#...... no tengo palabras
elbiotipo · 2 years
Hey, wanna read something really racist?
"oh no, the La-tin-ohs don't have PTSD or 'emotions' as we know them... they have this mysterious illness that they call "El Susto" or "El Ataque De El Nervio" just like in "telenovels" when they go all "loco loco" you get me? Doctors should be aware when dealing with this exotic culture, they don't think like us... read the Dick Sucking Manual Five and you'll understand..."
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juantinarchive · 5 months
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well, this happened today 😭
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i truly don’t even know what to say. wow. i never in a million years thought i’d be celebrating GMNO’s first anniversary with 5k followers. this is fucking crazy, thank you. i’ve written out paragraphs trying to explain how fucking thankful i am for each and every person who has followed me, who’s left a kind comment/reblog/like, who’s sent me a message when i’m feeling down, but i just can’t seem to put it into words. i don’t know that i’d still be here without having found this community of kind souls that check in on me, that encourage me, that remind me that life is worth living. i am forever indebted to so many of you. this is insane. i love you all so much. gonna go cry in the shower. 🤍
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erosmancuso · 2 years
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brewsterispunkk · 11 months
mi imperio romano es el monólogo de bad bunny y pedro pascal en snl esté noche
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heartbpm · 2 years
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rullyvie · 2 years
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rully, quería hacerte un regalo que pudieras llevar a todos lados contigo; esta pulsera me pareció que va muy bien con todo lo que tú eres. también pensé en algo para tu talento como artista, ojalá estos cuadernos de sketch y este kit de lápices y colores te sirvan mucho.
voy a echarte de menos. ¡de verdad espero que pases unas felices fiestas y disfrutes las vacaciones! 
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ibrahim-mazur · 2 years
hace unas semanas después del partido con mexico, fuimos a la casa de mi amiga y su mamá nos contó como se acordaba de cuando ganaron en el mundial del 86 de ir a la plaza a festejar ella con seis años, con su abuelo en silla de ruedas y la imagen de lo que le parecía toda la ciudad en la calle festejando
y hoy ella nos acompañó a festejar en esa misma plaza con sus hijes y las amigas de su hija PORQUE SOMOS CAMPEÓN DEL MUNDO
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tinta-y-cometas · 12 days
Estaba cansada de correr atrás de alguien que ni siquiera hace el intento de esperarme o caminar conmigo.
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marnorourastar · 2 months
HI !! I know I've said it a million times already but I love your art so much you're genuinely so talented 😭, I still feel so lucky you drew smth for me :)) and it gives me more inspiration for my art 🙏🙏 My obsession with adult Orel and Moral Orel came back once I came across you WOOHOOOHDJDJERRN And I was wondering, and I don't know if you already have but, if you would share more of your headcanons about him, his family, the immoral orel au, ANYTHING !!!1! I LOVE YOU AND YOUR HCS !!! I'm very invested... (y también pensé que nunca conocería a alguien que estuviera tan loco por él como yo, así que me siento mejor por eso) We've been blessed with everything you make and I get so happy every time you post :DDD and you're genuinely a very kind person so I hope you have a great rest of your day 🙏🙏❤❤ (and sorry for this long ass paragraph ask HRJHRHRBBR)
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OREL HC????? Okay, first I'll say the hc I have (all silly, nothing serious?) and then I get cheesy...uh
Right, first let's start with uhhhh a silly headcanon I have is that when he was younger he wanted to be like Reverend Putty...for his great service to God and all that uh. Then when he grew up he'd want to study to be a doctor...it's a good profession for him (I know I explained this in a post a few months ago), he likes to help people, and he'd definitely give his patients loads of attention without being as negligent as the doctor in Moralton lmao. (I should do a whole post about this as I actually have a lot to say about his career path)
I'm a firm believer that at some point he continued to smoke weed...maybe in his teens?? He'd know it was wrong, but it helped him to zone out, so it was fun, plus he'd definitely hang out with people who smoked too, and Orel is...very easily influenced.
Definitely in school he'd be smart, but also REALLY DISTRACTED...and goofy, I'm pretty sure hardly any girls would be interested in him. (Maybe he also became a bit weird), he's bad at picking up hints and reading people's body language... so everyone would have to be REALLY direct if they wanted to talk to him about anything. (Aahh he'd probably have to move outta Moralton to study for a serious doctor career...then he'd have to adapt to new people...bad boys)
He'd probably only start officially dating Christina when they were both legal...and she had the freedom to leave her house whenever she wanted!!! Happy ending.
...I didn't say anything, but if Orel is a masochist and Christina's an 'alternative' version of him then uh, I don't want to think about what would have happened in her chapter...
In his teens he'd really enjoy grunge and soft rock...uhgg I dunno, I just feel it. (Even though he's not that into music)
He's a goofy..nice...overprotective.....VERY overprotective dad, and that'd cause problems with his kids when they hit their teens...stupid (I love him) Orel..aahg, I mean, aahhh I also think he'd do loads of things that embarrass his kids!! But without realising lmao, he'd be like...trying to talk like them? That 'teen language' as he calls it haha.
IN HIS TEENS A LOT HAPPENED - UGH, not just between him and his parents...I mean also with his 'friends', even if he stopped being (just a bit) innocent, loads of people would definitely manipulate him into doing anything.
I don't think Clay and Bloberta ever divorced lmao, feel like they just stayed together and miserable...just like in that pic Orel has in his living room (Plus, I love that pic, it proves Orel doesn't hide his parents, he loves them despite everything and he'd definitely tell his kids to love them...wwgggh)
You know what I'm pretty sure about? Doughy and Orel got into a fight and came to blows in their teens, what caused it? Probably Doughy, in loads of episodes he looked like he was betraying his best mate for attention and affection from an adult...(but ugh, don't judge, it's written so well and we know why he did all that, even though that doesn't mean it was right, yeah, plus...there's no guarantee he changed after that, if we think about it Doughy had NO ONE, to teach him right from wrong), at some point he'd do a 'silly betrayal', to Orel...that'd make him SO ANGRY (cos it's not the first time) that mixed with a strong IMPULSE LMAO, he'd punch him, then he'd punch him back...and well, it'd all end with forgiveness and Doughy learning something.
And that's just a part of what I have cos I wrote a lot lmao...
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1555- Y tú, ¿qué edad tienes? De las preguntas más absurdas que nos pueden hacer en la vida es qué edad tenemos. Porque no nos da ninguna pista de a quién tenemos delante. Yo la verdad es que no lo sé. Ni me importa. Porque lo importante no es cuantos años tenemos, sino en cuántos de ellos hemos vivido. Yo prefiero decir que tengo 42 miradas en el metro que me han hecho sonreír. Tengo 2 “te quiero” suicidas que dije sabiendo que quien tenía delante no me quería a mí. También tengo 14 abrazos inolvidables, 3 de ellos irrepetibles porque quien me los dio ya no está. Tengo unos 35 “lo siento” de los cuales 8 jamás me perdonaron. Tengo 6 noches de hospital al lado de alguien que me importaba y 7 madrugadas pensando en una persona a quien no le importaba yo. Tengo unos 5.200 besos, pero solo me acuerdo de 6. Tengo 4 veranos que fueron infinitos y 3 inviernos demasiado fríos. Y solos. Y tristes. Tengo 25 noches sin dormir y algunas lágrimas gastadas en cosas que no importaban. También tengo 4 lágrimas muy amargas invertidas en algo que merecía llorar durante años. Tengo 150 carcajadas de esas que hacen que te falte el aire y 10 sonrisas por compromiso. Tengo 9 deseos de infancia que se dan de hostias con las promesas que nunca cumplí. Tengo 3 consejos recibidos que entendí mucho tiempo después. Tengo unas 12 camas donde me acosté sin querer estar y 4 donde hubiera matado por despertar. Tengo 5 errores que volvería a cometer y 2 de los que me arrepiento mucho, aunque solo un poco. Tengo miles de cenas, pero pocas como aquellas 3. Y tengo 43 escalofríos que me han recorrido el cuerpo entero. 120 conciertos, 350 películas… y no soy capaz de contar las canciones. Tengo 31 tardes comiendo pipas en un parque viendo la vida pasar con mis amigos. Y 500 tardes más recordándolas unos años después. Tengo 5 adioses. En dos de ellos nunca quise despedirme en realidad. Tengo tantas cosas por decir que nunca diré y tantas que me tendría que haber callado… Para quién quiera saberlo, esa es mi edad. Y no tengo ni puta idea de en cuántos años cabe eso.
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quererme-bonito · 4 months
Tengo miedo de querer tanto a una persona hasta el punto de perdonarle todo lo malo que haga.
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juantinarchive · 18 days
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quemirabobo · 10 months
El otro día me dijeron "se nota que sos de letras, a mi eso no me molesta en lo más mínimo" so
No hay tercer opción, nada de tibies (?
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girlbehindbooks · 3 months
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estefanyailen · 6 months
"Me estás idealizando(...) si no, no estarías enamorado de mí".
— Nana Komatsu - NANA. E27.
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