#.wishlist [charley]
Send a ✏️ and I’ll share a scenario or plot I want to explore. - @themoonwithprophets
Please Note: a muse wasn't specified so I gave a brief wishlist plot for each of my muses. I hope that was okay.
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Andrea doesn’t get left behind at the farm and never meets Michonne. She and Rick grow closer after Lori’s death and eventually get together. She’s the reason that Glenn is killed instead of Daryl.
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Beth survives Grady Memorial with a superficial wound to her arm/shoulder and reunites with Maggie. They’d have to work through Maggie’s overprotectiveness and see that Beth has grown up a lot and can take care of herself and make decisions regarding her future.
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Carol and Rick survive a complete decimation of Alexandria before they meet Negan. So the two of them along with Judith and Carl survive up in the mountains in a cabin they fortify to keep the kids safe. They grow closer while grieving the ones they lost.
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Charley and Sammy happen upon Alexandria before the rest of the group show up. He’s allowed to teach and grows close to the kids. He and Beth grow closer once she arrives and starts to teach the children music lessons and piano lessons.
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Charley meets Shane after she loses both her husband and her son. She’s somewhat cold because she doesn’t want to grow closer to anyone after losing the love of her life and her child. Shane is hesitant to allow her to come along with him, but she shows him she can watch his back and protect him and he agrees to do the same for her.
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Daryl goes after Carol when the prison falls. They’re not there when the prison is attacked and return to it decimated and have to go after the others and save them from Terminus. They grow closer and get together while out on the road together just the two of them.
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Rick and Lori are divorced at the time of the fall. He’s not shot, but he’s not with them when they escape King County when it falls. He manages to find them the same way that he does in the show, and they manage to work things out because Lori’s current partner is killed during the initial days of the Outbreak by being bitten and turning and trying to kill Carl.
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Shane leaves the farm as soon as he knows Carl is okay. He cannot live with the fact that he almost destroyed Rick’s marriage and with what he did to Lori and the CDC, and feels they’d be better off without him there to remind them of the things that happened in Rick’s absence. He happens upon Terminus at the same time as they do and helps Carol rescue them all.
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Sophia is found by Daryl and reunited with Carol. She idolizes Daryl and wants to learn to do all the things that he does and becomes a productive member of the group all the while scheming to get Daryl and Carol together.
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pawtistics · 1 year
hi summer u said u got a jellycat right? can we see them..
YES HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry this took forever, bad memory & low on spoons, i love u)
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the name he comes wif is Charley WHICH IS WHERE I GOT MINE FROM ^_^ !! with that spelling n everything But i cant decide if im gnna change his name or not.. Maybe we can just b twinsies. 💗 I also have another cheetah plush, the weighted one from target,, and charley is littler and softer (like a real cub!! Theyre so fucken fuzzy have u Seen) so theyre like mommy and baby :-)
HES SO FLOPPABLE and when i first got him i was stimming like crazy i wanted him so bad he was one of my Top Wishlist Items HE CAME IN A CUTE DRAWSTRING BAG TOO ⁉️ i didnt know they did that !!! Its adorable !! i genuinely wanna use that to carry my stuff.. He makes me so happy and is my friend.......... <3 thatse all.. thankuu
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allthedamnvampiresx · 7 months
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✞ main ✞ bio ✞ face ✞ muse ✞ wishlist ✞
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general David is taken from The Lost Boys (1987), without influence from the rest of the series. I also mix my plot with Fright Night (2011) and headcanon that Jerry/Max are the same person, that my Jerry is David's maker, and that both of those films had very different endings, verse depending.
Please note before interacting that David wasn't taught to see humans as more than food or temporary entertainment, but unlike Jerry, he might be capable of changing his ways with age. Feel free to let me know if you prefer to write with him as an unrepentant villain or starting on the redemption track! If you prefer to plot David's death, I'm happy to work with you on that. Being a villain has consequences, but communication is key.
wanted connections:
Coven: David's breed of vampire likes to be around their kind, so I headcanon that Jerry has made many of them over the centuries and wouldn't stop them from going their own ways, especially when staying together as a group attracts too much attention. Likewise, David also likes to be around his kind, although he's hesitant to make more vampires himself. Happy to talk through turning a muse or pre-established connections there! Vampires: Fright Night's lore implies that there are many kinds of vampires in that universe, so I'd love crossovers with other kinds of vampires/supernatural from other fandoms! Friendly, antagonistic, etc. all welcome. Other: Star, Michael & Sam Emerson, Frog brothers, Jerry Dandridge, Charley Brewster, Peter Vincent
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default verses:
horror!verse: Any crossovers with other horror/paranormal fandoms, where all kinds of vampires and other creatures co-exist.
all the damn vampires: A Lost Boys (1987) verse that takes place in Santa Carla, before or during the events of the film, or much later with David returning after decades to see what's changed.
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
welcome to fright night: A specific crossover with the Fright Night (2011) universe, where Jerry and Max are the same person. Must be plotted beforehand, since I won't assume a Fright Night muse (aside from mine) is connected to David without prior discussion.
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thexbabysitter · 8 months
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❀ main ❀ bio ❀ face ❀ muse ❀ wishlist ❀
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules and verses, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general Laurie is a canon divergent interpretation that picks up after the events of Halloween II (1981). Unless specifically requested, I don't acknowledge the rest of the films for her, although I'm happy to plot an AU based on those. Her timeline has been updated so the events at Haddonfield happened only a few years ago, and Laurie travels the country doing research for her podcast, Final Girl. It started as part of her therapy, researching what happened to her so she'd have a better understanding of it, and then expanded into telling the story in her own words, before eventually branching out into seeking other survivors to tell their stories.
While it's largely a true crime podcast, it does occasionally dip into the supernatural. In Laurie's main verse (so far), there is no proof that those things exist, but after witnessing Michael's almost superhuman power, she couldn't help wondering if there might be something more to him. She's happy to interview people who do believe they've encountered something supernatural and to let them tell their stories, while she provides what facts can be verified and a safe, non-judgmental space for them. Ultimately, her listeners are encouraged to decide for themselves what's real or not.
wanted connections:
Final Girl Support Group: Sidney Prescott, Nancy Thompson, Julie James, Grace Le Domas, Charley Brewster (Final Guy), or other canon/OC Scream Queens would be awesome! I love the idea of all of them supporting each other. Slashers: Michael Myers, Billy Loomis, Carrie, other antagonists. I like terrorizing my muses. Supernatural: Fandom crossovers from other horror universes like Supernatural, It, Stranger Things, The Lost Boys, etc. would be really fun, whether she comes across those muses in her research or they find her.
Note: I source most of Lili's gifs from Riverdale, so they may sometimes include Cole Sprouse. If you're bothered by this faceclaim, this isn't the blog for you because I will not be tagging him. This is the only warning.
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frightnightx · 10 months
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✟ main ✟ bio ✟ face ✟ muse ✟ wishlist ✟
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general Jerry is taken from Fright Night (2011), with occasional connections or lore pulled from the original two movies as needed. I also mix my plot with The Lost Boys (1987) and headcanon that Jerry/Max are the same person, that Jerry is my David's maker, and that both of those films had very different endings, verse depending.
Please note before interacting that Jerry is an unrepentant villain. He sees humans as little more than food or temporary entertainment, and while he has a fondness for some of his kind, particularly his own descendants, he generally won't hesitate to let them die in order to save himself (exceptions made if they prove resilient enough to survive decades or more). The majority of his plots outside of other supernaturals are likely to end in death or turning, but I will check with you before either! Likewise, if you prefer to plot Jerry's death, I'm happy to work with you on that. Being a villain has consequences, but communication is key.
wanted connections:
Coven: Jerry's breed of vampire likes to be around their kind, so I headcanon that he's made many of them over the centuries and wouldn't stop them from going their own ways, especially when staying together as a group attracts too much attention. He would check in on them every so often though and welcome the same. Happy to talk through turning a muse or pre-established connections there! Vampires: Fright Night's lore implies that there are many kinds of vampires in that universe, so I'd love crossovers with other kinds of vampires/supernatural from other fandoms! Friendly, antagonistic, etc. all welcome. Other: Charley Brewster, Peter Vincent, David Powers, Star, Michael & Sam Emerson, Frog brothers
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default verses:
horror!verse: Any crossovers with other horror/paranormal fandoms, where all kinds of vampires and other creatures co-exist.
welcome to new york: After most of his "family" is slaughtered, first in Santa Carla and then in Las Vegas, Jerry wanders as a nomad for decades before settling in New York City. Best for all the "I think my neighbor might be a vampire" plots.
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
all the damn vampires: A specific crossover with The Lost Boys (1987) universe, where Jerry and Max are the same person. Must be plotted beforehand, since I won't assume a Lost Boys muse (aside from mine) is connected to Jerry without prior discussion.
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we-will-begin-again · 2 years
🌻- Javier & Charley
Send 🌻 for five AUs involving our muses
AU where Charley and Sam end up in Richmond after all the events of A New Frontier and join New Richmond.
An AU where they meet earlier in the apocalypse, perhaps close to the beginning, and have to get used to this new world order together while also protecting the kids.
No Apocalypse AU, perhaps they meet at one of the amusement parks Javier frequents with the kids cause he loves baseball cages, maybe Sam is a fan. Possibilities are endless.
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rotttnapple · 5 years
I kinda wanna do an older/crueler Charley...like he’s been through Too Much Shit at this point and broke and never fully recovered from it. A Soft Boy turned into a Hard Man, his hair turned silver and his eyes turned cold and he’ll fuck your shit up without so much as a smile because everything that made him gentle and kind and wild is just gone.
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medictom · 2 years
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Some big aspirations for Christmas, but you never know. @tootsieroll @charleyscheesesteaks @atgamesgaming @spiritairlines @alaskaair @delta @united @southwestair I am a veteran and former 24-year Paramedic. #veteranneedshelp #help #paramedic #ohio #christmas #holidays #holidayseason #holiday #christmasmagic #magic #wish #wishlist #tootsieroll #tootsierolls #cravecharleys #charleys #father #grave #cemetary (at Brunswick, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXwquRmvhyz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jellycatstuffies · 2 years
Hi Victor! So I wasn't like. super into jellycats until semi-recently when I spotted some in a shop and the soft material made me fall in love. I'd like to get a jellycat of my own (secondhand if I can!), but I wondered if you knew of any wildcat jellycats? Small wildcats - caracals, servals, Scottish wildcats, jaguarandi, etc. - are some of my favourite animals, and I know they have leopards, lions and tigers ( and I've spotted a jellycat cheetah I think!) but I didn't know if those other animals would be something they'd make. it would be super cute, but obviously if not I'll be happy with any kitty jellycat ❤️💕
Hi! Unfortunately, none of those wild cat species you mentioned have been made into a design by Jellycat yet. (though I hope they will make some of them soon!) I love your ideas, a serval is also on my own wishlist for future designs and I'd love to see an ozelot or a clouded leopard as well. Or just a european wildcat would be cool.
They do have lions, tigers, a cheetah, snow tigers, a panther (which seems to me like a jaguar) and leopards. Of those big cats they have many as well as tons of domestic cats.
I'm sure you'll find one you like here:
Charley Cheetah
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shewandersoff · 7 years
・゚✧ ( WISHLIST : a plot idea for a Twelve -- or Eleven, or post-journey’s end Ten, or even Thirteen ! ) ・゚✧
so, i had this idea while driving yesterday and listening to some of the Eighth Doctor Adventures. . . so this idea is almost blatantly stolen from Charley’s arc ( who has managed to become one of my all-time favorite companions ) but i still thought it would be fun. c: so, i’m thinking timeline-wise this is post journey’s end for both the Doctor and Rose -- and for Rose specifically it’s been a handful of years ( maybe even close to ten or so ) that she’s lived her ‘ happily-ever-after ‘ with the metacrisis Doctor. all this time, she’s continued to work for the parallel Torchwood, and is currently a high ranking operative, a commander of her own team. as all things end up, she finds herself at the center of some catastrophic mission -- perhaps in the parallel universe or in her original, and she’s rescued from almost certain death by the her old friend, the Doctor. ( yeah, i know, this bit’s vague. forgive me ) but. . . there’s something strange about her presence on board the TARDIS, and the Doctor soon figures out that Rose was meant to die in whatever event he rescued her from -- and her death is a fixed point. it was meant to happen, it’s integral to the timeline that Rose dies. . . and so he can’t return her home, no matter how many times she asks, and he has to decide if he should tell her that she’s meant to be dead. or if he should set time straight by returning her to that moment and allowing her to die like she’s meant to. if anyone might be interested in exploring this idea let a girl know c:
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Send 📝✨ to hear a plot I'd like to write with my muse - @hauntcdsouls
Note: Since you didn't specify a muse, I put a plot for all my muses that I would like to do. I hope this is okay.
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Andrea - Andrea doesn't get left behind at the farm and never meets Michonne. She and Rick grow closer after Lori's death and eventually get together. She's the reason that Glenn is killed instead of Daryl.
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Beth - Beth rescues Judith at the prison and her and Daryl keep the baby safe until she's reunited with Rick and Carl. Daryl and her grow closer, but it's not a romantic type of love, but a friendship and siblingship.
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Carol - Carol and Rick survive a complete decimation of Alexandria before they meet Negan. So the two of them along with Judith and Carl survive up in the mountains in a cabin they fortify to keep the kids safe. They grow closer while grieving the ones they lost.
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Charley - Charley and Sammy happen upon Alexandria before the rest of the group show up. He's allowed to teach and grows close to the kids. He and Beth grow closer once she arrives and starts to teach the children music lessons and piano lessons.
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Charley - Charley meets Shane after she loses both her husband and her son. She's somewhat cold because she doesn't want to grow closer to anyone after losing the love of her life and her child. Shane is hesitant to allow her to come along with him, but she shows him she can watch his back and protect him and he agrees to do the same for her.
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Daryl - Daryl goes after Carol when the prison falls. They're not there when the prison is attacked and return to it decimated and have to go after the others and save them from Terminus. They grow closer and get together while out on the road together just the two of them.
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Rick - Rick and Lori are divorced at the time of the fall. He's not shot, but he's not with them when they escape King County when it falls. He manages to find them the same way that he does in the show, and they manage to work things out because Lori's current partner is killed during the initial days of the Outbreak by being bitten and turning and trying to kill Carl.
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Shane - Shane leaves the farm and runs into another group and becomes the de facto leader. Eventually, the rest of the group finds his community and he and Rick and the others work things out. He meets Judith.
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Sophia - Sophia is found by Daryl and reunited with Carol. She idolizes Daryl and wants to learn to do all the things that he does and becomes a productive member of the group all the while scheming to get Daryl and Carol together.
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intentosolenne · 2 years
muses wishlist ; an absurdly long list of muses i have inspiration for and am thinking about adding to the blog! just to remember at least a part of them, since i keep forgetting half of them. not all might get to the final list. if you see someone you’re interested in, hit me up! it might make me decide to make the final step and add them! some characters already here or on other blogs appear as well. //  bold : character added  /  striked : character excluded  /  italic : guest muse
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BORDERLANDS 2 + THE PRE-SEQUEL  ●  handsome jack ; claptrap ; doppleganger TALES FROM THE BORDERLANDS  ●  rhys ; loaderbot ; gertys ; august ; sasha MARIO & LUIGI UNIVERSE  ●  luigi ; gooigi ; fawful ; popple ; dimentio ; o’chunks ; mimi ; mister l ; mellow EVERHOOD  ●  red mage FINAL FANTASY VI  ●  sabin rene figaro FINAL FANTASY VII  ●  cloud ; aerith FINAL FANTASY IV  ●  vivi ; steiner DARKEST DUNGEON  ●  reynauld ( canon-divergent ) DEAD CELLS  ●  the beheaded ; the hand of the king ; the scarecrow ICONOCLASTS  ●  royal ; agent black ; robin ; elro THE SINKING CITY  ●  charles reed HADES  ●  zagreus ; megara UNDERTALE / DELTARUNE  ●  asgore ; flowey ; sans ; underswap!papyrus ; lancer ; rouxls BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE  ●  charley ; sammy lawrence STORIES: THE PATH OF DESTINIES  ●  reynardo OMENSIGHT  ●  the harbinger MAD RAT DEAD  ●  mad rat SONIC FRANCHISE  ●  sonic ; knuckles ; jet DON’T STARVE  ●  wilson ; wx78 MONSTER PROM  ●  brian ; calculester
SUPERNATURAL  ●  castiel ( s4, canon divergent ) A-TEAM  ●  “howling mad” murdoch GOOD OMENS  ●  azraphel WAKFU  ●  tristepan ; noximilien AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER  ●  aang ; toph THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR  ●  skipper ( human version ) DUDE, THAT’S MY GHOST!  ●  billy joe cobra LUPIN III  ●  arsenio lupin ; koichi zenigata WANDER OVER YONDER  ●  wander VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDER  ●  shiro ; keith ; pidge
ALADDIN  ●  genie BREAK-IT RALPH  ●  ralph ; felix
BLACKSAD  ●  john blacksad HELLBOY  ●  hellboy WITCH DOCTOR  ●  vincent morrow PK NEW ERA  ●  pikappa DC  ●  john constantine MARVEL  ●  deadpool
NIGHTSIDE  ●  john taylor MURDERBOT DIARIES  ●  murderbot
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS  ●  jacques ; itch ; würde ; wusic
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dilfdoctordoom · 3 years
the witcher + jeanororo + bette kane
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: YENNEFER
Least Favorite character: I literally have no idea
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Geralt/Yen, Yen/Happiness, Yen/Peace, Yen/Joy, Yen/Fulfilment
Character I find most attractive: Yennefer omg
Character I would marry: YENNNN
Character I would be best friends with: Geralt he hasn't killed Jaskier yet so I think I would survive
A random thought: I would do anything for Anya Chalotra
An unpopular opinion: Fandom really underplays Yen lmao if you just looked at the fandom side you genuinely would not know she's such a big character
My Canon OTP: Geralt and Yen
My Non-canon OTP: Yen and me :(
Most Badass Character: YENNEFER
Most Epic Villain: Oh idk
Pairing I am not a fan of: found out people ship Geralt and Ciri. Bad. Evil. Going to bite people.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Yen by not having her on screen every second
Favourite Friendship: Geralt and Jaskier
Character I most identify with: Yennefer I too am very pretty
Character I wish I could be: Yennefer I wanna do magic
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: I watched Wolverine & The X-Men EXTREMELY sporadically because CBBC aired the episodes very randomly but. when I was ten because :) I had a crush on Storm n Jean :)
What makes me happy about them: Just... there's so much history between them and literally no one is gonna know them like they know each other
What makes me sad about them: Having to search for JeanOroro scraps for the past few years :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: idk I haven't read JeanOroro fanfic ajshdfg I'm too scared fic writers never get Jean OR Ororo well so :/
Things I look for in fanfic: idk good characterization
My wishlist: Canon JeanOroro
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I think Jean should date Misty. Obviously Emma too adgfijs. Ororo, I like her with T'challa a lot!!! Logan is a good choice for Ororo ONLY he needs to stay away from Jean
My happily ever after for them: It involves burning Krakoa to the ground.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Hank, Dawn, Lilith, Duela, Kory, Babs, Artemis, Helena, Charley, I can keep going
My favourite non-romantic relationship for this character: Her and Dick when they were Bat-Girl and Robin and just. little shits.
My unpopular opinion about this character: She deserves to be acknowledged
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I think N52 Batwoman would've been better re: Bette if they had acknowledged that Bette had at least a decade of vigilante experience on Kate. Like I genuinely think their relationship would've been so much more interesting
Favourite friendship for this character: HER AND GAR OMG like that bit in Infinite Crisis where he's 100% willing to die for made me cry
My crossover ship: Bette/Danny Rand, Bette/Felicia Hardy, etc, etc
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youngerdrgrey · 7 years
so, i *get* the point of the Blue storyline, the questions we're meant to ask ourselves as audience members, etc. but, like, the lack of a DNA test is just so incredibly frustrating??? i mean, i guess we already know the answer - Ava stressed the importance of casting RA, Darla & Blue, how the questions about Blue not looking like his father were there from day one. still, it's just something i'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around for some reason? idk idk idk
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we know this. we know this. but we also still need that paternity test. right now, they’re all acting like they have the answers, and until they have it, it feels like A Lot.
I feel like we, as an audience, and the family all accepted that Blue is Rah’s son without really questioning the differences in their appearances. why should we when Darla’s light and kids pop out with recessive genes all the time? and when all that love is there, when no one in the world ever questions it, then we accept it. that’s his son, end of story.
but then Darla rolls in, like “btw I need to tell you something before we can get married and it’s that Idk if he is your son and I also don’t know who the father is bc I was so high.”
(unrelated, but very much related, I need Darla to tell the story of that night to Charley and/or Nova bc I feel like they would pick up on the same ‘you were too high to know what happened, which definitely sounds like you were raped, even if you don’t want to phrase it that way for yourself’ and I really need at least one other person to look at Darla and say that while they definitely aren’t okay with what she did, they understand.)
top of the s3 wishlist is a paternity test.
also, what are you having a hard time wrapping your head around specifically?
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llyza · 7 years
TTT2017 :  Wishlist Fantasy
Le Top Ten  Tuesday est un rendez-vous hebdomadaire dans lequel on liste notre top 10 selon le thème littéraire prédéfini. Ce rendez-vous a initialement été créé par The Broke and the Bookish et repris en français pour une 2ème éditions sur le blog de frogzine.
Sauf que cette semaine, je prends la version VO car elle m’inspire un peu plus. 
June 6:  10 Books From Fantasy That I've Recently Added To My TBR List  
On va donc parler de Wishlit/PAL en Fantasy/Urban Fantasy, qu’on peut suivre toute l’année dans la page dédiée du blog : http://www.llyza-laboitedukinder.com/wishlist (où je mets à jours régulièrement les sorties (et mes achats dans un autre lien qui se suit). Désactivez adblock pour voir les fiches sur amazon avec les résumés !
1 – Changelings #4 | Maria J. Romaley
2 – Six Of Crows #2 | Leigh Bardugo
3 – Charley Davidson #10 | Darynda Jones
4 – La Reine du Tearling #2 | Erica Johansen
5 – Le protocole de la crème anglaise #2 | Gail Carriger
6 – Slayer #1 | F. V. Estyer
7 – Nuits Ecarlates #1 | Marie Hall
8 – Les Vampires de Chicago #13 | Chloe Neill
9 – Désenchantement #2 | Lynn Viehl
10 – Melena Sanders #3 | Susan Illene
BONUS – L'Executrice #6 | Jennifer Estep
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Pretending to be anonymous: for each of your muses, what is a plot, if there is one, that you've wanted to write with them but haven't gotten the chance to?
for munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write. - @savedpeople
wishlist for the following:
Beth Greene - (Beth & Maggie) Beth surviving Grady Memorial with a superficial wound to her arm/shoulder and reuniting with Maggie. They’d have to work through Maggie’s overprotectiveness and see that Beth has grown up a lot and can take care of herself and make decisions regarding her future.
Carol Peletier - (Carol & Negan) Carol takes Negan out on a supply run to get him out of the community for a while and they get trapped somewhere and have to rely on one another so they can both return safely to Alexandria. 
Charley Eaton - (Charley & Shane) Female Charley meeting Shane after she’s lost both Sam (child) and Evan (husband). They could either stay friends or become more. That depends on the Shane. 
Daryl Dixon - (Daryl & Carol) Daryl finally gets off his ass and pursues Carol before she gets together with Ezekiel.  
Rick Grimes - (Rick & Carol) Only Carol, Rick, Carl, and Judith survive a walker attack on Alexandria forcing them back on the road. It would take them finding a place way up in the woods/mountains before they settled down and became more. 
Shane Walsh - (Shane & Rick) Shane and Rick truly putting what happened with Lori and at the farm behind them and working together going forward.  
Sophia Peletier - (Sophia & Anyone) Sophia being found by someone other than the group and either going with that person and being reunited years later or not at all.
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