#...long distance relationships or dealing with the fall out/break ups caused by the trade
nateslehky · 1 year
listen.... i love matthew and sasha as much as the next person, but sometimes i really do miss them
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Hi can I request the boys reactions to coming back and seeing that MC has snucked into their beds
The Brothers Find the MC Asleep in Their Bed
This is that other bed request. Back to my fluffy content! Huzzah!! I was a fidgeting mess on that last one… If it wasn't in second person I probably would have never gotten through it… 🤦‍♀️😅 Amazing how distancing the pronoun "you" can be when you're writing: "Oh no, this ain't happening to me, it's gonna happen to you. I dunno what to tell ya." 🤷‍♀️ I give my props for this to one to my favorite jazz singers, Nicki Parrot, and her rendition of I Won't Last a Day Without You.
If you're missing someone and, presumably, you have a fairly intimate relationship then something you can do is stay in their bed. Sure, your loved one’s body may not be next to yours but the familiarity can help soothe that aching heart… So when the brothers were away from the House for a few days, it wasn't totally unreasonable for the MC to sneak a night or two in their favorite demon's bed.
If only they had known said demon would come home early… 
It was a looong trip for him. Lucifer only goes up to the human world for business reasons and usually he has to bring Mammon to keep an eye on him, which he also swears ages him by a century each time he does… 
When he retired to his room that night he wasn't really looking to talk or interact with anyone, not his brothers and not even the MC. He just wanted to go to sleep…
He wasn't expecting to find his human curled up under his sheets, though. And without him there no less.
Had it been another day, he might have just woken them up and sent them away or slept somewhere else but that night, after the trip he had, he felt so… loved all of sudden...
His brothers never miss him when he leaves. They give him the usual welcoming rigmarole when he gets back, "Good to see you, how was the trip?" that kind of thing, but he can tell they're all disappointed that he's back to discipline them again…
But here was the MC, apparently wanting him back so much that they'd risk breaking into his room just to feel close to him again… It's honestly good he was the only conscious soul in the room because if anyone else had seen the look on his face, he'd have to start erasing some memories again.
He changed clothes quietly before getting into the bed himself, careful not to jostle them too much. Only once he was settled in, did he give them a tender kiss to their forehead and finally got a good night's sleep...
Look, he never asks to be dragged along with Lucifer on his business trips! It's a pain in the ass for everyone involved so he was more than happy to be home...
So happy in fact, that he didn't think to check his bed before he went sailing into it face first…
When he didn't feel the cushion of his mattress below him, but what felt like muscle and bone, he screamed. Which caused the MC to shoot up from under his covers and scream right back at him.
The two dummies screamed at each other for about five seconds straight before it clicked that neither even knew what they were screaming about… 🙄
"MC?!? The hell are ya doin'?! This is my bed, ya know??"
Oh was he tickled pink when they told him they came there just 'cause they missed him so much… Of course they'd miss the Great Mammon! Anybody who got to spend that much time in his presence would eventually! And he had been missing them so much he could hardly see straight anyway...
"Geez, is that all? Well fine! You can stay the night, but only for tonight! … I mean, unless ya want to stay longer or somethin' crazy like that….. You want to, doncha?"
And that's how the MC ended up spending the next week in the arms of their first man… and getting a pretty good bruise on their shoulder too from Mammon's thick skull slamming into it.
He was coming back from a three-day convention and boy was he tired… There's only so much excitement an introvert can withstand for that long without shutting down completely...
His first clue that something was a little off was his door. It was unlocked. Since he was positive he locked it before he left, he was already on edge... Mammon was in there stealing his stuff again, wasn’t he??
He had his demon form already out when he threw the door open, expecting to have to chase out a thief, but instead he found the MC's arm sticking out of his bathtub-bed.
Cue an incredibly flustered Levi. Did the MC really want to sleep with him? A yucky otaku?? Did they miss him that much?? For a brief moment, he hit cloud nine and beyond.
Levi was frozen in his doorway for a good five minutes, too afraid to walk in and possibly disturb them, before he finally tiptoed to have a look in the tub.
…. He may or may not have snapped a picture when he saw them snuggled against his Ruri-chan body pillow… So what if that's a little creepy??? You're creepy!!
There wasn't really a good way for him to squeeze in with them so he settled for pulling his computer chair over and taking their outstretched hand in his own...
He stayed like that all night until the MC woke up to find him passed out next to them, head rolled back in the chair but still holding their hand with laced fingers...
He hates going to the human world with Lucifer, even though he acknowledges that he's better behaved than the others for it. That doesn't change the fact that he'd much rather be back in his room with a good book...
He just wasn't expecting the MC to share his sentiments so… identically?
After his trip to Paris with Lucifer, Satan dragged his bags back into his room and expected to at least get another hour of reading in before his mind finally caught up with his body… But to his surprise, his bed was already occupied.
The MC was half-under his covers with their head wedged into the corner of the wall above his pillows, sound asleep… A stray book sat by their hand, one of his favorites too judging by the cover.
He felt the warmth of a chuckle escape his chest… How many times had he woken up in that exact same position? It was almost like they missed him so badly they tried to be him for a while... It was all too cute for words…
He put aside getting some sleep just long enough to take care of his MC, gently moving their body back under the covers and setting the book onto one of the endless stacks that surrounded his bed.
Only once he had them placed into a more comfortable position did he change his clothes and take the spot in the bed next to them…
The MC woke up very much not how they fell asleep… but trading out a good book in their hand for a warm bookworm against their body wasn't a bad deal now, was it?
He was on one of those long self-care retreats and though, yes, it was a good time he really needed a good nap after such a long trip… He was even considering shortening his nightly routine for once.
When he came into his room, he was ready to just faceplant into his pillows until he spied MC's head poking out from under his covers…
He squealed, but not out of anger or fright. No, no. He felt nothing but Pure. Joy. His heart was soaring and he could have sang, he was just that happy!
His human missed him so much that they just needed to wrap themselves up under his covers?? Well, of course they would wouldn't they? There's no good substitute for Asmo and he knows it.
His literal shriek made the MC shoot out of his bed and try to apologize but he just tackled them back down, wrapping his arms around them in a vice grip of adoration. He was not letting them back down now. It was cuddle time!
In truth, their sudden appearance shocked Asmo awake for about another hour, which he spent snuggled up to his MC and babbling about his trip. He did eventually lose steam though, falling asleep soundly with his head snuggled into the crook of their neck.
The lovey mood was dampened slightly when he woke up and realized he hadn't done any of his routine the night before, but since the MC was still resting in his arms he decided that, just this once, he didn't need to rush it...
Beel's team had just come back from a long tournament trip and, for the first time ever, he could say that he was more tired than he was hungry…
Belphie was really happy to have his twin back, but this time he was kind of ignoring his brother's excitement as his mind zoned in on his bed… He almost didn't notice the MC was even in there until he pulled back the covers to climb in himself. 
His poor sleep-deprived mind had to take a minute to catch up… This was his bed wasn't it...? 😰
"Beel? Is that MC?" "... I think so?" "Why are they in your bed?" "I don't know… Maybe they just wanted to sleep here?" "... Uh-huh. Hey, Beel, I know you're tired. How about you just take my bed instead since it's free? I'll take yours tonight."
Since he was so exhausted, Beel almost considered the offer until he noticed the resentful pout on Belphie's face... Oh. Right. The MC probably wanted to sleep with him. That meant they must have missed him… That thought alone gave Beel a warm, fuzzy feeling like he'd just taken a giant gulp of hot cocoa and he just couldn't help his groggy smile.
"No… This is fine." "But-" "I don't mind, Belphie. Goodnight."
He didn't give his jealous twin any more room to argue before he climbed into bed next to the MC, nestling them close to his chest as if he was welcoming them home instead. And in his last moments of consciousness, Beel promised himself that they'd wake up just like this too…
Belphie tends to hate trips about as much as Levi, especially ones where Beel or the MC can't come along... Too much hassle and all his brothers make so much noise…
When he finally got back from the trip Lucifer dragged him into, he only had one thing on his mind. Sleep. His bed was calling to him, that's where he needed to be… and the MC too, apparently?
He was honestly a little caught off guard to find the MC in his bed... The attic bed? Sure. That was their cuddle space and it was practically sacred ground at that point. But the bed in the room he shared with Beel...? They didn't stay there very often…
Which meant they weren't in his bed just because they wanted to sleep. They wanted him… Had they been awake he might have had something smug to say, but without any audience to save face to he just felt somewhat honored…
There wasn't a day that went by where Belphie didn't regret the things he'd done to them, even during the quiet moments where they assured him that they'd forgiven him for it... Seeing them there in his actual bed proved something, they chose him. No one else. 
He didn't think twice about crawling under there next to them, he even got into his usual position by their side on instinct. But this time, for a minute or two, he just watched their sleeping form peacefully and counted himself lucky to even be there…
When the MC woke up to Belphegor wrapped around them, an adoring smile nuzzled into their neck, and they just had to wonder if the mere act of sleeping alone was all they’d ever need to summon their demon home...
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am-imagines · 4 years
Forever//Over. - Alex Morgan Imagine.
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This was requested by an anon:  Maybe some really angsts long distance relationship but with a fluffy ending.
I took a different approach with this prompt than what you’d probably expect, but I hope it’s angsty and enjoyable enough. I ran away with it and the over 6k words prove it. If it’s as angsty as it can be, I don’t know. You must want to ask @worms-and-jan​ She knows my angst-meter better than myself. But hey! It has a fluffy ending! Kinda.
I hope y’all enjoy!
You never believed that loving too much could hurt like this. You never longed for someone until air escaped your grasp and you weren’t able to breathe. And yet, here you are.
The darkness consumes you like a thousand questions you can’t answer. The walls of your room almost collapse over you and you need to get out of there. It doesn’t matter where as long as you’re not there: in the place that reminds you so fervently of the person you’re trying to forget.
The salty air of the beach helps you calm down; you breathe in and out but that doesn’t stop the deep ache in your chest. The music blares through your headphones; loud and yet unable to drown the cruel, mocking voice of your doubts.
The sky is dark, full of stars in the quiet autumn evening. And perhaps you’re not completely alone with the night sky watching over you even if the moon is missing. Even if she’s missing. You really want to believe it’s better this way, but it still hurts like hell.
You’ve called and texted her perhaps a thousand times since she disappeared from your life. And that’s the thing you can’t understand. How can the same person that proclaimed her love just turn her back on you like that? She was gone without a word or warning. It makes no sense no matter how much you think about it.
One day you’re enjoying life, trading kisses and “I love you”s while the world kept spinning. The faint light from the tv was the perfect halo for her beauty. The next day she’s gone. Your worry is met with silence and only a trail of media posts let you know she’s safe.
For so long you’ve believed that love shouldn’t hurt, and if it does, then it’s time to move on. That’s your plan now; put a sea between you while you try to forget.
Except you’ve never been good at that. You don’t fall in love often, but when you do then it’s the all or nothing kinda love. Sure, you’re willing and accepting of letting go when love dies, when the timing is right and when a relationship becomes full of bullshit. But here, everything is different and you’re not quite sure how to let go.
Hence why you’re at the beach; trying to figure out how you messed up, where things went wrong for Alex Morgan to stop loving you so abruptly.
Maybe, just maybe, this isn’t your fault at all.
That, however, would make her a fucking asshole. And that’s a tag you’re not ready to pin on her just yet. After all, you love her too much.
Still, there’s a party you must attend in less than an hour. You have a chance to be with the National Team, say your goodbye for the near future. And you gotta put the last period on a love story she can’t give you.
Next week your life starts in Europe; you have a club, a place and a dream to chase.
Sadly, there’s a missing piece in the puzzle you envisioned as your future. But her prolonged silence is a hint that you must reconstruct yourself and find another version of yourself. All in all, it’s better to move on now. Sure, the pain is there but won’t last forever.
Making the decision to leave wasn’t easy. You’re grateful for the chance the Pride gave you, but with the U.S. Soccer’s approval, you’re ready for a new horizon. There are plenty of challenges overseas that will help you discover a renewed version of yourself.
There are many things you leave behind, but ultimately, there’s nothing for you to stay.
This party is a chance to see your found family until next camp a few months away. Granted, you’re going to miss them terribly, especially Ash and Ali. They’ve practically taken you under their wing in Orlando. In camp you gravitate more towards Tobin and Lindsey as if they were all siblings.
The entire National Team is your family in one way or another. And it helps that some of them have experienced life in other countries before. They know that even with all the hardships of moving to another country; every moment playing soccer there is worth it.
This is an opportunity for growth. Now it’s your chance to discover more about you as an athlete and a human being.
It takes you another moment to collect yourself, to stop panic from overtaking you as you stare into Orlando’s beach one last time. This is the right decision, it has to be. Because right now your only plan is finding your future in Europe, and plan B is pretty much dying by Ashlyn’s hands if you don’t make it to the Harris-Krieger household in time.
The walk back home is quite enjoyable; the evening is warm and you’ve made peace with this, even if you’re not willing to put the blame on Alex. Sometimes things are just not meant to be no matter how hard you try to make them work.
What really works is your outfit as you make it to the party about an hour later. The music is already going, alcohol flowing and twenty three other women are causing havoc already. It’s twenty three because of course she would be there. After all, Alex Morgan is part of the National team.
Surprisingly, or maybe not, her presence hurts way more than her absence. It cements the truth you refused to believe; it’s not like she’s too busy to leave you aside, she just doesn’t care. It was far easier to question the darkness of your room than daring to do so when her eyes land on you.
In that moment you want to run away; turn on your heels and escape from all the pain and disappointment. Realization hits hard and deep, it makes your lungs burn all over again and you practically choke on the words you can’t throw at her face.
But this night isn’t about her. She isn’t the only person that matters in the world, not tonight. If she doesn’t care, you’ll pretend not to care either. You can do it for a night. You can do it for forever. Fake it till you make it, right?
“Damn, girl!” Ashlyn calls as she pulls you into a hug. “Looking fine.”
“Watch it, Harris. You’re a married woman now.”
“Excuse you, happily married.”
You nod at her statement because it couldn’t be truer. You’ve never seen a couple look at each other like that. You hope to have what they do one day. Even if it’s not with the person you thought for months. A mistake on your part, perhaps. Maybe one of many.
No. You’re not going to think about her anymore. She’s not going to ruin this night. There’s plenty of girls to keep you company, to laugh with and enjoy your last hours in the country. There are a million stories you haven’t heard yet. Hundreds of dog pictures to be exchanged like trading cards. You enjoy a drink, laugh and dance until you’ve almost forgotten her.
Despite your best efforts, you can’t ignore the weight of her gaze for long. Just as you can’t ignore the way she keeps avoiding you even when you’re confined to the same place. You never considered Ash and Ali’s place to be extremely big, and yet Alex is never in the same room you are for long.
The sadness and hurt turn into anger then, and you wonder why the fuck she can’t speak her mind once and for all? She’s a coward.
Still, you’re too tired to keep chasing her, and instead stick by Lindsey and Rose. At least until Ash pulls you into the kitchen with a lame excuse of refilling drinks. That didn’t seem to be a problem thirty seconds ago, but you follow anyway.
You know Ash and Ali maybe as much as they know you. It’s only normal for her to do something like this every so often, either there’s some sort of gossip or a new cocktail you have to try. It’s no big deal.
“Okay, spill. What the fuck is going on with you?”
“What?” You parrot back, utterly confused. “What are you talking about?”
“Y/n, I know you. So don’t start that bullshit with me. You’ve been holed up at your place not talking to anyone since the end of the season. And I know this because everyone has been texting me, concerned that you’re not in a good place. I don’t know what happened between you and Alex, but...”
“Nothing happened!” You finally snap. “Nothing happened.”
Repeating the words doesn’t make them true, and the look on your face is one of defeat. You know it. Ash knows it. And so does Ali when she joins you at the kitchen with a worried look. This is not how things were supposed to go, but now you can’t really backtrack.
“I’m leaving,” you blurt out suddenly.
Except that you make no move towards the door. There’s no way you can drive like this; not when your hands are shaking and your vision is blurred by tears.
“I’ll take you home,” Ali offers; a hand resting on your shoulder.
“No, I...” You hesitate under her gaze, under her touch. It’s now or never, and it’s too soon to say goodbye but you have to start somewhere. “I’m leaving the Pride. I had some offers to play overseas, and I accepted. It’s a chance to start over, you know?”
“I’m going to kill a bitch, or break her legs.”
You gotta laugh at Ash’s words as you wipe the corners of your eyes. Of course she would understand more than you’re actually saying. Ali, well, she looks at her wife frowning in confusion.
“What are you talking about? Break whose legs?”
“There’s only one person that would make her want to lea-”
“No,” you interrupt, “listen. This was my decision, my choice, and only mine.”
“Yeah, sure.”
There are only three people in the entire world you cannot fool no matter how hard you try: Ashlyn Harris, Ali Krieger and Megan Rapinoe.
You’re starting to believe is some sort of superpower from the Lesbian Gods.
For a moment you try to hold eye contact with Pinoe but in the end, the woman quirks an eyebrow and you give up. In all honesty, you never had a chance to win here.
Fuck you, Artemis.
“Okay,” you relent. “She had something to do with it but...”
“What happened?”
The look in their eyes tells you that if you don’t tell them, there won’t be mercy for Alex. And yet, if you talk, you’re not sure if it’ll make things better or worse. There’s no escape from this situation; you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Ash, Ali and Pinoe are the three women you trust the most in the world. You’ve bottled your emotions over the last weeks and it obviously isn’t helping.
You can try. You can pretend. But you still find it hard to breathe. You still feel the world crashing over you while you scramble to find some answer among the rubble. They’re offering support in the best way they can; worried more about you than anything else.
But it’s still hard to find your voice and put everything into words. They’ve never been your forte. If you’re searching for a clean slate, then it’s best to leave this behind.
“It’s a long story.”
By the end of it, you’re unable to look at any of them, and stare at the floor instead. There’s a moment of charged silence while their anger grows. You’ve cried enough already; the tears won’t come anymore, but even then your pain is there for them to see.
“Son of a bitch!” Ash yells, banging the counter in anger.
She’s angry with herself for not seeing this earlier, for not reaching out. It isn’t her fault. No matter how good she is detecting your bullshit, you’re good keeping secrets. She can’t see right through you when you don’t let her be close enough.
You would’ve been better at hiding this if it didn’t tear you apart as much as it did. It’s far easier to pretend when your heart isn’t broken. It’s easier to conceal anger under calm, and mask emptiness with a smile.
You never loved so deeply. You never hurt so harshly. It’s just like they say: there’s a first time for everything.
“I’m really going to kill her.”
“No, no. Ali, please.”
You hold her hand, pulling her into a hug she answers by tightening her hold on you. Ash and Pinoe join the love pile not too long after although you can see the tension lingering on their shoulders. You know they’re angry, but you won’t let them act on impulse.
“I don’t want a confrontation, okay? I...it won’t solve anything. Not anymore. I came here to have a good time, not to spend the night talking about her.”
“You need another drink then,” Pinoe says breaking the group hug.
In a matter of seconds there’s a full glass in your hand. The weight pressing down your chest has eased enough for you to breathe normally, for you to smile as bright as ever.
Who needs Alex Morgan when you have this incredible group of women?
“For an epic last night?”
You raise your glass for a toast, but instead of joining your cheer, they glare daggers behind you. Looking back is unnecessary to know who is standing behind you.
“What do you mean last night?”
Thankfully, she’s not the one talking, and you turn to face Kelley instead.
“Europe is calling, baby!” You exclaim cheerfully.
Intentional or not, your voice is loud enough for not just Kelley to hear. Every other girl in the next room hears too. Suddenly, all of them try to make their way into the kitchen; asking as many questions as they can while you try to answer them all.
They’re like an excited pack of puppies, walking you to the living room where anyone left out can join too.
Even among a sea of soccer players, her gaze cuts through it all. She follows you like a distant shadow, but you make your best to ignore her.
She has no right to stop you now. She has no right to act hurt when this is the aftermath of her actions. Everything has a consequence, and if she thought you would wait forever without an explanation, she’s wrong.
“When are you leaving?”
Her words are quiet but you hear them thunderous. They zap you as if they were lightning, and your eyes snap up to meet hers. It’s hard to describe what you see there, then again, you don’t try too hard to understand.
“Next week.”
Just like that, you move onto the next question as if your mind wasn’t troubled.
You laugh with the others showing none of the struggle you’ve gone through. You don’t tell them about the sleepless nights where you wondered what to do next, which direction to follow. You don’t say a word about your phone’s unlit screen and the hundred unanswered texts.
Somehow, when your eyes meet Alex’s again, she has the decency to look ashamed. She knows. She knows and still didn’t give a damn.
“You’re staying, right?” Ali asks once the party starts winding down.
“Until you kick me out.”
The woman huffs in mock annoyance before pinching your cheeks. If that’s the price to pay for her friendship, you’ll take it with only a tiny bit of whining. After all, you have to put up some kind of resistance even if your smile betrays you.
Half an hour later everyone is ready to leave; including Pinoe. She fetches her jacket while they all wait for their Lyft, Uber or whatever service they called.
Megan looks at you and then at the only other person sitting on the other side of the living room. A silent question being asked here:
Are you going to be alright?
You nod, getting to your feet for one last hug.
“I’m going to miss you,” you whisper.
“Why’s that? Phones don’t work over there or what?”
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
“Language,” she admonishes, earning her an eye roll. “Call me, text me and if it’s four am, I’ll respond once I actually wake up.”
“You are officially the worst. But I’ll do my best for you there.”
“Nah. You’ll do your best because that’s how you are. Take care, Y/n. Don’t make me go across the world to kick your butt. You know I will.”
“I promise nothing.”
With that, she’s gone and so are the rest of the girls with one exception. The one exception you don’t want to face. So, while Ash and Ali are getting the guest room ready, you decide to start the cleaning process.
Bypassing Alex, you make your way into the kitchen to load the dishwasher.
The sound of her footsteps is quiet, and yet too loud in the overall silence of the house. You’re between shocked and unsurprised. You wondered if staying behind had anything to do with you, but didn’t want to get your expectations too high.
She hasn’t talked to you in months, what makes this night special?
“You’re leaving.”
Right. That. That’s the big revelation of the night, but doesn’t really make a difference.
With the dishwasher running, your next step is to gather all the trash scattered around the place. At least that was the plan. Alex has other ideas as she stands in front of you, effectively blocking the door. Sure, you can make your way around the kitchen isle, but you’re not feeling up to play stupid games.
“Why?” She asks.
Isn’t that the same thing you’ve asked yourself endless times? It absolutely is.
The whole thing is so ridiculous that you almost laugh. Except it’s not really funny. In a moment all the hurt turns into burning anger. It boils and swells, rises like the tide when the moon illuminates the sky.
You look at her and don’t recognize the woman you loved not so long ago.
“Why what, Alex?”
There’s a fierceness in your own eyes that is so unlike you. Sure, you’ve been angry before, who hasn’t? But never like this, never to the point of quiet rage.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You laugh then; an empty sharp sound that is far away from being happy. It’s the irony of it all, the nerve of Alexandra Morgan to sputter those words acting confused and hurt.
“I fucking tried!” You shout, and once you start everything else comes pouring out. “Or did you forget about the texts you never bothered to answer? Or the calls? I tried to reach you so many times, in so many ways, and you made it clear you didn’t want me around. And I just don’t understand...”
“No, I’m not done yet, “You cut her. ”You left me, Alex. The last words you said to me were “I love you” and then you were gone. You’re a liar, playing with my feelings when I gave you everything I could. You were the one that kissed me for the first time, the one that asked me out, for what? For the thrill of having a stupid girl you could toy with?”
“Of course not!”
“Then answer your own question. Why?”
Here you are, having a conversation you didn’t plan to have but wanted. No, it’s not really going as you envisioned. Mostly because you pictured yourself crying your heart out and begging her to come back. You deserve better than that.
“I...I’ve never felt the way I do for you.”
You raise an eyebrow, motion for her to continue cuz that’s not going to cut it. Not after weeks of going radio silent even when you let her know there was something important to talk about. Not after nights where you doubted your own worth.
“I got scared.”
You look at her in disbelief. That’s her reason; the only one, for running away without looking back. And somehow, you what, have to take it in stride? Hell, no.
“That’s bullshit.”
You’ve never been so in love either. And it’s scary; opening up and showing every flaw and vulnerability while expecting to still be enough. It’s bound to be scary, to be overwhelming at times where you can’t believe life and love truly feel like that.
That’s love for you, at least.
It fills your body, carves your bones until you feel weak at the knees. But you grow stronger until the weight of the world falls from your shoulders, until gravity doesn’t affect you anymore and you swear you can fly.
Love shapes the world, makes you find little hints and signs everywhere. The world reminds you so strongly of them that you wonder how you didn’t see it before. It makes you feel invincible, like your life has reached that perfect pinnacle of serendipity.
And that’s just the beginning.
Loving someone shouldn’t hurt. It’s supposed to be a celebration to life and the victories; big or small, found through the days. Sometimes that means a world cup. Sometimes it means buying a house. Sometimes it’s just being able to survive the hardship and exhaustion of a long day.
Love is the backbone of support, it lifts you up when you can’t stand on your own. It’s the quiet whisper in the back of your head reminding you to breathe when your head is underwater. It’s the knowledge that yes, life is not a utopia, and there are battles you gotta face on your own, but that you’re not alone nor lonely.
It’s supposed to be scary; terrifying even. But it’s also supposed to be filled with joy, and wonder. A mix of awe and euphoria that settle into calm. Because in love you can be yourself; the one version of you that the rest of the world doesn’t get to see.
And all of those emotions should make it worth it.
“Do you think I wasn’t scared too?” You finally ask. “I know there’s a lot on the line for you. I knew the terms and conditions of dating you since the beginning. I agreed to keep it a secret until you were ready. If you needed time to figure it out, to come to terms with who and what you are, I would’ve understood. Listen, even if you weren’t ready for a relationship at all, I would have understood. But not like this.”
“Please, Y/n. I’m trying to make things right.”
“Alex,” you say tiredly, rubbing your eyes in the process. “It’s too late. I’m leaving.”
“Don’t go.”
You can say the desperation in her eyes, can hear it in her voice. Still, that’s not enough.
She had a chance, more than one if you’re being honest, to make you stay.
Instead, she’s one of the reasons you’re leaving.
You deserve more than fear or reluctance. You deserve dreams that come true, to find true happiness. You deserve someone that will talk to you when things don’t go as planned; not shut you out completely. You want someone that looks at you with that happy light in their eyes instead of leaving you in the darkness of uncertainty.
“Why does it matter?” You ask with a hint of frustration. “You’re the one that left me! You walked away from us without a word! And I’m not going to be the girl you play with while deciding to pull your head out of your ass or leave it there. I deserve to be happy too. And right now that means being away from you.”
“I’m sorry.”
You feel a rush of everything; anger, sadness, frustration and perhaps a hint of relief as well. It’s hard to decide if you want to slap some sense into her or cross the distance between you just to feel her arms around your waist again.
In the end, you simply shake your head.
“Yeah. Me too.”
“I wish there was a way to go back.”
“You can’t unbreak things. You can learn and do better.”
There’s nothing left to be said, not on your side. And for now, you don’t really care about what she has to say either.
You make your way upstairs to where Ash and Ali are waiting for you. It’s not hard to eavesdrop on an empty house, but they respect you enough to give you space. You’re not a kid; you know how to handle your own battles although the moral backup is always appreciated.
“You’re going to be okay?”
Ali looks deep into your eyes in concern, but her worry is met with a shy smile.
“Yeah, I think I will.”
For the first time in the last few weeks, you are able to breathe with nothing weighing on your chest. Closure is exactly what you needed. Facing her after the prolonged silence was perhaps one of the hardest things you had to do, but now the future seems a little brighter.
Playing in one of the most competitive soccer leagues in the world is far from easy. Even the style seems different; play harder, faster and smarter. But you’ve done great, put your name up there among some of the best.
What some considered potential was polished into talent, although that had more to do with your discipline and hard work. Of course, the press wasn’t so kind as to enlighten that.
At the end of the season you have a championship and a new shining contract waiting for you. All it’s missing is your signature, but there are things to consider still. You miss home. You miss the crazy 23 women you call family.
Hopefully the upcoming USWNT camp will clear some of the doubts.
Maybe seeing them all again will give you the strength to extend your life in Europe. Maybe it’ll make you realize it’s time to go home.
There are many clubs interested in you which is not a surprise after everything you’ve done in a matter of months. Europe has catapulted you to another level, and it’s true there’s so much more to learn. Still, feeling homesick can be one hell of a bitch.
You could always move back to Orlando. Maybe you could move with Tobin in Portland. Tagging along Press with the Royals or go to Chicago for a change. The world is yours if you want it, and Heavens, you absolutely do.
“Why is something telling me you won’t come to stay?”
You glance at Pinoe on your screen while you finish packing. Sue and her are keeping you company as you get ready. Traveling always makes you anxious no matter if it’s just a couple of states over or halfway across the world.
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“Does this have to do with Morgan?”
“What!? No! I haven’t talked to her.”
“Maybe you should.”
You glare at your screen suspiciously because this is Pinoe of all people; telling you to talk to her. Megan Rapinoe; the woman that knows the ins and outs of your relationship and feelings for Alex. It doesn’t make sense unless something happened.
“Okay, fess up.”
“About what?”
The smug look on her face tells you that your mighty glare isn’t working.
Fuck you, Artemis. Again.
“Don’t worry, kid.” Sue intercedes with a gentle albeit playful smile. “You’ll get it soon enough.”
“Get what?”
They don’t answer your question and you don’t have much time to keep asking as they excuse themselves to end the call. Technically, it’s almost time for you to leave. However, their intentions are pretty clear. In the end, you groan in annoyance as they manage to dodge your question multiple times before the call disconnects. Alas, there’s nothing you can do.
It doesn’t take long until you’re on the airplane waiting to take off.
Your leg bounces nervously while you’re torn between looking out of the window or closing your eyes. It’s practically a miracle you decided to move so far, considering how much you hate flying. To be honest, the flight itself isn’t the problem.
Feeling the rumble of such a huge thing, it always makes you wonder how it can actually fly. You’ve seen documentaries and read articles but that fear comes every time you get into a plane. Besides turbulence, lift off is the worst part.
“You can hold my hand if you want.”
Your head snaps up towards the person standing next to you. Even now, after months since the last time you heard that voice. You would be able to recognize it from a million others. That doesn’t take away from the surprise of seeing her  there.
“What...” you start, trying to find your voice, “what are you doing here?”
“Taking a plane back home.”
“No, I mean-”
Her chuckle makes you realize she’s teasing. Partially, at least. She sits next to you, ready to go back to the USA. Which doesn’t really explain what she’s doing in the same country as you.
“Alex,” you try again, “why are you here?”
Your time away from her has been odd to say something.
You’ve missed her, she was your best friend even before things escalated into something else. She was the person you trusted the most before everything came tumbling down. And yet, over the last few months you’ve done your best to not think about her too much.
You limited your social media activity mostly to club related posts. Mostly accessed to catch up with some of your other friends, but being careful not to dwell on any of her posts. You scrolled past them in a hurry or got out of the app as soon as possible.
Unfollowing her would have been the smart choice, if you were someone else.
Being under the spotlight it’s great, but it also means everything you do is a clue for something. Unfollowing her would bring up more questions than you were, or still are, willing to answer. It was easier to pretend and move on.
“I got it out.”
Her words catch you by surprise and you shake your head trying to get back in the moment.
It’s hard to make sense of any of it when she’s right there. Maybe it’s the shock of seeing her after so long. Maybe it’s hard to pay attention to her with the plane rapidly filling. It feels like you’re running out of time even when there’s nowhere else for you to be.
“You were right,” she says instead.
“Alex,” you warn, trying to get her to the point.
“I got my head out of my ass,” she finally answers with a half smile. However, her eyes remain serene, telling you she’s taking this seriously. “I was an idiot, and I’m sorry. Even then, when I discovered you were leaving, I could only think about myself. I can’t ask you to forgive me. We both know I don’t deserve it after everything I did to you. But you deserved an apology. That’s why I’m here.”
“You came all the way here for that?”
There’s more surprise in your voice than anything else. Sure, you appreciate the gesture but it seems a little overboard. Then again, you’re not sure of the result if she had called. Maybe you wouldn’t have picked the phone to begin with.
“I wanted you to know I mean it. I didn’t feel like words would be enough. Besides, I know how much you hate flying, so coming here just to go back, it’s worth it if it’s for you.”
Against all your common sense, you forgave her long ago. More for your own sake than hers, but all the anger and hurt are gone. The love you felt for her is not what it used to be, and neither is the trust. But in that moment, you’re glad she’s there.
Without saying a word, she offers you her hand.
This is something you’ve done several times, holding her hand during a flight, and you accept her offer just as the plane starts moving. If your grip is too tight, she doesn’t complain. She keeps her eyes on you; making sure you’re alright and damn those blue eyes.
“So, how did Pinoe know you were coming?”
“Did she tell you?”
“Not really,” you answer truthfully. “She said I should talk to you and that I would get it. You know her and Sue, they can be cryptic. Still, never expected to find you here.”
“Yeah, well...” She shies away from your gaze for a second but meets your eyes again. “Once you left I realized my mistake. I mean, I did before that. Guess it was easy to justify everything with fear. Then you weren’t there and the fear of losing you forever was bigger than the one of losing everything else.”
No, you’re not going to fall in love with her all over again. Not after you spent months getting over her. Even if she looks at you and you feel like she can see right into your soul.
“Alex, I can’t-”
“Hey,” she softly interrupts. “I’m not asking anything from you; I messed up. And like you said, I can’t unbreak things, I can only try to fix them.”
You can extend her an olive branch; a start. You’re not sure whether this is a good idea or not. It’s hard to tell where this is going to tell you. Still, you beg to the Lesbian Gods to guard your heart.
For now, you’re glad the 10+ hours journey back to America is not a lonely one.
“Everything ready?”
You look over your shoulder to face some of your teammates.
You’ve decided to go for another year in Europe; extending your stay with the club you love while trying to win another chip and extra hardware.
“I knew you wouldn’t stay,” Pinoe claims.
“But you sure wish I did.”
Her shrug confirms your suspicions because hell, you’re going to miss them too. It’s weird to be in a similar position as you were last year, and yet, everything feels different. You’re still at camp instead of sharing a wonderful evening at the Harris-Krieger household, but everyone that matters is there.
Last time it was a hundred percent your decision to leave although there were motivations besides soccer. This time your terms are different, you’re chasing a dream instead of running from a nightmare. You want to keep learning, growing and being the best you can be.
“You’ll come with me again?” You ask Alex teasingly.
“Not this time. But,” she pauses for dramatic effect. “I’ll be waiting for you when you get back.”
There’s some kind of promise there that you refuse to fully believe. It wouldn’t be the first time you get your hopes too high, or the one where you crash down in free fall with no parachute.
Camp has served you right, both of you. And maybe you stopped Ash from killing Alex when it was known you two would share a room, but things are...better.
“You can always visit.”
All eyes fall on you, trying to decide what is going on in your mind. To be honest? You’re not quite sure either. But you feel that pull towards Alex, daring you to allow her in.
You tell yourself this is a mistake. There’s absolutely nothing stopping her from doing something stupid, from leaving you hanging while you doubt yourself again. Everything could play out exactly like the last time, except something is different this time.
You’re not quite capable of explaining. You’re not gonna dive without testing the water either. So there’s another year overseas with some distance to keep your head clear. Whatever happens in that lapse, it’ll be the answer you need.
“Call me if you get homesick.”
“Except if it’s three am?” You ask with a sideways glance to Megan.
“Even if it’s three am,” Alex corrects. “Can’t promise I won’t fall asleep on you tho.”
“As if you didn’t do exactly that already.”
“Hey! At least I would pick up.”
“Fine. I’ll take it.”
There’s a small grin in your lips while you pack the last of your stuff.
You look at your friends and family one more time knowing they’ll be there when you come back. And looking at Alex you know there’s a chance home will be waiting for you.
“Okay. Let’s do this.”
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foxcub02 · 3 years
The New Avengers: Broken World Part 2
Chapter 3: Asgardians of the Galaxy
In the vast void of space, nothing surrounded by everything, flies The Benatar the ship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, however due to latest events, the God of thunder himself has decided to join them on their space travels.
*If this guy keeps moving my stuff around I swear I'm gunna...*
“QUILL!“ He quickly jumps up and trips almost falling backwards but quickly regains balance while knocking everything of the shelves but leans to act cool like nothing happened.
“They were already on the floor, I’m....redecorating?“ acting like Gamora didn’t see any of that, it’s been weird seeing someone that is dead from your timeline, her not knowing you and having to build that bond up again, start the relationship from square one.
“Thor is having his panic attack again, he feels as if he shouldn’t have left new Asgard.“
“Well what am I supposed to do? tell Mr God of Hammers that we will turn the ship around and take him home?“
“No Quill“ She sighs knowing that she won’t get anywhere with his arrogance, why did the Gamora from this Timeline choose him? “you know what its like to be away from home, you told me the story of how you were taken from your planet and used, you can help talk to him, because being honest I don’t think Rocket can take any more.”
“See Quill.“
“Rocket is just jealous that Someone else has stronger weapons than him he’ll be fine“ Quill stares into her eyes as she sternly looks back into his and there’s silence, waiting for the other to speak “Fine I’ll talk to him.”
“Thank you“ said with a breath of relief that he finally listened to her, of all the people on this ship, she never knew that she could only cope with Nebula, sometimes the universe surprises you.
“Quill I’m getting a lot of Tachyon readings up here, somethings not right“ something is building up, trying to rip through space time, but where.
“Do we know where its coming from Rocket?“ the crew start to panic, something as big as this could rip realities apart, shattering them completely like that universe didn't exist.
“Back on Earth, the readings are going up, Quill this is going to tear through reality as in...REALLY tear through, who knows what will happen.“
“It’s Star-lord“ having his name misspoken really agitates him
“Yes that is what I said.“
“No God of Blunder, you did not.“
“I think your hearing may be weak Star Man“
“Rocket cool off man, alright“
“ALL OF YOU SHUT UP“ Gamora is starting to hate being with this group, she has been thinking about just leaving on the next planet they go to, maybe this is her chance if reality doesn’t get ripped apart.
“I TOO AM YELLING!“ everyone stops and looks straight at Drax, his...randomness always breaks up any conflict within the group, mostly by everyone trying to figure out what he’s talking about or why has just decided to start shouting luckily Groot and Mantis are keeping out of it.
“We’re going to earth and going to find the source of the Tachyon Energy“ Quill hadn’t been back on earth since the events of Thanos, it’s weird going to a planet that he came from but didn’t grow up on for as long as he had in space. it’s like an awkward reunion. But who else was attracted by this energy? or was there someone causing it?
Chapter 4: The Shattered World
*This is bad, this is bad, this is very very bad*
People are running, screaming, falling over each other as they try and get away, time is warping, objects changing eras, cars to carriages, lampposts to lanterns. its all changing
“STRANGE! WHATS GOING ON?!“ Wong shouts from the distance, only just being heard over the screaming and shouting of all the civilians of New York.
“IT’S WANDA I LOST SIGHT OF HER, SHE DID SOMETHING, MY VISION ON HER WENT DARK LIKE...SHE DIDNT EXIST IN...THIS...REALITY ” Strange froze, he realised what has happened, and it now makes sense of the gigantic rift in the sky, a tear through reality
*What has she done, she must’ve jumped this reality...straight to a new one and ripping a hole in reality while doing so*
“Strange“ Wong finally catches up through the crowd “The rift will keep expanding, its only a matter of time that it will devour our reality...and unfortunately we don't have the Time stone to help us any more“ without the time stone, Strange only has one change to fix this, he cant keep repeating time if he fails.
“Are we able to contact any other Avengers? we’re going to need quite a few of us to deal with this one Wong.“
“I’ll head back to the sanctum and try and contact someone“ Wong pushes through the crows once more to head back, hopefully someone can hear these cries for help, what happens next, do we fall into the in-between and stay stranded in nothing but...well nothing.
“WOOOOAHH, now that...is...actually I don’t know what that is“ a voice is heard talking behind Strange “You seeing this dude? of course you are, how could you not, it’s kinda massive“
“I’m sorry but do you...“ he freezes as he looks at the guy that’s talking, ready to tell them to leave before any more damage is done and squints, he’s confused “Why are you here?”
“Oh sorry is this an Avengers thing? its just that i saw this thing and thought WOW I need to see this“ the mans smugness is starting to annoy Strange, like he was doing it on purpose.
“Pietro, you need to leave this area...now“
“Awww cmon’ you know I can help you“
“You had slight amnesia for months, thinking your name was...Ralph Bohner?“
“Haa, gotta admit it was kinda funny Doc“
“No Pietro, listen if you want to help, go find the other Avengers...Please“
“Do I get to join your little posse if I do?“ He was going to help either way but hey, why not ask to join the team of the worlds best Heroes
“We can discuss later can you please just help“ Strange knew it would take every bit of help to stop this tear in reality, even have the person that shouldn’t be in this reality help out. Pietro speeds off to look for the other Avengers but little did he know that two were already near by.
To Be Continued...
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burntpastel · 4 years
the damage has been done
(On AO3)
Summary: Yagi avenges his boy.
Notes: Late verse for context. part of a fic trade with a friend.
raping people is evil. there is no situation that justifies rape. dont do it, and and don't base any real life relationships or choices off the content of fanfics.
cw: noncon, rape as revenge for rape, implied/referenced underage rape and impregnation, multiple descriptions of gore that dont really happen, blood, injury, broken/dislocated limbs
18+ only, explicit, grapefruit, etc.
The skull under Yagi's hand hits the ground with a thwack! that would be quite concerning under any other circumstances. He has Present Mic pinned down, knowing that if he pressed his hand down just a little harder his head would crack open like an eggshell. Part of him is tempted to do it, to watch his gray matter splatter across U.A.’s floors–defiled, just like his protege.
But he can’t help Midoriya if he ends up in prison, so he doesn’t.
“He’s probably just spreading rumors because he’s too embarrassed to admit what a whore he’s been.”
That’s what Mic had said when confronted with the information Midoriya gave Yagi the night before, sobbing and nauseous in Yagi's arms as he seemed to confess the horrible things that had been done to him.
This is also the comment that earned Mic a fist sized hole in his office wall, the whirl of force so close to his head that it ripped out some long strands of blonde, shocking away that smug attitude of his.
”H-how dare you come into my office and threaten me like this!” he’d sputtered. ”If you even believed it yourself, you would have just gone to the police!”
Mic digs his fingernails into the arm holding him down while Yagi clutches at Mic’s pants with the other one, making him flinch and squeak something in that grating voice of his as Yagi pinches his balls in the process. Yagi peels away the leather like paper–much like he had done to Mic’s directional speaker a moment ago. He rips a convenient hole into his pants so roughly that Mic’s lower half is briefly yanked into the air with the force of it, leaving his ass and cock exposed.
Yagi just can't think of anything else to do, how else to make Mic see the pain that he’s caused, how else to make him care about it, how else to punish him for it–and apparently, this is the option that doesn’t land you in jail.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, man?!” Mic demands, but his wide, terrified gaze from between Yagi’s thick fingers undercuts his tone. He tries to draw his knees together to hide his soft cock between his thighs, but Yagi easily forces them back down. He can only speculate on the things he did to Midoriya, but surely cornering the poor boy in the locker room didn’t leave him with much modesty. Yagi intends to humiliate Mic similarly.
“You think you can just hurt my boy and get away with it?” Yagi growls through his teeth, shifting his grip around Mic’s thigh and pulling him closer. “Think you can shame and threaten a child you got pregnant into silence and face no consequences?!”
He’d almost walked away at first, having given up on squeezing a confession or at least an apology out of the man, but just as he started to take that first step back, Mic dared to make a cheeky comment about how Midoriya "is a squealer” and that it didn’t surprise him that he'd cried wolf.
Mic gasps as he’s pulled practically upside down, clawing at Yagi’s hands around his thighs.
“Get off me!” he shouts so loud it almost concerns Yagi, but he knows everyone at U.A. has learned to tune out Mic’s shrieking at this point.
Mic seems to realize he can’t pry Yagi’s hands off him and opts to cover his junk instead. It’s not what he’s interested in, anyways. Yagi spits on his hole and smears the saliva around with his thumb.
“Are you serious?!” Mic cries so frantically that his voice cracks as Yagi’s thumbnail scrapes against his ring of muscle, nudging the spit inside. It’s definitely not enough lubrication to keep it from hurting, but it’s just enough to make the fit possible.
Mic places his hands on the floor and pushes, unsuccessfully trying to drag himself backwards out of Yagi’s grasp.
“You come in here and accuse me of some bullshit just to go and do it yourself?!” Mic scoffs as Yagi lowers his legs into his lap and reaches down to undo his own trousers. He’s trying to kick out at him but Yagi’s grip is too firm and it just jostles Mic’s upper half instead.
Yagi has to wonder if this is what Midoriya had looked like when Mic raped him, all terrified and desperately helpless, wide eyed and shaking; the disbelieving and yet pleading edge to his gaze, and the anger on top of it all.
He has to wonder how Mic had the will to continue despite that, even as he proceeds to pull his cock out of his pants.
Compared to Yagi’s, Mic’s cock seems laughably small. He’s large to say the least, but of course, it certainly doesn't help things that Mic is flaccid, meanwhile–while there’s nothing arousing about this situation at all–Yagi's dick seems to know what he has in mind and is already half firm.
“You’re fucking crazy!” he spits, yet Mic’s clearly keeping his voice down. If anyone saw what was happening they’d ask “why” and if they knew why then it would be quickly followed up by a very successful investigation and arrest.
The first couple of attempts to shove his cock inside Mic’s ass are unsuccessful because it’s very much like trying to thread a pencil through a needle. His cock slips away from the pressure he’s forcing behind it and jabs up against Mic’s ballsack, making him jolt and groan.
“It’s not even gonna fit, you fuckin'–”
Mic is cut off by a choked groan and gasp when a well aligned thrust paired with strong hands tugging him downward manages to force the head inside his tight hole. His eyes snap shut as his back arches off the ground, gritting his teeth.
The sight of his pain stirs something ugly deep in Yagi’s heart–satisfaction, followed by a burning, angry desire for more. He clamps his hand over Mic’s mouth and presses forward while simultaneously pulling Mic further down on his cock by his leg. Mic screams under his palm as he’s filled up, free leg spasming and kicking out at him on instinct. His hand snaps outward to swat at Yagi’s face, even though it’s more than a meager distance away and he misses completely. His nails instead catch his upper arm and he digs them in, though they’re too dull to break the skin through the fabric of his shirt.
Yagi presses in as far as he can go, making Mic's flaccid cock squirt precome as his prostate is crushed up against his bladder, then forces another inch or two, watching Mic’s stomach bulge sharply just below his navel.
"Shit…" Yagi shudders at the feeling squeezing around his cock. Part of him wants to wait and adjust, as he’s never been inside someone before and the tightness–warm and alive, not a cock sleeve made for someone of his stature–is a bit overwhelming.
But he’s certain Mic didn’t let Izuku adjust.
Mic cries out sharply as Yagi pulls back then shoves forward, watching the bulge disappear before stretching back out. On the third thrust, Mic’s cries raise an octave and his entire body spasms underneath him as he comes all over himself, squeezing down almost painfully tight around Yagi's cock.
Yagi doesn’t wait for him to catch his breath. Mic trembles underneath him as he continues fucking into him, the glide becoming smoother and smoother due to what Yagi can only assume is blood. Mic scrapes his teeth along his calloused palm, trying and failing to catch the skin between them.
He hopes Mic feels humiliated, laying there with a cock he doesn’t want up his ass and covered in his own come, silenced by someone much larger, much more powerful than him. He hopes he leaves this office feeling just as hollow as Midoriya’s eyes look these days.
As Mic’s muffled screams die down and turn into complaints and overstimulated groans, Yagi removes his hand from around his face to grip him by the hips, holding him steady as he forces his thrusts deeper. Mic’s face is a deep red, though Yagi can’t say if it’s from embarrassment, exertion, or rage. He certainly looks a good deal of all of them as he bears his teeth at him. He then lunges to swipe at his face again, catching his cheek and narrowly missing his eye with his nails, but Mic winces at the motion and falls backwards onto his elbows, Yagi’s cock apparently making the curve of his guts too sharp to bear. He glares up at him from beneath furrowed brows as he eases himself back onto the ground, panting heavily.
The scratch didn’t even hurt, but the fact that Mic has the nerve to try to fight this like he didn’t earn it–that he has the nerve to be angry when he deserves it, just… sends Yagi off again, drawing a quick, hissing breath.
But he's already fucking him, and doing anything more physical would get him arrested–so instead, he wraps his fist around Mic’s cock. Mic’s body jolts at the touch and his eyes go wide like he’s terrified he’s going to rip it off–and he probably should, but instead he begins to pump Mic’s overly sensitive cock mercilessly. Mic sucks in a breath and his hands fly down to Yagi’s fist, fingers digging into his skin as he tries to force his fingers to uncurl from around him.
“You’re a fuh-fucking pervert, man!” he shrieks as though he didn’t do the same thing to Midoriya months ago, back arching sharply.
“You deserve this,” Yagi hisses. “Taking advantage of a poor child who trusted you…”
Mic half-whimpers, half-squeals as Yagi gives his cock a firm squeeze, forcing a clear liquid to spurt out of the tip, before he resumes his jerking in time with his thrusts. Some sinister part of Yagi wants to see that jabbing bulge in Mic's stomach split open around his cock, to watch his bloody tip disappear in and out of the wound with each thrust.
It’s not long before Mic's back is twitching off the floor, his hips bucking up into and half flinching away from Yagi’s fist–a clear sign of an orgasm, yet it’s dry. Yagi doesn’t stop his ministrations, and soon he can feel Mic’s leg tense under his other hand.
“Stop!” he shouts, shoving at his hand around him. Mic grits his teeth and jerks underneath him. He squints his eyes open, looking around the room for anything that could help him, but there’s not much to be found on the floor of a teacher’s office. He does, however, manage to hook his fingers underneath the rim of a nearby waste basket and hurls it at Yagi’s face with a surprising amount of force. Yagi easily slaps it away before it connects, but letting go gives Mic the space he needs to twist himself around onto his hands and knees, only stopped by Yagi’s other hand around his thigh. He kicks his free leg back against Yagi’s chest, trying to pry himself out of his clutches and crawl away.
“Get. Out!” Mic growls through his teeth as he pushes himself away just far enough that Yagi's cock slips out until only the head remains inside him. There’s a thick coat of blood covering his backside and thighs, the coppery scent hitting Yagi abruptly. He bares his teeth, grabbing Mic and flipping him back over to shove him back down onto his cock by his thighs. Mic lets out a choked whine as he’s filled back up, throwing his head back.
Yagi pulls and pushes his body up and down on his cock by his thighs like a sleeve, uncaring that they’re now close enough for Mic to rake his nails across his face and shoulders, digging into the skin through the fabric of his shirt in hopes of slowing his movements or forcing stillness.
It doesn't slow him down, but it does make him angrier, only fueling him to fuck him harder, quicker–not to mention he’s approaching an orgasm of his own. He ruts into him hard each time he pulls Mic downwards against him, trying to milk enough pleasure from something so small to get him all the way there.
He shoves and pulls him harder to compensate for his size, feeling that sensation build despite Mic’s attempts to halt him. He can hear Mic gasp and sputter below him, the breath knocked out of him with each rough thrust into his guts.
Then he feels a snap under his right hand. Mic goes rigid, head thrown back in a clear expression of pain, mouth wide open yet silent–a response he trained hard to develop to avoid deafening others in the line of duty. The injury was unintentional on Yagi’s part (not that he really cares)–but on top of this, Mic squeezes around him so damn tight that he can’t resist fucking into him harder. Mic convulses in pain as Yagi’s hips slam into his injured leg, his mouth open so wide Yagi's surprised that the corners don't split. He doesn’t have as much leverage as he wants without holding onto both of his legs, and as he slams himself back in a true cry begins to bubbles its way out of Mic’s throat–so Yagi clamps a hand around his neck, severing that sound and using it to hold his body steady as he delivers the last series of brutal thrusts he needs to finally come.
Yagi holds him still for several long seconds–maybe even minutes–as he empties himself into his ass, watching that deep bulge in his stomach pulse with each spurt from his cock and oblivious to the way Mic gets more and more frantic underneath him. He scrapes and beats his fists against the arm firmly squeezing his airway shut, and Yagi finally releases him only when his bliss fizzles out, abruptly remembering his mortality.
As he withdraws his cock from his abused hole it releases a pinkish flood, running down his shaking thighs and pooling on the floor, gradually becoming redder as it flows out. Yagi observes Mic’s form, breathing heavily between wheezing coughs on his side–and a small, rational part of his heart twists unpleasantly.
However, the rest of him is satisfied; thinking of Midoriya reminds him that it's exactly what Mic deserves.
“Remember this feeling, Yamada,” Yagi growls, getting his feet under him. “Remember the pain, the humiliation. Remember it for the rest of your life - and keep your filthy hands off my boy.”
Mic scowls at the floor, avoiding his gaze as he clutches his throat.
“Mic, do you have the–”
As Yagi is rising to his feet, Aizawa steps through the door without so much as knocking. He freezes upon looking up from whatever document he’s holding, wide eyed as he takes in the sight–Mic, laying in a pool of his own blood with his pants ripped in half, and Yagi’s blood soaked cock hanging from his pants.
“I–" Aizawa hesitates, apparently at a loss for words. Mic only ducks his head once his similarly shocked expression falls away.
"–I’ll come back later,” he finishes hurriedly, beginning to turn back.
“No need,” Yagi announces, making Aizawa freeze once more. He tucks himself away and readjusts his trousers.
“I was just leaving.”
Yagi's mind is still reeling from anger and ecstasy and pain, and he fails to notice how odd it is that Aizawa merely stiffens. How he doesn't rush to his colleague's aid. How he looks frightened, pointedly averting his gaze to the floor, instead of seething. How Mic doesn’t plead for his help.
Yagi fails to notice how ultimately unsurprised Aizawa is as he brushes past him to leave.
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galactic-magick · 5 years
A Tour of New Asgard: Thor x Reader
Request: Hi can you please wirite a thor x reader fic wherehe gives her a tour of new asgard @gbadwal
Rating: PG?
Word Count: 1000+
Warnings: Kissing, otherwise none.
Author’s Notes: This was so fun to write! It took me like 4-5 hours but I squeaked out quite a few words and I’m pretty proud of it! Hope you like it!
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You’ve always been Thor’s favorite Midgardian. Every time he comes to Earth for a mission with the Avengers, he treasures time with you the most. It always broke you when he had to leave and go back to Asgard, even though he always came back.
You never imagined that one day he’d come back and stay.
The news of Asgard burning to ash was devastating, but Thor didn’t hesitate to help build his people a new and safe place to reside on Earth.
“I call it ‘New Asgard!’” he says to you one day, gesturing to the entrance.
“Very creative,” you giggle.
“Why are you laughing?” he tilts his head and scrunches his face in confusion, only making you laugh even more. “How come you don’t laugh at the names of Midgardian tiny realms? New York? New Jersey?”
“Okay, okay, whatever,” you grin at him and grip his arm. He leads you in and begins giving you a tour.
“See that over there?” he takes your hand, lifting it and pointing to the harbor. “That’s where we trade things! Isn’t that fantastic? In Old Asgard we couldn’t get things from other places!” you nod.
“Yeah, Earth’s pretty cool that way,”
“Have you met Valkyrie yet?” you shake your head. “I’ll take you to meet her! She’ll love you!” he beams and drags you along to the dock. A dark haired woman turns around towards both of you.
“Ah, Thor! Who’s this?” she shakes your hand.
“This is Y/N! One of my closest Midgardian friends!” Valkyrie lifts her eyebrows at him, but continues to smile.
“Well then, have fun you two!” you continue to walk together, still hand in hand. You can guess why Valkyrie looked at him strangely, you and Thor are obviously more than friends. You’ve discussed starting a relationship before, and decided it wasn’t best for either of you. He was constantly coming and going, and long distance can be difficult, especially when it’s across realms. But maybe now that Asgard is gone, and he’s living on Earth now, could it work?
You watch him as he leads you through his new home, pointing out every tree, mountain, and building. He introduces you to many of his people and talks about you like you’re the brightest light in the universe. You honestly can’t imagine not spending the rest of your life with this man.
“Would you like to stop for a meal? I think you’d love the food here!” he suggests.
“Yes! I’m starving, thank you!” there’s a spring in your step as he takes you into a restaurant and orders a table for two.
“Do you find New Asgard enjoyable?” Thor asks you as you dig into your food.
“I wuff it!” you mumble with your mouth full. Thor chuckles at your adorable face, his eyes glistening whenever he looks at you and making your cheeks warm. Spending the day with him has been absolutely amazing, and you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
You peer out the window and watch as people go by and the sun goes down. This place is stunningly beautiful and you can’t get enough of it.
There’s a bench swing on the porch of the restaurant, and the two of you sit on it together. Thor wraps his arm around you and you rest your head on his shoulder. It’s peaceful and meant to be.
“Y/N, I was wondering-“ he starts.
“Thor! Hello!” Korg cuts him off as he walks by. “Me and Miek are going to build a fire and roast marshmallows with Valkyrie! Wanna come?” you look at Thor.
“Sounds fun!” you say, reassuring Thor with a smile.
“But Y/N, I need to ask you something,” he resists. You giggle as you struggle to pull him off the bench.
“Come on! You can tell me later!”
Korg and Valkyrie set up the fire while you and Thor organize the snacks. You break apart and lay out the graham crackers and he places a piece of chocolate on all of them. Then you both go to find some sticks in the woods for toasting the marshmallows.
“Y/N?” Thor asks.
“Hmmm?” you murmur, focusing on finding the best marshmallow toasting sticks.
“Do you like it here?”
“Of course I do, Thor. Didn’t you ask me that earlier?” you look at him, confused.
“Do you still like me?” you freeze for a moment and accidentally drop all your sticks.
“I uh-“
“The fire’s ready guys!” Korg interrupts once again and the two of you go back to the group.
Valkyrie doesn’t hesitate to rub her perfect marshmallows in Thor’s face, making you laugh hysterically. Thor can’t seem to not burn them.
“It’s okay, Thor,” you giggle and squeeze his hand. “Burning marshmallows isn’t a deal breaker,”
“That’s good to know,” he runs a hand through your hair and smiles.
You walk with him back to his house, swinging his hand with yours. You turn to him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“I do still like you, Thor,” you feel a huge wave a relief once the words come out of your mouth. You’ve been waiting to say it forever. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you before.” His face lights up, and you can see every inch of happiness in his expression despite it being pitch black outside.
“I was wondering, Y/N,”
“Would you like to live here with me?”
“Really?” your jaw drops and your smile brings tears to your eyes.
“Y/N,” he opens the door and picks you up bridal-style, causing you to squeal. He fall down onto the couch with you sitting on his lap and gives you a kiss. “I love you more than anything in the universe. If you share the same desire, it would bring me great joy to have you move in with me,”
“Wow,” you sigh in disbelief. “I love you too, Thor,”
“So is that a yes?” he inquires, nuzzling his nose with yours.
“Yes!” you cover his face in kisses and you topple over each other onto the floor. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Thor strokes your face and kisses your forehead. He whispers his love for you all night long, holding you tight and anxious to spend his forever with you.
Read more of my stuff here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/galactic_magic/works
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artificialqueens · 5 years
“Fuck it” – my final thought before making most decisions. (Branjie) - Dexx-ss
A/N: Hi, hello, how are ya? I’m back from the dead :P Here is my little baby!! I LOVED writing this SO MUCH! Feel free to leave some feedback and also some ship/song recs for some future fics ;) Hope y'all enjoy! -xx 
Come to me In the night hours I will wait for you
They are broken up. Have been for almost a year. But it would be a lie if either of them would say they haven’t thought about getting back together. And to be honest, after those late-night gigs with too much tequila and other unknown alcohol in Vanessas and Brookes blood makes them end up in each other’s rooms. But only in the morning to be woken up to an empty bed.
When the hookups first happened. They ended up fighting the next morning.
“Brock, you can’t do this?”
“What am I doing?”
“Flirt with me and then in the next moment flirt whatever living thing comes your way.”
“Well, fuck, Jose. Maybe you should stop fucking controlling my life.”
“Maybe you should stop fucking everything so you don’t catch anything and MAYBE then I will.”
“Oh, fuck you!”
“Fuck you!”, door slams.
The fights were usually nonsense and often even about the smallest of things. For example the color red.
“Red is my color”
“So does that mean I can’t wear it?”
“No I didn- stop being so fucking defensive”
“I’m. me defensive? Have you met yourself?”
“What’s that supposed to mean??”
So now, they are both smarter. And in the morning after their hookups, they wake up to an empty bed. They have made three unspoken rules. The first rule is that you have to be gone the next morning. And so far they have both been smart enough to follow it.
The second one is that they never leave the gig together(unless it’s with a really big group) so fans wouldn’t really suspect anything. After yet another gig. Brooke makes it to his hotel room. And starts dedraging. Although he knows tonight Vanessa won’t show up at his room, cause he went out with Silky and A’keria, he still waits. He hopes that maybe he will come knocking on his door. He waits and thinks back to all the moments when they were happy.
He misses waking up to morning kisses from Jose.
He misses even their dumb little fights.
He misses the sight of Vanjie sitting with Henry and Apollo smiling at him.
He misses him.
But he is too afraid to admit it.
And I can’t sleep ‘Cause thoughts devour Thoughts of you consume
The room is dark. Brooke is just laying on his bed eyes wide open staring at the ceiling.  There are some sirens in the distance. Brock closes his eyes but all he sees is Vanessa. So he opens them. Closes them to only again be met with a mental image of Vanessa. He keeps his eyes closed and smiles into nothingness thinking about Jose. “Fuck,” he says into the darkness when he realizes that now all he can think about is Jose. He can’t imagine his future without him. No matter how hard he tries. Jose is always there. Always.
He imagines a cute house in the suburbs. He imagines pets lurking around the house. Imagines a kid or two. Imagines his husband. It’s not just any husband- it’s Jose.
It doesn’t matter how many different scenarios he comes up with he is always by Brocks side.
Brooke turns himself around and grabs his phone looking at the time. It’s 4 AM. Luckily they have a day off tomorrow so he can sleep in. Well, right now he can’t sleep at all because one tiny Puerto Rican man has stamped himself in his thoughts. Brooke puts his phone down and decides he’s gonna break the third unspoken rule.
“Have you told Silky? A’keria?”
“No. Have you told Nina?”
“No. And Courtney doesn’t know either”
“I think it’s for the better right now,”
They decided not to tell their friends. It’s not like they are lying but no one has really asked. Silky and A’keria haven’t asked because they know how it makes Vanessa feel like someone pushed a knife into his stomach and is now slowly turning it. And Nina doesn’t ask because he knows Brock doesn’t want to talk about it.
Brooke gets up from the bed and walks out of his room. He walks to Nina’s door and knocks. The realization that it’s fuckin 4 AM and Nina is most likely sleeping comes to Brook after he has been standing behind that door for 10 minutes. He knocks one last time and because he can hear a familiar voice, Jose’s voice, he quickly starts walking back to his room. He makes his way to the bedroom door and he can’t fucking open it. Jose getting closer and closer. He panics but finally, the keycard decides to work again but it’s too late. “Brock?” Jose says. Brooke just looks on the ground and slowly looks back up. He’s not alone. There is someone next to him. So Brooke decides not to say anything and when his door finally opens he just slips in there. He hears Jose call for him before the door closes.
He can’t feel jealous.
V is a grown man.
He shouldn’t feel jealous.
And he can fuck whoever he wants.
It’s not fair.
He feels tears in his eyes.
He feels angry. Jealous. Sad.
There’s a knock on the door. Brock looks at the door and he knows that there is Jose behind it but he doesn’t wanna open it. But he still opens it. He doesn’t make eye contact with Vanessa who’s standing before him. They just stand there. Brock not looking at Jose and Jose not saying anything. Another tear falls. “Look at me,” Vanessa says. His voice sounds soft but angry. Brooke looks at him. Also angry. They both look angry. Vanessa grabs Brookes face. And Brock can’t help but kiss him.
Stay with me A little longer I will wait for you
Jose pulls back from that kiss. “Brock,” he takes a few steps back “I can- You can’t do that and I can’t deal with all this. I- Fuck- Forget it!” Jose brushes his hand through his hair and turns around. “I’ll see you in the morning,” Vanjie says as he walks away. Brooke just stands there. In the doorway. Watching him leave. “Wait,” he finally says something “Come inside let’s just talk, okay.”. Vanessa just nods.  
Talking isn’t something neither of them is good at. Mostly because Brooke has difficulty expressing himself and often seems bitchy. And Vanessa starts to boil easily which makes having a calm conversation with him mildly difficult.
At first, they just sit there in silence. Vanessa on Brookes bed and Brooke in an armchair next to the window. They haven’t talked like this in such a long time. It’s mostly just fucking and gossiping about people or sometimes they watch a movie or two. But just talking about THEM. No. Nope. Mkm. Mostly because they are scared that they will say something that they can’t take back.
Brooke stands up and sits next to Vanjie. Taking his hand and lacing their fingers. “I just-” Brock starts but is cut off. “Don’t say anything for a minute now,” Jose says sitting so he can look at the Canadian but still keeping their hands together. “See we want different things from this. Have wanted since day one,” he lets out a sigh
“We can’t go on like this,” Brock says calmly after yelling at each other for few minutes.
“You can’t get jealous every time I flirt with someone in the crowd,”
Vaness huffs “Yes I can!”
“Don’t you see how fucking toxic that is, Jose?”
“No, what is toxic is the fact that you say you love me and then go out and act like I don’t fucking exist!”
“You can’t put me in a box”
Vanessa is beaming with anger while Brooke is relatively calm.
“Hoe, you are in a RELATIONSHIP!”
Fair point. “Well, if that’s how it’s like I don’t think I should be,”
“What you want is someone you know you can go to when you have needs. Someone who would hug you, kiss you, fuck you without a second thought. And I am easily that person. Fuck. Mostly because I have no self-control. But secondly, because I love you. And I can’t help myself.”. Now Jose let go of Brookes’ hand and stood up. Brock started to say something but Vanessa raised his hand to shush him. “I am so easily that person that I will send home any trade that I could fuck. Why? Well, cause I’m a fucking mess-”, “What do you want then?” Brock finally cut him off. Jose looked at him and then at the ceiling so his tears wouldn’t fall. “How do you not fucking get it? I want you, you fucking asshole.”,
“But you have me,”,
“No, what I have is a fucking sex toy,”
Brooke didn’t really know what to say to that. He just looked out of the window. “This stops now!” Jose says once more before leaving Brocks room. But he wishes he wouldn’t leave. He wants him to stay. Just a little longer. So he could say what’s in his heart. But maybe that’s for the better.
Shadows creep And want grows stronger Deeper than the truth
It has been a few months now. Luckily. Or sadly. They haven’t seen each other for quite some time. Brooke has truly been trying to not think about it. About them. About him. But he can’t help it. The thoughts of the tiny Puerto Rican creep up every day. Most nights Brock can’t sleep so he sits in his hotel balcony or wherever and listens to the sound of the city and wonders what Jose is doing. He scrolls through his Instagram tags and often sees V there. He looks happy. He sees few older posts of them on drag race and touring together. He misses him. And fucking random people hasn’t really helped him either but only made him miss Jose more. He doesn’t want anyone but him. He decides he will drink his sorrows away. As he is getting ready to leave the room he gets a phone call from Nina.
“Hey, Brooke Lynn!”
“Hi Andrew, what’s up?”
“So I heard that we be in the same town and wanted to know if you want to go out for a drink?”
He’s a fucking angel.
“Yes! Yes please!”
They meet up at a bar quite close to Brookes’ hotel. They drink and chat about their gigs and upcoming tours. Nina knows Brooke for quite some time so he immediately notices that Brooke is acting a little different.
For example, every time they go out for drinks they jokingly search for trades that later they gonna “take home” but not this time. Secondly, Brock is always flirty with the barmen and with cute fans who notice them. But not tonight. Tonight he is just being friendly.
“Are you seeing someone,” Nina finally asks. “Me?”, “No, not you, that one dude who just passed us, figured I only live once so I’d make a move. Yeah, you!” Nina said sarcastically. “No,” Brock said with a surprised look “why?”. “Well you acting different, does it maybe has something to do with Vanjie?”, “Wha- Nin- What do you mean?”. Nina let out a laugh “I might be a little childish but I’m definitely not a child.”. B just shot a puzzled look his way. “I know you two been fucking,”, “What the h- how?”. Nina raised his brows “You seriously asking me that?” Brooke just nodded “Well firstly it’s funny how he was sick and then you got sick quickly afterward”, “But that’s a huge ass assumption”, “Also our hotel rooms were often on the same floor and sometimes you were quite loud,” Nina said with a laugh. Brooke turned into a full tomato but the redness with a slight smile was as quick to fade as it was to come. “Not to burst your little bubble but we haven’t, for a few months now.”. Nina took Brookes hand and gave him the wanna talk about it look. Brooke just nodded.
“We have been fighting a little,”
Brooke gave Nina a look.
“What’s with your face?”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“I don-”
“Yes you do, we gonna go to 7/11 pick up some ice-cream eat it and you are gonna pour your fucking heart out”
“Okay,” Nina said with a smile cause he knew there was no arguing with Brooke.
Since that night every time they gave each other that look. They get up. Get some ice cream. And just talk.
So they got up went to first 7/11 got themselves some ice cream and headed to Brookes’ hotel. All this way they talked about anything than that. But as soon as they got to the hotel room Nina sat on the bed with the ice cream “Spill it,” he said excitedly. But before Brooke could say anything he burst into tears. “I miss him so fucking much, Nina,” he said taking a seat on the bed while wiping his tears away. “Like I can’t stop thinking about him,” he continued.
Brock gave a quick overview of everything since they officially broke up. “You know I love you Brock, but you need to make up your mind,” Nina finally said, “Do you want him or do you just need to move on.”.
Brooke just looked into nothingness.
Minute went by.
Two minutes.
“I want him!”
I can’t help but love you Even though I try not to I can’t help but want you I know that I’d die without you
To get Jose back, Brock knew he had to do something crazy romantic. Something out of a movie or a book. Something insane. But something she wouldn’t suspect. So when the idea popped into his head he decided to call Nina. “It’s like 3 am, is everything okay?” Nina’s sleepy voice answered the phone. “I’m gonna propose,” Brooke said excitedly.
“Okay, you have completely lost your mind now,”
“No, I haven’t. I-”
“You can’t ask a person to marry you if ya even aren’t together, that’s CRAZY!”
“Well obviously I’m gonna get back together with him and then ask, but do you even wanna hear my idea or you gonna keep telling me how crazy I am?”
Brock talked, Andrew listened. He told him how it’s going to be everything that Jose would want in a proposal. It’s going to involve everything that he loves in life, from his favorite flower to his favorite people. How it’s gonna be intimate. It was crazy but romantic, crazy but sweet, CRAZY  but if it wasn’t mentioned before it was completely crazy.
“I have to give it to you, that’s quite clever BUT it’s still completely insane Brock”
“I know, but,”
“Honey, baby steps. Do I think you and Jose will get back together? Yeah, sure, cause I ship y’all to the moon and back, but marriage is something else. Maybe he eve-’
”Nina! Love you but now if you’ll excuse me I have a man to win over.”
He knew Andrew was right but right now he was too high on excitement to care.
He had a perfect date for them planned to win Jose back. Although Jose didn’t really know it was gonna be a date. They will have some ice creams and walk around the park-like they are fifteen. Then they were gonna go on a boat ride because of “Notebook”.  And then Brooke will pour her heart out.
Everything was perfect.
Except for the fact
Brooke was waiting for Vanjie and at the same time was nervously texting Nina. “Brooke Lynn” someone suddenly said. It was no other than the most gorgeous Purto Rican man Brock has ever seen. They hugged and said hi and then it all started to fall apart. “So I hope ya ain’t mad cause I asked Monét to tag along,” Jose said. Brooke took his eyes off Vanjie now and saw Monét walking towards them smiling. “Hi,” Kevin waved at them “Vanjie you ran away so fast I was scared you gonna ditch me.”. Vanjie just laughed. Brooke tried her best to not act cold because her plans were now a little messed up. For a second he thought about texting Nina and asking him to deal with Monét but he felt wrong doing that. Instead, they decided collectively to go drinking at a bar. Which clearly was a mistake. Because drunk Branjie will end up fucking each other. And Brooke knew that yet he kept buying those god damn tequila shots.
Most of the night Brooke just stared at Vanessa. Like he was the only person in that bar. Monét was quick to notice that. Not that it was hard to miss because most of the time when Monét tried to have a conversation with B, he was too distracted looking at V. At some point, Jose went to the bathroom and Monét didn’t wait a second. “Oh my god you are so in love with him,” he said placing his drink on the table with a loud bang. Brock just looked at him confused “I- Wha- well,” he didn’t know what to say really. “That’s why you were so disappointed seeing me because you wanted some alone time, why didn’t you just say so?” Mont went on and Brock just shrugged. “I did not- but like, what if he doesn’t want me back, ”, “If you don’t ask you’ll never find out tho,” Brooke just smiled and nodded. Monét asked a few more questions about what was Brookes plan and so. “Aww you aren’t just a stonecold bitch,” Kevin said “You kinda romantic too.”, “Who romantic?” Vanjies voice echoed. He had made his way back to the table. “Nobody,” Monét said with quickly “so umm turns out I have a thing and hate to leave y’all but gotta go.” he continued. Vanessa looked confused while hugging him goodbye. Monét gave Brock a wink and waved them goodbye.
I can’t help but be wrong in the dark 'Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts I can’t help but want oceans to part 'Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts
Now it was just the two of them. And now Brock felt hella nervous. “Shots?” he asked not waiting for Jose to answer and already making his way to the bar. He knew this was a bad idea. Yet still.
They drank those shots.
Went dancing.
Took more shots.
And then V tapped out. “Okay, I’m not gonna have any more,” he said softly. “PUSSY,” Brock said to Jose. It clearly took him by surprise. “And I think you shouldn’t too,” he said with a laugh. “I’m so, so sorrry,” Brooke slurred out. Taking Jose’s face on his hands. “You beautiful,” he said looking into Vanessas eyes. “Okay,” Vanessa said shaking his head and removing Brookes’ hands “We gonna go now,”. They walked out of the club. Well, you really couldn’t call it that because Brooke was bearly standing up.
Brock woke up to a killer headache. And a warm body next to him. The last thing he remembers is Monét leaving him and Jose alone. And that’s it. Shit. He didn’t want to open his eyes because he was afraid of who is next to him. “You still snore like a fucking moose,” a raspy voice said. A familiar voice. Jose’s voice. Brooke immediately opened his eyes now and quickly sat up. Ignoring the killer pain in his head. Jose also sat up. “You alright?” he asked looking around confused. Brooke looked at Vanessa “I can’t remember shit,” B said with horror in his eyes. “Well, Mary, that’s why you need to stop drinking at some point,” Vanjie said with a laugh. But Brock didn’t find it funny at all. Vanessa grabbed his chin and made Brooke look at him. “Basically, you asked me to marry you,” Brookes’ eyes widened and his mouth fell open “and I said no-”, ”I did what! I’m sorry,”, ”-t yet. Bitch, you gotta lemme finish!” Vanjie said and B just gave him even more confused look. “And then you started all apologizing and crying and we agreed to finish the conversation in the morning,” V said smiling. Brooke hid his face in his hands. “Sorry,” he said “but I’m still insanely in love with you. I miss you. And I don’t wanna be with anyone else but you.” Brock said. “Okay, but how can I be sure that this time I don’t put you in a box?” V said mockingly.
“I don’t know,”
“How can I be sure that you don’t start flirting with everyone while you haven’t seen me in a while?”
“Well you ca- Jesus, Jose, I literally asked you to marry me yesterday,” Brooke said softly.
“Yeah but-”
“I know how hard the breakup was and I didn’t mean to hurt you, that’s why we ended it so early.”
“Oh, you didn’t mean to hurt me? Cool. Cool. But ya know what, Mary? It still fucking hurts.” Jose said surprisingly softly.
“I’m so sorry,” Brooke said because that’s all he could really say. Silence fell. Neither of them said anything for a few minutes.
“I want to be with you, hell even marry you,” Jose said, “But not now.”.
Those were his last words because then he got up and took his things and walked out. Leaving Brooke on the bed. Not now? NOT NOW? Bitch! When then. Brooke also got up from the bed and quickly threw on some sweats and ran after Vanessa.
“So, what is a romantic act then?”
“Well, for example, the simplest one- going after the one you love”
Brock raised his eyebrows “For me, that sounds like just being needy,”
When Brooke got down the stairs he could spot Vanessa immediately. He was outside waiting for his ride probably. “HEY,” Brooke said kinda angrily making Jose jump “don’t you dare leave me!”. Brock got to him and pulled him into a kiss. It didn’t feel like just a kiss. It felt more than that. It felt like a promise. When they broke that kiss up Jose just smiled “Look who’s being needy,”, “It’s called being romantic, bitch”.
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End Of Year Review
Last time I was here I was way more of a mess yet I had way too much hope and, thankfully, I was right in having hope. Now, here I am at the end of the year in December and so much has changed but that comes with graduating and transitioning into college. Here is my end of year review in which I express what I learned about the world and about others that has impacted what I know and thought I knew about myself. 
I spent half of my July unsure if I was even going to have the opportunity to actually go to college. I worked so hard and was so scared but when July 15th came and I paid my first bill to my school I knew that this was my opportunity. I also knew I needed to work really hard to be able to stay so, on top of this new pride in knowing I was actually, officially going to be going to college, I needed to take on more responsibility and got a second job. July is when I really started working my first job and it was new and exciting. Getting called in on my days off, having something to do and with this came a new sense of pride that I was working towards what I wanted. I became, to some extent, less reliant on my mother. Having two jobs allowed me to prove to myself, and other (but mostly me) that when I want something, I will work for it. 
August was eventful. As it was getting closer to move in day, closer to me finally achieving a goal that has been MONTHS in the making, life around me seemed to fall apart a little bit. I was so focused on my goals and did not have the time or energy to dwell on the domestic abuse my mother was facing, forcing us, just months before one big transition in my life, to make another one. My mother and I were forced to leave our home and move in with her friends because it was the only way she could feel safe in the face of her abusive substance abusing boyfriend. While it was not the easiest thing to go through or witness for a second time in my life in a minimal amount of years, staying focus and having something I was working towards and looking forward to was helpful. Halfway through the month, after finishing at both my jobs and learning so much not only about pushing myself but also about the usefulness of saying no, I packed my things and moved 3 hours away to NYC for school. I was 18, not too naive but eager to learn and experience new things. Orientation in itself was an experience. I met so many new people and some ending up having such an impact on my life, even if they no longer exist as a necessary part of it now. They were relevant when I needed them and aided me for the time being. 
September was when things started to pick up speed. If you told me in September that what happened would happen, I would tell you you were insane. I lost a friend, who even after only knowing a few weeks, was a person who was there for me, just turns out we were not meant to stay friends and that is okay.More importantly, I became closer with other people I had met and even met somebody knew who holds his own special place in my heart.  I also, to my pleasure, had my first sexual experience with a girl while I was drunk and I would never trade that experience for anything. Even if I could not remember her name after and can barely remember it now. This night was actually the first night I really talked to him. Yes, I met him. He, had my heart thumping in September, filled with joy after experiencing this new moment with somebody I had never had before. He caused plenty of useless confusion for me that I know cannot even remember but without it, probably would not be where we are today. 
October, my birth month, was nice in its own way. It was when I began getting close with her. Not only with her though, but I also got to know other people I had not known that well. I am forever grateful for these people as they created a community that I feel I could be apart of, while not having to always be apart of. Distance, I learned, is necessary for me. I need space from people in that being around the same ones constantly drives me crazy. This fact, is something I truly got comfortable with around this time. I also, against my free will, got closer with him but that's alright. I had a pleasant birthday and, came out to my longtime friend. She is great and I love her. I, being a little bitch, had to use ridiculous analogies to come out but it is difficult when somebody has known you a certain way for so long. You do not want to alter that image they have of you and possibly ruin the relationship. Her, being the bestest friend ever, was supportive and it unlocked this part of my life that I had been wanting to tell her. I finally had that chance. 
October was disappointing still, in some ways, in that I did not do as well as I would have liked on my midterms. I was at school to do well and succeed, to further my education. And here I was, blowing that aspect off. It manifested itself in my less than satisfactory grade on my psych midterm. However devastating that was, it encouraged me to study for my other midterms which, thankfully, I did much better on. It was a reminder that procrastination got me nowhere and I needed to focus. It lead to me taking more thorough notes the second half of the semester and studying more. 
While the first half of October leading up to my birthday was eventful in itself, Halloween was its own ballpark. You see, a week before I kissed her for the first time while I was tipsy and then went to him. It, for the first time, brought up a real issue I had to deal with. I like these two people and I do not want to hurt either of them. Halloween, I went to a party with her and, as a drunk dumbass, made out with her. I enjoyed it but it did nothing but confuse me. 
November was filled with me going back and forth between him and her. I did not know what or who I wanted and while that part has not changed, I am dealing with the situation in a healthier way, to some extent at least. It was also filled with me getting my first writing job and therefore, my first step in the door to working with authors in the future and possibly writing myself. Furthermore, it taught me, more than anything, the absolute necessity of communication but we are still working on that one. It was also the first time I went home since August and it was interesting to see how nothing really changes when you leave. I feel as if I could leave home for years and come home and be completely unfazed. Everything is a cycle here. It is nice to be somewhere and go places where everything is always new. I don’t think I want to be stuck watching these cycles anymore now that I know how much more interesting life can be. I went to a wedding too and it was so beautiful. It reminded me that even if for a moment, love does exist, no matter what it turns into. It is so tragic how we let bad experiences way more heavily upon us than the good. Anyway, the wedding was great and it made me excited for when I marry my wife. So many people were complaining but I thought it was beautiful anyway. Watching those little moments between the bride and groom, even if nobody was sober, was so impactful. That is what I want from my wife and I want to not be afraid to let myself have it. 
In December, I came back to campus a wreck. I spent a week long break barely talking to anybody and ignoring the two people who had the most impact in my life. The worst thing is me getting way too high my first night back and then having to have a serious conversation with her. I think she did not notice, but that night is blurry to me. A positive from that however, thanks to her, we were back on good terms after not speaking for two weeks and it brought us, to my displeasure, closer. That’ll be painful later but for now, all is good. Until I face the reality that there is a small possibility that I'll never see her again but that's neither here nor there and I have no right to be selfish and make that situation about me. I am concerned about her and hope she is okay or as okay as any college student can be. I just want to see her happy honestly. She deserves that at least. He I did not talk to for two weeks as well. Not talking to him until a week after I got back, I got drunk and was like alright I need to see him, after listening to Marvin's Room and crying which is my civil duty as an over-dramatic light skin. I then got more drunk and forced us to talk about our feelings. Now, we are in a better place we have been in awhile.
 I left for break in a really good mindset. I feel as if I am in a good spot with the relationships in my life. I am the best mentally I have been in a while and honestly, have little stress. I am going to soak in this place for as long as I can. 
So, how would I rate my year overall. As far as learning goes and accomplishments, I would give myself a ⅘ stars. I accomplished so much and have learned so much. I have done so much and experienced so much. I accomplished things that, if you told my bum ass a year ago, I would say no, I did not do that because I would have never tried. Mentally I would give this year a ⅖. I have had some of my lowest lows that I have had in a LONG time. I believe that comes with big changes and new experiences though. It was just me trying to figure things out and, hopefully, in the future I will be able to process and handle similar situations better. I appreciate this year for everything it gave. Everything it taught me. Everyone it brought in and took out of my life. This will be a year I look back at and call life changing and I am so thankful for that. 
Thank You 2019. 
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violentendsrp · 6 years
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twenty-five, model, face of haus of FREYA, socialite 
Unlike her Manhattan peers, the Abernathy’s aren’t natives. The name and the accent serve as an indicator, making it abundantly clear. Francesca, known more commonly as just Chessie, comes from a family of wealth, hailing from Birmingham, Alabama. She grew up with an easy life, with no struggle or worry; A Debutante and the cross around her neck bought her the popularity of her peers. The money didn’t hurt, either. The Abernathy family deals in the business of energy, AberCorp has been powering the majority of Atlanta for decades. Southern charm and a campaign on being ‘home grown American’s’ led the company to the top, until they were edged out by dirty politics, being replaced by something new and shiny. Instead of facing loss, they migrated to somewhere bigger and better --- New York City. With the help of ‘business connections’, as well as blackmail (though, they would never admit to it), the Abernathy’s took over the energy business in the city that never sleeps. 
Needless to say, swapping Catholic school in Atlanta for prestigious private school in Manhattan was a culture shock for Chessie. She stuck out without even trying -- Quickly branded a ‘goody two shoes’ by her classmates, for her devotion to her religion, and her family’s traditional views. But then along came Sebastian O’Riley, and the world shifted. Teenagers and love have continuously prove to be a catastrophic concept, and these two were no exception. Toss hormones into the mix, and you end up with a seventeen year old Chessie with a positive pregnancy test. By the next morning, she was sent to a convent in Sweden, leaving her life and Sebastian behind with only a note with a brief explanation. Fast forward nine months, and the baby is passed off to a kind Swedish couple, signing away any parental rights and access to her new son’s life, until he was eighteen. 
The return to Manhattan just before her senior year was rocky, to say the least. The baby was a secret --- The only people to know the truth were the Abernathy and O’Riley families, with an insistence that Chessie had spent a year abroad, studying at a boarding school in Italy. Chessie returned as a different woman, that much was clear -- The once quiet, kind Christian girl was swapped out for someone loud, rebellious, and a staple on Page Six. Nights were spent wondering why the Lord would lead her down this path, why God would let this happen to her. The church didn’t bring her the same comfort anymore -- Her mother’s religious views were what put her in that convent, and what pulled her baby from her arms. If this happened to her, what was the point? Chessie quickly became a staple for ‘good girls gone bad’, trading the city for the beach the moment she graduated. She found a home between Los Angeles and Paris, remaining a staple for tabloids wherever she went. 
ACT I   —   
Despite personal demons, Chessie reluctantly returned to Manhattan on a favor, and a tragedy  --- The death of Freya Atanas was unfortunate, but unsurprising, event, pulling Chessie back into a world she left behind. Consoling a dear friend turned into moving in, and within a three month period, she signed the papers and made it official: Chessie Abernathy was now the face of Haus of FREYA, a company lead by her long time friend, O. She’s managed to keep a low profile -- for both personal reasons, and to increase the impact of the FREYA relaunch -- but her days are numbered. Tabloids are slowly trickling in, creating their own narrative for her absence and return to the city. Soon enough, she’ll be back in the spotlight, bruises and scars on full display. 
NICO & THE NINERS  /  twenty one pilots.  BEGGING FOR THREAD  /  banks.  HARDEST OF HEARTS  /  florence + the machine.
WREN ABERNATHY — older brother. The Abernathy twins have always had a close bond, despite their parent’s unspoken efforts to pit the two against one another. It’s been apparent from day one -- Wren was the Golden Child, and Chessie was doomed to play catch up for the rest of her life. In their childhood, the two would fall in line with their parents charades, but after Chessie’s return from her stint in Sweden, and Wren’s entrusting of his twin with the secret of his sexuality, the two became close despite all odds. Severed ties with their parents brought a breath of relief (At least, on Chessie’s end), and a new trust between the two. An unintentional competition still lies between them, one fostered without even realizing --- Who can be the loudest, who can be the most successful, who can cause the biggest scene.
SEBASTIAN O’RILEY — fatal attraction, baby daddy. Proof that opposites attract comes in the form of Chessie and Sebastian. Both coming from deeply rooted right-wing families, it didn’t take long for the two to meet once the Abernathy’s arrived in the city. The two couldn’t have been more different: A southern belle and the rebel, a cliche at it’s best. Their relationship was encouraged by their parents, before things quickly got out of hand --- A seventeen year old Chessie holding a positive pregnancy test quickly resulted in the two family’s distaste for one another, and Chessie shipped off to a convent in Sweden the next morning. Distance destroyed their relationship, two teenagers unable to cope with a life changing event. They remain cordial, even ending up in bed with one another when they cross paths in other cities, unable to voice true feelings. But now that she’s back in the city, Chessie knows she’s going to have to own up to the past, and create a new beginning.
OPHELIA ATANAS — long time friend, business partner, roommate. The two have known one another since their days in prep school, but friendship didn’t find them until after graduation. They began as pure opposites -- Chessie being the Debutante with the southern drawl, Ophelia being the stoic and conniving Upper East Sider. But as the former’s facade faded and the tabloid princess emerged, the two forged a friendship. The two became closer as time went on, finding more similarities than differences between them. Freya’s death brought them closer, Chessie holding O’s hand the entire time. As the time came for O to take over FREYA, an idea formed --- Chessie became the new face of the company, becoming the perfect PR move: The fashion forward brand relaunching in the right light, led by the two roommates. 
QUINN ARCHIBALD --- tense friendship.  From their arrival to the city, Chessie has been told time and time again: Don’t trust the Archibald’s. With her parent’s political loyalty lying with the O’Rileys, and the Archibald’s having  the “wrong” views of things, it was something never questioned. Needless to say, it caused friction between the two, glares and distrust created out of thin air. When distance wedged itself between Chessie and her parents, along with her brother’s scandalous confession, she began to see him in a new light. He has ties to her brother, as well as her best friend. Even if she wants to, Quinn Archibald is not going anywhere. Now that she’s back in Manhattan, Chessie has made an attempt to be cordial with Quinn, but wary regardless, even if her issues with him no longer concern parental opinions. Family loyalty runs deep with the Abernathy twins, fears of her brother’s heart breaking being enough to keep Quinn at arms distance.
BEAU BUCHANAN -- old friend, publicist. Beau may be an old friend, but it’s clear to Chessie the other girl is her glorified baby sitter. And truthfully, she can’t help but feel it’s for the best -- Given Chessie’s track record, going with her gut, or on impulse has seemed to lead her in plenty of wrong directions. With the FREYA empire being represented through her, she’s grateful to have Beau on her side. The two forged a friendship soon into Chessie’s new California life, and have been close since. She trusts the other woman, especially given that Beau has the upper hand, compared to her old publicist: She lives in Chessie’s world, been in her position, and thankfully -- Knows her as more than a tabloid article about some Christian girl gone rogue. She’s happy to have her around, even if her presence makes her slightly nervous, worried she’ll misstep.
chessie abernathy’s face claim is pheobe tonkin & is taken by admin m.
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lcthebtswriter · 7 years
Good Man Down
Request: (Good man down-anon) Yes, with Dark would be fine!
Warnings: abandonment, the word sex (ooo)
Genre: angst
Here is a story about a boy and a girl
She woke up one morning felt alone in this world
Despite the love for her
He couldn't keep her from leaving again
She had to do it
In the beginning, when you summoned Dark to strike up a deal, you traded your freedom for youth and intelligence. Dark, with your permission, required the payment to not be your soul but your love. You accepted without hesitating, the fact that the demon was more than handsome and charming having controlled your irrational thinking. Even if the start of your relationship was forced, over the course of a few months you actually fell for the supernatural being. He was incapable of love and remorse, but he felt protective over you - admired your mannerisms and how you controlled him. How rare of a being you were. Dark fell in love the best way he was capable, and had no desire to break off your contract.
That didn't stop your bad habits, however. You were the kind of person to pick someone up, get bored, then leave, and Dark was no exception. He practically owned your affections, yes, but that didn't halt you in any way. After quickly tiring of the repetitiveness that came with being an orderly demon’s lover, you woke up one morning and deduced you had enough. Although you were now immortal, spending your never-ending life with Dark would become plain and you knew this.
So you had to leave. You needed to get out while you still could, but there was always something holding you back. The passionate sex after arguing with Dark was a thrill, and watching him get so worked up over traitorous clients had you eager to calm him down. Dark’s behavior was more than unpredictable, and maybe that was why you held off running away.
She cried in the nights, he brought her flowers in the daytime
She tried and she tried to forget the past and all her past crimes
Despite the love for her
He couldn't keep her from leaving again
She had to do it
At night, when the pressure of watching loved ones die grew too heavy to handle, you cried in the silence of your bedroom as Dark paced around. He was frantic to make you happy; if you were content then you would treat him well, right? To ensure his ego would be replenished, Dark brought you flowers and chocolates and hoped his gifts would brighten your day as he wiped the cold tears from your cheeks. Still, you continued to ignore him until weeks later and Dark gave up. How come when he gave you space and stayed away is when you came running back?
You knew Dark’s feelings for you were the closest he came to love, and as you fell asleep beside him you wondered if he would get over your absence. If you were to pack up and run, would he come after you or let you go? If Dark truly understood you the way he so often claimed, the distance between you and him would be kept.
Without much further though you decided to run away. While Dark was off collecting souls and reaping all the benefits, you threw all of the clothes and accessories he bought you into many suitcases before rushing out the door. Dark returned hours later, his home as dead as night and your belongings missing from the closet and bureau drawers. In the blink of an eye his shell cracked, sending objects flying across the room as he screamed in fury. Broken glass and fallen feathers crunched beneath Dark’s dress shoes, his body turning to take in all the destruction he caused in his pain.
You actually did it.
How could you shoot a good man down and leave without mourning?
Broken-hearted on the ground, like the others bid for him
Burden as heavy as a rock, ain't nobody going to stop her
Go ahead and walk alone, and regret it some else where
You sat across from your closest friend, Jade, and listened intently as she scoffed at your leaving Dark. She had been the one to convince you to summon him, so when you called to tell her what you did she had more than enough to say. Deciding to meet in a grand cafe downtown, you sipped lattes while wandering from shop to shop, using her money she sold her soul to Dark for.
Jade pushed aside a purple top, rifling through a few hangers in search of the latest article of clothing to blow some cash on. “I mean, how could you leave a man like him without even crying about it?” She asked, her purse tucked into the corner of one elbow while her thick wallet balanced on the other. You shrugged, careful not to spill your own handful of clothes all over the tile of the chic clothing store Jade begged you to run into.
“He just,” you huffed, “Dark got boring after a while. You know how I am about commitment.”
After tossing a white blouse into your arms, Jade lifted the black sunglasses from her eyes and balanced them on top of her black curls. “You made a mistake this time,” she admitted. You watched, guilty, as Jade bit her bottom lip in thought before turning back to yet another rack of clothing. “He’s probably losing his mind.”
Dark was, in fact, going completely insane. At the exact moment you helped Jade pick out a flowing red dress, Dark sat at the foot of the bed you once shared, his face drooping and without any sign of emotion. His right eye twitched under the burden of driving you away; no matter how many times you told him you would run, Dark never listened. He was so certain he was different and that he could get you to stick around, but it turns out not even a deal with a demon could keep you in one place.
He hoped that, wherever you were, you felt even more alone than when you were with him.
He cried in the nights, she got no flowers in the daytime
He gave up the fight while she was out committing new crimes
Despite the love for her
He couldn't keep her from leaving again
She had to do it
Dark, unbeknownst to himself, had gone into an extremely grave depression when you had been gone for one whole month. While he laid in what used to be your shared bed, the flowers and chocolates you expected from Dark whenever you worked never showed. Like clockwork, he used to send them into your workplace with a vase and card - the whole nine yards. Now? He couldn't even keep you long enough to realize he was going about everything completely wrong.
You knew, even one month later, that Dark absolutely adored all the morbid details about who you had become. He fell in love with the person who helped him hunt down the damned, the one who even assisted in a few murders if you felt like it. What Dark would do without you, neither of you knew, but you were curious as to why you continued to think about the demon who hadn't bothered chasing after you.
How could you shoot a good man down and leave without mourning?
Broken-hearted on the ground, like the others bid for him
Burden heavy as a rock, ain't nobody going to stop her
Go ahead and walk alone, and regret it some else where
Numb, Dark continued on and grew more and more gruesome. What little empathy he had left was now gone, having exited his being along with your retreating figure. He spent eternity alone, occasionally wondering if you thought of him and subconsciously migrating back to the places you visited together. Eventually, Dark realized you were immortal along with him, and once the world ended you would be stuck with his presence until the next Earth formed. Knowing this, he spent his time in the void that came before you and patiently waited for the day you would - undoubtedly - meet again.
For eons you walked alone, Jade having gone her separate ways and eventually dying like the rest of your companions. You were alive through World War III and the invention of flying cars, survived a fair share of natural disasters and saved a few lives even. As you waited for the world to end, you watched from the sidelines as the young withered and turned to dust, the only constant in your life being the company of one lover after another. You never changed and always kept moving.
When the sun burnt out and necessities ran dry, you sat in the center of the world and watched it fall apart. You lived through the collapse of society, arms crossed and bored as humans died off one by one. All at once you were left alone, occasionally coming across the very few immortals who made the exact same deal with their own demons as you had with Dark. While you wandered the now rotten Earth, you regretted having met the devil that made you miserable not just after, but during your relationship.
It was far too late to apologize to Dark, whatever little good in him drained and all because of you.
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pandabearlikes · 9 years
Story Archive Master Post
Chapter Stories
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The Lucky One (completed)
Characters: You x Sehun  Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama, Family  Number of Chapters: 15 
Ten years of unrequited love.  One night that changed your life forever.   
Table of Contents:
I. One Night II. Shame III. Reunion IV. His Gift V. Pandora’s Box VI. Her Deal VII. Stuck in a Bubble VIII. Like an Hallucination IX. Warning X. “Yes” XI. Calm Before the Storm XII. Oh Youngwoo XIII. Omma XIV. One Night (Reprise) XV. Epilogue  
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Cat and Mouse (completed)
Characters: Luhan x You x Chanyeol   Genre: Romance, Action, Drama, Angst   Number of Chapters: 7
You are a trained assassin.  He is a top ranking police officer.  
Table of Contents:
Forwards I. Heartbeat II. So Close III. Forgotten Souls IV. Replacement V. Decoy VI. Park Chanyeol VII. Epilogue
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Temporary Affairs (completed)
Characters: You x Kai Genre: Romance, Light-Hearted Comedy, Fluff Number of Chapters: 17
In which Kim Jongin is your tall, dark, handsome, and sexy husband to be…of course…due to an arranged marriage…  
Table of Contents:
I. Mismatch II. Lee Sohee III. Puppet IV. Your Offer V. Lovesick VI. Lovesick II VII. Lovesick III VIII. Breathless IX. Chicken Feet X. The Ex XI. Sweet Potato Pie XII. Head Over Heels   XIII. Resolution XIV. For Better or For Worse XV. First Night XVI. The Fight XVII. It’s Okay, That’s Love 
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Temporary Affairs II (completed)
Characters: You x Kai Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff, Family Number of Chapters: 13
In which you married the man of your dreams, got pregnant with his child, yet still don’t really know if he loves you…  
Table of Contents:
I. Unasked Questions II. Lucky Charm III. Perfect Imperfection IV. The Fated and The Unexpected V. The Caretaker VI. Self-ie-conscious VII. Kim Yoona VIII. Those Three Words IX. His True Love X. Friends Not Foes XI. Little Miracle XII. The Proposal   XIII. Happiness
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still trying to figure out why these don’t work :( please bear with me.
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Beautiful Distraction (completed)
Characters: You x Tao Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Addiction Number of Chapters: 8
Disclaimer: This story may contain themes that may cause discomfort in younger readers (for example, sex and addiction).  
When reality is just too much and parts of you begin to slip away…
Table of Contents:
I. Distraction II. Illusion III. The Role IV. Addiction V. Consequences VI. You VII. Separate Universes VIII. Epilogue
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The Lucky One II (completed)
Characters: You x Sehun Genre: Romance, Angst, Slice of Life, Fluff, Family Number of Chapters: 22
One night that granted you a lifetime of blessings, happiness, sorrow, and heartbreaks with the love of your life.  
“I love you,” he spoke and you melted into his arms, believing every word, every syllable that slipped out of those soft lips.  
Table of Contents:
I. Oh Baby, Baby II. Our Little Adventure III. Birthday Surprise IV. Innocent Love V. Hidden VI. Abandoned Hearts VII. Surprise Present VIII. The Protector IX. Blood and Water X. Wake Up Call XI. The Half Truth XII. Maternal Instincts   XIII. Young Love XIV. Young Love II XV. Omma’s Martial Artist XVI. Sweetpea XVII. Formal Closure XVIII. It Was Perfect XIX. True Love XX. Pieces to a Whole XXI. Mending the Wounds XXII. Epilogue
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Skinny Love (completed)
Characters: Yoona (You) x Youngwoo (a.k.a. Kai’s daughter x Sehun’s son) Genre: Romance, Angst, Slice of Life, Fluff, Family, High School Drama Number of Chapters: 20
“When you’re around someone so much, for so long, they become a part of you and when they go away, you don’t know who you are without them”.
Table of Contents:
I. The Chase II. The Protector III. The Confession IV. Oh Youngji V. Realization VI. Maybe VII. First Love VIII. The Resolve IX. I Love You, Kim Yoona X. Painful Decision XI. The Break XII. Losing Him   XIII. Whenever It Rains XIV. When Love Falls XV. If We Are Together XVI. Separation XVII. To Have and To Hold XVIII. Telepathy XIX. Forever Yours XX. Art of Seduction
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One Thousand Years (completed)
Characters: You x Chanyeol Genre: Romance, Angst, Fantasy, Friendship Number of Chapters: 15
A thousand years of rain that span three lifetimes…When predestined enemies fall in love…invisible barriers are pushed aside.  A relationship doomed from the very beginning.  
Table of Contents:
I. The Bunny and The Wolf II. Predator Instincts III. Love IV. Love II V. Separation VI. Forbidden Love VII. Vows VIII. Inevitable Fate IX. One Thousand Years X. Melodies of Love XI. Jade Bunny XII. Home XIII. Forbidden Love (Reprise) XIV. Happy Ending XV. Epilogue
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Glass Flower (completed)
Characters: You x Suho Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family Number of Chapters: 7
Disclaimer: This story may contain themes that may cause discomfort in younger readers (for example, abuse).  
You were his flower and he was your water.
Table of Contents:
I. Invisibility II. Water and Flower III. Seed IV. Seed II V. Rebirth VI. Second Chance VII. Epilogue
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If some links don’t work on tumblr mobile app, please visit my Stories Back Up Tumblr I will try to organize it soon.
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lostscatteredwings · 5 years
Retrospective 2019
A quick summary btw in 2018 I did rent an apartment. It was more money than I could afford but it was my big experience for that year. In 2019 I decided to focus more on other things that are more everlasting. 
In 2019 I had several goals :
Health was my main goal. To focus a lot on my health. I was struggling in a lot of ways. Migraines, low energy levels, nails breaking, weak hair and weak skin, worried about my weight, lack of muscle, worried that I had some illness and just now know about it, pain in my back and neck. And shoulders . Frequent pain at that and frequent migraines. Also pain in my mouth as all my entire life I have frequent cavity issues or other issues even tho yes I do wash my teeth every day several times a day. 
I think I saved absolutely nothing in January and February as I was dealing with the eye doctor stuff. 
In order to resolve these issues I focused on my health since January. In January I started with going to see a doctor and explain all of my symptoms. My doctor said that the migraines could be caused because it had been a long time since I updated my glasses. So I started with that. I took my time and my money and invested in some updated glasses as I have myopia. 
Básically I cannot see very well in a distance. I can't see people's faces if they stand a few meters away from me and I can't see buses destinations because they get blurred  and the lights at night kind  of blurry my vision even more
This with no glasses. But the glasses fix it. 
I then proceeded to fix my teeth I had like 5 cavities to fix. I did all these repairs I did a cleaning, cleaning is not whitening btw is just a cleaning, to totally remove your tartare if you have some. Because removing that keeps it longer from cavities appearing or any sort of issues. 
Fixing my teeth took several months. I only finished fixing them in May 2019. Took money and time. When I was finally done with this big health fixes eyes and teeth are very essential. I could finally maybe spoil myself a bit. And at the same time focus on another health sector. 
I looked for a doctor for my back shoulder and neck pain. And I started doing this therapy for it. 
It didn't seem to help a lot. Just helped a bit but not a lot so I decided this was not enough. When you Google online people recommend you exercises. And I kept feeling sort of weak and worried about maybe lacking muscle and worried that I would only get fatter over time. I decided to join a gym. My gym has their own therapists so I changed my therapist to the gym one. 
I did feel much better. Going to the gym Vs not going is really different. At least for me with my current lifestyle. Because I live in a city it's polluted crowded and it's kind of annoying to workout outside you have to keep playing Tetris when running outside...I think the gym is much better and you can just put headphones on and run or walk or use some machine and it's like this alone time you have. And then you can shower immediately. In the gym I go you can also swim or do a sauna. It's great, if you can find the time to go. 
Though it’s a gym that I can only use because I am working and it’s a partnership with my company and even so it’s very expensive. But I think it’s worth it because of the mental and physical health benefits. The trade off is worth it right now.
After this, so post-May I have been really focusing also in changing my room a lot and I finally finished, I had furniture that was over 30 years old and that is not the problem, the problem is actually that furniture was totally falling apart, broken drawers, I was afraid my desk would fall on me and that my bed would fall to the floor. So every month I got one thing from IKEA and dedicated a weekend to build the IKEA furniture. And finally, I got all the main furniture that I wanted. 
And there is only one more achievement
I learned how to ride a motorcycle. I learned, now I know how to. But I don’t have the licence yet. The licence at least that allows you to drive model of motorcycles that exists.
 But I do have the car license that allows you drive the 125 cc , these ones go to 100 km/h . and I got myself a scooter, is the actual only vehicle that I actually own. 
These were my achievements for 2019.  Health. Gym. Ikea and  Motorcycle. This on my personal life side. This was also the year  I did the more travelling ever in life but also it was because I did very fast and travels, like weekend travels or 2 days travels.  I stopped by Toulouse and Bordeaux in southern France. The longest holiday I took was Luxembourg, but I also took a bus from Luxembourg to Germany since I was close to the border anyway. Something like 5 days. I had 2 days in Switzerland, a weekend. And Germany also 2 days in frankfurt. I am really proud of this year 2019. 
I also joined french classes. So for idk, a few months now, I have been having a french class every 1h and 30m every week. I have an exam in the day 13h January. 
These were mostly the achievements for the year. I think it was probably my best year so far. In my life. 
Yet there was bad things and yet I am not happy and yet I am not where I want to be. As bad things are also part of life.
Something I tried but failed to do was being less negative, I tend to take a very negative approach towards life. 
I have this super negative approach because of my life up until now because of my past but that is no excuse, I wanted to be more positive this year but I failed for a long time I wasn’t. And I was lost and confused and I tried thinking over and over how could I make everything better but because I could never really see a path, I kept feeling really down. And sadly as I side not I do have some anger issues, as a side effect of the negativity, the whole feeling depressed the not seeing a way out of a bad place in life.  I think after the gym things got a bit better. And when I finally drew a plan for my life I felt much better too. 
But ofc sometimes because of things that happen in my life, bad things, it drags me down sometimes again . But I’ve tried really hard to really not have any unnecessary discussions with people. And honestly, I did get better I did have way fewer fallouts with people. And my plan is to have zero from now on. For real. I still had some this year. But I think way less as the year went by. I think where I failed the most for sure was with people, sometimes. Honestly. But it is not a justification but was a really hard year, really eventful and stressful and I failed to handle it in the best way. My father was in the hospital. I got sick several times too. I had problems with my family I had problems with work and I had problems with my relationships and I had problems with public transport that is constant, even my scooter had problems I had to fix. There was just a lot of a lot. And I couldn’t deal with it all.
And even so I say this was the best year so far of my life. Up until now. But I hope that the years to come can be better still. 
When it comes to things I haven't done, that I wish I did, honestly I did all I could do in the time I had with resources I had, this when it comes to getting things done I couldn’t do more than what I did. Even if I wish I did more which I do wish I had done even more, I have to also be realistic and not that hard on myself. 
I have this problem, I want to do everything I want to get everything done. And I get stressed out if I don’t get things done. And it’s a bad cycle. But I just can’t sit and wait around and do nothing I have this need of seeing progress and things getting done it’s not healthy but it’s the way I feel satisfied also in a way, knowing that I did things that I didn’t waste my time. I did wish I could say no more. And that I could do more things for myself more. A problem I have is sometimes I should say no and I don’t because I don’t want to disappoint people. Sometimes I end up sort of causing myself trouble because I couldn't say no when I should really have said no. And that is why for example my work situation is really not good right now, it’s because I didn’t say no when I should have and now my every day is miserable. Great job, me. All I can do now is come up with a plan to fix that. And endure my everyday now the best I can. Focus on my goals.
This go long. Wow. I am going to take a break before writing my goals to 2020. I also want to write my next goals for 2020 based on this retrospective of 2019.
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chocolate-brownies · 6 years
Here at Mindful, we love podcasts and trading our favorite episodes is our idea of fun watercooler chat. This definitely felt like the Year of the Podcast (again) and we hope it continues in 2019. There were so many great interviews this year and even full-length shows devoted to shining a light on the inner workings of the brain, the role emotions play in constructing our relationships (and in some cases, life trajectories), and research on how doctors and educators are integrating qualities like kindness and empathy into their work.
After hours of listening, we’ve pulled together a list of the standout mindful podcasts in 2018.
Podcasts About the Brain
How Our Personal Narratives Become Facts Episode: Pt.I: Emotions / Pt.II: High Voltage, Invisibilia
This wonderful if offbeat podcast (its title is Latin for “invisible things”) fuses science with narrative storytelling. These episodes investigate psychologist Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett’s case that how we conceptualize (and deal with) emotions is totally backward: “Emotions aren’t a reaction to the world; they actually construct the world.” This is weighed against some true, truly weird stories: Traumatized by a car crash, a man sues who he crashed into—the parents of the child he killed (!). An anthropologist discovers a “new” emotion among a head-hunting tribe in the Philippines. And a woman struggles to find love, due to a seemingly involuntary reflex.
Daydreaming=Creativity Neuroscience says it’s good to daydream, Quirks & Quarks
When we daydream, science finds, our brains are in the zone for problem-solving and creativity. Neuroscience professor emeritus Dr. Daniel Levitin had Sting compose music inside a brain scanner, and Sting’s brain activity shifted into “daydreaming mode,” the default mode network. This area of the brain, describes psychology professor Dr. Kalina Kristoff, shows “the sweet spot between order and chaos.” She says the ability to flexibly switch between a daydreaming mental mode and more constrained and analytical modes of thought can indicate a highly creative mind.
How to Tame Negative Thoughts Why Is My Life So Hard? Freakonomics Radio
Psychology professors Tom Gilovich, of Cornell University, and Shai Davidai, of The New School for Social Research, here investigate humankind’s pessimistic tendencies: Why do we often think we have it worse in life than anyone else? And why is it so hard to practice gratitude consistently? Their “headwinds/tailwinds asymmetry” theory says we are biased to underestimate what helps and overestimate what hinders us. If we can learn to notice “the invisibles,” taken-for-granted things that boost spirits—like having coffee with a friend—we’ll feel happier, longer.
Why Our Judgement Fails Us Here’s Why All Your Projects Are Always Late—and What to Do About It, Freakonomics Radio
Why do we procrastinate—and why, nevertheless, can we always convince ourselves that we won’t next time? Experts weigh in, from psychology and neuroscience to software design and New York City’s Second Avenue subway that took 50 years to start building. We fall victim to the planning fallacy, which involves our “optimism bias”—believing the grass is greener in the future—and the fact that most of us don’t love data integration. The key to more accurate expectations? “Use data instead of human judgment.” Artificial intelligence: 1; people: 0.
Podcasts About Relationships
The Kindness of Strangers How Sarah Slean’s musical and philosophical evolution led her to Metaphysics, Q on CBC Radio
Canadian singer-songwriter Sarah Slean shares how she was practicing meditation one night while riding the subway home, when she felt a “very menacing presence” beside her: “This terrifying- looking human being with this harsh look in his eyes, like he was going to hurt me and enjoy it.” Instead of reacting to a natural spike of anxiety, Slean struck up a friendly conversation. Gradually, the stranger opened up to her about his hardships. Their brief chat ended in exchanging email addresses; years later, Slean would write a song (on her newest album, Metaphysics) that reflects the profound effect each had on the other.
A Prescription for Empathy How Empathy Can Transform Healthcare, CBC’s The Current
For Dr. Brian Goldman, being told by the family of his elderly patient that his bedside manner was unfeeling kicked off a personal quest to be kinder, in his medical practice and his life. Along the way he met Erica, an empathic android, and learned about more compassionate treatments for dementia patients. He finds that while some people seem to be innately empathic, going through painful experiences can cause others to develop their empathy muscle: “If you have pain, use it, because it will make you stronger—and you’ll find your community.”
Healing Communities Through Conversation The King of Tears series, Revisionist History
In this series, Malcolm Gladwell’s prodigious talents as both a free thinker and a storyteller are on display. Gladwell likes to look at things from oblique angles, the better to break us out of fixed ways of thinking and shed new light. A superb journalist, he explores and investigates by talking with people. In Episode 6, season 2, he travels to Nashville in a fascinating quest to account for the difficulties we have in bridging the cultural divide in America by contrasting country music and rock and roll: one pulls at the heartstrings, the other doesn’t go there much.
Empathy is Not a Soft Skill—It’s Essential A neuroscientist explains: the need for ‘empathetic citizens’, The Guardian’s Science Weekly
“Empathy is really about emotional resonance,” says Francesca Happé, a researcher at King’s College London. It’s “the ability to feel with another person,” an underrated skill that our increasingly fractured societies need. In studying how children develop empathy (beginning as young as seven months), Professor Happé finds that if we want a more empathic society, “children need to experience a wide range of emotions,” safely, such as through the arts. This nurtures the capacity to recognize and relate to the same emotional states in others, including—most critically—others who seem unlike themselves.
Redefining Success for Boys, and the Next Generation Ashanti Branch, The Educhange Podcast
In this episode, Ever Forward Club founder Ashanti Branch relates how neither excelling in school nor showing your emotions are considered cool for American boys. He also talks about his 100k Mask Challenge, which encourages young people and teachers to communicate with one another more authentically. An educator himself, Branch emphasizes the role of empathy in teachers to build constructive relationships with students: “If you care more about the subjects you’re teaching than the subjects who you’re teaching, there’s going to be a disconnect…. Connect a little bit more with your heart.” (For more on Branch’s work, see our feature “Is Your Life Designed For You?”)
Do We Create Neurological Tribes? Friends share more than interests. Their brains are similar, too, Quirks & Quarks
Dr. Carolyn Parkinson, a psychological researcher at UCLA, led a study that interviewed 300 students to learn the degrees of friendship or distance they had to others within the group. Then, students watched an assortment of video clips while the researchers took fMRI scans of their brains. It turned out that how close the students were to one another could be predicted by the similarity of their neural responses to the videos. This leaves open the question of whether we gravitate toward others who already see and process the world similarly, or if we become friends first and, through unknown mechanisms, our mental patterns converge over time.
Podcasts About Self-Care
Navigating Mental Health Tim Ferriss, Design Matters with Debbie Millman
His 4-hour-everything followers may be surprised to hear Tim Ferriss open up about his experience with depression and suicidal ideation while still a postgrad at Princeton University. But, just as with the more hackable areas of life, Ferriss has a straight-up view of exactly what the struggle is: “It’s very difficult to think your way out of things that you didn’t logically think your way into.” He shares some of his favorite ways to stay well, including: “curating” his social circle, a writing exercise for overcoming fears, and working out really, really hard. Another of his keys to maintain recovery? Daily meditation, as an opportunity for “observing your thoughts without getting tumbled by them.”
The Power of Human Connection Leave a Message, Invisibilia
Let’s face it: Voicemail may not be long for this world. Technologies like email and texting have largely taken its place: They’re quicker and less intrusive. On the other hand, a 2016 study on the “cuddle hormone,” oxytocin, found that when we hear a loved one’s voice over the phone, our brain’s oxytocin response is almost the same as if we’d actually hugged them. Screenwriter Cord Jefferson considers “the power of the human voice, and what we lose when the voice goes away”—particularly if a family member’s life is cut short, glorifying the audible mementos in a voicemail inbox.
Unhook from Your Phone You can’t stop checking your phone because Silicon Valley designed it that way, CBC Radio, Sunday Edition
Reporter Ira Basen digs deep into the “attention economy, where the biggest prize goes to those who can grab users’ attention and keep it the longest.” For Facebook, Snapchat, and the rest, your attention is what’s for sale. Basen journeys back to the dawning of “persuasive technology,” a term coined in the mid-1990s by Stanford behavior scientist B.J. Fogg. He taught tech pioneers how technology could supply beneficial tools for habit formation. But did it get out of hand? A lively debate ensues about who takes ultimate responsibility for the habits we form.
Compassion Fatigue and 24 Hours News Is compassion fatigue inevitable in an age of 24-hour news? The Guardian
Elisa Gabbert prides herself on her awareness of goings-on in the world, but lately she has a case of “creeping, psychic exhaustion”: compassion fatigue, or secondary traumatic stress. Psychologist Charles Figley defined this in 1995 as “stress resulting from helping or wanting to help a traumatized or suffering person.” STS commonly haunts first responders and other professional caregivers. But thanks to round-the-clock news cycles, many people now feel emotionally numbed. “What happens,” Gabbert asks, “when the world wants more empathy than we can give?” This episode samples thought-provoking theories on empathy and considers how we might respond to its limitations.
The post The Best Mindfulness Podcasts of 2018 appeared first on Mindful.
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/new-icc-finance-model-breaks-up-big-three/
New ICC finance model breaks up Big Three
It began with cash, and it has ended with cash. The “Big Three” financial model drawn up with the aid of the forums of India, England and Australia unveiled amid a good deal consternation 3 years ago is no more, changed by means of a plan to vastly lessen the BCCI’s proportion of ICC sales and provide equal amounts to seven of the game’s Full Member nations.
After per week of intense negotiations that noticed the BCCI’s competition to trade outmaneuvered by using the collective will of the rest, the quantity of ICC sales to be passed out to every nation is now as follows. The BCCI will receive US$293m throughout the 8-year cycle, the ECB US$143m, Zimbabwe Cricket US$94m, and the final seven Full Members US$132m every. Associate Members will get hold of overall funding of US$280m.
While this distribution isn’t an entire rollback to the equal investment from ICC occasions that Full Members used to receive, it’s miles a considerable distance from america$440 million the BCCI stood to earn beneath the Big Three version. The distribution to the ECB has reduced marginally from around $US150 million, even as Cricket Australia’s proportion is similar to what it previously obtained, albeit now in line with those afforded to South Africa, Pakistan, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and West Indies. These modifications had been exceeded through 14 votes to at least one, with the BCCI the only dissenter.
Battles over the ICC events financial model have been drawn out over a length of years, starting with the ascension of Shashank Manohar as the governing body’s chairman following the go out of his predecessor and rival N Srinivasan, broadly taken into consideration the Big Three’s leader architect. Manohar stunned the cricket world by stating his intent to resign in advance this yr but turned into cajoled into staying on until the ICC annual conference in June, where the above modifications are set to be ratified.
Why Self-Esteem Is Important for a Model
We speak about how modeling can help to boost one’s shallowness and on the identical time what you may do to pop out of the shell of lack of confidence and worry.
When you Start Getting Jobs
Everything seems like a scam and an evil plot in opposition to you until your modeling corporation helps you to start obtaining jobs. Your self-belief skyrockets whilst the jobs are received with credible clients or even more so when they may be jobs that healthy your pastimes and likes. Modeling is an incredibly powerful form of work which can create self-assurance on your appearance and skin that few different jobs or careers can.List of victoria’s secret models.
Beyond getting paid on your work, you furthermore may get your work published and advertised thru publications and mass media channels which include Television on Print commercials. This way you gather acknowledgments and also you for that reason feeling excellent for your pores and skin as nicely.Teen model portfolio example.
Modeling Can Play Tricks along with your Mind
When you spot other models around you, you may start to surprise, am I alleged to be that skinny? Should I have actually 0 frame fat for you to be taken into consideration a model? Well in case you have been imagined to be as thin as a stick your modeling company would not have regularly occurred you for their paintings within the first area. If they do want you to alternate your weight in a drastic way all you need to do is certainly say no and locate some other modeling agency. Do now not take the recommendation from your creativeness, or from intense people. Be in a lean and in shape frame and only paintings in jobs that in shape your herbal length and body. That will give you the maximum profession and mental pride you want.Hottest victoria secret model 2014.
Exercise Right, Sleep Right, Eat Right and Live Right
Drop the tablets and pills. What you need are natural and organic techniques to preserve your splendor and health in taking a look at. Don’t fall prey to consumerism schemes and in reality never hotel to severe measures such as ravenous yourself. Thin does no longer same lovely. You must be on your natural body length that suits you and your look, and most of the times this is obtained truly by ordinary exercise and consuming right meals and avoiding rapid and fried meals.
  Advantages of Short Holiday Breaks
When it involves booking a vacation, many human beings have a tendency to look ahead to the “proper” possibility – that is, while they may be capable of taking per week or two off work, or while the children are on a damage from school for the duration of the winter or summer season vacations. But who says you have to wait around for such opportunities, whilst you may make your own with weekend getaways?
Short breaks and weekend getaways are best for numerous motives, one being that they may be loved extra without problems throughout the year. We all need a smash now and again, and possibilities for extended getaways won’t come around as frequently as we’d like. That’s in which a short run can in shape in flawlessly, enabling you to go away for some days and are available back comfortable, refreshed, and equipped to take on everyday life yet again.Car brakes problems.
Many human beings choose to take short weekend getaways due to the fact they permit and encourage them to peer extra. For example, spending a few weeks in a single destination may give a traveler a fairly proper experience for that precise vacation spot. But taking a handful of weekend breaks to various destinations will, in the long run, reveal a visitor to greater surroundings. While it’s, in the long run, a trouble of preference, many guests do experience seeing extra destinations rather than spending extended amounts of time in a single locale. In opting for weekend breaks, travelers additionally generally tend to explore areas towards domestic – as an example, towns inside the UK or Ireland – which they may not have considered journeying otherwise. And for plenty, those vacations can turn out to be a number of the nice of their journey experiences.Car brakes cost.
Another extraordinary reason to take a quick run is that it might not cost you as an awful lot as an extended getaway. Countless humans have been affected by the monetary crisis, and a lot of them have cut vacations from their finances because of necessity. However, while a one or two-week holiday might not be financially sensible for plenty humans at some point of the monetary stop, and or 3-day getaway might be practicable.Break definition relationship.
  Three Major Sources Of Funding Startups
Are you a brand new entrepreneur? Do you want ideas as to a way to get finances to your new commercial enterprise? Here are a few basic thoughts which almost all entrepreneurs use to develop their commercial enterprise.Three kings day history.
The nice manner to build a corporation is without the help of any finance. And it is possible additionally. Bootstrapping essentially manner constructing of a corporation with the blend a number of non-public financial savings and borrowed coins from family and friends. Some of the smart founders get again a big amount in their money with the aid of beginning their company in nations in which the dwelling value is relatively low like Chile or Vietnam. Also, with the assist of government presents they may be able to grow without problems until the returns start rolling in. A few crowdfunding platforms inspire coins donations from the public in exchange to early get right of entry to organization’s products. This has made it easier for the founders to get capital without giving up a valuable fairness.Priscilla barnes pet of the month.
Equity Funding
If bootstrapping isn’t always a possible choice for the founders, then they are able to craft a stake inside the employer for investment cause. Whereas risking wealthy firms are first-rate for startups that require a lot of coins and intention to develop quickly. Not to overlook there are quite loads of different fairness alternatives for organizers with diverse commercial enterprise ideas. New founders should try to get their employer into an accelerator. They have a two-three month software which is basically designed to aid new startups to work thru the initial levels of the improvement. This program additionally helps you to find feasible buyers at the give up of the program. Accelerators have additionally launched some achievement tales, whose organizers have obtained some investment and valuable guidance from some of the skilled entrepreneurs in return for a 7% to 10% stake in their businesses.Numbers and their meaning.
Debt Funding
It isn’t recommended for a younger startup to visit debt funding in its early level. It should be something of the last alternative. But in some cases, a small sum of money is required on the earliest. In these instances, it makes feel for the organization to take out steady, antique loan and spare the trouble of finding an investor. In such instances, it’s miles beneficial to test if the commercial enterprise is eligible for any government-aided loans. Such loans normally have the promising fee of pursuits and malleable repayment plans.
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