u wanna get into shipping you can watch compilations on youtube. if that feels like it's missing context u can watch the vods they come from. watch George's cooking streams. look up irl streams with sapnap and karl. watch the snf meetup streams!! the qnf meetup streams too. look up "memes with dreams" and watch those too for dnf content or look up the jackbox streams. look up dream's discord podcasts-there are people who cut out the silences and they're awesome. watch the 2 "are you in love with your best friend" quiz videos. obviously watch the videos on their individual youtube channels. i think there's a dnfcliparchive tumblr account or something too but if that's not their url it's something along those lines. there used to be a doc explaining dream's controversies but that got deleted after his last one lol. at the end of the day, know that even people who have been here a while don't know EVERYTHING and if you see something that looks like an inside joke your best bet is just asking someone, you probably won't find the source on your own. it took me MONTHS to stop feeling confused about all the stuff that was going on all the time (it's a bit more chill now), but it's a fun fandom with tons of content to back-watch/read so you'll never really be bored. also!! if you want fic recs i will be happy to provide lol. maybe read heatwaves&helium cause those are the most popular fics and they're like... part of the dnf starter pack atp. and also have fun!! (also p.s. my favourite vods are the dream geoguessr ones feat george and sapnap& George's pokemon streams. also Sapnap's pokemon card pack opening streams and one of them is feat. george, bad, maybe dream?? so yeah. also i cannot state this enough THE SNF MEETUP STREAMS. trust me. u will die. anyway bye)
This is such a good primer (like the old school livejournal kinds) omg yes.
I actually saw a reupload of that controversies doc on reddit somewhere when I was first poking around and it was extremely useful because it made me realize a lot of the stuff I'd just internalized about him through social media osmosis were really and completely bullshit. I mean, he's sure as fuck not perfect, but he's not what I thought he was just from reading hashtags and headlines.
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limmastyles · 2 years
you know, i bet redacted is seething that she didn’t get to hashtag an ig post about the movie gotmyman (bc she was contractually not allowed to bc stunt) and gotmycheck, but the black woman she cast for diversity points did, about her actually real and private relationship. and that brings me a lot of joy. Also Kiki’s post is literally not hiding her shade towards her and making fun of her because she knows that she most likely won’t get her backend deal and also lost „her man Jason“ in favor for this shit show! And no, she didn’t „get Harry“ because it’s nothing more than a business relationship! Kiki can only laugh because redacted lost everything in the end and all because of her narcissism! She will go down bad and never recover from this one!
First of all, Kiki and Ariel deserve so much more! And secondly, I think she, Harry and Azoffs are involved in the deal…they invested their own money in this movie because the studio wouldn't give her more…and now they all have to work it out, which is why the stunt is still there…and that's why she tries so hard to be on all the promos possible. But they are unlikely to work out everything, to the last cent
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Here are my predictions on the Eras tour Setlist. I think she is gonna focus more on her singles/popular songs because she has so many songs to go through. This also leads me to believe that she is gonna sing surprise songs as well to include more and of course mash ups. I'm only talking about the songs that I think are gonna be on the regular set lists. I will add that I chose a generous amount of songs and it's probably gonna be less.
•Our song
•Shouldve said no
•Tim McGraw (it was the first song she put out so I think she will sing it at least semi-regulary)
•Love Story
•You belong with me
Speak Now
•Enchanted (she wanted to name the album enchanted. I doubt that she is just not gonna play it)
•Long live (perfect closer for the eras tour)
•All to well (not sure if the regular or the ten minute version tho. Again she has a lot of songs to choose from and limited time and I'm leaning more towards the regular version because it would allow her to choose 1 more song)
•We are never ever getting back together (maybe rock version again? 🤡)
•I bet you think about me (It got a music video and was nominated for a grammy)
•Shake it off
•Blank Space
•Wildest Dreams or This love (the only 1989 songs that have a Taylors Version released)
•Delicate (confirmed by Taylor through a comment on Tiktok)
•ready for it...?/End game (I doubt she will do both but I think there has to be one more rep song. ready for it would also be a good opener but I think she's gonna lean more towards LH for that)
Due to the fact that she couldn't do Lover fest I think there is gonna be a few more Lover Songs than from other eras
•Me! (The song means so much to her and spelling is fun)
•You need to calm down
•The man
•Daylight (she wanted to name the album daylight before she wrote lover so I think the chances are good)
•Cruel summer (it's rather popular)
In general I don't think the Folklore/Evermore songs are stadium songs. I think she is gonna pick surprise songs from these albums primarily or if she wants to calm down a bit between the more energetic songs and than change the song from time to time. But here are my predictions if she is gonna put some in the regular setlist
•Champagne Problems (she said she wants to sing this line in a stadium "She would have made such a lovely bride what a shame she's fucked in the head"...it would be the perfect opportunity)
Lavender Haze (perfect opener)
Anti Hero (no explanation needed)
YOYOK (describes her career beautifully)
Karma (She teased the song through the Man music video years before (assuming it's not also an album name) and lately Taylor Nation posted a picture of the man wall with the hashtag Karma is real. I can also remember it being used rather often in TN Insta stories... I think it's very likely she is gonna play it! It's also my favourite song by her so maybe it's just the clown inside of me speaking)
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butterflyrry · 2 years
you know, i bet redacted is seething that she didn’t get to hashtag an ig post about the movie gotmyman (bc she was contractually not allowed to bc stunt) and gotmycheck, but the black woman she cast for diversity points did, about her actually real and private relationship. and that brings me a lot of joy. Also Kiki’s post is literally not hiding her shade towards her and making fun of her because she knows that she most likely won’t get her backend deal and also lost „her man Jason“ in favor for this shit show! And no, she didn’t „get Harry“ because it’s nothing more than a business relationship! Kiki can only laugh because redacted lost everything in the end and all because of her narcissism! She will go down bad and never recover from this one!
Oh yeah, I’m sure that burned her ass hard. Kiki came for her and she deserved it.
Can’t say I don’t enjoy it 😜
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Radiobelle 🦌 🌈 horoscope analysis
I’ve asked myself way too often about Charlastor horoscope charts for better understanding their dynamics and actually to find an answer for a very simple question WHY DO THEY LOOK SO GOOD TOGETHER?!
I’ve been focusing on this question since February, considering horoscopes being the most popular topic while speaking of relationships, it’s the funniest topic at the same time, cause if you’ll dig deeper you can change signs in their charts and find charlastor with different flavor, so FINALLY I’m ready to present charlastor horoscope charts! YIPPEEE!
Attention! This article was written under the influence of numerous horoscopes that I found interesting, I have an experience of finding types in horoscopes, but also I’m writing all this purely for epic fun, just consider that everything is relative!
It’s the Radiobelle 🦌 🌈 horoscope, so it was written specifically for Charlastor 🦌 🌈 ship, if you don’t like the ship, you’re at the wrong page, just skip it, mute the hashtag and proceed where you were going without interacting and stay peaceful.
and now that I’ve dotted the i’s, let’s take a look at our favorite pairing
Charlie: Alastor:
Sun ☀️ Pisces ♓️ Sun ☀️ Capricorn ♑️
Rising ⬆️ Aries ♈️ Rising ⬆️ Leo ♌️
Moon 🌙 Libra ♎️ Moon 🌙 Aquarius ♒️
Mercury 🗣️ Aquarius ♒️ Mercury 🗣️Gemini ♊️
Mars 🔥 Leo ♌️ Mars 🔥 Capricorn ♑️
Venus 🍒 Libra ♎️ Venus 🍒 Aquarius ♒️
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"Dad, stop! He's defending this hotel! It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped, but he's doing it for me! How come he can have faith in me, but my own father can't?"
(update) Written more than expected and typed more characters than charlastor, so sorry for long post 🙈
Alastor’s Leo ♌️ rising
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“You’re never fully dressed without a smile”
In horoscopes rising sign represents something that speaks to the image, the very first appearance, the mask and it offers insight into person’s skills, talents, and strategies that might adopt to make person’s way in life.
Leo radiates with power, energy, youth, it’s a fire sign, very delightful and a little bit blinding. It’s the only sign that “never ages”, people with Leo in their charts are gifted to stay always playful naturally and remain a child at heart for the whole life.
Well Alastor’s appearance is screaming of a spotlight, moreover Leo’s tend to stay there 24/7/365 even when no one’s looking is so freaking strong, he doesn’t even sleep, cause who needs the one? And those hair… WHATS GOING ON WITH THOSE HAIR? Simply - Leo ♌️ , you can always detect one by a gorgeous haircut.
His epic explosion at a pasta factory 🏭 💇‍♂️ what a genius! LIKE PLEASE all Leo’s are extremely creative with their hairstyles by default, I bet the gossip won’t stop for at least the next thousands of years.
And there’s no more torture than ruining his vibe, pushing him back at his place like Carmilla did, i cannot unsee his Leo rising hurt 😔 poor little kitten! Btw assuming Carmilla as a Scorpio or Capricorn rising with her ability to give the cold shoulder casually like:
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Alastor is also an Aquarius ♒️ moon 🌙 making his choices little bit eccentric like a torn coat 🧥 Once he was at his favorite tailor’s shop to fix some holes Sir Pentious did with his clothes, he asked:
“Well, how do I look?” “eh…” - the tailor didn’t had time to add anything as Alastor interrupted.
“Splendid! That’s exactly what I need!”
Leo, so Leo.
Another interesting Aquarius ♒️ moon 🌙 reference - the MYSTERY. His cane is an attribute of mystery it’s a part of the look, a part of his power and a part of his past as a radio hoster at the same time.
But also, let’s not forget the cane is an atribute of a royalty. “The king 👑 holding an apple 🍎 cane himself whenever he goes, why won’t a gentleman like me having the one?”
Alastor avoiding contact with Lucifer as much as possible, he dislikes being touched by any person, who will shake off his domination. He thinks very highly of himself, because there’s only one real king, only one who is pulling all the strings and it would be only him alone ♌️.
SEVERAL TIMES OF A DAY he’s imagining kicking 🦵 out Lucifer and sit on a throne of Hell instead of him! But being way to occupied with his manicure 💅 never actually made this plan happened! Haha! Gosh! Those Leo risings, such chaotically charismatic people with a strong confidence, so many of them has a cute God complex, they don’t even need to prove. If they ever took you under their wing 🪽 you’ll better run, cause you’ll be permanently annoyed, BUT as a reward they will COVER you from gossips!
This dazzling smile in gold , fabulous hairstyle 💇‍♂️, a shirt with some suspenders or stripes or whatever cool it is, suited up, THE COAT 🧥, the cane - all is perfectly styled in RED concluded with a bow.
He is kissing his mirror everyday:
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Speaking of Alastor’s mirror 🪞- it’s Charlie! There’s a theory that I adore you can read it and adore it as well:
Charlie’s Aries ♈️ rising
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"Okay...I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss, that I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!" Now we’re talking! Aries ♈️ is a fire sign as well. Rising in Aries ♈️ means fearless, independent trailblazer, who leaps before you look and asks for forgiveness, not permission. You’ll usually find Aries ♈️ there, where no one else even dared to go. Like… who would suddenly came up with an idea to rehabilitate sinners…? INSANE or a GENIUS?
Speaking about possibility of a redemption in Hell, no one else even though about that before!
Charlie’s look is stunning 🤩, she is SO BEAUTIFUL everyone would crack their necks when she’ll pass by. Besides her beauty comes with a passion that drives by Aries ♈️ : EXCELLENT SPORTY FIGURE, black nails💅 , black lipstick 💄, her hair are carelessly tied with black ribbons, comfortable yet elegant suit with a black bow, black suspenders and a t-shirt with sleeves that she likes to be rolled, and the sleeves are also black - everything speaks of “okay, that’s enough NO TIME TO SIT IN FRONT OF A MIRROR! But black is cool 😎”
Jumping into an action right away, always bursting with new ideas of making redemption possible, her dream is very close of becoming true even tho she’s stepping on a field full of underground bombs. BUT STILL SOMETHING IS TELLING HER SHE WILL SUCCEED. Yes! Stay positive, Charlie, you got this!
On hard times deep inside her soul she never gave up with her dream and SOMEHOW made all it a reality with the help of her friends and supporters, she even made a deal with a Radio Demon to achieve her goal 🔥 What a brave young lady!
Oh yes, Charlie will not leave anyone indifferent, she has a lot of potential and strength radiates from her, more than she actually aware about. Alastor noticed it right away, as his rising matches with her just like that 🫰💥 both fire signs, Leo ♌️ and Aries are a combo of unpredictability, really, you’ll never know when they’ll ending to be at the end of the day. It could be the end of the world or someone’s bed.
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"As princess of Hell and heir to the throne I...er...hereby order that you help with this hotel...For as long as you desire!" Aries ♈️ risings could be little bit intimidating actually, like …oh should I really remind you this…
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But Charlie is trying hard to not force anyone into her hotel business and redemption thingy! As sinners should go there by their own will! I swear, she is trying SO HARD, but she couldn’t help but actually… forcing everyone …gracefully… using the most powerful weapon ever… well… herself? Who would be even ever mad at her anyway!? Ah the power of Pisces ♓️ sun, being sweeter than a sugar… ah with those rose cheeks and big dreamy eyes, long eyelashes as the wings of a butterfly 🦋
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"I, love you guys. Like, really, really love you." Charlie’s Pisces ♓️ Sun
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“I need to save my people more than anything” The sun ☀️ sign in astrology is answering a question“who am I?”.
The Sun sign based inside your core, It explains you. It reveals your most pronounced personality traits. It defines, who you are, how you perceive the world, and where you allow your thoughts to take you. Most of the astrological stereotypes comes from the sun sign. Charlie. Such a dreamy girl with big eyes and beautiful long hair dresses herself into suits instead of skirts, seems like she has two personalities inside. It’s not surprising since Pisces ♓️ are an old soul. It’s the last of 12 signs in zodiacs, a water 🌊 sign representing two different fishes swimming away from each other, but never gone too far from each other.
Pisces ♓️ sun is a sign of selfless and deep intuition, they tend to put others before themselves, they’ll always here to listen and help others, they’re highly emotional and hate being portrayed as being weak cause of their inability to hide their own feelings. Usually when they’re upset it knows the whole town…
Especially when they rant…
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All Pisces ♓️ are full of romance and drama 🎭 Despite all their emotions are actually looking very fitting and cute, they needed to stay there and swim in their emotions before they can fully be functional again. Being kind hearted Pisces ♓️ will always feel the person and try to understand them. And that’s the reason why others will protect them of all coasts.
Pisces ♓️ gain people together and like it when it’s all cozy, sweet and talking for hours in front of a fireplace 🥰Usually they’re not much talkative, they love to actually LISTEN to others, but sometimes they don’t mind to talk a lot. Gaining people together is very important for Pisces ♓️ to grow a family of their own, they really love 💗 to connect people and make them all happy. The more uncomplimentary (DEROGATORY) personalities are the more Pisces ♓️ are excited. You see, Pisces ♓️ BELIEVES that opposites attracts, an each one could learn something from each other, such cute little utopians.
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"Okay! Okay, anyway. Dad, look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings! Without Alastor, we wouldn't have been able to pretty it up this much." Being a Pisces ♓️ sun Charlie rises and falls, then like a Phoenix she is resurrected. They desperately need a partner, who can shake the depression out of them, slap their insecurity, lift them over the mountains and carry them on hands like babies… for real? 🤨 YES and NO! At the same time! Remember, Pisces ♓️ are two fishes swimming in opposite directions 🗺️ they NEVER KNOW what they want…
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Pisces ♓️ often choose a partner in life that they can trust and can care about selflessly, often forgetting that they desperately needed to be cared themselves. As a libra ♎️ moon 🌙 Charlie is indecisive, she is chaotic and need a good advise better from the person she loves the most, but Vaggie tries her best, however her advises never bring fruits… Being a Capricorn ♑️ Sun ☀️Vaggie really doesn’t sit doing nothing for Charlie, she is judging a lot, yet doing very much as well, so why there’s something that seems off? Charlie needed so badly to be comforted yet it’s so hard to actually comfort her, no cuddles would help her to solve her main goal, she is a Pisces ♓️ that means she is a love 💗 expert herself, at this stage only a practical advice would help here and you know from who ehehe
Alastor’s Capricorn ♑️ sun
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“Oh, trust me, I CAN” DAAYUUUM, CHARLIE! 😱 two ♑️ Capricorns around Pisces ♓️ yes! 🐐 💥 🐐
*sob* Alastor and Vaggie could be so great team, both energetic, rational, caring, loyal workaholics. Only if Vaggie wasn’t a Scorpio ♏️ rising… It’s not perfect 😭. But believe me, it’s not that bad as Alastor’s Aquarius ♒️ moon 🌙. But why Scorpio ♏️ rising doesn’t feel right? Well because it’s highly intense sign, full of extremes. Rising Scorpios could be silent 🔇 as death ☠️ or loudly as fuck, no in between❌. They are possessive and their intuition is on a Gods level. Vaggie just FEELS that Alastor is a bad guy and she must protect Charlie from him, while everything speaks about Alastor is doing nothing else, but actually HELPING Charlie achieve her goals.
So it’s an huge disadvantage of Vaggie’s Scorpio ♏️ rising in comparison to Alastor’s Leo ♌️ rising. These two ARE SO AWARE of every flaws they have they’re simply behave like fighting siblings! Actually, they are a good team together that swears at each other, but actually BUILDING something for Charlie and if there wasn’t Vaggie, who knows how would Alastor behave with his Leo ♌️ rising, cause Vaggie stopping him from being such narcissistic ass and force his eyes to look other direction than his own mirror 🪞 (which is Charlie, lol).
“Excuse me, I’m in the middle of breakfast 🥩 “ Capricorn ♑️ sun ☀️ is an Earth sign, makes both Alastor and Vaggie stand firmly on the ground (such a confidence), ambitious, patient and humorous. Their posture gives it away, guys, crossed hands, puffed chest.
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Another reason why is Alastor and Vaggie both so damn hot it’s because of their Capriconish self 😤 so don’t get pissed when they judges you! HA!
Cause judgement is the only thing Caps are really good at
Jokes aside, Capricorns are REALLY COOL.
It’s a very kind zodiac sign, Capricorns are hardworking, and sympathetic. On the other hand they’re usually stubborn and likes to judge people a lot and likes giving zero shit about what might people say about them or just casually killing people they dislike for dinner 🍽️ 😏 But let’s return to Alastor, he isn’t pure evil at the core, as some people at fandom claims, he’s chaotic neutral, he’s doing whatever he wants and ended sometimes helping more than even needed. Typically for all Capricorns.
He helped Charlie with hotel designs
He helped Charlie with hotel staff
He helped Charlie to defend hotel several times two times with Sir Pentious attacks, one time with loan sharks.
He even turn his head away from an ol’ timey friend Mimzy, because he consider her as a danger for Charlie’s dream.
He helped Charlie by giving her the whole ARMY OF CANNIBALS to win a fight with Exorcists and moreover
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He helped Charlie to solve her relationship problem by taking her to His Bestie The Wonderful Virgo ♍️ sun 🌞, Sagittarius ♐️ rising - Rosie! He knew he is not going to give her a good advice about relationships, so he took her to an expert! Btw, Alastor and Rosie are so freaking twins 👯‍♀️ they’re so alike! Besides, Rosie being a Virgo ♍️ sun ☀️ is less possessive, EVEN MORE better adviser and simply practically perfect in everything ☕️ 🫖.
No, really Capricorn’s sense of humor could make the whole zodiac snorting with laughter on a joke from the era slightly younger than a last dinosaur.
I’m quite sure during his lifetime Al was the most popular radio host, he made chuckle New Orleans folks day to night! So don’t get sweaty, when he’s starring at you like THIS
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Funny thing! In addition, his Capricorn ♑️ works quite like a rainbow 🌈 when it comes to Charlie “You’re one of a kind, a charming demon belle” Remind me when he was judging her last time? Never? Pretty unusual for a Capricorn ♑️ sun, doesn’t it? and you know what that means 😏 WELL NOW WE ARE GETTING INTO THE MOST INTERESTING PART - r e l a t i o n s h I p s
Pisces ♓️ sun ☀️ x Capricorn ♑️ ☀️ relationship
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"Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn't resist. What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929, hahaha! ...So many orphans." And theres no doubt HE LIKED HER FROM THE FIRST SIGN, even if he’s an “ace in a core” he just surprised himself! Capricorns are SO TRANSPARENT about their likings of people, YOU SIMPLY MUST BE BLIND, DEAF, have no SENSES at all to miss an affectionate Capricorn ♑️ . It doesn’t matter if you’re their friend, their crush, their co-worker, their mother, Caps ♑️ usually shows their likings the same way: by simply doing things that are necessary for their beloved, helping solving problems, judging everything their beloved did, arguing with them non stop telling they’re totally wrong in decisions, so just let Caps ♑️ doing it, cause they will do it MUCH BETTER THAN ANYONE. As a reward they will tap you on your head or slap your butt. You better be grateful 💀
Capricorn ♑️ would be ALWAYS nearby his or her passion, they’re clingy, touchy, talkative, but NEVER they are with people they dislike. If a Cap ♑️ dislikes you, well farewell, it was nice to meet you 🫣😶‍🌫️ *horror screams 🔪🪓🩸*
Alright, that was all so nice, but It doesn’t really looks like Alastor, does it? He’s asexual, he doesn’t love anyone, but his mother and himself. Or?
There’s an itty bitty tiny little detail is needed to be added. Charlie is Pisces ♓️ Yes. I don’t know what is going on with Capricorns ♑️ when there’s Pisces ♓️ seen on the horizon. BUT THIS IS LITERALLY HAPPENING:
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Capricorns simply cannot stay calm around Pisces ♓️. Again as an Earth 🌍 sign, Capricorns ♑️ desperately NEEDS WATER 💦 to live, or else they will become a desert 🏜️ Pisces ♓️ as a water 🌊 sign naturally watering ♑️ Capricorns with their smiles, laughs, body language, SIMPLY BY JUST BEING THEM!
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Capricorns just MUST TOUCH THEM, FIX THEIR CLOTHES, TAP THEM ON THEIR HEADS, GRAB THEIR SHOULDERS, GRAB, GRAB, GRAB… as you might noticed “grabbing” is the key word for Pisces/Capricorn relationship and it’s one-sided.
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So now it’s totally CLEAR who is chasing who in Capricorn/Pisces pairing, in addition Alastor is doing it ✨ elegantly ✨ his Leo ♌️ rising is begging for attention and praise from CHARLIE only! (Cause he is CHARLIESEXUAL) “Take a good look at me from all sides, aren’t I gorgeous?” - he shows off in front of her as if in front of a mirror. In fact, he would be over the moon if she praised him at this moment.
“Just because you see a smile, don’t think you know what’s going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you’re the one in control.” Here comes the Pisces ♓️ sun ☀️ and Aries ♈️ rising power, Charlie is not quite aware of, as she thinks that she is being caught as a fish 🎣 by a starved Lion 🦁 here, the fact is the opposite, as it’s the Lion who’s spinning around a goldfish. “What that you said about smiles?”
“Good girl”
Alastor is pleased that Charlie learned a lesson from him and as a reward he praised her. Why is it happening? The answer you already know - it’s the chemistry 🧪
Capricorns ♌️somehow activates from their slumber when they see a colorful cute little face of Pisces ♓️ , they might think that Pisces ♓️ wouldn’t survive till the end of this long day, even tho it’s quite the opposite.
Pisces ♓️ are very very very amorous, but they changes their emotions in a half of a second, they come from I HATE YOU to I LOVE YOU so damn quickly you can’t even tell when 🙈 the thing which annoyed suddenly becomes the main attractive feature for them, and as I’ve said before the more challenging the better.
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Charlie wasn’t expecting that she would let Alastor touch her several times per day, she totally finds it alluring. She took time to process the feeling of his touch each time he does, and found it quite comfortable. During her monologue she is always annoyed, but after Alastor speaks Charlie changes.
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It clearly seen that Charlie sees something good at Alastor especially after he helped her with so many things, she would definitely fall for him if only she wasn’t occupied with Vaggie. As a water 🌊 sign, her emotions are like a 🌊 sea itself, but naturally the water must have some soil to simply stay at the place and Charlie is leaning to someone relatable, who is not a liar.
Liars are removing the soil from under their feet.
Well, Alastor has centuries to wait for his chance, and he won’t stop that easily either. He don’t quite realize yet, but his sudden crush on Charlie might made him little bit uncomfortable.
Well Capricorns and Pisces usually are a good match, it’s not super perfect, as they don’t have the same element, but naturally they are compatible! Must be a tough start as Pisces ♓️ really don’t know what they want, and Capricorn ♑️ just being ultra possessed, but it’s quite an interesting dynamic.
Now as you might expecting, moon sign highlights this and makes its EVEN WORSE LIKE
Alastor’s Aquarius ♒️ moon
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“Sorry, but you got on in my way, I promise, honey, I can feel your pain, maybe I’ll enjoy it just a little bit, does that makes me insane?”
Moon 🌙 sign, what’s that? The moon 🌙 describes Alastor's and Charlie’s emotional life, feelings, desires, and all also represents how they give affection and demand love from others. The Moon sign is the window the their inner world and it’s usually SCARY! Because the Moon sign represents the inner world, it doesn't necessarily communicate these needs to others. … there is a mystery in Alastor. Yes! Dark mysterious deer man, oh my god, the power of a destructive moon Aquarius is so strong it’s overwhelming his personality!
I need to say that the “worst” combination in moon chart you’ll ever have might be ending with Aquarius, as It releases the most secret needs of a soul. As we know Aquarius is a highly intellectual and creative sign, they’re such sweethearts, they love the idea of ideal humanity and the idea of love, but doomed to be loners at heart 💔 as their chasing for ideal person might gone way too far and very often they just close their hearts and remain singles for the rest of their life.
That makes them often feel like they’re not fitting anywhere, although being such altruistic humanitarians by a chance. The moon Aquarius accumulates all fears of death, fears of reproduction, fears of limitations, fears of relationships, fears of being trapped in four walls, all that what Sun Aquarius hides and it makes the person gone completely insane inside
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So as the copying mechanism they’re often being sarcastic, they’re deal makers, it makes them look like they’re evil and even become leaders of their own cult, naturally. They’re becoming so attractive in that “I’m a lone wolf, but we can have a deal, so both of us could have some fun” attitude, gaining more and more “puppets” that can do the dirty job …so as the tentacles 🦑 … just… tentacles and horns… growing horns. …a radio distortion. 📻
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Ahh, they don’t know why they’re so attractive for others and why do everyone’s so into them, cause they are definitely not looking for a relationship, when they’re smirking at you, they’re just simply breathing or being nice💅 ✨ it wasn’t a flirt, they don’t know how to flirt tbh. But most people mistakenly assume they’re ALWAYS flirting. Leave them alone 🖤 as they used to be alone by default.
Let’s not forget about Alastor’s Leo rising, making Alastor’s pride in furious ecstasy right now.
So that’s why Alastor is the most powerful overlord of Hell. And to have a deal with a Libra ♎️ moon 🌙 Charlie made Alastor’s grinning sooooooo wiiiiiideeeeeee
Charlie’s Libra ♎️ moon 🌙
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She is …perfect…
Libra ♎️ moon 🌚 faces chaos, indecisive thoughts, overthinking, what is right and what is wrong questions, dreaming of long lasting relationships and broke with the one the other day. A highly intelligent sign, a highly sensual sign, they’re usually hearts of the group, always struggling with choices and writing a journal 📓which is full of useful information, that they will never apply to themselves…
They are desperate lovers, truly in need for a partner day and night, and if they choose you, don’t run, you can’t run away from a fury. If Libra ♎️ moon 🌙 chooses you, just accept it and wait till their affection ends. There’s no other option. You’re doomed to be loved by a Libra ♎️ moon 🌙 , you’ll have a brilliant and unforgettable experience ❤️‍🔥cause they’re fucking monsters💀
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“Deal” Besides being incredibly lovable personalities, who’s caring about their loved ones, always doing the best for them and never put them aside, Libras ♎️ usually struggle with choices, they can’t simply decide which path is better, and rather than being rational (as they always do with others) they ended at the floor sobbing if they can took one slice of a chocolate 🍫 in the middle of the night or rather they will go upstairs and sleep. If you see someone driving 🚗 and there’s a red light illuminating in front of them, but they keep moving slightly forward, still thinking “but I saw yellow light a second ago, so MAYBE I will drive through… or…?” - Libra ♎️ moon 🌚
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"Nope! No, not really. Haha. I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working. We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings, we only have a couple months left before the angels come! *laughs manically* And at this rate-"
Now let’s see, what Alastor and Charlie missed and didn’t expect from themselves.
…breathing 😮‍💨 🫁
EXACTLY! They are breathing fresh air together. Both moon signs are air signs 🌬️ they have lots in common, high intelligence, same humor, same sense of craziness and insanity.
What else are they waiting for?
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These two moons are freaking perfect to each other. Once they taste it, the flavor would never gone. And they will step aside from each other and keep returning to each other until the day their dance become closer and closer. It’s a slow burn relationship, but definitely a worth one. And we all know that 😤
As for addition, let’s take a look on their Mercury 🗣️ Mars 🔥 and Venus 🍑 signs!
Alastor’s Gemini ♊️ Mercury 🗣️
Mercury 🗣️means - communication! It reveals Alastor’s and Charlie’s style of communication, how they process information, and the type of intellectual stimulation that they both crave.
WELL YOU KNOW GEMINIS ARE DEVILS IN COMMUNICATION. Please! They are so powerful 😭THEY ARE DEMONS, MONSTERS, VIRTUOSOES in everything that brain is involved into! A tricky mind of a Gemini ♊️ could start a war and eliminate it in seconds and they don’t need to stand up from their chair!
Simply amazing communicators.
Alastor’s perfect transatlantic accent makes his tone a pure masterpiece! Everyone will be doomed to listen to him whenever they like it or not, THEY SIMPLY WILL because his voice is hypnotic.
Charlie being Pisces ♓️ Sun ☀️love to listen to Alastor’s voice, her romantic soul is seeking for something that could make her heart beats little bit faster and it’s nothing else than Alastor’s voice 📻.
Pisces ♓️ are little bit weird, but they find it super sexy, when a man could use his voice, you know, right. If you’ll watch closely, Charlie always suddenly becomes stunned when Alastor started talking and it wasn’t showed “just because”, it’s literally Alastor’s power of having a tongue 👅 as an ultimate weapon he is using as a master radio 📻 host.
Radio Demon.
"I wouldn't try that, my dear. This face *voice distorts* was made for radio!"
So alluring for Charlie 🙈
Charlie’s Aquarius ♒️ Mercury 🗣️
"Yes! And we are-we are going to win! But in case we don't, I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's...I-I'm just...I love you all, so much, and-and live tonight however you want because-"
Oh, Charlie is bestowed with excellent communication skills, a keen sense of humour, and an ability to attract others' attention with her quick wit and humour at any social gathering. Her fantastic communication skills makes her powerful princess 👑 of Hell as everyone’s listening to her with awe and hope! Her power is different from Alastors, Charlie loves to hold a dialogue with the crowd, she tries to find a key 🔑 to each person and open their minds to make a great conversation where everyone are pleased equally.
She also loves to sing and as an eccentric Aquarius ♒️ Mercury 🗣️always struggle if it would fit right the situation.
As Alastor helped Charlie again here with his Gemini ♊️ Mercury 🗣️and make her speech unforgettable.
Charlie’s Leo ♌️ Mars 🔥
Mars 🔥represents our will, drive, sexual energy, and how we assert ourselves,' she explains. '... Mars is the raw energy that helps you get out of bed every morning, fuels your ambition, and gives you a sense of direction.
One word and you’ll understand everything.
Charlie drives by Leo ♌️ Mars 🔥, she is passionate believer! She possess a strong will to create on some way and determined that her life has significant meaning! Passions run high so as desires as well, she took risks really often in order to achieve her goal.
What about her sex life? It’s passionate and very easy to arouse yet it’s long lasting.
Alastor’s Capricorn ♑️ Mars 🔥
With fiery Mars in the more orderly sign of Capricorn, natives with this position have a subdued and controlled style of approaching life. Most don’t come across as particularly enthusiastic; rather, theirs is a low-key but determined energy.
Mars in Capricorn natives like to be on top of things. They are generally goal-oriented and focused people who are not afraid of hard work. Most are achievers by nature, and many possess well-defined ambitions—well-defined to themselves more than anything. They’re not particularly flashy people, but their drive to succeed and to make their lives secure is strong, even if it’s not right out there for the world to see.
Anger is expressed in a rather cool, level-headed way with this position of Mars. Self-control is strong when it comes to expressing anger, drive, energy, and sexuality. Capricorn is a sign that detests waste of any kind. It also fears disorderliness and “letting go.” With Mars in Capricorn, there is generally a powerful need to stay in control.
This is not to say that natives of this position are cold in any sense of the word. Their desires are strong, but they are often centered around the physical and material world–all that can be seen and held. With Mars in an Earth sign, sensuality is expressed in an earthy way. However, unlike Mars in Taurus, for example, (another earth sign), Mars in Capricorn is not self-indulgent by nature. These people are usually quite disciplined. Capricorn possesses the ability to plan for the future–something that many other signs have difficulty doing.
Mars in Capricorn natives are working toward realistic and attainable goals. They are productive people who get off when they see tangible results from their efforts.
Many natives with this position are a little hard on themselves, and sometimes others. They usually can be relied upon because they have an innate sense of responsibility to both themselves and to those they care about. Most of them are very hard-working, and one of their strategies for anger management is to throw themselves even more energetically into their work!
I’ll finish this article later guys now I need some rest
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just for fun!
Thoughts, opinions, and a just for fun timeline. Google and a couple tumblr rabbit holes later....disclaimer lots of rumors with receipts for rumors.
I too find it weird that the same people talking about Johanne used to describe MK, Rikke, and Fanny the same exact way. Down to the same wording. Except they used to go after MK'S tattoos like they're a bad thing. People were awful about her, and the rest. Now Johanne and his family and friends are getting it too.
Now they act like a friendship, spanning 7 years, is something "more"  bc he likes her posts. Lol I bet he likes a lot of people's/friends posts, guys and girls. Probably a lot of private accounts too bc a lot of his friends went private bc people kept posting his friends' videos and pics. I don't understand why he can't like any of the accounts he follows without it causing a stir. Lol liking a post isn't a big deal lol. People can be friends, it's not like he doesn't have TON of female friends lol. I doubt he's still pining for her, and probably hasn't for a long long time.
It's not like he hasn't dated since or before (Olivia who rejected him supposedly 2017).
And he's older now and probably has sown his wild oats and wants to settle down with the woman he loves (Johanne). And I think, personal opinion, that now he has someone who matches him, loves him as he is, and let's him be just who he is. All goofy funny husky puppy energy Alex. That's great imo.
Busy boy in 2018.😂😂😃😃 he was young.
Short timeline with receipts:
Threesome rumors:
Jan 13-14 2018
People were also posting about topless photos of Gee with Alex. They're deleted now.
· Mar 9, 2018When she finally responds to your desperate love letter text that you know she opened 35 min.… twitter (while in England)
Strange tea about Alex, take with grain of salt etc
May 17 '18#1310
"Does anyone follow Alex H. on instagram? His story yesterday so much cringe, or the hashtag #phatasswhitegirl = Alicia A.  :eyeroll: she's the white girl that has fame for being a white girl with a big ass after that scene with Ivar, trying to get her attention alluding her? she's way out of your league, kid."
"He is a creep, he follows her even on spotify when she goes under a secret username but she doesn't follow him back :rofl: smart girl."
Lipstick alley source (I google alex hogh gee hirst threesome and it popped up, the above links. And quote/gossip came from there.)
May 29, 2018 the weekend/pics he took of MK were posted. Cryptic post from her around this timeframe.
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Jun 17, 2018 alex hogh with rikke westi red carpet its official twitter:
"Alex Høgh with Rikke Westi via alexhoeghandersen: "Rikke has always been too cool for school, but now it’s official. Watch out. She’s special. Huge congratulations my friend"
August 20th, 2018, Anonymous asked:
"What kind of relationship is there between Alex Høgh Andersen and Mary Kate Slattery???"
"As far as I know they are friends. For a hot minute I thought there might be something but that passed"
So they stayed friends it seems. Maybe they just realized they're better as friends? Maybe the rejection was mutual after all? Maybe he wasn't trying to be serious, just seeing how it goes? Or vice versa we will never know. Good for them. That's mature to stay friends. 😊 Her boyfriend type seems different from Alex. Not a bad thing to each their own.
Late 2018-2020 he dated a few others, one I think named Kaja? I've researched enough for a day. 😆 😆  there were blondes and brunettes, several women, one at the Zulu awards. One sitting on his lap at distortion which was posted on tumblr May 30, 2019 (edited to fix date).
That twitter/x post and IG posts don't seem to be focused so much on privacy. As some claim he's all about, I've always thought he was only private when he wanted to be. That's his choice. 😊😊 So I'm still not getting how Johanne ever "violated" his privacy.
So MK only likes his RC posts/posts that have Johanne in them. That's sweet she probably LIKES Johanne too. She's probably happy for her friend.
Seems like what friends do to me! Like posts and Support each other and be happy for each other. 😊😊😊
Another long post, but as ever don't expect it to be read. Just want to say what I want to say. 😊😊😊
PS I don't think it's weird that he's dated around before finding someone serious. You gotta shop around, see how the "clothes" fit before you buy them. Dating is what people do before they find their match. You gotta figure out what you like/want/need and what you don't like/want/need.😃
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nickgerlich · 9 months
The Chips Are Down
It’s pretty cool when you have created so much buzz for your product that it takes on a life of its own. But then again, that buzz can kick you in the back side when someone loses his life because of it. More on that later.
Say hello to the #OneChipChallenge, the viral dare developed by Amplify Snack Brands for their line of Paqui chips. Created in 2016, the goal is to eat just one of their hottest chips, and this year it is made with Carolina Reaper and Naga Viper peppers. It (the chip) comes in its own special package, and fetches $10-20 online. Score a few points for novelty right there.
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Even though social media and the internet are hardly new, it is still kind of like the wild, wild west out there. Anyone can create a hashtag. There is no cost. While intellectual property of a hashtag may be debatable—unless trademarked, of course—there’s nothing to stop anyone from doing this, whether you are promoting your brand, or a rogue user trying to harm someone. The Paqui people were just being cute and clever.
As you might expect, TikTokkers are all over this one. Paqui encourages those foolish enough to try eating this chip to see how long they can go without reaching for water or a dairy product. ¿Quién es más macho? We’re about to find out. Post it and become an internet hero.
Sadly, 14-year-old Harris Wolobah of Worcester Massachusetts was recently found unresponsive, after having eaten one of the diabolical chips. I’m pretty sure this wasn’t what the Paqui brand management team had in mind.
And therein lies the risk in daring people to do something, because as we all know, there are those who will take you up on it. Amplify Brands no doubt saw this as a harmless ploy to sell chips, to get social media attention, and, more importantly, shelf space in stores. Now, I’m betting their lawyers are busy trying to prepare for what will be a most certain lawsuit. That kid’s parents aren’t very happy.
Of course, the packaging does have warnings. In very clear verbiage, this product is to be kept out of reach of children, and is intended for adult consumption. Furthermore, “do not eat if you are sensitive to spicy foods, allergic to peppers, nightshades, or capsaicin, or are pregnant or have any medical conditions.” Never touch the pepper and then “touch your eyes or other sensitive areas.”
Oh, and lastly, “Seek medical assistance should you experience difficulty breathing, fainting, or extended nausea.” Poor Harris must have missed the back side of the package, and whether the posted advisories will hold up in court will be determined.
As for Paqui, they met all of the usual sales and eyeballs objectives. What they didn’t bargain for was all the attention across every kind of media, not just social, but also print, TV, and websites. You never want your name uttered in the same breath as someone’s death. Every ounce of free PR just went swirling down the drain.
I’m sure their food chemists have fun concocting this annual release, trying to find devilishly hotter varietals of peppers. While the Scoville Rating of the blend has not been calculated, it should be noted that Carolina Reaper peppers clock in at 1.7 million Scoville units, and the Naga Viper pepper scores 1.4 million units. In comparison, a common jalapeño packs only 2500 to 8000 units.
And you thought you were the most macho.
I love me some hot and spicy food, especially Thai curries. I nearly always pick green curry, and tell the server to turn it up. I have my own grading scale for heat as well, and the traits are cumulative. At Level 1 my nose starts running. Level 2 adds sweating. Level 3 adds eyes watering, and Level 4 gets me started coughing. I have only reached Level 4 once, at an Asian fusion restaurant in Missoula Montana. Oh man, was it good. Never once, though, did I think I was going to die, although if I did, I would have had a smile on my face.
But as for Paqui and their #OneChipChallenge, all I can say is, “This was a great marketing gimmick. Until it wasn’t.”
Dr “I’ll Pass On This” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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seotoolskit · 2 years
Why are we not getting backlinks from Twitter?
With SEO tool, you can getting backlinks from Twitter
Creating your website is just one of the many things you need to do to get traffic. The other, more important aspect of building a website is search engine placement. To get in Google's top results, among other things you need lots of high quality backlinks, or websites that link to your website. This tells Google how popular your website is. Twitter is one of the platforms that can help you get many backlinks. All you have to do is compose an appealing tweet, include a link to your website and possibly a hashtag or few and hope people pass it to their friends.
Log in to your Twitter account and tweet your link. Include some fun and interesting text, not just the link. As soon as your tweet is posted, your followers will see it.
Add the "#" symbol (hashtag key) before important keywords in your tweets. Hashtags help you categorize your Tweets to show more easily in Twitter Search, so people who search for these keywords can find your tweets more easily. You can also hashtag links.
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Make your followers retweet your original tweet and your link with it. If the link is interesting, your followers will start tweeting it on their own. If not, you can ask them to retweet the link in the initial tweet.
Pulling OSE Backlinks
Export your client’s external backlinks from Open Site Explorer or Majestic SEO. We are going to export SEER Interactive’s external backlinks from the root domain, pulled from Open Site Explorer. Now paste this data into into column B in a separate sheet in the workbook.
Include a Link AND an Image in Your Outreach Tweet
If I was wary of Twitter before my first outreach attempt, I was hooked after it. It was like betting on a football team Week 1, winning, then thinking you have the inside track on that team the rest of the season. Invariably, you don’t. But maybe, false confidence be damned, you’re on to something.
In our Twitter spreadsheet, copy and paste column E (the URL column) into column N. Now select column N, find and replace “http://” (http://”) with nothing and do the same for “www.,” “/*” and “/” — in that order. If you do it out of order you could end up erasing your URLs!
We now have to do the same for our backlinks. Copy and paste column B (URL), to column A. Repeat the process above to clean the URLs.
Find Who Has and Has Not Linked To You
After we’ve cleaned our URLs, we can use the COUNTIF statement to determine whether our followers have linked to us. Label column O in the Twitter data sheet, “Link: Yes / No,” and write the function in O2:
=IF(N2=””,”No”,COUNTIF([select column A in the backlinks], [select N2 in the Twitter Sheet])>0,”Yes”,”No”))
Copy and paste this formula to the bottom of the Twitter data set. This function will count the number of times the clean URL in the Twitter data appears in the backlinks and account for users that do not have a URL in their Twitter profile. You should now have a column that is filled with “Yes” and “No.”
Creating a Pivot Table
Let’s take this new data and pivot off of it to see who is following our client but not linking to them. Select column A through O and click on the pivot table button. When you select OK, it should open a new spreadsheet.
Adding Pivot Table Filters
“Link: Yes / No” to the “Report Filter”
“Screen Name” and “URL” to “Row Labels”
“Friends” to “Values”
Visit Seotoolskit for more exciting and free SEO Content.  
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