#.wishlist [andrea]
my-burnt-city · 1 year
Yesterday on the Discord we were playing a fun guessing game that was REALLY hammering home just how integral a part of the performance audience perception is. Not only do the roles vary wildly depending on who is playing them, or even who they're playing against or even what day it is, but different audience members pick up different things. Although you and I might be peaceably sharing a loop and watching exactly the same performance at exactly the same time, maybe you're going to zoom in on the sadness in their eyes while I'm going to find myself more attuned to the comic beats
It's always been the wonderful thing about theatre, getting to see how different performers approach different roles, and particularly since they brought in the system of alternating casts and swings, Punchdrunk shows have always felt like a speed-run of that principle
So with this in mind, please accept this small primer where I briefly explain what I personally have taken away from every single Aegisthus to date in The Burnt City
Andrea "Loyal Aegisthus" Carrucciu - the cool thing about the OG Aegisthuses is that even though he has his own agenda in the story, that doesn't mean his relationship with Clytemnestra is any less sincere, and that is what has drawn me back to the character over and over (AND OVER) again
Paul "Devoted Aegisthus" Zivkovich - the key difference between the two OGs for me is that Paul always gave off the impression that his devotion to Clytemnestra was borderline agonising, that everything would have been so much easier for him if he didn't love her at all actually
Luigi "Elegant Aegisthus" Nardone - Aegisthus is my favourite dancey role, and Luigi just has an incredible way of moving, unbelievably expressive and extremely elegant, I could watch it for days
Steven "Disgusting Aegisthus" Apicello - if there are two things that can be said for this man's work, they are that 1) he always goes the extra mile and 2) he LOVES to spit!
Tim "Bitter Aegisthus" Bartlett - most Aegisthuses focus on the relationship with Clytemnestra, but Tim was clearly very familiar with the historical beef Aegisthus had with Agamemnon, and really let his hatred and bitterness shine through whenever he could
Harry "Fraternal Aegisthus" Price - had a real familial familiarity with Clytemnestra, one of the least sexual pairings, clearly just an old friend here to offer some comfort but mostly exploit connections
Ryan "Sexy Aegisthus" O'Neill - had a real sizzling chemistry with Clytemnestra, felt almost intrusive watching it, A+++, would voyeur over this casting again
Ali "Naïve Aegisthus" Goldsmith - like, he knew what he was getting into, but he didn't entirely get the full story of what he was getting into, and felt increasingly like a man who had got himself out of his depth but had to plough on with his commitments regardless
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lustfulheart · 11 months
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Introducing, ANDREA FERNWAY. Co-Founder and acting managing partner of Fernway and Shelby law firm. She is 39 years old and is a bit high strung due to her long hours in the office. All she needs though is a little persuasion to 'clock out' so to speak and give up her innate need for control every once and a while. Come love on her please.
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Send a ✏️ and I’ll share a scenario or plot I want to explore. - @themoonwithprophets
Please Note: a muse wasn't specified so I gave a brief wishlist plot for each of my muses. I hope that was okay.
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Andrea doesn’t get left behind at the farm and never meets Michonne. She and Rick grow closer after Lori’s death and eventually get together. She’s the reason that Glenn is killed instead of Daryl.
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Beth survives Grady Memorial with a superficial wound to her arm/shoulder and reunites with Maggie. They’d have to work through Maggie’s overprotectiveness and see that Beth has grown up a lot and can take care of herself and make decisions regarding her future.
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Carol and Rick survive a complete decimation of Alexandria before they meet Negan. So the two of them along with Judith and Carl survive up in the mountains in a cabin they fortify to keep the kids safe. They grow closer while grieving the ones they lost.
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Charley and Sammy happen upon Alexandria before the rest of the group show up. He’s allowed to teach and grows close to the kids. He and Beth grow closer once she arrives and starts to teach the children music lessons and piano lessons.
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Charley meets Shane after she loses both her husband and her son. She’s somewhat cold because she doesn’t want to grow closer to anyone after losing the love of her life and her child. Shane is hesitant to allow her to come along with him, but she shows him she can watch his back and protect him and he agrees to do the same for her.
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Daryl goes after Carol when the prison falls. They’re not there when the prison is attacked and return to it decimated and have to go after the others and save them from Terminus. They grow closer and get together while out on the road together just the two of them.
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Rick and Lori are divorced at the time of the fall. He’s not shot, but he’s not with them when they escape King County when it falls. He manages to find them the same way that he does in the show, and they manage to work things out because Lori’s current partner is killed during the initial days of the Outbreak by being bitten and turning and trying to kill Carl.
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Shane leaves the farm as soon as he knows Carl is okay. He cannot live with the fact that he almost destroyed Rick’s marriage and with what he did to Lori and the CDC, and feels they’d be better off without him there to remind them of the things that happened in Rick’s absence. He happens upon Terminus at the same time as they do and helps Carol rescue them all.
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Sophia is found by Daryl and reunited with Carol. She idolizes Daryl and wants to learn to do all the things that he does and becomes a productive member of the group all the while scheming to get Daryl and Carol together.
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Bücher auf der Wunschliste | Top Ten Thursday №26
Auf meiner Wunschliste tummeln sich unzählige Bücher. Heute stelle ich euch 10 davon vor. #TopTenThursday #TTT
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sugdenlovesdingle · 7 months
Lone star season 5 wishlist:
Owen calling Carlos son
More Reyes sisters content/Reyes family backstory
Tarlos referring to each other as husband every chance they get
Carlos bonding with Lou II
Iris joining the Catan gang (she and Mateo would be chaotic bffs)
More Andrea and Owen - Owen could offer a good shoulder for her to cry on
TK calling Andrea mom or mama
Carlos calling Owen dad
More Paul/Asha, Nancy/Mateo, Marjan/Joe (or Nancy/Marjan if Tim is feeling generous)
Judd's glorious return to the 126
A new probie at the 126
Mateo ends up in hospital (it's his turn now)
Lexi Mitchell!
More Carlos at work
Tommy suggesting Andrea joins her grief group
The Vega twins visiting their mother at work and ditching her when Carlos stops by the firehouse for lunch
Wyatt's miraculous recovery
Judd coming to terms with the fact he's (going to be) a grandfather
The rest of the crew teasing him about it
Loved up tarlos
steamy season 1 style tarlos scene (they're newlyweds, let them be horny for each other!)
Owen getting a new hobby because TK 'doesn't need him anymore'
Owen babysitting his grandchild for tarlos (Lou II)
TK learning Spanish or a mention of the fact that he is
I was bored on the train home
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sageandred · 11 days
Carlos (+Tarlos) S5 Storylines
Since we've seen those Carlos s5 tidbits from Rafael, feeling inspired for a Carlos-centric Lone Star wishlist
- Carlos + TK detective team (heavy emphasis on Carlos' detective skills); really just TK along for the ride, but them being an unsecretive unit
(also expecting some secrecy of Carlos hiding for a bit; I'm realistic..it's a Fox drama)
- Carlos dealing with his complicated relationship with his dad/why he doesn't want kids (I'm all for the basic human right to not have kids and don't need a reason, but it seems like Carlos doesn't fit that category/has qualms because of his own upbringing)
- Speaking of which - TK and Carlos baby-sitting together with TK freaking out he is bad at it (he's just overthinking), and it coming naturally to Carlos (we've seen him with Tommy's kids; it's no surprise)
- It's about time for Carlos to be seriously hurt/in waiting solely for the TK concern and turmoil that we've seen from Carlos so many times before.
- Lou II better show up like they actually have a pet/more than we'd seen of Owen's dog for that earlier period before he graced us with his presence once again
- TK speaking Spanish (badly + well)
- Carlos + Nancy; TK + Nancy
- newlywed honeymoon period Tarlos
- more Carlos family background/sisters (talk about the things he doesn't remember more/callback to what they started at the funeral reception)
- the nicknames Ronen talked about (I'm excited; give me new ones; give me ol' faithful "baby" - it's always been a cute part of their scenes)
- Owen casually calling Carlos son/Andrea casually (or not so casually) calling TK son
- Andrea + TK heart-to-heart where they worry about Carlos/talk about her husband
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never-blooms · 5 months
Beth! Nice Ask Week is upon you.
What does your perfect Carlos Begins episode look like?
Oh the possibilities. 
The ranch, sister shenanigans, Carlos on a horse.
I’d love to see the evolution of Carlos’ childhood through framed pictures lined down a hallway. Five years old, perched on his father’s horse while Gabriel holds him at the waist. Eight years old and dressed in a tux for his sister’s quince (a very dapper boy). On and on until we land on a photo of a police academy graduate with his two parents. Gabriel’s smile is subdued but proud. Andrea is beaming. Something about this imagery feels so warm. 
It'd be interesting to see Carlos and Gabriel’s relationship during that period when Carlos is new on the field. Is Gabriel’s fear and protective nature coming across as critical? Does Carlos get defensive and does this further strain their relationship?
I’d like to see Carlos take on some wild calls and reckon with himself over his choice of profession, because he wants to do good and be good, but it’s such a complex position to be in as a person of color. And then there’d be Grace on dispatch while Judd and Tommy are on a call, and they’re nice to Carlos—professional but with a familial air to them that makes Carlos ache. There’d be back-to-back work madness followed by family madness. Where’s Tía Lucy and her colorful superstitions? Where are the nosy cousins? Or the ones who shit on Carlos for being a cop but won’t dare speak similarly of Gabriel because he’s an elder of the family and that’s a hard no. I’d like to see the mess and the joy. And if Lone Star could speak to the pride one can feel of their culture while simultaneously feeling rejected by it, then damn.
And maybe it would end with a time jump where Carlos sees the new 126 crew from a distance. Maybe he’d catch nothing but the back of TK’s turnout coat—Strand in bold letters. Carlos would be curious, but would continue with his shift completely unaware of how his life is about to change. 
This is less of an actual plot and more of a scattered wishlist, but still so much fun. I could nerd out about this with you for ages and I now wanna hear your take on a Carlos begins ep! 💛
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l3irdl3rain · 1 year
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Thank you Andrea for the petsmart gift card from my wishlist. Arthur is hoping I’ll spend it on him.
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a-ramblinrose · 5 months
A Weekly Reading Journal 1.7.24
Once upon a time this book blogger did in fact attempt to post a weekly update about their reading. I think I managed 3 months of irregular posts. Yikes. Here's to 2024 being the year of regular scheduling for my nonsense!
Currently Reading:
The Iliad translated by Emily Wilson
Winter Hours by Mary Oliver
The Madness Vase by Andrea Gibson [reread]
The Book of Songs translated by Arthur Waley
Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose
A Prayer For the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
The Annotated Persuasion by Jane Austen [reread except the annotations]
Graphic Novels:
Wolf Children Ame & Yuki by Mamoru Hosoda
Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton
Just Finished:
A Psalm For The Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
I won a copy of Godkiller by Hannah Kaner through Goodreads and I'd like to start it soon. Maybe after I finish Crown-Shy.
General Reading Thoughts:
I'm quite pleased with how this selection of books is playing off one another. The mix of genre and new read/reread is fun. I'm jumping from book to book at whim taking my time rather than speed reading anything.
I do miss reading outside (the winter weather finally arrived) but books and blankets are a grand combination. I'm sadly lacking in tea at the moment. My electric kettle died and the new one is slow to come. I'm snobby enough to say microwaved water tastes off😖 so it'll be a few more days till TEA🍵 !!!
My fanfiction reading is also ongoing and delightful. I also re-found booktube which is a bit of a fun distraction. My poor ever growing wishlist!
My bookish goals are currently on track, I have a lovely tbr for the month and lovely books to continue enjoying!
Current Reading Tag || General Original Content
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unstatedmartini · 1 year
actually there is one other thing on my S4 wishlist, which is that the control freaks storyline with owen and andrea taking over the tarlos wedding is resolved with scenes that make us all cry starting with owen talking to carlos about his lingering feelings of inadequacy and shame, and how owen relates to that but carlos is SO loved and so worthy and he deserves to have a celebration every bit as spectacular as the love he shares with tk, and then with andrea and tk where he admits that part of him wants a lavish celebration because carlos deserves it and tk wants the whole world to know how much they love each other, but he really struggles with the feeling that every element he imagines adding to the wedding is something else his mom is going to miss, and andrea tells him that she knows for sure that his mother would want him to have the joyful, beautiful wedding of his dreams because that's what she would want for carlos
and THEN we get a scene with tk and carlos where they snuggle up on the couch and bashfully admit to each other that they do kind of want something a little dramatic <3
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lustfulheart · 11 months
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Welcome everyone to my page! I am a mostly mutuals only blog, but if you see an open in the tags you’re more than welcome to answer it even if we don’t follow each other! Some of the best partners are found that way, but just know I might be selective at times when it comes to muse and such. PLEASE DON’T PESTER ME IF I DO NOT FOLLOW YOU BACK. YOU MAY ANSWER AN OPEN IF YOU SEE ONE, BUT IF I DON’T REPLY PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO GUILT ME. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO AS I PLEASE ON THIS BLOG, THE SAME AS YOU DO.
I play both female and male characters (there is an obvious lean towards females) and while I’m not here to say you have to double up with one of my girls to get my guys, just know those threads might come a bit slower at times. I don’t try to drop threads without at least making some sort of PSA post about it though, so keep an eye out for them if I don't come directly to you with it!
When it comes to pairings, all of my men are straight and a majority of my ladies are bisexual! Leading the bulk of my threads to lean either towards m/f or f/f, but at the time of updating this (7/23/2023) I will not be including m/m content on my blog in a sexual sense. I have nothing against it, but I will not write it I am sorry 🖤 When writing a starter though, I will always include the preferences at the top so there is no confusion. 
All standard rules apply here, don't be a dick and we should get along fine. Discord is more likely to be given out to people whom I have plotted with a little bit at least on here already, I just have to know it’s not gonna flop and go nowhere within a day or two. That, and it is now the place where all of my kinkier plots go to be written as to spare the dash as much as possible.
Muses | Banned FC's | Starters | Wanted Opposites | General Plot Wishlist
Below the cut is my mobile friendly muse list! It will be updated as I continue to expand the roster.
IF A “⩥” APPEARS NEXT TO THEIR NAME IT MEANS THE MUSE IS ONLY AVALIABLE UPON REQUEST / DEPENDANT UPON THE PLOT AT HAND! (I just simply do not wish to get rid of them entirely, but they are going to be a lower activity muse by default)
Jenny Boyd - Cassie Dunbrow
Ana De Armas - Elena Ortega   “⩥”
Dove Cameron - Bella Grover
Madelyn Cline - Sydney "Syd" Limpkin
Dianna Agron - Violet Monroe   “⩥”
Madelaine Petsch - Kat Hendricks
Grace Van Dien -  Zoey White
Kathryn Newton - Twyla Allen
Zoe Colletti - Liddy Caldwell
Sadie Sink - Kirby Lewis
Holland Roden - Ginny Wallace
Gemma Chan - Mei Lin   “⩥”
Natalia Dyer - Tori Van Dickson   “⩥”
Camila Mendes - Izabel Torres
Ellie Bamber - Madison Penn
Sydney Sweeney - Charlie Kramer
Kaitlyn Dever - Hayley Sumpter   “⩥”
Amy Adams - Lauren Moore
Anne Hathaway - Andrea Fernway
Sarah Rafferty - Monroe Danes
Tyler Hoechlin - Parker Hornsby   “⩥”
Bradley Cooper - Ash Winger
Robbie Amell - Klaus Weber   “⩥”
Idris Elba - Simon Huntsman
Matthew Noszka - Jaxon Krol
Pedro Pascal - Mateo Soto   “⩥”
Dacre Montgomery - Ryker Collymore
Chris Pine - Ethan Sharp
Jason Momoa - Levi Madden “⩥”
Grey Sallow - Ryan Gosling
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Send 📝✨ to hear a plot I'd like to write with my muse - @hauntcdsouls
Note: Since you didn't specify a muse, I put a plot for all my muses that I would like to do. I hope this is okay.
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Andrea - Andrea doesn't get left behind at the farm and never meets Michonne. She and Rick grow closer after Lori's death and eventually get together. She's the reason that Glenn is killed instead of Daryl.
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Beth - Beth rescues Judith at the prison and her and Daryl keep the baby safe until she's reunited with Rick and Carl. Daryl and her grow closer, but it's not a romantic type of love, but a friendship and siblingship.
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Carol - Carol and Rick survive a complete decimation of Alexandria before they meet Negan. So the two of them along with Judith and Carl survive up in the mountains in a cabin they fortify to keep the kids safe. They grow closer while grieving the ones they lost.
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Charley - Charley and Sammy happen upon Alexandria before the rest of the group show up. He's allowed to teach and grows close to the kids. He and Beth grow closer once she arrives and starts to teach the children music lessons and piano lessons.
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Charley - Charley meets Shane after she loses both her husband and her son. She's somewhat cold because she doesn't want to grow closer to anyone after losing the love of her life and her child. Shane is hesitant to allow her to come along with him, but she shows him she can watch his back and protect him and he agrees to do the same for her.
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Daryl - Daryl goes after Carol when the prison falls. They're not there when the prison is attacked and return to it decimated and have to go after the others and save them from Terminus. They grow closer and get together while out on the road together just the two of them.
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Rick - Rick and Lori are divorced at the time of the fall. He's not shot, but he's not with them when they escape King County when it falls. He manages to find them the same way that he does in the show, and they manage to work things out because Lori's current partner is killed during the initial days of the Outbreak by being bitten and turning and trying to kill Carl.
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Shane - Shane leaves the farm and runs into another group and becomes the de facto leader. Eventually, the rest of the group finds his community and he and Rick and the others work things out. He meets Judith.
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Sophia - Sophia is found by Daryl and reunited with Carol. She idolizes Daryl and wants to learn to do all the things that he does and becomes a productive member of the group all the while scheming to get Daryl and Carol together.
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queenaeducan · 1 year
I've had "Pentiment" on my Steam wishlist and I saw you're playing it...what do you think? Is it worth a try?
I've been enjoying it so far! The art alone imo is worth the experience, but I love Andreas and the rest of the cast. They all have unique faces/bodies so even those who play bit parts and I don't often speak I can appreciate their designs.
The backstory/dialogue system is also fun, oftentimes helpful but sometimes just giving you the option to respond as a pedantic piece of shit. The individual calligraphy for the characters (by class/literacy) is also rad, but if you find it difficult to parse there's accessibility options. If you don't know a lot about the period it's set in they also have a way to reference the names/books/saints that come up in dialogue.
I will say it can be kind of stressful, both with the dialogue system and the time limits imposed on you. I've found it to be a good stressful though. My first pt of act one I messed a lot and I'm looking forward to replaying again making difference choices. Idk how much the story will diverge but like with a lot of the other choice-based games I love, I take the "your choices will matter" as a promise that they will matter because the characters matter to me.
Tl;dr I don't really have any complaints about the game and would highly recommend it, but it's also a game that was kind of catered to my interests. For me, personally, it was well worth the $20,
Oh and one unintended side effect of the game's meal presentation is that it's awakening the medieval European peasant in me. Gotta have some nice crusty bread and cheese or I'll die.
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malboraslihan · 9 months
it's been a while since i last posted a started call and i've been wanting to use some muses (under read more) a little more cause they've been in my read rent free so consider this a wishlist starter call. i'll come to you for muse and pick something from your wishlist <3
alternatively i have some open starters that i would love some replies and i'm always accepting ask prompts for starter!
COSIMO CAPONE — nicholas galitzine, giorgio's brother and assassin, heterosexual.
BENNY THOMPSON — keith powers, the nationals' team captain, centre, bisexual.
DAYUL QUON — jang wonyoung, heir and instagram infleuncer, heterosexual.
GIOVANA CARNEIRO — cindy mello, dad’s a new york senator, model, bisexual.
GIULIA CAPONE — gracie abrams, only child of marlo capone, bisexual.
GIORGIO CAPONE — harris dickinson, marlo's cousin and right hand heterosexual.
HAZAL DILMEN — zeynep atilgan, fatma’s cousin, literature major, bisexual.
HUNTER HAWTHORNE — ryan manick, guitar player and songwriter in a band, only son of adam hawthorne finnley hawthorne, bisexual.
KEEGAN MITCHELL — cody christian, the nationals co-captain, left wing, bisexual.
LORENZO BIANCHI — drew starkey, only son of andreas bianchi & strip club owner, hazel's older brother, heterosexual.
MADELINE VENTURA — bridget satterlee, grandfather is running for president, fiction writer, bisexual.
MEI AZUMA — kazuha nakamura, ballerina, bisexual.
MINA PARK — cho miyeon, her mother is a diplomat and her father is known for advising presidents, bisexual.
NARI QUON — jennie kim, her father is currently vice president of the united states, coo of the family company, heterosexual.
NOAH HERNANDEZ — benjamin wadsworth, stolen from his family into a mob family, scond in command and heir, heterosexual.
PINAR PULAT — meltem akçol, ice skater, parents built a real state empire, verda’s younger sister, heterosexual.
SAJA SONG — hun yunjin, private chef/tiktoker, bisexual.
SARA RUTHERFORD — nicole wallace, professional tennis player, born into an old money family, bisexual.
VERDA PULAT — hande erçel, broadway start, parents built a real state empire, pinar's older sister, heterosexual.
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countthelions · 1 year
Oh hey! Just in case you didn't see it, Andrea Mowry is having a 50% off sale on all her patterns until midnight tonight! I'm pretty sure you love her designs as much as I do!! 💛
Ahhh thank you!! I did see and added a few more from my wishlist to my collection 💕💕 posting this for any knitting followers, come and get ur patterns!!!!
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elizabethplaid · 2 years
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2016 doll wishlist, modern items - Sept. 2016
Made this for the trade @oak23 and I did. Indeed, he sent me tons of Made-to-Move leggings, and I’m very grateful for them. I think Tiffy and/or Andrea sent me some Shopkins baskets, too.
Accompanying text below the cut.
I'm working on a trade with a friend, so I've had to come up with a new wishlist. This is the first part, just of modern and recent items.
general wants, multiples okay:
- solid color, plain t-shirts for Ken and Barbie (gray and blue shown)
- plaid things
- empty Shopkins baskets (color not important)
- black leggings from Made-to-Move dolls
- top from "Fashion Designer" Barbie
- dress from EAH signature "Blondie Lockes"
- dress from MH Cleo's "I heart fashion" set
- leopard pants from "athletic" fashion pack
- plaid dress and black shoes from curvy Fashionista "Everyday Chic"
- plaid top and white boots from Fifth Harmony Lauren
- black cat bag from plaid-skirt dress set (ebay), or whole set
- Mega Bloks MH Purrsephone
- stamp shirt from fashion pack with floral dress
- Barbie Style Midge, whole doll or just top and sweater.
I had planned to make another wishlist collage of just vintage doll items. There were some early Barbie fashions that I wanted, and some had been reproduced.
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