#10 random facts about me
papermint-airplane · 2 months
10 random facts about me
I was tagged by @rebelangelsims 😘
Let's see. I think I've done some random facts asks before so there may be some overlap because I'm not a very interesting person but let's see...
When I was like 6 or something, my brother had me convinced he was Peter Pan and he gave me a little bag of pixie dust. I was (and still am) terrified of heights but he told me if I jumped off the back porch, which was really high off the ground to tiny me, that I would fly if I sprinkled the pixie dust on myself. I got as far as climbing over the railing and trying to summon the courage to jump when he stopped me. Turns out the pixie dust was powdered sugar.
My favorite song of all time is Free Somebody by Luna from f(x). Idk what it is about that song that my brain latched onto like "yesssssss this is the one" but I just love it.
I am named after Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I am intensely weirded out by puppets, particularly of the Muppet variety. There's just something about those felt-covered bastards I don't trust.
I started playing the Sims 1 in 2002 when I was 16. I never owned a single expansion pack for it, but it captivated me so much, I was almost late for work more than once because my pixel people needed me.
I always say "please" and "thank you" to my virtual assistants, not because I'm afraid of a robot uprising, but because that's just how I am. I don't even realize I do it, most of the time. Me and Bixby (I'm a Samsung user) actually have beef because I'll be like "Hey Bixby open Outlook, please" and she'll be like "lol bitch Idk what Outlookplease is" and I'm like "OPEN. OUTLOOK. Please." and she's like "Idk what you want me to do, you don't have Outlookplease installed on your phone" and I'm like "I AM TRYING TO BE NICE TO YOU" and Bixby just sits there all smug and not opening Outlook like aldjfalsdjfadsjfalsjfsd what do you want from me why won't you accept my politeness???????
I have made my Simself in every version of the game except Sims 1 because it wasn't possible to do so. But in Sims 2, 3, and 4, I have made myself and of course I am always a witch with a black cat familiar.
My addiction to CAS goes back to childhood when I used to make dresses for my Barbies out of random scraps of fabric. I didn't know how to sew, though, so everything was held together with safety pins, dental floss, school glue, and tape.
Not only can I whistle, I can whistle pretty darn well. I can't sing worth a damn so I guess God felt sorry for me and gave me one singular musical talent. It just so happens to be the one that most people find incredibly annoying.
I've been fascinated by Greek mythology since I was a small child entirely too young to be reading Greek mythology. Do you know how much incest there is in Greek mythology?! A lot. A LOT! I was raised by Fundies so it's really surprising I was allowed to read those stories and nobody was like "hey maybe the 6 year old shouldn't be reading about all this murder and incest and baby-eating". Because baby-eating also comes up a surprising amount of times. I still love it, though. Give me a good Greek myth any day.
Hmmmmmm let's see...who to tag...
Well if you read all of that crazy shit up there, I'm tagging you. Yes, you! You reading this!
Also, @venriliz, @getboolpropped, @changingplumbob, @coreene-simblr, @druidberries, and @living-undead don't ask questions just do it unless you don't want to.
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faerun-s · 2 months
10 random facts about me II
tagged by @venriliz; hehe thank you! 🥰 but it took me embarassingly long to find 10 facts about me
I love watching paranormal videos, as in paranormal investigations. I´ve gotten so used to watching them that I usually even fall asleep now, at least during the day. they still give me the creeps at night. 👻
I have a cat! This probably isnt a random fact, but it is, at least, a fact. this little princess turned two in april and is the most gentle furball you could ever imagine.
I have a great obsession with buying games and never playing them. they all just sit in my steam library waiting to be even downloaded. even games that I was really excited to try out once would be dust collectors if I had them in my apartment. every once in a while I will download them to play for an hour or so, just to go back to either sims, baldurs gate or of course my heavily modded version of skyrim.
Im a blond girlie through and through. When I was 16 I thought it would be a good idea to dye my hair a bright red color, only to start crying about it two weeks later. I looked like a chipmunk for about a year and a half after a hair stylist tried to fix my mistake and started the process to get it back to its natural color. never dyed it myself again.
The first sims game I ever really played was Sims 2, and I still have every single expansion pack there ever was in a box in the basement.
When I was done with school I wanted to become a zookeeper bc I really wanted to work with animals. I applied for an aqua zoo closest to me and got rejected, which is essentially the reason I now work with people. I was really disappointed at first, took me some time to realize that I am not a huge fan of zoos and that job would have made me unhappy in the long run anyways.
I have over 1.500 songs saved as favourites on spotify. When I say I listen to every genre there is, believe me I mean it. ^^
I need my phone organized. there is an album for selfies, friends, my cat, my parents dogs, different vacations, my games are organized as well as social media apps or editing apps like prequel or instasize.
I am learning to do my own gel nails. Its going good so far, no crazy designs yet, but we are getting there.
I like to match my phone cases to the lockscreen and preferably both to the purse I am taking with me. Doesnt always work, and sometimes that mildly bothers me.
weeeeell, that would be it! :D
❤️ I am tagging @simsofstrawberryhill, @living-undead, @fl0ptrait, @moongoblinsims @aurorangen and everyone that would like to participate! ❤️
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rebelangelsims · 2 months
10 random facts about me
Thank you for the tag @simatomica
When I was nine I climbed on the fence that was old and falling apart it broke and I went down with it and got scratched on my thigh deep but not to deep to need stitches but had a wicked scar there for a while but it healed over time.
Stood on a chair it was old and rusted to put food in the cupboard from a box full of food it ended up breaking and I went flying backwards with said box landing on top of me food everywhere in the kitchen, I think I was eleven.
Ever since I was little I loved anything Fantasy and Supernaturals especially witches! so it only make sense that my main oc Edith is a witch
I always had a love for the moon, Sometimes I would just stare at it just feeling calm.
Always love making up stories, coming up with ideas and see it play out in my head.
When I was in primary school, my friends and I used to put on plays for our class; We had rushed our last play, our teacher said something and we just stopped doing it.
Music has always been a huge part of my life there's always been music playing, also I find it easier to fall asleep with music on.
Had a bunny named Kimmy when I was younger.
My old baby blanket my mum made when I was little we still have and still in perfect condition and my cousins and my little sister all have used it
I'm the same ages as Jung Kook (He is techanially older his b'day is 1st September while I'm the 3rd) and I am the same height as Jimin (I believe he maybe sightly taller)
I'll tag @druidberries @papermint-airplane @seyvia @stargazer-sims and @pralinesims only if you want to!
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When I was in year 9, I managed to get tickets to see Heathers the musical. I was ecstatic. I mean ecstatic.
Every day I would listen to the musical on the bus to and from school. I would read the musical script (that I put a protective cover on because it was my precious baby and could not risk being exposed to even a speck of dust) between lessons and play out the musical in my head. I would watch Heathers every single day after school. I would spend hours finding recordings of the musical and would watch them repeatedly until my brain knew every movement of every actor off by heart. I even watched the horrendous Heathers TV show multiple times because I just loved Heathers so much that a terrible show couldn't stop me from consuming every and any media related to Heathers.
I had a count down on my phone for the big day and every day I would proudly announce how many days were left to anyone and everyone who would listen. You could not say a single word to me without me saying something about Heathers.
This went on for well over a year. Maybe two.
I lived in a world of red scrunchies and slushies.
Anyways, I wasn't diagnosed as autistic until year 12. No one was really surprised. Wonder why.
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads
The Deep Sky
scifi mystery thriller
on a deep space mission traveling from an environmentally devastated earth with hope to restart humanity elsewhere
when they’re halfway, an explosion kills 3 crew and pushes them off course
the only witness is the Alternate who has no specific role, and she has to figure out who caused it & if they might continue to sabotage, while they're figuring out a way to get back on course with limited resources
flips between present and the past: of her childhood and training for the mission, her identity struggles, and relationship with her mother
questions the ethics of ‘restarting’ humanity elsewhere vs putting resources into fixing earth
#the deep sky#yume kitasei#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#i really loved this!!!!!#very intense but also a lot of interesting character introspection#love the virtual reality AI aspect!!!! though I do feel like. in the end I was expecting it to go way further with it?#(basically like instead of seeing the inside of the ship all the time they can 'be' in forests or aquariums or whatever)#no romance#(there’s side lesbians; and one flashback scene where she briefly wonders about kissing a random person; that's it)#emotional core about her mother and brother and best friend !!#i like that it gets into the flaws of 'humanity's last hope on another planet' bc like. yeah in real life things....don't work like that...#why is there zero acknowledgement that the concept of every one of them being expected to give birth being extremely fucked up?#like obviously everyone on board is there because they agreed with that but there’s not a single flashback of#when they found out that information; or mention of someone questioning it...#(for example a character mentions that they hid their mental health/use of a therapy animal bc they wouldn't have been let in and the -#eugenics around that is iffy to say the least)#but to me. pregnancy is horrifying and nobody questioning that was weird.#also there’s supposedly 80 people on board but we get to know less than 10 of them which felt a bit strange at points#Also! I love the cover. I can’t find the designer (the book info only credits the internal lllustrator..)#also: bird facts!
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seriousblond · 1 year
Hey there! I’m here to ask what are some of your wilder headcanons? Like maybe this has no basis in canon (or just a shred of a basis) but you still believe it wholeheartedly? For any fandom you want!
Omg thank you for the ask!
Bob's Burgers
A random HC I have that has almost no basis is that even though Louise wants to take over the family business or even work for it and more than likely does in the future, she also wants to be something else. Something that can help people directly, maybe a lawyer or private detective or something. I remember in A Few 'Gurt Men (my fav ep) the retired judge said that Louise had a knack for figuring out the truth and that she dug deep to help an innocent man, and I think that kinda stuck with her. Especially when we see her help other characters during the series even if she doesn't gain anything, she even helps when she has something to lose.
Another HC I have about Louise is that she draws when she's frustrated, especially after a fight when she didn't get to say what she wanted to voice her concerns/argument. I think drawing kinda lets her decompress and relax.
I think Louise doesn't think about her own safety sometimes which results in her ending up in dangerous situations 🤷‍♀️ I feel like there's more examples but the only one I can think of is from season 13 ep 15, The Show (and Tell) Must Go On.
One last HC. Louise definitely has a motorcycle when she's older and she's def speeds. She's probably also crashed and broke an arm but pfffttt she's fine. Near death experiences that have her lay awake at night and question her mortality? She's already had them! And Tina only locks up Louise's Motorcycle in her garage for two months, no big deal. Louise attempts to get it back three times, also no big deal!
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rosicheeks · 1 year
#ok super random rosie post#not gonna explain but I feel a lot more free to do what I wanna do now#and it’s fucking amazing#but but I’m thinking about starting a tik tok for like idk singing and cover videos#maybe art who knows#but I don’t even understand how to USE TikTok let alone how to make shit on it#(just realized the first time I used TikTok it was ‘tick tock’ and I find that super funny#but also shows that I’m really really not on it at alllllll)#I only use tumblr#for years now I guess?#I still have a fb but it just makes me sad going on there lol#never been into twitter or x or whatever the fuck and instagram never really stuck for me#so here I am#but I’ve been really wanting to make music videos and I feel like that might be the best way#fun rosie fact of the day#I used to really want to do covers and music on YouTube#like back in middle school#I even did a few videos and I’m terrified to look to see if they are still up#but most likely they are 😂😂😂#lil rosie at like idk how old are middle schoolers? 10?????#anyway getting super distracted#but I’ve been singing my musical theater songs and oooooofda I love it so so much#kinda wanna try and do like a duet with myself#like if I’m doing wicked#I’ll do half my face like elphaba and the other like Glinda#orrrrrr I’ll figure out how to edit videos and do different ones and idk the right word right now connect them hahahaha#yes I might be a littttttle high#but I’m doing goooooooood also running out of space so the main reason for this super long tag post if anyone cares or sees#if you know or use TikTok and wanna help an oldie (even tho I’m 25 I feel like I’m so old 😂😂)#shut up rosie
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lollipopsie · 2 years
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ini mimi miney mo
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 6 months
these stupid discord verification quizzes are gonna make me start killing I Swear To God
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all-the-things-2020 · 8 months
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Spock! Listen to me, Spock! All-the-things-2020 has reached 100 followers!
I know that 100 might not seem like a lot in social media land, but this is a big milestone for me. I’ve been trying to think of a way to celebrate. My first idea was 100 Things About Me but I couldn’t think of 100 interesting (or semi-interesting) things to share about myself. And a list 100 items long is a lot to expect people to read through.
So … I lopped off a zero and present:
10 Things About Me, a Random List of Facts That Might Surprise You (and Will Hopefully Entertain You For a Few Minutes)
1. I have been sneezed on by a Kentucky Derby winner.
2. I never learned to ride a bicycle.
3. I am a distant cousin of presidents Truman and Obama, via a mutual ancestor we all share.
4. I once saw three mountain lions at one time, while hiking in Yosemite Valley.
5. I’ve only flown twice in my life and I’ve never left the United States.
6. My first computer was a Commodore 64.
7. The first celebrity I ever met was Roy Rogers.
8. I was an unpaid extra in the movie “Seabiscuit��
9. I once participated in a book cart drill team at the state school library association conference.
10. I briefly took accordion lessons as a child.
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maddy-ferguson · 9 months
my brother called me for christmas and i didn't recognize him because he has a deep voice now very much felt like killing myself when he said "this is [his name and my little sister's name] btw" at the end of the voicemail
#i was like is this a wrong number is this a prank because it's not particularly funny it's most likely a wrong number because i literally#don't know any random man who would be calling me for christmas#this is crazy#he's 12 and a half. 12 and 3/4 actually. so ig that tracks (yeah) but like#crazy#i haven't seen him or my little sister or my stepmother who isn't my stepmother anymore in 4 years because i HATED going to my dad's it was#the bane of my existence from 2009 to 2019 and i loved my brother and my little sister i loved seeing them but i don't regret the fact that#i stopped going even if it means i no longer have a relationship with them and only talk on our birthdays or i guess on christmas#like it does make me sad and when i considered not going anymore before i actually stopped i always thought about them and about how much i#loved them and i do miss them and hate the fact that idk we were only close for the first 8 years of my brother's life and 6 years of my#little sister's life but at the end of the day...it's like with my dad not having that substantial of a relationship with him (i see him a#few times a year for like a couple hours tops and like we talk but we don't TALK but we're not on bad terms we talk more now than we did#when i went to his house semi-regularly for the weekend) makes me sad but i can just. not think about it. and then i'm not sad lmao. like#yeah i'll have dreams about it (not as much as i used to) because it is a thing that is always going on with me but it's NOTHING compared#to what going there was like like i thought about it SO MUCH it made me SO MISERABLE and like actively miserable this is easier to deal#with. passively miserable. but not recognizing my brother's voice was crazy#i always call my little sister my little sister and i don't say that with my brother because i have another sister and she's ALSO my little#sister but not as little😭 like my sister: my sister who's 18 my little sister: my sister who's 10. my dad forbid us from saying half-#sibling🙏#and like i say: brf slt
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waugh-bao · 2 years
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@thedookieshooter This isn’t definitive, because there’s about a million instances of it, but here you go:
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By Keith logic, I guess it makes sense, because he considered aligning himself with Charlie creating a “little cocoon” with “my man” on stage, so he was in his happy place.
Also, this isn’t an onstage moment, but my favorite example of Mick attempting to control Keith’s Charlie obsession is the time he hit him in the stomach on live national to try get him to stop whispering in Charlie’s ear like a drunk guy hitting on a girl in a bar/just generally being all over him:
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healingheartdogs · 2 years
What is it about Banana that makes random people ask us if he's a basenji and then look like they don't believe us when we say he's not? Yes, ma'am, we've heard of basenjis before. No, ma'am, he is not one. He's mostly pit and chow, I promise you he is not a basenji and he does not look like a basenji.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 2 years
Incredibly tempted to write an analysis of each member of the Garuru Platoon both individually, in relation to each other, and in relation to their "counterpart" in the Keroro Platoon
#sgt frog#keroro gunso#over the years those guys have been the only ones which I have always loved consistently. it has been 10 literal years since I found out -#about their existance and I have loved them unconditionally ever since#as i got older my appreciation for them grew expontentially because I developed the ability to appreciate the fact that they are -#surprisingly complex characters in spite of their appearences on the show being so limited#even characters like say... tororo and taruru. which are the members of the platoon who are least used#and its a shame because they both are a delight#especially tororo. i am so angry that tororo never got his own episode... or an episode where he got to act solo#taruru had his little arc of going on earth by himself on a few occasions - zoruru has his whole thing with dororo ( don't get me wrong I -#still think he should have gotten more but considering his character arc it makes sense) - pururu had a whole huge arc on earth -#garuru had his random moments of dropping by casually/we have giroro to tell us about him every once in a while#all of them have these little moments. all except tororo. it makes me mad because tororo is the perfect example of how children on keron -#are exploited by the military at incredibly young ages and its very clear that this fucks them up in the long run. we have adult examples#like dororo. keroro. giroro. zoruru. list goes on. but tororo could have been a look into how a child (even one as smart as him) is -#affected by the whole thing#bc don't get me wrong tororo is a CHILD. he's not a tadpole in a tamama way where he's youthful in appearence but still implied to be a -#young adult. tororo is a straight up child. he can't be older than whatever the equivalent of fourteen is in keron years.#<- i have a reason behind why i say this but im tired rn LMAO#anyway yeah. live laugh love garuru platoon
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4trackcassette · 2 years
actually a sick job i would really want would be a tour guide at a medieval castle i only want it for like 6months but i could learn so much
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toxicrevolver · 2 years
I was tagged by @accal1a THANKS FOR THE TAG!!
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. <- I’m not doing that. I am a weenie and too scared to tag people.
So the last playlist I used was this one.
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HOWEVER. I rarely ever use my playlists. I’m more of a turn on a song and then shuffle my entire liked songs list. And I feel like that’s a better representation of my music taste so I’m including that too. I KNOW THAT WASN’T THE TASK. I’M SORRY. IT’S PART OF MY CHAOS THO.
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However however. I’m sleep deprived and in the mood to over explain myself. Lately all I do is turn on an album by someone and put that album on repeat until I’m done with it for the time being. So. For the last two days all I’ve listened to is the album Magic Man by Jackson Wang on repeat bcs it itches my brain just right.
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