#008 story
kgmilgramau · 5 months
2/6/24 . knight
"Everyone will be safe!”
Story name : knight
date of story : 2/6/24
Story of : Billy/008
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Cr. @gabycantart
(thank you for join!)
-Hope you are excited about it. Thanks-
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kaliforniaaajenner · 2 months
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July 11th, 2024 — Kylie via Instagram Stories.
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linagram · 1 month
Yurika is literally just a girl look how silly she is let's forgive her guys
release the silly into the outside world NOW 🔥🔥🔥
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aonoou · 2 months
Orter Madl HC part 5
parts 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 here
Orter had a second round of calm rampage. The men then bid farewell to the witch of Ursla.
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CHAPTER 5 - The Last Night
The next day, Orter and Wirth returned to the town where the officials were located. It was the same town the lady mentioned last night. It was also the same town that the report about the witch came from.
When they came to the town, a magic police officer greeted them at the entrance. Poor guy, he immediately senses Orter's not-so-nice aura, so he quickly leads them to the provincial office. After that, he suddenly vanished from the scene.
Orter had a very long talk with the head official, slapping him with question after question. The official tried to make excuses as to why the capital was not informed of the situation in Ursla at that time, the reason he disregarded the plea from the village head and the survivor for help, and the reason why he did not include the report of the jet-black dragon that the survivor mentioned when she came to the town with the dying girl.
The man then said that the head official at that time actually wanted to execute everyone in Ursla for being non-magic people. During that time, the former head of the Magical Power Administration was in town due to personal reasons. So, he was well aware of the situation in Ursla. The man had given the order to not extend any help to Ursla and let them die out because it would be a great way to remove the non-magicians without them lifting a finger. He also said that they no longer need to send the report to the capital.
Wirth was really trying his very best not to lose his cool and kill the official in front of them and hunt down those in charge at that time. Orter remained composed, his tone was not the amused one.
He was actually pissed that they dared to hide such an important case from the central, that people may have been saved at that time. That they, including the nutjob former head of his department, disobeyed the protocol of their office. He suddenly remembered Alex's last word of bringing order to the world so that no more lives would be lost.
He told the official in a very cold tone that if he had not mandated all reports from 15 years back to be sent to the capital, none from the central office would know of this case. And if something similar occurred, they would end up investigating from ground zero, wasting precious time that could have been spent curing victims. All because they did not take the words of the one who defeated the dragon into account and disregarded her. He added that they had the nerve to eliminate people, indirectly it may be, without proper trial, not to mention innocent people. This is a ground for severe punishment and all officials involved in this mess will be served.
Orter had all the people who were officials at that time detained and sent to the capital for further questioning. He had also written to the captain of Magic Security Forces, Ryoh Grantz, about the investigation and an influx of detainees coming to the capital. He was contemplating if he should write to the head of the Magical Cemetary Administration, Renatus Revol, to prepare the cemetery for an influx of dead corpses due to mass execution.
He did not forget to send an order to detain the former head of his administration whose currently enjoying his retirement in the capital.
After an entire day of dealing with the investigation, the brothers decided to return to Ursla one last time before heading back to the capital. (They shouldn't be leaving 008 behind cause he's in Ursla) When they arrived, both 008 and the lady prepared dinner for them. They were actually surprised and asked her why since she mentioned on their first day in the village that she would not be treating them as guests and would not provide them with anything.
She answered that she knew they went to town to investigate the matter from 7 years ago. They confirmed it and told her what transpired a few hours ago.
She had a feeling that that's what they were going to do because that morning, when they left the village, they had this weird look on their faces. Wirth commented that she shouldn't be telling people that they had weird look on their faces.
She added that even though it was too late since the villages had died a long time ago, she still wanted to thank them for what they had done, for helping her get justice for the villagers, and for listening to her and believing her when no one else did.
She also apologized for her hostile behavior and that she had nothing to offer as thanks, so she decided to cook for them and hoped that they would be fine with it.
Wirth said after a long day in that town, a nice meal was the best thing she could offer. He thanked her for the meal.
Orter didn't say anything and went directly to the table to have his meal. Wirth was mad at his brother because he could at least say thanks first.
While having dinner, Wirth asked if the lady was going to stay in Ursla. She planned on staying in the village for the rest of her life and said that it was her way of atoning for her sins of leaving everyone behind while they were suffering. 008 told her that she shouldn't be blaming herself for something that wasn't her fault, but the lady just gave him a sad smile.
Orter woke up in the middle of the night and decided to go outside for a walk. He passed by the graveyard and saw the lady praying. Orter approached her and stayed standing next to her while she prayed. After she was done, she stood up and looked at Orter. Orter returned the gesture and looked at her. After a minute or two of awkwardly looking at each other (with the cicadas making sounds and the winds blowing), Orter finally broke the silence by telling her that ever since the day they first saw each other, she kept staring straight into his eyes. He was wondering if they had met somewhere before.
The lady told him he shouldn't say things like that to a lady as it would make them embarrassed. He asked if she was, but she answered no and didn't mind if Orter would be blunt to her. She apologized for staring at him.
Orter said he is used to people looking at his eyes because of how they look. The lady told him that his eyes leave a long-lasting impression.
When asked why she was in this place at this hour, she answered that she had a terrible nightmare, and whenever that happened, she would come to the graveyard to calm herself.
Orter remembered the old lady on the outskirts of the village and asked if she knew some granny from nearby villages. She said she never had the chance to talk to anyone outside of the village except when she decided to go to town with the sick girl.
He wanted to confirm if she really wanted to stay in the village (the granny asked him to bring the lady with him) and she confirmed that she wanted to stay.
She started walking back to her house and Orter walked by her side. They walked in silence, listening to the sound of nature and enjoying the view of the village. When they arrived at her house, she bid Orter goodnight. He nodded and watched as she entered her house.
A memory suddenly crossed his mind. It was one of those days he spent with Alex. He was trying to coerce Orter to try out something that Orter found ridiculous and a waste of his time. He refused at first but then Alex teased him that Orter was afraid of showing off his "weak powers", so Orter decided to take the challenge, begrudgingly.
Back to the present, Orter was staring at the closed door of her house. He was contemplating about what he saw that day together with Alex.
Chapter 5 is done. I have transferred almost all of my written drafts in here and just waiting for it to be posted (scheduled). I made a lot of changes to the story, like the mention of Ryoh and Renatus. The memories of Alex's last words during the interrogation were not part of the original draft, but I ended up adding it.
Also, Orter's timeline in the canon is confusing. I dunno at what age did he become a Divine Visionary. And there was that canon convo about Domina killing the Divine Visionary after Orter and before Rayne. Based on age, Tsurara should be the next visionary after Orter, but with how that sentence was constructed, it seems that Tsurara became a visionary before Orter (or I may just be too dumb to understand it). And maybe the police academy was like a university version of that world and Orter became a visionary in his twenties after the academy got incorporated with Easton. If I remember correctly, someone mentioned that Alex died when he was 21 in canon. I am also not sure if Alex was older than Orter or younger or the same age. He calls him senpai but also sees him as his bro. I dunno. I'm confused.
But for the sake of this story, I'll have Orter become a visionary when he was 18. Alex died when Orter was 17. Alex and Orter were the same age (with Alex born months ahead before Orter and transferred to Magic Polic Academy a few months after the school year started so him calling Orter senpai makes a tiny bit of sense.
The lady was around 15 when she went to fight the dragon and returned to Ursla at 16. The year she returned to Ursla was the same year Alex died.
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monogatcri · 1 year
Does Niwa like to tell dad jokes? If so, what's his best dad joke?
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In moderation, Niwa loves almost everything joke-wise (don't barrage him with the same thing over and over again -- only his hobbies really warrant this level of appeal), but dad jokes do hold a special place in his heart. Sometimes he'll learn a joke and immediately deem it necessary to inform someone of it ASAP ; usually, the one who is subjected to it happens to be who he's closest to (relationship or radius, doesn't matter). His favorite kinds of jokes are the "expect the unexpected" ones -- no particular one stands out, but examples are as follows:
"Dad, can you put my shoes on?" "No, I don't think they'll fit me."
"Why did Billy get fired from the banana factory? He kept throwing away the bent ones."
"A guy walks into a bar... and he was disqualified from the limbo contest."
"I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I'll let you know..."
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
tag drop (redo: general & peter)
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curseofbreadbear · 2 years
@astraljams​ ❤’d! ( for sun! )
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❝ Did I overhear that someone needs a friend? ❞
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lcstpaths · 7 months
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AUGUST 29TH, 1983. Kate Wallis goes missing in Hawkins, Indiana. The pretty, popular cheerleader vanishes without a trace, and because of the lack of disappearances in the town, the police department are ill-equipped to handle the case. Sixty-nine days later, Will Byers also goes missing. The combined disappearances of the two convinces Police Chief Jim Hopper to investigate the matter. As he finds himself pulled deeper and deeper into the search, he convinces himself that he will find Kate wherever Will is as well - but unbeknownst to him, while they are resuscitating Will after pulling him from the Upside Down, Kate is being locked in the basement of one of her mother's new friends. As Will is settled back home, Kate is presumed dead.
The town of Hawkins believes her dead until JUNE 22ND, 1984. In the late hours of June 21st, a single gunshot is heard in a home on the outskirts of the suburbs, though no explanation is given until the next morning, when a tearful Kate places a call to the police station, informing them that she is alive and she needs to be rescued. She returns and is hailed as something of a miracle, the pretty girl risen from the dead - and the story is told that her kidnapper died at the hands of police after she managed to call for help. No one other than Hopper and herself knows that she was the one to fire the gun.
Slowly returning to her previous life, once sweet and innocent Kate has developed a rebellious streak she'd never had before - acting out and having fun in ways she never would have dreamed of. That is, until a year after her escape from activity - when the Mindflayer possesses her, along with Billy Hargrove and others, but her parents raise no alarm, as they don't notice a difference in her already changed behavior from the girl they once knew.
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wanted dynamics : billy , steve , nancy , hopper , jonathan , eddie , robin , etc
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mains : exclusives : ship exclusives :
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gunmetalgrey · 1 year
For @coveitous from here
It was weird, to watch his brows knot and unknot themselves. For all her life, she had considered it sort of cute. Nice in a way. These were the acts of kindness that she had valued, because despite the teasing and the silly parts in the middle, Sebastian and Severin had tried to give her a little bit of magic. Well, they did pretend she was invisible for about four years in the middle there but siblings weren’t exactly perfect. She didn’t stop massaging his temple, her breathing smooth and rhythmic as she thought it over. Not that there was any real point figuring it out now. Her oldest brother had been dead years, and the middle one believed she was six feet under somewhere near Bristol. “Moran’s don’t do things by halves.”
Her mother used to day that a lot. Exasperated, bent over the kitchen table, that stern look on her face.
“Fuck everyone else.” She kissed the end of his nose, mostly because she could reach it without moving. “Ain’t like I’m a prize catch. The grumpy bastard and the dead girl, perfect pair really.” Not that he’d ever offered up a family for her to meet. Not that she had ever had the right to ask. Anything she would tell them would be a lie, if he had people he cared about in his life then it would be too much of a threat to involve herself. It was a risk enough to be like this, at home in his arms. Best not to linger on that thought either.
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kgmilgramau · 3 months
■ Result of the first vote
Prisoner No. 008 BILLY
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Voting End
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kaliforniaaajenner · 2 months
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New photos of Kylie photographed for khy drop 008
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hclluvahctel-a · 2 years
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Stolas tags
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
your camera roll as paige’s girlfriend — p. bueckers x fem!reader.
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001. posted to your friends only story, showing just how many sanrio plushies your girlfriend had bought you.
002. showing paige all the trufru's you picked up for her + kk.
003. you found this on pinterest, saved it, then sent it to paige simply because it described your relationship so well. paige was no doubt a “yapper” while you were more of a listener. that’s why you worked so well.
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004. you were jokingly taking pictures of paige as she posed with her ipad, which might be her most prized possession. most nights kk would walk into the living room just to see you two doing stuff like this, or playing roblox. ever since you got with paige, you started healing your inner child.
005. driving in the car with her, it was an often occurrence that at some point throughout the ride, her hand would end up on your thigh.
006. date night at top golf.
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007. this one was taken, then posted to instagram.. just to capture one of the silly things you’d find paige doing often.
008. after practice, there was nothing your girlfriend loved more than to cuddle in bed after a shower. she put on the matching hello kitty pajama pants you’d left out for her, and hopped into bed to cuddle. after a few minutes of watching tiktok’s on your phone with her, she turned on the playstation and played twd as you watched.
009. while waiting for a cab in the city, you snapped another quick silly photo of the girl. this photo has since become her contact photo just because it makes you laugh whenever you look at it.
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010. the two of you had gone to the gym, paige always did, and you'd decided to start going aswell. in all honesty, you were going just to stare at her.. not that she minded.
011. you sat next to the blonde, as she got her hair and makeup done. it wasn't what she usually spent her days doing, but she'd been going on side quests lately and had many photoshoots. watching as the makeup artist's enhanced your girlfriends features, you snapped a pic.
012. late night walks were common among you, kk, and paige. kk, who seemed like your child, moped and walked slowly behind you and your girlfriend. pulling out her phone to take a snap for streaks, kk sent the picture to you, figuring you'd like it.
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taglist: @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin @favreader23 @miaroman @alyrasturnz , divs by @/anitalenia
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linagram · 1 year
me to myself: okay okay so miki prefers guys but she kinda has bi-curious vibes. but she still prefers guys so remember that
me, after editing yurika's vd: .. hey girlies what's going on between you two
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raeniskaies · 1 month
you need to fix your attention span ♡
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- it is rumoured that human beings have an attention span shorter than a gold fish' . can you believe that such intelligent , amazing creatures as us can't even concentrate for more than 7 seconds ?
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000 , just a short notice
- i apologise for taking so long to post ! life has been so busy and im sorry I left you guys ! also ty for 200 + followers ! i love you guys !
001 , don't have multiple tabs open
- stop having multiple tabs open ! this can cause frequent distractions and decreases your attention span !
002 , minimize multitasking
- just as previously stated , multitasking can help you lose focus on what you're trying to focus on !
003 , create no phone zones
- you don't need to take your phone everywhere with you ( at home ) , create no phone zones to reduce screen time and additionally regain more of an attention span ! no phone zones can be in your washrooms , kitchens & gardens , in those places you can focus on more important things other than your phone!
004 , say I'll do it after [x]
- if you had planned on doing something , do it. just because Jess or Ella asked you to call + play dress to impress + watch tik toks with them , doesn't mean you abandon your work. tell them you'll do it after [x] ( your work ) and just watch your attention span increase !
005 , automate school hours on school
- this chapter is just about using school for work and not for your phone !
006 , be okay with boredom and be curious
- if you're on a road trip or if you're waiting at a doctor's appointment , remember that your phone isn't your last resort ! for entertainment , try and look outside , imagine who has visited the area hundreds of years ago and how much it had changed or if you see any people , imagine their story ! be curious & imaginative !
007  , consume longer content
- watch long form videos til the end ; don't watch it on x2 speed ; don't read comments as you watch it ; don't skip past it ; watch it to its proper ending ! once you get used to focusing on long form content , your attention span will improve !
008 , consume to absorb , not skim
- when watching long - form content , don't skim past important details , watch it to absorb its content + not to get an uninformative gist !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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a plush. for niwa. maybe it will bring him comfort thru his long nightmares.
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁HE'S CONFUSED , staring at the plush in his hands as if it were some ancient, unknown artifact. A gift from Dottore -- a gift from Dottore? Was it bugged? Did it mean he'd have to owe him some random life debt? Would he be subjected to gas spewing from the singular eyeball that protruded from the morbidly intricate design's faceless features?
        ❝ ... ❞ he turned it over in his hands, leaning in close, desperately trying to figure out if this was some ploy, some dastardly trick, then gives up. Pulling it close to his chest, tightly gripping it while he stared forward, seeming to be attempting to suffocate the life from the inanimate object. ❝ What's the catch? ❞
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