#....am I evil for leaving this at a cliffhanger?
ineffable-gallimaufry · 3 months
breaking news: local idiot writer sits down for over four hours and writes nonstop, forgets to eat and do his chores for the day. more at five.
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chaos0pikachu · 9 months
okay so like be real the most evil and hilarious shit korn did was also one of the best cliffhangers of the show like
porsche is out here trying to find out what happened to his parents leaving his big dick man behind while Kinn and Pete watch Porsche's peach ass drive off with Vegas and Kinn is hearing Olivia Rodrigo's Traitor in his head while Pete is internally going "man I let the worst men taze my balls and eat my ass out" then like Porsche's uncle gets shot in the head john wick style or whatever and other plot stuff happens then porsche shows up at Mr Rogers house like "I know your a fake ass bitch fess up" and Korn is like haha what if I pull a Darth Vader instead and is like "Porsche, I am your Uncle" and Porsche is like FUCKING WHAT??? and the audience is like FUCKING QUEEEE??? and THAT'S HOW THE EPISODE ENDED for a whole ass week everyone was like lol they wouldn't....right? and they didn't but Korn really let Porsche believe he was fucking his own cousin all over the twunk mafia mansion making the cleaning staff work overtime every god damn day for months for an entire ass minute only to go "LOL JK she was my foster sister" and then the following week you find out he kept her ass in the attic for two decades flowers in the attic style
top-fucking-tier show
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agaypanic · 5 months
Hi, I was wanting to request a Benny (MBAV) story: The reader is a werewolf and after being saved by the group, she is meant to hate vampires but imprints on Benny. She ends up living with him and his grandma.
The Werewolf, The Spellcaster, and His Bloodsucking Friends (Benny Weir X Werewolf!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: You were always taught to hate vampires. They were evil, bloodsucking monsters. So what do you do when some of them save you from a bear trap, and then you imprint on one of their friends?
A/N: reader’s an orphan lol i know reader being a teenager and living on her own and stuff is a lil bit of a plot hole but whatevs. Ends on a lil cliffhanger bc i didn’t know how to end it teehee
You hoped that moving to Whitechapel would give you the fresh start you wanted. Back in your old town, you accidentally started to raise suspicion of some weird creature lurking in the woods. It wasn’t your fault that once a month, you had to run around howling at the moon and eat an occasional animal.
But that’s why you came to Whitechapel. You had heard that the town was filled with supernatural incidents and people. Being a werewolf, this sounded perfect for you. What was less perfect, however, was that there were more vampires than werewolves in Whitechapel.
Pretty quickly, on your first day of school, you had sniffed out a group of them—two girls and a boy. You decided it was best to keep your distance, especially if you didn’t want to leave town anytime soon.
But one night, on a full moon, that distance was closed tremendously.
You had been roaming the woods on the edge of town, looking for a snack and waiting for the sun to rise. Following the scent of a deer, you stepped into a covered bear trap.
At Ethan Morgan’s house, he and his friends could hear a loud and clear yowl of pain. Wondering what had happened, Rory quickly volunteered to look for the sound’s source. Because of his superspeed, it wasn’t long before he returned, looking both concerned and slightly nauseated. 
“Well?” Ethan asked expectantly. “What was it?”
“Werewolf,” Rory answered, earning a grimace from Sarah and Erica. “Its leg is caught in some kind of trap.”
“And you didn’t help?” Benny asked urgently, already reaching for his things to leave. “Come on, let’s go!”
“No way. It’s probably dangerous.” Erica said, crossing her arms. 
“So are you.” Benny rebutted.
“Damn right, I am,” Erica responded, flashing the spellcaster some fangs and yellow eyes.
After a bit more back-and-forth and some reluctance from the three vampires, everyone finally agreed to go into the forest to help you. With the help of superspeed, they appeared in a flash, wincing as they got a good look at you.
“The leg looks pretty bad,” Benny said, looking at your hind leg, which was caught in the bear trap. “And I don’t know how we can help it when it’s freaking out like that.”
It was true; you were clearly distraught. It was bad enough that one of your legs was cut up, making you writhe around in pain and keeping you stuck to the ground. But then the scent of those three vampires invaded your senses, and you became even more overwhelmed. You kept going between growling at the undead teenagers and whimpering in pain.
“Benny, can’t you find a spell to calm it down? Or knock it out?” Ethan asked frantically, trying to figure out a plan to help you.
You watched one of the non-vampire boys reach into his bag and pull out a thick book. He flipped through it before muttering something with his hand pointed towards you. Sparks left his fingertips, and you started to feel dizzy. 
As you faded out of consciousness, the last thing you saw was the group of teenagers cautiously inching towards you.
You woke up the next morning dazed and confused. Sunlight crept in through the window, slightly blinding you. Squinting, you looked around the room only to realize that this wasn’t your room. You started to panic.
“Easy, dear.” A voice made you jump, whipping your head around to look at the door. The source of the unfamiliar voice was an old woman holding a cup of tea. “You tore your leg up pretty good. This’ll help.”
You glanced down at your leg, which was filled with a dull ache. It was bandaged up, and you wondered how bad it looked underneath the wrappings and gauze.
Hesitantly, you took the cup of tea that was handed to you. You figured that in your current state, you might as well trust this stranger. After all, she was probably the one who bandaged your wounded leg.
“My name is Evelyn Weir.” She said, sitting on the edge of the bed you were lying on. “My grandson and his friends found you last night. They brought you here after getting you out of that bear trap.”
“Why?” You asked, voice a bit hoarse. But the tea certainly helped.
“Why what?”
“Why did they help me?” You were beyond confused. “I’m guessing you know that three of them are vampires. And you probably already know what I am. We have a history of not getting along.”
“That may be true,” Evelyn said with a smile. “But just because you were taught to hate each other doesn’t mean you have to. Not all vampires are bad.” She patted your shoulder. “Not all werewolves are bad either.”
After you finished your tea, Evelyn took your cup and stood from the bed. She must have enchanted your drink with something because you were already feeling better than you did five minutes ago. She helped you stand up before leading you out of the room, which you learned was her grandson’s bedroom, and down the stairs.
In the living room, the five teens were sitting around, seemingly waiting for you. They all turned to look at you at the sound of your and Evelyn’s footsteps, making you feel nervous and self-conscious.
“Hey, you’re awake!” One of the brunette boys shot up from his seat, looking at you with relief. “Sorry about the Star Wars sheets, I would’ve changed them if I knew a pretty girl would sleeping in my bed.” The boy beside him hit his leg, while the rest of his friends either snickered or rolled their eyes. “Oh, you probably don’t know who we are.”
The boy introduced the rest of his friends to you, but your thoughts drowned out his voice. It felt like there was some sort of gravitational pull, urging you to go to him. As if this perfect stranger was now the center of your life. 
No. It can’t be.
“What’s your name, dear?” Evelyn asked, touching your shoulder as if she could see that you were preoccupied. 
“Y/n.” You replied, eyes still fixated on the boy who had been talking. 
Who you think you just imprinted on.
And was best friends with a bunch of vampires.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” He said before anyone else had the chance to. “I’m Benny.”
Benny Weir Taglist: @batmandallyboy
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stupidfuckingwindow · 9 months
Terrible idea // Colt Seavers
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Word count: 372
Warnings/content: Using a vibrator on Colt, public sex, brief mention of Colt eating out reader but non-descriptive. Cliffhanger end.
Notes: I am VERY sorry for how long things have been taking. I've been unmotivated. Thank yall for being patient. I have a few fics in the works that I can hopefully be satisfied with.
Colt already knew this was going to be a bad idea from the minute you had suggested it in the bathroom. He had been horny out of his mind when he'd accepted, having just eaten you out and decided that it would be great for you to have the remote for the vibrator.
Colt was wrong- This is torture and evil, and he would consider it a crime if he could. The vibrator had been at a low, constant setting against the head of his cock while filming today's stunts. You hadn't raised the intensity once during that time, and by then Colt had suspicions it would get worse later. God, he'd been right. And he hates that. Colt had been too goddamn right. This was a terrible idea, he thinks.
And now here he is, fingers gripping the edge of the table tightly while his hips rock against nothing. He knows already that this isn't the highest mode- It's far off from being the highest, and he knows because he's experienced this same vibrator before.
The sensations have only increased tenfold, now that he has a crowd in this little restaurant booth. He's sat across from you, who looks all too pleased with yourself for someone reading over a menu. On top of the current setting, his face is probably red as all hell. Someone has to have noticed all the squirming by now. He's sitting up entirely too straight, and the way he won't stop shifting side to side for more friction must be suspicious.
But Colt can't help it. He's been fighting back low groans since he sat down, having to bite his bottom lip until it was raw to keep quiet. Fuck, he thinks. Why did I agree to this? Fuck.
His nails dig into the table, leaving little crescent shapes in the soft wood. A choked noise leaves Colt when the vibrator setting is kicked up for a second, and he covers it with a cough. Hunched over himself, Colt curses at the raging hard-on straining against the front of his already form-fitting jeans. The intensity of the vibrator rises, and his head falls back against the booth's cushioning.
This is going to be a long night.
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autumnshighlady · 7 months
I've Always Liked to Play With Fire (part 22)
summary: the face off with Beron Vanserra is finally about to happen, but the new discover of eris and the reader being mates makes things challenging
warnings: violence, misogyny, beron sucks so rip to y'all who liked him in chapter 20
word count: 3.3k
a/n: i know this chapter is super super short compared to the usual but i wanted to split this scene up and leave y'all on a major cliffhanger because i am evil
part 1 // part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20
read on ao3
Eris is my mate
The phrase played in a loop in your head as once again chains found their way around your wrists. You barely felt the weight of them, nor did you feel the dampness of the dungeon floor against your knees, or the agonising pain in your body from where Malgorm beat you. You didn’t care that you were in a dungeon, something that typically would have sent you panicking.
All you could think about was how Eris knew he was your mate, and he kept this information from you.
You knew what excuses he’d make – that it wasn’t the right time, that it was too dangerous for you to know right now. But you didn’t care. There would never be a good time to find out that the male who your mate was mated to was also your mate. The concept of it all made your head spin. Never before have you heard of a mating bond existing between three people unanimously. Sure, there were people you knew of in polyamorous relationships, but never with a mating bond. According to legend, the mating bond was designed to bring together a male and female who would produce strong offspring. Nesta and Eris made sense, and with the newfound discovery of your unexplored abilities it was safe to assume that you and Eris being mates somewhat made sense too. But you and Nesta could not create a child together, nor did you have any desire to.
It was too convenient. Too easy to have a mating bond happening to exist between the three of you. And to complicate matters, you knew Nesta still felt linked to Cassian somehow, despite not being his mate.
A thousand questions swarmed your mind as Saeros and Ivar closed the door behind them, leaving you seemingly alone in the cell, waiting for Beron and Eris to arrive.
(Y/N), You heard Nesta’s voice in your head, so close by as if she were whispering softly into your ear. I’m here. Azriel is hiding us in the corner to your left.
You did not reply. All you could do was stare blankly at the floor beneath you, inspecting the various cracks and crevices. The blood of thousands had probably been spilled into this very floor. Perhaps Beron would see right through your plan, and simply smite you into the stone. And perhaps it’d be a blessing.
Nesta’s voice came again, more worried this time. Hey, are you okay? Something’s wrong, I can feel it.
You laughed hoarsely, a harsh sound that echoed eerily throughout the chamber. That’s something you should ask your other mate. Or should I say, our other mate. 
Even the air seemed to still around you, surprise pulsing from Nesta’s end of the bond. I take it he didn’t tell you, either. You continued bitterly.
No. He did not. Did you just find this out?
Another cursed tear fell down your cheek, landing on the cold floor with a delicate plop. Yes, right after you and Azriel left, the bond snapped. He didn’t seem surprised, only… only remorseful. I can’t believe he kept this from me. I trusted him… and now…
You felt a gentle caress down the bond, a soft mist of silver soothing over the raging sea of emotions on your end. You could not see Nesta, or even sense her presence thanks to Azriel’s shadows, but you could feel her.
You could not feel Eris, having elected to put up an iron wall between you and him.
I know this is the last thing you want to deal with right now, but we need to focus on the plan. Nesta said sternly. Believe me, I know the emotional turmoil that comes with finding out Eris is your mate, yours made worse by the fact he lied to you. But none of this matters right now. None of us will be safe with Beron alive. Killing him is all that matters, for the next thirty minutes at least. Can you hold on, just a little longer? Please.
Your heart felt like it was being pulled in a hundred different directions. Deep down, you knew Nesta was right, that none of this mattered if Beron still held dominion over the Autumn Court. So you took a deep breath, forcing the stale air of the dungeon into your lungs. You closed your eyes. I am the rock against which the surf crashes, You told yourself. Nothing can break me.
You imagined Emerie’s hearty laugh, and Gwyn’s bright eyes as you repeated the Valkyrie mantra to yourself over and over again, willing your mind to still. 
You had to get through this. Not just for yourself, or Nesta, but for Gwyn and Emerie. For every female who had suffered like all of you had. For the chance at giving them a better life.
For them, you would do this.
It only took ten minutes before you heard the angry voice of Beron Vanserra, his footsteps heavy against the stairs that winded down into the dungeon deep within the Autumn Court prison. The pounding fuzziness of your head kept you from making out his words, but his tone said enough.
“She’s down here, father. Nobody else knows, I swear by it.” The coming of Eris’s voice was like the crisp autumn breeze that cleared away the dewey morning haze, bringing life to the world around it. Even though you had tried to block him out, his close proximity was too much, and the feeling of his approaching presence sent a tingling warmth through your body, defrosting your bones.
“Make sure your guards know if they breathe a word about this to anyone, I’ll cut off the head of everyone they’ve ever loved.” The High Lord snarled.
Moments later, the heavy door swung open, revealing a shocked but furious looking Beron Vanserra. His hair was slightly dishevelled, and he was clothed in extravagant red and gold robes. Evidently, Beron did not like being woken up in the late hours. Eris strode in behind his father, that familiar cold mask adorning his features. His amber eyes settled on you, and you fought the urge to squirm as he stared at you as if you were nothing.
You knew it was an act, yet it was hard to keep yourself from tearing up. There was no warmth in those eyes that had stared into your very soul with vulnerability as the bond had snapped into place. His lips were pulled down in a scowl that made you cower. It was hard enough to remind yourself you were all playing roles in this situation, but the contrast of the deep-rooted mating bond with the angerEris was looking at you with made the room spin before you.
You forced yourself to look up at Beron. There was no trace of the loving father-in-law facade he had put on in front of Rhys. No, his eyes were black pits in his skull, dark voids of hatred that knew no bounds. You didn’t have to fake your tremor as the High Lord stared you down.
“Eris tells me that Malgorm has been slain by your hand,” Beron said, his voice a thin layer of ice holding back a raging sea. “Do you deny this?”
You had no idea how long Eris, Nesta, and Azriel had planned on letting Beron interrogate you before they made their move. As you scrambled to think of what to say, Nesta spoke urgently into your mind. Buy us time. Eris’s guards need to secure the area in the next few minutes. Talk.
 “It was an accident, your Grace.” You sputtered, desperation seeping into your tone. “He came onto me in the middle of the night, and he brought a knife with him. I was just trying to get him off of me, I didn’t mean to–”
“Silence!” Beron hissed. “I ordered Malgorm to stay away from you. He is an obedient son, and would have listened to me. You must have snuck into his room during the night and tried to kill him to end this engagement.”
“Actually, that is not true.” Eris interjected carefully. “Several eyewitnesses confirm Malgorm was not in his room at that hour, and was seen headed towards the corridor where (Y/N)’s room resides. She is covered in wounds that only Malgorm would have inflicted. You know what kind of male he was, father. You cannot be surprised–”
“SILENCE!” Beron yelled sharply, spit flying from his lips as he shot a glare at Eris. “My son is dead, and you dare speak ill of him before a grave can even be dug for his body? You disgust me.”
Your breath hitched as the High Lord turned back towards you. “I offered you the greatest honour that a pathetic female like you could have hoped for,” He growled. “And you decide that is not good enough and murder my son. You will pay for this with your life, girl.”
“My Lord, may I suggest–” Eris couldn’t finish his sentence before his father cut him off again, unhinged anger coming off him in waves.
“You have no say in this, boy. Your mother made you too softhearted. You would never be able to rule this court successfully, and it is clear I have wasted my breath trying to make you my heir.”
Eris was utterly still, his eyes narrowing like a snake about to strike it’s target. “I will be a better High Lord than you or the bastards who came before you have ever been.” He said calmly.
And then the room exploded.
Tidal waves of silver fire exploded from the darkness, shadows peeling away like curtains to reveal Nesta. Her eyes blazed with silver, that otherworldly magic rippling off her as she used her flames to press the High Lord into the wall. The sound of his body hitting the stone was like thunder over the mountains, creating small cracks along the space behind him. Orange flames joined, entwining through the silver flames like a magical dance. Beron writhed underneath them, sending his own fire in an attempt to defend himself.
But it was no use against the fury of Eris’s fire, or the steel will of Nesta’s magic. Your jaw went slack as you stared at your mates, one bathed in orange and the other in silver. Red and dark gold hair flared around their necks, as if carried by an imaginary breeze. They looked like gods from another world, coming to unleash their power on the inhabitants of this world.
You heard the sound of keys jingling as Azriel’s familiar voice sounded in your ear. “Come on,” He said urgently. “Let’s get you out of here.”
The chains released your wrists, your arms falling to the ground with relief. You felt Azriel’s shadows curling around you, ready to winnow you away. “No.” You said firmly.
“This is not up for debate. I’ve been instructed to get you to safety the moment shit goes down, and I intend to do so.”
You turned around to glare at the shadowsinger, his hazel eyes glowing against the silver and orange light from the flames. He was still partially hidden, his shadows dancing around eagerly as if ready to join in on the action. “I am not leaving them until it’s done.” You insisted.
He grabbed your arm firmly. “I will not let you get hurt in the middle of this.”
“Then protect me. I cannot leave them behind. You cannot take me away… again.”
You saw the regret flicker across Azriel’s face as he evidently remembered the last time he stole you away at the Hewn City. It was a low blow, you knew. Especially after all Azriel was risking just by being here helping you. After a moment, the Illyrian sighed, muttering something about your stubbornness before saying, “Fine. Get behind me.”
A shimmering blue light formed around the two of you, shielding you from the angry flames. Azriel’s siphons glowed as he produced a wall of protection. You peeked out from beside his arm to witness the scene before you, heart racing.
“Your time as High Lord has ended, Beron Vanserra.” Eris said sternly, his eyes glowing, his voice an echo on the roaring wind of the flames. “Too long have you sat upon this throne and cast a shadow over this court. Nobody will mourn your death, father. Just as nobody will mourn Malgorm’s. When you see him in hell, what’s left of your souls can spend the rest of your miserable eternity there knowing there isn’t a single individual who wishes either of you were still here.”
You expected Beron to spew vile insults, to fight back angrily and wish a miserable death upon you all. But the male only laughed, a rasping sound like two stones rubbing together. “This is a truly pathetic show,” Beron said. “All of this planning and scheming, and for what? You can’t kill me. You needed the magic of your mate to help you while you strung your other mate up like bait. You’re weak, boy. Too weak to ever take me on properly. You’re a coward, and a fool.”
You felt pure shock coming from both ends of the bond. You couldn’t see Eris and Nesta’s faces from your angle, but their flames flickered for a split second, as if they too couldn’t believe what Beron said.
As if reading your mind, the High Lord snorted and continued. “Get that stupid surprised look off your face. Of course I knew this whole time. You forget, I’ve been in this world a long time and can sniff out mates before they even know it themselves. Of course I was aware of your disgusting threeway bond. It’s the only reason I didn’t slaughter you, boy, for getting engaged to the Archeron female without telling me. I thought marrying that Spring Court wench to Malgorm would take care of some of my problem, at least.”
Nesta spoke up, fury lacing her voice. “What?”
“You are a fool, Eris. Of course Malgorm obeyed my every command. Who do you think told him to attack the girl in her room tonight? I gave the order less than a minute after you left the table, you stupid boy. You handed me the opportunity on a silver platter.”
“Why?” Was all Eris said, his flames angrily licking at Beron’s fingers. A burnt smell began to fill the room as they burned the High Lord’s flesh. 
But like the madman he was, Beron continued manically, seemingly blind to the pain his son was inflicting on him. “A mating bond between three people is unnatural, a crime against all that we hold dear. She needed to be eliminated in order for your marriage to Nesta to work. I didn’t care what Malgorm did to her. I told him he could do as he pleased, as long as it ended with her throat slit.” He turned his beady eyes towards you, making you freeze. “I would have let him carve you up into a thousand pieces. A pity he didn’t get the chance to do so before you murdered him. He was weak. No son of mine would let himself be murdered by a stupid female.”
You weren’t sure you were even breathing as reality sunk in. Beron knew the entire time that the three of you were mates, long before any of you had even figured it out fully. The truth of that sinister cunningness beneath his gaze that had unsettled you made your stomach churn. He had been one step ahead the entire time, counting on Malgorm killing you to ensure a marriage between Eris and Nesta without complication. It took a great amount of self control not to vomit all over Azriel, who was watching the scene unfold with a look of pure horror in his eyes.
A spear of orange fire wrapped around Beron’s throat, leaving red scorch marks on the male’s skin as he gasped for air. “You will not talk about my mate like that, you fucking asshole.” Eris snarled viciously as the flames grey brighter. “I will kill you for this. I will slaughter you for everything you put her through. For everything you put all of us through. Nobody will miss you, you absolute filth.”
Silver and orange flames danced higher, rolling back like a wave about to crash down on the sand. But before Eris and Nesta could strike down the High Lord, the door swung open and the Lady of Autumn ran in.
“Stop!” She cried desperately, her eyes frantic.
“Mother?” Shock laced Eris’s voice, and just for a split second, his flames flickered and dimmed.
That split second was all Beron needed to cast forth a wall of angry fire, pushing Nesta and Eris’s flames away. He roared definitely as your mates were thrown backwards, landing on the cell floor with a loud thump. You tried to pull away from Azriel, but his arms wrapped around you, holding you firm behind his shield. You thrashed and fought, but were no match for the Illyrian. 
“Let me go!” You hissed, stomping on his foot as hard as you could. But he didn’t budge.
“What are you doing?” Eris gasped, making his way back onto his feet with unsteady legs. A thin trail of blood trickled down his nose, evidence of the toll that much power took on him. Nesta scrambled to her feet, silver flames already curling defensively around her hands. You couldn’t help but notice how they trembled.
“Please don’t do this, Eris.” Lirilla begged. “He is your father. I have already lost so many of your brothers, don’t take your father from me, too. Let him go.”
Eris looked utterly broken, confusion and sadness written plainly across his features. The arrogant confident mask he had donned moments ago was gone. “You know more than any of us what kind of male he is,” Eris insisted. “Let me free us of him. For good.”
“Please, no. Eris…” The Lady of Autumn sobbed.
Your heart shattered at the sight. Fresh bruises were visible on the frail female’s body, yet she stood here and begged her son to not kill the one who inflicted them. Eris’s mother had endured Beron’s abuse so long she seemingly didn’t know who she was without it or him. She could not dare hope that things would ever change, so she accepted her fate, finding comfort in the dark corner her husband forced her into.
You remembered how she offered you some sanctuary the other night, willing to endure more abuse to spare you from some of it. She had seemed so resourceful, so strong despite all she had faced.
Yet here she stood, regressed before her cruel husband as she begged for his life to be spared.
Rather than rushing towards Eris or Nesta, Beron’s dark red flames wound around Lirilla’s throat. Her eyes popped open as they suffocated her, and the High Lord stood himself up and came over to stand beside her, facing Eris and Nesta.
“Stand down, or your mother dies.” Beron growled sternly, a sick glee coming across his features.
Your heart was in your throat as you felt Eris being torn in too – closer to his goal than he had ever been before, but uncertain of what to do. “You’re bluffing.” Eris said, but his voice was weak as he watched his mother gasp for air.
“Am I?” Beron said, fixing a glare at Nesta, who was frozen in shock. “You too, girl. Stand down. Now.”
A heartbroken look passed between Eris and Nesta. You felt every turmoil of emotion through the bonds, ripping away at your heart as you watched Eris nod to Nesta. Silver and orange flames evaporated into thin air, leaving behind angry scorch marks.
Beron laughed harshly, psychotic dark eyes gleaming as he snarled at his son. “I told you, boy. Your mother made you too softhearted.”
Before any of you could react, a sick crunching sound echoed throughout the dungeon as Beron reached over with his own two hands and snapped the Lady of Autumn’s neck.
The light left Lirilla’s eyes as her body fell down onto the cold floor in a crumpled heap.
And Eris began screaming. 
taglist (comment if you want to be added): @queercontrarian @kitkat-writes-stuff @moonfawnx @sevikas-whore @weird-and-wise @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet @kingshitonly @ladyofcherries @eerievixen @readingwritingwatching @peacecoffeeandflowers @a-frog-with-a-laptop @shadowqueen25 @lana08 @highladyofillyria @rachelnicolee @ladespedidas @little-darlingo @manonblackbeakquidditchteam13 @demirunner @terorovaerangi @hauntedandhopeful  @younxii @microwaveallthedemons @fanfictioniseverything @lovra974 @maddietheshoe @peaceandcrackers @emy1-9 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @issybee0611 @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid @belledawnidk @whhyyynottt @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @littlebbb @piceous21 @sevendeadlyshins-blog @searchingford  @marigold-morelli @thesapphiclibrarian @nikovasbitch @chasing-autumns-chill @the-sweet-psycho @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @red-bees @daughterofthemoons-stuff
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elliesflower · 2 years
i saw you in a dream [5]
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summary; you attend ellie's open mic performance. and meet her...roommate.
chapter; 5/? 3.1k words
cw (per chapter); recreational marijuana usage, language
an; hi lol. i love u guys, thank you endlessly for dealing with my slow updating of this story. anyways, i think this may be my favorite chapter yet, please let me know what you think! i love a good cliffhanger ;) (as always, find it on ao3 here)
chapter 4 here
Friday came entirely too quickly—you breezed through your last final exam on Thursday, which left you way too much time to anxiously anticipate your upcoming…event.
“Date!” Dina exclaimed. “Ellie asked you to go because she likes you, it’s practically a date,” she singsonged, twirling a piece of hair around her finger childishly.
“Yes, because I’m sure we’ll have so much time to talk one-on-one and gaze longingly into each other’s eyes in between performances,” you replied sarcastically, continuing to rummage through your closet. “And, you don’t know that she likes me, maybe she just asked me because I was right there.”
“Okay, for someone so smart, sometimes you’re a little stupid,” Dina said, and you shot her the most evil side eye you could manage. “Ellie may or may not like you like that, but she likes you enough to invite you to something that sounds personal and important to her. This is your in! Now, you just have to get flirty.”
“‘Get flirty?’ Do you even know me at all?” You scoffed, turning to face her. “I am, like, the most awkward human being on the planet.”
“Okay, I take it back,” Dina laughed, standing up. “Let’s just focus on finding you an outfit.”
“What the hell do you even wear to an open-mic?” You complained, turning back to continue looking through your closet. 
“You could wear something of mine, if you want,” she suggested.
“Uh, no thank you,” you smiled, pulling out a plain black mock-neck from the depths of your closet, turning around and holding it up to your chest.
“Hey!” Dina gasped. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”
“No offense, but I don’t really think…whatever look you have going on is the one for me.” It’s not that you didn’t like the way Dina dressed, rather, you really did like it—but expressing yourself through clothing had always been hard for you, sticking to more muted tones, blacks and greys. Dina’s wardrobe was loud and colorful, she always looked so put together, and she never seemed to wear the same thing twice. You admired it, really, but still found yourself gravitating towards more basic clothing.
“Whoever said saying ‘no offense’ actually makes a statement any less offensive needs their ass beat, to be honest,” she replied casually, and you could hear her sorting through hangers in her own closet. “Just try this, at least. It would look nice with that shirt, I promise!” She was shoving a colorful chunky-knit cardigan into your hands before you could protest, and you grimaced. 
“I don’t know Dee,” you held up the sweater, contemplating. “I never wear stuff like this.”
“Just put the damn sweater on and let’s go!” She smiled at you. “Don’t you want good seats?”
You rolled your eyes, but went to look in the mirror nonetheless. “As if there’ll be a fight for front row seats at a college open-mic.”
“Oh perfect,” she sighed exaggeratedly before rummaging in her desk drawer. “Then you agree, you have time to split this with me before we leave?” She held up a small, white tube, and you pursed your lips. 
“Okay, fine,” you gave in, quickly pulling your shirt off over your head before pulling on the black long-sleeve. 
“Just one hit.”
You did not, in fact, take just one hit. It was more like four. Or five…or six, or who could keep track, really?
It seemed like a good idea, a little something to take the edge off, maybe soothe the bundle of nerves that had formed in your stomach and in your brain and in your chest at the thought alone of seeing Ellie—god forbid, having to make conversation with her.
And while it did help a little, you hadn’t smoked as much as Dina, so it still felt as though your heartbeat grew louder with each step toward the theater. All that stood between you and Ellie—and, well, a handful of other attendees and performers—was a short corridor. 
“It’ll be okay, just chill out,” Dina tried to subdue you, and her voice was thickened by her intoxication, slower and almost more serious. Her eyes were low as she smiled over at you, bumping into your shoulder softly. 
“Thank you, Dina, because telling someone to chill out always works so well,” you quipped, shaking your head as she led you through the doors. Though, you did try to chill out, as it were, taking a deep breath and sliding the sleeves of the oversized cardigan up your forearms, nervously tugging at the neck of your long sleeve, fidgeting with anything you could think of to distract you from—
“Oh!” You exclaimed as you ran directly into a body around the corner, staggering backwards slightly before someone was gripping your arms, keeping you steady. Your eyes trailed up the body before you were met with—oh god, “Ellie!”
“We have to stop meeting like this,” she laughed melodically, smoothing her hands down your biceps before flashing her teeth at you. The chatter of the other attendees faded into the background as you felt your body heat up under her stare, painfully aware of her hands that were still on your arms. 
You could do nothing but let out an awkward laugh in response, nodding your head as she took her hands away. Dina cleared her throat obnoxiously from behind you and you turned your head to give her a look that you hoped conveyed: please for the love of god save me.
“Hi, I’m Dina by the way, or you probably know me as ‘the roommate,’” she said, sticking out her hand past you for Ellie to shake, and you had to admire her confidence for a second, the way she could unapologetically be herself in any situation. You’d think that from spending so much time with her, some of that confidence would have rubbed off on you, but no, you were still just…you.
“Nice to meet you, Dina,” Ellie smiled, and her voice was laced with honey, rich and slow spilling from her lips. She reached her hand past you to shake Dina’s, and you moved out of the way slightly.
“I’ve heard so much about you,” Dina dropped her hand and stood next to you now. You looked over at her in shock, and you hoped the shaking of your head and wide eyes weren’t noticeable. 
“Uh, not so much,” you laughed nervously, trying to subtly kick Dina’s ankle. 
“Wow, you really do have that guitar player look to you,” she ignored you, gesturing to Ellie. “I love the tattoo!”
Your eyes were daggers glaring into the side of Dina’s head, but neither her or Ellie seemed to notice—though it was debatable whether that was good or bad. Ellie chuckled, instinctively looking down at her arm and holding it out as if to show it off. You felt like sinking into the floor, watching her arm flex as she rotated it, skimming her fingers down the length of her forearm, tracing the pattern. 
“Thank you,” she was slightly bashful, despite her eagerness to show off. She caught your eye for a moment and—were her cheeks turning red? It is pretty warm in here with all these bodies…yeah, that’s it. 
“Well, anyways, nice to finally meet you Ellie, I’m gonna go grab a snack,” Dina smiled politely between both you and Ellie, before patting your shoulder and slipping away. Oh god, why would she leave you to talk to her alone?
“I’m so glad you could make it,” she said, and suddenly everything was fading away again. You took a moment to look down at her outfit, trying to be as discreet as possible. She adorned a light blue flannel, cuffed just above her elbows and a pair of dark Levi’s—her hair was pulled back, save for a few pieces that fell loosely around her face, which you noticed she tucked hastily behind her ear when a strand tickled her nose before she said, “I love that sweater, by the way.”
Dina was going to have a field day with that one. 
“Oh, thank you!” You exclaimed, instinctively wrapping your arms around yourself. She smiled at you before continuing. 
“Anyways, I’m up last, so don’t feel like you have to stay for the whole thing, if you get bored or anything,” she explained, pointing at the stage behind her. “I’m just glad you could make it.”
On the inside, you were swooning, your eyes were in the shape of hearts and you wanted to reach out and embrace her—you wanted to smell that warm vanilla musk and the earthy savor of weed, you wanted to tell her you wanted nothing more than to spend all your time with her, know her inside and out, you wanted it all. 
“No, no, I came here for you,” you said instead, making fists around the material of your sweater and smiling at her. “Of course I’ll stay.” 
Ellie’s face flushed again, and you continued to insist it was due to the heat of the room. She glanced behind her, and you followed her gaze to see Dina filling up a plate with what looked like one of everything from the table. 
“I should go get ready,” Ellie mumbled before turning back to you. “Why don’t you go grab some snacks with Dina and I’ll catch you after the show?” She sounded hopeful. You nearly choked. 
“Yes, I’ll be here!” Of course you’ll be here, where the hell else would you be? You mentally face-palmed yourself before she was giving you a smile and disappearing into the crowd. You took a deep breath and made your way to the snack table, where Dina was still loading up. 
“Oh, hey!” She said when she finally saw you. 
“Hey, thanks so much for embarrassing the hell out of me,” you complained, stealing a cheese square off of her plate. 
“Embarrassing you? Please, I was helping you,” she laughed before stuffing a grape into her mouth. “And it kinda worked, didn’t it? I set you up for a nice little chat with your girlfriend.”
“Oh, shut up,” you bumped her shoulder, but you couldn’t fight the warmth that climbed up the back of your neck. “Let’s go grab a seat.”
The acts that preceded Ellie were actually entertaining—a few songs, a poem or two, and a stand-up act that wasn’t…terrible. Not to say it was good but…you know. 
And then the host, who you assumed was Ellie’s roommate, was waltzing back on to the stage as the audience applauded, her short black hair reflecting almost blue in the spotlight. She was eclectic, all mismatched patterns and silver jewelry that hung from her neck and her wrists and her ears. She was funny and vibrant, commanding the attention of everyone in the room every time she stepped onto the stage to introduce the next act. 
“Alright folks, please give a warm welcome to my best friend, the one and only, Ellie Williams!” She tucked her microphone under her arm before clapping, moving out of the way of the small stool that was behind her. Best friend? Ellie had only said she was her roommate. 
But it didn’t matter, because Ellie was walking on to the stage with her guitar in hand, smiling nervously at the crowd. You clapped as loud as you could, trying to reposition your body so that you could see her slightly better over the heads in front of you, though you doubted she could see you from your seat somewhere in the middle row. 
“Uh, good evening, everyone,” Ellie started, positioning herself on the stool and pulling the microphone down to her level. “I’m gonna sing a little song for you guys, if that’s cool.” There was a bit of scattered applause and Dina whooped loudly from beside you. You smacked her with the back of your hand. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest, partly from the excitement at getting to see Ellie perform, and partly from your second-hand stage fright. Even though you weren’t the one performing, you always seemed to absorb the nerves of the performer, just waiting for them to make a mistake, even if you didn’t want them to. You especially wanted this to go well for Ellie, and you bounced your leg nervously as she positioned her guitar in her lap. 
She strummed the first few chords and you nearly had a heart attack.
C, A-minor, F-major. You could probably play those in your sleep, now. 
“Holy shit,” Dina whispered from beside you, and of course, she knew too, from the hours and hours you spent listening to the song, practicing the song, getting taught the song. 
“Did I drive you away?
I know what you'll say
You say, ‘Oh, sing one we know,’
“Dina,” you whispered back, leaning into her, but not being able to peel your eyes away from Ellie. “Is that…?” But you already knew the answer. 
“Dude. She’s so. Into you.”
“But I promise you this
I'll always look out for you
Yeah, that's what I'll do,
You couldn’t help the smile that slowly spread across your face as you leaned back up, watching Ellie lose herself in the song. Suddenly, you were back in her room, the air thick and heavy, watching her sing softly and strum along when she thought you weren’t watching—that little crease between her eyebrows and the dreamy look in her eyes as she sang with the voice of a thousand angels. 
Maybe you had a hard time believing Ellie was into you, but she picked this song knowing you would be here. There was no denying that. 
“La, la, la, la, o-oh
La, la, la, la, o-oh,
The song ended entirely too soon, and she was smiling, standing up and adjusting the microphone back into a higher position. Applause was erupting from every side of you and you clapped as though you were the only person in the room, as if she could see the intensity in which you showed your recognition and your appreciation and your utter giddiness. 
The host was waltzing on stage again before you knew it, and gave Ellie a hug. You ignored the jealous twinge in your heart, for god’s sake you had literally hung out one time, and the applause continued as she thanked everyone for coming, wrapping her arm around Ellie’s waist and requesting one last round of applause for all the performers. You continued clapping, watching Ellie raise her guitar in the air like a glass of champagne for a toast, before the host whispered something in her ear that made her smile. You again ignored the skip of your heart, instead focusing on Dina’s hand gripping your arm. 
“Oh my god, you have to go say something to her, ask her out, something! The suspense is literally killing me,” she whined, pulling you along as the lights slowly turned back on and people shimmied out of the aisles. 
“I can’t just ask her out, it’s not that easy for me,” you replied.. You wished it was easy for you, you wished you could be more like Dina, just walk right up to her and say: I think I really like you, and we should go out sometime. But your anxiety paralyzed you, rendered you completely helpless when it came to love and lust.
“I swear dude, if I have to sit through any more of your pining and love songs I might request a roommate swap,” Dina said, leading you back to the snack table. “She likes you. And if you can’t see that at this point I don’t know what else to say.” You pouted a bit, like a petulant child, crossing your arms over your chest and surveying the room. Before you could even formulate a response, Ellie was emerging from a group of people who had gathered opposite the table. You quickly uncrossed your arms as she caught your eye and made her way toward you. 
“Oh look, who would have guessed,” Dina muttered, popping a grape into her mouth. She smiled exaggeratedly at Ellie before grabbing a handful of crackers. “I’ll leave the two of you to talk,” and you wished so badly you could flip her off without it being obvious. 
“Hey,” Ellie said quietly, and her voice was almost timid--a laughable comparison to barely five minutes ago when she had the entire audience wrapped around her finger. 
“Ellie,” you breathed, shifting your weight from one foot to another. “Your song choice was…inspired,” you said, wrapping an arm across your body. She looked down at her feet, and you wondered if her cheeks would be rosy when she looked back up. 
“Oh, yeah,” she looked up at you now, and you were right. Except, it wasn’t actually that warm in here. “Well, it’s a good song, you know.” Her hand went to the back of her neck, just like it had before, and you wanted to pull it away, to intertwine your fingers and just tell her, just tell her you want to go out, somewhere where she doesn’t have to teach you to play guitar and you can just talk, and mentally map the freckles that littered her face and learn about how she got that scar in her eyebrow and find out if she’d rather go to a tea house or a coffee shop and fuck, you had to ask her, now, before you lost the courage and your mouth was moving before your brain could catch up, 
“Ellie, I was wondering if--” 
“There you are, superstar!” A voice suddenly came from behind her, and you recognized it immediately. The host--or I guess, Ellie’s roommate--oops, wrong again, Ellie’s best friend, was appearing behind her, grabbing onto her shoulder and looking at her with admiration. Ellie seemed surprised to see her, somehow, as she turned to face her, plastering on a smile that looked…forced. 
“Oh, hey,” she replied, before the raven-haired girl was pulling her into a hug. You stood awkwardly as they embraced, looking down at the ground in an attempt to seem casual. Oh god, you couldn’t believe you were actually about to ask Ellie out on a date. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met,” the girl said abruptly, pulling back as if she’d just noticed your presence. She left an arm around Ellie’s waist, and you noticed the way Ellie suddenly appeared tense. Like, in a bad way. 
You offered the girl a small smile and stuck your hand out politely, giving her your name. She took it and shook firmly, her small hand deceivingly strong. Her eyes were painted with thick, black eyeliner, and they raked up and down your body. You felt like shrinking away under her intimidating stare, averting your eyes after a moment.
“Uh, this is Cat, my roommate,” Ellie said after an awkward pause, giving you a sheepish look. 
“And best friend,” she chimed, pulling her hand away. She leaned into Ellie’s side, resting her head on Ellie’s shoulder and using her free hand to pat her chest. 
“Ellie and I go way back.”
chapter 6 here
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kiwinatorwaffles · 9 months
I found This is About a Stuffed Bird bc of you and its one of my favorite fics ever. Do you by chance have more suggestions?
hermitcraft/mcyt fic recs? :0 let's go!!
i get a lot of my fic recs from other friends since i don't really go out and search on my own all too much for this fandom. but there are lots of great works out here! i will be listing out some of my favorites :3 mostly hc but a couple general mcyt ones that i think are an excellent read no matter what. all of the fics i'm listing will be genfic without ships!
also i just realized a lot of my bookmarks are grian-centric which is funny i guess because i am admittedly quite picky about content of my other favorites and grian just tends to have the most content in the fanbase. hope that'll be alright
(i hope some of my friends and mutuals don't mind me tagging them for their works)
hermitcraft longfics:
the last days of the free angel of carrows by @theminecraftbee - loved stuffed bird? here's another great longfic by second! this one is about joe and cleo in an urban fantasy mystery setting. again, second writes our beloved hermits into an captivating au!
leaping and hopping on a moonshadow by @lunarblazes - a fantasy au by luna my beloved! pearl suddenly gains magical powers and goes on a quest to find her long-lost friend grian who might know what's happening to her. she meets a lot of familiar faces along the way!
Recall by @redwinterroses - hey, i was the artist for this one! :D mumbo goes missing, so grian and scar search for him. they find that grumbot has been up to some... things along the way. the fic isn't finished but i think the chapters red put out is worth a read if you don't mind leaving off on a cliffhanger because it really is super interesting
dramaturgy by wormcity - a universe where gem and pearl join in a season 7 that was never finished. mumbo became the mayor, but the turf war went so very wrong afterwards. admittedly i have not finished reading this yet because ummm short on time xD but it's super interesting with a lot of layers of drama(turgy hahaha)!
hermitcraft short fics/oneshots:
for trying. by @autistic-evil-xisuma - a stuffed bird universe oneshot of x and xisuma during their lab days. great if you want to be sad over the doomed brothers again :D
the wheels on the bus by sparxwrites - a hilarious post-s8 oneshot about grian being a little shit towards the watchers. one of the first fics i've read from this fandom and i still love it
a body is an object by ruffboi - grian is a mimic, and pearl's arrival in s8 shakes him up. she hasn't seen him in a while and is quite upset to learn that the grian she knew died a long time ago. a great read for familial connections and conflict of friendships!
Goatman and the Rift by TheDepressedCanary - doc's eldritch powers start acting up when the rift appears. what shenanigans will ensue?
other mcyt fics/crossovers:
late at night, when the stars don't look quite right by @lunarblazes - an excellent empires s1 and hermitcraft crossover longfic, where grian lands into the server and is discovered by pearl! very great worldbuilding and relationships, i especially love the dynamic between gri and pearl and pearl and gem :D
every new discovery is just a reminder by amaranthinecanicular - grian begins pulling alternate versions of the hermits from the life series into the server. he does save a lot of them, but at what cost? it does end on a cliffhanger but this is genuinely one of the most captivating oneshots i've ever read... argghhh
The Fair and the Brave and the Good by @slashmagpie - an afterlife smp longfic centered around the shelby, scott, and sausage. i have never watched afterlife smp before in my LIFE and this is still one of my favorite pieces of literature ever. the characters and worldbuilding is impeccable and perfect if you like something dark with themes of hope and renewal.
Two Can Keep a Secret (If One of Them is Red) by anonymous secretmcblog - a 3L oneshot! ren suspects grian has stockholm syndrome with his pact to stay with scar, but his expectations are wrong. a truly excellent read and one of them first fics i've read! i still go back to reread it from time to time
dog at the door by fluffy_papaya & iamsolarflare - a longfic where doc and ren take a trip on a van on their way to s8. ren, however, is not quite himself, and doc has to learn to befriend the red king.
devil town is colder in the summertime by @bananasofthorns - a oneshot from a 100hsmp/life series d&d au! team BEST ventures into a cursed evil fucked up forest. uh oh.
Interview with the Aftermath by @ranchersrevenge (wanderlasts) - the last life contestants are invited for an interview. the responses vary greatly.
stars, smoke, and stolen car keys by wormcity - a 100hsmp modern au oneshot where grian, scar, and joel go on a hike. it doesn't go quite as they expected.
the beehive state by amaranthinecanicular - a dsmp oneshot after wilbur moves to utah. tommy visits him, and the two reconnect. i have to say i stopped following dsmp a long time ago but this fic made me BAWL. i don't even think you need to know any of the characters that well to really enjoy just how amazing the writing itself is
Can't Go Back (This Time) by @duckmumbo (musicaltvbooks) - soup group goes end raiding and accientally finds themselves in afterlife smp. nothing goes wrong, surely! also admittedly i havent finished reading this either but roy i swear i will. this is a great read nevertheless and the soup group dynamic is impeccable!
TommyInnit's unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death by eneliii - on the train of dsmp fics, this is the superhero au longfic that inspired my own hc superhero au, vdhau. it's a lot of funny shenanigans with tommy and his friends. the fic does take a dark turn at the end, but that can be skipped entirely (as said by eneli herself) if you just want the wholesome aspects.
if you don't mind a little self promo, here are some of my fics!
it takes two to play (the game of mutual secrecy) - the aforementioned hermitcraft hero au. this installment is centered around xisuma and evil x as brothers resolving their issues through hero work and solving the mystery of welsknight's disappearance :D there are other works that are set in the same universe if you're interested for more!
how to form the ultimate besties dynamic: an unreliable tutorial by hypnotizd - a oneshot! hypno is a warlock who goes treasure hunting under the sea. he meets a guardian who later becomes his unlikely friend.
smoke and mirrors, the hunt perseveres - grian's arrival in empires s2 unwittingly brings the watchers' suspicions with him. cue jimmy freaking out and a lot of shenanigans.
ballad of etho’s lab - my newest installment! a oneshot about etho's storied life as the redstone god.
i'm also currently working on the sequel to the game of mutual secrecy and a new (well not exactly new since i made concept art for it) au called private detective gem tasey! these will likely be released sometime late january or february. have fun with these fic recs! i haven't been reading as much lately but i hope ill be able to find more if anyone else asks in the future. cheers!
edit: the fics are out! here they are!
hiding in plain sight (the meaning of trust) - sequel to the hermitcraft hero au! it follows an escaped lab rat trying to acquaint themselves with human society while avoiding suspicion and making friends with familiar faces from tgms ;D
private detective gem tasey: a rotten mystery in london - a hermitcraft detective au where gem gets hired for a case that spirals completely into drama and politics!
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homestuckreplay · 11 days
acrobatically fucking pirouetting off the handle so hard i turn into my best friend
(page 607-614)
9/7/2009 Wheel Spin: Sburb Lore Verdict: i fucking wish :(
9/8/2009 Wheel Spin: Character Switch Verdict: HELL YEAH JOHN’S BACK !!!! :D
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A couple of shorter updates compared to the bumper 13 pages on September 6, but it’s all relative, and would be silly to complain about.
The narration on p.607 tells Dave, ‘It is time to face your destiny.’ In the short term, this obviously refers to the trap that Dave’s bro has set up for him, but it also gets me thinking about whether destiny more broadly will play a role in this story, and if so, what Dave’s might be. On p.293, GG – who appears to have knowledge their friends don’t share – theorizes that saving the world is John’s destiny. Nannasprite in her exposition refers to John’s ‘purpose’ (p.427) but it’s left very unclear whether this is a fantasy-novel style Prophesized Destiny, or just a result of John choosing to play Sburb.
I think this might be intentionally vague in the story right now, either to allow for readers to theorize, or because Hussie hasn’t yet decided the exact nature of the story. However, when destiny is a theme in fantasy, a chosen one's destiny is usually to defeat a great evil. I think it'd be neat if Dave's destiny was actually to defeat Bro once and for all - probably the most evil character we've seen yet, and certainly the one who's most affected Dave's life - which would make this line on p.607 end up looking really prophetic and bringing things full circle.
I am wondering just how many Smuppets Bro owns, and what the turnover rate is like. There’s at least 20 in the puppet pile Dave’s stuck in, and a lot of them get sliced in half. Bro needs these for work and has a large collection to draw on at any time, but they’re regularly getting destroyed, so logistically I am imagining a large crate of a couple hundred Smuppets showing up at the apartment each week, which is a horrendous thought. No wonder they are in Dave’s dreams. The ‘puppets per square meter’ and ‘new puppets per day’ are probably much higher numbers than the equivalent for harlequins or wizards in John and Rose’s houses. If these decorative choices represent sources of alienation and anxiety for the kids this could suggest that Dave’s mental state is even worse than that of his friends.
Also I think that if Bro really wants to be Jigsaw so bad he needs to put some variety into his traps. Puppets every time is nowhere near as creative as the saw traps in the movie.
Page 611 repeats a Dave-Rose Pesterlog from p.522. I like when this happens – it clarifies where we are in the timeline, as well as giving the characters equal importance while showing both perspectives. Earlier when Dave referred to himself as ‘enrobed in chafing, wriggling god fucking damned puppet pelvis’ I did think he was exaggerating for effect, and was just describing the puppet-strewn living room with an overactive imagination. Reading this for a second time knowing that Dave is being extremely literal is very different – it feels like someone begging to be taken seriously and failing, instead of someone committing to the mutually constituted bit.
Dave’s bro referencing Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff – ‘where doing it man where MAKING THIS HAPEN’ – on a sinister note pinned to the crawlspace hatch with a weapon feels really insidious. Taking this piece of art that Dave made and is proud of, and turning it into something threatening, is upsetting to me. What does Dave get to have for himself? Is there an aspect of his life that his bro doesn’t twist into something evil? Does Bro know about Dave’s friends, and if so, does he work them into his schemes too? And yet it’s effective despite all this – it does provoke Dave into action, jumping up and escaping the puppet prison, leaving Dave’s story on the cliffhanger of what exactly Bro wants to ‘make hapen’ as we smashcut to John.
I am very excited to see what John and Rose get up to and I hope it is not famous last words to say that it will surely be less disturbing than what is happening with Dave. At the very least, I feel lighter and freer knowing that I don’t have to think about Dave’s bro for a few days.
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fabseg-creator · 11 months
My review about Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir
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This is a (first) review about a Miraculous element (especially an episode form Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir).
This post contains spoilers.
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Today, I've watched the Special Episode. I am prepared for the watching. I will reveal my aggregation in the end of the post.
And now, time to read:
This happens in the same moment (at the night) as the episode Destruction (5.03). After Monarch has been cataclysmed at the left arm and before he configurates the stolen Miraculouses.
In a parallel world, a Butterfly superhero named Hesperia (Gabriel Agreste/Gabi Grassette) who is helped by Alya, Nino, Max and Markov, leaves his homeworld universe for escape from Shadybug (Toxinelle) and Claw Noire (Griffe Noire), two evil versions of Ladybug and Cat Noir. When the three characters come to the Ladybug and Cat Noir main universe, Hesperia teams up with the two titular heroes for make the ShadyClaw duo into good people. At the other side, the evil counterparts try to steal the Butterfly miraculous to Hesperia (and later to try to combine the Ladybug and Cat powers for make their wishes).
I've learned about news elements in the Miraculous lore by watching the Special:
They exist some billions an infinity of Parallel Worlds in the lore.
Each Parallel World is home to one Tikki and one Plagg (so One Ladybug holder and one Cat holder).
The inconvenients from the Ladybug's and Cat's powers (secondary effects)due to their excessive using. Shadybug and Claw Noire cause their own deterioration in their bodies by using their power for the evil.
The morale about the hope in dark and sad moments (Thanks, Hesperia.)
The parallel world (ShadyClaw/Hesperia's world) is a dystopian world ruled by the Supreme
Hesperia's, Shadybug's and Claw Noir's backstories
What I liked:
The Hesperia opening in the intro (that was WTF but that was fun)
The coming of Shadybug and Claw Noire, their odd relationships
The Claw Noir's lines and moments
The Kamiko (good alternate name to Akuma)
The akumatization forms: Chat Céleste (Cat Noir) and Ubiquity (first Alya and later Ladybug)
Ladyfly (Marinette with Ladybug + Butterfly unification)
The travels across multiple parallel worlds (Hi, Scarabella and Kitty Noire. Hi, Mister Bug and Ladynoire.)
The concept of Re-Verse (the idea of what would Marinette and Adrien have looked like if theirs lives had been different from the Canon)
The thing how Monarch has failed (again) to take the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses when he travelled across parallel worlds.
What I disliked:
The lack of end post-credits scene: I would like to see what happens in the Hesperia's world after the battle (interractions between the reformed Shabybug and Claw Noire, Hesperia, Alya ans Nino about reconciliation ans reorganisation of the Resistance against the Supreme).
The absence of other Miraclass counterparts, Luka, Kagami, Félix, Zoé, Chloé and Lila/Cerise (Only Alya, Nino, Max and Markov from the class appear in the episode as parallel counterparts)
The missing full appearance of the Supreme (his/her appearance from the shadow for reveal himself/herself/themself to spectators could make the cliffhanger effect for a sequel).
What I want to know for the future:
The most intriguing point, for me, is: The Supreme (This hidden character I have just mentioned in this post)
Who is the Supreme ? Human or Deity ? Big Brother (1984, George Orwell) ? How do s/he looks like ?
All I've learned about him/her/them is:
The Supreme is an entity/being who rules the Hesperia's homeworld (possibly the Hesperia's entire universe).
S/He is a tyrant, a dictator (worst than Chloé, possibly more machiavelic and charismatic than Cerise, more dangerous than Monarch) on this Earth (or simply Paris).
S/He hates the Love, the Freedom/Liberty, the Justice, the Happiness, positive emotions and particularly the superheroes.
It's him/her/they who is THE overarching antagonist of the Paris Special (even if s/he is only mentioned many times). S/He's so more antagonistical than Monarch.
S/He makes Hesperia and the Resistance from this world (and by extension Ladybug 2 (former Shadybug) and Cat Noir 2/Paw Noir (former Claw Noir)) as Outlaws.
It's him/her/them who given the Ladybug and Cat miraculous to Emo Marinette and Emo Adrien. Ironical and Ridiculous from the Supreme !
S/He is too powerful, too surnatural and too overcheated: s/he has a great control on the Miraculous Ultimate Absolute Power. S/He has implanted a blockage spell on Tikki and Plagg for prevent anyone to summon Gimmi.
ML theory: I'm thinking the Supreme is probably a evil type of Guardian of Miraculouses. A Fallen Guardian (NOT Master Fu NOR Su-Han). S/He has many knowledges about Miraculouses and their using + the Absolute Power.
My personal aggregation on the Paris Special:
I've enjoyed to see the episode. The narrative is excellent. The idea of Multiverse in the Miraculous lore is well found. The various animations from the episode are fun. Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noire is a wonderful episode.
Result: 10/10
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 12 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: *taps mic* Is...is this thing on? Am I back on Tumblr? Lol I was totally going to post this last night but I couldn't log in on any of my devices lol
I need you to be proud of me when you read this because it took all my power to not go full "I'm in Control" and leave this chapter with ALL the angst! Lol Make no mistake...*evil laughs* There is angst but I didn't end it with a cliffhanger that would have y'all upset with me until I wrote the next chapter lol Enjoy <3
Warnings: Daddy Steve/Sir Eddie and Plus Size sub reader and all that implies (I regret nothing!), Light smut with all the angst, Y/N is referred to a lot as a whore/slut, mentions of aftermath from the last chapter (blood, cuts, bruises), Eddie talks about his trauma with his parents abandoning him.
There is a phone call and Steve's dialogue is in RED.
I'm not going to lie that's more or less the main theme of this chapter is that feeling OF being abandoned. These three are going through it but thankfully they have each other. This, however, is a completely new feeling to Y/N so I think that's why she reacts the way that she does (you'll see what I mean.)
Word Count: 5109
Your eyes remain on the floor as you sit in the principal’s office, numb to his words as he continues to shout at the other boys in the room. Blood drips from Eddie’s fingers as it flows from his knuckles where he repeatedly punched the other student in the face. Steve’s hair hung in front of his eyes, blocking the cuts and scrapes that currently adorned his own features. 
“2 months. You seriously can’t wait 2 months till you’re out of my school to pull a stunt like this?!”, Mr. Higgins screeched. “Mr. Martin and Mr. Martinez, we do not use that kind of language at our school and we certainly don’t write it.”
“Yeah. That’s why we kicked their ass. Because words like ‘slut’ are not tolerated here at Hawkins High.”, Eddie sassed. 
“You didn’t ‘kick our ass’, freak. You’re just lucky we didn’t get to finish.”
“Didn’t get to finish. I’m sure you’ve heard many women say that to you in the past.”
“Fuck you, Munson!”
“ALRIGHT! That’s enough.” Everyone becomes silent again as the principal rises to his feet. “Everyone is suspended for a week and be glad I don’t bar you from graduation.”
“If I may.”, Mr. C clears his throat as he pats Mr. Higgins shoulder trying to calm him down. “Since Mr. Munson and Mr. Harrington were trying to defend a fellow student being bullied maybe for them, we can cut that in half. Three days instead of a week.”
The principal sighs as you feel his eyes swivel your way. “Y/N, my apologies. I forgot you were here.” He turns back towards his colleague when you don’t look his way. “Did she fight anyone?”
“No. She was the one that they…”
“Okay, okay. I get it. Um, fine. Mr. Munson. Mr. Harrington. You two are suspended for three days and Y/N, go ahead and head home. Take the rest of the day to recoup and we’ll count it as excused, ok?” Again, you don’t answer causing him to exhale once more. “Maybe…we should call your parents to pick you up…”
“Pfft, good luck with that. We heard they gave her to the Harringtons. How much are whores now a day, Stevie?”
Steve stood up angrily and your teacher quickly intervened. “Out now! And make no mistake, your parents will be called.” The other boys grumbled under their breath as they left slamming the door behind them. “You three follow me.” 
As he leads you out into the hallway, Masie jumps up from the floor she had been sitting on. “Y/N! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…I was just surprised… what-what happened?”
“Miss Collins, go back to class.”
Your best friend huffs as her jaw tightens. “No! She’s my friend and I’ve known her way longer these two. Before Steve Harrington grew a fucking conscience and Eddie Munson decided to meddle in her life like she was his personal barbie doll!”
Both men froze in place causing Mr. C to push them forward till he reached his now empty classroom. “Sit. All four of you.”, he commanded. “Except Mr. Munson. Stand in front of me here.” Eddie cautiously did as he was told as the teacher dug into his desk, pulling out a gigantic first aid box. “You’re not a teacher if you aren’t ready for everything.”
He reaches out to grab the metalhead’s hand, sliding off his rings before he begins cleaning the man’s wound. “I’d be lying if I didn’t say I had a feeling. Since detention last year, I noticed the three of you hanging out more. To be honest, it was kind of nice to see Y/N get out of her shell.”
Masie scoots closer to you as she brushes some of your hair out of your face with her fingers. Eddie winced as his teacher began wrapping his hand with gauze. “Like almost everyone in this town, I grew up with your parents. Al Munson and I had a few classes together before he dropped out of school. Bill Harrington swung his dick around these halls like a fucking peacock. The original King Harrington for sure.”
He tapped Eddie up before gesturing towards an empty seat and beckoning Steve forward. When the boy didn’t move, Mr. C rolled his eyes as he grabbed his kit and kneeled in front of him to clean his face. 
“Your parents, Y/N, were just troublemakers, I swear to God. I remember one time your dad pulled the fire alarm to get everyone outside just so he’d have an audience when he sang ‘Let’s Stay Together’ by Al Green in a microphone in the quad to your mom.”, he chuckles at the memory as your eyes close and a tear falls down your cheek. 
“After they got married, I guess they decided to put things like that behind them. I never knew Wayne. He had already graduated when we started school and I believe trying to take care of your grandpa. The stories I heard; your uncle always seemed like a good man.”
He bandages Steve’s eye and hands him an ice pack to hold against it. After putting everything away, he comes around to lean against the front of his desk. 
“Boys, your fathers only ever cared about themselves even after they got married and started a family. Y/N, your parents knew they were in love the minute they met each other. I know Bill is over exaggerating this thing here because he needs to look like the good guy so I know the rumors aren’t true. I also know that if you are in a relationship with these two it’s real because you were raised by two people who actually made me believe love exists. You’re not a slut, Y/N, and I’m sorry this is happening because people fucking suck in this town.”
“You two…”, he points towards the guys. “…I have watched grow up, scared you would repeat the pattern of your parents. Eddie, you’ve been in trouble more times than I can count and Steve, while it may sound crass, Masie is right. You were a bit of an asshole.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Today, maybe.”, he raises an eyebrow in her direction as she smiles. 
“Since last year, I’ve noticed a change in all three of you. If this was toxic or bad in any way, I would recommend ending it now but… what I’m trying to say is don’t let these kids or your parents get to you like they did today. You have two more months. Then you can get out of here and do or be whatever you want. Fuck these narrow-minded people.”
Silently, you stand from your chair, exit the classroom and numbly head towards the parking lot. You hear feet behind you before a small hand touches your shoulder. 
“Y/N… you want to come over?”
You aggressively nod at Masie’s question as the tears start to flow more freely now. As she drives away from the school, you hear the boys screaming your name as they try and run to catch up to the car.
“This…this is my fault, Maze. I don’t know what to do. I just…I just want to go home. I don’t want my parents to hate me.”
“Honey, they don’t hate you. They just…they don’t understand. If I’m being honest, I barely do.”, she sighs. “But I’ve seen Eddie and Steve with you especially after that game. They were so scared those three days you were at home. They asked about you every day.”
“I don’t understand it either. I didn’t ask for this. I just wanted to be left alone! Now I’m ruining people’s lives…”
“Hm. That’s very self-righteous of you.” Your eyes meet hers as you glare angrily at her assessment. “Y/N, you’re acting like Eddie and Steve don’t have minds of their own and can make their own choices. They CHOSE to be with you. They CHOSE to pursue you. I imagine they didn’t have a choice of falling in love with you but that just comes naturally when people are around you.” You smirk as she laughs. 
“Can I stay here tonight?”
“Of course, but I think you should call them at least. Let them know you’re okay.” She reaches for her phone, dancing it in front of your face before you concede and take it from her. “I’m going to go downstairs to get us some comfort food. Take your time.”
“Y/N?!” Eddie answers the phone after one ring. “Baby, is that you?”
“Hey Ed. Is, um, is Steve there to?” There’s silence on the other end. It takes him so long to answer you thought the line disconnected. 
“Yeah, he’s…he’s right here. Are you still with Masie? Is she in the room?”
“I’m at her house right now. She’s in the kitchen getting food for us.”
“Y/N, why are you using our names then if we’re alone.”
“E-Eddie, I…” Your eyes start to tear up again as he huffs into the phone, listening as he talks to Steve in the background.
“Do you know where her friend lives?”
“No. Why the fuck would I know where Masie Collins lives?”
“Steve, something’s wrong. She sounds different and she’s not using our titles.”
“You don’t think…”
“Y/N, tell us where you are. We’ll come get you so we can talk, ok?”
“I-I-I… No.”
“Y/N…Think really hard about what you’re doing right now.”
“I am. I…this is my fault, Eddie. I can’t have you both ruining your futures and struggling because of me. You got hurt! Twice! Steve got cut off. All of our parents are falling apart. At least… at least if they think what they think already at school, Steve can go back to ‘King’ status and you can find someone you don’t have to constantly keep fighting for!”
“What about you, Miss high and mighty? Just going to live with your red-letter A slut badge alone for the next couple of months? What will you be doing while Steve and I will apparently knee deep in pussy and favoritism from the student body and our parents?”
“Did she really fucking say that?”
“Hm. Got real quiet all of the sudden. Come on, sweetheart. I really want to know what the plan is. What’s going to happen to you?”
You placed your hand over your mouth to stifle the cries as you heard the sound of a lighter close on his end. 
“What’s the matter, baby? You don’t know? I do. Things are just going to keep getting harder. These kids are still going to pull shit like they did today but you’ll be handling it alone. Some of the meatheads may get some ideas…be a bit grabbier than usual. I mean if you want to wear the moniker so badly maybe you can give them what they want. Steve and I have shown you a lot, haven’t we, princess?”
“Please…”, you beg. 
“…fucking…I can’t…bitch…Eddie hang up.”
“Calm down, Harrington.”
“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down! I fucking hate this! She thinks she’s doing us a goddamn favor?! Thanks for your sacrifice, Y/N! Now I have fucking no one! I gave you everything and I trusted you! I guess it doesn’t fucking matter now since apparently I’ll be rolling in money and fucking anything with legs…” His voice cracked as he spoke again, tearing your heart in half. “I thought her opinion about me changed. I guess she still sees me as that asshole from junior year. Fuck… I’m so stupid, dude.”
You break as they listen to you cry. Even though they are upset, it kills them to hear the sound. 
“Y/N… if you think we’d stop fighting for you just because you break up with us or whatever…then you aren’t as smart as I thought you were. We can play this game if you want and it will fucking hurt but we meant what we said to your parents. We love you.”
“I love you to, Sir. You and Daddy.”
“There she is. There’s our girl. Tell me where you are, baby. Please.”
You quietly hang up the phone, laying on your side in Masie’s bed as you close your eyes and sob. Thin arms suddenly wrap around your stomach as your friend hugs you to her chest. 
“It’s okay, Y/N. Everything will be okay.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to school today?”
“I can’t, Maze. I can’t handle all that today. I can’t handle seeing their empty desks.”
“You should go see them then.”
You shake your head as rub your arms. “I, um, I can’t. I’m going to go see my parents and then see what happens from there.”
“Can’t or won’t?” She nods when you don’t answer. “Y/N, I’m your best friend and I love you with all my heart. That’s why I’m doing this, okay?”
“Doing what?”
She looks out the window before opening the front door with a big grin right as Eddie had lifted his fist to knock. “Please come into my house. My parents are out of town this week but that doesn’t mean you can smoke inside and please no sex at least not on my bed.”
Your eyes widen as both boys slowly enter her home. 
“I may have come upstairs too early yesterday and heard your conversation.”, Masie sighs as she comes over to take your hand. “I’ve never heard you cry like that and it frightened me a bit. I get that you think you’re doing what’s best for everyone especially them but it’s not fair to make that decision for them.” She gently kisses your cheek before reaching down to grab her backpack. “So I *69ed the number and gave them my address. I love you! Bye!”
Eddie smiles after her as she closes her front door and disappears. 
“I like her.”
They both looked awful; like they hadn’t gotten any sleep. The metalhead reeked of cigarettes and both their faces were starting to bruise from where they had gotten hit. You slowly stepped forward, reaching out to touch Steve’s face but the boy quickly pulled back and moved away from you. 
“No. I can’t…handle you touching me right now.”
Your hand recoiled as you blinked back tears. “Leave please.”
“No. Your friend is right. We deserve to have a say in this.”
“A say in what, Eddie?! What do I have to do to get you guys to understand!? I don’t want to be with you anymore!”
The man sighs as he turns towards his friend. “Last ditch effort it seems. She’s trying to hurt us to push us away.”
“Yeah, well that won’t work. She already tore my heart out last night.”
“And you’re still here, Steve. You were right! My opinion of you hasn’t changed. You’re still that fucking dumbass, preppy daddy’s boy I always thought you were! And you!”
“What about me, babe? Go ahead. I’m waiting.” Eddie started moving forward, pushing you with his chest as he tried to corner you. “Need some help? I’m a freak. I’m like my dad…a no-good trouble making bad boy.”
You loop around him as you run up the stairs, his feet heavy behind you. You try to slam the bedroom door in his face but he blocks it with his hand. “Come on, Y/n! I’m waiting.”
“Fuck you!”
“Oh, I can do that to, if you want. We can go back to how things used to be especially if you want everyone to continue thinking you’re a slut. Let’s be honest though, they are probably going to think that anyway but at least we can still play with you.”
“We can play this game better, little girl. You think you can hurt us to get us to go away?” Steve sat on the bed as he watched you two talk, his tone laced with venom. “You know what, fuck it, Munson. She wants to go back to being our little fuck toy again we can do that. She doesn’t love us anymore anyway, right? RIGHT?!”
Your hair blocked your face as your head hung down to your chest. Eddie stepped closer to you as he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper to make sure you fully opened your ears and heard what he was about to say. 
“Tell us you don’t love us anymore. Look Steve and I in the eyes and say those words. As soon as we hear them, we’ll leave. We’ll disappear from your life and you’ll never see us again after graduation. These next two months, we’ll leave you be and won’t even look your way. But I promise you, sweetheart, that won’t change how we feel about you. You’ll always be ours.”
Your eyes meet his soft brown eyes as you collapse in his arms. He lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carries you to the bed and takes a seat. Moving his shoulder, his palms grip your face as he forces you to look at him. 
“I’m just…tired of people…getting hurt.”, you hiccupped. “These past couple…of nights…I dream about my…parents and how…they called me a slut. When we got to school…I saw what they wrote on the board…and the blood on your faces—”
“I know, baby. I know. It was scary. You’ve been through a lot these past few days. We weren’t looking to start a fight. Steve tried to erase it before you got there but those kids got in his face… they swung first.”
“Daddy… I’m sorry. I don’t think of you the same way I did before. You’re…not stupid. I wish I could protect you guys…I was trying to…”
“I know, Y/N. I just need some time, okay?”
You nod, curling into Eddie’s chest as you cry. “Princess, you don’t have to protect us. It’s our job to take care of you.” He rocks you back and forth as he continues to try and sooth you. “You do so much for us already. I meant what I said. No one has ever loved me or cared about me the way you do.”
“Come on. We should…head back to your trailer.”, Steve sighs as he stands and heads for the van. 
You left Masie a note telling her what happened and that you’d see her at school tomorrow. As you entered the trailer, Eddie told you about how Wayne gave him some money and since you weren’t there, he had run to the nearest store to grab some clothes he thought you would like including the pajamas he handed you to get changed into. Steve was silent the entire way home, lost in his own thoughts. 
While the metalhead went outside to smoke a cigarette, an idea hit you. You wondered to where you remembered seeing Eddie’s uncle own collection of tapes, browsing them until you found what you were looking for. 
Without making eye contact, you swooped back into the bedroom where Steve was laying on the mattress. After inserting the tape, you turned to face him, hands laced behind your back. 
“Let’s Stay Together” began playing through the speakers, startling the man as he turned to face you. You smirked as you grabbed a brush on the dresser and held it to your lips like a microphone. 
“I, I'm I'm so in love with you Whatever you want to do Is all right with me 'Cause you make me feel so brand new And I want to spend my life with you.”
“Y/N, no. Not right now.”, Steve responds but you can tell its half-hearted. 
“Let me say that since, baby, since we've been together Ooh, loving you forever Is what I need Let me, be the one you come running to I'll never be untrue.”
You grin as he softly smiles in your direction. Eddie, hearing the music, comes in to lean against the doorframe as he watches you dance and sing. Swaying your hips, you move towards him. 
“Oh baby Let's, let's stay together ('gether) Lovin' you whether, whether Times are good or bad, happy or sad Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad.”
After leaning up to kiss his lips, you focus back on Steve, reaching for his hands to pull him to his feet. As you continue to sing, his palms land on your hips as he starts moving with you making your smile grow as your face presses against his chest. He clings to you, threading his fingers through your hair as the song ends and a new one begins. 
“I’m so sorry, Daddy. I love you so much.”
“Yeah, baby. Me to.”
That night you three crashed before the sun had fully descended, completely exhausted from the last few days. 
The sound of you groaning in your sleep caused Eddie to grumble awake a little after midnight. His hand that was currently resting on your hip casually drifted up to brush your hair back and caress your face. 
“It’s…it’s ok, baby. You’re…ok…”
Your face scrunched together as your body pushed back against Steve’s chest, jostling his eyes open. 
“Wha…huh. I’m here!”
“SH! She’s having a nightmare again.”
The man behind you sighed as his arm tightened around your frame. “We’re here, baby girl. You’re safe.” Eddie’s eyes scanned your face as his friend soothed you, his own thumb gently rubbing against your skin trying to calm you. 
The metalhead scooted himself closer to you, tracing his fingers along your lips as you continued to mumble. 
“Y/N, come back to us, sweetheart.”, he whispers as he tenderly kissed your forehead. As he continued to place soft kisses along your face, his hand slowly slid under the waistband of your panties, cupping your sex in his palm. “Come back, baby.”
Eddie’s fingers gradually dip through your folds, circling your clit as his lips land on yours. Steve’s own mouth sucks on your shoulders and neck as his hands glide under your shirt, rubbing your soft tummy. 
“I love you, honey. Everything is ok. Your Daddy and Master are here.”
Your face steadily began to relax as your body curved into the boy behind you, you hand reaching out to land on the other boy’s back as you tried to pull him closer. 
“I love you to, princess. My beautiful, perfect girl. Can you open those gorgeous eyes for me?”
A soft moan left your lips as Eddie thrust two fingers into your core. “Ed-Eddie?”
“Yeah, baby. I’m right here. Can you feel me touching you, pretty girl?”
You subtly nod your head, still not fully awake and aware. “Steve?”
“I’m here to, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere.” His hands slid further up your body as he massaged your breasts, rough fingertips playing with your nipples. 
“Can you do what I asked, little one? Can you open your eyes and look at me?” Your hand abruptly clings to his shoulder as your eyes open meeting his beautiful chocolate ones. “There she is. Back where she belongs.”
Your grip moves to his bicep, your other hand holding on to Steve’s under the pillow as Eddie pumped his fingers faster. 
“Please…”, you whimper as his forehead presses to your own. “Please, Sir. Make me cum.”
The sound of your slick filled his room as his hand moved faster between your legs. Roughly, you reached for him, yanking his lips to yours; the move itself startling him as he wasn’t used to you being forceful like that. 
You panted against his face as you came hard, tears flowing heavily down your cheeks as you slowly came back down from your high. The problem was… you couldn’t stop them. You fell asleep into a nightmare and woke up in heaven. Even though it would have been because of you, you almost lost them and for almost a day you had. The love they felt for you, how good they made you feel, the dates, movie nights in, the protectiveness, the way Eddie made you laugh, and the way Steve made you smile… for a moment it was gone. 
“Y/N, baby, you’re leaving us again. Come back.”
You hugged your arms around him, pulling the metalhead as close as you could before tugging at Steve’s hand to bring him closer to your back. 
“I’m sorry.”, you whispered. “I just wanted to help…”
Your father flung open the front door angrily after looking through the peep hole and seeing both boys on his front step. 
“Get away from my house.”
“We’re not here to cause any trouble. We just wanted to get some of her things so she has what she needs till she graduates.”
Eddie decided before they got there that Steve should do the bulk of the talking, afraid that either he would agitate things or not be able to control his temper. 
“Look, she wants to play adult and live this kind of life she can buy new things.”
“Sweetie.”, he exhaled at the sound of your mom’s voice. “Where is she?”
“She’s at school.”
“Why aren’t you two there?”, your dad asks in a sarcastic tone. “Fighting I’m guessing by your faces. Jesus, my daughter she can pick them. TWO of them it seems!”
“We got into a fight defending your daughter because some assholes decided to call her a slut in front of the entire classroom!”, Eddie snarled in their direction. “Yeah, but we’re the fuckers.”
“Eddie…”, the other boy warned. “Please, sir. Wayne has already done enough taking us in. Let us do this and we’ll be out of your hair.”
Your mom lightly pushes him aside and gestures towards your room. They quickly head that way, grab a duffle bag from your closet, and begin filling it with clothes. 
“Did she not want to come herself?”
“Not exactly, ma’am. She doesn’t know we’re here. We, um…never mind.”, Steve smiles politely as he focuses on his task. 
Eddie softly grins as he looks at pictures along your desk. There were so many images of you and Masie together along your vanity mirror. In frames, you had a lot of photos of you and your family including one of you making funny faces with your cousins in New York. He paused, however, when he moved some things to the side and found some images of you three hidden under some of your school papers. 
“No, please, tell me. I want to hear it.”, you mother sits on your bed as she waits for his answer. 
There was a polaroid you had taken when they were finally able to take you to the beach. The sun paled in comparison to your smile that day as you constantly beamed at them while swimming in the water or pushing your toes into the sand. You suggested a photo and Steve held it up high to get all three of you as you kissed his cheek and Eddie wrapped his arm around your neck. 
“Fun at the beach! 1984 : ) I love these idiots!”
Another picture was one Steve must of taken when he took you to that play. You were wearing a gorgeous blue gown he had bought you. You didn’t know but his friend had spent hours with him wondering the mall trying to find something you would like. Steve kept insisting it had to be “beautiful like her”. In the photo, your back was leaning against his chest and he had his arm wrapped around your chest as his cheek pressed to yours.
“Night at the theater 1983. The play was great but the company was better *Muah!*”
“She’s been crying a lot these passed two days. At first, we thought it was the shock of everything and what happened in school yesterday but… she misses you both. After what your husband did, we were afraid that…even if she came with us…her having to see you two mad at her and looking down on her…it would just hurt her more.”
This photo Eddie didn’t even know you had taken. You held the camera above you both as he slept, his back had a good gleam of sweat still reflecting off his pale skin. Some of your make up had smeared down your eyes and your head was turned, looking at him with eyes full of compassion. 
“Finally saw Dio with this goofball <3 1983.”
“We meant what we said, Mrs. Y/L/N. We love your daughter and I’m sorry but we aren’t going to let you guys break her heart again.”
Eddie grabbed all your pictures and a couple of the frames, throwing them on top of your clothes as he cuts Steve off to zip up the bag. 
“Come on, man. I think we have everything.”, the metalhead mumbled as he started heading for the hallway. 
As they reached your front door, Steve turned around to face them both. “Thank you. Once we get an apartment or something we’ll come back for the rest. Her things and mine won’t all fit in Wayne’s trailer.”
“Both my parents abandoned me.”, Eddie blurted. Everyone in the room froze in place as they faced him. “My mother ran off to protect herself and never came back for me. She knew how he was especially with me and she left anyway. My father chose to continue to break the law instead of shaping up and being a dad. “
“Steve’s parent’s abandon him in that big ass house. For as long as I’ve known him, his dad was either on vacation or a business trip in another country with his mother. When Mr. Harrington is in Hawkins, he’s focused on his own business instead of his son. When we met Y/N, I’ll be the first to admit we were both assholes. It’s always been amusing to me how she thinks she doesn’t do enough for us yet she helped make us who we are today. She’s sweet, funny, extremely tough, so beautiful…I mean I could go on!”, he chuckles before continuing. 
“She tried breaking up with us the other night because she thought it would make everyone happy and according to her best friend it nearly broke her. I want you to think about that while you two are sitting alone in this house. That you would rather abandon her or have her be unhappy then to accept that she’s in love in with two people. That you would jump to calling her a whore then to understand how she’s feeling. She deserves better than that.”
With that he turned on his heels and headed for his van. Steve gave your parents one final nod, silently agreeing with Eddie before following him out the door.
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
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so how would you have this play out. say buck and tommy start experimenting halfway into this season and then eddie gets wind of it gets pissed and shit goes down and by seasons end tommy leaves, buck is going to be comfortable with the idea of being with men, tommy probably gives buck a hint about eddie and well marisol and eddie probably break up as well cause homegirl is gonna be like you're more interested in your best friend dating a man then me, tell my why that is? oh it's so juicy.
I've said this before but I don't know if I've ever said it publicly: I am betting on a Bones season six situation.
For those of you who don't know, in the television show Bones, at the end of season five one half of the slow burn, Booth, confessed his love to Brennan, the other half, and she turned him down. She was terrified that their relationship wouldn't work out and she'd lose him. Booth, brokenhearted, quit the team and got himself a new girlfriend (Katheryn Winnick, hhhnnngghhh).
In season six, Brennan breaks down and confesses to Booth she does love him and wants a relationship with him, and begs him to tell her it's not too late. Booth is hurt, and tells her that his current girlfriend is "not a consolation prize" and he's not going to break up with her to get with Brennan - he cares about her and is going to stay with her.
He and the girlfriend then break up because they want different things in life, and Booth is able to go to Brennan and be with her (after a period of adjustment).
I'm deeply inclined to think that we'll get something along those lines. We all saw how hurt Eddie looked when Buck said "she sees me" in that graveyard scene. I think that Buck is going to realize his feelings and confess to Eddie and Eddie is going to fight him, hurt and upset, telling him that he waited for ages for Buck to realize Eddie was right there, and Buck just went off with another woman. Again. And Marisol isn't someone Eddie's going to just dump the second Buck gives him a chance, he's not going to do that to her.
We'll have angst and pain and Buddie separation, Eddie and Marisol will break up, and Buck and Eddie will get together in the season finale.
(Which, for the record, I'm betting the Madney wedding is the finale. Just saying.)
I would not be surprised if they pushed Buck and Eddie getting together until the next season and instead focused on the angst to be evil and give us an emotional cliffhanger. Especially with only a ten-episode season. But I'm currently betting on them getting together in the finale.
That's my line of thinking! And if we could get Tommy asking Chim how long Buck and Eddie have been into each other while Chim astral projects his way through the last six years and bluescreens, that would be the icing on the cake.
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bingebuddie · 5 months
Here... We... Go...
Hi all,
Well, so far, 2024 has sucked for me... but anyway...
I've been feeling pretty out of sorts mentally, and depending on where my head is at, I've been bouncing back and forth between Fics and my Wes and Cole novel.
I am going on a writing retreat May 4-12th... so... expect some major movement...
I wanted to provide a few updates on where I am with my Fics and other works.
Published updates here have been slower than I wanted or anticipated. This has nothing to do with the story, as I have this outlined for Arcs 6-10... Yes, up to Arc 10.
My personal life has gotten in the way a lot over the last few months and has just eaten up my time to write.
Now, Arc 6 will lead right into Arc 7 and 7 into 8. You will want to throw some stuff at me for some of the wtf moments and having to wait between arcs... but it's all coming. Anyone new to the series has had the benefit of reading five fully finished-out arcs that took me about a year to write. Have some patience with me. It will be worth it.
Arc 6, Into The Unknown, has multiple chapters drafted. I just need to clean up some edits from my beta, and they will be posted. May is going to be a big month for this arc.
This is a pivotal point in the series. It spans Chapters 37-48, making it the longest arc so far. This installment will delve into the Seals' backstory, their connection with Buck and Eddie, and much more. It’s a substantial piece of the puzzle that you won't want to miss.
This one does have some heavy moments...
This does end with a cliffhanger... But I promise, it's not our boys directly you are left wondering about...
Arc 7—Strong—Eddie will need his friends and family like never before. This is a heavy Diaz family arc. The outline is eight Chapters.
This also ends in a cliffhanger and that promise I made above... does not apply here.... insert evil laugh...
Arc 8 Genesis—This is the big one. It all comes together here, and it is the part I am most excited to write. It is also the longest, with an outline of 16 chapters. You will find out more about Genesis in Arc 6.
This arc will change all of their lives and the status quo as we know it. Grab your seats and tissues. The previous title for this was Unleashed...
Arc 9 - Experience/Circles - Tentative Title - No tease, as it will spoil what's to come...
Arc 10 - My All - googles Mariah Carey ...
Sideways isn't going anywhere...
Volume 1: Nevermore
This was originally planned to be 30 chapters. I have 20 published right now. The rest of this is outlined, and chapters 21-25 are written and ready to be published. I haven't posted these because Chapter 25 ends on a massive cliffhanger, and I don't want to leave you all hanging. I will be finishing this... after Arc 6 of Sideways ...
I have a plan for the second arc... but that's all the way behind everything else on my docket...
If you have read this one, I have yet to post the last chapter...
This has an MCD, and while I was writing this, I lost a friend. It was hard to finish. I have finished the outline, and this will be completed soon.
This is on hold. I have too much else to focus on. Consider this on hiatus until I say otherwise. It might even be scrapped... will see...
Would You Mind:
This one was a lot of fun... The wrap-up/epilogue is done; it's with my beta...
Lap Dancing Eddie will return... in Sideways...
I Don't Want To Be Your Freind:
As of today, 7 of 11 chapters are posted. This is all outlined. I have drafts of chapters 8-11 done. Going to beta and will be posting soon...
I started this leading up to Season 7; it was my mind dealing with all the rumors and leaks... In my mind and my group chat, I was calling this my Anti Tommy and Marisol fic...
This got way out of hand and became a monster of a fic...
Now... on to what else I have brewing...
Future Shock - 3 Part Series - Magic/BAMF/Mayhem/Found Family/Soul Mates/Redux/Ryan Throw's The Timeline Into A Blender and Tada...
As It Is - 2030 and the 118 have been a fractured team since the lawsuit. When members of the team start to be picked off one by one, Hen, Chim, and Bobby, have no one to turn to until friends and family return in their most desperate hour.
As It Was - Details what led to the fracturing of the 118. A retelling of Season 2 and part of season 3...
As It Was Always Meant To Be - Now reunited, will the 118 be able to rally around each other, or will their painful past be too much to overcome.
This has a loose outline and it's very large ...
Depressed, Devasted, and Destroyed aka Something To Hold On To:
I keep calling this Triple D or DDD... This is a pure angst fest... major whump... like I'm mad at myself for the whump here ... seriously...
This has an outline...
Relationship Goals—In an effort to rebuild their friendship after their recent relationships crash and burn, Buck and Eddie join a local hockey team along with some of Buck's old seal friends. This was pure fan service to myself and a way to get Buck, Eddie, Wes, and Cole to play hockey and not have to do it on Sideways. This currently sits around 60 pages.
Stolen - A stolen kiss changes everything between Buck and Eddie... This angst fest is somehow incredibly soft... This is about 35 pages right now...
The Ties That Bind - Buck breakdown fic... This might get scrapped and merged into DDD from above...
All I Want for Christmas - Think Scrooged Vs. It's A Wonderful Life Vs 911... This won't be posted until holiday time...
The Wes and Cole novel is still moving along... it's my refuge when the show does something stupid...
I should probably get to writing... it's not like I have nothing to do....
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ssreeder · 2 months
Hi, genuine question for Ur well being
Since this Is the last part/book of the Fanfiction i wanted to ask if u would be 'retelling' the whole series like if u would have to rewrite the whole season (cuz that would be SO MUCH WORK ITS CRAZY😭) or if u will like stop at some point of thr 'og timeline' bcuz from there on its almost thr same as the original (ex: aang's final battlr w ozai or the last agni kai of Zuko n Azula)
If u had to rewrite the og-show w a new timeline' how will the povs work? Like will u write aang's pov in the final Battle against ozai (cuz if u do ESP the part where he Is in the A.S the Kyoshi novels DID a pretty good job explaining It when Kyoshi entrrs It)
This Is Just for pure boredom 😭 cuz im so curious abt how u will write EVERYTHING (cuz its a LOT. Especially rewritin S3 tbfh)
LIKE thats ACTUALLY a LOT of work and i dont know if u have the sanity for that 😭😭 (NOT IN A NEGATIVE WAY IM JUST ADMIRINF UR MOTIVATION🙏🙏)
antways i LOVED the new chapter SM It was SUCH A chill n cozy One that now im so scared abt the next cuz Ur... EVIL(/j)
I also expected the cliffhanger to be DEVASTATING SND CRY ONCE AGAIN 4 THIS FIC but It wasnt ACTUALLY so bad but NOW U MADE ME CURIOUSSSSS
(will We get to see the Fire NATION Boys flashbacks back when they we're on the ship e zuko? Im still waiting to find out if IROH know abt jee.)
Now im even more frightened abt the next haha
Ok im done lol, love Ur work and KEEP UP (Sorry u had to read alltat:P)
ok anon so I’m not sure if you’re asking me if I plan to rewrite season 3 and the shows canon ending? But if you are, let me reassure you that I am absolutely not going to do that haha. LIAB won’t even end the same way the show ended so it wouldn’t even be possible for me to do that anyway
I love that you assume they’re gunna win the battle in BSS and go on to fight ozai -
what if they lose? Maybe the city falls and they have to leave it all behind and hide from the FN? Regroup, care for the injured, mourn the dead…
Speaking of dead. Fuck if what if Aang dies? Can’t fight ozai if he’s dead.
Azula loves to throw lighting & hates to lose so anything’s possible when you believe in yourself that much.
or maybe everything will be fine?! They will all be ALRIGHT because it’s liab and nothing bad ever happens in LIAB :D :D
sorry anon I won’t say what happens but I can promise you one thing FOR SURE - I will not be rewriting canon season 3 haha.
YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAAAA I’m super happy you enjoyed the last chapter haha the plot is beginning to move and we are headed towards the battle!!
as for flashbacks, the iroh zuko talk is an iroh pov and he’s super focused on the convo so unfortunately there won’t be much “flash-backing” but the ship will be mentioned so you never know haha.
thanks for the ask anon!!!
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startrekprodigyfan · 3 months
Episodes 1-4
I’ve watched the first four episodes. I think I agree with the podcast interviews the creators have done that the binge format actually lends itself well to this season. Every episode leaves off with a bit of a cliffhanger and each episode is so short that you just kinda wanna keep going to find out what happens next. Waiting a week between these episodes would’ve been much more difficult to be sure. That said, I still think a more limited release schedule or maybe 5 episodes a week would’ve sufficed and stretched things out a bit longer.
I think this season is off to a great start. They set up nicely where everyone is at for the start of the show and it’s very clear what the majority of character arcs are going to be going forward. Simultaneously there’s a lot at risk and they do a good job of making sure as the events unfold that you know exactly how bad things can get before they somehow manage to get even worse!
Spoilers under the cut:
Spoilers for episodes 1-4
Only Dal could mess up the timeline as much as he did. I do feel sorry for him. As someone who has ADHD, the testing and memorizing aspect of school work always bothered me. Dal works best when he’s allowed to flow naturally. His methods are unconventional of course, but that’s just what works best for him. I had similar struggles growing up so I definitely get what he’s going through.
Jankom’s by the book attitude felt weird to get used to but I like that it built up to his percussive maintenance. Like with Dal’s unconventional approach to being in charge, Jankom’s approach to engineering gets different types of results and I enjoy the fact these themes are linked.
I knew Gwyn would somehow make it back to the crew, but I certainly wasn’t expecting the way it happened. Of course it makes sense that evil Asencia is the reason the Vau N'Akat head towards civil war. It was nice to see Gwyn being able to connect with her father when he’s not abusive. I know many people who wish that could have been the case in their own lives. Maybe they can live that fantasy vicariously through this storyline.
I enjoyed that they set up the idea of the paradox of Dal and company being the ones to break Chakotay free… only for their interference to spectacularly backfire. That was a nice subversion of expectations.
I am having trouble with the new Vulcan cadet, not because she’s a bad character or anything… but because I’m familiar with the voice actor being a lot more… chaotic and wild. It is weird to hear Amythest from Steven Universe being so… quiet and logical. I’m sure I’ll get over it eventually it’s just a little jarring at first.
Speaking of, are they setting up a potential romance plot between her and Zero? Zero certainly seems enamored with her at the end of episode 4. There’s a lot of ways that could be interesting to watch and it’s weirdly appropriate that The Doctor is the one who gave advice on being non-corporeal yet still wishing to be close to someone.
Overall, looking forward to seeing the rest of the show!
Theory time: the mysterious figure helping get everyone together is hologram Janeway. Her code got dispersed through the temporal wormhole and she’s helping guide everyone to fixing everything.
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rebeltigera · 3 months
Hii Rebel! How is it going? I have almost finished all my exams, but I didn't stay on sociale until now and I wanted to ask you if you do have some info about lmk season 5?
Oh! And I saw Blind Mac, I love him<3
Yeah, I've watched the 10 episodes in Chinese
Non spoiler talk , I've got few things to say about it
Lemme start with the animation - it's ok. Could be worse, could be much much better but we got ... This I guess. Some nice references can be found, at least they kept that vibe. Fight animation- nowhere near what we had , it's a downgrade, I hope it will get better in the future . Many recycled scenes that doesn't quite fit with the style- thats a sore. There are some fights they animated in specific way that actually rescued whole scenes so plus for them.
The moving PNG / cgi with Nezha's mech from trailer still is a sore thumb for me (we do not talk about mechs, they are quite terrible)
With the story- they cooked. Ofc it's rushed, you can't expect it's not being rushed in 10 episodes that each last 10 min..
But they cooked . I am angry with some characters (coughWukongcough) meanwhile others are literally goats of the season and they carry it on their back
The antagonist of this season is *chef kiss* , I didn't understand much when he talked obviously but he felt like a high quality antagonist ( sort of like force of nature, natural evil)
I hope we will get special/ next season because like always they always leave us at cliffhanger wanting for more , without much of a explanation.
The season is actually grasping loose ends and plot holes from previous seasons, at least some of em
Nation of shadowpeach got fed in this one , that's for sure
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deans-baby-momma · 1 year
Law & Love Chapter 12
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A/N: And this story is back......with a twist at the end......cliffhanger anyone???? BAHAHAHAHAHA (that's my evil laugh)
As Beau returns to his desk, he realizes that he also likes the idea of going home with her, that his place was considered 'theirs' now.
After making sure that my attackers are going to be put away, Beau and I head back to his camper, or as he called it- home. Although, almost immediately he is called away on the case concerning his daughter and her step-father; leaving me to quietly relive the revelations made today.
The news of the altercation at the diner was on the evening news and not long after, I received word that the diner was temporarily closed until the whole ordeal blew over. The owner, a nice man by the name of Fred, also offered me a permanent position as head waitress if I want to come back and work at, as he called it, the scene of the crime.  I told him I would think about it and let him know.
After leaving Eric, my douchey cheating ex, I had left with no particular destination. Arriving in Helena and deciding to settle down hours from anyone I knew was a spur of the moment decision;  one I had yet to regret. 
What I regretted was befriending Deb;  allowing her to know the more intimate parts of my life that I would usually keep to myself. Little did I know she was using it as fodder to manipulate and influence her own son to sleep with her; using my stories and life to seduce and fuck her own flesh and blood. 
My phone rings on the side table, causing me to jump out of my recollections. I look to see Beau's number on the screen.
"Hiya darlin'," he drawls in his Texan accent. I should've never told him I thought it was sexy because now he's just killing me with it. "How're you holding up? I hate that I had to leave you as soon as we got home."
I smile to myself at his words. He called it home again, as in his and mine-ours. 
"I'm okay Beau," I say, trying to relieve his worry. "How's Emily?"
Emily is Beau's estranged teenage daughter who just so happens to be in Montana, on a camping trip with her step-father. And of course, there is a killer on the loose in the woods nearby. 
"Traumatized but holding up," Beau states. "She's a good actress but I know my little girl, she's upset. Apparently she and the victim had become somewhat friends."
He audibly clears his throat and goes into his Sheriff voice. "Anyway, I just wanted to check on you. I'll be back pretty late so make yourself comfortable and I'll try not to wake you up when I come in."
"Okay, Sheriff Arlen," I answer, with a nod of my head. "Be careful."
"Always am," Beau tells me and then in a softer, quieter voice he continues. "This weekend- you, me, a couple of fishing rods and the lake?"
"It's a date, Beau."
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Life as the significant other of a law enforcement officer is stressful and worrisome. 
The date at the lake didn’t happen because the killer in the woods upped his game by kidnapping the clerk of the local detective agency, along with Emily. And when Beau heard of Emily’s disappearance? Well, I saw a side of the man I was falling for I’d never seen before.
He was angry, hurt, worried, and fearful.  As soon as word got to him that his baby girl was missing, he bolted out of the camper and was in his truck speeding away before I made it to the door, leaving me behind to anxiously await news.
When Beau returns, he tells me about his confrontation with Avery, his daughter's step-father and the plan to make the man wear a tap to eavesdrop on his meeting with the suspects.
"It's a whole organization," he explains. "Avery stole from them, or has some information they want, and they took her to get his attention."
I can tell that the man sitting beside me is at his wits end and is about to lose it so I wrap my arms around him and pull his body toward me. I know I can't fix this but I can try to give him some comfort.
"She's my baby, Y/N. My little girl," Beau sobs as he nuzzles against my chest. "I saw her first step, heard her first word, bandaged her first injury.  I can't stand the thought of her out there, scared and alone and I can't get to her. What if she is just waiting for me to come save her? What if I'm too late?"
I plant a kiss to the top of his head. "You're going to find her, Beau. You're going to find her and get her back safe and sound. I may not have known you for long but I know when you are determined to get something done, nothing will stand in your way.
"You'll listen in on this meeting, find out the location she's being held and you'll bust up in there and save her. You'll still be a hero in her eyes."
Unfortunately, Avery was killed in a shootout at the meeting and the suspects knew nothing of the kidnap victims. 
Come to find out, the owner/operator of the camping organization was the killer and had kidnapped the two ladies to throw the cops off his trail. 
After some digging, Beau was reunited with his daughter, the clerk rejoined her bosses and Buck Barnes was dead. 
Life in Helena Montana could go on.
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I'm wiping down the counter while Shelby, the new waitress, sweeps the floor when the bell alerts us to a new customer. We look toward the entrance to see a tall man in Wranglers and a cowboy hat step inside.
“Beau?” Y/N asks, shocked. 
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize that the stranger is, in fact, not Beau. He is much taller, his hair is shorter and the green eyes that I dream about are actually hazel on the man.
“Beau? Beau Arlen?” the man inquires and I can sense a hint of a Texas accent. “Do you know him?”
By now, Shelby is standing right behind me watching the interaction with a questioning look on her face..
“Yea, I know him. Who’re you?”
“Walker, ma’am. Cordell Walker,” he introduces himself. “Do you know where I can find Beau?” 
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