Send a ✏️ and I’ll share a scenario or plot I want to explore. - @themoonwithprophets
Please Note: a muse wasn't specified so I gave a brief wishlist plot for each of my muses. I hope that was okay.
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Andrea doesn’t get left behind at the farm and never meets Michonne. She and Rick grow closer after Lori’s death and eventually get together. She’s the reason that Glenn is killed instead of Daryl.
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Beth survives Grady Memorial with a superficial wound to her arm/shoulder and reunites with Maggie. They’d have to work through Maggie’s overprotectiveness and see that Beth has grown up a lot and can take care of herself and make decisions regarding her future.
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Carol and Rick survive a complete decimation of Alexandria before they meet Negan. So the two of them along with Judith and Carl survive up in the mountains in a cabin they fortify to keep the kids safe. They grow closer while grieving the ones they lost.
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Charley and Sammy happen upon Alexandria before the rest of the group show up. He’s allowed to teach and grows close to the kids. He and Beth grow closer once she arrives and starts to teach the children music lessons and piano lessons.
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Charley meets Shane after she loses both her husband and her son. She’s somewhat cold because she doesn’t want to grow closer to anyone after losing the love of her life and her child. Shane is hesitant to allow her to come along with him, but she shows him she can watch his back and protect him and he agrees to do the same for her.
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Daryl goes after Carol when the prison falls. They’re not there when the prison is attacked and return to it decimated and have to go after the others and save them from Terminus. They grow closer and get together while out on the road together just the two of them.
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Rick and Lori are divorced at the time of the fall. He’s not shot, but he’s not with them when they escape King County when it falls. He manages to find them the same way that he does in the show, and they manage to work things out because Lori’s current partner is killed during the initial days of the Outbreak by being bitten and turning and trying to kill Carl.
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Shane leaves the farm as soon as he knows Carl is okay. He cannot live with the fact that he almost destroyed Rick’s marriage and with what he did to Lori and the CDC, and feels they’d be better off without him there to remind them of the things that happened in Rick’s absence. He happens upon Terminus at the same time as they do and helps Carol rescue them all.
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Sophia is found by Daryl and reunited with Carol. She idolizes Daryl and wants to learn to do all the things that he does and becomes a productive member of the group all the while scheming to get Daryl and Carol together.
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roleplayfinder · 4 years
20F. Searching for a Harry Potter roleplay. Looking for someone to play either an oc, Draco, or Fred Weasley against my female oc. I’m fine with MxF and FxF. I’ve got roles in mind and willing to try a double up although it’s been a while since I’ve seen the movies. I also have an AU I’ve been dying to do with someone. I love Angst, Drama and Romance in my rp’s also a huge fan of OOC chat as well. Only looking to roleplay on discord. Sage#6729
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inxthexshadows · 4 years
@themoonwithprophets continued
Despite the wound not being entirely that big it hurt a bit more than Mikayla was willing to admit to herself although she still tried to hide it as Carl cleaned up her arm. After it was finally cleaned and dried she felt slightly relived that part was over since it hurt the most...perhaps she was bit just a tad dramatic about the situation. Well not as dramatic as her father would be if he knew she’d snuck out and somehow managed to injure herself. God she’d never hear the end of that one.
Once her arm was wrapped up she glanced to her arm smiling slightly, hopefully she’d be able to hide the bandages under the sleeve of her shirt. “Thank you Carl” Mikayla spoke as she stood up and brushed herself off. “Where would I be without you” She joked running a hand through her messy locks
“Unbandaged and bleeding apparently.” Carl joked back. He went to turn to leave, to leave things as they were, but something stopped him. He gnawed on his lower lips for a moment, as he stood in thought. Then, he worked up some courage. If he could live in this world, certainly he could ask a girl out.
He turned to face Mikayla again, his blue eye on her. “Would you--” He cleared his throat and readjusted his hat on his head. He looked at the door again. He could leave now and then there would be no chance of things getting awkward. No-- he could do this. “Do you wanna-- go out sometime?”
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ssa-ahotchner · 3 years
Absolutely love your blog
Hey there! Thank you! Would you be up for writing together? :) Shoot me a message if so!
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@themoonwithprophets​ liked for some Henry
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“Well my uh - my uh dad always said what was important was that we keep going.”
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herecomesnegan · 4 years
🌺 When did your muse lose their virginity?
Negan lost his virginity when he was 17, to his highschool sweetheart, Lucille.  After some debating they had decided that prom was probably going to be boring as fuck, so they made their own. They still got all dressed up all posh, but went bowling instead. Yup. Bowling in a tux and a beautiful prom dress. Negan’s 100% guilty of getting ketchup down the front of his jacket when it jumped off his hotdog in a brutal assault.  Afterwards they danced in Negan’s bedroom to a song Lu loved and Negan hates, (Elton John - Tiny Dancer) then had sex. A lot. @barbedbabe
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savedpeople · 4 years
So Negan, what’s your opinion on Beta
“He’s a big scary fucker. And a dick.” And that about sums it up, really. It didn’t take long for Negan to decide he wasn’t a fan of the guy. “Has some pretty damn deep-runnin’ loyalty for the boss lady, I’ll give him that. Loyalty’s good. Havin’ a monster like that for a right hand man? You can probably get a lot of shit done.” Especially when he’s not the backstabbing kind like some other people, Simon. But Beta’s brand of loyalty and borderline dependency is proving to be potentially catastrophic, and Negan worries that without Alpha keeping him on a leash, the worst is yet to come.
“Besides that? Can’t wait to get rid of that asshole.”
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lostgrimesgirl · 4 years
All the grimes family chaos is quite entertaining right now
Someone give us a reality show right now!
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oneeyedbadass · 4 years
{{ closed for @themoonwithprophets​ 
Wind blows through the trees on this summer afternoon,definitely a nice change of weather they’ve been having.  Sighing, Carl catches the ball tightly in his hand and stares at the sky above.  He stops tossing the tennis ball for good and blinks his eye while he watches the passing clouds from lying on the grass.  He’s getting bored again.  A part of him hated the normalcy of the life Alexandria allowed them to have - while the other part of him knew safety was also important.
Kicking himself into a sitting position, Carl looks around the front field of the home he shared with his family in Alexandria - just another day.  Reaching to the side, he snatches up his hat and places it on his head before he tosses the ball onto the porch and makes a beeline for his usual sneak out spot.
Kicking himself off the wall, Carl lands on his feet this time as he looks back towards the walls of Alexandria.  He just needs to be outside for a while.  He just needs to get away from that life that he feels he’s suffocating from.
A life that he was all in for when they’d arrived…a life that he didn’t think he’d want more out of.  But now, the woods were calling and he needed a little adventure, so he set out towards the forest beside his home community.
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🌲  ─  visit a tree farm to pick the perfect christmas tree (Rick and Kya)
🍎 。:*• ─ IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME !     ›    ( a symbol meme for muses who want to do something special and fun together this christmas / holiday season. ) send a symbol for our muses to: - @themoonwithprophets​
🌲  ─  visit a tree farm to pick the perfect christmas tree
Rick had picked Kya up at home. Kya was thirteen, and it was just going to be her and him to go to the Christmas tree farm and pick out their tree. Lori was home with Carl was wasn't feeling well and had spiked a fever, and she'd insisted that the two of them go on and make it a special memory for Daddy and daughter that year. So he'd jumped at the chance.
As they pulled up to the farm, he glanced over at her. "Don't forget your hat and gloves, Kya." He climbed out of the car, pulling on his gloves as he pulled the knit hat down over his ears. He moved to her side of the car, taking her hand for a moment and squeezing it. He dropped it quickly, knowing the new teenager would find it embarrassing. "We're going to get the best tree."
Kya couldn't stop the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips before she reached for his hand and held it as they began to walk. Nobody from school would see them so she wasn't worried about it seeming childish. She loved her Daddy and wanted him to know it. "The best," she echoed.
And forty-five minutes later, they were pulling a sled that held their perfect tree as they moved back toward their car. They picked it themselves and cut it down together. They then brought it back and had it wrapped carefully so they could strap it to the top of the car.
"Mom's going to love it!" they echoed to each other as they began to tie it down.
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crowsandmurder · 4 years
Do you rp?
I do.  I just have been insanely busy, and it’s not even because of this stupid Quarantine nightmare. But, I do. But, I am picky on who I’m feeling.
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roleplayfinder · 4 years
20F, looking for someone to play either Negan or an oc related to one of the shows characters from the Walking Dead against my oc. Fully up to date on the show. I love angst and drama in my roleplays. I’m semi to literate although I try to match whatever I get from my partners. I’ve got a few roles in mind but we can talk things out. I would prefer to roleplay on discord although I will on tumblr if necessary. Sage#6729
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inxthexshadows · 4 years
@themoonwithprophets continued
Going about her days without her brother by her side now was weird. The pair had pretty much been joined at the hip together since the world turned to shit, where one went the other wasn’t far behind. Seeing his body come back over the side of that damn horse it felt like she’d lost a piece of herself. For the first few minutes Riley refused to believe that he wasn’t alive anymore until it actually sunk and just sort of broke down where she had been standing.
Riley forced a small pained smile in response. It was unlikely she’d be getting any rest tonight although it was slightly comforting to know she wasn’t going to be alone for the night, even if was just going to be for one night she’d take it. “I appreciate it”
There was plenty of room now that Magna had moved out and while Yumiko would never admit it out loud, she was grateful for the company. Yumiko stood from her chair and made her way to the small closet on the far wall of the room. Pushing herself up on her tiptoes, she pulled down some extra blankets. “You may have noticed I don’t have a couch.” She said.
She tossed the blankets onto the bed she used to share with Magna. “I can understand if sharing a bed with someone would make you uncomfortable. I can sleep on the floor.” She suggested. She wanted the other woman to feel comforted while remaining in whatever comfort zone she may have. “I must warn, if you don’t mind sharing, I have been told I kick in my sleep.” She smiled softly.
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t-chambler-archived · 4 years
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@themoonwithprophets said: Kiss symbols 😇 – a surprise kiss (Muse: Kya Grimes)
Tara had grown slightly accustomed to Alexandria. Was she still on guard? Yes. Could she call it home? Yes.
It was another late night as she wandered the streets with Kya- they always had a pleasant time, chatting. Talking of the world before. Their hands always found each other to. It just felt so natural.
Tara slowed her stride, her fingers laced with Kya's. Finally, she came to a full stop. She had been discussing her old life before, but, something struck her. -- there was something about the way Kya looked tonight-- the way she looked a lot of nights. The woman had been on Tara's mind for quite some time now.
Tara took a deep breath before she turned her body, head dipped slightly to capture the other woman's lips with her own.
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righthandstache · 4 years
Simons such an underrated character, should’ve got more screen time
FOR REAL. they couldve done a lot more with the relationship with him and negan too. or simon + whoever the fuck. just explore some thoughts and emotions man.
steven ogg always deserve more screen time, he’s such a great actor. 
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doginthecorner · 4 years
Your headcanons for daryl are fucking amazing I love them
aaah thank you! I work really hard on them and I just love him so much so I’m glad someone likes them! 
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