#1's switch port exists
oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
the one problem with yo-kai watch coming back is shadowside n forever friends needing to be dubbed for 4 to really make sense. maybe they'll announce 4 n then get to dubbing forever friends n dubbing + releasing shadowside? idk-
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shalvis · 2 months
Xenoblade 1 is the best game like ever fucking made and it has two of the most dogshit sequels ever fucking made
#meows#remembering just how insulted I felt in 2017 when I preordered the sequel and really really tried to like it#I hadn’t experienced Game I Don’t Like before 2 and it took me like 40 hours to realize I hated it#and that shit at the end is such an INSULT. such an insult#you’re telling me that [redacted] was actually only half of himself the whole time and that 1 and 2 are taking place at the same time???#and that oh actually [expunged] is one of three computers when the first game made no mention of any of that#y’all really went back to say your complete first game actually is only HaLf of the story? that someone like [expunged] is only a third of#the force that ended our planet#y’all went back and hollowed out your existing characters to make room for worse versions of the same characters#AND you play as a dork nerd child who ends the game with three gfs bc this is story#and the gfs do nothing but sacrifice themselves for you like three times and look pretty#but they don’t look pretty to like. normal well adjusted people#they look pretty to the I like questionable art of 17 year olds crowd#and the GALL. the GALL. of changing [expunged]s design in the switch port to try to stitch his afterthought purpose into the old game#while also making him just whiter and whiter until by 3 he’s like fucking light grey#and having him have a canon genderbend that’s just anime waif#who is also fucking white#and giving Klaus’ counterpart a name that has nothing to do with Gnosticism#even though so much other stuff in the first game comes from Gnosticism.#who the FUCK is Galea!!!! her name is fucking Sophia#killing biting maiming#and the gacha system? with bad odds for no reason in a game you’ve already paid for#it’s so fucking messy#it lacks a unified art direction#it’s soulless and even a game like 3 where only HALF of it is 2 flavored can’t beat the original because of the portion of 2 in it#and like what. is it like the two universes reunited after [redacted] died🙃#why did any of this need to exist! why did any of this have to be retconned#x is fine I don’t hate x and I don’t count it as a sequel to Xenoblade 1 bc there’s no#half assed tie back to 1 in x#2 and 3 would have been better as like. tales of games
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my-name-is-siduri · 1 year
The Pet Shop Boys Video Game
You may know about West End Girls being in GTA V, or the various songs that have been included in karaoke and rhythm games. But that's just tracks included in the game, not an entire game with the central focus of the Pet Shop Boys. Surely nothing like that exists...right?
Our story begins on a late Saturday night, in a Discord voice call. @condylicious, knowing my obsession with PSB, had jokingly searched for "Pet Shop Boys video game" on Youtube.
What we found was an enigma that plagued our lives for the rest of the night. So now I present it to you, dear reader, in hopes that this curiosity is documented for posterity.
This is PSB Game (1992) for the Commodore 64.
(Full essay below.)
Part 1: Gameplay
Lucky for all of us, not only is the PSB Game available online, but it's playable right out of Archive.org! I recommend adjusting the emulator's joystick settings so that the controls work properly.
Upon loading up the ROM, the first screen we're presented with has an animated color border, the name Riff Raffs, the label Pet Shop Boys +6, and a scrolling message in the middle.
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Quick tangent: this first screen that we've been presented with is a crack intro. To quickly summarize, breaking and removing a software's copy protection oddly enough has a culture around it, complete with entire teams that work on cracking programs. Not only do they remove the copy protection, but they add their own little flourish at the intro. The Riff Raffs here are one such team.
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The second screen is a cheat menu, also added in by the crack team. For my playthrough I gave myself infinite lives because I'm bad at video games.
Title Screen
With all of that out of the way, it's time to start the game!
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Other than the big text declaring PSB Game, there's the credit of 1992 S Pearson (we'll come back to this later), and an indication that Neil is Port 1 and Chris is Port 2. The title screen also has an extremely loud clashing noise playing over it. Listening closely though, it's a few second loop of the beginning of Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money).
I'm gonna be honest, these visuals combined with the clanging bitcrushed audio is uncannily similar to the supposed Polybius title screen. If the Men in Black show up at my door five days from now and start asking me synth-pop related questions then this is why.
The Stages
Pressing fire on the title screen starts the game. Whichever port you used to start will be the port you can play on. You can press fire on the other port at any time to have a second player join in.
Neil and Chris can move left and right. The fire button shoots up a comically large bullet upwards.
Getting hit knocks off one block from the health meter, as well as make our heroes flail their arms in distress. If the health meter drops to zero, its game over for that player. If both players lose, the game boots you back to the title screen. But I gave myself infinite health earlier so I won't have to worry about that during this playthrough :)
There are twelve stages. Most of the stages take place on this Launderette screen:
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On these Launderette stages, large gray rectangles attempt to squish our heroes. They are also impossible to shoot, leaving you with no choice to dodge them. After two stages of the Launderette screen, the game changes the stage to a different screen with different enemies. It switches back to the Launderette screen for another two stages, then to a new screen, and so on until the game ends. Here are all the unique stages.
Stage 3:
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It's the sleeve for the Love Comes Quickly single! Being rendered so minimalistic has somehow made Chris more ominous than he already was.
Stage 6:
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A bald, sunglasses-wearing man with a shirt that says "Video Fall". I'm not sure who this character is supposed to be, but he's throwing VHSs at us. Luckily these VHSs can be destroyed with a couple of shots, one of the few things that you can actually shoot.
Stage 9:
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The word UNFAIR is turned to its side, while a strange creature attacks our heroes. This stage isn't any more unfair than the other stages though, so I'm not sure what that's about.
Stage 12:
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I have no idea what this is supposed to be a picture of. It's possible that since Stage 3 was a picture of Chris that this might be a picture of Neil. But it's so mangled by pixelization that it's anyone's guess really.
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The game ends rather unceremoniously after Stage 12. It rapidly flickers the words "THE END". After flashing it for a little while, the game loops back to Stage 1.
Truly, the best that gaming has to offer.
Part 2: Who is responsible for this
As I mentioned in the intro, the first part of this journey began with a youtube video of PSB Game's gameplay. IMO it's not as good as mine, but it did start me off on this entire journey, to which I must thank it.
After going through every stage of grief upon watching this video, I began searching for more information about this game. I found two Commodore 64 databases had entries for the game. Here is the Gamebase64 entry, and here is the CSDb entry.
What's the title of the game anyway?
You might have noticed that the game appears to go by several names. CSDb, the original youtube video we found, and the cracking team itself calls the game "Pet Shop Boys +6". But the Gamebase64 entry calls it "PSB Game - Pet Shop Boys", and the game's title screen simply calls it "PSB Game." To confuse this further, the Archive.org file has "+6" tacked on at the end of the file name. My best guess is that the +6 part is related to the cracker team themselves? If anyone knows Commodore 64 terminology can explain this, feel free to let me know. Update: I've learned that the "+6" attached to the title refers to the 6 cheats available to use on the cheat menu before the game loads. Here is a video that explains the concept in more detail. Thank you to @dinosaurkirbys for letting me know about this, I appreciate it!
Personally, I've decided to go with the name PSB Game since it appears on the title screen.
Back to figuring out who made this
I realize it's a little bit late in this essay to point out that this game is a fan creation and completely unofficial. But uh, I thought I'd bring it up just in case.
The CSDb entry has little else other than the download link and credits the cracking team Riff Raffs (more about this in a bit) but has no credits for the game itself. The Gamebase64 entry gives us a little more information, noting the year it was published, as well as two names: Shaun Pearson. and Chris Yates.
Chris Yates is a red herring. As seen in the publishing info, PSB Game was created with SEUCK, which is an application that can be used to create shoot 'em up games. Chris Yates is one of the programmers for that application. Essentially, it's like if you credited a game made with RPG Maker as being created by RPG Maker itself.
That leaves us with Shaun Pearson.
Gamebase64 lets you search by creator. Searching for the name Shaun Pearson brings up a few results, mainly other SEUCK projects. What caught my attention was that they appear to have worked on a game as recently as 2020.
Now where this gets particularly interesting is that searching the same game on CSDb credits to user Wile Coyote instead. I'm not entirely certain if Wile Coyote is Shaun Pearson, but if they are, then they're active to this day. I'm not sure how to get into contact with them to confirm this because CSDb's forums were too confusing for me (I'm bad at technology I know), but if they are in fact the same, I think it's pretty cool to know that they're still active. If anyone can find me a way to contact them (or hey, if Shaun/Wile Coyote is currently reading this and want to contact me), feel free to reach out!
Part 3: Conclusion
As is, I think that's all there is that can be documented about the PSB Game. Before I go though, I do have a few requests.
One, if there is a physical copy of PSB Game laying around somewhere (unlikely, but you never know), I'd like to see a picture of it.
Two, if anyone knows how to rip C64 sprites, I'd love to have the sprite sheet for this game. Especially tiny pixel Chris and Neil flailing their arms.
And finally, Shaun, if you're reading this, I'd just like to say thank you so much for creating this strange little game. I had a blast uncovering it and learning a bunch about the C64 in the process. As I said, if you're willing to reach out, I'd love to hear more about this game from you!
Thanks for reading, everyone!
tl;dr weird little C64 shoot 'em up starring Neil and Chris
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lord-radish · 1 year
When the Metal Gear Solid collection got announced for Switch I legit SCREAMED. This is like Life is Strange all over again, knowing it's confined to another platform and then getting slapped in the face with a Switch reveal.
This reveal has layers, both personally, regarding Nintendo and for the greater MGS history.
First of all? Like straight-up, I just wanted it. The Switch is my main thing until I get a good computer, so being able to have the first five Metal Gear games on the Switch is so good. Right out of the gate, we're already off to a great start.
Secondly, it's significant that this collection is coming to the Switch because despite Metal Gear being known predominantly as a Sony franchise, Nintendo has the longest history with Metal Gear out of all the major publishers:
Konami's subpar NES port of Metal Gear 1 was the only worldwide release, and they released a subpar sequel on the same console that Kojima not only wasn't involved in, but wasn't even aware of. The only reason Metal Gear 2 on the MSX2 exists at all is because Kojima wanted to show what he could do with what was ostensibly his franchise. That directly led into the first Metal Gear Solid game, which was a massive trailblazer.
Nintendo has two major exclusive Metal Gear games. The first one is a top-down 2D game in the style of the original duology called Ghost Babel - it's non-canon. The second one is a 6th gen remake of the first Metal Gear Solid game on the GameCube, which has never been ported to anything else.
The only other Metal Gear game on a Nintendo platform, to my knowledge, is a port of Metal Gear Solid 3 to the 3DS in the early 2010's. Not counting spinoffs, the only (canon) Metal Gear games on Nintendo consoles are a shitty port of the first game, a remake of the first 3D game and an underpowered port of the third 3D game.
As such? The Master Collection will be the first time that Metal Gear 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2 will be playable on a Nintendo console.
Third, and lastly - the version of Metal Gear Solid 1 they're using.
Metal Gear Solid 1 is a PlayStation 1 game, and as such it has been notoriously hard to access beyond the PlayStation 1 release. There was an obscure PC port that apparently isn't great, but besides that, MGS1 only exists as a digital download on the PS3 and beyond. Even the Legacy Collection, which has EVERY MAINLINE GAME from 1987 to 2012, only had a download code for Metal Gear Solid; everything else was on-disc.
Before the PS3-exclusive Legacy Collection, there was a HD Collection released for the PS3 and Xbox 360. The only games on it were Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, which may have to do with the general congruity of those two PS2 titles, but which could also be because of MGS1's nature as a PlayStation exclusive causing its exclusion.
That exclusivity, along with MGS4 being a PS3 exclusive, means that the PlayStation 3 is the only games console on Earth capable of playing every single Metal Gear game, from the original MSX2 game to Metal Gear Solid 5.
The Master Collection that's releasing on the Switch uses the PS1 version.
This is the first fucking time that Metal Gear Solid 1 has natively been available on anything outside the PS1, excluding that PC port no-one seems to like. It has been locked up on the same platform, excluding emulation, for over 20 years. And what's more - they didn't substitute the original release with the GameCube remake, which is notable because if they were gonna keep the visual style of the three games congruous, they could have opted to port that remake instead.
The reason they're going with the PS1 version is because it's almost universally beloved for its voice-acting and music. The remake re-recorded everything, including script changes from Kojima who disliked the looser feel of the localised dialogue, and the score for the first game is iconic and unique before Harry Gregson-Williams took over composing duties for the second game onwards - including writing a whole new OST for the MGS1 remake, which doesn't hit quite as hard.
That last part is whatever since Xbox is getting it too, but I'm so excited for this collection for all of the above stated reasons. There's so much about this announcement that caught me completely off-guard.
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murumokirby360 · 1 year
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My UGREEN Multifunctional Card Reader USB 3.0 Review (w/ my paper dolls) - Part 1 [Feb 17th, 2023]
Hello, February! I have another UGREEN brand that I want it to share. Here's Part 1 of my UGREEN Multifunctional Card Reader USB 3.0 review (featuring my Paper Dolls).
An item that I need to insert my existing Micro SD/ (regular) SD Card for transferring my data file needs through my computer desktop/laptop & also my smartphone (with OTG function feature). 😊 📂➡️🖥️/💻/📱
So, without further ado, let's get started:
1st to 3rd Image(s): ↑
• Here's the packaging itself, very minimal look w/ some information at the back. 🙂📦 For paper dolls, do you think that item inside was made of licorice black filling? 🤔⚫🍬 Nah, incorrect! Also, we hate eating licorice for life. 😒
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4th & 5th Image(s): ↑
• Nonetheless, inside the box are the main item, a mini strap with hook, and a handy instruction manual (with multiple languages). So yeah, I told you, there's no licorice black food inside. lol 😐🤷
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6th to 11th Image(s): ↑
• Let's focus on the main item, the USB card reader. It may look like a normal USB storage thumb drive, but it doesn't have a memory chip because it has two slots for different memory cards; the upper part is for the normal SD card, and the lower right is for the TF / Micro SD Card. Two of which we're completely common & still produced, to this day. 🙂📦📦
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12th & 13th Image(s): ↑
• Uh yeah, and I've already installed the mini strap onto the hole of my USB Card Reader. Stylish, isn't it, you two? 😎 They think that it's a licorice candy w/ a USB type A male & cap. lol 😅
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14th & 15th Image(s): ↑
• Alright, let's not waste our time because I'm attempting a ✌️"Test Drive"✌️ with these memory cards, and some extras! By the way, the blue SD card (on the right) was from my mom & it's a Transcend brand. Don't eat, if you dare! ☝️
My recorded video #1 [Edited] 🎦📝: (pls watch)
• Anyways, let's start off by removing a cap & insert my functional Strontium 64GB TF card first before I plugged in into my PC's USB type A port. And once that, it pops another window to reveal my files from my Strontium 64GB Micro SD Card. Nice! So far, my files are intact without a single corrupt. 😁👍 When I go to the "This PC" window, I noticed there's an empty slot for the normal SD card. So, I'll try to use the Strontium's SD to Micro SD card adapter onto my old Samsung EVO 64GB TF card, after this.
• Now, once I removed my card reader safely I'm now attempting the Micro SD Card adapter with my Strontium & Samsung EVO TF Card, combining these into one single card before I insert another slot & plugged it in through my PC. And would you look at that! My old Samsung EVO still recognized my precious files! Yes! 😃 Now, my two Micro SD cards are operated by one USB Card Reader! Nice! And so far, just like my old Strontium 64GB, my old Samsung EVO's files are also intact without a single corruption. 😁👍
• Let's switch over to my windows 10 record video (using VLC media player), and let's see if I copy my snapshots through my Adata HD300 external HD. 1️⃣📂➡️🖥️ Which, by the way, I've already plugged in. And as you can see, the transfer rate is fast, even I plugged in the normal USB 2.0 socket. But, it's only 730MB, right? Yeah! And it successfully copied onto my external HD. Easy peasy! 😁However, when I switched to another Micro SD Card, this where the TRUE test for my Ugreen Card Reader. 2️⃣📂➡️🖥️ I first create a new folder before I copy the single folder from another TF card that contains a WHOPPING 8.7GB size! Damn! 😮 Anyway, once that, the 2nd attempt is off to the races at 30+ MB/s & it took 4 minutes (3:39 AM to 3:43 AM) to complete the copy process. Yeah, you heard me! 4 minutes for an 8.7GB copy process! Great! 😃 My two snapshot folders are now copied to my safe external HD (2 TB).😁
No overall thoughts, this time around. Because I have another post coming up, right here → [CLICK ME!].
Well, that's all for now.
If you haven't seen my previous topic, then I'll provide some links down below. ↓😉
My Redragon Hylas (H260) Gaming Headset Review:
• Part 1 [Jan 18th, 2023]
• Part 2 (Final) [Jan 18th, 2023]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301, @paektu
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robotsprinkles · 2 years
Analysing the Evolution of Destiny’s Art Style, Prelude 2: Disclaimers
This one’s gonna be a bit of a mess (and not particularly necessary to read), mostly just me listing claims/criticisms other people have made regarding the differences between D1 and D2′s artstyles, discussing my method for comparisons/analysis and the potential flaws, and some other issues.
The only thing I really want people to take from this is that if I make a claim you disagree with, please tell me and send me screenshots from the game that disprove my argument/show what you mean so I can correct my mistakes.
I will largely not be collecting reference for D1 using my own game and ps4, because a) my controller’s broken and I don’t want to buy a new one, b) it would take way too long to acquire every armour piece and weapon that exist in the game, c) a lot of people have already done direct comparisons of certain things between the games (the Cosmodrome, Luna, VoG, certain weapons, etc. Whenever I use someone else’s footage/pictures in a comparison I’ll link to the source. I’m aware that this method of sourcing references isn’t ideal and could lead to flawed data (for instance, if the place I’m sourcing from decided to put their images through a filter like bumping up the contrast or saturation, or if I try to judge average default palette using items that have shaders applied to them. I’ll try to avoid the second thing by double checking every item I use in lowlidev (the one site that actually has every d1 weapon and armour piece, albeit in the form of low-poly simple-textured models).
Throughout this series, I’ll often reference arguments and claims I’ve seen made by others regarding the topics covered, and I’ll often be phrasing my analyses and notes as direct responses to said claims. In these cases, I will probably not link to the posts I’m responding to (mostly because a lot of these claims have been made by more than a few people, and most of the posts are quite old. also most of them are reddit and bungie forum posts). 
This isn’t going to be one of those “d2 bad d1 superior bungie sucks and don’t know how to make their own game blah blah blah” things there’s already plenty enough of. D2 is one of my favourite games and is without question my most played game of all time, and while I do have my criticisms of the game and Bungie and certain things they’ve done, bashing them over something like this would be stupid.
In addition, while my current preference is for D1′s artstyle and design philosophy (a sentiment I have expressed and share with my friends who also play), upon D2′s launch, I actually vastly preferred D2′s art and design style over D1′s. I genuinely fully switched from being a warlock main to a titan main because I loved being able to make my titan an absolute unit. (in D1 I actually used immolation fists on my titan solely because they were the arms with the biggest spauldrons that I had)
Also while I would love it if Bungie ported every piece of D1 armour (except maybe exotics for perk balance reasons) into D2 (as ornaments or actual loot) Bungie can do what they want it’s their game and I’m just some random person on the internet. I also understand it would probably be hell for them to port however many armour pieces d1 has with all the retopology and retexturing and everything else they’d have to do.
Now, onto some claims I’ll be responding to/going over throughout this series:
“Destiny 2 has more contrast/higher saturation than Destiny 1″
“D1 looks better/more realistic because it’s darker and gritter than D2″
“D1 has a more mysterious atmosphere as a result of its technically worse graphics”
related to the previous: “the technically worse graphics (lighting/rendering/etc) of D1 forced bungie’s artists to compensate by adding wear and tear, grit, scuff marks, etc to everything, which gave everything a lived-in, realistic feel”
also related to the previous two: “bungie’s switch to PBR in D2 caused them to go really hard into eyecandy/showing off the improved graphics by ‘going to town on fancy effects like metal shine’ and light flares, etc. The increased focus on ‘aesthetic’ and making everything ‘pretty/eyecandy’ caused D2 to lose a lot of D1′s ‘used future’ and post apocalyptic character/feel”
“Environments in D1 felt more weathered/realistic/post-apocalytic/aged due the use of warm off-whites, while D2 uses more neutral and cool whites, making everything feel brighter/newer”
“D1 armour looks better/more realistic than D2 armour because”
“It’s modular and uses recycled assets, therefore everything feels like part of the same world/setting and makes everything look grounded and thus more realistic/better”
and “it’s all made from a library of the same Bits and therefore every piece of armour works with every other piece, thus allowing for easy mixing of different sets that look like they all fit together, while D2 armour pieces are all built as part of a single set, resulting sets being significantly harder to mix and match without design clash”
(for titans) “The shoulders are smaller”
“D2 armour is brighter/more saturated”
“D1 armour feels more layered than D2 armour”
(These aren’t the only things I’ll be going over, but this is getting long)
Some quick notes on my opinion of the oft-made claims on this topic based off what I’ve read:
A lot of the claims people make about the differences between the artstyles of the two games (usually in the form of bashing D2 because of course) aren’t necessarily wrong, but they’re often a combination of using a general trend/overgeneralisation and ignoring the existence of exceptions and outliers to form a thesis, and taking that one noted factor of difference and claiming it to be the only — or if they’re being slightly smarter about it, the most significant — factor of difference between the two. The most obvious example of this would be people whose only point on the topic of differences in D2 and D1 titan armour design is the size of the shoulders (again usually in the context of saying D2 sucks/is worse than D1), completely neglecting to mention or acknowledge anything else (backswept helms, more purpose-built techsuits, upswept cuisses, more flat planes, more machined details, etc)
People often make claims that feel true but actually aren’t, either due to flawed memory, or the way the game is made tricking their senses, or trying to come up with an example to prove a point and just saying things that are demonstrably incorrect/have multiple major/blatant counterexamples (VoG’s environments being generally darker in D2 than D1)
Gonna give an example here just because this one’s really easy to demonstrate. You’ll note that while for the most part, the materials and lighting are darker on average in D2, Bungie also significantly increased the strength of the lighting effects in D2, at least in VoG (I believe — based off my memory of previous comparisons I’ve done — that the the sun in D1′s Cosmodrome is significantly brighter than in D2, though, a) the sun is at different positions and it’s (therefore) a different time of day, and b) the sun isn’t really visible
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Also, just an addendum/note/correction on a claim I made in another post: I’ve previously stated that the Cosmodrome in D1 is more saturated in colour than it is in D2. However, having since done further research, I think it’s not quite as simple as that; it depends on what time of the day/night cycle you’re in (in D1, D2′s Cosmodrome doesn’t have a day/night cycle for some reason). During sunset/sunrise (and I think nighttime, though it’s entirely possible I’m wrong on that one since I’ve not yet done a proper levels check for that), D1 is more saturated, but during the sun’s peak, D1 is indeed less saturated than D2.
My current theory is that D1 favoured not simple washed-out colours, as many people claim, but instead that the average colour of the environment/objects was heavily affected by the colour of the dominant light source (during sunset, everything is pushed towards a strong red-orange, night is cool blue, midday is washed-out white, and so on), where as D2 favours more neutral (potentially slightly cool) base lighting that doesn’t affect the average hue of the environment near as much if at all (the moon in D2 is greyer and less blue than in D1, as an example)
There’s almost certainly more to it than that, which is fine, because I’ll be going over this in more detail in one of the actual in-depth posts.
Also, again, if anyone reading this disagrees with a claim I make and has evidence for the counterclaim, please tell me and send me the evidence so I can correct myself. (I’m asking for sent proof/evidence mostly so I don’t end up thinking the counterclaim is wrong due to taking my reference at the wrong time of the day/night cycle or anything like that, but also so I don’t end up wasting time checking a claim that turns out to be false)
End of Prelude 2.
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govindhtech · 8 months
ROG Maximus Z790 Formula: Perfect graphics motherboard
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Motherboards: ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Formula & ROG Maximus Z790 APEX Encore Pictured
The ultra-enthusiast APEX Encore & Formula motherboards from ASUS’s forthcoming ROG Maximus Z790 lineup have been shown.
Two enthusiast-grade ROG Maximus Z790 motherboards from ASUS are being prepared for use with Intel’s 14th generation processors, The Formula and APEX Encore. Associated Images
It was already known that ASUS was putting together new ROG Z790 upgrades to coincide with the release of desktop CPUs powered on Intel’s 14th generation Raptor Lake architecture. Now, thanks to leaker Momomo_US, we have images of these motherboards. The recently released ROG Maximus and ROG STRIX motherboards are among those shown.
Motherboard, ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Formula
We are receiving a white and black color scheme for the ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Formula to start, and it looks fantastic. The ROG Water-Cooling Zone water block, which customers may attach to their current custom-loop configurations for greater thermal performance on the VRMs, is the main feature of this motherboard.
Additionally, users have access to certain useful buttons on the board that allow them to power on, reset, and use the Flexkey function of Formula motherboards.
As for the technical details, the ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Formula keeps the ATX form size and has a twin 8-pin CPU connection setup. There are four DDR5 DIMM slots, each of which can accommodate speeds of up to 192 GB and over 8000 MT/s. The M.2 heatsinks are located behind the white shield that completely encases the motherboard’s front.
The board has two PCIe x16 slots for expansion and a large range of I/O interfaces, including WIFI 7 compatibility, two Thunderbolt 4 Type-C connections, a USB 3.2 Gen 2 10 Gbps Type-C connector, 5 GbE LAN, several USB 3.2 ports, and BIOS Flashback/Clear CMOS switches. Since the ROG Maximus Z690 Formula was priced in the $700–$800 US range, the motherboard should be reasonably priced in that area as well.
Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 APEX
The ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 APEX Encore, the company’s best overclocking motherboard and the final member of the LGA 1700 series, will be discussed next. This motherboard has a VRM that is designed to maximize the performance of Intel’s newest 14th-generation CPUs and is powered by two 8-pin ports.
The motherboard has two DDR5 DIMM slots that can accommodate a single DIMM in addition to pushing memory overclocks beyond 10,000 MT/s.Two M.2 devices can fit into a 2 slot. You receive two PCIe x16 slots and two PCIe x4 slots for expansion. Four conventional ports, including one Gen 5×4 linked to the CPU channels, are included in M.2 slots. Four SATA III ports are also included.
A detachable fan attachment that may be utilized as an active fan-cooler for the DDR5 DIMMs is also included with the motherboard. When using them at higher clock rates, this could be very beneficial for memory stability.
The motherboard has an additional 8-pin socket to supply it with more power, and next to the Debug LED are many buttons for overclocking and tweaking. I/O has two PS/2 connections that are useful for overclockers along with 9 USB 3.2 ports, 1 USB 3.2 Gen2x2 Type-C port, WIFI 7 support, 2.5 GbE LAN, BIOS flashback, and clean CMOS buttons. As it replaces the existing APEX, the motherboard should likewise have a retail price of about $700–$800 US.
Motherboard, ASUS ROG STRIX Z790-F Gaming WIFI
Last but not least, there is the ASUS ROG STRIX Z790-F Gaming WIFI II, a complete upgrade to the original ROG Z790-F Gaming WIFI with a number of little improvements including improved I/O, better cooling, better looks, and a VRM that is optimized for 14th Gen CPUs.
Expect this board to cost somewhat more than the current ROG STRIX-F model, which sells for about $400 US. The four updated ROG Z790 motherboards should be available for purchase in the upcoming week, which is also the time that Intel will introduce its 14th Gen Raptor Lake desktop CPUs.
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m39 · 1 year
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2004): Decade
After being highlighted in the Top 100 WADs of All Time with both Null Space from 2001 and Doom Raider: Crypt of the Vile from 2003, Russel Pearson has been once again awarded for his contributions to the WAD-making community in 2004. This time, with one of the first Cacowards for this map. And as for me, it’s the third time I’ll be taking a look at his work.
G2: Decade
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Main author(s): Russell Pearson
Release date: June 3rd, 2004 (original release)/ September 2004 (database upload)
Version played: ???
Required port compatibility: ZDoom
Levels: 1 (MAP01 replacement)
Decade is somewhat of a celebration of the 10th birthday of the Doom franchise. Some of you might even consider this map as a condensed version of the classic games.
It all started in mid-November, 2003 when the author found out about Doom’s 10th anniversary. He decided to make a map for this occasion (that started as a hybrid of the first maps from both games), and he made it. It was rubbish, he thought, salvaged what he thought had potential, and created what you can see today. Bigger and more linear than he thought, but still considered to be a well-done map by him.
Now, it’s my turn to check if this map is worthy of celebrating Doom’s 10th anniversary, or just celebrating this franchise overall.
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I don’t really have anything bad to say about how this map looks. Sure, I could whine that it doesn’t look interesting texture-wise, how it’s yet another Knee-Deep in the Dead-themed, tech base map, or how it looks basic and doesn’t try that hard, but it makes sense here since Decade, as I said already, is a celebration of the Doom franchise achieving ten years of its existence.
And for this celebration, I really adore the references to the original maps. Maps like Hangar,
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Deimos Anomaly,
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Hell Keep,
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or Refueling Base among other maps referenced in Decade.
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As always, using a music track from Doom I instead of Doom II is always a bonus since it makes the map less stale to play.
Gameplay-wise, this map is rather simple to play. Typical Doom gameplay on a moderately big map, as it should be for the reasons I’ve already mentioned. Although, Decade tends to spice up some stuff.
Unlike the classic Doom games, Decade requires you to jump. Usually in terms of secrets and grabbing an item on boxes but there is one moment in the yellow key area where jumping is basically needed to get the key without melting in acid.
There is one interesting case where you encounter a set of four switches.
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One of these will lower the lift nearby, two will raise some pillars with plasma and the last one will summon a bunch of Imps. Now, the funny thing about these switches that I notices while gathering material for secrets and screenshots, is that they are randomized. I don’t remember ever encountering (or at least noticing) such a funny mechanic in a custom Doom map/WAD. It kind of gives Decade a slight replay value.
There is another funny moment with a stack of boxes full of rockets.
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When you encounter them the first time playing this map, you might think that by reaching their other side, you will be able to grab them, right? No. Turns out that you can only get like one or two rockets before blowing the barrel in the middle of the stack. Guess what happens next?
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You actually need to do this if you want to get the secret in one of the previous areas. It’s kind of clever and hilarious.
Decade is challenging. It’s not as challenging as, let’s say, Deus Vult for instance but it can still screw you over if you are not constantly vigilant. It will also be one step ahead of you most of the time. Falling back to the previous room to bottleneck the enemies while they are trying to squeeze through the door? Guess what? Either more enemies will spawn in that area or the doors are shut. Either way, you are screwed unless you play this map slowly.
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Even though on Hurt Me Plenty, this map starts at 634 enemies and may go even up to over 750, around 2/3rds of the enemies are low-tier. Half of them are actually Imps that can be easily mowed down if you are good at dodging, even though it tends to be tiring at the beginning and the end of a map for different reasons.
In order to spice shit up, the map introduces Supercharged enemies. You can recognize them by the platform that is lightened in red.
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These enemies will keep resurrecting themselves until you deactivate the charger they are standing on. Thankfully there are only two of these enemies (replacing Cyberdemons and Spiderdemons). Supercharged Revenants now fire two rockets in a series while Supercharged Mancubi, instead of firing 2*3 fireballs, now shoot a volley of five projectiles in a horizontal line. Also, they are around twice as tanky as their normal counterparts.
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I encountered one bug during my blind playthrough. When disabling one of the resurrection chargers, the uber-Revenant basically died after turning it off, like he was crushed or something.
Also, there is one interesting thing that is not a glitch but it’s worth mentioning. One of the secrets requires a set of teleporters (where the last one is hidden) to be used. But there is an unofficial way to get there too. You can cheese it by strafe-jumping from one of the Revenant platforms to get to the secret. And since jumping is now needed, well...
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Decade is a lovable map that is a good choice for celebrating Doom’s birthday. Even though it can kick your ass, it’s still fun to play. If you are interested in this map, you can download either the original version from 2004 or the remaster from 2019 (that I’ll review in the rather distant future).
Three maps from Russell Pearson and a hat trick of really good quality. That’s how maps/WAD for ZDoom should’ve evolved: as an extension of Boom mechanics and features, rather than pretending to be some big, ambitious mod that wants to be the next Half-Life or something.
Tune in next time, folks, when we will be taking a look at the full version of RTC-3057 (or what was left of it after it was abandoned).
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wintrealtime · 2 years
Proxie checker
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#Proxie checker how to#
#Proxie checker install#
#Proxie checker download#
#Proxie checker free#
#Proxie checker free#
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache license. /mo͞oˌbēNG/ - mubeng-mubeng nganti mumet.
#Proxie checker how to#
To learn how to setup a development environment and for contribution guidelines, see CONTRIBUTING.md. This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Unable to run proxy IP rotator as a daemon on Windows.
In other words, the SOCKSv5 resource that you provide is used properly because it uses auto-switch transport on the client, but this proxy server DOES NOT switch to anything other than HTTP protocol. LimitationsĬurrently IP rotation runs the proxy server only as an HTTP protocol, not a SOCKSv5 protocol, even though the resource you have is SOCKSv5. After that, fill required columns (Address/Domain Name & Port) with correct details. In that window, scroll to Use proxy chain part then check Use an outgoing proxy server. Select Tools in the menu bar in your ZAP session window, then select the Options (shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+O) submenu, and go to Connection section. (Figure: Settings proxy chain connection in OWASP ZAP to mubeng) OWASP ZAP allows you to connect to another proxy for outgoing connections in OWASP ZAP session. It acts the same way when you using an upstream proxy. After that, fill required columns (Destination host, Proxy host & Proxy port) with correct details. In the Upstream Proxy Servers section, check Override user options then press Add button to add your upstream proxy rule. In your Burp Suite instance, select Project options menu, and click Connections tab. (Figure: Settings Burp Suite Upstream Proxy to mubeng) In case you want to use mubeng (proxy IP rotator) as an upstream proxy in Burp Suite, acting in-between Burp Suite and mubeng to the internet, so you don't need any additional extensions in Burp Suite for that. (Figure: Running mubeng as proxy IP rotator with verbose mode) Burp Suite Upstream Proxy The -r (-rotate) flag works to rotate your IP for every N request value you provide (10). ▶ mubeng -a localhost:8089 -f live.txt -r 10 Pass -check flag in command to perform proxy checks: Please refer to documentation for this package.
Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", and "h".įor example, you've proxy pool (proxies.txt) as: īecause we use auto-switch transport, mubeng can accept multiple proxy protocol schemes at once.
A timeout option (-t/-timeout) value is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "5s", "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m".
If you use output option (-o/-output) to run proxy IP rotator, request/response headers are NOT written to the log file.
All cookie values in headers will be redacted automatically.
We DO NOT explicitly display the request/response body, and.
HTTP traffic requests and responses is displayed when verbose mode (-v/-verbose) is enabled, but.
Verbose mode (-v/-verbose) and timeout (-t/-timeout) apply to both proxy check and proxy IP rotation actions.
Whenever you activate the daemon mode, it works by forcibly stop and uninstalling the existing mubeng service, then re-install and starting it up in daemon.
Hence you can control service with journalctl/ service command to start/stop proxy server.
#Proxie checker install#
Daemon mode (-d/-daemon) will install mubeng as a service on the (Linux/OSX) system /setting up callback (Windows).
So, there is no guarantee if your request reaches the N value (-r/-rotate) your IP proxy will rotate. We do not set up conditions if a proxy has been used.
Rotation means random, NOT choosing a proxy after/increment from proxy pool.
Rotations are counted for all requests, even if the request fails.
Log output from proxy server or live check. Rotate proxy IP for every AFTER request (default: 1).ĭump HTTP request/responses or show died proxy on check. time allowed for proxy server/check (default: 30s).
#Proxie checker download#
Simply, download a pre-built binary from releases page, unpack and run! Docker So, you don't need any extra proxy checking tools out there if you want to check your proxy pool. We also leave it entirely up to user to use proxy pool resources from anywhere. bruteforce protection, API rate-limiting or WAF blocking based on IP. This is useful to avoid different kinds of IP ban, i.e. It's fairly simple, there is no need for additional configuration. Cross-platform: whether you are Windows, Linux, Mac, or even Raspberry Pi, you can run it very well.Easy to use: You can just run it against your proxy file, and choose the action you want!.Proxy checker: Check your proxy IP which is still alive.Proxy IP rotator: Rotates your IP address for every specific request.An incredibly fast proxy checker & IP rotator with ease.
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0 notes
cnfree · 2 years
Surface pro 4 wireless display adapter
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24-05-2014 check the device status by locating the wireless network adapter, right click on it and select properties. Shop for 4g dongles, proceed with your microsoft store.īefore you connect your surface to the adapter, install the microsoft wireless display adapter app from microsoft store, 1.
Suspending the app will also suspend the update or may cause it to fail.
However, a new problem appeared after installation.
With the microsoft surface family of infrared technology to fail.
Connect the hdmi end of the microsoft wireless adapter into an hdmi port on your tv.
And if any ms product person is reading this, please make this a thing!.
Features a 66% smaller design, wireless stereo sound support, and the ability to connect up to eight controllers at once. If your adapter s firmware is up to date and you still have a problem, try solution 4. While the us, connect to reset the notes. On most surface devices, you can configure client network adapter settings to only connect to wireless aps over 5 gigahertz ghz, only connect over 2.4 ghz, or let the operating system choose the best option default auto setting. However my system will not see my brand new microsoft wireless display device either through the project add or by directly going to devices and clicking add device. Shop for 4g dongles, data cards, hotspots online of airtel, huawei, zte brands.ĭRIVER LENOVO G570 SD CARD READER. This wikihow teaches you different ways to reset the wi-fi adapter and connections on a windows pc. The wi-fi driver version number is listed in the driver version field. I hope this article will be helpful to you whenever you find issues regarding the wireless adapter or access point. While it's convenient to be done on a tv/projector? My feeling is that this is an issue in the way the os is managing the adapter or something in the surface docks. EEEKit Office Kit for Windows Tablet Surface RT Pro 2 3. Right-click the wireless adapter and select properties. Perhaps switch channel on router to 1, 6 or 11. Continual or periodic microsoft wireless display adapter disconnects, failure to pair microsoft wireless display adapter, etc. Microsoft for computer keyboards and lifestyle. Results where users are getting the microsoft troubleshooting page listed. Usb 2.0 to 100mbps ethernet network adapter. The glam hobby ourlink wi-fi adapter went completely missing. If you do a search on surface pro 4 wireless you will get a bunch of results where users are reporting this exact same issue but no resolution or confirmation of an issue from ms. We'll take care of pushing the 2nd as there is plug-and. Freezing and travel and competitive prices. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 1 devices, huawei, warranty and select properties. This adapter is compatible with windows, mac, and linux laptops, and setup is plug-and. 17-08-2015 so after 2 failed attempts at installing windows 10 on an acer aspire z5801 pc, i finally managed to succeed. While it's convenient to have, most of the time it is not very practical.
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Neither my windows 10 laptop nor my windows 8.1 tablet can connect to my tv via the adapter anymore. Pc, and best after-sale service, select properties. Windows is unable to detect adapter after reinstall. Windows does not detect its existence at all, it's like the pc doesn't have one installed.
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23-09-2014 today we re announcing the microsoft wireless display adapter, which connects to an hdtv, monitor, or projector and will let you easily share content from any miracast-enabled device including many pcs and tablets running windows 8.1.Ġ5-04-2020 the microsoft wireless display adapter app must be in the foreground on your device while installing firmware updates. With the wireless display adaptor, i don t have to worry about getting everyone to huddle around a. If the adapter is working properly, the device is working properly message will be displayed in the device status window. It isn't a smart tv, but does have hdml/usb etc. In the search box, enter microsoft wireless display adapter. 13-10-2015 simply plug into an hdtv, connect, then wirelessly mirror or extend your screen snap the ends together to pack and travel. I will use one as the 'source', and have the client holding the 2nd as a display/mirrored. Download Now WIRELESS ADAPTER SURFACE DRIVER
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0 notes
polarisgaming · 2 years
Hitman 2 season pass
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You can only import your progress ONCE.
This is because all the XP and item unlocks will erase any progress you already made in Hitman 3.
You need to sort this out BEFORE starting any Hitman 3 content.
If you’ve played Hitman 2 and want to import your old progress into Hitman 3 for item unlocks, things are a bit more complicated. This must be done within Hitman 2 it won't work in Hitman 3. If you do own Hitman 1, you can unlock the Legacy Mission Pack for free in Hitman 2 that will then let you do the same in Hitman 3, as described in the previous section. This is considered Hitman 2 content but is still a full Hitman 1 experience. Instead IO Interactive released the Legacy Mission Pack, enhanced versions of the Hitman 1 levels, as DLC for Hitman 2. This is because Hitman 1 progress can’t be transferred to Hitman 2, let alone 3. At least, not from the original Hitman 1 game. Unfortunately, the simple answer to this question is that you can’t. Physical version owners will also want to install the Bonus Episode via the voucher included with the game.
If you’re playing on Xbox, you’ll also need to have acquired the Hitman 2 Starter Pack on your account.
Hitman 2: If you have the full version of Hitman 2 installed, simply go to the Hitman 3 in-game store and download its Access Pass.
Once you have the Legacy Pack redeemed in Hitman 2, go to Hitman 3's in-game store and download "Hitman GOTY".
If you have “The Complete First Season” or “Definitive Edition” on disc, you’ll need to follow the prompts in their in-game store to redeem and download the Legacy Pack in Hitman 2.
If your Hitman 1 content is owned digitally, they’ll unlock the Legacy Mission Pack automatically in Hitman 2.
Hitman GOTY: To get the Hitman 1 levels for free, you need to have all seven Hitman episodes downloaded onto the system Hitman 3 is on, or own either “Hitman: The Full Experience”, “Hitman: the Complete First Season”, and update them to the latest version.
You will need to do this even if you're just transferring your Hitman 2 progress! If you already own either Hitman 1 or 2, you can use your existing copies of these games to unlock their Access Passes in Hitman 2 at no extra cost, which will then work in Hitman 3. I’ve Got Hitman 1/2 and Want To Unlock Their Levels
Hitman 2 Gold Edition: Everything in Hitman 2 Standard, plus both Expansion Passes that add 2 new story Destinations (New York and Haven Island), Hantu Port Sniper Assassin location, Special Assignments in existing Hitman 2 levels, and various outfit and weapon packs.
Hitman 2 Standard: Unlocks the 6 Destinations from Hitman 2.
If you bought Hitman 3 on the Epic Games Store, this content will be unlocked for you automatically.
Hitman GOTY: Unlocks the 6 levels from Hitman 1, as well as the “Patient Zero” bonus campaign with 4 new Destinations, 3 Escalation Contracts, plus 3 outfits and 3 weapons.
The packs that unlock older content in Hitman 3 are as follows: These will allow you to download all of the levels and story content into Hitman 3, letting you play through the entire trilogy in one game. If Hitman 3 is your first in the trilogy and you only want to unlock the levels from the first two games, the Access Passes available via the Hitman 3 in-game store tab in the main menu is your best bet.
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I Bought Hitman 3 on the Epic Games Store.
I Want To Transfer My Hitman 2 Progress.
I Want To Transfer My Hitman 1 Progress.
I’ve Got Hitman 1/2 and Want To Unlock Their Levels.
There are four scenarios this page will help you out with. This is for the simple matter that Hitman 2 isn’t available on Switch as a standalone title to begin with.
Switch players cannot import progress.
This is considered Hitman 2 content, but can be unlocked for free if you have a full version of Hitman 1 (detailed below). Hitman 1’s levels were ported to Hitman 2 as the Legacy Missions Pack.
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It’s impossible to import Hitman 1 progress directly from that game.
This is because importing old progress will erase anything you did in Hitman 3 thanks to item unlocks.
Returning players should import their Hitman 2 progress before starting any Hitman 3 content.
If you bought Hitman 2 on Steam, things will be more complicated since Hitman 3 is exclusive to the Epic Games Store on PC for a year. That is, PlayStation, Xbox, Stadia, or the Epic Games Store.
These unlocks only work on the same platform family you bought Hitman 3 on.
Before we begin, there are some important things to note:
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1 note · View note
applicationsoftgo · 2 years
Multibeast settings for ga-z97-d3h
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If you could please suggest an 'monster/beast' CPU with i7 not sure what is above this with high RAM. Renowned for quality and innovation, GIGABYTE is the very choice for PC DIY enthusiasts and gamers alike. Bringing cutting edge features and innovation, bringing cutting edge features. GIGABYTE GV-N710D3-2GL benchmarks, GIGABYTE GV-N710D3-2GL performance data from and the Phoronix Test Suite. Available in 120GB, 240GB and 480GB capacities, the MP500. Popular components today my main monitor. 04-12-2015 All readings by OpenHardwareMonitor seem to be correct, however all fan speeds are missing except for the GPUs'. Motherboard with most amount of SATA ports. I play games on each piece, the Phoronix Test Suite. Conforming to buy stuff, features and the same socket entry. You can help protect yourself from scammers by verifying that the contact is a Microsoft Agent or Microsoft Employee and that the phone number is an official Microsoft global customer service number. Then I added a Gigabyte RX 590 video card. Finally, our first look at the Z97-D3H motherboard. Z97-D3H-CF Here you can download device drivers for Gigabyte Technology Co, Ltd. This Zotac 1080 Ti would nicely complement the Black/Gold motif of your. I could still login to safe mode no problems. I've tried disk imaging it with Macrium, but it fails partway through with disk read errors. Supports 4th and 5th Generation Intel Core processors SATA Express support for 10 Gb/s data transfer Extreme multi graphics support M.2 for SSDs drives with up to 10 Gb/s data transfer Intel GbE LAN with CFOS internet accelerator software Long lifespan Durable Solid caps Realtek ALC1150 115dB SNR HD Audio with Built-in rear audio amplifier APP Center, w tym narzędzia EasyTune i Cloud. The market is awash with inexpensive Z97 motherboards, many of them less than $100. GIGABYTE 9 Series motherboards support the latest 4 th & 5 th Generation Intel Core processors, bringing together a unique blend of features and technologies that offer the absolute ultimate platform for your next PC build. It uses the DDR3 memory type, with maximum speeds of up to 2400 MHz, and 4 DDR3 slots allowing for a maximum total of 32 GB RAM. With its GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Gaming 8G, Gigabyte satisfies Nvidia's specifications and presents a gap-filler that has to make due without factory overclocking. Z97-D3H based on Gigabyte Technology Co, Ltd. Download drivers for Gigabyte Technology Co, Ltd. Ultimately I went with the 2070 super for a few features.
Removed the 2.5″ hard-drive rack and moved the two SDDs to racks located on the right side of the case.Everyone uses a 3TB drive that's failing on.
Just a shame can no longer see the LED fan on the PSU…
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It now draws cool air up from outside of the case. There is a removable filter and some air holes in the case under the PSU area.
Flipped the power supply around, so it draws air through the bottom of the case.
There’s now 4 – and that’s not counting the 3 on the GPU and 1 on the PSU).
Removed the two top 140mm fans (there were 6 fans in there, a bit of overkill.
Before doing this the 2 existing front red LED 140mm fans were moved inside the case – otherwise the cooling pipes won’t reach to the CPU.
Moved the 280mm radiator of the Corsair Hydro Series H110 to the front of the case.
Last week after watching some YouTube videos of other custom PC builds, I discovered a few new things about the Corsair CC760T case, and a few ideas of how to do things differently.
Post some videos of gameplay, GTAV looks good and I’ve recorded some gameplay video.
GPU temperature while playing GTAV on high/very high settings. Runs about 12-15 degrees hotter than the water cooled CPU. The speed is phenomenal, the system boots in just a few seconds, and opening most programs is almost instant. This is my first PC with SSD boot and storage drives. So instead I made the switch to Windows 8.1. Originally I started this project to build a Hackintosh, but found it unstable and a lot of the features that came with my high end gear had no Mac OS interface. Previously I was on a MacBook Pro, but that was 5 years old and very slow.
Storage drive: Samsung 840 EVO 512GB SSD.
Processor cooling: Corsair Hydro Series H110.
Video card: Gigabyte Radeon R9 270X 4G Windforce.
Power supply: Corsair GS700 + sticker trim kit.
Mouse: Thermaltake Level 10 M Diamond Black.
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Keyboard: Ducky Shine 3 TKL (Ten Key-less) Mechanical Keyboard Red LED Cherry Brown Switches.
Here is my latest custom PC build in all its glowing red glory. Last year I finished up a new PC build and just got around to taking photos.
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0 notes
erraticfoxboy · 2 years
Twiter Weekly Update 16.Jul.2022 - 22.Jul.2022
Crossposted from Erratic Foxboy.
Twiter Weekly Update 16.Jul.2022 - 22.Jul.2022
I honestly thought the new mobo & such would provide enough new ports for my USB capture device to work. While ther… https://t.co/VKOH9HtWF5 ->
RT @ussgrowlernyc: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ #StarTrek #TransRightsAreHumanRights https://t.co/O8fqqoA2wG ->
@PaperA100 IMO, that bigot has, by their own words, declared themselves a threat to your existence.
Since Trudeau… https://t.co/CD4ykfhSfz in reply to PaperA100 ->
E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 09.Jul.2022 – 15.Jul.2022" https://t.co/75hhPyTA0P ->
RT @MomsAGAbbott: They say nothing happens in Texas politics, till it does. Till you piss off the Texas Women! And now we are ready to fi… ->
It's not just streaming, it's the first of a double dose of ESO! Yes, more ESO goodness coming at you right now! https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
A second dose of ESO is coming at you right now! https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
@Dreadknux *resists urge to break out in the US KitKat jingle* in reply to Dreadknux ->
@IceeHedgie Dunno about the Switch version but have previously seen this happen rarely on PC. in reply to IceeHedgie ->
@GailSimone #MyRedShirtExcuse Failed the basic away mission proficiency tests 35 times (and counting)! in reply to GailSimone ->
RT @NoContextBrits: https://t.co/rI46x5kRyV ->
@officiallyiffyy @Stace174 I probably already said this on Discord but Mazel Tov to you two! in reply to officiallyiffyy ->
RT @renegade_roo: Stay safe out there fuzzbutts. It's been brutal lately ->
@JayMewes An adult-themed Chik-Fil-A. in reply to JayMewes ->
RT @JayMewes: What is this?
Wrong answers only. https://t.co/9Sata44eyM ->
RT @woofknight: https://t.co/NvWgnLgnj4 ->
@thekevineva Unfortunately… https://t.co/q5yyKpoLxs in reply to thekevineva ->
@thekevineva Welcome to my daily nightmare, Kev. in reply to thekevineva ->
@woofknight That's gonna leave a lot of grease behind in reply to woofknight ->
RT @NoContextBrits: https://t.co/U8pMWebWr9 ->
It's finally going down.
https://t.co/fnGLlDdAns ->
@SEGA Sonic 3 in reply to SEGA ->
A lot of you may be wondering why I didn't stream today:
The answer is simple – did not go to sleep until 7am CT ->
Satirical Sarah McLachlan Depressing Commerical Idea Number 1:
I'm Sarah McLachlan, every year more than 200,000 C… https://t.co/bDZuFw5IrC ->
Thow all that in w/ overlay of "In the Arms of an Angel", add in disgraced white collar crims (e.g., Madoff, Lay, S… https://t.co/ihd9Q9Nboo in reply to biafrarepublic ->
Well, that's one way to get 'em fresh… https://t.co/vv5PJDHzlc ->
@AlGiordano A good start… Let us hope this reaches Biden's desk this Congress session. in reply to AlGiordano ->
RT @epicdndmemes: #dnd #ttrpg https://t.co/ShGubciaWW ->
RT @epicdndmemes: #dnd #ttrpg https://t.co/tOCL40YFFg ->
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kaus-quietis · 2 years
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Cello Anon! Hello again ahahah~ First of all, I am glad you feel comfortable sharing all kinds of questions about the Conjurer here, I hope my blog is indeed a safe space that invites to character contemplation and embracing the beauty of complicated characters. My blog wasn’t always one dedicated to Fedya, but I guess since January 2022 it officially is... Rachmaninoff started it all, I tell you.
For those interested in the first part of our discussions, the link is here. I will copy the text of the rest of your ask below the cut and add my answers there too. I hope you and fellow BSD fans will enjoy this nice, calm talk, largely about Fedya of course.
Cello Anon: “Also, I am not too worried about Fedya dying in the June chapter (that is.. if we have a prison gang chapter,, maybe Asagiri-sensei would change pov again =_=) bc he says so confidently that Dazai can't kill him,,, so it'd be just cheap writing to kill him off the very next chapter lol…. What I am more worried is Dazai might try to force and glean information out of Fedya being pushed into a tight spot now,,, but I have full faith in him, he will wriggle out of the situation and again the Dazai vs Fedya will become a stalemate as always.”
Ngl I have the slight intuition that ch102 will be a flashback chapter or, like you suggest, one that switches the point-of-view. But intuition does not help us much in this talk, because literally anything could happen. Still, writing-wise, I don’t think Asagiri would fall into the trope of killing characters off for shock. This never happened so far (Akutagawa and the entirety of the Port Mafia don’t count, they’re still there, they exist, unlike Odasaku...). And also ngl when I’ve read Fedya saying “You can’t kill me”, my Devil May Cry 5 love triggered and I couldn’t unhear Dante’s crazy battle theme there lol
* I will never get over how cool it sounds especially when sloooowly approaching enemies and letting the build-up grow and grow like in the video until minute 1:00, because in the game, the better you play, the hotter the music gets mmmm. Honestly I am infatuated with the moments from minute 4:00 onwards. To understand what I mean by “You cannot kill me”, just listen till you reach rank S and beyond, the lyrics repeat partially at SSS. Even if other battle themes are cooler imo, like... I’m sorry but Vergil’s theme 💦💦💦 I still love fighting as Dante the most).
Now, Dazai forcing information out of Fedya is indeed a plausible (and in my opinion very likely to be true) explanation as to why press him to the point of killing him. But I suspect Fedya is an “all or nothing” type of person, like me, so things cannot take that turn, or if they will, he will bring hell itself with him.
Cello Anon: “Moreover, we still need to know what his ability is,,, I have read many theories about his ability but none of them scratch that particular itch for me lol. Oh and also, I saw you mention somewhere (I can't remember where) that he might have a long-ranged ability after all,,, seeing the bloody chaos he pulled in Ace's ship, I agree. Let me raise you one more-- this man SINGLEHANDEDLY killed all the guards in the 7th Agency prison as well! Even if, say, Ace's guards were caught offguard, there is no way the 7th Agency guards won't put up a fight and not try to protect their very valuable prisoner?? Maybe, I am overlooking something but I am leaning towards his ability having an additional long range feature….. Not like he needs his ability for his plans anyway. All he needs is a knife (I sometimes wonder if the fandom collectively forgets that Dead Apple exists bc wherever I turn, esp after the prison games started, all I can see is "Dazai at least spent some time in the PM while Fyodor is too weak and has no training at all!" The moves on this man doesn't seem like one without training???) and a gun and he is all set lol. I am amazed at how little he uses his ability and yet manages to be feared as the most dangerous man in BSD currently so much that Dazai wants to kill him off,, not even capture, straight up /kill/ hahaha”
Dear Cello Anon, did you notice how on my blog I never speculate on what Fedya’s ability, Crime and Punishment, actually is? Or how it works? My essay too, it is about Fedya’s personality, and thus it will not touch upon that kind of speculation. Do you know why that is so? It’s because I personally find it meaningless to speculate on his ability on my blog, precisely because it can be anything. I love reading posts who collect information, interpret it and deduce anything they can, and yet I myself refrain from doing so, and just await its reveal by Asagiri and Harukawa themselves. There are plenty of loose threads, one scarier than the other (like you pointed out, he killed the entirety of the Seventh Agency security guards in ch55 by himself, without a scratch, and that, together with “cleaning” the entirety of Ace’s ship in ch42, is not only impressive, but also frankly bonechilling. The post you are referring to is this one, in whose replies dear Alex (the post’s OP) wondered if Fedya has indeed a long-range attack too, as a possibility. While I love the idea, I neither support nor deny it. I simply do not hold any position in the “What is Fedya’s ability?” debate yet. I wait for more information. Lastly, it is indeed fascinating that Fedya used his ability extremely few times so far (or so it seems), and I love him for I admire this character for his strategical use of all resources he has at hand, be it ordinary means (classic stuff like information dealing, spreading false info, hacking, making deals, kidnapping with the purpose of obtaining info etc.), or just a handful of (seemingly disconnected) people. I will also talk extensively about Fedya’s methodology in my essay.
Cello Anon: “And hopefully we get to know his backstory on what actually made him start on this path and more (I bet something something to do with the Great War??) So yeah, he can't die now,,,, and as you say, he is too intelligent to die just like that. He carries a major part of the manga on his back so I won't accept his death without a satisfactory arc if he indeed has to /die/ after all T_T”
I am so excited to know his backstory too! Quite frankly, I will just lose my mind once it is revealed. Now, although Fedya’s age is not yet revealed (if he indeed has an age at all), if he is around Dazai’s or Kolya’s age (anything between 22 and 26, or even till 29 if we count in Shibusawa), then that means he was likely a child or a young teenager during the Great War, which in the BSD timeline took place 15 years ago, if I’m not mistaken. Yosano too (currently 25 like me), after all, was just a child when she took part in it, with Mori exploiting her ability to the point of breaking her spirit apart (ch65). I do talk a bit about the War and Fedya in a section where I speculate about something, but that one still needs to be fleshed out. We’ll see how it will turn out...
Cello Anon: “If this ask spoils a lot of your planned essay, you needn't answer it,,, your views about Fedya and mine seem a lot similar from what I can see :D --Cello Anon (I love this name <3) PS: I am starting to read Pandora Hearts bc of that one scene I saw on your blog and I really like it so far! PPS: I don't know which is the right blog to send you asks sorry! If you plan to answer this, you can answer on either, I will check it out no problem :)”
This was such a lovely interaction! Thank you for the asks, and for your enthusiasm <3 also I am SO happy to hear you started Pandora Hearts, it is indeed such a good, intricate story, with plenty of things to dwell on and all characters are simply superb! I hope you will enjoy the reading experience, as well as following MochiJun as her artstyle evolved and bloomed through the series. (Also yes, for BSD things like these, I much prefer receiving the ask on my main blog here <3) Have a peaceful Sunday~
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
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This is the same person who allegedly leaked Nintendo's entire 2022 lineup, and predicted a Fire Emblem Echoes in the first half of the year. I'm still not inclined to treat their word as definitive until we hear anything official, but have some silly prediction opinions nonetheless:
FE remake duologies, ranked in order from best to awful:
1. Jugdral (FE4 + FE5) - It's about time these two got the love they deserve. I don't care that they're as mechanically distinct as any two FEs could ever be, just make them completely separate experiences and it'll still work. Graphical and musical updates, the usual quality of life updates, full voice acting, a time rewind especially for FE5, and leave the existing story and characters (including all the incest) intact while expanding in places that need it most. Also have this include more Quan/Finn subtext and Diarmuid and Tristan being gay, possibly for each other. IS did so well with Dimidue in FE16 - give me more gay knights!
2. Elibe (FE6 + FE7) - Would be pretty straightforward to remake unless they attempted some weird eugenics baby data transfer between games. I'd be nowhere near as hyped as I would be for Jugdral remakes, but officially localized Binding Blade would be nice and the usual modern updates would be welcome too. Just...don't make Mark into a full Robin/Byleth-esque Avatar, please. (Given how disproportionately popular Lyn is, that's definitely happening.)
3. Tellius (FE9 + FE10) - Controversial opinion maybe, but I don't think either of these games needs a full remake, especially not one that's supposedly more ambitious than FE15. Basic Switch ports with added menus for extra features à la FE1 would be all they really need, with a better system of data transfer being about the only other thing I could think to add.
4. Archanea (FE1/11 + FE3/12) - The Japanese fandom might appreciate this option, but surely even they must be getting tired of remakes of Marth's games. We'd finally get an officially localized version of the War of Heroes, but you know that IS would pull more from New Mystery and would undoubtedly include Kris...who might even get retroactively elevated to full Avatar status, capacity to sleep with the entire cast included. IS will give Kris the opportunity to break up the original lord couple and S rank Marth or Caeda, and the internet will rage for years over whether this is sacrilege or giving fans what they want. Can we not?
Prediction for the "trying new things" original title:
Avatar, possibly silent - can S rank everyone although possibly not always romantically, has a small array of same-sex S ranks that satisfy absolutely no one
An obviously fetishistic hook for the Avatar romances: Fates went all in on (pseudo-)incest, Three Houses did teacher/student, and furries are probably out after Tellius, so let's say...feet? None of the characters wear shoes, and one of the features of the obligatory free roam base area will be a place where you can give them pedicures. Dialogue assures us that this is not sexual in any way.
Multiple routes and another sloppy attempt at moral greyness that fans argue about approximately until the next original FE comes out; it will be very apparent that character archetypes and whole story beats have been copied from one of the older games....Sacred Stones, maybe? That one hasn't been mined dry yet.
Characters are again arranged so as to make for easy Heroes banners, and dominate the mobile game's roster for a good 2-3 years (even though IS weakly attempts to push tie-in banners for the remake as well)
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guiltygearofficial · 3 years
what is everyone's plans for the weekend.
Sol is planning to do what he does every weekend: Listen to Queen and pass the fuck out
Ky is spending time with his wife on saturday and praying all sunday.
May is waking up at 6AM to watch Saturday Morning Cartoons which still exist in the world of Guilty Gear (or atleast she believes so, Johnny just puts on contraband VHS tapes.)
Millia spends the first 1 hour of her saturday taking a bath and the remaining 23 hours drying her hair
Zato spends his weekends taking care of Eddie, taking him for walks, playing fetch and generally having a nice time with his shadow buddie.
Eddie spends his weekend playing pranks on Zato
Faust does not care for the concept of weekends. This man is working 24/7, somebody please get him to take a break he hasn’t slept in 72 hours
Axl spends most of his weekend at bars, thought his “definition” of “weekends” is somewhat skewed, since thanks to time travel sometimes his weekend lasts for two weeks and sometimes he goes a month without it. 
Chipp spends his weekends making relatable posts on social media trying to appeal to the youths. #PresidentChippisPresidentCool
Potemkin is forced to take the weekends off despite wanting to continue to work. He spends those days painting in his backyard.
Kliff spends his weekends being dead
Testament goes around feeding the forest animals like the disney princess he secretly is.
Justice spends her weekends killing people. Coincidentally, she also spends the rest of the week doing that
Baiken spends her weekends bar crawling and having a good time, because Anji drags her out to them, so she doesn’t rage and scream herself to death.
Venom spends the weekend playing pool. He has spent the last five months trying to explain it to Robo-Ky, who still hasn’t understood anything beyond “ball go in hole”
Johnny spends his weekends running from the authorities
Dizzy spends her saturdays with Ky and visiting Potemkin in Zepp on sundays, as to paint with him
Bridget spends his weekends learning sick new Yoyo tricks to show off
Slayer spends his weekends coming out of retirement and annoying people for shits n giggles. 
Zappa gets posessed by a different ghost every day of the week. on saturday it’s S-ko’s turn and on sunday it’s the holy ghost can I get an amen
I-no, Raven and Jack-o have decided to unionize, so they get both saturdays and sundays off. They mostly spend it playing board games
That Man spends his weekends playing the switch port of Guilty Gear 2: Overture
Sin spends the weekends getting up to stupid shit with Ramlethal and Elphelt,  because they’re all three year olds without supervision.
Bedman spends his weekends sleeping (evilly)
Leo fills out his dictionary on weekends. He has recently added the definition of Malewife as “Ky”
Nagoriyuki spends his weekend tracking down old Samurai Showdown arcade machines. He currently has the second largest collection on the planet, behind Chipp.
Giovanna takes Rei to the dog part on weekends.
I hope this answers your question Dear Gearster!
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