skzsauce01 · 4 years
42nd Moon Pt 12 (end)
Description: By some stroke of luck, you get off the waitlist of your biology class. You’d never have guessed you’d find your soulmate there, let alone that he already has a girlfriend… Or that he comes from a fraternity of werewolves.
Warning: mentions of death/killing
Word count: 2.2k
Pairing: werewolf!Hyunjin x fem!reader,  werewolf!Jisung x fem!reader
Chapter List
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You’ve been to every country on your list, quit your job, and tried every activity you’ve dreamed of. Now there is just one thing left to do.
I, L/N Y/N, being of sound and disposing mind, hereby declare the following:
A knock sounds at the door. It’s Jisung.
“Hungry?” he asks. “They’re ready outside.”
I have no children and declare no spouse. I appoint Bang Christopher Chan as personal representative of my will.
You tuck the paper you are looking at into an envelope while answering him. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.”
You hear him walk down the hall and knock on another door.
“Hyunjin?” he calls. “You coming?”
The sound of your chair scraping against the floor drowns out his response. You straighten out the envelope on your desk and make your way out of your room.
“Want a drink?” Minho offers as soon as you step into the fraternity house’s kitchen. Well, Chan’s kitchen as of half a year ago.
You decline, and the male shrugs and downs the contents himself. You watch him walk away with a small smile on your lips.
To Lee Minho, I bequeath $2000 to his Cat Rescue Foundation. May this monetary effort touch the lives of misfortunate kittens just like he has touched them with his heart of gold.
“How’s it going?” greets Changbin with a chin tilt. This party is intended to celebrate the man’s recent hire at some office job, but you all know the true reason behind it.
“Good,” you reply.
“Awesome,” he nods. “Enjoy yourself. I’ll be creaming Felix at some video games in the living room if you need me.”
“Hey!” objects the Australian. “We’ll see about that!” He flashes a grin in your direction as a greeting before racing after the other male.
You can’t help but laugh at their antics.
To Seo Changbin, I leave him however much it takes to repair his synthesizer and purchase a microphone set in hopes that he continues pursuing his musical hobbies.
For Lee Felix, I have purchased the newest gaming console so that he might always have something to bother Changbin with. I leave an additional $500 for him to one day adopt a dog from the shelter cafe he frequents.
“Fried or seasoned?” you hear a voice call out to you from the kitchen island.
You turn towards that direction to see Seungmin indicating at a few buckets of chicken. Despite his question, he’s already putting food onto your plate. 
“Half-half,” you answer. “Thanks!”
He nods and hands you exactly what you ask for.
To Kim Seungmin, I transfer all ownership of my stocks. As a man of great intelligence and even greater ambitions, there is not a doubt in my mind that he will take these shares and multiply their values beyond their monetary ones.
“Fried please!” yells Jeongin as he runs up to you so quickly, you nearly drop your plate.
He looks up to you with a cheeky grin while holding you in a side hug before making his way to Seungmin for food.
To Yang Jeongin, I grant $1125, the amount required to apply to all the post grad programs he is interested in, even the one he gave up on despite it being his dream school.
“Enjoying yourself?” 
You nod in response to the leader’s question. “It’s quieter than your college frat parties.”
Chan laughs. “Guess we all got old. Wanna sit?”
You nod again and follow him to the living room where most of the boys have gathered.
To Bang Chan, I bequeath all benefits of my insurance and whatever is left in my accounts. I trust him to use this disproportionately larger sum to benefit the future of his Mu Alpha Theta boys. I trust that he’ll always be by their sides, nourishing them like he has done up until now. I also trust that he will take a generous portion for himself, so that I may attempt to thank him for the stellar leader and friend he has been to me.
“So who’s winning?” you ask.
“Me,” Changbin answers. Felix’s laugh tells you to believe otherwise.
“Who cares? They both suck,” Seungmin scoffs, taking a controller for himself as he plops down next to you.
You look fondly upon the group of boys. Never in your life had you imagined meeting a whole fraternity of werewolves, but you are so glad you did. You look at your wrist; it’s almost the same colour as the rest of your arm now. You try to imagine what life would be like if you were any other office lady, unaware of the Mu Alpha Theta wolves and soulmateless. You could be downtown, enjoying a candle-lit dinner with a boyfriend or jamming to karaoke with some co-workers and not dying. 
Yet you can’t.
You can’t imagine being anywhere else right now than in this room with your eardrums being blasted out by game jargon and having to be hyper aware of your surroundings because fried chicken can still fly across the room when it’s in the hands of twenty-some year old boys. You can’t imagine not having got off the waitlist of your biology class and not having met Jisung or your soulmate. 
On the topic of Hyunjin, you frown realizing that he isn’t here. He usually stays at a friend’s with his daughter during events like these where the other boys are drinking-- it is actually a habit you initiated-- but you were still hoping he would come tonight. After all, it is the last time you would see each other. 
After chicken and games, Chan announces that he has bought cake. Before you can even recognize it as your favourite flavour, Jeongin has already smeared cream onto your face, and thus a war begins with the most popular target being you. By some miracle, you end up with a proper slice in your hands after all the commotion, but by then, the boys have quieted down significantly, having been worn down by earlier activities or passed out from alcohol. 
You turn around while swallowing your last bite to see Jisung again.
“Wanna get some fresh air?”
“Sure,” you reply.
He hands you a napkin and chuckles, “You might want some water to help you out. I’ll meet you outside when you’re ready.”
You take his suggestion and clean yourself up in the restroom. You giggle when you take in the damage the wolves have inflicted, but you don’t dwell on your reflection for long as to not keep Jisung waiting.
With your hand on the front door knob, you pause and take one last look at the house. Several boys lay asleep in front of a staticky television. The only one awake, Chan, looks up from his phone to shoot you a wink before looking back down, trying to keep things as normal as possible. 
You look to your left for Hyunjin’s room. You wonder if he’s still awake and how he is doing since his soulmate is dying and all. You hope he will not miss you too much; at least he has Jisung again. Speaking of Jisung, you push open the door to meet him. He turns around with a smile to greet you as you descend the front steps.
To Hwang Hyunjin, I would like to give my sincerest apologies for making him go through the pains of being left alone once more. I know this will not compensate for his loss, but I leave for him my jewelry and gold. I pray that these gifts will ease the hardships of being a single father. Know that I leave more than just these earthly possessions; I also leave with you my heart and spirit. I am always with you and your daughter through every up and every down.
“Wanna go somewhere?” Jisung asks you when you join him on the pavement.
You shrug. “I’ve already been everywhere I want to. Do you have any ideas?”
“Actually, I do. Hop on.”
You wrap your arms around the neck of your personal werewolf taxi, and he takes off. The night wind blows through your hair, and although the moon is shy tonight, the city lights in the distance are enough to fill your heart. You hand brushes over the wolf’s fur, thanking him for the experience.
And to Han Jisung, the dearest and greatest blessing of my life, I know you wouldn’t want anything of monetary value from me, so I have left for you a memory box. In it, you will find my life: diaries I’ve written as an angsty teen, CDs of my favourite songs, my lucky charm socks that I save only for test days, my perfume, and more. 
“Jolly Land?” you shout over the wind as Jisung easily hops over the gates. You are surprised at his choice, but not as surprised as when he starts climbing the twenty story ferris wheel, one carriage at the time until you have reached the top.
Oh, and please take care of Jolly Quokka. You are the reason why I have him, and he is one of my favourite memories I have with you. Please don’t cry too much, Jisung. Jolly will be watching over you for me to make sure you don’t!
“This is so illegal!” you laugh.
“Don’t worry, the werewolf council will cover up our tracks,” Jisung says while draping his jacket around you for the last time. “How are we supposed to explain the sudden death of a healthy young woman if she dies in the middle of a police interrogation?”
You are glad Jolly Land keeps some of its lights on after hours so that you can look around the park. You see a familiar stage and point towards it. “Look! That’s where we won the couple contest.”
Jisung leans over to take a gander before pointing at another spot. “And that’s where we got the headbands, and that’s the ride you forced me to go on.”
“And that’s where we had to sit for fifteen minutes afterwards because your legs were wobbling too much.”
You both laugh at the memories. “I’ll miss coming here. This was a great idea; thanks for taking me tonight, Jisung.”
“No problem,” he hums.
“Which reminds me. Aren’t you afraid of heights? You couldn’t even take that roller coaster; how did you manage to climb up here?”
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Some things are worth being afraid over.”
You chuckle at his sweet words. “Things would have been simpler if I were your soulmate… Ah, sorry, that is insensitive for me to say,” you apologize.
“It’s fine. It’s the truth.”
“Still,” you frown.
He reaches over and gives you a reassuring pat. “Did you have a good life, Y/N?”
“I would say so, yeah.”
“I’m glad.” He pulls you closer, and you lean into your best friend and close your eyes. You can feel your clock ticking. You know Hyunjin can feel it too.
Inside one of the rooms in the frat house paces a brown wolf as his child lays sleeping in her bed. Unlike what you had assumed, he has not left his room since you said your unofficial farewells this morning. Since then, only one question has dominated his thoughts: can he do it? 
A sharp pain in his wrist reminds him of the limited time he has left.
Jisung takes your cold hands in his, making sure you feel warm until the end. You shift in your seat to get a little more comfortable.
A tear drips from his eye as he walks over to his daughter. The memory of you sitting beside him, stroking his back after his ex left replays itself in his mind. Then comes the memory of you waiting patiently for him outside the custody court. Then the memory of you holding his hand in the ER when his child’s fever spiked at three in the morning. Then the memory of you laughing with him when he drenched you both in water while trying to fill up a kiddie pool.
You begin humming a nursery song, one that you often sing during the child’s bedtime. Jisung drums along with his fingers against your hand.
And then the memory of your arms around him in the forest. He was so close to losing you. So close to never holding you against him like that again. Hyunjin snuggles his daughter’s head upwards so that her neck lies between his two canines.  
You will hate him for this. You will absolutely hate him for this, but Hyunjin has been giving you reasons to hate him since the day you met. It’ll be alright if you finally did.
Your fingers curl themselves into your palm as a sudden fear of what is on the other side creeps up your spine. Jisung moves to loosen the tension by interlacing his digits with yours.
Another teardrop lands on his daughter and wakes her up. She blinks a few times. “Daddy?”
That one single word pierces his heart.
Time is ticking.
“Jisung?” you whisper, lifting your chin slightly more towards him.
“Thank you.”
But then there’s you, and he loves you. He loves you so much. There is no denying now. You are his soulmate, his heartbeat, his existence...
... And just a bite away. 
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Dear readers! Thanks for making it this far and coming on this 42nd Moon journey with me! All your notes, comments, and asks really touched my heart. I used to think creators on this site were so dramatic with their thanks to their followers until I found out that THAT’S ACTUALLY HOW WE REACT. So thank you all so, so, so much! I hope to see y’all around here again! (maybe for another 42 moons? Hahaha). PS: Please send in asks if u have any! We’ll be replying with badly drawn pics :P ~ ad.gold SPECIAL THANKS TO AD.GRAY WHO LET ME PESTER HER DURING THIS WHOLE PROCESS! And for editing, but tbh I think my annoying-ness is worse. kekeke
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afterglowxdbatc13 · 4 years
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41 notes · View notes
thebigbluecity · 4 years
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studymyn · 4 years
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'If you want to know why people sacrifice everything for love, you have to start by asking how they fell in love.'
-Fredrik Backman, Us Against You
studygram @studymyn
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poemforearth · 4 years
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05312020 - No Justice, No Peace.
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fuckyeahdawn · 4 years
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05.31.2020 hyojong_1994 Instagram Update
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ylrebmik0 · 4 years
im excited cause i can start making amvs again and it makes me kinda well happy <3
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toyotaequipment · 4 years
Excluding posts of photos, quotes and previous top ten lists, these are the most popular posts from the previous week as measured through social media analytics by likes, shares and URL clicks. Some forklift specific, others not so much.
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kimichan09 · 4 years
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A bowl of rice and tofu sisig with chicken and tuna
No dinner
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skyfullofstarszxc · 4 years
Ako nagaabang sa message mo
Hanggang ngayob gising pa ako
Nagsend ako ng "hi"
Pero wala kang reply
Siguro tulog ka na.
Sana all nakakatulog. Sana all tulog.
Binuksan ko messenger mo, dinilete ang hi ko at inarchive.
Ang lungkot.
Natiis mo ako at nakatulog ka na.
Sana masaya ka jan.
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voicedictionary · 4 years
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agitator 05/31/2020 GFX Definition of the Day
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highestformoflove · 4 years
He started to make you his least priority
He changes his pw and won't give it to you
Umaalis or umiinom ng walang paalam. (Magsasabi pagnandun na.)
Pagtatawagan mo tinatamad ka na kausapin ng matagal.
Mahilig magpalusot pagkavideocall ka.
Pinapalabas na nababaliw/tinotopak ka lang just to get out of the argument.
Signs are showing and it's hurting me more each day. Tama ba na nagkaayos kami? Parang mali na.
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thebigbluecity · 4 years
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00sheven · 4 years
the light at the end of the tunnel.
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the velvet underground white light white heat.
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rochelleannejoy · 4 years
I was walking around a subway, probably just came off a train, and I met Patricia and Ansherina along a road lined with trees (much like the ones in UP). I remember running from something and was trying to locate where I was so I could tell RJ where I came from. I knew I was in front of a familiar cafe but I couldn’t remember what the name was.  
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chairhouseclub · 4 years
日めくりピアノ万葉集:ピアノ短歌作品番号2360: When he was face to face with me 05312020 本日の曲が降りて来てくれましたのでアップさせて頂きます。あなたに気に入って頂ければ幸いです。 ◆創作ノート: いつも静かで穏やかな音楽が流れる、こころの中の世界。周囲には爽やかな自然が満ち、荘厳な建築の中には幾つかの落ち着いた装飾があり、中庭の中心には白く輝く塔が聳える。その頂上にはある四方を見渡せる部屋があり、そこには創造の女神様がいつでも光を放ち、満月とかくれんぼする、そういう世界。 ☆☆☆☆☆ ◆雑談: ~時間短縮版です~ ■音楽:Youtube動画で努力中です。少し広がりつつあるような気がしています。いつも結果出ませんけどね。(継続中)■歴史:■ドラマ・映画:(継続)もう、ただ、「メンタリスト」を見ています。Youtube向けの動画編集の時間が3時間弱かかっていますが、この間映画とか見れない。こまった作業。■プロモーション:ココナラでお願いしています。■unity ちょっとベースで考え中。創るのなら絶対に良いアプリを創りたい。今は音楽+画像+映像に集中。(継続中)■画像:とにかく毎朝1枚は創っています。そういえばロンドンとのコンタクト再開。こちらからのアクションとなる。私のいつものやり方なのだけど、最初に声を掛けてくれた人には良いリターンを考える。うまくプロモーションしてくれることを期待です。 ARTSTATION: chairhousehttps://www.artstation.com/chairhouse ■映像:動画ブログの第8号制作中。■物語:(継続)ちょっとベースになるものが見つかったかな。■PS4:(継続)ちょっとお休み。動画撮影優先。■運動:■造形:■考え:■その他:来週からちびさんの学校が動き始めるので、何らかの支援を行う必要がありそうな予感。■「抽象CGアート」 ARTSTATION-PRO.. : ) ARTSTATION: chairhousehttps://www.artstation.com/chairhouse ARTSTATIONで高品質プリントアウト販売ストア。https://www.artstation.com/chairhouse/prints ■グッズ制作: 先日購入したiPhone SE2用にケースを創りました。高級フルコンサートピアノがドカンと表示されているケースです。https://chairhouse.booth.pm/items/2098694 フルカラーTシャツ入手。ちょっと良かったです。アルバムジャケットを強調したバージョンです。https://manage.booth.pm/items/2054508/edit お店トップはこちら。https://chairhouse.booth.pm ■動画関連:Youtube - 最近Youtube動画をかなり創っていますのでここで紹介させて下さい。 ----------------------------★最近の評判動画です。 ====================================チェアハウスブログ: chair house' VLOG 第6号VLOG: 自分の作品を世界中に配信したい人への情報共有動画https://youtu.be/soxxit70GjU 第5号VLOG: 自分の作品を世界中に配信したい人への情報共有動画として再スタートhttps://youtu.be/6dP5Ka7kS0s 第4号VLOG: 2020.05.25 トピックス:動画ブログについてhttps://youtu.be/AavGyzUTPHg 第3号VLOG: 2020.05.24 トピックス:何故動画に出て喋るのかhttps://youtu.be/Bz_yn6JrnLI 第2号VLOG:2020.05.23 トピックス:写真家:野村誠一さんの動画に感動https://youtu.be/8jrOdd15QU4 第1号VLOG:2020.05.22 トピックス:今後のVLOGについてhttps://youtu.be/krAvyUnbxdY ===================================== 「chair house音楽分析」動画 《創造インパルス》という概念を発見してピアノ即興演奏の秘密を解き明かしています。また、海外リスナーの方のレビュー・コメントも紹介しています。かなり長い動画となっておりますが、良ければ視聴願います。 https://youtu.be/64tTlMdMIdc 「《シン・芸術家》のすすめ 」動画 1時間に渡って、新しい概念の芸術家活動を薦める動画を創り公開しました。現在私が実行している毎日の音楽創りと画像創りをプロセス化して多くの方にお勧めするという動画です。まあ無謀な動画ではありますが、内容に関しては皆様が実行可能なものと信じています。もしよろしければ見てやって下さい。 https://youtu.be/dfvnbVFrEjE 「ピアノ万葉集」プロジェクトの紹介動画公開(日本語のみ) 日本語限定なのだけど、「ピアノ万葉集」プロジェクトの説明動画をYoutubeで公開しました。ピアノ即興演奏の奥義も同時に説明しています。1時間という長時間動画ですが、不得意な語りを延々1時間やってみました。まあ、もしよろしければ少し見てみて頂ければ幸いです。ビル・エヴァンスの即興演奏の本質についての説明や、何故私がプロジェクトを始めたのかとかについても語ってみています。でも日本語限定ですみません。こういう内容の英訳は時間がかかりますからね。 https://youtu.be/hRgkCM3hQyY プロジェクト目標半分達成ご挨拶動画:初めての語りです(恥ずかしい限り)3分程度、聞き取れない滑舌悪い語りhttps://youtu.be/OLxRY8k3BXE 最近1年の動画まとめ動画:なんと69曲で3時間の巨大動画https://youtu.be/lbLvDE0PNWk プロジェクト初期の66曲(3時間)動画:「わたしのきもち」「恋」とかの初期(2014年)の初々しい曲達が入っています。https://youtu.be/5LVNxv3OFok 自然流ピアノ即興音楽創作の秘伝公開https://youtu.be/dYPU64lETCY 最初の第1選集アルバムのレビュー動画:名曲揃いの初アルバム紹介ビデオのレビューです。https://youtu.be/b3aG7n_Wf0M ----------------------------★アルバムフル動画シリーズ:これは絶対のおすすめです。気持ち良い1時間を過ごせます 最近自分でもやっているのですけど、眠るときにこの動画を再生すると、すんごく良く眠れます。こころがリフレッシュ。 そういえば、あるお母さんは赤ちゃんを寝せているときに、自分の音楽をずっと再生してくれていると言ってました。 もう大きくなったろうけど。絶対に幼児に良いとの自信があるのだそうです。嬉しい限りです。 選集アルバムは、創作から数年経過した時点でもう一度の選別作業を勝ち抜いた曲だけが採用されています。 なので、気持ち良さがちょっとレベルが違います(自画自賛すんません)。 「ピアノ万葉集 - 第16選集」全曲高音質搭載動画(17曲、50分):「ピアノ万葉集-第16選集フル動画」 https://youtu.be/-aPNQ8K-AGQ 「ピアノ万葉集 - 第15選集アルバム」の無料フル動画(20曲、50分):「ピアノ万葉集-第15選集フル動画」 https://youtu.be/A-i1mcNuzY8 「ピアノ万葉集 - 第14選集アルバム」の無料フル動画(23曲、57分):「ピアノ万葉集-第14選集フル動画」 https://youtu.be/felUIkstExU 「ピアノ万葉集 - 第13選集アルバム」の無料フル動画(21曲、53分):「ピアノ万葉集-第13選集フル動画」(海外リスナーのコメント付き) https://youtu.be/dfvnbVFrEjE 「ピアノ万葉集 - 第12選集アルバム」の無料フル動画(20曲、48分):「ピアノ万葉集-第12選集フル動画」:動画内で海外ユーザーのコメントを紹介しています。改めて頂いたコメントを読ませてもらうと、なんかちょっと感動してしまいます。自分が真の天才ではないだろうかという錯覚をもってしまいますよ..とても気持ち良い時間となりました。コメントをくれた皆様に感謝します。 https://youtu.be/PCKg3nlrTxc 「ピアノ万葉集 - 第16選集」短縮版動画(17曲、8分)はこちらです。特徴的なメロディを抽出しています。https://youtu.be/TiX95gUvnPg ----------------------------★楽譜付ピアノ演奏動画https://youtu.be/6odlqY1N3Pg - わたしのこころhttps://youtu.be/LFO0VEG1vEs - 孤非(恋)https://youtu.be/PUMt2zZ59pk - Somewhrere you remember ----------------------------★最近のピアノライブビデオ 1曲1動画の「創造の瞬間」シリーズですhttps://youtu.be/2k_qI3xXvM8https://youtu.be/ZL6nsguLxvghttps://youtu.be/GeWaz0Lcthchttps://youtu.be/jGxOSOytK44https://youtu.be/RizdGfB49Gwhttps://youtu.be/0T2pergQWq4https://youtu.be/sdiO1TfuQnohttps://youtu.be/YNEuEChahXE---------------------------- 「こころ安らぐ静かなピアノ曲集」という170曲を8時間連続で再生してくれる再生リストです。もし良ければ聴いてみて下さい。https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkAYYwSOKXVyrwr2bSwVI_v_golCwezZj
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