#.my gaming side blog
asweetprologue · 10 months
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did you guys know that octoroks appear in every zelda title except Twilight Princess
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Can . Can he hold Wheatley from portal 2 please
Today, Jesus is holding:
Wheatley from Portal 2
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subject4a · 7 months
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tinteatime · 9 months
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lucalicatteart · 8 months
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 sculpted a strange shimmery two headed snail, speckled with wild flowers on it's shell~
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new tag game just dropped, how many side blogs do you have and how many of those do you actively use?
i’ll go first, i have 37 side blogs (including main), actively use 16 of those, and frequently use about 13 
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cometrose · 3 months
how do you feel about the eyes being a window to the soul and Zhongli's eyes not being shown in flashback?
oh now we are getting into videogame analysis.
The first it could represent his "unchanging expression" during the Archon War. It is was rumored that during the war, Morax did not show emotion and was rather "cold and unfeeling" and his judgements were "rational and dispassionate". He wore an emotionless mask and his stone-cold expression did not change until the war ended and not seeing his eyes is a simple representation of Morax's behavior. There are no eyes, because there is no emotion, there is barely a face (he is blank as stone) so its just very clever visual symbolism.
On the other hand, it could suggest there is more to Zhongli than meets the eye. As you said eyes are windows to the soul, and from a narrative point eye symbolism is powerful tool in literature. The most common usage for eye symbolism is to represent wisdom, knowledge, truth, perception or control.
Not seeing Zhongli's eyes means there is something the writer's are deliberately hiding. It could mean his true nature, has not been revealed to us. It doesn't necessarily means his physical eyes have changed but rather the Morax of the past presented himself differently than the Morax of today.
Zhongli's true origins are unknown we have no idea where he came from, what he truly is and the truth of many of his contracts (the tsaritsa, celestia, khaenriah just to name a few). We have known Zhongli for so long, but do we actually know anything about him? Not seeing Zhongli's eyes means there is even more to his identity that has not been revealed to the traveler. His true soul, identity, or purpose have not been revealed, we have not seen him for all that he is.
I have my own theories about Zhongli's true origin (why is the third act of liyue archon quest a new star approaches hmmmm) but if you look through some of the Liyue books or character stories you will notice there is a lot of mention about Zhongli's eyes.
In Rex Incognito, Rex Lapis' disguises as a woman with "eyes shone a brilliant amber" or a rugged worker with "eyes shone like amber from the mountain mines in the light of the setting sun" and a noble young man with "his golden eyes smiling."
In Moonlit Bamboo Forest, the main character meets a woman that "didn't appear to be an adeptus, apart from the piercing gaze of her golden eyes."
Even Tubby, you know the teapot adeptus that takes care of your teapot? In the story quest for the teapot she mentions a "golden-eyed adeptus" explained the limits of adeptal power in teapot to her. First of all Ping mentions in part I of the same quest that Rex Lapis blessed the adepti with "illumination" that allows them perform sub-space creation and form teapots. So the adeptus is clearly him.
In the description for the Euphonium Unbound: Winding, the teapot furnishing that allows you to play music "According to Tubby, a certain adepti with black hair and golden eyes wanted to temporarily change the melody echoing in the Realm Within to match the aesthetic of the tea on the table when he was having a small gathering with his friends in the Realm Within."
These are just the descriptions I can remember off the top of my head. Like many characters have gold eyes but Zhongli alone has so many many references to his eyes. Whenever genshin wants to describe Zhongli without saying his name they just say a person with "golden/amber eyes". Hell there was literally some Millelith soldier that knew Rex Lapis wasn't dead because he saw some guy with golden eyes walk past him.
Like really long story short. Eye symbolism is super important to Zhongli and a key part of his characterization. It is clear that no matter what form he takes it seems his eyes stay the same. Which is super interesting for shapeshifter characters. Shapeshifters usually change everything about themselves unless it very important to them so for Zhongli to hold onto a part of himself could suggest so many things. It could also just be a limitation of his transformation.
ANYWAY to hide Zhongli's eyes in his flashbacks even though we have seen the eyes of all the other archons and then to make his signature description his "golden eyes" is so interesting. Why make his signature feature his eyes then not show us his eyes!! What is the reason!
And again the first answer isn't exclusive at the same time, because his eyes are so important Zhongli not showing his eyes in flashbacks could mean that back then he was hiding a part of himself. Now that he is free from the title of Rex Lapis he can show his eyes freely without care, he is free from the contract of protecting humanity he doesn't have to wear an emotionless mask anymore so his beautiful eyes are on display.
Though interestingly in his museum collaboration we got to see Morax's eyes and in his archon outfit and all. However that could've taken place after the war and is also a fun little collab so like *shrugs shoulder* who knows!
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saphangeles · 2 months
plushrumps arg archive final update
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Reworked header to take the credits out of the toggle. A heartfelt thank you to the Feltfiends (especially @fribbitz and @ironovervine), to @nutzworth, to the Shitpost Pissdrinkers, to the anons, and to the contributors who have chosen to remain uncredited and anonymous.
A new section with Behind-the-Scenes content has been added, featuring the muns' blogs, and a summarization of the BTS convo on Feltfiends.
Cleaned up the Bulletin as it is now defunct with the ARG over. Also cleaned up parts of the site so it's neater.
And that's it! Good game, y'all. If there are small tidbits from the muns here and there, I'll do my best to add them, but otherwise, most of the work is done.
Thank you to the muns @terrorizings @classpectpokerap @orangestorapples @horsesbones @jester-vamp and @maybetheyregiants , even if it was serendipitous and spontaneous ❤️. Thank you to the servers who've had to deal with me and my annoying dramatic ass 💜. As I've said, it has been a pleasure and an honor to be your liaison, your secretary, and your archivist. And your dear friend 💙.
You may now proceed to beat this blog with hammers and put me to sleep.
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swestbifire · 5 months
Can we acknowledge the fact that Mhin and Felix are the same hight (5'6", 168 cm).
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They also both have similar beauty marks.
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black-and-yellow · 6 months
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Friendship ended with Bradley. Now Louis is my best friend.
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katabay · 7 months
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Omar El Akkad's forward to the Annotated Arabian Nights: Tales from 1001 Nights (trans. Yasmine Seale)
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jils-things · 2 months
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by the lighthouse.
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anantaru · 6 months
do you think kaveh would like women? asking bc i keep seeing ppl say kaveh would only be interested in men and i’m a woman who rlly likes him and i’m feeling particularly sensitive today 😭 u dont have to answer (ofc!) i just felt like asking you bc i like you and your thoughts
I FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS ASK BUT KAVEH LIKES YOU FOR YOU, HE LIKES AND LOVES YOU AND CHERISHES YOU 💓 i think i already said something similar but no sexuality is confirmed (PSPSPSPSO THEY ARE NOT and it's okay to have headcanons and opinions just don't push them down someone's throat)
and people desperately trying to ruin a ship for others because they do not agree on it is just insanity to me. again, kaveh and others are pixels, they aren't real and you can headcanon them however you like and kaveh (or any other character) likes you because of you, you can write them how you want and imagine them how you want 🙇🏻‍♀️ if anybody actually gets mad at this they automatically confirm to me that they do not have other things to worry about besides fighting over a pixel in a video game that should bring joy and comfort and a way to escape from real life struggles at least for a little while 💓
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bunneis · 3 days
btw if you like nintendo stuff you should follow @redgbasp since the ttyd remake came out recently ive been very active there posting 1-2 gifs daily!
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deadwooddross · 5 months
Also you should ask me about my ocs, I used to answer lots of questions but then I got shy about it...partly because I was trying to use this as an ART ONLY BLOG (tm) But you know what. I am bored of that, if you've been here this long you probably are at least Somewhat interested in my characters. so i will simply tag things and organize that way, pspspsps give me an excuse to talk about my brain barbies
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warmsol · 8 months
simblr has been more quiet lately, i hope everyone is okay and taking care of themselves. ♥️
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