violetmuses · 2 years
Happy birthday to one of the most talented human beings on this planet! We love you so much, J! 🥳
J Krew: @nerdysuperchick @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @shadowkittybucky @loverhymeswith @justin-hammers @weallhaveadestiny @xoxabs88xox @katjnordstrom96  @skvatnavle @heresathreebee @alieninoklahoma @indig0nebula @maddu-oliveira @reveluving @hodgepodge-of-rog @ijustthinkrickflagisprettyneat @11thstreetvigilante @lacontroller1991
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evilscraps · 1 year
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witchquests · 2 years
daily quest: Consider whether or not a standardized format for spellcasting would be helpful to you. If so, create one.
rewards: 30xp, 15gp, +1 to Spellcrafting
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imekitty · 2 years
Today I worked on:
Prompt submission 2: 240 words Planned: 80 words Prompt submission 1: 140 words Prompt submission 3: 220 words Disillusioned: 300 words
Less than 3000 words to go...
I'm trying to slow down so I don't finish early. I want to get all the badges and I don't think you can get the "update every day" badge if you finish early. I mean, not without writing more than 50k words and I reeeeeally don't want to do that lol. I am going to be DONE at 50k for at least a week.
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is-rottmnt-trending · 2 years
On (<- No spelled backwards)
/As of 2:00 am EST, sey! (<- yes spelled backwards!) We're in 8th!
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solarissantaella · 2 years
Lemon Squares in All Dimensions, NaNoWriMo Excerpt #25
Celia glanced over her shoulder nervously as a strident woman began berating her crying young daughter for leaving her sweater on the train, her voice increasing in volume as the rattling and whistling of the train receded into the distance. Nearby, a bald, scrawny, patchy-bearded old man lay slumped against an overflowing trash can, into which a fat, distracted-looking man dumped the remains of a convenience store slushie before rushing over to the wall to his left to review the station schedule. The slushie sloshed over the edges of the trash can and splattered, thickly red, onto the old man’s nose, but he simply closed his eyes and let the cold slip over him. 
Although Celia had lived in the outer ring for a few years, she suspected she still had a long way to go before she became immune to the naked poverty and downtrodden acceptance of misery that characterized the place. It was disheartening, to be sure, but she had nowhere else to go. The only people who lived in the middle ring were business owners who lived in apartments above their shops, and the inner ring was out of the question. 
Celia glanced back at the old man, whose eyes were still closed, and began to walk back toward him, reaching into her purse. 
Nakeem’s eyes widened. “What are you–” 
“Excuse me, sir,” said Celia in a soft but controlled voice, kneeling beside the old man. She could all but feel the filth from the station floor seeping into her taupe slacks, but she smiled when the man met her eyes. His were blue, faded and watery; hers were deep brown, almost black but bright and glossy. She pulled a small packet of tissues out of her purse and held it out to him. “I thought you might like these. I have plenty extra.” 
After a moment of hesitation, during which he eyed Celia skeptically, the man took the tissues. His knobby fingers, pale aside from hot spots of red inflammation around the joints, brushed hers, and he shivered. 
Celia said apologetically, “I know I run cold.” 
“It’s fine,” said the old man gruffly, tearing into the tissue pack. “My wife was just the same.” He met her eyes again briefly. “And, thanks.” 
Celia accepted with a nod, then rose. She considered saying ‘goodbye’, or even ‘you’re welcome’, but she wasn’t sure if it would come across as excessive, inauthentic. If she had to guess, she would bet the old man’s vulnerability made him the target of much cloying kindness from people less eager to do a good deed than to prove their own goodness. Celia didn’t want to make this interaction about herself, but it occurred to her that she was through her very hesitance, and, she had to admit, she did feel proud about herself for doing something to help, no matter how small. 
Pre-divorce, Celia would never have done something like that. She never would have been in an outer ring train station to begin with, and, if she improbably had, she simply would have stepped closer to her husband, seeking shelter under his arm from the misfortune of those around her, and he would have chuckled low in her ear, assured in his role as protector. Even in the months when she first moved to the outer ring, Celia would have shied away, not so much out of fear for her own safety– she never felt safe anymore; she doubted if she ever would again– but because the miseries of the world seemed so imposing and all-encompassing, it seemed futile to even try to defend anyone from them.
Celia still felt that way, deep down. It pained her to give the old man a packet of tissues, knowing the tissues would run out long before his urge– his need?– to slump against train station trash cans, his very indifference indicative of deep despondency, abated. Why was he here? Was he unemployed? Homeless? Disabled– by age, illness, a lifetime of hard labor? Was the wife that had once run cold dead or were they simply estranged? Why? Did he drink? Did she? Was he abusive, abused? Were there children in the home– a daughter, perhaps? Had this man lost his family, too? But Celia had eventually come to the conclusion that, if she was at her low point, she would, at the very least, appreciate a few good tissues to cry into, so she always kept a couple packs in her purse, just in case.
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merry-kuroo · 2 years
I've been binge watching CSI: Miami on PlutoTV for a couple of days, and I've been enjoying it 😂 I enjoyed it a lot when I was a kid so this rewatch has been very nostalgic for me.
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Plus, it has also renewed my love for Adam Rodriguez, who was the first man I ever thought was sexy 😋 😩
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caostalgia · 2 years
Luna, te lo pido por favor, no dejes que termine de apagarme.
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vhscorp · 2 years
Confondre désir et amour, c’est confondre corps et âme…
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photozoi · 2 years
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His IMPerial Majesty, Ruler of ALL the Things, Keeper of the Cookies, etc, etc, etc.
(Photo taken before the rude interruption of Jeep, the Clueless.)
the Imp- Silken Windhound
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randomestcrackships · 2 years
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Liana Liberato & Dylan O’Brien (as family)
as my Trix & Stiles Stilinski
Want to use my edits?  Shoot me a message!​
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rosemi · 1 year
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onesmainbitch · 2 years
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asagaquru · 2 years
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My Daily Meditation
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by John Henry Jowett
The Lord's Own (John 15:11-25)
The “Lord’s own” possess the Lord’s love. “I have loved you.” And love is not a beautiful sentiment, a passive rainbow stretched over the realm of human life. It is a glorious, active energy, infinitely more powerful than electricity, and always besieging the gates of the soul, or ministering to its manifold needs. Love is the greatest force in the world.
And the “Lord’s own” are taken into the inner circle of intimacy, where the deepest secrets dwell. We are not kept on the door-step, or left standing in the hall, or limited to one or two “public rooms”; we are privileged to enter the King’s privacy, and be nourished at the King’s table, and listen to the King’s table-talk concerning “all things” which He has heard of the Father. We have “the glorious liberty of the children of God.”
And the “Lord’s own” will experience the world’s hatred. “Therefore the world hateth you.” Our very friendship with the Lord pronounces judgment on the world, and its hostility is aroused. If we are “partakers of the glory” we shall most assuredly be “partakers of the sufferings of Christ.”
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slythindor100 · 2 years
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25 days of Draco and Harry Traditional Prompt 11 The challenge is to write a drabble, ficlet, story, whatever for each of the pics. Your fic for each prompt must be a minimum of 100 words - but there is no maximum. They can be twenty-five one-shots or each one can be a part of a bigger story. Yes, you may combine this with other holiday challenges. But to be part of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Draco and Harry MUST be a couple. You can post your fics anywhere, but please post the header below - with a link to where ever you post. I highly recommend you post to the AO3 collection set up for this challenge: 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022.
  You can do this easily by posting the work to your AO3 account and where it says post to collections start typing 25 Days... a list will come up and you simply need to select: 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022 (25_Days_of_Draco_and_Harry_2022). When you post it's included in the collection. Easy!! This will help me for the recap I'll put together. ♥ But you are NOT obligated to post to AO3. A hint for those of you writing one, big story is to click "this work has multiple chapters" when you make your first post. That way you can add a chapter to it each day and people can find it easily. Also, if you're doing 25 not related fics – click "this work is part of a series" and then title your series something like sassy_cissa's 2022 25 Days of D/H series (but using your name, of course) or something that will uniquely identify it on AO3. NOTE: your fic does not have to be a story of the picture - you can use a part of the picture or whatever that picture says to you. For those doing traditional style – the prompts must be used in order – as stated in the guidelines. This does not apply for early-bird participants. The challenge of this is to write and post within the 24-hour period between prompt postings. There's no penalty if you don't, but if you'd like to challenge yourself you can. Otherwise, you can post anytime for any prompt if you are posting for fun. You can also combine prompts if you're not able to write one day. The hope for this is for it to be fun and low-stress. And because your mods want more H/D loveliness during Christmas!! NOTE: your work doesn't have to be beta'd for this challenge. 
Each day at midnight (EST) beginning on Dec 1st - the prompt for that  day will show at the top of that day’s post. NOTE: THIS CLOCK is the official clock. If you have any questions or concerns - feel free to contact the mods at [email protected]. If posting on tumblr, please tag all entries: #25 days of drarry, #25 days 2022. Thanks
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