#...and then when they were gonna pick one of the guys up to get him on the helicopter...his flesh was just swiped off....
memyselfandmya · 3 days
Here's another oneshot for pride month! I snuck in a bit of Benrius for y'all. Basically consider this a part of this post's universe ig? Anyways, here it is!
“Oh my God, Sammy,” Ben says, ripping the phone out of Yasmina’s hand who shouts in protest. “Guess what happened today.”
Sammy’s eyebrows furrow in the facetime window. With Ben those statements are always worrisome and when he and Yaz hang out it always makes it worse. “...What?”
“Yaz and I were hanging out at the arcade today—”
“Oh shit you’re telling her about that?” Yaz interrupts in the background. Apparently this is a Sammy and Ben phone call now. God forbid she talk to her own girlfriend. 
“—and this girl comes up and she recognizes us from the news which isn’t so unusual lately.”
Yaz huffs.
“But then she asks if the two of us are dating!”
“What!?” Comes Sammy’s shriek. “No way.”
Ben looks over at Yaz as she begins fake gagging. “Really, Yaz?”
“Yes, really! Eugh, you’re like a brother to me.”
The sigh that comes out of Ben’s mouth can only be described as []. “You’re being dramatic, Sammy, come get your girlfriend.”
Sammy chuckles. “Nope, it seems like she’s your girlfriend now.”
Yasmina gasps and wrenches the phone out of Ben’s grip. “Ew, Sammy, how could you!”
“Aw, I’m just kidding, you know that you’re my one and only.” The smile that Sammy gives her makes Yasmina melt and now it’s Ben’s turn to pretend to be sick.
“If you guys are gonna’ be all lovey-dovey I’m going back to Chicago.”
“Who’s being dramatic now, asshole? Besides, you’re the one who got us together.”
Ben rolls his eyes playfully. No matter how much he pretends to be disgusted, he’s their biggest fan although Brooklynn would definitely fight him on that one. 
“Whatever, if you’re going to call Sammy then I’m going to call Darius.” 
The second the words leave his mouth Ben realizes the implication and his face turns red. Yasmina turns to him, mouth agape and he knows he just made the biggest mistake of his life. 
“So Benny Boy has a crush on Darius, does he?” The look on Yasmina’s face is one of pure evil.
“Benjamin!” Sammy exclaims over the phone. He can’t see her face from this angle but she’s probably as shocked as Yasmina.
“No,” Ben huffs, pulling out his phone. He might regret the truth slipping about his miniscule crush on Darius but he’s not going back on calling him.
Darius picks up the phone almost immediately. “Hey, Ben!”
“Hiiiii, Darius!”
“Uh, hey Yaz…What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing,” Yasmina says, scooching closer to Ben and his phone. “I’m on a call with Sammy and Ben figured he’d call you too.”
Ben tilts the phone away so Darius can’t catch a glimpse of his reddened face.
“Nice,” Darius says, and his face finally pops into view. He appears to be in his bedroom at his desk as he usually is when they call. “Hi Sammy!”
“Hey Darius,” Sammy calls back. 
“At this point, we should get Brooklynn and Kenji on the call too,” Yaz supplies. 
“Hang on, Kenji’s brushing his teeth, I’ll go tell him to hurry up and then he can Brooklynn.”
 “Sounds like a plan, D,” Ben finally says and winces when he hears how high pitched his voice sounds.
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bvnniz · 2 days
Heyy!! Could i request Vox x Bunny x Val>_< if u dont mind you dont have to do thiss butt what if vam or vox were abt to eat bunny out and see she has sh scars on her innert high. What would they do? Would they care or ignore it
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so do we all love bunny x voxval as much as me ??? ( i will literally do any voxval x bunny req )
𝜗𝜚 warnings: SMUT mentions, 18+, self harm, vox is referred to as daddy, then valentino as papi, comfort
“ughhhhh are you guys done with paperwork yet!” you groaned as you shifted your body so you were laying across the two rather than sitting on valentino’s lap. valentino lets out a chuckle “little conejita need attention?” you just rolled your eyes, staring up at vox who was the one who would usually give you anything you wanted when you stared up at him with those doe eyes of yours, he always said you didn’t need hypnotism like him or valentino’s smoke to get your way, your eyes were your own hypnotism.
“daddyyyyyy” valentino shook his head before pushing your legs off of him, you immediately moved to sit on vox’s lap grinding yourself down on his thigh. “pleaseee.” he put his paperwork to the side before sighing. “give me one good reason.”
you thought for a second before smiling “because i’m wearing a cute skirt with tights under and papi always says my skirts look even cuter on the ground and that you both love ripping holes in my tights” vox smiled at you before shaking his head. “you’re not wrong princess.”
valentino smiled, knowing full well you had won. “c’mere baby.” you got off vox’s lap and immediately stood in front of valentino. “such a pretty little conejita.” he kissed your head before picking you up and putting you over his shoulder, walking towards the shared bedroom, smacking your ass on the way which made a giggle come out of you.
vox had followed behind the two of you, mostly worried about the fact valentino has dropped you before due to carrying you like this and he wasn’t planning on getting yelled at by you during the fit you would have if you were dropped.
valentino tossed you on the bed, a giggle coming out of you as you bounced up. vox shook his head while letting out a chuckle. “someone’s in a really good mood today.” he kissed your head before sitting behind you and starting to pull your tights off of you, your clear sign that it was gonna be a long night.
valentino immediately placed himself between your thighs, kissing from your knee up. although he halted when he got to your upper thighs. you immediately realizing what you forgot about and pulling your legs under yourself so you were sitting on them. “conejita.” you turned to vox trying to climb onto his lap, terrified of the look valentino was giving you, it was the look you had only seen from him with his workers.
he grabbed your foot pulling you back towards him. “vox.” he had just been staring at the two of you confused, before moving from behind you and looking at what valentino had been staring at, that’s when he saw it, cuts littered around your inner thighs, some old but some that couldn’t be older than a couple days.
“princess” vox said softly, his heart practically being ripped out as he tried counting how many cuts there were. he looked at your face seeing those doe eyes he loved so much practically pouring tears out.
he pulled you off the bed before kneeling to your height and pulling you into a hug. “we’re not mad at you princess, i promise you.” he held his pinky out to you, you immediately wrapping your own around his. “i’m not gonna make you talk about it now, but we are gonna need a discussion about this, if it’s either with me or papi. does that sound fair so far?” you nodded “yes daddy.”
“along with this all we’re gonna start checking on you making sure there’s no cuts on your body daily, the ones currently there we’re gonna be fine with but if there’s any new tomorrow we’re gonna have to stop giving you so much freedom, you’ll probably be with daddy or me more often, if that isn’t fair to you, you can say so, okay princesa?” valentino’s face had softened him giving you a smile to try and calm you down.
“no papi.” both of their eyes widened, usually you always said yes to what they said, it wasn’t that you couldn’t think or live for yourself but you preferred that way of them telling you how your life would go.
“what don’t you like princesa?” he asked pulling your head off of vox so you had to look at him “wanna be with you more.” he nodded, finally crouching down to your height. “freedom too much for you conejita? you upset you don’t have enough time with daddy & papi?” you nodded again, vox holding you a little tighter at that. “is it you don’t have enough time with papi or me, princess?” you shook your head. “tell me what you need princess, i need you to use your words.”
“just wanna be with daddy or papi always.” he nodded before kissing your head. “how about every other day you come to my office then the days you aren’t with me you’re at the studio?” you nodded and vox smiled down at you. “you’re still gonna get checked tho, we gotta make sure our little princess is safe and unharmed at all times.”
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fyorina · 7 hours
I CAME SCREAMING AND RUNNING WHEN I HEARD YANDERE DAZAI OMLL HOW DO YOU PERSONALLY SEE YAN!DAZAI??? cause theres so many ways to characterize him if he becomes Yandere especially if you compare and contrast his PM and ADA self
... here we go. yanzai my beloved - i dont think u guys understand how insane i am over him. anyway, i'm not making this one as long as i planned to because (surprise) i've planned out a two-part fic for this that i want to write when i'm done with civilian!dazai, and i dont want to spoil it. hehe.
but. in general, i think even non-yanzai would be veryyyyy possessive over his lover. yanzai is on an entirely different level though - and even WITHIN yanzai, i think pm yanzai and ada yanzai are entirely different monsters and i mean that so literally. but first, in general, possessive, very manipulative. yanzai has likely found his reason to live in his lover and he's NAWT about to let that go.
yanzai in general would tend to lead toward manipulation through guilt and isolation, i think. i don’t think any version of yanzai would ever get violent with his partner and i stay heavy on that belief. he’s got more of a tendency to treat you like you’re something fragile that could break at any given moment.
also i'm going to split pmzai into two - canon pmzai (ages 15-18) and then pmzai in an au where he never left the pm. so the order i'm gonna talk about is canon pmzai, canon adazai (as a direct follow up to canon pmzai), and then im gonna talk about pmzai au where he never left the pm.
for the purposes of this, assume that reader joined the pm when they were young
canon pmzai
so first i want to talk about how it probably starts, because i could sooooo very much see this starting while he & his lover are young. since this is canon, i imagine they meet at around 15/16 like i have dazai & pmreader meeting. dazai's clearly a lot more unstable during his early pm years and i think his obsession with his lover could start with something really minimal tbh. maybe they shoot an offhand compliment to him, or stop to pick something up that he dropped, and dazai is just so alone & isolated by mori atp that he just completely fixates on this person because they’re the first one to ever say/do something kind for him, as small as it may have been.
i think it would even start out harmless, spends a lot of time thinking about you, daydreaming. maybe he even steps in on missions for you - which he notably doesn't do for anyone because he doesn't want to do more work than he has to. but something would happen that eventually triggers the shift from harmless to a veryyyy dangerous obsession. maybe you got critically wounded on a mission, or maybe you start spending time with other people—whatever it is, it just flips a switch in him because he realizes that he is not about to loose you and he doesn't care what he has to do to make sure of it.
on this topic ^^ maybe this is a hot take, but i think canon pm yanzai would be entirely more dependent on his lover compared to adazai. adazai is still dependent, but not to the extent pmzai is. i know people hc him as hyper independent, which i also mostly hc for him, but i think if he's found someone that he's attached himself to like this, he’s young enough that he'll quickly become codependent on them, and that obviously scares him which makes him even more intense with his yan tendencies.
that being said, i still think that he would be careful to not alert you to any shift of his mentality. he'd be very hyperaware of keeping a good image in your eyes, so everything he does do is going to be behind the scenes. he'd probably work a lot with isolation and trying to make you as dependent on him as he is on you—justifies it by telling himself that it's not fair that he can't live without you but you can live without him LOL, won't be satisfied until he's inclined enough to believe that if he was gone you would be ruined without him (which comes into play when he leaves the mafia). he also makes sure that the missions you go on - if he even has you going on any - are all easy AND he makes sure he's overseeing them. probably phrases it as just a shift in command, assuming you were someone else's subordinate first, and you don't really have any reason to think anything of it.
i think he'd keep a really tight hold on his image up until the events of dark era, that whole ... week ? i assume its about a week, of everything going down with ango and oda just tosses him into a mental spiral and he'd probably let the mask slip a few times in front of you. i still don’t think it’s enough for you to really question anything—not until he leaves, that is.
now moving on to adazai - but first, the underground years:
we're gonna assume that you stay with the pm when he leaves. i think he'd spend a lot of his underground years honestly just keeping an eye on you from a distance. i think he'd be like very back and forth with how he feels, like a part of him is soooo satisfied that you're so broken about him leaving but then the other part of him has him wanting rip out his own throat for being the reason for your distress. he'd be rlly hyperaware of you "moving on" from him. his go to would be driving people away from you, like it was while he was with the pm but it's a lot harder now that he has to be a "ghost" so to speak, so i think he would target you yourself more often. and it would be little things, like whenever he sees you start talking to someone new, he'd leave little things around your apartment to remind you of him. maybe pictures you'd taken together, or small trinkets, anything to make you remember him and trigger you back into that spiral of missing him. BUT that being said, i think he would be very careful to ensure that you don't realize it's him leaving these things around, so he'd go through your apartment and look for stuff and would lay it out carefully to make you think that you just happened to leave it out.
i think over the course of his underground years, you start to realize that whatever you had with dazai was not healthy and how he acted with you was not healthy, and dazai does take note of this in his 💀 long hours observing you, which is why he’s so careful to keep up his new mask with you when he inevitably meets you again (read below).
OK now adazai
adazai is interesting. i went back and forth with this a lot, but i think adazai would really utilize his new job & demeanor as a tool to make you come back to him/fall for him again, especially if you’d started to put things together during the years he was gone. he frames his leaving it as how it was just something he had to do, look how much better he is now, he’s healed & hes good now, and he didn’t know what else to do because he knew his mental state wasn’t healthy back in the mafia. <- i think this would be important specifically because you would take note of how he acknowledges how incredibly possessive and weird he was with you, and in your mind, someone who acts like that probably wouldn’t see anything wrong with it, so the fact that he acknowledges it would be a green flag in your mind because maybe he has grown.
he also would probably hit you with a few guilt trips like he didn’t even know he meant enough to you to make you care about whether or not he was there. he’d be veryyyyyy sweet and honeyed with his apologies and pleas for forgiveness, and he’d be patient too. if you weren’t open to listening to him the first time you run into him, he’d orchestrate several other “run ins” over the next few weeks, whittle down your guard until he can finally claw his way back into your skin.
once that whole first stage of “winning you back” is over, dazai would quickly return to old habits although, however careful he was while in the pm to keep a good image in your eyes, he’s 100000x more careful now. because now it’s beyond just not letting you see the “demon prodigy”, he’s been advertising himself to you as a good, changed man and he has every intention of maintaining that image in your eyes. so yeah, he might be using access to cctv cameras to stalk your every move and yes, he’s slowly but surely driving everyone away from you, but in your eyes, he’s a detective who spends the saving people and that should never waver in anyway.
i think one notable difference is that adazai’s first big goal is going to be to drag you from the mafia, so while he is isolating you from people in the pm, i think he wouldn’t be so quick to isolate you from the members of the agency. in fact he would even encourage it to an extent - as long as they know their place 💀 - until he gets you to leave the pm, that is, then he might start to isolate you altogether again.
adazai likes to fashion himself as a bit of a savior to you i think. he saw how you spiraled without him, and came back to you, promising to never leave you again, apologizing for ever having have. gets in your head by making comments about how he didn’t even know you rlly cared about him like that.
^^ he’ll drag u from the dark shadow of the port mafia and tuck you right into his own shadow instead. and yeah, it might be just as dark, but at least he’ll be there to to make sure some light is peeking through cell bars of his “love”.
nowwww pmzai who never left the mafia.
i think i’ll keep this one short because imo i feel like this would just be canon pmzai without bothering to keep the whole front up in front of you. he doesn’t really care to hide his obsession over you - what are you going to do about it? run? he’s not going to let you do that, and he knows you don’t want to do that anyway. this pmzai is even more unstable than canon pmzai - i imagine he still lost oda, but then failed to even fulfill his last request by leaving the mafia and going to the light, so instead he focuses all of his energy onto the one person he has left: you.
forget missions. you’ll be lucky if he ever lets you leave the pm hq again. people die for looking at you the wrong way - whether it be pity, concern, or “envy” (because dazai is paranoid and thinks everyone is trying to stealing what’s his). sometimes you make comments about it to him, wanting to go on missions & talk to people again, and it triggers breakdowns in dazai that you can never tell if they’re real or fake - panic attacks over losing you like odasaku, begging you not to leave him too, etc. you don’t know if these are real, but he’s got you so tight around his finger already that the off chance that these aren’t manufactured to guilt you into dropping the subject is enough to make you give in.
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eds6ngel · 10 hours
Can I request a Steve Harrington fic please?
Him and the reader are always throwing insults back and forth to eachother (enemies to lovers if you will) they’re both at a party, the reader on their own on the couch and Steve comes over to “bother” her. While bothering the reader he sees a girl he used to hook up with but told her that he can’t see her anymore (you can pick the reason why) and he begs the reader to act like his new girl for the rest of the night. He makes her pretend that they’re going up to a room for you know what👀 and the rest is up to you <3
mutual (dis)like ⋆˚✿˖°❀
steve harrington x fem!afab!reader
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summary: with yours and steve's feud hitting the four-year mark, what will happen when you have to pretend to be his girlfriend for the night?
warnings: SMUT!! fem!afab!reader. unprotected p in v (pull-out method.) fingering. hickeys. kissing. consent checks. use of pet names (honey, baby, babe.) swearing. alcohol and drug use (everything is still consensual !!) r is 17, steve is 18. some angst and hurt in the middle. fluff and comfort at the end. [3.2k.]
a/n: thank you for requesting, lovely!! sorry it took so long, i experienced some writing slump :') but here you go!! i hope this is what you wished for ♡
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To say that Steve and you didn’t get along would be an… understatement.
It all started when you joined Hawkins High in freshman year, Steve a sophomore. Tommy and Carol had decided it would be a fun idea to encourage Steve to target another one of the poor drama students, slowly adding to his ‘King Steve’ status.
However, what Steve thought would be an easy way to keep you down was quickly proven wrong. What he thought would be an easy bully session soon turned into an equal sparked feud.
Every morning at Hawkins High would be Steve turning up to your locker to bother you, you snapping back at him, before you both went your separate ways to class.
Tonight, Tina had invited you over to her house party to celebrate the end of the school year. You were thankful junior year was finally over, and Steve was grateful he actually managed to graduate.
You weren’t much of a partier, so to speak, so Eddie Munson always offered you some weed, which you were very grateful for. It helped mellow out the loud sounds of music and drunken states of sloppy teenagers.
However, like always, ‘King Steve’ (although, he had recently lost that title) came striding over to where you were relaxing on the vodka-stained couch.
“Of course you’re not partying. Why am I even surprised? How much did you suck Munson’s dick to get that bag?”
You scoff, taking another puff of your cig, “Not one bit, actually. Not all guys think with their dicks and some are actually nice around here. He doesn’t need to compensate like you do.”
He whistles as you stand up, smirking as you take a sip from the glass of whiskey in your right hand, “Oh yeah? And what makes you think my dick is so—”
However, Steve falls into a stunned silence as he notices someone very familiar behind you.
“So small? Well, I’ll have you know—”
“I need you to be my girlfriend.”
You splutter on the drink, coughing as you regain your breath, “Fucking hell, Harrington. Are you seriously that desperate—”
“Stephanie,” he blurts out, “She’s my ex-fling and I told her I couldn’t hook up with her anymore as I’d fallen in love with someone else and I need you to pretend to be that someone.”
You shake your head and laugh, “Uh… Yeah, that’s gonna have to be a no.”
About to turn around, Steve grabs your arm at the last minute. Damn, he must’ve really fucked things up for himself.
“Will you just do it? Every other girl in here I’ve either fucked or hates my guts, so—”
“I literally hate you as well, dickwad,” you cut him off, giving him a deadpan expression.
He leans in closer to your face, his eyes pleading as he says in a low whisper, “Yeah, but you’re also the only drama student I know, and if it’s anyone who can help me get out of this situation, it’s you.”
You take a deep breath in, before putting your joint out in the ashtray and your whiskey on the table, “Fine,” you arms flail, “But you better re-pay me for this… What do you need me to do?”
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“So, this is the girl you fell for?”
Stephanie was definitely the IT girl around Hawkins. Beautiful blonde perm, luscious lashes, perfectly-shaped nails and an hourglass figure. Her entire outward persona made you feel extremely self-conscious, the whole story becoming even more unbelievable to you.
Steve wraps his arm around your waist, you trying to hide any signs of discomfort, “Sure is. This is my gorgeous girlfriend.”
Stephanie and her friends cackle, almost on level with a witches laugh, “You’re joking. Seriously? This freak?”
That word just made you shrivel up into a ball. You wanted to leave, to run away, to cry into your pillows. You could take insults from the guys, they would never understand what it was like to live in your shoes. But other girls? Women who went through the same universal experience as you living in this century? That stung. That cut deep.
“Steve, just leave it. This is ridiculous—”
But, before you can make your attempt at escaping, Steve grabs tightly onto your upper arm, “Yeah, actually, she is a freak. And for that reason, she makes a much better time than you ever did.”
Stephanie gasps, putting a hand to her heart, “Oh screw you and your shitty girlfriend, Harrington!”
“You know what?” he taps his chin with his finger, “I think that actually sounds like a great idea. You wanna head upstairs, babe?”
You nod subtly, “Yeah. Um… sure.”
“Sweet,” he takes a hold of your hand, “Don’t worry Steph, I’m sure someone else around here will happily take you for a good time.”
He winks, Stephanie scoffing and rolling her eyes, turning her back as the two of you make your way up to one of the spare bedrooms in Tina’s house. Lucky for you, the first room you came across was empty, not having to face the disgusting consequences of seeing two classmates going at it on the bed.
You’ve already parted from Steve, walking over to the other side of the room, hands interlinked behind your head as Steve closes the door.
He tries to make his way over to you, reasoning, “Look, I didn’t know she was going to call you that, I just—”
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Steve?” you yell at him, tears streaming down your cheeks, breaths coming out ragged as you struggle to catch them in your throat.
“How is this my fault? I didn’t call you that! I didn’t know she was going to say that!” his voice rises, matching the volume of your own.
“Do you even know what it’s like to get bullied by someone of the same gender as you? It’s humiliating! If I can’t trust another girl to be nice, then how can I—”
“Actually, I do!”
His statement shocks you into silence. When in the world has Steve Harrington ever been bullied? He’s been king of the school for almost four years now. He was the bully himself.
“Look,” he takes your wrist, guiding you to sit on the edge of the bed, “This whole bullying thing that happened, I…”
He takes a deep breath, afraid to admit the real truth about their ongoing four-year feud.
“Tommy and Carol forced me into it. They told me to target you, and like the stupid person I was at the time, I followed through. But…”
Your eyes are filled with confusion, looking at the brown-haired boy with intrigue, his expressions confusing you, nervous as to what he was about to say.
“The longer it went on, the more I started noticing things about you. I saw the way you would doodle little animals in your notebook in Biology, the way you would always order the same food for lunch, Mac & Cheese, mashed potatoes and—”
“And carrots…” you finish off his sentence, looking at him with pure shock. But, the emotion quickly turns back into that same anger, “But… if you paid that much attention to me, why did you continue to target me? Even when you ditched Tommy and Carol, you still fucking continued—”
He sighs, frustrated and disappointed in himself, “Because… I was frankly embarrassed to be with you, which is 100% a me problem, nothing to do with you. I still couldn’t let go of the fact that I could fall in love with someone who wasn’t ‘popular.’ I kept bullying you in hopes that you would hate my guts so much that even the pure idea of dating you would be impossible. Which is probably true now, so… mission accomplished for me, I guess…”
His hand was holding yours now, you giving it a small squeeze as you replied, “I don’t hate your guts, Steve. I just…”
Always something else. You still hated him. You had to. He convinced himself of that.
“I saw you bully everyone else, and you hurt a lot of fucking people. I didn’t want to let you win. It wasn’t that I hated you, I just didn’t want to let my guard down. Didn’t wanna act like I did with Stephanie down there.”
Steve notices you grit your teeth at that. You were angry with yourself. Angry with your insecurities, your weaknesses, your lack of ability to so easily defend yourself from everyone.
“So… I continued to fight back. I needed to be strong. I couldn’t let myself break after all these years. I would only stop when you did which… I guess is now.”
You look up into his eyes. You don’t know whether he got closer or you did, or maybe you both closed some distance. Maybe your bodies were trying to tell you something your brains were actively fighting against.
“So…” Steve gulps, “You don’t hate me?”
You laugh softly, grinning from ear to ear. Steve had waited to see that up close for years.
“No, Steve. I don’t hate you. I never did hate you. I just rebutted off of your hatred of me.”
He chuckles, “Well, I don’t hate you either. In fact, I think I said a very different word to describe how I feel about you.”
He was the one leaning closer now. His attitude taking more of a flirtatious tone, eyes staring completely into yours, a mood you’d much rather reciprocate for a long period of time.
“You sure did.”
“And you don’t mind?”
“Absolutely not.”
He grins, lips hovering just above yours, “So I assume you wouldn’t mind if I also did this.”
You manage to purr out an “Absolutely not,” before slotting your lips between his.
Your hand naturally went out to cup his cheek, his palms resting neatly on your waist, gripping your dress tightly, wishing to feel your natural skin against him.
The kisses quickly turn desperate, a plea in the form of a whine escaping your throat as Steve takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
He lightly taps your exposed thigh, “Come on, pretty girl. Get on top of me.”
You turn to putty in his hands, following his exact orders as you swing your right leg over his body, straddling his lap. Both of your hands remain on either side of his face, his hands sliding lower, perching under the curves of your ass.
The desperation seeps from both of you, your teeth and tongues attacking each other’s necks like a dog in heat, leaving love marks on every inch you had access to.
Your hands explore underneath his shirt, feeling the sparse hairs of his happy trail tickle against your soft skin. Steve’s arms are already guiding yours, lifting his shirt over his head and throwing it to the floor behind you.
You can’t help but let your body take over from your mind, your hands roaming completely over his chest, feeling every muscle and curve he had to give. It was yours now. All yours.
Steve had taken his time tracing your thighs in his fingertips whilst you were divulging in his neck, ever so slowly pushing your dress upwards, bunched up against your waist.
“Can I? Will you let me, honey?” he asks, fingers sitting at the waistband of your panties.
“Do what you need to, baby,” you reply in a sultry tone, lips moving to his collarbone. However, as you soon found out, your lips wouldn’t be attached for much longer.
Steve didn’t even need much preparation. A quick slide up your slit, coating his fingers in your juices and he was slipping his middle and ring finger into your hole.
“Oh fuck, Steve,” you moan out, head falling back, eyes closing as you bask in the pleasure.
“Yeah, honey? Like the feeling of my fingers inside you?”
Your nails dig into his shoulder blades, leaving red marks as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. Despite this being your first time together, it feels as if he knows your body inside and out, catching all the right spots to send you to Heaven, fingers moving at just the right pace, curling into the perfect spot.
“Uh huh. You’re so good at this, baby.”
Baby, baby, baby. He could listen to that pet name escape your mouth every single day, especially if it was being whimpered from your vocal chords. The exact throaty strangle he needed to hear.
There’s a sudden curl of his fingers that make you shiver, Steve chuckling as he teases, “Yeah? That the spot, honey? Got you figured out already?”
“Mhm, Jesus, babe.”
“You wanna cum on my fingers, is that it? Fall apart for me, honey?” he taunts, you trying your hardest not to rock back onto them, bringing yourself closer to your release.
“Not on— Fuck, not on your fingers, baby…” Your hand snakes down to the bump formed in his jeans, pressing your palm to it as Steve lets out a groan.
“Oh, you wanna cum on my cock, is that it, honey? Wanna ride me?”
You nod ferociously, “Yeah, yeah. Wanna cum on your fat cock.”
Steve pulls his fingers out of you in an instant, you leaning down to un-do his belt, him shifting the material down his legs along with his boxers.
Your statement about his cock being fat was apparently no lie. His dick hit his stomach, slightly curved to the right, cut, and had to be around 6 inches, a girth of over 5.
You had to contain yourself from drooling, grabbing his dick in your hand and rubbing it against your soaking pussy.
The mere touch of your hand around him had him containing a moan, watching in delight as you lined yourself up above him.
“You good?” you ask him, making sure he’s on the same line of thought as you. This was all so sudden after all, you had to make sure.
“Better than ever, babe.”
You took that as your cue to sink down onto his cock, moans filling the air as Steve gripped onto your ass tighter, ready to guide you if you needed.
“Can I move? Please let me move, Steve. It’s okay, I’m good.”
“Take it away, honey. You can call the shots here.”
“Okay…” you whisper as you lift yourself up, before slamming back down, Steve letting out a choked moan. Soon enough, you begin to find a steady rhythm, your wetness allowing for a ‘slosh’ sound to fill the atmosphere every single time you lowered yourself. With Steve’s balls hitting your ass, it’s like you transcended into Heaven. Why did you ever have meaningless hook-ups when it feels this good with a man who loves you?
Not giving as much as he’d liked earlier, his teeth attack your neck again, pulling and tugging on the skin before soothing it with his warm tongue. His hands help guide you up and down, him trying his hardest not to thrust his hips up into yours. He let you be in control here, and he wasn’t going to take over that unless he needed to.
Your hands come to cup the back of his head, eyes closed as your practically squished up against his face, letting him lean into your chest, feeling his lips press tender kisses between your breasts.
“Ah, ah, ah” is all that can escape your mouth. You’re too far gone at this point. You didn’t even realise the pace of your hips were slowing until Steve’s grunts increased and his cock was hitting a spot so far back that you didn’t know it existed. But, all that you cared is it felt good. Really good.
You could feel the knot begin to tighten in the pit of your stomach, even Steve’s thrusts becoming sloppy, uneven, his cock twitching inside of you, ready to burst any second.
“Shit, gonna cum soon, babe. Where do you want it?”
“I’m close too, baby,” you pant, “I’m not on anything, so my stomach, please.”
“Gonna hold off for you, honey. Wanna feel you tighten around me. Wanna feel you strangle my cock. Can you do that for me? Strangle my cock?”
“Uh huh,” you nod, basically becoming limp in his arms as he continues to pound up into you, your release building and building, before the tide quickly spills over.
“Shit, you’re so tight, honey. Such a good girl for me, fuck.”
Steve is struggling to hold off. The loud noises you are moaning directly into his ear, combined with the tightening of your walls around his cock has him gripping your ass for dear life.
As soon as your moans begin to settle, he quickly pulls out of you, beating his cock until his head is thrown back, four spurts of his cum landing onto your stomach, the rest pooling around his hand and falling onto his happy trail.
You’re sat on his thigh, head leaning against his shoulder as you both pant, his hands now tracing circles on either side of your waist, trying to catch your breaths and enter your post-orgasm hazes.
“Fuck, you’re amazing,” Steve lets out, lifting your chin so he can lean the side of his face against yours, a sloppy kiss being pressed to your cheek. “I love you so much, and I know that’s really soon, so don’t feel pressured to say it back, but… I just needed to say it again.”
“It’s okay,” you nod, “I get it. It is a lot and I’ll say it in due time, okay? And hey… you’re pretty fucking amazing too. But…”
Steve begins to panic at that, but your next words just make the two of you laugh, “The feeling of your cum drying on my stomach is not as pleasant, I’m afraid.”
Holding onto your hips, he stands up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carries you to the bathroom to clean you up. “Don’t worry honey, I got you. You just relax for me whilst I get you cleaned up.”
“M’kay… Thank you… for everything.”
He smiles at you, wiping the cum from your stomach with some toilet paper before throwing it in the trash can. He looks back at you, admiring your blissed out state. Your make-up was ruined, hair astray, but you never looked more beautiful to him.
He holds your chin as you slot your lips together once again, him mumbling, “’Course beautiful girl. You deserve it, ‘kay? Now… Tina won’t mind us sleeping in here, right?”
You shake your head, “Should be fine, baby. A sleep sounds good right now.”
“Mmm,” he mumbles, lifting you up into his arms from where you were perched on the toilet seat, carrying you back to the bed and tucking you in, before climbing in next to you.
He wraps his arm around your waist, dragging you closer to him as he presses one final kiss to your cheek. “Goodnight, honey.”
“Night, baby.”
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taglist: @tlclick73 @joekeerysmoles @ellharrington @agxxb
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batsplat · 2 days
wait, is there a dovi/jorge feud???? i didn't know this!! also thank you so much for all you do for this community ❤️
not the only ask I've gotten about this and... look, rather than doing a proper write up that would take forever, I'm just gonna give my top ten fun... facts? bits of trivia. tidbits related to the two of them. quite long tidbits, on second glance. the highlight reel, if you will
(1) that time andrea dovizioso made 14 year old jorge lorenzo cry
the two of them already raced each other before the start of their grand prix careers, competing for the first time in 2001 in the cev when dovi was around 15 and jorge around 14. in riveras tobia's biography, here's jorge talking about their first fight:
I led the way at the start and Dovizioso and I escaped. It was our first head-to-head encounter, the first time we raced each other. My dad had heard that Dovi was a really clever rider and he warned me before the race. But just like in 1998 at Jerez, with Olive, I acted like a dummy and pushed for the whole race. I kept looking behind me to see the bastard still there! It was impossible to shake him off, he was watching me the whole race until the last lap. Three comers from the end I could hear his engine getting closer and I saw his shadow to my left, but he didn't come past. I thought to myself "This guy is going to try something in a second!" I decided I had to on a tighter line and close the door. Sure enough, Dovi went wider through that comer and then dived up the inside. I didn't close the door in time and tried to get in his slipstream, desperately hoping I could get him the next corner, but I ran wide and he won. I came back in tears, I didn't even want to go to the podium, I felt so cheated. I'd been on the limit for the whole race and I felt like I deserved the win more than he did.
so that's a nice and positive start! there's something charming about how even fifteen year old dovi was an absolute menace on last laps
also about that race:
'Jorge beat Dovi in Braga but in the previous race at Most, what a tantrum!' recalls Juanito, laughing. 'He didn't even want to go to the podium, he was crying like a baby! I can still see Dani (Antatriain) talking to him, trying to convince him. In the end he went but he didn't want to look at anybody.'
(2) the photo finish
in 2004, they were rivals in 125cc - a year in which dovi claimed the title and jorge was p4 in the standings. in the very first grand prix ever at the lusail circuit (pretty eventful weekend, you have to say), jorge and dovi crossed the line at the exact same moment
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(3) dovi's top three favourite career win
dovi and jorge progressed through the categories at the exact same rate, and after their 125cc rivalry they continued fighting in 250cc. they were title rivals in both 2006 and 2007, with jorge's aprilia winning out both times against dovi's underpowered honda. (the general pattern was that dovi clawed back a bunch of points from jorge in the wet - jorge, with perhaps the exception of a few years in the premier class until around 2013, has never been much of a wet weather racers, while it's always been one of dovi's strongest traits.) for dovi's 300th career start in 2019, he was asked what his top three wins were - and one of his picks was from way back when in 2007
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I'd recommend the race! which... well, I did in the race rec post - and I can only reiterate that these two kids do not acknowledge each other, not good vibes at all
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(4) jorge's thoughts on young dovi from 2008
Jorge has a lot of respect for Andrea Dovizioso and feels that his two 250cc world titles have even more prestige because he had to beat the Italian to win them. 'You wouldn't label Dovizioso as fast, particularly, but he's much faster than he looks. He doesn't set many pole positions but he is always up front in a race, fighting to win. He is very intelligent and you can't trust him an inch on the last lap. He has been faithful to Honda, he has great belief in them. His negative side is that he tends to play the victim too much. He'll say that if his bike had a better engine or if it was a bit faster he would win. He's even said that if he was on the same bike as me he'd give me a hiding. I think he looks for excuses too often sometimes, but as a rider and a person I don't have a bad word to say about him.'
some dovi traits read as very familiar, from how he's a better racer than qualifier to the intelligence to the last lap prowess. as for jorge saying dovi plays victim too much? well
also this:
ER: Don't you think that Dovizioso wanted to be World Champion too in 2006 and 2007? Don't you think he gave everything to achieve it? JL: He will think he gave his maximum but he will be lying to himself because nobody does that. Nobody gets close to their maximum, not even me. He will think that he didn't win because he was riding a Honda. There are very few sportsmen who will say, I deserve what happened to me and there are no excuses. I didn't know how to do any better and I've done things wrong.' That is the only way to be the best, the only way. People who make excuses don't get to the top. I know riders who haven't made it for just that reason.
plus ça change
(5) jorge's thoughts on young dovi from 2018
when they were doing their thing as ducati teammates (bickering), here is one of the things jorge said about dovi:
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dovi's been trying to undermine jorge's morale his WHOLE career... even when they were but teenagers... love it when you can really tell someone's been sitting on something for over a decade
(6) "also lorenzo is not my friend"
both of them moved up to motogp in 2008, jorge with factory yamaha and dovi with satellite honda. dovi had a very strong rookie season and finished in p5, only sixteen points behind jorge in p4 (who after a promising first few races had spent a lot of time that season crashing). after that, their fortunes diverged. dovi did not have a particularly happy time in the factory honda team and needed to do some shrewd negotiating to be retained by them for 2011 in that three-man squad, while jorge of course won the championship in 2010
here's a deep cut from 2011, a season where much of the excitement and drama was caused by marco simoncelli alone. jorge had exchanged tense words with sic in estoril, one race before simoncelli was responsible for a crash where dani broke his collarbone. the crash and sic's subsequent penalty meant that the three-way fight between jorge, dovi and valentino became one for the podium, with dovi and valentino eventually grabbing the two remaining spots behind casey. but during the race, jorge had executed a... questionable manoeuvre on dovi, one that did have some similarities to the sic/dani incident. given jorge's strong previous comments on racing standards, unsurprisingly the journalists pounced on this incident in the post-race presser and ask the podium sitters about it. here is the clip:
in this clip, dovi essentially says it was a dangerous move from jorge, but he wasn't sure what jorge's intent had been and he needs to watch the footage again. valentino (who had been the most outspokenly critical of sic of the three of them earlier in the presser) takes the opportunity presented to him to have a bit of a potshot at jorge. he says that dovi doesn't have the best relationship with sic but jorge had done something pretty similar in the race... at which point dovi goes "also lorenzo is not my friend"
which, you know. not exactly a major incident, but I find it very charming dovi felt the need to clarify that, actually, he doesn't like either of them. valentino also adds that by jorge's own standards, surely he too should have gotten a penalty. not exactly a meeting of jorge's biggest fans hm
(7) mapping eight-gate
well I can't leave it out, can I
so in 2017 jorge switches from yamaha to ducati and does not have a great time of it. a lot of weekends, he's just too slow, other times he shoots to the front of a race at the start (typically not great news for the rest of the field in his yamaha days) and then chews up his tyres before gradually dropping like a stone back through the field. at some point that year it became a bit of a running gag - especially when you saw he was the only big name to be picking a soft tyre and just went... buddy we ALL know how this is gonna end....
while this was happening, his teammate dovi was for the first time in his premier class career in championship contention. an extremely close title fight throughout the year with five protagonists until pretty late in the season, it eventually went to a title decider in valencia between dovi and marc. you know, the kind of year where every point counts. the race where marc put a bit of daylight between himself and dovi was phillip island, with marc winning a great dogfight out front while dovi had a bit of a horror show of a weekend. this meant that a lot would have to go right for dovi to have a chance of still winning the title... and sepang was already a match point race for marc
ducati had not won a championship since their 2007 title, courtesy of one casey stoner. after that year, their bike became steadily less competitive every season, reaching a nadir around the 2011-13-ish period. so by the time 2017 rolled around, they wanted this so so badly - even if they wouldn't have expected dovi to lead the charge. dovi had only narrowly beaten out iannone in the 'who's going to be fired for our shiny new lorenzo hire' contest of 2016, and really it was supposed to be jorge who was carrying ducati's dreams on his shoulders. but, never mind, they were throwing everything behind dovi now... no stone left unturned
which brings us, of course, to the subject of team orders. this discourse really took off at the penultimate race of the season at sepang, but was already brewing before that - and in phillip island, satellite ducati rider redding had been told early in the race to let dovi past
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here from marc at sepang:
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dovi had been in great form all weekend at sepang - and with his wet weather prowess being what it was, really there shouldn't have been any need for team orders at all. but he got a sluggish start, and the race unfolded from there... until eventually jorge was in first, dovi was in second and marc in fourth. in those positions, marc would have clinched the title there
and then, jorge got a message on his dashboard. suggested mapping: mapping 8. pit boards and dashboards and all sorts of boards will feature various codes during races, most of them completely innocuous - but of course they are a healthy source of all sorts of conspiracies. the timing of this one was certainly... notable, and speculation immediately started about how it might be a way of telling jorge that he should swap positions with dovi
jorge didn't end up letting dovi pass - it is questionable whether he really would have done so with what would have been his first ducati win on the line. in the end, he made a mistake that let dovi through so that dovi claimed the win anyway, keeping himself in mathematical contention in valencia. and jorge did say afterwards he was keeping dovi's title hopes in mind, kind of
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jorge also said he hadn't gotten any message indicating team orders, and of course nobody at ducati confirmed that mapping eight did have anything to do with team orders
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for what it's worth, this is what dovi said about their relationship at this stage:
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lovely! let's see what the vibes are like a few months later
anyway, onto valencia. this race was pretty boring despite being a title decider, but the jorge/dovi bits were just unequivocally the weekend's most enjoyable aspect and rather nicely spiced up the whole thing. dovi's chances were always slim going in, given he'd have to win the race and marc would have to barely get any points at all... but still, you never know, right? marc could always crash (narrator: he did almost crash). jorge plays coy early in the weekend about the whole 'helping dovi out thing', and basically just started putting in place...? ... very specific conditions...? under which he'd help:
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so during the actual race, dovi got stuck behind jorge in p5, with marc ahead of both of them. valencia is traditionally not a fantastic track to overtake at... so even if dovi had been faster, it's not like he'd have an easy time clearing jorge and cracking on. but they were beginning to drift further away from dani in p3 as ducati watched on, increasingly unamused by what was happening - and the tv cameras were of course kind enough to repeatedly show the ducati box looking deeply unamused. again, they went for the good old mapping eight message, which, hey, that could mean anything! they sure did keep showing it to jorge though, almost like he wasn't paying attention to it
eventually, they abandon all subtlety and go for a pit board message that does just straight-up tell jorge to swap positions. jorge kept ignoring the messages, lap after lap, and he never ended up letting dovi past. eventually they both crashed and marc claimed the title with a p3 finish, so it wouldn't have mattered anyway, but... still. the feeling was that this might things rather awkward inside of ducati
publicly, ducati was extremely keen to smooth over the whole controversy, saying they totally weren't mad at jorge blatantly ignoring team orders. jorge had, after all, explained to them (and the media, repeatedly) that he had totally been intending to help dovi by dragging him closer to dani
Giving his take on events, Lorenzo acknowledged that he ignored Ducati’s instruction because he felt Dovizioso’s chances would be boosted by having him directly ahead. “Even looking at this [dashboard] suggestion, I keep pushing until the end, because I knew it was the best thing for me, for Ducati and for Dovi,” said Lorenzo. “I helped him to improve his pace by one or two tenths, to be as close as possible to the first group. My intention was, and it was the case, that we arrive at the first group. If he had the option to win, I would have gone wide and let him pass. But unfortunately it was not like that. Maybe in some corners Dovi was close and I slow down a little bit his pace, but in general terms, having my wheel in front of him made him improve slightly his pace. I helped him stayed closer to the front group. “I knew Dovi was struggling, I knew his pace during all the weekend, and I knew he was making the best pace of the weekend just in the race. It was [because of the] help from my wheel. I’m happy because I was not wrong. If I was wrong and slowing him, I would be very sorry. But it’s not like that, my feeling was true.”
which, you know. is it really that easy to tell how much faster you are than someone who's sitting on your rear tyre? who's to say. dovi did certainly seem rather keen to get past
anyhow, of course there were plenty of fun dramatics post-race:
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'our rider ignored team suggestions not team orders' is a great line, fairs. there's plenty more of this from ducati, some excellent spin doctoring - and dovi was extremely magnanimous about what had happened:
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the whole thing was pretty undignified from all non-dovi parties, but it was also very funny so who's to say if it was bad or not
(8) runner-up-gate
let's check in on them in 2018, the second and ultimately last year in which they were teammates. remember that 'undermining morale' quote from above? those are from early 2018, after dovi says he wouldn't be surprised to see jorge elsewhere the following season. so, once jorge has complained that dovi had been trying to put him down his entire career, comes this:
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so that's something. jorge, dovi and dani have a three-in-one crash in jerez, after which some fingers are pointed but it all remains fairly civil, and a bit later dovi says that jorge's approach doesn't work at ducati:
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by the summer break, jorge's results had gotten better, but it was already too late to save the relationship with ducati and they parted ways. anyway, here's dovi and jorge having another go at it:
And while a rough patch for Dovizioso coupled with breakthrough back-to-back wins for Lorenzo in Mugello and Barcelona have now left the pair just three points apart in the standings, Dovizioso refused to back down from his claim when speaking to Spanish sports daily Marca ahead of the upcoming Brno race. “He’s won two races,” Dovizioso said. “Winning two races does not solve the problem of a year and a half. Lorenzo was not signed to win two races. Therefore I do not change my mind.” When the comments were put to Lorenzo, the three-time champion offered an ardent retort, stating that Dovizioso's rhetoric was proof of the claim he'd made back in April. “I'm a bit fed up with this situation, mainly because when I had trouble and he was winning, I was down there applauding,” Lorenzo told Spanish broadcaster Movistar. “What I said in Argentina - and the comments caused a big surprise - you can see that I was right. “He tried to undermine me, or downplay what I achieve or just attack me. As you can see, I wasn't lying. He's still doing it and now he says my method is not good, according to him.” Lorenzo intimated that Dovizioso was in no position to criticise him, as the Italian could do no better than runner-up to Marc Marquez in a 'perfect' 2017 season. He said: “I think my method has not worked too bad in my career. I've won three MotoGP titles and have 46 wins.” “In my second year in Ducati I'm usually faster than him, but maybe I should look at his method closer if in his best season, with everything going perfectly, he was second. Otherwise he's fourth or seventh usually. I'd tell him to leave me to go my way and to focus on his own and everything will be better, because when you have an angry Lorenzo it's usually worse for you.” 
fair to say that by this point the pretence at civility has mostly been dropped. I'm rather fond of the "lorenzo was not signed to win two races" line, though "when you have an angry lorenzo it's usually worse for you" is also really strong stuff. dovi tries to restore a little bit of peace:
Responding in turn to Lorenzo's tirade, Dovizioso sought to play down the conflict. “Jorge has his ideas and I think they are based on particular things. I don't think like him, but it's not a problem,” he told Movistar. “Everybody creates their own ideas based on what they see and how they live. “I don't think he has everything clear in his head about what's happened, but we continue the relationship that we started last year with respect, there's no particular problem. If he thinks this way, that's his problem."
so basically the classic 'idk what he's on about but it's not my problem' approach to attempting to defuse feuds
(9) twitter-gate
there's a few more on-track battles where it's nicely obvious how badly they want to beat each other, with jorge beating marc just ahead of dovi in austria and then dovi beating jorge in brno. jorge's season is increasingly derailed by injuries, which sets the stage for their next big spat:
The row was sparked by Dovizioso's comments to Sky Italia after qualifying at Sepang on Saturday, as he was asked what he thought of Lorenzo having to pull out of the Malaysian GP weekend with injury. "I don't know the details, I don't want to get into this, it's a bit of a strange situation," said Dovizioso."It happens often in Ducati or to certain riders, but I don't understand the details and I don't want to get into it and give my opinion." When it was put to him he was offering 'cryptic words', he added: "I leave things there, it's not my problem."
pretty vague, yeah. but anyway, I'm sure jorge had a proportionate response to this
Dovizioso's comments prompted a series of irate posts from Lorenzo on Twitter, with his first reaction being "Thank you very much @AndreaDovizioso! You are a real gentleman!". In his next post, he went on to call Dovizioso "an exemplary teammate", adding: "You applaud him under the podium when he wins and then... (That's right, he does not give his opinion, it's not his problem)." After that, Lorenzo labelled Dovizioso "envious" and described him as "a world champion... in 125cc."
the podium thing really bothered him, don't you think. their ducati in-fighting follows that general pattern where dovi says something... a little shady, a little ambiguous, where his intentions aren't entirely obvious... at which point jorge goes all in at fighting back and has a go at dovi - often not as much for what dovi is actually saying, but what jorge thinks dovi is implying. which is based on his understanding of dovi, the image of dovi he's built up in his head over the years, so that he is... predisposed to think ill of the intentions of the 'intelligent' dovi who always knows exactly what he's saying
again, dovi tried to downplay the argument, while simultaneously not exhibiting much patience for jorge's stance:
After the Malaysian GP, Dovizioso was asked about Lorenzo's responses to his comments, and the Italian accused his teammate of reading too much into headlines. He said: “Why should I talk to Lorenzo? I do not waste time on these things. He makes the usual mistake of giving too much importance to what is written, even without the context. "I have not pointed my finger at anyone and I have no problem with Jorge."
if I were ducati, I probably would've let the whole thing blow over given jorge was off soon anyway. but they decided the whole thing was so bad they had to organise a peace summit
Asked about the situation, Ducati sporting director Paolo Ciabatti admitted to Motorsport.com that the Bologna marque has already planned to sit its two riders on Tuesday in Milan to make it clear what its priorities are. Ciabatti said: “It is clear that the interests of Ducati come before personal problems between riders. On Tuesday we will be together in Milan, for the EICMA [motorcycle show] and we have in mind to spend half an hour to sit and talk to Jorge and Andrea. "We want to avoid similar things to what happened last weekend. "I understand that these kinds of situations can happen. Sometimes riders get nervous during a Grand Prix weekend and on a rainy day, with tricky conditions, sometimes they say things they shouldn’t have said."
god knows how that turned out
(10) wow, you guys aren't gonna let this go, huh
late 2020 and jorge's career is already over, while dovi's looks like it will be... paused, at the very least. which is always a good time to check in with riders on how they feel about their rivals - if they're still being nasty you know that shit was personal. from december:
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some quality petty material here. "I can't understand his somewhat peculiar mind" vs "he was envious of me since 250cc, but I wanted to give our relationship a chance". note too jorge talking again about how generous he had been in the face of dovi's 2017 successes, and how he feels like this was not reciprocated at all. jorge's complaints don't stop there:
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merry christmas!
not the only rider jorge has beefed with post-retirement, but compare and contrast with how he really hasn't been doing any of that with some of his biggest career rivals. valentino, marc, dani - sure, he still talks about the controversies he's had with them pretty regularly (to put it lightly), and he's hardly free of complaints... but mostly it's a distinctly nostalgic tone he's adopting with these guys. admittedly, it helps that none of those three have gone out of their way to say anything particularly inflammatory about jorge. still, the absolute lack of any sort of rapprochement with dovi of all people is pretty funny
bonus: that time when jorge skittled all of marc's rivals
you know how in catalunya 2019, jorge took out like? all of marc's major rivals in that era including himself in one go? with half a decade of hindsight, this was kind of hilarious, and it did also feature jorge having to eat a hell of a lot of humble pie and go to the three other blokes to apologise. anyway I have a lovingly assembled set of screenshots of all three of them emoting in their boxes after the incident, all suffering some form of an existential crisis. here is dovi contemplating the bleak realities of our brief lives on this planet:
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truly one of the world's least enthusiastic waves
bonus 2: another one for old time's sake
already posted this elsewhere, but this from late 2023 made me laugh
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"jorge came to ducati and thought he was going to beat everything, but in the end he didn't" uh huh
#also thank you!! that's really nice#valentino is absolutely SHAMELESS in that clip i'm crying... saw some low hanging fruit and took a chainsaw to the entire tree#laughs a bit TOO much at that dovi line. a little restraint I beg#andrea dovizioso#jorge lorenzo#//#jl99#ad4#batsplat responds#very lazy post sorry but i just wanted to do something fast... i do think they're more interesting than just a list of drama#real lack of mutual respect... how little they get each other... also jorge's side of that 250cc rivalry is sooooo...#currently still cooking up that jorge/valentino post which means i'm obviously revisiting my jorge primary sources#and the way valentino and dovi get described in particular is... hm how to describe this... this isn't just a sports thing but -#- especially in sports and especially at juniors level you come across a lot of people who act like they're constantly on camera#jorge at that age has extreme sports film syndrome. his entire team also has sports film syndrome. the author has sports film syndrome#they're constantly trying to write character arcs for him. 'like a superhero after his darkest hour' that kinda thing#and that also means other riders sometimes get this treatment where you're a bit? this doesn't feel... completely in touch with reality#dovi's The First Rival who's there to help jorge grow... it's quite tricky to explain because you can't point to anything SPECIFIC#it's just tones and vibes really lmao#anyway my point is I do have Takes on this dynamic but for now. here is just a random assortment of stuff with a lil bit of context#I do love it when you have a kind of primary text for these riders. they're all COMPLETELY different#all with quite funny editorial choices that sometimes tell you as much about the blokes as the actual text itself#fwiw the jorge one was the one where i had the most moments of 'hm i'm not sure it happened quite like that but continue'
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cherry-romper · 1 day
K. Takami - Midnight Visit
Warnings; MDNI, themes of blood and implications of sex
Contains; GN!reader
Totally wasn't inspired by spiderman
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Three muffled knocks came from your window, pulling you out of the traced state you'd been in typing up a report. Keigo often visited you when he had the time, but recently he'd taken a liking coming directly to your window. To Hawks, it didn't matter that you lived 20 stories up, and it was quicker to fly than take the elevator.
Your back to him, you gestured to him to come in, finishing off the sentence you'd been typing up. "It wouldn't hurt you to use the front door, you know?" You jested as he crawled off the fire escape and into your room. He chuckled dryly at your comment, clumsily knocking over a few picture frames off your windowsill. Rolling your eyes at the clatter of your belongings, you swivelled on your chair to look at him, a candied smile on your face.
Your eyes widening at the sight of him splattered in blood, his back leaning on the wall for support. His feathers were few and far between and the ones that were left had wrinkled and shrunken. His visor and jacket were nowhere to be seen and his shirt had been ripped in multiple places, revealing many similar cuts and bruises forming along his right side. His arm crossed his waist, holding a deep gash that ran red.
"Keigo! What the hell happened?" you shot up from your chair, in shock at his injuries. Before you could reach him, he collapsed into your armchair, "You should see the other guy," he breathed, half-joking.
Without thinking, you ran to grab your first aid kit from the bathroom. "Why the hell didn't you go to the hospital, you idiot?" Racing back to his side, perching yourself on edge of the footrest, you examine the extent of his injuries.
"You were closer," he said plainly, his voice was croaky and dry. He kept trying to hold his head up to look at you but would wince at the pain and let it fall back down.
Grabbing the necessary items out of your kit, you tugged at his shirt. "Take this off," you demanded, desperate to work as quickly as possible. Complying, he leaned forward, lifting his shirt the best he could in his state, with you helping it off the rest of the way. "Undressing me already?" He chuckled again, coughing at the dryness in his throat.
Letting his comment slide, you stared at his chest, shocked at how many cuts he had.
Dampening a cloth with medical disinfectant, you brought it next the biggest slash, "This might hurt a little."
The initial touch of steriliser caused him to twitch and wince, his body instinctively moving away from the pain. Whines and gargled complaints leave him as he grabs hold of your wrist, "go easy on me, babe. I can't think straight."
"I'm sorry," you give him a sympathetic nod, "don't talk for a moment, okay? And try not to move, just focus on breathing."
He lets his head fall on the back of the chair, sucking in a deep breath through gritted teeth. You worked as gently as possible, wiping away any trace of blood and dirt from his body. Luckly, none of his wounds were so deep they needed stiches; it was simply the sheer amount he had that caused him to bleed so bad. You pull out a gauze and some bandages from your kit, "I'm gonna need you to lean forward for me so I can wrap this around you, okay?" He nodded and shifted his weight forward, leaning his shoulder on yours for support as you finished bandaging him up.
Satisfied with your work, you grabbed his shoulders to push him back down so he could rest but he wouldn't budge. Picking his head up, he held your gaze as he moved in closer; his forehead leaning against your own. His breaths were shallow and quick, his eyes darted from your eyes to your lips. Locked into his gaze you tried to move away, scared that you'd hurt him, but a stray hand caught your waist, bringing you back to him, positioning you sweetly in his lap.
"Keigo," you breathed, your hands resting gently on his chest keeping him from getting too close, "you need to rest." He didn't reply and only continued his advances, his face merely inches from yours.
You stared him down, allowing your foreheads to clash once more, a teasing smile spreading across your face. Not breaking the eye contact, Keigo's lips grazed yours, his head tilting to the side, anticipating your touch.
"Easy, bird-boy," you pushed his chin away gently, still keeping the close proximity.
"What?" He asked clueless, still desperately trying to taste your lips. Amused at his actions, you played along. Letting him get close, then turning away from him a few times. "Keigo," you giggled, "you know what this is, right?"
He stopped with his head leaning on yours, the hand on your waist gripping you a little tighter, curious to your statement, "What? What is it, baby?"
"Your body is having a reaction to the adrenaline," you explained, once again attempting to put distance between you.
"Oh yeah?" His voice rang low, a husk to how he normally sounds. His free hand found your cheek, cupping it and pulling you closer again, not letting you escape, "Maybe you just get my blood pumping."
Caving under the weight of tension, you allowed his lips to envelope your own. Your arms wrapping around his neck, kissing him like you wanted to be kissed, deeply, with a passion only he could satiate.
Soft and sweet moans escaped you both as you shifted to deepen the kiss. Heat rose in your cheeks as you felt him press even closer to you, his hand gripping desperately at your waist. The kiss naturally developed into a chorus of breathy moans and a carnal hunger.
His lips mashed with your own, his hands grabbing at you as if it were the last time he'd hold you. You kissed back fiercely, your mouth parting as his tongue pleaded for entry to the moist space within. Your tongues competed for domination, dancing around each other in a vicious routine.
You worked you mouth against his, the bristles of his stubble scratching your face as you maneuvered your lips together. Your hands snaked their way into his hair, gripping the back of his head, pushing his face deeper into your own.
"Come fly with me," he lets out between kisses, his head switching sides. His arms now holding your back, pressing you both chest to chest, locking you in place. His ailments seemingly cured.
"What?" you replied, not breaking this kiss. Shifting yourself on his lap, brushing your heat against him. He let out a surprised moan at the contact, "play nice. I'm still an injured man, you know."
Giggling, you rolled your hips again, teasing him. In response, he tangled his fingers through your hair, gripping the back of your head, looking you up and down, "the things you do to me."
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ovrour · 2 days
Im so lost without you | C.S
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summary; y/n is put in the hospital after being drugged at a party. The whole time her bestfriend, Chris is by her side. Both of them knowing that she wasn’t going to make it. Chris admits how he feels for her in their last moment together.
Genre; heavy angst
cw; Mentions of being drugged, rape, and Death.
a/n: im sorry. guys, this shit is so sad like, i almost cried making this. please, if any of this triggers you, feel free to click off. im not offended. and please, if something like this has ever happened to you. please reach out to someone. its always important to talk to someone about it rather than just staying quiet. my dm’s are always open. feel free to reach out to me. im always here. and if this offends anyone in anyway, please message me privately. im glad to take it down if it does. thank you.
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Maybe it was a bad idea to bring you to the Party.
It was a bad idea to bring you to the party. Chris was supposed to protect you. you weren’t supposed to end up here.
not where you would be connected to a bunch of machines with an IV in your arm. Oxygen tube in your nose. you would’ve preferred to be at home with the triplets, watching Shrek. Popcorn and candy, soda on the side.
laughing with your friends, and gossiping about all different types of things. yelling and laughing about different debates and their opinions on them. thats what you wanted. thats what everyone wanted.
they didn’t want to see you like this. connected to so many damn machines. they gave oxygen just so you could fucking breathe.
doctors came in almost every minute of the day, just so they make sure you were okay. it was back to back. nonstop.
making sure there wasn’t anymore drugs in your system.
you never should’ve agreed to go to that damn party chris invited you to. one minute you were fine and drinking. next minute your head was pounding, sweat pouring down your face, and then all of a sudden your passed out on the couch.
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“Guys, have you seen y/n? she was just here.” Chris asked looking at his twin brothers. “no, she said she went to go get a couple drinks for us.” Nick responded.
“how long ago was that?”
“about 10 minutes ago.”
“and you didn’t go to check up on her?”
“no, i didn’t have to. she texted me saying she was on her way back.”
“and she’s not here is she?”
“No, shes not”
“then im going to go look for her. stay here.” Chris stood. He was walking up to where the drinks were and asked a brunette haired girl, if she had seen you.
“Uh, yeah i did. i think she went that way.” she pointed towards the opposite of the room near the restroom. He thanked her and walked towards the bathroom. He knocked. nothing. He knocked again. again, nothing.
He started to panic. his bestfriend was nowhere to be seen. then, he looked towards the left near the couches. there you were, passed out. Some guy on top of you, with his pants pulled down, and yours too.
He was upset, angry that someone had the nerve to take advantage of you in your most vulnerable moments. He stomped his away over there, fists clenched.
“Dude, get the fuck off her! who do you think you are.” Chris shouted. “Bro, why are you bothered? it has nothing to do with you.” The guy laughed. “it hs everything to do with me. Thats my fucking friend your taking advantage of.” Chris pulled him off you, pulling your pants up in the process.
“Alright bru, damn.” the guy walked away.
“y/n?” Chris shook you. and again. and again, and again. When you didn’t wake up or respond he panicked. Called his brothers and told them.
“Cmon chris, we’re gonna help you get here outside.” Matt spoke. they all picked you up to carry you outside. “Nick, call 911! she’s not responding.” Chris said, eyes filling up with tears. “Okay, i will.” Nick responded, hurrying to get his phone.
“you’re going to be okay y/n. i promise.” Chris cried. Holding you in his arms, his tears spilling onto your face as he ran his hand through your hair.
eventually, the ambulance made it. Bringing out a gurney, and laying ontop of it. “look, im gonna ride with y/n. you guys take the car.” Chris walked towards the ambulance. Matt, and Nick heading to car.
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“Do you think she’s gonna be okay?” Nick asked. Tears starting to form in his eyes. matt looked at him.
“yeah. i think she’ll be okay. it’s y/n, shes always okay.”
they both chuckled, hoping they were right. the whole drive to the hospital was silent. how could they have let this happen to their friend. someone who they deeply cared about.
they should’ve just accompanied her. not just sit on their ass.
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“y/n, im so sorry.” he cried, holding your hand as they put you on an oxygen tube. “you should’ve told me. i would’ve went with you to get drinks. otherwise none of this would’ve happened.” He apologized. blaming everything on himself. it was his fault.
“guys, shes barely got a pulse. we need to hurry.” spoke one of the paramedics. Chris’ heart dropped, he couldn’t handle losing you now. not his girl. not the one hes loved since middle school.
“im so fucking sorry y/n. none of this would’ve happened if you could’ve just said no. i never should’ve asked you to come to this damn party, if i knew this was where it was going to end.” He breathed deeply, legs bouncing with anticipation.
“everythings gonna be okay. you’re gonna be okay. how could you not be?”
“youre y/n. youre always okay.”
he felt so guilty. guilty knowing that this happened all because he invited you to some damn party. he would’ve never asked if he knew that this was going to happen. he never would’ve.
Chris would’ve rather stayed home. cuddled up with you by his side, eating all kinds of of junk food together. if you would’ve just asked. you only agreed because you didn’t want to make him feel like he was forcing you to.
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eventually you make it to the hospital, paramedics rushing you in, Chris still standing by your side, even when they asked him to go sit down. which, he did but he was a nervous wreck. waiting to see what doctors had to say.
“anyone here for y/n y/l/n?���
Chris was zoned out thinking too much that he didn’t hear the doctor at first.
“Chris.” Nick spoke. “H-huh?” he hummed, turning to look at Nick. “The doctor.” Matt commented.
Chris turned to see the doctor standing there looking around. “Oh.” He stood. “uh yes, that would be me. is everything okay?” He asked, eyes filling up with tears.
“uh no.”
“w-what happened?”
“we tested y/n for drugs and it came back positive.”
“h-how that doesn’t make sense. y/n doesn’t take drugs.”
“We know. we called her mother, and she confirmed that she doesn’t. she’s on her way here now.”
“then, how did the drugs get in her system?”
“we think she might’ve been drugged.”
“do you know how this could’ve happened?”
“uh yeah, we were at a party. someone must’ve slipped something in her drink.”
“okay, and uh one more thing.”
“what is it?”
“we found traces of semen in her as well.”
“are you saying…”
“yeah, she was raped.”
“oh my god.”
Chris just stood there and thanked him as they both went their separate ways. Both Nick and Matt stood.
“is everything okay?” matt asked. “is she okay?” nick commented. “she was drugged.”
“what thats impossible. she doesn’t do drugs.”
“yeah i know. someone slipped something in her drink.”
“and uh..”
“and what chris?”
“she was raped. someone raped our friend.”
They just stood there in silence not knowing what to say. the tention felt upsetting and they were all so distraught that something like this could happen. how they could let this happen.
they were supposed to protect you. no matter what it was. their promise was to keep you safe. to care for you, to be by your side no matter what.
“boys.” spoke a middle aged woman. it was your mom, her eyes puffy from crying. “ms.l/n”
“how is she? what happened?” she asked now standing infront of them. “she’s not okay. she was drugged and raped.”
Hearing that come out of Chris’ mouth broke her to pieces. her sweet babygirl was used and taken advantage of by some guy. thinking about it made it worse. She just stood there not moving an inch, tears pouring down her face.
All of the triplets just stood there and hugged her. they knew how hard this was going to be for her. I mean, her daughter was still so young, and she was filled with joy and love. all of a sudden, that’s just taken away from you.
“we’re so sorry ms.l/n, this is all our fault.” Nick spoke. “how so?” she questioned. “we invited her to this party that we got invited to. she didn’t have to go. if she would’ve just asked to stay, we would’ve. we would do anything to go back and change that.” Commented Chris.
“oh my god. how could you let this happen? you promised to take care of her!” she shouted, pulling apart from chris. “we did. if we would’ve known this was going to happen, we never would’ve asked.” Matt spoke.
“Im so sorry.” Chris cried. he felt like the guiltiest man in the world. breaking the news to the mother of the love of his life. it hit him hard watching his beautiful bestfriends mother cry.
it was going to be hard for everyone. especially your mom. and he knew that. so, he was going to do what he couldn’t with you. and that was to be by her side all the time.
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when the doctor came out, he informed them that you weren’t going to make it. the drugs had already gone into your bloodstream and there was so much of it that they didnt get it all out in time.
he told them one by one to go see you before it was too late. and thats how chris ended up where he is now. sitting in the chair next to you, holding your hand.
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“im so fucking sorry y/n. this shit is all my fault. all because i invited you to some dumbass party.”
“i was meant to keep you safe. to protect you at all time. to be by your side at all times, no matter what. i couldn’t even keep that promise. i failed you, and your mother. she’s mad at us, and she has every right to be. but i promise, to look after her now that you can’t.” He cried.
“i dont know how i could’ve let this happen. if only they had told me so i could’ve been there with you. then, that man on top of you. i feel like throwing up even talking about it.”
“i just wish i could’ve done more you know?”
“i love you y/n. i always have since middle school. i never told you because i didn’t think you felt the same way even though everyone told you did. i never believed them because i thought you were out of my league. now, i wish i would’ve asked you sooner.” He cried, looking at you with red puffy eyes.
thats when he heard it. the heart monitor going off. he looked up to see it go flat.
doctors flooding in the room, asking him to step out. he could hear all the commotion going on.
they tried over and over again to use an internal defibrillator to shock you back to life. but, it didnt work. nothing did.
“time of death?”
“3:47 am”
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Chris visited your grave everyday after that. he told you all the stories that happened everyday. let you know all the gossip. he told you everything.
“Hey sweet girl. i brought you your favorite flowers.” Chris smiled, placing them ontop of your grave stone.
hibiscus flowers were your favorite. especially pink ones. you told him that once when you went to a flower garden, and ever since then hes kept that in mind. it was his favorite moment you two shared.
they way your green eyes glistened in the morning sunshine, or the way you looked with no makeup on in the sun. skin glowing.
he always thought you were the most lovely, enchanting, and graceful woman ever. never once did he think any different.
you were his bestfriend, his side kick, his everything.
“Soooo…me, nick and chris uploaded a new video today, and someone asked about you. it made me cry but, happy tears. they asked what our favorite memory about you was, and i told them about the flower garden.”
“God, you looked gorgeous that day. the way the sun made you glow. i wanted to kiss you so bad. i just never got the courage to do it.” He chuckled. to him, you looked like aphrodite. there was no one else more beautiful than you to him.
He liked you because you saw him for more than just an influencer on youtube with six million subscribers. You saw him as a person with great personality. and he saw you for someone with a better personality than he had.
you were always so kind, no matter what. it didn’t matter if they did you wrong in anyway, you were always kind. you told always told him, “Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness of people.”
you were a great person and he knew that. even on your bad days when you felt like nothing, you’d always put anyone else before you. you wanted to make them feel loved. and you always did.
“I wish you were still here. Im looking after your mom, and she misses you tons. She cant stand to come and visit your grave, so she picks your favorite flowers, and tells me to being them to you. i promise i pick them too. it never left my mind that hibiscus flowers were your favorite. ever since you told me at the flower garden.”
“I hope your doing great up there. Being kind like always, i hope. I know that you always wanted to get matching tattoos together but, you’re not here anymore. So, i got your name and your birthday tattoed on my forearm. So, did everyone else.” He spoke, tears starting to swell up in his eyes.
“I dont know why im crying, but im hoping its happy tears.” He laughed. “i miss you like crazy. i get nightmares sometimes thinking about that night. how i could’ve prevented all of it from happening. Sometimes, i cant even sleep in my own room knowing that youre gone. so im in yours all the time. i hope you dony mind since i know how tidy you liked it.”
“Nick, Matt, and I go to your favorite restaurant every once a week now. Where we first met in 5th grade. We talk about you all the time. oh, also your mom put an ofrenda in our living room. so we can put all your little trinkets and stuff on it. we even have your graduation picture from four years ago.”
“I dont know what im doing y/n. i miss hearing your voice, i miss coming to you for advice. i feel so alone now. yeah, i have my brothers but you were my bestfriend. the love of my life. my favorite person in existence. now, i dont have one.” Chris cried, letting the tears fall down his face, looking down at his hands while he picked at his nails.
He genuinely didnt know what to do. He was so lost. He wished he had the right words; he just wanted you to know that he missed you like crazy. waking up everyday without you jumping on his bed was hard for him. most of the time he didn’t want to get up. He just wanted to rot in your bed all day. but, he knew that you would want him to live his best life in anyway he could.
It was hard on everyone. but, they were all there for eachother. Holidays were different, birthdays, celebrations, everything was.
“I’m so lost without you.”
He hoped that you were looking down at him proudly, even on his worst days because he was pushing through. He pushed through for you.
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r0tt0nmagg0ts · 1 day
Very excited to see your page grow ! 🤍 sorry for the long request 😣😣❕
Can i request a Daryl x fem!reader where the reader’s whole love language was cooking for people before everything went to shit? But because to the outbreak and where they ran from place to place.. she just could never make anything and because lack of ingredients which sort of kills her morale.
However, when they’re staying at Alexandria.. One day she gets one look at their pantry and is strangely super excited and very much productive for the whole afternoon. Which causes confusion among the group because “woah reader is rlly happy, wonder what’s up.” And it’s because she can finally cook the food she loved to make and it’s now time for Daryl to test-taste each and every single dish made all with her love 🤍 .
Just some wholesome fluffiness bc i personally imagine Daryl had like food made by someone for him. He deserves the best as he just eats everything up bc its made with all of our love 🤍🤍🤍
Hello!!! I think this is an amazing idea! Can I just say that I’ve found my people 🤧
Here’s to my first X Reader on here 🥂
Warning: Talks about food/ fluff/ killing walkers (normal TWD stuff)
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You a chef or something’?
For as long as you could remember, you always loved to cook for the people closest to you.
You would make them their favorite foods and the look on their faces when they would take that first bite was enough to make your entire day.
But when everything happened, cooking food that actually tasted good was the least of your concern, breaking your little chef heart. But when you walked into Alexandria for the first time and saw the plethora of food they had, your heart practically sung.
“What type of herbs do you have?”
“Just about everything, basil, thyme, rosemary, paprika. You name it we probably have it.”
“Where did you get all of them?” You said with a little giggle in your throat.
“Out scavenging, this area used to be a huge neighborhood so there was lots of herbs and seasonings that were left behind”
You were so excited for all of the possibilities! You could make so many different foods and you can now FINALLY show off to everyone how much you loved to cook. But there was one person who you especially wanted to impress.
He sat outside of the house cleaning his bow you and Rick’s group had decided to stay in until you could trust these new people.
You walked up to the house with a huge basket of cans, herbs, seasonings, and just whatever you could put into a meal.
“What gotcha all skipping down the street like a child?” the bowman said with his southern twang, an accent you been hearing since you joined the group back at the quarry.
“Just some herbs and seasonings”
“Whatcha gonna use tha for?”
“Uh, cooking?” You said in a questionable tone.
“Do you want me to cook you something?”
“Nah, you don’ gotta do tha. Whatcha gonna make with all of those anyway?”
“I have lots of ideas on what to make, you know it’s been a while since I cooked, maybe you could come inside and taste everything?”
Daryl gave it a second of thought, but in his normal gruff voice “Fine, but you gotta cook what I ask for”
Ever since you first met Daryl and the quarry you always thought he was a hard working man. Always went out and got food. He was a survivor, a man the world couldn’t take down no matter what it threw to him.
When he saved you after the walkers invaded the camp, you began to not just think he was a cool guy but also to have a sense of respect for him.
“What do you want me to cook you?”
“Well, I got this squirrel that I plan of skinning, be nice to do somethin with it.”
And that got you thinking. “Maybe we could do a stew, or a baked squirrel, or maybe-“ “Woah, calm down ther’ just make a stew that’ll be simple enough all righ’?”
“Okay, a stew. Hmm.” You go inside the house and walk to the kitchen placing down the basket, and you start looking at the seasonings, and vegetables in your basket. You pick out the cucumber, carrots, squash, flour, and eggs “How many squirrels do you have?”
“I got five”
“Okay, I can make a broth from the squirrels and make a minestrone soup”
“The hell is a minestrone soup?” “It’s a soup from Italy, filled with vegetables.”
“Well okay, tell me when it done”
You gave him a big smile and turned around to get started on this soup, you had Daryl skin the squirrels for you, you baked the squirrel and toon of the meat, then placed the meat in a bag and put it in the fridge for the stew. You then got the bones and some meat from the squirrel, put it in a pot filled with garlic, carrots, onions, and you put it to the top of the got with water. Then you let it cook on the stove top for HOURS.
The next day you strained the broth and started on the soup. You chopped up the vegetables and you made the pasta. Using the flour and eggs you used 3 parts flour, and 2 parts egg. You than mixed with your hands and used a rolling pin to flatten it out. Daryl than came up to you to check what you were doing “Why ya just now startin tha?” “I had to make the broth, that took all night.”
“Ya didn’t have to do tha it justa soup I woulda had you make me somethin else if I knew it would take that long.”
“Don’t be an ass Daryl I’m doing this because I care.”
“But why do you care, why do ya care about the way food tastes n all tha, it jus ment for ya to survive.”
“I know, but mankind invented art, and I believe cooking is an art. You deserve some good food after everything you do, just let me show that I care.”
“Fine, just stop being philosophical.”
“That a big word even for you Mr. Dixon.” You joked.
He just scoffed and walked away. ‘Finally some peace to myself’ you thought. You loved that man you do but sometimes he can just get in your nerves. But you know he’s an ass out of love.
One hour later, the soup is finally now just simmering in the pot. You decided it would be a good idea to make a cake because you think Daryl might appreciate it for taking so long to cook the soup.
You ran down to the little ‘Grocery store’ they had down the street and picked up some sugar, butter, and vanilla flavoring.
You devoted to them start on the cake, also making your own butter crème frosting. After two hours, everything was perfect.
You decided to set up the table and piped open a glass of red wine.
“Daryl ! Dinners ready!”
Daryl walked slowly into the house to see you dressed in a beautiful floral summer dress and some fake pearl earrings from the mall back when you were in the quarry.
“Wha’ with all this?” He asked not knowing how to react. All he knew was this beautiful woman whom he adored had made him a meal that smelled sweeter than anything else.
“I thought you would enjoy it, so I decided to get some wine, and the nicest bowl I could find”
“Well, tha’ sweet of ya, wish I dressed up a bit more now.”
Daryl was wearing what he usually does, his t-shirt with his beautiful arms showing, with his angel wing vest and his cargo pants with boots.
“You look just fine Daryl, not like we have many clothes anyway.”
Daryl silently agreed and sat down
You served him the soup with a slice of buttered Italian bread and a glass of wine.
You sat yourself across from him and Daryl instantly started to eat.
“Oh wow-“ Daryl’s face looked as if he had never eaten before.
“This the best soup I ever had”
“Are you messing with me?” Daryl had never really given many compliments to anybody, so him saying so ment a lot.
“I’m serious, the carrots are nice, ion think I ever had squash before so that new.”
“Aw well thank you Daryl”
“Nah thank you, so tell me sunshine” and nickname he had given to you that just made your heart flutter.
“Why is cooking so important to ya?”
“I think it just the feeling that, I can make people happy, that I could make them something and they would enjoy it.”
“Mm” he replied nodding.
After dinner you and Daryl had a slice of the cake you had decided to bake last minute, he also said that the cake was and I quote “Fucking amazing”.
You two decided to hang out and talk while you both cleaned up the kitchen.
“Hey Daryl.”
“Ya what’s up sunshine?”
“Do you think I could cook for you more often? I mean I hope you liked it”
“Woman, I loved your cooking, imma be coming over every nigh’ now.”
You were so happy to hear that, Daryl actually loved your cooking. You felt so happy you couldn’t hold back your smile, making your face a bit red.
Daryl smiled and continued wiping down the table.
After that you decided to go to bed, Daryl had decided to as well, but he slept downstairs still.
You kissed him a goodnight kiss on his cheek and walked up stairs. Thinking about the day, Daryl fell asleep with a smile on his face excited for what tomorrow will bring.
THANK YOU ALL FOR READING!!!!! So sorry if it shitty but thank you all for reading my first x reader on this app 🤧 ❤️
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tikosblogg · 7 hours
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summary: love triangle? you grew up with folio, you are best friends. Both in very successful bands. folio tries to ignore his hidden feelings for you, especially when the one and only Noah Sebastian steals your heart.
Warnings: nothing really, some angst?
A/N: So this is definitely going to be a mini series, probably 5 parts. Reader is NOT poppy. It’s whoever you want it to be, but reader is the one featuring on van and everything.I really want it to have a happy ending, but they are going to go through a lot to get there! Also big thank you to @pedropascalsblog for help with this!❤️
I got an exciting call from my best friend Nick Folio this morning. He said that the lead singer of his band was interested in doing a collaboration with me on their current album! I'm a huge fan of bad omens of course, I’ve just never met any of them. Me and Nick have known each other for as long as I can remember.
Our parents were best friends growing up, so naturally we were too. I finished packing up all my things, waiting for the car folio sent to pick me up. He said that Noah wanted to show me the song we were collaborating on. I just recently got back from my own U.S tour. I’m also a singer/songwriter and have my own band. “Corrupt”
We finally got noticed, about a year and half ago. According to folio, Noah has been a fan since the beginning. As soon as they finished the song, I was the first-person Noah asked about featuring on it. Not gonna lie, that boosts my ego a lot. My phone buzzing pulled me out of my thoughts, Nick letting me know the car is here.
I texted back, letting him know I’d be there soon. I’m so excited about all of this. It’s a dream come true. Nick and I had a long conversation this morning. I’m gonna meet them at the studio, and they are gonna show me the song. Then I’ll record it, and then In a few days, they want to shoot a video for it.
After that, corrupt will be joining bad omens on tour, where we will perform the song together. After about a 15 minute ride, the car came to a stop outside of a brick building. I pulled my phone out clicking on Nick and I’s messages.
“Hey I’m here, can you meet me at the door?”
You’d think with me being the lead vocalist in a band, I wouldn't have such bad anxiety…but it’s quite the opposite. After Nick agreed to meet me, I put my phone in my pocket, walking towards the door. “Hey Dollface, glad you could make it!” Nick smiles pulling me into a bear hug.
“Me too! I’m so excited! Are the guys here. already?” I smiled looking around the hallway. “Yea, come on I’ll introduce you to everyone.” He pointed me towards the door, opening it. “Hey guys, Lungs is here!” Folio smiles, opening the door wide enough to let me enter behind him. “Lungs?” I ask, slightly cringing at the name. “Yea it’s what we call you, because of your vocals” Folio smiled.
“So this is jolly, he’s our guitarist” folio points to a slightly older male with long hair and facial hair. “Hi” I offered a small smile and a wave. “This is our other nick, or as we call him Ruffilo, he’s our bassist.” He points to another long-haired guy, but in a bun, slightly younger looking, with a couple of neck tattoos, sitting beside jolly plucking his strings.
I offered another smile and wave to him. “Last but not least, our lead vocalist, Noah.” I scan the room, my eyes falling on him sitting on the opposite couch. His light brown hair was short, and messy but still looked so good. He wore a pair of black joggers, with a matching hoodie.
Before I could greet him, he was on his feet walking towards me. He stuck his hand out, with a small smile. “Hey, its really nice to meet you y/n. Can’t wait to hear you bring this song to life.” I could feel my cheeks flush, as I took his hand in mine. “Thank you so much noah, that means so much coming from you. I can’t wait to hear it.” He nodded his, opening his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sound of folios drums.
“Let's go!” we laughed, as we took a seat. Noah playing the song and showing me the lyrics. After I memorized the first few verses, Noah showed me what tone, and pitch the song is in. Every Time he sang a verse, showing me how he wanted it to sound, butterflies erupted in my stomach. I mentally scolded myself every time.
Damn it y/n be professional! “Think you could do that for me?” Noah looked away from the computer screen, to me. My face flushing bright pink. “I'm so sorry, what?” I let out an embarrassed laugh, training my eyes on anything but him. “I asked if we could get you in the recording booth now? I mean if you're ready?” I smiled, standing from my seat.
“Of course, lead the way.” I gestured my hand out in front of me. I followed him into the small space. He adjusted the microphone, lowering it to my height. I thanked him, feeling my cheeks heating up again. Damn it y/n get it together! Noah grabbed the headphones, placing them on my head adjusting them to fit.
He kept his hands on the muffs of the ear phones, tipping my head up towards him. “Does everything sound right?” he lowered his hands, and I turned towards the mic, speaking a few random words into it. I gave Noah a thumbs up, and he left the booth, going to the other side of the glass.
I looked over at Nick, my smile faltering when I saw the almost sad look on his face. When he noticed me looking, he quickly smiled giving me two thumbs up. I gave a small smile back, nodding towards Noah that I was ready. I'll have to talk to Nick later. As soon as Noah got the go ahead, he started the track and I sang the lyrics. “Violence against nature….”
After a few takes, we finally finished and I exited the booth. Noah walked over to me with the biggest smile. “Holy fuck y/n that was amazing, and your screams were perfect, everything was perfect.” I thanked him, so excited that he loved it. I felt my face flush from the compliments.
“C’mon y/n, we need to get you settled at your place for the night.” I looked over at Nick nodding in agreement, bidding goodbye to the rest of the guys. Nick grabbed my hand, leading me out of the room. Before we walked out, I shared one more smile with noah. I had rented an air bnb, so I could be close to the site where we are filming the music video for V.A.N. The song was absolutely amazing. I am honored that Noah chose me for it.
Nick and I hung out for a while, after we unpacked all of my things. “I missed you a lot y/n.'' We sat on the couch, filling each other in on everything we have missed in each other's lives for the past 6 months. I smiled, patting his arm. “I missed you too. You’re my only best friend, gets lonely sometimes.” there he goes with that sad look again.
What is going on with him? “What's wrong nick?” he shook his head, standing up. “Nothing, I'm just tired. Long day.” He smiled down at me, bending over to place a kiss to the top of my head. “Get some sleep y/n, me and the guys will ride over tomorrow. We can hang out and talk about the video shoot coming up.” I nodded my head with a small smile, waving goodbye as he left.
I took a quick shower, hopping into bed. Today was great, but long. 10 minutes later I passed out. I woke up the next morning to loud voices in my living room. I jumped up out of bed, nearly falling on my face. I swung open the bedroom door, quickly making my way down the hall.
The guys were spread out across the living room, jolly placing some paper bags on the kitchen island. I just stood there, my brain still foggy with sleep and heart pounding out of my chest. They finally noticed my presence, all sending me smiles. “Morning sunshine! We brought you breakfast.” Nick smiled, walking over to me.
I huffed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “Nick, I want the extra key back.” I grumbled, walking further into the living room. They all chuckled at my grumpiness, as I slumped onto the couch. “Oh come on y/n, perk up!” Nick laughed, handing me my favorite breakfast order from McDonald’s. I instantly straightened up, a grateful smile graced my lips. “Okay you’re all forgiven.”
I dug into my food along with everyone else. Noah took a seat on one side of me, and Nick on the other. After we finished eating, everyone started talking about the shoot tomorrow. “So I have some ideas, I wanted to run by you. Since you are the star of the video.” Noah turned towards me, with an excited smile. I nodded my head, turning towards him as well. “Shoot!” We talked for a good 30 minutes, swapping ideas.
“So that’s why I mentioned being in a glass case. I think it would look really bad ass.” Noah nodded, with a huge smile. “Absolutely, I agree.” We exchanged a high five. “You know we are still here?” Ruffilo chimes in, with a laugh. Oh shit. Me and Noah got a little carried away. I turned towards Ruffilo “I know.” I smile turning back towards Noah with an oh shit look on my face causing him to burst into laughter.
“You guys got any ideas?” Noah asked the three men sitting around the living room. “Nope, Sounds like you and y/n thought of everything.” Folio snaps, throwing his trash on the table heading out of the door. “What’s his deal, he’s been like that since yesterday?” Jolly says, throwing his arms up. “I’ll go talk to him.” Noah stands, following Nick outside. Ruffilo, Jolly, and I sat inside while Nick and Noah talked outside for what seemed like forever. When they finally came in the tension was thick, but was never addressed.
“We should get going.” Noah announces to the guys. Nick and Jolly stood up from the couch and we all said our goodbyes. “We will pick you up in the morning y/n.” Folio says before walking out. Noah was the last one to walk out. “Is everything okay?” I asked pulling him back from the door. “Yea, don’t worry. See you tomorrow?” Noah smiles reassuring me. I nod and wave him off as he walks towards their vehicle. I watched him drive away, wracking my brain for what the hell could be going on with Nick. I let out a sigh, closing the door, headed straight to my room. We’ve got a big day tomorrow, I need the rest.
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 hours
can you make headcanons of the gang learning creole from the shepards??
anon,,,r u,,,,🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹???🤨🤨 /lh
BUT OF COURSE!!!! the gateway to get me to answer any ask is to make it about the shepards and them being haitian i swear
•ponys already ahead of most of em bc he hangs out w curly a lot, hes picked up a few words and phrases
•i already hc that darry knows french bc he learned it in school so hes like the one having the least amount of problems w learing kreyòl
•if u didnt know, kreyòl has some words from spanish and african languages and i hc johnny to be half mexican and steve is african so sometimes they recognize it and theyre like that one wojack of that guy pointing
•im gonna be so fr its rlly only tim taking it seriously and teaching em, angelas only teaching them bad words and curlys flirting w pony, stupid ik but its happening much to the dismay of literally everyone
•when it comes to kreyòl, how u say it is how its spelled and two bit swore he would get this shit the first try and then he didnt, he barely getting it on his tenth bc he had to be explained that its said how its spelled using the HAITIAN alphabet, he was just using the regular ass alphabet the whole time
•then it opened up an argument of “then its not rlly said how its spelled” w two bit and literally everyone else but we’ll ignore that
•darry learned french in high school and he was barely grasping that fuck ass gendered language bc why is a table a girl, and he was so mentally prepared to have to do the same w kreyòl but when tim told him kreyòl isnt gendered and its rlly only context based so to say “he, she, it” is “li” and to say “they” in plural is “yo” , ik he jumped for joy, he was so tired
•back to kreyòl being spelled how u say it, when pony learned that curlys heart jumped to his ass cause ponyb started writing down what curly said and asking tim to translate, everytime he gets caught tim just gives him a look and curly pretends hes smug about it but he is not, hes shitting his pants as we speak
•i hc dallas to be russian and he already has a BIT of an accent when speaking english but when it comes to him actually talking in kreyòl its even more obvious cause ur not rlly supposed to pronounce the r’s but he literally keeps on doing it over and over somewhat in a russian accent on accident, and now tim just chuckles a bit when dally speaks kreyòl
•also i JUST remembered i also hc sylvia as haitian, so dallys also getting some help from her but also hes learning kreyòl bc he wants to know wtf she says under her breath when theyre in arguments
•i would say also bc he wants to know what tim says in arguments, but tim will gladly translate for him, however also some insult r just,meant for kreyòl, it literally only hits hard in kreyòl so he doesnt rlly translate those ones, but when he tells sylvia she laughs at dally and tells him what it means
•she also giggles at dally speaking kreyòl hes getting bullied at every angle
•i say this w sm love but dally and soda cant rlly read all that well, they were those kids that took a bit of time reading during popcorn reading and yknow what, no hate about that here, still love em the same, but sometimes tim lets them read something in kreyòl and theyre stuttering SO bad
•i joke about pony not knowing shit in kreyòl, but pony and curly speaking in kreyòl to each other guys,,,pls,,listen to me here,,,,i need it</333
•angela taught them some songs in kreyòl ill hold onto this hc till i die
okok im stopping myself here before this gets any longer but pls know i will be going insane about this later
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tariah23 · 1 month
Now he’s trying to lie when he literally tagged Princeton like 5 fucking time. White people are so evil, bro. They always know what they’re doing when they do shit like that. With the attempt to bring harm to Black people who they want to “get out of the way,” because they don’t think that we belong in the same spaces as them while at the same time, believing they should be allowed INTO our spaces and afforded hospitality and a whole red carpet rolled out. The sad thing is, she has connections to the industry because of her uncle and name so what if this was just a random Black woman who worked for Princeton without this kind of protection at all…?
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#I’m glad that she’s alright though#why is he trying to dumb down what he intended by saying that ‘she was trolling so I trolled back’ like she like many other black people#are always dead serious when we tell whites and nbs to stay out of black folks business#simply put#he just got offended since a black woman told him to stay in his own lane#he dumb ass didn’t even know who she was even though he’d interviewed her family multiple times before#a Russian making millions off of black culture what a joke#black people gotta be tired of being used#one day man#the sad thing is of course black men hate black women sm that they were defending vlad on his behalf (not surprised lol)#and I saw other black women being pick me’s going on about ‘what makes her SO much more special than other black people-‘ like are you….#do you bitches have rocks for brains or… these same people are the reasons why nbs and whites will always feel comfortable coming into our#shit and wrecking the place you guys don’t stand for anything and you allow others to trample over your own people#stand up one day#the sad thing is#ppl are still gonna go onto his platform to allow him to interview them and make money off of their name#this is one of the first times that I’ve seen black people really get in vlad’s ass though because what he tried to do to this black woman#was absolutely vile and this is the kind of shit that gets black people killed and put into bad positions#fucking loser#rambling
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
I never tried the option myself bc it'd probably mean skipping the Reason You Suck speech at the end (fire for speedrunners though) but I Love that you can frame your Phoneys in 3, especially so if you've already killed the previous two. Like yeah couldn't send you off to die so i'll let the goverment do it for me 🧸 like its just Peak evil imo.
#luly talks#i do relinquish in the pain and the agony but dont get me wrong the thought of any of them 3 getting jailed makes me SO sad#rog esp since he's the one im writing about and the biggest nerve wreck#gingi voice they'll be the last one to pick the board game for prison-game-night..........#actually yknow i wonder if rog would end up almost believing it after all when you try to gaslight him for the shits and giggles#(as in: telling HE was victim of the bite of 87 and the like) he tells you to not do that bc his brain is already scrambled or something#so there's a chance perhaps he'd believe it if he had everyone constantly accussing him of it?#not like it'd matter much i have no hopes for the dsaf justice system i know its been 35 years since jack got framed but still#i just remembered when the option popped up i said ''god im really becoming steven 😭''#first time i made the joke too was when i said ''imagine your boss sucks so bad you turn suicidal'' no clue what the context was#OH YEAH JAKE SAYING HE'D RATHER FUCKING DIE THAN KEEP WORKING HERE yeah. poor guy.#anyway im derailing my own post again uhhh. yeah. yeah i dont trust any phoney is avoiding the death sentence#dsaf#roger jones#dsaf roger#btw just for the sake of yapping longer i truly cant decide whether harry or jake would survive better in the enviroment#probably jake to be honest. I mean Harry has a lot of experience inside freddy's but he didnt really live outside it muhc#jake is so confrontational though#hey did you guys watch the hit movie felon? sure that guy wasn't framed but. i feel like jake would end up w that attitude#except for. you know. everything else that happens in the hit movie felon.#hey actually forget about this game go watch the 10/10 movie Felon from 2008 starring Val Kilmer and Stephen Dorff#because its one of my all time fave movies and probably the saddest i've seen#not bc there arent movies that are more tragic but bc no movie was able to break thru my walls of idgaf and make me cry anyway#yeah you thought i couldnt bring up my movie fixations on my different fandom posts well you were WRONG in fact#im gonna go tag my other post i left untagged yesterday bc my ass was Cooking
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strifethedestroyer · 11 months
my uncle died. hm
this is the first time i've ever reached the tag limit. the last word is meant to be funeral.
#text#interesting experience#i mean it was expected he's been suffering for a couple of months now. he got a lot better at one point and everyone was like woo you're-#-gonna survive! you're not gonna be like before but you're not gonna die but eh voila he died#like a week ago he was sent to the hospital because his kidneys just failed and the doctors said nah dude he's on his deathbed. better#just die at home rather than dying in the hospital alone so they took him home and they've been waiting ever since and here we are#personally i barely know shit about the guy. he used to deliver us bread and he shook my hand once and smiled at me. radiated a good aura#but i dont know anything. dad says he really respected and loved my brother and i so ill take his word for it#but man for the past like month its all you hear about. like i dont mean this in a derogatory way i completely understand dont get me wrng#but its just death death death all around#an hour or so ago i was walking my dog with my mom and brother and i just said i wonder if uncle's died yet#20 minutes afterwards my mom gets a call that he's died. uncle was in a different room from the rest of the family so they couldnt know#exactly when he died (we went to visit at about 5 pm today and he was alive but asleep) but my parents think it must have been around when#i said that. dad's superstitious and all and says that uncle sent me a sign. like i said apparently uncle loved me a lot. im not#superstitious but i'll take his word for it - uncle sent me a sign before he died.#i feel a little bad now. he seemed like a good man. im just replaying my only memory of him - that time when he shook my hand and smiled#like smiled very brightly. he and grandma look so alike. like ofc they do they're siblings but they look so alike#im very worried for my parents and grandma though.#espechially grandma. she's been at his house almost all week becuase she knew his time was soon#when we visited today we were supposed to pick her up and bring her home and then return her tomorrow but once we arrived she apparently#said (idk i didnt go inside i just wandered outside and pspsed at cats#that she didnt want to come home becuase he was very ill. she knew man she knew.#i dont know how she's going to handle this i just hope she'll be okay we'll do what we can to help her#i hope my parents are going to be okay too. me and my mom's relationship is rocky and i dont like my dad much#my dad returned from europe yesterday to stay with us for a month and i was really not looking forward to it. i always dread his visits#like dont get me wrong i love him just like im supposed to i just dont like him very much#but nonetheless i hope they'll be okay#as far as i know my brother also didnt know my uncle very well so i dont think i have to worry about him#he and i will just have to do our best to support our family i guess#about like 30 minutes ago my parents left for uncle's house and they'll return early morning tomorrow and then go back immidietaly for the
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
The Billions Showrunners Go To See Bway Bmc like lgw "the problem has always been me" and they look at each other approvingly and nod like now he's getting it :) and then the squip's deactivated and everyone's embracing the realities of being a person and rejecting the idea there can be, should be, and is a set of standards to meet to get everything you want and preclude yourself from being mistreated and they're like nooo what a powerful tragedy :(
#then the nyt critic listens in on their conversation like Jot That Down Jot That Down ''jeremy deserved to stay In Crisis & bullied''#it'll be a lingering irritation with billions just like w/any other work that is supposed to earnestly engage w/anything But Then#is ultimately / reverts to being about Vibes instead when it was in fact not meant to be a work ultimately about vibes#like good news i in turn earnestly engaged with your work. that's why it's on sight#winston billions#bmc#was gonna say obviously don't know if anyone from billions went to bmc but No....daniel k isaac confirmedly did lol iconique#can't fathom the thoughts the showrunners would really have lmao#just like i have to assume their thoughts abt will as jared was the typical/superficial ''wow guy we find bothersome rude & undeserving!''#maybe it wasn't maybe it wasn't....but they did only give him a would've been one time bit part whose job was to be so rude & undeserving#like jk save for tossing in an inadvertent? misgendering of taylor for good measure quant kid 2 was wholly in the right#having him be an object to be crumpled up & thrown into the trash was Their intended bookend. but really it's that wags should die#and that winnie n tay was everything. the way quant kid 2 wasn't meant to be a character in 3x03#winston was barely handled as a preexisting character in 7x03 besides the [object to be crushed] & [computers?] angles#Except the flickers of specific interaction w/taylor; totaling like 3s overall fr; were what was most like ''yeah he's someone specific''#anyway again ''you were purporting to make something about anything but ran over that w/your Vibes Based approach in the end'' annoyance#couldn't lose in s4....yearning to be able to film winston more; which would've been him being [winston: __ everyone: get his ass]#but b/c he wasn't very available winston is presumed locked in a supply closet somewhere not invited to meetings or gatherings. works too#k&l surprised at ppl not picking up on an intended Literal Death Exception to think not Everything the main epic winner does is epic win#like well yeah sure but your show was then in fact about how all that really matters in the end was being in the superior Winner class#whereupon it's then not about your actions & their consequences so much as it's about your feelings & intentions#and it's not so much about That (relevant specifics expire 6 eps later or by the end of the season) as it is abt being that Winner#then thinking losers Could get organic aba (abuse forcing compliance) like well yeah of course!#the classic excuse about a hypothetical Conversion into winnerdom/correctness to uno reverse blame/responsibility#anyways like i said it's on sight; a testiment to that attentive & earnest enough engagement w/your work out here lmao#everything Else abt billions making it more & more incredible they had Taylor in the midst of it all#but by in fact going ''this character is supposed to Contrast w/usual 'winner' traits'' you Do disrupt that Vibes Based approach#and ofc can't consider some kind of ''oh nooo they've become fr thee Typical winner'' b/c failed step one they stay nonbinary#casting winston just as serendipitously more than billions deserved or could handle#will roland acting it tf up right away even w/quant kid 2 in a way the writing would never step up to lmfao. beautiful
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swampghouls · 8 months
also had the weirdest experience at work today.
#i was in the back doin my pull n i hear over the headset one of my baristas tell me that some guy needed to see my store key for the locks??#n i just was like. HUH. UH. NO?????#so i went out there n was like. what are you here for????? to this random bald man n hes like oh im a DM we were looking at the locks#n i need to see your key to see what brand of lock it is and i was like. UM. no?? Who Even are you again?????#n this man is like oh i dont have my business card there in my car n im even MORESO LIKE. OKAY. UM. NO I CANT DO THIS??#this random bald man pulls out his DRIVERS LICENSCE n is like look my name is ____ im a district manager#i just look at him n go. okay. i hear you. im still gonna call my store manager bc this is sus as hell. im not gonna give you#my STORE KEY random bald man#WHEN MY SM PICKS UP SHES LIKE. WAIT. WHAT? WHO? n im getting more and more sussed out liks boss lady im gonna need u to come here if fhis#man isnt whp he says he is n also get OUR district manager out here#but she jus goes. okay. hold on. let me call __ (our district manager) n this random bald man is like. oh look! here! shes (dm) is calling#he talks to her n hands me his phone n it IS my DM n im like. i can show him my store key?? okay.... shes just like yeah. hes legit hes real#just a pain in the ass n im just like okay sorry bc it probably wasnt supposed to be a whole ordeal for him but iM LIKE. MAN. YOU JUST ASK#FOR THW SSV N THEN ASK SAID SSV FOR THEIR STORE KEY LIKE. but hes like. dont worry! dont be sorry you did everything right lol it was a very#weird thing to ask for. n like. YEAH thanks random bald man were om the same page! he did end up giving me his business card lol#but yeah. that was. so weird. n i just was like. 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️#my sm called me afterwards n was like. you talked to dm? whatd she say? n i go. just that hes a real person lol idk smtg abt the locks#shut up danny ur dumb
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roychewtoy · 9 months
supergiant games are 3 for 3 [sorry bastion..... i haven't played u bastion.....] to me. transistor, pyre and hades BEEEELOOOOOVEEEDDDD
#bastion regularly gets knocked down to like.. a quid on the playstation store. i should pick it up and play it at sum point..#but yes.... cant believe they are making their first sequel.. treading into new territory.. CANT WAIT😃#idk what my favourite of the three is.... very different flavours#with the throughline ofc being incorporating gameplay mechanics directly into the story.. Delicious#and jen zees art and darren korbs OSTs and LOGAN CUNNINGHAMS VOIIIIIICE YIPPEEEE#i think realising he voiced both hades and achilles was the most surprising to me just because how close together they are in the house#like...those r different guys. and i looooove him as the transistor itself😵‍💫ooooooouuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaahhh#really love that the original pitch for transistor was ->#greg kasavin and jen zee shooting the shit in a long car journey coming back from e3#fantasy world. unassuming women working as a singer in taverns falls in love with a travelling wizard#group of people come for the wizard and kill him with powerful demonic blade. blade is lost in the struggle. she finds it#and miraculously hears the guys voice coming from inside the sword. wields it herself. goes out for revenge#and they enjoyed the idea but accepted it was never the sorta game they were gonna make. then transistor development starts hitting a wall#wonderin why they arent making the story the wanna make. and greg goes..because a demonic rune sword doesnt work in a scifi setting#jen designs red and the transistor. nails it in one. like the original concept art is just.. how they look in the final game#RIGHT TRANSISTOR DEVELOPMENT TANGENT OVER#i love the fleshy..marble design of The Process... eating up the city....#LOOOVE sunkrish balas performance as royce. that third act with headphones on. he gave me chills. his intonation is soooo perfect and eerie#luv the ps4 controller lighting up when the transistor talks hehehehe#this became ramble city. Pyre. PYRE!!!!!!!! fire off points about pyre. go go go:#the Cast Of Characters😃....AUUUGH. the downside as a setting.. hello boundless purgatory.. endless plains and roiling seas to travel across#how TIED the gameplay of the rites is to the story of pyre. its kinda crazy how well integrated it is#pyre is soo Lore heavy. and most of it is optional. no voice acting in this badboy#only played it once but i fucking loooved reading all the entries in the book of rites...#its just so DENSE. I LOVE U HIGH FANTASY BASKETBALL SHOOTING HOOPS INTO FLAMES TO ASCEND FROM PURGATORY GAME <- greatly simplifying#it has fucking interactive music that changes depending on what team u are fighting against in the liberation rites COME ONNNN MAAAAAN#everybody and their nan knows how fucking good hades is. im running outta ramble space in these tags#tightest controls. weapon and boon combinations up the wazoo. drool worthy gameplay loop. just one more run: the game. pet doggy#i looooooooooove supergiant games i looooooooooooooove supergiant games. BOSH#chewtoy
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